Actually, I think that adding herbs and spices can still make your dishes tasty when lacking of salt. That not mean you not eating salt, just using less. Salt is really important for our body
Just for all y'all out there who REALLY want to be healthy: Please don't do what this video says and label a certain food as "good" and another one as "bad" Of course, try to include more nutrient dense foods in your diet when possible! And when you're craving that cookie? Eat the cookie! Don't feel like you always have to look for the "healthy" version :D
Yes!!! It took me 8 months of dieting to realize this. This is so important especially when it comes to maintaining the healthy lifestyle youre aiming for
Yeh cuz just limit yourself to a quantity, like for a cookie just eat 1 or 2 , don’t think about the food too much think about how much u eat daily and weekly
One time in my life I ate less sugar and more healthy stuff, limiting myself from some stuff, after months / weeks of that I was craving samanco (korean ice cream dessert) alot (its pretty sweet espacially that red bean paste) . After I ate some sweets and stuff the craving lessened and I felt a bit more better! So now I most of the time, or lesser than that I eat the food I crave, and nutrient dense foods!
I've never seen someone as perfect as Mr David George , he knows how to analyze trade, and with his strategies I was able earned $16 835 in 2 days of wokring. With a capital of $2 500 this amazing 😄♥️❤️😍😍
0:07 Good swap. Oatmeal is better anyway imo 0:12 Eh I'm not a fan of either of those 0:17 Good swap. 0:22 Good swap. I generally like poultry more than beef anyway. 0:28 I like a little bit of both sugar and cinnamon. 0:34 And again I like a little bit of salt and other spices/herbs 0:40 Nuts don't really compare to cookies imo, a better comparison would've been something like a granola bar since they generally have fruit/honey/chocolate chips in them to make them kinda sweet...but I would still choose cookies regardless. 0:47 Good swap. Raw fruits are almost always better than fruit-flavored stuff/juices anyway imo. 0:55 I have nothing against baked potatoes but fries are the tastiest potato creation imo. 1:01 Good swap. I prefer lemon water over soda anyway.
Unicorn Lady (formerly archiecook55) I agree with everything you said except for the cereal part. I love oatmeal but it will never surpass cereal for me
AAAA GUYS I FOUND OUT SOMETHING VERY NICE AND HEALTY FOR UR DESSERT! Add frozen (biologic) pineaple to your blender, also add a BIT of mango, for the tropical accent, then pour in a splash of coconut milk, if u don't have that just use water, ( coconut milk tastes a bit better and it gives a tropical accent) blend, till nice and creamy, or if you want some chucks into it, u can do that, top it off with coconut rasp, or coconut flakes, this dessert is SWEET!
You don’t have to give up any those and it means u have to eat less of them . 1 day @ school before Christmas Break of 2019 : 1st : Jolly Rancher , grinch 2nd Periods : store bought cookies that I bought , chit chat 3 rd Periods : none , played game 4 th : none , and easy word search Lunch : 2 peridges cookies , and full course meal 5 th period : starburst and jolly ranchers math worksheet while the grinch play 6th Periods : chip ahoy two of each , hot chocolate , finish movie of monkey paws 7th : 4 Oreos cookie and another cup hot chocolate , EbneZer Scrooge for the 2 nd time It was aslo the Last day and too throw my brother had a potluck in French class a day before . My dad : Used to be vegetarian for a year . My brother : Eggplant Parmasen Ramen Noodle Fried Eggplant Grilled cheese I : Ramen Noodle Fried Eggplant Belvita cianmon and chocolate Ice cream Almond butter milk Boxed Milk Ice Tea Banana Cereal
At the end of the day it’s about what makes u satisfied you can always treat yourself once in a while i would prefer taking the sugary cereal for example because when i do take the oatmeal after i would still be craving the cereal which makes it worse 😅
since i was a kid, i always have eaten baked food instead of fried. Trust me, i tried both and tastes the same, or maybe just for me because i'm used to
I love boiled eggs so I have it for breakfast. And I loveee oatmeal so I eat it everyday for dinner. I don't add sugar. Just honey and some nuts and I think its perfect for losing weight. Thank you for this awesome video.
I’m doing it for less than two months and I almost eat some sugar everyday if mom brings some 😄 guys it’s really works if u have probs and can’t exercise eating healthier is ur way to heaven, I can’t tell That I’m having the perfect body now and I’m working out for a month but I can tell That I’m noticing the difference so guys do ur best try to eat more protein fruits and veggies reduce carbs and sugar and enjoy ur food whatever it is and never feel guilty
salt is essential for body and isn't the taste of salt and herbs totally different?? I am kinda confused but your video was helpful in general. Thank you!!
HOW TO EAT HEALTY?! IT'S SIMPLE READ THIS: Hey, this thing change my life! How many times have you not had the strength to get out of bed? Are you going to work? Are you going out on the town? Are you going to the movies? How many times have you been tired as soon as you get up and started the day with just a cup of coffee? If your answers to these questions are YES, it’s time to take care of your life, health and diet. Your health and productivity in all walks of life are directly related to the way you eat every day. What does a healthy diet actually mean? As complicated as it may seem, eating healthy is very simple. Certain guidelines must be followed:(All what you need is on the link, so change your life and be fit and healty)
I don't understand the boiled vs fried egg one. They are the same amount of calories and they are just cooked differently. I don't use butter when I fry eggs so it doesn't add any extra stuff to the egg. I think fried eggs are better for me too because they are bigger, and if I eat something with large volume I won't want to eat more later.
Same thought!! I cook fried eggs with olive oil or omelet with olive oil too i can feel full in a healthy way, as long as we dont usz butter or normal oil as u said. Stay healthy ☺️🧡
HOW TO EAT HEALTY?! IT'S SIMPLE READ THIS: Hey, this thing change my life! How many times have you not had the strength to get out of bed? Are you going to work? Are you going out on the town? Are you going to the movies? How many times have you been tired as soon as you get up and started the day with just a cup of coffee? If your answers to these questions are YES, it’s time to take care of your life, health and diet. Your health and productivity in all walks of life are directly related to the way you eat every day. What does a healthy diet actually mean? As complicated as it may seem, eating healthy is very simple. Certain guidelines must be followed:(All what you need is on the link, so change your life and be fit and healty)
Cereal - Oatmeal is a good replacement! Tasty, healthy, and a little like cereal. Half Fried Eggs - Boiled eggs is a pretty good replacement, but you could serve it with sides. Refined Grains - Whole grains is a great replacement, but you can choose healthier breads too if it is too steep for your cooking culture. Fatty Meat - Lean meat is a great replacement, but the issue is that fat is good in small amounts, so don’t deprive you of it so you won’t need more carbs or protein. Meat is for amino acids and fat content. Vegan protein is great for well, protein. Sugar - See, it’s only bad in medium amounts. Change your diet to include sugar in small amounts. But cinnamon is a good replacement if you aren’t putting it in bland foods. Then it tastes bad. Salt - Herbs and Spices is actually a genius replacement, but don’t have no salt at all. Add just a small bit of salt to your meals, and then bring in the herbs/spices. Cookies - They are good every once in a while, and nuts are not a good replacement. Nuts are to be in foods. And for snacking, but they are nothing like cookies unless you use them in baking. If you have allergies, don’t buy mixed nuts unless you make them yourself. Juice Boxes - Yes, finally someone who understands, but PLEASE its fine to juice fruits. But the boxed stuff isn’t as healthy. Deep Fried - Baked foods are not healthier if you are pre-baking it, and it all depends on taste and how healthy the food item is. Then it’s healthier. But French fries? They are better baked (for crunch), but please don’t rely on the prepackaged ones. Ai(e)rated Drinks - Yes, that’s an amazing replacement, but you can add all sorts of stuff to it if you don’t like the fruity taste. And also, make sure to choose healthy foods that you like, and gradually make it at home and choose healthier at the places you like to go to. It’s fine to eat all these things, in moderation! Keto diets are horrible for this! And make sure to balance your diet when you aren’t eating snacks or aren’t eating desserts and it’s ok to have less of it. There is no such thing as “cheat days”. And no such thing as healthy food replacements. And whatever diet you have, look out and never buy the “healthy” version of anything unless it has been proven to work more than 0.2 percent. Here is Unicorn Lady’s opinion on these food replacements: 0:07 Good swap. Oatmeal is better anyway imo 0:12 Eh I'm not a fan of either of those 0:17 Good swap. 0:22 Good swap. I generally like poultry more than beef anyway. 0:28 I like a little bit of both sugar and cinnamon. 0:34 And again I like a little bit of salt and other spices/herbs 0:40 Nuts don't really compare to cookies imo, a better comparison would've been something like a granola bar since they generally have fruit/honey/chocolate chips in them to make them kinda sweet...but I would still choose cookies regardless. 0:47 Good swap. Raw fruits are almost always better than fruit-flavored stuff/juices anyway imo. 0:55 I have nothing against baked potatoes but fries are the tastiest potato creation imo. 1:01 Good swap. I prefer lemon water over soda anyway. Look out, and be healthy! Like if this helped!
HOW TO EAT HEALTY?! IT'S SIMPLE READ THIS: Hey, this thing change my life! How many times have you not had the strength to get out of bed? Are you going to work? Are you going out on the town? Are you going to the movies? How many times have you been tired as soon as you get up and started the day with just a cup of coffee? If your answers to these questions are YES, it’s time to take care of your life, health and diet. Your health and productivity in all walks of life are directly related to the way you eat every day. What does a healthy diet actually mean? As complicated as it may seem, eating healthy is very simple. Certain guidelines must be followed:(All what you need is on the link, so change your life and be fit and healty)
having more money is very crucial to financial growth. You can say it whatever you want, at the end is NOT multiple, it is more into the number of $ that matter the most and not spend it, instead... you invest it!
having more money is very crucial to financial growth. You can say it whatever you want, at the end is NOT multiple, it is more into the number of $ that matter the most and not spend it, instead... you invest it!
I'm 44 and my net worth is closing in on 7 figures and I'm 100% debt free. Retirement seems like an option now cause I'll be having double incomes pension pay and monthly passive income from Expert David. With a capital of 1500 USD i receive 7 750 USD every 48 hours, this is a great opportunity for everyone to enroll.
1. 설탕이 들어간 시리얼 대신 오트밀 2. 기름에 구운 것 대신 삶은 달걀 3. 정제되지 않은 통곡물 4. 고기는 기름기가 적은 부위로 5. 설탕 대신 시나몬 6. 소금 대신 허브&매운 향신료 7. 간식은 쿠키류 대신 견과류로 8. 과일은 쥬스 대신 생과일로 9. 튀긴 것보단 구운 음식으로 10. 탄산음료 대신 레몬수로
It is fundamental when you are in a caloric deficit to find your food attractive so you can trick your mind with low calories dance food that taste amazing. Thank you for sharing
HOW TO EAT HEALTY?! IT'S SIMPLE READ THIS: Hey, this thing change my life! How many times have you not had the strength to get out of bed? Are you going to work? Are you going out on the town? Are you going to the movies? How many times have you been tired as soon as you get up and started the day with just a cup of coffee? If your answers to these questions are YES, it’s time to take care of your life, health and diet. Your health and productivity in all walks of life are directly related to the way you eat every day. What does a healthy diet actually mean? As complicated as it may seem, eating healthy is very simple. Certain guidelines must be followed:(All what you need is on the link, so change your life and be fit and healty)
What If you eat alot of macadamian and other nuts??A cookie Is 200 calories or soo ?,but when I eat macadamian nuts i eat at least 800 calories worth... 2 oz of nuts is not much but I guess 3 oz. of macadamians is better then 3 cookies full of carbs
Ryan Martinez but healthy eating isn’t about counting calories. cookies have a lot of sugar and bad fats, nuts have healthy fats and proteins. nuts are much more healthier, they help your brain work better and boost your concentration and memory.
@@pearmino yes fiber plays a role this video is a joke the fried eggs with the yolk is better for you ..and fatty steak is also really good and we need it
Just a reminder that ALL foods are healthy! What makes food unhealthy is unhealthy portion. That doesn't mean that you have to cut certain food group like sugar completly. But make small changes like cutting little this week, than little more next and by the end of the month you'll have your healthy portion of sugar.
Nuts are delicious. In the beginning it took a while for me to get rid of of the cravings of all the sweet and salty tastes I was used to but now I barely use salt in my food and substitute sugar with honey. I've never felt better.
Yes taste matters but you need to take care of your health too, you can eat cookies but not a lot, cookies are not healthy and roasted nuts with some honey is delicious
HOW TO EAT HEALTY?! IT'S SIMPLE READ THIS: Hey, this thing change my life! How many times have you not had the strength to get out of bed? Are you going to work? Are you going out on the town? Are you going to the movies? How many times have you been tired as soon as you get up and started the day with just a cup of coffee? If your answers to these questions are YES, it’s time to take care of your life, health and diet. Your health and productivity in all walks of life are directly related to the way you eat every day. What does a healthy diet actually mean? As complicated as it may seem, eating healthy is very simple. Certain guidelines must be followed:(All what you need is on the link, so change your life and be fit and healty)
Swapping my daily bowl of sugar with a bowl of cinnamon was the best choice I ever made.
Lilly Petersen 😹
Bye bye liver
Seriously 😂😂😂😂😂
Ah yes, the cinnamon challenge.
Brings back memories
this music sounds like the tea spill intro
Luna Red XDD
It is
Because it is
Lmao yeah
adding herbs and spices into food without aDding SALT is sooo wrong
No I actually prefer herbs over salt
What is wrong with u you should know that herbs are better than SALT
Actually, I think that adding herbs and spices can still make your dishes tasty when lacking of salt. That not mean you not eating salt, just using less. Salt is really important for our body
You need both
Imma go bake some cookies, but instead of adding the cup of sugar i’ll use a cup of cinnamon! Thank you for the amazing substitution idea!
Actually you can substitute sugar with honey.
Happy baking!!!
Jaba Roychowdhury It was a joke 😂 lols I like to use Lakanto or maple syrup, thx tho 🤣
Lol,or u can use stevia
LMAOOOOOO Lolsssss i wheezed
@@himanshisaxena1902 I don't think it's very good for health
Just for all y'all out there who REALLY want to be healthy:
Please don't do what this video says and label a certain food as "good" and another one as "bad"
Of course, try to include more nutrient dense foods in your diet when possible!
And when you're craving that cookie? Eat the cookie! Don't feel like you always have to look for the "healthy" version :D
Yes!!! It took me 8 months of dieting to realize this.
This is so important especially when it comes to maintaining the healthy lifestyle youre aiming for
Yeh cuz just limit yourself to a quantity, like for a cookie just eat 1 or 2 , don’t think about the food too much think about how much u eat daily and weekly
One time in my life I ate less sugar and more healthy stuff, limiting myself from some stuff, after months / weeks of that I was craving samanco (korean ice cream dessert) alot (its pretty sweet espacially that red bean paste) . After I ate some sweets and stuff the craving lessened and I felt a bit more better! So now I most of the time, or lesser than that I eat the food I crave, and nutrient dense foods!
Aww your really sweet! I will defenitly keep this tip in minad
Who would give up cookies for nuts
Alyssa Peters me
Alyssa Peters nuts are so delecious
Alyssa Peters me
I eat both, nuts everyday and cookies from time to time but I make them myself.
10 Healthy Food Swaps *You Never Thought To Try*
umm cmon, everyone knows oatmeal is healthy, we just need sugar
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sugar is poison
my downfall is sugar, but I can usually eat pretty healthy besides that.
Really. I hate sugar. It's gross. Start eating more vegetables and whole fruits to get rid of sugar cravings
Chips and snacks are my worst enemy. I cut out soda but now i need to eliminate snacks.
If your downfall is sugar you could always try and add things like coconut sugar or honey instead :)
I've never seen someone as perfect as Mr David George , he knows how to analyze trade, and with his strategies I was able earned $16 835 in 2 days of wokring. With a capital of $2 500 this amazing 😄♥️❤️😍😍
Rather than swaping foods, we should eat the food we want in moderation !
nah, once you eat one you'll want more of it.
@@farhanaditya2647 they said in moderation dumbass
@@farhanaditya2647control it then
0:07 Good swap. Oatmeal is better anyway imo
0:12 Eh I'm not a fan of either of those
0:17 Good swap.
0:22 Good swap. I generally like poultry more than beef anyway.
0:28 I like a little bit of both sugar and cinnamon.
0:34 And again I like a little bit of salt and other spices/herbs
0:40 Nuts don't really compare to cookies imo, a better comparison would've been something like a granola bar since they generally have fruit/honey/chocolate chips in them to make them kinda sweet...but I would still choose cookies regardless.
0:47 Good swap. Raw fruits are almost always better than fruit-flavored stuff/juices anyway imo.
0:55 I have nothing against baked potatoes but fries are the tastiest potato creation imo.
1:01 Good swap. I prefer lemon water over soda anyway.
Tbh, baked homemade fries >>>> fried fries as far as health goes.
Who asked for your opinion? If you live a healthy lifestyle, all of them are great swaps
No one but I still have the right to express it.
Unicorn Lady (formerly archiecook55) I agree with everything you said except for the cereal part. I love oatmeal but it will never surpass cereal for me
This video is a joke red meat is something we need
I like all the “wrong” things
Me tooo lol. XD😋😋
But they will make your life shorter lol
I've never thought about using those weird things like fruits, oatmeal and spices, thank you for such useful knowledge!!
AAAA GUYS I FOUND OUT SOMETHING VERY NICE AND HEALTY FOR UR DESSERT! Add frozen (biologic) pineaple to your blender, also add a BIT of mango, for the tropical accent, then pour in a splash of coconut milk, if u don't have that just use water, ( coconut milk tastes a bit better and it gives a tropical accent) blend, till nice and creamy, or if you want some chucks into it, u can do that, top it off with coconut rasp, or coconut flakes, this dessert is SWEET!
i will try it out tomorow as my breakfast :) thank u very much ♡
Why not have both?
I will never give up eating cookies or fries. Are you crazy?
Mike Sarantakos same
You don’t have to give up any those and it means u have to eat less of them .
1 day @ school before Christmas Break of 2019 :
1st : Jolly Rancher , grinch
2nd Periods : store bought cookies that I bought , chit chat
3 rd Periods : none , played game
4 th : none , and easy word search
Lunch : 2 peridges cookies , and full course meal
5 th period : starburst and jolly ranchers math worksheet while the grinch play
6th Periods : chip ahoy two of each , hot chocolate , finish movie of monkey paws
7th : 4 Oreos cookie and another cup hot chocolate , EbneZer Scrooge for the 2 nd time
It was aslo the Last day and too throw my brother had a potluck in French class a day before .
My dad : Used to be vegetarian for a year .
My brother :
Eggplant Parmasen
Ramen Noodle
Fried Eggplant
Grilled cheese
I :
Ramen Noodle
Fried Eggplant
Belvita cianmon and chocolate
Ice cream
Almond butter milk
Boxed Milk
Ice Tea
At the end of the day it’s about what makes u satisfied you can always treat yourself once in a while i would prefer taking the sugary cereal for example because when i do take the oatmeal after i would still be craving the cereal which makes it worse 😅
This gave me flashbacks to when I was young and ate cinnamon by itself thinking it would be sweet on its own
Glad i wasnt the only one ...
Girl same😭😭i was so dissapointed tho
1:00 they tell us to drink water when literally it’s a picture of Lemonade lol 😆
Great tips! I respect the fact that you support so many of your points with factual information and studies.
I love this chef. She’s eloquent and her personality is like a peach. Dainty and fun.
since i was a kid, i always have eaten baked food instead of fried. Trust me, i tried both and tastes the same, or maybe just for me because i'm used to
I love boiled eggs so I have it for breakfast. And I loveee oatmeal so I eat it everyday for dinner. I don't add sugar. Just honey and some nuts and I think its perfect for losing weight. Thank you for this awesome video.
ben elif fırat ve
I’m doing it for less than two months and I almost eat some sugar everyday if mom brings some 😄 guys it’s really works if u have probs and can’t exercise eating healthier is ur way to heaven, I can’t tell That I’m having the perfect body now and I’m working out for a month but I can tell That I’m noticing the difference so guys do ur best try to eat more protein fruits and veggies reduce carbs and sugar and enjoy ur food whatever it is and never feel guilty
Boiled Eggs
Whole grains
Lean meat
Raw fruits
Baked food
Lemon water
salt is essential for body and isn't the taste of salt and herbs totally different?? I am kinda confused but your video was helpful in general. Thank you!!
"Ah yes, I love putting cinnamon in my tea. Better than sugar" "Yummy... Nuts? WHERE ARE MY COOKIES!1!1!1"
ماشاءاللہ بہت پیاری ویڈیو زبردست مزہ آگیا
I love my grandmother now, she's always had a tendency to live on the right side of things.
I wish that should be on the billboard next to any fast food restaurants.
Thanks for your information
Never thought to try? Maybe. If you lived on mars. I expected a bit more advanced options...
Hey, this thing change my life! How many times have you not had the strength to get out of bed? Are you going to work? Are you going out on the town? Are you going to the movies? How many times have you been tired as soon as you get up and started the day with just a cup of coffee? If your answers to these questions are YES, it’s time to take care of your life, health and diet. Your health and productivity in all walks of life are directly related to the way you eat every day.
What does a healthy diet actually mean?
As complicated as it may seem, eating healthy is very simple. Certain guidelines must be followed:(All what you need is on the link, so change your life and be fit and healty)
yeah nobody ever thought of this yep
Ah yes, because cookies and nuts are practically identical! How did i not think of this before??!
Thank you for the great tips and the healthier options!
Njoy the life with foods you like, life is too short
I don't understand the boiled vs fried egg one. They are the same amount of calories and they are just cooked differently. I don't use butter when I fry eggs so it doesn't add any extra stuff to the egg. I think fried eggs are better for me too because they are bigger, and if I eat something with large volume I won't want to eat more later.
Same thought!! I cook fried eggs with olive oil or omelet with olive oil too i can feel full in a healthy way, as long as we dont usz butter or normal oil as u said.
Stay healthy ☺️🧡
Thanks you brother.nice
**when you hate all of the food apart from the bread**
Hey, this thing change my life! How many times have you not had the strength to get out of bed? Are you going to work? Are you going out on the town? Are you going to the movies? How many times have you been tired as soon as you get up and started the day with just a cup of coffee? If your answers to these questions are YES, it’s time to take care of your life, health and diet. Your health and productivity in all walks of life are directly related to the way you eat every day.
What does a healthy diet actually mean?
As complicated as it may seem, eating healthy is very simple. Certain guidelines must be followed:(All what you need is on the link, so change your life and be fit and healty)
You hate nuts and fruits also???🥺
Honestly the only thing I didn't think of is eating nuts instead of cookies but who would resist a cookie?!
not me about to get up to get a cookie while watching this lmaoooo
Ya hice casi todos esos cambios. Falta cambiar el azucar por canela.
Sugar or cinnamon ( or maybe honey! It does great)
Amen and for a better life
what about salt? Any substitute? Definitely herbs and spices is not gonna replace salt, instead use rock salt.
My google search: HOw thE HeCK do You avOiD DeeP fRiEd fOOd in TExAs
You bake your own food ! :D
Cereal - Oatmeal is a good replacement! Tasty, healthy, and a little like cereal.
Half Fried Eggs - Boiled eggs is a pretty good replacement, but you could serve it with sides.
Refined Grains - Whole grains is a great replacement, but you can choose healthier breads too if it is too steep for your cooking culture.
Fatty Meat - Lean meat is a great replacement, but the issue is that fat is good in small amounts, so don’t deprive you of it so you won’t need more carbs or protein. Meat is for amino acids and fat content. Vegan protein is great for well, protein.
Sugar - See, it’s only bad in medium amounts. Change your diet to include sugar in small amounts. But cinnamon is a good replacement if you aren’t putting it in bland foods. Then it tastes bad.
Salt - Herbs and Spices is actually a genius replacement, but don’t have no salt at all. Add just a small bit of salt to your meals, and then bring in the herbs/spices.
Cookies - They are good every once in a while, and nuts are not a good replacement. Nuts are to be in foods. And for snacking, but they are nothing like cookies unless you use them in baking. If you have allergies, don’t buy mixed nuts unless you make them yourself.
Juice Boxes - Yes, finally someone who understands, but PLEASE its fine to juice fruits. But the boxed stuff isn’t as healthy.
Deep Fried - Baked foods are not healthier if you are pre-baking it, and it all depends on taste and how healthy the food item is. Then it’s healthier. But French fries? They are better baked (for crunch), but please don’t rely on the prepackaged ones.
Ai(e)rated Drinks - Yes, that’s an amazing replacement, but you can add all sorts of stuff to it if you don’t like the fruity taste.
And also, make sure to choose healthy foods that you like, and gradually make it at home and choose healthier at the places you like to go to.
It’s fine to eat all these things, in moderation!
Keto diets are horrible for this!
And make sure to balance your diet when you aren’t eating snacks or aren’t eating desserts and it’s ok to have less of it.
There is no such thing as “cheat days”.
And no such thing as healthy food replacements.
And whatever diet you have, look out and never buy the “healthy” version of anything unless it has been proven to work more than 0.2 percent.
Here is Unicorn Lady’s opinion on these food replacements:
0:07 Good swap. Oatmeal is better anyway imo
0:12 Eh I'm not a fan of either of those
0:17 Good swap.
0:22 Good swap. I generally like poultry more than beef anyway.
0:28 I like a little bit of both sugar and cinnamon.
0:34 And again I like a little bit of salt and other spices/herbs
0:40 Nuts don't really compare to cookies imo, a better comparison would've been something like a granola bar since they generally have fruit/honey/chocolate chips in them to make them kinda sweet...but I would still choose cookies regardless.
0:47 Good swap. Raw fruits are almost always better than fruit-flavored stuff/juices anyway imo.
0:55 I have nothing against baked potatoes but fries are the tastiest potato creation imo.
1:01 Good swap. I prefer lemon water over soda anyway.
Look out, and be healthy! Like if this helped!
How to substitute ☕tea...
they be like: box full of sugar= X
Box full of veggie: yes
Your music and your tips are so good
We have already heard thease. Proud of living in India!
0:56 yeah, I should try lemon water, at least it still sweeter than my life
Hey, this thing change my life! How many times have you not had the strength to get out of bed? Are you going to work? Are you going out on the town? Are you going to the movies? How many times have you been tired as soon as you get up and started the day with just a cup of coffee? If your answers to these questions are YES, it’s time to take care of your life, health and diet. Your health and productivity in all walks of life are directly related to the way you eat every day.
What does a healthy diet actually mean?
As complicated as it may seem, eating healthy is very simple. Certain guidelines must be followed:(All what you need is on the link, so change your life and be fit and healty)
@@uros1884 no u
having more money is very crucial to financial growth. You can say it whatever you want, at the end is NOT multiple, it is more into the number of $ that matter the most and not spend it, instead... you invest it!
having more money is very crucial to financial growth. You can say it whatever you want, at the end is NOT multiple, it is more into the number of $ that matter the most and not spend it, instead... you invest it!
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It’s going to be a lot of Will power for me to do this 😂
I'm literally watching this while eating bacon and cheese fries and a soda
Actually, at 0:22 the left one is healthier compare to fry breast chicken.
The best swap for table salt is Himalayan Pink salt.
And use palm sugar or jaggery instead of regular sugar.
Whole wheat bread, but keep that in mind moderation is key.
For someone who REALLY wants something sweet, then just use honey instead of sugar.
Salt is 0 calories.
eat what your body craves doesn’t matter if it’s healthy or not ❤️😩
but...which one tastes better
1. 설탕이 들어간 시리얼 대신 오트밀
2. 기름에 구운 것 대신 삶은 달걀
3. 정제되지 않은 통곡물
4. 고기는 기름기가 적은 부위로
5. 설탕 대신 시나몬
6. 소금 대신 허브&매운 향신료
7. 간식은 쿠키류 대신 견과류로
8. 과일은 쥬스 대신 생과일로
9. 튀긴 것보단 구운 음식으로
10. 탄산음료 대신 레몬수로
Background music is nostalgia but message was important
It is fundamental when you are in a caloric deficit to find your food attractive so you can trick your mind with low calories dance food that taste amazing. Thank you for sharing
bRO salt isn't unhealthy unless you eat a cup of it at once. same with sugar.
0:03 Cereal with Milk > Oatmeal And muesli with Almond Milk
How do you swap SALT with SPICES ?
I’ll just have my donut.
So I'll just switch the sugar i put in a cup of tea for cinnamon, I'm sure it'll taste the same 🤔
Tell me, what health freak has never tought to replace regular bread with whole grain
I swapped Sugar on my oats meal to a Maple syrup 👌 great choice
Hey, this thing change my life! How many times have you not had the strength to get out of bed? Are you going to work? Are you going out on the town? Are you going to the movies? How many times have you been tired as soon as you get up and started the day with just a cup of coffee? If your answers to these questions are YES, it’s time to take care of your life, health and diet. Your health and productivity in all walks of life are directly related to the way you eat every day.
What does a healthy diet actually mean?
As complicated as it may seem, eating healthy is very simple. Certain guidelines must be followed:(All what you need is on the link, so change your life and be fit and healty)
Maple syrup acts the exact same way metabolically as raw sugar. Your swapping basically did nothing.
I think adding dates is away better choice
Imagine replacing all your sugar for your baking recipes for a literal spice 🤣 🥵🔥
Ok who the heck replaces cookies with nuts. Maybe a healthier cookie like oatmeal, but plain old nuts... no thanks
What If you eat alot of macadamian and other nuts??A cookie Is 200 calories or soo ?,but when I eat macadamian nuts i eat at least 800 calories worth... 2 oz of nuts is not much but I guess 3 oz. of macadamians is better then 3 cookies full of carbs
Ryan Martinez but healthy eating isn’t about counting calories. cookies have a lot of sugar and bad fats, nuts have healthy fats and proteins. nuts are much more healthier, they help your brain work better and boost your concentration and memory.
@@pearmino yes fiber plays a role this video is a joke the fried eggs with the yolk is better for you ..and fatty steak is also really good and we need it
Ryan Martinez ok 😅 sometimes it’s hard to see if sb is joking or not, especially on the internet ;p
@@pearmino Yeah dont bother with any grains they got the sugar over cinnamon tho sugar no grains happy life/body
I really had never thought of that..
Mmmmm "lemon water" Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
It's nice tho!
But very bad for yourr teeth and health
Molly Gudgeon and sugared drinks aren’t?
Water with lemon is a log better than the lemon water
@@mollygudgeon9915 lemon water is bad for your teeth and health? Are you trolling? Quit spreading misinformation. Wtf.
this song fucking SLAPS!
0:21 What is bad about fatty meat
Thanks for letting me know ❤
two things are wrong here , we can use rock salt instead of herbs and spices for replacement of refined salt and jaggery as a replacement for sugar
Let me tell you that sugar cant be replaced by cinnamon .
Just a reminder that ALL foods are healthy! What makes food unhealthy is unhealthy portion. That doesn't mean that you have to cut certain food group like sugar completly. But make small changes like cutting little this week, than little more next and by the end of the month you'll have your healthy portion of sugar.
Can someone say this music namr please?
it's Electro Cabello by Kevin Macleod .
Although nuts are high in calories and easily cause weight gain I think
Why is aerated water unhealthy?
0:02 pretty sure we all knew that
At 0:14 I ain't gotta worry cause I'm already allergic to gluten
Btw if you dont know what gluten means it is wheat
But taste matter.. how can someone choose nuts over cookies 😛😛😛😛
Nuts are delicious. In the beginning it took a while for me to get rid of of the cravings of all the sweet and salty tastes I was used to but now I barely use salt in my food and substitute sugar with honey. I've never felt better.
Yes taste matters but you need to take care of your health too, you can eat cookies but not a lot, cookies are not healthy and roasted nuts with some honey is delicious
I'm taking this advice I love the background music
why is salt a nono? its a mineral and we need those. i am confusion.
This is the worst food swap video. I prefer most of the things on the left.
Nuts over cookies?? Hell no
Hey, this thing change my life! How many times have you not had the strength to get out of bed? Are you going to work? Are you going out on the town? Are you going to the movies? How many times have you been tired as soon as you get up and started the day with just a cup of coffee? If your answers to these questions are YES, it’s time to take care of your life, health and diet. Your health and productivity in all walks of life are directly related to the way you eat every day.
What does a healthy diet actually mean?
As complicated as it may seem, eating healthy is very simple. Certain guidelines must be followed:(All what you need is on the link, so change your life and be fit and healty)
@@uros1884 STFU
wow!! having nuts instead fo cookings to loose wight is something I definitely never thought of!! totally never thought to try!!
Sugar with cinnamon🙄 swappin sweet with spice, how come its podsible? Jaggery can b the choice🤔
I have stopped eating sugar and unhealthy stuff for 3 months now. I lost so much weight but its really hard
Depend on fruits as sugar source specially dates with some nuts ( full of energy & sugar but healthier than candies or cookies )
As a person that almost hated everything on the right side please help
Those branded as healthy are expensive here
sparkling water is also a great choice instead of soda
ah yes, instead of serving coke at my party i will instead serve *l e m o n j u i c e*
Watching while eating fries😱
Would be cool if they actually pointed out the difference in calories