  • Опубликовано: 22 дек 2024

Комментарии • 543

  • @JamesJulier-Artist
    @JamesJulier-Artist  4 года назад +31


    • @Jeanneelizabeth
      @Jeanneelizabeth Год назад

      Thanks so much for this video and thanks so much for not ruining it with music. I’m just a (brand new) newbie and I know I’ll have to watch this several times but I’ve already gotten good tips from it. I appreciate your talent and willingness to share.

  • @hawkseo
    @hawkseo 4 года назад +849

    Great content. Although I wish you broke the video into bite-sized episodes of 3 to 5 minutes. That way it would be more manageable and interesting. Thanks again for putting in the effort.
    Interface 00:01:38
    gestures 00:10:45
    Gallery 00:26:30
    Brushes 00:36:55
    Colors 00:47:51
    Layers 01:04:31
    Drawing guides 01:19:03
    Text 01:25:42
    Animation 01:29:42
    Selection 01:36:22
    Transform 01:41:35
    Adjustments 01:44:22
    Actions 01:52:54

    • @artylove3956
      @artylove3956 4 года назад +45

      The video is called complete artist guide so I understand there’s many topics on the same video, personally I loved it the way it is, it was exactly what I was looking for, but I understand your point thank u for the guideline in time so when I want to check again something I will be able to find exactly what I need 😀😊🙏

    • @puppiesnkittens3137
      @puppiesnkittens3137 4 года назад +14

      Thanks for the timeline!

    • @chatwithnat604
      @chatwithnat604 4 года назад +10

      Thank you for the timeline!

    • @babadeedee214
      @babadeedee214 4 года назад +7

      Thanks for breaking it down! Very belfil

    • @JāmiSun
      @JāmiSun 4 года назад +5

      Thank you! 😊

  • @gwenenchanted1845
    @gwenenchanted1845 4 года назад +112

    James, every time I have to educate my work team around Procreate, I come back to these big tutorials so I can pull out tips and tricks. Because we're all working from home now, we've started an iPad art club, and so I just want to thank you again for giving so much to this work.

    • @JamesJulier-Artist
      @JamesJulier-Artist  4 года назад +12

      Ah that’s fantastic to hear 😊

    • @zubairso
      @zubairso 3 года назад +3

      Is your art club open to outsiders?

    • @케이팝사랑-v9i
      @케이팝사랑-v9i 2 года назад

      @@JamesJulier-Artist 00000ğğ0ğ0ğğ00000000ğ00ğ0ğ0ğ000000ğğğğğ000ğ0000ğğ000ğğğ0ğğ0ğğğğğğğ0ğğğğ00ğ0ğğğ0ğğ00ğğ00ğğ0ğğğğ0ğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğ0ğğğğğğ0ğğğ0ğ0ğ0ğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğ0ğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğ0ğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğğ

    • @Kimberly-qi5jt
      @Kimberly-qi5jt 2 года назад

      @@JamesJulier-Artist wow you is a art❤❤

  • @elainefleischmann4175
    @elainefleischmann4175 4 года назад +10

    I studied your work and your Procreate guides for about 2 years BEFORE buying the iPad Pro, the Apple Pencil, and the Procreate App. I watched this video just now, as a revision of the features available to me and how to use them. Excellent! I am having so much FUN! Thank you for all your guidance, your superb knowledge and organization of the subject matter, and (very important to me) your outstanding teaching ability.

  • @toushiri9476
    @toushiri9476 5 лет назад +64

    Just finished the tutorial
    These are the best tips that stood out for me..
    1-I have finally understood the difference between alpha lock and mask
    2-i didn’t know that it’s possible to change the quick menu setting
    3-i used to color manga pages so i was manually going through each line.. but i learned how to only import image outline. that truly saves time by half an hour in each page so (24 pages multiplied by 30 min= 12hour) for each chapter
    4-i didn’t know about duplicating a layer in animation mode.. i thought i had to copy and past my subject in every layer
    Words can’t describe my gratitude enough but really thank you 🙏🏻
    Looking forward to know all about brush studio..blending modes and the new wet settings are just to much for me to figure them out💔

  • @shraybronze
    @shraybronze Год назад +1

    40 +years as a pro fine artist. Bronze sculptures. Trying to understand the new world we all face, that being, this machine and what it can offer.
    I Wanted to take a moment to send a sincere thank you! A thanks for taking the time to share your deeper knowledge. Not something that is common these days, yes people make 5 minute videos. Ect. And thanks for those…but this video is beyond! YOu have worked with the intuitive nature of the app itself, and that of the ipads magical ways~ which opens doors to those who function in a intelligent and intuitive manner, where you share your understanding and as well, the way in which your own imagination uses the app. as you step by step walk the viewer to a place where their own imagination is not intimidated but may just flourish.
    Brilliant ~Again i thank you, Shray

  • @frecklepad
    @frecklepad 4 года назад +9

    Incredible rundown of everything Procreate has to offer. This program is so impressive. Several times you casually showed something that made me say "wtf" out loud. They've thought of everything! Thanks so much for the in-depth guide.

  • @graychicken8177
    @graychicken8177 2 года назад +5

    I’ve been using procreate for a while now, and I’ve just realized how many things I didn’t know. I was so overwhelmed with all the little features I just ignored them. But I knew some day I was gonna have to learn and this is it. Thank you 🙏🏽.

  • @NyeBilly
    @NyeBilly 4 года назад +1

    I began watching your video tonight and I intend on watching them all. I have deleted every other Procreate teacher and will from now on take all directions from you. Your voice is nice to listen to and the instructions are at exactly the right speed. Not too slow, not too fast, but I am able to cruize through the tools with you and get an understanding. Looking forward to watching more. Billy

    • @JamesJulier-Artist
      @JamesJulier-Artist  4 года назад

      Well that’s a responsibility on me now lol flattered you think that way

  • @raystone5686
    @raystone5686 4 года назад +56

    the fact that this is *two hours* shows how good procreate is
    amazing vid

  • @lauriecunningham8340
    @lauriecunningham8340 2 года назад +2

    James Julier videos are amazing, and I’m continually in awe of these opportunities to get a free education by such a gifted artist and educator. What really helped during this 2-hour video was keeping an open Procreate canvas simultaneously, stopping the video after each segment, and trying out what James explained while jotting some notes for my own personal “cheat sheet.” . It took me a few days, going at my own pace, and I’ve told many people about this series. Unlike many other video presenters, James has clear English with a calm tone and lovely diction. I appreciate how he reexplains something complicated seconds after showing it. A million thanks and praises!!!

    • @JamesJulier-Artist
      @JamesJulier-Artist  2 года назад

      Thank you, really glad it was useful and appreciate the kind words 🙏

  • @Tanna-Marra
    @Tanna-Marra 4 года назад +8

    As a long time Photoshop, Wacom and desktop user, this looks like something great I want to learn, plus it will give me the ability to free myself and create art anywhere I want to take my new 2020 iPad Pro. Thanks so much for the introduction and in depth Procreate guide!

  • @robbycook4364
    @robbycook4364 5 лет назад +76

    Thank you, James - you certainly packed in the tips and explanations. This will be a wonderful resource to refer to. Your time and effort are very much appreciated.

  • @fxdaly
    @fxdaly 5 лет назад +53

    Hi James, that is an excellent tutorial, by far the best Procreate 5 tutorial available on RUclips or other places (like Udemy and Skillshare) - well done.

  • @laurencivitelli3698
    @laurencivitelli3698 5 лет назад +4

    One thing I think you may not know (shocker!) is when you do the quick shape, after you activate the quick shape, if you dont pick your hand up from the screen, and take your other hand and with one finger, tap on the screen, it will make the perfect square, circle, rectangle, or triangle! On another note, thank you so much. You literally have THE best and most informative videos. Ive learned so much from you and I appreciate all your time and effort you put into teaching us everything there is to know about procreate!

  • @davegibson2478
    @davegibson2478 3 года назад +1

    I am a complete newby with regard to digital art and have watched several vids about the subject. Your tutorial is absolutely the best I have seen. I have learnt so much, many thanks.

  • @sandragreen9335
    @sandragreen9335 4 года назад +170

    This was incredibly useful! I only got my ipad pro and procreate about a week ago so this video was very helpful to get started.

  • @USPunjabi
    @USPunjabi 3 года назад +1

    Thanks. All this time, i didn’t know 3 finger swipe down will bring up copy paste options. Really looking forward to using that. Thanks for your time

  • @ѕтнєтєѕѕ
    @ѕтнєтєѕѕ 3 года назад +1

    Just got an iPad air and my pen yesterday and I am completely lost with procreate. Thank you for posting this video its really helpful

  • @francescobertorelli7477
    @francescobertorelli7477 4 года назад +2

    Thank you so much!! I slowed you down to 0.75 speed and then followed you through the steps pausing when I had to .A massive help and massive jumpstart God bless you fella! Keep up the good work!

  • @tamriel8149
    @tamriel8149 4 года назад +12

    An absolute gentleman the time you’ve taken out to show us this is guide. Thank you so, so much.

  • @TheSavvyRebel
    @TheSavvyRebel 4 года назад +1

    Yo James, dead ass I’ve learned so much about ProCreate from you in just 19 mins (I’m still watching vid, just paused it) and don’t know why I even bothered watching any other videos. All I need is you. Also you do it in such a way that it’s easy for me to pick up on. I’m not slow. I’ve been in photoshop for over 13 years. Just the way you go about it keeps my focus. You’ve earned it sub!! 🤗

  • @VerixLin
    @VerixLin 5 лет назад +2

    James is the sole best digital paint teacher on RUclips. I bought an iPad pro + pencil just to follow his tutorials better. It’s just mind blowing how my works finished just about identical to his tutorials do...... Please keep on the good work sir!

  • @warrenlieberman1816
    @warrenlieberman1816 2 года назад

    This was one of the best tutorials I have found on any subject. (Senior Citizen beginner Procreate user).

  • @nver2late
    @nver2late 11 месяцев назад

    I'm slowly going through this tutorial - it's so helpful!!! Thank you soooooo much!!! I've just started my art journey in my older years and I'm so grateful for tutorials like these.

  • @anneburke2405
    @anneburke2405 4 года назад +1

    WOW James, I'm exhausted just watching all the amazing actions possible. Thank you so much for the clear explanations & demonstrations. I'll be watching this one over & over .

  • @jrlesueur
    @jrlesueur Год назад

    Even though this is a few years old now, I still found this really useful, James, as a complete newbie to Procreate. Thank you!

  • @joszandstra2044
    @joszandstra2044 3 года назад +1

    Just saved a link to this video so I can get back to it. Will be pretty much very interesting to watch for me as a true beginner on digital art

  • @travelingtom
    @travelingtom 2 года назад +2

    Thank you. What a great, comprehensive presentation. I am a beginner learning the basics of drawing.

  • @RussOniPhone
    @RussOniPhone 4 года назад +2

    Your art work is incredible, I believe you were born with this talent, how do you envision a concept, thank you for sharing your artistic skills, you have a great voice and enjoyable to listen to.

  • @mikparker4518
    @mikparker4518 3 года назад +2

    You my friend are a genius not only with your paintings but your tutorials also. I am a pretty new traditional artist even at 62 but I am even newer to digital. I have an ipad and pencil and I bought Procreate but was lost where to start, that was till I found you. When my money situation is better I will most certainly join your school. Sorry its a long comment but I needed to thank you. Keep up the tremendous work. 🙏🙏👏👏👏

  • @gregorygoodwillie3007
    @gregorygoodwillie3007 3 года назад +3

    Just bought myself procreate after many years of drawing the old fashioned way, incredible effort on explaining this little box of magic thank you so much it has helped me in so many ways. and really pushed my take on art no end
    Keep safe 👊🏼😀

  • @supergather
    @supergather 5 лет назад +4

    Hi. Simply brilliant... I appreciate very much that you have taken the time to record such a detailed tutorial. Thanks!

  • @naxos4322
    @naxos4322 2 месяца назад +1

    When will you be doing a complete tutorial guide for the newest version of procreate? It has been 4 years since your last update 😉…this is brilliant !

  • @Mendez115
    @Mendez115 2 года назад +1

    Just got my new iPad Pro and this video is very helpful thank you

  • @sevvelsundaramoorthy
    @sevvelsundaramoorthy 3 года назад

    I was searching Skillshare for a basic lesson on how to get started with Procreate and was unsuccessful! This is exactly what I was looking for. Now I know procreate is more powerful than I thought it was. Thank you so much for your wonderful effort!

  • @anneburke2405
    @anneburke2405 5 лет назад +2

    Ah James. Once again I say " what lucky students to have you as their art teacher" & how lucky am I ! Thank you sooooo much.

  • @j.alangibson4733
    @j.alangibson4733 4 года назад +17

    This is absolutely one of the most comprehensive and beautifully presented tutorials I have experienced. Thank you very much for sharing your expertise... you have drawn in one more subscriber and I’m looking forward to many more presentations.

  • @edestevez6532
    @edestevez6532 5 лет назад +21

    Fantastic. No words to express my admiration for your tutorial. Keep your good work. Happy New Year 2020

    • @JamesJulier-Artist
      @JamesJulier-Artist  5 лет назад

      thank you, Happy new year to you

    • @Nofakenewsorfinds
      @Nofakenewsorfinds 4 года назад


  • @angellily5896
    @angellily5896 2 года назад +1

    This is gold. Thank you so much for this tutorial. Was having a hard time understanding procreate. Am a big fan of your channel now. Am really grateful for the tutorial

  • @wenofzen
    @wenofzen 4 года назад +1

    Please do this one again - but with Procreate 5x !!!!! You rock!

  • @alexandrasanches2473
    @alexandrasanches2473 4 года назад +1

    What an incredible show you offered! I am fascinated!!! Sooo gratefull! Thankyou, Thankyou, Thankyou!!!!!!

  • @4ladyjordan886
    @4ladyjordan886 5 лет назад +11

    I love your videos. I am watching this more than once. I learn better by repetition. lol Thank you for all you do. this is great.

  • @ilovemcdonald
    @ilovemcdonald 4 года назад +1

    This is so useful! Thank you very much for this video!! I was coincidentally involved in an art project last week and needed to draw digitally, which I have never done before, ordered an iPad Pro last weekend and thought maybe it was a mistake of taking part of the project, but didn’t want to miss the opportunity, though people were happy with my pen/paper drawing, but much prefer the digital version. I was in a panic mode for few days with all the complicated tools on apps on the iPad! Until this video!! Thanks a lot for the detail explanation!!!

  • @mnabar5786
    @mnabar5786 3 года назад +1

    Great video guide JJ. I am new to Procreate. You got a new subscriber here in The Philippines.

  • @moonbeam-x1j
    @moonbeam-x1j 4 года назад +2

    Thank you so much for creating this video! I have always been trying to find a complete guide to Procreate, and this was perfect for me! I personally don't enjoy watching short clips of tutorials, especially for instructions on design -- it makes me think that there are endless videos to watch and I would never get to the end. Of course, I understand how short clips may be more preferable to others, so to each their own. I can't wait to follow and learn from your painting tutorials after I finish watching all of this video! (I'm currently halfway through XD).

    • @JamesJulier-Artist
      @JamesJulier-Artist  4 года назад

      Yeah I think splitting it into short tutorials makes no sense. Better to have one place to revisit as required. Happy to have helped

    • @experiment54
      @experiment54 3 года назад

      @@JamesJulier-Artist I think both worlds work. You could get to more people by also splitting it as many will be overwhelmed with the size of the video and move on.

  • @maze2007
    @maze2007 4 года назад +1

    James you are the ultimate Procreate Sherpa, thank you for your consistently useful content. I am now almost ready to venture on my own and explore the Procreate universe.

    • @jackselzer
      @jackselzer 4 года назад

      A great overview. In fact the best out there. I had some familiarity with procreate ( a couple hundred hours of playtime with it)
      and this gave me a refresher to its many rich features. I watched all two hours in one sitting. Nothing boring - all essentials efficiently covered - not a waisted second in it which is quite amazing. Important thing to change though. That frighting bug is scary to look at for two hours. Change to something more calming and full of charm and grace!

  • @vova_rn
    @vova_rn 3 года назад +3

    The best tutorials ever!!!!!

  • @MiishaMii
    @MiishaMii 2 года назад

    I just bought my Ipad and this is literally gold, thank you so much! I didnt want to have to watch 300 different Videos for every little feature.

  • @laughingisgoodforyou3969
    @laughingisgoodforyou3969 4 года назад +11

    Thank you so much for this. its been incredibly helpful. I do have a question not sure if you can help. I have procreate and an Ipad pro but i dont have some of the features you do. Not sure if theres different versions of procreate. I believe mine is up to date. Just thought id ask and see if you have any suggestions. Thank you again. Love your videos!

  • @triciat342
    @triciat342 5 лет назад +1

    Thanks for this wonderful guide.I got this for Christmas and your tutorial videos are the best gift on RUclips.

  • @KJBO1611
    @KJBO1611 2 года назад


  • @richardbonilla1431
    @richardbonilla1431 2 года назад

    I’ve done a couple of pieces on procreate just by winging it, they came out pretty good. I knew I didn’t know a lot..but man! I didn’t know a lot! If I would’ve watched this vid 1st my life would’ve been a lot easier and better…thank you for the free education, you’re a godsend…

  • @Tyler-789
    @Tyler-789 Год назад +1

    I just got an Ipad pro and got procreate, I don’t draw or paint but would like to start learning with the app.

    • @JamesJulier-Artist
      @JamesJulier-Artist  Год назад +1

      Just start, watch and follow tutorials, you will learn in no time

  • @flhtc1450
    @flhtc1450 6 месяцев назад +1

    Allo, do you think it’s time to do another complete tutorial from this one or there’s not enough change to do so … thanks you , love your work

    • @JamesJulier-Artist
      @JamesJulier-Artist  6 месяцев назад +1

      Probably it’s overdue lol, honestly there are quite a few features I simply don’t use and it’s a big job to explain it all now it’s grown. But I may well look into it

  • @justmejhbmed9778
    @justmejhbmed9778 4 года назад +2

    Thanks so much for your efforts, and for uploading this tutorial. Your explanations are truly first class. (Clear & Simple and at the right speed.) it’s also refreshing to have a video like yours with NO background music. Thanks for that :) As an amature artist of many years, I’ve been really impressed using Procreate on my iPad, and you have really opened up it’s potential for me! GREAT STUFF!! THANKS AGAIN.

  • @nonoesquire
    @nonoesquire 2 года назад

    This video was a huge help in getting a grasp on the basics of Procreate. Thank you!

  • @johannb5669
    @johannb5669 3 года назад +1

    I mean I was thinking about getting it, but after watching the guide with all this features it was clear, I want this.
    Thanks this was very useful 🙂

  • @IronCan88
    @IronCan88 3 года назад +1

    Who gave thumbs down???? Adobe? This video is awesome!

  • @ofullerwright
    @ofullerwright 3 года назад +1

    Can’t wait to start using procreate. This video is extremely helpful. Bookmarking it for references. Fantastic job!

  • @chela637
    @chela637 2 года назад

    Thank you so much. Quite lengthy but worth the watch until the end for beginners like me.

  • @rebeccamiller2061
    @rebeccamiller2061 11 месяцев назад

    Would be great to see an updated procreate guide from you.

  • @sutoo2
    @sutoo2 3 года назад

    Great video. Simple and to the point. I have been watching, taking notes, practicing, etc. Thanks. You've done a nice job covering the basics. As I took notes I wrote down times so I could go back to section if need be.

  • @loekiekanters4295
    @loekiekanters4295 3 года назад

    Thank you very much. ‘Recolor’ is in the new version under 'Quick Menu'. When you use colordrop, the option 'continu with recolor'appears above.

  • @toushiri9476
    @toushiri9476 5 лет назад +26

    I have been waiting for so long
    All other artist where only talking about the new animation and nothing else
    I will write other comments once i finished all the tutorial 🙏🏻

  • @gigteevee6118
    @gigteevee6118 3 года назад

    Thank you so much for this, I only just got Procreate and the new iPad Mini, this video has opened my eyes to what’s possible, especially animation, your separate video on that is next on my viewing list!

  • @masonhawk1107
    @masonhawk1107 4 года назад +1

    Great stuff, I keep coming back to rewatch. Haven’t made it through the whole thing yet, but I’ll learn a few things and then go and work with them. Love this program, thanks for explaining it.

  • @christinehowell
    @christinehowell 2 года назад

    This is so helpful and is going to be my "go to" guide. I'm a new user and this guide is just what I need to set me on the right course. Thank you

  • @edt8597
    @edt8597 5 лет назад +10

    Merry Christmas 🦌⛄ 🎄🎅 🎄
    Thanks for another year of no-nonsense tutorials and reviews 👍

  • @bouncyboxer
    @bouncyboxer 3 года назад

    Thanks James. This was very comprehensive and useful. It easily propped me up couple of levels.

  • @slipthetrap
    @slipthetrap 5 лет назад

    Very thorough tutorial, thank you. Perhaps your forte isn't animation, but i'm hoping there are more of those tutorials in the future. Enjoy!☮️

    • @JamesJulier-Artist
      @JamesJulier-Artist  5 лет назад +1

      Yes I will probably do more with animation

    • @slipthetrap
      @slipthetrap 5 лет назад

      @@JamesJulier-Artist Cool, i enjoy and get a lot from your tutorials ... thank you for sharing them. Enjoy!☮️

  • @DreHicks
    @DreHicks 3 года назад +1

    Best tutorial I’ve found! Thank you

  • @Obsidian_Iris_
    @Obsidian_Iris_ Год назад

    Your art is absolutely stunning! 😳 so beautiful!

  • @tomengel9156
    @tomengel9156 2 года назад

    Best introduction to Procrete!

  • @NatureZone101
    @NatureZone101 4 года назад

    Thank you so much for this video! Newbie here and been watching this - parts of it - over and over for a couple weeks. Have to take time and let the brain absorb the info. So great to have so much info in one place to come back to as a reference guide to learn more.

  • @catherinerrosa8070
    @catherinerrosa8070 3 года назад

    Thank you so much for the video. I was able to learn how to work around this program.

  • @brynscott2997
    @brynscott2997 9 месяцев назад

    Excellent simply explained for a beginner like me. Thanks.

  • @Guylemmer
    @Guylemmer 4 года назад +4

    Thank you for the tutorial! I’ve done a few of your artworks and I’m a proud Patreon 😃

  • @seidl_up
    @seidl_up 5 лет назад

    I am about to pick up an iPad Pro for use as my daily drawing tablet over a cintiq and this tutorial for Procreate was a major determining factor. Super excited to get into this thing!
    Thought I'd share my assumption on the name "Attack" in the wet brush settings. The term likely comes from music, specifically synthesis. It describes the amount of time it takes for the initial strike of sound (when you hit a key) to reach peak volume. I guess they correlate that with the idea of initial paint absorption? Makes a bit of sense I suppose, but I'd wager the developers are into synthesizers.
    Anyway, great video!

  • @RR-pp9rd
    @RR-pp9rd 3 года назад

    Thank you for the effort you took creating this tutorial.

  • @suzanneduncan8690
    @suzanneduncan8690 2 года назад

    Just getting started with procreate, love this tutorial so much!

  • @babadeedee214
    @babadeedee214 4 года назад +1

    Thankyou, Great timeline, I learned a lot. My question is how do I update to 5? I have iPad Pro and Apple Pencil is Best I agree.

  • @fraserrichardson159
    @fraserrichardson159 Год назад

    Fantastic video James, great in-depth overview!

    @ARTYCOATY 5 лет назад +1

    it's beautiful. It is an amazing work. You are full of talent. 🌈🌈🌈🎨

  • @xmruaex7672
    @xmruaex7672 4 года назад +2

    I don’t care about the buttons and things in the app, I only want to be like you😁
    Thank you for the amazing tutorial. #StayHome

  • @danielayson2935
    @danielayson2935 5 лет назад +2

    Thank you for sharing this video. It helps beginners like me to learn more. Keep ‘em coming! :)

  • @Simplology
    @Simplology 4 года назад

    Million Thanks for such a complete guide for the app

  • @kaskando
    @kaskando 4 года назад +1

    Holy crap this is an absolute GODSEND! Wow! Thank you so so much!

  • @omabduallahal-rashdy6406
    @omabduallahal-rashdy6406 3 года назад

    Awesome channel! Keep it up
    I also like your intro
    Did you use procreate to make it?!!
    Can you make a video on how to make it? I will be so happy to see it...

  • @seancaillouette
    @seancaillouette 3 года назад

    Thanks for the video James! I found the tutorial very helpful : )

  • @AcoylteKraven82
    @AcoylteKraven82 8 месяцев назад

    57:21- This might just be my opinion, but I feel like when you’re going over the things you can do and your “starting point” is a insanely detailed, top level class art piece like this it’s very intimidating!?! And I knew your showing slight differences right now, but it’s very hard for me to tell the difference on my phone……. And I’m still just very confused about layers?!? Is it the lower the “level” is in the options, the closer it is?

  • @KevSalRosie
    @KevSalRosie 2 года назад

    Absolutely brilliant, such a great video to help people understand procreate. Top marks 👍

  • @WmStratton
    @WmStratton 5 лет назад

    You can drag palettes onto canvass. Very helpful.

  • @figgywoofy1724
    @figgywoofy1724 3 года назад +1

    Wow, Ive been using procreate for a few months and just found out there was pressure sensitivity. This is why you should always watch a tutorial.

  • @sonofthesea
    @sonofthesea 4 года назад +9

    Outstanding - so invaluable, thank-you.

  • @samraat3424
    @samraat3424 Год назад

    I am a left handed. What changes are possible, particularly, in regards to the location of different tools at top right and on right side of the screen to make it a bit easy?

  • @laundrymat2963
    @laundrymat2963 4 года назад +4

    im kinda glad i got procreate after procreate 5 was released.

  • @sacardevos
    @sacardevos Год назад

    Awesome tutorial! Thank you very much 🙏

  • @nealegordon
    @nealegordon 3 года назад

    Fantastic tutorial. Many thanks, awesome! Best tutorial I’ve ever seen.

  • @juanhervillapomares6198
    @juanhervillapomares6198 4 года назад

    wow. this is really an awsome gesture on your part. great video! thank you!!!