I'd to see you react to a lore video the next big quest is going to implode your brain if youre already not fully following. Ofc after you're done with the story missions so you don't get spoiled
Duviri Starts right where your Operator got Stabbed by Ballas in the NewWar. Thats why you heard Ballas say "You cant kill a Tenno" when the Drifter got stabbed in the first cutscene. Also the hand of the Lotus is when Ballas cut her hand when the Operator was grabing on her before that. Teshin died some times before that happend, and thats why now he lives in Duviri, and when the Drifter asked where he came from, the camera turned towards the Vail Mask that Teshig was wearing during the fight with Erra. Ergo, Duviri is a Sequell to the New War.
@@lordrefrigeratorintercoole288 Not quite a sequel, as when we first see Drifter in The New War, they've gotten out of Duviri. It's also not quite a prequel, as the events of Duviri Paradox happen after the Operator and Lotus' hand get flung into the void. Not quite an interlude either, what with Teshin having been there for some time after falling in himself. In short, the void is WEIRD.
my understanding of duvuri is this. Duvuri is the old yourselfs story. Your young self rescued from Zariman incident in a diffrent universe by the demon that is looks like you and your old self didnt rescued from Zariman incident and trapped in a paradox in Duviri. when your youngself died and lotus's hand pulled into the portal. Drifter's Paradox broken and Escaped. in your oldself's universe Sentient invasion also happend. When he escaped everything was already in Narmers control. And Tenno was purged. in your youngselfs universe you lost the war and Died. And story countinued from your oldself's universe. Where your old self and youngself can exist together. (Eternalism I guess). thats my understanding off course.
@@Oiyss In my understanding, 1) the Tenno-you never died (as per Ballas' statement "you can't kill the devil"), and 2) when the Drifter-you left Duviri, it was to the same universe where the Tenno got stabbed. To me, this more closely aligns with the idea of the Tenno/Drifter being a paradoxical existence (you both were and weren't saved from the Zariman), whereas your description sounds more like plain-ol' multiversal travel.
even worst those came from your own mind (the horse and soldier are toys ) also ornament weapon and toys that can't shoot or hurt become deadly weapons after void exposure
@@quantumblauthor7300 his facsimile is probably here cause of kullervo. Whats more concerning is that Albrecht Entrati was here and we dont even know whether its the real one
@@Hawk-Eye-bs2hr So far all the void exposure repellant has been emotion fueled, Rell who struggle to understand it at first but learnt to use it to keep himself intact during the later part of Harrow quest, Duviri with emotional spirals, and then Whispers ending
@@Xsoskeleton there's a reason the "entity" is named the "indifference" (not saying more because it hasn't been seen in videos on this channel yet, though I know his livestream is further ahead).
Most streamers are primarily focused on engaging their audience. Streaming is less about a parasocial experience of playing a game these days, and more about performative displays to draw more subs and donations.
@@Solkard That's how streaming always was, and what it should always be. You don't watch a game being streamed, you watch a streamer playing it. You watch for the streamer. The game adds a bit to the experience, but the game doesn't make the stream. The streamer does
tbh, since I had to wait for duviri, I had no clue as to why I could hear the lotus and why a hand had just fused with the drifter's arm simply because I completely forgot the details from the new war, also I thought until mactics replayed it that the tenno's hand was cut and just came back later in tnw because of void shenanigans
Duviri is pretty confusing - basically the idea is that while your operator was fighting in the Old War and then sleeping in Lua, what was the drifter doing? In the New War, the drifter says that they are the version of the operator that didn't get rescued from the zariman
The Drifter, instead of being rescued, was actually kidnapped by the Void itself. That’s why we’re slightly older instead of still the size of a child. The entirety of the Kingdom of Duviri was formed by the “Tales of Duviri” storybook that we, as the Operator had as a child. But because of our childhood emotions and trauma on the Void Jump Accident, the Void manifested it as a real space outside of time, and we simply forgot that we were the creator. We as the Drifter, only broke out, because of the Lotus’s hand being sent into the Void during The New War. That’s how I understand it at least.
From what I understand, during Zariman, Void broke drifter`s mind, and created Thrax, using the Stories of Duviri book. Then it created subworld, where Drifter took a place of a doll, when the real doll - Thrax - become tormenter and storytaller. Thrax tortured drifter, untill the new war, where Lotus hand and Teshin got in that dimension, thanks to Ballas. Since Drifter still was Tenno, he got help from Lotus hand, then from Teshin, and finally snaped out of this dreamworld. He understood, that Thrax is his childish version, angered and playful. You could say, that Void created Thrax of Drifter`s mind. But by getting Tenno powers and recollecting his past (doll`s pieces) Drifter managed to control this world. In the end he resets it, giving control back to Thrax, but reviving Teshin. Drifter also gets freedom to leave this place, which he cannonacly use to "change" original tenno, whily they are in the void. Still he didn`t have all their powers, so Lotus, when awaken, did not recognize him as Tenno. But during their battle, he gets affected by the void again, also regaining his powers (again) which kinda sends him back in the void and get`s real tenno back. After that they meet in the void, after Lotus goes for Ballas, and speak everything up... and you know what comes next if you played new war. Yeah, I`m not lore prof, but that`s what I can understand, at least.
@@ickeluck338exactly. If you look at that sword that stabs drifter before the lotus hand comes crashing down, it’s the parascesis. The same one that ballas used to stab you in the new war. Eternalism at its finest right there. Basically, you’re a walking time paradox lol
Sorry you had to experience alot of confusion here. Duviri was initially designed as an alternate jump-in point to Warframe which is why everything felt very new-player. It was later changed to be locked behind New War as it's a very story heavy part of Warframe's lore. Put simply: Drifter and Operator are two beings. Do not mix them up. Drifter is the one who experienced Duviri, broke free due to Lotus' hand being sent there by the Man in the Wall (your clone you shook hands with in the new war quest) and in turn returned to the origin system during Narmer to begin reviving Lotus and bringing Operator back from the void. You're playing the part which wasn't covered in New War during Duviri. Only after New War can you consider the Drifter and Operator dual personalities now walking the earth, but can exist as either at anytime (cosmetic reasons). Why? Tenno, especially your player Tenno, are essentially void-gods after shaking the hand of the void itself, the Man in the Wall.
Damn, I finished Duiviri a while ago but was so confused then I just decided not to bother with the story. Thanks to your explanation I finally understand what it was all about :)
@@mackiewiczmaciej Yeah more specifically in the void theres something they call Conceptual Embodiment. Strong emotions can make things physically manifest in there. The story of Duviri was a fairy tale book Euleria Entrati read to the kids of the Zariman to help them control their emotions in case they ever had to deal with Conceptual Embodiment. Drifter manifested Duviri into reality while he was stuck in the void. Each Spiral is a part of him, representing his different emotions.
@mackiewiczmaciej it'll help if you and similar folks watched the original Duviri teaser trailer. It actually sheds much more contextual concept of the whole paradox narrative. If you're not keen on looking it up, a quick run down is that the Drifter somehow seeing a vision of their Tenno self putting a weapon into a hole which they later retrieved to fight with.
Something a lot of people miss with Warframe is the duality of all the questlines. They are always both the lore story being told in the system, and a personal story of mental health, family, the human experience. For Duviri, its both a paradoxical, eternalism story, showcasing the void, and how the drifter escaped to join the new war, and also a representation of extreme trauma in a way that implies almost a DiD experience (multiple personality disorder). Durviri is a world built on each emotion, different parts of the drifter segmented to protect him. Depending who is in charge at the time, is a different side of him, an alt, if you will.
This is my favorite thing about Warframe's quests, and it's so hard to get across to most people who haven't played it (and a lot who have, tbh). The game has some impressive lore and world building, but it all simultaneously serves to tell real, personal, emotional stories about the human experience that people who have gone through trauma can relate to. As powerful as the Tenno are, as much destruction as they can cause, their real superpower is their ability to "see an ugly, broken thing and take away its pain." And I think that's profoundly beautiful.
For context, this quest used to be the alternate tutorial quest that you can choose to do when starting the game, that’s why you’re going thru the whole choosing your starting frame thing again
Yes, it was orginally an alternate start, but they removed it as a starting option since it confused players on the core gameplay. You can still do this as soon as you finish Vors prizes i believe.
SPOILERS (for this quest and ones you've already done) - - - My interpretation: Drifter is the version of you that was never rescued from the Zariman. For years and years (decades?) you were left adrift in the void, subject to its torment, and the trauma of watching all the adults on the ship go mad and die, and seemingly most of the children eventually dying too. To cope with this, you dissociated and receded into your head. Your thoughts mingling with the ambient power of the void allowed the world you crafted to take on physical form. It was made as a place away from reality where you had control and could impose order. It became real, and shifts with your emotions as it comes entirely from your mind. Your drifter has never heard of warframes, Teshin, Lotus, or any of this nonsense. They did not have (yet) the power of transference, or the same void abilities the original operator did. They lived out their entire existence since the warp jump in the void, until.... Ballas opened the void. Teshin, Lotus, and the operator were dumped into the void. Teshin, and Lotus' hand fell into Duviri, interrupting the stable cycle of dissociative coping you (the drifter) had created. They allow you to break free not only emotionally, but physically and enter the origin system. Drifter feels the debt to this alternate reality, as Teshin suggested. And so takes it upon themselves to save the operator and operator's world from its new traumatic cycle, just as drifter was saved from theirs. On reliving the New War quest through your play through, there are a lot of lines from the drifter that foreshadow this. They don't share your memory or social bonds. They lack your powers. They mention having been off riding horses.
Timeline wise, the beginning of the quest takes place right as the Operator goes to face Ballas the first time, gets stabbed through the back by Paracesis, and falls into the void with Lotus’ severed hand. After the cutaway of Narmar taking over, when we first see the Drifter coming out of the Grineer landing ship, is after the Duviri pair of ducks quest has ended. The reason the Drifter shows up and their motivation to help is to replay the debt from the Duviri quest.
@@NayrAnur That is actually kind of a plot hole, since the masks work off your own memories. They aren’t preprogrammed with a set of memories to load. So it was weird that it somehow tapped into the Operators memories, as opposed to the Drifters.
@@SolkardMy guess is since the operator and drifter are the same person with wildly different lives, and the drifter entered the operators world, the mask mistook the drifter for the operator, playing memories of technically the same person.
Look back at The New War and the exchange between Drifter and Operator. Drifter says they've been stuck all this time but not exactly on the Zariman. Duviri Paradox serves as an elaborate explanation of where they've been stuck, and what they've been doing all the time, while the Operator was gallavanting through the Origin System, making mommy Lotus happy. DE is playing the long game with the plot of Warframe.
To be fair. Drifter isnt a Tenno. Yes, he also came from Zariman Ten 0. But name tenno refers only to kids that were rescued from zariman, they were infused in void with void powers but not naturaly. This power came from Man in the wall. When in one of timelines YOU make deal with him. Then all kids in all realities/timelines get powers. BUT NOT DRIFTER bc he was isolated in duviri at this time. When kid were rescued and then experimented by orokin, and then turn into living weapons, they were learning about fighting styles and credo. And thats how cast of tenno was created. Drifter wasnt part of that at any point. Whole duviri quest happens around the same time when New war break out. Invisible version of paracesis stabing you was moment when operator was stabbed by ballas. Then severed lotus hand fell into void and end up in duviri which is somewhere in void. Then you as drifter fight against Dominus. And when you win you canonicaly go outside to the origin system. And this is the moment when Narmer took over system. And drifter fight against them. Meanwhile when Operator was kicked into the void he probably end up in some weird time loop in void(bc time dont flow properly there). And he has to relive his past, and what lead him to making deal. When he get to that moment and makes deal with Man in the wall all kids from zariman gets powers. ALL kids. Including Drifter that now is in origin system. When Little Duck ask Drifter "if he worked with tenno" and he said "something like that" its probably more "Yeah, i worked with them trough dimensional tunel in duviri" than "yea, i'm tenno". And i think this is even more posible bc DE worked at duviri paradox(or have it in mind) LONG before new war was even in production. I'm sure that whole concept for duviri was ready before they make mechanical part of it. And they just use this as base for new war story. Thats why in new war Drifters said that using warframe cannot be harder than riding a horse. Bc he was riding horses in duviri. And later in railjack segment he said that he should stay in duviri. About Teshin. This is OUR Teshin. He wasnt fully dead after Erra crushed his helmet. He felt to void trough the same portal as operator. And he felt into duviri.
Come to think of it I'm surprised how Tenshin did not just go back to his own timeline after the new war and the paradox But I guess someone needs to keep an eye on this place for a while
Warframe Story Basically it's about two universes clashes together and as you know every single minute of it is absolutely fuckin gorgeous im very happy to see Mac playing it now and joining our community my man you are one of the top 10 best RUclipsrs to me ❤
A brief explanation of duveri and the void. Essentially, the void seems to react to strong emotion, fear, anger, joy, etc. When a colony ship is sent out through and subsequently lost in the void, it had children on it who famously have fantastic control over their emotions. As a counter to this, the 'tales of duveri' were created as a means to teach children to get a handle on their emotions and to teach the risks of strong emotion in the void. The twist being the tenno who didn't escape (the drifter) gets stuck in a bubble of the void where his understandably strong emotions manifested the tales of duveri as a way do deal with all the crazy and survive.
Not sure this is true considering Albrect Entrati visited duviri before the drifter....I do agree this is how duviri was created but the drifter was late to the party to be the one who did it....then again time has little meaning in the void so who knows
@andyh2783 Fair. My only theory would have something to do with either an incredibly wonky timeline cause the void or that they were both there but in different places, so never actually met.
@flamethekid not true at all .....the void was just that....a void until entrati introduced his mind and feelings into it bringing it to "life" so to speak
Drifter is an alternate reality you that never got rescued from the ship. In their trauma they read the Duviri Storybook to cope and because the void reacts to emotion it created the world from the book, shoving the drifter into it. When you got stabbed by Ballas, the drifter got 'stabbed' as well though not fatally, while at the same time the chopped off hand of the Lotus fell into duviri. Yada yada it let the drifter escape duviri with the hand, and now in our universe without a lotus or tenno they use the hand to reconstruct the Lotus to repay their debt to the tenno for helping them (indirectly) to escape. But because its a paradox, there isn't really an order to which happened first, they both happened at the same time and then connected when your Tenno in the past shook the man in the wall's hand (which was the lotus hand, by the way, if you rewatch your footage).
It wasn’t until a watched your play through on the new war that I realised that was Lotus’s hand. This is the story of the Drifter Tenno on his timeline?
The way I interpret it yes this is the Drifter's reality. The proverbial "hell" Ballas wanted to send us to was just us repeating this reality unable to die.
@@BlackAphro_ There is no posibility for ballas to know about duviri. Hell that ballas was talking about is whole void. Bc we came from void and he calls us devils.
Duviri is seemingly where drifter ended up after the disaster. They were in there for a while until the new war happened and gave them a way to escape, whereupon they started helping the origin system fight back
@BlackAphro_ no the hell we was sent to was just the void, durvi was created by the drifter by due to the concept of "Conceptual Embodiment" where the void takes shape due to high emotions of someone in the void
Hi, Mactics. Hope you got your answer to your questions about the quest! Love seeing your reactions. Here's the long and short of it: Firstly, you need to think of the Drifter and the Operator as separate persons. Sure, both are actually "you", but both have had vastly different life experiences up to the current point in time. The Operator made the pact with the Man in the Wall (the guy who calls you "kiddo") and gained Void-based abilities. The Operator's Zariman 10-0 dropped out of the void and was found by the Orokin. The surviving Void-touched children were then named the Tenno. The Drifter, however, never made the pact with the Man in the Wall on the Zariman. His Zariman never dropped out of the void. After completing the Thrax figurine, that final cutscene of the child crying alone on the Zariman was the Drifter. So, in his world, the Drifter never became Tenno. He did not have any Void abilities or Transference until that specific point in the story of the New War when he confronted the Eidolon Lotus (yea, I don't really understand that part where the Operator made the pact and gained powers for the Drifter as well as himself either. Eternalism stuff, I guess). It is also why he is an adult, since he was never placed into the Second Dream's cryosleep. Secondly, I think it's best to think of the Duviri Paradox as taking place in a time during the events of the New War. I know it does not really matter since the concept of Eternalism renders any linear timeline a moot point, but that is not our reality and it's helpful to organize events in chronological order, at least a little. Did you notice that the second impalement of the Drifter was actually by a ghostly Paracesis? Did you notice that the hand that fell from the sky was Lotus' severed hand that Ballas chopped off? That would indicate that at that time, the events at the beginning of the New War have taken place already (the part where Ballas stabbed the Operator with the Paracesis after cutting off the Lotus' hand. The Lotus, her hand, the Operator with the Paracesis, and Teshin also, fell into the Void). All those elements came together to free the Drifter from his endless loop of getting executed by Thrax's men. Thirdly, after you play the Angels of Zariman, you would know that the Void makes manifest the thoughts of those who are in its domain. As a scared child alone onboard the Zariman stranded in the Void, the Drifter's thoughts of the Tales of Duviri were made real by the Void, resulting in the islands of Duviri, where he could take shelter. However, his thoughts of Dominus Thrax were also made manifest and he somehow fell into becoming Thrax's prisoner, executed again and again and again until he the events of the Duviri Paradox. Finally, after the events of the Duviri Paradox, the Drifter, now free to leave Duviri, sought to repay his debt to the Tenno for freeing him from the Duviri spirals. That line by Teshin at the end of the Duviri Paradox indicates that the Drifter would not have his Lotus hand when he leaves Duviri.
I am so in love with the aesthetics, themes and storyline of TDP. It's just so beautiful in every sense, if you've ever had depression you can really see clearly how much the quest is an allegory for that, and the way the game frames it as like "hey this is physically where the drifter was before coming to help out in TNW" but also like "hey this is how the drifter was FEELING all that time they were alone in the zariman" and how THAT ties to depression and misery... to me this is one of the coolest quests in the game, and even if, I admit, it fails in it's execution at certain points, once you've given it some thought and you let it sit for a bit it's just a really beautiful puzzle piece that fits in the really beautiful puzzle that is the warframe universe. So, another typical Digital Extremes W.
* desperately trying to scream at the screen to tell him that this quest is a prequel, despite the fact that this is from weeks ago and he definitely knows by now *
To clarify, the quest duviri paradox takes place during the new war immediately after the operator and lotus kinda died and got sent through that portal to the void. The hand you discover at the start of this quest is the Lotus hand that Ballas chopped off. The hand allows the Drifter to escape Duviri and we then see him in the new war.
2:37 it took me until now that Mesa's Guns in this very scene are actually mismodeled and miss the important detail that OG Mesa's Peacemakers are acutally just gun barrels she puts on her Index Fingers. The Rest is actually visibly built into her hands and forearms all the way to the ammo drums on her elbows. Yes. The original form of the 10 year old Gunslinger Frame has actual Finger Guns as an ultimate, along with the sick poses while shooting. That's what you get when a dev team has fun building a game they love ^v^ Ok, now to watch the rest :>
Just in case nobody explained it, Duviri's story is Drifters Backstory, explaining where he was before appearing in the New War quest. It was also DE's experiment with Souls Like games since they are making one soon enough.
"Is the Angels of the Zariman gonna answer these questions? Or like make me ask more questions?" Paradoxically, Yes, No and Yes The Duviri Paradox is what the Drifter has been doing for 30 years after he did NOT meet the creepy version yourself and instead was trapped in the void the entire time since the void jump. Angels quest will answer some questions and give you MANY more, because Welcome to Warframe. There's lore videos for Warframe of "just the important parts" that are over 2 hours long, and they arent kidding that its just the important parts. The lore goes insanely deep in this game.
a bit of a quick explanation: (i might be wrong tho) if i remember correctly, the duviri paradox is another dimension created by the void. since our operator was losing his mind stuck on the zariman 10-0, the operator, with the power of the void, created a new dimension to escape reality i think. thats why the drifter says that one of us is the one that got stuck on the ship and the other one got rescued, i might be absolutely wrong tho. Duviri is a tale that got teached to the kids in the zariman 10-0 so they learn about the void, im more sure about this.
i believe you are ecorrect except that i dont think the tale was about the void but rather that the operator basically tried to escape from reality by (as not unusual) escape into stories or books and unintentionally using the void to create the world as a trauma response creating a world based on what comforted them.
In the new war drifter say when entering the warframe "can't be harder than riding a horse is it ?" Or something And when drifter and operator meet the operator ask that was he stuck here this time. The drifter answer stuck yes here no, so basically the drifter was stuck in duviri until the operator get stabbed and probably made the connection and stuff. And i guess it's because of the zariman, since they tryna sail the void. Now zariman is in duviri and star chart, so the bridge is zariman
In a technical way drifter isn't a tenno, but operator does. In the new war when play as drifter someone say drifter have no frame no void thingy. Until the man in the wall made the connection
Mactics, if it's your thing, I would totally recommend a Warframe lore video recap thing to watch, since the lore of the game is extremely interesting (in my opinion), but the main game is pretty cryptic about it. Obviously, after you've completed all of the main quests and ideally after Warframe 1999 since that'll probably add a ton of lore and maybe fill some holes of knowledge we have now.
A LOT of duviri is continuation of the new war, the hand falling from Lotus, you getting stabbed again etc etc Its crazy how much the quests can answer but how many more questions are raised
haha, ahhh this was so much fun. Mactics, you did a great job. hope somebody explained what you had questions about. (somethings don't have answers, depends how deep you want to go down the rabbit hole)
So this is what i Understoof of the Duviri Paradox: The drifter is a child that never got rescued from the Zariman when the jump accident to the void ocurred. No powers from the void...alone...no way to get out...only thing he can do is think on anything, maybe something...Somewhere safe. What´s safer than thinking on a story that you are read when you are a kid, and so he thought of the Tales of the Duviri, a book meant for the children of the Zariman to control their emotions...to not feel so they do not create anything with their emotions or thoughts as Albrect did (he created the man in the wall by accident that way). I still dont know who the king really is, maybe a random zariman child whose appearance is similar to the doll. After the world was created, after years, the Duviri noticed something out of place, someone who shouldnt be going around out of the control of the king... drifting around, The Drifter of course. After being captured he got into the endless loop of getting impaled, until the cut hand of the lotus (by Ballas) from the new war came down to the Drifter. With such power, he is cut loose, but still in the webs of the king of getting looped, yet, hard to focus with all those emotions taking over Thrax. The emotions are something that no one in the kingdom has a privilege to feel. If you have emotions, you have all the power of the kingdom.Before teshins death, he does not ask him why he feels no emotion (as in Thrax´s story), but if he can feel, as teshin has been training him by gathering the doll pieces from the paradox that contains the memory of the Zariman kid, which helps the drifter to get all the emotions that he has learned to avoid, (or probably he was forced to not feel anything as soon as Thrax got in power in the beggining). Returning to Teshin´s death, the Drifter says that he´s feeling, giving him the control of the Duviri, but such raw emotion takes form into the Giant orowyrms. With his emotion raging for Teshins death, he decides to take advantage of it and transfer into the giant Wyrm as it is a warframe and the attack Thrax. After the attack was succesful, we found out that the whole world of Duviri is the personification of the book, and with the kid taking shape of the doll as the king of the kingdom. With that happened, The Drifter decides to give back the candy to the little kid, but in one condition: The Drifter creates an exit so he can get out of the world of Duviri, opening him the door to enter in action and sabotage the enemy in the NEW WAR and return the favor to those that helped him through the paradox. We still dont know how he finds Eidolon lotus, or how he finds the ship of the operator, but thats what i understood. Thanks for reading!
While narratively New war is my favorite quest because of what it means to me, the Duviri update is my favorite update for its whole story. I’ve been around warframe for 7+ years and yet such a self contained story is my pick for warframe at its peak.
Now imagine that this quest was supposed to be another tutorial for new players when it came out, and as you could expect it was so confusing that they took it off the start and put it way later into the game, that is why you do a mini tutorial and choose a warframe from the sterters again. The idea behind Duviri being another start of the game was that you could choose to go through the Drifter path or the Operator path (Operator being the normal game progression)
in the paradox you play a version of the drifter that is trapped in a pocket universe, so, yeah a version of you that did not escape from the void. this was intended to be an optional start to the game, that is why it sort of goes over some of the same things the starting quest does and you pick from the 3 starting frames.
One thing to understand about Duviri is that it's used to be one of the possible starts of the game when you make a new account. Digital Extreme felt a bit quirky and wanted to make something special and make it so the game and story sorta meet in the middle, so you get to play as a Drfter and then slowly learn about other half of the game and in the end it connects in New War. But it was pulled after a while and Duviri became a story quest. Because of that all the decisions to make it a starting mission became it's weakness - story is way more cryptic than it should be, because it was designed to not spoil the rest of the game, combat is scaled down for a new player and despite being a fantastic quest, it purposfull muddies things to make you more curious about what is story is about. Also having eternalism in the game is actually very important, because just like multiverse, timelines and other "what if" scenarios in other media, they serve as a narrative tool for writers, so more scenarios are possible and you are no long working within boundaries of universe you created. You ca make only so many world ending events in a single timeline, before people get tired of it.
I also think Eternalism might even be a red herring in the long term. Since we know DE likes to play the long game. My personal theory is that all the alternate time lines only exist as pocket dimensions manifested within the void. All things from alternate time lines or such so far have been connected to a person or event that was within the void when the branch was created. Whispers in the Walls also has a bit of dialogue alluding to this happening within the void. Which makes me believe that it's likely that there isn't a full on multiverse just waiting for doors to be opened between them, but rather void shenanigans manifesting other possibilities when directly interacted with. Operators time loop? Happened in the void. Duviri? Expressly a pocket dimension within the void. Divergence between the Operator and the Drifter? Happened within the void. And minor spoiler... the claim that Wally is (at least partially) constrained by the flow of time due to being stuck with a connection to the physical world.
Think of it this way. The same way you have the drifter and the operator, this version of the drifter is from a third separate timeline. But somehow the thrax captured him inside an isolated trap where he can't die or escape..
No. This is where the drifter was before the New War. The drifter was stuck on the zariman eventually alone and retreated into their mind to cope, hence the focus on emotions and the shot of a childrens book and doll in the zariman. The void reacts to strong emotions so the drifter unintentionally created this bubble where he could play pretend but lost himself in the delusion and apathy. over this quest you regain your mind hence the zariman flashbacks. the ending means that when the drifter leaves the void they turn into the form they had on the zariman as that was their last place before getting trapped in the void for so long. hence why we can only use swords and possess things in duviri.
After playing duviri myself, i was just as confused, maybe even more than mac! But rewatching it trough here made me realize and appreciate so many little details about the narrative and story! Yes its confusing, but if you piece that "eternalism" with the new war story line it all blends! Took me long enough, but i see it now ahahha
I understand your frustration with the story completely. The difference between multiverse and eternalism nonsense is semantic at best, consequences for the writing are the same.
DE needs to make it so the the Dormizon and other "player housing" areas are outfitted with everything thats in your ship; that way, you can choose where you want your HQ to be, ether in the ship, the Dormizon or on earth at khals Garrisons
As a Player who did The Duviri Quest way back then, when it released i was pleased to see you do it and i‘d have to admit that i completly forgot how good this Quest is from a Cinematic and storywise Perspective. I just remembered the cluncy and stiff movement of the drifter, the slow attack speed and the lack of survivability more than everything else from this Quest and that‘s kinda sad.
Welcome to the void! This is what drifter was up to, the alternate version of you that was never rescued from the Zariman. An epilogue for the New War and prologue for void shenanigans to come. Basically, that was your book and doll. The void created an entire pocket dimension out of the story of the book and animated all the characters during the Zariman's failed jump. A version of yourself, the drifter, was trapped in there until he broke out. Which is the quest. Somehow he aged in there as well, even though time is weird in the void, he could age in this pocket dimension, I guess. And it all technically happens before the New War, cuz Drifter has already escaped obviously by that time. It’s a very weird quest. I can't wait for what's next.
Ha ha its always interesting to see new players react to the duviri paradox. Thanks for the many laughs with you Matics. It was confusing for many old players like myself as well when it was released.
This is by far my favorite quest in the game. The Drifter is my favorite character. The music and setting is awesome too. The way it handles apathy is great, and I think plays into an underlying message of indifference and emotions throughout the game. That message/philosophy just being most at the forefront here. I’m pretty sure that also has something to do with the dialogue choices rather than them being good or evil dialogue options
In the void theres something they call Conceptual Embodiment. Strong emotions can make things physically manifest in there. The story of Duviri was a fairy tale book Euleria Entrati (Mother) read to the kids of the Zariman to help them control their emotions in case they ever had to deal with Conceptual Embodiment. Drifter manifested Duviri into reality while he was stuck in the void. Each Spiral is a part of him, representing his different emotions. Duviri takes place DURING the New War, as an origin story for the Drifter and to explain what he was doing before he entered the Origin System. He isnt the same person as your Operator, he has his own history in a differing timeline, and when he broke his cycle, his spiral, he had the option to leave and go into the System. Duviri is at its heart a story about spiraling, getting lost in your emotions with no way to control it. Drifter was stuck aboard the Zariman for gods know how long and in that maddening void his frustration, his envy, his sadness, his joy, all of it manifested into Duviri as he began to feel trapped, stuck in a never ending spiral. When he learned how to feel again, to control those feelings, thats when he was finally able to get out.
Things to understand: The void shapes itself to the minds within it. The Duvuri Paradox quest is a metaphor for dealing with depression. It also leads up to what happened between when Teshin and the Tenno get killed and all with Lotus tossed into the void. The mission starts with Drifter stuck in the Depression spiral. Then the spectral sword that stabs Drift is the same sword that stabbed the Tenno back in the New War. The hand that falls from the sky is Lotus' hand that broke off when Tenno tried to catch her. Tenshin can only live in the void now because he was dying as he was tossed into the void. As many said, the Duvuri was a children's book. The toy was "your" childhood toy. Dominus was the toy. He was doing what "you" wanted him to do. Because you were lost in hopeless depression, he just kept you locked there... getting older when ever things were not reset. Resetting every time you died. After you defeat Duvuri, it is a play ground for you with your toys set to play with you when ever you enter back in...But... There is something else. Teshin refers several times to "The Wall" that divides the Void where Duvuri is at and reality. This is where "The Man" is. 'Hey Kiddo...' You find a way through the wall, but Duvuri is in danger... there are story hints and tidbits all around stating an outside force is attacking and ripping out parts of Duvuri. The Paradox was meant to be a new starting area but it was too confusing for new players. Thats why it seems so weird.
Off in a corner of Teshin's cave, there's a collection of extremely powerful melee weapons that you can buy for pathos clamps. You get clamps by killing oroworms, preferably in story only mode. Buying one allows you to use it as the drifter in Duviri, and gives you a plan to craft it for your warframe. Any of the purchasable weapons is vastly superior to Teshin's blades, Sun&Moon.
I ended up doing Duviri before the New War and a bunch of things clicked to me, him getting stavbed the second time was when the operator was stabbed with the Paracesis and the hand is the one of Lotus that was chopped off. Crazy how much detail is in the game.
Cannot wait for him to get to steel path gonna be a huge difficulty spike for him, as always, keep up the great content. Love to see the warframe experience from a new perspective.
I have only just realised after watching Mactics' playthrough, that the hand "meteor" is Lotus' Hand when Ballas cut her hand when your operator was holding on to her before falling into the void.
duviri is a prequal for new war, explaining where drifter was beforehand. teshin is there because when he was flung through the same portal as lotus and the operator, he ended up in duviri
In case nobody has metioned this, on release The Duviri Paradox was an alternate start, that is why you had to pick from the starter frames. DE just changed Duviri's unlock to place it later in the starchart. Even after they removed it as an alternate start, it was available well before Second Dream.
After AoZ you get incarnon weapons which are weapons created by the void from what its creator thinks, or feels. So yeah that partially explains how Duviri cam to be. The void creates stuff from strong emotions or thoughts, it can also corrupt and destroy minds. The void is an incomprehensible place.
So, the events of this quest are the drifter's origin. This all takes place between the point in New War where Ballas stabs the tenno and throws them into the void, and when the drifter appears. The drifter appears in New War after you (canonically) choose to leave Duviri to enter the origin system. Then the rest of New War happens.
The drifter themself explained it during The New War: "You're the me that got rescued from this, and I'm the you that did not". The child who would grow up to be the Drifter was trapped on the Zariman (the quest showed you the door to their compartment being sealed off by void corruption). The power of the void is, essentially: wish fulfillment. Whatever you want hard enough becomes reality. The young child, alone, with no hope of rescue, had only the storybook "Tales of Duviri"... and they made it real in their desperation to escape the Zariman. As they grew older and got desperately bored with it, they gave control over Duviri to their inner child, who has no self control and has erratic childish wants. Thus the mood swings, the weird animals and architecture, the misshapen people. And thus became a prisoner of his own apathy. The quest is about retaking control over your own fate, allowing yourself to feel all the things you've cut out of your life because they're too painful. Once the Drifter, now an adult, seizes back control he has the power to leave Duviri and return to what everybody else sees as reality. The actual timeline puts The Duviri Paradox *before* The New War. When Teshin says "You will have to repay that debt", the Drifter coming in New War is them repaying mainline Us for helping him escape. (And yes: The Void does nasty bendy things to time)
What i love about duviri is that you could easily start with Duviri (though i don't know a lot of poeple who do and it's a shame imo) or it's absolute mind blowing moment when you realise what it is about ! Like either way it's a great addition !
To make eternalism easier think of time as a spider web with each choice being an intersection. All happening at the same time but your choice is the only thread you can see. Warframe is essentially like hopping and switching threads and mixing things up. It’s crazy twisted but really cool.
The point of the paradox split from my understanding is when the Man in the Wall offered you help on the Zariman. Accepting his help granted you void powers and created the Tenno. Rejecting his help trapped you within the void in an endless cycle at the hand of Dominus Thrax
the most basic way to look at this is this: the execution at the beginning, where you hear Ballas saying his line about not being able to kill the devil, but that you can send it back to heck, establishes this as taking place at the same time. Somehow our Operator helped them get free from the Spiral, but by doing so, there was now a debt to repay, so the Drifter comes to our reality to help overthrow Ballas and restore the Lotus to repay that debt.
When the tenno dies at the hands of ballas, the adventure of the paradox begins. It ends as you watch the planets being conquered more or less and suddenly you control the traveler who managed to leave duviri along with the hand of lotus that cut off bellas and that is why when the new war begins, he looks at the hand of lotus and asks ordis if something can be done to revive it.
Basically (and no, this won't be explained further, we're supposed to piece it out quest by quest), in The New War, when our Tenno talks to the Drifter in the Zariman and asks "so you've been stuck here all this long??" And Drifter asks "well, not here exactly, but yeah" he means this, he's been in Duviri all this time, and also in the Zariman (that place where he got meals and stuff is in the Zariman that's stuck in the void (and so, Duviri) in this Paradox. Also, when you choose to continue the quest with the Drifter instead of the Operator (Tenno) and Ordis tells you about "using a Warframe will be a weird experience" and he says "shouldn't be harder than riding a horse" is also another reference to Duviri 😂😂 Well story-wise, just as you've read at the end, "Tales of Duviri" was a picture book written by Elaria Entrati (not gonna say who is in case you don't want to be spoiled, but you've meet her already, she was also the teacher that explained the concept of eternalism in classes in The NEW War (was written in the subtitles ger name 😂😂)) that teaches children how to deal with emotions and was given to the children that went on the Zariman, the Duviri Paradox was said book made into reality by the powers of the Drifter (in a way, our other us (Tenno)) in order to cope with the madness that was being stuck in the void, he just didn't know it (that's why the Drifter says "you are the me that got rescued from this shit, and I am the you that didn't", since in his reality, the Zariman never came out of the void, he was always stuck there, normally you would never meet your "alternative timeline self", but we have void powers, so we can 😂😂) Sorry this got too long, hope it helps 😅
Story explanation for people who are confused: The Drifter and the Operator are the same person up to a certain point. One was rescued from the Zariman (the Operator) and the other had to survive there (the Drifter). Emotions and other things manifest in the void. The orokin knew this and vgave the children aboard the Zariman stories about the dangers of emotions. Stories about a fictional kingdom called Duviri. The Drifter manifested Duviri through the desires of a frightened child to escape the horrors of the Zariman, to go to a fantosy world. There, he was a king named Dominus Thrax. Soon, however, a desire for reality, for escape would emerge. And the Drifter would separate from his false Thrax persona and seek to leave Duviri. But Thrax was created for the sole purpose for keeping the Drifter there; for keeping him safe. And so would stop at nothing to keep the Drifter there. As for Teshin? He wound up there through pure luck. When he was killed in the New War, he fell through the same void portal that you did. The void pieced him back together. It is unclear whether this is the same Teshin that we knew, or just a copy created by the void. Whatever the case, he landed in Duviri.
Duviri is a place in the void where mind and matter meet. So when your main character became Tenno, the Drifter, the version of you who never got fantastic powers, became stuck in Duviri, and he created a realm to survive in. That realm took the form of a children's book he grew up with. Also, this is meant to be an alternate game-start option, as I understand it. That's why it seems so unreal. In a way, it is. But it's a layer of unreality that you created yourself, out of your subconscious. Unfortunately, after being stuck in there for who knows how long, you lost yourself, and stopped caring. You couldn't break out of the spiral of depression until you got a helping hand - literally - from the Lotus.
Basically duviri is where the drifter was stuck before new war, lotus gets her habd cut off by ballas and it shows up in duviri, you hear ballas say how you can send the devil to hell as well.
gotta say DE need to pump up the difficulty on their next main quest update, at least to Zariman level cause if you already past Duviri you pretty much know how to mod your equipment
Something that a lot of people get wrong, that is only noticeable when exploring Duviri itself and reading the datapads that have questions from the classroom on them. The driter is not the operator who didn't take the deal. The deal was to save *them* , not you. The Drifter took the deal, and for it he was left in the void, never to be rescued, having to *earn* his freedom. The key Datapad is under a bridge, and it read, "You wouldn't Welch on a deal, would you?" with the only available answer being "I saved them. All of them. Never said I'd save you." Extra supporting evidence, in the New War you aren't seeing the Operator's flashbacks, you're seeing the Drifters. And it was the Drifter who the Man in the Wall offered the 'save them, all of them' deal to.
live here after you are done watching the video ;) twitch.tv/mactics
I'd to see you react to a lore video the next big quest is going to implode your brain if youre already not fully following. Ofc after you're done with the story missions so you don't get spoiled
Duviri Starts right where your Operator got Stabbed by Ballas in the NewWar.
Thats why you heard Ballas say "You cant kill a Tenno" when the Drifter got stabbed in the first cutscene.
Also the hand of the Lotus is when Ballas cut her hand when the Operator was grabing on her before that.
Teshin died some times before that happend, and thats why now he lives in Duviri, and when the Drifter asked where he came from, the camera turned towards the Vail Mask that Teshig was wearing during the fight with Erra.
Ergo, Duviri is a Sequell to the New War.
@@lordrefrigeratorintercoole288 Not quite a sequel, as when we first see Drifter in The New War, they've gotten out of Duviri.
It's also not quite a prequel, as the events of Duviri Paradox happen after the Operator and Lotus' hand get flung into the void.
Not quite an interlude either, what with Teshin having been there for some time after falling in himself.
In short, the void is WEIRD.
my understanding of duvuri is this. Duvuri is the old yourselfs story. Your young self rescued from Zariman incident in a diffrent universe by the demon that is looks like you and your old self didnt rescued from Zariman incident and trapped in a paradox in Duviri. when your youngself died and lotus's hand pulled into the portal. Drifter's Paradox broken and Escaped. in your oldself's universe Sentient invasion also happend. When he escaped everything was already in Narmers control. And Tenno was purged. in your youngselfs universe you lost the war and Died. And story countinued from your oldself's universe. Where your old self and youngself can exist together. (Eternalism I guess). thats my understanding off course.
@@Oiyss In my understanding, 1) the Tenno-you never died (as per Ballas' statement "you can't kill the devil"), and 2) when the Drifter-you left Duviri, it was to the same universe where the Tenno got stabbed. To me, this more closely aligns with the idea of the Tenno/Drifter being a paradoxical existence (you both were and weren't saved from the Zariman), whereas your description sounds more like plain-ol' multiversal travel.
Duviri really shows how mind boggling the void is. Creating a sub dimension with its own people and even time doesn’t function normally.
even worst those came from your own mind (the horse and soldier are toys ) also ornament weapon and toys that can't shoot or hurt become deadly weapons after void exposure
@@drep8840 and then Ballas is just There yelling at a husk forever
@@quantumblauthor7300 his facsimile is probably here cause of kullervo. Whats more concerning is that Albrecht Entrati was here and we dont even know whether its the real one
@@elseggs6504 Didn't Albrecht make the book?
@@elseggs6504 well we know it was the real one in fact we now have 3 real Albrecht ( maybe soon 4 if we save him from the past ) yeah it's a mind F
"Can't be harder than riding a horse can it?"-Drifter: From New War
It was, in fact, harder than riding a horse.
Also: "I was not stuck here exactly, but yeah, stuck"
"I should have stayed in Duviri"
Yep, the drifter constantly makes callbacks to their time in duviri during the new war
What makes it more better is I played duviri as a returning player before even doing the new war so it made those dialogues better for me hahaha 🤣
It's still crazy to think that duviri is just a storybook that became an actual place because of the void.
@@astephens3600 The duviri book is actually a guide book on how to deal with void exposure.
@@Hawk-Eye-bs2hr So far all the void exposure repellant has been emotion fueled, Rell who struggle to understand it at first but learnt to use it to keep himself intact during the later part of Harrow quest, Duviri with emotional spirals, and then Whispers ending
@@Xsoskeleton there's a reason the "entity" is named the "indifference" (not saying more because it hasn't been seen in videos on this channel yet, though I know his livestream is further ahead).
duviri born from a storybook, being actually born from the lore people wanted - more about the void. Kinda crazy
The fact that you knew that was Lotus's hand was impressive enough. Other streamers just let those lore elements fly over their heads
Most streamers are primarily focused on engaging their audience. Streaming is less about a parasocial experience of playing a game these days, and more about performative displays to draw more subs and donations.
i believe he only knew it was lotus's hand because you can hear her speak on many scenes throughout that cutscene.
@@Solkard That's how streaming always was, and what it should always be.
You don't watch a game being streamed, you watch a streamer playing it.
You watch for the streamer. The game adds a bit to the experience, but the game doesn't make the stream. The streamer does
The benefit of not having to wait years for the next story chapter, haha. Still fresh in his head!
tbh, since I had to wait for duviri, I had no clue as to why I could hear the lotus and why a hand had just fused with the drifter's arm simply because I completely forgot the details from the new war, also I thought until mactics replayed it that the tenno's hand was cut and just came back later in tnw because of void shenanigans
This game has a nasty habit of giving us swords that stabbed us.
*With word in chest*
So, are you going to want this back, or can I keep it?
A little bit like Devil May Cry lol
@@zombiehater6547 Dammit i was just about to make the "First time?" meme BUT YOU BEAT ME TO IT.
Sword sword no mi calamity strikes BACK to the one who see thy impalnation of thee owner of thy sword so no escape from vee blade
Drifter gets impaled. Ooooh a new weapon to add to my arsenal.
Duviri is pretty confusing - basically the idea is that while your operator was fighting in the Old War and then sleeping in Lua, what was the drifter doing? In the New War, the drifter says that they are the version of the operator that didn't get rescued from the zariman
The Drifter, instead of being rescued, was actually kidnapped by the Void itself. That’s why we’re slightly older instead of still the size of a child.
The entirety of the Kingdom of Duviri was formed by the “Tales of Duviri” storybook that we, as the Operator had as a child. But because of our childhood emotions and trauma on the Void Jump Accident, the Void manifested it as a real space outside of time, and we simply forgot that we were the creator.
We as the Drifter, only broke out, because of the Lotus’s hand being sent into the Void during The New War.
That’s how I understand it at least.
that explains that pathway in the dormroom
From what I understand, during Zariman, Void broke drifter`s mind, and created Thrax, using the Stories of Duviri book. Then it created subworld, where Drifter took a place of a doll, when the real doll - Thrax - become tormenter and storytaller. Thrax tortured drifter, untill the new war, where Lotus hand and Teshin got in that dimension, thanks to Ballas. Since Drifter still was Tenno, he got help from Lotus hand, then from Teshin, and finally snaped out of this dreamworld. He understood, that Thrax is his childish version, angered and playful. You could say, that Void created Thrax of Drifter`s mind. But by getting Tenno powers and recollecting his past (doll`s pieces) Drifter managed to control this world. In the end he resets it, giving control back to Thrax, but reviving Teshin. Drifter also gets freedom to leave this place, which he cannonacly use to "change" original tenno, whily they are in the void. Still he didn`t have all their powers, so Lotus, when awaken, did not recognize him as Tenno. But during their battle, he gets affected by the void again, also regaining his powers (again) which kinda sends him back in the void and get`s real tenno back. After that they meet in the void, after Lotus goes for Ballas, and speak everything up... and you know what comes next if you played new war. Yeah, I`m not lore prof, but that`s what I can understand, at least.
Awesome description 👌 😊
I guess I played out of order than. Did DP before new war, so I got a lot of call backs while playing through new war.
"but you can send them back to hell" is the phrase that reveals where this takes place < at the point where you get executed over and over
Im pretty sure its the same sword that stabs themso both the operator and drifter got stabbed at the same time
@@ickeluck338exactly. If you look at that sword that stabs drifter before the lotus hand comes crashing down, it’s the parascesis. The same one that ballas used to stab you in the new war. Eternalism at its finest right there. Basically, you’re a walking time paradox lol
Sorry you had to experience alot of confusion here. Duviri was initially designed as an alternate jump-in point to Warframe which is why everything felt very new-player. It was later changed to be locked behind New War as it's a very story heavy part of Warframe's lore.
Put simply: Drifter and Operator are two beings. Do not mix them up. Drifter is the one who experienced Duviri, broke free due to Lotus' hand being sent there by the Man in the Wall (your clone you shook hands with in the new war quest) and in turn returned to the origin system during Narmer to begin reviving Lotus and bringing Operator back from the void. You're playing the part which wasn't covered in New War during Duviri. Only after New War can you consider the Drifter and Operator dual personalities now walking the earth, but can exist as either at anytime (cosmetic reasons). Why? Tenno, especially your player Tenno, are essentially void-gods after shaking the hand of the void itself, the Man in the Wall.
Damn, I finished Duiviri a while ago but was so confused then I just decided not to bother with the story. Thanks to your explanation I finally understand what it was all about :)
@@mackiewiczmaciej Yeah more specifically in the void theres something they call Conceptual Embodiment. Strong emotions can make things physically manifest in there. The story of Duviri was a fairy tale book Euleria Entrati read to the kids of the Zariman to help them control their emotions in case they ever had to deal with Conceptual Embodiment. Drifter manifested Duviri into reality while he was stuck in the void. Each Spiral is a part of him, representing his different emotions.
@@shadowboy0126 Thanks mate, it's insane how many layers this game's story has.
@mackiewiczmaciej it'll help if you and similar folks watched the original Duviri teaser trailer. It actually sheds much more contextual concept of the whole paradox narrative.
If you're not keen on looking it up, a quick run down is that the Drifter somehow seeing a vision of their Tenno self putting a weapon into a hole which they later retrieved to fight with.
It's not locked behind New War though?
Something a lot of people miss with Warframe is the duality of all the questlines. They are always both the lore story being told in the system, and a personal story of mental health, family, the human experience. For Duviri, its both a paradoxical, eternalism story, showcasing the void, and how the drifter escaped to join the new war, and also a representation of extreme trauma in a way that implies almost a DiD experience (multiple personality disorder). Durviri is a world built on each emotion, different parts of the drifter segmented to protect him. Depending who is in charge at the time, is a different side of him, an alt, if you will.
This is my favorite thing about Warframe's quests, and it's so hard to get across to most people who haven't played it (and a lot who have, tbh). The game has some impressive lore and world building, but it all simultaneously serves to tell real, personal, emotional stories about the human experience that people who have gone through trauma can relate to.
As powerful as the Tenno are, as much destruction as they can cause, their real superpower is their ability to "see an ugly, broken thing and take away its pain."
And I think that's profoundly beautiful.
"Couldn't they made this harder?"
Be careful what you wish for.
One of my favourite things about divuri is it's an excelent analogy for depression.
For context, this quest used to be the alternate tutorial quest that you can choose to do when starting the game, that’s why you’re going thru the whole choosing your starting frame thing again
Yes, it was orginally an alternate start, but they removed it as a starting option since it confused players on the core gameplay. You can still do this as soon as you finish Vors prizes i believe.
@@jalil2985 they recently put it behind saturn junction to uranus
@@girthaversion DE shouldve locked it behind the Second Dream at the very least, as the Paradox spoils A LOT
You can't start here anymore.
@@jalil2985 totally missed that somehow, mb mb
SPOILERS (for this quest and ones you've already done)
My interpretation:
Drifter is the version of you that was never rescued from the Zariman. For years and years (decades?) you were left adrift in the void, subject to its torment, and the trauma of watching all the adults on the ship go mad and die, and seemingly most of the children eventually dying too. To cope with this, you dissociated and receded into your head. Your thoughts mingling with the ambient power of the void allowed the world you crafted to take on physical form. It was made as a place away from reality where you had control and could impose order. It became real, and shifts with your emotions as it comes entirely from your mind.
Your drifter has never heard of warframes, Teshin, Lotus, or any of this nonsense. They did not have (yet) the power of transference, or the same void abilities the original operator did. They lived out their entire existence since the warp jump in the void, until.... Ballas opened the void. Teshin, Lotus, and the operator were dumped into the void. Teshin, and Lotus' hand fell into Duviri, interrupting the stable cycle of dissociative coping you (the drifter) had created. They allow you to break free not only emotionally, but physically and enter the origin system. Drifter feels the debt to this alternate reality, as Teshin suggested. And so takes it upon themselves to save the operator and operator's world from its new traumatic cycle, just as drifter was saved from theirs.
On reliving the New War quest through your play through, there are a lot of lines from the drifter that foreshadow this. They don't share your memory or social bonds. They lack your powers. They mention having been off riding horses.
Timeline wise, the beginning of the quest takes place right as the Operator goes to face Ballas the first time, gets stabbed through the back by Paracesis, and falls into the void with Lotus’ severed hand.
After the cutaway of Narmar taking over, when we first see the Drifter coming out of the Grineer landing ship, is after the Duviri pair of ducks quest has ended.
The reason the Drifter shows up and their motivation to help is to replay the debt from the Duviri quest.
Duviri wasn't made by the drifter....it was made by albrect entratis' daughter.....albrect himself visited there long before the drifter ever did.
That should also explain why the Drifter was able to remove the Narmer Veil. That mind control sequence was meant for the Operator.
@@NayrAnur That is actually kind of a plot hole, since the masks work off your own memories. They aren’t preprogrammed with a set of memories to load. So it was weird that it somehow tapped into the Operators memories, as opposed to the Drifters.
@@SolkardMy guess is since the operator and drifter are the same person with wildly different lives, and the drifter entered the operators world, the mask mistook the drifter for the operator, playing memories of technically the same person.
Mactics: I've been playing Warframe for over 100 hundred hours, I know what this games about.
Duvuri Paradox: Hold my beer 😂
Look back at The New War and the exchange between Drifter and Operator. Drifter says they've been stuck all this time but not exactly on the Zariman. Duviri Paradox serves as an elaborate explanation of where they've been stuck, and what they've been doing all the time, while the Operator was gallavanting through the Origin System, making mommy Lotus happy. DE is playing the long game with the plot of Warframe.
To be fair. Drifter isnt a Tenno. Yes, he also came from Zariman Ten 0. But name tenno refers only to kids that were rescued from zariman, they were infused in void with void powers but not naturaly. This power came from Man in the wall. When in one of timelines YOU make deal with him. Then all kids in all realities/timelines get powers. BUT NOT DRIFTER bc he was isolated in duviri at this time. When kid were rescued and then experimented by orokin, and then turn into living weapons, they were learning about fighting styles and credo. And thats how cast of tenno was created. Drifter wasnt part of that at any point.
Whole duviri quest happens around the same time when New war break out. Invisible version of paracesis stabing you was moment when operator was stabbed by ballas. Then severed lotus hand fell into void and end up in duviri which is somewhere in void. Then you as drifter fight against Dominus. And when you win you canonicaly go outside to the origin system. And this is the moment when Narmer took over system. And drifter fight against them.
Meanwhile when Operator was kicked into the void he probably end up in some weird time loop in void(bc time dont flow properly there). And he has to relive his past, and what lead him to making deal. When he get to that moment and makes deal with Man in the wall all kids from zariman gets powers. ALL kids. Including Drifter that now is in origin system.
When Little Duck ask Drifter "if he worked with tenno" and he said "something like that" its probably more "Yeah, i worked with them trough dimensional tunel in duviri" than "yea, i'm tenno". And i think this is even more posible bc DE worked at duviri paradox(or have it in mind) LONG before new war was even in production. I'm sure that whole concept for duviri was ready before they make mechanical part of it. And they just use this as base for new war story. Thats why in new war Drifters said that using warframe cannot be harder than riding a horse. Bc he was riding horses in duviri. And later in railjack segment he said that he should stay in duviri.
About Teshin. This is OUR Teshin. He wasnt fully dead after Erra crushed his helmet. He felt to void trough the same portal as operator. And he felt into duviri.
Come to think of it I'm surprised how Tenshin did not just go back to his own timeline after the new war and the paradox
But I guess someone needs to keep an eye on this place for a while
To be clear, the Drifter is the eternalism version of the Operator that refused the Man in the Wall's deal. It's some split timeline shenanigans.
Warframe Story Basically it's about two universes clashes together and as you know every single minute of it is absolutely fuckin gorgeous im very happy to see Mac playing it now and joining our community my man you are one of the top 10 best RUclipsrs to me ❤
A brief explanation of duveri and the void. Essentially, the void seems to react to strong emotion, fear, anger, joy, etc. When a colony ship is sent out through and subsequently lost in the void, it had children on it who famously have fantastic control over their emotions.
As a counter to this, the 'tales of duveri' were created as a means to teach children to get a handle on their emotions and to teach the risks of strong emotion in the void.
The twist being the tenno who didn't escape (the drifter) gets stuck in a bubble of the void where his understandably strong emotions manifested the tales of duveri as a way do deal with all the crazy and survive.
Not sure this is true considering Albrect Entrati visited duviri before the drifter....I do agree this is how duviri was created but the drifter was late to the party to be the one who did it....then again time has little meaning in the void so who knows
@andyh2783 Fair. My only theory would have something to do with either an incredibly wonky timeline cause the void or that they were both there but in different places, so never actually met.
@@andyh2783 Time doesn't function in the void. the fact that Duviri exists in the void means that it has always been there
@flamethekid not true at all .....the void was just that....a void until entrati introduced his mind and feelings into it bringing it to "life" so to speak
Drifter is an alternate reality you that never got rescued from the ship. In their trauma they read the Duviri Storybook to cope and because the void reacts to emotion it created the world from the book, shoving the drifter into it. When you got stabbed by Ballas, the drifter got 'stabbed' as well though not fatally, while at the same time the chopped off hand of the Lotus fell into duviri.
Yada yada it let the drifter escape duviri with the hand, and now in our universe without a lotus or tenno they use the hand to reconstruct the Lotus to repay their debt to the tenno for helping them (indirectly) to escape.
But because its a paradox, there isn't really an order to which happened first, they both happened at the same time and then connected when your Tenno in the past shook the man in the wall's hand (which was the lotus hand, by the way, if you rewatch your footage).
It wasn’t until a watched your play through on the new war that I realised that was Lotus’s hand.
This is the story of the Drifter Tenno on his timeline?
The way I interpret it yes this is the Drifter's reality. The proverbial "hell" Ballas wanted to send us to was just us repeating this reality unable to die.
@@BlackAphro_ There is no posibility for ballas to know about duviri. Hell that ballas was talking about is whole void. Bc we came from void and he calls us devils.
Duviri is seemingly where drifter ended up after the disaster. They were in there for a while until the new war happened and gave them a way to escape, whereupon they started helping the origin system fight back
When the drifter talked about being stuck it was duviri he/she mentioned.
@BlackAphro_ no the hell we was sent to was just the void, durvi was created by the drifter by due to the concept of "Conceptual Embodiment" where the void takes shape due to high emotions of someone in the void
Hi, Mactics. Hope you got your answer to your questions about the quest! Love seeing your reactions.
Here's the long and short of it:
Firstly, you need to think of the Drifter and the Operator as separate persons. Sure, both are actually "you", but both have had vastly different life experiences up to the current point in time. The Operator made the pact with the Man in the Wall (the guy who calls you "kiddo") and gained Void-based abilities. The Operator's Zariman 10-0 dropped out of the void and was found by the Orokin. The surviving Void-touched children were then named the Tenno. The Drifter, however, never made the pact with the Man in the Wall on the Zariman. His Zariman never dropped out of the void. After completing the Thrax figurine, that final cutscene of the child crying alone on the Zariman was the Drifter. So, in his world, the Drifter never became Tenno. He did not have any Void abilities or Transference until that specific point in the story of the New War when he confronted the Eidolon Lotus (yea, I don't really understand that part where the Operator made the pact and gained powers for the Drifter as well as himself either. Eternalism stuff, I guess). It is also why he is an adult, since he was never placed into the Second Dream's cryosleep.
Secondly, I think it's best to think of the Duviri Paradox as taking place in a time during the events of the New War. I know it does not really matter since the concept of Eternalism renders any linear timeline a moot point, but that is not our reality and it's helpful to organize events in chronological order, at least a little. Did you notice that the second impalement of the Drifter was actually by a ghostly Paracesis? Did you notice that the hand that fell from the sky was Lotus' severed hand that Ballas chopped off? That would indicate that at that time, the events at the beginning of the New War have taken place already (the part where Ballas stabbed the Operator with the Paracesis after cutting off the Lotus' hand. The Lotus, her hand, the Operator with the Paracesis, and Teshin also, fell into the Void). All those elements came together to free the Drifter from his endless loop of getting executed by Thrax's men.
Thirdly, after you play the Angels of Zariman, you would know that the Void makes manifest the thoughts of those who are in its domain. As a scared child alone onboard the Zariman stranded in the Void, the Drifter's thoughts of the Tales of Duviri were made real by the Void, resulting in the islands of Duviri, where he could take shelter. However, his thoughts of Dominus Thrax were also made manifest and he somehow fell into becoming Thrax's prisoner, executed again and again and again until he the events of the Duviri Paradox.
Finally, after the events of the Duviri Paradox, the Drifter, now free to leave Duviri, sought to repay his debt to the Tenno for freeing him from the Duviri spirals. That line by Teshin at the end of the Duviri Paradox indicates that the Drifter would not have his Lotus hand when he leaves Duviri.
You have single handedly gotten me back into Warframe sir. Thank you. Would love to join the community of yours 🤩
Got you back? Brother, you never left.
@@nguyentrung-ui4mffr it was more like an extended vacation
I am so in love with the aesthetics, themes and storyline of TDP. It's just so beautiful in every sense, if you've ever had depression you can really see clearly how much the quest is an allegory for that, and the way the game frames it as like "hey this is physically where the drifter was before coming to help out in TNW" but also like "hey this is how the drifter was FEELING all that time they were alone in the zariman" and how THAT ties to depression and misery... to me this is one of the coolest quests in the game, and even if, I admit, it fails in it's execution at certain points, once you've given it some thought and you let it sit for a bit it's just a really beautiful puzzle piece that fits in the really beautiful puzzle that is the warframe universe.
So, another typical Digital Extremes W.
* desperately trying to scream at the screen to tell him that this quest is a prequel, despite the fact that this is from weeks ago and he definitely knows by now *
To clarify, the quest duviri paradox takes place during the new war immediately after the operator and lotus kinda died and got sent through that portal to the void. The hand you discover at the start of this quest is the Lotus hand that Ballas chopped off. The hand allows the Drifter to escape Duviri and we then see him in the new war.
Dominus! O Dominus
i raka cantamneo!
5:26 It's THE Lotus hand. The one that got cut off during The New War
I have this as my orbital song on repeat.
@@zakurn1086 I haven't unlocked it yet. I really should sometime.
Some ppl don't know that if u try doing the zarinan before the duviti paradox, it will say "bro go do duviri, u need abetter amp"
I'm calling cap
But duviri doesnt give you an amp? 😆
Zariman came before Duviri - that's a fact.
zarinan and duviti yes
But Duviri is not needed to do a better AMP, you need to level up Vox Solaris and Raquis to have a better AMP
2:37 it took me until now that Mesa's Guns in this very scene are actually mismodeled and miss the important detail that OG Mesa's Peacemakers are acutally just gun barrels she puts on her Index Fingers. The Rest is actually visibly built into her hands and forearms all the way to the ammo drums on her elbows.
Yes. The original form of the 10 year old Gunslinger Frame has actual Finger Guns as an ultimate, along with the sick poses while shooting.
That's what you get when a dev team has fun building a game they love ^v^
Ok, now to watch the rest :>
Mesa is 10? Darn it stop making me feel old!
@@KilerkRazorclaw Looked it up rq. November 27th, 2014. Soon tm 10, my bad x>
Just in case nobody explained it, Duviri's story is Drifters Backstory, explaining where he was before appearing in the New War quest. It was also DE's experiment with Souls Like games since they are making one soon enough.
"Is the Angels of the Zariman gonna answer these questions? Or like make me ask more questions?"
Paradoxically, Yes, No and Yes
The Duviri Paradox is what the Drifter has been doing for 30 years after he did NOT meet the creepy version yourself and instead was trapped in the void the entire time since the void jump.
Angels quest will answer some questions and give you MANY more, because Welcome to Warframe.
There's lore videos for Warframe of "just the important parts" that are over 2 hours long, and they arent kidding that its just the important parts. The lore goes insanely deep in this game.
30? try a thousand.
he was stuck in there since the old war.
Duviri is definitely one of the weirder quest stories to understand
I can't get over the scene with dominus, that " you... can have it " lines is so good damn the icing on the cake 49:09
a bit of a quick explanation: (i might be wrong tho)
if i remember correctly, the duviri paradox is another dimension created by the void. since our operator was losing his mind stuck on the zariman 10-0, the operator, with the power of the void, created a new dimension to escape reality i think. thats why the drifter says that one of us is the one that got stuck on the ship and the other one got rescued, i might be absolutely wrong tho.
Duviri is a tale that got teached to the kids in the zariman 10-0 so they learn about the void, im more sure about this.
i believe you are ecorrect except that i dont think the tale was about the void but rather that the operator basically tried to escape from reality by (as not unusual) escape into stories or books and unintentionally using the void to create the world as a trauma response creating a world based on what comforted them.
10:46 "sounds like teshin" 😂😂
In the new war drifter say when entering the warframe "can't be harder than riding a horse is it ?" Or something
And when drifter and operator meet the operator ask that was he stuck here this time. The drifter answer stuck yes here no, so basically the drifter was stuck in duviri until the operator get stabbed and probably made the connection and stuff.
And i guess it's because of the zariman, since they tryna sail the void. Now zariman is in duviri and star chart, so the bridge is zariman
In a technical way drifter isn't a tenno, but operator does. In the new war when play as drifter someone say drifter have no frame no void thingy. Until the man in the wall made the connection
Mactics, if it's your thing, I would totally recommend a Warframe lore video recap thing to watch, since the lore of the game is extremely interesting (in my opinion), but the main game is pretty cryptic about it. Obviously, after you've completed all of the main quests and ideally after Warframe 1999 since that'll probably add a ton of lore and maybe fill some holes of knowledge we have now.
A LOT of duviri is continuation of the new war, the hand falling from Lotus, you getting stabbed again etc etc
Its crazy how much the quests can answer but how many more questions are raised
haha, ahhh this was so much fun.
Mactics, you did a great job.
hope somebody explained what you had questions about. (somethings don't have answers, depends how deep you want to go down the rabbit hole)
So this is what i Understoof of the Duviri Paradox:
The drifter is a child that never got rescued from the Zariman when the jump accident to the void ocurred. No powers from the void...alone...no way to get out...only thing he can do is think on anything, maybe something...Somewhere safe. What´s safer than thinking on a story that you are read when you are a kid, and so he thought of the Tales of the Duviri, a book meant for the children of the Zariman to control their emotions...to not feel so they do not create anything with their emotions or thoughts as Albrect did (he created the man in the wall by accident that way). I still dont know who the king really is, maybe a random zariman child whose appearance is similar to the doll.
After the world was created, after years, the Duviri noticed something out of place, someone who shouldnt be going around out of the control of the king... drifting around, The Drifter of course. After being captured he got into the endless loop of getting impaled, until the cut hand of the lotus (by Ballas) from the new war came down to the Drifter. With such power, he is cut loose, but still in the webs of the king of getting looped, yet, hard to focus with all those emotions taking over Thrax.
The emotions are something that no one in the kingdom has a privilege to feel. If you have emotions, you have all the power of the kingdom.Before teshins death, he does not ask him why he feels no emotion (as in Thrax´s story), but if he can feel, as teshin has been training him by gathering the doll pieces from the paradox that contains the memory of the Zariman kid, which helps the drifter to get all the emotions that he has learned to avoid, (or probably he was forced to not feel anything as soon as Thrax got in power in the beggining). Returning to Teshin´s death, the Drifter says that he´s feeling, giving him the control of the Duviri, but such raw emotion takes form into the Giant orowyrms. With his emotion raging for Teshins death, he decides to take advantage of it and transfer into the giant Wyrm as it is a warframe and the attack Thrax.
After the attack was succesful, we found out that the whole world of Duviri is the personification of the book, and with the kid taking shape of the doll as the king of the kingdom. With that happened, The Drifter decides to give back the candy to the little kid, but in one condition: The Drifter creates an exit so he can get out of the world of Duviri, opening him the door to enter in action and sabotage the enemy in the NEW WAR and return the favor to those that helped him through the paradox.
We still dont know how he finds Eidolon lotus, or how he finds the ship of the operator, but thats what i understood.
Thanks for reading!
Much thanks friend.
While narratively New war is my favorite quest because of what it means to me, the Duviri update is my favorite update for its whole story.
I’ve been around warframe for 7+ years and yet such a self contained story is my pick for warframe at its peak.
“Or is that just gonna make me have way more questions?”
Yes. Both yes.
Now imagine that this quest was supposed to be another tutorial for new players when it came out, and as you could expect it was so confusing that they took it off the start and put it way later into the game, that is why you do a mini tutorial and choose a warframe from the sterters again. The idea behind Duviri being another start of the game was that you could choose to go through the Drifter path or the Operator path (Operator being the normal game progression)
This takes place before the new war so he doesn't have the tenno powers yet because kid tenno hasn't made a deal with wally yet
The Duviri quest probably needs a rework now that it is no longer serving as the tutorial
13:16 awww the Infinity Blade...... the blade that use to slay the unslayable
Man, I missed that trilogy as you mentioning it
in the paradox you play a version of the drifter that is trapped in a pocket universe, so, yeah a version of you that did not escape from the void. this was intended to be an optional start to the game, that is why it sort of goes over some of the same things the starting quest does and you pick from the 3 starting frames.
One thing to understand about Duviri is that it's used to be one of the possible starts of the game when you make a new account. Digital Extreme felt a bit quirky and wanted to make something special and make it so the game and story sorta meet in the middle, so you get to play as a Drfter and then slowly learn about other half of the game and in the end it connects in New War. But it was pulled after a while and Duviri became a story quest. Because of that all the decisions to make it a starting mission became it's weakness - story is way more cryptic than it should be, because it was designed to not spoil the rest of the game, combat is scaled down for a new player and despite being a fantastic quest, it purposfull muddies things to make you more curious about what is story is about.
Also having eternalism in the game is actually very important, because just like multiverse, timelines and other "what if" scenarios in other media, they serve as a narrative tool for writers, so more scenarios are possible and you are no long working within boundaries of universe you created. You ca make only so many world ending events in a single timeline, before people get tired of it.
I also think Eternalism might even be a red herring in the long term. Since we know DE likes to play the long game. My personal theory is that all the alternate time lines only exist as pocket dimensions manifested within the void. All things from alternate time lines or such so far have been connected to a person or event that was within the void when the branch was created. Whispers in the Walls also has a bit of dialogue alluding to this happening within the void. Which makes me believe that it's likely that there isn't a full on multiverse just waiting for doors to be opened between them, but rather void shenanigans manifesting other possibilities when directly interacted with.
Operators time loop? Happened in the void.
Duviri? Expressly a pocket dimension within the void.
Divergence between the Operator and the Drifter? Happened within the void.
And minor spoiler... the claim that Wally is (at least partially) constrained by the flow of time due to being stuck with a connection to the physical world.
You ain't alone, buddy. It's been years now and I'm still not sure I know what just happened.
Now that you've finished the Duviri quest, you can run normal circuit to get warframes that are usually a pain to get otherwise, like Mesa.
Think of it this way. The same way you have the drifter and the operator, this version of the drifter is from a third separate timeline. But somehow the thrax captured him inside an isolated trap where he can't die or escape..
No. This is where the drifter was before the New War. The drifter was stuck on the zariman eventually alone and retreated into their mind to cope, hence the focus on emotions and the shot of a childrens book and doll in the zariman. The void reacts to strong emotions so the drifter unintentionally created this bubble where he could play pretend but lost himself in the delusion and apathy. over this quest you regain your mind hence the zariman flashbacks. the ending means that when the drifter leaves the void they turn into the form they had on the zariman as that was their last place before getting trapped in the void for so long. hence why we can only use swords and possess things in duviri.
After playing duviri myself, i was just as confused, maybe even more than mac! But rewatching it trough here made me realize and appreciate so many little details about the narrative and story!
Yes its confusing, but if you piece that "eternalism" with the new war story line it all blends!
Took me long enough, but i see it now ahahha
notice how when the drifter is stabbed, they are stabbed the exact same way as the tenno was in the new war
Duviri is actually a beginner quest. It takes place before the Drifter escapes into the Origin System during the events of The New War.
Watching these made me come back to Warframe and I just did this quest last night
I understand your frustration with the story completely. The difference between multiverse and eternalism nonsense is semantic at best, consequences for the writing are the same.
Love how much he loves warframe, making me want to play story all over again
5:14 that’s lotus hand when balles chopped it off
DE needs to make it so the the Dormizon and other "player housing" areas are outfitted with everything thats in your ship; that way, you can choose where you want your HQ to be, ether in the ship, the Dormizon or on earth at khals Garrisons
No, I think it's funnier like this
As a Player who did The Duviri Quest way back then, when it released i was pleased to see you do it and i‘d have to admit that i completly forgot how good this Quest is from a Cinematic and storywise Perspective. I just remembered the cluncy and stiff movement of the drifter, the slow attack speed and the lack of survivability more than everything else from this Quest and that‘s kinda sad.
This was supposed to be an alternate start for new players that could choose
Welcome to the void! This is what drifter was up to, the alternate version of you that was never rescued from the Zariman. An epilogue for the New War and prologue for void shenanigans to come. Basically, that was your book and doll. The void created an entire pocket dimension out of the story of the book and animated all the characters during the Zariman's failed jump. A version of yourself, the drifter, was trapped in there until he broke out. Which is the quest. Somehow he aged in there as well, even though time is weird in the void, he could age in this pocket dimension, I guess. And it all technically happens before the New War, cuz Drifter has already escaped obviously by that time. It’s a very weird quest. I can't wait for what's next.
Ha ha its always interesting to see new players react to the duviri paradox. Thanks for the many laughs with you Matics. It was confusing for many old players like myself as well when it was released.
Let's gooo, Duviri Paradox 😌😌
This is by far my favorite quest in the game. The Drifter is my favorite character. The music and setting is awesome too. The way it handles apathy is great, and I think plays into an underlying message of indifference and emotions throughout the game. That message/philosophy just being most at the forefront here. I’m pretty sure that also has something to do with the dialogue choices rather than them being good or evil dialogue options
When you mentioned Infinity Blade (13:15) my nostalgia sensors just flared up. God bless man I missed that game...
DP made me actually think about life with the things that were talked about with emotions, happiness, and being stuck in an endless loop
Dude. Seriously. The game devs of warframe should make a warframe movie. It would be so freaking epic!
In the void theres something they call Conceptual Embodiment. Strong emotions can make things physically manifest in there. The story of Duviri was a fairy tale book Euleria Entrati (Mother) read to the kids of the Zariman to help them control their emotions in case they ever had to deal with Conceptual Embodiment. Drifter manifested Duviri into reality while he was stuck in the void. Each Spiral is a part of him, representing his different emotions.
Duviri takes place DURING the New War, as an origin story for the Drifter and to explain what he was doing before he entered the Origin System. He isnt the same person as your Operator, he has his own history in a differing timeline, and when he broke his cycle, his spiral, he had the option to leave and go into the System.
Duviri is at its heart a story about spiraling, getting lost in your emotions with no way to control it. Drifter was stuck aboard the Zariman for gods know how long and in that maddening void his frustration, his envy, his sadness, his joy, all of it manifested into Duviri as he began to feel trapped, stuck in a never ending spiral. When he learned how to feel again, to control those feelings, thats when he was finally able to get out.
Things to understand:
The void shapes itself to the minds within it.
The Duvuri Paradox quest is a metaphor for dealing with depression.
It also leads up to what happened between when Teshin and the Tenno get killed and all with Lotus tossed into the void. The mission starts with Drifter stuck in the Depression spiral. Then the spectral sword that stabs Drift is the same sword that stabbed the Tenno back in the New War. The hand that falls from the sky is Lotus' hand that broke off when Tenno tried to catch her.
Tenshin can only live in the void now because he was dying as he was tossed into the void.
As many said, the Duvuri was a children's book. The toy was "your" childhood toy. Dominus was the toy. He was doing what "you" wanted him to do. Because you were lost in hopeless depression, he just kept you locked there... getting older when ever things were not reset. Resetting every time you died.
After you defeat Duvuri, it is a play ground for you with your toys set to play with you when ever you enter back in...But... There is something else.
Teshin refers several times to "The Wall" that divides the Void where Duvuri is at and reality. This is where "The Man" is. 'Hey Kiddo...'
You find a way through the wall, but Duvuri is in danger... there are story hints and tidbits all around stating an outside force is attacking and ripping out parts of Duvuri.
The Paradox was meant to be a new starting area but it was too confusing for new players. Thats why it seems so weird.
Your lack of understanding that the drifter is NOT a tenno is why you should have done the Zariman first
I also personally would have done zariman first
Off in a corner of Teshin's cave, there's a collection of extremely powerful melee weapons that you can buy for pathos clamps. You get clamps by killing oroworms, preferably in story only mode. Buying one allows you to use it as the drifter in Duviri, and gives you a plan to craft it for your warframe. Any of the purchasable weapons is vastly superior to Teshin's blades, Sun&Moon.
I ended up doing Duviri before the New War and a bunch of things clicked to me, him getting stavbed the second time was when the operator was stabbed with the Paracesis and the hand is the one of Lotus that was chopped off. Crazy how much detail is in the game.
Cannot wait for him to get to steel path gonna be a huge difficulty spike for him, as always, keep up the great content. Love to see the warframe experience from a new perspective.
I always think ppl shud play Duviri before New war but honestly any order works
I have only just realised after watching Mactics' playthrough, that the hand "meteor" is Lotus' Hand when Ballas cut her hand when your operator was holding on to her before falling into the void.
duviri is a prequal for new war, explaining where drifter was beforehand. teshin is there because when he was flung through the same portal as lotus and the operator, he ended up in duviri
The duality of Warframe is fantastic! And watching it a second time after playing it all is amazing! I got so much more
I’m really enjoying these longer videos!
In case nobody has metioned this, on release The Duviri Paradox was an alternate start, that is why you had to pick from the starter frames. DE just changed Duviri's unlock to place it later in the starchart. Even after they removed it as an alternate start, it was available well before Second Dream.
After AoZ you get incarnon weapons which are weapons created by the void from what its creator thinks, or feels.
So yeah that partially explains how Duviri cam to be. The void creates stuff from strong emotions or thoughts, it can also corrupt and destroy minds.
The void is an incomprehensible place.
So, the events of this quest are the drifter's origin. This all takes place between the point in New War where Ballas stabs the tenno and throws them into the void, and when the drifter appears. The drifter appears in New War after you (canonically) choose to leave Duviri to enter the origin system. Then the rest of New War happens.
The drifter themself explained it during The New War: "You're the me that got rescued from this, and I'm the you that did not". The child who would grow up to be the Drifter was trapped on the Zariman (the quest showed you the door to their compartment being sealed off by void corruption). The power of the void is, essentially: wish fulfillment. Whatever you want hard enough becomes reality. The young child, alone, with no hope of rescue, had only the storybook "Tales of Duviri"... and they made it real in their desperation to escape the Zariman. As they grew older and got desperately bored with it, they gave control over Duviri to their inner child, who has no self control and has erratic childish wants. Thus the mood swings, the weird animals and architecture, the misshapen people. And thus became a prisoner of his own apathy. The quest is about retaking control over your own fate, allowing yourself to feel all the things you've cut out of your life because they're too painful. Once the Drifter, now an adult, seizes back control he has the power to leave Duviri and return to what everybody else sees as reality. The actual timeline puts The Duviri Paradox *before* The New War. When Teshin says "You will have to repay that debt", the Drifter coming in New War is them repaying mainline Us for helping him escape. (And yes: The Void does nasty bendy things to time)
What i love about duviri is that you could easily start with Duviri (though i don't know a lot of poeple who do and it's a shame imo) or it's absolute mind blowing moment when you realise what it is about ! Like either way it's a great addition !
While doing the quest it never makes sense, but when you look back later, it all makes sense
To make eternalism easier think of time as a spider web with each choice being an intersection. All happening at the same time but your choice is the only thread you can see. Warframe is essentially like hopping and switching threads and mixing things up. It’s crazy twisted but really cool.
as someone who came back to warframe after a couple years, I did duviri before new war xD. I had no idea who the drifter was
The point of the paradox split from my understanding is when the Man in the Wall offered you help on the Zariman. Accepting his help granted you void powers and created the Tenno. Rejecting his help trapped you within the void in an endless cycle at the hand of Dominus Thrax
the most basic way to look at this is this: the execution at the beginning, where you hear Ballas saying his line about not being able to kill the devil, but that you can send it back to heck, establishes this as taking place at the same time. Somehow our Operator helped them get free from the Spiral, but by doing so, there was now a debt to repay, so the Drifter comes to our reality to help overthrow Ballas and restore the Lotus to repay that debt.
Mac: what video game am I playing right now?
DE: Yes.
When the tenno dies at the hands of ballas, the adventure of the paradox begins. It ends as you watch the planets being conquered more or less and suddenly you control the traveler who managed to leave duviri along with the hand of lotus that cut off bellas and that is why when the new war begins, he looks at the hand of lotus and asks ordis if something can be done to revive it.
Basically (and no, this won't be explained further, we're supposed to piece it out quest by quest), in The New War, when our Tenno talks to the Drifter in the Zariman and asks "so you've been stuck here all this long??" And Drifter asks "well, not here exactly, but yeah" he means this, he's been in Duviri all this time, and also in the Zariman (that place where he got meals and stuff is in the Zariman that's stuck in the void (and so, Duviri) in this Paradox. Also, when you choose to continue the quest with the Drifter instead of the Operator (Tenno) and Ordis tells you about "using a Warframe will be a weird experience" and he says "shouldn't be harder than riding a horse" is also another reference to Duviri 😂😂
Well story-wise, just as you've read at the end, "Tales of Duviri" was a picture book written by Elaria Entrati (not gonna say who is in case you don't want to be spoiled, but you've meet her already, she was also the teacher that explained the concept of eternalism in classes in The NEW War (was written in the subtitles ger name 😂😂)) that teaches children how to deal with emotions and was given to the children that went on the Zariman, the Duviri Paradox was said book made into reality by the powers of the Drifter (in a way, our other us (Tenno)) in order to cope with the madness that was being stuck in the void, he just didn't know it (that's why the Drifter says "you are the me that got rescued from this shit, and I am the you that didn't", since in his reality, the Zariman never came out of the void, he was always stuck there, normally you would never meet your "alternative timeline self", but we have void powers, so we can 😂😂)
Sorry this got too long, hope it helps 😅
Story explanation for people who are confused: The Drifter and the Operator are the same person up to a certain point. One was rescued from the Zariman (the Operator) and the other had to survive there (the Drifter).
Emotions and other things manifest in the void. The orokin knew this and vgave the children aboard the Zariman stories about the dangers of emotions. Stories about a fictional kingdom called Duviri.
The Drifter manifested Duviri through the desires of a frightened child to escape the horrors of the Zariman, to go to a fantosy world. There, he was a king named Dominus Thrax.
Soon, however, a desire for reality, for escape would emerge. And the Drifter would separate from his false Thrax persona and seek to leave Duviri. But Thrax was created for the sole purpose for keeping the Drifter there; for keeping him safe. And so would stop at nothing to keep the Drifter there.
As for Teshin? He wound up there through pure luck. When he was killed in the New War, he fell through the same void portal that you did. The void pieced him back together. It is unclear whether this is the same Teshin that we knew, or just a copy created by the void. Whatever the case, he landed in Duviri.
Duviri is a place in the void where mind and matter meet. So when your main character became Tenno, the Drifter, the version of you who never got fantastic powers, became stuck in Duviri, and he created a realm to survive in. That realm took the form of a children's book he grew up with. Also, this is meant to be an alternate game-start option, as I understand it. That's why it seems so unreal. In a way, it is. But it's a layer of unreality that you created yourself, out of your subconscious. Unfortunately, after being stuck in there for who knows how long, you lost yourself, and stopped caring. You couldn't break out of the spiral of depression until you got a helping hand - literally - from the Lotus.
Duviri was the first thing I did I thought that island was the game and those warframes sections were like some ancient power lmao
I love watching people start this game! I have no idea why he was talking about “missing his fashion” and stuff like that.
Basically duviri is where the drifter was stuck before new war, lotus gets her habd cut off by ballas and it shows up in duviri, you hear ballas say how you can send the devil to hell as well.
gotta say DE need to pump up the difficulty on their next main quest update, at least to Zariman level cause if you already past Duviri you pretty much know how to mod your equipment
Something that a lot of people get wrong, that is only noticeable when exploring Duviri itself and reading the datapads that have questions from the classroom on them. The driter is not the operator who didn't take the deal. The deal was to save *them* , not you. The Drifter took the deal, and for it he was left in the void, never to be rescued, having to *earn* his freedom. The key Datapad is under a bridge, and it read, "You wouldn't Welch on a deal, would you?" with the only available answer being "I saved them. All of them. Never said I'd save you."
Extra supporting evidence, in the New War you aren't seeing the Operator's flashbacks, you're seeing the Drifters. And it was the Drifter who the Man in the Wall offered the 'save them, all of them' deal to.
Following how the quests are shown in the codex is their order. Duviri technically happens before the new war quest.