This nurse walked out a bit too quickly for my liking. It only proved that she lacked any kind of empathy for the patient. The nurse came across as flippant and probably should have a different career.
@@claraedwards2139 when you work in a hospital or an emergency room, the amount of drunk belligerant people they have to deal with is insane. it gets to a point where you just will not tolerate the disrespect. let alone, her injury is not an emergency. the fact they were willing to treat her at all for that is very nice. theres omething that are not ment for the ER but more so maybe urgent care or a walk in clinic.
@@claraedwards2139 You saw the end of a prolonged ordeal. They had already attempted to treat this woman multiple times before they called the cops. ER personnel has more patience than most medical professionals. You can only waste so much time with non-compliant patients.
At about 4:56 she said, “You want me to go outside and pull snarls out of my hair, what kind of a heart do you have? Do you care about homeless people? Have you ever been? Or are you a rich boy?” So I think you’re spot on. I think her addiction caused to lose her job and home and she’s bitter and acts like she still has authority as a nurse when she’s in the hospital because it’s the only shred of dignity she thinks she has left. I’m a recovering addict and was in treatment with 2 nurses. One was into pills, the other was an alcoholic. From what they shared, their union does a lot to get them help and get them back on their feet so they can go to work again. This lady must’ve just been too far gone. I’m certainly not judging her, I’m just saying that’s my supposition on her situation. Edit: But as long as she’s alive, she can still get help and turn it around. She just has to be willing some day.
@@bRabbitHabitcongratulations on your recovery. One day at a time. And thank you for pointing out nurses and other medical personnel can get a lot of help. We need all the nurses we have-they are short staffed everywhere. But we need them clean and sober
Not exactly. I was trespassed from a hospital a few months ago because I went into my mothers hospital room (with the police) to ask her for my house keys that she stole during an episode. She was in the hospital for jumping out of a second story building and locking me out on purpose for no reason. The police allowed me to go into the hospital but the argument between me and my mother at the time caused the HOSPITAL to trespass me because I argued with her nurse. So you never know the situation
@@Shantellilace You're not helping yourself. That is completely on you, you should have acted like an adult, got the keys and left without engaging in an agrument.
@@valerieveltri7185 As someone who is often in the ED due to chronic issues that flare, people like this really anger me and I (and lots of other people) are made to pay for their nonsense with delayed care.
A hair salon wouldn't handle her either. Some stylists will detangle, sure, but if there's anything going on with her scalp like open wounds/blood even from an undetectable spot, they won't and it's actually illegal for them to do so because it's outside of their scope of practice. A Cosmetologist could lose their license over it, if they serviced her anyways. She should shave it, period. She can't maintain it and it's clearly causing health and hygiene complications. I sympathize with whatever she's got going on, so I'm not saying it in a nasty and/or mean way. It's just that's my honest take on it.
Having worked in a hospital (though not as a nurse), there sometimes comes a point where patients cross the line. There are always “difficult” patients who are more work than others, but can’t help it at all. Anyone on staff who’ll last more than a few weeks can handle this without complaining about the patients themselves. There are the “difficult” patients who are difficult because their conditions cause or contribute to behaviors that make them a challenge (such as dementia), but ultimately they’ll get the care they need, also. Then there are the “difficult” patients who are difficult because they’re simply terrible people. Not every bad attitude, snarky remark, or abrasive personality is a result of a mental or medical condition, and not everyone who’s a pain would be less of a pain if offered mental health services. Some people, like this woman here, are simply awful people. I highly suspect she was awful before her addiction began, and that may have even contributed to her addiction (the “I do whatever makes me happy right now” attitude), and it isn’t likely to change. The officer here is personally aware of her and her antics. The hospital has likely treated her numerous times. It sounds like she went in for “treatment” fishing for substances, copped an attitude when they refused, and police got involved shortly after.
She might have been a nurse at one time in her past, but she definitely isn’t one at the time of this incident. With 4 OWI’s and her insane behavior, she will never be a nurse again. Thank GOD!
My now ex had two and had no issues becoming an RN. He’s on cocaine and other drugs (reason for our breakup) and is still an RN working at Cleveland clinic’s neuro ICU. They’d have to be charged with a felony to get their license revoked.
asserting entitlement as if a nurse gets a cleaner room than anyone else just because she's a nurse, is the same as being an asshole, obviously something of such a vague spectrum of just assertiveness won't exactly mean being an asshole.
Being assertive is basically the willingness to outright state what you want out of a situation and to be able to negotiate or walk away, without being rude or condescending. A confident and assertive person that wants something done differently than you do won't be in your face about it, they'll just be like "fine, I'll negotiate with somebody else".
@@pupsie.s i don't think it was alcohol but could be, i was thinking a combo of mental illness and drugs. could be drug induced psychosis. scary stuff. i feel bad for her living conditions but there's no excuse to treat people, especially nurses that go through enough as it is, so horribly. i think the cops kinda knew she wasn't in her right mind too so hopefully they placed her where she needs to be and maybe offered some help/resources once she sobered up.
@@abum4595 how did you establish that they wanted to get their quota up? What is "their quota", and how did you establish that there is any such thing?
I worked in a ER years ago, night shift. One of my regular questions was "and what about tonight made this an emergency?" Ppl would come in at 3am on a Tuesday and say they have a bad shoulder that has bothered them for years. I would be like "...and?" 😂😂😂
For someone who says the hospital rooms are filthy, she seems to forget what kind of drug resistant bacteria lurk on a hospital floor when she forces them to put her on the ground.
I used to go to the hospital for a hair cut. It was a military hospital and there was a barber shop in the basement. The ER was only good for partial chest hair waxing.
Every addict does the exact same things… Passive aggressively comes up with excuses to delay leaving, avoids obeying any commands, etc. Then complains about the force used/handcuffs, etc. Then gets aggressive with the cops and ends up arrested. Then whines about getting arrested. Then refuses to get into the car. Then mouths off for the rest of the time.
As a nurse myself, if she’s a nurse, why TF would she EVER walk around barefoot in a hospital? I would eat dog food before I walked around barefoot in a hospital!
I've known two nurses that went off the rails. One was mentally ill & the other an addict. Nursing is a stressful occupation & not all are cut out for it.
I was looking through the comments for some more compassionate ones and its depressing how hard they are to find. This woman is clearly soaked in alcohol. I wouldn't be surprised if this was a slow suicide by drink. She has issues, she needs help. I can't help but think about the little girl she once was running around in the playground, and then the ambitious woman studying to be a nurse to help people... who knows how she ended up this way?
I know one who’s a functioning alcoholic. She even OD’d at home and required 2 doses of narcan from paramedics to be revived. She drank half a handle of vodka and took some pain pills. She had the emt’s take her to a different hospital so her work wouldn’t find out.
Yeah. I’m chronically I’ll so I’ve seen problematic medical staff a few times. But the majority of nurses are really nice. I’m going to school to become a CNA soon. :)
One of my sister friends, had a complete nervous breakdown - after 30 years of nursing. It was HEARTBREAKING AND HORRIFIC. Some of the stories she told me, actually took my breath away. She had severe PTSD - From being in the COVID ward.
I refuse to believe that. Frankly the first video is exploitative and cruel someone who is clearly in some sort of psychiatric crisis. Prison isn’t the right place for treatment. E.R. Is really clueless about psychiatric patients, but I can guarantee you police are even more clueless.
The USA can't even handle basic healthcare for a paper cut without breaking out in dollar signs. I can just imagine the insanity of attempting to bring state hospitals - with their incredibly stellar track record of abuse - in to play.
That's something Republicans shut down and will never lobby to open again, it goes against everything that encompasses their mission statement, the votes, the historical record is there in black and white, started in a big way with Reagan in the 80's, facts
@katyelder.5 Overuse of all drugs is bad. :) If you take weed or other mind altering drugs which include sedating meds, anti depressants which can drastically change your perception of everything... Any drug that can change your perception, including natural drugs, overuse is bad and can damage how your brain functions. Other drug overuse like sugar or caffeine can impact multiple organs, and cause heart problems, and increase anxiety or other psych issues. Sugar can cause insane weight gain and increase your likelihood of multiple diseases. Overusing painkillers shuts down multiple organs, can cause issues in your brain, and more. So yes, drugs can be good and helpful, but overusing including taking weed (lots of people have gotten in trouble for taking weed and driving now) and then driving, is horrible and bad. Overusing is bad. Period.
The cops were so nice in the first clip. Whoever trains them deserves an award, she was crazy but their level of calm kept it from getting chaotic. Well Done!!!!
I disagree. They needed to administer a little good old fashioned discipline! It's time we held these entitled children accountable for their horrendous behavior!
For the first few mins, I kinda wished they were sterner with her, but i think at some point that main officer realised she was mentally ill (maybe schizophrenic?) and his handling of her softened a bit, and I felt glad he hadn't been rougher with her... she was irritating the hell out of me.
There is people with real life treating emergency waiting in the ER while this woman just wasting time and also She's a nurse ? And she can't treat her own fingers??
Officer - "All you had to do was leave. I told you to leave 4 times and you came back at me." Chick - "You scared me! You scared me!!" Soooo... you're super scared of the police, but got closer to them instead of going further away. Logical. 😂
When I was caring for my father who was in his nineties, I spent some time in ER's. They've increased security in those places. You now have to go past a security guard and through locked doors to go from the waiting room to the cubicles where people are being examined.
My brother was having a heart attack and I told the ER that. They had us wait in the waiting area to fill out paperwork. Caused his heart quite a bit of damage unfortunately. He was 34 at the time (got a heart attack 3 days after the covid vaccine shot) and im guessing because of his age they didn't believe us.
@@Ahw1231I’m so sorry that happened to your brother. I have a sneaking suspicion that a lot of suppressed information and statistics are going to be revealed in the coming year…
@@nerd1949 security guards are there to stop people who aren’t patients, the crazy ppl still get taken in for medical care. It’s illegal for a hospital to turn away patients.
Long, long, long, long time ago she was a nurse.... Then something happened. She is definitely mentally ill. I knew a male nurse who worked in psychiatry for years. He was the gold medal of the ward. Everyone loved him and he almost always found access to the patients. Until he had an accident and suffered serious head injuries. He was a completely different person: malicious, devious, only lied and constantly tried to play other people off against each other. It was terrible. He then often had to go to the closed ward because he posed a danger to himself and others.
Another one! I AM SO SICK OF THE ‘SHE NEEDS MENTAL HELP’ EXCUSE ON EVERY VIDEO!! She doesn’t need mental help you buffoon! SHE…..NEEDS…..TO…..QUIT…..DRINKING!!!
Behaving like this!!! The amount of disrespect the healthcare providers get is sickening!! If we are abused in anyway we shouldn't have to deal with them... except 90% of the time nothing happens! We have to take it. Being slapped, harrassed, disrespected... and nothing gets done!
@emiliewentworth1011 where I live that's a felony fr. You can't hit Healthcare workers; but I had a nurse one time tell me his patient bit him? Twice? And he told her there wouldn't be a third or he'd knock her dentures straight out her mouth 😂😂😂😂 (and I don't blame him the smallest amount either)
On part 2 they asked the guard if she hit him with something and he says “no”! Then the other nurse says “he not confrontational”! HOW DO THEY HAVE A GUARD THAT WONT “CONFRONT” SOMEONE????? Isn’t that his ahhhhh job?
Not only that, but scared people don’t generally rush up on the thing they are scared of, yelling and screaming. If she actually was scared, it probably would have saved her from jail, because she would have run away.
I like how the first woman talks about how she thinks the standards of the hospital are low, but it's purely her projecting because we can see she has no standards for herself and the way she treats people or conducts herself. She is pathetic, and she knows it, but she drinks a bunch of alcohol treats other people like shit to cope with it.
All those cops had to do was help her with her hair. I mean, a nice little braid or maybe a couple of cute little ponytails would've been good. But NOOOO, they were too good to help a sister out.
Part 1: Respect is earned, not handed out wholesale upon immediate demand: two-way street. She's another person who refuses to LISTEN...that's beyond any addiction, IMO (though I'm betting it contributes). Part 2: "Stop-uhhh! Let me go-uhhhh!" 🙄 Her saying she doesn't understand, reminds me of a quote: "I can explain it for you, but I cannot understand it for you" (Edward Koch).
Non sterile environment & she s brushing her messy hair all over the place ! She s a nurse & she came there to brush her hair , with a sore thumb & refused treatment.
Some of the most sadistic and horrible people I've ever met are nurses. Many nurses are angels, but others are truly evil. There's a reason the "mean-girl-to-nurse pipeline" is a thing
@@hawkeye7527 EMTALA requires a medical assessment by a high level provider such as an NP, Nurse Practitioner or Dr. If they determine emergency treatment is required, they order it or perform it. If no emergency, the requirement is over.
EMTALA does require medical assistance in any circumstances "regardless of insurance coverage or ability to pay" don't think belligerent behavior and refusing said care is part of that.
What's with the new meth pronunciation of words emphasizing the end or last syllable of the word?? Very weird. Heard it many times on these body cams, and it's always crack heads or meth-heads.
Also runs at cop yelling, then when arrested "well you were scaring me". Because of course its very logical to run at and threaten people that scare you.
I suspect that the woman had to be delusional to think that anything would be done with her hair, unless there was an injury to the scalp, or parasites in the hair. By that time of course, she had almost no ability to reason. Looks like she's been homeless for some time.
I don't think the ER is the place for her hair to get untangled... That type of place is called a salon!!! Just saying!!! 😂 There's no way I would treat this woman either!!!! I've worked in the ER as a nursing intern... Those months enlightened me to the fact that the ER is no place that I ever wanted to work on purpose!!! I finished that internship and went straight to labor and delivery!!!
I’m sure for cleaning staff in a hospital, that doesn’t even make a list of gross things cleaned that day. They probably thought thank goodness, it’s just her hair
This video truly provides a valuable lesson about professional ethics and responsibility at work. As a nurse, the primary responsibility is to care for and protect the health of patients. Through this story, we clearly see the severe consequences of failing to adhere to the fundamental principles of the profession. It's a powerful reminder for all of us, not just in healthcare but in any job, that professionalism and ethics must always come first.
@@dingo1666I met the grey nurse at the Queen Elizabeth hospital in Adelaide south Australia when I was 22 yrs old....a known ghost there, big lady with the old nurses cap and all....I was sneaking out at around 2 am for a cigarette and she was around the corner from me,I seen her in the lge round mirror they have on the ceilings to avoid collision on blind corners,thought I was done for but when I turned the corner there was nothing there and no where for her to go......I didn't realise she was a ghost until the night guard said oh you met the grey nurse.......she's been seen many times and I actually feel honoured that I got to meet her.
lmao i went back to see what fell too. it looked like a small bin probably stuck to the wall with adhesive. its oddly convenient that it happened to fall at that very moment
I'm 34 years sober from alcohol which is over half of my life. So it is very possible to seek help and quit drinking forever. If you really WANT to. Which I did, because I was a blackout drunk by age 31, and no one in my family or my friends didn't want to hang out with anymore. Period. 🙄 And it was the best gift I ever gave myself. And everyone else in my life. 💕
The Drug and Mental Health Crisis in this Country has gotten way out of hand. Police Officers and First Responders do everything they can to get them off the streets and unfortunately they're thrown right back out there to do it again. Repeat offenders need to be held accountable for their actions, and kept off the streets to keep communities safe.
Oh look, yet another person who is free to leave and told a thousand times they’re free to leave, they need to leave, or they’ll be arrested, and they choose to be arrested, how do people have this much time on their hands? I got shit to do, shit that is very far away from jail lol
I guarantee the nurses I work with would look, realize there’s no injury and tell her to leave. Then we’d laugh about it. You have to have a sense of humor working in medicine or you’d go crazy like her.
@@lolitahaze02Lots of nurses were traumatized during COVID. If she is an award winning nurse that means she was busting her ass and seeing more death daily than she normally did. That's an easy way to pick up a habit and spiral out of control. People's lives can spiral fast and making assumptions about her life before now is wrong.
She wanted her thumb treated and nurses to untangle her hair? All while being rude to the nurses. I was a paramedic and a respiratory therapist and I’ve seen so much rudeness. One patient I had was a frequent flyer and I walked in to get her started on her nebulizer and she told me I needed to wait until the nurse in the room find her hairbrush. She would also say she had to be on 5 lpm of oxygen but didn’t need it to go outside to smoke. She even said one day that she couldn’t go home that day even though she was only on her home meds there. Why couldn’t she leave? Because there was a fair going on near her house? Come on now. I’ve been admitted many times myself but I’m not rude like some of these people who are rude to everyone.
She’s walking around barefoot but complaining about a non sterile room.. I’m confused
And brushing her hair over the bed, balling the hair and dropping it on the floor! 😝
She's very high, I doubt she's even a nurse 😢
Well she did say "I'm a different type of nurse.".😂
xD ...
I can't make it make sense either...
"I'm a different kind of nurse" ... Yes ma'am, we can agree on that point😂
...yup, the one that takes drugs rather than issues then....
Fully 😂
and after her behavior, she probably lost her license-and should.
probably not the "good" kind of different.
Unfortunately this is a lot more common than you know. I've worked with many nurses with a conditional license because of drugs.
Good for that nurse for walking out. Not wasting 35 minutes listening to this person rant on and on.
This nurse walked out a bit too quickly for my liking. It only proved that she lacked any kind of empathy for the patient. The nurse came across as flippant and probably should have a different career.
@@claraedwards2139 are you a nurse?
@@claraedwards2139 when you work in a hospital or an emergency room, the amount of drunk belligerant people they have to deal with is insane. it gets to a point where you just will not tolerate the disrespect. let alone, her injury is not an emergency. the fact they were willing to treat her at all for that is very nice. theres omething that are not ment for the ER but more so maybe urgent care or a walk in clinic.
@@claraedwards2139 You only saw a small part of the entire situation on video.
@@claraedwards2139 You saw the end of a prolonged ordeal. They had already attempted to treat this woman multiple times before they called the cops. ER personnel has more patience than most medical professionals. You can only waste so much time with non-compliant patients.
She complains about the cleanliness of the room, but pulls her hair out and drops it all over the bed. How gross.
She also has no shoes on 😂
While she is barefoot. In a hospital room. Is she TRYING to catch a disease?
@@thorild69germaphobe much? Let me guess, you think restaurant workers should wear gloves?
Hair is so nasty...
yeah, that was real rich.
“i’m a different kind of nurse”
I guarantee the first woman, the "nurse," had her nursing license revoked for drugs/alcohol abuse.
At about 4:56 she said, “You want me to go outside and pull snarls out of my hair, what kind of a heart do you have? Do you care about homeless people? Have you ever been? Or are you a rich boy?”
So I think you’re spot on. I think her addiction caused to lose her job and home and she’s bitter and acts like she still has authority as a nurse when she’s in the hospital because it’s the only shred of dignity she thinks she has left.
I’m a recovering addict and was in treatment with 2 nurses. One was into pills, the other was an alcoholic. From what they shared, their union does a lot to get them help and get them back on their feet so they can go to work again. This lady must’ve just been too far gone. I’m certainly not judging her, I’m just saying that’s my supposition on her situation.
Edit: But as long as she’s alive, she can still get help and turn it around. She just has to be willing some day.
I wonder if she ever was a nurse?
@@bRabbitHabitcongratulations on your recovery. One day at a time. And thank you for pointing out nurses and other medical personnel can get a lot of help. We need all the nurses we have-they are short staffed everywhere. But we need them clean and sober
I doubt she was an RN. I’ve heard people in these things claiming they’re a nurse because they’re a carer etc.
Menth and mental illness. Hand in hand.
Glad that Nurse wasn’t going to tolerate the disrespect from her and walked out.
Well, it's impossible to treat someone without their cooperation.
You know you’re messed up when you get banned from a hospital 🤦♀️
its the grammar police ... 😱
Not exactly. I was trespassed from a hospital a few months ago because I went into my mothers hospital room (with the police) to ask her for my house keys that she stole during an episode. She was in the hospital for jumping out of a second story building and locking me out on purpose for no reason. The police allowed me to go into the hospital but the argument between me and my mother at the time caused the HOSPITAL to trespass me because I argued with her nurse. So you never know the situation
@@sunnystormy4973 spreading knowledge to 5th grade dropouts......
@@Shantellilace You're not helping yourself. That is completely on you, you should have acted like an adult, got the keys and left without engaging in an agrument.
The hospital isn't a hair salon. What a waste of time and resources.
For real... Ma'am I'm sorry but your hair's dead, no ER can bring those cells back to life.
Can y’all just get along, woods?
Talk to anyone that works in emergency services it's callously abused and the taxpayers pay for it
@@valerieveltri7185 As someone who is often in the ED due to chronic issues that flare, people like this really anger me and I (and lots of other people) are made to pay for their nonsense with delayed care.
A hair salon wouldn't handle her either. Some stylists will detangle, sure, but if there's anything going on with her scalp like open wounds/blood even from an undetectable spot, they won't and it's actually illegal for them to do so because it's outside of their scope of practice. A Cosmetologist could lose their license over it, if they serviced her anyways.
She should shave it, period. She can't maintain it and it's clearly causing health and hygiene complications. I sympathize with whatever she's got going on, so I'm not saying it in a nasty and/or mean way. It's just that's my honest take on it.
"I prefer to not touch you"
Dude i have *never* vibed with a cop more than right there
NO FR like honestly respect
As someone who was a hair stylist for 22+ yrs, I know I always tell my clients to go to the emergency room for their tangles
@@C.L.190 😂
Good advice
I love that first nurse trying to treat that wacko-“I’m not doing this” Kudos, nurse👏🏻👏🏻
Having worked in a hospital (though not as a nurse), there sometimes comes a point where patients cross the line. There are always “difficult” patients who are more work than others, but can’t help it at all. Anyone on staff who’ll last more than a few weeks can handle this without complaining about the patients themselves. There are the “difficult” patients who are difficult because their conditions cause or contribute to behaviors that make them a challenge (such as dementia), but ultimately they’ll get the care they need, also. Then there are the “difficult” patients who are difficult because they’re simply terrible people. Not every bad attitude, snarky remark, or abrasive personality is a result of a mental or medical condition, and not everyone who’s a pain would be less of a pain if offered mental health services. Some people, like this woman here, are simply awful people. I highly suspect she was awful before her addiction began, and that may have even contributed to her addiction (the “I do whatever makes me happy right now” attitude), and it isn’t likely to change. The officer here is personally aware of her and her antics. The hospital has likely treated her numerous times. It sounds like she went in for “treatment” fishing for substances, copped an attitude when they refused, and police got involved shortly after.
As a fellow nurse, I totally respect it. That woman was deliberately testing boundaries and she found out how far she could go
A homeless nurse with a record? She's stellar.
Most like a very temporary N/A nursing asistant who iether quit or got fired.
She said 4 OWIs. It's a tough job that breaks a lot of people.
Bet hee top rank in nursing was CNA.
Prolly works at Mobile Infirmary. Par for course there.
@@3totoonewhat's CNA?
She might have been a nurse at one time in her past, but she definitely isn’t one at the time of this incident. With 4 OWI’s and her insane behavior, she will never be a nurse again. Thank GOD!
Jail time
My now ex had two and had no issues becoming an RN. He’s on cocaine and other drugs (reason for our breakup) and is still an RN working at Cleveland clinic’s neuro ICU. They’d have to be charged with a felony to get their license revoked.
always a fun time ...
Assertiveness is not the same as being an asshole.
Sometimes assertiveness is an excuse for being an asshole.
@vals_loeder There can be a lot of overlap.
asserting entitlement as if a nurse gets a cleaner room than anyone else just because she's a nurse, is the same as being an asshole, obviously something of such a vague spectrum of just assertiveness won't exactly mean being an asshole.
Being assertive is basically the willingness to outright state what you want out of a situation and to be able to negotiate or walk away, without being rude or condescending. A confident and assertive person that wants something done differently than you do won't be in your face about it, they'll just be like "fine, I'll negotiate with somebody else".
" but no snakes🙄🌚 " IM WEAKKKKK GIRL WHAT DRUG ARE YOU ON😂😂😂😂😂😂
thats what i was wondering 😹😹 what kind of alcohol makes someone ask about snakes in a police car 😹
she's probably super meth'd up
Mental illness is clearly associated here. Behavior like this isn't always explained by drugs, despite what some would like to believe
@@pupsie.s i don't think it was alcohol but could be, i was thinking a combo of mental illness and drugs. could be drug induced psychosis. scary stuff. i feel bad for her living conditions but there's no excuse to treat people, especially nurses that go through enough as it is, so horribly. i think the cops kinda knew she wasn't in her right mind too so hopefully they placed her where she needs to be and maybe offered some help/resources once she sobered up.
100% meth psychosis
Never ask a cop “what are you gonna do?” It won’t end well for you.
If you're lucky, they'll tell you.
If you're not, they'll show you.
The Cop already has a plan. Do criminals have a plan?
2nd one was thinskinned cops wanted to get their quota up
@@abum4595 how did you establish that they wanted to get their quota up? What is "their quota", and how did you establish that there is any such thing?
that's probably the first person in human history to require a police car with no snakes in it
I would too. And I would also request no lobsters, no bears and specially no sharks. And of course, I would be fine with possums.
It’s a requirement all of us have but few of us speak.
xD ...
@@k_a_bizzle You've killed me.
Between drunks and the mentally ill… police and emergency departments deserve the public’s admiration.
Totally agree. There is no salary that could convince me to do those jobs.
Definitely deserve to get paid more than tiktokers
We need better mental health services.
@@lamunecamuerta8328 and NFL players
This is a drug addict.
The E in ER doesn't stand for everything 🤣
she wanted someone to detangle, wash, and blow out her hair loll
Someone really should invent the "everything room" 😆
Or entitled
I worked in a ER years ago, night shift. One of my regular questions was "and what about tonight made this an emergency?"
Ppl would come in at 3am on a Tuesday and say they have a bad shoulder that has bothered them for years. I would be like "...and?" 😂😂😂
“I can’t go out like this, there are cameras”. Oh my dear, you have no idea! 😂
If reading comments wont cure her, nothing will...
@@Beezwax_67 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
The nursing board is going to love this gal!
She is no longer a nurse. No nurse brushes her rat’s nest over the stretcher.
She probably lost her license a long time ago!
@lauraelisee maybe...a lot of people are on meds now days...yeah...might be though..
There's zero proof she's actually a nurse, people lie everyday all the time,don't be so naive😂😂😂
@@bethewalt7385 maybe so...mabey not.... just don't know eh?
She's like a little kid when you try and put them to bed. "I wanna wash my hands!" "Im thirsty!" "Im hungry!" 😂
Spot on! 😂
Yip! lol 😂
I have a snake in my hair!
kids love doing chores if you ask them to do them at bedtime
THIS is the kind of nurse that steals pain meds from her patients!
This is the kind of nurse that shouldn't see the inside of a hospital except as a patient. A mental hospital for preference.
No doubt
You'd be shocked if you knew how many of them do it too.
I've seen hundreds over the years in my job.
That’s probably got her fired from her job as a nurse (if she was indeed one).
My husband’s ex used to do that
For someone who says the hospital rooms are filthy, she seems to forget what kind of drug resistant bacteria lurk on a hospital floor when she forces them to put her on the ground.
"you keep treating me like I'm two, I'm forty-five!"
Officer: "I've yet to see it."
That gave me a good chuckle
She aged terribly. She looks like she's in her late 50's or 60's.
I'll be 70 in a couple of months and I look better than that!!
Definitely aged her massively
I presume alcohol
Im 64 I look way younger , alcohol is so destructive
When my hair looks like crap, that's the first place I go also, is the local ER, and expect the nurses to be good hairdressers. 🙄😬🤪
I used to go to the hospital for a hair cut. It was a military hospital and there was a barber shop in the basement.
The ER was only good for partial chest hair waxing.
🤣🤣🤣! The military hospitals do a phenomenal cut for men, gets a bit chilly on top in the winter for us gals 🤣🤣🤣
Even though they never have my products…you know, the $100 ones.
This is almost every day in every ER in any major city
NEVER EVER fall for the “smell it” trick, you’ll always regret it
How many times did it take for you to learn that lesson?
Wait what did she do?!
Yeah you're gonna end up with a bloody or broken bloody nose!
Every addict does the exact same things… Passive aggressively comes up with excuses to delay leaving, avoids obeying any commands, etc. Then complains about the force used/handcuffs, etc. Then gets aggressive with the cops and ends up arrested. Then whines about getting arrested. Then refuses to get into the car. Then mouths off for the rest of the time.
At least this first one was creative in claiming that she had a snake or a worm tangled up in her hair.
It’s strange
When Oppositional defiance disorder doesn't get treated during childhood
The mentally ill do the same thing, delay. Sometimes think it’s because they have nowhere else to go.
Tbf, that sounds like most suspects taken in and put on RUclips.
As a nurse myself, if she’s a nurse, why TF would she EVER walk around barefoot in a hospital? I would eat dog food before I walked around barefoot in a hospital!
"This is gross! Im different" ..while walking around barefoot, ok.
A different kind of nurse.
lol yes you are lady…
All the while looking like she just crawled out from the bridge she lives under…
Looks like her hair hasn't seen a comb in years. Yuk.
I've known two nurses that went off the rails. One was mentally ill & the other an addict. Nursing is a stressful occupation & not all are cut out for it.
Fellow RN here… You’re right, stressful job and not everyone cut out to be a nurse
I was looking through the comments for some more compassionate ones and its depressing how hard they are to find. This woman is clearly soaked in alcohol. I wouldn't be surprised if this was a slow suicide by drink. She has issues, she needs help. I can't help but think about the little girl she once was running around in the playground, and then the ambitious woman studying to be a nurse to help people... who knows how she ended up this way?
I know one who’s a functioning alcoholic. She even OD’d at home and required 2 doses of narcan from paramedics to be revived. She drank half a handle of vodka and took some pain pills. She had the emt’s take her to a different hospital so her work wouldn’t find out.
Yeah. I’m chronically I’ll so I’ve seen problematic medical staff a few times. But the majority of nurses are really nice. I’m going to school to become a CNA soon. :)
One of my sister friends, had a complete nervous breakdown - after 30 years of nursing. It was HEARTBREAKING AND HORRIFIC. Some of the stories she told me, actually took my breath away. She had severe PTSD - From being in the COVID ward.
Some people are beyond help. This is a perfect example of that!
I refuse to believe that. Frankly the first video is exploitative and cruel someone who is clearly in some sort of psychiatric crisis. Prison isn’t the right place for treatment. E.R. Is really clueless about psychiatric patients, but I can guarantee you police are even more clueless.
Bring back state hospitals.
How do we guarantee adequate funding for staff and upkeep during administration changes/squabbles?
The USA can't even handle basic healthcare for a paper cut without breaking out in dollar signs. I can just imagine the insanity of attempting to bring state hospitals - with their incredibly stellar track record of abuse - in to play.
That's something Republicans shut down and will never lobby to open again, it goes against everything that encompasses their mission statement, the votes, the historical record is there in black and white, started in a big way with Reagan in the 80's, facts
Im from Illinois
State Cook county hospital was a Nightmare
@@ingridfong-daley5899 All the people in government losing their salaries this year. Just flip it there.
Remember kids: drugs make you ugly on the inside and the outside
Not All drugs are bad. Drug Abuse is not recommended
all illegal drugs are bad
Overuse of all drugs is bad. :) If you take weed or other mind altering drugs which include sedating meds, anti depressants which can drastically change your perception of everything... Any drug that can change your perception, including natural drugs, overuse is bad and can damage how your brain functions. Other drug overuse like sugar or caffeine can impact multiple organs, and cause heart problems, and increase anxiety or other psych issues. Sugar can cause insane weight gain and increase your likelihood of multiple diseases. Overusing painkillers shuts down multiple organs, can cause issues in your brain, and more.
So yes, drugs can be good and helpful, but overusing including taking weed (lots of people have gotten in trouble for taking weed and driving now) and then driving, is horrible and bad. Overusing is bad. Period.
And that includes alcohol
"Ohw my gaawd-uuuhh"
"Get OOooOOooOOOff of meeee-YUUUUH!!!!"
The automatic "Translate to English" link is especially amusing on this comment 😆
@beavinator HA!!
The cops were so nice in the first clip. Whoever trains them deserves an award, she was crazy but their level of calm kept it from getting chaotic. Well Done!!!!
I disagree. They needed to administer a little good old fashioned discipline! It's time we held these entitled children accountable for their horrendous behavior!
I agree, and with the Minnesota or Wisconsin accent added a nice touch.
For the first few mins, I kinda wished they were sterner with her, but i think at some point that main officer realised she was mentally ill (maybe schizophrenic?) and his handling of her softened a bit, and I felt glad he hadn't been rougher with her... she was irritating the hell out of me.
There is people with real life treating emergency waiting in the ER while this woman just wasting time and also
She's a nurse ? And she can't treat her own fingers??
Maybe she was once. She’s homeless, so presumably not anymore. Could just be a lie though.
I highly doubt she was ever a nurse.
Triage will prevent her being first over any life threats
There are, not, there is, grammar please grammar and syntax
“I’m a different type of nurse…” complaining about the cleanliness of the room while looking like Einstein did her hair😂
Officer - "All you had to do was leave. I told you to leave 4 times and you came back at me."
Chick - "You scared me! You scared me!!"
Soooo... you're super scared of the police, but got closer to them instead of going further away. Logical. 😂
That was my 1st thought. 🤪😂
"I'm gonna tie your feet to your hands" I literally love this cop 🤣
I agree that's 1 of the best responses a cop could give to someone behaving that way
Good ole Southern Hog tyin...necessary at times.
The cop was so chill and calm it put me at ease 🥰
Edit: 4:23 “I am NOT going to jail” for some reason got me in stitches 🤣🤣
The 2nd one...."stop-uh , no-uh , me-uh, so sick of grown people talking like this-uh !
Same here
It’s whiny 😫
It's infantile. I knew when I heard the -UH/EEYUH suffix getting tacked onto the end of every sentence that a tantrum was incoming.
Lol I read that exactly how you wrote it and omg she really did sound like that too! 😂😂😂
I know. Drives me crazy.
Also, remember when you're waiting at the ER... they're dealing with ppl like this... try to be patient & kind to your nurses.
When I was caring for my father who was in his nineties, I spent some time in ER's. They've increased security in those places. You now have to go past a security guard and through locked doors to go from the waiting room to the cubicles where people are being examined.
My brother was having a heart attack and I told the ER that. They had us wait in the waiting area to fill out paperwork. Caused his heart quite a bit of damage unfortunately.
He was 34 at the time (got a heart attack 3 days after the covid vaccine shot) and im guessing because of his age they didn't believe us.
@@Ahw1231I’m so sorry that happened to your brother. I have a sneaking suspicion that a lot of suppressed information and statistics are going to be revealed in the coming year…
@@Ahw1231 - Well, it *_IS_* very unusual for a 34 year old to have a heart attack.
@@nerd1949 security guards are there to stop people who aren’t patients, the crazy ppl still get taken in for medical care. It’s illegal for a hospital to turn away patients.
They are going to need to open more state hospitals, this is getting out of control
Just bring back prohibition. Please, that’s the common thread in pretty much all of these videos.
Long, long, long, long time ago she was a nurse....
Then something happened. She is definitely mentally ill. I knew a male nurse who worked in psychiatry for years. He was the gold medal of the ward. Everyone loved him and he almost always found access to the patients. Until he had an accident and suffered serious head injuries. He was a completely different person: malicious, devious, only lied and constantly tried to play other people off against each other. It was terrible. He then often had to go to the closed ward because he posed a danger to himself and others.
She doesn’t need mental help you buffoon!
That's so awful, I'm sorry that happened to him/all of you
Yikes! 😳
No excuses.
If her illness disturbs people she needs to be sent in a facility.
Head injuries do that. Had a cousin who kept insisting nonexistant situations were fact after his severe head trauma from mva. 😢
That's crazy how do you get banned from the hospital
for me first time to something like that
Belligerence, drug seeking behaviour.
Behaving like this!!! The amount of disrespect the healthcare providers get is sickening!! If we are abused in anyway we shouldn't have to deal with them... except 90% of the time nothing happens! We have to take it. Being slapped, harrassed, disrespected... and nothing gets done!
@@BorderlineEnlightenment crazy as 90% of the time a doctor is who set them on the path to addiction in the first place
@emiliewentworth1011 where I live that's a felony fr. You can't hit Healthcare workers; but I had a nurse one time tell me his patient bit him? Twice? And he told her there wouldn't be a third or he'd knock her dentures straight out her mouth 😂😂😂😂 (and I don't blame him the smallest amount either)
On part 2 they asked the guard if she hit him with something and he says “no”! Then the other nurse says “he not confrontational”! HOW DO THEY HAVE A GUARD THAT WONT “CONFRONT” SOMEONE????? Isn’t that his ahhhhh job?
Not if he wants to collect later n they do.
*Isn’t that his job ahhhhh? 😊
#2 Oh no! Illegal use of vowels! “Stop-ah!” “No-ah!”
I hear this on many videos, so annoying. Is this the "valley girls" accent of the 2020's?
That is becoming one of my pet peeves I never knew I had before-ah.
She's one of those. Super annoying.
Reminds me of a math teacher I had. Everytime a student would say "No-ah!" he would come back with "Noah? Wasn't that the guy with the boat?"
First woman thinks she’s at a hotel or something, asking for a better room.
I mean it should be clean
10:47 if she was scared, she would leave the first time, she was told 4 times to go away!
Not only that, but scared people don’t generally rush up on the thing they are scared of, yelling and screaming. If she actually was scared, it probably would have saved her from jail, because she would have run away.
Oh Nurse Methela, you bring dishonor to the profession!
Meth, It's a hell of a thing.
Where's the proof she was really ever a nurse? I highly doubt she was ever a licensed nurse, at best she may have been a CNA many decades ago
😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 “ nurse Methela” too funny 😁 😂😂😂😂
@@bethewalt7385 I pray she isnt a nurse 😂
9:05 Smart of her to check for snakes. You can never be too careful.
She kicks his car. He says, "I'll add another charge!" So what? The judge and prosecutor will drop that one like all the others.
"I'm a different type of nurse." she says. . . Welp! Can't say I don't agree w/ her on THAT point!
I like how the first woman talks about how she thinks the standards of the hospital are low, but it's purely her projecting because we can see she has no standards for herself and the way she treats people or conducts herself. She is pathetic, and she knows it, but she drinks a bunch of alcohol treats other people like shit to cope with it.
'Murica, hell yeah!
All those cops had to do was help her with her hair. I mean, a nice little braid or maybe a couple of cute little ponytails would've been good. But NOOOO, they were too good to help a sister out.
Speaking of projecting, she threw in that one random "I'm not a pdf file."
Hun, that aint just alcohol there....
@@virginiabrady3536 Hun is condescending
Part 1: Respect is earned, not handed out wholesale upon immediate demand: two-way street. She's another person who refuses to LISTEN...that's beyond any addiction, IMO (though I'm betting it contributes).
Part 2: "Stop-uhhh! Let me go-uhhhh!" 🙄 Her saying she doesn't understand, reminds me of a quote: "I can explain it for you, but I cannot understand it for you" (Edward Koch).
Non sterile environment & she s brushing her messy hair all over the place ! She s a nurse & she came there to brush her hair , with a sore thumb & refused treatment.
And bare feet
Comment is the exact thing an AI narrator would say during the video 😂
@llGo0Bll Maybe , butHow is it supposed to be called then ?
“I’m a different type of nurse.” Yes, indeed you are!
CIT officers are awesome.....they help us in the pysch hospitals sooo much!!! Thank you 🎉❤🎉
What a nerve ! she brushes her mop over the bed and leaves a pile of hair on it and then complains about the cleanliness of the room?
To be fair, she's on drugs and entirely irrational about everything else, too.
That grosses me out. Yuk.
Probably has lice too
I heard “she’ll go to the pet shelter” and thought it was the woman going until i read the subtitles 😂
Same here....
And I didn't question it. Seemed like a sound decision .to me.
I can't believe I have to share the planet with 45 year olds as childish as this.
Nurse doesn't automatically mean good person.
Some of the most sadistic and horrible people I've ever met are nurses. Many nurses are angels, but others are truly evil. There's a reason the "mean-girl-to-nurse pipeline" is a thing
Saying youre a nurse also doesn't make you a nurse. Don't believe everything you hear from homeless people online
Absolutely, a lot go in that cupboard....
The hair care service in the ER these days has been really going down hill.
Yep, the nurse who refused to " smell her hair" was rude. 🤣....
Just kidding!
@@Jovigirl64😂😂😂😂😂 I almost gagged at the thought.
@@suek7086 , I couldn't believe she said that but you know.....drunks are disgusting! 🥴
“I’m gonna tie your feet to your hands” is such a cold threat by an officer 😂
Many people say “the emergency room has to treat you”. Many people need to see this video.
Well, context is important. According to EMTALA, the ER does have to treat everyone. However, lines can be crossed as this video shows.
@ that is true. Forgot about EMTALA 👍🏼
EMTALA ensures that everyone gets a medical screening for threats to life or limb.
@@hawkeye7527 EMTALA requires a medical assessment by a high level provider such as an NP, Nurse Practitioner or Dr. If they determine emergency treatment is required, they order it or perform it. If no emergency, the requirement is over.
EMTALA does require medical assistance in any circumstances "regardless of insurance coverage or ability to pay" don't think belligerent behavior and refusing said care is part of that.
"What ya gonna do?"
* gets handcuffed *
What's with the new meth pronunciation of words emphasizing the end or last syllable of the word?? Very weird. Heard it many times on these body cams, and it's always crack heads or meth-heads.
Also runs at cop yelling, then when arrested "well you were scaring me". Because of course its very logical to run at and threaten people that scare you.
Stooop-uuh. You have to add the uhhh at the end on almost every arrest 😆
Oh that made me laugh too when I heard her say it. They had her in cuffs before I finished my answer.
Is this video pertaining to the "lawsuit" against Midwest safety channel?
From who?
Did she think she was in supercuts?!
I suspect that the woman had to be delusional to think that anything would be done with her hair, unless there was an injury to the scalp, or parasites in the hair. By that time of course, she had almost no ability to reason. Looks like she's been homeless for some time.
He's breaking your arm??? Well then you're in the perfect place aren't you!!!
I don't think the ER is the place for her hair to get untangled... That type of place is called a salon!!! Just saying!!! 😂 There's no way I would treat this woman either!!!! I've worked in the ER as a nursing intern... Those months enlightened me to the fact that the ER is no place that I ever wanted to work on purpose!!! I finished that internship and went straight to labor and delivery!!!
This makes me sad, no excuse for the behaviour, but what a tragic waste of human life, living a life like that.
And a waste of an eduction. Addiction is a mofo. Terribly sad.
Dont Do Drugs People...that simple.
0:39 whatever that was on the wall, it knew there was nothing worth sticking around for
An evil poltergeist has been haunting the ER and it took one glance at Karen, and said FuQ Dat!! I'm out.
Omg 😂😂😂 this comment deserves an award I didnt even notice
@@bo2720 Dad Joke of the Year honorable mention.
This nurse got fired then and got herself banned from her former job at the hospital.
I pity the poor sucker who has to clean those sheets she was untangling her hair right onto.
I’m sure for cleaning staff in a hospital, that doesn’t even make a list of gross things cleaned that day. They probably thought thank goodness, it’s just her hair
Most hospital linens are industrially cleaned. some hospitals incinerate their linens and replace them
If it's like the hospital I was recently in it doesn't get a good cleaning job anyway.
Compared to blood and fecal matter I bet its a blessing
The first person agreeing with the cops that the drive from the hospital to the jail is close sums up a lot
This video truly provides a valuable lesson about professional ethics and responsibility at work. As a nurse, the primary responsibility is to care for and protect the health of patients. Through this story, we clearly see the severe consequences of failing to adhere to the fundamental principles of the profession. It's a powerful reminder for all of us, not just in healthcare but in any job, that professionalism and ethics must always come first.
Even the hospital ghost doesn't want her there
I know, I rewound this a couple of times to see why this thing fell down. And nobody acknowledged it's protest...😁👻
Good catch!
@@dingo1666I met the grey nurse at the Queen Elizabeth hospital in Adelaide south Australia when I was 22 yrs old....a known ghost there, big lady with the old nurses cap and all....I was sneaking out at around 2 am for a cigarette and she was around the corner from me,I seen her in the lge round mirror they have on the ceilings to avoid collision on blind corners,thought I was done for but when I turned the corner there was nothing there and no where for her to go......I didn't realise she was a ghost until the night guard said oh you met the grey nurse.......she's been seen many times and I actually feel honoured that I got to meet her.
0:39 Even the poltergeist got annoyed from the beginning.
I wondered.
lmao i went back to see what fell too. it looked like a small bin probably stuck to the wall with adhesive. its oddly convenient that it happened to fall at that very moment
He scared you enough that you had to come back after you were instructed to leave?
I love how these people turn a simple walk-out-the-door-and-go-home into going to jail.
Mrs. Vanderbilt here doesn't want to be treated in a "dirty" hospital. Excuse us, Your Majesty!
That second lady folded like a t-shirt when she got arrested 😆
I'm 34 years sober from alcohol which is over half of my life. So it is very possible to seek help and quit drinking forever. If you really WANT to. Which I did, because I was a blackout drunk by age 31, and no one in my family or my friends didn't want to hang out with anymore. Period. 🙄 And it was the best gift I ever gave myself. And everyone else in my life. 💕
Good for you sugarpie!!! Wish you all the best. God bless you.
Congratulations on your sobriety! I have I have 7 years clean as of the 18th of this month!!!
Proud of you.
"but no snake" ... "are you sure?" 😂
The Drug and Mental Health Crisis in this Country has gotten way out of hand. Police Officers and First Responders do everything they can to get them off the streets and unfortunately they're thrown right back out there to do it again. Repeat offenders need to be held accountable for their actions, and kept off the streets to keep communities safe.
Oh look, yet another person who is free to leave and told a thousand times they’re free to leave, they need to leave, or they’ll be arrested, and they choose to be arrested, how do people have this much time on their hands? I got shit to do, shit that is very far away from jail lol
these people are idiots, they are the bottom of the foodchain, and as you can observe, getting eaten by life
This "nurse" helped herself to the pill cart.
I never knew having a “bad hair day” or needing a shampoo warranted a trip to the ER.
Is that a thing in America, Emergency treatment for tangled hair? lol.
@theoneandonlygus1 I'm sure insurance companies would find a way. Anything for $$$.
You have to pay for your healthcare here so they'll take you for anything
No unless you had a head injury & need to clean it or shave it to treat wounds.
I guarantee the nurses I work with would look, realize there’s no injury and tell her to leave. Then we’d laugh about it. You have to have a sense of humor working in medicine or you’d go crazy like her.
With how much they pay? They should have a personal butler in there.
WHO goes to the ER for a cir thumb and ratty hair 😂
This lady apparently.
Her! 😂
Your mom
"No-uh" "Stop-uh" that's how you know it's ok to take them to jail-uh LOL
Shits scary to think people probably trusted her with their lives at some point prior to this 💀🥴⚰️
Someone posted here that she had been an award-winning nurse during COVID-19.
@just.julie.axon.addict 2 to 3 years later this happened? 😅😅
@@lolitahaze02Lots of nurses were traumatized during COVID. If she is an award winning nurse that means she was busting her ass and seeing more death daily than she normally did. That's an easy way to pick up a habit and spiral out of control. People's lives can spiral fast and making assumptions about her life before now is wrong.
Whatever Angela's issue is, it’s certainly not an emergency-or life-threatening.
“Im not 2! Im 45” then proceeds to literally act 2 only a couple minutes later 😂
Second woman is an -uh woman…NO-uh! You scare me-uhhh!
1:44 “I am a different type of nurse.”
Yep. We know.
An ex-nurse who long ago lost her license due to drugs or drink and refused to be helped.
Or never a nurse and just knows the medical terminology
She wanted her thumb treated and nurses to untangle her hair? All while being rude to the nurses. I was a paramedic and a respiratory therapist and I’ve seen so much rudeness. One patient I had was a frequent flyer and I walked in to get her started on her nebulizer and she told me I needed to wait until the nurse in the room find her hairbrush. She would also say she had to be on 5 lpm of oxygen but didn’t need it to go outside to smoke. She even said one day that she couldn’t go home that day even though she was only on her home meds there. Why couldn’t she leave? Because there was a fair going on near her house? Come on now. I’ve been admitted many times myself but I’m not rude like some of these people who are rude to everyone. this???
If she hit or just slighty push a police man in Denmark, this is direct 1 year and 6 mounts in jail.
What is 6 mounts? That something in Denmark?
Unfortunately American officers are lenient and coddle these bat heads instead of crazy house.
@ Det behøver du vidst ikke at bekymre dig om, lille ven 😂
@@Niever wow why are you so funny ? Bet you have lots of friends. 🤣
Battery on a law enforcement officer isn't a joke in the US either, you can get almost a decade behind bars depending on the situation.