This €10,000,000 Yacht is INCREDIBLE! | Lazzara UHV 87 SuperYacht Tour

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии •

  • @tecwzrd
    @tecwzrd Год назад +10

    Tony, so glad you made it to the Cannes yachting festival :) Great tour as always! Classy yacht with a great layout, but they over did it with all the gold trim in the salon and master cabin IMO. Guest cabins were nicely done with the wood trim though. Decent crew space also for an 87 footer.

    • @YachtAddiction
      @YachtAddiction  Год назад +3

      It was a great show! The gold is definitely a personal preference thing but as mentioned Lazzara will design however you'd like. I think crew area was really nice for a yacht this size.

  • @Donald_Shaw
    @Donald_Shaw Год назад +2

    Tony, you've outdone yourself giving us a tour of this beautiful Lazzara yacht. Thanks for showing us around and highlighting all the features of this stunning yacht.

  • @debbiejudd4933
    @debbiejudd4933 Год назад +1

    Parts almost to fancy and others to plain. It is a beautiful Yacht. Thank you Tony.

  • @UKReloader
    @UKReloader Год назад +4

    Damn, money really doesn't buy taste. That white and gold theme just reminds me of a cheap 70s porno or really bad US sitcom 😄😄

  • @JyttesTrailCamera
    @JyttesTrailCamera Год назад +3

    Probably the oddest (main salon) TV position I've ever seen 😄
    That aside, your tours have improved a lot, that's nice 😊

    • @mareewalker1096
      @mareewalker1096 9 месяцев назад

      Agree why put a tv behind the seating??? Bazaar choice indeed! If it was in correct spot and no gold it would be a great vessel!

  • @sevensixtysteve8662
    @sevensixtysteve8662 Год назад

    Great review of a very impressive yacht. Decor is not to my taste but doesnt take anything away from a fantastic layout and construction standard. Very impressive.

  • @noyoung1647
    @noyoung1647 11 месяцев назад

    Beautiful yatch, perfect build inside and out!

  • @rexpayne7836
    @rexpayne7836 Год назад

    Great video. The work involved to keep this boat immaculate is immense. 😊

  • @nathanbayes21
    @nathanbayes21 Год назад +1

    As always, great tour! Thanks Tony.

  • @andyraven9855
    @andyraven9855 Год назад +2

    I saw this yacht awhile back but it's always good to see a different version of it ,still a great yacht(not keen on the master cabin decor). Tony have got to say sir that was a very thorough tour thoroughly enjoyed it thanks, all the best from Cornwall 🤗👌🖖

  • @reynadelrey
    @reynadelrey Год назад


  • @darrellbates8415
    @darrellbates8415 Год назад

    Tony great Job thanks for the walk thru on this great yacht so glad you are doing the walk thrus

  • @teamextras4life270
    @teamextras4life270 Год назад


  • @bryduhbikeguy
    @bryduhbikeguy Год назад

    Very well arranged and fitted out.Congratulations of your 1st overseas adventure.This alone would be worth the trip.

  • @dariussmith2954
    @dariussmith2954 3 месяца назад

    Very nice. Is there any chance you could do a video of the 125?

  • @olddiver
    @olddiver Год назад

    At that price she competes with quite a few Italian vessels with far improved use of space, design and quality. We chartered a pre-Turkish 116 Lazzara some years back and she was a well founded vessel. That said, I am generally a fan of Turkish yachts.

  • @eccentricsmithy2746
    @eccentricsmithy2746 Год назад

    Killed it bro! 🔥🔥🔥🔥

  • @shanehutchins4873
    @shanehutchins4873 Год назад

    ❤..beautiful boat...great job showing..but at first I thought it was ur stomach making noises...but, I cant believe that you can hear the small ripples in the water hitting the bottom of the boat...I heard it loud in the VIP room..

  • @Iaintsayinnothin..
    @Iaintsayinnothin.. Год назад

    This is amazing, can't believe its only 10mil, that's a bargain. It's spacious enough, but not too big and the interior is well designed and cosy.

    • @YachtAddiction
      @YachtAddiction  Год назад +1

      The price can vary of course depending on the design and options. But €10,000,000 is a competitive starting point!

    • @Iaintsayinnothin..
      @Iaintsayinnothin.. Год назад

      @@YachtAddiction definitely

  • @johnschieffelin3226
    @johnschieffelin3226 Год назад

    Tony, thank you for a very thorough, informative tour of an interesting yacht. As the name says, the Lazzara is Ultra High Volume, and as such it looks a bit bloated even though the designers have tried every trick possible to disguise just how chubby it is. The bow area especially is plump -- or even obese -- the bow lounging area would be 10' or 15' narrower on a traditional yacht with a fine entry. I assume the high volume brings on handling issues -- maybe some tippiness in beam seas, or stop-and-go feeling in head seas. But many yacht owners are perfectly happy with this style yacht -- lots of manufacturers are offering UHV models. I thought the galley looked quite tight for a guest list of 10 people and a crew of 4 -- very little cold storage. The owner stateroom is magnificent, and the upper salon is huge for an 87' yacht. Engine room looked spacious and well-constructed.

  • @douglas7555
    @douglas7555 Год назад

    Good day Tony,
    Thank you for the excellent videos you produce!!
    Sometimes I hear you making comments about the way you shoot your videos,
    Please don’t worry, your videos are excellent, informative, long enough, professionally done ,
    Unfortunately you will have self proclaimed experts with criticism, my advice is just laugh, there will always be haters,
    Keep up the great work
    Thank you once again,

    • @YachtAddiction
      @YachtAddiction  Год назад

      I appreciate the comment! Thanks for your support and for watching!

  • @patmazzucca3926
    @patmazzucca3926 9 месяцев назад

    Nice job filming 👌

  • @BrianBurris-p5x
    @BrianBurris-p5x Год назад +1

    No tv in primary?

  • @MrJBA79
    @MrJBA79 Год назад

    Tasty tub..

  • @DavidFranks88
    @DavidFranks88 Год назад

    Lovely Yacht, thanks for the tour! Was there no TV in the master stateroom?

    • @clifbradley
      @clifbradley Год назад

      There is one. It's uselessly placed in my opinion, but it is there. Whoever thought this out c.ear,y picked form over function. If you want a super detailed walk through, Suleryacht captain has one and so does Yachts for Sale. Suoeryacht Captain also,visited the shipyard and has a long video of going through the shipyard. This ship really is a marvel. It has no through hull boles at all amd everything that connects outside the ship has cofferdams so no seawater ever gets inside. The seawater straining system that cools everything actually filters the water and exposes it to UV light so that no microorganisms or sea life can live in it and clog the filters. It's cleaner than drinking water. The systems for carrying water, fuel, power, everything was overbuilt and has a redundant system.

  • @mikejr1152
    @mikejr1152 Год назад

    Is it feasible to operate a yacht of this size w/o having a crew? Im talking about just to go spend a couple of days on the water with your family only.

  • @Careennation
    @Careennation 8 месяцев назад

    Is there no TV in the master stateroom?

  • @didgerb72
    @didgerb72 Год назад

    I wasn't a fan of the High freeboard up forade of these type of vessels. Then I saw the Horizon FD77 or 80 (later renamed FD80 or92) Princes X95, and just loved the Mini superyacht vibe of a sub 90 to 100ft vessel. They have so much bang for the buck you'd be forgiven in thinking you were aboard a 110 to 140ft vessel. Esp with the high ceilings. Remarkable feats of engineering. So seeing Lazzara have this 87. I haven't seen many of their brand Tony. Do they have a range like the Horizon (FD77, 80, 92, 100, 110 etc), as I'd love to see more. Changed the game when vessels of similar design hit the yachting world a few yrs back. As yachting lovers that couldn't afford a new/relatively new 90ft plus Superyacht. Can now own a mini superyacht of sub 90ish ft, and feel like they have stepped up into the Superyacht class without the heavier price tags. Of course older vessels even over 150ft can be sourced under 3 to 5 million. But something brand new, or only a few yrs old, is now in the ownership of those dreaming of the out of reach vessels. Floating Tardis like Dr Who's Telephone Box.

  • @teddyturman5228
    @teddyturman5228 Год назад

    I've noticed on your reviews that you commonly fail to describe the construction of the yacht. I'm interested to know what kind of hull and superstructure materials were used. In this case is the Lazara a steel hull/aluminum superstructure, or is this a fiberglass or carbon fiber hull?

    • @YachtAddiction
      @YachtAddiction  Год назад

      The hull is a composite using E-glass and epoxy resin. A form of GRP/fiberglass. I always call out the material when it's steel or aluminum (last weeks video as an example). GRP is the most common/standard material so it's safe to assume the hull is a form of fiberglass if I don't specifically mention the hull in the tour. Thanks for watching!

  • @flacjacket
    @flacjacket Год назад

    Reminds me a lot of the Horizon FD87 on the outside, but I think the Horizon wins it on the interior layout for me.

  • @darrylalford8879
    @darrylalford8879 Год назад

    Maybe time for a refit ? Does look a bit dated. Thank you Tony.

  • @opcn18
    @opcn18 5 месяцев назад

    This is what happens when you try to hybridize a yacht with a the lazarra office barge that sank the first owners. Most people really only yacht onshore and in sheltered waters and pleasant weather, but I really hope this doesn't catch on as a trend.

  • @Steve-Cross
    @Steve-Cross 2 месяца назад

    I would find the water slapping on the chimes in the VIP very annoying. Sounded very loud.

  • @D.O.1989
    @D.O.1989 4 месяца назад

    Why do they always position the TV in the main salon in awkward positions

  • @haniestefane1960
    @haniestefane1960 Год назад

    Throughout the tour I noticed a kind of a flaw: Is it normal not to have mirrors above the sinks in the en-suites ? How could a man shave ?

  • @johnhickman2915
    @johnhickman2915 Год назад +2

    I like the interior space but deck space is lacking and most people want deck space and being outdoors on a yacht

    • @ryansoprano5858
      @ryansoprano5858 Год назад +1

      Agree. This yacht is more for crypto millionaires who are allergic to sunlight

  • @jimgraves6464
    @jimgraves6464 11 месяцев назад

    Gallons apon gallons of windex😂 good walk thro

  • @clifbradley
    @clifbradley Год назад

    Is this already for sale? I remember last year everyone was oozing and aching over this and the gross tonnage was just under 200GT and the owner picked everything out(cough cough Russian) but the ownership is secret. I'm shocked it's for sale. I heard 10M was the as,img price. Hearing those waves smack that hull, I don't think k they will get that price

    • @YachtAddiction
      @YachtAddiction  Год назад

      This example not for sale. Lazzara was just showing this off at the show as an example of what the model can offer.

  • @NautiGrandpa
    @NautiGrandpa Год назад

    I remember when this yacht was delivered new, I have to wonder why the owner is selling so soon.

    • @YachtAddiction
      @YachtAddiction  Год назад +1

      It’s not for sale! This was just at the show for display purposes for the shipyard.

  • @allanmberryjr
    @allanmberryjr Год назад

    I don’t like the early 70’s gold trim. The guest rooms are much nicer!

  • @Bottna
    @Bottna Год назад

    I like the curves of this one 😅🤤

  • @HavocStylesJoe
    @HavocStylesJoe Год назад +2

    11:48 she has to be a noisy boat if you can hear the waves on the hull that high up. Also what is up with white with gold trim? Talk about cringe.

  • @jjchockey
    @jjchockey Год назад

    Not impressed. main deck faster and only 3 decent cabins? No full Beam VIP on a UHV 87 ft yacht?

  • @titibebe2510
    @titibebe2510 Год назад

    Nice Yatch, but dont like the white and gold decoration, looks dated!!

    • @YachtAddiction
      @YachtAddiction  Год назад

      That combo is certainly a personal choice, but as mentioned Lazzara will build and design exactly what you want!

  • @BubbaHead1
    @BubbaHead1 3 месяца назад

    10 mil and my wife can't even take a bubble bath 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 what a waste. For 10 mil, you'd think that the owners suite would be better than a Hilton hotel room 😂😂😂😂😂😂

    • @PoliticKing7
      @PoliticKing7 3 месяца назад

      Put one in yours

    • @WIZE1281
      @WIZE1281 3 месяца назад

      They’re customizable sir 🙄🤦🏻‍♂️

  • @bobboberson2024
    @bobboberson2024 Год назад

    Wow. This thing is over-priced.

  • @dougmorley2850
    @dougmorley2850 Год назад

    Galley is way to small , gold makes it look too gaudy , pilothouse instruments in a box ? They look like a oops we forgot something , so let's put them in a shoebox . Not impressed at all .

  • @TheJason1957
    @TheJason1957 Год назад

    The gold trim has to go, terrible looking.

  • @MarkHarper-ek8ss
    @MarkHarper-ek8ss 7 месяцев назад

    Florida won a turkey yacht no thank you

  • @thomasflenegan-wm9ef
    @thomasflenegan-wm9ef Год назад

    thais 10,000,000 yacht is incredible ... ugly 🤢🤮

  • @gregovens5040
    @gregovens5040 Год назад

    Sorry. Not to my liking. The boat or the commentary.

  • @COORS5766
    @COORS5766 Год назад +1

    nice yacht but the brass/gold moldings have to go! Stainless would have looked 1000 times better!