The Problem With SoD PvP & What to do about it.

  • Опубликовано: 6 сен 2024
  • As a veteran World of Warcraft player, I'm concerned about the current state of PvP in WoW Classic's Season of Discovery. The excessive damage output is making it unenjoyable and leaves little room for counterplay. Let's talk about the issues and potential solutions in this video.

Комментарии • 66

  • @jonasjakobsson9006
    @jonasjakobsson9006 6 месяцев назад +12

    I agree with everything in this video. I see no good options to fix this because of the runes. Adding health just makes the old spells even weaker so your class becomes your runes. Everything is out of sync and messy that I dont think it can be a solid game. Its truly just a sold testing ground to us players. Classic feels organic and things make sense. Now my hp bounce up and down depending on where I am, some skills does double the damage while also costing half mana and some spells are free like what is happening?
    Im starting to see what no changes was about because blizzard just does not have it..

  • @TheBirdwatchin
    @TheBirdwatchin 5 месяцев назад

    I agree! One thing that drew me into the game when I was not raiding was farming WSG, and to be fair, it was lots of fun sometimes, I even put on songs that I used to listen to while doing WSG in 2005 !! One unique thing with phase one was the genuine vanilla feeling, but with a twist that actually made each class a little bit funnier to play at level 25.
    This twist, or rather the added runes, made level 25 enjoyable because you don't know that many spells at level 25 in the original game.
    However, at level 40, the original game is extremely fun because you have one full talent tree and a ton of fun tools for each class. At this point, having 3 rune slots with extra abilities makes less sense, level 40 does not need to be 'spiced up' with extra abilities. How fun is it to be stunlocked by a rogue through your disperse as a priest (the stupid gunshot), just to die instantly after you have used your only chance to stay alive? They know kidney shot now, and having an extra stun kind of makes the class broken. So runes are not needed to make level 40 fun, they have an opposite effect in PvP..
    Instead, blizzard adds 2 extra slots of runes. And from here they've lost me.

  • @9ntice
    @9ntice 6 месяцев назад +2

    Was thinking of logging back to Era because of SOD feeling worse than P6

  • @theashenverdict1629
    @theashenverdict1629 6 месяцев назад +1

    They need to make it so all damage against other players is reduced by 50% while not nerfing it for dungeons or raid/world pve content. Obviously there should be some balance towards healing so maybe they can make it so when you are in pvp combat you gain a debuff that reduces healing done or received by 30-50% or a ramping debuff like in arena the longer the fight goes on. This is entirely separate from PvE I think that should have no influence on what PvP does and vise versa so for instance if you're fighting an NPC out in the world and an alliance or horde attack you that doesn't mean you'll instantly start with reduced healing or reduced damage to the NPC, but you only will do reduced damage to the person attacking you. Probably not a simple solution as I described, but it could work maybe idk.

  • @zepho100
    @zepho100 6 месяцев назад +5

    I would have been happy with classic but with extra dungeons and content and raids. That being said I am still enjoying SOD but the PvP is a bit whacked. I can 1v3 as an enhancement shaman 😅

    • @zepho100
      @zepho100 6 месяцев назад

      Addition: they could just add a flat resilience to all character to character PvP. No need for gear or to even know. Could be a hidden buff.

    • @shjelde660
      @shjelde660  6 месяцев назад

      Yes, enhance is incredibly powerful right now ! My next video is about enhance pvp

    • @Lean-xt1lq
      @Lean-xt1lq 6 месяцев назад

      my thoughts exactly. they should have left the class balance alone and added more content.

    • @lordjaraxxus5418
      @lordjaraxxus5418 6 месяцев назад

      @@zepho100 Then people will be mad /(they did this earlier in WSG)

    • @zepho100
      @zepho100 6 месяцев назад

      @@lordjaraxxus5418 yeah it becomes one shot meta to healer meta. I still prefer how it is over healer snooze fest.

  • @Peetskeet
    @Peetskeet 5 месяцев назад +1

    As someone who loved wow classic PVP. I hate wow SOD pvp, I find myself raid logging and immediately playing a better actual PVP game instead to get my pvp fix such as CS2 / Hunt / Tekken.
    Even as a PVP meta class spriest main, i feel like theres very little outplaying that can happen when someone dies within 1-3 spells max. I remember in classic I used to be able to shift from out of shadow form heal myself and continue to fight. Now its you get bursted or I get bursted

    • @shjelde660
      @shjelde660  5 месяцев назад +1

      Exactly! Too much damage, too many instant cast spells etc... they need to fix it or sod will die fast

  • @user-md3oi6fp1d
    @user-md3oi6fp1d 6 месяцев назад +5

    100% True

  • @Lean-xt1lq
    @Lean-xt1lq 6 месяцев назад +2

    Couldn't agree more, love being back on classic with the boys but shame it is this watered down version.

  • @plessis2023
    @plessis2023 6 месяцев назад +1

    Button smashing is a skill now! Me smash ,same buttons like a mindless monkey !

  • @RyanF450
    @RyanF450 6 месяцев назад +1

    Yea I quit SoD this phase. The pvp is atrocious

  • @krakca
    @krakca 6 месяцев назад +2

    That is vanilla. Its never been different really.
    A flat out reduction in player vs player damage would be pretty good however.

  • @bellaandviggo4937
    @bellaandviggo4937 6 месяцев назад +3

    Great video ! I agree ✋️

  • @nopenope3678
    @nopenope3678 6 месяцев назад +1

    shaman WF is great for 1 shot

  • @jarlfisk
    @jarlfisk 6 месяцев назад +5

    P-server is the only way tbh.

    • @shjelde660
      @shjelde660  6 месяцев назад +5

      i think something akin to Turtle wow, is more what people was hoping for as a classic+

    • @jarlfisk
      @jarlfisk 6 месяцев назад +3

      @@shjelde660 100%

    • @ededdundeady6683
      @ededdundeady6683 6 месяцев назад +2

      Would love p-server but I can't get over the latency. :/ Know any good west coast servers that are under 100ms?

    • @jarlfisk
      @jarlfisk 6 месяцев назад +2

      @@ededdundeady6683 no sry ☹️ 99% p-servers are from EU :)

    • @aussieflintknapping
      @aussieflintknapping 6 месяцев назад +1

      ​@@ededdundeady6683imagine how I feel playing on them as an Aussie, lucky if ping is lower than 330 😂

  • @leafyking2574
    @leafyking2574 6 месяцев назад

    as an experienced horde tactician i will say that the biggest problem to worry about to make a good pvp system is mechanics balancing drianign classes of there dmg requiring them to cats hardcasts or whatever aiint gonna solve the issue boomysgot done dirty imo , it may look cool to see a frost mage cc every1 then afetr log time he finally get some1 well this aint pvp either and in bg it translates to the frost mage sitting deep in there own base with horde having to retreat also cause thye mage cant push (leading to nowhere) might feel good to the paleyr whp learns pvp thinign he is in contorl the game while the truth coudltn be further from it pvp is based on this burst the problem is wer do t have the tools to deal with it more so then a quick hotfix liek 200 hp extra in pvp allrdy done in bgs etc it almost feels liek a pveers persspective on pvp joining a pvp server for that 1 time they can pvp with op gears etc while they fundemantals abotu pvp ait there tbh :( same reaosn why took forever to go from 0-5 to 5-0 in atathi ppl dnt wanan pvp hey rather afkd for a mark which is sad anyways good luck with the game guys ( shaman needs instant wolf cast while mvoe etc ) ostuff liek this prevents the 1 stuck ( in retail u also get 1 stunlocked by rogeus but ur vast toolkit makes u live forever still ) its cooldown management more then anything things liek thudnerstorm to knoock them of asgain etc clases chesss system statys anywaay goodluck understabndign everythign needs to be i guess and peace if u take away the dmg u go back to borign classic i meaninnstead of nerfs ask for buffs andletthe bliz annoucner do she say

    • @leafyking2574
      @leafyking2574 6 месяцев назад

      also iggest issue with alot nderf etc is u wont be abel to do anything :D and always need team support to get anythign done mroe or less imagine beeign good pvp sittign stunlock even thoguh does no dmg and enemy team allrdy on u :P or same time every time u wanan do a sneay solo acton or grab a flag but enemy team allrdy on u no thudnerstorm nothgin i get why ppl sgtay gy etc :D alway shavign to rely on other sux -_- pvp shoudl be opposite and 10v1 shoudl be psossible ( check our alunethmaster some vids of retail and u will see DMG is NOT the problem :D its skills ,

    • @leafyking2574
      @leafyking2574 6 месяцев назад

      i dont see chess as havign to take it from my teammatee i order to win i see it as my peice is fundamentally stronger vs ur pievce even thoguh we do both do dmg its fine but with good play i can still win :D and ye sosmetimes will have to run mmaybe still but y at least it will be alot less often now its like u got a fork on 1 cna take 1 out o no wait nvm the opponents get to play 2 moves in 1 turn withotu tools :D its not the dmg 2 move forward 1 back very normal not other way rouund imo peace

    • @leafyking2574
      @leafyking2574 6 месяцев назад

      so dont worry to much yet pvp is abotu having a smooth driving car which can deal with options and a good map pve is abotu slow steady positionign casting will be mroe pve ofc when it will also ocasionaly show up in pvp with a kite but ultimatey this will have to end at some time before whole grp starts to join back in or solo plays cant be made

  • @adrianmartin4901
    @adrianmartin4901 6 месяцев назад +1

    I agree

  • @buba3331000
    @buba3331000 6 месяцев назад +1

    Priests, rogues, mages, shaman, all are op right now and it feels awful if you arnt playing one of those classes. I agree that giving all the other classes 1 shot abilities isnt the way forward. They should reign in the bursty damage abilities. Two buttons shouldnt kill you.

  • @ededdundeady6683
    @ededdundeady6683 6 месяцев назад

    I wish they would add PvP sets/gear. I loved Wrath because honor was a currency. Honor is useless once you get r5 in SoD.

  • @stevo6178
    @stevo6178 6 месяцев назад

    Would be an issue if it was actually competitive play.
    Generally speaking, most players in sod key board turn and back pedal. With the health increased you ain’t getting one shot, out side of maybe mages.

  • @neilbecker1140
    @neilbecker1140 6 месяцев назад

    its called balance. finally balance

    • @shjelde660
      @shjelde660  6 месяцев назад

      Haha you could call it that. when everyone can one-shot everyone, its balanceed. true xD

  • @bargusvidyas7082
    @bargusvidyas7082 6 месяцев назад

    Nobody should be surprised by this imo

  • @jonashworth3827
    @jonashworth3827 6 месяцев назад

    they should change stamina to = 100hp instead of 10, this would fix the time to kill. maybe even need 150

    • @shjelde660
      @shjelde660  6 месяцев назад +1

      Then i'd be running around with 32.000- 50.000 hp. thats a bit extreme :D

    • @jonashworth3827
      @jonashworth3827 6 месяцев назад

      @@shjelde660 thats a gross exaggeration. My level cap warlock has 111 stam, and 1500 hp. If we changed the values hed still have under 12k life, except he would die in pvp in 10-15 seconds instead of 1-2. At the end of the day, a proper time to kill is way more valuable than numbers. We could boost the hp from stamina values, and then just 1/4 all the numbers in the game to shrink things back down to size.

    • @shjelde660
      @shjelde660  6 месяцев назад

      @@jonashworth3827 on my shaman i got 226 stamina so thats 226x10=2260hp + 440 base hp = 2700hp + 30% (from way of earth rune) = 3510 total hp
      with 100hp/1stam it would be 226x100=22,600hp + 440 base hp = 23,040 hp + 30% (from way of earth rune) = 29,952 hp not too far off from my first guess at around 32.000 :D

    • @jonashworth3827
      @jonashworth3827 6 месяцев назад

      @@shjelde660 so what are you suggesting they do, if not reduce the time to kill

  • @connercoons7363
    @connercoons7363 6 месяцев назад +1

    cpouple things, no pvp is not the majority of peoples thing. the reason for the server population on pvp servers more is streamers and the knowledge that as a PVE person u might as well go on pvp server to find groups easier. these two things create the server population. second the Burst ability is intended, they are going for a mist of pandaria type pvp which most people loved. Also you talked about nerfing classes instead of buffing, and all the things that come along with buffing. However Nerfing is worse as in Classic there isnt specific pvp only nerfs, which means for pvp balance you complete gut a class, look at shaman they can be good in pvp however if u nerf them in pvp, they go from 6th in damage of classes to last for another year. or druid going from respectable dps to less then phase 1 warrior damage. One is a game wide difference that the players wont feel as much where the other is destroying 100's of hours of peoples time.

  • @Max9string
    @Max9string 6 месяцев назад

    If you don't like the short pvp go play retail.

    • @shjelde660
      @shjelde660  6 месяцев назад +2

      True, in retail you cant even kill a healer xD not even with 2 dps'ers on him...

  • @aristotlemindfreak1887
    @aristotlemindfreak1887 6 месяцев назад +1

    Meh , you win some and you lose some

  • @robhicks81
    @robhicks81 6 месяцев назад

    Sounds like SoD is not for you and Era is. Some of us are enjoying SoD even in PVP.

    • @shjelde660
      @shjelde660  6 месяцев назад

      I think the majority of players would like to be able to have some counterplay in pvp :D But i could be wrong tho.

    • @robhicks81
      @robhicks81 6 месяцев назад

      @@shjelde660 SoD isn't Classic, just enjoy it for the experiment that it is.

    • @shjelde660
      @shjelde660  6 месяцев назад

      @@robhicks81 that dosnt make any sense to me. i will not just enjoy it for what it is. i will try to affect it's course as much as i can. for the good of the game :)

    • @robhicks81
      @robhicks81 6 месяцев назад

      @@shjelde660 the good of the game is Classic Era, this is an experimental seasonal server ... In a year it won't even be relevant

  • @lawless7859
    @lawless7859 6 месяцев назад +2

    Don't see any issues with pvp atm. It's lvl 40 and SOD.

    • @alexstreet9470
      @alexstreet9470 6 месяцев назад

      Okay but my priest without pre shielding gets 80% ambushed . . . Things are not okay . lol

    • @lawless7859
      @lawless7859 6 месяцев назад

      @@alexstreet9470 learn to pre-shield? Look it's lvl 40 content based on an old af game. Wtf do you want, drink some beers and it will balance itself out.

    • @cmill7272
      @cmill7272 6 месяцев назад +3

      ​@@lawless7859 Found the rogue. I should not have to equip "of the eagle" greens over gnomer raid gear to be able to pvp without dying in a stunlock. Its terrible.

    • @Warsongcitizen
      @Warsongcitizen 6 месяцев назад

      im doing the 80% ambushes i confirm @@alexstreet9470

    • @lawless7859
      @lawless7859 6 месяцев назад

      @@cmill7272 I don't get it. I don't see the need to balance lvl 40 content on such an old game. Seems fine, not perfect but its enough to keep me drinking

  • @JohnSmith-rr3jt
    @JohnSmith-rr3jt 6 месяцев назад

    Video is a bit late don't you think lol? This has been the cast for the entirety of SOD... Of course 1 shot meta ruins pvp, because there is no pvp. Its just whoever hits first wins, instantly.