What Is the Difference Between ‘Called’ and ‘Chosen’?

  • Опубликовано: 29 сен 2024

Комментарии • 647

  • @stephaniedekinger2463
    @stephaniedekinger2463 3 года назад +107

    When Jesus personally reaches down from heaven and grabs you out of hell, then chastens you, but then tells you that you didn’t choose Him, rather He chose you.....that’s when you will know the difference. It will be a profound meeting with Jesus. Many are called, but few are chosen. Hallelujah! I was chosen on June 7, 2018...I was changed instantly and I will only follow Jesus...not the world.

    • @rudyferrell
      @rudyferrell 3 года назад +10

      I was an atheist in a middle of a suicide attempt when God filled me with the Holy Spirit. I wonder if that means I'm one of the chosen ones? The Holy Spirit stayed with me for 3 months. I don't deserve it, I'm having a hard time thinking God chose me for heaven because there are a lot of people more worthy than me

    • @stephaniedekinger2463
      @stephaniedekinger2463 3 года назад +4

      @@rudyferrell Did He come to you or did you go to Him. Don’t ever question or doubt what He did for you! None of us are worthy, that’s why we need Him! Hallelujah! Ask Him if you are one of His chosen. 🥰

    • @--i-am-root
      @--i-am-root 3 года назад

      @@rudyferrell hard not to feel fatalistic reading these.

    • @supremesammm912
      @supremesammm912 2 года назад

      @@stephaniedekinger2463 do you still sin greatly when you are chosen ?

    • @stephaniedekinger2463
      @stephaniedekinger2463 2 года назад

      @@supremesammm912 Sining is impossible

  • @dnlcast2
    @dnlcast2 4 года назад +25

    It means Gods elect. The gospel goes out to the masses, but, only God's elect shall respond.

    • @johnhoffman8203
      @johnhoffman8203 3 года назад

      What if your wrong? We want to get it all for nothing and have people tickle our ears and tell us we're right on. But, if calling IS the gift/rebirth/justification then many people are in trouble because they will fall short of God's elect/chosen/sanctified/reward. I could quote many verses that tell us to build upon our calling (2 Pet 1.10, Titus 3.7), not to mention Romans 8.30 those whom He called, these He also justified. So called equals justified then chosen must mean more, like works/sanctified/elected/rewards.

    • @Izzycentric
      @Izzycentric 2 года назад +1

      Election does not equal salvation.

  • @lindahinojosa299
    @lindahinojosa299 6 лет назад +158

    It's funny because I've been asking God about this for a few weeks. I still don't know if this answered my question, i listened to it twice. I'm going to continue to seek the Lord

    • @breewills2082
      @breewills2082 6 лет назад +1

      Linda Hinojosa please read what I wrote, hope it helps

    • @jennifermallard465
      @jennifermallard465 6 лет назад +1

      I will continue to seek him to

    • @godsgirl9497
      @godsgirl9497 6 лет назад +49

      I think what this parable means is that every one at some point in their life is called to become closer Jesus. Rather that be through hearing the Gospel, our own trials and tribulations, or a testimony from a fellow brother and sister in Christ or even a stranger. Everyone at some point is called to form a relationship with God and to become under grace. However, being chosen by God is an entirely different thing. When you're chosen you have an experience where God reveals himself to you and you're forever changed. Like to the point where you can't go back to your life of sin and the conviction to do good and to be apart of the kingdom of God is so strong in you there's no turning back.

    • @thecompetitionalquarterbac4523
      @thecompetitionalquarterbac4523 5 лет назад +23

      @@godsgirl9497 your explanation of this makes more sense than pastor Piper, he still left the topic confusing.

    • @godsgirl9497
      @godsgirl9497 5 лет назад +12

      Well all understanding comes from God! Thank you and glory to Him!

  • @chochilifezm
    @chochilifezm 4 месяца назад +1

    We all want to be chosen but i believe it's obedience that counts

  • @JenialB
    @JenialB 4 года назад +8

    It's very much like the military. Some join because they love their country & want to protect it & their people, while others join because they want the free schooling or other reasons.
    If a battle broke out, those who have that love to protect will not hesitate, while those that entered for other reasons may go hide or leave. (Awol) because they didn't love their country *that* much.

  • @pamelarenee8314
    @pamelarenee8314 3 года назад +12

    Jesus is the only way to the Father❤️

  • @ryankirkbride7353
    @ryankirkbride7353 2 года назад +1

    Amen, accurate! God bless brother! Keep your heads up!

  • @stevemelton3619
    @stevemelton3619 5 лет назад +2

    Some people who are not believers have Jesus come to them and personally call them. They have a profound experience with Jesus. For example, someone close to me who was against church was meditating and Jesus came to him which he never expected. He was into the new age. He was told to destroy all of his metaphysical stuff and other evil stuff in his home. He was shown the crucifixion and felt Jesus pain emotionally and physically. He felt the pain his sin caused others and how it impacted their lives. He was shown things in the Bible that he never knew and then led to the scripture. This man had been praying for truth, knowledge and wisdom, but couldn’t define god. He was so thirsty. He had asked to be shown the secrets. Much of what he was shown isn’t for all. He prayed to be led to hhs right church and not referring to the building. After 3 months, he observed a church and saw angels all around it. He saw a dove above the pastor and other. He had been praying constantly for 13 years. He knew there was something higher. Over 25 years ago, he tried to find god and studied all the religions. His wife said she remembered when he said 25 or so years ago he was something missing. He knew something wasn’t right in this world. Soon after, this guy destroyed about 15k of metaphysical stuff. He destroyed his television, guns and other after what he was shown. He said he was told by Jesus to get rid of that nonsense (essentially) . He is trying his best to walk in the spirit. His intentions are pure and as all, he has his struggles. To this day, this guy is reading the word, praying and meditating on it. He is asking Jesus to show him the way. He ask to be led by him and what Jesus wants him to do. How to serve? He so feels a calling, but not for sure what it is yet. His Christian consciousness is taking off. It seems most are called to Jesus thru man but a few are personally called. Is there a difference between being called by man and being called by god? One must ask the tough questions he says. He was shown to pay attention to how much time he gives his time to god vs non sense stuff. How much of one’s time is watching t.v or surfing the web for entertainment. He said he was shown if one is watching t.v. more than dedicating his time to god, the t.v.. was an idol. Many will say this is nuts, but truth can be painful. If you bring up getting rid of the t.v. in the home, people freak out. They will come up with every reason in the book or even divorce before ridding that object. That device controls the masses truth, which is many times inverted from actual. That’s another topic. Do an experiment and talk to people about ridding-the t.v.. See if you can turn off the t.v. For 7 days or surfing the web, social media and so forth. Let me say he wasn’t saying all t.v.s need to go, but be very careful what you watch and use it wisely . This includes any activity. So much more, but just thought I would share. Thoughts on chosen by god or called by god versus called by man? We can say god call some thru man but not all. So we are told it’s a narrow path and few shall enter the kingdom. One may ask, how many is a few?

    • @wisevirgin3405
      @wisevirgin3405 4 года назад

      The Pastor is correct. He could have explained it a little better.
      You cannot know the MEANING of a passage unless/until you know
      the CONTEXT. In Matthew, those who would not come represents the Jews. Therefore the Gospel "call" goes into the world (both Jew and Gentile)
      through the "call" of the Christian Gospel.
      Mat 21:43 Therefore say I unto you, The kingdom of God shall be taken
      from you, and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof.
      Many are called (called by the Christian Gospel)
      but few are chosen (chosen or elected to be saved)
      Remember, in Matthew 13, the Lord explains that the
      (3rd) Christian "Kingdom of Heaven" (the church) consists
      of both many unsaved "tares" (sown by Satan) destined to eternal torment
      and relatively few saved "wheat" (sown by God) destined to eternal life.
      Context means everything

  • @frankieclayton9303
    @frankieclayton9303 2 года назад +4

    It's a huge difference between called and chosen

  • @GodBlessedme-ey1lz
    @GodBlessedme-ey1lz Год назад +1

    Many forms of discipline ....Seek God's guidance in disciplining

  • @peterkettler2070
    @peterkettler2070 2 года назад +1

    God Loves YOU....

  • @BLAM777
    @BLAM777 4 года назад +8

    How do you know if you are really called or your just deceiving yourself? Believing dosen't matter because the devil believes.I think alot of people are in real danger of eternal punishment thinking they are good with God.

    • @7heLoveofGod
      @7heLoveofGod 3 года назад +5

      Seek a deeper relationship with God. Doubt is from the devil. God is not a God of confusion, ask and you shall receive.

  • @krisnasingh2570
    @krisnasingh2570 2 года назад

    Thank you very much for the understanding Chosen One

  • @josephlalli4859
    @josephlalli4859 3 года назад +10

    I think this time we’re going through right now chosen ones are getting called.

  • @ALtheDoctorWho
    @ALtheDoctorWho Год назад

    It's funny you mention definition of words. As a child before I could speak I think this was the hardest thing to sort out. However my thoughts was not language at all. The best I can describe it as intuition.c];-)

  • @jazweehcom
    @jazweehcom 4 года назад +1

    Pastors will be held to a high standard. God help you who count evil for good.

  • @lukewagner8871
    @lukewagner8871 6 лет назад +4

    There is one verse that possibly has bearing in this discussion.
    1 Timothy 1:16 KJVS
    [16] Howbeit for this cause I obtained mercy, that in me first Jesus Christ might shew forth all longsuffering, for a pattern to them which should hereafter believe on him to life everlasting.
    Apostle Paul was given a dispensation by God that fulfilled the word of God, Eph 3:2, Col 1:26. Paul brought forth the hidden wisdom of God which is Christ in you the hope of glory. The mystery of God may in fact point to the difference between the called and chosen. Apostle Peter endorsed Paul's letters least anyone try to say there were two gospels, one for the Jew and one for the Gentile.
    2 Peter 3:15-16 KJVS
    [15] And account that the longsuffering of our Lord is salvation; even as our beloved brother Paul also according to the wisdom given unto him hath written unto you; [16] As also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things; in which are some things hard to be understood, which they that are unlearned and unstable wrest, as they do also the other scriptures, unto their own destruction.
    Just exactly how all this impacts how we view the words of our Lord in his ministering to his countrymen is hard to ascertain.
    There were many Jews that were called and then got caught up in the rebellion against Rome. At the end of the day, the Lord knows who are His, 2 Ti 2:19.

    • @bosslady2002
      @bosslady2002 3 года назад

      The Bible says only 144,000 of this world,which includes the dead.shall make it into the kingdom of heaven..think about that 1st..before I go on ...that is a mere handful...many ....are...called...they go to every church service etc..but they deceive themselves..because I believe..if we do not live in the image of God.. correctly...by ripping out 1page of the word of God,cause it doesn't fit our agenda..and do not follow his commandments..remember.. Jesus said..I did not come to abolish the law..but to uphold them...if we do not follow the ways in doing and speaking what the words of God wants us to..then we will not be chosen to enter the gates of heaven..that is why,when we know what is right to do,right to say..and don't ..then we are to ask forgiveness,repent and do what is right before God..after hearing & reading only 144,000 will make it in, I promised myself & God I am everyday going to strive to meet the goal of excellent...I so much want to hear the spoken,,enter in, my good & faithful servant..it means more to me then the very best in this world & of this world could ever offer me..that's why also, scripture says,many will say in that day,,but Lord I did this I did that..and God will say,depart from me I never knew u...yes,that's why..many are called ..but few are chosen.. it's not rocket since y'all, need to know anything.. it's in God's word..seek & u shall find..knock & it shall be opened unto the..ask God..anything according to his will..In Jesus name..& u shall receive...so I say..go to God..he is the final word & you will get the Truth...be blessed everyone

  • @barrygaynor1025
    @barrygaynor1025 2 года назад +2

    Many are called, few are chosen.

  • @michaelbonner6836
    @michaelbonner6836 4 года назад +3

    Ron Lee got it! The Called are everyone. Everyone is Called. However, the Chosen are people that were chosen to do God's work.
    Noah was Chosen, Judas Iscariot was chosen, the Scribes, Pharisees, Sadducees, who lied about Christ were chosen,; David, Abraham, Moses were Chosen. They had to do what they were chosen to do.

  • @HugsX0X01
    @HugsX0X01 Год назад

    I get it. So the invitation to accept Christ fully is there but only few choose to accept Christ but many choose to stay sleep and conform to worldly things rather than accept the Creator of the “Creators” of these worldly things to which they, even I have(though getting things right with God now) , have become too comfortable with.

  • @peterkim6339
    @peterkim6339 2 года назад

    Many are called, but not all are chosen....because not all accepts the invitation. Some just don't decides to not believe. They choose on their own power, not because they've been predestined or pre-prigramned to reject the call. This is precisely the point that if the initial "call" or invitation is rejected by some then Christ gives a second command to invite anyone else that might come or accept the invite. -An ex-Calvinist, here.

    • @HTSS8
      @HTSS8 Год назад

      So you didn't listen, or refuse to accept what Piper said about the Doctrine of Undeniable Call. Piper also said, and it's clearly what God said too, that The Called [will] be Saved, i.e. it's not contingent on them "accepting"....i.e. not a single person who was truly called ever didn't accept it.

  • @frankieclayton9303
    @frankieclayton9303 2 года назад +1

    Matthew 7:13-14

  • @charissemeans9409
    @charissemeans9409 3 года назад +1

    You didn't mention too much on the chosen!!

  • @reginaburgess3013
    @reginaburgess3013 Год назад

    Jesus chooses you..if He has chosen you then He has sealed you..if you have been sealed you will know it..I think if you don't know if you've been sealed, then your not
    .people that have been sealed know it bc its a physical sealing

  • @stevenpritchard5682
    @stevenpritchard5682 5 лет назад +2

    ' Many are called, but few are chosen '. Being called id the voice and feelings of God. The Father is within, so you can 'Chose' to hear his voice,..many ignore and forget his infinite energy & light. Most remain without him. His voice is the wind and more, and accepting his word(love....his word is love), and by accepting his word/ love and truth, The spirit blesses us with his essence which is perfection. And as God is perfect, he has made you his choice. There are clues to this in NIV, KJV,...most texts and scripture is our spiritual gps. It is glorious to finally accept him as our Father. To the wise(bestowed by he who is all)the ancient texts were written in such a way as to confound the impure. Clean your mind, open eye's and see. Good luck to all, and blessed are the true members of God's family. There are always spaces at his table. you are all welcome, a place reserved by God Almighty.

    • @TheJpep2424
      @TheJpep2424 5 лет назад +1

      Completely unbiblical. Scripture is clear sinners cannot choose God. He chooses us

    • @wisevirgin3405
      @wisevirgin3405 4 года назад

      The Pastor is correct. He could have explained it a little better.
      You cannot know the MEANING of a passage unless/until you know
      the CONTEXT. In Matthew, those who would not come represents the Jews. Therefore the Gospel "call" goes into the world (both Jew and Gentile)
      through the "call" of the Christian Gospel.
      Mat 21:43 Therefore say I unto you, The kingdom of God shall be taken
      from you, and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof.
      Many are called (called by the Christian Gospel)
      but few are chosen (chosen or elected to be saved)
      Remember, in Matthew 13, the Lord explains that the
      (3rd) Christian "Kingdom of Heaven" (the church) consists
      of both many unsaved "tares" (sown by Satan) destined to eternal torment
      and relatively few saved "wheat" (sown by God) destined to eternal life.
      Context means everything

  • @bengiey2k
    @bengiey2k 3 года назад +380

    It's simple. God calls. It's like the phone ringing in your heart and you do not answer. God's chosen are the one's that hear the phone ringing in their heart and answers the phone to speak to God.

    • @sapereaudeart3664
      @sapereaudeart3664 3 года назад +16

      Lovers of truth will live

    • @magicizaproblem
      @magicizaproblem 3 года назад +4


    • @tomislavpernar2840
      @tomislavpernar2840 2 года назад +2

      Its ringin in my head long... what to press to answare?!😂😂😂

    • @KA-bv7zg
      @KA-bv7zg 2 года назад +6

      You got it that is the difference.

    • @guy4036
      @guy4036 2 года назад +18

      That’s the best simple way to explain it lol. Our free will is still maintained

  • @77ronboy
    @77ronboy 3 года назад +91

    God's call to "all" is the same as why we preach the Gospel to all. We don't know who the "chosen" are, but it will be [only] them who will respond to the call. I hope that answers some of you questions.

    • @ado5778
      @ado5778 Год назад +1

      Thank You, my friend!

  • @bellajones4968
    @bellajones4968 4 года назад +36

    People chosen is when there will be nothing stopping you to do the will of God for instance no matter what Joseph went through or who tried to stop him He still had victory Amen. Just like Jonah he was also called and chosen no matter how many times times He tried to run from Almighty God the Lord still made sure Jonah did His will! Chosen people of The Lord no matter what sistuation you are in the Lord is preparing a way out just to get His will accomplished in you. You're chosen and nothing can stop that anointing. For the called people ANSWER YOUR CALL! SAY "HERE AM I LORD SEND ME"! YES TELL THE LORD JESUS "IM ANSWERING MY CALL"! SPEAK BACK TO GOD THROUGH LORD JESUS CHRIST. SAY "LORD JESUS YES"! AND HE WILL DO THE REST! WE GOING TO MARRIAGE SUPPER GET READY! AS SOON AS YOU ANSWER YOUR CALL YOU BECOME CHOSEN.AMEN.

    • @wisevirgin3405
      @wisevirgin3405 4 года назад +3

      The Pastor is correct. He could have explained it a little better.
      You cannot know the MEANING of a passage unless/until you know
      the CONTEXT. In Matthew, those who would not come represents the Jews. Therefore the Gospel "call" goes into the world (both Jew and Gentile)
      through the "call" of the Christian Gospel.
      Mat 21:43 Therefore say I unto you, The kingdom of God shall be taken
      from you, and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof.
      Many are called (called by the Christian Gospel)
      but few are chosen (chosen or elected to be saved)
      Remember, in Matthew 13, the Lord explains that the
      (3rd) Christian "Kingdom of Heaven" (the church) consists
      of both many unsaved "tares" (sown by Satan) destined to eternal torment
      and relatively few saved "wheat" (sown by God) destined to eternal life.
      Context means everything

  • @ronlee7261
    @ronlee7261 6 лет назад +63

    An example of Chosen is JOSEPH in the old testament. Noah was chosen. They have no CHOICE in the MATTER. What happens happens.
    Being called has a little play room and,alot of the called mostly end up in man's schools learning from IGNORANCE.

    • @Chrissy.H
      @Chrissy.H 6 лет назад +3

      Ron Lee that makes sense!

    • @mandolinJo
      @mandolinJo 4 года назад +8

      @@Chrissy.H Ephesians 1:13 In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise,
      14 Which is the earnest of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession, unto the praise of his glory.
      15 ¶Wherefore I also, after I heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus, and love KJV

    • @Chrissy.H
      @Chrissy.H 4 года назад +2

      mandolin joe oh my goodness- thank you so much. This is the word I needed to hear today, really this encompasses this whole year. Thank you brother. Thank you Jesus for speaking in perfect timing.

    • @mandolinJo
      @mandolinJo 4 года назад

      @@Chrissy.H My email is rdenoble@cogeco,ca

    • @wisevirgin3405
      @wisevirgin3405 4 года назад +3

      No, the Pastor is correct. You cannot know the MEANING of a passage
      unless/until you know the CONTEXT. In Matthew, those who would not
      come represents the Jews. Therefore the Gospel "call" goes into the
      world (both Jew and Gentile) through the Christian Gospel.
      Mat 21:43 Therefore say I unto you, The kingdom of God shall be taken
      from you, and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof.
      Many are called (called by the Christian Gospel)
      but few are chosen (chosen or elected to be saved)
      Remember, in Matthew 13, the Lord explains that the
      (3rd) Christian "Kingdom of Heaven" (the church) consists
      of both many unsaved "tares" (sown by Satan) destined to eternal torment
      and relatively few saved "wheat" (sown by God) destined to eternal life.
      Context means everything

  • @bluefluffyunicorns7609
    @bluefluffyunicorns7609 4 года назад +109

    I love Jesus I wanna give him a hug😇🕊✝️🥰🙏🏻

  • @garyinman9325
    @garyinman9325 4 года назад +120

    Called is you get to interview chosen means you got the job

    • @peekabo3847
      @peekabo3847 4 года назад +11

      Ha I like that!

    • @degonsbanegas7802
      @degonsbanegas7802 3 года назад +13

      Called are those whom answer the call but do not persevere till the end because of the prosecution suffered at their personal level, and the chosen are those who shall never betray Jesus nor his Gospel even if the Bible tells them so.

    • @garyinman9325
      @garyinman9325 3 года назад +7

      Endeavor to persavere.

    • @bornagain1580
      @bornagain1580 3 года назад +13

      @@degonsbanegas7802 all the disciples betrayed Jesus but repented and endured to the end except for Judas, who didn’t repent. Enduring to the end is key. God bless you

    • @boomer1954ful
      @boomer1954ful 3 года назад +21

      @@degonsbanegas7802 Umm, A LOT of God’s chosen in the Old Testament, fell off the wagon, so to speak. So did Jesus’s disciples... but they are all still ‘chosen’. You’re not chosen by the measurement of how well you stood up to persecution or ridicule. You become ‘chosen’ by God’s perfect grace. His perfect grace chooses imperfect me & you!

  • @gentilenation1117
    @gentilenation1117 2 года назад +20

    Easy :
    Called is when you hear the good news of salvation.
    Chosen is biblically hand pick before time. .

  • @deemisquadis9437
    @deemisquadis9437 Год назад +21

    You are called to do a task to help someone complete their mission. You are chosen, because you chose before you came here. I am chosen. And I have been called many times. 😊😇🤗

  • @cherryheart3
    @cherryheart3 3 года назад +13


  • @godsgirl9497
    @godsgirl9497 6 лет назад +197

    I love Jesus ❤️

  • @vanessa2d898
    @vanessa2d898 2 года назад +102

    For anyone that has this question, the bible says many are called few are chosen. We know Jesus isn't willing that anyone should perish and died for the world so that all man can live holy lives pleasing to the Lord. So all are called to live a life for God but not all answer to this call. Those that answer and choose to believe in his son are chosen. Proving that they were God's chosen to begin with. He knew you would answer the call so he named you his own before you even realized you were. Hopefully this helps someone God bless you all❤

    • @Crystal4Christ4Eva
      @Crystal4Christ4Eva 2 года назад +7

      Thank you for this explanation it was perfect bought a lot of understanding.

    • @vanessa2d898
      @vanessa2d898 2 года назад +3

      @@Crystal4Christ4Eva ur welcome ❤😊

    • @marytitus2874
      @marytitus2874 2 года назад +1

      So if I can't force myself to live for God then there's just no hope?

    • @Crystal4Christ4Eva
      @Crystal4Christ4Eva 2 года назад +13

      @@marytitus2874 it's not about trying to force your self those that are in Christ are a new creature. Before I was saved 5 years ago I was a worker of the Devil, I was blind to the truth about Jesus. But when I finally got sick and tired of my sinful ways I accepted his calling. The Lord has been helping me. Reading the Bible which is the living word of God will help you transform your mind. And his wonderful Holy Spirit will lead and guide you in all paths of truth. You have to truly want it. Just have faith in the Lord he will never leave or forsake you. The first thing you need to do is accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. These are the last days everyone should have soul insurance and that's through Jesus Christ.

    • @marytitus2874
      @marytitus2874 2 года назад

      @@Crystal4Christ4Eva No I get that. I've believed for like 5 years but I've never wanted to fully surrender to Christ for multiple reasons and no matter what I do I can't like make myself really want it. I've been raped and tortured by demons for years and I'm pretty angry at God and like I mostly want to die, and if I can't die I basically don't want to do anything whatsoever.

  • @emerald6858
    @emerald6858 Год назад +18

    By the way, for chosen people, their suffering starts from childhood. No matter what they do, they just seem to suffer if they’re not on track with God. But they who are called, their suffering starts immediately they answer to the call of Jesus

    • @Abeliever000
      @Abeliever000 Год назад +1

      Can you expand on this? I really want to know what you mean by this and if Bible says so (because of my own suffering).

    • @Yahshuaismyeverything
      @Yahshuaismyeverything Год назад

      I suffer even when I’m on track with God Ik God chosen me but I’ve always suffered in some way

    • @emerald6858
      @emerald6858 Год назад +4

      @@Abeliever000 a chosen one like Jonah suffered when refused to heed the instruction of God. You can see how God made life miserable for him until he surrendered. God could have used someone else since Jonah didn’t want to do it. But it was necessary he surrendered because he was chosen for it. That’s why he suffered the penalty for dodging God’s work. For calling, all of us are called unto repentance and into God’s kingdom. It’s optional. You take it or you leave it. But those that take it…Right from John the Baptist’s time, the kingdom of Heaven suffers violence and the violent takes it by force. Once you’re for Christ, there are sufferings that will come, but this time, it will be to strengthen your faith or to test you. And if it means dying for Christ like Stephen, we should. Knowing that a crown awaits us.
      I hope this clarifies…

    • @emerald6858
      @emerald6858 Год назад +2

      @@Yahshuaismyeverything yeah that too! Like I explained to our bro/sis @aditi2411
      This world actually is full of suffering. We can’t deny that. But what are you suffering for? Is it for your sin or for Christ? I hope you don’t mind me sharing my little experience… I grew up as a lonely person because to a large extent, I think God did want it that way. Many people I made my friends just seemed wrong before God. God always separated me from them by warnings. He told me if I don’t listen to Him, He’ll make life miserable for me. This was God speaking to me through a man of God. A random one! I wasn’t born again ohh, mind you! I was just a church-choir girl. Without real knowledge of God yet, as at then. And actually, I never had peace until I heeded the warning from God. My parents, especially my father seemed to pick fault at every little thing I do. I always cried because of how bad I felt each time he scolded me, even when I tried to do things right. That’s God for you. He uses peace to communicate with us sometimes. Everything is not until you’re told. What is stealing your peace? Check! Be sure you’re not disobeying God. He can take away your peace through anyone and any means until you obey Him, before He restores it. I have many other instances in my life that God seized my peace for a while to communicate to me that I was doing the wrong thing which I can’t mention all. Are there not many people that disobey God and still have their life as they wish? They’re called. But for one that’s chosen, whether you like it or not, it’s you and God bumper to bumper, if you disobey. The misery He’ll send you won’t be little. That’s why He’s called a Terrible God. His signs are never nice. But it’s always still for our good. That’s suffering because you’re chosen
      But suffering as a Christian is entirely different. If you read the beatitudes in Matthew 5, you’ll see clearly that you’ll still suffer as a Christian. But this time around, it’s not because you’re being disobedient, but because you’re now living a life for, with and in Christ. Remember, the beatitudes were given by Jesus Himself. He knew what He was saying when He spoke about us being reviled, persecuted, hated and all manner things done against us for His sake. These things are inevitable. But we must glory in our sufferings for Christ in order to receive the Crown of Life (James 1:12 & Rev 2:10).
      Jesus wanted to find out what He did that made the people want to crucify Him. He told pilate that His Kingdom is not of this world, otherwise His angels will fight and the people won’t be against Him. He was basically letting Pilate know that the people are against Him, because He’s of God. And not of this world. That’s why they were against Him. He was taking the suffering for God in obedience, in order that God’s redemption plan would be done and also for Himself, to be coronated after His resurrection.
      So bro, the suffering for Christ doesn’t end till we leave this world. The most basic suffering is to be hated by people. And you already know Christians are hated by people of the world.
      I hope that edifies…🤗

    • @siii3850
      @siii3850 Год назад

      you are very correct !

  • @adriana4785
    @adriana4785 7 лет назад +65

    Bible is like a puzzle. All must fit. If u think u r saved by believing but not evidence of holy life then there is a contradiction. That is why all must fit. Faith and works go hand in hand

    • @roso2son
      @roso2son 6 лет назад

      HOW does it connect w/ the usage of the words: "Called" & "Chosen" ?

    • @breewills2082
      @breewills2082 6 лет назад

      Rod Sarmiento please read what I wrote

    • @Goldtaker23
      @Goldtaker23 5 лет назад +3

      I don't understand why im having trouble being holy I want to be and I know its a process but ive been struggling with 1 sin for a long while now and I cant seem to be rid of it im also tempted to do wrong things often but I resist most of the time im just cofused o how sanctification works ive only been a Christian 2 years but im unsure im saved for lots of reasons and im confused :(

    • @slothop7541
      @slothop7541 5 лет назад

      Adriana Gumienny the holy bible is not a puzzle. Got says what he says is plain and simple and it’s truth. THERE IS NO TWIST TO IT LOL

    • @Goldtaker23
      @Goldtaker23 5 лет назад +2

      @@slothop7541 If its not a puzzle how do you explain verses like when Jesus says I will lose none the Father has given me i.e the elect but in another verse it says those who endure to the end will be saved implying we have to do something yet its not of works seems like a puzzle to me :/ im not suggesting we can live a sinful life such a person was never saved I wouldnt think but when you just dont understand how things all work and what your supposed to do if anything its all confuisng

  • @barrygaynor1025
    @barrygaynor1025 2 года назад +24

    "Many are called, but few are chosen."
    Some heed the call and respond appropriately, some don't.

  • @traceyking7299
    @traceyking7299 3 года назад +31

    Chosen you co-creators of our own reality. Chosen born to stand out. Called to take on a mission. Chosen to lead others to the great mysteries of life

    • @mbabazimichelle5155
      @mbabazimichelle5155 3 года назад

      This makes sense was totally confused. Thanks for the insight.

    • @messengersent_
      @messengersent_ 3 года назад +4

      Please stop making up stuff. Lean not on your own understanding. The Chosen ones are the ones being transformed into Christ image and has shared in his sufferings. The “Overcomers.”

    • @armontimuzic6785
      @armontimuzic6785 2 года назад +2

      I was chosen he’s shown me that truth

    • @jonathanking9450
      @jonathanking9450 Год назад

      Thank you❤

    • @sonOfTheL1vingGod
      @sonOfTheL1vingGod Год назад

      this is luciferian doctrine, we don't create our own realities, stay away from such garbage.

  • @RoseSharon7777
    @RoseSharon7777 5 лет назад +41

    The called are those who chose the Lord after being called. The chosen are those foreknown, called and chosen from the foundation of the world. They are predestined to salvation and transformed into the image of his son.

    • @Hecracksmeup
      @Hecracksmeup 5 лет назад +3


    • @miraclesangnidjo3528
      @miraclesangnidjo3528 4 года назад +8

      Still don't understand 😭😭

    • @joanip.7739
      @joanip.7739 4 года назад +2

      Mira San pray for understanding and God will help you

    • @wisevirgin3405
      @wisevirgin3405 4 года назад +3

      No, that is wrong - but nice try:
      The Pastor is correct. He could have explained it a little better.
      You cannot know the MEANING of a passage unless/until you know
      the CONTEXT. In Matthew, those who would not come represents the Jews. Therefore the Gospel "call" goes into the world (both Jew and Gentile)
      through the "call" of the Christian Gospel.
      Mat 21:43 Therefore say I unto you, The kingdom of God shall be taken
      from you, and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof.
      Many are called (called by the Christian Gospel)
      but few are chosen (chosen or elected to be saved)
      Remember, in Matthew 13, the Lord explains that the
      (3rd) Christian "Kingdom of Heaven" (the church) consists
      of both many unsaved "tares" (sown by Satan) destined to eternal torment
      and relatively few saved "wheat" (sown by God) destined to eternal life.
      Context means everything

    • @myraride9563
      @myraride9563 2 года назад +1

      those who respond to follow after being called.

  • @deemisquadis9437
    @deemisquadis9437 Год назад +32

    Many are called, but few are chosen. I am chosen. Love everyone unconditionally and forgive all things forever. ❤

    • @brentducote4526
      @brentducote4526 Год назад +4

      I am not doubting what you are saying but my question is how do you know you are chosen? Again not baiting you, I genuinely wanna know.

    • @kjc888
      @kjc888 9 месяцев назад +1

      ⁠@@brentducote4526You’ll know because God will reveal it to you. It can happen by way of waking up in the middle of the night to ideas being revealed to you. You’ll have dreams and visions of your purpose. You’ll know that the ideas are not yours but, God’s, and they’ll align with His will. You may not even want to be chosen when you are, but you’ll know you have to carry out his purpose for you.

  • @lyanemcculle4601
    @lyanemcculle4601 Год назад +50

    I am the chosen one I know my purpose I am the golden child ❤

  • @glorytothemosthigh4935
    @glorytothemosthigh4935 4 года назад +21

    I love God ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️▫️

    @ILLGOOD 5 лет назад +7

    Matthew 12:25 - And Jesus knew their thoughts, and said unto them, Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand:
    “I understand God is promoting unity in one truth.”
    2 Corinthians 6:14 Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?
    “Divided from God’s truth is a problem. The Dead Sea Scrolls has the actual books of the bible. The Dead Sea Scrolls, was before any so-called bible on earth. People created their beliefs and rewritten thee bible to support their doctrine. How disrespectful to christ to have a so-called prophets trying to establish truth, God sent Jesus to do. If truth was already being taught, and the Israelites wasn’t split apart. Jesus wouldn’t have been sent to teach truth to God’s chosen. (Grafting back the Jews that fell away from God’s truth living in other nations.)” "Muslim, Hindu or Judaism is NOT in the bible. It is said that they claim to bring truth, right? Isn’t that what God sent Jesus to do? Then a bible was needed to be constructed to support what their founder needed to support their religion. I’m starting to think that the world understood, what the covenant was about. God choose out of all the world his people. And religions was CREATED to include the world God didn’t include.” Amos 3:2 You only have I known of all the families of the earth: therefore I will punish you for all your iniquities. “This has nothing to do with sin, but EVERYTHING to do with being chosen and what it means."

    • @Dexters.LaBOREatory
      @Dexters.LaBOREatory 4 года назад +3

      I definitely agree. That is why the bible is written on the hearts of God chosen and we rely on the Holy Spirit to advocate truth. God knew that world.was corrupt. There is an entire documentary about how a man re wrote the bible because he felt that God was too harsh. So he recreated God to make Him more desirable and less scary. God didnt send His Son for the world, He sent Him to save His people, not the world.

    • @brimtonthehiddenone2306
      @brimtonthehiddenone2306 4 года назад

      . Man the God Almighty don't play games

  • @michellebranson1909
    @michellebranson1909 Год назад +7

    I know I have been chosen since birth. I have been through so much in my life. I dont remember much about my childhood. I remember wanting god to live since i was 6 or 7. I remember giving my soul to christ when i was 12. I have always needed their love. I have wanted to be like christ since i can remember. To know what it feels like to love all the people in the world. I have always wanted to change others lives. What other people feel matters to me.

    • @Ga61-n9f_her3
      @Ga61-n9f_her3 Год назад

      Be encouraged in your life,you're not alone. For God cares about those who fear Him. God bless you !♡

  • @ohyeah2269
    @ohyeah2269 4 года назад +18

    Wow this is revelation for me ❤ praise Abba.

  • @reinettesteynberg8432
    @reinettesteynberg8432 3 года назад +10


  • @catfleas7923
    @catfleas7923 4 года назад +11

    I am TERRIFIED trembling in fear

    • @Laure_Travels
      @Laure_Travels 3 года назад +5

      Why? Fear is of the Devil... cancel the fear in the name of Jesus!!

  • @DelayInBlockProductions
    @DelayInBlockProductions 6 лет назад +5

    Shout out to my man from Chesterton!

  • @cryptic4446
    @cryptic4446 3 года назад +62

    Guys we are in this together ! If you are seeking the one true living God, then keep seeking ! I went to the library to buy manga one day and I wanted to get my first Bible and ever since , it’s been a journey . I’m still seeking the Lord but it’s a big transition from my old lifestyle of drinking , smoking, etc. . Stay strong and Shalom.

  • @loraredmond6934
    @loraredmond6934 Год назад +5

    I've had quite a few people tell me that I would be good at preaching , . Now I am a sinner and don't go to church like I should, but when I get started about the bible , it's like I have so much to say, and say things I didn't really know . And I look it up and I would be like, wow this is amazing. Like the word( iota) came to me, never heard of it before in my life. And when I looked it up in the bible, it said, iota-the smallest letter in Hebrew, dot, or jot. And talks about the Old Testament being true. It blowed my mind, I was like thank u Lord. And like I said I am a sinner, but love talking about the bible, and like I said once I start I can't stop.

  • @kandicebethune8397
    @kandicebethune8397 4 года назад +38

    God is Good all the time even in suffering😌💖

  • @theresa42213
    @theresa42213 3 года назад +7

    YEAYE! _ALL GLORY_ goes to the KING of kings, and LORD of lords!

  • @Morgan-ir6rg
    @Morgan-ir6rg 2 года назад +7

    All are called .. then justified .. then saved .. and of the saved some are chosen for a deeper purpose after an observation of their character has been made . ( During the banquet ) For all are called all are justified all are saved but of that group few are chosen to go deeper into the energy of God. Even the chosen don't know they're being observed until they're chosen .

  • @MOON-zo3ik
    @MOON-zo3ik 4 года назад +75

    Some are born gifted, meant for it and do something with their gift
    Others learn the way
    Like an artist👩‍🎨

    • @UNEAKinfluence
      @UNEAKinfluence 3 года назад

      Amazing explanation.

    • @standforchrist1980
      @standforchrist1980 3 года назад

      @@UNEAKinfluence Amazing Grace

    • @Muzicboy3
      @Muzicboy3 2 года назад

      So I must be the slow one because I don’t get this analogy at all… and it has 36 likes and an “Amazing Explanation” comment to go along with it lol

    • @Indece
      @Indece 2 года назад +4

      @@Muzicboy3 some people come out the womb with a God given voice, blowing out arenas with no training...myself? I would have to take classes and learn how to sing

    • @juliegates1346
      @juliegates1346 2 года назад +1

      @@Indece That was me, but I squandered it for my own glory and have pretty much lost it.I called it "the voice" long before there was any show by that name. I could have had a recording career, He gave me such an irrefutable sign when I prayed that he would (having been told for much of my life that this was God's plan for me.) And I will always wonder what my life would be now if I had only obeyed His perfect call. Yet I believe He has continued to show me a plan to use me for His glory!

  • @palmerpalmer5711
    @palmerpalmer5711 7 лет назад +9

    Amen..thats true if were not going to be carefull if what were reading it gives us doubt nd mesleading to understand bout the words of God..thanks once again God bless..your all in our prayers

  • @ohyeah2269
    @ohyeah2269 4 года назад +9

    Its crazy how in church i learnt a completely different context and this one sounds most understandable to me. The other quotes of that scripture never made sense to me. Indeed revelation. So easy how we miss things.

  • @crazymause5993
    @crazymause5993 7 лет назад +21

    I'm lost! 🤔

    • @Goldtaker23
      @Goldtaker23 5 лет назад +2

      What do you mean confused or lost spiritually ?

    • @leslielee8598
      @leslielee8598 5 лет назад +17

      Hi! I hope this helps: “called” many times in the Bible is synonymous to “chosen”(aka saved and justified). However, the words mean different things in the parable of the wedding feast that states “many are called but few are chosen”. The usage of the two words in that story is this: “called” means being invited/prodded/told to believe in God and receive salvation. “Chosen” means that you are saved and believe in Jesus to the death among those he called. And Jesus “calls” and begs every human being to accept Him in someway in the world, but only the ones He’s “chosen” will heed that general call all the way through by His grace.

    • @JasonSchmidt-1979
      @JasonSchmidt-1979 4 года назад +5

      I am found

    • @Mymimemei
      @Mymimemei 4 года назад +6

      UrsTrulyKJ You’re right! I’m lost to a lot of things right now. I truly want to develop a relationship with my savior. I want to be called and chosen and I want that for my family too.

    • @spiritualwar2793
      @spiritualwar2793 4 года назад

      crazymause read the book of Enoch

  • @mudbreedman79
    @mudbreedman79 6 лет назад +37

    Pastor John, you have a way of making me even more confused then I was to begin with.🤔😜

    • @khatack
      @khatack 5 лет назад +2

      That's because you're got beliefs in your head but no Faith in your heart. If you think you can figure out God with logic and reasoning and word definitions, then you're kinda lost.

    • @rocellemarie735
      @rocellemarie735 4 года назад

      lol... he doesn't know. I could tell you what's up

    • @mandolinJo
      @mandolinJo 4 года назад +2

      Ephesians 1:13 In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise,
      14 Which is the earnest of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession, unto the praise of his glory.
      15 ¶Wherefore I also, after I heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus, and love

    • @wisevirgin3405
      @wisevirgin3405 4 года назад

      Mudbreedman... here is the correct understanding:
      The Pastor is correct. He could have explained it a little better.
      You cannot know the MEANING of a passage unless/until you know
      the CONTEXT. In Matthew, those who would not come represents the Jews. Therefore the Gospel "call" goes into the world (both Jew and Gentile)
      through the "call" of the Christian Gospel.
      Mat 21:43 Therefore say I unto you, The kingdom of God shall be taken
      from you, and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof.
      Many are called (called by the Christian Gospel)
      but few are chosen (chosen or elected to be saved)
      Remember, in Matthew 13, the Lord explains that the
      (3rd) Christian "Kingdom of Heaven" (the church) consists
      of both many unsaved "tares" (sown by Satan) destined to eternal torment
      and relatively few saved "wheat" (sown by God) destined to eternal life.
      Context means everything

    • @wisevirgin3405
      @wisevirgin3405 4 года назад

      @@khatack .... wrong, here is the proper understanding:
      The Pastor is correct. He could have explained it a little better.
      You cannot know the MEANING of a passage unless/until you know
      the CONTEXT. In Matthew, those who would not come represents the Jews. Therefore the Gospel "call" goes into the world (both Jew and Gentile)
      through the "call" of the Christian Gospel.
      Mat 21:43 Therefore say I unto you, The kingdom of God shall be taken
      from you, and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof.
      Many are called (called by the Christian Gospel)
      but few are chosen (chosen or elected to be saved)
      Remember, in Matthew 13, the Lord explains that the
      (3rd) Christian "Kingdom of Heaven" (the church) consists
      of both many unsaved "tares" (sown by Satan) destined to eternal torment
      and relatively few saved "wheat" (sown by God) destined to eternal life.
      Context means everything

  • @TheRev1011
    @TheRev1011 5 лет назад +12

    The invitation for salvation is offered to all but few are chosen unto salvation. Not everyone answers that call. But to those who do answer that call it's cause God has caused them to be born again.

    • @wisevirgin3405
      @wisevirgin3405 4 года назад

      The Pastor is correct. He could have explained it a little better.
      You cannot know the MEANING of a passage unless/until you know
      the CONTEXT. In Matthew, those who would not come represents the Jews. Therefore the Gospel "call" goes into the world (both Jew and Gentile)
      through the "call" of the Christian Gospel.
      Mat 21:43 Therefore say I unto you, The kingdom of God shall be taken
      from you, and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof.
      Many are called (called by the Christian Gospel)
      but few are chosen (chosen or elected to be saved)
      Remember, in Matthew 13, the Lord explains that the
      (3rd) Christian "Kingdom of Heaven" (the church) consists
      of both many unsaved "tares" (sown by Satan) destined to eternal torment
      and relatively few saved "wheat" (sown by God) destined to eternal life.
      Context means everything

    • @mirandataylor6385
      @mirandataylor6385 4 года назад

      Then why not say all are called but few or chosen if it’s on the context of salvation?

    • @wisevirgin3405
      @wisevirgin3405 4 года назад +1

      @@mirandataylor6385 ... the REASON the Bible says (about salvation) that MANY are called
      (many are called by the Christian Gospel) but FEW are chosen (few are chosen to be saved)
      is the SAME REASON the Bible says only those "ordained" can believe and the SAME REASON
      the Bible says only the "elected" have their sins PAID, as only they have a "Savior".

  • @Seraphim7
    @Seraphim7 5 лет назад +4

    But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God's special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. 1 Peter 2:9 NIV
    *I always thought of being chosen by God (before He created me in my Mother's womb) was the same as a call from God to Follow Him.
    I think this Scripture means God calls us to follow Him. But, few accept that call. And, the ones who actually Follow Jesus are the chosen ones because not all the world will answer to the invitation to live for Christ...

    • @wisevirgin3405
      @wisevirgin3405 4 года назад

      The Pastor is correct. He could have explained it a little better.
      You cannot know the MEANING of a passage unless/until you know
      the CONTEXT. In Matthew, those who would not come represents the Jews. Therefore the Gospel "call" goes into the world (both Jew and Gentile)
      through the "call" of the Christian Gospel.
      Mat 21:43 Therefore say I unto you, The kingdom of God shall be taken
      from you, and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof.
      Many are called (called by the Christian Gospel)
      but few are chosen (chosen or elected to be saved)
      Remember, in Matthew 13, the Lord explains that the
      (3rd) Christian "Kingdom of Heaven" (the church) consists
      of both many unsaved "tares" (sown by Satan) destined to eternal torment
      and relatively few saved "wheat" (sown by God) destined to eternal life.
      Context means everything

  • @13thRaven
    @13thRaven 3 года назад +5

    Faith without works is dead

  • @amaree9732
    @amaree9732 9 месяцев назад +1

    Many Wheel of Fortune contestants are called, but few are chosen...

  • @jazweehcom
    @jazweehcom 4 года назад +4

    The sufferings of Christ was Him knowing Truth while watching a world of blind men who could not see the light of Truth. He related to very few if any while on Earth. "The chosen" experience the same sufferings. To be called is the luxury of all men. To step into that calling leads to stepping into being chosen. The chosen are from the beginning with God. All are given a measure of Faith. Those who nurture and grow that Faith step into the role of the chosen who were with God from the beginning. All are given a measure of Faith it is by your choices that ye become the chosen. Its late in the game to become chosen it is a very hard process. The prodigal son experience can be lethal. But without it certain lessons do not develop. To learn the extent of God's grace & His Love requires the prodigal experience. But the prodigal son returns home and is grateful. He who sinneth much loveth much, where much is forgiven there is much gratitude. Love covers a multitude of sin. Faith, LOve, Hope are the greatest gifts. By now if you are chosen you will know it.

  • @legomeego8581
    @legomeego8581 4 года назад +8

    The parable of the good seed completely refutes once saved always saved.

    • @bornagain1580
      @bornagain1580 3 года назад +4

      It just means they were never saved before... “If they left us they were never of us in the first place”

    • @legomeego8581
      @legomeego8581 3 года назад

      Born Again Are you quoting 1 John 2:19? Because I don’t think that is what it means.

    • @bornagain1580
      @bornagain1580 3 года назад

      @@legomeego8581 would love to hear some wisdom on it God bless

  • @wallacepelletier698
    @wallacepelletier698 5 лет назад +7

    he sound's like he believes in the false doctrine of once saved always saved and God's word does not say that once your saved that you can't fall away that is just a false doctrine of devils

    • @tommymcdonagh8566
      @tommymcdonagh8566 5 лет назад +2

      I think you miss understand

    • @JasonSchmidt-1979
      @JasonSchmidt-1979 4 года назад +1

      @@tommymcdonagh8566 Yes He does:)

    • @wisevirgin3405
      @wisevirgin3405 4 года назад +1

      The Bible certainly says He will save all of His "sheep/wheat/elect"
      The Pastor is correct. He could have explained it a little better.
      You cannot know the MEANING of a passage unless/until you know
      the CONTEXT. In Matthew, those who would not come represents the Jews. Therefore the Gospel "call" goes into the world (both Jew and Gentile)
      through the "call" of the Christian Gospel.
      Mat 21:43 Therefore say I unto you, The kingdom of God shall be taken
      from you, and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof.
      Many are called (called by the Christian Gospel)
      but few are chosen (chosen or elected to be saved)
      Remember, in Matthew 13, the Lord explains that the
      (3rd) Christian "Kingdom of Heaven" (the church) consists
      of both many unsaved "tares" (sown by Satan) destined to eternal torment
      and relatively few saved "wheat" (sown by God) destined to eternal life.
      Context means everything

    • @domega9161
      @domega9161 4 года назад

      Wise Virgin amen brother

  • @lorisunshine81
    @lorisunshine81 2 года назад +5

    Still not understanding the difference. But thanks to the comment section I received better answers then you gave. Thank you to those people. Thumbs up to them who better explained the difference.

    • @stephaniec8404
      @stephaniec8404 Год назад +1

      Right? I gave the video a “thumbs down” because he didn’t explain the difference between called and chosen. The commenters did a better job.

  • @tomdavid952
    @tomdavid952 Год назад +3

    not all who goes to church are saved. only those whom the father draws... by their fruits you shall know them. Amen, obedience is the key..

    • @Yahshuaismyeverything
      @Yahshuaismyeverything Год назад +1

      That's what I been telling many people only a few literally are chosen not app believers were chosen many were called it's rare to be chosen

  • @rcantu1204
    @rcantu1204 Год назад +4

    There was a clarion call sent across the universe, for volunteers to come to earth at this time. The ones who came and answered that call, are the chosen... and they are here now.. WE are here now.
    If you are still asleep, wake up NOW. The chosen are now being activated to start thier mission. Time is short... i cannot stress this enough!

  • @JADiaz10
    @JADiaz10 4 года назад +5

    If we’re called and we show up, why wouldn’t we be chosen?

  • @johndoe-pb1di
    @johndoe-pb1di 2 года назад +3

    The difference is acts 9:15“Go!” said the Lord. “This man is My chosen instrument to carry My name before the Gentiles and their kings, and before the people of Israel. 16I will show him how much he must suffer for My name.”

  • @larrycarter3765
    @larrycarter3765 Год назад +1

    None. They are both equally Wacko.

  • @DeJuanEvans-s6j
    @DeJuanEvans-s6j Год назад +2

    Chosen is ALL KNOWING… Called is finding the way through direction

  • @jamesphillips1218
    @jamesphillips1218 2 года назад +7

    I am enjoying this Word of understanding.Amen❤

  • @barrygaynor1025
    @barrygaynor1025 2 года назад +3

    When the Lord first called Samuel, he thought the priest Eli had called him. Three times he went to Eli, who said he did not call him, and told him to go back and lay down. Finally Eli realized that it was the Lord who was calling Samuel. Eli told Samuel to respond the next time by saying: "Speak, for your servant is listening".
    See, First Samuel 3:1-21.

  • @camlovesjesus8872
    @camlovesjesus8872 4 года назад +7


  • @marvelousministry9434
    @marvelousministry9434 Месяц назад

    You are Chosen to represent Jesus on Earth until He returns.
    In His place, you show the fallen His Grace.
    God desires that NONE would perish, but all would come to Repentence.
    All means all.
    Is that IMPORTANT to you?

  • @sakiianoel8517
    @sakiianoel8517 3 года назад +13

    i am chosen!

  • @christinejohnson5888
    @christinejohnson5888 Год назад +2

    Absolutely. However.... Let's not forget the Holy Spirit that is our teacher. The meaning is hidden to the unbeliever and cannot be understood through a carnal minded interpretation. Blessings to you Brother. ♥️

  • @SteveNdahi
    @SteveNdahi Год назад +2

    All sons of Jesse were called to meet prophet Samuel but it's David who was chosen 🙏🏽👌🏾

    • @Lufuno_Dimbanyika
      @Lufuno_Dimbanyika 11 месяцев назад

      Lord , the minute I read your comment my spirit just went there is your answer. Thank you 🙏🏾

  • @jamestaylor5231
    @jamestaylor5231 3 года назад +3

    Hi, I’m one of the chosen ones ,as I have researched all that is happening to me, I have a vid to tell ya what I see 24/7 since 12/21/20 when I was super upgraded. I don’t know of anyone who sees what I can see at will

  • @PacificMidwest
    @PacificMidwest 7 лет назад +7

    Wouldn't a logical first step be to look up the words in the original language?? Why didn't he do that..

    • @bobpolo2964
      @bobpolo2964 7 лет назад +4

      Called is defined as being invited or summoned by God to an office or to salvation. That's the greek definition for called or klētós. I don't know why pastor John didn't use the definition from the original greek. That's a good question. But I think he answered the question from a biblical perspective, nevertheless. God bless

    • @roso2son
      @roso2son 6 лет назад +3

      The usage of particular words in the Bible (like the word “called”), even when translated from orig Greek to English is NOT enough to explain the meaning of the complete passage or sentence lifted from the chapter of the narrative or epistle. Much safer is to examine how that particular word (i.e. “called”) is shaped/influenced by the qualifiers found in the sentence , paragraph, chapter or the whole narrative account (like Matthew 22 compared to Romans 8:28 &ff). As usual context can be established from within the group of passages and NO single word is a stand alone in its meaning; its meaning can be shaped or contingent upon the complete paragraph, chapter or the whole story.
      A case in point are the ff:
      1) Romans 8:28-30 gives us two words, “called” that have different Greek meanings ( the word “called” in Romans 8:28 is klay-tos' w/c is the same w/ the Greek word klay-tos' found in Matthew 22). Yet on the succeeding verses (v 30), the word “called” is translated differently, this time it refers to kaleō not klay-tos' . All things considered here on this passage, the contextual meaning of the word “called” is the “chosen” (predestined, justified & glorified). Why? By deductive inference, we can conclude here that its meaning is established by the context.
      2) Revelation 17: 14> 14 They will wage war against the Lamb, but the Lamb will triumph over them because he is Lord of lords and King of kings-and with him will be his called, chosen and faithful followers.” Explication: Here, the word “called” is rendered in Greek as klay-tos' found in Matthew 22. Yet under no circumstances are we to conclude that it simply means invited (and not “chosen”) like in Matthew 22. Why? The usage of the word “called” along with other words like “chosen and faithful” establishes its context! Again, by deductive inference, we can conclude here that its meaning is established by the context.
      3) In conclusion, we can say that it does not matter at all what’s the orig Greek meaning is used in/within a passage of a biblical text. As always, the meaning of a particular word and its usage can be contextually established by the complete paragraph, chapter or the whole narrative.
      To reinforced my conclusion, think of Matthew 22: 14: 14 “For many are invited, but few are chosen.” This is a conclusive statement of the whole narrative, with a twist! The Greek word “invited” or “called” here gets positive result of staying at the banqueting table and enjoy the feast, while the “chosen” few gets slapped w/ a penalty of thrown into the outer darkness! Addressed to the Jewish religious order, the Pharisees thought they are the “chosen few”- the privileged, yet by its context, the ONE who is not properly attired represents the “few” that will be rejected! while the many who are “called” or “invited” will be included. Obviously, my interpretation goes against the traditional conclusion whereby only FEW will make it to heaven!

    • @ronlee7261
      @ronlee7261 6 лет назад

      Rod Sarmiento Hahahahahehehehe you type alot of words but you never said ANYTHING

    • @roso2son
      @roso2son 6 лет назад +1

      Your High school teacher Mrs Smith is waiting for you at the Principal's office. Your grade in English class is conditional!

    • @boomer1954ful
      @boomer1954ful 3 года назад

      I think the MOST logical thing would be to compare ONLY those two verses in the original Q. Look at what each teacher was saying: Jesus in Matthew; Paul in Romans. How much TIME is lapsed between the two spoken wisdom’s? (A LOT) Who are the two different teachers speaking to? Jesus ‘chooses’ (invites) all.* Paul is speaking to baby Christians in and around Rome who do have their difficulties.
      *I also have a suspicion that Jesus was making a little nod to the hypocritical Pharisees, too, in these Matthew verses. As we all know, Jesus had no tolerance for them and their MAJOR HYPOCRISY. They were phonies of the first-order.

  • @adeshwodan4679
    @adeshwodan4679 10 месяцев назад +1

    To be called is to be chosen

    • @colinjones8265
      @colinjones8265 3 месяца назад

      It is most definitely two separate things

  • @marlenevideos8666
    @marlenevideos8666 Год назад

    What about Romans 6:28-30, scriptures where it's about "the called" that are predestined? It is written: "those he predestined, he also called; those he called, he also justified; those he justified, he also glorified."

  • @Atilla963
    @Atilla963 2 года назад

    It's actually not the semitic jews, but the Turanic Turkic jews. Abraham was not from Shem, like shemites.
    Abraham was a Ashkenazi Turk. So judaism is a Turkic religion, and the shemite jews from Shem, are just followers.
    They twiated the history.
    It is the continuation of the Tengri religion. Christianity is also not brought by Jesus and his apostels, but by the Turks. They brought it in Europe.
    Alle the religions and prophets come from the Asian Caucausus region.
    From the people of Mu. The biggest pyramids on earth are in China, written in Turkic. Sumerians are Turkics. The Egyptian Hieroglyphes are even written in Sumerian Turkic.
    They stole the religion, culture and knowledge of Turks. And are now ruling the world in the Satanic way, money.
    That's why probably these falsified religion by people are replaced. Otherwise God would never replace the religions of jews or judaism.
    Tengri is readed upside down and from left to right as Allah. Before all these Abrahamic religions exiated. It came probably back as Islam. Allah again.
    The Maya's even wrote that the people of the Sun, the people of Mu will return over 3000years. The Chinese also say, the Oğuz Turks(Bull Turks) will return here adter 2023.
    That's why the shemite jews still wait for a messias, that will not come from them. Their red calve and golden temple are already here, those were the signs. They are still waiting.
    The creator gives the Turks again the power. Element 115 is in Turkey, more than 80% is there.
    We Turks gonna unite again under Turan.
    Big things gonna happen.

  • @senorahemphill7414
    @senorahemphill7414 Год назад

    What does yakub mean?
    In the beliefs of the Nation of Islam, Yakub was a black scientist who lived 6,600 years ago and began the creation of the white race. He is said to have done this through a form of selective breeding which is referred to as "grafting", while he was living on the island of Patmos.
    *****It's so much to learn about God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit!🕵🏽‍♀️😲🤔📖📚📝

  • @senorahemphill7414
    @senorahemphill7414 Год назад

    How was Jesus chosen?
    Jesus Christ Became Our Chosen Leader and Savior
    After hearing both sons speak, Heavenly Father said, “I will send the first” (Abraham 3:27). Jesus Christ was chosen and foreordained to be our Savior. Many scriptures tell about this (see, for example, 1 Peter 1:19-20; Moses 4:1-2).

  • @thechosenones121
    @thechosenones121 4 года назад +21

    As I was watching this video the thought came to mind that this verse goes so well with. The thought is this: so many people around the world especially in the USA say they are Christian but I fear that a lot are not. Still only God knows! I think that goes hand in hand many are called but God knows the ones that are really His!!!!

    • @abigailmendez8999
      @abigailmendez8999 4 года назад

      Thank you. That made a lot more sense.

    • @thechosenones121
      @thechosenones121 4 года назад

      Abigail Mendez your welcome, May God bless you Abigail!!!

  • @janeyue7491
    @janeyue7491 Год назад

    Called linked to 2 Timothy 1:9, which states, 'Who hath saved us, and called us with an holy calling, not according to our works, but according to his own purpose and grace, which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began!' This calling is done by God, and God alone without any help form humans.
    Chosen: Out of many that are called, only a few of those people are chosen, and those that are chosen are those who not only believe the gospel, but have repented, entered into the kingdom of God, baptized, and continue to carry on the gospel of Christ, as well as the continuation to follow Christ, to seek Him, strive to 'do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with thy God.'
    May God open your eyes to the truth!

  • @leslieweribone8863
    @leslieweribone8863 Год назад

    Food for thought: there are two new testament covenants - 1st is Born again: sealed with the Holy Spirit: the chosen (John 3 v 3) or you won't enter the kingdom of heaven. - 2nd is Salvation: saved by grace: Romans 10 v 9-10) and grafted in (Romans 11 v 21).
    If you are chosen (sealed with the Holy Spirit) you are born again. If you are called (saved by grace) you can be cut off, because if God did not spare the natural branches, neither will He spare you.
    If God chooses you, His Will, will be done. If God calls you, it's your will, that will be done. Stay strong in faith and follow your calling 🙏

  • @PraiseJesusOurKing
    @PraiseJesusOurKing Год назад

    THE BOOK THAT YOU JUST FINISHED WRITING? You have misdirected Gods word and the question to YOU. Repent brother.

  • @ShiroRiia
    @ShiroRiia Год назад

    This is why you can't interpret the Bible word for word, because you miss the meaning behind the context. Sometimes, you have to learn to slow down and to really think about the context and what it means in order to proceed
    It's the same with reading the Word. You gotta, I mean you NEED to ask the Lord to reveal to you what He's trying to say because reading His word is more than just gaining knowledge. Let me remind those who came across this comment in God's timing that we, read His Words not to only gain knowledge, but to know Him better. The Bible is His love letter to us, and He's trying to tell us how much He cares about us through His Words. Just like how you wouldn't read someone's love letter to you literally, it's the same with the Bible.
    That's all I wanted to share. I know, it's unrelated to the video but I just felt the Lord telling me to share this with you. God bless 🩵

  • @jeffreyjackson5229
    @jeffreyjackson5229 Год назад

    All are called but few are chosen because few sincerely answer the call. Simple. The bible demonstrates then repeatedly. Three examples: How many survived the flood? How many made it completely out of Sodom? How many of the original children of Israel made it to the promised land?
    All those who didn't make it were called in some way, shape, or form, but only a few were chosen because the heeded the call✌️

  • @htebazileeilsel2293
    @htebazileeilsel2293 2 года назад

    There's a lot of nonsense in these comments. Read your Bibles people and ask God to give you understanding in faith from a heart of wanting to know the truth and He will.
    God is OUTSIDE of time, so He already knows who would choose Him and who wouldn't so those who He FOREKNEW He predestined(Pastor John leaves that part out) In the same way that the Lamb was slain from the foundation of the world (but it was an "already not yet" reality because God is outside of time), in our realm Jesus still had to manifest at the point in history when He did even though it was done since the foundation of the world. Its a dichotomy that is very hard to wrap our minds around. Paul explains this is Romans but the calvinist twists Pauls words.(Peter warned that people would twist Paul's words because they're hard to understand and to their own destruction)
    God doesn't arbitrarily just choose some for no reason- "God opposes the proud but gives grace to the *humble*". Humility is not a "work" it is a position. Remember that God desires that none should perish but that all come to repentance and is long suffering for this reason.No reason to be long suffering if He just chooses some for salvation arbitrarily and some for destruction.

  • @rickengle7208
    @rickengle7208 11 месяцев назад

    Do not fall for this false prophet attempting to sell you a book. Scripture interprets scripture. If you want to know what a word or phrase of the Bible means you are to look to the Bible to interpret it.
    I'll make this easy.
    Everyone is called to Christ. Every person on the planet as far as I know. However to be Chosen is to be set aside from the beginning of creation to fulfill a specific purpose and I don't think you have much say in whether you will fulfill this purpose or not. John the Baptist is a great example of being chosen.
    God clearly directly intervened and compelled him to perform his works, but once his works where completed God relinquished control of his life. At which point John the man even doubted Christs divinity.
    John will be least in Heaven because he did not have a choice. He was Chosen.

  • @Mia_buceaschi
    @Mia_buceaschi Год назад

    If the word is in the Old Testament, then you search the meaning in the Hebrew translation & if it's in the New Testament, then you search the meaning in the Greek translation. That simple. This guy sounds like he's leaning in his own understanding. Had me all confused in the beginning.

  • @Austin_Bennett77
    @Austin_Bennett77 Год назад

    Wow! You’re preaching a false and misleading teaching John. God does not call anyone who He is not inviting. You are being foolish, because anyone who teaches will be held to a stricter account. Those who are called did not work out their salvation and allowed the worries, temptations and persecution lead them astray. Reread the the parables the Lord Jesus taught, and ask God to open your eyes.

  • @bengiey2k
    @bengiey2k 7 месяцев назад

    I totally disagree. Not ALL will hear his voice because ALL are NOT his children. That is real and the truth. I am sorry to tell you that only a few will be saved from this world. Many are called but only a few will only answer and accept his calling.

  • @lizapenamante5531
    @lizapenamante5531 2 года назад +1

    dig down deeper guys, after knowing about God, then try to know who ur spirit then, after that search that spirit of urs , if he/she belongs to the 12 tribes of Juddah, wherein the 144,000 been marked as chosen children that up to this present times their souls encarnates several times in human body to continue to spread the mission of God hereon earth & to add frequency & balance in this planet , coz if all people turned into bad ones, darkness will cover the lights & all his creation will vanished...the chosen are those 144,000 spirits that occupies you, & from that , u are rewarded too to enter in heaven by collaborating w/ that spirit by using ur physical body to continue their mission on earth