Hi, Norbert, can you make a Dutch-German test? This would be awesome. BTW: Your channel is the biggest inter language relationship field study on this topic. Did you ever plan to write a doctoral thesis about this?
@@FrauWNiemand this would be most interesting. From what I gathered by hanging out with a bunch of German friends who studied at Maastricht University in the Netherlands, it was very easy for them to understand Dutch after a very short time while living in the country and facing written and spoken Dutch every day. They said having German as their first and English as their second language was key. I might add they were all from around Köln so maybe proximity helped a little too... Awesome video idea nonetheless.
That was super easy for me as well. I am also native polish speaker but i can also understand russian. Knowing russian vocabulary gave me an extra edge.
you only think you can understand 95% but thats impossible. There are SO MANY false friends between the two languages. Plus, you can understand only casual communication. You wouldn't be able to understand someone speaking in more professional way.
@@nopopulary2012 XD. Wprawdzie nie wiem, do kogo to było, ale lepiej znać pare języków, niż, jak 1/4 Polaków, znac po angielsku jedynie „Hello” i „Bye”. Mieszkałam w Polsce 13 lat, wychowałam się tu. Nikt, bez spojrzenia na moje nazwisko nie przypuszczał, ze nie jestem Polką, mówię po polsku jak Polak. Moja mama jest Polką. Aktualnie mieszkam na Litwie w rodzinnym mieście z chłopakiem, studiuję anglistykę. Angielski na poziomie B2, tak jak i rosyjski. Polski i Litewski-tak, jak rozmawia normalny Litwin, czy Polak. Umiem trochę po Łotewsku. I uwarzam, ze każdy powinien uczyć się języków, nie ważne, czy jesteśmy w tym dobrzy, czy nie.
I am Slovakian working with poles in England. And polish and slovakian workers here never use english when they talk to each other, even when they can speak english.
@@881terror Goranglish probably, the mix of transitional Goral dialect and English. Someone should standardize that quickly, so we only cry abaut dyeing languages ignoring new ones LOL
isn't Czech and Slovak pretty much the same language with not that big difference? While I lived in Czechia my friends from Slovakia were talking to Czech people with no issue, and Slovak speaking people were taking Czech classes
mordko, po prostu nie jesteś targetem telewizji. Aż dziwne, że w ogóle pamiętasz co tam jest puszczane, chyba, że się męczysz i oglądasz dalej ze lzami w oczach, co już jest troszke dziwne
No niestety, mając tyle kanałów stacje telewizyjne muszą puszczać 'produkcje' robione jak najtańszym kosztem aby zapełnić czas antenowy. Ciekawe wartościowe produkcje zwykle są czasochłonne i drogie tworzeniu, więc idzie się za zasadą, minimum inwestycji maksimum zysku = reklamy i gówno programy pokroju w/w. Co prawda mam w domu telewizor, ale jedyne co jeszcze w nim oglądam to mecze. Tak to netflix / YT / konsola
when she speaks slowly, I understand literally everything. The language sounds completely different than Polish, but is so incredibly easy to understand!
I kinda understand that. Wadne jezyki polski i slowacki. Milo do wasz szystkich suchac 🇵🇱🇸🇰❤️. Sorry to any polish speakers my writing is kinda terrible
Thank you! It was so much fun to play this game with you, congratulations to you all, Norbert, Agata and Patryk, for being so good at understanding Slovak! :)
Your pronunciation is so clear, that I - speaking Ukrainian and russian - understood everything you said - every word - without making an effort. It's weird that I understand zero percent spoken Czech, even if it's spoken slowly and deliberately, while Czech and Slovak are supposed to be 90% similar.
@@tally1604 Because Czech sound harsher and Slovak so soft. For us Czech, Slovak is like far cute and weird Czech dialect. We understand almost everything when we talk mainly because of 75 years of same state. If Czechoslovakia didnt exist we wouldnt understand that much for sure
This is a very strange and cool feeling. I never learned a word in Slovak, but being a native Polish speaker, I understand like 90% of what she's saying. Really shows how closely related our West Slavic languages are.
Great to hear! I spent some time in Belarus in summer 2019. Sometimes was it really easy to understand and being understood, but I believe the key is an amount of exposition time. When I heard Russian language for the first time as a kid, I was just standing looking really dumb trying to figure out familiar sounding sound with incomprehensible words :)
I feel like Slovak is a perfectly balanced Ligua Franca for Slavic Languages. Nearly all Slavic Nations can understand Slovak quite well. Perhaps it's also because Slovakia is right in the middle among Slavic Nations. We should learn Slovak as second language in every Slavic country, hej! :)
I like how Slovak is so intelligible for all of its Slavic neighbours. I have even seen Russian and Ukrainian comments here saying they understand Slovak surprisingly good. And ślub is such a nice word for a wedding. It makes sense cause you kind of make a promise to each other. Pěkné video :)
Все-таки это очень интересный формат, позволяющий почувствовать какое-то глубинное единство наших языков. Словацкий на слух очень понятен для русскоговорящего.
@@Sun-p6e Не думаю, что говор здесь связан. Я из Екб и удивился насколько понятен словацкий. Самый понятный для русского язык из всех что я слышал. Укр. и белорус. хитроумную лексику упоминать не буду, т.к. вопрос государственно-политический... +надо учитывать, что параллельный текст существенно облегчает понимание
Да, какой-то умиротворяющий, приятный, asmrный эффект)) я сегодня посмотрел люксембурца со шведом-немцами, африканера, и сицилийца с пьемонтцем и иберийцами. Хороший канал, хорошее дело...
@@Sun-p6e интересно почему польский получился по ощущениям "сложнее, чем польский". хотя м.б. дело в случае "первой встречи" - моя сестра с первым столкнулась с чешским и "никак не может" напрячься на польский. А я сначала сделал польский и думал, что "ну а чешский за одно потом будет совсем легко", но оказалось - не тут-то было. Пришлось заниматься чешским - как абсолютно иностранным языком.
As a Ukrainian, understood about 95%, but that's mostly because Paulina was speaking as clear and slow as it necessary for foreigners. When Slovaks have their ordinar rapid conversation, I barely understand about a half.
Dobrze Ci idzie! Pierwszy raz spotykam kogoś komu chce się uczyć polskiego.. W twoim komentarzu są tylko dwa błędy "ucze" powinieneś napisać "uczę" a "sie" powinieneś napisać "się". Oby tak dalej!
Bo słowacki i czeski brzmi prawie tak samo jak polski z przed 100-200 lat temu. Jest tam sporo słów które wyszły z użycia u nas, a u nich się ich używa(pod względem mówienia, pisownią się różni bardzo, ale da się w miarę łatwo zrozumieć).
4 года назад+189
Prešla som väčšinu komentárov a teší ma, že je pre vás slovenčina taká zrozumiteľná. Ja už sa chytám na poľštinu. Ďakujem, Norbert.
I'm French. I don't know anything about Polish or Slovak so I don't understand anything without the subtitles. But what's interesting for me with the video is to study the phonetics and try to understand a bit about the grammar and everything without knowing anything about the languages.
Well if we're going to be honest, All Languages are all connected one way or another. Also I'm just a random teenager, So I'm just saying on what's on my mind.
Yes I agree, I’m definitely seeking for more information on Slovak and Polish after watching this video. Basic grammar and so on. I can’t go on living without understanding them anymore.
Pronunciation in Slovak is almost the simplest thing in the world, you just have to know 2 things, first is Slovak alphabet and how letters are pronounced and second is, after you learn alphabet the rule is write as you hear/ read as it's written, so basically every single letter has its own voice that doesn't change and you just combine those sounds of each letter to make word and words combine to sentences etc. But that's all that is easy about Slovak language.
Why do you feel Polish is beautiful? I think it's the first or maybe second time I hear someone saying that :) I'm really curious how it sounds to other nations. As I am a native speaker, I will never hear it like someone who doesn't know it :)
I'm an American with Polish and Slovak mother and father (respectively). My Polish is broken at best, but was able to pick words and phrases out. This is essentially immersion for me. I'm very proud of both countries of my ancestors.
I'm from Slovakia, I love Poland, I often go on a vacation to Poland, learned some Polish by watching movies and listening to Polish songs, really helped me, I can easily talk to people in Poland using Slovak but when the word is completely different from the Polish one and I know the Polish version of it I usually mix Slovak and Polish and It works perfectly, absolutely unnecessary to use English in Poland
When I went to Slovakia no Pole ever spoke English there everyone just used Polish :_: and Slovaks used Slovak too I remember reading some texts in Slovak and laughing how funny these words sounded
@@shion3948 yeah same literally. I've been to Slovakia a few times born in Poland and I can mainly understand it. Like reading is more difficult then hearing it but it's understandable. There were polish and Slovak signs and it's true that no pole speaks English there 😁
Polacy często przesadnie wyolbrzymiają niewielkie różnice w wymowie wielu tych samych słów w czeskim i słowackim i to jeszcze w niewłaściwym kierunku. No ale nie zostały tu omówione po słowacku žiadne čučoriedky s mliekom ako raňajky pre ťavy vo štvrtok. Dla ułatwienia po czesku: žádné borůvky s mlékem jako snídaně pro velblouda ve čtvrtek :)
Też mam takie wrażenie. Pracując za granicą że Słowakami o wiele łatwiej można było się dogadać, Czesi byli trudniejsi do zrozumienia. Słowacy mówili że łatwiej nas zrozumieć, niż żebyśmy zrozumieli co oni mówią 😊
This may be an old joke for some of you ... A Slovak was in Warsaw looking around and a Pole came up to him and asked, "Szukasz mieszkania? " and the Slovak replied, "Nie, meškám na šukanie. "
@@kys7615 Yes, that is true. But even Poles who know that "Szukasz" means you "f-word" in Slovak, they often don't know that meškám = I am late (for) ...
That's odd, I didn't knew this one. Oh wow, it's good to know though, I had no idea polish word "szukanie" sounds so vulgar in Slovakian. But then again there is a wine brand Šukac, curious and curiouser...
Slovak language is without doubt a key to all Slavic languages. All Slavs can understand Slovak quite well. Learn Slovak and all Slavic languages will become easier.
Watching this video, I've came to an astounding conclusion that, for some reason, Slovak and Croatian are basically one and the same language spoken in two different dialects. These two are probably most closely related among all Slavic languages.
@@danyelkodany656 It's quite obvious that we're talking about the same nation that has split itself into two separate countries, one continental and one mediterranean.
I often see Russians not being able to understand Czech or Poles not understanding Russian, and so on. But the one that they all can understand the best seems to be Slovak. That's awesome.
I’m Russian and Slovak is extremely understandable! It sounds crystal clear to me, unlike Polish (peculiar pronunciation) But written Polish gets much easier to grasp. Recently I found out that Slovak can be understood up to 90%. (especially if you listen to it more attentively 2-3 times)
@@internetowihusarze NO. Estonian nd Hungarian have the same origin ( Finn-Ugric) but that is all. Estonian is a Finnic language while Hungarian is an Ugric language. Estonians don't understand Hungarian at all and Hungarians don't understand Estonian at all.
Szia. Nekem vannak rokonaim, akik magyarok és lengyelek. Szerinted a lengyel nyelv könnyű vagy nehéz? En szerintem a magyar nyelv nehezebb. )). En is megértettem őt, amikor szlovákul beszélt. ))).
Příjemné video, díky! :) Posílám srdečné pozdravy z Česka! Slovenštině rozumím samozřejmě velmi dobře, však jsem narozený v Československu :) Moc mě však potěšilo, že i polštině jsem porozuměl dostatečně dobře na pochopení smyslu všech informací 👏🏻
@@wojciechbartkowski896 It's not true! :c Russian politics aren't the russian people, I am from Russia, I like slavic languages and I want peace in all the world!
@@korzeniek78 I have met such russian people, but they tend to hate even the russians themselves, if they are different from them in something. Unfortunately, there are also enough far-right people with nazi views in Russia, but most people don't like them by us.
I am from Czech Republic (Moravia) and of course Slovak is like my second native tongue, but now I can say that Polish is very close too. It has different accent and sounds a bit like rustling paper, but words are very very similar and generally I haven't problems to understand. Greetings to Slovaks, Poles and Czechs! I would like to watch czech-polish-slovak conversation, it would be very interesting.
Vsechny tyto jazyky jsou srozumitelne. Muj otec je banatsky Cech, nativne mluvim i ja cesky, slovenstine rozumim bez problemu 100%, pro me je to stejny jazyk, ale trosicku mekci (ackoliv ja nemohu mluvit absolutne po slovensky!) a polstine rozumim 70-80%. Zdravim z Bukuresti!
Nedávno ma zaujalo že Slovensko má 5 a pol miliona ludí, česko 10 - 11 milionov ludí dlhšiu dobu... Keď si pozriete rozlohu štátov tak Holandsko má menšu rozlohu štátu o 8 tisíc kilometrov než Slovensko ale obyvatelov majú tri krát viac 17 milionov... Možno je to tým že vyrúbali lesy kôli pestovanu tulipanov alebo maju menj hôr. ...Podobne Taliansko má 60 milionov ludí na 300 tisíc kilometrov. Dánsko má asi tolko kilometrov čo Holandsko a tiež majú 5,8 miliona obyvytelov.
Im Polish and i can understand 80-90% of Slovak, and maybe 50% Czech. Its weird, cause for Slovak people Czech language is so easy to understand. For Poles - not really. Dziwne, że Czeski i Słowacki są niby tak podobne do siebie (przynajmniej dla nich), a mimo to zrozumieć Czecha jest nieporównywalnie ciężej niż Słowaka.
Omg, myślałam przez chwilę, że Pani mówi normalnie po polsku, tylko z silniejszym akcentem. Jestem w szoku, wszystko zrozumiałam. Fajnie się słucha słowackiego. Myślałam, że to czeski jest podobny, a tu szok :o
Мой родной язык - русский. На 90 % понятны оба языка. И словацкий оказался легче в понимании по написанию и на слух. Польский - немного сложнее, но можно понять некоторые слова и подогнать по смыслу. Всё отгадала ! Это интересно! Благодарю, Норберт!
(Medžuslovjansky niže) Абсолютно так! Хоч український запас слів є східнословянським з додатком польского, розуміти Павліну було набагато легше, ніж поляків. Може, це завдяки словацької мови, а може, що завдяки Павліни. Absolutno tak! Hoti ukrajinsky slovosbor je vozhodnoslovjanskym s dodatkom poljskogo, razuměti Paulínu bylo velje legše, než Poljakov. Može, ce hvala slovačskomu jezyku, a može, že hvala jej.
Polish shares with Ukrainian a significant part of vocabulary too. I think for Ukrainians Polish is more difficult to understand due to its specific pronunciation.
A couple of years ago I had no clue about slavic languages. Now l am learning Czech with great passion and this wonderful channel has caught my interest in other slavic languages, like for example Polish. It is so rewarding to be able to understand some of it. Thank you so much, Norbert. Big cup of satisfaction for me. :) Pozdravy z Rakouska!
@@pitur5492 Hi Pitur. No, I am not. The ski jumper is spelled "Schmitt". But thanks for noticing. Schmidt is amongst the most common surnames in Austria, Germany and Switzerland. Martin is very common too, so there is tons of people with that name. It is like an Austrian version of a "Jiří Novák" or something :)
I am Serbian and my wife is half Slovakian half Serbian and she have some Polish ancestry from her fathers side, and we understand all of Slovakian words in this video but not so much Polish... I have so many Slovakian friends from the place called Kysac here in Serbia, but they use a hybrid language, with many Serbian words, but I love pure Slovakian more
Finally Slovak language! Yeah, I don't need to say that as a Czech I don't have any trouble understanding Slovak. I love this channel because just by watching these videos, my understanding of Polish has improved so much that I rarely need the transcript anymore.
Zdravím zo Slovenska, je naozaj super ako veľmi sa naše slovanské jazyky podobajú. Máme azda najväčšiu výhodu na celej zemi že sa vieme aspoň z polovice dorozumieť v krajinách, ak sú Poľsko, Rusko, Slovinsko, Chorvátsko a pod.
I read the comments and came to an amazing conclusion. The Slovak language, apparently, is the median Slavic language. Speakers of different groups of Slavic languages call the Slovak language the most understood language most often.
Yes that's true. Probably because Slovak has the least amount of loanwords from non-Slavic languages because Slovaks were pretty isolated for 1000 years in the carpathian mountains. Polish for example has a ton of loanwords mainly from Latin and german languages while Slovak uses original words from Proto-Slavic.
Slovak is actually incredibly close to Croatian. It almost sounds like the same language spoken in two different dialects. Slovak and Croatian are probably two most closely related languages of all Slavic languages (well, except Croatian and Serbian, which is basically same dialect of the same language).
I surprisingly understood most of what Paulina said without looking at the transcript (I’m a native Bulgarian speaker)! Thanks for another excellent video, I’ve learnt so much about Slavic languages from your content!
I'm so proud! I've been studying Slovak and living in Slovakia for one year until three years ago, and never spoke or listened again. And I still understood 4 question out of 5
I am Slovak from Bratislava, but my grandparents were Czechs living in Ostrava - close to Czech - Polish borders. I think that polish language was very good understandable for people from that region, they watched polish TV and spoke a dialect using a lot of polish words. As a child, I spent a lot of time at my grandaparents and thats why polish language is quite good understandable to me as well. I think, that crucial is to learn words which are completely different and words which are the same, but have different meaning.
As a French speaker with a polish parent, I like this comment 😁 - I think they mean that polish is sort of like the most romantic (ie French) language of the Slavic group (like French is known as generally)... or maybe I’m just (wishful thinking) reading into
As a Slovakian I can proudly say that I understood almost everything from what the polish people were saying, even though I never had experience with polish language before
Native German speaker here. I'm glad that I can still understand enough Polish to follow the conversation. I'm glad that Paulina some very slowly, so that I could understand her quite well, too. In the end, I guessed all 5 concepts she described, although I didn't know the Polish (or Slovak) words for all of them.
Im Slovenian, and i understand Slovak much better than Polish,but lately i go to Poland often and now i can undertand Polish better. Still, Slovak or Czech is easier for me..
That's because Polish, while forming along with Czech and Slovak the West Slavic dialect continuum, belongs at the same time to the Lechitic subgroup. Lep pozdrav s Poljske :)
I love Slovenia. I’m Polish so of course I love Poland the most, but S-LOVE-nia! is great. Everyone I met there was nice and friendly. My wife is American and she also loves Slovenia.
@@markg1531 Dziękuję bardzo! Im street musician and this year it was my first time playing in Poland and it was great! I was playing in Katowice,Krakow and Bielsko-Biała and people were very friendly! So far, Bielsko-Biała is my favourite Polish city, but i will go to many more, once this pandemic ends!
I am Russian, after watching this video, it seems to me that Slovaks are our relatives. The language is very clear. I embrace all Slavs. Братушки спасибо вам всем!
Jestem Marat jestem tatar z Rosji, Republiki Tatarstan uczę języka polskiego . Ogładałem tego video i bardzo spodobałes co tam pokazują . Norbert, wszystko było super!!! Dziękuję z Tatarstana!!!
@pavel и ещё я являюсь татарином-тюрком и ещё кипчаком являясь могу понять казахов мне учить казахский не нужно потому я и есть тюрок. Вот в случае языков огузских да, вот тогда нужно знать турецкий скажем чтобы понять азербайджанца
Poprawnie powinno być tak "Jestem Marat. Jestem tatarem z Rosji (Republika Tatarstanu) i uczę się języka polskiego . Ogładałem te wideo i bardzo spodobało mi się co tam pokazałeś. Norbert, wszystko było super!!! Dziękuję z Tatarstanu!!!"
you better not travel to Slovakia in the near future. The borders are closed and we are making big protests against the government. Sometimes you can see soldiers in cities. Until the government falls, it is better to avoid Slovakia.
I am a native English speaker just starting Polish lessons and was surprised that I understood more of the Slovak than the Polish! There was something about the Slovak consonants and the spacing between words that made it sound more "American" and helped me to pick out words easier.
I'm french and I speak polish and for me it's much easier to understand slovak language than ukrainian. Slovak language is to slavic languages like italian to roman languages, easily understandable for the others.
Hi I'm a hungarian, and I absolutely love the channel, and how it reveals common words in hungarian with the slavaian languages, and just wanted to mention that the word Pieklo is Pokol in hungarian. And I really like the way Norbert compares words to hungarian in a lot of his videos. Another one Sukna in slovakian would be szoknya in hungarian :) Lots of common words with rusyn. Legend
I'm a russian, who started to learn serbian and more or less understand ukrainian. And to me slovakian was like mix of someting serbo-croatian and very polonised west ukrainian.
Slovak noha" is not very different from Polish/Serbian "noga", but Slovak "otázka" means in Polish: "pytanie", which is much more similar to Serbian "pitanje" (If for Serbian speakers Slovak was much easier to understand than Polish, but not always :)
@@881terror Slovak: Pytam sa = Polish: Pytam się = Serbian: Pitam se, but Slovak: Mám otázku = Polish: Mam pytanie = Serbian: Imam pitanje (because in this form word "pytanie" is not used in Slovak. Moreover word "otázka" is not used in Polish and Serbian, even as synonym for word: "pytanie/pitanje" :)
Na koniec počuvame rozhovor so slovenkou. Vidím že našli ste Paulínu ktorá dava mi pomoc za moje študovanie o slovenskom jayzkom. Som vesela že, rozumiem takmer všetku slovenčinu ale ešte hovorím ju zlé. Tak, je to vyborná učiteľka lebo hovorí pomalo a jasne. Ďakujem!
I'm learning Russian and I'm at the very beginning of the process, but Slovak is quite understandable to me, even though I barely have learnt Russian yet. I vote for Slovak to be the inter-slavic language.
@@Ильджимэ ahoj dmitrij. ano máš pravdu. tri najpoužívanejšie jazyky sú tieto tri. ale nás slovanov je dosť na to aby sme sa nepotrebovali učiť iné jazyky. máme veľký slovanský trh a s ruskými zdrojmi nepotrebujeme nič viac. chceme len žiť. v mieri, láske, a pravde. nechceme bratrovražedné vojny. zabudnime na prehnaný nacionalizmus. stačí len ten zdravý. aby sme boli hrdí na to kto sme, kde sme sa narodili a nikdy na to nezabúdali. ľúbme sa navzájom :)
@@ujopandrlacik tak toto moc dobre nedopadlo. Súhlasím s tebou a asi aj väčšina sveta, no potom takí jedinci ako Putin niečo také nedovolia, ešte to len zhoršia.
Jestem z Rumunii i nigdy nie miałem kontaktu z języki słowiańskami ale teraz uczę się polskiego od 7 miesiący, bo mam dziewczynę z polski i też uczę się słowacki w szkołe, ponieważ dużo ludzi z Słowacji mieszkają w moim miasto i rozumiałem dużo co ta pani mówiła. Popraw mnie, bo mam dużo błędów :) Bardzo lubię waszą kulturę i język, Pozdrawiam!
Jestem z Rumunii i nigdy nie miałem kontaktu z językami słowiańskimi. Teraz uczę się polskiego od 7 miesięcy, bo mam dziewczynę z Polski. Uczę się również słowackiego w szkole, ponieważ w moim mieście mieszka dużo osób ze Słowacji i dzięki temu zrozumiałem dużo z tego co ta pani mówiła. Zrobiłeś bardzo długie zdanie które nie brzmiało zbyt naturalnie 😅 teraz wydaje mi się w porządku a jestem Polką i mieszkam w Polsce od urodzenia :) ogólnie świetnie napisałeś, drobne błędy ale tekst zrozumiały w 100%, ekstra - powodzenia w dalszej nauce.
Love your channel. I don't speak any Slavic language but still watch your videos just out of curiosity, to see how intelligible Slavic languages from different families are. Greetings from the Netherlands and Turkey!
I'm from Montenegro and it is easier to understand Slovak than Polish. Paulina did a great job, she really put an effort that shows her competence as a teacher/language professional (she understands how it is for a foreigner to listen while trying to understand her language), congratulations to you all!
@@Ильджимэ Говоримо црногорски (српски, хрватски, босански), некадашњи српско-хрватски. Словенски бих рекла/казала да је разумљивији (словенски = словеначки, Словенија, неки мијешају са словачким, а некима није познат као словенски, зато наглашавам). Црногорци немају много контаката са словенским (словеначким), али је ипак ближи од чешког. Мени је чешки добро разумљив можда зато што сам и учила словенски. Рјечник/вокабулар словенског језика помаже у разумијевању чешког језика.
@@Ильджимэ Словенски (словеначки) је западнојужнословенски, припада "западном" огранку јужнословенских језика, док су словачки и чешки западнословенски. О чешком не знам много, али јако лијепо/пријатно/угодно звучи и, дакле, препознајем ријечи које су ми познате из словеначког, али нису стране ни српскохрватцком (иста породица). Увијек треба пазити на лажне пријатеље, наравно :) Руски је предиван, близак и када га слушам, имам осјећај да слушам "старински" језик :)
As a Serbian, that has never learnt Polish or Slovak, I can freely say that i have uderstood about 70% of Slovak and about 40% of Polish. Cheers from the Balkans! 🇷🇸❤️🇵🇱🇸🇰
Почти на 100% все понял. Родной русский и знаю польский на ~b2. Как правильно заметил Патрик, знание этих двух языков помогает в понимании словацкого. Недавно смотрел на словацком фильм из своего детства "Spadla s oblakov", понятно где-то процентов на 70, и получил смешанное ностальгически-лингвистическое удовольствие. Всем привет, кто меня понял ✋
I'm from Australia and learnt to speak Croatian as a child from my grandparents. When travelling in Europe, I found Slovak to be somewhat easier to understand than Czech, Polish, Ukrainian and Bulgarian. I never visited Russian speaking parts. Would I be correct in assuming that Slovak would be somewhat a middle ground linguistically amongst Slavic languages? I assume that neighbouring countries would have an easier time understanding Slovak than other neighbouring languages.
Croatian and Bulgarian are South Slavic languages. Czech, Polish and Slovak are West Slavic. Ukrainian is East Slavic. I heard somewhere a claim that Slovaks understand South Slavic languages better than other West Slavic nations. For me, as a Ukrainian, Slovak is intelligible much better than Croatian.
@@maksymsanzharov1042 všetci sme slovania a sme z jedného "kmeňa" a všetci sme si kedysi rozumeli. vytvorenie národov urobilo medzi nami bratmi isté jazykové bariéry, ale to všetko sa dá prekonať. mali by sme sa spájať a spolupracovať. together we are strong.
I’m a native English speaker learning Polish (now at an intermediate level) and I am really surprised at how much I understood in Slovak! I think I guessed all the words correctly except for the last one.
21:37 To aż dziwne , jak cała trójka Polaków nie kojarzy, że ślub oznacza właśnie ślubowanie czyli przysięgę: ślubuję ci miłość, wierność... oraz, że cię nie opuszczę aż do śmierci
Thats debatable. A lot of the old slavic we assune exists, as it was, is because old church slavonic was used in southern and eastern regions which madeit aound more like theirs overthe years. While the spelling remains the same acxents do change. Polish evolved very slowly, in the 1200 we have a document of prayer that is almost identicle to polish today. I can understand old polish nearly perfectly even though it has origins and remained largely uniform from 900 to 1600 and at times later. Which begs the question. How close was old polish to old slavic. Considering very few influences from around the world, id wager very close. There are also changes in glagolictic relatinf to regional changes in acxents. For example glagolictic survived the longest in the czech refion to 1450 as a commonly used writing style. Possibly longer in the balkans but the documents are lost to time.
@@boguslav9502Old Slavic was rude pronounciation, древо is drevo, Poles read it дзево, also they cannot pronounce the phoneme L and say вуь like Bulgarians.
🇸🇰💬🤓👏🏼Check out Paulína's channel to learn Slovak through comprehensible input with SUBTITLES! 🙉 → ruclips.net/video/NSWEDGZ7uJU/видео.html
Thanks for the subtititles by the way. (I know this is a lots of work, I made lot of subtitles for youtube-videos.) - A German ;-)
Hi, Norbert, can you make a Dutch-German test? This would be awesome. BTW: Your channel is the biggest inter language relationship field study on this topic. Did you ever plan to write a doctoral thesis about this?
@@FrauWNiemand I want to specialize in instructional design but I'm always open to all sorts of linguistic collaborations. .:)
@@Ecolinguist "Test" meant: Can Germans understand Dutch or Can Dutch understand German (st. like this)
@@FrauWNiemand this would be most interesting. From what I gathered by hanging out with a bunch of German friends who studied at Maastricht University in the Netherlands, it was very easy for them to understand Dutch after a very short time while living in the country and facing written and spoken Dutch every day. They said having German as their first and English as their second language was key. I might add they were all from around Köln so maybe proximity helped a little too... Awesome video idea nonetheless.
As a polish person I understood like 90% of what she said, that's kinda cool
Ja tak samo
90% sheer comprehension +10 ave of her Slovak cuteness
I speak polish and understand 95% of slovak language, never learnt it.
That was super easy for me as well. I am also native polish speaker but i can also understand russian. Knowing russian vocabulary gave me an extra edge.
you only think you can understand 95% but thats impossible. There are SO MANY false friends between the two languages. Plus, you can understand only casual communication. You wouldn't be able to understand someone speaking in more professional way.
Me toooooo
To ona mówi po słowacku? Myślałem że próbuje ze średnim skutkiem mówić po polsku
@@nopopulary2012 XD. Wprawdzie nie wiem, do kogo to było, ale lepiej znać pare języków, niż, jak 1/4 Polaków, znac po angielsku jedynie „Hello” i „Bye”. Mieszkałam w Polsce 13 lat, wychowałam się tu. Nikt, bez spojrzenia na moje nazwisko nie przypuszczał, ze nie jestem Polką, mówię po polsku jak Polak. Moja mama jest Polką. Aktualnie mieszkam na Litwie w rodzinnym mieście z chłopakiem, studiuję anglistykę. Angielski na poziomie B2, tak jak i rosyjski. Polski i Litewski-tak, jak rozmawia normalny Litwin, czy Polak. Umiem trochę po Łotewsku. I uwarzam, ze każdy powinien uczyć się języków, nie ważne, czy jesteśmy w tym dobrzy, czy nie.
I am Slovakian working with poles in England. And polish and slovakian workers here never use english when they talk to each other, even when they can speak english.
perhaps creating a new dialect
@@4himsanctified Goralsky?
@@881terror Goranglish probably, the mix of transitional Goral dialect and English. Someone should standardize that quickly, so we only cry abaut dyeing languages ignoring new ones LOL
I always use English when speaking with Poles :-D We could most likely understand each other, but meh... It's just easier with English.
That would explain why my friend doesn't speak English even tho she worked there for 2 years lol. Kinda sad
as a slovenian, I can understand 80% of slovak, that's incredible... Slovakians really are our long lost brothers!! Much love from Ljubljana
But they use the word Slovenian,and it means Slovakian in their language.Why?
Suknya(сукня),spidnytsya(спідниця) in Ukrainian synonyms
As a russian, i can understand )
Much love from Slovakia. I have been in Slovenia and I liked it a lot;)
I'm Czech and I can understand both Polish and Slovak pretty well
you are Czech Hunter
isn't Czech and Slovak pretty much the same language with not that big difference? While I lived in Czechia my friends from Slovakia were talking to Czech people with no issue, and Slovak speaking people were taking Czech classes
And i am polish and i can Understand chech and slovak
skoro umiesz polski to hej
I takie coś powinni puszczać w TV, a nie jakieś 'Trudne sprawy'...
Naruciak by zbankrutował tho
Trudne sprawy sa zajebsite we tam
To jest lepsze i ciekawsze
mordko, po prostu nie jesteś targetem telewizji. Aż dziwne, że w ogóle pamiętasz co tam jest puszczane, chyba, że się męczysz i oglądasz dalej ze lzami w oczach, co już jest troszke dziwne
No niestety, mając tyle kanałów stacje telewizyjne muszą puszczać 'produkcje' robione jak najtańszym kosztem aby zapełnić czas antenowy. Ciekawe wartościowe produkcje zwykle są czasochłonne i drogie tworzeniu, więc idzie się za zasadą, minimum inwestycji maksimum zysku = reklamy i gówno programy pokroju w/w. Co prawda mam w domu telewizor, ale jedyne co jeszcze w nim oglądam to mecze. Tak to netflix / YT / konsola
when she speaks slowly, I understand literally everything. The language sounds completely different than Polish, but is so incredibly easy to understand!
Dużo jest słów które brzmią podobnie ale jednak znaczą co innego. I tu by był największy problem.
Ye,but the grammar is pain :D
many words in slovak were used in polish on past times but now those words are archaisms, like: szaty,
@@janekniedan tak zwłaszcza napad :-)
@@gromosawsmiay3000 kurva-kurwa :D
Krásné jazyky, polština i slovenština. Radost vás všechny poslouchat! ❤️🇸🇰 🇵🇱
Every your word here understandable for Russian speekers. Sounds as some very old Russian.
I kinda understand that. Wadne jezyki polski i slowacki. Milo do wasz szystkich suchac 🇵🇱🇸🇰❤️. Sorry to any polish speakers my writing is kinda terrible
One of them is beautiful. The other one is Slovakian.
@@xxBitchutecomhe speak in Czech
Thank you! It was so much fun to play this game with you, congratulations to you all, Norbert, Agata and Patryk, for being so good at understanding Slovak! :)
Podziękowania dla Pauliny za wspaniałą pracę.Благодарность для Паулины за отличную работу.))
Thanks again, Paulína! Your content for Slovak is just great! :)
zwłaszcza bajka o 3 niedźwiedzie) tylko w Rosji zamiast Yanky-Masza)
Your pronunciation is so clear, that I - speaking Ukrainian and russian - understood everything you said - every word - without making an effort. It's weird that I understand zero percent spoken Czech, even if it's spoken slowly and deliberately, while Czech and Slovak are supposed to be 90% similar.
@@tally1604 Because Czech sound harsher and Slovak so soft. For us Czech, Slovak is like far cute and weird Czech dialect. We understand almost everything when we talk mainly because of 75 years of same state. If Czechoslovakia didnt exist we wouldnt understand that much for sure
This is a very strange and cool feeling.
I never learned a word in Slovak, but being a native Polish speaker, I understand like 90% of what she's saying.
Really shows how closely related our West Slavic languages are.
Let's form Czechoslovaland (Slovakia, Poland, Czech republic)
@@Kazusus0 you mean Zapadoslavia
@@Kazusus0 and what about Silesian, Kashubian or Sorbian language? 😁
East Slavic also very close to each other. Ukrainian, Belorussian and Russian very close to each other
А русский получается?
I’m Russian and Slovak is much easier to understand than polish
I'm belarusian. And i agree with you
Что-то словакский чуть ли не 100% понятно)
Great to hear! I spent some time in Belarus in summer 2019. Sometimes was it really easy to understand and being understood, but I believe the key is an amount of exposition time. When I heard Russian language for the first time as a kid, I was just standing looking really dumb trying to figure out familiar sounding sound with incomprehensible words :)
@@gajagrigorjan9328 грузин и армянин вмешались)
Словацкий понятен!
Łatwiej mi ją zrozumieć, niż góralkę z Zakopanego sprzedającą oscypki.
Słowakom trochę łatwiej zrozumieć gwarę góralską niż czysty polski
As spanish speaker i understood 100% when she said ecolinguist
Bueno, eso es mejor que nada :) Saludos desde Polonia.
:D You made my day :D
@@radovan511 hahaha true story
what about the singular spanish "si" in the video
I feel like Slovak is a perfectly balanced Ligua Franca for Slavic Languages. Nearly all Slavic Nations can understand Slovak quite well. Perhaps it's also because Slovakia is right in the middle among Slavic Nations. We should learn Slovak as second language in every Slavic country, hej! :)
I prefer Carpathian-Ruthenian.
@@vexillonerd Transylvanian and Werewolf are mutually intelligible during the full moon
I may agree with you mate
We already have the Interslavic language project :))
+1 for understandable, I'm russian and understand 80%-90% slovak! Do you know about interslavic language?
I like how Slovak is so intelligible for all of its Slavic neighbours. I have even seen Russian and Ukrainian comments here saying they understand Slovak surprisingly good.
And ślub is such a nice word for a wedding. It makes sense cause you kind of make a promise to each other. Pěkné video :)
I’m Slovenian and I also understood Slovak very well, about 95% of it, amazing!
I'm Serbian and I also understood almost everything she said. Seems like Slovak is the Slavic esperanto :D
I can only confirm what you have written here. I'm a Ukrainian and the Slovak language was surprisingly understandable for me. Now I want to lean it!
Ukraine has common border with Slovakia, of course our languages are similar.
I'm from Slovakia :D(I know that no one cares but i wanna just say)
Все-таки это очень интересный формат, позволяющий почувствовать какое-то глубинное единство наших языков.
Словацкий на слух очень понятен для русскоговорящего.
Согласен с тобой. Полски если знаешь по украински тоже можно хорошо понять
@@Sun-p6e Не думаю, что говор здесь связан.
Я из Екб и удивился насколько понятен словацкий. Самый понятный для русского язык из всех что я слышал. Укр. и белорус. хитроумную лексику упоминать не буду, т.к. вопрос государственно-политический...
+надо учитывать, что параллельный текст существенно облегчает понимание
Да, какой-то умиротворяющий, приятный, asmrный эффект)) я сегодня посмотрел люксембурца со шведом-немцами, африканера, и сицилийца с пьемонтцем и иберийцами. Хороший канал, хорошее дело...
@@Sun-p6e интересно почему польский получился по ощущениям "сложнее, чем польский". хотя м.б. дело в случае "первой встречи" - моя сестра с первым столкнулась с чешским и "никак не может" напрячься на польский. А я сначала сделал польский и думал, что "ну а чешский за одно потом будет совсем легко", но оказалось - не тут-то было. Пришлось заниматься чешским - как абсолютно иностранным языком.
@@Sun-p6e is it the same but from the polish side as well. Being polish I can understand some Ukrainian words and phrases
As a Ukrainian, understood about 95%, but that's mostly because Paulina was speaking as clear and slow as it necessary for foreigners. When Slovaks have their ordinar rapid conversation, I barely understand about a half.
Same with me and Spanish in Mexico
I’m Slovenian and I also understood about 95% of Slovak, it’s nice that is so understandable when it is spoken slowly and clearly.
Normally I speak super fast, but when I started teaching Slovak to foreigners I had to completely change that! :D
@@LearnSlovakwithStories I'm getting addicted to your channel. Watching your stories instead of going home :)
Вот 100% поддерживаю!
Jestem z Rosji ale ucze sie polskiego, wszystko rozumiem co ta pani mówi =) Cześć z Rosji=)
Dobrze Ci idzie! Pierwszy raz spotykam kogoś komu chce się uczyć polskiego.. W twoim komentarzu są tylko dwa błędy "ucze" powinieneś napisać "uczę" a "sie" powinieneś napisać "się". Oby tak dalej!
@@arise2207 dzięki:)
@@siergiej_rosjanin_po_polsku brawo!!
Здравствуйте товарищ
Witam Cie, mój bracie Slowianinie 🙂... Pozdrawiam z Polski...
Poliaci sú po Čechoch naši ďalší bratia ~ ♥
tak jakby bracia z innej matki ale ojciec ten sam, albo ta sama matka ale inny ojciec :)
@@pitur5492 To żeś dał dobre porównanie haha 😂
@@pitur5492 rodzice są ci sami, wszyscy jesteśmy dziećmi z jednego Rodu. Pozdrowienia z Rosji.
@@CzasowAnton Tako je!Svi potičemo od istog Roda!
Byłam zdziwiona, że zrozumiałam praktycznie 95% słów, bo ze słowackim nie miałam nigdy do czynienia. Piękny język! :)
Bo słowacki i czeski brzmi prawie tak samo jak polski z przed 100-200 lat temu. Jest tam sporo słów które wyszły z użycia u nas, a u nich się ich używa(pod względem mówienia, pisownią się różni bardzo, ale da się w miarę łatwo zrozumieć).
Prešla som väčšinu komentárov a teší ma, že je pre vás slovenčina taká zrozumiteľná. Ja už sa chytám na poľštinu. Ďakujem, Norbert.
Poljski je mnogo teži za razumjet za razliku od slovačkog (Bosanac sam) ;)
Słowacki jest zrozumiały, niektóre słowa można zrozumieć z kontekstu.
A ja rozumiem Słowacki jak czytam też. Niesamowite. Nie uczyłam się nigdy tego języka.
Pro nás, starší Čechy, je slovenština natolik srozumitelná, že při jeho poslechu často si ani neuvědomujeme rozdíl😀
I'm French. I don't know anything about Polish or Slovak so I don't understand anything without the subtitles. But what's interesting for me with the video is to study the phonetics and try to understand a bit about the grammar and everything without knowing anything about the languages.
Well if we're going to be honest, All Languages are all connected one way or another.
Also I'm just a random teenager, So I'm just saying on what's on my mind.
Yes I agree, I’m definitely seeking for more information on Slovak and Polish after watching this video. Basic grammar and so on. I can’t go on living without understanding them anymore.
Pronunciation in Slovak is almost the simplest thing in the world, you just have to know 2 things, first is Slovak alphabet and how letters are pronounced and second is, after you learn alphabet the rule is write as you hear/ read as it's written, so basically every single letter has its own voice that doesn't change and you just combine those sounds of each letter to make word and words combine to sentences etc. But that's all that is easy about Slovak language.
@@patrik-4163 8
Wow Polish is so beautiful. 😊 One of my favourite languages with Italian and French.
@@0AdamJankowski0 yikes
Польский, очень много, слишком много "ч, ш, щ, ть, чь, ць, щщ, шшшшшш"
@@kertvuio ощущение (oshchushcheniye) ;)
Why do you feel Polish is beautiful? I think it's the first or maybe second time I hear someone saying that :)
I'm really curious how it sounds to other nations. As I am a native speaker, I will never hear it like someone who doesn't know it :)
I'm an American with Polish and Slovak mother and father (respectively). My Polish is broken at best, but was able to pick words and phrases out. This is essentially immersion for me. I'm very proud of both countries of my ancestors.
I'm from Slovakia, I love Poland, I often go on a vacation to Poland, learned some Polish by watching movies and listening to Polish songs, really helped me, I can easily talk to people in Poland using Slovak but when the word is completely different from the Polish one and I know the Polish version of it I usually mix Slovak and Polish and It works perfectly, absolutely unnecessary to use English in Poland
Mogłeś napisać po słowacku i też bym zrozumiał! 🇵🇱🤝🇸🇰🤝🇨🇿🤝🇭🇺
u can use english in poland!! hope u are enjoyed here in poland and hope u like this place
pozdrav z Chorvátska od ilokskych Slovákov😊
When I went to Slovakia no Pole ever spoke English there everyone just used Polish :_: and Slovaks used Slovak too I remember reading some texts in Slovak and laughing how funny these words sounded
@@shion3948 yeah same literally. I've been to Slovakia a few times born in Poland and I can mainly understand it. Like reading is more difficult then hearing it but it's understandable. There were polish and Slovak signs and it's true that no pole speaks English there 😁
Polakowi język słowacki jest dużo łatwiej zrozumieć niż czeski. Takie mam odczucia.
o wiele bardziej
Polacy często przesadnie wyolbrzymiają niewielkie różnice w wymowie wielu tych samych słów w czeskim i słowackim i to jeszcze w niewłaściwym kierunku. No ale nie zostały tu omówione po słowacku žiadne čučoriedky s mliekom ako raňajky pre ťavy vo štvrtok.
Dla ułatwienia po czesku:
žádné borůvky s mlékem jako snídaně pro velblouda ve čtvrtek :)
Jest tak ,czeskiego prawie nic nie można zrozumieć, a słowacki tak
To ja mam chyba na odwrót - lepiej rozumiem Czechów niż Słowaków
Też mam takie wrażenie. Pracując za granicą że Słowakami o wiele łatwiej można było się dogadać, Czesi byli trudniejsi do zrozumienia. Słowacy mówili że łatwiej nas zrozumieć, niż żebyśmy zrozumieli co oni mówią 😊
This may be an old joke for some of you ... A Slovak was in Warsaw looking around and a Pole came up to him and asked, "Szukasz mieszkania?
" and the Slovak replied, "Nie, meškám na šukanie.
F for all the people who dont understand either, btw havent heard this one yet :D
@@kys7615 Yes, that is true. But even Poles who know that "Szukasz" means you "f-word" in Slovak, they often don't know that meškám = I am late (for) ...
@thr eG the noun of the F word - F......
I'm Polish and I'm learning Slovak language and I perfectly understand this joke
That's odd, I didn't knew this one. Oh wow, it's good to know though, I had no idea polish word "szukanie" sounds so vulgar in Slovakian. But then again there is a wine brand Šukac, curious and curiouser...
Slovak is such a cool language! I understood so much! Greetings from a native polish speaker from the Netherlands :)
Slovak language is without doubt a key to all Slavic languages. All Slavs can understand Slovak quite well. Learn Slovak and all Slavic languages will become easier.
Watching this video, I've came to an astounding conclusion that, for some reason, Slovak and Croatian are basically one and the same language spoken in two different dialects. These two are probably most closely related among all Slavic languages.
@@Im_too_old_for_this_shit yes, its true, ive been to croatia for several times and it is really similiar to our dialect in šariš region
@@danyelkodany656 It's quite obvious that we're talking about the same nation that has split itself into two separate countries, one continental and one mediterranean.
@@Im_too_old_for_this_shit yeah
I often see Russians not being able to understand Czech or Poles not understanding Russian, and so on. But the one that they all can understand the best seems to be Slovak. That's awesome.
I’m Russian and Slovak is extremely understandable! It sounds crystal clear to me, unlike Polish (peculiar pronunciation) But written Polish gets much easier to grasp. Recently I found out that Slovak can be understood up to 90%. (especially if you listen to it more attentively 2-3 times)
As a Hungarian learning Polish, I understood almost everything from these Slovakian sentences and guessed all words well.
Love Hungary 😍❤
Does Hungary have any similar language too?
@@realtd8666 Estonian??? Maybe
@@internetowihusarze NO. Estonian nd Hungarian have the same origin ( Finn-Ugric) but that is all.
Estonian is a Finnic language while Hungarian is an Ugric language.
Estonians don't understand Hungarian at all and Hungarians don't understand Estonian at all.
Szia. Nekem vannak rokonaim, akik magyarok és lengyelek. Szerinted a lengyel nyelv könnyű vagy nehéz?
En szerintem a magyar nyelv nehezebb.
)). En is megértettem őt, amikor szlovákul beszélt.
Příjemné video, díky! :) Posílám srdečné pozdravy z Česka! Slovenštině rozumím samozřejmě velmi dobře, však jsem narozený v Československu :) Moc mě však potěšilo, že i polštině jsem porozuměl dostatečně dobře na pochopení smyslu všech informací 👏🏻
Słowaczki język jest świetny! Mówiony powoli i wyraźnie i jeszcze z napisami - praktycznie wszystko można zrozumieć.
You see guys how we Slavs understand each other, we should be all friends and help each other not hate on each other, we're brothers
Everyone except the Russians, because they always considered themselves the most important and wanted to conquer others, even now!
All peoples in our planet are brother and sister. We all are homo sapiens.
@@wojciechbartkowski896 It's not true! :c
Russian politics aren't the russian people, I am from Russia, I like slavic languages and I want peace in all the world!
@@korzeniek78 I have met such russian people, but they tend to hate even the russians themselves, if they are different from them in something.
Unfortunately, there are also enough far-right people with nazi views in Russia, but most people don't like them by us.
@@blin1986_2 True, we all originate from Africa.
I am from Czech Republic (Moravia) and of course Slovak is like my second native tongue, but now I can say that Polish is very close too. It has different accent and sounds a bit like rustling paper, but words are very very similar and generally I haven't problems to understand. Greetings to Slovaks, Poles and Czechs! I would like to watch czech-polish-slovak conversation, it would be very interesting.
Vsechny tyto jazyky jsou srozumitelne. Muj otec je banatsky Cech, nativne mluvim i ja cesky, slovenstine rozumim bez problemu 100%, pro me je to stejny jazyk, ale trosicku mekci (ackoliv ja nemohu mluvit absolutne po slovensky!) a polstine rozumim 70-80%. Zdravim z Bukuresti!
I'm Polish and I understand 80% Czech's words
Język słowacki i czeski są piękne i urocze, pozdrawiam z Polski ♥️
Nedávno ma zaujalo že Slovensko má 5 a pol miliona ludí, česko 10 - 11 milionov ludí dlhšiu dobu... Keď si pozriete rozlohu štátov tak Holandsko má menšu rozlohu štátu o 8 tisíc kilometrov než Slovensko ale obyvatelov majú tri krát viac 17 milionov... Možno je to tým že vyrúbali lesy kôli pestovanu tulipanov alebo maju menj hôr. ...Podobne Taliansko má 60 milionov ludí na 300 tisíc kilometrov. Dánsko má asi tolko kilometrov čo Holandsko a tiež majú 5,8 miliona obyvytelov.
Im Polish and i can understand 80-90% of Slovak, and maybe 50% Czech. Its weird, cause for Slovak people Czech language is so easy to understand. For Poles - not really.
Dziwne, że Czeski i Słowacki są niby tak podobne do siebie (przynajmniej dla nich), a mimo to zrozumieć Czecha jest nieporównywalnie ciężej niż Słowaka.
I´m glad you chose that teacher, she´s trying to articulate as much as possible so you could understand.
Uwielbiam Słowaków. Poznalam dosc wielu w życiu i zawsze to bardzo sympatyczni i weseli ludzie. Pozdrawiam serdecznie bracia ❤️
Zdravím bratov Poliakov 🇵🇱🇸🇰 !
Omg, myślałam przez chwilę, że Pani mówi normalnie po polsku, tylko z silniejszym akcentem. Jestem w szoku, wszystko zrozumiałam. Fajnie się słucha słowackiego. Myślałam, że to czeski jest podobny, a tu szok :o
Nám (Čechům) zní slovenský jazyk velmi podobně.
@@zdenekb3670 Polacy, Czesi i Słowacy = The Best Slavic Trio
Мой родной язык - русский. На 90 % понятны оба языка. И словацкий оказался легче в понимании по написанию и на слух. Польский - немного сложнее, но можно понять некоторые слова и подогнать по смыслу. Всё отгадала ! Это интересно! Благодарю, Норберт!
Аналогично. Как будто русская с акцентом говорит )
@@АлександрПлиткин-ц1й акцент немного как у Украинца есть
в других видео, где Норберт обьясняет медленно, я понимаю 90%, с словацкий хуже, все зависит рт темпа речи
я с севера России и мне даже украинский тяжело понимать не то что польский, но вот словацкий очень просто, я удивлен
@@hakooplayplay3212 значит, нам надо в Словакии отдыхать)
Toto je úžasný kanál. Hřeje mě u srdce, že máme slovanské bratry ❤️
ужасный 😂
Her descriptions almost made it too easy.
I probably understood more Slovak than Polish actually, as a Ukrainian speaker.
(Medžuslovjansky niže)
Абсолютно так! Хоч український запас слів є східнословянським з додатком польского, розуміти Павліну було набагато легше, ніж поляків. Може, це завдяки словацької мови, а може, що завдяки Павліни.
Absolutno tak! Hoti ukrajinsky slovosbor je vozhodnoslovjanskym s dodatkom poljskogo, razuměti Paulínu bylo velje legše, než Poljakov. Može, ce hvala slovačskomu jezyku, a može, že hvala jej.
Нічого дивного, адже лексично словацька до української дуже наближена після білоруської
Polish shares with Ukrainian a significant part of vocabulary too. I think for Ukrainians Polish is more difficult to understand due to its specific pronunciation.
finally a Slovak video, well done Norbert, excellent choice of guests
A couple of years ago I had no clue about slavic languages. Now l am learning Czech with great passion and this wonderful channel has caught my interest in other slavic languages, like for example Polish. It is so rewarding to be able to understand some of it.
Thank you so much, Norbert. Big cup of satisfaction for me. :)
Pozdravy z Rakouska!
@pavel Chtěl jsem se učit ruštinu ve škole, ale bohužel jsme nebyli dost lidí.
Ale máte pravdu, bylo by to užitečné.
Guten morgen Martin, you are the famous german ski jumper ?
@@pitur5492 Hi Pitur. No, I am not. The ski jumper is spelled "Schmitt". But thanks for noticing. Schmidt is amongst the most common surnames in Austria, Germany and Switzerland. Martin is very common too, so there is tons of people with that name. It is like an Austrian version of a "Jiří Novák" or something :)
@Dimitrij Fedorov Díky, tomu jsem rozuměl i rusky. Ale když poslouchám ruský hovor, tak rozumím jen málo.
I am Serbian and my wife is half Slovakian half Serbian and she have some Polish ancestry from her fathers side, and we understand all of Slovakian words in this video but not so much Polish... I have so many Slovakian friends from the place called Kysac here in Serbia, but they use a hybrid language, with many Serbian words, but I love pure Slovakian more
Finally Slovak language! Yeah, I don't need to say that as a Czech I don't have any trouble understanding Slovak. I love this channel because just by watching these videos, my understanding of Polish has improved so much that I rarely need the transcript anymore.
I am a simple Czech. I see there’s a new Ecolinguist video, I watch it and press like. That being about Slovak was just a neat bonus! 😉
Ale super to było,więcej takich odcinków))
Ja też popieram
Zdravím zo Slovenska, je naozaj super ako veľmi sa naše slovanské jazyky podobajú. Máme azda najväčšiu výhodu na celej zemi že sa vieme aspoň z polovice dorozumieť v krajinách, ak sú Poľsko, Rusko, Slovinsko, Chorvátsko a pod.
I read the comments and came to an amazing conclusion. The Slovak language, apparently, is the median Slavic language. Speakers of different groups of Slavic languages call the Slovak language the most understood language most often.
@derkov Look at the map of Europe, and you have a clear explanation.
Yes that's true. Probably because Slovak has the least amount of loanwords from non-Slavic languages because Slovaks were pretty isolated for 1000 years in the carpathian mountains. Polish for example has a ton of loanwords mainly from Latin and german languages while Slovak uses original words from Proto-Slavic.
Slovak is actually incredibly close to Croatian. It almost sounds like the same language spoken in two different dialects. Slovak and Croatian are probably two most closely related languages of all Slavic languages (well, except Croatian and Serbian, which is basically same dialect of the same language).
Yes, I had this feedbacks. See map, Slovakia is in middle between east, west and south Slavic nations.
Paulina powinna zostać współprowadzącą odcinki. Zdecydowanie rewelacja!
It's so cool that slavic people can talk in their native language and still understand each other
I surprisingly understood most of what Paulina said without looking at the transcript (I’m a native Bulgarian speaker)! Thanks for another excellent video, I’ve learnt so much about Slavic languages from your content!
I'm so proud! I've been studying Slovak and living in Slovakia for one year until three years ago, and never spoke or listened again. And I still understood 4 question out of 5
I am Slovak from Bratislava, but my grandparents were Czechs living in Ostrava - close to Czech - Polish borders. I think that polish language was very good understandable for people from that region, they watched polish TV and spoke a dialect using a lot of polish words. As a child, I spent a lot of time at my grandaparents and thats why polish language is quite good understandable to me as well. I think, that crucial is to learn words which are completely different and words which are the same, but have different meaning.
Я как русскоязычная из Молдовы, понимающая украинский, очень легко понимала словацкий. Здорово!
I'm Polish and from the expirience of vacations in Chroatia I know that when you have problems to understand a Slav find a Slovak LOL
Slovaks, perfect inter-mediums of all Slavic people. 😂
Polish seems to be the French of the Slavic languages.
Why French ? You mean pronunciation ? or something else ?
@@Papenstein Yes, it is so extravagant in comparison to the other Slavic tongues^^
As a French speaker with a polish parent, I like this comment 😁 - I think they mean that polish is sort of like the most romantic (ie French) language of the Slavic group (like French is known as generally)... or maybe I’m just (wishful thinking) reading into
@@CharlieInWesteros Sort of. It is in a comparable manner distinct form the other Slavic langauges as French is from the other Romance languages.
I see how one could say that. It's all the ę's and ą's that give you that "French sound" and are unique to Polish, French and Portuguese :)
Oh yeah, Slavic languages finally here! What a joy! Love from Russia!
As a Slovakian I can proudly say that I understood almost everything from what the polish people were saying, even though I never had experience with polish language before
This is awesome! I'm from Poland and I understand ~95% of what Paulina said.
Native German speaker here. I'm glad that I can still understand enough Polish to follow the conversation. I'm glad that Paulina some very slowly, so that I could understand her quite well, too. In the end, I guessed all 5 concepts she described, although I didn't know the Polish (or Slovak) words for all of them.
How were you able to understand Polish as a German native speaker? I assume you learnt some Polish? :)
@@testowykana1763 Exactly.
Im Slovenian, and i understand Slovak much better than Polish,but lately i go to Poland often and now i can undertand Polish better. Still, Slovak or Czech is easier for me..
That's because Polish, while forming along with Czech and Slovak the West Slavic dialect continuum, belongs at the same time to the Lechitic subgroup. Lep pozdrav s Poljske :)
I love Slovenia. I’m Polish so of course I love Poland the most, but S-LOVE-nia! is great. Everyone I met there was nice and friendly. My wife is American and she also loves Slovenia.
@@markg1531 Dziękuję bardzo! Im street musician and this year it was my first time playing in Poland and it was great! I was playing in Katowice,Krakow and Bielsko-Biała and people were very friendly! So far, Bielsko-Biała is my favourite Polish city, but i will go to many more, once this pandemic ends!
@@taurondur I’m very happy you like Poland! God bless!
@@taurondurgreetings from Bielsko-Biała 😃
I am Russian, after watching this video, it seems to me that Slovaks are our relatives. The language is very clear. I embrace all Slavs. Братушки спасибо вам всем!
Jestem Marat jestem tatar z Rosji, Republiki Tatarstan uczę języka polskiego . Ogładałem tego video i bardzo spodobałes co tam pokazują . Norbert, wszystko było super!!! Dziękuję z Tatarstana!!!
@pavel видишь ли Павел вот я заинтересовался этими языками и вот не могу остановиться как тебе такое?
@pavel и ещё я являюсь татарином-тюрком и ещё кипчаком являясь могу понять казахов мне учить казахский не нужно потому я и есть тюрок. Вот в случае языков огузских да, вот тогда нужно знать турецкий скажем чтобы понять азербайджанца
@pavel слушай че ты докапался ? Я и без тебя это прекрасно знаю.
@@maratrakhimbaev8847 . Good for you. We have in Poland a very small Tatar minority. They would be proud of you. :).
Poprawnie powinno być tak "Jestem Marat. Jestem tatarem z Rosji (Republika Tatarstanu) i uczę się języka polskiego . Ogładałem te wideo i bardzo spodobało mi się co tam pokazałeś. Norbert, wszystko było super!!! Dziękuję z Tatarstanu!!!"
Jako Čech říkám, že vám rozumím 😀
Szkoda, że nie ma tu czeskiego. To by było dobre porównanie 😀 Te 3 języki są dość podobne i zrozumiałe 😊 Pozdrawiam z Polski!
Ahoj z Česka ☺️
Taky všemu rozumím 🤪
sam się rikaj
Ja też rozumiem ciebie
Já jen moc nerozumím Polským slovům ale většinu jsem věděl
Hearing Slovak and Polish together like this is so amazing. 🤩 I need to go live in these counties soon...!
where are you from?
@@881terror Luke is american teaching Latin here on ytb. As a learner of Italian, mi piace il suo canale.
you better not travel to Slovakia in the near future. The borders are closed and we are making big protests against the government. Sometimes you can see soldiers in cities. Until the government falls, it is better to avoid Slovakia.
I am a native English speaker just starting Polish lessons and was surprised that I understood more of the Slovak than the Polish! There was something about the Slovak consonants and the spacing between words that made it sound more "American" and helped me to pick out words easier.
Oh yes, here is Slovak 😄 as you said, it really seemslike the Esperanto of Slavic languages 😄 everything was super clear!
Yes, I had this feedbacks. See map, Slovakia is in middle between east, west and south Slavic nations.
I'm french and I speak polish and for me it's much easier to understand slovak language than ukrainian. Slovak language is to slavic languages like italian to roman languages, easily understandable for the others.
Well, Polish and Slovak are both Western Slavic languages so no wonder you can understand Slovak more than Ukrainian if you speak Polish.
Je suis polonaise et mon copain est français. Je parle français, je comprends l'espagnol et l'italien 😂, mais mon copain français non.😂
@@nonazagranica2098 c'est parce qu'il ne fait vraiment pas d'effort 😁
@@nonazagranica2098 J'y crois pas ... parmi les langues romanes, il y a beaucoup de mots qui se ressemblent, au moins phonétiquement.
As a Czech language learner (for one year) I understood like 90% of what Paulina was saying without surprise. Like it :) Skvělé video!
And Polish? Anything?
@@volkhen0 Understood only a tiny bit 😂
Dobre, powodzenia z czeskim!
Hi I'm a hungarian, and I absolutely love the channel, and how it reveals common words in hungarian with the slavaian languages, and just wanted to mention that the word Pieklo is Pokol in hungarian. And I really like the way Norbert compares words to hungarian in a lot of his videos. Another one Sukna in slovakian would be szoknya in hungarian :) Lots of common words with rusyn. Legend
I am madly in love with slovakian "hej"! :)
Ukrainians also say it but usually as part of songs, like hej, hej, Sokoly
@Qimodis well a bunch of songs have hej hej
as someone who speaks serbian, slovak was much easier to understand than polish. Üdv Norbert :)
Hello ! Ok , so it's not just me ! (I'm not a native speaker but a learner)
I'm a russian, who started to learn serbian and more or less understand ukrainian. And to me slovakian was like mix of someting serbo-croatian and very polonised west ukrainian.
Slovak noha" is not very different from Polish/Serbian "noga",
but Slovak "otázka" means in Polish: "pytanie", which is much more similar to Serbian "pitanje"
(If for Serbian speakers Slovak was much easier to understand than Polish, but not always :)
@@Robertoslaw.Iksinski in Slovak language we have pytať sa = pitanje
@@881terror Slovak: Pytam sa = Polish: Pytam się = Serbian: Pitam se,
but Slovak: Mám otázku = Polish: Mam pytanie = Serbian: Imam pitanje (because in this form word "pytanie" is not used in Slovak. Moreover word "otázka" is not used in Polish and Serbian, even as synonym for word: "pytanie/pitanje" :)
Na koniec počuvame rozhovor so slovenkou. Vidím že našli ste Paulínu ktorá dava mi pomoc za moje študovanie o slovenskom jayzkom. Som vesela že, rozumiem takmer všetku slovenčinu ale ešte hovorím ju zlé. Tak, je to vyborná učiteľka lebo hovorí pomalo a jasne. Ďakujem!
To było superłatwe. Pani Słowaczka jest bardzo sympatyczna.
I'm learning Russian and I'm at the very beginning of the process, but Slovak is quite understandable to me, even though I barely have learnt Russian yet. I vote for Slovak to be the inter-slavic language.
yeah slovak is called as esperanto among all slavic languages :)
@@Ильджимэ ahoj dmitrij. ano máš pravdu. tri najpoužívanejšie jazyky sú tieto tri. ale nás slovanov je dosť na to aby sme sa nepotrebovali učiť iné jazyky. máme veľký slovanský trh a s ruskými zdrojmi nepotrebujeme nič viac. chceme len žiť. v mieri, láske, a pravde. nechceme bratrovražedné vojny. zabudnime na prehnaný nacionalizmus. stačí len ten zdravý. aby sme boli hrdí na to kto sme, kde sme sa narodili a nikdy na to nezabúdali. ľúbme sa navzájom :)
@@ujopandrlacik tak toto moc dobre nedopadlo. Súhlasím s tebou a asi aj väčšina sveta, no potom takí jedinci ako Putin niečo také nedovolia, ešte to len zhoršia.
My naive language is Macedonian.
I understand 100% Slovak
and 60 % Polish
How? 😂 When Norbert had a video with a guy or female from Macedonia i understood maybe 40-50%
@@huxe100 that guy was really really really bad🤦. He sounded like he didn't even understand good his own language.
How can u understand 100% of Slovak, when I as Czech understand 95% of Slovak, while Czech is the closest lol
@@maximgunnarson3291 and yet belive it or not i can understand even Czech 95 - 100%. Idk, i have no explanation how but i understand it.
@@sjov9 ok, takže můžem spolu klidně mluvit česky v tom případě ne? Když seš tak dobrej co?
Had no idea that Slovak is so understandable for me. More than Polish
I'm Ukrainian
Бо живеш в руськомірі.
@@vexillonerd Не бачу логіки в написаному
@@alx9385 Ти в курсі, жи маємо межу з Словачиноў? А хто там президента відаєш?
Але добре відаєш топ 100 мишебратської геліти. Отака льоґіка, хлопи.
If you understand Slovak you will understand Czech aswell. Slovak and Czech are very similar.
@@saiien2 Czech is more difficult to understand then slovac if your slavic language is not native slovac
Jestem z Rumunii i nigdy nie miałem kontaktu z języki słowiańskami ale teraz uczę się polskiego od 7 miesiący, bo mam dziewczynę z polski i też uczę się słowacki w szkołe, ponieważ dużo ludzi z Słowacji mieszkają w moim miasto i rozumiałem dużo co ta pani mówiła. Popraw mnie, bo mam dużo błędów :) Bardzo lubię waszą kulturę i język, Pozdrawiam!
Jestem z Rumunii i nigdy nie miałem kontaktu z językami słowiańskimi. Teraz uczę się polskiego od 7 miesięcy, bo mam dziewczynę z Polski. Uczę się również słowackiego w szkole, ponieważ w moim mieście mieszka dużo osób ze Słowacji i dzięki temu zrozumiałem dużo z tego co ta pani mówiła.
Zrobiłeś bardzo długie zdanie które nie brzmiało zbyt naturalnie 😅 teraz wydaje mi się w porządku a jestem Polką i mieszkam w Polsce od urodzenia :) ogólnie świetnie napisałeś, drobne błędy ale tekst zrozumiały w 100%, ekstra - powodzenia w dalszej nauce.
@@Mia199603 Ja zawsze układam takie długie nienaturalne zdania haha
Love your channel. I don't speak any Slavic language but still watch your videos just out of curiosity, to see how intelligible Slavic languages from different families are. Greetings from the Netherlands and Turkey!
I'm from Montenegro and it is easier to understand Slovak than Polish. Paulina did a great job, she really put an effort that shows her competence as a teacher/language professional (she understands how it is for a foreigner to listen while trying to understand her language), congratulations to you all!
Ďakujem :)
@@LearnSlovakwithStories Molim :)
@@Ильджимэ Говоримо црногорски (српски, хрватски, босански), некадашњи српско-хрватски. Словенски бих рекла/казала да је разумљивији (словенски = словеначки, Словенија, неки мијешају са словачким, а некима није познат као словенски, зато наглашавам). Црногорци немају много контаката са словенским (словеначким), али је ипак ближи од чешког. Мени је чешки добро разумљив можда зато што сам и учила словенски. Рјечник/вокабулар словенског језика помаже у разумијевању чешког језика.
@@Ильджимэ Словенски (словеначки) је западнојужнословенски, припада "западном" огранку јужнословенских језика, док су словачки и чешки западнословенски. О чешком не знам много, али јако лијепо/пријатно/угодно звучи и, дакле, препознајем ријечи које су ми познате из словеначког, али нису стране ни српскохрватцком (иста породица). Увијек треба пазити на лажне пријатеље, наравно :) Руски је предиван, близак и када га слушам, имам осјећај да слушам "старински" језик :)
Always a joy when Ecolinguist uploads
As a Serbian, that has never learnt Polish or Slovak, I can freely say that i have uderstood about 70% of Slovak and about 40% of Polish. Cheers from the Balkans! 🇷🇸❤️🇵🇱🇸🇰
Почти на 100% все понял. Родной русский и знаю польский на ~b2. Как правильно заметил Патрик, знание этих двух языков помогает в понимании словацкого. Недавно смотрел на словацком фильм из своего детства "Spadla s oblakov", понятно где-то процентов на 70, и получил смешанное ностальгически-лингвистическое удовольствие. Всем привет, кто меня понял ✋
Fun fact: Hulajnoga is an old Ukrainian word we use rare nowadays. And yes, it means "playleg".
Zajebiscie! Nie wiedzialem! Fajnie ze mowisz
хуляйнога? ))))
@@killer1100101 гуляйнога.
I don't know about the ukrainian word, but what I do know is that "gulać" is in modern day belorussian and it means "to play".
@@forbidden9531 waw. "Gúľať" in slovak means to roll, but also kind of a play, like "gúľať loptu" - to roll a ball (when kids are playing with a ball)
I'm from Australia and learnt to speak Croatian as a child from my grandparents. When travelling in Europe, I found Slovak to be somewhat easier to understand than Czech, Polish, Ukrainian and Bulgarian. I never visited Russian speaking parts. Would I be correct in assuming that Slovak would be somewhat a middle ground linguistically amongst Slavic languages? I assume that neighbouring countries would have an easier time understanding Slovak than other neighbouring languages.
Croatian and Bulgarian are South Slavic languages. Czech, Polish and Slovak are West Slavic. Ukrainian is East Slavic. I heard somewhere a claim that Slovaks understand South Slavic languages better than other West Slavic nations. For me, as a Ukrainian, Slovak is intelligible much better than Croatian.
@@maksymsanzharov1042 všetci sme slovania a sme z jedného "kmeňa" a všetci sme si kedysi rozumeli. vytvorenie národov urobilo medzi nami bratmi isté jazykové bariéry, ale to všetko sa dá prekonať. mali by sme sa spájať a spolupracovať. together we are strong.
I’m a native English speaker learning Polish (now at an intermediate level) and I am really surprised at how much I understood in Slovak! I think I guessed all the words correctly except for the last one.
Two possible reasons: 1. Slovak and Polish are very close and moreover 2. Slovak is considered Lingua Franca of Slavic languages.
Czy inni też tak mają?; przez cały tej "zabawy-lekcji" nie przestaję się uśmiechać. I za to lubię ten kanał, świetna robota Norbercie👍, pozdrawiam 👋
21:37 To aż dziwne , jak cała trójka Polaków nie kojarzy, że ślub oznacza właśnie ślubowanie czyli przysięgę: ślubuję ci miłość, wierność... oraz, że cię nie opuszczę aż do śmierci
Спасибо за выпуск.
Будет интересно когда-нибудь увидеть выпуск - сравнение словацкого и словенского или сравнение чешского и словенского.
I love how she says "hey" at the end of some sentences.
in slovak that means "..., right?"
Pretty cool, hej?
Норберт начал снимать ролики про славянские языки! Надо это отметить:)
Дык он с этого начинал.
@@MrOwl888 дык снова начал после длительного перерыва)) считай,возвращение блудного сына😂
Wow, zaczynam się uczyć Słowackiego jaki on jest piękny!
Kto z Polski miał to w polecanych i próbował zgadywać XD
Ja xD
Łatwe dała
Ja. 🌻
I’m Polish and I understood like 95% of what she said.
Slovak sounds much more appealing to the ear and is more understandable because closer to Old Slavic.
Thats debatable. A lot of the old slavic we assune exists, as it was, is because old church slavonic was used in southern and eastern regions which madeit aound more like theirs overthe years. While the spelling remains the same acxents do change. Polish evolved very slowly, in the 1200 we have a document of prayer that is almost identicle to polish today. I can understand old polish nearly perfectly even though it has origins and remained largely uniform from 900 to 1600 and at times later. Which begs the question. How close was old polish to old slavic. Considering very few influences from around the world, id wager very close. There are also changes in glagolictic relatinf to regional changes in acxents. For example glagolictic survived the longest in the czech refion to 1450 as a commonly used writing style. Possibly longer in the balkans but the documents are lost to time.
@@boguslav9502Old Slavic was rude pronounciation, древо is drevo, Poles read it дзево, also they cannot pronounce the phoneme L and say вуь like Bulgarians.
@@adrijanmircheski2134 till before war many people in Polska were saying L instead of Ł and we can speak it. My grandparents spoke only like that
I'm Macedonian and I was so surprised how understandable is Slovak language for me!
it is mostly because she talk so slow, people literally talk like this only to kids in kindergarten, also she is talking with no dialect
Yes, I had this feedbacks. See map, Slovakia is in middle between east, west and south Slavic nations.
Jsem z Irska ale učím se česky. Rozuměl jsem asi 95% slovenštině a možná 20% polštině. Slovanské jazyky jsou skvělé.
Veľká poklona, skvelé že vieš rozprávať naším jazykom. Éire je skvelá krajina, len na mňa moc dlho chladno :)
Czy mówisz po irlandzku?
@@piotrfelix Po Írsky nekomunikujem. Keď som bol v tej krajine, tak ten jazyk mi pripadal ako elfský jazyk :D Veľmi sa to podobá na islandský jazyk.
@@piotrfelix Ano, každý se ve škole učí irštinu. Ne každý to mluví, ale používám to pravidelně. Bylo by úžasné natočit takové video s irštinou.
@@TomS-ce8hi Myślę,że języki celtyckie różnią się od siebie bardziej niż słowiańskie.
I love how she says “Hej!” everyone once in a while 😊 In Swedish, we always say “Hej” when we great each other. Written in that same way.
In Polish we also have such a greeting but we can use it to attract someone’s attention as well :)
@@burwisko6913 Same here in Ukraine :)