I have been on the Carnivore Diet for 3 months and I am Diabetic. I had a A1C of 10.1 when I started and now it is 6.0 now and I am about to come off my diabetic medications. This is totally insane I was 340 pounds at the start and now I am 288. I am riding this Bison to good health.
Congrats! I’m having the opposite bathroom issue to Joe, I go only like 1 small amount per week. What have you experienced. Other than that, no complaints. Down 14lbs so far in 3 weeks.
I've been doing Keto/carnivore for 21 months. Much health and visual improvement. Currently fasting about 18 hrs daily. No snacking. It's nice to be able to miss a meal time and not freak out.
430lbs down to 264lbs I can say being someone with celiac disease this has been the best diet. I have been on it for about 7 months before that I was on a low calorie diet. If you are motivated and have a very strong mind this diet works perfectly. Some days are hard like I have never craved cake and sweets before until this diet but man my sex drive is incredible now. My energy is unmatched. My image of my body is better than it was. I just all around feel amazing and can say it has bettered my life. It gave me my life back
Good for you man, how has it been since the initial 7 months? I have done a lot of research recently on this, including reading up on all the relevant medical journals, and most of them focus more on the fasting aspect of such diets, but the most respected ones are willing to admit there is no data on long term and they just have to guess. There is however a lot of medical evidence to support fasting. What is your opinion?
@@tHeBAdGeRp0kEr so I still continue my down to 220 which is a comfortable weight for me being 6'2 and somewhat muscular. The biggest thing I found was most important about following this diet is to take one week every 2 months and eat normal foods/ unhealthy foods. The carnivore diet will deplete your body of needed nutrients and vitamins. Supplements help but aren't a good long term solution. You will blot up and feel shitty on the week you cheat but it also makes it easier to go back on the diet. I still crave cakes and sugar deserts when I'm on the diet but it only gets easier. I worry with some people they might develop a eating disorder either over eating or under eating. I know I struggle and have to force myself to eat more than I want to. And when I do sometimes it causes me to feel like I'm out of shape or that I will become bigger again. So diet at your own risk it's not for everyone but it does work
@@BMF64 Thanks man for responding. Very interesting that eating until satiated can feel a problem. If I may enquire, how many times are you eating per day whilst on the diet? I have read that some people eat 3 times per day within a 12 hour period, so 12 hours off, others once per day so a 23+ hour period off. Many seem to mix it up. Also very interesting about nutrient depletion. What kind of nutrients do you find you are missing? I have heard people say about you have to eat the whole animal, which might be a major problem for a lot of people that don't like liver etc. I have been more interested about this from a health perspective rather than a weight perspective, so what you are saying really intrigues me.
@@tHeBAdGeRp0kEr so meal wise I eat 1 time a day typically. When I was first starting I would eat 2 - 3 times a day. I learned a lot about the diet watching videos of others experience. One of the first videos I seen was a guy who recommended that when you start the diet to eat until you feel full and whatever kind of meat you can get your hands on basically anything from processed meats like hot dogs brats to unprocessed steak pork etc. As of the last 7 months I've stuck mostly to unprocessed meats typically steak, pork steaks eggs and bacon are my go to foods. If I'm out and about and feel hungry or something I will buy hotdogs if I can't find anything to eat. I'm very clean with this diet water and black coffee. My girlfriend does a similar diet but she will drink zero sugar energy drinks and, zero sugar pops. Not much difference weight loss wise. Since you're interested in the health aspect I do visit my doctor regularly she is not a fan of my diet being it lacks fruits and vegetables but things that would normally be a problem like cholesterol and kidney problems started off high since meat contains a lot of sodium but over time it actually lowered to the lowest I've ever had it. Not in a bad way either. My blood sugar levels are good as well. Energy is the tricky thing about the diet. So when you start it because of the lack of carbs you might feel lethargic and weak then about a week or two in your energy comes back. It will continue to grow over time until you peak normally for me it's about 2 months then you start going back to feeling weak again. Alot of the health things people talk about on RUclips like skin problems eczema, zits skin rashes do clean up I used to break out a lot and now my skin is smooth and healthy I noticed that within aonth of starting the diet. I do sweat more than normal.
@@tHeBAdGeRp0kEr oh and I forgot to say I started eating 2-3 times a day but over the time being on the diet I got less and less hungry till now I only eat 1 time a day I got to that point about 4 months in
I'm 5 days into it. My ADHD symptoms are almost all gone. I feel calmer and more clear headed than I did when I was on meds for it. I haven't felt tired mentally at work or home. I get a bit tired physically at the end of the day, I work in construction and I work out a bit. I can't believe I good I feel. Processed foods is not meant to be in our bodies!!
Follows a diet three dudes heard about from other dudes. Well done sir. What you are experiencing is called the placebo effect. Read a book my dude. Have you heard of the concrete diet? Man it’s the best give it a try
@@mattyp7582 placebo or not people are doing it and it works. So stfu and stop trying to pretend u are smarter than others! U have no idea what u are talking about
@@mattyp7582 hey man, if adhd symptoms and other problems start going away, i dont think anyone cares if its a placebo effect or not. what works for someone works for someone
It’s the processed foods. You’d be fine to eat veggies too and I bet you’d feel the same way. But whatever works. Whatever gets you feeling better and healthier is 100% the way to go.
krys from your comment I am assuming that your a trump supporter, and I can only say one thing to you... fuck yeah brother! Trumps improved the economy ten-fold!
I'm one week in on carnivore and I can't believe it but the weight is melting off. When I started I started Keto for about 25 days. Then I moved to OMAD carnivore and what a difference. I'm 69 years old and have high blood pressure and my legs bothered me so much that when I walked up stair I had to do one step at a time. Plus I had restless leg syndrome. All that is almost gone and so far I've lost 25 pounds. It's awesome!
I think long term it is bad, the health benefits you have are mainly coming from a process called autography, it’s when your bodies need certain nutrients so it burns your dying,dead, ineffective cells to convert them into what you need. Fasting for 18 hours or more also triggers this. Overall I think you should be on high a high fat Keto diet after you feel satisfied. But this is my opinion and I’m not an expert
I don’t know why everybody’s worried about cholesterol. Cholesterol doesn’t cause heart disease. The type of cholesterol that causes heart disease is small, dense particle LDL that is created by inflammation. Damaging cholesterol in your liver. Not processing it. What damage is it is cedar Wells grain products Excess of sugar, including starch and fructose, these are the things that damage your cholesterol and it’s that damage cholesterol that interacts with the damaged heart and artery tissue and cause plaque and heart disease. If you’re eating clean, healthy meats, and you’re not eating seals and grains and processed food chemicals that damage your cholesterol then you can double your cholesterol you can make it for 500 points and cure your heart disease. I did it. I always kept my cholesterol low and I had heart disease, I was on medication for more than a decade and had problems for more than 30 years eating exactly what my doctor told me to eat and they just kept giving me more meds and telling me to stick with it. I’m doing what I need to do and I kept getting sicker and fatter. I started a clean version of a keto diet starting at under 100 carbs, a day and quickly move that to less than 30 net carbs per day in grass, fed beef, pasture, raised chicken eggs and wild cat seafood as the staple of my diet accented with green cruciferous vegetables, leafy greens, squash, and small amounts of nuts and other vegetables without high sugar/carb content I stayed away from grains and processed foods and seed oils completely. In three months, my blood pressure dropped down to a normal level and I started weaning myself off of my medication‘s, and by about four or five months I had the blood pressure of a healthy 20-year-old with no medication and I’ve eaten that way for two years now, in July, according to my doctor, I have zero disease, I have a bulged disc and osteoarthritis in my knees and damage from having that problem for years. I’ve lost a ton of weight since then, and I have no signs of disease, two years ago I had severe heart disease incredibly high blood pressure and problems with my liver and thyroid. I got rid of all of it by eating correctly. Carbohydrates are just sugar, people act like it’s a nutrient, or a macro, it is not it is simply the measurement of sugar in a food and starches and fructose are slightly better than monosaccharides or what would be a white table, sugar, or cane sugar, but they’re really not that much better and your body rejects all of it , that’s kind of what insulin does, you eat sugar, and it signals. Your body is shut down cell function until the dangerous past it stores the fat and purchase the sugar, and when your sugar is gone, then it backs off. The problem is the way we eat now over the last couple hundred years people keep telling us to pound carbs all day, long and snack and carbo load and we become insulin resistant or develop hyper insulinemia because we’re constantly triggering our insulin in our bodies. Just learn to ignore it Which damages cells and that along with inflammation is what damages your cholesterol and causes heart disease. The reason everybody’s so triggered about cholesterol is because the pharmaceutical industry trains, the medical industry they own medical education and medical associations and they tell everybody that statins are good because cholesterol is the devil tell me the truth is they make billions and billions and billions of dollars every year prescribing statins and 95% of the people on statins don’t need them. They’re literally lying to us for money. I don’t know about 80 to 95% of the people who start eating the way I do when prescribed by the Doctor Who know what they’re doing start eating correctly their disease get cured and they don’t need medication to treat the symptoms, and when you run a comprehensive blood panel, I’m on the optimal side of everything now except for my cholesterol is up quite a bit, but I argued with my doctor and said, why would I take statins if I’ve cured my heart disease and asked him to show me any studies that showed the high cholesterol or the LDL cholesterol Ashley caused heart disease because there aren’t any come of the studies show that small, dense particle or damaged? LDL is what causes heart disease because the small dense particles are small enough to interact with the tissues and cause calcification or heart disease. The rest of your LDL and all of your HDL is healthy at statins. Have horrible side effects. A clean version of a keto diet is pretty much the way we’re supposed to eat, carnivore is fine but vegetables do offer enhancements as long as you’re not allergic to them, but they have to be eating in moderation, because vegetables are full of sugars and toxins and carcinogens and other chemicals that are body can only tolerate in certain amounts. The idea that a vegetable -based diet is superior is complete nonsense, vegetables, eaten in moderation and healthy kind prepared correctly is healthy for you, eating a bunch of corn and potatoes and greens and sugary. Fruit isn’t much better than eating donuts and big Macs all day. Some people argue that but I spent over 25:00 learning to read clinical data and reading the data myself and finding doctors who actually cure their patients instead of just treating the symptoms like the other 98% of the doctors in the world do. Sorry they’re just wrong they were trained wrong and I don’t think it’s an accident I think big Pharma does it that way because if they started telling people to eat like I do, you would eliminate the need for 90% of the doctors and 95% of the pharmaceutical industry and they would all lose their jobs so they’re not about to tell people the truth because they’re in the business of making money not healing people
Been listening to JRE since day one back in the Ustream days and I've been a Vegetarian since 2006. I have no problem with people who eat meat and I still love Joe's podcast. We're not all haters.
Joe, you probably wont believe this but I lost 16 lbs in 3 weeks on meat only. I'm listening to your show every week, cant wait til the next show with a new perspective on this.
*Carnivore diet is amazing!* My diet is: grass fed steaks, sockeye salmon, berries, milk, kefir, egg yolks, salts. I occasionally have a red capsicum or sweet potato as long as carbs are under 20g. All my bloods are better. Depression gone. 100lbs weight loss. Bloating and constipation gone. Skin, hair and nails improved. Mental clarity, stamina, and sleep all improved drastically. Teeth and gums improved a lot!
The diet works short term cause you aren’t eating processed garbage but all that saturated fat will catch up my best advice would always till the end of time be go vegan no animals have to get hurt and you’ll feel better cause plants are better digested, as well as acne, mine entirely cleared up cause I didn’t have another animals hormones throwing mine through a loop and haven’t had a pimple in forever
@@tyeades975 cause we all saw the evidence, we all are the evidence the carnivore diet is the best, the healtiest diet of all. Plant based diets are only marketing, sorry. Goji or kale are nothing to egg yolk or beef liver. Really sorry for you man
@@cinqueqwerty lol meat only has nutrients because it’s supplemented where do think b12 comes from, rich soil that we’ve tapped for nutrients over time to the point we have to supplement everything including all of the needlessly eaten meat, most other countries don’t even use meat as a primary source of protein they occasionally eat it especially in parts of Asia
Almost 120 days on carnivore now and no doubt the first three weeks were rough but it has been an unbelievable experience since then. So many benefits (including almost 70lbs weight loss) and only negative I've seen is missing out on some social occasions and making an ass of myself after drinking too much.
@@Hijazi2 I try not to get too dogmatic about it. I figure a glass of wine every 70lbs or so is tolerable. Keto people can drink a glass of wine here and there, and stay in ketosis, and that is the really the main point of the dietary changes for me during this first phase where I'm trying to get rid of the excess fat on my body. Eventually I'll probably add things like mushrooms and garlic and a few other veggies here and there, and even allow myself to have a treat occasionally but know it can never be a regular thing again if I want to stay healthy and keep my weight down.
I love being privvy to the conversation of manly men. It's hilarious and endearing. I love the way they communicate. There's such straightforwardness and comradery.
Funny how the guy mentioned quitting carnivore at 13 days. About a year ago, I tried it twice. Once I went 14 days and gave up, the next time I made exactly 13 days and gave up. I just got too tired of eating just the meat. About 4 months ago, I tried it again and I went 34 days and lost 12 pounds before cheating. That time, I got used to eating only meat and now am not bored with it any more. The key is to push past the first two weeks. Once I was able to do that, I have no problem staying on the diet. I started another carnivore diet on January 2th, and now I am 19 days in and plan on going at least 60 days.
@@ClassicJukeboxBand great news! thanks for the update..shows how bad sugar is laced into almost everything - we have to resort to meat products to escape it's ugly wrath.
I’m curious, what was your weight, if you don’t mind me asking, when you started each of your iterations? I’m really curious about starting this but I want to get a physical and my blood tested before starting as well as get a good multivitamin/supplement solution. Thanks for sharing your experience.
okay I'll just start off by saying I'm vegan, and while obviously my values align with a plant based diet, I'm not here to judge the way anybody chooses to eat. I will say however how fascinating it is to me to see how much people rave about these carnivorous diets. Personally, my plant based diet has made me feel the best I've ever felt physically. It just goes to show how wacky nutrition is. Whatever you choose to believe, you have to admit that so many different people eat such different diets and claim how amazing they feel. It's just interesting to realize just how different everyone's body is and how difficult it is to navigate the world of health and nutrition.
Very good point here 👌 Try what's good for YOU! And it's so wholesome to here this from one from the other side of the "food spectrum". I'm neither vegan nor carnivore but I just can't get my head around how crazy people can get over food choices. It's like a religion almost
Jordan Peterson is an amazing human being. I recently went vegan over a year ago and he makes me wanna try carnivore. I recently had eggs and cheese though. The meat my issue is the energy involved in it if I ever eat meat again I think it would have to be meat from hunting not farming. So the animal doesn't release the chemicals involved with fear anxiety depression and all that when they are raised and killed in farms ass I feel that energy is what we eat and is the energy we receive. Einstein said energy cant be created or destroyed only changed from one form to another. So that makes me shakey about it recently. And fish the pollution in the ocean and radioactive waste. Idk
Full disclosure: I am not a fan. And I find his work and activism to be subpar for the average academic, let alone a prominent public "intellectual." But nobody can deny his influence on a significant segment of the (largely North American, white male) population. I firmly believe, however, that it's important to try to understand those with differing opinions. I appreciate the responses thus far.
I think he is articulate but that’s just from years of talking, he is just the opposite side of the same coin. Heavily indoctrinated into the system he is here to appeal to a certain group to maintain the status quo. Servitude and obedience...
3:30 I'm not vegan, but it's worth noting that a large portion of Hindus are vegetarian in practice they just don't usually get counted in the statistics. Even though it's only a portion of that religion it's still enough people to change the percentage of vegetarians in the world by a significant amount.
That's why they are so spiritual, because they are always on the brink of death fucking up their health like that. A hindu guru said an only fruit diet would heal my ulcerative colitis. I almost died. Fuck that.
2023 & I'm finally trying a carnivore diet. WAS VEGAN 7 YEARS! Destroyed my hormonal health & made me anemic. Already feeling AMAZING on carnivore. Diarrhea was very mild...not a biggie, which was surprising. Was literally exhausted for 5 days coming off carbs but now I'm doing great.
Lol that’s a narrow point of view of our ancestors. I think the alcohol is just a side effect of farming bud. “Why do you farm sir?” Farmer joe: I like to party!
Tell yeah that’s mostly water weight from your glycogen stores being depleted from not eating carbs. Same thing happens on the ketogenic diet or when fasting. If you “carb up” you’ll gain a lot of that back
The goal of carnivore is to eliminate vegetables in your diet. The goal of keto is to put your body in ketosis. Both diets will induce gluconeogenesis which is what the 99% need.
@@InvestBetter. if you say so, personally I don't think you can draw any parallels from personal hygiene to diet 😀. But you are still not correct in your initial assessment, there are differences between the two. One is a elimination-diet and the other was invented as a treatment of certain medical conditions (whether or not the recorded effects are actually caused by the ketones is a different story, they might be, but I don't know). Both diets can be used as a tool to reach your ideal bodyweight since they induce gluconeogenesis, as written in previous post, but the premise is different.
Stefanie Marie I highly recommend giving it a 30 day try. Amber O’Hearn has excellent resources. I have (had) several serious conditions and eating carnivore is the only thing that truly helps.
Thank god that diarrhea goes away after your body gets used to it. I've been rocking Carnivore for about 10 months now. At 46 I'm healthier than I was all through my 30's and I never really had that bad of a diet (or so I thought).
I am a dental hygienist. That thing about receding gums miraculously coming back is suspect. He likely had less inflammation in his gums by eating less carbohydrates which bacteria thrive on, but the bone loss/recession from gum disease does not grow back to their original levels.
@@warbyothermeans6732 Vitamin C is incredibly important for gum health. A lot of sailors suffer from scurvy due to a lack of fruits and vegetables out at sea.
a lot of people try too many new things at once when trying ways to get healthier and give the credit to the wrong thing. I don’t want to argue about your diets, people, but I think just adding better, non-processed, home grown food is doing the most for your health. Whatever makes you healthier is best for you. Everyone is different. No need to fight about it.
@@gussi123 I definitely agree with you! At the very least, their diets switch from highly processed sugars to natural sugars processed by the body and not chemicals in a plant(facility)
The wine is a no no. It's pure sugar, it kind of defeats the purpose of the diet. But BTW, Okra stops the bile acid diarrhea that happens when starting the diet. Okra isn't "carnivore", but I just eat it in moderation and treat it as a supplement just to bind the bile acid. Pickled okra is my okra of choice..
@Tiger Tamer the okra is only temporary for the transition phase. And it's only a small percentage of people that need it. Only those with bile acid malabsorption which causes bile acid diarrhea. Usually those who were previously on a high plant based diet have the problem, I grew up on a farm and was mostly whole food plant based and it wrecked my gut, giving me Crohn's disease and leading to my gallbladder having to be removed also, probably from all of the oxalates. I've since put my Crohn's in remission with carnivore and have done carnivore diet upwards of two years straight in the past with zero vegetables and felt better than ever. Meat has everything you need, it even has small amounts of vitamin c. That without competing with carbs, is enough to sustain you. actually eating a small amount of vegetables with the meat long term is where problems arise because the carbs will keep you from absorbing enough. That's why keto fails
@Tiger Tamer as with primative man, they would of only ate fruits and vegetables seasonally, which would of been an extremely limited resource, and only making them keto for limited times during a year. Being 95% meat based the rest of the year.
Robert Zenni I was just talking to my “brother” about this. He and I have a few. Not very many, but a few insanely different beliefs on things which all cane from our individual life experiences! To say.... Definitively... That I’m right and you’re wrong, or vice versa... Seems so un-openminded to me! I’m an avid hunter and have lost “friends” in my life who I didn’t even know were vegan! So... Just wanted to say... That’s cool of you to look past a “thing” and view it all as a whole!
@TONY D 97 definitely cant be correct. It would mean that only 3 percent dont eat it because of moral or financial reasons. Over 3.5 billion people depend on rice everyday and make up a majority of their daily calories count with that. These people cant just afford a piece of meat for the whole family.
There are so many different kinds of meats you can eat. It would take a lot longer to get bored if you mixed in seafood, poultry, etc. and not just steak twice a day with some occasional bacon.
Veganism is like 20% diet and 80% religion. About 7 or 8 years ago I went vegan for well over a year. I though I was doing great things for my health but I felt like complete shit. I went keto about 2 years ago and had a huge improvement in my health. Not just weight loss but lowered blood pressure, reduced blood sugar levels and being able to fall asleep withing 10 minutes of going to bed. Only needing 6 to 7 hours of sleep a night and waking up feeling completely rested is amazing. I just started trying carnivore about a week ago and so far I'm feeling good and hoping to give it at least 2 months to see how it works for me.
@S M I'm not sure your body processes oil in that manner. Unless it's an oil it cannot process. And no, many of people do not get enough animal fat, which is what I should clarified, in a "standard" diet. Animal fats have often been deemed as bad fats and suggested they be removed from consumption.
@S M It will be. There's very "substance" to vegetables. They are actually mostly water. But it also take a couple weeks for a body to adapt to a new diet as well.
I did 30 days hardcore carnivore. Best I’ve ever felt. Lost 20 pounds. Improved my sleep too! Definitely got boring and expensive. The junk food cravings got so baddddd
Heck yeah.....totally right on the money, Joe. I have been on KETO for 3 1/2 years and lost 77 pounds. The best thing about the diet is the consistent energy levels. I will never go back to eating all those carbs and sugars.
The "door knob" was funny as shit... yep, went there. Best podcast ever for general awareness of every-damn-thing, very beneficial for a huge mass of people, love it. Thanks bud, much appreciated.
They should talk about Paleo Medicina and Dr. Zsofia Clemens from Hungary on how they are curing people from diseases like cancer with the carnivore diet. They call it the Paleo Ketogenic Diet. That would be an interesting podcast.
Trying the carnivore diet, I suffered from terrible nightmares, now I sleep safe and sound (no dreams at all) and when I wake up I’m not tired or groggy. I’m FULLY AWAKE and beyond well rested. Maybe I wasn’t getting enough protein in my diet?
I've actually identified as liberal most of my life. But when Dr. Peterson expressed his opinion on the Sports Illustrated cover, and I saw the level of vitriol directed towards him, i clearly understood why do many have become disillusioned with the left. The need to bully and shout down anyone who expresses an opinion you don't agree with is very disturbing. Also, I agree with him that there should be a standard of excellence maintained for achievements and to suggest that a woman who is 70 pounds overweight should appear on the cover of Sports Illustrated for no other reason that "inclusiveness" is absurd. You may say she's beautiful and that's fine. It's subjective to a degree. But she clearly doesn't qualify to be on the cover of that magazine based on decades of precedent.
I realize that this is two years old, but I started the carnivore diet a month ago and I never got the diarrhea. Lost a lot of weight and feel better than I have in 30 years.
I’ve been carnivore for 8 months. Best digestion ever. I don’t eat Burger King though. Just grass fed beef, wild caught fish, grass fed lamb, egg yolks, and some cheese. I’d love to only eat cheese from raw unpasteurized milk but here in Colorado it’s not available except for some very expensive Manchego cheeses.
Hi there, getting into Carnivore myself. Day 7 so far. I have a question, why do you only eat the egg yolks and not the white? Looking for all the info I can get! Thanks in advance!
@@Cajonization Whites don't have much nutrition in them first of all. It's all in the yolk. But also, the yolks are much easier to digest. I'll eat about 8 yolks at a time. That's 8 yolks worth of nutrition. That's a ton of nutrition. If you ate 8 full eggs to get the same amount of nutrition and also ate the egg whites the volume of food would be so much more for no reason really. You'd just get really full and would not feel great if you ate 8 full eggs vs just 8 egg yolks.
I just started the carnivore diet, havent cheated yet its been 4 days but man, i miss everything, i want to dive deep in carbs and even salads. but I will not lie I feel amazing, no bloating or tiredness
Bro please stop and instead try eating a vegan diet your acne will clear you’ll feel better cause plants are easily digested and no animals would have to get hurt to do it there’s no risk just take my advice if you ever do and eat a banana a day for b12 which is in peanuts that I eat everyday anyways and avocado for omega 3 everyday outside of that there’s no nutrients to worry about
@@tyeades975 yes it’s sad that animals die but it’s apart of nature mate, I feel for the animals too and I’d feel bad killing one with my bare hands but at the end of the day we are meat eaters and it is very unnatural for us to just eat green with no meat or fish. I see where you are coming from with the empathy for the animal but it’s just the way life goes
@@asvp770 respectfully that’s not true in any form we have the same digestive system as a herbivore it even an omnivore let alone a carnivore diet where you only eat meat is insanely taxing on your health
@@tyeades975 where is the proof on that? All vegans go vegan to be "healthy" and then they say they do it for the animals so they can feel better than everyone else
@@nikolakojic504 tell me how a plant based diet is unhealthy and I can refute any point but your bottom jaw moves side to side instead of just up and down and that’s because our teeth are made for grinding nuts and seeds also we produce our own cholesterol so we wouldn’t need meat to get it either way even if eating meat was just as healthy as a variety of plants which it isn’t there’s still no need to support the murder and rape of a species as well as most of our crops go to feeding the animals instead of us so in every way shape and form eating meat is counter productive not just for the animals but us too, I just want everyone to eat plants and leave each other alone lol
A word of advice from someone who is 6 months in. Eat organ meats, grass fed products are best, bacon with no added nitrates, pasture raised eggs, raw milk and raw butter are the best sources of fat if you can get your hands on them. Good luck!
I didn't not know why you can't do the carnivore diet and throw one bowl of greens in there. It's not going to hurt you but could benefit you to in the long run. Why do modern diets resemble team sports? .... the meat team vs the veggies team.
I have a sibling who is vegan and the stuff they cook is so unhealthy. Tons of oils and carbs to make up for all the animal protein and animal fats lost in that kinda diet. Its insane that anyone thinks its a healthier lifestyle than eating good sourced farmed animals or even better, animals that were hunted legally and ethically.
3rd week of carnivore was hell for me, and 4th was simply death walking. Probably not enough organ meat. May not have been eating enough total calories. Planning better would have probably led to more positive results. This was coming off 4 months of strict keto, and going back to keto brought me back to normal quickly.
Electrolytes! Salt, fat. I had the same issue 3 rd week I felt like I was out of energy and you lose a lot of water as there are no carbs. So salt and electrolytes, even pickle juice can help 🥩🥓🥚
K Vee the whole idea of cooking is being able to absorb more nutrients from the food - and also to kill bacteria, disease, parasites, etc. Eating raw meat seems, hm... 'counterproductive' if I'm being polite about it. Why would you want to do that?
@Cameron Rose There's not a difference between the nutrition value of an animal who eats its natural diet vs an animal who is fed estrogenic soy and pumped with antibiotics and hormones? Have you seen a healthy grass fed cow? Have you seen an unhealthy grain fed factory cow? There's is absolutely a huge difference between the two. Idk why you would even bother commenting on something you clearly know nothing about.
@@thewhat531 Certain nutrients are more bioavailable raw, macronutrient density is higher when cooked. So cooking was the usual method of eating for the most part.
glucogenesis occurs when you only eat meat. I like to drink lemon water with every huge protein meal and i sip it throughout the day, and days im fasting. It assists in breaking down meats with extra boosts of acid, and gives you glucose all day so your body has steady energy and can fully utilize the protein.
I got back on steak n eggs , @joerogan I did it a few months and got scared when I lost 20lbs in a month , last year , now I've researched alot more of it and I'm back in it, not so much for weight loss but how good I felt when on it, my body was always full of energy , n my body started to tone without even going to gym min. Exercise, I will say out of all the diets I've had this is my favorite how I've felt ever so I'm back on it just a couple days already feel great , I'm rarely hungry now I'm practically shoving my second meal down because I've lost most of my appetite, n on my cheat day I don't go crazy just enough to recover lost glycogen. Vince gironda proved that u could be a healthy body builder n do it on 0 carbs even tho every body builder tells u that u need carbs , if Vince pulled it off I'm sure anyone can too. I don't want to be a body builder just continue feeling how I feel now wake up so full of energy I want to run .
@@kaetehaete4199 The only time it was difficult was the first week, after that it's very easy. All cravings vanish and I had more energy than I've ever had. I felt amazing...best I have ever felt. I want to start again, just hard having a carb loving spouse lol. I never got bored of it because I didn't even think about food like I used to (I was a huge food addict), i only ate because I needed to. I will forever recommend it to everyone.
I must be a lucky guy. Two weeks ago I went from "normal" diet to full carnivore diet (lion). The second day i felt absolutely crushed and like shit, it was better the third day but diarrhea started. now the lucky part, diarrhea was gone the next day completely and I my body already transitioned into keto. Since this day I feel awesome, training going great, no mid day tiredness, awesome mood. Best decision ever!
Should've tapered your shit diet down to 1 meal a day, then fast for 2 days, then start carnivore on the high fat side as the body metabolizes fat the best.
@@tyeades975 I suppose you think the food pyramid is? Healthy is relative. You can be a healthy vegan & you can be a healthy carnivore. You just can't be both and be healthy and that's what the food pyramid is.
@@adrian_sanchez consuming only meat is a ton of saturated fat and your digestive system is that of a herbivore not a meat eater we are just able to cook it to get out bacteria otherwise you’d likely get sick more
@@tyeades975 two things....saturated fats aren't inherently bad for you. You need it for your cells, it's a precursor to hormones, increased calcium absorption. It's good for your gut bacteria. A diet with high fat induces more bile, makes your stomach more acidic which kills any bad bacteria you consume. All these processes go out the window when you consume high amounts of carbs....on a different note, I understand where you are coming from. What you are referring to is conventional health. Yes, if you eat high amounts saturated fats with your bread, you will get sick, heart disease, diabetes, etc. It's the sugar as the common denominator in any diet that cause sickness.
@@adrian_sanchez ok but how are humans omnivorous we have the same intestines as that of a herbivore not a meat eater yet we still eat meat as studies show the life expectancy is considerably shorter for those who consume meat especially regularly
You won’t stop it Joe. I did the month to at first, 8 months in now, can’t stop. Carnivore it’s part of me now... try the Sous Vide method of cooking your meat. It’s just so easy!!!!! Get your meat, season it, vacuum seal each piece. Then just turn on sous vide throw in a frozen meat inside, wait one hour and sear it on an electric grill for 5 minutes when it’s done!! Perfect steak every time, minimal effort.
@@Psycho-Thinker My Libido is actually pretty good but I flopped out after 3 weeks in, very expensive if you want to eat quality meats. The Diarrhea wasn't a problem for me, I had a bit but nothing to talk about.
I know several people that went carnivore, I'm myself experimenting this last weeks after being vegetarian for quarter of century at least ... and vegetarian keto for up to 4 years, but zero problems with GI. Actually I more likely had constipation problem before that now is gone and I'm actually perfect regarding this. But ... maybe difference is Joe started from regular food to carnivore while I and several I know on meat have been already keto adapted. Good to know somebody can get at start of carnivore also GI problems.
Vegan here. I still watch, but the clear meat bias does get annoying. I appreciate the variety of guests and points of view on here tho. Over time my views have differed more from joe's than they used to, but that's fine. One of my fav podcasts tho was when James Wilks obliterated Chris Kresser on the game changers debate.
You lost mostly waterweight because of the carb deficiency......that's not healthy or something. Also the heavy diarrea should already show you that our body shouldn't do this. I study biology and our digestive tract isn't like omnivores or carnivores. It's mostly like other apes who eat 95% plant based and 5% animal products. Also Jordan Peterson is a psychologist he knows nothing about diët. And it didn't cure him? He still takes all his medicines and didn't get rid of anything. Lastly the "clear" mind is a cortisol survival mode freakout of the brain. You barely get carbs in which your brain needs. It will try to develop it's own carbs from protein and your bodies own muscles but that isn't enough so it goes in a panic mode which makes you "clear". It's the same as not sleeping well for 1 night, you can suddenly feel more clear for a few hours due to cortisol rush. I'm pro evidence and it dissapoints me Joe is getting more and more biased because he's sponsored by the meat and dairy industry. People don't get fat from carbs. People get fat from to much calories -_-
I'm glad someone else realizes the first 7 lbs he's talking about were just from water weight. No carbs for a week, and his body is outta glycogen, and therefore sheds that extra water.
Lol. The diarrhea and the constipation will eventually figure themselves out, your body takes time to adapt. Diarrhea is basically excess bile and bile is good. It helps you digest your fat and is necessary for getting your fat, soluble vitamins, but it takes time for your body to balance out. When you’re eating completely carnivore, you’re basically eliminating fibers, which is most of what poop is. Eventually almost everybody ends up with small amounts of softer than normal poop because meat is almost completely digested it turns completely to liquid in your stomach acid and your body absorbs pretty much all of the nutrients, and it makes very little waste. Most of your waste is actually the normal bacteria that dies and is excreted in the stool. Usually people starting keto, demineralize and dehydrate and end up. Constipated for a while, you just gotta kind of play with it and figure out what your body needs and it will adapt eventually. Adding some vegetables will help just eat clean vegetables like cruciferous vegetables, leafy greens and squash and that will add some flavor, and it’s good as long as it’s not full of sugar and as long as you’re getting clean organic versions and eating them in moderation
Eddie looks like a Chinese monk version of Joe
Eddie "went thru the 36 chambers" bravo
Look like David Carradine.
Eddie is the most Asian looking Mexican dude literally looks Cambodian
So homey I meant horny
Brendan; “I like diarrhea...”
... 🤷♂️😂
Right lol. I'm like nah dude.
That was the weirdest shit I’ve ever heard. What does he like about it?
My favorite part 😂
Yea can someone tell me where he was going with that lol
I wonder if Joe has ever had Elk.
He's never said he has
Radders 6 we’ll never know
Around 5:42 he said that he likes an elk sausage... in his ass
Unnamed 😂😂
I wonder if he's tries DMT also?
@@deanobeany I think he wants to but never has
We gonna act like Brendan didn’t say he likes diarrhea?
I did get him though... I know what he means.
It's nice if you're constipated a lot I suppose.
Animal Mother if you've ever been constipated you'd understand, it's like the biggest relief lol
Not at all..., just a shame we have to see the hole it comes out of!
monoXcide he didn’t ignore it he acknowledged it and said not normal lol
Not gonna lie, knowing even Joe also falls off the wagon time to time, helps me feel better about my diet. 340 down to 260 atm.
Blkrose keep going bro you got this
Let’s goo!!!
Keep going.
updates? @Blkrose
Joe "I had an olive" Rogan
Brendan “I like diarrhea...” schaub
Carnivore purists - REEEEEEE!
lmfao i read that in sync with joe saying it thank you so much for the gut torturing laugh
It wasn't funny till I heard him say it
"Joe I havent had a safe fart in weeks Rogan"
Hahahahha lmaaooo
Joe "I do not trust my butt hole" Rogan 😂😑
"A fat face is a bummer" - fat Brendan
LMAO These are all gold
Joe "I Don't Trust My Butthole" Rogan
I have been on the Carnivore Diet for 3 months and I am Diabetic. I had a A1C of 10.1 when I started and now it is 6.0 now and I am about to come off my diabetic medications. This is totally insane I was 340 pounds at the start and now I am 288. I am riding this Bison to good health.
thats awesome!
50 punds in 3 months? for real?
@@Tirfing88 i believe it
Congrats! I’m having the opposite bathroom issue to Joe, I go only like 1 small amount per week. What have you experienced.
Other than that, no complaints. Down 14lbs so far in 3 weeks.
10.1?!! Jesus
All Joe’s friends are slowly turning into versions of himself
Haha nice
Or is it the opposite?
Let me offer you this, Brenda agrees with everyone
Bald Schaub soon lolz
Brendan “I like diarrhea” Shaub
WTF :o who loves diarrhea?
@@darthvader6005 japanese girls
I've been doing Keto/carnivore for 21 months. Much health and visual improvement. Currently fasting about 18 hrs daily. No snacking. It's nice to be able to miss a meal time and not freak out.
Have you checked your cholesterol levels?
yes sir
True, the insulin/sugar levels are what's most interesting/valuable for me when it comes to the idea of a keto diet
@Stop Deleting My Account High LDL cholesterol levels can clog the arteries.
@@dimitrijekrstic7567 u do know that keto isn’t actually completely proven, and still being researched right?
Who's Joe and who's Eddie, I can't tell anymore
@ pm ...Lol..Eddie has sleeve tats..
No wait..? That’s Joe..
@@ziapsp4167 joe does jiu jitsu? Oh wait
The thumbnail for the "God and Simulation Theory" clip is hysterical, because they look nearly identical with Brendan in the middle dividing them.
Well Joe doesn't have much of a neck were as Eddie does
@@kakashisensei2716 don't ruin it bro hahaha
430lbs down to 264lbs I can say being someone with celiac disease this has been the best diet. I have been on it for about 7 months before that I was on a low calorie diet. If you are motivated and have a very strong mind this diet works perfectly. Some days are hard like I have never craved cake and sweets before until this diet but man my sex drive is incredible now. My energy is unmatched. My image of my body is better than it was. I just all around feel amazing and can say it has bettered my life. It gave me my life back
Good for you man, how has it been since the initial 7 months? I have done a lot of research recently on this, including reading up on all the relevant medical journals, and most of them focus more on the fasting aspect of such diets, but the most respected ones are willing to admit there is no data on long term and they just have to guess. There is however a lot of medical evidence to support fasting. What is your opinion?
@@tHeBAdGeRp0kEr so I still continue my down to 220 which is a comfortable weight for me being 6'2 and somewhat muscular. The biggest thing I found was most important about following this diet is to take one week every 2 months and eat normal foods/ unhealthy foods. The carnivore diet will deplete your body of needed nutrients and vitamins. Supplements help but aren't a good long term solution. You will blot up and feel shitty on the week you cheat but it also makes it easier to go back on the diet. I still crave cakes and sugar deserts when I'm on the diet but it only gets easier. I worry with some people they might develop a eating disorder either over eating or under eating. I know I struggle and have to force myself to eat more than I want to. And when I do sometimes it causes me to feel like I'm out of shape or that I will become bigger again. So diet at your own risk it's not for everyone but it does work
@@BMF64 Thanks man for responding. Very interesting that eating until satiated can feel a problem. If I may enquire, how many times are you eating per day whilst on the diet? I have read that some people eat 3 times per day within a 12 hour period, so 12 hours off, others once per day so a 23+ hour period off. Many seem to mix it up. Also very interesting about nutrient depletion. What kind of nutrients do you find you are missing? I have heard people say about you have to eat the whole animal, which might be a major problem for a lot of people that don't like liver etc.
I have been more interested about this from a health perspective rather than a weight perspective, so what you are saying really intrigues me.
@@tHeBAdGeRp0kEr so meal wise I eat 1 time a day typically. When I was first starting I would eat 2 - 3 times a day. I learned a lot about the diet watching videos of others experience. One of the first videos I seen was a guy who recommended that when you start the diet to eat until you feel full and whatever kind of meat you can get your hands on basically anything from processed meats like hot dogs brats to unprocessed steak pork etc. As of the last 7 months I've stuck mostly to unprocessed meats typically steak, pork steaks eggs and bacon are my go to foods. If I'm out and about and feel hungry or something I will buy hotdogs if I can't find anything to eat. I'm very clean with this diet water and black coffee. My girlfriend does a similar diet but she will drink zero sugar energy drinks and, zero sugar pops. Not much difference weight loss wise. Since you're interested in the health aspect I do visit my doctor regularly she is not a fan of my diet being it lacks fruits and vegetables but things that would normally be a problem like cholesterol and kidney problems started off high since meat contains a lot of sodium but over time it actually lowered to the lowest I've ever had it. Not in a bad way either. My blood sugar levels are good as well. Energy is the tricky thing about the diet. So when you start it because of the lack of carbs you might feel lethargic and weak then about a week or two in your energy comes back. It will continue to grow over time until you peak normally for me it's about 2 months then you start going back to feeling weak again. Alot of the health things people talk about on RUclips like skin problems eczema, zits skin rashes do clean up I used to break out a lot and now my skin is smooth and healthy I noticed that within aonth of starting the diet. I do sweat more than normal.
@@tHeBAdGeRp0kEr oh and I forgot to say I started eating 2-3 times a day but over the time being on the diet I got less and less hungry till now I only eat 1 time a day I got to that point about 4 months in
I'm 5 days into it. My ADHD symptoms are almost all gone. I feel calmer and more clear headed than I did when I was on meds for it. I haven't felt tired mentally at work or home. I get a bit tired physically at the end of the day, I work in construction and I work out a bit. I can't believe I good I feel. Processed foods is not meant to be in our bodies!!
Neither is mear idiot. You are just exprriencing the eddects of not eating processed foods the mear is causing a whole new set of problems.
Follows a diet three dudes heard about from other dudes. Well done sir. What you are experiencing is called the placebo effect. Read a book my dude. Have you heard of the concrete diet? Man it’s the best give it a try
@@mattyp7582 placebo or not people are doing it and it works. So stfu and stop trying to pretend u are smarter than others! U have no idea what u are talking about
@@mattyp7582 hey man, if adhd symptoms and other problems start going away, i dont think anyone cares if its a placebo effect or not. what works for someone works for someone
It’s the processed foods. You’d be fine to eat veggies too and I bet you’d feel the same way. But whatever works. Whatever gets you feeling better and healthier is 100% the way to go.
Bravo looks even more insane now that he’s bald.
Hes full blown trumptard now too 😂
Dannooch lol so nobody should support trump right?
krys oh shut the fuck up
Dannooch You must be the loony left Eddie was talking about
krys from your comment I am assuming that your a trump supporter, and I can only say one thing to you... fuck yeah brother! Trumps improved the economy ten-fold!
I'm one week in on carnivore and I can't believe it but the weight is melting off. When I started I started Keto for about 25 days. Then I moved to OMAD carnivore and what a difference. I'm 69 years old and have high blood pressure and my legs bothered me so much that when I walked up stair I had to do one step at a time. Plus I had restless leg syndrome. All that is almost gone and so far I've lost 25 pounds. It's awesome!
I think long term it is bad, the health benefits you have are mainly coming from a process called autography, it’s when your bodies need certain nutrients so it burns your dying,dead, ineffective cells to convert them into what you need. Fasting for 18 hours or more also triggers this.
Overall I think you should be on high a high fat Keto diet after you feel satisfied. But this is my opinion and I’m not an expert
nice to read Bob Thomas. How is it now? Greetings from Germany
When's Brendan gonna shave his head.
Aiden Snacklad hahahaha that would be the funniest podcast
When he starts talking sense
thats where their power comes from.
getting that bald crew really going
I don’t know why everybody’s worried about cholesterol. Cholesterol doesn’t cause heart disease. The type of cholesterol that causes heart disease is small, dense particle LDL that is created by inflammation. Damaging cholesterol in your liver. Not processing it. What damage is it is cedar Wells grain products Excess of sugar, including starch and fructose, these are the things that damage your cholesterol and it’s that damage cholesterol that interacts with the damaged heart and artery tissue and cause plaque and heart disease. If you’re eating clean, healthy meats, and you’re not eating seals and grains and processed food chemicals that damage your cholesterol then you can double your cholesterol you can make it for 500 points and cure your heart disease. I did it. I always kept my cholesterol low and I had heart disease, I was on medication for more than a decade and had problems for more than 30 years eating exactly what my doctor told me to eat and they just kept giving me more meds and telling me to stick with it. I’m doing what I need to do and I kept getting sicker and fatter. I started a clean version of a keto diet starting at under 100 carbs, a day and quickly move that to less than 30 net carbs per day in grass, fed beef, pasture, raised chicken eggs and wild cat seafood as the staple of my diet accented with green cruciferous vegetables, leafy greens, squash, and small amounts of nuts and other vegetables without high sugar/carb content I stayed away from grains and processed foods and seed oils completely. In three months, my blood pressure dropped down to a normal level and I started weaning myself off of my medication‘s, and by about four or five months I had the blood pressure of a healthy 20-year-old with no medication and I’ve eaten that way for two years now, in July, according to my doctor, I have zero disease, I have a bulged disc and osteoarthritis in my knees and damage from having that problem for years. I’ve lost a ton of weight since then, and I have no signs of disease, two years ago I had severe heart disease incredibly high blood pressure and problems with my liver and thyroid. I got rid of all of it by eating correctly.
Carbohydrates are just sugar, people act like it’s a nutrient, or a macro, it is not it is simply the measurement of sugar in a food and starches and fructose are slightly better than monosaccharides or what would be a white table, sugar, or cane sugar, but they’re really not that much better and your body rejects all of it , that’s kind of what insulin does, you eat sugar, and it signals. Your body is shut down cell function until the dangerous past it stores the fat and purchase the sugar, and when your sugar is gone, then it backs off. The problem is the way we eat now over the last couple hundred years people keep telling us to pound carbs all day, long and snack and carbo load and we become insulin resistant or develop hyper insulinemia because we’re constantly triggering our insulin in our bodies. Just learn to ignore it Which damages cells and that along with inflammation is what damages your cholesterol and causes heart disease. The reason everybody’s so triggered about cholesterol is because the pharmaceutical industry trains, the medical industry they own medical education and medical associations and they tell everybody that statins are good because cholesterol is the devil tell me the truth is they make billions and billions and billions of dollars every year prescribing statins and 95% of the people on statins don’t need them. They’re literally lying to us for money. I don’t know about 80 to 95% of the people who start eating the way I do when prescribed by the Doctor Who know what they’re doing start eating correctly their disease get cured and they don’t need medication to treat the symptoms, and when you run a comprehensive blood panel, I’m on the optimal side of everything now except for my cholesterol is up quite a bit, but I argued with my doctor and said, why would I take statins if I’ve cured my heart disease and asked him to show me any studies that showed the high cholesterol or the LDL cholesterol Ashley caused heart disease because there aren’t any come of the studies show that small, dense particle or damaged? LDL is what causes heart disease because the small dense particles are small enough to interact with the tissues and cause calcification or heart disease. The rest of your LDL and all of your HDL is healthy at statins. Have horrible side effects.
A clean version of a keto diet is pretty much the way we’re supposed to eat, carnivore is fine but vegetables do offer enhancements as long as you’re not allergic to them, but they have to be eating in moderation, because vegetables are full of sugars and toxins and carcinogens and other chemicals that are body can only tolerate in certain amounts. The idea that a vegetable -based diet is superior is complete nonsense, vegetables, eaten in moderation and healthy kind prepared correctly is healthy for you, eating a bunch of corn and potatoes and greens and sugary. Fruit isn’t much better than eating donuts and big Macs all day. Some people argue that but I spent over 25:00 learning to read clinical data and reading the data myself and finding doctors who actually cure their patients instead of just treating the symptoms like the other 98% of the doctors in the world do. Sorry they’re just wrong they were trained wrong and I don’t think it’s an accident I think big Pharma does it that way because if they started telling people to eat like I do, you would eliminate the need for 90% of the doctors and 95% of the pharmaceutical industry and they would all lose their jobs so they’re not about to tell people the truth because they’re in the business of making money not healing people
There is something extra satisfying and relieving about diarrhea sometimes. Especially when you feel like your gut is gone afterwards. Cleaned out.
Been listening to JRE since day one back in the Ustream days and I've been a Vegetarian since 2006. I have no problem with people who eat meat and I still love Joe's podcast. We're not all haters.
Not_Knowing well said buddy, need more people like you
Same haha. Have been vegetarian since I was 13, vegan and free range eggs at home, and have 0 issues with him.
As a vegan I watch for the guests. Joe is an idiot in a lot of areas but I don't hate him for it. Wish he'd really try being vegan though.
@B Jayme fuck off 😁
@@joolzvega7298 wow a triggered vegan (yawn)
Brendan: "diets are bad for you"
Joe: "my diet gave me diarrhoea"
Brendan: "just eating diarrhoea is the best".
Too far.
Joe, you probably wont believe this but I lost 16 lbs in 3 weeks on meat only. I'm listening to your show every week, cant wait til the next show with a new perspective on this.
Eddie: “I’m like 190 (pounds) right now
Joe: “Jesus...”
Average (fat) american “I wish I was 190...”
Jeff M eddies like 5’5
Im 140 5’8
@@sunnysidesavage474 hes 5'8 he gained an inch with his back surgery
Ricky Lopez Quintero lol i‘m 5,9 and 190 and I‘m not even fat
*Carnivore diet is amazing!* My diet is: grass fed steaks, sockeye salmon, berries, milk, kefir, egg yolks, salts. I occasionally have a red capsicum or sweet potato as long as carbs are under 20g. All my bloods are better. Depression gone. 100lbs weight loss. Bloating and constipation gone. Skin, hair and nails improved. Mental clarity, stamina, and sleep all improved drastically. Teeth and gums improved a lot!
The diet works short term cause you aren’t eating processed garbage but all that saturated fat will catch up my best advice would always till the end of time be go vegan no animals have to get hurt and you’ll feel better cause plants are better digested, as well as acne, mine entirely cleared up cause I didn’t have another animals hormones throwing mine through a loop and haven’t had a pimple in forever
@@tyeades975 Nope. You are completely false.
@@zippo_muk9254 could you elaborate on how I’m wrong, I’m vegan and never thought I would be until I saw evidence that’s it’s the healthiest diet
@@tyeades975 cause we all saw the evidence, we all are the evidence the carnivore diet is the best, the healtiest diet of all. Plant based diets are only marketing, sorry. Goji or kale are nothing to egg yolk or beef liver. Really sorry for you man
@@cinqueqwerty lol meat only has nutrients because it’s supplemented where do think b12 comes from, rich soil that we’ve tapped for nutrients over time to the point we have to supplement everything including all of the needlessly eaten meat, most other countries don’t even use meat as a primary source of protein they occasionally eat it especially in parts of Asia
Almost 120 days on carnivore now and no doubt the first three weeks were rough but it has been an unbelievable experience since then. So many benefits (including almost 70lbs weight loss) and only negative I've seen is missing out on some social occasions and making an ass of myself after drinking too much.
You can drink on carnivore?
@@Hijazi2 I try not to get too dogmatic about it. I figure a glass of wine every 70lbs or so is tolerable. Keto people can drink a glass of wine here and there, and stay in ketosis, and that is the really the main point of the dietary changes for me during this first phase where I'm trying to get rid of the excess fat on my body. Eventually I'll probably add things like mushrooms and garlic and a few other veggies here and there, and even allow myself to have a treat occasionally but know it can never be a regular thing again if I want to stay healthy and keep my weight down.
not to mention the negative long term effects
I love being privvy to the conversation of manly men. It's hilarious and endearing. I love the way they communicate. There's such straightforwardness and comradery.
Women don’t talk like this…and I’m not complaining! I don’t want my friends to tell me how fat I look…that’s what my husbands for!
Funny how the guy mentioned quitting carnivore at 13 days. About a year ago, I tried it twice. Once I went 14 days and gave up, the next time I made exactly 13 days and gave up. I just got too tired of eating just the meat.
About 4 months ago, I tried it again and I went 34 days and lost 12 pounds before cheating. That time, I got used to eating only meat and now am not bored with it any more. The key is to push past the first two weeks. Once I was able to do that, I have no problem staying on the diet. I started another carnivore diet on January 2th, and now I am 19 days in and plan on going at least 60 days.
@Stop Deleting My Account I'm over two years now and 32 pounds lighter.
@@ClassicJukeboxBand great news! thanks for the update..shows how bad sugar is laced into almost everything - we have to resort to meat products to escape it's ugly wrath.
@@erichaynes7502 Certainly, good to hear.
I’m curious, what was your weight, if you don’t mind me asking, when you started each of your iterations? I’m really curious about starting this but I want to get a physical and my blood tested before starting as well as get a good multivitamin/supplement solution. Thanks for sharing your experience.
It’s nice to see that Joe Bravo copied Eddie Rogan’s hairstyle
okay I'll just start off by saying I'm vegan, and while obviously my values align with a plant based diet, I'm not here to judge the way anybody chooses to eat. I will say however how fascinating it is to me to see how much people rave about these carnivorous diets. Personally, my plant based diet has made me feel the best I've ever felt physically. It just goes to show how wacky nutrition is. Whatever you choose to believe, you have to admit that so many different people eat such different diets and claim how amazing they feel. It's just interesting to realize just how different everyone's body is and how difficult it is to navigate the world of health and nutrition.
Thelondonbadger I look malnourished? How could you possibly tell that. I pay a great deal of attention to my health but thanks for the input
Thelondonbadger dark circles around my eyes are a combination of genetics and stress, not nutrition related
@Thelondonbadger maybe if you hadn't absolutely roasted my physical appearance I might consider letting you know
Very good point here 👌 Try what's good for YOU! And it's so wholesome to here this from one from the other side of the "food spectrum". I'm neither vegan nor carnivore but I just can't get my head around how crazy people can get over food choices. It's like a religion almost
Eliminating seed oils is key
Is Eddie Bravo wearing a Joe Rogan costume??
I read this as Johnny Bravo
I laughed so freaking hard reading this!
Honest question: How many Jordan Peterson fans are here in the comment section?
Jordan Peterson is an amazing human being. I recently went vegan over a year ago and he makes me wanna try carnivore. I recently had eggs and cheese though. The meat my issue is the energy involved in it if I ever eat meat again I think it would have to be meat from hunting not farming. So the animal doesn't release the chemicals involved with fear anxiety depression and all that when they are raised and killed in farms ass I feel that energy is what we eat and is the energy we receive. Einstein said energy cant be created or destroyed only changed from one form to another. So that makes me shakey about it recently. And fish the pollution in the ocean and radioactive waste. Idk
Right with you, brother.
Full disclosure: I am not a fan. And I find his work and activism to be subpar for the average academic, let alone a prominent public "intellectual." But nobody can deny his influence on a significant segment of the (largely North American, white male) population. I firmly believe, however, that it's important to try to understand those with differing opinions. I appreciate the responses thus far.
I think he is articulate but that’s just from years of talking, he is just the opposite side of the same coin. Heavily indoctrinated into the system he is here to appeal to a certain group to maintain the status quo. Servitude and obedience...
3:30 I'm not vegan, but it's worth noting that a large portion of Hindus are vegetarian in practice they just don't usually get counted in the statistics. Even though it's only a portion of that religion it's still enough people to change the percentage of vegetarians in the world by a significant amount.
That's why they are so spiritual, because they are always on the brink of death fucking up their health like that. A hindu guru said an only fruit diet would heal my ulcerative colitis. I almost died. Fuck that.
‘I like diarrhea’ -Brenden Shaub 2020
Bill Rivera hahahahaha
2023 & I'm finally trying a carnivore diet. WAS VEGAN 7 YEARS! Destroyed my hormonal health & made me anemic. Already feeling AMAZING on carnivore. Diarrhea was very mild...not a biggie, which was surprising. Was literally exhausted for 5 days coming off carbs but now I'm doing great.
Lol 😆 please tell me you were vegan for a crazy hot vagina?
how's it working for you now???
humans only started farming to start brewing beer to get drunk.
Lol that’s a narrow point of view of our ancestors. I think the alcohol is just a side effect of farming bud. “Why do you farm sir?” Farmer joe: I like to party!
Mead was probably discovered on accident
Or really to get a steady supply of cannabis
@@billdotrieve5982 you dumb dumb
Joe “carnivore diet cause everyone saw my HgH gut and now I’m on a diet” Rogan
0 0 lmao true
I did carnivore for 2 weeks, no drugs and lost 13 pounds in a week.
If he had an hgh gut losing weight wouldn't make it go away
Tell yeah that’s mostly water weight from your glycogen stores being depleted from not eating carbs. Same thing happens on the ketogenic diet or when fasting. If you “carb up” you’ll gain a lot of that back
@@YvesDarbouze what did you weight before and what were you eating?
Carnivore Diet: Keto without vegetables
There's some people how do vegan keto, not me for sure ...
@@mefisth8678 vegan keto!? That is called the suicide diet I presume...
The goal of carnivore is to eliminate vegetables in your diet. The goal of keto is to put your body in ketosis. Both diets will induce gluconeogenesis which is what the 99% need.
@@clauschristoffero Eliminating vegetables from your diet is like eliminating bathing from your lifestyle. Winners eat vegetables.
@@InvestBetter. if you say so, personally I don't think you can draw any parallels from personal hygiene to diet 😀.
But you are still not correct in your initial assessment, there are differences between the two. One is a elimination-diet and the other was invented as a treatment of certain medical conditions (whether or not the recorded effects are actually caused by the ketones is a different story, they might be, but I don't know). Both diets can be used as a tool to reach your ideal bodyweight since they induce gluconeogenesis, as written in previous post, but the premise is different.
I’ve been doing the Carnivore diet for 60 days and I have a spike of energy. Already lost a lot of weight
Do you still do carnivore?
Eddies mental health is drasticlly underrated. Even when hes a flat earther
It's great to see Roe Jogan back on the podcast.
Carnivore healed me. Me and thousands of others.God bless JPB for getting the idea out.
Julie Wuerslin what did you have? i have fibro and have been considering carnivore
Stefanie Marie I highly recommend giving it a 30 day try. Amber O’Hearn has excellent resources. I have (had) several serious conditions and eating carnivore is the only thing that truly helps.
Julie Wuerslin okay thank you so much, i’ll definitely look into the name that you gave me! i’m glad that you found something that helps you!
Thank god that diarrhea goes away after your body gets used to it. I've been rocking Carnivore for about 10 months now. At 46 I'm healthier than I was all through my 30's and I never really had that bad of a diet (or so I thought).
How long did the diarrhea last?
I have heard the Diarrhea thing can be completely avoided by not drinking fluids within 30 minutes of eating the meat.
I feel like eddie practices his laugh, it’s perfect every time🤣
I am a dental hygienist. That thing about receding gums miraculously coming back is suspect. He likely had less inflammation in his gums by eating less carbohydrates which bacteria thrive on, but the bone loss/recession from gum disease does not grow back to their original levels.
Child's level of theory. Dig into vitamins and minerals being adequately supplied. Maybe there's something there
@@warbyothermeans6732 Vitamin C is incredibly important for gum health. A lot of sailors suffer from scurvy due to a lack of fruits and vegetables out at sea.
Joe ‘You know the shape of your face’ Rogan
"I had an olive"
I'm fucking dying
I like how they have to say sorry when they interrupt joe on accident
HAHAH he hates getting interrupted
a lot of people try too many new things at once when trying ways to get healthier and give the credit to the wrong thing.
I don’t want to argue about your diets, people, but I think just adding better, non-processed, home grown food is doing the most for your health.
Whatever makes you healthier is best for you. Everyone is different. No need to fight about it.
That actually makes sense..
I personally think that common denominator with all these diets is no sugar..
@@gussi123 I definitely agree with you! At the very least, their diets switch from highly processed sugars to natural sugars processed by the body and not chemicals in a plant(facility)
Joe "Wine is a liquid so it's okay" Rogan
I don’t think that’s how is works Joe😂 and just when I think Joe may be somewhat intelligent…he says drinking doesn’t count! 🤣🤣🤣
Probably what giving him the runs.
The wine is a no no. It's pure sugar, it kind of defeats the purpose of the diet.
But BTW, Okra stops the bile acid diarrhea that happens when starting the diet. Okra isn't "carnivore", but I just eat it in moderation and treat it as a supplement just to bind the bile acid. Pickled okra is my okra of choice..
@Tiger Tamer the okra is only temporary for the transition phase. And it's only a small percentage of people that need it. Only those with bile acid malabsorption which causes bile acid diarrhea. Usually those who were previously on a high plant based diet have the problem, I grew up on a farm and was mostly whole food plant based and it wrecked my gut, giving me Crohn's disease and leading to my gallbladder having to be removed also, probably from all of the oxalates.
I've since put my Crohn's in remission with carnivore and have done carnivore diet upwards of two years straight in the past with zero vegetables and felt better than ever. Meat has everything you need, it even has small amounts of vitamin c. That without competing with carbs, is enough to sustain you. actually eating a small amount of vegetables with the meat long term is where problems arise because the carbs will keep you from absorbing enough. That's why keto fails
@Tiger Tamer as with primative man, they would of only ate fruits and vegetables seasonally, which would of been an extremely limited resource, and only making them keto for limited times during a year. Being 95% meat based the rest of the year.
I’m vegan but I’m still here listening and watching
Robert Zenni good
want an elk meat cookie?
Robert Zenni I was just talking to my “brother” about this. He and I have a few. Not very many, but a few insanely different beliefs on things which all cane from our individual life experiences! To say.... Definitively... That I’m right and you’re wrong, or vice versa... Seems so un-openminded to me! I’m an avid hunter and have lost “friends” in my life who I didn’t even know were vegan! So... Just wanted to say... That’s cool of you to look past a “thing” and view it all as a whole!
TONY D India has one of the lowest life expectancies, go figure :)
@TONY D 97 definitely cant be correct. It would mean that only 3 percent dont eat it because of moral or financial reasons.
Over 3.5 billion people depend on rice everyday and make up a majority of their daily calories count with that. These people cant just afford a piece of meat for the whole family.
There are so many different kinds of meats you can eat. It would take a lot longer to get bored if you mixed in seafood, poultry, etc. and not just steak twice a day with some occasional bacon.
Veganism is like 20% diet and 80% religion. About 7 or 8 years ago I went vegan for well over a year. I though I was doing great things for my health but I felt like complete shit. I went keto about 2 years ago and had a huge improvement in my health. Not just weight loss but lowered blood pressure, reduced blood sugar levels and being able to fall asleep withing 10 minutes of going to bed. Only needing 6 to 7 hours of sleep a night and waking up feeling completely rested is amazing. I just started trying carnivore about a week ago and so far I'm feeling good and hoping to give it at least 2 months to see how it works for me.
@@oskar3828 No science points to veganism. You can't survive on it without artificial supplements.
Weird I had diarreah when I was eating alot of grains/veggies. Now that I started consuming more animal products it's been better.
@S M your brain needs the fat. As contrary as that sounds.
@S M I'm not sure your body processes oil in that manner. Unless it's an oil it cannot process. And no, many of people do not get enough animal fat, which is what I should clarified, in a "standard" diet. Animal fats have often been deemed as bad fats and suggested they be removed from consumption.
@S M It will be. There's very "substance" to vegetables. They are actually mostly water. But it also take a couple weeks for a body to adapt to a new diet as well.
I did 30 days hardcore carnivore. Best I’ve ever felt. Lost 20 pounds. Improved my sleep too! Definitely got boring and expensive. The junk food cravings got so baddddd
Heck yeah.....totally right on the money, Joe. I have been on KETO for 3 1/2 years and lost 77 pounds. The best thing about the diet is the consistent energy levels. I will never go back to eating all those carbs and sugars.
True. Fascinating how we live our entire lives not knowing that there could be another way (keto/stable blood sugar levels)
The banter between these three in between the actual commentary is what’s funniest
The "door knob" was funny as shit... yep, went there. Best podcast ever for general awareness of every-damn-thing, very beneficial for a huge mass of people, love it. Thanks bud, much appreciated.
13 seconds Joe. You lasted 13 seconds before you mentioned elk.
He's was talking about a carnivore diet, what did you expect?
They should talk about Paleo Medicina and Dr. Zsofia Clemens from Hungary on how they are curing people from diseases like cancer with the carnivore diet. They call it the Paleo Ketogenic Diet. That would be an interesting podcast.
He’s doing “Super Elk Me”
Trying the carnivore diet, I suffered from terrible nightmares, now I sleep safe and sound (no dreams at all) and when I wake up I’m not tired or groggy. I’m FULLY AWAKE and beyond well rested. Maybe I wasn’t getting enough protein in my diet?
I've actually identified as liberal most of my life. But when Dr. Peterson expressed his opinion on the Sports Illustrated cover, and I saw the level of vitriol directed towards him, i clearly understood why do many have become disillusioned with the left.
The need to bully and shout down anyone who expresses an opinion you don't agree with is very disturbing.
Also, I agree with him that there should be a standard of excellence maintained for achievements and to suggest that a woman who is 70 pounds overweight should appear on the cover of Sports Illustrated for no other reason that "inclusiveness" is absurd.
You may say she's beautiful and that's fine. It's subjective to a degree. But she clearly doesn't qualify to be on the cover of that magazine based on decades of precedent.
Just when you thought Edjie couldn't get any crazier, he shaves his head xD
Steve eddio
I realize that this is two years old, but I started the carnivore diet a month ago and I never got the diarrhea.
Lost a lot of weight and feel better than I have in 30 years.
4 days in and all ok atm, 18 fasting but can I get through the weekend
Any updates?
I’ve been carnivore for 8 months. Best digestion ever. I don’t eat Burger King though. Just grass fed beef, wild caught fish, grass fed lamb, egg yolks, and some cheese. I’d love to only eat cheese from raw unpasteurized milk but here in Colorado it’s not available except for some very expensive Manchego cheeses.
Hi there, getting into Carnivore myself. Day 7 so far. I have a question, why do you only eat the egg yolks and not the white? Looking for all the info I can get! Thanks in advance!
@@Cajonization Whites don't have much nutrition in them first of all. It's all in the yolk. But also, the yolks are much easier to digest. I'll eat about 8 yolks at a time. That's 8 yolks worth of nutrition. That's a ton of nutrition. If you ate 8 full eggs to get the same amount of nutrition and also ate the egg whites the volume of food would be so much more for no reason really. You'd just get really full and would not feel great if you ate 8 full eggs vs just 8 egg yolks.
0:27 Brendan Schaub "yeah he's looking tight... boy's thicc" 😂😂🤦♂️
Ah, my god! I love these dudes. So awesome, always brightens my day up hearing em!
I just started the carnivore diet, havent cheated yet its been 4 days but man, i miss everything, i want to dive deep in carbs and even salads. but I will not lie I feel amazing, no bloating or tiredness
Bro please stop and instead try eating a vegan diet your acne will clear you’ll feel better cause plants are easily digested and no animals would have to get hurt to do it there’s no risk just take my advice if you ever do and eat a banana a day for b12 which is in peanuts that I eat everyday anyways and avocado for omega 3 everyday outside of that there’s no nutrients to worry about
@@tyeades975 yes it’s sad that animals die but it’s apart of nature mate, I feel for the animals too and I’d feel bad killing one with my bare hands but at the end of the day we are meat eaters and it is very unnatural for us to just eat green with no meat or fish. I see where you are coming from with the empathy for the animal but it’s just the way life goes
@@asvp770 respectfully that’s not true in any form we have the same digestive system as a herbivore it even an omnivore let alone a carnivore diet where you only eat meat is insanely taxing on your health
@@tyeades975 where is the proof on that? All vegans go vegan to be "healthy" and then they say they do it for the animals so they can feel better than everyone else
@@nikolakojic504 tell me how a plant based diet is unhealthy and I can refute any point but your bottom jaw moves side to side instead of just up and down and that’s because our teeth are made for grinding nuts and seeds also we produce our own cholesterol so we wouldn’t need meat to get it either way even if eating meat was just as healthy as a variety of plants which it isn’t there’s still no need to support the murder and rape of a species as well as most of our crops go to feeding the animals instead of us so in every way shape and form eating meat is counter productive not just for the animals but us too, I just want everyone to eat plants and leave each other alone lol
Starting carnivore in 3 days. I weigh 290 now. Bloodwork finished. Exciting time!
Good luck bud
Don’t forget to eat liver
A word of advice from someone who is 6 months in. Eat organ meats, grass fed products are best, bacon with no added nitrates, pasture raised eggs, raw milk and raw butter are the best sources of fat if you can get your hands on them. Good luck!
@@kvee6840 Braunschweiger counts, right!🙂😉
@@BearBig70 Yes it does! Healthy stuff.
I didn't not know why you can't do the carnivore diet and throw one bowl of greens in there. It's not going to hurt you but could benefit you to in the long run.
Why do modern diets resemble team sports? .... the meat team vs the veggies team.
I imagine he's doing it as a trial, and an elimination diet. If he's smart he'll introduce 1 type of food back at a time, 1 per week.
I have a sibling who is vegan and the stuff they cook is so unhealthy. Tons of oils and carbs to make up for all the animal protein and animal fats lost in that kinda diet. Its insane that anyone thinks its a healthier lifestyle than eating good sourced farmed animals or even better, animals that were hunted legally and ethically.
you can’t eat carbs with fat. that’s why eating elk sausage with pasta tires you. eating plain pasta doesn’t make you tired
3rd week of carnivore was hell for me, and 4th was simply death walking. Probably not enough organ meat. May not have been eating enough total calories. Planning better would have probably led to more positive results. This was coming off 4 months of strict keto, and going back to keto brought me back to normal quickly.
Gotta eat some liver
Electrolytes! Salt, fat. I had the same issue 3 rd week I felt like I was out of energy and you lose a lot of water as there are no carbs. So salt and electrolytes, even pickle juice can help 🥩🥓🥚
I would also suggest eating liver, and I would add that you should eat fatty red meat. Also, don't be afraid to absolutely gorge yourself.
Organ meats
Grass fed/finished
Pasture raised
100%. Raw is great too if you can tolerate it.
K Vee the whole idea of cooking is being able to absorb more nutrients from the food - and also to kill bacteria, disease, parasites, etc. Eating raw meat seems, hm... 'counterproductive' if I'm being polite about it. Why would you want to do that?
@Cameron Rose There's not a difference between the nutrition value of an animal who eats its natural diet vs an animal who is fed estrogenic soy and pumped with antibiotics and hormones? Have you seen a healthy grass fed cow? Have you seen an unhealthy grain fed factory cow? There's is absolutely a huge difference between the two. Idk why you would even bother commenting on something you clearly know nothing about.
@@thewhat531 Because when you cook meat you destroy nutrients. It's common sense. Bacteria is beneficial, and healthy animals don't make you sick.
@@thewhat531 Certain nutrients are more bioavailable raw, macronutrient density is higher when cooked. So cooking was the usual method of eating for the most part.
Been on carnivore 2 months now. No diarrhoea and feeling amazing. Not planning on coming off any time soon
What do you eat?
@@gvido2923 meat, fish, eggs and cheese.
@@theoutlier9053 thanks
glucogenesis occurs when you only eat meat. I like to drink lemon water with every huge protein meal and i sip it throughout the day, and days im fasting. It assists in breaking down meats with extra boosts of acid, and gives you glucose all day so your body has steady energy and can fully utilize the protein.
Dry fasted for 2 days, and 13 days on Carnivore, I'm 21 lbs down, it works so far, I'm never hungry.
I got back on steak n eggs , @joerogan I did it a few months and got scared when I lost 20lbs in a month , last year , now I've researched alot more of it and I'm back in it, not so much for weight loss but how good I felt when on it, my body was always full of energy , n my body started to tone without even going to gym min. Exercise, I will say out of all the diets I've had this is my favorite how I've felt ever so I'm back on it just a couple days already feel great , I'm rarely hungry now I'm practically shoving my second meal down because I've lost most of my appetite, n on my cheat day I don't go crazy just enough to recover lost glycogen.
Vince gironda proved that u could be a healthy body builder n do it on 0 carbs even tho every body builder tells u that u need carbs , if Vince pulled it off I'm sure anyone can too. I don't want to be a body builder just continue feeling how I feel now wake up so full of energy I want to run .
Must take fiber pills or bathroom is no joke and a few multi vitamins
6:26 love Eddie's "there you go" look 😂
i did this for a year and lost 50 lbs. Shoveling meat down my gullet at all hours of the day. You basically can't keep the weight on with this diet.
Nik Wow! For one year straight? That’s crazy. Did you find it easy or was it boring after some time? I am really impressed.
@@kaetehaete4199 The only time it was difficult was the first week, after that it's very easy. All cravings vanish and I had more energy than I've ever had. I felt amazing...best I have ever felt. I want to start again, just hard having a carb loving spouse lol. I never got bored of it because I didn't even think about food like I used to (I was a huge food addict), i only ate because I needed to. I will forever recommend it to everyone.
@@kaetehaete4199 Oh, I also had full bloodwork done and everything was 100% normal after a year of nothing but meat.
"Vegans are really loud." 🤣🤣🤣 TRUTH!
My vegan daughter loves your podcast Joe. She just moved to Austin. 😍
4:58 Brendan touching himself to the thought of Joe's giant pastrami.
I must be a lucky guy. Two weeks ago I went from "normal" diet to full carnivore diet (lion). The second day i felt absolutely crushed and like shit, it was better the third day but diarrhea started. now the lucky part, diarrhea was gone the next day completely and I my body already transitioned into keto. Since this day I feel awesome, training going great, no mid day tiredness, awesome mood. Best decision ever!
Should've tapered your shit diet down to 1 meal a day, then fast for 2 days, then start carnivore on the high fat side as the body metabolizes fat the best.
If you’re a picky eater this diet is amazing. 20 kg down in 2 months.
It’s not healthy is the issue
@@tyeades975 I suppose you think the food pyramid is? Healthy is relative. You can be a healthy vegan & you can be a healthy carnivore. You just can't be both and be healthy and that's what the food pyramid is.
@@adrian_sanchez consuming only meat is a ton of saturated fat and your digestive system is that of a herbivore not a meat eater we are just able to cook it to get out bacteria otherwise you’d likely get sick more
@@tyeades975 two things....saturated fats aren't inherently bad for you. You need it for your cells, it's a precursor to hormones, increased calcium absorption. It's good for your gut bacteria. A diet with high fat induces more bile, makes your stomach more acidic which kills any bad bacteria you consume. All these processes go out the window when you consume high amounts of carbs....on a different note, I understand where you are coming from. What you are referring to is conventional health. Yes, if you eat high amounts saturated fats with your bread, you will get sick, heart disease, diabetes, etc. It's the sugar as the common denominator in any diet that cause sickness.
@@adrian_sanchez ok but how are humans omnivorous we have the same intestines as that of a herbivore not a meat eater yet we still eat meat as studies show the life expectancy is considerably shorter for those who consume meat especially regularly
You won’t stop it Joe. I did the month to at first, 8 months in now, can’t stop. Carnivore it’s part of me now... try the Sous Vide method of cooking your meat. It’s just so easy!!!!! Get your meat, season it, vacuum seal each piece. Then just turn on sous vide throw in a frozen meat inside, wait one hour and sear it on an electric grill for 5 minutes when it’s done!! Perfect steak every time, minimal effort.
04:58. If only a guy looked at me like he is looking at Joe 😂
I'm on my 5th day. Back in 25 for my update, so far I love it.
I started off at 195lb.
How is your Libido and Diarrhea?
@@Psycho-Thinker My Libido is actually pretty good but I flopped out after 3 weeks in, very expensive if you want to eat quality meats. The Diarrhea wasn't a problem for me, I had a bit but nothing to talk about.
I know several people that went carnivore, I'm myself experimenting this last weeks after being vegetarian for quarter of century at least ... and vegetarian keto for up to 4 years, but zero problems with GI. Actually I more likely had constipation problem before that now is gone and I'm actually perfect regarding this. But ... maybe difference is Joe started from regular food to carnivore while I and several I know on meat have been already keto adapted. Good to know somebody can get at start of carnivore also GI problems.
The best diet for losing weight is the one you can stick to.
Whether it's healthy or not is a different discussion.
"Im 190 right now."
Bruh wth
Cutting out processed sugar was one of the best decisions in my life
Vegan here. I still watch, but the clear meat bias does get annoying. I appreciate the variety of guests and points of view on here tho. Over time my views have differed more from joe's than they used to, but that's fine. One of my fav podcasts tho was when James Wilks obliterated Chris Kresser on the game changers debate.
Yeah, the meat bias is insane... sad to see people promoting totally unsustainable diets.
You lost mostly waterweight because of the carb deficiency......that's not healthy or something.
Also the heavy diarrea should already show you that our body shouldn't do this. I study biology and our digestive tract isn't like omnivores or carnivores. It's mostly like other apes who eat 95% plant based and 5% animal products.
Also Jordan Peterson is a psychologist he knows nothing about diët. And it didn't cure him? He still takes all his medicines and didn't get rid of anything.
Lastly the "clear" mind is a cortisol survival mode freakout of the brain. You barely get carbs in which your brain needs. It will try to develop it's own carbs from protein and your bodies own muscles but that isn't enough so it goes in a panic mode which makes you "clear". It's the same as not sleeping well for 1 night, you can suddenly feel more clear for a few hours due to cortisol rush.
I'm pro evidence and it dissapoints me Joe is getting more and more biased because he's sponsored by the meat and dairy industry.
People don't get fat from carbs. People get fat from to much calories -_-
I'm glad someone else realizes the first 7 lbs he's talking about were just from water weight. No carbs for a week, and his body is outta glycogen, and therefore sheds that extra water.
"He still takes all his medicines and didn't get rid of anything."
He got rid of foods other than meat.
@@ExplosiveFetus which didnt help him at all.
Kas J Thankyou for this. Seems more clear.
@@Biolo-G_KJ it did help a lot, whatch his videos
lmfao, joe would only eat the meat of a whopper burger. Not knowing that it has added carbs and sugars in it XD
yeah....and he also said he did that when he couldn't get to his 'real food'
I’m not on either side of the debate, but joe is very contradicting in being passionate on climate change but being against veganism so much.
Lol. The diarrhea and the constipation will eventually figure themselves out, your body takes time to adapt. Diarrhea is basically excess bile and bile is good. It helps you digest your fat and is necessary for getting your fat, soluble vitamins, but it takes time for your body to balance out. When you’re eating completely carnivore, you’re basically eliminating fibers, which is most of what poop is. Eventually almost everybody ends up with small amounts of softer than normal poop because meat is almost completely digested it turns completely to liquid in your stomach acid and your body absorbs pretty much all of the nutrients, and it makes very little waste. Most of your waste is actually the normal bacteria that dies and is excreted in the stool. Usually people starting keto, demineralize and dehydrate and end up. Constipated for a while, you just gotta kind of play with it and figure out what your body needs and it will adapt eventually. Adding some vegetables will help just eat clean vegetables like cruciferous vegetables, leafy greens and squash and that will add some flavor, and it’s good as long as it’s not full of sugar and as long as you’re getting clean organic versions and eating them in moderation