Question - do you think Metalhead is at the end of the timeline? Or do you think the dogs were eventually defeated somewhere in the middle of the timeline and civilisation rebuilt and started adopting new technology again? Let me know, i'm intrigued to hear thoughts on that matter! 👀
In "demon 79", when Nida sees Michael Smarts future as a politician, you can clearly see that his actions led to the creation of the dogs. In the future, Michael Smart implements surveilance systems, creates viruses and terrorizes people. On the news in the episode "Loch Henry" you can see that "Michael Smart unveils robo dogs to the police". So basically, metalhead IS the creation of Michael Smart.
I am sorry to say that but author complitely missed the ENOURMOUS point that episode "Demon 79" makes. When Nida looks at Michael Smarts future, she sees that he causes mass surveilance, creation of the viruses and sophisticated technologies that lead to racial eugenics in "Men against Fire" and creation of robodogs of "Metalhead". (On the TV in "Loch Henry" you can see that Michael smart unveils robodogs to the police. Basically, he is the person that leads to creation of horrific Black mirror distopy.
Omg what if Nida failing to kill Michael Smarts is where the black mirror universe branches from the real world? The only problem is that Beyond The Sea is supposedly before Demon 79
@@nanoo-dee123the world supposedly ends at the end of that episode. Nuclear war, that's the whole plot of the episode right? That's she wasn't just coocoo it was actually happening
Crocodile came before 15 million merits because it was mentioned the main protagonist was the architect that build the place 15 million merits took place in.
I think it’s more likely that they are existing in different universes rather than on a timeline in one universe. Some universes seem to have better technology sooner if for example were thinking that “Beyond The Sea” was set in 1969. They wouldn’t have the technology to use a consciousness into a clone body from space and then 10 years later have “demon 79” without any of the same type of technology. I think they are alternate universes
That could be, but its important to note that in Beyond The Sea the space travel and clone technology was perhaps not privately funded, but rather funded by the government. The government would probably want to keep super-advanced tech away from going public for as long as possible, in order to get big stocks, shares and control in new tech companies once the gov's ahead-of their-time technologies and synthetic implants (like the grain in s.1 ep.3, or the eye implants in Nosedive) is allowed to be expanded and made commercially available. This explains why there is a "break" in publicly available tech between what we see in Beyond The Sea and up to the 2010's
@@BrainPilotIf 15MM takes place in 2013 then wouldn’t Loch Henry come before it? In the Episode “Loch Henry” you can see information on the news ticker detailing auditions being made for “Hot Shot” which was the show in 15MM. So if that’s the case then the events of “Loch Henry” came before 15MM.
I hope you guys can excuse my english. I strongly believe that 15 Million Merits, alongside Men Against Fire, are simulations. There is only one episode that actually let us know "hey, you just watched a simulation" and that is Hang the DJ. However, that doesn't mean that they had to explicilly tell us other episodes were simulations too. I also believe that all the simulations were done after the "grain" technology was developed, and simulations are made with digital copies of the conciusness from real people.
San Junipero must have been around 2040 or later. The main characters are old, probably around 80-90 years old and they are reliving their youth. If they were 20 in the 1980s they will be 80 in the 2040s.
That’s a great theory but because they can go to any year it might be that they chose the age they felt their best and not necessarily how old they were in that year; just my thoughts
2:18, White Bear happened in 2013. The phones used were trying to confuse Victoria Skillane into thinking that it's still her present day, but it's actually the future.
Agreed, I think victoria or atleast the cookie version of victoria was trapped and being pushed similar to the father who was imprisoned in black museum
I think there are multiple timelines at play here, where events from certain episodes effect what happens going forward. Basically if Demon 79 goes 1 way or the other reality splits in two. And possibly further if the ruin is used again. Maybe the rune was used causing the Metalhead apocalypse-as Gaap stated it presents differently. So anytime we are in an apocalyptic scenario it could mean a rune was involved.
For the White Bear episode at 2:18, we were shown the calendar for October month. Using the information that the 1st of October was Tuesday, we can use Zeller's Congruence to calculate the possible years. I calculated using python and got 29 such years from 1901 to 2097. The relevant years from those are .....1996, 2002, 2013, 2019, 2024,..... So according to the Blackberry release, it must be the year *2013* which is the closest after 2007.
i find it very interesting that in demon 79, the way the demon shows her the future, her eyes did the same thing as the characters eyes did whenever they were looking through their seed in the entire history of you (not sure if it shows up anywhere else, can’t remember rn). but i wonder if theres any link? kinda seems like its maybe a hint at the future technology having a somewhat demonic nature
YES ! Also the politician having his symbol be the demon talisman and the demon wanting him alive points to the White Bear and Metalhead tech being demonic. I think Demon 79 was trying to tell us that we should look at the timeline in a completely different way, with most of what comes after being either done by demons or politicians using demonic tech (which would imply a cult existing in the higher ranks of society).
yeah i saw that too, it's like the episode where that guy finds out that his wife was cheating, and many people were saying that the episode it's nothing like black mirror, i think they didn't understand at all what black mirror is about
15 million merits is a program for all of the cookies after they won liberation and human rights (this is mentioned on a news station in one of the episodes and Black Museum). It does not take place in our world.
In a way, this is why black mirror is brilliant. Like the timeline, the cause to effects are all over the place for us. It’s like even after we see every episode, we still have the universe of the show to speculate about.
Honestly, I don’t think it matters if he’s wrong or right. The universe is just so vast yet complicated, there’s endless theories. Like PLOT TWIST they’re all cookies! Or how there may be more than one set timeline or course of events. It’s so complicated and confusing but that’s why we love it.
i don’t think there needs to be a timeline in the standalone episodes but since there’s little easter eggs in every episode from other episodes we know it’s the same world and story that we’re in but i wish there could be an episode showing the full timeline or maybe a movie that starts at the beginning of the advancement and goes to the wnd
I thought 15 million credits comes after metalheads, cause of that last scene where he makes it to the top and can see what all that work was for, and it’s just endless forest out there, a contained, insane community of humans in a world that’s mostly lost and left to go wild. I assumed there had to be a reason they’re trapped inside, not outside, something out there stopping people from any exploitation of resources beyond the walls of their tower, and no contact with others, just… getting weirder and more whacked out over time
Anyone know why past Black Mirror episodes are based on technology, but season 6 gave us Werewolves, Serial Killers and Demons? Lost at Sea and Joan is Aweful are the only two that stuck to the Black Mirror technology theme.
I think Charlie Brooker referred to these three as "Red Mirror" episodes and that they would be making more of them. Kind of like the 70's series The Night Stalker or the different threads in The X-Files.
San Junipero could not take place in 2019. Kelly is torn as she was married to a man for 49 years. It would appear that her memories of 1987, she was not married. Which means the earliest he could have died, would have been 2037. They were in their 80s at the end of the film, not their 50s.
I think Man against fire is before Crocodile. This makes sense when you realize tech is often first used in the military. Crocodile is before the Entire History of You. It later introduced the grain. Easier rewatch. Then Arkangel, basically the same but then grain but for children. Then San Junipero, the first addition of cookies (Correct me if I am wrong). In USS Calister and White Christmas (And Black Museum) there are way more advanced types of cookies. So White Christmas came. Everyone had the insane features. Black Museum is around 10 years after White Christmas. When people found out that that technology isn’t that good for humanity. Maybe there are 2 timelines. A sci-fi one and a normal one. 1: Beyond the Sea, History of you, White Christmas, Crocodile, 2: The National Anthem, Shut up and Dance, Loch Henry, I just don’t understand where 15 Million Merits would go. Because it’s so different. Maybe its actually set inside of a supercomputer like in Joan is Awful?
15 million merits is a program for cookies after they won liberation and human rights. This is heavily implied in part of Black Museum when they talk about the teddy bear.
1:46 I now realise there was a continuity error in this episode. You say the the tech was based around 2006, but I noticed the photographer was using a Canon EOS 1D-X, which didn't come out until 2012. (I only noticed because I'm a photographer).
I always assumed that 15 Million Merits was way in the future due to us never witnessing the outside world and the story is exclusively set in an artificial environment. Like the point about the reality show hype I see as being a product of the cyclical nature of media. Its nostalgic, people got bored of the format then came back stronger than ever for a new audience.
There’s actually a theory that there are two timelines happening in the black mirror universe, the human world ei (the entire history of you, crocodile, loch henry, shut up and dance) and the cookie world(15 million merits, nose dive, hang the dj, joan is awful) and the crossovers (white bear, white Christmas, uss calister) I would love to work on a project with you explaining what’s happening in both, for example the development of cookies and cookies gaining rights coincide with hated in the nation and a few others. There’s another piece of tech that has been expanded upon with this 6 season and that’s replicas (beyond the sea, be right back). You can also break the timelines down by the most apparent technology 1 would be current tech (mazey daze, shut up and dance, the national anthem, smithereens) grain development(arch angel, man on fire, uss calister, white Christmas, black museum) cookies (nose dive, Joan is dead, white bear, 15 million merits, hang the dj etc) replicas (beyond the sea, be right back) and cross overs which references tech and the human experience.
I wanted to add that I believe Demon 79 takes place in the main characters head, and uses the grain technology to psychoanalyse her similar to white Christmas
Also I think metal head is a cookie based test for the upgraded version of the robot dogs which they based on the game that was mentioned in bandersnatched. I think this because man on fire showcases the lengths the government will go to with testing tech and the dogs were released sometime around smarts turn as prime minister.
I don’t know about Nosedive and 15 Million Merits being set so far in the past, those always seemed like dystopian alternate reality things. Although, if 15 Million Merits (called Hot Shots instead of 15 Million Merits) and Nosedive are in-universe movies/series maybe that would make sense? Also Demon 79 is definitely an alternate reality I think Red Mirror is separate from Black Mirror. I also love how you COMPLETELY forgot and omitted Mazey Day from this timeline 😭😭😭
It says it took place in an alternative 1965, I am willing to bet there are a few timelines at okay. Based on Demon 79 there’s one where she succeeds and another where she fails. Possibly more.
In the episode "playtest" we can see that they are using unity, specifically unity with dark theme woch was introduced in unity 2017 (not sure but judging by unity's ui it was after unity 5)
4:20 In shut up and dance when the ceo is checking the scandal on her computer you can see a headline that states 15 million merits starts next week . Could be 15 mil happens sooner
How in the world is Over the seas takes place in the 1960s with the advanced tech of linking a person millions of miles aways with their robot replica and the episode Be right back finally came up with the tech of making clones
Yeah I would think it would have to come after “the entire history of you” to be able to have the technology to allow people’s consciousness to live in a cloned body
You're wrong archangels took place before entire history of you because in the entire history of You episode in the beginning they mentioned a lawsuit on a piece of tech prior to the grain that monitored children
it could’ve been a documentary about her life even before everything with her aunt happened as she was technically a child star instead of being about what happened in the episode but we wouldn’t know for sure since it’s just a brief picture
Really if Demon 79 comes second on the timeline, then how do all the episodes afterwards when litterally the apocolypse happened in the end of that episode.
Basically, the answer is - Two tinelines. In one world Nida finds the rune and world is destroyed because of doomsday. In the other timeline, no one finds the rune and Michael Smart (politician in the episode) creates robodogs, and other technology that leads to mass surveilance, war on immigrants as in the episode "men against fire" and the absolute horror of "Metalhead".
I had a thought …(it’s 3am really should just sleep at this point lol … anyway) what if … what if D79 was actually from our timeline in our timeline she’s just mental and nothing happens… but the timeline splits into BM universe, hear me out… so the world goes into shock and it’s an apocalypse, world is fucked but there would still be a bit of humanity to rebuild the world the for some ungodly reason that dickhead of a politician is still alive and sends out the dogs and so then metal head, I think 15mm might be after that while they are starting up humanity again, they are inside all the time eating “Petri dish” grown apples cos there is no outside, the final shot of him looking into the woods is BS it’s destroyed and he’s moved up but STILL only looking at a screen … fake outside. But ye idk I feel like one timeline is ours moving forward and the other is BM almost moving back like the are weening us away from tech or something idk but ye … rant over its an INCREDIBLE show I will never get bored of it :) x
in joan is awful when mac is scrolling through his phone under Laceys message you can see one from Tusk, one of the first victims in hated by the nation. Therefore i would think hated by the nation would be later I think
I think your suggestion that "Metal Head" is in the most distant future of all episodes makes a lot of sense. If any other episode followed the post-apocalyptic back-drop of "Metal Head" it wouldn't make much sense, unless the world were somehow rescued from the apocalypse, which doesn't seem likely.
Ah my bad, yeah, that's true - still, that was only one supporting factor. Regardless - Loch Henry (where I referenced the plate) it looked as though Pia had an iPhone 11 or onwards. So it would still be set at around that time
I really don’t understand where you’re coming from with those placements of Entire History of You and 15 Million Merits. Entire History of You (for instance) should be around the early 2020’s, as we know that The Grain was only JUST going “out of style” in Joan is Awful and we know a lot about when that episode is set, so Entire History should be 1-2 years prior to that. Whereas 15 Million Merits, to me, could be set in a radically far-flung future that’s even post MetalHead. Though maybe not, as well. I definitely think it’s set in some sort or far-fling future after like 90% of the episodes, though.
I disagree with San Junipero being in 2019, as it doesnt make sense with the characters. Kelly is 73 in San Junipero, and going by the 2019 theory that means she was born in the 40s. San Junipero is built exactly for the elderly to be reimmersed in their youth, their era. If Kelly was born in the 40s, it wouldnt make sense for the 80s to be her era as she wouldve been 40+. Yorkie even said to Kelly when she was in the 2000s that "this isnt your era" so its safe to assume that San Junipero is set in the future where people born in the 70s/80s/90s are now elderly
@bombsite1847 I can see that. Maybe it's just personal preference. I liked the episode more the second time I watched. And I had no issue with the tech in ep 2 being old video cameras or the current true crime phenomenon. I just kind of wish the werewolf thing had a tech explanation. Like even an Easter egg in another ep talking about developing a lycanthropy virus or something might've made that one a little easier for me to swallow. Though, I'll also admit that someone spoiled that episode twist for me before I watched, so my thoughts could be tainted.
@@faureamour totally agree, also i think the demon thing would be easy explainable by just saying the girl was having allucinatinos or something and she was the one behind of all of that.
Always good to get information about the important things ! 😂🥳 1:22 Ep2 being this early could be as well a sign for that the whole demon and apocalypse thing was in her head ✌️😂
@@BerniBernsifywell to be fair the 2008 phones were most likely used to make Victoria Skillane think it's the same year she participated in her crime.
The last times October 1st has fallen on a Tuesday were 2019, 2013 and 2002... so based on this timeline, the episode most likely happened in 2013. Unless you're saying they're using a random calendar that isn't necessarily from the year in question?
I think white bear has been there since the starting which is orchestrating all the events. The white episode was just where they decided to show themself overtly
Beyond the Sea définilty happens few months before USS Calister. Aaron Paul doesn't have 80 years : he is just playing an old version of Infinity. Having a robot responding in real time to earth is not possible, but playing a sadistic game from sadistic creator, with space fleet as proof, is more real
Apart from Crocodile, I agree with the timeline. Crocodile is mentioned in other episodes, so it cannot be that far ahead in the timeline. Pretty sure it came before The Entire History of You.
I agree with your analysis that some episodes are alternate realities (like 15MM) that are meant to mirror our current world or like Entire History of you, released in 2011, that imagined a not-so-distant futuristic technology
in USS Callister the lady that worked at the reception desk was using the matchmaking device from hang the dj so i think it would have to be earlier in the timeline
I definitely don't agree, as i feel many of the episodes take place in 2030, 2045 etc. Undisclosed but definitely more distant future. I also think society shifts like nosedive would take much longer to take hold of our society. Thus I think the show as a whole takes place now from 1969 to as far as 2100+
Great work. My one area of major disagreement would be San Junipero. I interpreted the Streamberry documentary to be about the development of the breakthrough technology, not the Yorkie story. The Yorkie story would take place several decades later after the technology was well advanced….I realize this may not line up perfectly with the cookie tech development shown in episodes like White Christmas. Just my thoughts. Very well done
I only know this because im currently doing a rewarch but Michael Callow happens before Victoria Skillane from White Bear. In Shut Up and Dance, one of the people is reading a news artice that has 2 other articles advertised. Callows divorce from the aftermath and Victoria Skillanes arrest. Hes dealing with what comes after while Shes not started her ordeal.
White Bear: 2008 was a Leap Year, pushing October 1 to Wednesday. In 2007, Oct 1 was Monday. The calendar shows Oct 1 on Tuesday. Easter Egg/Inside Joke?
Question - do you think Metalhead is at the end of the timeline? Or do you think the dogs were eventually defeated somewhere in the middle of the timeline and civilisation rebuilt and started adopting new technology again? Let me know, i'm intrigued to hear thoughts on that matter! 👀
isnt metalhead a videogame?
@@roweartno, it’s an episode but it’s a videogame in bandersnatch (easter egg)
In "demon 79", when Nida sees Michael Smarts future as a politician, you can clearly see that his actions led to the creation of the dogs. In the future, Michael Smart implements surveilance systems, creates viruses and terrorizes people. On the news in the episode "Loch Henry" you can see that "Michael Smart unveils robo dogs to the police". So basically, metalhead IS the creation of Michael Smart.
i believe there's a clip within an episode in season 6 that is a newspaper that mentions the robotic dog so it would be not completely at the end.
@@johnm.castillo3163The robot dog invention has been around but in the future the robot dogs cause an apocalypse.
I am sorry to say that but author complitely missed the ENOURMOUS point that episode "Demon 79" makes. When Nida looks at Michael Smarts future, she sees that he causes mass surveilance, creation of the viruses and sophisticated technologies that lead to racial eugenics in "Men against Fire" and creation of robodogs of "Metalhead". (On the TV in "Loch Henry" you can see that Michael smart unveils robodogs to the police. Basically, he is the person that leads to creation of horrific Black mirror distopy.
And 10 second search reveals that 60 plate is from 2010 and not 2020...
Omg what if Nida failing to kill Michael Smarts is where the black mirror universe branches from the real world? The only problem is that Beyond The Sea is supposedly before Demon 79
Yeah this specific scene is why I looked up the phrase "black mirror timeline" today lmao
@@nanoo-dee123hey maybe we'll get an episode predating beyond the sea 🤷♂️
@@nanoo-dee123the world supposedly ends at the end of that episode. Nuclear war, that's the whole plot of the episode right? That's she wasn't just coocoo it was actually happening
Could you imagine an insane time traveling episode when they revealed the REAL time line
That’s something I’d like to see!
They will make it 100% in the next season
Season 7 episode 5 hopefully
san junipero?
The attention to detail in this series is phenomenal
Yeah it's a true one of a kind show!
Crocodile came before 15 million merits because it was mentioned the main protagonist was the architect that build the place 15 million merits took place in.
I think it’s more likely that they are existing in different universes rather than on a timeline in one universe. Some universes seem to have better technology sooner if for example were thinking that “Beyond The Sea” was set in 1969. They wouldn’t have the technology to use a consciousness into a clone body from space and then 10 years later have “demon 79” without any of the same type of technology. I think they are alternate universes
In the movie the concept is around the multiverse
Yes exactly, and it’s not like it’s some super secret government program. Everyone knows about it.
That could be, but its important to note that in Beyond The Sea the space travel and clone technology was perhaps not privately funded, but rather funded by the government. The government would probably want to keep super-advanced tech away from going public for as long as possible, in order to get big stocks, shares and control in new tech companies once the gov's ahead-of their-time technologies and synthetic implants (like the grain in s.1 ep.3, or the eye implants in Nosedive) is allowed to be expanded and made commercially available. This explains why there is a "break" in publicly available tech between what we see in Beyond The Sea and up to the 2010's
and also, the world actually ended in demon 79 so maybe you're right
always assumed 15 million merits to be the most advanced since it seems so sci fi and dystopian out the series but it does make sense
I know what you mean! But also considering there’s a 15MM comic in Black Mirror as well, it would be quite a way before that!
Pretty sure 15 million merits are just a bunch of cookies doing tasks after they won liberation and human rights
@@BrainPilot maybe it is a story idea that some lunatic in power decides to do in real life as technology became more advanced.
@@BrainPilotIf 15MM takes place in 2013 then wouldn’t Loch Henry come before it? In the Episode “Loch Henry” you can see information on the news ticker detailing auditions being made for “Hot Shot” which was the show in 15MM. So if that’s the case then the events of “Loch Henry” came before 15MM.
I hope you guys can excuse my english.
I strongly believe that 15 Million Merits, alongside Men Against Fire, are simulations.
There is only one episode that actually let us know "hey, you just watched a simulation" and that is Hang the DJ.
However, that doesn't mean that they had to explicilly tell us other episodes were simulations too.
I also believe that all the simulations were done after the "grain" technology was developed, and simulations are made with digital copies of the conciusness from real people.
San Junipero must have been around 2040 or later. The main characters are old, probably around 80-90 years old and they are reliving their youth. If they were 20 in the 1980s they will be 80 in the 2040s.
That’s a great theory but because they can go to any year it might be that they chose the age they felt their best and not necessarily how old they were in that year; just my thoughts
Yes, but the car that Kelly uses to go visit Yorkie in their present day looks pretty futuristic...
2:18, White Bear happened in 2013.
The phones used were trying to confuse Victoria Skillane into thinking that it's still her present day, but it's actually the future.
Wouldn't she be older of that were the case?
@scrappyillfoldyoassdoo6503 aging is slower when you're an adult. Not as noticeable, plus she has some melanin in her skin
Agreed, I think victoria or atleast the cookie version of victoria was trapped and being pushed similar to the father who was imprisoned in black museum
@@Zombiemikechrisor they could be where the idea for the egg prison came from
@@domlitt9001 agreed, I think black mirror punishments advance on top of each other
This is interesting. I never considered that some of the episodes with more futuristic tech were alternate versions of current times.
Yeah, it is really thought provoking isn't it!
I think there are multiple timelines at play here, where events from certain episodes effect what happens going forward. Basically if Demon 79 goes 1 way or the other reality splits in two. And possibly further if the ruin is used again. Maybe the rune was used causing the Metalhead apocalypse-as Gaap stated it presents differently. So anytime we are in an apocalyptic scenario it could mean a rune was involved.
For the White Bear episode at 2:18, we were shown the calendar for October month. Using the information that the 1st of October was Tuesday, we can use Zeller's Congruence to calculate the possible years. I calculated using python and got 29 such years from 1901 to 2097. The relevant years from those are .....1996, 2002, 2013, 2019, 2024,..... So according to the Blackberry release, it must be the year *2013* which is the closest after 2007.
The calendar is mimicking the day that they killed the girl not the year the episode takes place
Most depressing is that all episodes lead to Metalhead.
I think there are multiple timelines. In the “first” episode Demon79 the world ended so there had to be a reset there.
i find it very interesting that in demon 79, the way the demon shows her the future, her eyes did the same thing as the characters eyes did whenever they were looking through their seed in the entire history of you (not sure if it shows up anywhere else, can’t remember rn). but i wonder if theres any link? kinda seems like its maybe a hint at the future technology having a somewhat demonic nature
YES ! Also the politician having his symbol be the demon talisman and the demon wanting him alive points to the White Bear and Metalhead tech being demonic. I think Demon 79 was trying to tell us that we should look at the timeline in a completely different way, with most of what comes after being either done by demons or politicians using demonic tech (which would imply a cult existing in the higher ranks of society).
yeah i saw that too, it's like the episode where that guy finds out that his wife was cheating, and many people were saying that the episode it's nothing like black mirror, i think they didn't understand at all what black mirror is about
good idea
Very nice catch
"advanced enough technology is indistinguishable from magic", is what's going on here I think
15 million merits is a program for all of the cookies after they won liberation and human rights (this is mentioned on a news station in one of the episodes and Black Museum). It does not take place in our world.
In a way, this is why black mirror is brilliant. Like the timeline, the cause to effects are all over the place for us. It’s like even after we see every episode, we still have the universe of the show to speculate about.
Yeah it's a truly one of a kind show!
A 60 plate car reg would be 2010 not 2020
I really appreciate that you tried, but the timeline is all over the place 😂, Thumbs up for catching few things I didn’t catch in previous seasons.
Honestly, I don’t think it matters if he’s wrong or right. The universe is just so vast yet complicated, there’s endless theories.
Like PLOT TWIST they’re all cookies! Or how there may be more than one set timeline or course of events. It’s so complicated and confusing but that’s why we love it.
i don’t think there needs to be a timeline in the standalone episodes but since there’s little easter eggs in every episode from other episodes we know it’s the same world and story that we’re in but i wish there could be an episode showing the full timeline or maybe a movie that starts at the beginning of the advancement and goes to the wnd
I thought 15 million credits comes after metalheads, cause of that last scene where he makes it to the top and can see what all that work was for, and it’s just endless forest out there, a contained, insane community of humans in a world that’s mostly lost and left to go wild. I assumed there had to be a reason they’re trapped inside, not outside, something out there stopping people from any exploitation of resources beyond the walls of their tower, and no contact with others, just… getting weirder and more whacked out over time
Okay dad thanks tot the timeline and dedication of this video! I’m mind-blown
Anyone know why past Black Mirror episodes are based on technology, but season 6 gave us Werewolves, Serial Killers and Demons? Lost at Sea and Joan is Aweful are the only two that stuck to the Black Mirror technology theme.
I think Charlie Brooker referred to these three as "Red Mirror" episodes and that they would be making more of them. Kind of like the 70's series The Night Stalker or the different threads in The X-Files.
@@bigduke6764 That's a bait and switch. haha. But I still enjoyed them.
Black Mirror is becoming Love, Death, and Robots
@@KazzKobb most certainly
@@bigduke6764 no only demon79 was red mirror, mazey day should have been too but not loch henry
Smithereens explicitly says it takes place in 2018
5:38 in the episode "smithereens" it literally says "london 2018" at the beginning lol
I think in the beginning of Smithereens it did say in the corner of the screen ‘London 2018’.
Confirming it did say that. Bottom left corner like 30 secs in
San Junipero could not take place in 2019. Kelly is torn as she was married to a man for 49 years. It would appear that her memories of 1987, she was not married. Which means the earliest he could have died, would have been 2037. They were in their 80s at the end of the film, not their 50s.
I think Man against fire is before Crocodile. This makes sense when you realize tech is often first used in the military. Crocodile is before the Entire History of You. It later introduced the grain. Easier rewatch. Then Arkangel, basically the same but then grain but for children. Then San Junipero, the first addition of cookies (Correct me if I am wrong). In USS Calister and White Christmas (And Black Museum) there are way more advanced types of cookies.
So White Christmas came. Everyone had the insane features. Black Museum is around 10 years after White Christmas. When people found out that that technology isn’t that good for humanity.
Maybe there are 2 timelines. A sci-fi one and a normal one.
1: Beyond the Sea, History of you, White Christmas, Crocodile,
2: The National Anthem, Shut up and Dance, Loch Henry,
I just don’t understand where 15 Million Merits would go. Because it’s so different. Maybe its actually set inside of a supercomputer like in Joan is Awful?
That's an interesting thought!
15 million merits is a program for cookies after they won liberation and human rights. This is heavily implied in part of Black Museum when they talk about the teddy bear.
cookies like in white christmas is what 15 million merits is in so the sci fi timeline
1:46 I now realise there was a continuity error in this episode. You say the the tech was based around 2006, but I noticed the photographer was using a Canon EOS 1D-X, which didn't come out until 2012. (I only noticed because I'm a photographer).
I always assumed that 15 Million Merits was way in the future due to us never witnessing the outside world and the story is exclusively set in an artificial environment. Like the point about the reality show hype I see as being a product of the cyclical nature of media. Its nostalgic, people got bored of the format then came back stronger than ever for a new audience.
There’s actually a theory that there are two timelines happening in the black mirror universe, the human world ei (the entire history of you, crocodile, loch henry, shut up and dance) and the cookie world(15 million merits, nose dive, hang the dj, joan is awful) and the crossovers (white bear, white Christmas, uss calister) I would love to work on a project with you explaining what’s happening in both, for example the development of cookies and cookies gaining rights coincide with hated in the nation and a few others. There’s another piece of tech that has been expanded upon with this 6 season and that’s replicas (beyond the sea, be right back). You can also break the timelines down by the most apparent technology 1 would be current tech (mazey daze, shut up and dance, the national anthem, smithereens) grain development(arch angel, man on fire, uss calister, white Christmas, black museum) cookies (nose dive, Joan is dead, white bear, 15 million merits, hang the dj etc) replicas (beyond the sea, be right back) and cross overs which references tech and the human experience.
I wanted to add that I believe Demon 79 takes place in the main characters head, and uses the grain technology to psychoanalyse her similar to white Christmas
Also I think metal head is a cookie based test for the upgraded version of the robot dogs which they based on the game that was mentioned in bandersnatched. I think this because man on fire showcases the lengths the government will go to with testing tech and the dogs were released sometime around smarts turn as prime minister.
I don’t know about Nosedive and 15 Million Merits being set so far in the past, those always seemed like dystopian alternate reality things. Although, if 15 Million Merits (called Hot Shots instead of 15 Million Merits) and Nosedive are in-universe movies/series maybe that would make sense? Also Demon 79 is definitely an alternate reality I think Red Mirror is separate from Black Mirror. I also love how you COMPLETELY forgot and omitted Mazey Day from this timeline 😭😭😭
Mazy Day is there after Bandersnatch, rewatch the video at 1:40 min.
15 million merits takes place in an isolated location it isn’t the entire society
The opening of the episode has a title card that mimicks b-movies. I think it's a movie within the universe and not actually taking place in real life
Is it possible that beyond the sea is another kind of simulation, like San Juniper? In that case it would not be placed in 1969
1969 is the first man on the moon so yeah just a simulation. That technologie is way to advance for 1969
It says it took place in an alternative 1965, I am willing to bet there are a few timelines at okay. Based on Demon 79 there’s one where she succeeds and another where she fails. Possibly more.
A lot of people think that Metalhead is an apocalypse scenarios simulation - hence the black and white aesthetic.
Tuesday, October the first was in 2002, 2013, 2019. I'm assuming that White Bear would be 2013 or 19, looking at memmory erazing tech.
We need a Movie where everything come together
Omg yes 😂 they clearly in the same universe but I need a full explanation
Good job! 👏
Even after all this time 15 Million Merits is still the most enigmatic and hardest reality to explain, and that makes it fascinating.
Thanks - glad you enjoyed the video
In the episode "playtest" we can see that they are using unity, specifically unity with dark theme woch was introduced in unity 2017 (not sure but judging by unity's ui it was after unity 5)
I watched that episode again yesterday and totally missed that!! It does explain why things go so wrong... 😂
San junipero is in 2050s they go back to the early 2000s In one of the ancestry simulations
They don't exist in the same timeline, it just has a lot of Easter eggs.
it might be parallel universe sort of things or like a switched universe and they have little leave behinds of their old universe like mandela effect
Source: trust me bro
5:38 Smithereens is set in 2018, the opening scene shows the year 2018
White Bear couldn't happened in 2008 but likely in 2011-2012 because in one flashback you can see the little girl is playing on a Nintendo 3Ds
4:20 In shut up and dance when the ceo is checking the scandal on her computer you can see a headline that states 15 million merits starts next week . Could be 15 mil happens sooner
Yeah, there's also the trial of Victoria scelane and also a mention of that Prime Minister
How in the world is Over the seas takes place in the 1960s with the advanced tech of linking a person millions of miles aways with their robot replica and the episode Be right back finally came up with the tech of making clones
Thisssss, here people, that is the most advanced technology can't be the first one
Yeah I would think it would have to come after “the entire history of you” to be able to have the technology to allow people’s consciousness to live in a cloned body
It's probably means that swe are all réplica of our owneselves working in space
@@chaam1010 they were conscious of their situation though. They were aware that their physical body was in space
@@Shivermetimbers90 in "Joan Is Awful" they were concious too, nevertheless Joan was surprised that she's not the original one 🙂
This is pretty good. I'd re-arrange a few episodes, but this is solid overall.
You're wrong archangels took place before entire history of you because in the entire history of You episode in the beginning they mentioned a lawsuit on a piece of tech prior to the grain that monitored children
How can metal head be set all the way in the future when there’s a poster of the killer dog in Bandersnatch?
That was a great explanation of the timeline. Thank you for sharing. I have subscribed and now following your videos 💯
Awesome, thank you!
I think if they're going to end Black Mirror, they should make it a timeline.
0:52 the description for this episode said it was set in an alternate 1969. Obviously we didn't have that type of tech in 1969.
If Ashley Miley Cirus was on Streamberry, wouldn’t it before 2023?
it could’ve been a documentary about her life even before everything with her aunt happened as she was technically a child star instead of being about what happened in the episode but we wouldn’t know for sure since it’s just a brief picture
Really if Demon 79 comes second on the timeline, then how do all the episodes afterwards when litterally the apocolypse happened in the end of that episode.
Basically, the answer is - Two tinelines. In one world Nida finds the rune and world is destroyed because of doomsday. In the other timeline, no one finds the rune and Michael Smart (politician in the episode) creates robodogs, and other technology that leads to mass surveilance, war on immigrants as in the episode "men against fire" and the absolute horror of "Metalhead".
or it could be that she just went insane and no apocolypse.
I had a thought …(it’s 3am really should just sleep at this point lol … anyway) what if … what if D79 was actually from our timeline in our timeline she’s just mental and nothing happens… but the timeline splits into BM universe, hear me out… so the world goes into shock and it’s an apocalypse, world is fucked but there would still be a bit of humanity to rebuild the world the for some ungodly reason that dickhead of a politician is still alive and sends out the dogs and so then metal head, I think 15mm might be after that while they are starting up humanity again, they are inside all the time eating “Petri dish” grown apples cos there is no outside, the final shot of him looking into the woods is BS it’s destroyed and he’s moved up but STILL only looking at a screen … fake outside. But ye idk I feel like one timeline is ours moving forward and the other is BM almost moving back like the are weening us away from tech or something idk but ye … rant over its an INCREDIBLE show I will never get bored of it :) x
I’m having surgery in 4 days so I’ll be binging this while I’m recovering my friend at work told me bout it can’t wait
in joan is awful when mac is scrolling through his phone under Laceys message you can see one from Tusk, one of the first victims in hated by the nation. Therefore i would think hated by the nation would be later I think
So, why whe dont see waldo building power in later episodes
Waldo moment must be after 15 million merits because in one of the last scene you can see the girl from that episode in the hot wrath interview
Where is Hated in the Nation at on this list? Did i miss it?
2:20 october 1st 2008 was a Wednesday, not Tuesday
Nicely done!
I think your suggestion that "Metal Head" is in the most distant future of all episodes makes a lot of sense. If any other episode followed the post-apocalyptic back-drop of "Metal Head" it wouldn't make much sense, unless the world were somehow rescued from the apocalypse, which doesn't seem likely.
60 plate is actually 2010.
Ah my bad, yeah, that's true - still, that was only one supporting factor. Regardless - Loch Henry (where I referenced the plate) it looked as though Pia had an iPhone 11 or onwards. So it would still be set at around that time
@BrainPilot Other than that, I think you were spot on with the rest of it.
Thanks! Glad you enjoyed the video
Metalhead felt like the far future, or else alternate parallel timeline.
That's fair!
@@BrainPilot crocodile was extremely depressing.
I believe ur correct about Metalhead being last as the world was crushed by AI and tech & the dogs. Great job!
Thanks a lot!
I really don’t understand where you’re coming from with those placements of Entire History of You and 15 Million Merits. Entire History of You (for instance) should be around the early 2020’s, as we know that The Grain was only JUST going “out of style” in Joan is Awful and we know a lot about when that episode is set, so Entire History should be 1-2 years prior to that.
Whereas 15 Million Merits, to me, could be set in a radically far-flung future that’s even post MetalHead. Though maybe not, as well. I definitely think it’s set in some sort or far-fling future after like 90% of the episodes, though.
I disagree with San Junipero being in 2019, as it doesnt make sense with the characters. Kelly is 73 in San Junipero, and going by the 2019 theory that means she was born in the 40s. San Junipero is built exactly for the elderly to be reimmersed in their youth, their era. If Kelly was born in the 40s, it wouldnt make sense for the 80s to be her era as she wouldve been 40+. Yorkie even said to Kelly when she was in the 2000s that "this isnt your era" so its safe to assume that San Junipero is set in the future where people born in the 70s/80s/90s are now elderly
why werewolves and demons in a show about tech?
It's called Red Mirror. They're looking to go Supernatural
I don't know about the werewolves, but I got the sense the demon ep was something completely different. That made it easier to accept.
To me these episodes were still about technology, just the technology of cameras, gossip sites and the nuclear bomb
@bombsite1847 I can see that. Maybe it's just personal preference. I liked the episode more the second time I watched. And I had no issue with the tech in ep 2 being old video cameras or the current true crime phenomenon. I just kind of wish the werewolf thing had a tech explanation. Like even an Easter egg in another ep talking about developing a lycanthropy virus or something might've made that one a little easier for me to swallow. Though, I'll also admit that someone spoiled that episode twist for me before I watched, so my thoughts could be tainted.
@@faureamour totally agree, also i think the demon thing would be easy explainable by just saying the girl was having allucinatinos or something and she was the one behind of all of that.
Ive never watched this show and dont plan too and yet here i am 😅
Haha, well, welcome!
Always good to get information about the important things ! 😂🥳
1:22 Ep2 being this early could be as well a sign for that the whole demon and apocalypse thing was in her head ✌️😂
Wow, you got that done fast! Thanks
Hope you enjoy the video!
@@BrainPilot Had you already been planning to do a collective timeline of the show? Because you got that done pretty fast.
I had it in mind!
White Bear is actually in 2013 because the calendar matches up with October of that year.
Good catch ! 2013 or 2019 (I find it hard to believe someone using a phone from 2008 5 years later. So I can't go with 2019 😂)
@@BerniBernsifywell to be fair the 2008 phones were most likely used to make Victoria Skillane think it's the same year she participated in her crime.
i assumed 15 million merits involved people’s consciousness inside ‘cookies’ or something like what they did in san junipero but as a punishment
OMG thank you for this!!!
No problem! Glad you enjoyed it!
Ok, is it just me or are the replicas in Beyond the Sea a similar technology of what was maybe used in Be Right Back to bring Ash back? 🤔
True! It could be very similar!
Bravo to callow for not quitting his job immediately after the pig👏
Isn’t Demon1979 the end of earth? Isnt that last or am i missing something
I think it happened inside of her head which would mean that the timeline would be able to continue!
Can’t wait for 2027 to play striking vipers with my homies
The last times October 1st has fallen on a Tuesday were 2019, 2013 and 2002... so based on this timeline, the episode most likely happened in 2013. Unless you're saying they're using a random calendar that isn't necessarily from the year in question?
but in white bear there was an iphone 4 which came out in 2010
A 60 plate would be a 2010 model, not a 2020 model
1:02 They even made Space Fleet a different colour from the rest too we would notice it
I think white bear has been there since the starting which is orchestrating all the events. The white episode was just where they decided to show themself overtly
I seen a short on this show that had me curious, so I look up black mirror explained. The vid just made me so confused fr😮💨
Beyond the Sea définilty happens few months before USS Calister. Aaron Paul doesn't have 80 years : he is just playing an old version of Infinity. Having a robot responding in real time to earth is not possible, but playing a sadistic game from sadistic creator, with space fleet as proof, is more real
“A physical being” happened long before Be Right Back…in the 60’s…?
Its strange that dial-up was still being used in 2006 in the mazey day episode since broadband internet replaced dial-up in the early 2000s.
I remember my family was still using dial-up in 2006 😅 it took a while for everyone to have access to broadband
Apart from Crocodile, I agree with the timeline.
Crocodile is mentioned in other episodes, so it cannot be that far ahead in the timeline. Pretty sure it came before The Entire History of You.
That’s fair enough. Glad you enjoyed the video!
I agree with your analysis that some episodes are alternate realities (like 15MM) that are meant to mirror our current world or like Entire History of you, released in 2011, that imagined a not-so-distant futuristic technology
5:41 that’s a 2010 plate
7:00 once again
in USS Callister the lady that worked at the reception desk was using the matchmaking device from hang the dj so i think it would have to be earlier in the timeline
A 60 plate car means it was made in 2020. Right now we have 72 plate cars in the UK
Be Right Back could have been earlier. We see similar technology in Beyond The Sea, but instead it is AI piloting the robot.
I definitely don't agree, as i feel many of the episodes take place in 2030, 2045 etc. Undisclosed but definitely more distant future. I also think society shifts like nosedive would take much longer to take hold of our society. Thus I think the show as a whole takes place now from 1969 to as far as 2100+
Great work. My one area of major disagreement would be San Junipero. I interpreted the Streamberry documentary to be about the development of the breakthrough technology, not the Yorkie story. The Yorkie story would take place several decades later after the technology was well advanced….I realize this may not line up perfectly with the cookie tech development shown in episodes like White Christmas. Just my thoughts. Very well done
Can someone write down this order? I want to re-watch now 😂
I was thinking some of the episode was like from 2050 above, it's so advance.
I only know this because im currently doing a rewarch but Michael Callow happens before Victoria Skillane from White Bear.
In Shut Up and Dance, one of the people is reading a news artice that has 2 other articles advertised. Callows divorce from the aftermath and Victoria Skillanes arrest. Hes dealing with what comes after while Shes not started her ordeal.
One thing is sure is that metal head is the last one
White Bear: 2008 was a Leap Year, pushing October 1 to Wednesday. In 2007, Oct 1 was Monday. The calendar shows Oct 1 on Tuesday. Easter Egg/Inside Joke?
I’m pretty sure that Smithereens is actually set in 2018
2:21 October 1st of 2008 was Wednesday, not Tuesday as in the calendar shown. October 1st was a Tuesday in 2002, 2013 and 2019.
Now I wanna watch this season based on this timeline
Haha, time to watch again!