Anti-Imperialism in the 21st Century

  • Опубликовано: 17 июл 2024
  • Is internationalism-once the standard for the global left-still a viable idea in today’s multipolar world? And, if so, how can it best be achieved? What would a progressive US foreign policy look like? And what lessons can be learned from Afghanistan? Iraq? Syria? Is intervention by the US ever justified-and if so, under what conditions? Watch the debate moderated by D.D. Guttenplan with Gilbert Achcar, Nadje Al-Ali, Phyllis Bennis, Bill Fletcher, Jr.-all deeply-informed experts on US foreign-policy, the Middle East and the global left.
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Комментарии • 11

  • @ThePeaceReport
    @ThePeaceReport 2 года назад +1

    This is sad a fruitless conversation. Why? These folks, as well-intended as they are, have a poor class analysis of any of the topics they discussed. Achcar came the closest. But we cannot never lump together an entire nation. The "people" and "nation" are different. The "nation" includes all classes in that society, oppressed classes AND oppressor classes (each nation has its own characteristics). The "people" only refer to people who will benefit from revolution. We can never say "the US should or should not do this or that". The US capitalist-imperialist class has an opposing interest to the proletariat class, and other parts of other classes that have been won over to the political line of socialist revolution. With this important class analysis, we are all duped into using bourgeois language and analysis, and their analysis/perspective benefits them. We, the people of the world who want the world to benefit the majority, must have our own analysis that benefits us. I can go on and on, but please don't think these people represent the "anti-imperialist movement" in the US. Most of them are careerists, not organizers.

  • @lupedelgadillo2257
    @lupedelgadillo2257 3 года назад +2

    World currency,world wages,world Religion

  • @juanmhernandez9925
    @juanmhernandez9925 3 года назад +2

    Stop attacking AMLO

  • @rd264
    @rd264 3 года назад +2

    JFK formulated the best response i know of to these questions which he expressed in his famous June 1963 speech at American University.

  • @tymanung6382
    @tymanung6382 11 месяцев назад

    One needs to see all internal + external aspects of a gov or movement.
    Like countries, they can have severe
    contradictions.betwen internal.vs.
    external. Examples.
    Democratic Unity Party of Syrian Kurds
    ran the Rojava community--- internal.democracy, BUT
    carried out autocratic policies towards others
    local.Arabs, etc. complained of forced
    conscription into DUP' s army
    Syrian. gov complains that DUP + US
    seized 1/3 of Syria, steal.+ sell for selves
    the oil + wheat--- no request to Syrian
    gov or.people.
    This is similar to Athenian democracy,
    Roman Republic, English.monarchy,
    French monarchy in 1800s (post Napoleon), US, Caribbean pirates ship crews, etc.Internal democracy or internal
    autocracy/dictatorship mean little or
    nothing to an empires or pirates targets/
    Also, empires intl.crisis "cures", military
    or economic, are always worse than
    the original real but minor, or lied about,
    "ills". Libya, Iraq, ex Yugoslavia, Chile
    under Pinochet, England France US.
    1 sided weapons boycott vs, Spanish
    Republic, etc., etc., etc. (far too many

  • @lupedelgadillo2257
    @lupedelgadillo2257 3 года назад +1


  • @williams.1980
    @williams.1980 3 года назад +3

    It sounds like there are a lot of disclaimers required for The Nation to be anti-imperialist. It's as if to be anti-imperialist there has to be ample apology and deference for the status quo. Not very anti-imperialist but dangerously woke. Unwatchable.

  • @papapapa-yr6vf
    @papapapa-yr6vf 3 года назад +3

    about anti-imperialism US, only ? What about the chinese imperialism...?

    • @rd264
      @rd264 3 года назад +2

      wow hong kong + taiwan.

    • @tymanung6382
      @tymanung6382 11 месяцев назад

      Honk Kong + Taiwan Province are still,
      by intl + local.laws, legal parts if 1 China
      Policy or not, Taiwan since 1500s, HK.
      always. English, US, Japanese empires
      all stole these parts from Chinese
      Wing Manchu ethnic ruling minority over
      the rest of China s empire.