I have definitely experienced the same issues you guys brought up. My wife has gotten it many times at game stores. She once was asking the front deck guy at a GameStop about wanting to purchase “Flower, Sun and Rain for the DS and the guy just started laughing and saying “you don’t know what you are talking about” and she knew what the game was and knew it was a Suda51 game and everything. The guy was in shocked that a woman knew anything about a game that he didn’t know about.
I'd argue most fans of this channel aren't game collectors, just retro gaming enthusiasts (including myself)...kind of an obscure topic most viewers can't relate to....just sayin. Gotta talk about something though, right? Sounds like a cool hobby, but I just don't have the money or room for it. It's strictly emulators for me, i'm afraid.
What annoys me about some collectors is how they blame youtubers for” inflating the price of games.” I can’t and this attitude that collecting is “only for them” because they’ve been doing it for X amount of years or “longer than anyone else” 🙄
I've have to agree with what Ian says, there are times too were I miss pronounce stuff too like video game names and titles. But can be annoying when they insist that your wrong.
Yeah. Please do a segment that is all Pat or Ian off camera with those types of comments. For some reason that little bit reminded me of the Summoner Geeks video.
I hate to think people are lying, but there are collectors on Instagram who post their hauls every other day of stacks and stacks of expensive games, saying they got them for like $1 each at a yard sale. I have a feeling some of these people are just buying off eBay and pretending they got it for super cheap for "cool points" (?). Not that there aren't deals out there, but I have a hard time believing the same dude is finding multiple sealed SNES games on a near weekly basis.
there was this infamous moment on the DigitalPress forums back in the day where someone literally did this lol. posted an insane amount of rare stuff and went "just bought this at my local thrift!" then later on someone found sold ebay listings of all the stuff he showed off, like a Doom strategy guide that had the same markings his did. i mean i dont think the guy was awful for doing it but its like, whats the point of embellishing it?
@@RoyStorey my whole thing is who are you trying to impress? We've all had our share of great deals to off set the times we spent too much. We're all proud of each other's finds to a point until it looks like you're trying to rub it in.
I hate people like this a few years ago I got mocked in a Facebook group because I was happy about getting a Symphony of the Night GH CIB for $30 and people were commenting on the post "Oh why didn't you get the Black Label version, that's the version to have." at the time the black label was over $70 but because I managed to get a cheaper version, sure the black label looks nicer but the extent of my time with the box will be taking it off the shelf and putting it in my Playstation and flipping through the manual once in a while.
I'm just amazed people care about the color of the label so much that it actually creates a massive gulf in the prices. If the goal is the play the game the label shouldn't matter. Only reason I have black label games is because I bought them new 20 some years ago. I wouldn't pay the prices some of these are going for today. Worst part of it is it has a green label because it sold a crap ton of copies. Meaning the green label versions are actually more rare than the black label versions. And the rarest games are really going to be those that never got a green label at all. Like Einhander of Suikoden 2. Oh how I regret trading those in so many years ago.
What also annoys me about game collectors is when I bring in my 14 month year old son into game stores I get dirty looks from what I call the unshowered ones cause I'm not as nerdy as them and shouldnt be bring my son into these stores and I'm like what am I suppose to do with him leave him in my truck it's my hobby to
The Nostalgia Factor find this on Atari age and Nintendo age where kids who don’t have credit cards are asking for free games and consoles. Usually consoles like they want a free nes or 2600 or commodore64
The first thing some people ever say to a seller is "can I get a discount?" even if the price is already low. Sellers know what discounts are, and if they want to give you one, they will.
Amiibo collectors who got two of each Amiibo and now they need to get three of each because Nintendo added some red to the packing. loooooooooooooooool
This happens a shit ton in my area... When someone tries to pass off fake consoles/ games as real ones. I see it with pokemon games i private message them saying its a bootleg. And they get defensive. Then i show them my copy still defensive. Then say look inside the pins no nintendo on the bpard... Then they listen. Or with those 600 in 1 nes classics
What annoys me most about some game collectors is that they like to show off their extensive collection as a represantation of their disposable income. With enough money it's hardly collecting, just buying what comes to mind. I get the most enjoyment, besides playing the games, out of the tracking down and trying to make a good deal. Like treasurehunting.
I agree with that, I also enjoy hunting down games I don't have for my collection at good prices, as I don't have a ton of money to spend like some others do, hell I get a kick out of finding a decent PS2 game for $3, and a random PS2 Arcade stick for $5, or when someone drops off a load of GameCube stuff, which happened a few months back that included a DK bongo controller, along with a butt load of official Nintendo branded controllers, memory cards, etc.. I got for less than $30 at my local Goodwill store.
georgiaridgerunner 79 That debatable because what if I go into Goodwill(this has happened to me), and pick up a DK Bongo controller for $5.05 when online on average they go for $15 to $20 plus shipping cost. As a buyer I'm not gonna be stupid, and go to the store manager say hey you could have gotten $20 for these ya know. They set the price they felt someone was willing to pay, I came in saw the deal as I needed another one as my step daughter, and sisters kids who like the DK games that use them, so I bought it, and went home happy. I've also been to yard sales before where the seller knew what they had on offer like the Sears Super Video Arcade(Intelivision rebrand) sitting in a box with a bunch of games for $7, and I ask the guy who at the time was wearing a Nintendo power shirt(early 00's), and said are you sure this is all you want for this entire box, and they said yes, so I gave them a $10 bill as my g/f at the time had gotten some other things as well, and it was a done deal. I payed the asking price they wanted, so no one got ripped off, as even back then they could have looked up eBay prices online. So again this is very debatable.
More related to gamers but I hate gamers who have this bigoted elitisit attitude that if you play a game that is considered "bad" then they have the right to treat you like shit. Regarding collectors, one thing that kind of annoys me is collectors who doesn't play their games and just puts them on a shelf. Games are meant to be played in my opinion and there is nothing wrong about opening a sealed game to play it. The real value is the game itself, not whatever monetary value you put on it.
"More related to gamers but I hate gamers who have this bigoted elitisit attitude that if you play a game that is considered "bad" then they have the right to treat you like shit. " I don't know if you're talking about games of the kind of Fortnite (which people criticise mainly because they think they look cool by shitting on popular stuff), but if you're talking about games that could be considered objectively bad, man I hate this attitude of "don't play this games ever in your life" and all that. I hate this thing about the gaming community for a variety of reasons. First of all, I believe that to truly have the right to criticise something (be it a video game, a movie, a book, whatever), you have to have experienced it first hand so you know what you're talking about. But most people on the internet blindly criticise a game they never in their lifes have played, usually regurgitating whatever they heard about the game from someone else, and with time, making the game look far worse than it actually is. Also, playing bad games is a good way to review why they are considered bad, what were the mistakes the developers made, and learn of them. But people seriously want everyone to forget these bad games ever existed, and is important to remember these games and the mistakes they made because both people and game companies are prone to forget the past and make the same old mistakes. I could go on and on about this but I think you get the idea why I hate this.
Collectors who think they're the only ones allowed to collect and think everyone else should "get lives" or "stop being weird" or " need a girlfriend" or "get over their mid-life crisis" but its perfectly ok for they themselves to collect
I get equally annoyed when people say incorrect things about films, I had someone tell me that "Singing in the Rain" used milk instead of water and when I explained to them how they actually did it with blacklisting they just said "No it was milk stop arguing" and I just wanted to punch him.
@@dissraps I'm just bemused really, what made you look at a 3 year old comment and think "I wonder if he has worked on his anger issues, I'll reply by saying that "nerd movie trivia makes him violent"?
I got yelled at by some dude at my local comic shop for not picking up the latest Flash book. "How can you call yourself a collector if you don't buy Flash? You're missing out on a big part of the over all story."
Something I hate about some games collectors is when they're trying to shame me for buying into the "Limited Editions" that come out, with extra stuff like maps, soundtracks or statuettes. Look. I like it. Yes, it's cheap to produce. yes it's expensive to buy. But YES, I like it. Why? Because I like "stuff". Besides, my money, my rules. I enjoy it. And that's that.
I've been in game Dev for a while. Doing a proper collector's edition is friggin hard. Preparing and designing all the stuff to provide something that feels valuable but is within retail razor thin margins (unless you want a Fallout 76 kind of situation) is very hard. Producing it is inexpensive, that's the whole point, but it can't feel cheap
I can't stand collectors that always say you have to "have the original" like I met someone once who was also a collector and we chatted for a bit and at one point we discussed the legend of zelda and I stated that I had ocarina of time on the 3ds and he said "I prefer the original do you have it" I said No and he said "if your a real collector you have to have the original game on the original system not the remake"
Thats pretty dumb, sometimes original versions suck total dick or have annoyances fixed in later versions. Kingdom Hearts FM fixes a permanently missable trinity mark, Perfect dark 360 doesn't drop frames horrendously, Devil may cry HD having jump on the X button, MGS Peace Walker HD being 60FPS instead of 20 like the PSP.
@@fox-paws yeah for sure and also some remakes are almost literley a whole new game fire emblem echoes shadows of valentia is a great example othet then some map designs music remixes and character names and a few other things the game is almost literley a new game it has a much bigger story,more maps,characters,music etc
I Remeber the early 2000s with funcoland and going in there and grabbing a stack of nes games and even the staff being like wtf you still play these. Even as late as 2006 when I was in the military and i had my mother send me my games and id hook my nes up to the tv in the barracks lounge and someone would walk in and be like "Nintendo? Really? Get a ps2?" And about two years later I was suddenly the man for that same hobby.
They buy M.U.S.HA CIB, talk about it but never play it...or any other game in their collection. Also sealed box collectors, wich sometimes its fine unless thats the only version of the game you got. I acquired Valis 3 and Phelios recently and i am playing the shit outta them, i am a collector that plays games.
I bought a sealed copy of a common Dreamcast game. First thing I did was unwrap it and play it. Sealed copies are just copies that "can't be played", which in my mind means less copies for the general public to enjoy, which then drives the prices up on all the rest.
@@Metal-Possum Alex...exactly!!!! Less copies for people that really wants to play a game. My point is, anybody can collect whatever they want but that's ridiculous, i have a sealed copy of Grand theft auto 3, its a cheap ass game even sealed but once i finish Vice city i will open it and play it, the problem with discs IMO is that scratched one won't last long and that brand new GTA 3 will last years and years and i will still play it.
One thing I've learned is something only has value if you intend to sell it. A common thread among hoarders (not intimating anyone is a hoarder) is not wanting to get rid of anything because it's "worth something." It isn't worth anything if nobody knows it's there.
I call those people "fun snobs". "My entertainment is superior to your entertainment." no, it's not, because the goal is ENTERTAINMENT for that PERSON.
What annoys me the most are the game collectors that collect games and then use youtube to increase the value of their games by constantly making videos with titles like "hidden gems" or "rare games". Which is the thing that Metal Jesus Rocks always does. And what annoys me even more about MJR is the fact that he clearly doesn't play or know the majority of the games and consoles he collects. He is not passionate about video games, he just wants recognition from the community, and he just wants to gain money from this. It's disgusting and there are so many like him!
What annoys me about some collectors is how they blame youtubers for” inflating the price of games.” I can’t and this attitude that collecting is “only for them” because they’ve been doing it for X amount of years or “longer than anyone else” 🙄
CD-i 3DO haha I fake complain about that with my friend. We will go to a game store, find a good good, and I'll be like buy it before Metal Jesus puts it in one of his hidden Gems video lol
I know right, why should someone get what their thing that they own is worth, and not just sell it for $2 so you can put it on E-Bay and make a few hundred dollars profit because they don't know the difference between Duck Hunt and Little Sampson. How dare they find the value of the thing they are selling, and want a fair price for it instead of letting you rip them off by pretending its not in demand.
If I wanted to pay eBay prices I'd sit on my ass at home and pay eBay prices with guarantee's and the convenience of having the items shipped to my door. If I'm at a Flea Market or at a Yard Sale I'm doing the leg work and the items have no guarantee's
@Captain318 & @JasonVoorhees10100 You do know the big point of E-Bay is that, usually, things cost LESS on there than physically buying them yourself, not more for ease of use. By rights, you pick it up and buy it, you should be paying like 20% more than what E-Bay sells it for, and your complaining its the same price or only a bit cheaper. You don't pay less for Assassins Creed at Wallmart than you do on E-Bay, you buy it off E-Bay because its cheaper on the auction site, if Wallmart was selling it for the same price, you'd be thinking "damn Wallmart, that's a good deal", but people got too used to scamming people who couldn't check prices before smartphone apps, and now cry about not being able to scam as many people as they used to. Whether its to get something super cheap to keep, or re-sell, you'r still scamming the seller if they have Stadium Events and Krion Conquest at $5 each in a tupperware tub alongside Mario, Golf and Donkey Kong. Sounds to me a bit like someone wanted to buy it to resell it on E-Bay themselves for profit. That doesn't really happen anymore, live with it.
What annoys me about game collectors...is when game collectors try to pay less than retail price ...but then try to sell at retail price or above retail price... Another thing that's just pisses me the fuck off is these other collector/players that have driven the price of collecting up over the years...as a result of rising prices I've had to buy multicarts and an everdrive...
I hate snobby game collectors that hate game collectors ... I paid for them I can do as I wish with it ... play it save it burn it sell it sleep with it under my pillow ... whatever tickles your fancy ... Its called collecting for a reason to be collected like a squirrel collects nuts ... He’s saves them for the right time... Why care about ones collection and how it’s cared for ... Stupid I love my games I have, and haven’t played them in months... Feels great to open one when I want .. I also do have multiple copy’s of some games ... games can get damaged it’s ok the buy 2 copy’s ... Over 3 is not understandable unless your a reseller or a avid trader
Looking back on this video nearly two years later, Pat & Ian's stellar predictions.... Pat: Fortnite will burn out eventually. Ian: I won't work at a video game store much longer.
I find that after collecting for about 20 years, you run into a lot of people in the hobby, you'll develop a series of pet peeves, and people will just rub you the wrong way because the hobby is appealing to a very broad range of individuals with a broad range of values some of which will inevitably conflict with your own. How you choose to compose yourself will determine how you'll be perceived by your community and your peers. Typically if you choose an assertive, non-confrontational approach to dealing with folks exhibiting obnoxious, bad, or just incompatible behavior with your own, will provide you with a better experience in the long run.
I just can't stand when people shit on other people tastes, manners mate! If you really think that you know something better just tell people "oh you like X, I think you would really enjoy Y". You might be right, but you won't get any traction being rude about it. It happened to me with Metal Warriors. I had a co-worker that was usually a uber dick about most things (from coffee to how you should sort your folders, your political preferences and your general outlook in life), so I just ignored him or did things differently to spite him. But one day during lunch we were talking about retrogames, and he suggested that I should take a look at Metal Warriors, while being so candid about it and so non confrontational, that it became the only suggestion that I've ever considered coming from him. And he was right, it is so much fun. But had he suggested it on his usual "I'm right and you pleb have no idea" attitude, I would probably never played it until someone else suggested it to me.
One thing I hate from some game collectors, especially the ones that buy and sell games online, they try to buy a chunk of my collection for dirt cheap. Say no and they get pissed off and push harder.
People who leave games sealed, gathering dust on a shelf. If you've got a decent collection, buy box protectors to preserve the boxes, and play the damn games!
Andy C I’ve never understood sealed collecting, especially people who collect sealed games when the seals have no indicators on them. How do you know you have what you think you have?
@@GameHammerCG Exactly!! See it as such a waste personally. Likewise, I also collect steelbook movies. There's a portion of the collecting community who leave all their purchases completely sealed. With a steelbook you usually get rear and interior artwork, and leaving the product sealed deprives the buyer from seeing this!! Just don't get it.
I'm somewhat of a game collector. I only buy games I want to play and I keep them and since I want to play so many games I collected over a few hundred games.
People that aim to have certain games even if the game is something they’re not gonna play, but are willing to pay the jacked price for it just to possess it. It’s almost a mental issue.
Telling a kid who plays Fortnite to "play something better" is the equivalent of adults back in our day to tell us "you should go play outside instead' or other kids saying video games are for dorks.
If someone tried to tell me I need to collect better games or more games, they'd get a giant fuck off from me. I only collect the games I want to play.
What bothers me about some game collectors is the idea that THEIR way of game collecting is the ONLY proper way to collect. Looking down on other people’s collections because: 1) They don’t go for rarities and collect “junk” games to pad their numbers. 2) don’t care much about condition or CIB titles 3)only collect popular items, but don’t care about Colecovision/Vectrex/PCengine. Etc. Just let people collect their own things their own way.
Gate keeping in game collecting also annoys me. I had a user here on You Tube tell me since i didn't have thousands of games and don't have any rare games that im not a real collector. Its not about what games and how many you have, as long as you enjoy the hobby then you are a collector. Another thing that annoys me is condition of a game is a huge deal to some collectors they think that games with slightly scratched or damaged labels are garbage.
Like in all collecting hobbies, everybody complains about having spend waaayyy to mcu hmoney on his/her collection while simultaniously braggin with the collection on every occasion.
I am a total looser... NEVER come even close to 10.000 games cib with my tiny collection. Wonder how others manage to build up a stock of even beyond 30.000 games though... And don't forget about the pile of hardware they manage to stack-up.
Let's Play Gaming Expo last year in Austin (where I met the Punk) there was a female video game store owner from New Mexico. Someone tried to tell her that every Pokemon Leaf green she had was counterfeit because they did not have a battery in them. I corrected him, he threw a fit until he looked up online and saw that I was right. (I recently opened mine up). He was quite condescending about the whole thing.
I've been a fan of heavy metal music my entire life. This conversation reminds me of the metal community for like 30 years now. "That's not REAL metal!", "If it's not from the 80s, it's shit." and so on. It's not rampant, but just like game collecting it's not uncommon. I mean comedian Brian Posehn made a song and video mocking this behavior called "More metal than you". I don't care what people listen to anymore than I care what video games people like to play, but in any popular thing that has a community there's always going to be dickheads trying to be gatekeepers and acting like they know everything when their knowledge base is a fucking joke.
As a little kid I never knew about the rockman distinction overseas so I'm guilty of mispronouncing it until I learned about it well after mm and bass came out.
Hoarders, I hate them so much. You know, the ones that hoard a ton of unreleased and prototype games because they think that the value will grow if nobody has access to them. Then they die and guess what happens they either get sent to a landfill or is sold for cheap and someone dumps it. If I ever had access to something that has not been dump I feel as someone who follows game history as my duty to make a backup and preserve said copy long after the original copy bitrots to hell. I just can't understand the kind of selfish mentality that someone can have with things that might have more value being shared with others than being locked in some dusty attic or basement.
Collectors who buy sealed copies and never play them. I felt such joy buying a brand new sealed copy of Persona 3 on the PS2 a couple of years ago and ripping the plastic off so i could play it.
I really don’t care what other people play, and no one should judge you on liking any game. My daughter loves Fortnite and Roblox and although they are not my thing I totally respect why she likes them - it’s not just about winning but goofing about and what’s wrong with that - it’s not a serious sport but PLAY. With collecting I hate people hoarding multiple copies of rare games artificially pushing up their rarity even further. It’s depriving people of the chance to share and play original games.
Every collecting community turns in to this crap. I have been a dice collector for a long time, but it is now overrun by gatekeepers that only care about rare Chessex OOP dice and everything else is useless trash. And those dice are now going for $200 for a complete set of an OOP set.
people who look at my collection and say things like.. " Why didn't you just get a mini?" also people who just simply DON'T PLAY their games. like wtf..play them.
Lol. While it actually is or should be pronounced "Base (Bass the musical connotation) in Megaman 8; they pronounced it as Bass (like the fish). Of course we all know how wrong they were. Haha.
3:50 The odd tendency to push people away from a hobby comment really resonated with me. I've never understood why people do that. For an example, I've noticed how bad that gets sometimes in MMORPGs, where someone will start complaining about the "noobs." I often wonder if those people even consider that their game will dry up and die more quickly if fewer new people feel welcome to join. Good video, guys. Good topic as well.
What annoys me the most are the ignorant collectors ready to pay much more than actual market value (this happen a lot, especially eBay auctions), this behavior increases the price of games so every collectors suffers in the end.
I can't stand that either for example when someone decides to sell their entire collection at once for way more then it's worth, and some rich oil sheik's kid buys it all up on eBay with no questions asked just because he can, then thus making all the other sellers think their games are worth more than they really are.
I still have no idea if I’m collector. I go to cons, I like finding gamesI enjoyed as a kid. I enjoy buying modern games. I have more games than I can play, but I continue to buy games because I want to have that experience of playing that game that piqued my interest. I have about 100 games. I don’t focus on any particular sets. I love the older games for the manuals. I wish new games came with manuals. Yup. I like games.
There is too much crap out there and what’s the cut off to collecting? Start doing the toys, then the clothes, variants of the game. I just do the ones I like, having a huge library you start to run out of space and there’s probably only about 5 games that most gamers will always come back to.
With extreme video game collecting I always wonder if there's a slight level of mental illness involved. The Thrill of the hunt. once the video game is on your shelf and the luster wears off your on to the next game. Essentially an insatiable appetite to constantly obtain more.
Related to Ian's comment about people telling people "you should be playing something else" regarding Fortnite....I hate when gamers assume you play a certain game just because you own console. I had NUMEROUS people say to me "Why did you buy an Xbox if you don't play Halo?". Halo is not the only game around for Xbox. Yes, it's popular, but it's not the only one. I enjoy the Forza series and that's why I bought an Xbox. But maybe it wasn't Forza that I liked. Xbox also has Gears of War series. They also USED to have Project Gotham Racing series. Another problem with gamers are those that feel superior because they have some hard to get gear in a game. For example, on the original Destiny, there was a group of people that wouldn't let me join them in the raid because I didn't have the Gjallarhorn....that weapon was very over powered but you could still finish the raid WITHOUT it. People ran the raid solo, so obviously 6 Gjallarhorn's are not required to beat it.
The worst for me is when people try to buy just the games that are rare just to brag.A person tried to get what he thought was the rarest version of an already sought after game, but it wasn't (I should have said that it was), when I asked why not just get the game's other versions since it was the same he said because other's have it as well. It's not a competition but he made it seem so. He just tries to get the most sought/ expensive games for the sole reason that others will think highly of him, only to sell them later. Also a person that tried to sell his shitty expensive game but nobody bought it, and a month later he posted it and said "The pride of my collection", when I said that he was trying to sell it a month ago he replied that he changed his mind (yeah right). The same person tries to resell stuff constantly and everything he posts he says "Rare original Gameboy its mint, nobody else cleans theirs" and stuff like that.
Wait you think the value of games are decreasing every year? I thought everyone was saying they have been sky rocketing? Should I start collecting snes games in 5 years instead of now?
Supply and Demand. With time interest in let say obscure NES games will lose demand and while the Supply of the game stay relatively static it's demand will lower. Lower demand but similar Supply means that the value will lower.
I collect for the PS1, PS2 and PS3 and some of my games are in bad shape but i don't give a shit because i can still play the game. I open any sealed games i manage to get straight away too.
Anyone who spends massive amounts of money on games as trophy pieces then claims everyone is "jealous" of them, they also do things like posting photos of themselves licking Stadium Events....also basically everyone at NintendoAge
My beef with some collectors is when they're not terribly interesting people, but irresponsibly blow all their money on anything and everything as some kind of obsession. I've watched a fair few videos of Adam Koralik, and the guy just comes across as a bit annoying. "Look at all this stuff I keep blowing money on every week". I wonder how their personal life is outside of video game collecting, how their income is, how prepared they are for a stable future.
@@Metal-Possum I dunno, he's really knowledgeable and has plenty of fun stories to tell about how he got into the hobby. I feel like the kinda collector you describe would just be throwing money at eBay all the time to acquire arbitrarily rare games, never playing them and just bragging about them on YT. Adam travels the world on a very regular basis (note that if he can afford this he's probably faring alright), and while he's away he happens to hunt for games he finds interesting, often with friends, and uses connections to acquire really hard to find stuff. Sounds to me like a pretty well adjusted adult who just happens to really really like SEGA.
Yeah im with you Ian. A few years back i went to a game store that i was a regular at that my friend worked for. I was talking to him about games and we started talking about Zelda. I was telling my friend im not much of a Zelda fan its a good series but i like other games better. This guy who was near by turns around and raises his voice yelling at me saying "HOW IN THE FUCK DO YOU NOT LIKE ZELDA WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU" he went off on me. my friend and the people there told him to calm down no need to yell or he can leave and he kept going and they had to kick him out of the store. This guy got so upset over me saying im not really into the Zelda series. I mean i do like Link to the past, and the original Zelda for NES. but the rest just never really grabbed me unlike other game series have over the years.
I find it annoying when folks aren't open minded about games in the aspect of praise and criticism. I had a conversation about beat 'em ups with some folks and was instantly dogged on for saying my favorites were Batman Returns and MMPR on SNES. "Are you stupid bro? Turtles in Time is the best, it's a fact!" Nostalgia causes a lot of hurt feelings when other folks think differently.
Are you annoyed by certain game collectors? What bothers you the most?
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I have definitely experienced the same issues you guys brought up. My wife has gotten it many times at game stores. She once was asking the front deck guy at a GameStop about wanting to purchase “Flower, Sun and Rain for the DS and the guy just started laughing and saying “you don’t know what you are talking about” and she knew what the game was and knew it was a Suda51 game and everything. The guy was in shocked that a woman knew anything about a game that he didn’t know about.
Hey pat any chance you could tell me what chairs you use ive been looking for a new desk chair and those one look nice
I'd argue most fans of this channel aren't game collectors, just retro gaming enthusiasts (including myself)...kind of an obscure topic most viewers can't relate to....just sayin.
Gotta talk about something though, right?
Sounds like a cool hobby, but I just don't have the money or room for it. It's strictly emulators for me, i'm afraid.
What annoys me about some collectors is how they blame youtubers for” inflating the price of games.” I can’t and this attitude that collecting is “only for them” because they’ve been doing it for X amount of years or “longer than anyone else” 🙄
I've have to agree with what Ian says, there are times too were I miss pronounce stuff too like video game names and titles. But can be annoying when they insist that your wrong.
LOL "oh my god I hate that!" Pat in the background
Yeah. Please do a segment that is all Pat or Ian off camera with those types of comments. For some reason that little bit reminded me of the Summoner Geeks video.
I like to imagine he was using a urinal they have set up in the corner of the room just in case.
I hate to think people are lying, but there are collectors on Instagram who post their hauls every other day of stacks and stacks of expensive games, saying they got them for like $1 each at a yard sale. I have a feeling some of these people are just buying off eBay and pretending they got it for super cheap for "cool points" (?). Not that there aren't deals out there, but I have a hard time believing the same dude is finding multiple sealed SNES games on a near weekly basis.
That's definitely going on though. People just taking pictures of their collection and saying how cheap they say they paid.
I hate these people. So goddamn annoying
there was this infamous moment on the DigitalPress forums back in the day where someone literally did this lol. posted an insane amount of rare stuff and went "just bought this at my local thrift!" then later on someone found sold ebay listings of all the stuff he showed off, like a Doom strategy guide that had the same markings his did.
i mean i dont think the guy was awful for doing it but its like, whats the point of embellishing it?
@@RoyStorey my whole thing is who are you trying to impress? We've all had our share of great deals to off set the times we spent too much. We're all proud of each other's finds to a point until it looks like you're trying to rub it in.
@@twistedmetal99 you're a bitch and you always will be one. No matter what you have, you're a bitch.
When they have all these games, but don't PLAY them.
Its why I just go after the shit I like or holds nostalgic value. I play more than collect. All my stuff has at least 1 100% completed save file.
You mean like Pat then
"your not a real playstation collector you have greatest hits green labels"
I don't like GH versions but they're still the game and that's the most important part.
Well it's much cheaper, it's not that pleasing to look at, but at least it's more affordable.
And it's true.
I hate people like this a few years ago I got mocked in a Facebook group because I was happy about getting a Symphony of the Night GH CIB for $30 and people were commenting on the post "Oh why didn't you get the Black Label version, that's the version to have." at the time the black label was over $70 but because I managed to get a cheaper version, sure the black label looks nicer but the extent of my time with the box will be taking it off the shelf and putting it in my Playstation and flipping through the manual once in a while.
I'm just amazed people care about the color of the label so much that it actually creates a massive gulf in the prices. If the goal is the play the game the label shouldn't matter. Only reason I have black label games is because I bought them new 20 some years ago. I wouldn't pay the prices some of these are going for today. Worst part of it is it has a green label because it sold a crap ton of copies. Meaning the green label versions are actually more rare than the black label versions. And the rarest games are really going to be those that never got a green label at all. Like Einhander of Suikoden 2. Oh how I regret trading those in so many years ago.
I hate the gatekeepers, my small collection consists of the games i enjoy, i dont need a lil samson because i dont like that game
I hear ya there, and speaking of Little Samson I played the ROM, and to me it's alright, but nothing that special
I got it on a multicart, it is ok. It is not worth $1400
What also annoys me about game collectors is when I bring in my 14 month year old son into game stores I get dirty looks from what I call the unshowered ones cause I'm not as nerdy as them and shouldnt be bring my son into these stores and I'm like what am I suppose to do with him leave him in my truck it's my hobby to
Collectors that eBeg for games.
The Nostalgia Factor find this on Atari age and Nintendo age where kids who don’t have credit cards are asking for free games and consoles. Usually consoles like they want a free nes or 2600 or commodore64
Theres people who want this thing because they had it as kids
Get a great price
Year later they are selling everything off
The first thing some people ever say to a seller is "can I get a discount?" even if the price is already low. Sellers know what discounts are, and if they want to give you one, they will.
5:18 serial killer Pat. You've been warned, ladies.
Amiibo collectors who got two of each Amiibo and now they need to get three of each because Nintendo added some red to the packing. loooooooooooooooool
This happens a shit ton in my area... When someone tries to pass off fake consoles/ games as real ones. I see it with pokemon games i private message them saying its a bootleg. And they get defensive. Then i show them my copy still defensive. Then say look inside the pins no nintendo on the bpard... Then they listen.
Or with those 600 in 1 nes classics
What annoys me most about some game collectors is that they like to show off their extensive collection as a represantation of their disposable income. With enough money it's hardly collecting, just buying what comes to mind. I get the most enjoyment, besides playing the games, out of the tracking down and trying to make a good deal. Like treasurehunting.
I agree with that, I also enjoy hunting down games I don't have for my collection at good prices, as I don't have a ton of money to spend like some others do, hell I get a kick out of finding a decent PS2 game for $3, and a random PS2 Arcade stick for $5, or when someone drops off a load of GameCube stuff, which happened a few months back that included a DK bongo controller, along with a butt load of official Nintendo branded controllers, memory cards, etc.. I got for less than $30 at my local Goodwill store.
When you hear a collector say a good deal it usually means the seller vendor got ripped off...
georgiaridgerunner 79 That debatable because what if I go into Goodwill(this has happened to me), and pick up a DK Bongo controller for $5.05 when online on average they go for $15 to $20 plus shipping cost. As a buyer I'm not gonna be stupid, and go to the store manager say hey you could have gotten $20 for these ya know. They set the price they felt someone was willing to pay, I came in saw the deal as I needed another one as my step daughter, and sisters kids who like the DK games that use them, so I bought it, and went home happy.
I've also been to yard sales before where the seller knew what they had on offer like the Sears Super Video Arcade(Intelivision rebrand) sitting in a box with a bunch of games for $7, and I ask the guy who at the time was wearing a Nintendo power shirt(early 00's), and said are you sure this is all you want for this entire box, and they said yes, so I gave them a $10 bill as my g/f at the time had gotten some other things as well, and it was a done deal. I payed the asking price they wanted, so no one got ripped off, as even back then they could have looked up eBay prices online. So again this is very debatable.
More related to gamers but I hate gamers who have this bigoted elitisit attitude that if you play a game that is considered "bad" then they have the right to treat you like shit.
Regarding collectors, one thing that kind of annoys me is collectors who doesn't play their games and just puts them on a shelf. Games are meant to be played in my opinion and there is nothing wrong about opening a sealed game to play it. The real value is the game itself, not whatever monetary value you put on it.
"More related to gamers but I hate gamers who have this bigoted elitisit attitude that if you play a game that is considered "bad" then they have the right to treat you like shit. "
I don't know if you're talking about games of the kind of Fortnite (which people criticise mainly because they think they look cool by shitting on popular stuff), but if you're talking about games that could be considered objectively bad, man I hate this attitude of "don't play this games ever in your life" and all that. I hate this thing about the gaming community for a variety of reasons.
First of all, I believe that to truly have the right to criticise something (be it a video game, a movie, a book, whatever), you have to have experienced it first hand so you know what you're talking about. But most people on the internet blindly criticise a game they never in their lifes have played, usually regurgitating whatever they heard about the game from someone else, and with time, making the game look far worse than it actually is.
Also, playing bad games is a good way to review why they are considered bad, what were the mistakes the developers made, and learn of them. But people seriously want everyone to forget these bad games ever existed, and is important to remember these games and the mistakes they made because both people and game companies are prone to forget the past and make the same old mistakes.
I could go on and on about this but I think you get the idea why I hate this.
Well if you collect paintings or postcards you'll also run into this problem.
Collectors who think they're the only ones allowed to collect and think everyone else should "get lives" or "stop being weird" or " need a girlfriend" or "get over their mid-life crisis" but its perfectly ok for they themselves to collect
I get equally annoyed when people say incorrect things about films, I had someone tell me that "Singing in the Rain" used milk instead of water and when I explained to them how they actually did it with blacklisting they just said "No it was milk stop arguing" and I just wanted to punch him.
"backlighting" not "blacklisting" (Auto correct error I imagine). The rain wasn't driven out of Hollywood over politics.
Blah I wish I could blacklist auto correct
@@dissrapsBro why you replying to a comment that's three years old like it's a current discussion?
@@dissraps I'm just bemused really, what made you look at a 3 year old comment and think "I wonder if he has worked on his anger issues, I'll reply by saying that "nerd movie trivia makes him violent"?
I have a reasonable sized collection but almost all of them are games I once owned, wanted to own or just have good memories of.
It's always nice hearing collector topics. In general, I see much less across youtube lately.
When they have zero knowledge about the games they talk so much about 😆
Nooooo! I wanna hear more stories on collectorsplaning :D
I got yelled at by some dude at my local comic shop for not picking up the latest Flash book. "How can you call yourself a collector if you don't buy Flash? You're missing out on a big part of the over all story."
Something I hate about some games collectors is when they're trying to shame me for buying into the "Limited Editions" that come out, with extra stuff like maps, soundtracks or statuettes. Look. I like it. Yes, it's cheap to produce. yes it's expensive to buy. But YES, I like it. Why? Because I like "stuff". Besides, my money, my rules. I enjoy it. And that's that.
Isn't that gamers in general? If anything wouldn't game collectors be into stuff like limited editions?
Thats why i got undertale collector's edition it was expe sive but i enjoyed everything that came with
Limited edition stuff is awesome! Why not get the most out of your game? Especially if the developers are willing to put extra effort into the game.
They're probably just jealous that they could not get the limited editions.
I've been in game Dev for a while.
Doing a proper collector's edition is friggin hard. Preparing and designing all the stuff to provide something that feels valuable but is within retail razor thin margins (unless you want a Fallout 76 kind of situation) is very hard.
Producing it is inexpensive, that's the whole point, but it can't feel cheap
I love that Ian calls out asshole like that Bass guy. The condescension is also the thing that annoys me about people who play games in general.
I can't stand collectors that always say you have to "have the original" like I met someone once who was also a collector and we chatted for a bit and at one point we discussed the legend of zelda and I stated that I had ocarina of time on the 3ds and he said "I prefer the original do you have it" I said No and he said "if your a real collector you have to have the original game on the original system not the remake"
Lol for one it's a upgrade from the original and more convenient, and this is coming from someone that has both play it on whatever the hell you want.
Someone did the same exact thing to me but it was a retro game vendor at a convention when I was trying to purchase the Conker remake on Xbox.
Thats pretty dumb, sometimes original versions suck total dick or have annoyances fixed in later versions. Kingdom Hearts FM fixes a permanently missable trinity mark, Perfect dark 360 doesn't drop frames horrendously, Devil may cry HD having jump on the X button, MGS Peace Walker HD being 60FPS instead of 20 like the PSP.
WolfCubeZ No, to be a real collector you have to collect. That’s all.
@@fox-paws yeah for sure and also some remakes are almost literley a whole new game fire emblem echoes shadows of valentia is a great example othet then some map designs music remixes and character names and a few other things the game is almost literley a new game it has a much bigger story,more maps,characters,music etc
I Remeber the early 2000s with funcoland and going in there and grabbing a stack of nes games and even the staff being like wtf you still play these.
Even as late as 2006 when I was in the military and i had my mother send me my games and id hook my nes up to the tv in the barracks lounge and someone would walk in and be like "Nintendo? Really? Get a ps2?"
And about two years later I was suddenly the man for that same hobby.
They buy M.U.S.HA CIB, talk about it but never play it...or any other game in their collection.
Also sealed box collectors, wich sometimes its fine unless thats the only version of the game you got. I acquired Valis 3 and Phelios recently and i am playing the shit outta them, i am a collector that plays games.
I bought a sealed copy of a common Dreamcast game. First thing I did was unwrap it and play it. Sealed copies are just copies that "can't be played", which in my mind means less copies for the general public to enjoy, which then drives the prices up on all the rest.
@@Metal-Possum Alex...exactly!!!! Less copies for people that really wants to play a game. My point is, anybody can collect whatever they want but that's ridiculous, i have a sealed copy of Grand theft auto 3, its a cheap ass game even sealed but once i finish Vice city i will open it and play it, the problem with discs IMO is that scratched one won't last long and that brand new GTA 3 will last years and years and i will still play it.
I haven't bought a sealed copy of anything but if i did you bet your sweet ass id open it
Megaman and 🐟
FFS, how is the customer that stupid? His dog is TREBLE. It's music-related, much as Forte/Gospel in the Japanese...
One thing I've learned is something only has value if you intend to sell it. A common thread among hoarders (not intimating anyone is a hoarder) is not wanting to get rid of anything because it's "worth something." It isn't worth anything if nobody knows it's there.
What i hate are the profiteers who raid yard sales, goodwill's etc. to resell when the people who really want to play them cant get access to them
Fuck em and get a flashcart, if you just want to play on original hardware it's the exact same thing.
When they interrupt, talk over and dismiss their cohost
I call those people "fun snobs". "My entertainment is superior to your entertainment." no, it's not, because the goal is ENTERTAINMENT for that PERSON.
Background Pat is best Pat. HashTagBackgroundPat
Background Pat, a new character and playlist on the channel?
What annoys me the most are the game collectors that collect games and then use youtube to increase the value of their games by constantly making videos with titles like "hidden gems" or "rare games".
Which is the thing that Metal Jesus Rocks always does. And what annoys me even more about MJR is the fact that he clearly doesn't play or know the majority of the games and consoles he collects. He is not passionate about video games, he just wants recognition from the community, and he just wants to gain money from this.
It's disgusting and there are so many like him!
It drives me crazy when people have a game that would sell for $100 and then get it graded and sell it for $5000 it's NOT WORTH THAT!
What annoys me about some collectors is how they blame youtubers for” inflating the price of games.” I can’t and this attitude that collecting is “only for them” because they’ve been doing it for X amount of years or “longer than anyone else” 🙄
CD-i 3DO haha I fake complain about that with my friend. We will go to a game store, find a good good, and I'll be like buy it before Metal Jesus puts it in one of his hidden Gems video lol
TheWeekendGamerz lol ikr I joke too but it’s just the name of the game. Luckily I collect for systems most don’t care about haha
I hope the prices just drop out. That way I can get some games I always wanted to get.
ebay prices at Yard sales.... Booo
I know right, why should someone get what their thing that they own is worth, and not just sell it for $2 so you can put it on E-Bay and make a few hundred dollars profit because they don't know the difference between Duck Hunt and Little Sampson.
How dare they find the value of the thing they are selling, and want a fair price for it instead of letting you rip them off by pretending its not in demand.
Great reply. Collecting is basically ripping off either the sellers or getting ripped off.
Jammill Khursheed stop making sense doesn't work with gamers
If I wanted to pay eBay prices I'd sit on my ass at home and pay eBay prices with guarantee's and the convenience of having the items shipped to my door. If I'm at a Flea Market or at a Yard Sale I'm doing the leg work and the items have no guarantee's
@Captain318 & @JasonVoorhees10100
You do know the big point of E-Bay is that, usually, things cost LESS on there than physically buying them yourself, not more for ease of use. By rights, you pick it up and buy it, you should be paying like 20% more than what E-Bay sells it for, and your complaining its the same price or only a bit cheaper.
You don't pay less for Assassins Creed at Wallmart than you do on E-Bay, you buy it off E-Bay because its cheaper on the auction site, if Wallmart was selling it for the same price, you'd be thinking "damn Wallmart, that's a good deal", but people got too used to scamming people who couldn't check prices before smartphone apps, and now cry about not being able to scam as many people as they used to. Whether its to get something super cheap to keep, or re-sell, you'r still scamming the seller if they have Stadium Events and Krion Conquest at $5 each in a tupperware tub alongside Mario, Golf and Donkey Kong.
Sounds to me a bit like someone wanted to buy it to resell it on E-Bay themselves for profit. That doesn't really happen anymore, live with it.
In the game Split/Second there's a track called the quarry. My cousin was saying it like query... Was like, dude, look at the map, it's a rock quarry
What annoys me about game collectors...is when game collectors try to pay less than retail price ...but then try to sell at retail price or above retail price... Another thing that's just pisses me the fuck off is these other collector/players that have driven the price of collecting up over the years...as a result of rising prices I've had to buy multicarts and an everdrive...
I hate snobby game collectors that hate game collectors ... I paid for them I can do as I wish with it ... play it save it burn it sell it sleep with it under my pillow ... whatever tickles your fancy ... Its called collecting for a reason to be collected like a squirrel collects nuts ... He’s saves them for the right time... Why care about ones collection and how it’s cared for ... Stupid
I love my games I have, and haven’t played them in months...
Feels great to open one when I want ..
I also do have multiple copy’s of some games ... games can get damaged it’s ok the buy 2 copy’s ...
Over 3 is not understandable unless your a reseller or a avid trader
Looking back on this video nearly two years later, Pat & Ian's stellar predictions....
Pat: Fortnite will burn out eventually.
Ian: I won't work at a video game store much longer.
This aged very poorly in regards to the Fortnite prediction, it’s still one of the most played games
I find that after collecting for about 20 years, you run into a lot of people in the hobby, you'll develop a series of pet peeves, and people will just rub you the wrong way because the hobby is appealing to a very broad range of individuals with a broad range of values some of which will inevitably conflict with your own. How you choose to compose yourself will determine how you'll be perceived by your community and your peers. Typically if you choose an assertive, non-confrontational approach to dealing with folks exhibiting obnoxious, bad, or just incompatible behavior with your own, will provide you with a better experience in the long run.
"One of the dudes, I told him to shut the fuck up" LOL
I just can't stand when people shit on other people tastes, manners mate!
If you really think that you know something better just tell people "oh you like X, I think you would really enjoy Y".
You might be right, but you won't get any traction being rude about it.
It happened to me with Metal Warriors. I had a co-worker that was usually a uber dick about most things (from coffee to how you should sort your folders, your political preferences and your general outlook in life), so I just ignored him or did things differently to spite him. But one day during lunch we were talking about retrogames, and he suggested that I should take a look at Metal Warriors, while being so candid about it and so non confrontational, that it became the only suggestion that I've ever considered coming from him. And he was right, it is so much fun.
But had he suggested it on his usual "I'm right and you pleb have no idea" attitude, I would probably never played it until someone else suggested it to me.
One thing I hate from some game collectors, especially the ones that buy and sell games online, they try to buy a chunk of my collection for dirt cheap. Say no and they get pissed off and push harder.
Oh, what's that? You want to buy a giant container of my games for $100 and there is some hard to find games in there? You can leave now.
People who leave games sealed, gathering dust on a shelf. If you've got a decent collection, buy box protectors to preserve the boxes, and play the damn games!
Andy C I’ve never understood sealed collecting, especially people who collect sealed games when the seals have no indicators on them. How do you know you have what you think you have?
@@GameHammerCG Exactly!! See it as such a waste personally. Likewise, I also collect steelbook movies. There's a portion of the collecting community who leave all their purchases completely sealed. With a steelbook you usually get rear and interior artwork, and leaving the product sealed deprives the buyer from seeing this!! Just don't get it.
I hate to correct you both, but its Rockman & Forte :p
I'm somewhat of a game collector. I only buy games I want to play and I keep them and since I want to play so many games I collected over a few hundred games.
I hate it when game collectors collectorsplain other game collector’s collectorsplaining.
People that aim to have certain games even if the game is something they’re not gonna play, but are willing to pay the jacked price for it just to possess it. It’s almost a mental issue.
Telling a kid who plays Fortnite to "play something better" is the equivalent of adults back in our day to tell us "you should go play outside instead' or other kids saying video games are for dorks.
If someone tried to tell me I need to collect better games or more games, they'd get a giant fuck off from me. I only collect the games I want to play.
What bothers me about some game collectors is the idea that THEIR way of game collecting is the ONLY proper way to collect. Looking down on other people’s collections because: 1) They don’t go for rarities and collect “junk” games to pad their numbers. 2) don’t care much about condition or CIB titles 3)only collect popular items, but don’t care about Colecovision/Vectrex/PCengine. Etc. Just let people collect their own things their own way.
Gate keeping in game collecting also annoys me. I had a user here on You Tube tell me since i didn't have thousands of games and don't have any rare games that im not a real collector. Its not about what games and how many you have, as long as you enjoy the hobby then you are a collector. Another thing that annoys me is condition of a game is a huge deal to some collectors they think that games with slightly scratched or damaged labels are garbage.
Like in all collecting hobbies, everybody complains about having spend waaayyy to mcu hmoney on his/her collection while simultaniously braggin with the collection on every occasion.
I hate collectors who are doing everything they can to make sure you know just how much money they paid for their games.
I am a total looser... NEVER come even close to 10.000 games cib with my tiny collection.
Wonder how others manage to build up a stock of even beyond 30.000 games though... And don't forget about the pile of hardware they manage to stack-up.
Let's Play Gaming Expo last year in Austin (where I met the Punk) there was a female video game store owner from New Mexico. Someone tried to tell her that every Pokemon Leaf green she had was counterfeit because they did not have a battery in them. I corrected him, he threw a fit until he looked up online and saw that I was right. (I recently opened mine up). He was quite condescending about the whole thing.
I've been a fan of heavy metal music my entire life. This conversation reminds me of the metal community for like 30 years now. "That's not REAL metal!", "If it's not from the 80s, it's shit." and so on. It's not rampant, but just like game collecting it's not uncommon. I mean comedian Brian Posehn made a song and video mocking this behavior called "More metal than you". I don't care what people listen to anymore than I care what video games people like to play, but in any popular thing that has a community there's always going to be dickheads trying to be gatekeepers and acting like they know everything when their knowledge base is a fucking joke.
Be good to others. Collect and play games for fun. Life is too short for anything else.
As a little kid I never knew about the rockman distinction overseas so I'm guilty of mispronouncing it until I learned about it well after mm and bass came out.
"Don't correct someone if they're wrong" lol
Hoarders, I hate them so much. You know, the ones that hoard a ton of unreleased and prototype games because they think that the value will grow if nobody has access to them. Then they die and guess what happens they either get sent to a landfill or is sold for cheap and someone dumps it. If I ever had access to something that has not been dump I feel as someone who follows game history as my duty to make a backup and preserve said copy long after the original copy bitrots to hell. I just can't understand the kind of selfish mentality that someone can have with things that might have more value being shared with others than being locked in some dusty attic or basement.
I've never done it but I've been very tempted to help prevent a mother and child from buying a trash game.
"OMG I HATE THAT"... lmao... I thought he was taking a shit , when he said that
Collectors who buy sealed copies and never play them.
I felt such joy buying a brand new sealed copy of Persona 3 on the PS2 a couple of years ago and ripping the plastic off so i could play it.
I really don’t care what other people play, and no one should judge you on liking any game. My daughter loves Fortnite and Roblox and although they are not my thing I totally respect why she likes them - it’s not just about winning but goofing about and what’s wrong with that - it’s not a serious sport but PLAY. With collecting I hate people hoarding multiple copies of rare games artificially pushing up their rarity even further. It’s depriving people of the chance to share and play original games.
Game collector's that don't play the games they own!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just in it for the pay off 20 years from now or longer!!!
Every collecting community turns in to this crap. I have been a dice collector for a long time, but it is now overrun by gatekeepers that only care about rare Chessex OOP dice and everything else is useless trash. And those dice are now going for $200 for a complete set of an OOP set.
Just found a sealed copy of Musha at an orphanage for 3 pents and a shoe string, did I do good?
^I hate that shit.
people who look at my collection and say things like.. " Why didn't you just get a mini?" also people who just simply DON'T PLAY their games. like wtf..play them.
No Ian, it’s Bass like the fish. It’s in the voice acting and therefore cannon. It may be a mistake, but still cannon.
Lol. While it actually is or should be pronounced "Base (Bass the musical connotation) in Megaman 8; they pronounced it as Bass (like the fish). Of course we all know how wrong they were. Haha.
Whatever. The fish pronunciation is CANON. So is "Doctuh Wahwee." Don't fight this magic, embrace it.
The Meteah was wesponsible for all da mispwounanciation! And it's dangerous to weave it alone.
I hate when people take a game and put it in an acrylic tomb to never be played again, drives me crazy. Graded games are ridiculous.
3:50 The odd tendency to push people away from a hobby comment really resonated with me. I've never understood why people do that.
For an example, I've noticed how bad that gets sometimes in MMORPGs, where someone will start complaining about the "noobs." I often wonder if those people even consider that their game will dry up and die more quickly if fewer new people feel welcome to join.
Good video, guys. Good topic as well.
All about the Bass about the Bass the Bass (fishing) . 😉
OMG. my husband just bought a new chair for his office today. Pat has the SAME chair. XD good choice!
what annoys me are people who buy games and have them graded.
When people feel the need to hoard multiple copies of a particular game. Especially if it's rare. It's a dick move that screws over collectors.
What annoys me the most are the ignorant collectors ready to pay much more than actual market value (this happen a lot, especially eBay auctions), this behavior increases the price of games so every collectors suffers in the end.
I can't stand that either for example when someone decides to sell their entire collection at once for way more then it's worth, and some rich oil sheik's kid buys it all up on eBay with no questions asked just because he can, then thus making all the other sellers think their games are worth more than they really are.
I still have no idea if I’m collector. I go to cons, I like finding gamesI enjoyed as a kid. I enjoy buying modern games. I have more games than I can play, but I continue to buy games because I want to have that experience of playing that game that piqued my interest. I have about 100 games. I don’t focus on any particular sets. I love the older games for the manuals. I wish new games came with manuals. Yup. I like games.
There is too much crap out there and what’s the cut off to collecting? Start doing the toys, then the clothes, variants of the game. I just do the ones I like, having a huge library you start to run out of space and there’s probably only about 5 games that most gamers will always come back to.
With extreme video game collecting I always wonder if there's a slight level of mental illness involved. The Thrill of the hunt. once the video game is on your shelf and the luster wears off your on to the next game. Essentially an insatiable appetite to constantly obtain more.
I've still need to also shop at Luna Video Games store more often.
Related to Ian's comment about people telling people "you should be playing something else" regarding Fortnite....I hate when gamers assume you play a certain game just because you own console. I had NUMEROUS people say to me "Why did you buy an Xbox if you don't play Halo?". Halo is not the only game around for Xbox. Yes, it's popular, but it's not the only one. I enjoy the Forza series and that's why I bought an Xbox. But maybe it wasn't Forza that I liked. Xbox also has Gears of War series. They also USED to have Project Gotham Racing series. Another problem with gamers are those that feel superior because they have some hard to get gear in a game. For example, on the original Destiny, there was a group of people that wouldn't let me join them in the raid because I didn't have the Gjallarhorn....that weapon was very over powered but you could still finish the raid WITHOUT it. People ran the raid solo, so obviously 6 Gjallarhorn's are not required to beat it.
The worst for me is when people try to buy just the games that are rare just to brag.A person tried to get what he thought was the rarest version of an already sought after game, but it wasn't (I should have said that it was), when I asked why not just get the game's other versions since it was the same he said because other's have it as well. It's not a competition but he made it seem so. He just tries to get the most sought/ expensive games for the sole reason that others will think highly of him, only to sell them later. Also a person that tried to sell his shitty expensive game but nobody bought it, and a month later he posted it and said "The pride of my collection", when I said that he was trying to sell it a month ago he replied that he changed his mind (yeah right). The same person tries to resell stuff constantly and everything he posts he says "Rare original Gameboy its mint, nobody else cleans theirs" and stuff like that.
Bassin's Black Bass with Hank Megaman
Wait you think the value of games are decreasing every year? I thought everyone was saying they have been sky rocketing? Should I start collecting snes games in 5 years instead of now?
Supply and Demand. With time interest in let say obscure NES games will lose demand and while the Supply of the game stay relatively static it's demand will lower. Lower demand but similar Supply means that the value will lower.
What annoys me about game collectors is, if they are all about mint condition
I collect for the PS1, PS2 and PS3 and some of my games are in bad shape but i don't give a shit because i can still play the game. I open any sealed games i manage to get straight away too.
Anyone who spends massive amounts of money on games as trophy pieces then claims everyone is "jealous" of them, they also do things like posting photos of themselves licking Stadium Events....also basically everyone at NintendoAge
When people buy a game above its true value due to naivity or impatience, in turn falsely inflating the market!
Never leave Pat ....Ian began to fizzle and woffle on
Rockman and Forte. Solved.
But is it pronounced "Fort" Or "Fort-eh"? ;)
freespace2dotcom yes
My beef with some collectors is when they're not terribly interesting people, but irresponsibly blow all their money on anything and everything as some kind of obsession.
I've watched a fair few videos of Adam Koralik, and the guy just comes across as a bit annoying. "Look at all this stuff I keep blowing money on every week". I wonder how their personal life is outside of video game collecting, how their income is, how prepared they are for a stable future.
I've actually never got that impression from Adam at all, he seems like a really legit guy.
@@ChrisStoneinator It's an obsessive mentality more than an enthusiastic one.
@@Metal-Possum I dunno, he's really knowledgeable and has plenty of fun stories to tell about how he got into the hobby. I feel like the kinda collector you describe would just be throwing money at eBay all the time to acquire arbitrarily rare games, never playing them and just bragging about them on YT. Adam travels the world on a very regular basis (note that if he can afford this he's probably faring alright), and while he's away he happens to hunt for games he finds interesting, often with friends, and uses connections to acquire really hard to find stuff. Sounds to me like a pretty well adjusted adult who just happens to really really like SEGA.
Yeah im with you Ian. A few years back i went to a game store that i was a regular at that my friend worked for. I was talking to him about games and we started talking about Zelda. I was telling my friend im not much of a Zelda fan its a good series but i like other games better. This guy who was near by turns around and raises his voice yelling at me saying "HOW IN THE FUCK DO YOU NOT LIKE ZELDA WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU" he went off on me. my friend and the people there told him to calm down no need to yell or he can leave and he kept going and they had to kick him out of the store. This guy got so upset over me saying im not really into the Zelda series. I mean i do like Link to the past, and the original Zelda for NES. but the rest just never really grabbed me unlike other game series have over the years.
I find it annoying when folks aren't open minded about games in the aspect of praise and criticism. I had a conversation about beat 'em ups with some folks and was instantly dogged on for saying my favorites were Batman Returns and MMPR on SNES. "Are you stupid bro? Turtles in Time is the best, it's a fact!" Nostalgia causes a lot of hurt feelings when other folks think differently.
as a game collector I only collect fun games and one's that are nostalgic to me. why collect a game if it just sits on a shelf and is not played.
Pat in the background: OMG I HATE THAT 😂👍
Say Pat, speaking of collecting, do you plan to pick up irem's official release of Holy Diver on nes?
It's all about that sea bass, bout that sea bass, bout that sea bass
Pat's false modesty. he likes hearing himself talk about how he got into collecting at the beginning and at bargain prices