I had been worried about you because it has been way too long since I last saw a video on this channel. I must say that this was well worth the wait. Thank you!
Rob, I didn't get to thank you in person at the Ponderosa Ranch gathering, so let me say here how grateful I am for your diligence in scouring up such monumental treasures of truth. Even as the personal cost of your efforts is high, I pray that your courage will gently persuade many to comprehend the truth, especially those closest to you. Roy Moore
Your concluding minute or two are a perfect summary. Very well said. I love how you always "bring the receipts" and lay things out so clearly. Thank you.
Holy Crap that was good👍👍 I always thought Clayton was the one who wrote the fake document about Joseph and polygamy but it makes more sense that it would have been Joseph F Smith given the time frame. You can tell he was raised by Brigham Young. Turned out to be sociopath just like Brigham. I have much experience in working with mental illness....Brigham was absolutely a sociopath! He had the characteristics from having no remorse for his actions, violent temple, need for control, and obsessed with s e x and murdered anyone who got in his way. It's absolutely insane that we revere these men as prophets of God when they were such horrific animals. Great video👍. Hope we'll get to hear more from you🙏🙏.
Wow Rob! I need a week to digest what these new insights reveal. Thank you for continuing to shine the light of truth in dark places. As a woman in the LDS church, the “doctrine” of polygamy has never settled right with my soul. It prevented me from truly being one with my spouse for fear of someday being asked to accept other women into our sacred union. It brings me joy to know that Joseph, Emma, and Hyrum fought against this abomination up until their dying days. I hope that the LDS church repents of this filth. It all reminds me of the story of the tree that someone left an ax in…over time, the tree grew around it and looked big, healthy, and beautiful. But then, it split right down the middle because the ax had compromised its strength. We were taught as kids that unrepentant sin weakens us and that we will someday have a day of reckoning if we don’t remove those things. It seems that the LDS church has finally arrived at this place. Keep up the good work!
Rob, you are so courageous! thank you so much for sharing this information. It has been so much easier to recognize that the book of Mormon speaks of the LDS church just as much as any other church. Your videos have helped me take all the questions that I left on the shelf and bring them down. although it’s not pretty and it’s incredibly painful to live a different way than I ever thought I would. I am greatly appreciative that your studies bring logic and truth to the forefront of the conversation!
Thank you Rob, this false polygamy narrative is being dismantled piece by piece by the great research of you and others. I can’t wait to see how we move forward once we cleanse ourselves of this great evil.
Your closing statement, borne of relentless efforts to make sense of the bad explanations we inherited, was just the ideal exclamation point to what you’ve found for us. Gratitude. . .
You're back! I'm very grateful for the work you've done thus far. I've watched all of your videos several times to learn the information you are presenting. Thank you for this latest video.
So let me get this straight: 1. When Joseph says he saw God the Father, Jesus Christ, and the angel Moroni, we believe him. 2. When Joseph says he translated the Book of Mormon via the Urim and Thummnin by the the gift and power of God, we believe him. 3. When Joseph says that Elijah, Moses, Elias, etc., appeared to him on 4/3/1836 at the kirtland temple, we believe him. BUT when he says he never practiced polygamy, spiritual wifery, celestial marriage, or anything like it, we don't believe him? Instead we believe questionable affidavits that were produced by JFS 40 yrs after the fact? We are supposed to believe that JS was telling the truth about everything else-he was publicly denouncing polygamy as an abomination and an evil, but was secretly practicing it? Why is it so hard to accept that maybe JS was telling the truth, that he really never did practice polygamy and that it was introduced by Brigham Young? That certainly makes more sense than Joseph telling the truth about everything else and flat out lying in public statements regarding polygamy. Come on now!
Thank you so much for telling the truth and revealing all the deception! You are really exonerating Emma Smith and her honesty and her legacy! God has promised to reveal the truth even from the 'roof tops' in the last days!! May God Bless you!
It's a reminder to us all as individuals and those who are parents- it's so important who you allow to surround yourself with, or who you allow around your children. Had he grown up with his cousins, Joseph and Emma's children, he might have been very different.
So grateful you're back making these videos. It brings me to tears knowing good people like you are there to vindicate Joseph, Emma, and Hyrum. Thank you!!
A lot of people still have a hard time believing that people in the past could lie, and could do so in writing. Something happens to our minds when a little time is put between us and those in history. That's why delving into history in a more complete way like this is so valuable. Thanks for your research and presentation, Rob.
Hard to fathom what terrible threats were made to the women who were forced to lie. I imagine that they were threatened with the loss of children, financial support or worse! These poor broken women most likely didn’t feel they had a choice in many cases. Truly heartbreaking.
They had no problem killing people back then especially with Brigham as governor who also supported abuse and murder. They made their own rules, their own laws and the women and children were to give themselves up as men requested or pay. Gross!!
We see this with modern polygamous factions taking away children from their parents who don’t conform. I’m guessing modern pligs learned this practice from the early Mormon church.
Another great job with your research Rob..... So grateful for all the work you have done and continue to do. I have been studying this subject for 9 years now and appreciate so much your ability to present this side of the story that has been hidden for so long.
😮😮😮😮😮Ooooh you been waiting to unholster this haven't you!!!🎉 I made peace with it for a sec too... suddenly I'm on the other side of the fence again😅 God bless you brother
Wow! Well done, Rob! Another well-researched, thought-provoking, and in-depth study exposing the lies behind the polygamy narrative. There’s so much valuable information here-I’ll need to re-watch it just to catch all the details. Thank you for shedding greater light on this important topic!🎉
Rob, thank you for this. The stories of JF Smith, were unknown to me. That is, his wife beating, killing of a cat, beating of another family member nearly to death, and so on. You have simply demonstrated further who he was, on top of the already known liar that he was. This brings me to a question. DC 138 on the vison of the dead in the spirit world given by Smith. How can we believe that true coming from a liar? Or is that a lie, too? Or, in his later years, did he recognize many of his own follies, repent (not likely as I know of no public admission of his public lies and deceptions) and became "worthy" of receiving such a revelation? His actions have created a severe dilemma over many things, including DC 138.
I'm assuming everything those early leaders (starting with Brigham) said were lies. Even the whole founding fathers showing up in the St George temple was a lie because the work had been done for them years earlier under Joseph at least a dozen times👍😅
11 And it came to pass that when Jesus had ended these sayings, He saith unto His disciples: "Enter ye in at the strait gate, For strait is the gate and narrow is the way that leads to life, And few there be that find it; But wide is the gate and broad the way which leads to death, And many there be that traveleth therein, until the night cometh wherein no man can work." Also read what Alma teaches his son Coreanton and believe it. It is very clear that this life is the life where we prepare to meet God. We must repent in this life. There are no second chances.
Love your content but my experience with LDS people is they are too deep in putting ALL their past prophets on pedestals. They basically put their hands over their ears and refuse to listen to any negative information.
Thank you for exposing the truth! We need more of it to finally set to rest this argument. One suggestion - slow down a little in your explanations so that we can follow along better. I find myself having to rewind often.
I converted to this family 13 years ago. I’ve now baptized my daughters and lastly my wife into it. What does this mean for us? Do we throw the baby out with the bath water and leave a church we can’t trust? Do we accept that secret combinations exist in any organization where there’s power?
Here's my two cents: prophets in the old Testament committed genocide. Abraham lied about his wife being his sister. Peter denied that he knew Christ 3 times, etc. The list goes on with character indictments in the scriptures. So do we all, as believing Christians, throw out the whole Bible and religion, or do we look for context and purpose? Something, by the way, which is extremely difficult to honestly infer by only the reading of historical documents. We really only get the "what" and not the "why." All that to say, what is your testimony based on? Is it based on characters of men and women and historical surmisement? Or is it based on personal revelation? If it's not based on the latter, that's where you should start.
Amen brother.. when Brigham Young can lie in general conference and say that Emma tried to poison Joseph Smith multiple times. And that Brigham Young was there when Joseph Smith reprimanded Emma Smith. Brigham Young said that there was multiple Witnesses to that reprimanding of Emma by Joseph. The LDS church knows and has admitted that that was a lie. Brigham Young not only lied but he also bore false witness and slandered the character of Emma. Brigham Young loved his polygamy so much that he would bear false witness Against The Grieving Widow Emma. That alone shows you what type of man Brigham Young was. And when the LDS church makes excuses why Brigham Young lied and boar false witness against Emma that tells you what type of church you're dealing with. Oh what tangled webs we weave when we first practice to deceive.
Very good work on some of the affadivits. It casts further doubt on the credibility of the affidavits. But it is not a smoking gun. The key to the polygamy controversy continues to be the authenticity and interpretation of section 132 itself.
Polygamy and slavery were known as the “twin relics of barbarism,” even back then. Christian nations have historically rejected polygamy since the days of Paul, long before America even existed.
The Nauvoo Expositor affidavits are the ones that matter most. They describe 132 accurately and testify that Hyrum read 132 to the Nauvoo Stake High Council on August 12, 1943. Which the Nauvoo Stake High Council members have affirmed.
I trust William Law's wife affidavits more than Joseph's friend's affidavits. But let's be clear Joseph's friends and foes agree that he authored 132. In the mouth of 2 or 3 witnesses, every word shall be established. The Nauvoo Expositor affidavits are 3 witnesses that agree with the Nauvoo Stake High Council witnesses that Hyrum read to them what is now 132 on August 12, 1843.
I am happy to admit that I was taken in by that church/cult. I was born into it and how could I have known? How could any of us known that we belonged to a religion built upon lies? We couldn’t have known because we were children! I hold onto what was and is still true. It is so wonderful to repent and be free.
Thank you for your great research. You and Michelle have convinced me that Joseph F Smith exaggerated Joseph's polygamy intentions. However, this does not mean that Joseph did not author 132 and practiced a more limited polygamy than first thought.
If ever you want to deconstruct to manipulate your audience you are succeeding by vilifying him to a high degree when you can make you biases much less known
Maybe one "side" is lying and the other side is telling the truth. Another possibility is that all of them are lying, but about different things within a larger overarching con that they've been fighting for control of ever since.
Obviously you haven't looked at the evidence. Joseph and Emma were never caught in a lie. Joseph F Smith, Brigham Young, Heber C Kimball, William Clayton, and many other polygamists have been proven liars over and over again.
Yes! Yes! Yes! Lying dogs are lying dogs. Yet, they proclaim themselves our teachers. I have been told by the spirit to serve in church. To love the people and support the Leaders. Where do you direct people to go? And if not, what are you doing? One clear understanding of history is not enough!!! I suggest you tell us what church is true, and if non are, then let’s work together to help the people. Courage! Honor! And Virtue. I assume you have a magnificent relationship with Jesus (Yeshua). I would like to know you better and understand what your expectations are for the Future. Please PM me
Wow it’s hard to believe Joseph F smith was living off the back of the saints like Brigham did with those jacked arms and strong body. Joseph F smith , Brigham bad for changing and adding to the doctrine of Christ and changing history etc. Did Joseph smith alter the word of God? Did he teach doctrine of the dead which is a mockery before God? He changed revelations given in the Book of Commandments to fit the church of the D&C all of which seem like self serving, gave him power and authority over others. I think Christ is doing a work amongst us to wake us up to him, we need to give up all these idols including Joseph smith. Did the Book of Mormon get altered in Joseph smiths life time? Yes it did. Did Joseph get revelation on justification of murder and revenge? His teaching and doctrine go against the BOM! The Book of Mormon isn’t Mormon at all.
Neal Ash Maxwell born 7.6 1926 (6:66) and died 7.21 2004 (reverse Pearl Harbour) , Julian birth 6.23 like Hinkley birth. Half Hebrew 10.24 or backwards 4.21 the 111th day of year code, biblical 4.24. Julian death 7.8 and Hebrew death after sunset 5.4, half 11.4 or 4.11 code, Jesus died 1.14 Biblical Hebrew -Father- Clarence born 5.28 1902 and dead 8.18 1993. Julian birth 5.15 and half Hebrew birth 8.21 like monsons birth, Biblical Hebrew 2.21. Julian death 8.5 (June 66th or 6-66) and half Hebrew death 12.1 another 121, Biblical Hebrew 6.1 Brigham Young’s bday -Clarence first wife- Helen Larsen Nielsen born 1.31 1917 and died 10.21 2000 like husbands Hebrew death 12.1. Julian birth 1.18 like McKay died (reverse 8.11 the 223rd day) , half Hebrew birth 5.8 like husbands Julian death 8.5, Biblical Hebrew birth 11.8 (reverse 8.11 223rd day code like birth) Julian death 10.8 (reverse 8.10 is 223rd day leap years) and half death 1.22 to match, Biblical death 7.22 pi code -Mother of Apostle- Emma Ash Maxwell born 4.4 1903 like MLK shot and a prophet born and died date. She died 4.30 1983 which day Hitler died. Some might claim it’s hidden Jesus died day 4.3 on Julian. Julian birth 3.22 skull and bones and half birth 7.7, Biblical birth 1.7. Julian death 4.17 reverse dragnet code since Jesus did die 7.14 half Hebrew calendar. Half death after sunset 8.18 syncs with husbands 8.18 death, Biblical death 2.18 Oaks backwards bday and 8/12=.666 -Wife of Apostle- Colleen Fern Hinkley Maxwell born 4.8 1928 and died 1.17 2016. 7-Eleven code. Julian birth 3.26 a reverse Hinkleys 623 birth to match. Half birth 7.18, Biblical birth 1.18 (reverse 8.11 is 223rd day non leap years) Julian death 1.4 and half hebrew death after sunset 5.8 syncs with other 85 code in family, Biblical death 11.8 to match -her mother- Anna Hinckley born 8.26 1900 and dead 3.30 1983 the one year anniversary of Reagan getting shot and master mason 33 code. Julian birth 8.13 which in reverse 3.18 is date of Salt Lake casted earthquake. Hebrew birth Elul 1 or biblical 6.1 Brigham Young’s birth to match her Brigham Young death birth 8.26 flip 6to9. Half Hebrew birth 12.1 which is 9 months and 11 days before 9.11 and matches many in husband family with 121 code. Julian death 3.17 St Patrick’s day code, Hebrew death Nisan 16 or real Easter and biblical 1.16 like 119 the reverse 911 with flip of 6to9. Half Hebrew birth 7.16. -her father- George Hinckley born 1.30 1901 and dead 1.1 1989. Julian birth 1.17 a classic reverse 7eleven Mormon spouse kill code to match daughter. Hebrew birth Sh’vat 10 or biblical 11.10 triple vav 111=666 code and half Hebrew birth 5.10. Julian death 12.19 and Hebrew death Tevet 24 or biblical 10.24 another classic reverse 421 the 111th day of year to match his birth and half Hebrew death 4.24 to match husbands family.
Interesting. There certainly were motivations to lie. However, incorrect dates and using mismatching historical accounts is not a strong evidence that things were fraudulent. I would say the information about JFS was certainly alarming. JFS may have stretched some of the affidavits however that doesn't mean he did it to all of them. The polygamy discussion always comes down to the question of whether Emma and Joseph lied, or did several other people inside and outside of the church?
@jennyforyourthoughts It would be clearer if only LDS affiliated people were involved. There are though accounts from non members, with nothing to gain or lose, that also testified about polygamy. I think certainly people lied, however that doesn't bring clarity one way or the other.
Affidavits are all BS. They were written by one man pretending to present to the Judge for the temple lot case that failed epically because the judge saw through the deceit
@@Telavianyou can either believe the actual prophet who talked to Christ or the one who wants you to get a shot or the one who set up the blood oath endowment. Or you can’t believe a violent criminal who emulated Brigham JFS! Over and out.
It's a very well-prepared video. I hope current members of the LDS Church carefully consider it and judge whether they want to continue with the faith. Even better, I hope they look even further into LDS Church history and discover that this story is really just one charlatan (BYoung) playing from the hand of another: Joseph had his own system of failed prophecies, quick steps just in front of the law, and elaborate cons. Whether he was a polygamist, or not I cannot say. For my part, he can have the benefit of my doubt on that matter. The BoM crumbles under the gaze of any reasonable scholarship.
Was excited when I heard at the end of the latest Still Mormon video that you were releasing another one today!!!!!
I had been worried about you because it has been way too long since I last saw a video on this channel. I must say that this was well worth the wait. Thank you!
Rob, I didn't get to thank you in person at the Ponderosa Ranch gathering, so let me say here how grateful I am for your diligence in scouring up such monumental treasures of truth. Even as the personal cost of your efforts is high, I pray that your courage will gently persuade many to comprehend the truth, especially those closest to you.
Roy Moore
Your concluding minute or two are a perfect summary. Very well said. I love how you always "bring the receipts" and lay things out so clearly. Thank you.
Rob, thank you so much for taking the time to put this together. The truth is so very important. We appreciate you!
Holy Crap that was good👍👍
I always thought Clayton was the one who wrote the fake document about Joseph and polygamy but it makes more sense that it would have been Joseph F Smith given the time frame.
You can tell he was raised by Brigham Young. Turned out to be sociopath just like Brigham. I have much experience in working with mental illness....Brigham was absolutely a sociopath! He had the characteristics from having no remorse for his actions, violent temple, need for control, and obsessed with
s e x and murdered anyone who got in his way.
It's absolutely insane that we revere these men as prophets of God when they were such horrific animals.
Great video👍. Hope we'll get to hear more from you🙏🙏.
Wow Rob! I need a week to digest what these new insights reveal. Thank you for continuing to shine the light of truth in dark places. As a woman in the LDS church, the “doctrine” of polygamy has never settled right with my soul. It prevented me from truly being one with my spouse for fear of someday being asked to accept other women into our sacred union. It brings me joy to know that Joseph, Emma, and Hyrum fought against this abomination up until their dying days. I hope that the LDS church repents of this filth. It all reminds me of the story of the tree that someone left an ax in…over time, the tree grew around it and looked big, healthy, and beautiful. But then, it split right down the middle because the ax had compromised its strength. We were taught as kids that unrepentant sin weakens us and that we will someday have a day of reckoning if we don’t remove those things. It seems that the LDS church has finally arrived at this place.
Keep up the good work!
Good analogy 👌.
Time for the remnant to assume their prophesied mandate
@@veritas9243What mandate is that?
Rob, you are so courageous! thank you so much for sharing this information. It has been so much easier to recognize that the book of Mormon speaks of the LDS church just as much as any other church. Your videos have helped me take all the questions that I left on the shelf and bring them down. although it’s not pretty and it’s incredibly painful to live a different way than I ever thought I would. I am greatly appreciative that your studies bring logic and truth to the forefront of the conversation!
It's not courageous. It's really easy.
He’s back ladies and gentlemen. The Sultan of Swat, the Titan of Terror, the Collosus of Clout, the King of Crash, the Great Rob Fotheringham!
Was Rob on Sandlot?
Have not a clue what these references imply. Is it praise or insult?
@@trainwreck656 the movie “Sandlot” lists those adjectives in describing Babe Ruth- the legendary baseball player in the early 1900’s.
Thank you Rob, this false polygamy narrative is being dismantled piece by piece by the great research of you and others. I can’t wait to see how we move forward once we cleanse ourselves of this great evil.
Wow! The darkness, confusion, and deceit in church history goes ever deeper.
Your research is greatly appreciated, thanks for revealing more light and truth to clear Joseph Smith Jr name.
Your closing statement, borne of relentless efforts to make sense of the bad explanations we inherited, was just the ideal exclamation point to what you’ve found for us. Gratitude. . .
You're back! I'm very grateful for the work you've done thus far. I've watched all of your videos several times to learn the information you are presenting. Thank you for this latest video.
So let me get this straight:
1. When Joseph says he saw God the Father, Jesus Christ, and the angel Moroni, we believe him.
2. When Joseph says he translated the Book of Mormon via the Urim and Thummnin by the the gift and power of God, we believe him.
3. When Joseph says that Elijah, Moses, Elias, etc., appeared to him on 4/3/1836 at the kirtland temple, we believe him.
BUT when he says he never practiced polygamy, spiritual wifery, celestial marriage, or anything like it, we don't believe him? Instead we believe questionable affidavits that were produced by JFS 40 yrs after the fact?
We are supposed to believe that JS was telling the truth about everything else-he was publicly denouncing polygamy as an abomination and an evil, but was secretly practicing it?
Why is it so hard to accept that maybe JS was telling the truth, that he really never did practice polygamy and that it was introduced by Brigham Young?
That certainly makes more sense than Joseph telling the truth about everything else and flat out lying in public statements regarding polygamy.
Come on now!
Are you my friend are brilliant wonderful comment
Rob, before I watch this video, I just have to say welcome back!
Rob, you are amazing! Thank you for your hard work and dedication to uncovering truth.
Thank you so much for your research! You are such a blessing. 🙏
This makes me nauseous.
None of this should be hidden.Thank you Rob.
Thank you so much for telling the truth and revealing all the deception! You are really exonerating Emma Smith and her honesty and her legacy! God has promised to reveal the truth even from the 'roof tops' in the last days!! May God Bless you!
Sin plagues us. We need to repent.
Keep it coming Rob, great to see new content on your channel
Thanks Rob
This is such an important video.
Thank you for your commitment to finding the truth. It blesses us all.
Oh my GOSH that was chilling! His behavior was absolutely psychopathic. Hyrum would’ve been heartbroken to see how his son turned out.
It's a reminder to us all as individuals and those who are parents- it's so important who you allow to surround yourself with, or who you allow around your children. Had he grown up with his cousins, Joseph and Emma's children, he might have been very different.
Excellent research and exposing lies. Thank you for all you have done to reveal the truth about early church history.
So grateful you're back making these videos. It brings me to tears knowing good people like you are there to vindicate Joseph, Emma, and Hyrum. Thank you!!
This shit is just unreal that these dudes were so ruthless and the church honors them as saints
Soo happy you're back❤
A lot of people still have a hard time believing that people in the past could lie, and could do so in writing. Something happens to our minds when a little time is put between us and those in history. That's why delving into history in a more complete way like this is so valuable. Thanks for your research and presentation, Rob.
Hard to fathom what terrible threats were made to the women who were forced to lie. I imagine that they were threatened with the loss of children, financial support or worse! These poor broken women most likely didn’t feel they had a choice in many cases. Truly heartbreaking.
They had no problem killing people back then especially with Brigham as governor who also supported abuse and murder. They made their own rules, their own laws and the women and children were to give themselves up as men requested or pay. Gross!!
We see this with modern polygamous factions taking away children from their parents who don’t conform.
I’m guessing modern pligs learned this practice from the early Mormon church.
Likely their celestial glory among other things
Polygamy and lying goes handed in hand.
The scriptures warn against those who love and make a lie.
Well done again. Thank you!
Thank you Rob!! ❤️
In many ways the story of polygamy in the Church both starts and ends with Joseph F Smith.
This is profound information. Thank you for exposing the truth so all may know for themselves.
Thank you for taking time to review historical documents and journals and prepare these essential presentations to bring forth the truth of the past.
Thanks for the new upload 🎉
Thank you for all your research and hard work. I appreciate all the truth that you are bringing forward.
Another great job with your research Rob..... So grateful for all the work you have done and continue to do. I have been studying this subject for 9 years now and appreciate so much your ability to present this side of the story that has been hidden for so long.
Thank you!!!! For continuing to bring out the truth!
Geez Louise it just keeps getting better and better
Thank you Fob! Excellent work! Please keep it up !!
😮😮😮😮😮Ooooh you been waiting to unholster this haven't you!!!🎉 I made peace with it for a sec too... suddenly I'm on the other side of the fence again😅 God bless you brother
Thanks so much!
Click… click… boom💥 Thank you brother!
This video is SHOCKING!!!
Grateful for your research! Thank you so much for sharing.
He had no authority to seal anyone to anything!
Wow! Well done, Rob! Another well-researched, thought-provoking, and in-depth study exposing the lies behind the polygamy narrative. There’s so much valuable information here-I’ll need to re-watch it just to catch all the details. Thank you for shedding greater light on this important topic!🎉
Rob, thank you for this. The stories of JF Smith, were unknown to me. That is, his wife beating, killing of a cat, beating of another family member nearly to death, and so on. You have simply demonstrated further who he was, on top of the already known liar that he was. This brings me to a question. DC 138 on the vison of the dead in the spirit world given by Smith. How can we believe that true coming from a liar? Or is that a lie, too? Or, in his later years, did he recognize many of his own follies, repent (not likely as I know of no public admission of his public lies and deceptions) and became "worthy" of receiving such a revelation? His actions have created a severe dilemma over many things, including DC 138.
I'm assuming everything those early leaders (starting with Brigham) said were lies.
Even the whole founding fathers showing up in the St George temple was a lie because the work had been done for them years earlier under Joseph at least a dozen times👍😅
11 And it came to pass that when Jesus had ended these sayings, He saith unto His disciples: "Enter ye in at the strait gate, For strait is the gate and narrow is the way that leads to life, And few there be that find it; But wide is the gate and broad the way which leads to death, And many there be that traveleth therein, until the night cometh wherein no man can work."
Also read what Alma teaches his son Coreanton and believe it. It is very clear that this life is the life where we prepare to meet God. We must repent in this life. There are no second chances.
@ Agreed. And hopefully, he did. While I am not sure on DC 138, I hope that was a hint as to the direction he turned, if DC 138 is legitimate.
@@michaellaw5954 what Alma teaches Coreanton debunks D&C 138
Very informative. Thank you.
Excellent! I appreciate how succinct your videos are.
Love your content but my experience with LDS people is they are too deep in putting ALL their past prophets on pedestals. They basically put their hands over their ears and refuse to listen to any negative information.
Thank you for exposing the truth! We need more of it to finally set to rest this argument.
One suggestion - slow down a little in your explanations so that we can follow along better. I find myself having to rewind often.
I converted to this family 13 years ago. I’ve now baptized my daughters and lastly my wife into it. What does this mean for us? Do we throw the baby out with the bath water and leave a church we can’t trust? Do we accept that secret combinations exist in any organization where there’s power?
Here's my two cents: prophets in the old Testament committed genocide. Abraham lied about his wife being his sister. Peter denied that he knew Christ 3 times, etc. The list goes on with character indictments in the scriptures. So do we all, as believing Christians, throw out the whole Bible and religion, or do we look for context and purpose? Something, by the way, which is extremely difficult to honestly infer by only the reading of historical documents. We really only get the "what" and not the "why." All that to say, what is your testimony based on? Is it based on characters of men and women and historical surmisement? Or is it based on personal revelation? If it's not based on the latter, that's where you should start.
Amen brother.. when Brigham Young can lie in general conference and say that Emma tried to poison Joseph Smith multiple times. And that Brigham Young was there when Joseph Smith reprimanded Emma Smith. Brigham Young said that there was multiple Witnesses to that reprimanding of Emma by Joseph. The LDS church knows and has admitted that that was a lie. Brigham Young not only lied but he also bore false witness and slandered the character of Emma. Brigham Young loved his polygamy so much that he would bear false witness Against The Grieving Widow Emma. That alone shows you what type of man Brigham Young was. And when the LDS church makes excuses why Brigham Young lied and boar false witness against Emma that tells you what type of church you're dealing with. Oh what tangled webs we weave when we first practice to deceive.
Very good work on some of the affadivits. It casts further doubt on the credibility of the affidavits. But it is not a smoking gun. The key to the polygamy controversy continues to be the authenticity and interpretation of section 132 itself.
Nice to see the morals of today applied to 100 years ago.
Polygamy and slavery were known as the “twin relics of barbarism,” even back then. Christian nations have historically rejected polygamy since the days of Paul, long before America even existed.
True or false all this stuff may be…why are we part of this garbage? Where’s the worshipping of God in all of this?
The Nauvoo Expositor affidavits are the ones that matter most.
They describe 132 accurately and testify that Hyrum read 132 to the Nauvoo Stake High Council on August 12, 1943.
Which the Nauvoo Stake High Council members have affirmed.
Because they are reliable. Written by enemies and fraudsters. 😂 okay whatever you say. 😂😂😂😂
I trust William Law's wife affidavits more than Joseph's friend's affidavits.
But let's be clear Joseph's friends and foes agree that he authored 132.
In the mouth of 2 or 3 witnesses, every word shall be established.
The Nauvoo Expositor affidavits are 3 witnesses that agree with the Nauvoo Stake High Council witnesses that Hyrum read to them what is now 132 on August 12, 1843.
@@jaredvaughan1665 Ya got something missing upstairs
Or maybe they used the Nauvoo Expositer affidavits to construct 132.
It's so hard to admit you were taken in.
I am happy to admit that I was taken in by that church/cult. I was born into it and how could I have known? How could any of us known that we belonged to a religion built upon lies? We couldn’t have known because we were children! I hold onto what was and is still true. It is so wonderful to repent and be free.
What does it mean to "systematize faith?" 28:47
Possible blackmail and reason for the liars?
Gospel Doctrine was my least favorite book in the gospel library. He sounded like a pure autocrat to me.
Who Jesus, Joseph or Brigham ?
Joseph F. Smith. If you need someone to micromanage every aspect of your life and business dealings in the territory of Utah, look no further.
Are you the son of Don Fotheringham? Do you have a book or website where all these documents and sources are laid out?
Thank you for your great research.
You and Michelle have convinced me that Joseph F Smith exaggerated Joseph's polygamy intentions.
However, this does not mean that Joseph did not author 132 and practiced a more limited polygamy than first thought.
Really? So you believe Joseph was damed liar? A liar to his final breath? Wake up!
If ever you want to deconstruct to manipulate your audience you are succeeding by vilifying him to a high degree when you can make you biases much less known
Maybe one "side" is lying and the other side is telling the truth. Another possibility is that all of them are lying, but about different things within a larger overarching con that they've been fighting for control of ever since.
Or maybe the preponderance of evidence points to who's lying. It wasn't the prophet Joseph Smith Jr.
Are you saying Brigham and other early church leaders were capable of lying but not Joseph and Emma?
Dude..... Stocker for sure!! What's your obsession??
Obviously you haven't looked at the evidence. Joseph and Emma were never caught in a lie. Joseph F Smith, Brigham Young, Heber C Kimball, William Clayton, and many other polygamists have been proven liars over and over again.
Yes! Yes! Yes! Lying dogs are lying dogs. Yet, they proclaim themselves our teachers. I have been told by the spirit to serve in church. To love the people and support the Leaders.
Where do you direct people to go? And if not, what are you doing?
One clear understanding of history is not enough!!!
I suggest you tell us what church is true, and if non are, then let’s work together to help the people.
Courage! Honor! And Virtue. I assume you have a magnificent relationship with Jesus (Yeshua).
I would like to know you better and understand what your expectations are for the Future.
Please PM me
Wow it’s hard to believe Joseph F smith was living off the back of the saints like Brigham did with those jacked arms and strong body. Joseph F smith , Brigham bad for changing and adding to the doctrine of Christ and changing history etc. Did Joseph smith alter the word of God? Did he teach doctrine of the dead which is a mockery before God? He changed revelations given in the Book of Commandments to fit the church of the D&C all of which seem like self serving, gave him power and authority over others. I think Christ is doing a work amongst us to wake us up to him, we need to give up all these idols including Joseph smith. Did the Book of Mormon get altered in Joseph smiths life time? Yes it did. Did Joseph get revelation on justification of murder and revenge? His teaching and doctrine go against the BOM! The Book of Mormon isn’t Mormon at all.
Neal Ash Maxwell born 7.6 1926 (6:66) and died 7.21
2004 (reverse Pearl Harbour) , Julian birth 6.23 like Hinkley birth. Half Hebrew 10.24 or backwards 4.21 the 111th day of year code, biblical 4.24. Julian death 7.8 and Hebrew death after sunset 5.4, half 11.4 or 4.11 code, Jesus died 1.14 Biblical Hebrew
-Father- Clarence born 5.28 1902 and dead 8.18 1993. Julian birth 5.15 and half Hebrew birth 8.21 like monsons birth, Biblical Hebrew 2.21. Julian death 8.5 (June 66th or 6-66) and half Hebrew death 12.1 another 121, Biblical Hebrew 6.1 Brigham Young’s bday
-Clarence first wife- Helen Larsen Nielsen born 1.31 1917 and died 10.21 2000 like husbands Hebrew death 12.1. Julian birth 1.18 like McKay died (reverse 8.11 the 223rd day) , half Hebrew birth 5.8 like husbands Julian death 8.5, Biblical Hebrew birth 11.8 (reverse 8.11 223rd day code like birth) Julian death 10.8 (reverse 8.10 is 223rd day leap years) and half death 1.22 to match, Biblical death 7.22 pi code
-Mother of Apostle- Emma Ash Maxwell born 4.4 1903 like MLK shot and a prophet born and died date. She died 4.30 1983 which day Hitler died. Some might claim it’s hidden Jesus died day 4.3 on Julian. Julian birth 3.22 skull and bones and half birth 7.7, Biblical birth 1.7. Julian death 4.17 reverse dragnet code since Jesus did die 7.14 half Hebrew calendar. Half death after sunset 8.18 syncs with husbands 8.18 death, Biblical death 2.18 Oaks backwards bday and 8/12=.666
-Wife of Apostle- Colleen Fern Hinkley Maxwell born 4.8 1928 and died 1.17 2016. 7-Eleven code. Julian birth 3.26 a reverse Hinkleys 623 birth to match. Half birth 7.18, Biblical birth 1.18 (reverse 8.11 is 223rd day non leap years) Julian death 1.4 and half hebrew death after sunset 5.8 syncs with other 85 code in family, Biblical death 11.8 to match
-her mother- Anna Hinckley born 8.26 1900 and dead 3.30 1983 the one year anniversary of Reagan getting shot and master mason 33 code. Julian birth 8.13 which in reverse 3.18 is date of Salt Lake casted earthquake. Hebrew birth Elul 1 or biblical 6.1 Brigham Young’s birth to match her Brigham Young death birth 8.26 flip 6to9. Half Hebrew birth 12.1 which is 9 months and 11 days before 9.11 and matches many in husband family with 121 code. Julian death 3.17 St Patrick’s day code, Hebrew death Nisan 16 or real Easter and biblical 1.16 like 119 the reverse 911 with flip of 6to9. Half Hebrew birth 7.16.
-her father- George Hinckley born 1.30 1901 and dead 1.1 1989. Julian birth 1.17 a classic reverse 7eleven Mormon spouse kill code to match daughter. Hebrew birth Sh’vat 10 or biblical 11.10 triple vav 111=666 code and half Hebrew birth 5.10. Julian death 12.19 and Hebrew death Tevet 24 or biblical 10.24 another classic reverse 421 the 111th day of year to match his birth and half Hebrew death 4.24 to match husbands family.
Interesting. There certainly were motivations to lie. However, incorrect dates and using mismatching historical accounts is not a strong evidence that things were fraudulent.
I would say the information about JFS was certainly alarming.
JFS may have stretched some of the affidavits however that doesn't mean he did it to all of them. The polygamy discussion always comes down to the question of whether Emma and Joseph lied, or did several other people inside and outside of the church?
It’s more like “did dozens of people lie about polygamy, or did those same dozens of people lie, plus Emma and Joseph?”
@jennyforyourthoughts It would be clearer if only LDS affiliated people were involved. There are though accounts from non members, with nothing to gain or lose, that also testified about polygamy.
I think certainly people lied, however that doesn't bring clarity one way or the other.
Affidavits are all BS. They were written by one man pretending to present to the Judge for the temple lot case that failed epically because the judge saw through the deceit
@@Telavianyou can either believe the actual prophet who talked to Christ or the one who wants you to get a shot or the one who set up the blood oath endowment. Or you can’t believe a violent criminal who emulated Brigham JFS! Over and out.
It's a very well-prepared video. I hope current members of the LDS Church carefully consider it and judge whether they want to continue with the faith. Even better, I hope they look even further into LDS Church history and discover that this story is really just one charlatan (BYoung) playing from the hand of another: Joseph had his own system of failed prophecies, quick steps just in front of the law, and elaborate cons. Whether he was a polygamist, or not I cannot say. For my part, he can have the benefit of my doubt on that matter. The BoM crumbles under the gaze of any reasonable scholarship.
Rob you're a liar.
How so?
Presenting very well researched evidence is lying?