I was ripped at 32 and dating a hot 23 year old. She wanted me to stop working out because, "other girls will also want you." Hard pass. She didn't realize I was working out for me, not anyone else. Twenty years later I am married (with two kids) to the woman that was most interested in me being healthy. Our 19 year anniversary is tomorrow.
Right on, Bro! The one thing that makes a woman GAIN ATTRACTION to her long-term partner is when he gets attention from another woman. Women want the attention... and for their guy to view them as "the prize" in the relationship. When it's reversed, they keep themselves "in check".
I have 15 women in my department. We discussed it and of course, regular dad bod won. Once, during the party when there was a little too much booze we spoke about it again. All of them agreed muscular jacked men are absolutely sexy but such partner raises possibility he will find a better women and leave + it puts pressure on them to also look good and they prefer shitty diet and netflix over the gym.
Yes, it’s about what they can afford and hold on to. I can say that I prefer a Volvo over a Jaguar (Lambos are tacky), but that’s because I can’t afford the Jaguar. That doesn’t mean that I think Volvos are hotter than Jags, like come on 😂
these are the types of women that will drain your soul and destroy your male energy over years if you live with them. they want to weaken you to lock you down. if you allow it and become weak, they lose attraction, sex goes away, high possibility she leaves. never let a woman influence you away from positive ideals or you will suffer.
Exactly. Tried explaining that studies like this are flawed but everyone keeps telling me “it’s accounted for” LMAO. You CAN’T account for it as you literally can’t know. Besides with most women you need only tick a few of their boxes and your in. Doesn’t really matter which ones just as long as you got one or enough of them that that specific girl you want in the moment happens to want at that moment in time. If you’ve got some of the following(there are even more than these, these are just examples): money, status, power, influence, charm, can make them laugh, can display intelligence, wit, socially adept, decisiveness, eye contact, connections, and you’re not ugly as hell, then you’re gonna do just fine and you shouldn’t care less what body type a women wants on you. Just lift.
My personal observation: In my 20s, it was a 50/50 talking to girls and that's only because I had confidence when drinking. Sober, I would strike out. Girls never came up to me at all. In my 30s, I tried to get healthier and when I got down to about 9-11% bodyfat every summer, girls came up to me. I had natural confidence and was more like 80/20 on success with girls. I'm 43 now and about 15% bodyfat and look and feel healthy not caring about getting under 10%. I'm eating clean and exercising but doing it for myself and health. Conclusion: Confidence only gets you so far with girls. It's physical appeal they want to hold and touch and bang. Don't let them fool you with "looks aren't that important". They're just as shallow as we are, guys!
Should you expect girls in their 20s specifically early 20s to approach as much as ones in their late 20s/early 30s? I feel like the older ones do way more approaching in comparison to the younger ones
These people will gaslight you into thinking otherwise but this is self evident. There are studies showing there is a looks threshold for them to even start caring about "your personality"
They are even more shallow, our check list is -don’t be fat - don’t have huge body count - don’t be old Their check list is -must be 6ft+ -must make 6 figures -must be ripped/muscular -must be packing a big one -must have good head of hair -must be very sociable/charismatic -must have large friend circle -must not give the “ick” by being sad at any time regardless of circumstance -must be funny -good jaw line -must have past experience (can’t be a virgin) or you will give them the “ick”
It's real simple guys, and it's one of the golden rules of the universe: too much = bad and too little = bad. The truth is if you aren't on steroids you will never be too muscular.
they should do a study about which physique women actually pick on dating apps. I think people are often dishonest or mistaken about what they're actually attracted to.
i would not go so far and say dishonest but it is hard to declare what you actually like. Sometimes i see completely different women and think they are attractive without actually knowing why. "You know it when you see it." I would not be able to picture this out.
50 % of people are dishonest about what they are attracted to, and 50% are honest. The honesty and dishonesty of people answering this question shows 100% positive correlation with XY and XX chromosome distribution .
I think the part around 5:00 in the video is very telling. Basically woman like to "think" they want less muscular, more stable men, but they really don't hence why more muscular men tend to find themselves with more woman. Honestly in my experience most women tend to lie themselves quite a bit.
Women lie to themselves literally all the time. Nothing more obvious that the stupid and intentional attempt to split us even more with the “man vs bear” thing going on. They’re been told that men are creeps (and some are). However, since they’ve seen a bear in the zoo or seen a bear in the woods 300ft away… so they think there’s 0% chance a bear is going to do anything to them when they’re within 2ft of each other… Yet, they interact or are within a couple ft of men… which most women probably have that happen 50-100 times a day without realizing it (just walking by in the street or at work) with nothing happening… but since they watch one too many true crime documentaries, every once in awhile they see someone they don’t find attractive look at them 2 seconds too long (because if they found them attractive they’d be whipping their hair and be flustered) or they’ve had a friend or heard of someone have an unfavorable experience at a bar or at a party they default that it’s less likely a bear is going to do anything to them if they bump shoulders in the woods than a man. Objectively insane and irrational. Yet almost every woman says “bear” and have crazy mental gymnastics to justify their reasoning.
The same way you'd prioritize a sexy looking woman for a hook up, so do women. This isn't confusing. Men will 100% lower their body/physique standards if the woman is amazing in other aspects, so will women. Preferring body types and the complexities of relationships, long term mating goals etc, it's very very complex and can't be boiled down to any one simple aspect.
Well this woman isn’t i’m a gym rat who values my health and appearance and my preference is definitely a muscularity fit man who works out not the guy with a dad bod who sits on the couch pizza and netflix 😂
The issue with asking women what they like is that they often have no idea. What they respond to and what they say they like can be very different things.
Self-reported stuff is inherently veeeeery unreliable. It's the same with straight men consistently reporting ~20-50% more lifetime sexual partners then straight women, even though the average should obviously be equal for both sexes.
It is absolutely not that they don't know. It is that they are HYPER sensitive to how they are percieved and will LIE to try to make themselves look better in people's opinions. They know, they just aren't going to tell you with their words. Watch their actions, hard to lie there.
Comparing sales of erotic books for women with a hyper masculine dude on the front page vs a regular looking dude should indicate that the hyper masculine look is indeed attractive to women.
Not to mention that, at least in the set of pictures you are referring to, most guys had very muscular bodies. Bodies that take years to /build/ in the gym (unless you are on PEDs or are a genetic freak).
I am 75 years old, in my 20's and 30's, I worked out 4-5 days a week consistently, trying to compensate for poor genetics. I was on the short side, barely 5'9" and always weighing in between 155-160. I was an above-average looking guy with a bit of a bad boy persona. I got "more ass than a toilet seat" until my mid 30's when I met the love of my wife little a German knockout 10 years my junior, I married her at 36. Her god-given body was so good I felt an obligation to keep mine up and still work out 3-5 days a week. Forty years later we are retired on the beach and still happy with an active and fulfilling sex life. Working out was the smartest thing I ever did.
There’s nothing short with 5’9 unless you’re in the NBA. We have similar built. Sans for the bad boy persona I’m the quintessential Nice Guy look so I never had any lady I like.
This just seems like women genuinely do like the quite muscular physiques but are afraid of the men leaving them. Or even women feel self conscious when they look that good.
Interesting take. I'm also thinking about how it relates to the statistics with women hooking up preferring more muscle. It would be cool to see data which accounts for this
Not really. I'm a gym rat, I know every man looks at me when I enter the gym, and not even I like guys who are huge. Lean and not too voluminous is where it's at for me.
A lot of women associate very muscular dudes with being egotistical assholes, because, for whatever reason, a good portion are. Enough muscular men fit the douchebag stereotype that they develop that association. On top of that, in some cases they really are grossed out by too much muscle. My ex was legit grossed out by my traps, especially when they were pumped or flexed. Never complained about the development in the arms, though 😂
@@matthewjonas8952 I had a friend that started at gym before every1, when i met him he was kinda nice but he started to develop even more and nowadays i cannot even talk to him, he is the most narcissist shit u would ever see. And yh, he isnt that strong tho cuz i have been going to the gym for 1 year (he have been going for 2 years already) and im almost at his strenght (except for chest). And damn, he used to talk with every girl like they were hoes. His ego is still on the moon...
lol. they say that to cope with the fact that they get forgotten. they beg to marry these guys and say they are soulmates etc. Read enough reports from the men.
I'm here for the fitness content, but I'm well aware that a younger audience might flock to the other type of content in search for a little guidance, and I'd rather have them find someone like you rather than charlatans like jbp or tate.
I absolutely love both kinds of videos! The direct fitness videos are top-notch and the self-improvement, psychology and lifestyle optimization related videos are just as amazing! I really enjoy watching them and learning plenty of valuable and helpful information. 🙌
I would like more content overall. Def interested on other attraction videos, maybe some social skills e.t.c. Obviously would like more fitness also so.
Don’t pay attention to what women SAY. Pay attention to women’s BEHAVIOR. If you want to know which male body type is most attractive, control for height, wealth, and fame (ie only compare men of comparable height, wealth, and fame to one another with body type being the only relevant difference), and then once you have a large enough sample size, pay attention to which body type ends up hooking up with/dating/marrying the most attractive women. Spoiler alert: The answer is the body type that Chris Evans has as Captain America (particularly the scene in which he rips a piece of wood apart with his bare hands).
To be fair, in this case it's not that the women lie, it's that these studies asked the wrong question. In better (more precise) studies they ask "how muscular for a long-term mate" and separately "how muscular for hookup", and then the women readily admit they want more muscle in the casual context. It's just that when the qualifier isn't added, women assume you're asking them about a long-term safe provider. They're not lying, the question is simply not precise.
@@rickymcdonald2669 Specific sports. We all know the golf team wasn’t slaying like the basketball players and the skill-position football players were.
A skillfull analyses of this conundrum….and the “Chris Evans as Captain America” analogy at the end is PURE GOLD! Like most conclude in the comments: a) most women don’t have a fricking clue what they want and are all over the place making decisions based on the “tha feels” b) make muscles,make bank and put a dent in the Universe for the simple fact of being a MAN of use and substance…..not to please or placate women. You are better of impressing other men of achievement in your circle than the fools errand of trying to please the ever changing whims of females. If you happen to find one with a good head on her shoulders, who takes care of her mental and physical health with the same passion and drive as you bring to the table……vet and wife her up pronto. The rest? Let their hypergamy reveal their true colors…..and hire or fire accordingly. Choose wisely gents….you got one life to live👍🏾💪🏾
Based on the feedback, I'll also post a vid of 'what men want'... which will probably get me in trouble. I'll mix it in with more direct fitness content after the next vid.
I've run a few surveys on this too, asking thousands of women about photos and illustrations. I got the same results as you mentioned, just without any real emphasis from women on glutes.
It's not that there's an emphasis from women on glutes, but rather that men view them as unimportant compared to other muscle groups, which means they are as unimportant to women as they are to men.
@@DJcs187 Ah, maybe I misunderstood Menno. Yes, what I was finding was that glutes are about as unimportant to women as they are to men. Everyone cares a little bit, but most people care much more about the upper body. As long as they legs/glutes don't look strangely small or unathletic, it doesn't really seem to matter.
As neat as this is I build muscle for myself. I am natural but I am on the larger side, and I don't plan on stepping off the gas until I am at my genetic peak. I would rather be with a woman who likes me the way i like to present myself.
Why have men started to engage in "i wear makeup for myself lol"-tier delusions ? You wouldn't give a fuck about your shoulder striations or lack lack thereof if you were on an island. Nothing wrong with saying "I wanna be muscular because gym feels good and I become attractive" instead of womanisms
Larger side? So you fat? Ahh well who cares. 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God. Matthew 4:17From that time Jesus began to preach, and to say, Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.
Hi Menno, two further studies you could have included: Crossley et al. (2012), doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0050601 and Lei and Perrett (2020), doi: 10.1111/bjop.12451 In both studies, women's ideal male body had a (normalized) FFMI of ~21-22 (depending on one's height). For Crossley et al. (2012), it was BMI 24.5 with a BF% of 10-12%. For Lei and Perrett (2020), it was BMI 26 with BF% of 15%.
@@christinaferguson9418 "FFMI" = Fat Free body Mass Index; Body Mass index is a common measure pf height vs weight. Interestingly a BMI of over 25 is traditionally considered overweight, but with a body fat of 12-5%, these individuals would have to be fairly muscular. Smooth by gym standards. But more generally women prefer more muscular guys for flings, and less muscular guys for relationships. The reason is simple, too much time, effort and money going into the gym and not her. There are always exceptions, but most women want to be the focus of the relationship.
At 50 I added about 20 pounds of muscle. I got a lot more attention from women. I'm sure some of it was improved confidence. I was already in decent shape but having noticeable muscle mass seemed to help a lot.
Plus, at 50 you are at peak $$$$ earnings stage....can't rule that combo out either, money and muscle> just muscle....just saying. (money>muscle for woman anyways)
What women say and what they respond to are two different things. It doesnt matter what the studies say, the reality in the dating pool is very different.
You’re so whiney and will make up excuses for everything. As a woman, the Ryan gosling physique is perfect. He’s ripped and in shape, but with an approachable smile and seems happy with himself. Perfection. Also leanness on men is great so long as diet is good fitness etc so really women are very generous as long as there is a good personality. I personally am not into the dad bod but I also keep myself in shape so I understand if my man is a little out of shape, but too much out of shapeness I wouldn’t find attractive. I like a man who keeps himself in shape but he doesn’t have to look perfect
A "moderate" level of muscularity, and the models were the upper end of natural physiques. So basically "as much muscle as you can get without using gear" Also the rating makes no sense. On the womens rating system they gave the same physique the 1st and 5th place, while giving an enhanced physique 3rd place. Its literally all over the place and random.
I wouldn't be so quick to say natural, wahlberg wasn't natural, michael b jordan isn't natural. Its literally the same thing as every other aspect of men's attractiveness, as much effort as possible, as good as possible, while also having just enough plausible deniability to look like you did nothing at all.
In my experience with women that are super sexual or freaks. They rather have a slim skinny gout or average weight. Or a few extra pounds. With a large penis. Than a muscular six pack guy with average or small penis. They also view height and face. Maybe more than muscular body.
It is because the woman are lying, maybe even to themselves. Get a dad bod then try and land ladies. Get big muscles or ripped with descent muscles and see how much easier it gets. Hint: its a lot, you go from basically needing to get very lucky to barely having to try.
there could be also a different explanation: ppl like to date ppl who are similar to each other. if you ask somebody for the ideal (sex) partner it could be, that ppl think of somebody they like -> somebody similar to them. in the real world ppl react strongly to visual stimuli and if they see a fit person, they react stronger then imagined.
The average woman doesn't find muscular guys attractive, but then the average woman isn't attractive. If being in shape serves the dual purpose of both attracting attractive women and repelling ugly women, then that's even more reason to be in shape.
Not really as accurate, the most important thing in the end is the shoulder to waist ratio, women find a tall slender men with broad shoulders more attractive than any muscular guy, of course in the end the face is the most important thing in the end is
1. What women feel for dad bod types, is not attraction, but COMFORT. The COMFORT of not have to deal with other competing women. 2. I have an hypothesis about one reason why women do not like very muscular guys: they want a man who when is interacting with other people, does not scare them much, and so have a more abundant social circle.
The problem with these studies though, is that it assumes honesty on the part of the females .... reporting bias. It also assumes that the females being surveyed are actually consciously aware of what their actual preferences are at an instinctual level. Women who believe/know they are on an insufficient rung of the hypergamy ladder, when asked about the attractiveness of men out of their league, are more likely to downgrade such a man, whether out of spite, or to protect their own ego.
It looks fake that's why. See women know what's natural. And they are always thinking about genetics for their children.. I experimented in my prime. From 10% BF to 18%. 15% got me the most attention and compliments from women. A flat stomach with some definition. Broad shoulders. Good arms and pecs are what they like.. The word is athletic. Or the beach body.
I know a few men at my gym who are roided up to the eyeballs, they do well with women. The thing is, you are right, most do find it hideous. According to these men though, 99.9% of women find them unattractive, but only 0.01% of men are in that category. So it's a numbers game and they do well! The 0.1% of women that do like that will go after it, and so that 0.01% of men do completely fine.
Women looking at that survey with the famous men would definitely be factoring in their feelings and general attraction towards that celebrity, not just his body. They would not completely parse those feelings out
- 0:22🔍 Women generally prefer a built body type, according to a study, which aligns with scientific research indicating an optimum level of muscularity and leanness. - 0:56📊 Women prefer a physique that is moderately muscular and slim; extreme bodybuilder levels of muscularity are less preferred. - 1:53👥 Male perception of the ideal male body significantly differs from female preferences, with men overestimating the importance of extreme muscularity. - 3:45💪 Women find moderate muscularity most attractive, as highly muscular men are perceived as more physically dominant and volatile, and less committed to relationships. - 5:09🔥 Muscular men tend to have more sexual partners, even though women generally prefer less muscular physiques. - 6:01🕵 Women may be attracted to muscular "bad boy" types despite their preferences for less muscular physiques in long-term partners.
Not sure averages are of much use. Here in America, the average adult woman is like 170pounds with a bmi of about 30. Nearly 70% of the population is overweight or obese. Of course they aren’t attracted to very fit physiques. Also don’t put much stock in self reported data. People often aren’t honest, and/or lack self awareness.
Even the fatties ARE attracted to very fit physiques. None of the women picked fat, weak men as their favourites. The preferred physique for women is much more muscular and lean than the average man in society so that should be the headline "Study shows women prefer lean muscular men"
The thing with women is that they evaluate more than just looks when commenting on looks. That's why in these type of discussions, the man's personality always comes into play. Women anticipate more muscular guys to be more selfish. However... if they know the guy isn't selfish, then the muscular look will mean more. Just look at Dwayne Johnson to see how women react when a muscular guy is also known as a good guy. With that said, the extreme body builder look does go too far. Another thing to consider is how well do women rate men wearing clothes. Clothes will even out build types, with less muscular builds giving fewer indications of fitness. More muscular builds on the other hand will still give that signal of fitness women want even when covered up, so would likely skew results to more muscular when clothed men are considered.
It would be about 10 seconds long. "So, it appears that men are attracted to exactly the kind of physique they say they are attracted to, and everyone expected them to be attracted to."
@@agnidas5816Exactly. A lot of dudes love to talk a big game when it's all hypothetical, but far too many arent gonna say no if their less ideal preference approached them this very second.
One key point is they if you only ask atractive woman, they will pick fitter more muscular guys. Fat and unatractive woman (which option isnt important because you dont want to attract them) are altering the study by unconsciously voting more fatter thus more attainable men for them. You never see a fit hot chick saying she preferes a dad bod (at least in no judgmental enviroment, becasue virtue signaling also play a big role)
at 2:23 5% of men thought that Leonardo Dicaprio's dad bod was the ideal physique? Ranked above Adam Levine (3%) and Ryan Gosling(%2)? I think it would have been more objective to have them rank the top 3.
At 03:30 here's a crazy actual story - a female view from my amazing late wife. In a moment of weakness I was caught looking at porn - oops not good sorry Dear - I confessed & apologized. I then said: "Hon, while we're confessing sins, may I ask if YOU ever struggle with lustful feelings ?" (It helps make the story to know my wife & I are devoted Christians & she was both the most Spiritual & Beautiful girl in our large College Youth group) She thought, paused & said: "Do you remember wearing those tight 32 Jeans when we first dated ? Do you have ANY idea how great you looked in them ?" Im like, 'Nope normal guys don't rate themselves, how did I look ?' "You had the nicest rear & legs I'd ever seen - made me go weak in the knees !" This was about 15 years into our marriage - I'm like "Hey that's a great review - you coulda told me before now !" Point is, we can't & shouldn't discount or downplay human attraction - funny how your study showed this particular point, on this key body part too. Btw, it worked we enjoyed 32 years - incredible lovemaking with only each other & 5 children. One crazy takeaway - best sex we enjoyed was after all 5 kids were born, from ages 45 to 55.
What is always overlooked in these studies is the complete disconnect between their ‘visual’ preference vs the dominance effect that comes with being the biggest guy in the room. Women are attracted to status to a vastly greater degree than men and the quickest and easiest way to signal status is through physical prowess. Eg, height, muscle mass.
That’s not how it works. Study the psychology of relationships and what women actually wants and you see this has little bearing for most - but there are some who are massively turned on by it. Jacked gets you laid a lot as only 1 in 100 guys may be truly jacked but 1 in 10 women love that so you have a high ratio chasing you down.
@@theguy4615 that’s a very narrow definition of the word. In a Darwinistic sense it’s anything that signals superiority over sexual competitors, whether that be a nice car, or a peacocks plumage. And if you find any legitimacy in evolutionary psychology you’ll agree that the most primal way of signalling this is by appearing like you can physically dominate fellow competitors. Women will say what they think they ‘prefer’ then do the exact opposite. Watch what they do, don’t listen to what they say.
@@karter969 for attraction, sure. But the urge for financial security and high social status overrides that in today's world. Women never date down, always up.
Women are attracted to the ripped dude (not pro bodybuilder roided up version) but they are scared because they lose most of their leverage. Women feel more comfortable being the "attractive one" in the relationship and being with a dude that makes heads turn changes that dynamic.
What women say, and what women actually mean are completely different things. This is due to fear of social judgement, or to straight up manipulate, so don't take too seriously what you hear from the gals.
I just randomly discovered your video so I am not part of your regular audience but I like how you still gave the disclaimer. Because you know there is gonna be that one kid that takes it too far
And the %Woman that have that physique 🤣 Have the right frame/genetics = 10% (Of them) Not fat, old etc = 10% (1%) (Of them) Actually lifts/runs, bikes, swims etc = 10%(0.1%) (Of them) of reasonable disposition and intent = 10%(0.01%) Unicorn 🤡🤡🤡
Look at Playboy models since its inception - the ideal has barely changed. From Marilyn Monroe to now - hourglass figure; nice curves, trim but not shredded. With a few trend aberrations, this has been pretty consistent for 70 years.
For more fun, ask women what they think is an attractive woman, then ask them what they WANT to look like. I remember a girl who was killing herself trying to be 110 pounds, but when I asked her who in the cafeteria she'd trade bodies with, she picked a curvy, athletic girl who was 135. (I know, because I asked the other girl her weight.)
How much does stated vs revealed preferences come into play? The disconnect between women stating their preferences and what is observed in sexual behavior is probably partially explained by dating strategy, but also I would guess by people lying to themselves (which everyone does, not just women.) If dating strategy explained it then you would expect the fittest men to have lower marriage rates than modestly fit men who are rated higher, Ibwould be curious to see a study on that.
Well that makes sense; a body developed with steroid use is not natural, therefore somewhat comparable to women who use fake 'enhancements' such as breast implants. Most men aren't attracted to that, along with lip-fillers, botox, etc.
This study is so flawed. First of all, the photos used are way too different from each other to be taken seriously in any sort of scientific basis. As a scientist myself, and an expert on these type of studies that's the first thing that should have got this study absolutely tanked. Photos that have extremely good lighting perfect angles, angles, and things of that nature skew the results and make it look like certain physics are significantly better than others. Case in point the Ryan Gosling body that only got 10% is one that most women have seen as significantly attractive every time I've ever heard that mention it for that movie. However, because it was taken directly on with really no good Lighting in a movie it doesn't have the same type of results that the physique number one does which is clearly a model photo black and white done professionally and probably edited as well after the fact because no one looks like that naturally. Photos of I believe Jason Momoa at the Beach where he has his shirt off and some of the other photos aren't even direct shots of the body, so how can they really get a good representation of what that looked like so they voted it low simply because the photo was bad, the angle is bad, and like I said there was terrible lighting for the photo so you're obviously you're going to look bigger. I know you consider yourself a scientist, so I'm somewhat disappointed that you didn't even bring this up and it's somewhat calls into question your authenticity as a scientist to do a study like this.
You need to think about sexual selection--the peacock's tail, for example, isn't really a great asset in terms of gathering food, outwitting enemies, protection, etc, but once wired up, peahens seem to prefer these fancy tails. Not all traits are there because they confer some fitness advantage--stronger, better protection, etc.
It has been found that animals will select for secondary sexual characteristics far past beyond the point of survivability in captivity, where the environmental pressures will not kill off the more dramatic features in offspring. Sexual selection and competition is a/the primary utility of some features.
What women -or everybody in fact- SAY they want or like is not necessarily what they ACTUALLY want or like. People say what they think will sound better. That is a known problem in consumer studies for product design and it's very difficult to bypass.
@@rodarollada Menno did qualify the fact that muscular men have more sex lol. I don't know how it became a universal that what they say and what they do are completely different things. But he did mention the dual-mating strategy or whatever that is called, I call it "alpha f**ks, beta bucks."
The day I stopped caring what anyone else thought of how I looked, was the beginning of my pursuit of happiness. Or at least contentedness. No longer did I read/watch info on what kind of hair styles women liked, what kind of facial hair women liked, etc. Today, I look how I want to look, cut my own hair whenever I feel like it, have had a beard for over a decade and could care less what anyone, including women, think of it. Remember the old saying: If you're not happy single, you won't be happy paired. Happiness comes from cats, not relationships.
Is their a study that breaks down women’s preferences based on the woman’s physical condition? I’m trying to attract fit women, not all women. No shame ladies, we all have preferences. And all that really matters is how you feel about yourself. Love yourself first
I've seen a couple of studies like these and they're great but one thing I'd love is for a study with different "category" of women. We always take "all women" but it'd be super interesting to know how the ratings change, if at all, based on the woman's age, strength or attractiveness.
In my experience women don't mind a higher body fat level at all, as long as it is accompanied by a good amount of muscle. The "protector look" of 20-25% bf and big arms, back, V-taper due to the size of the back even though the waist is not tiny has got me more women than any other state I have been in (lean/very lean and somewhat muscular).
Explains Planet Fitness no barbell policy. My local university in Toronto has 2 gyms, the Athletic Centre and Hart House, the former has all the heavy weights, nothing but a sausage fest in that weight room (it was LOUD (heavy oly lifters dropping weights). Apparently Hart House has all the girls, never ever been there though...I think our main gym monopoly has women's only gyms as well. I can't seem to find a dude's only gym though.
I am 61 this year I work out at my home gym and look bloody good for my age. I work out for myself, fitness and mental well being. I could care less what women want or think.
This study and pretty much any study on women in the sexual/physicality side of things makes one huge mistake that renders nearly all these studies redundant: it’s a fact that most women lie about their true desires when it comes to men. A “study” on women assumes they’re telling the truth.
It's not neccesarily a lie, many women are just not as aware to what they want. Being in a relationship and or presense with a guy is what makes them feel, not a question.
It's not even just women with regards to sexual attraction but most people when it comes to most preferences. In economics the idea is that people's stated preferences often differ from their revealed preferences.
Edit: to be clear, well-performed surveys do not assume subjects will always tell the truth. Do you think men are being completely honest about the number of sexual partners they have had? Imagine if, and I know it sounds crazy, statistics researchers knew that people aren't completely honest in surveys, and those researchers still had ways to get reliable information through sample sizes and confidence intervals. Not everything has to do with your hang-ups that "women lie" or "women don't know what they want". Take it back to the kids table and educate yourself on how statistical analysis works.
Guys I’m not hating on women by saying they’re lying; most of them don’t even know they’re doing it. My point is that women will give different answers depending on how it’s worded, if there are certain pictures, who the person is that’s asking, if they are alone or in a group of other women, etc etc. Women are wired differently to men and “studies” like these fail to understand that.
@@johnjohntv1195 Everyone will give different answers based on those factors, not just women. Those factors are handled and accounted for in every survey that is done scientifically, including these. These studies *do* in fact control for the discepencies you listed. Frankly, you're not saying anything of substance and just judging these surveys based on your misunderstandings of how these surveys are performed.
Also obviously this is what “women” want “in general”. Meaning your specific woman may not want this. If you get 10 women and 1 likes Arnold Schwarzenegger and the other 9 like Justin Bieber, then “women like Justin Bieber”. In other words, none of this matters unless your goal is to optimize for the pattern of what women want rather than what you or your specific partner wants
That makes no sense, if 90% like Justin Bieber, then 90% of men are mostly fighting for 10% of women which is very VERY rough. Clinging to the long tail of attractiveness can occasionally work, but it's infinitely better to be on the side of the 90% than the 10%.
One thing missing from this video is a discussion around athletic functionality. What I mean is look at most of the top athletes across sports. Usain Bolt, MJ, Lebron, Mbappe, Ronaldo, Federer, Michael Phelps, Deion Sanders, etc. DK Metcalf and Bo Jackson are more exceptions to the rule with body builder type physiques. It seems like women prefer a physique that generally is the most functional athletically.
That has nothing to do with looks. Women will like you more if they see you do anything very competently, especially in competition against other men. They also love social status and wealth.
@@teatowel11 Well, that's my point. They seem inclined to subconsciously pick the body type that would've made the best hunters or warriors in the past in both proportion and size. No doubt the actual athletes are now perceived to be even more attractive due to wealth and status.
What if they prefer less mascular/shredded men body type because they dont want to be insecure about their bodies next to someone who is shredded, just a thought
That's an interesting perspective. Would you say that if someone in a relationship is five levels higher than them, would the other one be more insecure?
I matched with someone on a dating site once whose first picture was him on stage at a body building contest. At the time I was not a lifter but more of a casual outdoor activity enthusiast. I remember being intimidated, not by his "attractiveness" or his "leverage" over me in some vague hiarchy of attraction, but being intimidated by how difficult his daily routine must be to live that life style. Would he expect me to adopt his eating habits and fitness routine? Would this person require me to change too much of myself in order to be a good match for him? These were the things I was considering first. Now as a lifter and a grounded adult, I still dont find myself attracted to the hyper lean mega built lifter look. Having dated the guy who is obsessed with his 220lb lean body, the novelty wears off fast. I am much more obsessed now with my smaller shorter fiance who is HYSTERICAL and loving and makes me so fucking grateful every day I finally met a trustworthy, kind man.
I am in this single group. One woman in particular said dad bods all the way one time. Then she posted something a week later and it was guys who look like they belonged in a Magic Mike movie doing landscaping. She goes ladies who is with me hiring these guys. Never trust what they say.
So many problems with the study, particularly the fact that each individual in the photo is different, it shows their face also, image quality is different, poses are different, skin tones are different, some images don't even have colour! There's just way too many other independent variables that haven't been accounted for. Terrible study.
I'd be curious to see similar research for queer people. My hunch is that men who are attracted to men are way more into muscle that women that are attracted to men.
As a skinny kid until age 19, competitive bodybuilder from 21-28, and now in my 30s doing mostly calisthenics and just cardio, I've had many widely varying physiques in my lifetime. I've been as big as 220lbs (16% bodyfat) to as small/lean as 160lbs (5% bodyfat). I recently went to a bodpod and got my body fat tested and am currently 190lbs, 10% body fat, and 5'11". I can say that women actually went most crazy for my leanest physique. When I was small but ripped to pieces, women would constantly touch me, their jaws would literally drop when I took my shirt off, and two women even bumped into each other rubber necking when I was at the beach and they both simultaneously walked by me. During the two year timeframe when I was consistently at/near 5% body fat, I also slept with 28 women. Regardless of what women say when they are sober, I've consistently experienced that there is definitely a correlation btwn lean muscle and wet pu$$y. The lower the body fat, the wetter the pu$$y. Of course, the breaking point does seem to be around 5-7% body fat. Leaner than that and women find it unattractive; probably b/c men get what bodybuilders call "death face." Even though muscles are important, low body fat is more important than muscles. Medium size ripped guy versus big muscular powerlifter physique is always going to win. That being said, money, height, and D size win over muscles every day of the week. Even a man with a dad bod will win over a muscular lean guy if the dad bod has great style, confidence, full head of hair, and a square jawline.
How can dad bod have square jaw? Whats your definition of dad bod -bf %? One night stand mentality does correlate with dark triad traits also thatswhy women tend not to seek potential partners among jacked individuals who will not stick around. They are red flags and only women who are interested using you for sex will respond to such call. You explained standpoint of what men sees that women like more then actually what women like from hedonisitc indulgence standpoint.
The picture of Ryan used there was not his most lean. That’s where these studies need to be taken with a grain of salt. We don’t know if the women were also being shown the men’s faces, in which case, the results may be completely negligible for all we know.
@@methodofinstruction1368 That doesn't make sense. Adam Levine face mogs the mountain into oblivion. What's dumb is marky mark and the 10% guy are practically the same body, also two Olympia winners widely apart.
The pictures used in this video are likely not the ones used in the actual studies, and if the were, the data would be considered completely ecologically relevant invalid. This is because the attractiveness of a man’s face is likely and independent variable aside from a man’s physique. The studies likely used pictures that didn’t include a man’s face. Simply put, these studies were only looking a body physiques ‘independent’ of what a man’s face look like. If you have a handsome face, wealthy, charming personality, etc, it may be that overall body physique plays a very minor role in whether a woman chooses to engage in sexual relations.
There is still big problems with those studies, people was telling what they would choose and not decided in that moment which person he/she want to chat with. ( what is often equal to "what potential partner they are choosing" ) It was proven that science paper using those techniques are not especially effective.
"Muscular men report more lifetime sex partners" - I'm doing my part to single-handedly drag this statistic down
U are not alone bro😂
Taking one for the team, we appreciate it, bro.
Yeah man don't try to hog all the glory
and muscular bikers report even more :)
Quality > Quantity when it comes to sexual partners
Everyone knows Kyriakos Grizzly is the ultimate male body
Like it or not Kyriakos is peak male performance.
He is a absolute beast of a human that every man who wants to be a real man should strive to achieve 🎉
Well that just goes without saying.
I was ripped at 32 and dating a hot 23 year old. She wanted me to stop working out because, "other girls will also want you." Hard pass. She didn't realize I was working out for me, not anyone else.
Twenty years later I am married (with two kids) to the woman that was most interested in me being healthy. Our 19 year anniversary is tomorrow.
You didn’t realise you weren’t working out for ‘you’
Happy anniversary. 19 years in this era is impressive.
@@benhallo1553 ?
@@benhallo1553, you know better, dadbod man.
Right on, Bro! The one thing that makes a woman GAIN ATTRACTION to her long-term partner is when he gets attention from another woman. Women want the attention... and for their guy to view them as "the prize" in the relationship. When it's reversed, they keep themselves "in check".
I have 15 women in my department. We discussed it and of course, regular dad bod won. Once, during the party when there was a little too much booze we spoke about it again. All of them agreed muscular jacked men are absolutely sexy but such partner raises possibility he will find a better women and leave + it puts pressure on them to also look good and they prefer shitty diet and netflix over the gym.
And so here we have the truth. This is what I had intuited but you've put it into words.
Yes, it’s about what they can afford and hold on to. I can say that I prefer a Volvo over a Jaguar (Lambos are tacky), but that’s because I can’t afford the Jaguar. That doesn’t mean that I think Volvos are hotter than Jags, like come on 😂
this is too accurate lol @@Chiburi
these are the types of women that will drain your soul and destroy your male energy over years if you live with them. they want to weaken you to lock you down. if you allow it and become weak, they lose attraction, sex goes away, high possibility she leaves. never let a woman influence you away from positive ideals or you will suffer.
Good comment 👍
But then again, what women say and what women do is very different.
👆🏾this. Look at what women do, not what they say. Behavior never lies.
Was thinking exactly the same.
Exactly. Tried explaining that studies like this are flawed but everyone keeps telling me “it’s accounted for” LMAO. You CAN’T account for it as you literally can’t know. Besides with most women you need only tick a few of their boxes and your in. Doesn’t really matter which ones just as long as you got one or enough of them that that specific girl you want in the moment happens to want at that moment in time. If you’ve got some of the following(there are even more than these, these are just examples): money, status, power, influence, charm, can make them laugh, can display intelligence, wit, socially adept, decisiveness, eye contact, connections, and you’re not ugly as hell, then you’re gonna do just fine and you shouldn’t care less what body type a women wants on you. Just lift.
Ain't that the truth! Yeah you definitely need to look at what they do over what they say!
Probably most scientific truth known to man.
My personal observation:
In my 20s, it was a 50/50 talking to girls and that's only because I had confidence when drinking. Sober, I would strike out. Girls never came up to me at all.
In my 30s, I tried to get healthier and when I got down to about 9-11% bodyfat every summer, girls came up to me. I had natural confidence and was more like 80/20 on success with girls.
I'm 43 now and about 15% bodyfat and look and feel healthy not caring about getting under 10%. I'm eating clean and exercising but doing it for myself and health.
Conclusion: Confidence only gets you so far with girls. It's physical appeal they want to hold and touch and bang. Don't let them fool you with "looks aren't that important". They're just as shallow as we are, guys!
It’s not “shallow”, there are hard biological reasons for being attracted to physically beautiful people and repulsed by the opposite.
@@MrDanielvass the shallow part is societal shaming, not really biological.
Should you expect girls in their 20s specifically early 20s to approach as much as ones in their late 20s/early 30s? I feel like the older ones do way more approaching in comparison to the younger ones
These people will gaslight you into thinking otherwise but this is self evident. There are studies showing there is a looks threshold for them to even start caring about "your personality"
They are even more shallow, our check list is
-don’t be fat
- don’t have huge body count
- don’t be old
Their check list is
-must be 6ft+
-must make 6 figures
-must be ripped/muscular
-must be packing a big one
-must have good head of hair
-must be very sociable/charismatic
-must have large friend circle
-must not give the “ick” by being sad at any time regardless of circumstance
-must be funny
-good jaw line
-must have past experience (can’t be a virgin) or you will give them the “ick”
It's real simple guys, and it's one of the golden rules of the universe: too much = bad and too little = bad.
The truth is if you aren't on steroids you will never be too muscular.
This is true, stay off sauce and work out to be the best "you" you can be.
100% correct
Chippendales were always sold out thou
wrong. I never took steroids and I'm shredded and big.
@@ProtoIndoEuropean88 Either lucky genetics or lying :)
they should do a study about which physique women actually pick on dating apps. I think people are often dishonest or mistaken about what they're actually attracted to.
i would not go so far and say dishonest but it is hard to declare what you actually like. Sometimes i see completely different women and think they are attractive without actually knowing why. "You know it when you see it." I would not be able to picture this out.
50 % of people are dishonest about what they are attracted to, and 50% are honest.
The honesty and dishonesty of people answering this question shows 100% positive correlation with XY and XX chromosome distribution .
@@avibhagan And 50% don't get your point :-)
picture of abs still works surprisingly well lmfao
So, basically, Women prefer blokes who look like Greek statues? Makes sense. After all, that body type is basically a jacked natural.
And mid bf% not shredded.
Women like slim men with muscle = high testosterone
@@BWater-yq3jx by mid i assume you mean 12-18%?
Its called the golden ratio. Look it up very interesting. Ties into fibonocci sequence.
Greek statues are just a replica of the actual physique of decendants from Africa
I think the part around 5:00 in the video is very telling. Basically woman like to "think" they want less muscular, more stable men, but they really don't hence why more muscular men tend to find themselves with more woman. Honestly in my experience most women tend to lie themselves quite a bit.
Women lie to themselves literally all the time.
Nothing more obvious that the stupid and intentional attempt to split us even more with the “man vs bear” thing going on. They’re been told that men are creeps (and some are). However, since they’ve seen a bear in the zoo or seen a bear in the woods 300ft away… so they think there’s 0% chance a bear is going to do anything to them when they’re within 2ft of each other…
Yet, they interact or are within a couple ft of men… which most women probably have that happen 50-100 times a day without realizing it (just walking by in the street or at work) with nothing happening… but since they watch one too many true crime documentaries, every once in awhile they see someone they don’t find attractive look at them 2 seconds too long (because if they found them attractive they’d be whipping their hair and be flustered) or they’ve had a friend or heard of someone have an unfavorable experience at a bar or at a party they default that it’s less likely a bear is going to do anything to them if they bump shoulders in the woods than a man.
Objectively insane and irrational. Yet almost every woman says “bear” and have crazy mental gymnastics to justify their reasoning.
Part of their weakness.....
Big ass Liars. They’re gonna have their reckoning.
The same way you'd prioritize a sexy looking woman for a hook up, so do women. This isn't confusing. Men will 100% lower their body/physique standards if the woman is amazing in other aspects, so will women. Preferring body types and the complexities of relationships, long term mating goals etc, it's very very complex and can't be boiled down to any one simple aspect.
Well this woman isn’t i’m a gym rat who values my health and appearance and my preference is definitely a muscularity fit man who works out not the guy with a dad bod who sits on the couch pizza and netflix 😂
The issue with asking women what they like is that they often have no idea. What they respond to and what they say they like can be very different things.
And the answers will vary depending on which time of the month you ask them
Self-reported stuff is inherently veeeeery unreliable. It's the same with straight men consistently reporting ~20-50% more lifetime sexual partners then straight women, even though the average should obviously be equal for both sexes.
It is absolutely not that they don't know. It is that they are HYPER sensitive to how they are percieved and will LIE to try to make themselves look better in people's opinions.
They know, they just aren't going to tell you with their words. Watch their actions, hard to lie there.
Comparing sales of erotic books for women with a hyper masculine dude on the front page vs a regular looking dude should indicate that the hyper masculine look is indeed attractive to women.
"..the bodybuilder was rated last..." Gee... I had no idea Arnold wasn't a bodybuilder.
Ha, well spotted. I was thinking of 'the biggest guy'.
Not to mention that, at least in the set of pictures you are referring to, most guys had very muscular bodies. Bodies that take years to /build/ in the gym (unless you are on PEDs or are a genetic freak).
Arnold was consumed mostly by men.
he worked as a blacksmith this is how he got ripped
They know who he is. They can't separate that from his body.
I am 75 years old, in my 20's and 30's, I worked out 4-5 days a week consistently, trying to compensate for poor genetics. I was on the short side, barely 5'9" and always weighing in between 155-160. I was an above-average looking guy with a bit of a bad boy persona. I got "more ass than a toilet seat" until my mid 30's when I met the love of my wife little a German knockout 10 years my junior, I married her at 36. Her god-given body was so good I felt an obligation to keep mine up and still work out 3-5 days a week. Forty years later we are retired on the beach and still happy with an active and fulfilling sex life. Working out was the smartest thing I ever did.
There’s nothing short with 5’9 unless you’re in the NBA. We have similar built. Sans for the bad boy persona I’m the quintessential Nice Guy look so I never had any lady I like.
Thanks for the story... 👍
"Barely 5 9", you say? My guy, I never got past 5'5".
You're not short, you're average height.
@@pierre-yveschauvet5136 get your ass to the gym. that's what.
This just seems like women genuinely do like the quite muscular physiques but are afraid of the men leaving them. Or even women feel self conscious when they look that good.
Interesting take. I'm also thinking about how it relates to the statistics with women hooking up preferring more muscle. It would be cool to see data which accounts for this
Not really. I'm a gym rat, I know every man looks at me when I enter the gym, and not even I like guys who are huge. Lean and not too voluminous is where it's at for me.
@@tinycatfromhell Well, ig the best physique is that guy with big shoulders, 6 pack and tiny hips. luckily id say i have the best kind of physique :D
A lot of women associate very muscular dudes with being egotistical assholes, because, for whatever reason, a good portion are. Enough muscular men fit the douchebag stereotype that they develop that association. On top of that, in some cases they really are grossed out by too much muscle. My ex was legit grossed out by my traps, especially when they were pumped or flexed. Never complained about the development in the arms, though 😂
@@matthewjonas8952 I had a friend that started at gym before every1, when i met him he was kinda nice but he started to develop even more and nowadays i cannot even talk to him, he is the most narcissist shit u would ever see. And yh, he isnt that strong tho cuz i have been going to the gym for 1 year (he have been going for 2 years already) and im almost at his strenght (except for chest). And damn, he used to talk with every girl like they were hoes. His ego is still on the moon...
Work on your body and health for YOU, not women, and ironically women will be drawn to your self-loving chadiness
People admire drive right
No, just no. No one cares about your "self-love"
It’s not “ironically”. It’s just the law of the jungle. We still live in the jungle. And this is awesome.
@@senzatieee spoken like a self-hating idiot
@@senzatieee ur sad man
Women say they prefer to hit-and-runs with muscular men.
Muscular men to blame, say women.
Lmao, for real wtf
Very funny but true .. fit attractive men also call the women's self confidence into play .. they know he will not be as much of a simp to control
lol. they say that to cope with the fact that they get forgotten.
they beg to marry these guys and say they are soulmates etc. Read enough reports from the men.
That frame after stating that muscular men hook up with mated women more 😂
Let me know if you prefer more direct fitness content or if you like some detours into personal development, psychology and lifestyle optimization.
Hi Menno,
I really liked your scientific approach on non-fitness topics. I'd appreciate more of it.👍
I'm here for the fitness content, but I'm well aware that a younger audience might flock to the other type of content in search for a little guidance, and I'd rather have them find someone like you rather than charlatans like jbp or tate.
@@danieldeli3196 Same. I take all and any of your content Menno #kindabiased
I absolutely love both kinds of videos! The direct fitness videos are top-notch and the self-improvement, psychology and lifestyle optimization related videos are just as amazing! I really enjoy watching them and learning plenty of valuable and helpful information. 🙌
I would like more content overall. Def interested on other attraction videos, maybe some social skills e.t.c. Obviously would like more fitness also so.
Don’t pay attention to what women SAY. Pay attention to women’s BEHAVIOR. If you want to know which male body type is most attractive, control for height, wealth, and fame (ie only compare men of comparable height, wealth, and fame to one another with body type being the only relevant difference), and then once you have a large enough sample size, pay attention to which body type ends up hooking up with/dating/marrying the most attractive women. Spoiler alert: The answer is the body type that Chris Evans has as Captain America (particularly the scene in which he rips a piece of wood apart with his bare hands).
To be fair, in this case it's not that the women lie, it's that these studies asked the wrong question. In better (more precise) studies they ask "how muscular for a long-term mate" and separately "how muscular for hookup", and then the women readily admit they want more muscle in the casual context. It's just that when the qualifier isn't added, women assume you're asking them about a long-term safe provider. They're not lying, the question is simply not precise.
And in college who got all the girls? Athletes. So what do they like?
@@rickymcdonald2669 Specific sports. We all know the golf team wasn’t slaying like the basketball players and the skill-position football players were.
A skillfull analyses of this conundrum….and the “Chris Evans as Captain America” analogy at the end is PURE GOLD! Like most conclude in the comments: a) most women don’t have a fricking clue what they want and are all over the place making decisions based on the “tha feels” b) make muscles,make bank and put a dent in the Universe for the simple fact of being a MAN of use and substance…..not to please or placate women. You are better of impressing other men of achievement in your circle than the fools errand of trying to please the ever changing whims of females. If you happen to find one with a good head on her shoulders, who takes care of her mental and physical health with the same passion and drive as you bring to the table……vet and wife her up pronto. The rest? Let their hypergamy reveal their true colors…..and hire or fire accordingly. Choose wisely gents….you got one life to live👍🏾💪🏾
Exactly, Chris Evans/ Hemsworth, or Brad Pitt would have drastically changed this study.
Based on the feedback, I'll also post a vid of 'what men want'... which will probably get me in trouble. I'll mix it in with more direct fitness content after the next vid.
Gender equality!
Nibody wants to look like a pro body builder except other body builders
women: i like fit muscular men
Men: i like fit toned women
Women: how dare you?
Who tf wants a toned woman. Hard pass
So True, the hypocrisy from women is always astounding.
The video he posted about wmn's bodies is a warzone
I've run a few surveys on this too, asking thousands of women about photos and illustrations. I got the same results as you mentioned, just without any real emphasis from women on glutes.
It's not that there's an emphasis from women on glutes, but rather that men view them as unimportant compared to other muscle groups, which means they are as unimportant to women as they are to men.
@@DJcs187 Ah, maybe I misunderstood Menno. Yes, what I was finding was that glutes are about as unimportant to women as they are to men. Everyone cares a little bit, but most people care much more about the upper body. As long as they legs/glutes don't look strangely small or unathletic, it doesn't really seem to matter.
Really? Who doesn’t like a nice, round ass?
As neat as this is I build muscle for myself.
I am natural but I am on the larger side, and I don't plan on stepping off the gas until I am at my genetic peak. I would rather be with a woman who likes me the way i like to present myself.
Why have men started to engage in "i wear makeup for myself lol"-tier delusions ? You wouldn't give a fuck about your shoulder striations or lack lack thereof if you were on an island. Nothing wrong with saying "I wanna be muscular because gym feels good and I become attractive" instead of womanisms
Larger side? So you fat? Ahh well who cares. 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God. Matthew 4:17From that time Jesus began to preach, and to say, Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.
One muscle mommy for this man.
Don't worry, you won't ever be icking girls out with your muscles as a natural.
Hi Menno, two further studies you could have included: Crossley et al. (2012), doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0050601 and Lei and Perrett (2020), doi: 10.1111/bjop.12451
In both studies, women's ideal male body had a (normalized) FFMI of ~21-22 (depending on one's height). For Crossley et al. (2012), it was BMI 24.5 with a BF% of 10-12%. For Lei and Perrett (2020), it was BMI 26 with BF% of 15%.
@@christinaferguson9418 "FFMI" = Fat Free body Mass Index; Body Mass index is a common measure pf height vs weight. Interestingly a BMI of over 25 is traditionally considered overweight, but with a body fat of 12-5%, these individuals would have to be fairly muscular. Smooth by gym standards. But more generally women prefer more muscular guys for flings, and less muscular guys for relationships. The reason is simple, too much time, effort and money going into the gym and not her. There are always exceptions, but most women want to be the focus of the relationship.
At 50 I added about 20 pounds of muscle. I got a lot more attention from women. I'm sure some of it was improved confidence. I was already in decent shape but having noticeable muscle mass seemed to help a lot.
Plus, at 50 you are at peak $$$$ earnings stage....can't rule that combo out either, money and muscle> just muscle....just saying. (money>muscle for woman anyways)
What women say and what they respond to are two different things. It doesnt matter what the studies say, the reality in the dating pool is very different.
You mean they never liked the nice guy?
@@XAUCADTrader lmao, they like him for stability when crows feet hit their face
You’re so whiney and will make up excuses for everything. As a woman, the Ryan gosling physique is perfect. He’s ripped and in shape, but with an approachable smile and seems happy with himself. Perfection. Also leanness on men is great so long as diet is good fitness etc so really women are very generous as long as there is a good personality. I personally am not into the dad bod but I also keep myself in shape so I understand if my man is a little out of shape, but too much out of shapeness I wouldn’t find attractive. I like a man who keeps himself in shape but he doesn’t have to look perfect
So what I gathered is that women unanimously like built muscular guys,however, if the women is insecure she'll pick a less muscular man.
yes that's exactly what I got from this. I even found the correlation between quite muscular men and essentially flight risk seemingly off but.
Seems to be the general point. Women say one thing, but do another it appears when it comes to muscularity.
@ sunburn74 yeah they can answer whatever they want for these studies.
@@sunburn74that's exactly why questionnaires shouldn't be called "studies".
Also 0% liked the black guy.
A "moderate" level of muscularity, and the models were the upper end of natural physiques. So basically "as much muscle as you can get without using gear"
Also the rating makes no sense. On the womens rating system they gave the same physique the 1st and 5th place, while giving an enhanced physique 3rd place.
Its literally all over the place and random.
If we looked at the studies, they may be highly flawed in terms of control measure and sampling bias.
@@methodofinstruction1368what does that mean?
I wouldn't be so quick to say natural, wahlberg wasn't natural, michael b jordan isn't natural. Its literally the same thing as every other aspect of men's attractiveness, as much effort as possible, as good as possible, while also having just enough plausible deniability to look like you did nothing at all.
In my experience with women that are super sexual or freaks. They rather have a slim skinny gout or average weight. Or a few extra pounds. With a large penis. Than a muscular six pack guy with average or small penis. They also view height and face. Maybe more than muscular body.
It is because the woman are lying, maybe even to themselves. Get a dad bod then try and land ladies. Get big muscles or ripped with descent muscles and see how much easier it gets. Hint: its a lot, you go from basically needing to get very lucky to barely having to try.
there could be also a different explanation: ppl like to date ppl who are similar to each other. if you ask somebody for the ideal (sex) partner it could be, that ppl think of somebody they like -> somebody similar to them.
in the real world ppl react strongly to visual stimuli and if they see a fit person, they react stronger then imagined.
The average woman doesn't find muscular guys attractive, but then the average woman isn't attractive. If being in shape serves the dual purpose of both attracting attractive women and repelling ugly women, then that's even more reason to be in shape.
😂😂😂that’s savage bro
Pay attention to their actions (rather than their words)
Not really as accurate, the most important thing in the end is the shoulder to waist ratio, women find a tall slender men with broad shoulders more attractive than any muscular guy, of course in the end the face is the most important thing in the end is
1. What women feel for dad bod types, is not attraction, but COMFORT. The COMFORT of not have to deal with other competing women.
2. I have an hypothesis about one reason why women do not like very muscular guys: they want a man who when is interacting with other people, does not scare them much, and so have a more abundant social circle.
They want a dad bod so they can be chubby too. Fit ripped man makes them insecure.
What a shocker, women lying about not liking muscular guys, who could've seen that coming
I'm 65, and I do what I need to be healthy & strong. I'm not critical as to what they like or not.
Women will say they prefer a dadbod whilst using Jason Mamoa as an example.
The problem with these studies though, is that it assumes honesty on the part of the females .... reporting bias.
It also assumes that the females being surveyed are actually consciously aware of what their actual preferences are at an instinctual level.
Women who believe/know they are on an insufficient rung of the hypergamy ladder, when asked about the attractiveness of men out of their league, are more likely to downgrade such a man, whether out of spite, or to protect their own ego.
I will say that I’ve heard over and over that women find the “gear look” disgusting
It looks fake that's why. See women know what's natural. And they are always thinking about genetics for their children.. I experimented in my prime. From 10% BF to 18%. 15% got me the most attention and compliments from women. A flat stomach with some definition. Broad shoulders. Good arms and pecs are what they like..
The word is athletic. Or the beach body.
Men also find that disgusting if they’re not socialised by the fitness industry to find it impressive
I know a few men at my gym who are roided up to the eyeballs, they do well with women.
The thing is, you are right, most do find it hideous.
According to these men though, 99.9% of women find them unattractive, but only 0.01% of men are in that category. So it's a numbers game and they do well! The 0.1% of women that do like that will go after it, and so that 0.01% of men do completely fine.
Only mass monster look, tons of gym bros on gear that have a more balanced physique like Arnold that absolute slay
They slay on gear? They will be lucky if they can get it up.
Women looking at that survey with the famous men would definitely be factoring in their feelings and general attraction towards that celebrity, not just his body. They would not completely parse those feelings out
i have been hurt more than once , I want no women . i only want muscles and take care of my parents , and become successful in life
- 0:22🔍 Women generally prefer a built body type, according to a study, which aligns with scientific research indicating an optimum level of muscularity and leanness.
- 0:56📊 Women prefer a physique that is moderately muscular and slim; extreme bodybuilder levels of muscularity are less preferred.
- 1:53👥 Male perception of the ideal male body significantly differs from female preferences, with men overestimating the importance of extreme muscularity.
- 3:45💪 Women find moderate muscularity most attractive, as highly muscular men are perceived as more physically dominant and volatile, and less committed to relationships.
- 5:09🔥 Muscular men tend to have more sexual partners, even though women generally prefer less muscular physiques.
- 6:01🕵 Women may be attracted to muscular "bad boy" types despite their preferences for less muscular physiques in long-term partners.
The flaw in asking women what they want is asking women what they want.
I want the ryan gosling pic
Not sure averages are of much use. Here in America, the average adult woman is like 170pounds with a bmi of about 30.
Nearly 70% of the population is overweight or obese. Of course they aren’t attracted to very fit physiques.
Also don’t put much stock in self reported data. People often aren’t honest, and/or lack self awareness.
Even the fatties ARE attracted to very fit physiques. None of the women picked fat, weak men as their favourites. The preferred physique for women is much more muscular and lean than the average man in society so that should be the headline "Study shows women prefer lean muscular men"
The most important muscle groups to sexuality attractive women are the Visa and Master Card muscles.
The thing with women is that they evaluate more than just looks when commenting on looks. That's why in these type of discussions, the man's personality always comes into play. Women anticipate more muscular guys to be more selfish. However... if they know the guy isn't selfish, then the muscular look will mean more. Just look at Dwayne Johnson to see how women react when a muscular guy is also known as a good guy. With that said, the extreme body builder look does go too far.
Another thing to consider is how well do women rate men wearing clothes. Clothes will even out build types, with less muscular builds giving fewer indications of fitness. More muscular builds on the other hand will still give that signal of fitness women want even when covered up, so would likely skew results to more muscular when clothed men are considered.
It’s been coming out lately that Dwayne Johnson is not such a good guy after all.
Never skip booty day!
Bit fruity
🍑 literally @@SomeKidFromBritain
@@britneybij3997 I like your pfp :3
♂️the right day♂️
can we please get a "This is the ultimate women’s physique according to men" video
It would be about 10 seconds long. "So, it appears that men are attracted to exactly the kind of physique they say they are attracted to, and everyone expected them to be attracted to."
@@theBenStrothmann more like "how low will men go if the social opportunity presents itself"
@@agnidas5816Exactly. A lot of dudes love to talk a big game when it's all hypothetical, but far too many arent gonna say no if their less ideal preference approached them this very second.
One key point is they if you only ask atractive woman, they will pick fitter more muscular guys. Fat and unatractive woman (which option isnt important because you dont want to attract them) are altering the study by unconsciously voting more fatter thus more attainable men for them. You never see a fit hot chick saying she preferes a dad bod (at least in no judgmental enviroment, becasue virtue signaling also play a big role)
Great video! Much better than I had expected. I particularly like how much you go into detail
at 2:23 5% of men thought that Leonardo Dicaprio's dad bod was the ideal physique? Ranked above Adam Levine (3%) and Ryan Gosling(%2)? I think it would have been more objective to have them rank the top 3.
The people answering that are coping hard
Probably because they know he's got a third leg.
At 03:30 here's a crazy actual story - a female view from my amazing late wife.
In a moment of weakness I was caught looking at porn - oops not good sorry Dear - I confessed & apologized.
I then said: "Hon, while we're confessing sins, may I ask if YOU ever struggle with lustful feelings ?"
(It helps make the story to know my wife & I are devoted Christians & she was both the most Spiritual & Beautiful girl in our large College Youth group)
She thought, paused & said:
"Do you remember wearing those tight 32 Jeans when we first dated ? Do you have ANY idea how great you looked in them ?"
Im like, 'Nope normal guys don't rate themselves, how did I look ?'
"You had the nicest rear & legs I'd ever seen - made me go weak in the knees !"
This was about 15 years into our marriage - I'm like "Hey that's a great review - you coulda told me before now !"
Point is, we can't & shouldn't discount or downplay human attraction - funny how your study showed this particular point, on this key body part too.
Btw, it worked we enjoyed 32 years - incredible lovemaking with only each other & 5 children.
One crazy takeaway - best sex we enjoyed was after all 5 kids were born, from ages 45 to 55.
What is always overlooked in these studies is the complete disconnect between their ‘visual’ preference vs the dominance effect that comes with being the biggest guy in the room. Women are attracted to status to a vastly greater degree than men and the quickest and easiest way to signal status is through physical prowess. Eg, height, muscle mass.
No, status to a woman is money, social connections, family, etc.
That’s not how it works. Study the psychology of relationships and what women actually wants and you see this has little bearing for most - but there are some who are massively turned on by it. Jacked gets you laid a lot as only 1 in 100 guys may be truly jacked but 1 in 10 women love that so you have a high ratio chasing you down.
@@theguy4615 that’s a very narrow definition of the word. In a Darwinistic sense it’s anything that signals superiority over sexual competitors, whether that be a nice car, or a peacocks plumage. And if you find any legitimacy in evolutionary psychology you’ll agree that the most primal way of signalling this is by appearing like you can physically dominate fellow competitors.
Women will say what they think they ‘prefer’ then do the exact opposite. Watch what they do, don’t listen to what they say.
@@karter969 for attraction, sure. But the urge for financial security and high social status overrides that in today's world. Women never date down, always up.
“According to women” instantly renders the prior details completely re%^de+
Women are attracted to the ripped dude (not pro bodybuilder roided up version) but they are scared because they lose most of their leverage. Women feel more comfortable being the "attractive one" in the relationship and being with a dude that makes heads turn changes that dynamic.
where I'm from in Asia, the roided up bodybuilders always have fat wives lol...the skinny guy gets the prettier girls.
Never go by what women say, Go by what they do. They will say one thing but do the other.
What women say, and what women actually mean are completely different things. This is due to fear of social judgement, or to straight up manipulate, so don't take too seriously what you hear from the gals.
I just randomly discovered your video so I am not part of your regular audience but I like how you still gave the disclaimer. Because you know there is gonna be that one kid that takes it too far
Menno, at 1:45. The bodybuilder was not last, it was also no3. Arnold was a bodybuilder
Basically, when your gym bro says you’re looking small and weak, that’s probably the female ideal.
Do ideal women's physique next.
And the %Woman that have that physique 🤣
Have the right frame/genetics = 10%
(Of them) Not fat, old etc = 10% (1%)
(Of them) Actually lifts/runs, bikes, swims etc = 10%(0.1%)
(Of them) of reasonable disposition and intent = 10%(0.01%)
Unicorn 🤡🤡🤡
Will do (not next video but probably the one after that).
Look at Playboy models since its inception - the ideal has barely changed.
From Marilyn Monroe to now - hourglass figure; nice curves, trim but not shredded.
With a few trend aberrations, this has been pretty consistent for 70 years.
For more fun, ask women what they think is an attractive woman, then ask them what they WANT to look like.
I remember a girl who was killing herself trying to be 110 pounds, but when I asked her who in the cafeteria she'd trade bodies with, she picked a curvy, athletic girl who was 135. (I know, because I asked the other girl her weight.)
@@stevenscott2136 most women seem to have no clue what a healthy female bodyweight is actually supposed to be, especially for an athletic woman.
Difference in glutes importance may also be because men severely underestimate that, relative to everything else.
How much does stated vs revealed preferences come into play? The disconnect between women stating their preferences and what is observed in sexual behavior is probably partially explained by dating strategy, but also I would guess by people lying to themselves (which everyone does, not just women.) If dating strategy explained it then you would expect the fittest men to have lower marriage rates than modestly fit men who are rated higher, Ibwould be curious to see a study on that.
Menno just want to say LOVE the intro music, never change it please!
Well that makes sense;
a body developed with steroid use is not natural,
therefore somewhat comparable to women who use fake 'enhancements' such as breast implants. Most men aren't attracted to that, along with lip-fillers, botox, etc.
This study is so flawed. First of all, the photos used are way too different from each other to be taken seriously in any sort of scientific basis. As a scientist myself, and an expert on these type of studies that's the first thing that should have got this study absolutely tanked. Photos that have extremely good lighting perfect angles, angles, and things of that nature skew the results and make it look like certain physics are significantly better than others. Case in point the Ryan Gosling body that only got 10% is one that most women have seen as significantly attractive every time I've ever heard that mention it for that movie. However, because it was taken directly on with really no good Lighting in a movie it doesn't have the same type of results that the physique number one does which is clearly a model photo black and white done professionally and probably edited as well after the fact because no one looks like that naturally. Photos of I believe Jason Momoa at the Beach where he has his shirt off and some of the other photos aren't even direct shots of the body, so how can they really get a good representation of what that looked like so they voted it low simply because the photo was bad, the angle is bad, and like I said there was terrible lighting for the photo so you're obviously you're going to look bigger. I know you consider yourself a scientist, so I'm somewhat disappointed that you didn't even bring this up and it's somewhat calls into question your authenticity as a scientist to do a study like this.
Women rate those body's with their insecurities and lifestyle in mind. Just pure physical attractiveness is a different thing.
You need to think about sexual selection--the peacock's tail, for example, isn't really a great asset in terms of gathering food, outwitting enemies, protection, etc, but once wired up, peahens seem to prefer these fancy tails. Not all traits are there because they confer some fitness advantage--stronger, better protection, etc.
It has been found that animals will select for secondary sexual characteristics far past beyond the point of survivability in captivity, where the environmental pressures will not kill off the more dramatic features in offspring.
Sexual selection and competition is a/the primary utility of some features.
Whichever one is attractive but doesn't make them too insecure is what they find most attractive
That's not attraction then. It's mental gymnastics and fear that suppresses natural attraction.
I work so I am proud of myself. I wanna reach a level that feels good to look at and gives me confidence.
Super powerful video. Thank you for sharing!
What women -or everybody in fact- SAY they want or like is not necessarily what they ACTUALLY want or like. People say what they think will sound better. That is a known problem in consumer studies for product design and it's very difficult to bypass.
Commenting before I even watch:
Why would I listen to what women say?
If you watch you'll find out they lied in the survey about who they are 'attracted' to because they still bang the muscular guys.
@@rodarollada Menno did qualify the fact that muscular men have more sex lol. I don't know how it became a universal that what they say and what they do are completely different things. But he did mention the dual-mating strategy or whatever that is called, I call it "alpha f**ks, beta bucks."
Because listening is key to successful relationship
The day I stopped caring what anyone else thought of how I looked, was the beginning of my pursuit of happiness. Or at least contentedness. No longer did I read/watch info on what kind of hair styles women liked, what kind of facial hair women liked, etc. Today, I look how I want to look, cut my own hair whenever I feel like it, have had a beard for over a decade and could care less what anyone, including women, think of it. Remember the old saying: If you're not happy single, you won't be happy paired. Happiness comes from cats, not relationships.
Is their a study that breaks down women’s preferences based on the woman’s physical condition? I’m trying to attract fit women, not all women. No shame ladies, we all have preferences. And all that really matters is how you feel about yourself. Love yourself first
I've seen a couple of studies like these and they're great but one thing I'd love is for a study with different "category" of women. We always take "all women" but it'd be super interesting to know how the ratings change, if at all, based on the woman's age, strength or attractiveness.
In my experience women don't mind a higher body fat level at all, as long as it is accompanied by a good amount of muscle.
The "protector look" of 20-25% bf and big arms, back, V-taper due to the size of the back even though the waist is not tiny has got me more women than any other state I have been in (lean/very lean and somewhat muscular).
This survey failed. The bodies are almost the same in men's choice 1, 3, 4.
I thought women like men built like a bear you find in the woods
Kyriakos Grizzly? Even men want that!
I used to go to a gym of a university where women would never do weight training, because all the guys that look like bodybuilders scared them off.
Explains Planet Fitness no barbell policy. My local university in Toronto has 2 gyms, the Athletic Centre and Hart House, the former has all the heavy weights, nothing but a sausage fest in that weight room (it was LOUD (heavy oly lifters dropping weights). Apparently Hart House has all the girls, never ever been there though...I think our main gym monopoly has women's only gyms as well. I can't seem to find a dude's only gym though.
03:30: searches Bret Contreras immediately.
Everyone can stop commentating; this guy wins RUclips Comment section for today. I needed that laugh, thank-you
if only he promoted lunges over inferior hip thrusts
@@chrisg477 Cheers
I am 61 this year I work out at my home gym and look bloody good for my age. I work out for myself, fitness and mental well being. I could care less what women want or think.
This study and pretty much any study on women in the sexual/physicality side of things makes one huge mistake that renders nearly all these studies redundant: it’s a fact that most women lie about their true desires when it comes to men. A “study” on women assumes they’re telling the truth.
It's not neccesarily a lie, many women are just not as aware to what they want. Being in a relationship and or presense with a guy is what makes them feel, not a question.
It's not even just women with regards to sexual attraction but most people when it comes to most preferences. In economics the idea is that people's stated preferences often differ from their revealed preferences.
Edit: to be clear, well-performed surveys do not assume subjects will always tell the truth.
Do you think men are being completely honest about the number of sexual partners they have had?
Imagine if, and I know it sounds crazy, statistics researchers knew that people aren't completely honest in surveys, and those researchers still had ways to get reliable information through sample sizes and confidence intervals.
Not everything has to do with your hang-ups that "women lie" or "women don't know what they want". Take it back to the kids table and educate yourself on how statistical analysis works.
Guys I’m not hating on women by saying they’re lying; most of them don’t even know they’re doing it. My point is that women will give different answers depending on how it’s worded, if there are certain pictures, who the person is that’s asking, if they are alone or in a group of other women, etc etc.
Women are wired differently to men and “studies” like these fail to understand that.
@@johnjohntv1195 Everyone will give different answers based on those factors, not just women. Those factors are handled and accounted for in every survey that is done scientifically, including these. These studies *do* in fact control for the discepencies you listed. Frankly, you're not saying anything of substance and just judging these surveys based on your misunderstandings of how these surveys are performed.
Brilliant Menno, clear deep knowledge & research based information, well done!
best takedown of the subject I heard so far
It was very, very basic and not very insightful…
Greek god body is absolutely spot on. As a woman I prefer that. Body builders are just simply ridiculous looking!
Also obviously this is what “women” want “in general”. Meaning your specific woman may not want this. If you get 10 women and 1 likes Arnold Schwarzenegger and the other 9 like Justin Bieber, then “women like Justin Bieber”.
In other words, none of this matters unless your goal is to optimize for the pattern of what women want rather than what you or your specific partner wants
That makes no sense, if 90% like Justin Bieber, then 90% of men are mostly fighting for 10% of women which is very VERY rough. Clinging to the long tail of attractiveness can occasionally work, but it's infinitely better to be on the side of the 90% than the 10%.
One thing missing from this video is a discussion around athletic functionality. What I mean is look at most of the top athletes across sports. Usain Bolt, MJ, Lebron, Mbappe, Ronaldo, Federer, Michael Phelps, Deion Sanders, etc. DK Metcalf and Bo Jackson are more exceptions to the rule with body builder type physiques. It seems like women prefer a physique that generally is the most functional athletically.
That has nothing to do with looks.
Women will like you more if they see you do anything very competently, especially in competition against other men.
They also love social status and wealth.
@@teatowel11 Well, that's my point. They seem inclined to subconsciously pick the body type that would've made the best hunters or warriors in the past in both proportion and size. No doubt the actual athletes are now perceived to be even more attractive due to wealth and status.
What if they prefer less mascular/shredded men body type because they dont want to be insecure about their bodies next to someone who is shredded, just a thought
That's an interesting perspective. Would you say that if someone in a relationship is five levels higher than them, would the other one be more insecure?
I matched with someone on a dating site once whose first picture was him on stage at a body building contest. At the time I was not a lifter but more of a casual outdoor activity enthusiast. I remember being intimidated, not by his "attractiveness" or his "leverage" over me in some vague hiarchy of attraction, but being intimidated by how difficult his daily routine must be to live that life style. Would he expect me to adopt his eating habits and fitness routine? Would this person require me to change too much of myself in order to be a good match for him? These were the things I was considering first. Now as a lifter and a grounded adult, I still dont find myself attracted to the hyper lean mega built lifter look. Having dated the guy who is obsessed with his 220lb lean body, the novelty wears off fast. I am much more obsessed now with my smaller shorter fiance who is HYSTERICAL and loving and makes me so fucking grateful every day I finally met a trustworthy, kind man.
@@RumoHasIt interesting
@@Aurora-bv1ysit can happen, to project partners attractiveness onto yourself and feeding insecurities such as, being not worthy
@@RumoHasIt a man doesnt have to be a beta to be trustworthy and kind
I am in this single group. One woman in particular said dad bods all the way one time. Then she posted something a week later and it was guys who look like they belonged in a Magic Mike movie doing landscaping. She goes ladies who is with me hiring these guys. Never trust what they say.
I think your 'study' with women just ranked the pictures by image quality. Except the body builder :D
Agreed. Like the body builder was he only one posing and in trunks. Like that's not fair.
@@emmang2010 Plus he showed faces which is bad. You need to cutoff the faces and just show the body.
So many problems with the study, particularly the fact that each individual in the photo is different, it shows their face also, image quality is different, poses are different, skin tones are different, some images don't even have colour! There's just way too many other independent variables that haven't been accounted for. Terrible study.
@@Joshy2-SF Agreed. It's more like a questionnaire than a study.
Yeah that was nonsense
So be strong enough to defend and provide, but weak and soft enough to not get stolen by other women. I’ve got the second half of that ON LOCK.
I'd be curious to see similar research for queer people. My hunch is that men who are attracted to men are way more into muscle that women that are attracted to men.
There is a difference between what women say they want and what their actions say they want.
We are so back!
As a skinny kid until age 19, competitive bodybuilder from 21-28, and now in my 30s doing mostly calisthenics and just cardio, I've had many widely varying physiques in my lifetime. I've been as big as 220lbs (16% bodyfat) to as small/lean as 160lbs (5% bodyfat). I recently went to a bodpod and got my body fat tested and am currently 190lbs, 10% body fat, and 5'11". I can say that women actually went most crazy for my leanest physique. When I was small but ripped to pieces, women would constantly touch me, their jaws would literally drop when I took my shirt off, and two women even bumped into each other rubber necking when I was at the beach and they both simultaneously walked by me.
During the two year timeframe when I was consistently at/near 5% body fat, I also slept with 28 women.
Regardless of what women say when they are sober, I've consistently experienced that there is definitely a correlation btwn lean muscle and wet pu$$y. The lower the body fat, the wetter the pu$$y. Of course, the breaking point does seem to be around 5-7% body fat. Leaner than that and women find it unattractive; probably b/c men get what bodybuilders call "death face."
Even though muscles are important, low body fat is more important than muscles. Medium size ripped guy versus big muscular powerlifter physique is always going to win. That being said, money, height, and D size win over muscles every day of the week. Even a man with a dad bod will win over a muscular lean guy if the dad bod has great style, confidence, full head of hair, and a square jawline.
How can dad bod have square jaw? Whats your definition of dad bod -bf %?
One night stand mentality does correlate with dark triad traits also thatswhy women tend not to seek potential partners among jacked individuals who will not stick around. They are red flags and only women who are interested using you for sex will respond to such call.
You explained standpoint of what men sees that women like more then actually what women like from hedonisitc indulgence standpoint.
If Ryan Gosling’s type was so low, then it’s over. That’s my goal body
Get after it! Do you dawg
The picture of Ryan used there was not his most lean. That’s where these studies need to be taken with a grain of salt. We don’t know if the women were also being shown the men’s faces, in which case, the results may be completely negligible for all we know.
@@methodofinstruction1368 That doesn't make sense. Adam Levine face mogs the mountain into oblivion. What's dumb is marky mark and the 10% guy are practically the same body, also two Olympia winners widely apart.
The pictures used in this video are likely not the ones used in the actual studies, and if the were, the data would be considered completely ecologically relevant invalid. This is because the attractiveness of a man’s face is likely and independent variable aside from a man’s physique. The studies likely used pictures that didn’t include a man’s face. Simply put, these studies were only looking a body physiques ‘independent’ of what a man’s face look like. If you have a handsome face, wealthy, charming personality, etc, it may be that overall body physique plays a very minor role in whether a woman chooses to engage in sexual relations.
2:03 Errm, what exactly the major difference between peak Víctor Martínez and peak Arnold?
Women will do it with muscular guys, have have the dad bods raise their children.
There is still big problems with those studies, people was telling what they would choose and not decided in that moment which person he/she want to chat with.
( what is often equal to "what potential partner they are choosing" )
It was proven that science paper using those techniques are not especially effective.