No, 4K is 16:10 4096x2160. UHD is 16:9 3840x2160. Who gives a fuck if games are native or not, as long as they look good. And the PS4 Pro delivers way better visuals than the regular or Slim, when watched IN REAL LIFE on a 4K HDR TV. RUclips video is compressed as shit and 99.999% can't see the HDR either. Video is even 1080p max. Useless.
The Pro version runs at a higher resolution like 1440p or something. The draw distances are better and the anti aliasing is WAY better. I play on an LG 65 inch 4K TV and UC4 on the Pro looks awesome!
wow que definición que hermosura, voy a votar mi ps4 y comprar la pro............ todo vale la pena por un poco más de brillo y de paso añado un dlc a mi vida
sala1able y si añado otro dlc mas la promocion del PS4PRO de la tienda GAME, que les doy mi ps4 viejo y un control nuevo mas 2 juegos de novedad? me desbloquean la asistencia onlia porque regrese no mans sky?
0:46 That's an amazing improvement on lighting and shadows, but not worth the extra money for the PS Pro. Please someone tell you can run the game at 60 fps on the PS Pro...
Nathan Drake I know, but I only use the PS4 for exclusive games, and already Uncharted 4, Bloodborne and Ratchet and Clank won't run at 60fps on PS pro... I was thinking about selling my PS4 and buying a pro, but right now it's not worth it, at all.
People here not smart. Can't think before commenting... How do you expect to see a difference with your 1366x768 laptop on a video that compares 1080p to upscaled 4k. And Im not talking about the HDR upgrade on the Pro.
The video is only 1080p so the difference can't be really seen when not zoomed in anyway. I also wouldn't recommend buying a ps4 pro if you already have a regular one or the ps4 slim. But if you are going to buy a ps4 and don't know which one, I'd say go for the ps4 pro. The price difference is not that big (I recently bought a ps4 pro because my ps4 was broken and it was actually even cheaper than the ps4 slim/regular ps4). Finally don't forget to consider the display you have, obviously 4k will have no use on a HD tv (or monitor) if the ps4 is more expensive where you live.
This video is in 1080p. The main update to the game was the 1440P resolution which you cannot see in this video because the video is only 1080p. (and half of you are probably only using 1080p monitors as well).
I've never really been impressed with graphics before until i played uncharted 4 and and thr amount of detail and realism just blew me away and thats coming from a guy who's used to playing on PC, they did an outstanding job and for it to run so well on the ps4 makes it even better.
You really have to see it in person. My cousin came with her's and it put my old ps4 to shame how much better it looked. The little nuances makes a solid different.
Amigos, estos videos no muetran nada de diferencia porque son grabados con una capturadora a 1080p, yo tengo videos donde si pueden ver la diferencia que hace el Pro con 4k, con HDR y hasta conectando el ps4 con el xbox one s, si hace diferencia.
luis Mauro Herrera Ocupas la tele de 4k con hdr, ocupas la consola que soporte 4k con hdr y HDMI 2.0 y tmb que el juego soporte HDR, con la tele sola no es suficiente.
Joelster G menuda gilipollez de video,yo he cambiado de ps4 a pro,y SI!!!Hay diferencia x supuesto,a parte del hdr k se nota un huevo(teniendo una buena tele x supuesto,yo tengo una ks9000 de samsung d 55,las ps vr mejoran un huevo tambien en calidad y nitidez y era el puntito k les hacia falta,por mi parte muy contento con mi pro,y con mi one s de reproductor 4k tambien,es lo k le ha faltado a pro,y SI!!!!TAMBIEN HAY TITULOS EN 4K UHD SEÑORES!saludos
David m no exageres, la diferencia es mínima. Cada quien con sus cosas pero para la gente, sí tiene una normal no gasten dinero innecesario en una Pro, disfruten su play que los juegos seguirán saliendo igual, ya en unos años más cuando salga la 5, si gustan se cambian. saludos!
Creo personalmente que teniendo una buena tele 4k y las playstation vr si merece la pena pasarse a la pro,yo vendi mi ps4 de un tera y arrime 100 euros para comprar la pro,en cuanto a la imagen con el reescalado y la mejora para las gafas en mi caso,si merecio la pena compañero,pero cada cual que decida,es cierto que saldran los mismos juegos para un y otra,lo que es una tonteria es comprar la pro sin tener la vr y una tele 1080,en ese caso x supuesto que no merece la pena,ahora es buen momento para comprar una ps4 a 200 euros o incluso menos si la pillas de segundamano
Hola si tenes los video q si se nota la diferencia entonces publicalo en RUclips porfabor quiero ver cual es la verdadera diferencia con 4k HDR en una play pro
Molochkai. 0.45 secs. Superior lighting and shadows. The main difference is the anti-aliasing which your only gonna really see the difference on a large 4k screen and not a HD youtube video
Mauri Gamer no se agregan detalles, eso es imposible ya que es resolucion lo unico que cambiaria serian los bordes dentados que so no te pegas a la pantalla casi ni se ven
Reilicarp Guide muy buena respuesta mi amigo, cambia la resolución, solo eso, aveces la gente no entiende que si ves el vídeo a 720 o 1080 nunca se verá la diferencia, al fin alguien que habla con la razón 👌👍👍
I mean there are really only noticeable changes in my opinion in well lighted areas in the comparison. but the darker areas are pretty much the same. I feel like the only way i would buy a ps4 pro is if it was night and day like much more crisp lines and better details over all. But this is something that youre basically paying a couple hundred more dollars just to have barely noticeable differences. But then again this is so far the only comparison i've seen of the two.
amigo mio seguramente tendras un tv 4k pero en este caso no es necesario por que el video no esta en 4k y la resolucion del juegos esta a 1440p es decir ahorita un monitor moderno barato de pc ojo un minitor tienes ese alcance pero no es necesario para ver y darse cuenta de que ps4 pro es un timo y que sony lo que quiere es sacrale mas dinero a los incautos jugadores de fifa yo tuve todas las ps y sinceramente la 4 me da asco ahorita en este momento prefiero wiiu no tiene todos los juegos pero para eso esta pc entonces entre wii u y pc tengo mejor consola que ps4 y mas juegos catalogo que limitarme solo ps4
MartinR V yo tengo con la tv 4k y si hay diferencia pero es poca se nota mucho que van mejor los frames eso si con el HDR puesto a mi no me gusta tanto nose no siempre se ven naturales los colores lo compare con la de mi amigo que tiene la normal...pero si uno tiene la normal no hace falta la pro...
Ur blind man its the same !! PS4 slim and original r both worth it bcuz the gameplays ,graphics ,controllers are same as PS4 Pro !! The only diference is that PS4 original has 1.7 GHz processor and PS4 pro has 2.1 GHz processor !!
TheGamerozi Personally.. I.. can play Uncharted 4, cause I have a ps4 that's eating dust.. I just don't want to cause I really don't give a shit about console exclusives, except The Last of Us. That shit is a masterpiece.
NICE video fella! I like the comparison method. Who cares how many darned pixels there are. Slight upgrades are usually texture resolution and anti-aliasing, no? And sorry, in an action packed game like Uncharted 4, nobody is really pausing the action and getting millimeters away from the TV and taking count. :)
These comparison videos don't do justice unless your watching on 4K HDR. SO Everyone saying they don't see the difference, that is why. Believe me the 4K really doesn't make that much of a difference but the HDR really really does. It's insane what HDR can do for your viewing experience
the only difference is a slight change in shaders that you can't even notice. I'm sure the longer the pro is out the more it will pull ahead of the ps4
You can't notice in this video as well because it's been compressed. Also you won't notice it if you don't have a 4k screen/monitor. So it's probably more noticeable in person. :)
GernGeKung AV hahahahahahahaahahaahahahahahhhahahahaahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha I shit my pants hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahhaahahahahahahahahahahahhahaahhahahahahahahahahahahhaha Hahahaha Hahaha Hahahaha Hahahaha I just can't stop Hahahahaha Stop reading this comment You are wasting precious time Hahahahahaha 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😭😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 Notice Something The Emojis Now why did you go back and looked at it Notice another thing My English Sucks Trumps the President Bye I wasted more time typing this comment Hahahahahaha FUCK YOU NIGGA
Sinceramente no hay apenas diferencia, solo se nota en la resolución. Yo creo que PS4 Pro está más destinadas para el 4K ya que sony también ha confirmado que su objetivo no seran los 1080p 60FPS si no los 4K. Y teniendo en cuenta que los juegos multijugador funcionaran a los mismos fps sería muy raro ver un juego a 1080p 60FPS en su modo historia y luego 30FPS en el caso del multijugador... Los que tengan PS4 estandar y no tengan TV 4K no vale la pena comprar la PS4 Pro. Saludos y muy buen análisis.
El juego funciona a una resolución superior en Pro que en la normal pero claro, subes un vídeo a 1080p en RUclips y la gente piensa que se ve igual. Te lo digo porque he tenido las dos y sí se aprecia mayor definición.
Both ps4 and ps4 pro have HDR support for the few right lcd tv. So the HDR future is no new thing for PS4 pro only. PS4 did get their HDR support late in the autumn this year. And there is no "one standard" on HDR either, as far as I know. I am just surprised that Sony did not include 4K on ps4 when it first was released. You have a bounce of 4K tv, and launch just a 1080p console is a bit suspect.
There is a very small difference and you can only experience in person with a real 4k TV, I wouldn't trust youtube comparisons because it is a little worse also there is basically no difference watching on a 1080p monitor. If you are watching to decide to buy it or not then only buy if you have the money to spend and its not a problem or if you are a person who is very picky with resolution while gaming then this would calm you down a lot and it would give you a head start when games slowly start to update graphics a ton or gameplay stuff exclusively for games on ps4 pro and xbox scorpio.
Still same old shit what pcs was doing 5 years ago,ps4 pro its like a average $500 gaming pc and still the pc is better ps can never come close to pcs in graphics specially when u build a real gaming pc $1500 - $2000
Dim TD No need to brag about PC, let Console gamers enjoy their system and you enjoy yours. Not everyone has the same opinion so don't try to change theirs acting like yours is the right gaming system when it all comes down to personal preference.
Dim TD There is no game on pc that looks like Uncharted 4 kid, you wasted your money hahahahahahahah hahahahahahaha ps4 has the best graphics, the best looking games, deal with it, btw Uncharted 4 is the best looking game of all time, it looks better than all games on pc, it's confirmed LOL ;)
Creo que la unica diferencia seria que puedes jugar en tu tv 4k , es decir que a resoluciones altas podras disfrutar con el ps4 pro , nada mas graficamente no hay diferencia , ya que nuestro monitor no es 4k y el video que subio tampoco xD
Eso es cierto en mi país vale el PlayStation 4 normal 2,000 quetzales y el pro 3,000 y para que no crees si en psp 4 normal boy a tener buenos gráficos para que pagar más
y hay gente que quiere comprar esta porqueria... cuando con el ps4 normal basta y sobra para jugar a gusto. Esta generacion de consolas ademas de ser una guerra de egos es un chiste, todas las compañias te andan vendiendo humo y pocas exclusivas.
Pobres de los idiotas que cambiaron su ps4 estándar por esa estafa de ps4 pro. Los que no tenían ps4 aún pues está bien ir por la pro. Pero los que ya la tenían y cambiaron. Que bestias
as a happy PS PRO owner, I still gotta give props to PS4. Amazing what the machine can pull off despite its age. Also in terms of VR. Pretty damn fuckin' impressive!
0:16 are you fucking kidding me you're paying 200$ more than the Ps4 for a LIIIIIIIIIIIIITLE more clean view of a castle you don't even really care about
Look at the shadow of the bush on the left at 00:01:25. It has a more poorly antialiased alpha map on the PS4 Pro. Same old issue that plagued many Sony games throughout the PS3 years.
As someone who had upgrade to ps4 pro (and still have both) you really wont notice the difference specially not on youtube, youtube compress the renders (the colors the pixel even if you watch on 4K, still not the same on real TV at home.
So you're paying $200 more for a bit more AA and 4k? Well unless you have a 4k tv (which costs another $800 - from that price range the actual good TVs start off from), then there's only one difference to the normal PS4. So it's not really worth it IMO.
La diferencia es enorme, pero si lo juegas en un tv de 50 o 60 pulgadas en un televisor 4k y con la imagen de video real.Los videos de youtube no estan en 4k real.
Comprar un ps4 pro de mucho más dinero que la versión normal y date cuenta de esas supuestas mejores gráficas de las cuales el ojo humano no puede notar
How many of you have 4K Displays to see the difference . I finish this game 4x in PS4 , But when I play this game on 4K TV with PS4 PRO is a huge difference same like White vs Dark.
Okay, I haven't played anything *seriously* for years but, due to the fact that I'm currently home-bound indefinitely, I've decided to get myself a console and, as *everything* I have previewed recently looks so spectacular, I would like to ask all the experts here: *what console do I get?* From what I remember, I'm mostly into RPG and only *kind of* keen on sports games... Appreciate any feedback...
I would recommend the PS4. RPG's-skyrim special edition, world of final fantasy, the banner saga 1 and 2, bloodborne, fallout 4, the witcher 3, divinity original sin, dark souls 3, dragon age: inquisition, final fantasy xv, diablo 3, wasteland 2, dark souls 2:scholar of the first sin.. and others Sports-game series include NBA, WWE, MLB, FIFA, PES, Madden NFL and others
este video es falso si comparas 4k HDR pro vs ps4 la diferencia es mucha incluso para PSVR PRO también tiene 1080p pero en 60fps, ps4 solo puede 30fps 1080p para este juego, esa es la diferencia si comparas PRO 1080p vs PS4 1080p no hay diferencia pero en FPS si hay mucha diferencia. en este video no compara eso. este video esta mal echo
lalotz Madre mía... la única diferencia estaría en la resolución porque en calidad de texturas están a la par. Infórmate bien antes de decir que un vídeo es falso. Por eso básicamente me he reído de ti, porque no tienes fundamento sobre lo que decir que es falso. O al menos explícate mejor porque no te enteras.
lalotz Además es tontería comparar juegos que son ports. No están hechos especificamente para ps4 pro. La diferencia, sea mayor o menor se verá en el próximo Final Fantasy según están diciendo.
this was a pretty funny comparison listen guys if youre thinking of buying a ps4 pro know that it does work on 1080p tvs but you wont notice enough of a difference to justify the buy and if you have a 4k tv there still wont be massive changes but games will run smoother and there will a lot of less frame drops if you want to see an example of it check out shirrakos kingdom hearts 2.8 comparison honestly i wouldnt tell anyone to get one unless they really really cared about the few improvements we will be seeing more of how it perform with the new games coming up tho
The graphical settings do not change in either consoles, these are hard coded into the game; games don't offer higher settings to what they're pre-configured to be. Essentially, the PS4 pro isn't really worth it in any way. The "4k" they offer is just the original 2k resolution upscaled to 4k.
Chief Gus have checked the final Fantasy comparison? it will change your mind, this is a poorly done patch on a game that's been out, I think naughtydog has better things to do than to worry about a patch however if you play second son or ratchet you will see major improvements on the games, some patches were done better than others tell you that, but every new game will take advantage of it, again check out the final Fantasy 15 comparison
this is fake my uncharted 4 loosk better on pro than this.... it seems like he captured the game on normal ps4 with other resolution..... you can`t even see the 1080p... it looks the entire video ´like 720p.... the changes between PS4 Pro and normal PS4 are by far bigger at my screen
Nasser Mohd it`s true you can`t really show the HDR effect in a video and the resolution is downgraded by youtube because he uploaded in 1080p not 4k...
The gameplay is only in 1080p, and the frame rate is an impovement. There's not much improvement overall, but what did you guys expect? A new product that renders the preceding one obsolete? It's Sony not MS.
My GTX 1070 overclocked to 2ghz(Faster than Gtx 1080 at stock)'s fps still drops below 60 sometimes. there is no way a 4.2Tflop GPU can run 4K(aka Ps4 pro's Gpu).
Ese Enpai I believe the ps4 game is optimized to not drop frames unlike your pc . Usually console games are optimized for the console for the best experience.
You do know that people have different sight right? I can very easily tell the difference even from 4 meter. Also if you say that the PRO version isn't better you are really in denial. I play it with 1080P/60 rather than 4K/30 because smoothness is extremely important to me. But if I had to play it with 1080P/30 it really wouldn't be the same. If you would see it side by side on the real thing instead of youtube videos you would CLEARLY see the differences. Also I play from OLED so it looks unbelievable.
Alibaba Jackson Wrong little shit head. I value story and atmosphere over everything. However quality is the most important thing for me and since I can I do get the best out of everything. Also unlike you I do have a girlfriend. Have fun being in denial pathetic 12 years old kid.
Yeah this compressed video doesn't do the Pro justice. Uncharted 4 looks amazing on my Samsung 65KS8000. The HDR alone is breathtaking and I can't wait to play Horizon Zero Dawn. That game is going to be on another level.. You really have to see it in person to appreciate the difference.
most of y'all that are complaining are watching it on a 1080 screen. this video doesn't even have the 4k quality on it so no way we can see a difference
Walter White It's more geared towards forward thinking and smoother performance in VR. Aside from the fact a non 4k HDR screen won't do it justice, there's quite obviously a spec boost for those in that neich or basically just late adopters looking for a descent console with quality, solid games. I mean, aside form PlayStation having Xbox beat on that you don't buy into consoles necessarily for "the best" hardware. Anyways, 1440 upscaled to 4k is pretty good considering this has never been done before in a console gen taking such a drastic directiin, this just shows the push and initiative to better games and hardware by getting the most from developers in the future, especially for first party Devs as they work the closest with the tech to really juice the proverbial lemons. If nobody did anything then it would be very small incremental upgrades pushing the system on a generational basis. It's marmite to some, but phones do this kinda thing every year, I'm just glad consoles are starting to up the pace to those who want it until it becomes a standard. Dear I say the pace may be on par with a descent mid to high tier PC next gen if this is the direction taken.
Dunno about uncharted 4, but in NIOH, the games does looks like a ps4 game on pro, while the stock ps4 looks like a ps3 game, with jeggies everywhere. My friend got a pro and i just tested. Even with a smaler tv, the normal ps4 looks jagged and blurried. While the pro, with a bigger tv, looked so smooth and clean.
so many ppl bitching.. i do agree.. but in later future, it will be different since currently there are not many games that code specially for ps4 pro..
xValsion yea but maybe by that time the ps5 is already announced. It's already 3 years since the ps4 was released and going by the the ps3 lifespan it has maybe 3 or 4 years left maybe.
isnt that the point?!!all ps4 games to play in both systems?!!!of course sony is gonna penetrate us all in the ass and start devoloping eventually only for pro thus dumping the 4 in the process....yyyyeeeeyyyhhh sony take our money again pls!!!!
Nah, they gonna double-ended screw us with a ps5 in like 2019, the rush of PSpoo and my personal time owning one leads me to be sure there wont be PRO-only games. Unless the do pro and ps5 compatibility, but then we in the same kinda paradox, lol
La diferencia es que la ps4 pro renderiza la imagen de la pantalla a 4k osea que si tienes una tele 4k y quieres que se vea un poco mejor pues te compras la pro pero la mayoría de gamers juegan en pantalla pequeña o sea que lo veo un poco inútil. Además que las televisiones 4k tiene muchos muchos gigahercios lo cual hace que tenga muchos fps y para mi tener mas de 75fps se me hace incomodo y me mareo no se si le pasará a mas gente.
I have a ps4 pro and uncharted 4 with a 4K television and the graphics is AMAZING...this video is not even 4K, it lies there is really a huge difference
No tendré yo unos ojos muy entrenador, pero yo no veo diferencia, está prácticamente igual una y otra, bien es cierto que para apreciar mejor, lo suyo sería verlo en una pantalla con 4K HDR.
I have seen an in person comparison, both on the same model 4k tvs and the only true noticable differences starting with the most significant is the lighting, textures in bushes/ground, and the overall color tone is more vivid...otherwise the people and scenery are very similar
chris guido Right that's exactly what I was saying there is a difference like it's just the PS4 Pro is much clean and clearer then the PS4 lol I mean I would still buy the PS4 Pro I mean it's just 400
The only difference I see is the Pro is more expensive
but, there is a small (small small small small small small) difference on the pixel details
and you can't see it unless you're wearing a magnifier
Jim Carrey correct
WORD but yeah th graphics are better but not by that much only by 5% so for a 5 yr old console to a 7 1/2 month console there isn't much difference
Uncharted is running at 3200x1800p, Its NOT 4K.
uhd tvs are also not 4k
uhd Is native 4k
No, 4K is 16:10 4096x2160.
UHD is 16:9 3840x2160.
Who gives a fuck if games are native or not, as long as they look good. And the PS4 Pro delivers way better visuals than the regular or Slim, when watched IN REAL LIFE on a 4K HDR TV. RUclips video is compressed as shit and 99.999% can't see the HDR either. Video is even 1080p max. Useless.
Uncharted 4 is 2560x1440, not 3200x1800 ;)
No, 4k (4096x2160) is almost 21:9 (precisely 1.9:1 aspect ratio).
16:10 it's a more square format than the 16:9.
The pro has soo much better graphics like I can't even notice the opposite!
then you are blind 1:26
Antonijo Ivčić Your blind for not realizing the joke.
GA F hes making the "ACKHUALLY" shit and bitching
I've had a ps4 a year after they came out .I'd say I've had at least 3.year .anyway I'd would not go buy a pro .just over a few more pixels. fact
The Pro version runs at a higher resolution like 1440p or something. The draw distances are better and the anti aliasing is WAY better. I play on an LG 65 inch 4K TV and UC4 on the Pro looks awesome!
Look , is the game look very well on 4k tv with HDR only no 4k
2:17 look at the water on the regular vs pro, there you can see the difference
The only difference other than slightess blurry backgrounds at a distance
I see it! Its more slightly more bluer than standard ps4. PRO Totally worth it!!! Omg 🤭😁
@@boritoxd75 id save and go for ps5, ove a 4k tv no at time of writing i didnt and ill just hold out
@@boritoxd75 keep crying pleb
I honestly dont care for ps4 pro as long as i got a ps4 im good
Dear Man96 you really love PS4
yes i do lol
Dear Man96 Won't be a bigger difference on older titles. I'm sure come TLOU 2 Naughty Dog will give way more modes for the Pro to run in.
Manuel Ruiz oh ok
my gamer tag is Dear-man96
wow que definición que hermosura, voy a votar mi ps4 y comprar la pro............ todo vale la pena por un poco más de brillo y de paso añado un dlc a mi vida
A Sony le gusta tu comentario. Si quieres tu like paga el season pass.
agregare un dlc a mi vida para que soni me recompense con un incremento en el online
UISHOMARU VLD de acuerdo tendrás tu incremento, pero apenas lo podrás usar ya que normalmente tendrás el online caído
y si añado otro dlc mas la promocion del PS4PRO de la tienda GAME, que les doy mi ps4 viejo y un control nuevo mas 2 juegos de novedad? me desbloquean la asistencia onlia porque regrese no mans sky?
The difference is absolutely amazing, almost as much as my sarcasm.
is not new gen and current gen is starting to look like shit btw... i give this shitty mid gen 4 years.
Not as ammazing as your brain damege if you have a 4k tv you can se the diffrence dumb fuck
ya vi la diferencia. uno dise ps4 y otro pro
Se nota que eres pobre
jair alfaro XD
no se que da gracia en ser pobre
jair alfaro y por que se nota? Encima te burlas de la gente pobre, me das pena
Seeing this reminds me of just how gorgeous the game was. Best graphics I've seen in a console.
3 years later still one of the best looking games
@@MexiCooki and still it is
well, Horizon Forbidden West took over in terms of graphics, but Uncharted 4 and Last of Us 2 are my 2nd place!
0:46 That's an amazing improvement on lighting and shadows, but not worth the extra money for the PS Pro. Please someone tell you can run the game at 60 fps on the PS Pro...
No it is still 30fps
Gamers United Balkan Whaaaat? Even if you play the game at 1080p you still get 30fps? OMG this PS Pro is even more disappointing than I expected.
oh baby a tripol ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) you have at some games the choice 4k 30fps or 1080p 60fps
Nathan Drake I know, but I only use the PS4 for exclusive games, and already Uncharted 4, Bloodborne and Ratchet and Clank won't run at 60fps on PS pro... I was thinking about selling my PS4 and buying a pro, but right now it's not worth it, at all.
They just increased the bloom lighting. It could have been done in the PS4 version as well.
Spongebob: "Hey Patrick, what am I?"
Patrick: "Uhhh, Uncharted 4?"
Spongebob: "No I'm Uncharted 4 PS4 Pro edition!"
Patrick: "What's the difference!"
Spongbob: NO i'm Pay more for PS4 Pro..
Patrick: More big pay... with no big difference??
Spongbob: arghh.... u'r right..... (-_- )
there is no difference .As much as to buy the ps4 for 300 euros and to have a good qualty also.
i like your style
está igual
Mariangela si es cierto jajaja igual dice
I'll wait for the ps5. Thank you very much.
all the money you propably have spent on consoles would have bought you a beast of an pc.... just take the leap man and you'll thank yourself.....
just shut the fuck up
JackaL On YT Please. just stop already.
can you play uncharted 4 in 3000$ PC ? :)
mata matosa can you play star citzen on your $ 300 console?
People here not smart. Can't think before commenting... How do you expect to see a difference with your 1366x768 laptop on a video that compares 1080p to upscaled 4k.
And Im not talking about the HDR upgrade on the Pro.
Red boy they're idiots lol
Finally someone who gets it lol
Theres a zoom view too on the vid so even when we see this on a shitty rig its will showed!
watching on a 5k mac and its no difference. Looks the same. Trying to decide to upgrade or not ps4s
The video is only 1080p so the difference can't be really seen when not zoomed in anyway. I also wouldn't recommend buying a ps4 pro if you already have a regular one or the ps4 slim. But if you are going to buy a ps4 and don't know which one, I'd say go for the ps4 pro. The price difference is not that big (I recently bought a ps4 pro because my ps4 was broken and it was actually even cheaper than the ps4 slim/regular ps4). Finally don't forget to consider the display you have, obviously 4k will have no use on a HD tv (or monitor) if the ps4 is more expensive where you live.
The difference are a bit minor BUT:
1. The Pro has better light effects.
2. The enviroment looks less "flat" at a more 3D at a distance.
the difference between 99% and 100% -
What do you do with that human?
DrMonkeyloco lmao wtf
No, man!!! Is between 99.9% and 100% hahaha
i have a ps4 pro and 4k tv and there are a lot of differences.
but if you don't have a 4k tv you won't see them
la única diferencia que note yo es, que en una dice ps4 y en la otra dice pro.. interesante
Eduardo Bastidas a que cálida lo viste ?
En 1080, me imagino que en 4k se notará la diferencia
bromeas? la diferencia es apreciable, estas ciego
Confirmo acá en un monitor 2k se ven iguales
no hay diferencia en lo absoluto
When you can't see any difference, you know it's a waste of money.
This video is in 1080p. The main update to the game was the 1440P resolution which you cannot see in this video because the video is only 1080p. (and half of you are probably only using 1080p monitors as well).
Caesar Augustus the prices in Brazil are is the fault of this corrupt government
Caesar Augustus its not about the graphics its about the fps
I've never really been impressed with graphics before until i played uncharted 4 and and thr amount of detail and realism just blew me away and thats coming from a guy who's used to playing on PC, they did an outstanding job and for it to run so well on the ps4 makes it even better.
You really have to see it in person. My cousin came with her's and it put my old ps4 to shame how much better it looked. The little nuances makes a solid different.
ps4 and ps4 pro is like $2.99 and $3
So to play ps4 pro we need 4k tv huhuhu..
Talis Your comment is SO true! Lol 😅 but in real prices it's $299 or less for the PS4 vs $399 or less for PS4 Pro now i buy ps4 slim right?
Mohd Lokman Hakim Sa'adan If had to choose between PS4 or PS4 pro, I'd get PS4
If you don't have a 4k tv it's the same.same . But if u have one is a huge difference
Amigos, estos videos no muetran nada de diferencia porque son grabados con una capturadora a 1080p, yo tengo videos donde si pueden ver la diferencia que hace el Pro con 4k, con HDR y hasta conectando el ps4 con el xbox one s, si hace diferencia.
luis Mauro Herrera Ocupas la tele de 4k con hdr, ocupas la consola que soporte 4k con hdr y HDMI 2.0 y tmb que el juego soporte HDR, con la tele sola no es suficiente.
Joelster G menuda gilipollez de video,yo he cambiado de ps4 a pro,y SI!!!Hay diferencia x supuesto,a parte del hdr k se nota un huevo(teniendo una buena tele x supuesto,yo tengo una ks9000 de samsung d 55,las ps vr mejoran un huevo tambien en calidad y nitidez y era el puntito k les hacia falta,por mi parte muy contento con mi pro,y con mi one s de reproductor 4k tambien,es lo k le ha faltado a pro,y SI!!!!TAMBIEN HAY TITULOS EN 4K UHD SEÑORES!saludos
David m no exageres, la diferencia es mínima. Cada quien con sus cosas pero para la gente, sí tiene una normal no gasten dinero innecesario en una Pro, disfruten su play que los juegos seguirán saliendo igual, ya en unos años más cuando salga la 5, si gustan se cambian. saludos!
Creo personalmente que teniendo una buena tele 4k y las playstation vr si merece la pena pasarse a la pro,yo vendi mi ps4 de un tera y arrime 100 euros para comprar la pro,en cuanto a la imagen con el reescalado y la mejora para las gafas en mi caso,si merecio la pena compañero,pero cada cual que decida,es cierto que saldran los mismos juegos para un y otra,lo que es una tonteria es comprar la pro sin tener la vr y una tele 1080,en ese caso x supuesto que no merece la pena,ahora es buen momento para comprar una ps4 a 200 euros o incluso menos si la pillas de segundamano
Hola si tenes los video q si se nota la diferencia entonces publicalo en RUclips porfabor quiero ver cual es la verdadera diferencia con 4k HDR en una play pro
for 1% better.
MrFreeMan what do you mean they improve with a MASSIVE 1.1%
It looks *exactly* the same.
While it does look the same on my phone, using a 1440p monitor makes it easy to see a difference in quality.
ohhh !!! It changed so much even looks the PS5 new super pro hd remaster will spend up my money to buy your new again, just so.
Elvises001 "ps5 super pro HD remaster." what?
in a not too distant future.
Elvises001 Lmaoooo
Blockbuster Video
Wow... what a difference
Mizzah Tee yeah, but don't forget the framerate differences. Uncharted can't looks greater as greatest. :D
Mizzah Tee+ The only difference is the fum nail
Francisco Nogueira how is it fake
Mizzah Tee the diffrent in fps not on graphics . Ps4 pro have higher fps than the others fps
So where does it show any difference?
On 4K HDR monitors. Oh and a little bit better FPS.
the video is only 1080p.... its lower rez than the game
Fan for pro is quieter then normal
Starkeeper I rahter see more advanded lighting and texturing and effects and shaders in 1080P then just a bit sharper picture.
Molochkai. 0.45 secs. Superior lighting and shadows. The main difference is the anti-aliasing which your only gonna really see the difference on a large 4k screen and not a HD youtube video
like si notaste que se miran igual solo que con mas sombras xddd
Si agrega unos detalles
Mauri Gamer no se agregan detalles, eso es imposible ya que es resolucion lo unico que cambiaria serian los bordes dentados que so no te pegas a la pantalla casi ni se ven
Reilicarp Guide muy buena respuesta mi amigo, cambia la resolución, solo eso, aveces la gente no entiende que si ves el vídeo a 720 o 1080 nunca se verá la diferencia, al fin alguien que habla con la razón 👌👍👍
I mean there are really only noticeable changes in my opinion in well lighted areas in the comparison. but the darker areas are pretty much the same.
I feel like the only way i would buy a ps4 pro is if it was night and day like much more crisp lines and better details over all. But this is something that youre basically paying a couple hundred more dollars just to have barely noticeable differences. But then again this is so far the only comparison i've seen of the two.
la única diferencia de este vídeo es que en una dice Ps4 y en otra pro xD ok no :/
MartinR V Tienes monitor 4k o tv? Si no, no vas a ver nada
Este video no está en 4k
amigo mio seguramente tendras un tv 4k pero en este caso no es necesario por que el video no esta en 4k y la resolucion del juegos esta a 1440p es decir ahorita un monitor moderno barato de pc ojo un minitor tienes ese alcance pero no es necesario para ver y darse cuenta de que ps4 pro es un timo y que sony lo que quiere es sacrale mas dinero a los incautos jugadores de fifa yo tuve todas las ps y sinceramente la 4 me da asco ahorita en este momento prefiero wiiu no tiene todos los juegos pero para eso esta pc entonces entre wii u y pc tengo mejor consola que ps4 y mas juegos catalogo que limitarme solo ps4
MartinR V yo tengo con la tv 4k y si hay diferencia pero es poca se nota mucho que van mejor los frames eso si con el HDR puesto a mi no me gusta tanto nose no siempre se ven naturales los colores lo compare con la de mi amigo que tiene la normal...pero si uno tiene la normal no hace falta la pro...
wow i can't even see a difference lmao
Suzuki Shinji i know right what a waste
A few pixels
are you watching in 4k on a 4k monitor?
there is no 4k option haha
i see a bit of difference. But not worth 100$ more
Es lógico que no se apreciará mucha diferencia, ya que uncharted fue pensado y desarrollado con las capacidades de la PS4 original.
unrealenginetester13 mac y el video esta a 1080 XD
You guyz cant see a difference becuz its youtube compressed duh!!!
King Savage Did you change the settings on your 4k tv
Ur blind man its the same !! PS4 slim and original r both worth it bcuz the gameplays ,graphics ,controllers are same as PS4 Pro !! The only diference is that PS4 original has 1.7 GHz processor and PS4 pro has 2.1 GHz processor !!
No they can't see a difference because the Pro footage is recorded in 1080p, making the entire comparison pointless.
the original Uncharted 4 was already a perfect graphical masterpiece
For Ps4 Pro 4K Picture needs you a 4K Television otherwise can one forget it !
MacedonianFighterMK not worth the upgrade if u have a 720p tv like me
how many time do i have to tell u its not ment to run games on 4k resolution? goddamnit 4,2tf for 4k res, are u fucking kidding me?
Now imagine it on PC.
There would actually be a visible difference.
just imagine.... this game is not for pc :v
You mean the virgin Platform, the beggar race? You wish that U4 would come to PC? Haha funny
but the reason good games like uncharted 4 even come out is because sony paid for it's exclusivity which helped fund the good game
Ronald Dump Hahahaha don't be so butthurt just because you cannot play Uncharted 4.
TheGamerozi Personally.. I.. can play Uncharted 4, cause I have a ps4 that's eating dust.. I just don't want to cause I really don't give a shit about console exclusives, except The Last of Us. That shit is a masterpiece.
where is the difference? its totally the same
Ľudovít Kabát
There is a major difference look at Nathan's clothing and the landscape is much brighter
:D really?
so when i turn the brightness on my ps4 up i simply have ps4 pro graphics? NICE!
i have 4k monitor and i also don't see any difference
4k is only sharper a lil, thats all
NICE video fella! I like the comparison method. Who cares how many darned pixels there are. Slight upgrades are usually texture resolution and anti-aliasing, no? And sorry, in an action packed game like Uncharted 4, nobody is really pausing the action and getting millimeters away from the TV and taking count. :)
These comparison videos don't do justice unless your watching on 4K HDR. SO Everyone saying they don't see the difference, that is why. Believe me the 4K really doesn't make that much of a difference but the HDR really really does. It's insane what HDR can do for your viewing experience
the only difference is a slight change in shaders that you can't even notice. I'm sure the longer the pro is out the more it will pull ahead of the ps4
You can't notice in this video as well because it's been compressed. Also you won't notice it if you don't have a 4k screen/monitor. So it's probably more noticeable in person. :)
Actually, the change isn't very significant at all even with a 4k tv.
so i get the summary you buy ps4 pro and get more grass.
GernGeKung AV hahahahahahahaahahaahahahahahhhahahahaahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
I shit my pants hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahhaahahahahahahahahahahahhahaahhahahahahahahahahahahhaha
I just can't stop
Stop reading this comment
You are wasting precious time
Notice Something
The Emojis
Now why did you go back and looked at it
Notice another thing
My English Sucks
Trumps the President
I wasted more time typing this comment
Dumy you wont see the diffrence if you dont have a 4k tv
Sinceramente no hay apenas diferencia, solo se nota en la resolución. Yo creo que PS4 Pro está más destinadas para el 4K ya que sony también ha confirmado que su objetivo no seran los 1080p 60FPS si no los 4K. Y teniendo en cuenta que los juegos multijugador funcionaran a los mismos fps sería muy raro ver un juego a 1080p 60FPS en su modo historia y luego 30FPS en el caso del multijugador... Los que tengan PS4 estandar y no tengan TV 4K no vale la pena comprar la PS4 Pro. Saludos y muy buen análisis.
I can see the difference especially if I play it on my Curved 65" 4K TV. I'm excited! :D
El juego funciona a una resolución superior en Pro que en la normal pero claro, subes un vídeo a 1080p en RUclips y la gente piensa que se ve igual. Te lo digo porque he tenido las dos y sí se aprecia mayor definición.
There is no difference at all.
Bad video and compression. There is a difference, several in fact.
Александр Шинкаренко there's a big difference this video and RUclips doesn't do it justice
RUclips doesn't have any HDR option so you can only see the the graphic improvements HDR will make the colors and the game itself a lot better
Both ps4 and ps4 pro have HDR support for the few right lcd tv. So the HDR future is no new thing for PS4 pro only. PS4 did get their HDR support late in the autumn this year. And there is no "one standard" on HDR either, as far as I know.
I am just surprised that Sony did not include 4K on ps4 when it first was released. You have a bounce of 4K tv, and launch just a 1080p console is a bit suspect.
You have no brain at all you wont see the diffrence unless you have a 4k tv
i see no difference but i still want it lol
Rafael Carvalho that means ur saying ps is dead there is no point arguing on the same cool they all look awesome ps the best(:
There is a very small difference and you can only experience in person with a real 4k TV, I wouldn't trust youtube comparisons because it is a little worse also there is basically no difference watching on a 1080p monitor.
If you are watching to decide to buy it or not then only buy if you have the money to spend and its not a problem or if you are a person who is very picky with resolution while gaming then this would calm you down a lot and it would give you a head start when games slowly start to update graphics a ton or gameplay stuff exclusively for games on ps4 pro and xbox scorpio.
Still same old shit what pcs was doing 5 years ago,ps4 pro its like a average $500 gaming pc and still the pc is better ps can never come close to pcs in graphics specially when u build a real gaming pc $1500 - $2000
Dim TD No need to brag about PC, let Console gamers enjoy their system and you enjoy yours. Not everyone has the same opinion so don't try to change theirs acting like yours is the right gaming system when it all comes down to personal preference.
Dim TD There is no game on pc that looks like Uncharted 4 kid, you wasted your money hahahahahahahah hahahahahahaha ps4 has the best graphics, the best looking games, deal with it, btw Uncharted 4 is the best looking game of all time, it looks better than all games on pc, it's confirmed LOL ;)
I can see diference, 3 minutes on my clock...
Creo que la unica diferencia seria que puedes jugar en tu tv 4k , es decir que a resoluciones altas podras disfrutar con el ps4 pro , nada mas graficamente no hay diferencia , ya que nuestro monitor no es 4k y el video que subio tampoco xD
Igual tener más rendimiento en los fps
No creo que valiera la pena pagar unos miles mas para unos cambios casi inexistentes para la vista.
Eso es cierto en mi país vale el PlayStation 4 normal 2,000 quetzales y el pro 3,000 y para que no crees si en psp 4 normal boy a tener buenos gráficos para que pagar más
WOW it's a whole new experience ¬¬.
diegomireles of sadness
diegomireles Hell yea bought a ps4 pro and a 4k tv just for this game
Solo nitidez y muy poca.
Willy3by Cierto...
Profundidad de color y cubrir un poco más la distancia... una estafa.
y hay gente que quiere comprar esta porqueria... cuando con el ps4 normal basta y sobra para jugar a gusto. Esta generacion de consolas ademas de ser una guerra de egos es un chiste, todas las compañias te andan vendiendo humo y pocas exclusivas.
aqui la pasada fue qu lo hizo la comparativa en una tv de 4k por eso no se nota la diferencia
Pobres de los idiotas que cambiaron su ps4 estándar por esa estafa de ps4 pro. Los que no tenían ps4 aún pues está bien ir por la pro. Pero los que ya la tenían y cambiaron. Que bestias
Es exactamente lo mismo ,el que le encuentre diferencias es un genio obsesivo xD
Jajaja si es verdad
Reading the comments. I am glad to see I'm not the only one who can't tell the difference.
as a happy PS PRO owner, I still gotta give props to PS4. Amazing what the machine can pull off despite its age. Also in terms of VR. Pretty damn fuckin' impressive!
Wow... Nothing...
Don't upload a comparison in 1080p. Is pointless.
0:16 are you fucking kidding me you're paying 200$ more than the Ps4 for a LIIIIIIIIIIIIITLE more clean view of a castle you don't even really care about
Where you get 200$ difference? It is around 70$ (compared to PS4 Slim 1TB).
The SuperSul Don't like it? Stop being poor
Look at the shadow of the bush on the left at 00:01:25. It has a more poorly antialiased alpha map on the PS4 Pro. Same old issue that plagued many Sony games throughout the PS3 years.
As someone who had upgrade to ps4 pro (and still have both) you really wont notice the difference specially not on youtube, youtube compress the renders (the colors the pixel even if you watch on 4K, still not the same on real TV at home.
PS4: I am over here!
Pro: Now I am back over here!
So you're paying $200 more for a bit more AA and 4k? Well unless you have a 4k tv (which costs another $800 - from that price range the actual good TVs start off from), then there's only one difference to the normal PS4. So it's not really worth it IMO.
La diferencia es enorme, pero si lo juegas en un tv de 50 o 60 pulgadas en un televisor 4k y con la imagen de video real.Los videos de youtube no estan en 4k real.
Comprar un ps4 pro de mucho más dinero que la versión normal y date cuenta de esas supuestas mejores gráficas de las cuales el ojo humano no puede notar
Si pues al comprar la pro lo único que mejora son los fps y la resolución pero ni se nota mierd
How many of you have 4K Displays to see the difference . I finish this game 4x in PS4 , But when I play this game on 4K TV with PS4 PRO is a huge difference same like White vs Dark.
"Wao!!... Es Demasiado, Se nota el Cambio La Pro Esta Muchiiisimo Mas Avanzado Que la ps4 normal"
What a way of making people waste money for these supposedly "upgrades"....
this isnt a ps4 pro based game, all they did is higher the resolution
The difference on the Elder scrolls online is massive i suggest you take a look as its like ps4 (Medium-low settings) ps4 pro (Ultra)
Harambe Yeah sure, that will make a difference worth wasting $400 + taxes more, you moron!
It's meant for new comer who want to pay standerd PS4 price for extra performance, if you're broke dont buy
Buen video, no hay mucha diferencia, te felicito por estar siempre un paso adelante con respecto a otros youtubers, por la consola digo, segui así
Okay, I haven't played anything *seriously* for years but, due to the fact that I'm currently home-bound indefinitely, I've decided to get myself a console and, as *everything* I have previewed recently looks so spectacular, I would like to ask all the experts here: *what console do I get?* From what I remember, I'm mostly into RPG and only *kind of* keen on sports games... Appreciate any feedback...
I would recommend the PS4.
RPG's-skyrim special edition, world of final fantasy, the banner saga 1 and 2, bloodborne, fallout 4, the witcher 3, divinity original sin, dark souls 3, dragon age: inquisition, final fantasy xv, diablo 3, wasteland 2, dark souls 2:scholar of the first sin.. and others
Sports-game series include NBA, WWE, MLB, FIFA, PES, Madden NFL and others
2:20 the biggest diff
Nicolas jdjs Are you talking about the waves? Cause it does that on the normal ps4. It's just the wind hitting the water.
lol no difference at all on details , only the positioning
este video es falso
si comparas 4k HDR pro vs ps4 la diferencia es mucha incluso para PSVR
PRO también tiene 1080p pero en 60fps, ps4 solo puede 30fps 1080p para este juego, esa es la diferencia
si comparas PRO 1080p vs PS4 1080p no hay diferencia pero en FPS si hay mucha diferencia. en este video no compara eso. este video esta mal echo
Tú si que eres falso, LOL. Pero es que no ves que si que hay diferencia? Pero no merece la pena claramente.
Tony Lopez Sanchez ...y.. no eres astuto jaja.
lalotz Madre mía... la única diferencia estaría en la resolución porque en calidad de texturas están a la par. Infórmate bien antes de decir que un vídeo es falso. Por eso básicamente me he reído de ti, porque no tienes fundamento sobre lo que decir que es falso. O al menos explícate mejor porque no te enteras.
lalotz Además es tontería comparar juegos que son ports. No están hechos especificamente para ps4 pro. La diferencia, sea mayor o menor se verá en el próximo Final Fantasy según están diciendo.
Gilga Mesh 5^6
Not much difference if you ask me?
this was a pretty funny comparison listen guys if youre thinking of buying a ps4 pro know that it does work on 1080p tvs but you wont notice enough of a difference to justify the buy and if you have a 4k tv there still wont be massive changes but games will run smoother and there will a lot of less frame drops if you want to see an example of it check out shirrakos kingdom hearts 2.8 comparison honestly i wouldnt tell anyone to get one unless they really really cared about the few improvements we will be seeing more of how it perform with the new games coming up tho
The graphical settings do not change in either consoles, these are hard coded into the game; games don't offer higher settings to what they're pre-configured to be. Essentially, the PS4 pro isn't really worth it in any way. The "4k" they offer is just the original 2k resolution upscaled to 4k.
After watching E3 I was totally convinced to buy a pro. But now I'm uhhhhhh. Yeah, gunna save the money lol
You wont tell the diffrence if you don't have a 4k divice or 4k tv dumb fuck
Joshua Rosario even on a 4k tv there's barely and I mean barely any difference
There is almost no deference and I don't think that it is worth it buying a pro for 100$ more
Chief Gus have checked the final Fantasy comparison? it will change your mind, this is a poorly done patch on a game that's been out, I think naughtydog has better things to do than to worry about a patch however if you play second son or ratchet you will see major improvements on the games, some patches were done better than others tell you that, but every new game will take advantage of it, again check out the final Fantasy 15 comparison
this is fake my uncharted 4 loosk better on pro than this.... it seems like he captured the game on normal ps4 with other resolution..... you can`t even see the 1080p... it looks the entire video ´like 720p.... the changes between PS4 Pro and normal PS4 are by far bigger at my screen
Ronny Scheidt
Nasser Mohd
it`s true you can`t really show the HDR effect in a video and the resolution is downgraded by youtube because he uploaded in 1080p not 4k...
I'd rather pay 100 more to be more secure for the future.
the only difference is the frame rate colours show better and has more storage compared to the original
The gameplay is only in 1080p, and the frame rate is an impovement. There's not much improvement overall, but what did you guys expect? A new product that renders the preceding one obsolete? It's Sony not MS.
1:15 graphic error : the "objects" go into the rocks and passing through them
How are you really supposed to see the difference of 4k and HDR when you're watching this on RUclips in 1080p and no HDR?... pointless video.
Sam Neitzel I'm watching on a 4K monitor you can clearly see the difference
John Carlos The screen doesn't make a difference because the video IS in 1080p!
SMH ps 4 doesn't run uncharted at 4K.
My GTX 1070 overclocked to 2ghz(Faster than Gtx 1080 at stock)'s fps still drops below 60 sometimes. there is no way a 4.2Tflop GPU can run 4K(aka Ps4 pro's Gpu).
Ese Enpai I believe the ps4 game is optimized to not drop frames unlike your pc . Usually console games are optimized for the console for the best experience.
Who plays a video game 3 inches from a 65 inch television?
Alibaba Jackson I thought there was a fly on my screen, and I smacked my computer twice.. xD lmfao.
You do know that people have different sight right? I can very easily tell the difference even from 4 meter. Also if you say that the PRO version isn't better you are really in denial.
I play it with 1080P/60 rather than 4K/30 because smoothness is extremely important to me. But if I had to play it with 1080P/30 it really wouldn't be the same. If you would see it side by side on the real thing instead of youtube videos you would CLEARLY see the differences.
Also I play from OLED so it looks unbelievable.
Krisztian Bari I think u don't really PLAY anything but jerk off to the graphics xD
Alibaba Jackson
Wrong little shit head. I value story and atmosphere over everything.
However quality is the most important thing for me and since I can I do get the best out of everything. Also unlike you I do have a girlfriend.
Have fun being in denial pathetic 12 years old kid.
PS5 - Run's games at native 4k
PS5 Pro - run's games checker board rendered upscaled 8K
PS6 - Native 8k
Okay I see where video games are heading...
Yeah this compressed video doesn't do the Pro justice. Uncharted 4 looks amazing on my Samsung 65KS8000. The HDR alone is breathtaking and I can't wait to play Horizon Zero Dawn. That game is going to be on another level.. You really have to see it in person to appreciate the difference.
most of y'all that are complaining are watching it on a 1080 screen. this video doesn't even have the 4k quality on it so no way we can see a difference
This is the reason I'm not in a hurry to buy a pro.
If it ain't broke don't fix it.
Walter White
It's more geared towards forward thinking and smoother performance in VR. Aside from the fact a non 4k HDR screen won't do it justice, there's quite obviously a spec boost for those in that neich or basically just late adopters looking for a descent console with quality, solid games. I mean, aside form PlayStation having Xbox beat on that you don't buy into consoles necessarily for "the best" hardware.
Anyways, 1440 upscaled to 4k is pretty good considering this has never been done before in a console gen taking such a drastic directiin, this just shows the push and initiative to better games and hardware by getting the most from developers in the future, especially for first party Devs as they work the closest with the tech to really juice the proverbial lemons. If nobody did anything then it would be very small incremental upgrades pushing the system on a generational basis. It's marmite to some, but phones do this kinda thing every year, I'm just glad consoles are starting to up the pace to those who want it until it becomes a standard. Dear I say the pace may be on par with a descent mid to high tier PC next gen if this is the direction taken.
There's not really much of a difference except I guess that the ps4 pro is more bright in colors but that's about it
Bro if you have a 4k tv and you connect them both belive me you will see the diffrence
la diferencia es que en jugandolo en la ps4 pro te sientes mas imbecil por haber gastado mas dinero que jugando en una ps4 normal.
I'm watching the video at 720p and expecting to see a difference. Class
Dunno about uncharted 4, but in NIOH, the games does looks like a ps4 game on pro, while the stock ps4 looks like a ps3 game, with jeggies everywhere. My friend got a pro and i just tested. Even with a smaler tv, the normal ps4 looks jagged and blurried. While the pro, with a bigger tv, looked so smooth and clean.
so many ppl bitching.. i do agree.. but in later future, it will be different since currently there are not many games that code specially for ps4 pro..
xValsion yea but maybe by that time the ps5 is already announced. It's already 3 years since the ps4 was released and going by the the ps3 lifespan it has maybe 3 or 4 years left maybe.
isnt that the point?!!all ps4 games to play in both systems?!!!of course sony is gonna penetrate us all in the ass and start devoloping eventually only for pro thus dumping the 4 in the process....yyyyeeeeyyyhhh sony take our money again pls!!!!
I agree with you and I think in 2018 Sony will announce project what ever the fuck it's called (a.k.a PS5) and release PS5 fall of 2019
Nah, they gonna double-ended screw us with a ps5 in like 2019, the rush of PSpoo and my personal time owning one leads me to be sure there wont be PRO-only games. Unless the do pro and ps5 compatibility, but then we in the same kinda paradox, lol
Creo que las diferencias se haran notar mejor en los próximos juegos, a lo mejor si el video hubiese estado en 4k se hubiera apreciado mejor ;D
La diferencia es que la ps4 pro renderiza la imagen de la pantalla a 4k osea que si tienes una tele 4k y quieres que se vea un poco mejor pues te compras la pro pero la mayoría de gamers juegan en pantalla pequeña o sea que lo veo un poco inútil.
Además que las televisiones 4k tiene muchos muchos gigahercios lo cual hace que tenga muchos fps y para mi tener mas de 75fps se me hace incomodo y me mareo no se si le pasará a mas gente.
I have a ps4 pro and uncharted 4 with a 4K television and the graphics is AMAZING...this video is not even 4K, it lies there is really a huge difference
Thank you finally somebody had to know
No tendré yo unos ojos muy entrenador, pero yo no veo diferencia, está prácticamente igual una y otra, bien es cierto que para apreciar mejor, lo suyo sería verlo en una pantalla con 4K HDR.
oque eles nao fazem pra ganha dinhero das pessoas. pra mim o grafico e mesma coisa nao vi muita diferença :O
A diferença e mo pouquinha tipo MT pouco mesmo e cobram 1000 reais a mais num pro
Tive os 2 não vi diferença,tinha o PS4 pro peguei um islin e mais 800 na volta
Nooo WoW que diferencia terrible se re pasaron los desarrolladores miren esos gráficos hacen que la ps4 parezca la ps1
Nicolás winner ya con ese comentari se nota que heres un rataboxer o un pecerdo seguro
Whoa it looks.exactly the
big money get a 4K tv then kiddo
I have seen an in person comparison, both on the same model 4k tvs and the only true noticable differences starting with the most significant is the lighting, textures in bushes/ground, and the overall color tone is more vivid...otherwise the people and scenery are very similar
chris guido Right that's exactly what I was saying there is a difference like it's just the PS4 Pro is much clean and clearer then the PS4 lol I mean I would still buy the PS4 Pro I mean it's just 400
Like si crees que eso es igual...yo tengo una ps4 pro y me dijeron que la mia era mejor que las otras consolas pero eso es igual....
Tienes un TV 4K?
Yo lo miro un poco de diferencia un poco de resolución y distancia de dibujado (mejorado) :/