you are actually the first guy who gave me some helpful tips, there a lot of other people who just click bait and it's was triggering me. But your cool kid keep it up.
mista dont play yes, it’s been nerfed, that and along with tonics, there is no more god mode build anymore, well there are some variation but not as strong as it used to be. Explosive doesn’t one shot kill, it depends on the range and also maybe if you’re using carcano or other sniper it might be one shot.
1. Keep track of your ability cards, if you just want to survive randos deciding to shoot you use a defensive build, if you want to be able to repeatedly kill them afterwards instead use an offensive one Make sure to level them up too, they upgrade quite a bit. 2. Keep defensive mode on when you can unless you are looking ot attack people 3. Get the explosive and fire pamphlets (if they cost too much just get the rifle and bow ones, (one for distance and one for highest damage)) 4. know your safezones and hide behind barriers, gives you an extra second to shoot when they have to go around 5.Varmint rifle isn't useful anymore in combat (really low damage), if you have something small game arrows can't kill in trading get it but otherwise no. 6. if someone lassoes you, equip the knife before they get a hogtie in and you're out 7. Use the scope on your rifles, I'm no good at freeaiming but if you can get some considerable space between you and them and try to freeaim, some people won't try to do the same and will over and over again try to run to you while you shoot them off from a mile away 8. learn to duck on your horse (comes with bounty role) and jump out of the way like shown in the video while aiming to throw off their aim if you need a second to change weapons ect or if you know they might shoot but haven't yet. Actually use them too 9. Just shoot at anyone equipping the lasso in your field of view (unless they are targeting someone else) they don't have good intentions 99% of the time 10. If you see a blue or red group of people on the map go around or away, if you aren't sure if they're friendly or not go stand by a safezone (bounty poster, fast travel ect where you are greyed out if you click on them) and wait there
11:30 how does rockstar not think this will piss people off???? What a fair experience. So much fun to shoot a guy in the head 5 times and do no damage only to get insta killed when he gets tired of pranking me
@@trapezoid5810 Bro can i add you? i would like you to give me some advice, practice, and a help me a bit, because i am high level but i feel there is always someone faster than me shooting, meanwhile i point him, he already shot me, also, i almost always die with 1 shot and no matter if i am using the card of the hat, i even die quickly.
PvP is completely random. Some times you'll get your headshots everytime. Other times you'll miss every volly of dead on shots or up close quarters. PvP grappling system when trying melee is teeth grinding. It's 100 percent chance. Ability cards only help you so much and aim assist doesn't mean anything when the servers glitch and doesn't register shots. I like to call them blanks. Even though you see the round penetrate.
Today me (dual lemats with a max gunslingers choice ability card) and my buddy (who's pretty damn good with the bolt action) just got simultaneously destroyed by 1 guy with this shit, even though we shot him close to like 10 times including headshots... This shit is absolutely ridiculous. Kid couldn't even shoot straight most of the time...
Pay to play... Pay to win. When a load out makes you a "better player" this is why they made rdr original get hacked to the point of not being to play the game so you focus on this trump card crap.
@@theguywiththeshades6792 it seems like it lol, that's why I came back to rdo and it's no better with the tank builds and dual pistol spammers. Screw rockstar.
JVCOBI Do I really need to explain myself? 25k people have seen this vid, now compare that to the amount of people that play rdr online, now I don't know about you but everyone that I meet in online has the varmint rifle, even if they haven't seen the video a person will want a rifle other than the default carbine repeater and cattleman revolver, when they see the varmint rifle and its $72 price tag then obviously they'll want to buy it because it's not a default weapon so it must be better (which it is) but most people don't look at weapon stats and only buy for the sake of having another weapon
Next new card ability. Superman we're gonna see mfs flying. And then theres grass man he blends in with the grass but you'll see a double barrel sticking out of the ground
I'm a low rank and got killed by an invincible card abuser I didn't even know it made you invincible so I was getting hella mad everytime I shot and did no damage
I literally prayed that the world would let us have this one game without griefers and trolls. 😑 it’s so disappointing because all I want is to have a fun time playing this game with people who at least have the decency to fight fairly. It’s the players who just go around killing your horses or your character over and over. I just started my character last night and it’s still in Beta mode so I hope they improve the horse controls and other stuff. I am also hoping to hone my skills and meet some good people and make a posse. Great video and thanks for the tips! 👍🏼
Zero skill yeah. So thats the reason why if 90% of the mode uses it there are still 1-2 player who are top of the line while the rest is behind. The varmint is far better than any other weapon in medium-long range, but just stop moaning about zero skill just because you cant handel it. Its allready a plage on reddit. Just accept that others are better or just get better yourself. But for the love of got, stop bashing this weapon.
@@mikehit LMAO can't handle it you say , why don't you look at the video I put up on my channel last week using it I almost got 30 kills and came 1st , combined with auto aim it's just a corny weapon for PvP
Filthy varmint rifles abusers, I have no need for such a crutch. Real men such as myself use real weapons like the bolt action rifle or the litchfield repeater, weapons that require skill to use effectively. I can crush those that abuse the power of the varmint rifle, in some cases even multiple people at once.
The jump seems weird. Sometimes I use it and they still kill me. Also you kinda put yourself in a disadvantage because they can relock you while you are still getting up. GTAs roll was quicker so that wasn’t a problem
Mercy Rule yeah take everything you see here with a grain of salt because not everything is true. He didn’t do any research himself. All these youtubers are literally just watching and stealing each others content and giving out false information because of it.
I found the best technique with the dive is to dive three or four times in a row in different directions then after the last dive quickly line up the headshot and shoot while they hesitate because they expect you to dive. Its fucking stupid but its what i found works
@@kronasoosanork lag is the problem with PVP need to be able to pick the best server's because latency is bad why people headshot you while performing a dive. Lol
No, when you dive it doesn’t mean that you’re invincible, it just doesn’t allow you to auto lock, but you can still aim at an opponent and shoot him if you’ve got the skills...
At least you didn't blatantly rip off my vid like mrboss did, so thnx for that... and you had some pretty cool tips in here as well. Btw used to watch your vids like 10 years ago or so when you used to do Runescape lol
11:40 it makes sense now, why after 5-6 straight headshots I couldnt put the guy down. Basically it's just like every other game--the higher rank you get the more perks are protecting you.
For tip 4 you can just go in first person mode. What this does is that you will automatically be jogging without holding X/A which means you also be able to use the right analog stick to aim
I don’t think regen card is a good choice, most gunfights are headshots.. and even if you get killed by body shots, regen isn’t going to save you. I do most pvp in free roam. So my personal choice was damage on horseback. The other cards you picked were right. But of course.. this is just my opinion
but... like... when are you ever gonna be horseback in a pvp fight ..? and the regen card can be very usrfull against AI because they arent 1 hit killing you ??
Here's a tip for you. Don't leave your deadeye core in the red. You won't hit a thing. Also split points don't do more damage. They are just more accurate.
These tips were useful when red dead online was actually about cowboys, now we have jedis that can deflect shots, hats that stop bullets, tank 7 shots to the chest, and insta kill you after all of that
Another great video with some amazing pointers, especially the option tweaks. If I could add two of my own... First one is just to stay calm and collected. Like Little Bill says in Unforgiven, " A man who'll keep his head and not get rattled under fire likely as not he'll kill ya'." I've consistently found it's better to look for that one head shot, even if means eating a round from the other guy. Especially if he does the combat dive after every shot. Sure it's not guaranteed and some people are just really good with the lock on that they'll hit every shot they get a chance at, but taking a little time seems to make all the difference. Failing that? The shotguns do wonders for those who like chest shots. I heard the bolt action rifle with express rounds is a pretty solid chest shot killer too. Second tip is... Don't be afraid to close the distance. The way the melee combat is at the moment, the person who initiates the melee combat by closing the distance either with a tackle, or just into range to grapple seems to have a huge advantage. Thus far I think I've lost 3 out of a dozen melee encounters because I like to close. The knife is a good choice, especially if they escape a grapple as it's easy to follow up. The lasso is pretty good too if you're one on one, or in good cover as a takedown will result in an instant hog-tie. Time consuming, but effective. Not a huge fan of the tomahawk or machete at the moment, as while they're great for fighting other people in melee a pistol or revolver armed character has a good chance of getting off a head shot, or using a combat dive to generate enough distance to come back up and fan the hammer, which will either kill you via the shots themselves, or allow them to initiate an execution. That's my bit anyway. Keep up the good content. You're the man right now for these RDR2 tips and tricks.
People think the auto-aim in this game makes it too easy. But they don't take into account recoil. Even from a reload animation. Those guns bounce all over the place, however you aim them. You absolutely have to be patient to land head shots consecutively. These are both good tips. I love insta-hogtying. It leaves one enemy out of play for a moment, in case you are dealing with multiple enemies. Also we discovered if you pick up someone and drop them over and over, you reset their "break free" meter each time. It's a real dick move, but if you are trying to keep the field empty lol.
@@celticcursegaming4277 No worries, all I ask is if you see Kittenboo or "Kitty's Meowrauder's" out there in the wilderness, to not use my tip against me or my posse. lol ;) I only ask for your own good. Because we can be pretty relentless in extracting vengeance. :D
This is what I've been looking for! I've used most of this, but never use dead eye in showdowns - can make easy head shots, but get killed... a lot. Also the jump tip is great.
Little quick tip cos I Know a lot of people don't bother to use the revolver. but if you are about mid to close range with the revolver don't lock on, get your target mid screen and rapid fire R2 and you will feather the trigger blowing your target away
One more tip in the settings change control type to standard FPS, makes the left stick the run button and A is crouch I personally find it easier to play like that
You cant roll and there's bloom on the guns which slows down the gun fights and the controls are too clunky to do anything red dead redemption 1 had better controls than this smh
I don't know how anybody can aim with a typical controller used on PS4. If it was free aim, it would take me about 15 minutes to be able to aim at my target. It's hard on consoles. Maybe close to impossible. When RR2 is released to PC, that will make aiming way easier, in my opinion.
Yeah, people kind of dont understand that you dont have to use the varmint to be good. Saw a lot of people get first place in a row with a lancaster. But people will always need something to complain about
Really, thanks. I’ve been trying to find a way to start in order to reach their level. Got ganged up on by the biggest posse I’ve ever seen. Literally spawn killed and I ain’t a bad shot. It took at least 4 or 5 headshots.😂😵
Can someone please help me? I shut down my Xbox in the wrong way yesterday before the update went live and this morning when I was going to update the game it said it would take 92 GB. So I clicked on the game and there it said that I had to install the game first to play it, but I had already installed it since launch and played it yesterday? What do I do?
I thought you couldn’t change your main abilitiy card once you select it? I want that one cause I thought you could paint targets on all dead eye cards smh 🤦🏾♂️
@@roryandrews3740 he is talking about when you spawn in, you are all ghostish and you cant get hurt or hurt anything. This allows the ghost or a guy constantly aiming at the head to get a free kill
Yeeyaww, for sniper players I recommend having different settings for the first person and third person, my first person I fully maxed out everything except for deadzone, that’s for sniping because scopes are hella slow, and movements are dummy fast. And for third person do whatever , mine is a slower settings because i cant go for those repeaters paint it black headshots in super fast settings.
You can execute NPCs with a pistol by tackling them to unlock the option with the usual fire trigger. This can give up to 35 xp a kill with the kill, headshot, execution, and eyes wide shut rewards.
No, it puts everyone on the same playing field. But you might be amazed the percentage of people playing that still haven't figured out how to land headshots. If you utilize cover, tactics, etc. you can dominate any opponents.
Yea RDR in 2010 had a true skill Gap, everyone had same weapons and the quickest player with headshots ruled, this game the Gap is in how high yr level is. Due to better weapons,ammo, ability cards, maxed health, they have ruined the RDR legacy
TheCuteZerg I’ve been on since day one. So I already know most of this shit. (The only thing I’ve learned from any RUclips page is how to break free of a lasso and wear the cougar spawns near black water. ) but for someone playing for the first day and getting owned all the time this video is useful. There’s no “unlimited $$ with this trick you didn’t know about” head line crap. It’s basic and to the point. He’s not fake laughing with a camera pointed at his face and forcing 5 commercials on you.
I use a Carbine,Bow, and Sawed off,I wanna get the Bolt Action because I love that gun,and I'll have (In my opinion) the perfect setup.Long range and high damage (Bolt Action) Stealthy and versatile (Bow) instant win at quick encounters (Sawed off). It helps that I have fast reactions and reflexes, and that I have the controls locked down,I would say to use the dead eye heal thing and hide behind trees or leaves,Aim assist players can't lock on and you heal,I also double tap with the Carbine for a automatic rifle feel and fire rate,AND USE COVER,I won so many matches using cover,don't advance unless with a shotgun,and don't use normal ammo for shotguns,use slugs. Also if you're interested in missions/hunting,fishing,or goofing off than simply tell me!(Also I believe only attacking after attacked so yea,I'm level 21.)
Just a heads up, this vid is for casual players who can only aim with auto aim. Pro gamers are on free aim and when we get free aim lobbies noobs wont stand a chance!
@@mikeb4471 says the one who probably gets constantly shot because he can't handle the current aim? Get a grip on yourself. Rdr was always auto aim so just shut up allready with your complains. Nobody forces you to play rd:o Just wait untill free aim lobies come out so you can find another thing to complain about
Excellent video, I am constantly losing in RDOnline. I am Rank 10, now you give me more motivation to rank up and unlock the passive cards etc, the funny thing is I only want the trophy for becoming MVP 3 times lol. But right now I'm extremely bad at PVP and I am a retired full blown GTA Tryhard.
Using the Varmint is for non -skilled players who just want to simulate being good, please don't use that crap cause is kind of toxic for other players
André Díaz all I do is just go and pick up my own varmint if I see someone using it and show them what it feels like (So long until they leave the session)
Why everybody gotta complain about people not playing the game EXACTLY how they want. If you get mad over things like this, then you need to log out and go for a run...
lol I have 28 Gold, and I don't even have anything left to spend it on, that I really care about. I'm only level 23 but have been in the Beta since day two. Most of that Gold I got from R* for playing the beta. To answer your question... play the beta to earn gold. Also level up, every 5 levels you get a Treasure Map from the post office.
So technically deadzone to 0 and acceleration to full does improve accuracy but it doesn’t help you lock on, the deadzone basically means that the more you have it the more you have to move your stick for the game to respond to your movements, and acceleration is basically how fast it takes for the aiming to reach max speed, if you put it low it will be slow when you’re aiming and moving your analog but it will gradually gets faster. Most FPS these days have full aim acceleration and you can’t change it.
This might be the reason why shooting someone in the head or point blank with a shotgun never works, but that would imply you can use that ability on the fly while running ...
lol yeah the bow is stealthy... except for the fact there is an obvious red dot on the map showing exactly where you are. stealth does not exist in rdr2 online. Wish it did. Even the NPC's will attack after the first bow kill 90% of the time like they are omnipotent until the gunfight
Ahhhhh the good beta days...... where everyone would go to bars and start bar fights, go to the train tracks and fall off the bridge, to going to online matches and play one of the best team death matches.....
If you ask me slow and steady is the best dead eye card put there you may love slow but you take more damage and headshots can't kill you right away and you get pinpoint accuracy
Top 10 Tricks to win more PVP gunfights in Red Dead Online!
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Good video, im also late, didnt know you uploaded, grinding some nice RDR2
you are actually the first guy who gave me some helpful tips, there a lot of other people who just click bait and it's was triggering me.
But your cool kid keep it up.
I saw 2 Hacker in game the kill me whitout any gun in Sprint mod in pvp
Are u from Ireland
This whole time I thought I sucked at online and/or that everyone else is a I know only the first part is true...
Isn't this also a guide for my opponents on how to kill me easier?
lets not talk about that part...
This is not a guide for my opponents to kill me easier, but I don't think it would be possible for it to be any easier than it already seems to be.
Viking Shark btw this is outdated, the meta has shifted and there are new videos
This is almost the same argument on gun control
not if they are dumb enough to forget!
"A headshot with he bow is an instant one-hit kill"
...So like every other weapon?
Jonnymag8 not anymore all weapons and abilities have been balanced out
There's a card that makes you resistant to one shot head shots when dead-eye is active
mista dont play yes, it’s been nerfed, that and along with tonics, there is no more god mode build anymore, well there are some variation but not as strong as it used to be. Explosive doesn’t one shot kill, it depends on the range and also maybe if you’re using carcano or other sniper it might be one shot.
1. Keep track of your ability cards, if you just want to survive randos deciding to shoot you use a defensive build, if you want to be able to repeatedly kill them afterwards instead use an offensive one
Make sure to level them up too, they upgrade quite a bit.
2. Keep defensive mode on when you can unless you are looking ot attack people
3. Get the explosive and fire pamphlets (if they cost too much just get the rifle and bow ones, (one for distance and one for highest damage))
4. know your safezones and hide behind barriers, gives you an extra second to shoot when they have to go around
5.Varmint rifle isn't useful anymore in combat (really low damage), if you have something small game arrows can't kill in trading get it but otherwise no.
6. if someone lassoes you, equip the knife before they get a hogtie in and you're out
7. Use the scope on your rifles, I'm no good at freeaiming but if you can get some considerable space between you and them and try to freeaim, some people won't try to do the same and will over and over again try to run to you while you shoot them off from a mile away
8. learn to duck on your horse (comes with bounty role) and jump out of the way like shown in the video while aiming to throw off their aim if you need a second to change weapons ect or if you know they might shoot but haven't yet. Actually use them too
9. Just shoot at anyone equipping the lasso in your field of view (unless they are targeting someone else) they don't have good intentions 99% of the time
10. If you see a blue or red group of people on the map go around or away, if you aren't sure if they're friendly or not go stand by a safezone (bounty poster, fast travel ect where you are greyed out if you click on them) and wait there
Good tips!!
I run PIB, Fool me once, winning streak, and strange medicine
No wonder I’m so trash, I haven’t even touch the the ability cards lol
Brandon Child's did you ever get better in pvp?
Pvp is a joke in Red skill involved..whoever has the most tonics wins
He applied paint it black and never upgraded it
11:30 how does rockstar not think this will piss people off???? What a fair experience. So much fun to shoot a guy in the head 5 times and do no damage only to get insta killed when he gets tired of pranking me
@Supernaturally American you're damn right about that, these cards need to disappear.
Ethan Manning The only card I really respect is slippery bastard
Kazuhira Miller lmao slippery bastards is a fucking noob card whatcu talking about haha
They should remove the cards
I love the cards!! The rest of you need to figure out how they work and get good!!
Be honest, you came here after someone mopped the floor with you.
everyone mops the floor with me 😂
i got betrayed by my whole posse after a legendary bounty, it was a 1v3 and they legit only used paint it black
@@poptartninja just happened to me last night i helped these guys with like 5 missions all of a sudden everyone lit me up like I had the T virus
I haven't met anyone who has actually been better than me. The only times I've died repeatedly is when I'm being griefed by like 5 people.
@@trapezoid5810 Bro can i add you? i would like you to give me some advice, practice, and a help me a bit, because i am high level but i feel there is always someone faster than me shooting, meanwhile i point him, he already shot me, also, i almost always die with 1 shot and no matter if i am using the card of the hat, i even die quickly.
PvP is completely random. Some times you'll get your headshots everytime. Other times you'll miss every volly of dead on shots or up close quarters. PvP grappling system when trying melee is teeth grinding. It's 100 percent chance. Ability cards only help you so much and aim assist doesn't mean anything when the servers glitch and doesn't register shots. I like to call them blanks. Even though you see the round penetrate.
Yeah I get the headshot red x all the time and I die instead lol it's like I shot myself
yeah, the aim system is so random, I hate it
Wooow thanks someone with the same Problem like me i hate that shit it makes me rage so hard...
ArtyPickles PvP yeah, with the varmint, or waiting till the aim dot closes
ArtyPickles PvP isn't difficult but for an auto aim online game you need to be faster than your opponent, like Gta or rdr 1
So you can be Dam near invincible if you have the right level and enough money interesting
Today me (dual lemats with a max gunslingers choice ability card) and my buddy (who's pretty damn good with the bolt action) just got simultaneously destroyed by 1 guy with this shit, even though we shot him close to like 10 times including headshots... This shit is absolutely ridiculous. Kid couldn't even shoot straight most of the time...
Of course, gotta pamper the tryhards
@John Marston indeed it is lol
Pay to play... Pay to win. When a load out makes you a "better player" this is why they made rdr original get hacked to the point of not being to play the game so you focus on this trump card crap.
@@theguywiththeshades6792 it seems like it lol, that's why I came back to rdo and it's no better with the tank builds and dual pistol spammers. Screw rockstar.
You want to know why everyone uses the varmint rifle?
*Because it's the cheapest rifle thats not the carbine repeater*
Do I really need to explain myself?
25k people have seen this vid, now compare that to the amount of people that play rdr online, now I don't know about you but everyone that I meet in online has the varmint rifle, even if they haven't seen the video a person will want a rifle other than the default carbine repeater and cattleman revolver, when they see the varmint rifle and its $72 price tag then obviously they'll want to buy it because it's not a default weapon so it must be better (which it is) but most people don't look at weapon stats and only buy for the sake of having another weapon
You're a moron lol
Id be fine with varmint being best if it was the most expesnive as well
No...because it's a great medium range weapon
Just a reminder to use Bow and Arrow in Hostile Territory for Insta-Kills wherever on the body
Damn thanks
Not true
Next new card ability. Superman we're gonna see mfs flying.
And then theres grass man he blends in with the grass but you'll see a double barrel sticking out of the ground
Let’s be honest, y’all can’t shoot for shit without auto-aim.
True anyone can’t
Nah no one can shoot for shit without deadeye I've met people with some shitty aim even with auto aim
I shoot like a drunk 😭
Neither can you. Literally nobody can.
8:11 ya shitting arrows can be pretty tough man
Lol omfg cant un hear it
Rockstar should get rid of those cards.
Why? I think there good
agreed. how the fuck can you be invincible while in dead eye. that's fucking cheating
BuT Dis Iz IN dA GaMe!!!!!!! ! We Kan UsE DaT
@@40subswithnovideose.t3 it is pathetic, I abuse it because every sweat does. I think it's broken
I'm a low rank and got killed by an invincible card abuser I didn't even know it made you invincible so I was getting hella mad everytime I shot and did no damage
Does anyone use the bow in PvP and missions? I use the bow and bolt action for everything
Yes I feel as I’m the only one who uses it in pvp if you use dead eye to get a good shot on the head it’s amazing
I use bow, bolt action, navy and lemar revolver
I'm a native so I go bow all day
Brandon Hanserd
@@jarretthoover29 yasss ma brotha
I literally prayed that the world would let us have this one game without griefers and trolls. 😑 it’s so disappointing because all I want is to have a fun time playing this game with people who at least have the decency to fight fairly. It’s the players who just go around killing your horses or your character over and over. I just started my character last night and it’s still in Beta mode so I hope they improve the horse controls and other stuff. I am also hoping to hone my skills and meet some good people and make a posse. Great video and thanks for the tips! 👍🏼
Yh I agree R* need to correct the griefer status it is real stinky 🤢
RDR2 Online yes! I’m hoping that they do something to help. Do you play on the PS4? I have been looking for decent people to game with. Take care!
Hi Tyler yh I am PSN RDR2_Online
Have faith...passive (pussy) mode will come
If u cant deal with it then dont play rdr tampon boy
Varmint rifle is fun but it involves zero skill , we need free aim PvP asap
Yes you are the truth! I truly hope so.
Zero skill yeah. So thats the reason why if 90% of the mode uses it there are still 1-2 player who are top of the line while the rest is behind.
The varmint is far better than any other weapon in medium-long range, but just stop moaning about zero skill just because you cant handel it.
Its allready a plage on reddit. Just accept that others are better or just get better yourself. But for the love of got, stop bashing this weapon.
@@mikehit spelling
@@mikehit LMAO can't handle it you say , why don't you look at the video I put up on my channel last week using it I almost got 30 kills and came 1st , combined with auto aim it's just a corny weapon for PvP
Filthy varmint rifles abusers, I have no need for such a crutch. Real men such as myself use real weapons like the bolt action rifle or the litchfield repeater, weapons that require skill to use effectively. I can crush those that abuse the power of the varmint rifle, in some cases even multiple people at once.
The jump seems weird. Sometimes I use it and they still kill me. Also you kinda put yourself in a disadvantage because they can relock you while you are still getting up. GTAs roll was quicker so that wasn’t a problem
Mercy Rule yeah take everything you see here with a grain of salt because not everything is true. He didn’t do any research himself. All these youtubers are literally just watching and stealing each others content and giving out false information because of it.
I found the best technique with the dive is to dive three or four times in a row in different directions then after the last dive quickly line up the headshot and shoot while they hesitate because they expect you to dive. Its fucking stupid but its what i found works
@@kronasoosanork lag is the problem with PVP need to be able to pick the best server's because latency is bad why people headshot you while performing a dive. Lol
You can headshot people while they dive if you use paint it black. Their head is marked as the target before they dive.
No, when you dive it doesn’t mean that you’re invincible, it just doesn’t allow you to auto lock, but you can still aim at an opponent and shoot him if you’ve got the skills...
At least you didn't blatantly rip off my vid like mrboss did, so thnx for that... and you had some pretty cool tips in here as well. Btw used to watch your vids like 10 years ago or so when you used to do Runescape lol
No one roped off you vid boy
@Shields Activated thanks man and yeah you're right
@@Fonshway shut your bitchasss up
Attention seeker
James Smith yes they did buddy, let me guess, you watch mr boss ftl but not fonshway 😂😂
11:40 it makes sense now, why after 5-6 straight headshots I couldnt put the guy down. Basically it's just like every other game--the higher rank you get the more perks are protecting you.
If only matchmaking would put low levels with low levels and hogh with high
The jump mechanic is absolutely ridiculous. Why couldn't they just use the old rolling animation from RDR 1??
tojo4 cuz it wasn’t realistic and I’m pretty sure no one knew how to roll like that back in the day
@@juice6693 lol people were rolling to dodge for thousands of years
@@RagnarokSnake Lmao, not really. Never really caught on until the 1900s feller.
@@RagnarokSnake get your facts straight
@@pandymilky if you think people didn't roll to dodge swords and arrows then you're a fucking idiot
I know I’m a year late, but just got into online. Thank you so much. Was wondering why it seemed like people were fking quick scoping me
I think the best cards are the highest level card on each catagory cause you get shot in the head and survive if you have a hat
The Killersqwad but you take more damage without a hat so thats up to you for that trade off
Doesn't matter you get head shot with a varmint rifle you dead or even a rock if we could throw them 😑
@@needtolead8402 I just got the cars today and its awesome.. if you get shot in the head with a hat nothing happens
@@TKDoggo hm guess I try it 😎
@Mister Neon steal one from an npc
For tip 4 you can just go in first person mode. What this does is that you will automatically be jogging without holding X/A which means you also be able to use the right analog stick to aim
I don’t think regen card is a good choice, most gunfights are headshots.. and even if you get killed by body shots, regen isn’t going to save you. I do most pvp in free roam. So my personal choice was damage on horseback. The other cards you picked were right. But of course.. this is just my opinion
but... like... when are you ever gonna be horseback in a pvp fight ..? and the regen card can be very usrfull against AI because they arent 1 hit killing you ??
Tanner Gariepy cause he’s in free roam, you’d on your horse a bunch
Horseman sucks actually
How to win every fist fight: have good internet, otherwise you're skrewed
Here's a tip for you. Don't leave your deadeye core in the red. You won't hit a thing. Also split points don't do more damage. They are just more accurate.
These tips were useful when red dead online was actually about cowboys, now we have jedis that can deflect shots, hats that stop bullets, tank 7 shots to the chest, and insta kill you after all of that
Bet your fucking ass these Jedi’s are Cappin tanking 7 shots to the face and boppin weving ducking shots like neo
Get the offhand holster and dual wield the semi auto pistols. Then you hip fire them at people and you can mow them down in 5 seconds or less
Bolt action is good for longer range fights and if playing in first person
I like the look of my gun without the wrap and enjoy cleaning it and my shotguns
Another great video with some amazing pointers, especially the option tweaks. If I could add two of my own...
First one is just to stay calm and collected. Like Little Bill says in Unforgiven, " A man who'll keep his head and not get rattled under fire likely as not he'll kill ya'." I've consistently found it's better to look for that one head shot, even if means eating a round from the other guy. Especially if he does the combat dive after every shot. Sure it's not guaranteed and some people are just really good with the lock on that they'll hit every shot they get a chance at, but taking a little time seems to make all the difference. Failing that? The shotguns do wonders for those who like chest shots. I heard the bolt action rifle with express rounds is a pretty solid chest shot killer too.
Second tip is... Don't be afraid to close the distance. The way the melee combat is at the moment, the person who initiates the melee combat by closing the distance either with a tackle, or just into range to grapple seems to have a huge advantage. Thus far I think I've lost 3 out of a dozen melee encounters because I like to close. The knife is a good choice, especially if they escape a grapple as it's easy to follow up. The lasso is pretty good too if you're one on one, or in good cover as a takedown will result in an instant hog-tie. Time consuming, but effective. Not a huge fan of the tomahawk or machete at the moment, as while they're great for fighting other people in melee a pistol or revolver armed character has a good chance of getting off a head shot, or using a combat dive to generate enough distance to come back up and fan the hammer, which will either kill you via the shots themselves, or allow them to initiate an execution.
That's my bit anyway. Keep up the good content. You're the man right now for these RDR2 tips and tricks.
People think the auto-aim in this game makes it too easy. But they don't take into account recoil. Even from a reload animation. Those guns bounce all over the place, however you aim them. You absolutely have to be patient to land head shots consecutively. These are both good tips. I love insta-hogtying. It leaves one enemy out of play for a moment, in case you are dealing with multiple enemies. Also we discovered if you pick up someone and drop them over and over, you reset their "break free" meter each time. It's a real dick move, but if you are trying to keep the field empty lol.
@@thebarbaryghostsf That trick for resetting the meter is awesome. Thanks for the advice!
@@celticcursegaming4277 No worries, all I ask is if you see Kittenboo or "Kitty's Meowrauder's" out there in the wilderness, to not use my tip against me or my posse. lol ;) I only ask for your own good. Because we can be pretty relentless in extracting vengeance. :D
@@thebarbaryghostsf " Kitty's Meowrauders" ... I died a little bit XD Will do!
@@celticcursegaming4277 How do you think our victims feel? =^..^=
The last ability card should be never without one
No that card barely works anymore
That card is ass dude. I get headshotted all the time with my hat on. Anything below the hat will kill you
I forgot what the one where when you go in deadeye and take less damage is called but that card has saved me so many times
@@bustabongs4205 slow and steady.
@@dreday312 thank you
The PvP mode should be more balanced, some skills are just too dominating, especially auto-aim related.
Helpful, thanks! I need all the help I can get.
I get super grieved by the higher level players. I’m going to delete RDR2 online
This is what I've been looking for! I've used most of this, but never use dead eye in showdowns - can make easy head shots, but get killed... a lot. Also the jump tip is great.
I’ve seen two other videos about the exact same thing🤦♂️
Memester Matt these youtubers are literally stealing content from eachother like it’s nothing. No one has original content anymore.
@@Nytellem I was the first to do this, then mrboss copied it and now this guy lol
@@Fonshway I noticed that. Thank you for using original content my man.
@@Fonshway he prolly never fucken seen your shit
Little quick tip cos I Know a lot of people don't bother to use the revolver. but if you are about mid to close range with the revolver don't lock on, get your target mid screen and rapid fire R2 and you will feather the trigger blowing your target away
Who here is on PS4?
Atari bro
Shut up
Thank you sooo much, before this, I used to get like 3 kills a game. I just joined a shootout series and got like 12 KILLS. thank you soo much.
Red dead 2 offline > Red dead 2 Online
Wow ur so cool
clemy_42 Thank you.
@@clemy_4222 Yes he is...
One more tip in the settings change control type to standard FPS, makes the left stick the run button and A is crouch I personally find it easier to play like that
You cant roll and there's bloom on the guns which slows down the gun fights and the controls are too clunky to do anything red dead redemption 1 had better controls than this smh
Awesome video enjoyed it very much keep up the good work
I don't know how anybody can aim with a typical controller used on PS4. If it was free aim, it would take me about 15 minutes to be able to aim at my target. It's hard on consoles. Maybe close to impossible. When RR2 is released to PC, that will make aiming way easier, in my opinion.
Very helpful video, thank you!
I don’t even use the varmint and still finish top three everytime
every single time? post stats
Yeah, people kind of dont understand that you dont have to use the varmint to be good. Saw a lot of people get first place in a row with a lancaster.
But people will always need something to complain about
nah, im always the first, only knife kill
I still prefer the bolt action
I don’t usually comment on video but wow. Thanks for the tips and tricks. I will definitely try these out.
How much is the Split Point recipe?
Mercy Rule 956 dollars
Whats better? Hollow point or Split point?
@Mister Neon its not $900. Its like $350. I bought it myself so i know this for a fact
Really, thanks. I’ve been trying to find a way to start in order to reach their level. Got ganged up on by the biggest posse I’ve ever seen. Literally spawn killed and I ain’t a bad shot. It took at least 4 or 5 headshots.😂😵
Can someone please help me? I shut down my Xbox in the wrong way yesterday before the update went live and this morning when I was going to update the game it said it would take 92 GB. So I clicked on the game and there it said that I had to install the game first to play it, but I had already installed it since launch and played it yesterday? What do I do?
STEP.2 buy PS4!
Great pvp tips! Thanks for the vid!
Tip: Stop playing the game, so rockstar understands we are adults and not kids who want mobile-game crap like RDO really is.
Awesome! Thanks bro, I appreciate the help and that part was funny with you showing the jumping technique. Lol take care dude.
I thought you couldn’t change your main abilitiy card once you select it? I want that one cause I thought you could paint targets on all dead eye cards smh 🤦🏾♂️
Marquis Pittman ya just gotta pay for it, 50 bucks i believe
Marquis Pittman you change any card at anytime. You just have to pay $50.00 to unlock a new card.
Years later, still some good tips! Thanks for the video!
None of these tips will work on players who are cheating by going ghost. If I can't fight back whats the point of playing.
You mean spawn protection right
Do you mean the dead eye where people can't lock on? Does paint it black counter act that?
@@roryandrews3740 he is talking about when you spawn in, you are all ghostish and you cant get hurt or hurt anything. This allows the ghost or a guy constantly aiming at the head to get a free kill
Yeeyaww, for sniper players I recommend having different settings for the first person and third person, my first person I fully maxed out everything except for deadzone, that’s for sniping because scopes are hella slow, and movements are dummy fast. And for third person do whatever , mine is a slower settings because i cant go for those repeaters paint it black headshots in super fast settings.
We NEED freeaim lobbies and nerfed varmint rifles ASAP!
Finally someone producing easy straight to the point
im only like rank 7 lol
Yung Yunion Got it yesterday and level 2 and was getting killed by a level 58 non stop, what a loser 😂
You can execute NPCs with a pistol by tackling them to unlock the option with the usual fire trigger. This can give up to 35 xp a kill with the kill, headshot, execution, and eyes wide shut rewards.
It takes 0 skill to be good at this game. A 5 year old can get kills
Jeffrey K you’d be surprised
No, it puts everyone on the same playing field. But you might be amazed the percentage of people playing that still haven't figured out how to land headshots. If you utilize cover, tactics, etc. you can dominate any opponents.
Yea RDR in 2010 had a true skill Gap, everyone had same weapons and the quickest player with headshots ruled, this game the Gap is in how high yr level is. Due to better weapons,ammo, ability cards, maxed health, they have ruined the RDR legacy
@@thebarbaryghostsf cover is for try hards pussys like you.
5 year olds are dumb
That helped a lot thank u ❤
Plz stop with the ticks and crosses on your thumbnails before i unsub
Jett just do it already
There’s literally no problem with them it’s not like he clickbaits
Go ahead and do it. He’s not posting clickbait like MrRegionalManagerFTL and OutlawChad. And if you did, no one would have to read your reponses.
Youre gunna be unsubbing to a lot of people the
TheCuteZerg I’ve been on since day one. So I already know most of this shit. (The only thing I’ve learned from any RUclips page is how to break free of a lasso and wear the cougar spawns near black water. ) but for someone playing for the first day and getting owned all the time this video is useful. There’s no “unlimited $$ with this trick you didn’t know about” head line crap. It’s basic and to the point. He’s not fake laughing with a camera pointed at his face and forcing 5 commercials on you.
I use a Carbine,Bow, and Sawed off,I wanna get the Bolt Action because I love that gun,and I'll have (In my opinion) the perfect setup.Long range and high damage (Bolt Action) Stealthy and versatile (Bow) instant win at quick encounters (Sawed off).
It helps that I have fast reactions and reflexes, and that I have the controls locked down,I would say to use the dead eye heal thing and hide behind trees or leaves,Aim assist players can't lock on and you heal,I also double tap with the Carbine for a automatic rifle feel and fire rate,AND USE COVER,I won so many matches using cover,don't advance unless with a shotgun,and don't use normal ammo for shotguns,use slugs.
Also if you're interested in missions/hunting,fishing,or goofing off than simply tell me!(Also I believe only attacking after attacked so yea,I'm level 21.)
Jersey Art PS4 or Xbox?
@@tuccerjim3084 Ps4.
Just a heads up, this vid is for casual players who can only aim with auto aim. Pro gamers are on free aim and when we get free aim lobbies noobs wont stand a chance!
Lol tryhard
So how's it going with ur free aim??? Probably get 3 kills a week with it lol
Alex At least he’s practicing when free aim does come out. Auto aim is for fucking noobs.
Yeah, and all this so called pros get wrecked in aim lock atm? So funny you are.
@@mikeb4471 says the one who probably gets constantly shot because he can't handle the current aim? Get a grip on yourself. Rdr was always auto aim so just shut up allready with your complains. Nobody forces you to play rd:o
Just wait untill free aim lobies come out so you can find another thing to complain about
Excellent video, I am constantly losing in RDOnline. I am Rank 10, now you give me more motivation to rank up and unlock the passive cards etc, the funny thing is I only want the trophy for becoming MVP 3 times lol. But right now I'm extremely bad at PVP and I am a retired full blown GTA Tryhard.
Don't forget about racing. It's easy to win 3 of those. I did it night 1.
Using the Varmint is for non -skilled players who just want to simulate being good, please don't use that crap cause is kind of toxic for other players
André Díaz all I do is just go and pick up my own varmint if I see someone using it and show them what it feels like
(So long until they leave the session)
Why everybody gotta complain about people not playing the game EXACTLY how they want. If you get mad over things like this, then you need to log out and go for a run...
How about get gud?
@@Spaz12ism fr lmao
How about stop whining like a bitch over someone using a weapon you don't like
I use both videos and it works perfectly
everybody copying fonshway goddamn...
Honestly_Smd Hairline fonshway copies someone else.
@@Nytellem except I was the first one to do this... My subs know this as well
@@Nytellem atleast this guy added his own tips unlike like mrboss so it's not as bad
who the fuck is fonshway lmao
Lol basic RNG tactics
Extra tip: if you go to tap assist in controls and set it to hold, you’ll win every struggle in melee combat
How does one get so much moneh
And gold !?
He has to be a hacker
I get 1 gold in one week.
Everyone got 15 gold in the new update
lol I have 28 Gold, and I don't even have anything left to spend it on, that I really care about. I'm only level 23 but have been in the Beta since day two. Most of that Gold I got from R* for playing the beta. To answer your question... play the beta to earn gold. Also level up, every 5 levels you get a Treasure Map from the post office.
David Quezada I guess you didn’t realise theres actually missions in the game!
@@BigBudzGaming no way that . 02 nuggets can get you 25 gold on a day Worth's
Lol I make like 3 gold bars a day doing large showdowns
Wow! Thanks for sharing dude, that has pretty much tempted me to play more often
You a noob for using paint it black smh
Great video very helpful thanks!!!
Thanks man you just earned a new subscriber
Cheers mate, didnt do this for the pvp aspect although im sure will help but removed that odd clunky feeling
Some tasty tips 😋👌🏼
So technically deadzone to 0 and acceleration to full does improve accuracy but it doesn’t help you lock on, the deadzone basically means that the more you have it the more you have to move your stick for the game to respond to your movements, and acceleration is basically how fast it takes for the aiming to reach max speed, if you put it low it will be slow when you’re aiming and moving your analog but it will gradually gets faster. Most FPS these days have full aim acceleration and you can’t change it.
Thanks for the tips
Thanks, very useful vid 👌🏼
New sub, great video! Been playing RDR2 since release and didn’t know a few of these! Thanks for the tips
Like it. Good tips to those not in the know. Good channel. ✌️
This might be the reason why shooting someone in the head or point blank with a shotgun never works, but that would imply you can use that ability on the fly while running ...
lol yeah the bow is stealthy... except for the fact there is an obvious red dot on the map showing exactly where you are. stealth does not exist in rdr2 online. Wish it did. Even the NPC's will attack after the first bow kill 90% of the time like they are omnipotent until the gunfight
Ahhhhh the good beta days...... where everyone would go to bars and start bar fights, go to the train tracks and fall off the bridge, to going to online matches and play one of the best team death matches.....
This video is very good. Thanks!
8:10 "When you're shitting an arrow"
If you ask me slow and steady is the best dead eye card put there you may love slow but you take more damage and headshots can't kill you right away and you get pinpoint accuracy
That no head shot in dead eye perk is quite op
This explains Why i got my ass beaten every round
You inflict more damage when you have stamina up by 75%? That sounds pretty over powered.
People that use slow and steady were probably thrown at the wall as a baby
Thanks for the abilities tips. I'm op now
I need to take a look at my settings. I win most gun fights like 10 to 1. But, I could always use some improvement.
Disagree about the stupid dive though. It never works on me, and then they just end up looking like a fool.
You changed how I viewed red dead thanks