Answered my perplexity of how do we express our trust in Jesus while looking backward? A five year old will raise his hand and say he believes in Jesus so he won’t go to hell. But how is that faith expressed in my life? Saying one believes in Jesus is easy, until the rubber hits the road in our journey of life.
It was a great sermon, but I really wish he would have defined the word resolve. He used it so much, and because it wasn't explained, I had a hard time understanding it, and I started to get upset. Looking up the word's definition sounds different than the way he is using the word.
Soli Deo Gloria
Thank you ♥️
Answered my perplexity of how do we express our trust in Jesus while looking backward? A five year old will raise his hand and say he believes in Jesus so he won’t go to hell. But how is that faith expressed in my life? Saying one believes in Jesus is easy, until the rubber hits the road in our journey of life.
It was a great sermon, but I really wish he would have defined the word resolve. He used it so much, and because it wasn't explained, I had a hard time understanding it, and I started to get upset. Looking up the word's definition sounds different than the way he is using the word.
G c