I'm really impressed with the tips you've chosen to include in your list, because I'm coming back to the game after a while and a brain clearing learning/playing Shapez 2,* so I was like, yeah, _now_ I remember that, and that, and that... saving my fingers, hand, lots of time and/or tedium with big boosts to my QoL (quality of life) doing this 1.0 playthrough. Ty for your time and effort giving us all a "rePrimer," it's much appreciated. ______________________ * New stuff pushes out older stuff in my long, medium and short memory registers, whether I want it to or not, IF I don't constantly refresh by playing the game continuously... which I don't...
@@surtrplays When I was a younger man, I thought of me brain (sic) as a permanent storage device. The image I used was that when I learned new stuff, my brain just got "denser" making space for new stuff without cannibalizing the old stuff. I also had total auditory recall, so the women in my life realized they couldn't get away with lying to me even after weeks or months, because I was like, uh oh, that's not what you said before. Luckily for me, I found 2 good women in my life, staying with one for 9 years before she passed away from Multiple Sclerosis (she told me to leave her prior to her passing, cause "I deserved better," ffs) and my now ex-wife of over 14 years prior to divorce, which only lied to me once, when she had an affair, and that ended that marriage so fast, I left with 4 changes of clothes and forgot my important papers. I'm "just" 60 years old, and boy I've noticed changes, and my diet, exercise, sleep and supplementation is superior. I've been using games as a means I thought of staving off memory/cognitive decline, and it may not be as effective as we are led to believe. But I persist, because I like feeling productive, even if it's all in fantasy, it still uses the same brain functions as if it was real... There seems to be a lot of new machines and possible mechanisms nearer endgame so better you than me 🤔taking point so I may avoid some pitfalls and use some benefits of your going forward first.
since a lot of these tips videos seem geared to brand new players and the early game, here's my own 1K+ hour tip, alien protein tree in the MAM, besides the large biomass conversion rate, it has easy to access hand and inventory slot upgrades and the rebar gun is a great weapon no matter the phase of the game. also, just in general, set up a biomass gen and a miner at all the new ore types you find, (or a field of the little drill bro's) and occasionally visit when you ready for the next set of MAM upgrades. saves you from having to clutter base inventory or worry about deposit regen and its easy to make stacks of biomass as you kill creatures on the way to collect the next batch.
worldgrid - the height seems to align to the center of the foundation that you place. thus the 1m platform will have an offet of 0.5m while the 2m has 1m and the 4m has 2m. Since you only need to align the first foundation and later can delete it after placing at least one other ramp or platform, i always start with the 4m version before mostly using 1m for all the rest. The big advantage of building with the worldgrid becomes visible (literally :-) later when you want to connect sections that started far apart from each other and you want to avoid strange angles or height offsets eg on a road or railroad track.
IF you accidentally use a 1m foundation as start of a new area and thus have that 0.5m step, you can build a 1m ramp on one of the two areas and a 1m foundation on the other area, but *both at the same location,* using soft clipping to optically have the ramp come out of the other foundation halfway through its surface. most people also don't know that there are several "frame platforms" available in the awesome shop that have different thickness (they at most use the glass platform from that set; imho a massive glass platform should not be in the same set as all the other hollow frames). by stacking a bunch of frames and counting how many you need for the same thickness as a 2m or 4m foundation, you can find their exact thickness and by combining them create any intentional offsets in steps of 0.1m. then you can use that to achieve lots of building effects like gutters along roads, minimally elevated areas around a miner or around huge power poles, etc
Another tip: The Awesome Shop has dark mode now! You can turn it on in Settings > Options > User Interface > General. Matches the rest of the game much better.
I just saw a guy use the crafting bench as a mini fort to beat the beasts with his stick until they died, and the bench made it impossible for to land an attack... (!) Well, at least one at a time, and no spitters...
When youre starting of World Grid is very important and making Biomass rather than using leaves etc - with 1.0 you can connect belts to biomass burners straight from your constructors! and I would highly recommend rushing chainsaw to build as a first.
I found out today that if you hold "E" while standing in front of something that prompts the pickup. Then, open your map, after that, release "e" key, then exit map. You will pick up leaves without having to hold anything.
@@surtrplays very helpful for new players or someone who is getting into the game after 3 years of waiting for 1.0 release. Thanks brother. Learned alot
Do you think there are more beginner players or more advanced players that already know everything in this video? Marc, feel free to free to make the tips video for those people! It just won’t be as successful.
I wish I knew about the mass delete function before because I had a huge amount of buildings and belts I had to dismantle one at a time for my first base yesterday. Took over an hour to do, not including having to pick up all the materials left on the ground.
This video was super helpful! I haven't played in forever and forgot so many of the little quality of life things that make playing easier and more enjoyable. I also didn't know a bunch of these, but not sure if they were in the game when I played, but great to know either way! Are you going to update this with any of the 1.0 changes? I saw something about 90 degree belts becoming a setting or something? Thanks for a concise video with so many tips packed in!
One thing, you DO die if you fall from high enough height, however the blade runners reduce fall damage and also give you the "will survive with half a bar if the fall would otherwise kill you if you're at full health" thing.
i always use them, at least when i have started the first little base and "go outside" for the first time. i only knew three other facts about them: that the blade runners *improve speed* (as their name already suggests), that they allow to *jump higher* (4m instead of only 2m, eg when jumping up on a foundation, and important when jumping on or over pipes), and that *they reduce fall damage (falling down with zero damage from greater altìtudes than without them)*. i would have taken almost any bet that they are not needed for the "95% limit on damage" because iirc that limit applies to all types of damage (including eg animal attacks like one single giant fireball) and not only fall damage.
Option 2. Storage containers all have ladders on the sides and stack nicely. Often a better way to climb than ramps. Option 4. If you hit Tab or Q while holding down E to harvest it will lock E so you don't have to hold it down, just move over the leaves and wood. Likewise if you want to hand mine for some reason you can look at the node, hold down E then hit Q to lock in. You can close the inventory or leave it open. If you just tap Q you will keep mining even with inventory closed. Option 5. If you are using a pre 1.0 build flowers are actually better than biomass. A 500 flower stack burns around 41 minutes. A 200 stack of biomass burns around 27 minutes. Different times in different burners. Obviously leaves are going away in 1.0 but if you keep a prior build... 24. Hard drives do stack though that might change for 1.0 26. And at the top in the Awesome Shop you have Purchases. A nice place to keep your coupons or anything else you want seperate from other storage. A fairly large free storage area. Good stuff.
but that "free extra storage" of the shop is not shared between multiple shops (eg if you have several shops, one in each outpost). in contrast, all the MAMs share the same research that is currently running, just as the hub and space elevator remember what you have already put into them for research, even after changing the milestone to research or deconstructing them and building them again.
I last played in U6. Things like Zoom and some of the qol stuff has been added since then. Will be neat to see what 1.0 is like next week. For creatures I play with them on passive.
should of added a bonus number 14. to talk about HardWare. to put into your computer. and how much ram you should have to play Satisfactory. 1.0 like a full spec gaming rig. for satisfactory. lol :> love the video
automate the biomass by using constructors. leaves wood etc, - Biomass - biofuel. set a bioburner to about 18mw and it'll be just fine use the petals to burn for fuel.
i once built an "eco workshop" (glass walled and roofed greenhouse :-) that allowed me to drop all kinds of bio matter and related items into a single container, from where it was sorted and processed, including solid biofuel, nuts/berries/mushrooms/inhaler, but it also handled animal remains (by default making DNA for later manual use in the sink, instead of wasting them for biofuel when i always need coupons :-)
@@surtrplays The 'neat conveyors and pipes' section is also a bit obsolete now with the 'straight' building mode in 1.0... It places 90 degree turns for you... at least for conveyors, not sure if they have it for pipes..
I usually handcraft till I can get biomass / solid biomass, then hunt a few animals, so I could save as many foliage as possible (never know, when a bush would look good next to a ramp or something).. and besides, animals respawn plants don't
29:08 "now you dont want your machines to stop operating. They must carry on, because if they carry on, you do well" Can you please elaborate on that? What on Gods green earth are you talking about.
Whether you are making building materials or space elevator parts, you always want all of you machines running if the storage fills up and to conveyors back up, the machine stops. If machines stop you are potentially losing out on coupons or even worse, you could be slowing or even stopping your progress on space elevator parts. Raw resources are infinite so it is easy to put fail safes in place and just make sure that nothing stops working. I hope that helps.
Ziplines are nice, also for mountain climbing :-) but i only can use hanging ziplines (under the ceiling or on the big pole) because i never get the timing right (or whatever trick can be used) at normal powerpoles, always crashing into each single powerpole, or jumping over them into some abyss, cliff or other fall to death.
@@Anson_AKB Timing takes some practice, and it's not quite a parkour game, but once you get the *launch* and direction right you can build up some good momentum in that old Unreal Engine feeling way. You'll find me Tarzaning all over the place. Mix it with the jetpack later and the old zipline tracks can be really fun. Once jetpacks are unlocked and a few hypertubes set up, I often don't see many videos utilizing all the enjoyable (I'm not biased at all) ways to get around like the best one; The Zipline because ziplining is the good thing.
I am going to play The Crust again. I am waiting for more content. Hopefully helium will come soon. I have no idea how to fix corrupt save files. Maybe hop on the the Dev's Discord. They helped me before.
they added 90 deg belts as a mode. also, there's nothing about the stuff added with 1.0. Dimensional depots can change the way you play. Good basic info, though.
@@surtrplays Well to make a right turn, we had to plant the right foot and turn very hard to the left, 270 degrees around all in one motion, and vice versa when we wanted to make a right hand turn... Per the band directors... "It looked better".
i don't like to be a hater but the title of the video is a little bit troll cus at least half of the ""TIPS"" are just basic mechanics of the game that you don't need 1600 hours to know them.
Point taken. For newer players these mechanics are not too obvious so I just grabbed things that I thought were most helpful for me. For the major gameplay tips it would have been a long, long video. All of that is in my playthrough videos. I put the'1600 hours' in there just to let everyone know that I don't have a life. It's 1700 now.
Thanks for your comment. I put videos out to try and help people who maybe miss things here and there. If I am able to help just a few people, mission accomplished.
The power pole tip where you split off an existing power line blew my mind. Great video.
I'm glad you liked it! Thanks for watching.
I'm really impressed with the tips you've chosen to include in your list, because I'm coming back to the game after a while and a brain clearing learning/playing Shapez 2,* so I was like, yeah, _now_ I remember that, and that, and that... saving my fingers, hand, lots of time and/or tedium with big boosts to my QoL (quality of life) doing this 1.0 playthrough. Ty for your time and effort giving us all a "rePrimer," it's much appreciated.
* New stuff pushes out older stuff in my long, medium and short memory registers, whether I want it to or not, IF I don't constantly refresh by playing the game continuously... which I don't...
Thanks Jeffrey. I have the same problem with relearning the bits and pieces. I also made this one so that I could remember before 1.0.
@@surtrplays When I was a younger man, I thought of me brain (sic) as a permanent storage device. The image I used was that when I learned new stuff, my brain just got "denser" making space for new stuff without cannibalizing the old stuff.
I also had total auditory recall, so the women in my life realized they couldn't get away with lying to me even after weeks or months, because I was like, uh oh, that's not what you said before.
Luckily for me, I found 2 good women in my life, staying with one for 9 years before she passed away from Multiple Sclerosis (she told me to leave her prior to her passing, cause "I deserved better," ffs) and my now ex-wife of over 14 years prior to divorce, which only lied to me once, when she had an affair, and that ended that marriage so fast, I left with 4 changes of clothes and forgot my important papers.
I'm "just" 60 years old, and boy I've noticed changes, and my diet, exercise, sleep and supplementation is superior. I've been using games as a means I thought of staving off memory/cognitive decline, and it may not be as effective as we are led to believe. But I persist, because I like feeling productive, even if it's all in fantasy, it still uses the same brain functions as if it was real...
There seems to be a lot of new machines and possible mechanisms nearer endgame so better you than me 🤔taking point so I may avoid some pitfalls and use some benefits of your going forward first.
Good luck moving forward. I hope the game, and my videos are able to help.
since a lot of these tips videos seem geared to brand new players and the early game, here's my own 1K+ hour tip, alien protein tree in the MAM, besides the large biomass conversion rate, it has easy to access hand and inventory slot upgrades and the rebar gun is a great weapon no matter the phase of the game.
also, just in general, set up a biomass gen and a miner at all the new ore types you find, (or a field of the little drill bro's) and occasionally visit when you ready for the next set of MAM upgrades. saves you from having to clutter base inventory or worry about deposit regen and its easy to make stacks of biomass as you kill creatures on the way to collect the next batch.
Good tips, thanks.
worldgrid - the height seems to align to the center of the foundation that you place. thus the 1m platform will have an offet of 0.5m while the 2m has 1m and the 4m has 2m. Since you only need to align the first foundation and later can delete it after placing at least one other ramp or platform, i always start with the 4m version before mostly using 1m for all the rest.
The big advantage of building with the worldgrid becomes visible (literally :-) later when you want to connect sections that started far apart from each other and you want to avoid strange angles or height offsets eg on a road or railroad track.
Thanks for clearing that up. I always just knew that the 1m was janky, never really though about why.
IF you accidentally use a 1m foundation as start of a new area and thus have that 0.5m step, you can build a 1m ramp on one of the two areas and a 1m foundation on the other area, but *both at the same location,* using soft clipping to optically have the ramp come out of the other foundation halfway through its surface.
most people also don't know that there are several "frame platforms" available in the awesome shop that have different thickness (they at most use the glass platform from that set; imho a massive glass platform should not be in the same set as all the other hollow frames). by stacking a bunch of frames and counting how many you need for the same thickness as a 2m or 4m foundation, you can find their exact thickness and by combining them create any intentional offsets in steps of 0.1m.
then you can use that to achieve lots of building effects like gutters along roads, minimally elevated areas around a miner or around huge power poles, etc
@@Anson_AKB Excellent, thanks.
Another tip: The Awesome Shop has dark mode now! You can turn it on in Settings > Options > User Interface > General. Matches the rest of the game much better.
Oh wow. I didn't know about that one. Awesome tip! ;)
I just saw a guy use the crafting bench as a mini fort to beat the beasts with his stick until they died, and the bench made it impossible for to land an attack... (!) Well, at least one at a time, and no spitters...
don't know when it was implemented, but there is a toggle for it directly on the shop interface now
I played for 6 hours. I built 1 ramp to get a slug... that ramp traversal... beautiful.
Absolute winner.
When youre starting of World Grid is very important and making Biomass rather than using leaves etc - with 1.0 you can connect belts to biomass burners straight from your constructors! and I would highly recommend rushing chainsaw to build as a first.
Definitely. That will be for episode 1 I think.
Thanks Surtr. Lovely tips and really nice to see Satisfactory back in the spotlight.
Thanks Ben. Next week is going to be busy!
The amount of people who don't realize the title means "here are my top 30 tips after playing this game for 1600 hours" is staggering.
And that is why I don't go outside unless I absolutely have to. Thanks.
@@surtrplays You and me both!
I've seen lots of tips videos. So far, yours is the BEST. Thank You -- New Subscriber!
Thank you very much.
I found out today that if you hold "E" while standing in front of something that prompts the pickup. Then, open your map, after that, release "e" key, then exit map. You will pick up leaves without having to hold anything.
Thanks. I will check that out.
Works also with the inventory button
Funny, even after years of playing Satisfactory you can always learn something new. Thank you for your tutorial/tips :)
Glad to hear that! Thanks for watching.
Great refresher video.👍
Haven't played for a while but the 1.0 hype is real.
It's going to be excellent. Thanks for watching.
I love how deep this game is. I've played since alpha and I'm constantly learning something new.
I have played a lot and I am still learning, there is also so much new stuff in 1.0.
After you said you played for 1600* hours, I didn't think your "tips" would be to "use scanner" or "build ramps" 😐
If you haven't played before, I thought those would be important.
@@surtrplays very helpful for new players or someone who is getting into the game after 3 years of waiting for 1.0 release. Thanks brother. Learned alot
@@JonasMrbossman Much appreciated.
@@MarcHershey 100%
Do you think there are more beginner players or more advanced players that already know everything in this video? Marc, feel free to free to make the tips video for those people! It just won’t be as successful.
I wish I knew about the mass delete function before because I had a huge amount of buildings and belts I had to dismantle one at a time for my first base yesterday. Took over an hour to do, not including having to pick up all the materials left on the ground.
Oh no! Hopefully you don't have to go through that again.
This video was super helpful! I haven't played in forever and forgot so many of the little quality of life things that make playing easier and more enjoyable. I also didn't know a bunch of these, but not sure if they were in the game when I played, but great to know either way!
Are you going to update this with any of the 1.0 changes? I saw something about 90 degree belts becoming a setting or something?
Thanks for a concise video with so many tips packed in!
Thank you. I am covering the new stuff in my playthrough.
Воу! Свежие архитектурные идеи! ❤
Минималистично, эстетично, брутально и мило!
Класс! Очень нравится. Спасибо за типсы и видео!
Большое спасибо за просмотр.
in one you can use the teleport storage for harddrives if one is busy. So drop them in there and teleport to base
Remote logistics is going to be awesome.
Wow! I was hoping to pick up maybe one new tip and I picked up SEVERAL. Thanks!!!
I'm glad it was helpful. Thanks for watching.
thanks for the reminders, been a while since I've played
My pleasure. 5 day until 1.0!!! Thanks for watching.
One thing, you DO die if you fall from high enough height, however the blade runners reduce fall damage and also give you the "will survive with half a bar if the fall would otherwise kill you if you're at full health" thing.
Thanks. It is so rare that I don't use blade runners, I completely forgot about that.
i always use them, at least when i have started the first little base and "go outside" for the first time.
i only knew three other facts about them: that the blade runners *improve speed* (as their name already suggests), that they allow to *jump higher* (4m instead of only 2m, eg when jumping up on a foundation, and important when jumping on or over pipes), and that *they reduce fall damage (falling down with zero damage from greater altìtudes than without them)*.
i would have taken almost any bet that they are not needed for the "95% limit on damage" because iirc that limit applies to all types of damage (including eg animal attacks like one single giant fireball) and not only fall damage.
Option 2. Storage containers all have ladders on the sides and stack nicely. Often a better way to climb than ramps.
Option 4. If you hit Tab or Q while holding down E to harvest it will lock E so you don't have to hold it down, just move over the leaves and wood. Likewise if you want to hand mine for some reason you can look at the node, hold down E then hit Q to lock in. You can close the inventory or leave it open. If you just tap Q you will keep mining even with inventory closed.
Option 5. If you are using a pre 1.0 build flowers are actually better than biomass. A 500 flower stack burns around 41 minutes. A 200 stack of biomass burns around 27 minutes. Different times in different burners. Obviously leaves are going away in 1.0 but if you keep a prior build...
24. Hard drives do stack though that might change for 1.0
26. And at the top in the Awesome Shop you have Purchases. A nice place to keep your coupons or anything else you want seperate from other storage. A fairly large free storage area.
Good stuff.
Excellent! Thank you.
but that "free extra storage" of the shop is not shared between multiple shops (eg if you have several shops, one in each outpost).
in contrast, all the MAMs share the same research that is currently running, just as the hub and space elevator remember what you have already put into them for research, even after changing the milestone to research or deconstructing them and building them again.
Wow amazing game potential!
It really is! Thanks for watching.
I last played in U6. Things like Zoom and some of the qol stuff has been added since then. Will be neat to see what 1.0 is like next week. For creatures I play with them on passive.
The last teaser video just came out. Some amazing stuff.
@@surtrplays Yeah! I watched it live. Nice stuff.
I knew most of this stuff but that powerline along the wire thing ... that would of saved me some time 🤣
Glad I could help. Thanks for watching.
should of added a bonus number 14. to talk about HardWare. to put into your computer. and how much ram you should have to play Satisfactory. 1.0 like a full spec gaming rig. for satisfactory. lol :> love the video
Thanks. I hope they have done some optimization.
What's your card? I changed the game to directx 11 because of crashing with a Radeon 560
I have a billion hours and “splitting power poles” is the tip I needed!
Glad I could help.
automate the biomass by using constructors. leaves wood etc, - Biomass - biofuel. set a bioburner to about 18mw and it'll be just fine use the petals to burn for fuel.
Definitely. And it looks like the biomass burners will be belt fed in 1.0.
i once built an "eco workshop" (glass walled and roofed greenhouse :-) that allowed me to drop all kinds of bio matter and related items into a single container, from where it was sorted and processed, including solid biofuel, nuts/berries/mushrooms/inhaler, but it also handled animal remains (by default making DNA for later manual use in the sink, instead of wasting them for biofuel when i always need coupons :-)
you need to add the words "basic" or "for new players" to the title. After 1600 hours I thought this was advanced tips but these are the very basics.
In my defense, I didn't say advanced.
@@surtrplays The 'neat conveyors and pipes' section is also a bit obsolete now with the 'straight' building mode in 1.0... It places 90 degree turns for you... at least for conveyors, not sure if they have it for pipes..
@@surtrplays “After 1600 hours of playing the game here is a bunch of stuff from the tutorial.”
Well, he does say "tips to START your journey" right at the beginning... that was a pretty good indication this is for newbs.
Nobody runs past a beryl nut tree without harvesting it. Savage!
True story. It won't happen again.
I usually handcraft till I can get biomass / solid biomass, then hunt a few animals, so I could save as many foliage as possible (never know, when a bush would look good next to a ramp or something).. and besides, animals respawn plants don't
Good move. Alien parts make a lot of biomass.
awesome video, waiting on ps5 version
Thanks. It is going to be cool.
3:40 If you open your inventory while holding e,release e and close your inventory, and it will collect until you press e again.
Brilliant, cheers china
Thank you kindly.
My playthrus always go from factory simulator to Pokemon GO. Make a horrible mess and end up collecting orbs, sloops and slugs.🤣
LOL, there are many ways to play.
29:08 "now you dont want your machines to stop operating. They must carry on, because if they carry on, you do well"
Can you please elaborate on that? What on Gods green earth are you talking about.
Whether you are making building materials or space elevator parts, you always want all of you machines running if the storage fills up and to conveyors back up, the machine stops. If machines stop you are potentially losing out on coupons or even worse, you could be slowing or even stopping your progress on space elevator parts. Raw resources are infinite so it is easy to put fail safes in place and just make sure that nothing stops working. I hope that helps.
Public note section sneakily teaching HTML to people.
LOL, we all need to learn to code now.
Never stop using the zipline. Make zipline cords through caves and tunnels. Always zipline everywhere forever.
And it is even more fun with the pylons.
Ziplines are nice, also for mountain climbing :-)
but i only can use hanging ziplines (under the ceiling or on the big pole) because i never get the timing right (or whatever trick can be used) at normal powerpoles, always crashing into each single powerpole, or jumping over them into some abyss, cliff or other fall to death.
@@Anson_AKB Timing takes some practice, and it's not quite a parkour game, but once you get the *launch* and direction right you can build up some good momentum in that old Unreal Engine feeling way. You'll find me Tarzaning all over the place.
Mix it with the jetpack later and the old zipline tracks can be really fun. Once jetpacks are unlocked and a few hypertubes set up, I often don't see many videos utilizing all the enjoyable (I'm not biased at all) ways to get around like the best one; The Zipline because ziplining is the good thing.
I'm with @Anson_AKB on this one. I also never got the timing right.
How long do you think it will take for the calculator website to update the new node layout?
They are very quick. The map is already updated with the changes on the resource nodes, that have been announced.
Are you gonna play the crust again? Also when I was trying to play it it doesn’t load and gives me an error is there a way to fix that?
I am going to play The Crust again. I am waiting for more content. Hopefully helium will come soon. I have no idea how to fix corrupt save files. Maybe hop on the the Dev's Discord. They helped me before.
they added 90 deg belts as a mode. also, there's nothing about the stuff added with 1.0. Dimensional depots can change the way you play. Good basic info, though.
Thanks. I have been playing with the Dimensional Depots in my playthrough. Total game changer.
do you noabout the tool tips on the right hand side
@@kingsmegger4089 did you watch the video?
@@Haemaroids yer i did
@@Haemaroids did he say go in the inventory right hand side click on the gray bar and do the setings in there
@@Haemaroids theres a to do list in there where you can have a list of things to make with wot you need to make them
@@kingsmegger4089 yeh he literally covered that
9:32 - it's OK cause both of this heights doesn't look like 1 meter. i think this is some kind of joke about measuring units.
I think it is because it is only 1m and therefore doesn't sit on the ground but clips half way in.
Just curious but why is this video about stuff you figure out within the first few minutes of playing, great job for 1500 hours.....
It is mainly aimed at new players. Well done for figuring that out so quickly.
Ninety degree bends? I prefer 270 degree bends... like how we had to make turns in high school and college marching band.....
LOL. The same, just a different perspective.
@@surtrplays Well to make a right turn, we had to plant the right foot and turn very hard to the left, 270 degrees around all in one motion, and vice versa when we wanted to make a right hand turn... Per the band directors... "It looked better".
gahhhh! I wasted so much time before trying to sort out the 0.5 meter gap between foundations.
I hope you managed to fix everything up.
@@surtrplays oh yeah, some creative engineering ;) Have a great weekend and thanks for the stellar content!
More than a few hours😅
I'm a bit of an addict.
😅there are worse stuff out there to be addicted to
Top tips after 15 hours 😐
I suppose but there are a lot of new players.
i don't like to be a hater but the title of the video is a little bit troll cus at least half of the ""TIPS"" are just basic mechanics of the game that you don't need 1600 hours to know them.
this is not a "tips" video is a tutorial video of the game
Point taken. For newer players these mechanics are not too obvious so I just grabbed things that I thought were most helpful for me. For the major gameplay tips it would have been a long, long video. All of that is in my playthrough videos. I put the'1600 hours' in there just to let everyone know that I don't have a life. It's 1700 now.
It took you 1600 hours to learn this!?!?!?
Yes, this is only a part of it. There is too much to show in one video.
ill never understand why these tip videos waste so much time explaining simple shit that everyone who took the time to read knows.
Thanks for your comment. I put videos out to try and help people who maybe miss things here and there. If I am able to help just a few people, mission accomplished.
I am now envisioning a mouse that has three mouse wheels on it.
And I am grateful. It is a wonderful image. 🤔
It helps to have 8 fingers on each hand. New image for you.