I will say that Kenpo is one of the few styles today that shows evolution in a fight. Each movement changes the shape of the fight, and the fighter adapts to the change rather than merely striking at an opponent that stays upright in a forward stance the entire time. Kenpo deserves respect for that.
Excellent technique,v powerful.i like the fact u include grappling,our amkka kenpo system has a grappling support system called kenpo street grappling(k.s.g)used in addition to the ep system,glad to see kenpo is evolving.
I understand your view, but I have been in the system for 17 years and the main reason I stuck with it is because it was devised by Ed Parker who believed in creating something practical as oppose to all the "classical" systems out there. Therefore, it was created with the average "streetfighter" in mind. Therefore, it is a system based upon defending a good streetfigher. It can look flashy if you present it that way, but I'll tell you it is a phenomenal system if you make it work.
a true martial artist is creative not destructive. lets be that way with our comments. as a black belt i've learned to execute the techniques flawlessly. that's not the point. a master uses the principles behind every technique and uses them in an organic way. muscle memory. every martial art has its artistic side and practical side. the instructor must make that clear and the student must realize the same. we all walk a different path. good luck moving beyond the basics....
what fitzpase said.. as well as the fact, thruout that first technique, there are supposed to be checks on the opposite side. first strike (right hand), third (left hand) strike, and fourth strike (right hand). a good kenpoist would block the second punch (if it were thrown), and improvise from there.
That's a cool training method aside from 98% of the class standing around while you're doing it. They need something to do. But I love Speakman! Long live the perfect weapon!
its called a "slap check".. it can be used to recoil off your own body and thus build speed, for conditioning, effect, timing.. as well as a principle called "opposing forces". which works kinda like how you rip a rag in two. that energy has to go somewhere, sometimes you project some into yourself. check out some paul mills or ron chapel clips
Yes, it is very effective on the streets. It is a street based system dependent upon concepts, principles and theories proven in thought and action! It's very effective!
@dudewheresmytoast This isn't the way we train all the time, this is just the way we set it up during belt tests to show everyone doing the technique. Obviously, some parts of this technique line were cut out.
In my opinion the fast combinations look really cool but in a real fight the oponent will not just throw 1 technique and then let you throw 10 without doing anything. This is evident when you watch any contact fighting even the Kenpo fighting. seems like the techniques being practiced are not getting used in the fighting. however very nice demonstration. Check out Koshiki karate system designed to allow training to replicate fighting with safety first. Cheers to all Budoka.
it may seem that way when you're watching techs practiced in the 'ideal phase' (like in this video), but the reality is, every kenpo technique has built-in checks in case the attacker throws follow up attacks or reacts in an unpredictable manner. take note of what the non-striking hand or foot is doing during the 2345235 strikes in 3 secs. also, none of these techs is meant to be done exactly this way in real combat. it's not about a sequence of motion, it's about principles of motion.
Cool, thanks. That makes sense. When these guys put the gloves on and spare, do they keep thier hands up before the other guys attacks? Or are they down and then come up like in this video. Maybe they are baiting the attacker.
quite true.. then again these are ideas of what you could do in an altercation.. in a fight, you may find yourself in a position (like bent over, or with a good grab on the guy) that's similar to say, half way through a technique you might know. when kenposits spar, techniques pretty much go out the window except maybe some combos. lol
@xtremekenpo I also train kenpo bigtime and I combine it with a bit of jiu jitsu and kick boxing, is not my intention to be a champion of kenpo or whatever, but what I do gives me more space to develop techniques in the street. Also I am sure what I would do to defend myself or neutralize a criminal, if there is a chance.
if you ask maybe they will carry a video camera around everywhere so they can show its street effectiveness. most martial arists dont go around starting fights to prove themselves or their art unless they have self esteem issues
There's nothing like the technique line, and these guys do it well. Excellent technique, but the loss of control at the end when the guy gets his rib hammered is nothing to be proud of. The safety of your training partner is always your responsibility.
I also train kenpo bigtime and I combine it with a bit of jiu jitsu and kick boxing, is not my intention to be a champion of kenpo or whatever, but what I do gives me more space to develop techniques in the street. Also I am sure what I would do to defend myself or neutralize a criminal, if there is a chance.
Thank you. I think Kenpo looks amazing when in action. It just seems that alot of those moves will work on the average Joe Blow without fighting experience but perhaps not as effective and a street fighter. Alot of these fights seem to end up on the ground or arms flying all over the place.
As someone with over 2 decades of practical street fighting experience via various jobs in bouncing, security, loss prevention I can ASSURE you that while these techniques are pretty and flashy, an opponent will not merely stand still and let you do all of these combos on them. Speakman's Kenpo is a by-product of the films he's made. I've seen black belts get their asses handed to them on a nightly basis while they're trying to do fancy kicks or while yelling and performing demonstrative poses. And these days the average guy on the street knows at least a little bit of how to fight. Kenpo isn't the martial art for someone who is looking to survive REALISTIC STREET COMBAT. It's simply best left for the movies.
@@notyou8716 - That is bullshit, Speakman's Kenpo comes from older self defence techniques formalised by Ed Parker, his movies have got nothing to do with it. Go to a Speakman seminar and he will tell you that he isn't expecting students to use the combinations in a rote fashion, they typically start with a solution to an attack, with the following combination is merely a bunch of options you have to efficiently finish the guy off. If you are seeing guys trying to use them like they are in a movie then you are getting your impression of Kenpo by watching fools, there is no cure for that. I trained in a Kempo school which used early Parker techniques for a total of 8 years, finishing over 20 years ago. While I train in Krav Maga now, the grounding Kempo gave me still serves me well in terms of hand speed, power and finding the targets as they present, with an effective technique. There are quite a few young people in my classes who find sparring an old Kempo dog a challenging proposition, the good ones amongst them use it to their advantage. I only ever had to use Kempo once in an Army barracks fight well before I started Krav, lets just say that the guy who picked the fight regretted his decision. The Kenpo self defence approach is a bit out of date compared to styles like Krav, but it gives you plenty of effective self defence techniques to work with and a few grounding that a lot of people just don't get until they do it.
I agree with U, but this is the ideal phase of the techniques, after this we have the what is phase, which is like you said fake a straight punch and then attack. and finally we have the spontaneous phase, when basically you get attacked at random and u just have to flow with the attackers.
OK, cool stuff. I have an outsider question. I slow mo'd a few of the moves and saw that much of the slapping noise comes from the students slapping thier own uniforms. Anyone know what that is all about? I have lots of respect for this art; I was just wondering.
Can I get some info here...where is this school, does Speakman teach the classes...this line drill is an everyday occurance or just for demo...and anything else you'd like to share. Speakman/school website...
You must be answering some other comment. This is not my vid only came across it. Have 19 yrs teaching rec'd 1st from Ed Parker in 90 and 2nd from Norman Sandler (5th)in 95. Kenpo isn't about being tough - but a true martial artist would know that. Sonds like you flunked a test....
This style isn't meant to necessarily win in these tournaments. It is designed to allow you to save your life which it does very well. Every martial art is good at what it's designed to do and not necessarily good at what it isnt meant for.
Guys we all practise the same wonderful system developed by sgmep,regardless of wot alphabet ur under,or how ur group practises it,rather than fighting amonst urselves surely its better to cooperate, then american kenpo will be as strong as it was under sgmep
@clearcombat MMA fighters only fight within their weight class. They know WHEN they're going to fight. They know WHO they're going to fight. They even dress and stretch prior. How can you call it fighting when you can spend a year training for the exact time, place, and person?
These techniques are meant to teach body movements... and (IMHO) are NOT meant to represent the blow-by-blow response to an attack. These techniques are merely a gathering of movements used to base ones response to an attack upon... They're NOT the *only* or *correct* technique to use in a given situation. Each movement is a differnt "color" that the martial ARTIST uses to "paint" a picture. - Your Brother in the arts, Andrew
I have respect for all arts but my question is this: Is that really going to be effective in a fight? will you even have time to perform many of those moves? You will lose speed and power as you get older so how will this remain a practical form of self defense then?
I dont agree with griner2010,i am a 3rd degree black belt in American Kenpo,and 4th degree black belt in ninjutsu,and 2nd in karate shotokan,and I assure you,American kenpo is effective and lethal,everybody that pratices real kenpo,knows that this moves of self-defense are DRILLS,not real life,and its the way we have to achieve more speed and fluidity in the kenpo moves. of course in real self defense, we can do a kick in the genitals and a slap in the oponents ear. And we have thrusting Salute
@xtremekenpo i think we've all been watching too many mma matches. fights on the street rarely involve two combatants dancing around looking for an opening. usually one or another loses it and comes flying in with a punch a tackle etc. i had a video called 100 real street fights captured on video and they actually almost without exception begin that way. please look for that dvd on sale on the internet and prove it to yourself.
Kenpo teaches many open hand and closed hand strikes. In fact one of the principles introduced in Short Form 2 is the opening and closing of the hands throughout techniques. Certainly none are useless. If it appears useless, you are most likely perceiving their training methodology as timid. I do not share this belief. I see all of these black belts expertly navigating movements that require some control and restraint in a training setting.
Not bad, but i noticed alot of broken motion, no sequential flow of motion. I dont see corners being cut nor e-longated circles. Jeff moved better in Perfec Weapon.
Well in Kyokushin, Yellow belt is halfway, I'm now a Graan belt, have been for about 4 months now, each system has different ranking orders, belts are meaningless anyway, it just shows you train hard and haven't quit, again NOT PASSING JUDGEMENT here, I'm stating my opinion I still maintian that all the little slaps and whatnot are useless, especially if the person has a fair bit of training, I will however say that the ground techniques at the end were really good and would like to see more.
@ellul613 I'm calling a BULLSHIT penalty! If you've studied kenpo for that long, you'd KNOW that the techniques are not intended to be pulled off as practiced. Each technique is intended to teach a variety of principles, and those individual principles are what the practitioner relies on when reacting naturally to an attack. No two kenpo practitioners will look or react the same way when attacked.
You're right, I appologize, I guess I didn't look at them closely enough, I was looking at this from the perspective that " my art is better than yours", which was stupid , A couple of guys from our Dojo went to a Kenpo Dojo and the guy just insulted Kyokushin the whole time, and I guess i just had a bad taste in my mouth with regards to Kenpo, again, I appologize for any insult, it wasn't meant as such, OSU!!.
why are they hurting each other ... that seems a lil too much at the end there but wow, nice powerful stuff.. Yes, i realize we need to be ready for real situations by training in such ways but that last one was over the top..knee to floating ribs..ouch....
This is to xtremekenpo. We train the way we do to honor the past and keep fresh in or minds the teaching of those that came befor us. your pose to use what you learn as a blus print for the really world ans that is all meaning you may not use them both togeather but i bet you will use them apart at some point
@xtremekenpo Anyone who's trained in the Japanese arts will favor right foot lunging /w right punch. How many people train in martial arts? A lot it seems. It may not be practical, but it happens a lot. If you're a cop, you'd know that most street fighters have no sense at all. Anything happens on the street, including the ridiculous.
kenpo is based a theory...during practice the oter opponent doest fight back. Lets see Ed Parker or Tatum do all this techs with someone who is fight back
I have a 3rd Degree Black Belt in EP American Kenpo, I have been in the Matial Arts for 20 years, and I can tell you most of the thechniques you learn in Kenpo do not work! poin blank period! I Also have a 1st Dan in Tang Soo Do and I'll tell you what Tang Soo Do like it or hate it is a much more practical system of self defens. I have been in many fights while I was in school and in the streets. Kenpo Techniques really do not work at all! Tang Soo Do is just pretty much one kick and one punch.
Thank You! You are awesome:) I have been studying Tang Soo Do for many years and I agree with you it is a great system of self defense; Supreme Grand Master Hwang Kee knew what he was doing when he founded the style. I also study Arnis and it is a good weapons and empty system of self defense as well. TANG SOO!
Gee, Find me a partner that will actually let you hit them with full force in the head...that's what bags and targets are for. Some people just don't get it.
ARE U NUTS??!! ELVIS DID NOT TEACH KENPO!! Ed Parker taught Elvis. He was interested in martial arts and became friends with Ed Parker. He was the King of Rock&Roll. ED PARKER IS THE FATHER OF AMERICAN KARATE.
thats why you stop it up even more... they throw a right punch then left and then they go with more realistic techs... trust me... i don't stop if a street guy gonna throw right hell throw the left and keep coming at you... speakman knows this...shit people think kenpoists cant fight...hahahaha
I will say that Kenpo is one of the few styles today that shows evolution in a fight. Each movement changes the shape of the fight, and the fighter adapts to the change rather than merely striking at an opponent that stays upright in a forward stance the entire time. Kenpo deserves respect for that.
I gotta say....It's motivational to also see your head instructor joining in line with everybody.
damn near brings a tear to my eye. notice the smaller guys are absolute beasts? speakmans technique was flawless of course
That extension at the end of leaping crane...vicious but beautiful!!
Excellent technique,v powerful.i like the fact u include grappling,our amkka kenpo system has a grappling support system called kenpo street grappling(k.s.g)used in addition to the ep system,glad to see kenpo is evolving.
So awesome. The spinning kick at the end of leaping crane was epic
Beautiful...This is Kenpo!!
This my friend is American Kenpo Karate with a taste of Speakman. Awsome stuff.
I understand your view, but I have been in the system for 17 years and the main reason I stuck with it is because it was devised by Ed Parker who believed in creating something practical as oppose to all the "classical" systems out there. Therefore, it was created with the average "streetfighter" in mind. Therefore, it is a system based upon defending a good streetfigher. It can look flashy if you present it that way, but I'll tell you it is a phenomenal system if you make it work.
Now that is a technique line. Great work!
a true martial artist is creative not destructive. lets be that way with our comments. as a black belt i've learned to execute the techniques flawlessly. that's not the point. a master uses the principles behind every technique and uses them in an organic way. muscle memory. every martial art has its artistic side and practical side. the instructor must make that clear and the student must realize the same. we all walk a different path. good luck moving beyond the basics....
what fitzpase said.. as well as the fact, thruout that first technique, there are supposed to be checks on the opposite side. first strike (right hand), third (left hand) strike, and fourth strike (right hand). a good kenpoist would block the second punch (if it were thrown), and improvise from there.
the technique line is a superb tool to test your skills...I like Kenpo 5.0.very much. The legacy of SGM Ed Parker is in good hands.
I love technique lines.
Awesome to see real Kenpo - vs a lot of the Tracy related lackadaisical reinterpretations. Ty~
@KenpoGer1 - No, it was a technique created by Mr. Speakman to show that we've incorporated ground fighting into the equation.
Now that looks like a lot of fun. I could get into that. Too bad there isn't any schools near me.
I've got a black belt in Ishinruy, Kenpo looks awesome. This school rocks.
That's a cool training method aside from 98% of the class standing around while you're doing it. They need something to do. But I love Speakman! Long live the perfect weapon!
its called a "slap check".. it can be used to recoil off your own body and thus build speed, for conditioning, effect, timing.. as well as a principle called "opposing forces". which works kinda like how you rip a rag in two. that energy has to go somewhere, sometimes you project some into yourself. check out some paul mills or ron chapel clips
Yes, it is very effective on the streets. It is a street based system dependent upon concepts, principles and theories proven in thought and action! It's very effective!
This isn't the way we train all the time, this is just the way we set it up during belt tests to show everyone doing the technique. Obviously, some parts of this technique line were cut out.
man I love the technique line, but holy crap that is a lot of people
In my opinion the fast combinations look really cool but in a real fight the oponent will not just throw 1 technique and then let you throw 10 without doing anything. This is evident when you watch any contact fighting even the Kenpo fighting. seems like the techniques being practiced are not getting used in the fighting. however very nice demonstration. Check out Koshiki karate system designed to allow training to replicate fighting with safety first. Cheers to all Budoka.
Nicely Done!
i Like Kenpo Karate i Love Kenpo Karate Osu!!! That is my idol so much!
it may seem that way when you're watching techs practiced in the 'ideal phase' (like in this video), but the reality is, every kenpo technique has built-in checks in case the attacker throws follow up attacks or reacts in an unpredictable manner. take note of what the non-striking hand or foot is doing during the 2345235 strikes in 3 secs. also, none of these techs is meant to be done exactly this way in real combat. it's not about a sequence of motion, it's about principles of motion.
Cool, thanks. That makes sense. When these guys put the gloves on and spare, do they keep thier hands up before the other guys attacks? Or are they down and then come up like in this video. Maybe they are baiting the attacker.
quite true.. then again these are ideas of what you could do in an altercation.. in a fight, you may find yourself in a position (like bent over, or with a good grab on the guy) that's similar to say, half way through a technique you might know. when kenposits spar, techniques pretty much go out the window except maybe some combos. lol
@xtremekenpo I also train kenpo bigtime and I combine it with a bit of jiu jitsu and kick boxing, is not my intention to be a champion of kenpo or whatever, but what I do gives me more space to develop techniques in the street. Also I am sure what I would do to defend myself or neutralize a criminal, if there is a chance.
Hand strikes set up the kicks. Kicking is the objective of the advancing technique.
Cool technique line and some nice extensions but I never heard the technique gripping leaves.(Is this technique from Ed Parker?)
They are learning how to use the perfect weapon. By the street knight who is the expert in thist style
if you ask maybe they will carry a video camera around everywhere so they can show its street effectiveness. most martial arists dont go around starting fights to prove themselves or their art unless they have self esteem issues
There's nothing like the technique line, and these guys do it well. Excellent technique, but the loss of control at the end when the guy gets his rib hammered is nothing to be proud of. The safety of your training partner is always your responsibility.
when u let your head without gard thsi si not for real fight bro xd
I also train kenpo bigtime and I combine it with a bit of jiu jitsu and kick boxing, is not my intention to be a champion of kenpo or whatever, but what I do gives me more space to develop techniques in the street. Also I am sure what I would do to defend myself or neutralize a criminal, if there is a chance.
Ed is watching and smiling!
Thank you. I think Kenpo looks amazing when in action. It just seems that alot of those moves will work on the average Joe Blow without fighting experience but perhaps not as effective and a street fighter. Alot of these fights seem to end up on the ground or arms flying all over the place.
As someone with over 2 decades of practical street fighting experience via various jobs in bouncing, security, loss prevention I can ASSURE you that while these techniques are pretty and flashy, an opponent will not merely stand still and let you do all of these combos on them. Speakman's Kenpo is a by-product of the films he's made. I've seen black belts get their asses handed to them on a nightly basis while they're trying to do fancy kicks or while yelling and performing demonstrative poses. And these days the average guy on the street knows at least a little bit of how to fight. Kenpo isn't the martial art for someone who is looking to survive REALISTIC STREET COMBAT. It's simply best left for the movies.
@@notyou8716 - That is bullshit, Speakman's Kenpo comes from older self defence techniques formalised by Ed Parker, his movies have got nothing to do with it. Go to a Speakman seminar and he will tell you that he isn't expecting students to use the combinations in a rote fashion, they typically start with a solution to an attack, with the following combination is merely a bunch of options you have to efficiently finish the guy off. If you are seeing guys trying to use them like they are in a movie then you are getting your impression of Kenpo by watching fools, there is no cure for that.
I trained in a Kempo school which used early Parker techniques for a total of 8 years, finishing over 20 years ago. While I train in Krav Maga now, the grounding Kempo gave me still serves me well in terms of hand speed, power and finding the targets as they present, with an effective technique. There are quite a few young people in my classes who find sparring an old Kempo dog a challenging proposition, the good ones amongst them use it to their advantage.
I only ever had to use Kempo once in an Army barracks fight well before I started Krav, lets just say that the guy who picked the fight regretted his decision. The Kenpo self defence approach is a bit out of date compared to styles like Krav, but it gives you plenty of effective self defence techniques to work with and a few grounding that a lot of people just don't get until they do it.
I LOVE KARATE! KENPO ^_^ is a Great Weapon in Street Fight! Kenpo is Like a Machine Gun ^_^
I agree with U, but this is the ideal phase of the techniques, after this we have the what is phase, which is like you said fake a straight punch and then attack. and finally we have the spontaneous phase, when basically you get attacked at random and u just have to flow with the attackers.
OK, cool stuff. I have an outsider question. I slow mo'd a few of the moves and saw that much of the slapping noise comes from the students slapping thier own uniforms. Anyone know what that is all about? I have lots of respect for this art; I was just wondering.
yeaaaaaaah! kenpo!!!!
Can I get some info here...where is this school, does Speakman teach the classes...this line drill is an everyday occurance or just for demo...and anything else you'd like to share. Speakman/school website...
very nice! luv it ;)
You must be answering some other comment. This is not my vid only came across it. Have 19 yrs teaching rec'd 1st from Ed Parker in 90 and 2nd from Norman Sandler (5th)in 95. Kenpo isn't about being tough - but a true martial artist would know that. Sonds like you flunked a test....
This style isn't meant to necessarily win in these tournaments. It is designed to allow you to save your life which it does very well. Every martial art is good at what it's designed to do and not necessarily good at what it isnt meant for.
Guys we all practise the same wonderful system developed by sgmep,regardless of wot alphabet ur under,or how ur group practises it,rather than fighting amonst urselves surely its better to cooperate, then american kenpo will be as strong as it was under sgmep
How do you know where I am in my training cobralord?, I'm not judging this at all, I do however see plenty of openings to get a good hit in.
@clearcombat MMA fighters only fight within their weight class. They know WHEN they're going to fight. They know WHO they're going to fight. They even dress and stretch prior. How can you call it fighting when you can spend a year training for the exact time, place, and person?
Very good point
These techniques are meant to teach body movements... and (IMHO) are NOT meant to represent the blow-by-blow response to an attack. These techniques are merely a gathering of movements used to base ones response to an attack upon... They're NOT the *only* or *correct* technique to use in a given situation. Each movement is a differnt "color" that the martial ARTIST uses to "paint" a picture. - Your Brother in the arts, Andrew
Am learning kempo now.... Have not learned the kick at the end of 5 swords.
kenpo!!! hell yeah!!!
I have respect for all arts but my question is this: Is that really going to be effective in a fight? will you even have time to perform many of those moves? You will lose speed and power as you get older so how will this remain a practical form of self defense then?
I dont agree with griner2010,i am a 3rd degree black belt in American Kenpo,and 4th degree black belt in ninjutsu,and 2nd in karate shotokan,and I assure you,American kenpo is effective and lethal,everybody that pratices real kenpo,knows that this moves of self-defense are DRILLS,not real life,and its the way we have to achieve more speed and fluidity in the kenpo moves. of course in real self defense, we can do a kick in the genitals and a slap in the oponents ear. And we have thrusting Salute
How come some of the people in the vid are only doing part of the sets?
The higher grades are doing the extensions which are part of their syllabus. The lower grades are doing the base techniques.
@xtremekenpo i think we've all been watching too many mma matches. fights on the street rarely involve two combatants dancing around looking for an opening. usually one or another loses it and comes flying in with a punch a tackle etc. i had a video called 100 real street fights captured on video and they actually almost without exception begin that way. please look for that dvd on sale on the internet and prove it to yourself.
Kenpo teaches many open hand and closed hand strikes. In fact one of the principles introduced in Short Form 2 is the opening and closing of the hands throughout techniques. Certainly none are useless. If it appears useless, you are most likely perceiving their training methodology as timid. I do not share this belief. I see all of these black belts expertly navigating movements that require some control and restraint in a training setting.
I don't disagree with you at all. I was answering another comment on the usefulness of the 'slaps' and where they could be potentially fatal.
Not bad, but i noticed alot of broken motion, no sequential flow of motion. I dont see corners being cut nor e-longated circles. Jeff moved better in Perfec Weapon.
there ending of leaping crane looks like the last kick of leap of death
Well in Kyokushin, Yellow belt is halfway, I'm now a Graan belt, have been for about 4 months now, each system has different ranking orders, belts are meaningless anyway, it just shows you train hard and haven't quit, again NOT PASSING JUDGEMENT here, I'm stating my opinion I still maintian that all the little slaps and whatnot are useless, especially if the person has a fair bit of training, I will however say that the ground techniques at the end were really good and would like to see more.
@ellul613 I'm calling a BULLSHIT penalty! If you've studied kenpo for that long, you'd KNOW that the techniques are not intended to be pulled off as practiced. Each technique is intended to teach a variety of principles, and those individual principles are what the practitioner relies on when reacting naturally to an attack. No two kenpo practitioners will look or react the same way when attacked.
You're right, I appologize, I guess I didn't look at them closely enough, I was looking at this from the perspective that " my art is better than yours", which was stupid , A couple of guys from our Dojo went to a Kenpo Dojo and the guy just insulted Kyokushin the whole time, and I guess i just had a bad taste in my mouth with regards to Kenpo, again, I appologize for any insult, it wasn't meant as such, OSU!!.
why are they hurting each other ... that seems a lil too much at the end there but wow, nice powerful stuff.. Yes, i realize we need to be ready for real situations by training in such ways but that last one was over the top..knee to floating ribs..ouch....
This is to xtremekenpo. We train the way we do to honor the past and keep fresh in or minds the teaching of those that came befor us. your pose to use what you learn as a blus print for the really world ans that is all meaning you may not use them both togeather but i bet you will use them apart at some point
@xtremekenpo Anyone who's trained in the Japanese arts will favor right foot lunging /w right punch. How many people train in martial arts? A lot it seems. It may not be practical, but it happens a lot. If you're a cop, you'd know that most street fighters have no sense at all. Anything happens on the street, including the ridiculous.
Easy killer, I'm not insulting this, I'm just stating an observation.
I'm in kenpo
el final!!!! notable!!
kenpo is based a theory...during practice the oter opponent doest fight back. Lets see Ed Parker or Tatum do all this techs with someone who is fight back
no ones thrown a jab at you???it wouldnt have mattered if they threw the punch off the back leg the same defense coulda been done, in my opinion.
kenpo is all theory....all these strikes and the other opponent stays limb during exchange. How come kieth hackney couldnt do all this in UFC
thundering hammers, theres no checks on the elbows, as if their all playing the drums..
hmmm.........assumin that someone would be going to the same place but yeah ok
I have a 3rd Degree Black Belt in EP American Kenpo, I have been in the Matial Arts for 20 years, and I can tell you most of the thechniques you learn in Kenpo do not work! poin blank period! I Also have a 1st Dan in Tang Soo Do and I'll tell you what Tang Soo Do like it or hate it is a much more practical system of self defens. I have been in many fights while I was in school and in the streets. Kenpo Techniques really do not work at all! Tang Soo Do is just pretty much one kick and one punch.
Thank You! You are awesome:) I have been studying Tang Soo Do for many years and I agree with you it is a great system of self defense; Supreme Grand Master Hwang Kee knew what he was doing when he founded the style. I also study Arnis and it is a good weapons and empty system of self defense as well. TANG SOO!
I'm a Yellow belt in Kyokushin, I'm not going to insult this art, but it seems like theres alot of wasted energy and movment here.
Gee, Find me a partner that will actually let you hit them with full force in the head...that's what bags and targets are for. Some people just don't get it.
ARE U NUTS??!! ELVIS DID NOT TEACH KENPO!! Ed Parker taught Elvis. He was interested in martial arts and became friends with Ed Parker. He was the King of Rock&Roll. ED PARKER IS THE FATHER OF AMERICAN KARATE.
The grappling's a joke...I really hate McDojo's.
have seen better technique lines with my yellow belts. too much flash even for kenpo - i hold a 2nd.
thats why you stop it up even more... they throw a right punch then left and then they go with more realistic techs... trust me... i don't stop if a street guy gonna throw right hell throw the left and keep coming at you... speakman knows this...shit people think kenpoists cant fight...hahahaha
the principles are the basics. every art has the basics. nice try
You don't know what you're talking about.
Kempo sucks!!!!,jiu jitsu rules!!!
lame dude