What you call "vulnerability", I call "extroversion" AKA charisma. A friend of me is extremely extroverted and also humorous. Females of all ages are chasing him.
Marnie, being confidently candid isn't being emotionally defenseless, vulnerable. You make great points, provided you understand I'm substituting your vulnerability with my boldness. And when he fouls out then directness comes in.
It all falls under being confident, and that you're not afraid to say what's on your mind and being direct whether she approves of it or not. Learning how to handle rejection with confidence and humor is just as important as your approach. I've had women reject me then change their mind a week or two later and contacting me wanting to go out. To sum it up, being vulnerable and handling rejection with confidence and humor (if you get rejected) will get you results more often than not. Believe me it works.
hell, I'm 48 and I have a 25 year old gf. Not because of being needy and shit. I'm just myself 100% of the time whether good or bad. I don't hide anything about myself.
An old guy who just celebrated his 66th birthday at a rural country bar was seen passionately French kissing a buxom attractive 32 year old women who he later said has been giving him great head on a regular basis
Marni, I just want to stop and say thank you for posting the video that you post. I've seen many of your videos and they are very helpful but this one right here is more helpful than anything that I have seen from your posts. This whole concept of vulnerability explains the whole barrier I have within the last 3 years. I've always wondered why I've had such he's talking to women in the past, but my confidence level within the last 3 or 4 years has just been because of my vulnerability. I used to be very expressive when I was younger, and so I was also talking to lots of women as well. All this time I thought that dating was all about being super subtle and throwing hints that I can understand when I should just learn to be myself. Thanks again for all your videos.
Marni, this is the best video of yours that I have watched. All your video's give great advice but this one really gets to the core of how to meet someone and be open and honest and show who you really are. Which is at the core of starting a great relationship. Plus your advice it is not hard to do or remember because it all just comes down to just being honest with who you are and showing it.
I agree with this SO much ... But I also have an argument for every point made 🤷🏼♂️ The problem is, and the reason most guys have stopped this, is we're simply responding to the feedback. When 80% of the people we choose to trust turn out to be using us or putting us through narcissistic abuse, it doesn't help us understand that behaving that way can have a positive result in any way. And if you're vulnerable with someone that won't reciprocate and let you into their head, it can create neediness, anxiety, depression, and insecurity. The video is SOLID advice ... But I think it's a prerequisite for guys to understand a little about mental health and not only recognizing red flags but actually taking them seriously instead of ignoring them
Sometimes when a man try’s to avoid a beautiful lady he really doesn’t care for. Then she mistakes it for non neediness, and vulnerability. Then she really goes after the man who’s trying to avoid her. And he can’t shake her for anything.
Didn't work for me. Women will not come to you. They rarely do that. Unless you are extremely handsome. Even then. This is my personal experience but maybe it's different for others.
Marni, your video series on how men can relate better to women and thus have more success connecting with women is true gold. You may or may not have an advanced degree in human relations but your advice is really spot on! Men WILL have more success relating to women if they can drop the macho bs and just be their genuine selves. This short note is to say "Thank you" for your work. I will leave you with this. I pay more attention to my personal appearance, my grooming, my posture, and this is an expression of my inner self-worth, because I want to be the kind of guy that women notice when I walk down the street. I'm not movie-star handsome and I don't have a lot of money in the bank but I do have the respect of the woman I love because I know that when she see me coming she will say to herself and her friends, "here comes my man". Thank you.
You are bang on about insecurities, and being afraid to screw up, or trying to be "perfect" causes so many problems. It really does cause you to make mistakes. Especially mental Faux pas. I recently was so afraid of making a mistake, and wanted to do something not only perfectly, but also to hopefully make this woman I've known for a while think, "Aww, he's really trying his best." When in reality her reaction was to ask me if I was feeling alright because apparently to her, I was acting/reacting/responding weird. I was trying to be "perfect". The worst part is, I know better, I can be, and usually am straight forward, confident, vulnerable, carefree when it comes to everyone/anyone else; yet when it comes to this particular woman, whom I've known for over 10 years, who I've talked to/with about virtually every topic under the sun, (and not just on a fluff level, but deep below the surface.) I still get nervous at times for some reason, and try to be, or maybe just think I need to be perfect. Even though I KNOW that by doing so, I'm basically sabotaging myself. Yet I still do it.
Master taking daily cold-showers first is a great way to better understand Marni's advice here: cold showers is one of THE EASIEST ways (even couch potatos can achieve this) to teach your brain that discomfort and pain are not the same.. In fact, they are mutually exclusive of each other. Pain is what your body feels and is independent of your thinking brain. Discomfort, on the other hand, is your brain's interpretation of external stimuli, which is why even some pleasurable things can be uncomfortable. Once you have mastered cold showers, you will have rewired your brain (it will rewire on it's own, don't worry) and then you will be able to more comprehensively apply what Marni is saying here, which is: be willing to accept "beneficial discomfort" and you will turn pain into pleasure. Then you realize it was never hard to begin with and that your internal thoughts are the only (only) thing ever stopping you.. and that's when you realize the truth... there is no spoon.. :-)
I felt the need to chime in here, at the @5:30 mark...grew up with Boomer parents - the thing was always "don't speak unless spoken to" so I got used to not expressing myself...and only with therapy and self-realization I'm breaking through that cycle...good on you Marni! You're a precious resource many of us need!
I don't think that word means what you think it means: susceptible to physical or emotional attack or harm. "we were in a vulnerable position" Similar: in danger in peril in jeopardy at risk endangered unsafe unprotected ill-protected unguarded open to attack attackable assailable exposed wide open undefended unshielded unfortified unarmed without arms without weapons defenseless easily hurt/wounded/damaged powerless helpless pregnable impuissant resistless exposed to open to wide open to liable to prone to prey to susceptible to subject to not above in danger of at risk of at the mercy of an easy target for easily affected by in the firing line susceptive of Opposite: well protected invulnerable resilient immune to above (of a person) in need of special care, support, or protection because of age, disability, or risk of abuse or neglect.
☝️☝️ you take a risk…you have confidence and are not afraid of rejection…I was always too shy when I was younger…the only time I was not when I was too drunk…then you find me dancing and kissing on the hottest girl in school…or at the party…
One piece of advice…act like you don’t need women and pursue your own life and all of a sudden women will want you. Human nature is people in general want what they feel they can’t have. I don’t nor never did want a needy woman either. Ended up in a wonderful marriage each of us with our own sense of self.
I’m not easily impressed but little Marni this talk of vulnerability, shame and guilt is nothing short of essential for everyone to eradicate from themselves
My understanding of being vulnerable was more towards being needy. I always thought when women say they want more vulnerability it's because they don't know what they want. Now I understand what they mean by vulnerability. 😂
"Vulnerability" is not something that makes men confident. If you replace "Vulnerability" with "transparency" then the conference isn't an issue. Just trying to help.. Good on you for helping guys out. ❤
@@franklee3800 they go hand in hand. If you're being transparent, you're vulnerable for being transparent. Kinda like an engine is a motor. But a motor ISN'T an engine. Ya get it ?
I completely opened up to a nurse whilst caring for a lady with dementia, circumstances dictate we’re not so far in a physical relationship but we’re incredibly close emotionally, I dropped my macho guard and she loves me for that amongst other things
Great points, vulnerability also stems from confidence since you are not afraid to say what you want. It's a truer reflection of oneself which women will be attracted to and why not. They want to see the real you, after all they want someone for life, in most cases of higher value women.
Great vid, Marni! I guess I was lucky to have 2 sisters when I was young that shared their feelings with me about guys whether I wanted to hear it or not. As a result of hearing them, and female co-workers, I accidentally, and innocently, sometimes did some of the things you talk about in your vids. It often made women approach me when they knew I was married and not looking. It's not hard guys, and I'm no George Clooney. Women are wired differently than us. Accept that fact. 🙂
@@marnikinrys Your vids are spot-on and they just reaffirm what "quality" women want...despite what social media and porn portray. Thanks for doing what you do.
Yes it is true women are wired different than us, and that also means that they won’t always agree, communication isn’t always clear but I know we are all human and we aren’t always going to do our best all of the time. We can use the arguments we deal with in relationships to our advantage in other words, instead of worrying about who is right or wrong we should consider using that as a way to understand each other better. If she takes it to the next level then she is showing toxic traits which would give me the red flag. If she rejects or leaves you behind remember that you are still amazing and can achieve anything you set your mind on, even if it means accepting failure countless times. My encouragement to you is to keep going even in frustration or doubt, but to always keep looking forward and always stay positive. Me personally I walk in the face of rejection and have learned to deal with it as it is and move on. Today I remain single in satisfaction and will forever stay that way for a better life.
Marni, I am very familiar with L.A. , the Bay area and Manhattan. Great stuff but keep in mind. Telling a women you don't know that "you are sexy and have no idea what I want to do to you right now" may work in L.A. but in many other more conservative parts of the country could get you thrown out of the establishment for harassment (hostile environment anyone) or worse possibly a call to 991. May want to consider a slightly lower level direct approach for guys that don't live in the aforementioned areas. The balance of guidance is spot on.
The timing of this video couldn’t be more perfect. I’m trying to piece together my dating life after allowing my insecurities to ruin my only relationship. I’m ready to be vulnerable in my world.
Hey guys, if you tell a woman what you want to do to her (as Marni advises), it could cost you your job and/or get you arrested in the U.S. (not other countries). Marni will not be bailing you out of jail or getting you a new job.
true. a man can an loose your job for doing nothing more than asking, once. or rejecting a woman. while most may not make an issue of it, all it takes is one.
Someone finally said it! This is exactly what I was thinking.Hell, just staring in their generql direction can get you in trouble, they call it stare rape, being assaulted by the male gaze and other BS.
Too many people aren't listening to what is said and ignoring the general vibe going on,it's easy to spot the attractive from the don't waste your time.
I have question. What do you do when you were vulnerable with a woman, and that woman ghosted you after being vulnerable. What I mean by vulnerable is showing feelings of sadness, including crying. I cried in front of a girl who was interested me. After I cried she never spoke to me again. Since then I have been afraid to be vulnerable around women. This is a true story that happened to me. I know this means that the woman was completely wrong for me but now I find it hard after that situation. I have a hard time believing the info in this video.
Marni's definition of 'vunerable' means: be bold, tell her what you want and be unaffraid to fail. In other words, by being direct you take a huge risk in being rejected (= vunerable), but ironically women love this attitude, so your chances of success get higher. This is not the same as your example, showing your emotions to a woman. Unfortunately this makes you a different kind of 'vunerable' and kinda needy, all of which women don't like. Marni is just telling the hard truth of how women perceive men. In my experience, she's completely right in this video. Whenever I use boldness to show my vunerability, women love it.
First like yourself for who you are. Second, allow someone to choose you for who you are. Third, if no one chooses you, at least you've chosen yourself.
Hello. I tried one of your techniques from your videos and I got rejected worse than before. My background, I am very unattractive (as pointed out my multiple women). In fact I have been told by women that my looks are well below average. Obviously I have no confidence but still try and approach. My success is 0% whether its in clubs, coffee shops or parks. When I start trying to chat with a woman she starts looking away and getting bored based on my looks and poor approach. I just celebrated my 23rd birthday this past Saturday and alone. But I still tried to celebrate by myself by buying a cake and lighting some candles for myself. Any help would be appreciated.
"I still tried to celebrate by myself by buying a cake and lighting some candles for myself" - Excellent approach :-) do other things that you like, for yourslef, give love and esteem to yourself, be well with yourself, this is the most important. I will not, as many do, tell you that "one day you will find your so", this is a promise no one can hold for you, no one should ever make. Be well with yourself, friend.
Clubs, coffee shops and parks are the worst places to start a conversation with strangers if you're looking for a date (whether you're attractive or not). People usually find it weird and creepy when a total stranger starts a random conversation with them, unless you have a good reason (trying to hit on them = not a good reason). My advice, focus on people in your surroundings, like fellow students or colleagues. Or maybe you can go to cooking or language classes, which are great places to meet new people. Once they get to know you, people can be very open and nice, no matter how you look. In short, being a total stranger is the problem, not your looks. Don't let the media images fool you, most people look unattractive in reality.
Feelings? No, never, EVER show your feelings unless you know beyond the shadow of a doubt that you can trust the woman you're sharing it with! My experience has been that women tuck these little things away to use against you if you show ANY weakness or vulnerability.
''Vulnerable'' is actually a euphemism for ''men being openly naughty''...lol! Women use the word ''vulnerable'' because it sounds nice, therefore, makes them sound good. What they actually want is for men to be more upfront with their naughtiness and desire for them, however, this makes them look slutty, so instead, women use the euphemism ''vulnerable''.
Years ago I flew out of state to have a surgery done by the one Doctor who would do it. I had a spinal chord stimulator implanted and it was a tricky thing to do, after have my neck fused. The Doctor who invented the thing was happy to help me. Things went well, and on the flight back home a young lady sat next to me. We talked the whole trip and even though I was married, with children, I made a connection with her. We shared our story’s, dreams and vulnerability. Boys, I have to tell you two things. First I felt confident when I talked to her, and second showed her that I was human. If I wasn’t married I would have asked her out, but I don’t cheat. Never have, never will. Why am I watching this? To see where I went wrong long ago, and to help my son find happiness.
Just be confident and funny . Really funny . Not corny . Confident and and make them laugh . She'll be giving you the flip of the hair signal in no time . Lol I'm in my 60's and get women from all age categories with this technique quite frequently. But you've got to keep trying . Practice , practice . Good luck.
Ok, I’ve seen several of your videos - where were you when I was growing up?!? Such awesome advice! I have shared your info with one of my great (single) friends and my son! Jeez! You are awesome! Thank you 😊
Vulnerability: the quality or state of being exposed to the possibility of being attacked or harmed. She’s redefined being vulnerable with HUMILITY. Being comfortably confident & candid with what you’d like from a potential partner is not the same as exposing your weaknesses or fears to that potential partner. And finishing this 19min video isn’t “showing vulnerability” - it shows COMMITMENT to see things through to the end.
I do not have a problem with any of that. But then I was in the Coast Giard and did rescue swimming nefore becoming an aircraft navigator. Once you like flipping boats and flying blind into terrible weather, striking up a conversation with a women that might reject me is a so what.
I think if a woman is attracted to you than she is.If she is not, I do not think you can change this. My wife is attracted to me, I do not think she understands why? Guess what? I am attracted to her too and I do not understand why either? Maybe that is how it works. Thoughts?
Ok, I gotta admit, this thing works like magic. Personally, it's been really a game changer for me, even got me out of the friendzone lol Thank you so much Marni ❤️
Telling ladies what is on your mind has got me slapped, spit on and 100% rejected. Never said anything on their looks, never talked about xxx or try to take them anywhere. Good example. Say a lady comes up to me wearing a shirt saying something EV. I tell her how yea it's the future but we're not ready for this yet. Instant rejection and called stupid or something like it. Or say a lady comes up to me wearing her mask and everyone needs their rona jab shirt. I say how I thought this was a free country, rejected right away and called a conspiracy theorist and told I am what's wrong with the world. Can give many examples but end result is always the same.
I’ve learned so much from your videos. You have changed me and now I’m about to try some of this out with a once in a lifetime match. Vulnerable done now I just got to get thru the first date. Please research Anosmia and put a video together on how to explain this hidden disability and when during the dating process is should be revealed.
The downside about the insider program? I have found it to be the most expensive program she offers at over $300. That compared to usually less than $50 for the current programs I currently own; including the visualization program that has become my favorite. In due time maybe, yet I have other programs that are of interest including master class videos. Enough said, browse the library of programs that are the wing girl method, and take your pick. Thanks Marni for teaching me what I have learned so far.
its very confusing few guys on youtube say that the minute a women knows you like her its game over, and she is saying the complete opposite im am very confused now
Men don't express sexual interest in women because they were raised to be gentlemen. Men don't wish to offend others. Men are decent. If women really wanted men to express sexual interest in them, then they should SAY so.
Very interesting and insightful. Thank you. Hmmm, I’m betting you’ve watched a couple of TED Talks by Brené Brown on this topic . You two are Amazing!!
It's not that I don't want to share my feelings, but that I don't know how to express them or I don't know what I feel. Sometimes, I'm just not feeling anything.
Marni, you are so spooky intelligent in this area that you actually scare me a bit lol. I can tell you're a super mind reader, and the way you are so super aware of all these interpersonal nuances and stuff makes you a superstar and also extremely intimidating. No doubt you could manipulate men like puddy if you wanted to. So while you are a bit scary yes, it's only because you are so gifted in your area of expertise. How's that for a back-handed compliment lol. But seriously, you are amazing. You see through the dimensions like no other I've ever seen. Spooky.
I always shower praises on women if I am sexually attracted to women about their beauty, figure, their dresses and the way they talk etc. Believe me you will most of the time I hit the bulls eye. After that it is paradise unlimited.
Marni, I love your advice but I wonder if the techniques are geared more towards women in California. I’m in Minnesota where the women seem more reserved and aloof. The culture here is a bit different. Any thoughts?
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Ohh really?? Wing someone esle girl ? I answer nooo ! To all your questions , I gues your solutions are for new kids on the block . 😂😂😂😂
What you call "vulnerability", I call "extroversion" AKA charisma. A friend of me is extremely extroverted and also humorous. Females of all ages are chasing him.
The most similar to the approach style you describe is what TaySocial does. Have a look at his pickup videos and be stunned.
You are not just teaching flirting. This is deeply helping build a personality too and healing so much. This is growth material.
What ? Wtf ? You seriously think that ? 😅
@@gamingnostalgia4k791 🤣🤣
Yes it is helping build a personality
@@gamingnostalgia4k791 yes, absolutely. You should watch the video and think about that stuff!
I tried these tactics on a girl at my college. She turned out to be a feminist lesbian. My court date is next Thursday. Thanks, Marni.
A guy has to be careful these days.
Use the same tactics on the judge and just get out of jail. It's too easy
Marnie, being confidently candid isn't being emotionally defenseless, vulnerable. You make great points, provided you understand I'm substituting your vulnerability with my boldness. And when he fouls out then directness comes in.
It all falls under being confident, and that you're not afraid to say what's on your mind and being direct whether she approves of it or not. Learning how to handle rejection with confidence and humor is just as important as your approach. I've had women reject me then change their mind a week or two later and contacting me wanting to go out. To sum it up, being vulnerable and handling rejection with confidence and humor (if you get rejected) will get you results more often than not. Believe me it works.
Im definitely being confident
You can’t say stuff like what she saying when you first meet someone
@@anthonyfracchiolla2268 I wouldn't get overly sexual at the beginning. It would just make some women think you're a creep.
@@manicops6830let her lead in the sexual department. I've had girls start talking about sex right away. Then I know I'm in...😉
@@manicops6830 yes not at the beginning but if you never bring up sexual things at all ever you will be friendzoned most likely.
hell, I'm 48 and I have a 25 year old gf. Not because of being needy and shit. I'm just myself 100% of the time whether good or bad. I don't hide anything about myself.
Im going to be myself
An old guy who just celebrated his 66th birthday at a rural country bar was seen passionately French kissing a buxom attractive 32 year old women who he later said has been giving him great head on a regular basis
Marni, I just want to stop and say thank you for posting the video that you post. I've seen many of your videos and they are very helpful but this one right here is more helpful than anything that I have seen from your posts.
This whole concept of vulnerability explains the whole barrier I have within the last 3 years. I've always wondered why I've had such he's talking to women in the past, but my confidence level within the last 3 or 4 years has just been because of my vulnerability. I used to be very expressive when I was younger, and so I was also talking to lots of women as well. All this time I thought that dating was all about being super subtle and throwing hints that I can understand when I should just learn to be myself. Thanks again for all your videos.
I was not
@@TravisAndrews-lb1kk you weren't what?
"Assertiveness" is the word you're looking for!
Marni, this is the best video of yours that I have watched. All your video's give great advice but this one really gets to the core of how to meet someone and be open and honest and show who you really are. Which is at the core of starting a great relationship. Plus your advice it is not hard to do or remember because it all just comes down to just being honest with who you are and showing it.
She does have the best videos
8:28 “lllluuuuuuuhhhhh” 😂
I agree with this SO much ... But I also have an argument for every point made 🤷🏼♂️ The problem is, and the reason most guys have stopped this, is we're simply responding to the feedback. When 80% of the people we choose to trust turn out to be using us or putting us through narcissistic abuse, it doesn't help us understand that behaving that way can have a positive result in any way. And if you're vulnerable with someone that won't reciprocate and let you into their head, it can create neediness, anxiety, depression, and insecurity.
The video is SOLID advice ... But I think it's a prerequisite for guys to understand a little about mental health and not only recognizing red flags but actually taking them seriously instead of ignoring them
I take things seriously
Sometimes when a man try’s to avoid a beautiful lady he really doesn’t care for. Then she mistakes it for non neediness, and vulnerability. Then she really goes after the man who’s trying to avoid her. And he can’t shake her for anything.
Im trying that
Didn't work for me. Women will not come to you. They rarely do that. Unless you are extremely handsome. Even then. This is my personal experience but maybe it's different for others.
She'll probably be enthusiastic about giving him good head
Marni, your video series on how men can relate better to women and thus have more success connecting with women is true gold. You may or may not have an advanced degree in human relations but your advice is really spot on! Men WILL have more success relating to women if they can drop the macho bs and just be their genuine selves. This short note is to say "Thank you" for your work. I will leave you with this. I pay more attention to my personal appearance, my grooming, my posture, and this is an expression of my inner self-worth, because I want to be the kind of guy that women notice when I walk down the street. I'm not movie-star handsome and I don't have a lot of money in the bank but I do have the respect of the woman I love because I know that when she see me coming she will say to herself and her friends, "here comes my man". Thank you.
You are bang on about insecurities, and being afraid to screw up, or trying to be "perfect" causes so many problems. It really does cause you to make mistakes. Especially mental Faux pas.
I recently was so afraid of making a mistake, and wanted to do something not only perfectly, but also to hopefully make this woman I've known for a while think, "Aww, he's really trying his best."
When in reality her reaction was to ask me if I was feeling alright because apparently to her, I was acting/reacting/responding weird. I was trying to be "perfect". The worst part is, I know better, I can be, and usually am straight forward, confident, vulnerable, carefree when it comes to everyone/anyone else; yet when it comes to this particular woman, whom I've known for over 10 years, who I've talked to/with about virtually every topic under the sun, (and not just on a fluff level, but deep below the surface.) I still get nervous at times for some reason, and try to be, or maybe just think I need to be perfect. Even though I KNOW that by doing so, I'm basically sabotaging myself. Yet I still do it.
Defiantly i am bro
So am i
Master taking daily cold-showers first is a great way to better understand Marni's advice here: cold showers is one of THE EASIEST ways (even couch potatos can achieve this) to teach your brain that discomfort and pain are not the same.. In fact, they are mutually exclusive of each other. Pain is what your body feels and is independent of your thinking brain. Discomfort, on the other hand, is your brain's interpretation of external stimuli, which is why even some pleasurable things can be uncomfortable. Once you have mastered cold showers, you will have rewired your brain (it will rewire on it's own, don't worry) and then you will be able to more comprehensively apply what Marni is saying here, which is: be willing to accept "beneficial discomfort" and you will turn pain into pleasure. Then you realize it was never hard to begin with and that your internal thoughts are the only (only) thing ever stopping you.. and that's when you realize the truth... there is no spoon.. :-)
Okay bro 👌
I felt the need to chime in here, at the @5:30 mark...grew up with Boomer parents - the thing was always "don't speak unless spoken to" so I got used to not expressing myself...and only with therapy and self-realization I'm breaking through that cycle...good on you Marni! You're a precious resource many of us need!
So do i
Just be genuine and authentic. Simple as that.
So insecure and depressed?
that's definitely part of it!
Not that simple when you don't talk to people
I don't think that word means what you think it means:
susceptible to physical or emotional attack or harm.
"we were in a vulnerable position"
in danger
in peril
in jeopardy
at risk
open to attack
wide open
without arms
without weapons
easily hurt/wounded/damaged
exposed to
open to
wide open to
liable to
prone to
prey to
susceptible to
subject to
not above
in danger of
at risk of
at the mercy of
an easy target for
easily affected by
in the firing line
susceptive of
well protected
immune to
(of a person) in need of special care, support, or protection because of age, disability, or risk of abuse or neglect.
@@jeffryglenn7024 what she means is, you might get your face slapped.
I don’t think the word is vulnerability. It’s just authenticity with boldness. Either it works or you stop wasting your time
Me too
I took note
☝️☝️ you take a risk…you have confidence and are not afraid of rejection…I was always too shy when I was younger…the only time I was not when I was too drunk…then you find me dancing and kissing on the hottest girl in school…or at the party…
@@theghost8011 did it work
I like the way you said "According to me". Had to quickly pause and make a cuppa. Peace.
This is not being " vulnerable ' . Vulnerable means prone or likely to be hurt in some way. This is just being direct to put it simply.
Most definitely
Why does being vulnerable make me become needy? Being too honest about how i like her made me become just a friend
As a part of Marni's Email Notification Gang, I'm here to support from Austin, TX!
Simp Team 6
Im support from chicago illinois
Im going to take a guess before watching it.
"I am worth $20million dollars and dont believe in a Prenup"
Close but yet so far!!
Your not close bro
One piece of advice…act like you don’t need women and pursue your own life and all of a sudden women will want you. Human nature is people in general want what they feel they can’t have. I don’t nor never did want a needy woman either. Ended up in a wonderful marriage each of us with our own sense of self.
Openness creates openness. That’s genius, never thought about that b4. Gna start being less shy n nervous.
You definitely should be less shy n nervous
I’m not easily impressed but little Marni this talk of vulnerability, shame and guilt is nothing short of essential for everyone to eradicate from themselves
That is a fact
My understanding of being vulnerable was more towards being needy. I always thought when women say they want more vulnerability it's because they don't know what they want. Now I understand what they mean by vulnerability. 😂
Most definitely
"Vulnerability" is not something that makes men confident. If you replace "Vulnerability" with "transparency" then the conference isn't an issue. Just trying to help.. Good on you for helping guys out. ❤
vulnerability / transparency... .... same crap.
@@Mr_BUSINESS_24_7 do you speak English?
@@franklee3800 they go hand in hand. If you're being transparent, you're vulnerable for being transparent. Kinda like an engine is a motor. But a motor ISN'T an engine. Ya get it ?
I completely opened up to a nurse whilst caring for a lady with dementia, circumstances dictate we’re not so far in a physical relationship but we’re incredibly close emotionally, I dropped my macho guard and she loves me for that amongst other things
This video is literally a summary of "Models: Attract Women Through Honesty" book by Mark Manson.
Great points, vulnerability also stems from confidence since you are not afraid to say what you want. It's a truer reflection of oneself which women will be attracted to and why not. They want to see the real you, after all they want someone for life, in most cases of higher value women.
Great vid, Marni! I guess I was lucky to have 2 sisters when I was young that shared their feelings with me about guys whether I wanted to hear it or not. As a result of hearing them, and female co-workers, I accidentally, and innocently, sometimes did some of the things you talk about in your vids. It often made women approach me when they knew I was married and not looking. It's not hard guys, and I'm no George Clooney. Women are wired differently than us. Accept that fact. 🙂
Love that last sentence.
@@marnikinrys Your vids are spot-on and they just reaffirm what "quality" women want...despite what social media and porn portray. Thanks for doing what you do.
Women want what other women have, so being married made you more attractive to them
Yes it is true women are wired different than us, and that also means that they won’t always agree, communication isn’t always clear but I know we are all human and we aren’t always going to do our best all of the time.
We can use the arguments we deal with in relationships to our advantage in other words, instead of worrying about who is right or wrong we should consider using that as a way to understand each other better.
If she takes it to the next level then she is showing toxic traits which would give me the red flag.
If she rejects or leaves you behind remember that you are still amazing and can achieve anything you set your mind on, even if it means accepting failure countless times.
My encouragement to you is to keep going even in frustration or doubt, but to always keep looking forward and always stay positive.
Me personally I walk in the face of rejection and have learned to deal with it as it is and move on.
Today I remain single in satisfaction and will forever stay that way for a better life.
Where this work??
I am very familiar with L.A. , the Bay area and Manhattan.
Great stuff but keep in mind. Telling a women you don't know that "you are sexy and have no idea what I want to do to you right now" may work in L.A. but in many other more conservative parts of the country could get you thrown out of the establishment for harassment (hostile environment anyone) or worse possibly a call to 991. May want to consider a slightly lower level direct approach for guys that don't live in the aforementioned areas. The balance of guidance is spot on.
Im going to tell a girl at my gym that she looks sexy
Woooow... Everything is different now! The world finally makes sense again!
Hell yeah it dose
You are brilliant!!!
Thank you very much for explaining me what is to be vulnerable 🤩♥️
Defiantly thank you
@1:47 Holy crap, an instruction card that "literally" tells you how to use something?!? I didn't even know those existed.
The timing of this video couldn’t be more perfect. I’m trying to piece together my dating life after allowing my insecurities to ruin my only relationship. I’m ready to be vulnerable in my world.
Im also ready to be vulnerability
Rejection is a confidence killer.Your life never really recovers.
You're right. There is no hope.
A woman who rejected me for a Tuesday morning coffee date later gave me good head when we were alone at her oil painting studio.
This information is golden ❤
Yes it is
Hey guys, if you tell a woman what you want to do to her (as Marni advises), it could cost you your job and/or get you arrested in the U.S. (not other countries). Marni will not be bailing you out of jail or getting you a new job.
Yes, vulnerability comes at a price, but, at least you took a shot.
true. a man can an loose your job for doing nothing more than asking, once. or rejecting a woman. while most may not make an issue of it, all it takes is one.
@@kingdamager7370 asking for what? A lunch date?
Someone finally said it! This is exactly what I was thinking.Hell, just staring in their generql direction can get you in trouble, they call it stare rape, being assaulted by the male gaze and other BS.
@@wolfman122970 Who are these weird womyn you speak of? Stare Rape that's a new one to me.
Too many people aren't listening to what is said and ignoring the general vibe going on,it's easy to spot the attractive from the don't waste your time.
Totally agree 👍
A female wing woman! So helpful. As a man who genuinely desires to have relationship with all this info is gold.
Yes, they called them "pivots" in the parlance 😉.
Yes it is
Can you make your videos more shorter and just straight to the point?
I *LOVE* that she classes _'I'm gunná do 'X' to you'_ as a form of "vulnerability!" 😆
Technically correct, though...
That is a fact 👌
I have question. What do you do when you were vulnerable with a woman, and that woman ghosted you after being vulnerable. What I mean by vulnerable is showing feelings of sadness, including crying. I cried in front of a girl who was interested me. After I cried she never spoke to me again. Since then I have been afraid to be vulnerable around women. This is a true story that happened to me. I know this means that the woman was completely wrong for me but now I find it hard after that situation. I have a hard time believing the info in this video.
Marni's definition of 'vunerable' means: be bold, tell her what you want and be unaffraid to fail. In other words, by being direct you take a huge risk in being rejected (= vunerable), but ironically women love this attitude, so your chances of success get higher.
This is not the same as your example, showing your emotions to a woman. Unfortunately this makes you a different kind of 'vunerable' and kinda needy, all of which women don't like. Marni is just telling the hard truth of how women perceive men.
In my experience, she's completely right in this video. Whenever I use boldness to show my vunerability, women love it.
First like yourself for who you are. Second, allow someone to choose you for who you are. Third, if no one chooses you, at least you've chosen yourself.
99.9% of women get hot when you say THESE words....I'm rich
12 inches
Want a girl? Spend money on them. No need for other words
Hello. I tried one of your techniques from your videos and I got rejected worse than before. My background, I am very unattractive (as pointed out my multiple women). In fact I have been told by women that my looks are well below average. Obviously I have no confidence but still try and approach. My success is 0% whether its in clubs, coffee shops or parks. When I start trying to chat with a woman she starts looking away and getting bored based on my looks and poor approach. I just celebrated my 23rd birthday this past Saturday and alone. But I still tried to celebrate by myself by buying a cake and lighting some candles for myself. Any help would be appreciated.
"I still tried to celebrate by myself by buying a cake and lighting some candles for myself" - Excellent approach :-) do other things that you like, for yourslef, give love and esteem to yourself, be well with yourself, this is the most important. I will not, as many do, tell you that "one day you will find your so", this is a promise no one can hold for you, no one should ever make. Be well with yourself, friend.
Clubs, coffee shops and parks are the worst places to start a conversation with strangers if you're looking for a date (whether you're attractive or not). People usually find it weird and creepy when a total stranger starts a random conversation with them, unless you have a good reason (trying to hit on them = not a good reason).
My advice, focus on people in your surroundings, like fellow students or colleagues. Or maybe you can go to cooking or language classes, which are great places to meet new people. Once they get to know you, people can be very open and nice, no matter how you look.
In short, being a total stranger is the problem, not your looks. Don't let the media images fool you, most people look unattractive in reality.
I think she said it. Insecurity on open breeds a turn off. But stay within your realm..be confident in that. You will find someone. I ....think....
But Bobbi rio said don’t confess your feelings right away
Feelings? No, never, EVER show your feelings unless you know beyond the shadow of a doubt that you can trust the woman you're sharing it with! My experience has been that women tuck these little things away to use against you if you show ANY weakness or vulnerability.
''Vulnerable'' is actually a euphemism for ''men being openly naughty''...lol! Women use the word ''vulnerable'' because it sounds nice, therefore, makes them sound good. What they actually want is for men to be more upfront with their naughtiness and desire for them, however, this makes them look slutty, so instead, women use the euphemism ''vulnerable''.
I can be naughty to women
The same stuff in this video, was also in the book called; models from Mark Manson which is much older then this video.
Years ago I flew out of state to have a surgery done by the one Doctor who would do it. I had a spinal chord stimulator implanted and it was a tricky thing to do, after have my neck fused. The Doctor who invented the thing was happy to help me. Things went well, and on the flight back home a young lady sat next to me. We talked the whole trip and even though I was married, with children, I made a connection with her. We shared our story’s, dreams and vulnerability. Boys, I have to tell you two things. First I felt confident when I talked to her, and second showed her that I was human. If I wasn’t married I would have asked her out, but I don’t cheat. Never have, never will. Why am I watching this? To see where I went wrong long ago, and to help my son find happiness.
Does this work with younger women with older men?
I would like to know that too?
Very sincere. One of your best videos.
Just be confident and funny . Really funny . Not corny . Confident and and make them laugh . She'll be giving you the flip of the hair signal in no time . Lol I'm in my 60's and get women from all age categories with this technique quite frequently. But you've got to keep trying . Practice , practice . Good luck.
This is great information! Thanks for sharing these insights, from the mind of a woman. Appreciate you 🙏 💙
Yes this informative is great
What about morons like me who always get a crush on the beautiful teacher. Been struggling with this condition since the 7th grade. I'm 56 now.
This is a great one, Marni. Excellent points. Many thanks.
Yes it dose
Ok, I’ve seen several of your videos - where were you when I was growing up?!? Such awesome advice! I have shared your info with one of my great (single) friends and my son! Jeez!
You are awesome! Thank you 😊
Vulnerability: the quality or state of being exposed to the possibility of being attacked or harmed.
She’s redefined being vulnerable with HUMILITY. Being comfortably confident & candid with what you’d like from a potential partner is not the same as exposing your weaknesses or fears to that potential partner. And finishing this 19min video isn’t “showing vulnerability” - it shows COMMITMENT to see things through to the end.
Yes it is
Marni is stunning
I do not have a problem with any of that. But then I was in the Coast Giard and did rescue swimming nefore becoming an aircraft navigator. Once you like flipping boats and flying blind into terrible weather, striking up a conversation with a women that might reject me is a so what.
I think if a woman is attracted to you than she is.If she is not, I do not think you can change this. My wife is attracted to me, I do not think she understands why? Guess what? I am attracted to her too and I do not understand why either? Maybe that is how it works. Thoughts?
Then im trying it
Ok, I gotta admit, this thing works like magic. Personally, it's been really a game changer for me, even got me out of the friendzone lol
Thank you so much Marni ❤️
Yes it is like magic
Hiya Gorgeous.. your videos make so much sense.. I'm gona put some of your techniques to use. Thank you.
Telling ladies what is on your mind has got me slapped, spit on and 100% rejected. Never said anything on their looks, never talked about xxx or try to take them anywhere. Good example. Say a lady comes up to me wearing a shirt saying something EV. I tell her how yea it's the future but we're not ready for this yet. Instant rejection and called stupid or something like it. Or say a lady comes up to me wearing her mask and everyone needs their rona jab shirt. I say how I thought this was a free country, rejected right away and called a conspiracy theorist and told I am what's wrong with the world. Can give many examples but end result is always the same.
Most definitely
Sounds like an American problem
I'm feeling vulnerable right now.
So am i
Thanks a lot for a crisp and apt piece of advice. Needless to say they are valuable tips.
Yes they are
Actually I think women should try this since they have an even harder time telling guys they like them. It works for you too ladies.
Really liked the video. Great advice. It will help me.
I really like the ton of your voice : hearing it gives the feeling of confidence. Thx!
I like her tone too
I’ve learned so much from your videos. You have changed me and now I’m about to try some of this out with a once in a lifetime match. Vulnerable done now I just got to get thru the first date. Please research Anosmia and put a video together on how to explain this hidden disability and when during the dating process is should be revealed.
The downside about the insider program? I have found it to be the most expensive program she offers at over $300. That compared to usually less than $50 for the current programs I currently own; including the visualization program that has become my favorite. In due time maybe, yet I have other programs that are of interest including master class videos. Enough said, browse the library of programs that are the wing girl method, and take your pick. Thanks Marni for teaching me what I have learned so far.
No thank you
Thank you Marni❤
its very confusing few guys on youtube say that the minute a women knows you like her its game over, and she is saying the complete opposite im am very confused now
I constantly fall in the Friend Zone Marni and going up to her and saying hello.
Im stuck in the friend zone and im trying to end
Say these words. "I have enough money to pay for the rest of your life" 😂
You are just the best really I really love all ur videos
Men don't express sexual interest in women because they were raised to be gentlemen.
Men don't wish to offend others.
Men are decent.
If women really wanted men to express sexual interest in them, then they should SAY so.
At last someone else notice this as well 👍
If women do that then they are labeled as a 304
Yes they do bro
I need your help Marni which looks good on Leo short hair.
Very interesting and insightful. Thank you. Hmmm, I’m betting you’ve watched a couple of TED Talks by Brené Brown on this topic . You two are Amazing!!
Being direct in todays society can get a nice man in trouble. Too many bitter women out there
It's not that I don't want to share my feelings, but that I don't know how to express them or I don't know what I feel. Sometimes, I'm just not feeling anything.
That's what you say then
This is very empowering and learned a lot.
im spanish, and i thought "how it sounds in English".... perfect. Thank's
Do you speak English?
Geez you are good found you yesterday and binged on your videos.
How long u been doing this u should have 1million subs hunn your content is great
Yes it is
Another beautiful upload, thanks Marni ☺️ hope all is well, take care, and as always, stay blessed ❤️
Defiantly hope all is well
Love you Marni. Thanks.
Marni, you are so spooky intelligent in this area that you actually scare me a bit lol. I can tell you're a super mind reader, and the way you are so super aware of all these interpersonal nuances and stuff makes you a superstar and also extremely intimidating. No doubt you could manipulate men like puddy if you wanted to. So while you are a bit scary yes, it's only because you are so gifted in your area of expertise. How's that for a back-handed compliment lol. But seriously, you are amazing. You see through the dimensions like no other I've ever seen. Spooky.
That is a fact
@@travisandrews3909 Thanks dude.
@@emergentform1188 your welcome
@@emergentform1188 no problem dude.!
We're men we don't do "vulnerable"🙄 we do CONFIDENT 💪🏽
Great stuff Marni. I've been in the community a long time and this inner game stuff (mixed with outer game ofc) is solid
I always shower praises on women if I am sexually attracted to women about their beauty, figure, their dresses and the way they talk etc. Believe me you will most of the time I hit the bulls eye. After that it is paradise unlimited.
Don't overdo it, or it comes across as being insincere.
Thank you, I think this video was the light switch, the one thing I wasn't understanding.
Marni, I love your advice but I wonder if the techniques are geared more towards women in California. I’m in Minnesota where the women seem more reserved and aloof. The culture here is a bit different. Any thoughts?
I love her advice too
What is the two word video
I love the romance genre Marni.
So do i
Tiege Hanley! I'm winning already.
So vulnerability is being honest and transparent about our feelings towards someone…