Arguing the OE, Episode 11: Should We Use the DIME Framework to Label Our Lines of Effort?

  • Опубликовано: 7 июл 2013
  • A common practice in Lewis and Clark is for students to label their lines of effort in terms of the instruments of national power; i.e., the diplomatic, informational, military, and economic "means" that we have to accomplish our national-security objectives. I argue, consistently with joint doctrine, that this practice is really not a good idea. Why? I suggest that labeling lines of effort in terms of DIME contributes to "siloing" or "stove-piping" our means or instruments when we should be trying to facilitate their integration. The push in the profession of arms has been toward "interagency," "comprehensive approach," "civil-military," and "Unified Action." Some scholars and troopers are even thinking about "whole of society." Hence, should we not think of each line of effort as a broad "way" to integrate the various "means" at our disposal to increase "Unified Action"?

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