What's so Special about Vizsla?
- Опубликовано: 1 фев 2025
- Special for Vizsla lovers: all we love about our adorable pooches.
Disclaimer: after watching this video, you may experience a desperate need to hug your Vizsla or get one! Love you dog and long live the Vizsla!
I have never had one but I think they are superb looking dogs
Oh they are... if you ever try sharing your life with one, you'll also see how affectionate they can be. It's impossible not to adore them!!!💜
New friend here from Tasmania sending my full support. Love watching your video myfriend. Have a good day. 💕
Awww thank you very much dear friend, hope you're enjoying your pup too 💜Cheers and all the best 💜
I am so lucky to be granny to Super Cooper and Rhu who live in Scotland. They are our ginger grandpups and we love them so much. They do all the same things as these two beauties. Absolutely unique, very beautiful and so gentle with their new wee human sister Isla. Cooper "talks" to me and tells me to put the fire on if he's cold and Rhu always brings me a present of a shoe whenever she comes to visit. Much loved pups and life wouldn't be the same without them.
You're absolutely right, we're so fortunate! These angels are so smart, affectionate and goofy. Diana brings presents too to everyone who arrives home and asks, even in the middle of the night, to be covered with the blanket is she's cold XD Cooper only talks if someone doesn't greet him. They're such a joy!
Diese Hunde sind ein Traum ❗️
Selber stolzer Besitzer von 2 Jungs Ben und Paul mit 3 und 4 Jahre alt ❗️
Schönes Video und Lg ✌️
Danke schön! 💜
Every thing is special about a Vizsla!!
Absolutely! Couldn't agree more! Thank you 💜
Our Ginger is 3 yo and when we first got her, between the zoomies and the sharkies and reading forums I scared myself silly thinking we made a huge mistake. NOTHING could be farther from the truth. They DO NEED EXERCISE but not constantly. Ginger chills when we chill and lives for the Chuck-It ball, the water and hiking. She is the most amazing animal we have ever experienced. Loving to a fault, an intelligence that borders on the sublime and she learns anything in a matter of minutes. She is our world now and we could not imagine life without her. VIZSLAS ROCK!
Dear K Mac,
I couldn't agree more! Only a Vizsla owner will know they are the best. A hug from one Vizsla lover to another :)
I just love, love, love it... :-)
I live in Hungary and have two girls , I absolutely adore them! Both have different personalities, one is more pointer and mischievous and the other is more hunter and is always carrying something in her mouth , luckily we have plenty of land because they need plenty of exercise, the best part is in the evenings when the both cuddle up to you, very loyal, lovable and intelligent dogs, I personally would never have any other breed!
Dear Kevin,
Thank you so much for your comment! Yes, having this breed changes the owner's life forever, and it's certainly very difficult to go for any other breed after you get to know these amazing friends. I wouldn't have any other breed either, totally agree. But there are a lot of retired Vizslas that need a home or simple Vizslas that are not wanted anymore. I wish more people gave an opportunity to them.
Thanks Kevin for loving your dogs :)
My family just got two baby Vizslas, a boy and a girl, and I can’t wait to see them grow up together. Such a great breed.
Congrats Audrey! You will enjoy so many spacial moments and see your love for these pups grow and grow! Lots of exercise, discipline and training is required, please keep in mind. All the best and a big hug for each pup from us :)
Cuando salimos se porta increiblemente bien, es muy amable con otras personas y se deja tocar y abrazar por todos los niños, se hizo amigo de casi todos los perros de los alrededores y no hace caca en la calle, nunca.
Qué lindo 😍
They are "handful" dogs but you simply have to love them. Playful, goofing around, endless energy. Oh they are smart but hard-headed.
Haha, totally agree! Hunting breeds are very hard-headed... but then they have such personality it's impossible not to adore them! 💜💜💜
OMG that teeth chattering thing they do.....my 13.5 yo baby has been doing that for so long.
They have so many queer things 😂 They're adorable.
Ha ha sleeping positions just like my boy
I have a viszla pit bull terrier but she’s mostly viszla and the best dog I could ever imagine
Hello Mary, what a lovely thing to say. Hopefully all dogs in the world could have such love. It sounds like you have a very energetic one with you :) She surely is adorable. All the best for you both. Cheers!
My dog is only half vizsla, but he behaves exactly like your dogs in these videos. He is an amazing fetcher, he has the exact same sleep behaviors, he is a great cuddler, and has the same expressive eyes.
Well, these are not the reasons, why vizslas are specials..., but yes, when they say "vizslas aren't dogs", they mean it.
For the male pooch seems it's all about letting the balls and mr pointy hang out and chill!
😂Only in summertime, but yes😂
That's a lot ball shots.
😂they have endless energy😂
I had a Vizsla, crazy guy made his own dirt track in the back yard.....Got hit by a car and walked it off we took him to the vet he had a puncture wound in his lungs. not a single day did he act or seem like anything happened.Edit i forgot he used to curl up in a ball and wake himself up with his own farts then look around like who the hell did that.
XD so funny! Cooper farts from time to time when curled up, but he doesn't mind them at all! XD
I had a Vizsla that would be fast asleep, fart, and take off running. She had no idea it came from her own butt. Too funny.
LOL! This is so good I can't stop laughing! Thanks for sharing! xoxoxo
How long do they usually live? How can you have them live a long life? And is there any health and joint issues that could affect their life span.
Hello Jesse,
As a medium to large dog, they are not the longest living breed; 12-15 years is the window. However, if you ensure a good lifestyle with lots of exercise and good-quality food, you can ensure you'll maximise not only the lifespan of your pooch but aso the way they'll spend their last years. Vizslas can have joint issues too, as with any other big dog, but again, good exercise and good food reduce this problem substantially. But most of all, what I see it's really frequent with V's is allergy issues. They are quite delicate with their diets and their skin can get rashes very often, depending on where you live and what you expose them to. Sometimes their allergies even reflect to their ears (redness, excess of secretion). I personally give my two elves home-made food. The male is highly allergic, so I had no choice, but I also notice that when the female started having home-made food, she stopped the crazy hair-shedding problem she had, her coat got so shiny and soft, and the poo was less stinky. If you want to go down that path, make sure you give them a combination of foods that ensures they get all the vitamins and nutrients they need. Check out my page for more details, www.cooperthevizsla.com/home-made-food-for-your-dog/, but keep researching as every dog can be different. Keep the love coming! Thank you!
@@cooperalexandergarcia7531 Unfortunatelly my 6 year old Vizsla died after a totally shocking epileptic attack. For ever shattered
Oh dear Carmen, it saddens me so much to learn this. No words can ease the pain. You might get a bit of comfort on the thought that they will be running free until we meet again. A hug from a Vizsla mom who totally understands you 💜
@@cooperalexandergarcia7531 much love and thank you. The helplessness when they need you the most hurts immensly.
🥲True. Sending all my strenght to you.
Hola encontré hace un año y medio un vizla abandonado, no se si es meztizo, o es un vizla que no cumple con los estandares de la raza porque tiene manchas parecidas a las del podenco.Fue amor a primera vista, es bastante terco y al principio hacia muuchas travesuras como romper su cama todos los dias, y tratar de romper la mia una vez, mastico cables por suerte desconectados, rompio varios pares de zapatos y medias, perseguir a mis gatos, todo eso ya esta superados. Lo que no consigo hacer es
que deje de saltar y empujar a cualquiera que entra a la casa, incluso a mi, no muerde pero tiene mucha fuerza, de a poco lo hace menos veces pero en ese momento se exita mucho. A mi me parece que se enoja porque la persona que entra a la casa no salio a pasear con él, esta fue la unica mala maña con la que vino que todavía le queda, no se si les paso , o si tienen algun consejo. Lo paseo todos los días 40 min o una hora y una o dos veces por semana hacemos un paseo largo a un mercado de pulgas a unos km de casa, a el le gusta mucho,disfruta de que haya mucha gente y niños.
Hola Gwen, muchas gracias por tu mensaje. Por lo que me cuentas, vas por buen camino. Sí que es verdad que esta raza, los podencos y todos los cazadores y por lo tanto muy probablemente sus mezclas, necesitan mucho ejercicio. Y disciplina. Pero no mano dura ni violencia, sólo firmeza, pues son perros muy sensibles y no responden al entrenamiento con dureza.
Pero son MUY tercos, es verdad. Es parte de sus atributos. Como cazadores, tienen que ser muy determinados, sino, imagínate, abandonarían la persecución de una presa en el primer doblar de la carrera...
Pero esto cómo nos sirve a nosotros? Pues bien, una vez que aprenden algo, también usan esa misma determinación para usarlo siempre. Y les encanta complacer a su dueño. Mi consejo... enséñale muchas cosas, ven con otra nueva cada vez que haya aprendido una. Por ejemplo, que se siente en un sitio particular de la casa apenas llegáis del paseo (para limpiarle las patitas, por ejemplo). Que te dé besitos cuando tú lo solicitas. Que no se suba al sofá a menos que se lo indiques. Poco a poco, parece que no, pero cada cosa que le enseñas, si eres consistente, les da organización y disciplina. Y es super divertido enseñarle cosillas, además :)
El saludo al llegar a casa, eso por favor no lo hagas. Ignorarlo totalmente hasta que se calme. Pero de verdad. Yo sé que cuesta, pero es la única manera. Cuando se siente en alguna esquina tranquilo, es que le debes acariciar y dar cariño. Y paciencia, que ellos siempre responden, pero eso sí, a su ritmo. Que muchas veces no es el nuestro. Pero siempre aprenden. Mucha suerte y un gran abrazo. Cuéntame de tus progresos porfa.
Cuando lo encontré estaba casi muerto de hambre era piel y huesos y estaba completamente pelado de la sarna, pero se recupero casi por completo en un par de meses, pense que era un perro comun y corriente, fui la más sorprendida cuando se curó y fue evidente que es un perro de raza,lo primero que me costo mucho enseñarle fue que nadie le iba a pegar, con cualquier movimiento brusco cerca de el se asustaba mucho. Así que no le voy a ir a pegar yo, al contrario está muy engreido y cuando quiero q haga algo y no quiere o el quiere algo y yo no estoy de acuerdo "discutimos" la gente me mira como a una loca pero más se sorprenden cuando yo le hablo y el me contesta a su modo, hace unos gruñidos muy raros que parece que quiere hablar.Hace poco el enseñe a buscar las pinzas de colgar la ropa q se me caen en el jardín, algunas quedaron un poquito masticadas pero estamos todos muy contentos
Hola Gwen, cómo estás? No sabes lo que me ha gustado tu mensaje. Nuestro Cooper también era un perrito no querido, y también era un saquillo de huesos cuando lo adoptamos, y ya ves, ahora es tan querido y es un sinfín de risas y ocurrencias. Ellos son muy listos y saben manipular bastante... así que bueno, ya sabes :) Pero te devuelven cada gota de cariño que les das, a que sí? Muchas felicidades por tan linda historia. Ojalá todos los perros del mundo consiguieran una Gwen que los adoptara y quisiera como tú. Un gran abrazo!
Si Gwen cuando entres tú o cualquiera a la casa, que lo ignoren por unos cuantos minutos, si viene a saltarte encima, te das la vuelta, sin decirle nada. Así acostumbre al mío a estar calmado cuando llega gente a casa y se mantiene más calmado también una vez la que persona que llego a casa le da atención o caricias. Dejarlos que se baje la intensidad de la excitación de el canina por Verlos llegar, antes de dirigirse al Ellos.
Gracias MP, es el mejor camino con ellos. A veces dan gnas de cogerles a besos porque son tan lindos y luego se alegran tanto de verlo a uno (eso no pasa con todas las personas 😂). Pero sí, lo más sano es no atenderlos si están en ese estado, ya que luego es muy difícil controlarlos. Muchas gracias.
i have one
Io avevo un angelo di nome Lilly di questa razza.......venivi a caccia con me....dormivi con me...vivevi con me...Sei Sarai sempre nel mio Cuore!!!!
💜💜💜 Ours sleep wit us too... and it's true, they're angels that make you get though this madness life can be. All the best 💜💜💜
You forget, don't buy one if you have not enough space or time. They need 2 hours a day out in the fields with you. I have
Vizslas my whole life, only negative point they could be a bit stubborn. And they all sleep in our bed;)) but we love that, don't We
Totally true! If they don't get the exercise they require, they can be difficult to handle. Lots of training an exercise for this great breed. We got our Cooper from a hunter that didn't want him, and Diana from a previous owner that could not take care of her anymore, so both of them were already adults when we adopted them... it's been quite a ride, both had issues, but with patience, love and exercise everything is possible. And yes, they almost "need" to sleep with you because they have to be with their owners as much as possible, it's a breed's trait, and of course it's lovely to cuddle with them! Thank you so much for watching and loving Vizsla :)