But what if my real life job gap is nearly dying in 2018 with stage 5 kidney failure suddenly without any identifiable cause. And even now still lives on disability because of how it wrecked my body.
@@benj1236 Yeah I’ve been misled on everything from the nature of the role to the average commission people earn in sales roles. Companies lie all the time.
Why is that? I got 2 college degrees in accounting and finance and I can't get any job in my profession. I only get labor jobs that don't pay well. I have applied to over 12,000 jobs since graduating this includes internships but only got maybe like 10 interviews but the rest never responded. I also took the 4 classes in accounting at the masters level in order to qualify for the 150 credit hour requirement for the CPA license. So, I got the education required for the CPA but I need one year work experience under a CPA licensed employee. I applied to all the places including the big 4 and now that profession is saying there's a shortage of CPA's. So, this year they now don't require the 150 credit hours. This allows them to gate keep. They're favoring the ones that got the jobs. I can tell there's a lot of discrimination going on.
@@DigitalNomad88 terrible analogy. Robots also break down, what these crazy people want are actually gods. If your a god, why do I want to work for you exactly?? See how this actually works.
For real. Entry level jobs I applied for this year required preexisting experience and training. I got asked in one interview "what have you done to learn the role and prepare for this job?". Ummm it was an entry level job, with minimum HS diploma listed. NOTHING. You are supposed to TRAIN ME for your entry level job when you hire me.
The problem of "job gap", from the point of view of corporations, is that they signal "this person has experienced freedom, thus likely lost the worker mentality". The corporations have an "imperial mentality", where they see workers as subjects to be conquered, dominated, ruled upon. This is clearly demonstrated in the speech of Tim Gurner, where he unashamedly exclaims "we must bring pain to the economy". This is the same mindset of empires that placed tribes upon siege so that they can break upon the pain, surrender and then begin paying taxes. Imagine working for a boss that thinks "I must make the lives of the employees as miserable as possible to increase productivity". Workers that value their own freedom are seen as the rebellious tribes that gave headaches to empires.
yeah lately I see they see you as nothing more than a number which creates other numbers. The only question is the number you create is within the range for them to make lots of profit out of you.
@nikoryu-lungma yes they keep your profile in the database. That's why they ask you to keep your resume in their database with your consent for one year. In Europe it's legally one year maximum.
Absolutely! Do bare minimum just enough not to get fired! Then instead of a raise, switch jobs and rinse and repeat! This is the sad state of current corporate world and job markets! Enjoy the decline!
I've worked 17 jobs in my lifetime. Mostly by choice, been fired from 2. Only 3 of them made it to my resume with incorrect dates, no gaps. No one checked, no one looked into it, there were no phone calls. The background check can only confirm if you've worked somewhere you have listed. Dates do not come up on background checks, neither do places you've worked at and haven't listed on your resume. I didn't know that till after I took the leap. Best thing I've ever done. I've got great benefits now and a 35k raise. And I'm doing great at the new place. Would they have given my resume a second look had I been honest? Nope. They would've missed out and so would I.
"The background check can only confirm if you've worked somewhere you have listed" - yet there are some HR companies with unethical practices, that will ask far more than that. How do I know that? I asked my references to forward me the questionnaires they sent them to answer.
I've had HR tell me they'd send those out. And I'd send them to old coworkers I was cool with. Never had them do it without telling me though that's crazy
@@ForgottenKnight1Tell your references… better yet, your references should know without being told, to delay filling out those things. I’ve received some of this garbage before and I instantly reached out to the person who used me as a reference as to what I should put down. Then I just delayed answering back. WTH, HR must think everyone is their employee and needs to do work for them…screw you! I’m busy. In most cases the person already got the job by the time I got around to it. But you gave me an idea! Joshua, please call out the corporate nonsense of hr sending questionnaires to references and former employers!
Here's how it went for me: "This says you ended your last job in May... what have you been up to the last 5-6 months?" "Ahh... you know, I just needed some time to recharge my batteries. I don't really do vacations and I had a pretty comfortable nest egg saved up so I just unplugged for a couple months. I considered it kind of like a sabbatical. Took care of some things on my house that had been needing attention for years. Did some odd job contracting for friends... nothing worth mentioning, just keeping the skills sharp and avoiding having to dig too deep into savings." "oh, that's great. I wish I had some time to fix up my house. That's so good you were in a position to be able to do that" As it were, that interview came the week before I would have to make the decision to spend the last of my savings fixing up the house to sell, or commit to just holding status quo for the last 2-3 months it would have lasted before I went into default if I didn't land a job. But I landed it and all was well.
I lied on my resume, not only for gaps, but for experience. Skills I knew I had for jobs I knew I could do. Now I have enough experience to where I don't have to include those "old positions" anymore.
@@Joe-fj6djHe made up a fake job with either a real or fake company, provided a fake manager name and wrote fake experience and gave them contact information that was never going to work. If your resume says you worked for a japanese company doing IT for a year in Okinawa and requires them to stay up until 2am to call for a reference .....do you think they are going to call?
A job gap or lapse being a disqualification is the stupidest thing. Not working for a period in my life has absolutely nothing to do with my desire to work or ability to. Imagine taking care of sick or elderly family for a few months or being layed off because a company went under and the job you're applying for looks at you in negative light for it. I hate what getting a job has become. The fact that I'm applying in the first place clearly means I don't want/can't be jobless anymore, so any "gap" means nothing.
Been there, done that. My CV for the last 10 years is soooo erratic being in and out of work. I'm not going to lie on my CV. If they cannot accept me then that's their problem
I've been a hiring manager several times throughout my career. Joshua's advice is spot-on. Most of the time, I only get the pile of resumes that made it through the software filters and the recruiter's screening. I rarely see the applicants' answers to the initial application. Last year, more than half of the people I interviewed had been laid off. A job gap in itself is not a red flag if you can show that you've been doing something, anything to advance your skill set.
I joined the army after highschool, after my I finished my active duty tenure I took 6 months off to travel and visit family/friends I hadn’t seen in a while. Once I start applying to jobs they needed to confirm my unemployment with references, I was so confused. HR was absolutely dumbfounded that I just decided to take sometime for myself, that was my introduction into corporate America.
I lied on my application and said I had forklift experience and got hired. I told them it had been about 10 years since I drove one so I'll probably be a little rusty for about a week.
@ you have to keep in mind every job uses different materials for background and even timekeeping. They’re clearly going for the most cost effective. If they don’t receive federal money then it’s unlikely to be that deep. It’s more so the credit score and employers reported on it.
you should do a dedicated series on this 🙏🏾 i dont mind lying, jobs have lied to me for all my career. i got hired for an entry level role, but 2 months later doing im senior level duties without pay. quitting soon.
My first entry IT job, I was hired and trained to do customer-facing IT for one company but ended up doing customer service for a sister company and having to learn their software and services for IT on the spot. Then I was thrown back to the other company to do IT for their software and services that I long since forgot. This shizz situation sucked because I felt bad for the customers dealing with an artard like me. That sister company was being merged with the company I was hired for. But that wasn't in the job posting or interview. By the end, I was promoted high in the ladder to work with large customer companies across the nation. People were asking for me by name. I only ever got one posted positive review, I was hazed by QA and bosses, and colleagues always threw their problems onto me. But I took pride in what I did and always put the customer first. I eventually had to quit because my cortisol levels were killing me, enough to produce physical ailments, and I think I developed a minor case of cPTSD there.
@@simon1430lol. i have 6 months savings, and i applied for a junior it position, starting on the 13th. im going to be doing password resets for foreseeable future.
This is all true. The sad reality is that you could give a company a giant essay as to why you have a job gap or why you left a bad company and they will just be like “I don’t agree” and COMPLETELY DISREGARD EVERYTHING YOU ARE SAYING. To the people who are interviewing you, everything you say is an excuse so you better have a good one if you want to be hired. The funniest part, is that these will be companies that have a high turnover rate, bad reviews, toxic work environment, low pay, you name it! And they have the nerve to be picky about someone wanting to work for THEIR FUCKING COMPANY. So please, lie, make up stories, exaggerate accomplishments, DO IT ALL! Because these companies have twisted expectations of what the real world is actually like.
@@moimeme6533 Literally using people as fodder but want perfect little scrumpets only to throw that perfect batch out like trash after whatever bs cycle comes around.
I actually agree with him on doing something to show you were not letting your skills atrophy. That is the biggest concern we as hiring managers are concerned with. If you can show that you were working on projects even if you weren’t making money on them it will help you.
Why would any company give a shit about a job gap? Do you have the skills and experience they’re seeking? That’s all that should matter. Nothing else is any of their business
Having actually established a sole proprietorship, operating for over a year - in response to having two job gaps following cancellation of two contracts both attached to major projects at two firms - I look forward to the legitimacy of my actually establishing a business being valued at zero!.
I’m not interested in working for anyone who cares about whatever a job gap is. If you’re not working, you’re successful enough to not work. That’s better than identifying yourself as a slave
I became friends with a former neighbor of mine who works in corporate recruiting. We went to lunch one day and he told me to not be afraid to embellish or lie on employment dates on your resume. He had been in recruiting for years and said it’s rare anyone checks. Better to get your foot in the door and get an interview than worry they will find out you were out of a job a few months longer than you claimed.
It has long been the norm to take a few months to find a new position in your industry, especially if your last one paid well or you were a senior employee. I have no idea how companies convinced everyone that having a few months in between roles means you're defective.
I think because eventually they have to go by gut feeling who they're going to hire, so they cling to everything they can actually measure. "Candidate A and B were both great, but A has a job gap of 6 month in 2004, clearly it must mean B is the stronger candidate" 🤷♂️
Literally took care of my father with lung cancer for 1.5 years. "You're unhireable for a job 2 diploma's below what you're offering, for less than minimum wage slavery". Like I might end up in jail sometime soon.
I modified my resume the same way Joshua explained. I applied to dog grooming jobs. I removed everything off my resume that didn’t relate to dog grooming and only applied to dog grooming jobs. I had been working for myself for years as a pet sitter and dog groomer so I always have a job that’s current. I also put in my resume that I competed dog grooming academy. I start in a week but I put it on my resume anyway. I’ve been getting more calls and messages for jobs than I’ve ever had in my life. You can’t play by the rules you’ll never win
Lying is the common, everyone knows everyone else’s is lying too. You’re just not supposed to break character and everyone is ok with it. It can be dystopian movie where the entire planet is faking it until they make it. It’s like a married couple who both are cheating but both pretending they don’t.
I've heard negative thoughts toward having a gap on your resume or employment history. I thought about this for a long time and I tend to think that it's pretty stupid. In more recent times, I've had to explain the reason why I've had gaps in my resume. I tell them that I know it's one of the last little bits of time that I'll be able to have off before I start working again and I won't be able to have another vacation for another 2 or 3 years. So I tell them, I went on vacation, I traveled around Europe or South America for a couple of months while doing interviews over the phone and then I shifted through the more serious people whenever I return back to the United States for work again.
I'm in IT. I was laid off May 2020 and wasn't able to get another job until Aug. 2022. I was laid off *again* Feb 2023. I had my resume/CV professionally revised and, to date, have submitted it to over 750 positions which has resulted in ONE, yes one, interview. I have been purposely avoided because of DEI. The job market is an absolute cesspool. I feel like a completely useless, unwanted, valueless waste of skill, success, and achievement. It's a terrible feeling.
At least you got to work in your profession. I got 2 degrees in accounting and finance and took 4 classes extra at the masters level just to qualify for the CPA exam. I just need 1 year of work experience under a CPA licensed employee. Yet, can't get an entry job nor a internship and haven't got into the profession and it's been at least 5 years of just non-stop labor jobs and nothing but trying repeatedly to get a job in the profession. In middle school I self taught myself computer programming and can code in c, c++ and ASM x86 32 and 64 bit. I feel the same as you and it feels like what' the point going to college if you can't get an entry job in the profession.. I feel the companies are the problem and they're doing things however, they want regardless if it's fair or a good system. I feel the owners and managers are idiots and are doing things wrong.
@@bebdaumon3948 I'm in your boat as well... Might as well get on welfare and follow suite; Then these corporate hawks can abuse the H1B and DEI/ESG system in peace.
Working sucks but if you actually care about working, apply for any job at a university be a janitor, front desk whatever, join the union, apply for the it job you want, they must hire internally first.
Also when I’ve applied for jobs I knew I got them before I got the interview. If you have enough money go to a fundraiser event, join a golf club or go to a city council event. You need to be friends with the decision makers.
Happy New Year Josh and HR Lady!! Great things in 2025!! This is a GREAT video and is hands down, feet on the ground, solid truth!! Great delivery of the common sense of "dont worry, life happens". Any HR recruiter or hiring manager who sees job gaps as a negative, is/are functioning way back in the prehistoric days!! Since the early to late 90s when corporate America divorced employment commitment from their employees, the art of reinventing has been a dire need - especially for the middle aged folks who were dropped like hot rocks in the early to mid 90s!!! I like your reference to self-education and training methods to further one's resume and talent and experience. I am doing that as well. Thanks for the brilliant video!!
2:12 - This is why I love having an LLC for my moonlight work. First, it's a stop gap which can be explained that business just got so much I had to leave my day job. Second, I use it for experience I don't get in other jobs. Like I started putting my LLC on my resume when I was trying to get a network engineer position and the recruiter was like "well, I see you're better suited towards systems so I'm going to submit you for that" despite doing HA firewall setups, HSRP, BGP, and OSPF for clients. Oh, and to add, if you're asked about it in a job interview, you can just say you're looking to wind it down because working for yourself is too crazy and business has slowed down and you've "transitioned your clients away".
Two weeks ago we asked an interviewee about a job gap. His answer was "I was doing landscaping. It convinced me I didn't want to do landscaping." Great answer. We hired him.
I appreciate the content. I think it’s important to understand that many hiring managers have to make a decision based on the information they have. If you think of “problematic hires” or ones that waste time and resources and what their attributes are, and you have some of those same attributes, even if they are for good reasons, you just have to be prepared to compensate for that in some way. I have done a lot of hiring and learned the hard way that most people seem to have a story around every flag that creates questions. It’s not a judgement about the person, but judgements have to be made with the information provided in order to make the best hire possible.
Years ago I was filling in a job app and it had an automatic prompt to ask you to fill in every gap, regardless of how long the gap was. There was one period where I had a gap of one day and it asked me what I was doing in that time, so I just wrote "Mowed the lawn, did grocery shopping" as like a sarcastic answer, and I ended up getting the job.
I have a year gap. During that year, I sold my house and moved across the country. Looked for a place to live and bought an older home. i also did some traveling. I lived off of my savings. Once i settled down in my new home town,, I started applying for jobs. No one seem to care about my gap. Only 1 company asked about it and i told them the above. They were interested in the fact that i drove cross country by myself and had quite an adventure living in my van with my 5 dogs.
Because IF you were to employ someone you appreciate reliability. Job gaps raise doubts about reliability. I'm not sure why people are getting uppity about employers on this
The employer lies to you about the job, its responsibilities, the pay and opportunity potential. But expect the applicant to be totally honest? Oh hell no. Besides can you really lie to an algorithm weeding you out?
And vice versa. I'm not sure why people here are getting annoyed about an employer having concerns over job gaps yet will condone candidates lying while condemning employer lies. Don't lie...you're better than that
Being an auto mechanic I can always say I was in business for myself. It wouldn't even be a lie since people hit me up all the time to fix their cars for them.
I had a sole proprietorship at one point and had it on my resume. I applied at Chase and 2 hours before I was going to leave my current job they called me and rescinded the offer after I provided check stubs from a client and a notarized letter that I was doing subwork for her. They didn't care unless I gave tax documents. Well guess what, I didn't make enough in that year to need to file taxes and at the time (6 years ago by this point) I didn't think it would matter. It did matter and I haven't had a W-2 since October 2019. I don't need to say what happened in early 2020. So, if you are going to go the sole proprietor route make sure you at least file taxes otherwise you could end up like me.
I had a job gap recently not only because I got impacted by a mass layoff and that the tech labor market is pretty rough at the moment, but because I took a couple of weeks to reset and a couple of months to get certifications and improve my knowledge. Then one of the interviews I landed, the recruiter asked me in a very condescending way: "So what have you been doing these past 8 months that you haven't worked?" and I replied, also in a condescending way: "Well, after working non-stop for twelve years, being a top performer for my previous employer, which didn't matter in the end anyway, I decided to take a couple of weeks off, then spent the rest of the time getting certified in: (then I tossed all the certifications I did)" and he eventually interrupted me and said: "oh ok, so you've been busy"
I've learned recently, in the context of the corporate world, 'the high road' is a DEAD END! If I had taken the same 'road' as everyone else, I could have gone a lot farther in my career. But here I am today with my 2-year employment gap and my principles with the full realization that one cannot pay their bills with principles. I feel like such a fool for being honest to a bunch of people who have never been, nor ever will be honest with me.
I used to tell the truth. That got me totally ignored or all the way to the final round only to not get the job for "reasons" although "you're great and I'm sure you'll be getting offers for the job if your life in no time". I've been lying every since and gainfully employed. Every jump since then has netted a 25%+ raise over the last position. Do not hesitate to lie, just keep it reasonable-ish.
If you decide to work for someone else, you're prostituting your time and skills for money. It's an interview, not a confessional. Reality distortion is a real thing. Create your story, your history, your references, whatever. Be skilled, but more important, be likeable and a good storyteller. Once you're in, keep your mouth shut and work your ass off. Always skill up and be ready to jump ship, because they'll never tell you it's sinking until it's too late.
I think Brian is typical, I think Josh is real. Josh is overpriced though now that he's turned fully to this career so its precarious. Josh could easily turn into a Brian so I hope he maintains integrity.
@@althunder4269I think it's because he understands that checks DO happen and let's face facts it's shitty to lie no matter how you try to justify it by saying employers lie
resume should contain related information to the position in question. Job gaps are not their business, and I will never fill out anything other than related experience even if I go homeless. a company that cares about Job gaps, and they can see on the resume all they need, then that's a company I do not want to participate in making more successful
Josh, I appreciate your advice more than you know. Years ago, I came across your channel and thought you were wrong about corporate loyalty but I learned my lesson! I have a question though. Do you think it's still good idea to study computer science? I can't decide between computer science and IT degrees..
the problem is not lying in the resume, its the background check incompetent dips- that check you out afterwards. Some of them asked me for my passport 3 times, and were INSISTENT about the dates of each work contract, beginning and end. I even sent them the original contracts where the dates were written on the front page and still they didn't believe it and kept trying to call my bosses from 10 years ago. They even called ME thinking that I was the boss of my previous company 😂 Point being, even if you are totally honest and have written evidence that you had no job gaps, the incompetent background checkers are going to trip on their own shadow and say you had a job gap
@@simon1430 Standard answer: "I am too commited to my work. I think I need a better work/life balance". It´s a BLATANT lie. Ideally I will never go to work. No employee ever would.
it's 10000% true, most especially as you get older, that's when the tarnish of a job-gap really stands out and amplifies. And like he says, it ends up being a positive feedback loop: the longer you are out => the less people want to hire you => job gap get wider => even fewer companies want to hire you, and so on, and so on.
Technically this is because the government keeps interfering with the money supply, fucking with credit availability, creating stupid tax laws, writing regulations that discourage market entry and entrench big inefficient dying companies, forcibly redistributing money and messing with the natural flow of value creation, falsly legitimizing state parentalism, etc. This is not "capitalism"'s fault; its government's. Period.
So the two options are fudging employment dates or claiming you own a company that you work for? Neither sounds particularly convincing if they attempt to check
Employers sometimes lie about roles and benefits, justifying it later through contract technicalities. It's only fair for applicants to adopt a similar approach
When they ask for the last 10 years of working, as if year 9 and 10 are relevant.. you could have go your PHD in the last 3 years and worked at McDonalds to put you through it.. but, they see that and get an immediate "nope"... I have also seen, warehouse jobs (packaging) position requiring a bachelor's degree, like wtf.
they see a job gap and assume you're a multiple felon even though that easily washes out in the background check. its infuriating. i dont trust anyone that doesn't have a job gap, at this point. how were you able to keep a job through 3 recessions? i call BS
@@chancepaladin Yeah, this guy is out of touch with reality... hasn't had a real job in about decade... has no idea how it really is out there. This whole "job hopping" thing is so outdated, it's difficult to even believe he's still on this narrative. Also, he lives in a van. #VanLife
@@monkey2226 yeah job hopping hasn't been a thing since the mid 00's and early teens (by 2013 the market was damn near dead). because fking wages have been stagnant for more than ten years now its fking absurd. it *was* a way to get ahead, but contracts also used to be 3-6 months long , with 18 months at the latest so it wasn't frowned upon then, if you did that now the private side would burn you for hopping less than 18 months. and you'd get blacklisted. they expect you to stay on long ass contracts on stale wages so you can get H1B'd out to the unemployment line. maybe i need to do a job video again one of these days.
@@monkey2226 bummer youtube is blocking anything more I say about it. I'll make a youtube vid about it soon. i want to clear some things up, a lot changed in 2013-2014. wages have been stagnant for over 10 years.
I agree with the way you suggest spinning a gap, but only if you actually did that thing. The easiest way is therefore to actually do that thing. You must not lie, because misrepresenting yourself is fraud.
You've done a couple of videos on this topic over the last few years and it's one of your most important messages, as few would have the nerve to come right out and say it. Hiring manager: Why did stretch the truth a bit regarding this job gap? Applicant: Because the job description stated: Does what it takes to get things done. Hiring manager: Nice! You're hired!
They are willing to lie about the job you’re applying for, may as well meet them half way. Honestly, say you were self-employed/ put down a defunct company/ put down a company in another country that speaks another language. They won’t check, they never do. If you don’t need a reference may as well. And if you do need a reference ask a friend to pretend to be a client/manager that’s no longer working with that role.
Just do voluntary work because there is so much prejudice against job gaps they have made it policy not to employ people without 3 years work history references.
I got laid off and also retired at 52 and honestly, I wish I’d done it sooner. The 9-to-5 grind always steals your freedom for a paycheck that barely scratches the surface. My advice? If you’re in your late 30s or early 40s, start saving for FIRE now (Financial Independence, Retire Early.) And if you’re in your 50s, invest smartly and break free from relying on your job. Market trends, like the Trump Effect, have made millions for many, including me. Stay focused, stay consistent, and remember financial freedom is within reach if you make it a priority.
This is 100% correct, at least has been in my experience. Hundreds of apps, no response. Soon as I was "self employed" I started getting interviews again.
Good video, one exception to the job gap thing that I know from personal experience is that the job gap rule doesn't apply to disabled workers. In my own personal experience, employers are fine with job gaps if you are disabled.
Go show this man some love - www.twitch.tv/donutkingtv
But what if my real life job gap is nearly dying in 2018 with stage 5 kidney failure suddenly without any identifiable cause. And even now still lives on disability because of how it wrecked my body.
Love the channel!!!
What glasses model are you wearing? Like them
@@Ultrajamz i'm in the market for new glasses too and curious
Get f'd, your sheeee11t is so outdated.
Lying is a must for survival. Companies and managers do this all the time. They don't care when they lie or act unethical. Neither should you.
Most comforting, realistic comment I've seen in a long while.
@@benj1236 Yeah I’ve been misled on everything from the nature of the role to the average commission people earn in sales roles. Companies lie all the time.
@@Saito232005unless you have a conscience. Two wrongs don't make a right. Take the moral high ground
It’s crazy a job gap erases your years of education, years of employment years of hard work
It's silly, how does anyone NOT have gaps these days anyway?
There's a major crises every other year and lay offs all the time.
They want loyal and obedient workers
They want you like robots working 24-7, and you are cheaper and easier to replace than robots
Why is that? I got 2 college degrees in accounting and finance and I can't get any job in my profession. I only get labor jobs that don't pay well. I have applied to over 12,000 jobs since graduating this includes internships but only got maybe like 10 interviews but the rest never responded. I also took the 4 classes in accounting at the masters level in order to qualify for the 150 credit hour requirement for the CPA license. So, I got the education required for the CPA but I need one year work experience under a CPA licensed employee. I applied to all the places including the big 4 and now that profession is saying there's a shortage of CPA's. So, this year they now don't require the 150 credit hours. This allows them to gate keep. They're favoring the ones that got the jobs. I can tell there's a lot of discrimination going on.
@@DigitalNomad88 terrible analogy. Robots also break down, what these crazy people want are actually gods. If your a god, why do I want to work for you exactly?? See how this actually works.
I have seen people who lie on their resumes get further than anyone else
We already know Elon and Vivek are itching to reward these liars
@@MrDhollaballa Trump won so suck it up.
@@MrDhollaballa exploit
@@MrDhollaballa Damn, the TDS+ is strong with you - lay off the MSM propaganda in 2025, you'll be healthier for it
🙋♂️It was mostly accurate... And I knew 2/3 of what I said I did. But here we are.
If companies lie to you about ghost jobs and "5 years of experience" for an entry level job, its ok to lie back.
For real. Entry level jobs I applied for this year required preexisting experience and training. I got asked in one interview "what have you done to learn the role and prepare for this job?". Ummm it was an entry level job, with minimum HS diploma listed. NOTHING. You are supposed to TRAIN ME for your entry level job when you hire me.
Technically, it is not lying. It's playing along with their game of unwritten rules. You need to be at least 3 steps ahead of them.
@@teceffect9826 Yup. After all , they like candidates who "take initiative", right ?
@@jimmorrison903 💯
The problem of "job gap", from the point of view of corporations, is that they signal "this person has experienced freedom, thus likely lost the worker mentality". The corporations have an "imperial mentality", where they see workers as subjects to be conquered, dominated, ruled upon. This is clearly demonstrated in the speech of Tim Gurner, where he unashamedly exclaims "we must bring pain to the economy". This is the same mindset of empires that placed tribes upon siege so that they can break upon the pain, surrender and then begin paying taxes. Imagine working for a boss that thinks "I must make the lives of the employees as miserable as possible to increase productivity". Workers that value their own freedom are seen as the rebellious tribes that gave headaches to empires.
You're correct. It's you against the empire. So invade with all the tools you have.
yeah lately I see they see you as nothing more than a number which creates other numbers. The only question is the number you create is within the range for them to make lots of profit out of you.
I have been blacklisted by Corporations. They reject me immediately. It's been happening to me recently
@@nikoryu-lungma Apply globally. There's no international blacklist.
@nikoryu-lungma yes they keep your profile in the database. That's why they ask you to keep your resume in their database with your consent for one year. In Europe it's legally one year maximum.
These people are Nuts! I had a recent job interview and was asked why I had a job gap 20 years ago.
One day they'll start asking us why we've been doing nothing between birth and kindergarten. That's a gap too, right? XD
Don't you know? Perfection is the bare minimum for any new hire. 😅
That’s insane.
Why on earth did you list a job from 20 years ago? Lol
Just cover up it or cut down your resume to the last 10 years.
Once had an interview at a gas station in my 20s and the guy grilled me on my three month gap. I was looking for work for the months! Holy shit.
18 y/o school leaver: "so I see you had an 18 year job gap, what were you doing for 18 years?"
Absolutely! Do bare minimum just enough not to get fired! Then instead of a raise, switch jobs and rinse and repeat! This is the sad state of current corporate world and job markets! Enjoy the decline!
Zero corporate loyalty.
I've worked 17 jobs in my lifetime. Mostly by choice, been fired from 2. Only 3 of them made it to my resume with incorrect dates, no gaps. No one checked, no one looked into it, there were no phone calls.
The background check can only confirm if you've worked somewhere you have listed. Dates do not come up on background checks, neither do places you've worked at and haven't listed on your resume. I didn't know that till after I took the leap.
Best thing I've ever done. I've got great benefits now and a 35k raise.
And I'm doing great at the new place. Would they have given my resume a second look had I been honest? Nope. They would've missed out and so would I.
"The background check can only confirm if you've worked somewhere you have listed" - yet there are some HR companies with unethical practices, that will ask far more than that. How do I know that? I asked my references to forward me the questionnaires they sent them to answer.
I've had HR tell me they'd send those out. And I'd send them to old coworkers I was cool with.
Never had them do it without telling me though that's crazy
Companies that use LexisNexis absoutely comes back and shows EVERY job, EVERY address and every detail you think can't be found. They are big brother.
Usually during background checks they verify the employment and the start and end dates …
@@ForgottenKnight1Tell your references… better yet, your references should know without being told, to delay filling out those things. I’ve received some of this garbage before and I instantly reached out to the person who used me as a reference as to what I should put down. Then I just delayed answering back. WTH, HR must think everyone is their employee and needs to do work for them…screw you! I’m busy. In most cases the person already got the job by the time I got around to it.
But you gave me an idea! Joshua, please call out the corporate nonsense of hr sending questionnaires to references and former employers!
No act of honesty will be compensated without a fitting punishment.
Here's how it went for me:
"This says you ended your last job in May... what have you been up to the last 5-6 months?"
"Ahh... you know, I just needed some time to recharge my batteries. I don't really do vacations and I had a pretty comfortable nest egg saved up so I just unplugged for a couple months. I considered it kind of like a sabbatical. Took care of some things on my house that had been needing attention for years. Did some odd job contracting for friends... nothing worth mentioning, just keeping the skills sharp and avoiding having to dig too deep into savings."
"oh, that's great. I wish I had some time to fix up my house. That's so good you were in a position to be able to do that"
As it were, that interview came the week before I would have to make the decision to spend the last of my savings fixing up the house to sell, or commit to just holding status quo for the last 2-3 months it would have lasted before I went into default if I didn't land a job. But I landed it and all was well.
They lie about the job description and responsibilities so I wouldn't feel bad extending a few months.
Tell them you signed an NDA and part of the NDA was not talking about what you did or who you worked for.
This tbh
No need to go that far. Just lie. They lie to us anyway
🏆 🏆 🏆
Or that you were overseas. Worked for me.
If you even decide to justify yourself in these fake interviews for ghost job positions.
Truth is the first casualty in a job search.
It doesn't have to be
Fake it til you make it, then do the bare minimum needed to keep it. "Quiet Quiter" for life right here at 26
This quote is inspirational
I lied on my resume, not only for gaps, but for experience. Skills I knew I had for jobs I knew I could do.
Now I have enough experience to where I don't have to include those "old positions" anymore.
Can you give explanation how you did this?
@@Joe-fj6djHe made up a fake job with either a real or fake company, provided a fake manager name and wrote fake experience and gave them contact information that was never going to work.
If your resume says you worked for a japanese company doing IT for a year in Okinawa and requires them to stay up until 2am to call for a reference .....do you think they are going to call?
I'd like this comment. But it's currently at 69 likes
A job gap or lapse being a disqualification is the stupidest thing. Not working for a period in my life has absolutely nothing to do with my desire to work or ability to. Imagine taking care of sick or elderly family for a few months or being layed off because a company went under and the job you're applying for looks at you in negative light for it. I hate what getting a job has become. The fact that I'm applying in the first place clearly means I don't want/can't be jobless anymore, so any "gap" means nothing.
Been there, done that. My CV for the last 10 years is soooo erratic being in and out of work. I'm not going to lie on my CV. If they cannot accept me then that's their problem
I've been a hiring manager several times throughout my career. Joshua's advice is spot-on. Most of the time, I only get the pile of resumes that made it through the software filters and the recruiter's screening. I rarely see the applicants' answers to the initial application. Last year, more than half of the people I interviewed had been laid off. A job gap in itself is not a red flag if you can show that you've been doing something, anything to advance your skill set.
Tell that to the other hiring managers who rejected me because I had the gap despite me showing I had the skills.
@ If they can’t see your value beyond the job gap, they probably aren’t people you want to work for anyway.
His advice is dumb AF.
Why should a job gap matter? It’s none of their business.
The thing is, even if you weren’t doing anything to bridge the gape of say 3-6 months it’s fine, you don’t lose skills that easily!!!
I joined the army after highschool, after my I finished my active duty tenure I took 6 months off to travel and visit family/friends I hadn’t seen in a while. Once I start applying to jobs they needed to confirm my unemployment with references, I was so confused.
HR was absolutely dumbfounded that I just decided to take sometime for myself, that was my introduction into corporate America.
I lied on my application and said I had forklift experience and got hired. I told them it had been about 10 years since I drove one so I'll probably be a little rusty for about a week.
It’s shocking how many people really think there’s a permanent record out there of your job history. Then why do they ask for your résumé?
What about that website called workpoint or work something how deep they can go in your work history?
@ you have to keep in mind every job uses different materials for background and even timekeeping. They’re clearly going for the most cost effective. If they don’t receive federal money then it’s unlikely to be that deep. It’s more so the credit score and employers reported on it.
Look up The Work Number. Point 2, request to have your info removed from being searched from TWN 😂
IKR? The corporate world is HIGHLY inefficient, they're not competent enough to track you that well.
Kamala said she worked in McDonalds and they found out she had not worked for them. 😮
Recently got into a position to hire people
Doing my part to not give 2 shits about things that don't matter
Hire me, please 😊
You are the difference we need. I believe the same and am trying to contribute to bringing back goodness into the workplace.
you should do a dedicated series on this 🙏🏾
i dont mind lying, jobs have lied to me for all my career.
i got hired for an entry level role, but 2 months later doing im senior level duties without pay.
quitting soon.
My first entry IT job, I was hired and trained to do customer-facing IT for one company but ended up doing customer service for a sister company and having to learn their software and services for IT on the spot. Then I was thrown back to the other company to do IT for their software and services that I long since forgot. This shizz situation sucked because I felt bad for the customers dealing with an artard like me. That sister company was being merged with the company I was hired for. But that wasn't in the job posting or interview. By the end, I was promoted high in the ladder to work with large customer companies across the nation. People were asking for me by name. I only ever got one posted positive review, I was hazed by QA and bosses, and colleagues always threw their problems onto me. But I took pride in what I did and always put the customer first. I eventually had to quit because my cortisol levels were killing me, enough to produce physical ailments, and I think I developed a minor case of cPTSD there.
Then just put you were senior position at the current company and find a new one that pays better
I do the opposite 😅 I have 5 years experience and I'm working this junior position job cause I wanted chill job 😂 Seniority isnt worth the stress
@@simon1430lol. i have 6 months savings, and i applied for a junior it position, starting on the 13th. im going to be doing password resets for foreseeable future.
Karma I think. Their lie is not acceptable to you, but your lie to them is. Meditate on that
This is all true. The sad reality is that you could give a company a giant essay as to why you have a job gap or why you left a bad company and they will just be like “I don’t agree” and COMPLETELY DISREGARD EVERYTHING YOU ARE SAYING. To the people who are interviewing you, everything you say is an excuse so you better have a good one if you want to be hired. The funniest part, is that these will be companies that have a high turnover rate, bad reviews, toxic work environment, low pay, you name it! And they have the nerve to be picky about someone wanting to work for THEIR FUCKING COMPANY. So please, lie, make up stories, exaggerate accomplishments, DO IT ALL! Because these companies have twisted expectations of what the real world is actually like.
+ they are the same ones that will lay off staff for outsourcing/restructuring and then discriminate over a career gap...think about it.
@@moimeme6533 Literally using people as fodder but want perfect little scrumpets only to throw that perfect batch out like trash after whatever bs cycle comes around.
I don't condone lying just because companies lie. We are much better than them
I actually agree with him on doing something to show you were not letting your skills atrophy. That is the biggest concern we as hiring managers are concerned with. If you can show that you were working on projects even if you weren’t making money on them it will help you.
Resume is NEVER true it is a peace of advertising.
That's a good way to look at it: advertising - creative liberties are allowed.
Why would any company give a shit about a job gap? Do you have the skills and experience they’re seeking? That’s all that should matter. Nothing else is any of their business
Because job gaps are a pointer to possible unreliability in the candidate. Yes some job gaps ARE not the candidates fault but some are
honesty is never rewarded, anywhere.
In real life it's rewarded and necessary all the time. But jobs are not the real world.
neither is loyalty anymore
Then why do you expect it from employers?
@@dynodon9182 i dont. at all.
@@normalguycap seriously? Have you heard of Kamala?
I've been servant technician for 2 very demanding cats so
Three for me, but I go to my folks’ place to take care of my dad’s two cats as well so technically five.
Having actually established a sole proprietorship, operating for over a year - in response to having two job gaps following cancellation of two contracts both attached to major projects at two firms - I look forward to the legitimacy of my actually establishing a business being valued at zero!.
I’m not interested in working for anyone who cares about whatever a job gap is. If you’re not working, you’re successful enough to not work. That’s better than identifying yourself as a slave
If you're working for a 5chlomo corporation, you're the definition of a slave.
I became friends with a former neighbor of mine who works in corporate recruiting. We went to lunch one day and he told me to not be afraid to embellish or lie on employment dates on your resume. He had been in recruiting for years and said it’s rare anyone checks. Better to get your foot in the door and get an interview than worry they will find out you were out of a job a few months longer than you claimed.
It has long been the norm to take a few months to find a new position in your industry, especially if your last one paid well or you were a senior employee. I have no idea how companies convinced everyone that having a few months in between roles means you're defective.
I think because eventually they have to go by gut feeling who they're going to hire, so they cling to everything they can actually measure. "Candidate A and B were both great, but A has a job gap of 6 month in 2004, clearly it must mean B is the stronger candidate" 🤷♂️
It was marketing wankery from the office cubicle days.
You've been uploading like crazy man; Keep churning out the quality content Josh!
Literally took care of my father with lung cancer for 1.5 years. "You're unhireable for a job 2 diploma's below what you're offering, for less than minimum wage slavery". Like I might end up in jail sometime soon.
I modified my resume the same way Joshua explained. I applied to dog grooming jobs. I removed everything off my resume that didn’t relate to dog grooming and only applied to dog grooming jobs. I had been working for myself for years as a pet sitter and dog groomer so I always have a job that’s current. I also put in my resume that I competed dog grooming academy. I start in a week but I put it on my resume anyway. I’ve been getting more calls and messages for jobs than I’ve ever had in my life.
You can’t play by the rules you’ll never win
Based on a lie...but if you're comfortable with that good luck to you
Lying is the common, everyone knows everyone else’s is lying too. You’re just not supposed to break character and everyone is ok with it. It can be dystopian movie where the entire planet is faking it until they make it. It’s like a married couple who both are cheating but both pretending they don’t.
A lot of people really need to hear the content in this video
I've heard negative thoughts toward having a gap on your resume or employment history. I thought about this for a long time and I tend to think that it's pretty stupid. In more recent times, I've had to explain the reason why I've had gaps in my resume. I tell them that I know it's one of the last little bits of time that I'll be able to have off before I start working again and I won't be able to have another vacation for another 2 or 3 years. So I tell them, I went on vacation, I traveled around Europe or South America for a couple of months while doing interviews over the phone and then I shifted through the more serious people whenever I return back to the United States for work again.
I'm in IT. I was laid off May 2020 and wasn't able to get another job until Aug. 2022. I was laid off *again* Feb 2023. I had my resume/CV professionally revised and, to date, have submitted it to over 750 positions which has resulted in ONE, yes one, interview. I have been purposely avoided because of DEI. The job market is an absolute cesspool. I feel like a completely useless, unwanted, valueless waste of skill, success, and achievement. It's a terrible feeling.
At least you got to work in your profession. I got 2 degrees in accounting and finance and took 4 classes extra at the masters level just to qualify for the CPA exam. I just need 1 year of work experience under a CPA licensed employee. Yet, can't get an entry job nor a internship and haven't got into the profession and it's been at least 5 years of just non-stop labor jobs and nothing but trying repeatedly to get a job in the profession. In middle school I self taught myself computer programming and can code in c, c++ and ASM x86 32 and 64 bit. I feel the same as you and it feels like what' the point going to college if you can't get an entry job in the profession.. I feel the companies are the problem and they're doing things however, they want regardless if it's fair or a good system. I feel the owners and managers are idiots and are doing things wrong.
@@bebdaumon3948 I'm in your boat as well... Might as well get on welfare and follow suite; Then these corporate hawks can abuse the H1B and DEI/ESG system in peace.
Working sucks but if you actually care about working, apply for any job at a university be a janitor, front desk whatever, join the union, apply for the it job you want, they must hire internally first.
Also when I’ve applied for jobs I knew I got them before I got the interview. If you have enough money go to a fundraiser event, join a golf club or go to a city council event. You need to be friends with the decision makers.
Don't worry they'll just hire an H1B to do it for cheaper and work 80 hours while producing low quality work instead of you.
If you ain't lyin you ain't tryin
Happy New Year Josh and HR Lady!! Great things in 2025!! This is a GREAT video and is hands down, feet on the ground, solid truth!! Great delivery of the common sense of "dont worry, life happens". Any HR recruiter or hiring manager who sees job gaps as a negative, is/are functioning way back in the prehistoric days!! Since the early to late 90s when corporate America divorced employment commitment from their employees, the art of reinventing has been a dire need - especially for the middle aged folks who were dropped like hot rocks in the early to mid 90s!!! I like your reference to self-education and training methods to further one's resume and talent and experience. I am doing that as well. Thanks for the brilliant video!!
Numerous job gaps in my resume. Why? Because I was bicycle touring in this great country! Zero regrets.
Funny thing about a job gap, even if you;re working gig work for a while, employers don't like that, even though you are working
so be loyal but not that loyal, nice logic they have 😆
“I worked for ‘American Light And Fixtures’, in the ‘Shower Curtain Ring Division’!”
Hello, Dell! 👋
This a broken world. Do whatever you gotta do to survive as long as it's not illegal lol
Even if it is illegal if it doesn't hurt anyone substantially and you aren't at risk of getting caught go for it
@@OmarAyusoVA Exactly
@@OmarAyusoVAin some sectors you WILL get caught out lying
2:12 - This is why I love having an LLC for my moonlight work. First, it's a stop gap which can be explained that business just got so much I had to leave my day job. Second, I use it for experience I don't get in other jobs. Like I started putting my LLC on my resume when I was trying to get a network engineer position and the recruiter was like "well, I see you're better suited towards systems so I'm going to submit you for that" despite doing HA firewall setups, HSRP, BGP, and OSPF for clients. Oh, and to add, if you're asked about it in a job interview, you can just say you're looking to wind it down because working for yourself is too crazy and business has slowed down and you've "transitioned your clients away".
Two weeks ago we asked an interviewee about a job gap. His answer was "I was doing landscaping. It convinced me I didn't want to do landscaping." Great answer. We hired him.
I’ve given up trying to get a job after 15 years unemployed. I just sit in my flat all alone playing games. Feel free to judge.
No, it’s fine. Don’t listen to those normie dorks.
What games?
Some jobs require that you list all your jobs for 28 years for a background check. Been there done that. Its stressful
I appreciate the content. I think it’s important to understand that many hiring managers have to make a decision based on the information they have. If you think of “problematic hires” or ones that waste time and resources and what their attributes are, and you have some of those same attributes, even if they are for good reasons, you just have to be prepared to compensate for that in some way. I have done a lot of hiring and learned the hard way that most people seem to have a story around every flag that creates questions. It’s not a judgement about the person, but judgements have to be made with the information provided in order to make the best hire possible.
Listen jobs lie to you so why not return the favor.
You could say that about violence and murder. Sorry just because it's wrong doesn't make it right to copy them
@skyblazeeterno hush clown.
Years ago I was filling in a job app and it had an automatic prompt to ask you to fill in every gap, regardless of how long the gap was. There was one period where I had a gap of one day and it asked me what I was doing in that time, so I just wrote "Mowed the lawn, did grocery shopping" as like a sarcastic answer, and I ended up getting the job.
I have a year gap. During that year, I sold my house and moved across the country. Looked for a place to live and bought an older home. i also did some traveling. I lived off of my savings. Once i settled down in my new home town,, I started applying for jobs. No one seem to care about my gap. Only 1 company asked about it and i told them the above. They were interested in the fact that i drove cross country by myself and had quite an adventure living in my van with my 5 dogs.
This sounds so cool. The 5 doggies part especially!!
I'm not sure why job gaps matter. People have reasons for taking time off from work.
Because IF you were to employ someone you appreciate reliability. Job gaps raise doubts about reliability. I'm not sure why people are getting uppity about employers on this
The employer lies to you about the job, its responsibilities, the pay and opportunity potential. But expect the applicant to be totally honest? Oh hell no. Besides can you really lie to an algorithm weeding you out?
And vice versa. I'm not sure why people here are getting annoyed about an employer having concerns over job gaps yet will condone candidates lying while condemning employer lies. Don't lie...you're better than that
You speak facts and truths, Joshua! I've been following you since 2019! I love your videos!
Being an auto mechanic I can always say I was in business for myself. It wouldn't even be a lie since people hit me up all the time to fix their cars for them.
I had a sole proprietorship at one point and had it on my resume. I applied at Chase and 2 hours before I was going to leave my current job they called me and rescinded the offer after I provided check stubs from a client and a notarized letter that I was doing subwork for her. They didn't care unless I gave tax documents. Well guess what, I didn't make enough in that year to need to file taxes and at the time (6 years ago by this point) I didn't think it would matter. It did matter and I haven't had a W-2 since October 2019.
I don't need to say what happened in early 2020. So, if you are going to go the sole proprietor route make sure you at least file taxes otherwise you could end up like me.
If only companies were like the parole board in Shawshank Redemption that freed Red after he was brutally honest with them.
To tell you the truth, I don't give a shit. I'd so love to say that to HR Karen.😁
I thank you for giving me the idea of working multiple remote jobs. Really works out. Too bad the market is grabo right now.
Vandelay Industries. As a latex salesman.
It's an Importer/Exporter
I had a job gap recently not only because I got impacted by a mass layoff and that the tech labor market is pretty rough at the moment, but because I took a couple of weeks to reset and a couple of months to get certifications and improve my knowledge. Then one of the interviews I landed, the recruiter asked me in a very condescending way: "So what have you been doing these past 8 months that you haven't worked?" and I replied, also in a condescending way: "Well, after working non-stop for twelve years, being a top performer for my previous employer, which didn't matter in the end anyway, I decided to take a couple of weeks off, then spent the rest of the time getting certified in: (then I tossed all the certifications I did)" and he eventually interrupted me and said: "oh ok, so you've been busy"
Never get angry with employers legitimate concern of job gaps
I've learned recently, in the context of the corporate world, 'the high road' is a DEAD END! If I had taken the same 'road' as everyone else, I could have gone a lot farther in my career. But here I am today with my 2-year employment gap and my principles with the full realization that one cannot pay their bills with principles. I feel like such a fool for being honest to a bunch of people who have never been, nor ever will be honest with me.
I used to tell the truth. That got me totally ignored or all the way to the final round only to not get the job for "reasons" although "you're great and I'm sure you'll be getting offers for the job if your life in no time". I've been lying every since and gainfully employed. Every jump since then has netted a 25%+ raise over the last position. Do not hesitate to lie, just keep it reasonable-ish.
If you decide to work for someone else, you're prostituting your time and skills for money.
It's an interview, not a confessional.
Reality distortion is a real thing. Create your story, your history, your references, whatever. Be skilled, but more important, be likeable and a good storyteller.
Once you're in, keep your mouth shut and work your ass off.
Always skill up and be ready to jump ship, because they'll never tell you it's sinking until it's too late.
You should do a collab with Brian from a life after layoff. I love to see the dichotomy of you both
The both sell resume courses so they might be worried it will cut into revenue rather than help them
Brian says never lie. He's a typical recruiter.
I think Brian is typical, I think Josh is real. Josh is overpriced though now that he's turned fully to this career so its precarious. Josh could easily turn into a Brian so I hope he maintains integrity.
@@althunder4269I think it's because he understands that checks DO happen and let's face facts it's shitty to lie no matter how you try to justify it by saying employers lie
@@normalguycapI think on the honesty angle Brian is right (but he's terrible on other aspects)
resume should contain related information to the position in question. Job gaps are not their business, and I will never fill out anything other than related experience even if I go homeless. a company that cares about Job gaps, and they can see on the resume all they need, then that's a company I do not want to participate in making more successful
Josh, I appreciate your advice more than you know. Years ago, I came across your channel and thought you were wrong about corporate loyalty but I learned my lesson!
I have a question though. Do you think it's still good idea to study computer science? I can't decide between computer science and IT degrees..
the problem is not lying in the resume, its the background check incompetent dips- that check you out afterwards.
Some of them asked me for my passport 3 times, and were INSISTENT about the dates of each work contract, beginning and end. I even sent them the original contracts where the dates were written on the front page and still they didn't believe it and kept trying to call my bosses from 10 years ago.
They even called ME thinking that I was the boss of my previous company 😂
Point being, even if you are totally honest and have written evidence that you had no job gaps, the incompetent background checkers are going to trip on their own shadow and say you had a job gap
If they’re gonna treat it like a game, I’m gonna treat it like a game
I treat jobs in the same way I treat relationships: Don´t want me to lie? Then don´t ask what you don´t really want to know.
"What's your biggest weakness?" 🙄
@@simon1430 Standard answer: "I am too commited to my work. I think I need a better work/life balance".
It´s a BLATANT lie. Ideally I will never go to work. No employee ever would.
100% - create an LLC and list yourself as a Sr. role but not executive for a job gap.
i have been watching your videos for a very long time but honestly. this one was the best.
This really speaks to me and is very timely for me. Thank you so much for this video.
it's 10000% true, most especially as you get older, that's when the tarnish of a job-gap really stands out and amplifies. And like he says, it ends up being a positive feedback loop: the longer you are out => the less people want to hire you => job gap get wider => even fewer companies want to hire you, and so on, and so on.
a lot of great wisdom in this one, as always
“If you’re not cheating then you’re not fucking trying.”
My favorite part of capitalism is that you have to lie to get an honest job. Great system we have going.
Technically this is because the government keeps interfering with the money supply, fucking with credit availability, creating stupid tax laws, writing regulations that discourage market entry and entrench big inefficient dying companies, forcibly redistributing money and messing with the natural flow of value creation, falsly legitimizing state parentalism, etc. This is not "capitalism"'s fault; its government's. Period.
Has nothing to do with capitalism
@@gedwardnelson oh trust me it has everything to do with it
@@gedwardnelson Capitalism by design. To not know this is to be completely uneducated.
@@stinky635 I’ve never had to lie to get a good job. Not once. And I’ve always had a good job.
The way I look at it is: “if you don’t like it, someone more deserving will”
0:10 I'm actually doing that for more than half a year now 🤣
So the two options are fudging employment dates or claiming you own a company that you work for? Neither sounds particularly convincing if they attempt to check
Employers sometimes lie about roles and benefits, justifying it later through contract technicalities. It's only fair for applicants to adopt a similar approach
Great video!
When they ask for the last 10 years of working, as if year 9 and 10 are relevant.. you could have go your PHD in the last 3 years and worked at McDonalds to put you through it.. but, they see that and get an immediate "nope"...
I have also seen, warehouse jobs (packaging) position requiring a bachelor's degree, like wtf.
they see a job gap and assume you're a multiple felon even though that easily washes out in the background check. its infuriating.
i dont trust anyone that doesn't have a job gap, at this point. how were you able to keep a job through 3 recessions? i call BS
There's been a depression since about 2001.
@@rhea6389 exactly
@@chancepaladin Yeah, this guy is out of touch with reality... hasn't had a real job in about decade... has no idea how it really is out there. This whole "job hopping" thing is so outdated, it's difficult to even believe he's still on this narrative. Also, he lives in a van. #VanLife
@@monkey2226 yeah job hopping hasn't been a thing since the mid 00's and early teens (by 2013 the market was damn near dead). because fking wages have been stagnant for more than ten years now its fking absurd. it *was* a way to get ahead, but contracts also used to be 3-6 months long , with 18 months at the latest so it wasn't frowned upon then, if you did that now the private side would burn you for hopping less than 18 months. and you'd get blacklisted. they expect you to stay on long ass contracts on stale wages so you can get H1B'd out to the unemployment line. maybe i need to do a job video again one of these days.
@@monkey2226 bummer youtube is blocking anything more I say about it. I'll make a youtube vid about it soon. i want to clear some things up, a lot changed in 2013-2014. wages have been stagnant for over 10 years.
I agree with the way you suggest spinning a gap, but only if you actually did that thing. The easiest way is therefore to actually do that thing. You must not lie, because misrepresenting yourself is fraud.
Some dopey posters on here insist that companies never do background checks when they do and getting dismissed through lying is not much fun
You've done a couple of videos on this topic over the last few years and it's one of your most important messages, as few would have the nerve to come right out and say it.
Hiring manager: Why did stretch the truth a bit regarding this job gap?
Applicant: Because the job description stated: Does what it takes to get things done.
Hiring manager: Nice! You're hired!
They are willing to lie about the job you’re applying for, may as well meet them half way.
Honestly, say you were self-employed/ put down a defunct company/ put down a company in another country that speaks another language. They won’t check, they never do. If you don’t need a reference may as well. And if you do need a reference ask a friend to pretend to be a client/manager that’s no longer working with that role.
My dude you are a genius, thanks!
💯💯💯 so many 💎 gems 💎 in this video. Joshua, thank you 😊
Just do voluntary work because there is so much prejudice against job gaps they have made it policy not to employ people without 3 years work history references.
great content thanks
*Recruiters seeing a 6 month job gap: "Must be the uni bomber who recently broke out of prison" 😮
Struggling with a job gap and these are great tips
Really good advice actually
9-5 is a complete waste of time!
I got laid off and also retired at 52 and honestly, I wish I’d done it sooner. The 9-to-5 grind always steals your freedom for a paycheck that barely scratches the surface. My advice? If you’re in your late 30s or early 40s, start saving for FIRE now (Financial Independence, Retire Early.) And if you’re in your 50s, invest smartly and break free from relying on your job. Market trends, like the Trump Effect, have made millions for many, including me. Stay focused, stay consistent, and remember financial freedom is within reach if you make it a priority.
This is amazing advice. Jobs will lie to you constantly and trick you so do the same to them.
Nope. Two wrongs don't make a right
This is 100% correct, at least has been in my experience. Hundreds of apps, no response. Soon as I was "self employed" I started getting interviews again.
Good video, one exception to the job gap thing that I know from personal experience is that the job gap rule doesn't apply to disabled workers. In my own personal experience, employers are fine with job gaps if you are disabled.