What's a Gumby?

  • Опубликовано: 8 сен 2024

Комментарии • 161

  • @tomoleather131
    @tomoleather131 4 года назад +215

    Having climbed for most of my life, it's so annoying to see climbers inflate their egos and calling beginner climbers gumbies. Climbing is an inclusive sport, we name rocks and climb up them for fun - we're pretty weird people. As Albert says, help them out if you see them struggling but don't be a dick about it!

    • @Orynae
      @Orynae 4 года назад +5

      Yeah, I dunno why people have to call others out just for fumbling a bit because they're a beginner

    • @AlbertOkay
      @AlbertOkay  4 года назад +14

      Heck yes! I myself was stuck at v0 for almost a month and I got plenty of people telling me how to climb it. I know exactly how it feels to be a beginner and half the journey if figuring things out on your own.

    • @shadowmage680
      @shadowmage680 4 года назад +9

      @@AlbertOkay @tomo But also dont be a Spray Gumby, ask people if they want beta or help in general. I definitely got called out for that when i was a few months in and have also had people spray me with beta when i was warming up or forcing different beta on things id already sent to work weaknesses.
      Plus sometimes beta is size dependent the 6'6" dude isnt going to make compression moves in a small box, and the 5'0" person isnt going to span that move without three foot moves and using a 2 finger foot chip as an intermediate

    • @h0p3less1
      @h0p3less1 4 года назад +1

      @@shadowmage680 guilty as charged, learning that if you see someone struggling on a boulder ask first if they'd like some more/different beta before running your mouth. I only got lucky the first time when I blasted beta at them and they proceeded to accept it & send!

    • @imyabota5785
      @imyabota5785 4 года назад +2

      First I flash their project then I help them. I just can't help to show off >

  • @trentarnold7226
    @trentarnold7226 4 года назад +69

    Years ago, I got super psyched to go bouldering for the first time, I even went and picked up a new pair of shoes to climb in....they were Nikes :)

    • @AlbertOkay
      @AlbertOkay  4 года назад +8

      Hahah, hey I mean the best shoes are the one's you have on you!

    • @dieselrugg
      @dieselrugg 4 года назад +1

      Oh man this is awesome! Thanks for sharing!

  • @dieselrugg
    @dieselrugg 4 года назад +48

    A friend of mine told me this story about his first climbing trip with another friend.
    1st time climber is belaying friend with grigri:
    Friend, who is showing him how to lead: “bro I’m getting pumped!”
    1st timer: “ hell yeah bro! I’m pumped too! This is awesome!!”
    Friend on lead: “nah bro I mean I’m seriously pumped here!”
    1st timer: “this is sick! I’m pumped too brotein shake!”
    Friend on lead: falls on about 5 meters of slack....

  • @ewanbremner2818
    @ewanbremner2818 4 года назад +23

    I don't mind being a Gumby. I'm fairly new to climbing. I started a few months before COVID-19 hit. I remember my first time in the climbing gym, I was watching my friends attempt problems that were 3 grades higher than anything I could send. We were trying to figure out the beta amongst ourselves, I was offered a shot at doing it but couldn't even start it so I had admiration for my friends that were able to do it.
    Some guy nearby saw that we were having difficulty and came over uninvited and started giving us tips. He then went to demonstrate how the part of the problem we were struggling with was easy. Once he came down, he stood around and watched as one of my friends finally got it and I was saying how impressed I was that my friend could do that grade. I was assured by the stranger that the grade I was impressed by was easy and that *he* could do *all* of the problems of that grade in this gym. I enjoyed climbing a lot more than I expected and can't wait to go back but I still remember that asshole months after my first climbing session! As you said, everybody starts somewhere and is a Gumby to begin with. Unsolicited advice just isn't cool! Neither is bragging about how much of a Gumby you aren't 😂

    • @AlbertOkay
      @AlbertOkay  4 года назад +8

      Honestly that's one of the biggest gumby moves - giving forced unsolicited advice. I myself worked on a v0 for almost a full month before getting it and sure plenty of people around me could warm up on what I was projecting, but soon after I worked hard I ended up surpassing allot of those people trying to give me advice in the beginning. Can't wait for you to keep climbing and if you ever have any questions or just want to talk climbing feel free to DM me on insta!

    • @dalivanwyngarden3204
      @dalivanwyngarden3204 4 года назад +1

      I don't wanna be a smart ass, and the last thing I wanna do is show how cool and skilled I am over them, but sometimes when I see huge technic mistakes and they could do way better with those tips I do tell them.
      Other times I really feel bad when I wanna do an easy (for me) boulder or sport route again because it was fun and had interesting beta and a group of people staying around the boulder/route not sending it discussing about the beta and I'm just standing there and waiting to climb it, and then doing it easily - probably looks like I'm the biggest douche showing off, but then I don't really care cuz not to climb it because they can't is stupid as well. But I agree with you, those people who r way beyond your skill level "teaching" you how to do the builder kinda sucks, but that don't happen that often because the climbing community is overall nice :)
      But for some reason beginners tend to not watching other climbers, looking for beta or technics because they are "shy" bothering those climbers, I find that really sad because this sport lives and grows through the conversations and chats with other people talking about different betas and styles.

    • @Habhome
      @Habhome 4 года назад +5

      I used to give unsolicited advice, but then I started to initiate by asking "Hey, how's it going? (*listen to what they themselves say about the route/problem*) I think I have a few tips I could give you that might help, do you want me to tell you/show you or do you want to keep figuring it out on your own?". Almost every time people want some advice, but a few occasions they say they want to try and figure it out themsleves.

  • @andy-moss
    @andy-moss 4 года назад +28

    Oof once someone asked what free climbing was and I *confidently* explained free soloing to them. Luckily the more experienced climbers were nice while correcting me haha!

    • @AlbertOkay
      @AlbertOkay  4 года назад +4

      Those two are soooo easy to mix up though! Good thing you had some nice climbers to correct you!

  • @bastienrobin9334
    @bastienrobin9334 4 года назад +61

    To be honest, I love wearing a harness to make other people thinking that I am a gumby, and then just to flash a hard boulder in order to see their reaction.
    Sadly, I don't think that we have a word for that in french.
    Thanks for the video! :)

    • @JackboMack
      @JackboMack 4 года назад +38


    • @AlbertOkay
      @AlbertOkay  4 года назад +3

      Hahaha you sir are a beast

    • @Ozymoron
      @Ozymoron 4 года назад +22

      In competitive gaming circles, a lot of times a highly skilled player will make a new account and play against beginners and absolutely crush them. This is known as "smurfing" so maybe you could call it that too!

  • @CartersCovers
    @CartersCovers 4 года назад +38

    Definitely bought a trad rack within my first year of climbing, but it's okay I only climb trad now.

    • @AlbertOkay
      @AlbertOkay  4 года назад +1

      You went full circle! Hey it worked out in the end!

  • @caseytomlin6014
    @caseytomlin6014 4 года назад +13

    Man, we're all still gumbies! I have been climbing for almost 7 years and I still make mistakes that make me look like I don't know what I am doing. I feel like in most circles climbing has lost its soul. It's about having fun and trying hard, maybe getting scared shitless every now and then. I always get weird looks because I try so hard when I climb but when I fall or show my inner gumby, I end up smiling and laughing it off. It's cliché, but the best climber is the one having the most fun. And don't forget that we are all still learning. No climber is flawless.

  • @Ozymoron
    @Ozymoron 4 года назад +77

    Thanks Albert! Now I can more accurately bully the true gumbies when gyms reopen!

  • @jacoboblanco1555
    @jacoboblanco1555 4 года назад +21

    Overgripping is an obvious one, not looking at my feet. I freaked out while on a long indoor session, for some reason halfway up a route my brain went “what would happen if the knot would just undo itself right now? That would be scary huh?”

    • @Masterofmonotony
      @Masterofmonotony 4 года назад +5

      I have those moments outdoors on slabs all the time "will my feet slip, will it? it feels like it, oh shit im getting tired", once you get that top out it feels amazing.

    • @AlbertOkay
      @AlbertOkay  4 года назад +2

      Oh man I always have incessant fears when leading outdoors on "what if everything goes wrong" then I panic and just let go... I need to trust my knots and gear more haha

    • @smiley1947
      @smiley1947 2 года назад

      I only boulder and autobelay currently since I'm quite new and haven't gotten around to the other courses yet but honestly every now and then I suddenly question whether I clipped in (especially once I'm at the top of the climb). Still love going on the wall though!

  • @GeekClimber
    @GeekClimber 4 года назад +36

    How did you find all those clips? Did you have a stockpile of random climbing footage lying in your hard drive 😆? Fun video as always, Albert!

    • @AlbertOkay
      @AlbertOkay  4 года назад +12

      Haha I just found them randomly on the internet! Man I enjoy making these kind of videos, but I just want the gyms and travel to be accessible so we can climb together again!

  • @AYoungMusicianDude
    @AYoungMusicianDude 4 года назад +6

    It's so odd how the character Gumby has left such an impact on pop culture, yet his show is often overlooked; and considered obscure these days. I knew so many kids who did gymnastics and called themselves Gumbys (not a derogatory term to the gymnast, as it is among the climbing community) yet had no idea who the cartoon was. It'll be kind of exciting to see if there'll be revamped interest in the upcoming Gumby & Pals reboot, planned for Netflix!

    • @AlbertOkay
      @AlbertOkay  4 года назад

      I've seen some of the Gumby skits on SNL and they're pretty funny. I think it's a timeless character!

  • @Pietervanloon1996
    @Pietervanloon1996 4 года назад +39

    What's up with those auto-belays? You're not supposed to be able to topple over when you fall. Seems more like a design flaw than a gumby move...

    • @robmckiernan3264
      @robmckiernan3264 4 года назад +22

      3:33 harness is not on correctly nor tight enough, so the clip moves behind him. 3:55 the harness was not pulled up far enough, it should sit above your hips. 4:05 is clipped onto the back of his harness. 2:17 I have no idea though!

    • @Pietervanloon1996
      @Pietervanloon1996 4 года назад +1

      @@robmckiernan3264 alright, terrible management from the gym then?

    • @robmckiernan3264
      @robmckiernan3264 4 года назад +5

      @@Pietervanloon1996 Maybe, but not necessarily. If the gym didn't induct them correctly then yeah absolutely. It's equally possible that the climbers either didn't listen to the instructions, or lied about their previous experience though.

    • @shoqed
      @shoqed 4 года назад +2

      2:17 I think the lean back and arm extension. That's basically how you do a backflip.

    • @oats9036
      @oats9036 4 года назад +3

      @@shoqed it was her weight. Most climbers dont know this for obvious reasons but when an overweight person puts on a harness the majority of their weight is above the midsection. They have to make a conscience effort to stay upright and not let gravity take over. I saw a pretty heavy guy do the exact same thing at my gym as @2:17 and overheard a instructor explain that to him.

  • @obiwanda
    @obiwanda 4 года назад +30

    It's counterintuitive, but the more "chill" a given sport seems at first, the more ego you tend to find. Climbing, trail running, even hiking all seem to be full of the same type of passive-aggressive condescension, false superiority behind a fake smile. It's 50/50...people you meet are either super nice and inclusive, or very exclusive, obviously thinking they're better, more "true" to the sport, than you. Not just in gyms, but every backwoods crag has a gang of local bros who think they own it, and look down on anyone new.
    Sexism in the sport is an issue as well; whenever the girl in our group was climbing, you wouldn't believe the amount of dudes walking by that offered her unsolicited beta, even as she was clearly climbing fine on her own. She's a better climber than me, but not a single person shouted at me while I was attempting to haul my fat ass up a 5.6.
    It's a very unique atmosphere, and to me at least, it was actually more intimidating to a new climber than if there was outright rudeness.
    Then again, maybe I just suck and am projecting my insecurities onto others and imagining that they're talking shit and they're really just crunchy dudes.

    • @klara7247
      @klara7247 4 года назад +8

      I can attest to the sexism part, even though I'm not sure I'd call it that. The annoying part of it is that most of the spraying comes from men who climb the same grade as me or maybe one above, so most of the time their advantage comes from more strength rather than better technique. And the sheer inability to understand that certain betas work better for certain people, especially when they're body types are different, gets really annoying.

    • @totheair247
      @totheair247 4 года назад +1

      I think surfing can get tagged into that list as well for sure

    • @turevedin9968
      @turevedin9968 4 года назад +2

      That's sad... I guess it goes to show that all communities are mostly the same, some good and some bad. Personally I have been lucky as my local climbing community have been very open and friendly and treats men and women the same

    • @reidsadventures
      @reidsadventures 2 года назад

      you should see the running subreddit. those people are sharks.

    • @kayj312
      @kayj312 Год назад

      I don’t think your theory is very accurate about “chill” sports. All sports are competitive and will have toxic people in the scene.

  • @toni_Menorca
    @toni_Menorca 4 года назад +10

    Second time climbing outside after doing it once in school:
    - Go to a shop with friend and buy all the stuff
    - Go to the same crag I went years ago
    - A route has "6a" sign, this should be ok
    - He has an idea about how I have to use quickdraws and rope
    - I climb to the top, no falls, but there is a chain, nothing else
    - I use last quickdraw from arnes to chain
    - Open the 8 knot, put rope around chain, make 8 again
    - Go home, buy the book "Escalada deportiva segura"

    • @sechsfufzig8738
      @sechsfufzig8738 4 года назад +1

      Idk seems pretty standard to me

    • @toni_Menorca
      @toni_Menorca 4 года назад +2

      @@sechsfufzig8738 Friend asked me: how do I give you the rope back if it falls while you are doing the chain change? (Spoiler alert: there is a safe way to do it)

    • @giacomomendel8156
      @giacomomendel8156 4 года назад

      Glad you survived. This story reminds me of something insane that happened at the Red River Gorge: www.climbing.com/news/unbelayvable-saved-by-the-pro/

    • @AlbertOkay
      @AlbertOkay  4 года назад

      The first time I went outdoors, I lead a climb without ever practicing and everyone just told me it'd be fine...little did I know cleaning a route is the most scary things to do when you first start out climbing hahah.

  • @h0p3less1
    @h0p3less1 4 года назад +10

    Heel hooking a jug on a V4 with the wrong foot, So pushed myself out from the wall. The gumby moment is being told that the other foot is better but then repeating the mistake xD

    • @AlbertOkay
      @AlbertOkay  4 года назад +2

      Holy crap literally I'll even say the correct beta out loud, then I get on the wall and make the same mistake over and over and over again. I know that feel 100%

  • @climberdad
    @climberdad 4 года назад +6

    4:15 I had to watch that several times.LOL

  • @simonhoracek8490
    @simonhoracek8490 4 года назад +3

    I'm fascinated by the way you have to get a certification in other countries. In Czechia, you can just go to any gym, you sign a paper and then you just go climb. Surprisingly few accidents happen, though.

  • @RaGe0rge
    @RaGe0rge 2 года назад +1

    It's right at the end of the Gumby theme song. "If you've got a heart, then Gumby's a part of you'

  • @Spunchbopmeboy
    @Spunchbopmeboy 3 года назад +1

    i remember climbing for the first time in a bouldering gym after climbing for like a year?? bearing in mind i’m a 15 year old girl, i’d only ever done top rope and lead. i was alone and pretty lost lmao. i topped like a v2 and was pretty pleased with myself and as i was walking away i heard some guys who were probably like 18 talking as they were waiting to climb on the wall i was on. heard the word gumby. no clue what it meant. didn’t care. now i see this video. i probably did look stupid climbing that v2 looking back

    • @ItsFireFrenzy
      @ItsFireFrenzy 3 года назад

      That's ok though, everyone starts somewhere

  • @jacksoncarwile5757
    @jacksoncarwile5757 4 года назад +3

    Imagine being a show that was loved by kids in the 70s, only to become a pseudonym with mistake

    • @AlbertOkay
      @AlbertOkay  4 года назад +1

      Haha it was a great how, but slang evolves!

    • @TheFriskyTurtle
      @TheFriskyTurtle 3 года назад

      Imagine being so smart that your name was only ever used in sarcasm, and your name now means idiot. It happened to Nimrod, and it's happening to Einstein.

  • @Tom-yp7sj
    @Tom-yp7sj 4 года назад +4

    The first time Top-Roping I got scared halfway and yelled down to my friend "Are you holding me?!" about four times and then I let go with a slight scream.

    • @AlbertOkay
      @AlbertOkay  4 года назад

      Going up rope is sooo scary for the first times. Even after I was on rope for a few weeks I still was so scared to look down!

    • @fuzz6263
      @fuzz6263 4 года назад

      Hahaha on my first day I was mortified about 4 meters up...

  • @SendSeries
    @SendSeries 4 года назад +6

    thankful for my friend who told me to stop wearing socks with my climbing shoes before i got made fun of lol

    • @AlbertOkay
      @AlbertOkay  4 года назад +2

      LOL Honestly though...If I have to wear rentals because I forgot my shoes I still go with socks since I'd rather not touch the germs...so not the worst thing to do!

    • @SendSeries
      @SendSeries 4 года назад

      @@AlbertOkay oh definitely, no way I'm wearing rentals without socks, I'd rather look like a gumby than have my bare feet in smelly rentals lol

    • @maddiepilz5711
      @maddiepilz5711 4 года назад +2

      I don't see anything wrong with climbing in socks if someone feels more comfortable like that. I have several very strong friends who always climb in socks.

  • @ethanjoel7096
    @ethanjoel7096 3 года назад

    I love how you start these videos with funny misinterpretations of the terms, and yet somehow manage to relate them to the point of the video ! Side note: a very informative video as always :)

  • @joeyr4869
    @joeyr4869 4 года назад +3

    If you call someone else a Gumby it is indeed you who are the Gumby

  • @turtledudelogan
    @turtledudelogan 4 года назад +3

    Me and my friends run chossymemes and it feels really awesome to see a meme we made

  • @therflash
    @therflash 2 года назад

    4:09 Is this gumby climbing in socks? I mean, socks but no shoes!?! That's next level.

  • @Nb_edu
    @Nb_edu 4 года назад +1

    The one with the rope in the back almost killed me hahahah

  • @Morgan8378
    @Morgan8378 4 года назад +3

    This reminds me of the jerrys when it comes to skiing or snowboarding

    • @AlbertOkay
      @AlbertOkay  4 года назад +1

      I guess they're pretty much the same word just in different activities!

  • @Joie-du-sang
    @Joie-du-sang 4 года назад +1

    I accidentally climbed a lead only route on top rope at the gym. It was fine until I fell near the top and did a nice pendulum. We had put some twists in the rop because I'm 100 lbs heavier than my belayer, which is normally okay. But the pendulum caused the rope to melt to itself. So I got stuck at the top of the route for a few minutes before the gym staff came and helped me out. Dumb _and_ terrifying! As you can imagine, I'm _much_ better about checking to make sure that I'm on the right rope and the right route when I'm top roping now.

    • @simonhoracek8490
      @simonhoracek8490 4 года назад

      What do you mean by putting twists in the rope?

  • @orlajd191
    @orlajd191 4 года назад +5

    My first pair of shoes were a size or two too big cos I tried them on with socks

    • @AlbertOkay
      @AlbertOkay  4 года назад +1

      If your feet are growing honestly not the worst thing...I know allot of youth climbers that wear socks then grow into the pair and take the socks off. But I think if your feet are done growing downsizing and taking the socks off are key to good footwork!

  • @NickRoman
    @NickRoman 3 года назад

    ha ha That kid at the end did a plinko.

  • @coalkid6329
    @coalkid6329 2 года назад

    My mum just told me I actually watched this show as a kid, I was born in the early 2000s.

  • @fuzz6263
    @fuzz6263 4 года назад +1

    I'm a beginner (6 months in of which 3 were lockdown, too much of a rookie to train efficiently) but I'm in love with this sport already. I think I go out of my way not to be classified as a gumby because I'm scared my seriousness and enthusiasm about climbing will make good climbers think I'm a bit of annoying cunt to be this serious about it already. Whoops.

  • @h0p3less1
    @h0p3less1 4 года назад +2

    Just thought of another type of gumby. The injury prone/ regular gumby. This kind of gumby tries way to hard earlier on in their climbing journey so they end up with elbow, shoulder and back injuries, which heal quite quickly as they are young. But this sets up a crux in their mind to fall back on when they're not climbing well or trying to go way to far over their grade 😂 that used to be me. Nearly every fall was a shoulder complaint for a month

    • @reidsadventures
      @reidsadventures 2 года назад

      yep. my first week i climbed 4 days. ended up with finger joint synovitis. now i feel like i'm holding back for fear of getting hurt. i was never afraid of heights and suddenly i became afraid. i blame the running subreddit. it's full of toxic people who will bring you down and make you lose confidence in yourself.

  • @lumpofpooonastring
    @lumpofpooonastring 2 года назад

    I came here thinking this would be talking about the definition of the word “gumby” before the gumby tv show began, not to learn about rock climbing.

  • @BlakEstrada
    @BlakEstrada Год назад

    The picture of a funny forgot finger less climbing gloves.

  • @mrdrprofsteve506
    @mrdrprofsteve506 4 года назад +3

    Proud solution gumby

  • @rachelread1346
    @rachelread1346 17 дней назад

    He's the American version of England's morph ❤

  • @willygrags4367
    @willygrags4367 4 года назад +1


  • @andrewp.9541
    @andrewp.9541 2 года назад

    I feel called out by the youtube algorithm

  • @denglish5275
    @denglish5275 4 года назад

    For a hot second I thought this was going to be a tricking video and I got super excited. Still a great vid though.

  • @Liletter
    @Liletter 4 года назад +1

    I wear socks cause my shoes are too big, this is my sad excuse for being an idiot after climbing for three years.

    • @AlbertOkay
      @AlbertOkay  4 года назад

      It's all personal preference! You do you!

    • @fuzz6263
      @fuzz6263 4 года назад +1

      Is it okay to wear socks if your toes get that pre-infection feeling when climbing without socks? I personally feel like it never bothered me.

    • @northerngiant2915
      @northerngiant2915 4 года назад

      @@fuzz6263 maybe "Sock Liners" would be better? They're just a very thin athletic sock.

    • @fuzz6263
      @fuzz6263 4 года назад

      @@northerngiant2915 I've started climbing without socks all the time since that comment and it works fine now, but thank you!

  • @susanjane4784
    @susanjane4784 3 года назад +2

    Name-calling, insults, harassment... especially when lobbed at beginners? In doing so these people define themselves as arrogant, rude, judgemental, sometimes even bullies, and... well, afraid of making mistakes or looking goofy themselves. Verbal abuse is not o.k.. It's not funny. It's not turn around is fair play -- also called hazing. Making fun of someone and applying an arbitrary category title is not o.k. No one is a batter climber in any way if they label someone else (or a broad group) a Gumby.

  • @jasonlee3369
    @jasonlee3369 4 года назад +1

    From the people that I know that frequently call people gumbies (myself included), I think it's more of a term for people who are trying to inflate their ego - e.g. v1 campus/dyno bro's, v7 2-year climbers who are spraying bad beta at someone, v10 climbers who think they have ascended into some sort of god-level, people who don't take climbing/safety etiquette seriously. Like, if you're calling someone else a gumby, but don't think you're a gumby, then you're probably a gumby. I actually think calling someone a gumby is less of an ego boost on the person saying "gumby" and more of a reminder that everyone has a lot to learn. Plus a little bit of IRL shit-posting.

  • @emmahardy5896
    @emmahardy5896 4 года назад +3

    Came for the Gumby figurine, but stayed for the gumby climbing memes

  • @CyberToysTV
    @CyberToysTV 2 года назад +1

    Isn’t kinda funny when you see these obnoxious climbers on social media trying to take over the Gumby character as their own clever metaphoric term for noobs, but are absolutely outnumbered by the flood of every other nostalgic person posting about the actual character himself. It’s kinda like, “go make up your own term for new climbers, instead of stealing a cartoons image”. You don’t see old rappers calling new ones “porky pig” when they mumble, or basketball players calling shorter players “atom ant” or “underdog” so why should climbers use Gumby? It just makes non-climbers think climbers look like elitist assholes lol

  • @imyabota5785
    @imyabota5785 4 года назад

    Hm..my worst beginner mistake or still one of my big flaws is the lack of technique. It's much more fun to rely on one's pure strength. Then I went outdoor for the first time...Those boulder slapped or rather I slipped very hard due to lack of foot placement and technique.

    • @AlbertOkay
      @AlbertOkay  4 года назад

      It's a good thing you know your weaknesses, then you can work on them easil!

  • @Hirokiji
    @Hirokiji 4 года назад +1

    I have an original gumby...

  • @jsl2phdx
    @jsl2phdx 4 года назад

    I think way to large Solutions with socks are the more trendy option for gumbies than to samll beginner shoes nowerdays...

  • @emdash8944
    @emdash8944 4 года назад

    Been bouldering for many years and I still wear shoes with socks.

    • @AlbertOkay
      @AlbertOkay  4 года назад

      Heck yeah do what works for you!

    • @northerngiant2915
      @northerngiant2915 4 года назад

      I hate socks in general, so I when I learned they were frowned upon I was like "I am Home."

  • @calebmoose5562
    @calebmoose5562 2 года назад

    dammit man i really cant show off my funky socks at the gym anymore?

  • @FBIagent-tj7hg
    @FBIagent-tj7hg 4 года назад

    The cat one was pretty funny

  • @thegremlin9876
    @thegremlin9876 4 года назад

    oh god watching ppl climb makes me wanna start climbing sooo badddd, but im stuck at home with a double skin infection T _T

  • @alexantone5532
    @alexantone5532 4 года назад +1

    Nice vid

  • @MajurathanS
    @MajurathanS 4 года назад

    Canadian Gumby: Similar to Buddy Gumby but less annoying and genuinely nice.

  • @discord6047
    @discord6047 4 года назад +1

    Yo no way. At 2:18 that’s the gym I started to climb at 10 years ago. It’s at lifetime fitness in Illinois haha cool

    • @AlbertOkay
      @AlbertOkay  4 года назад

      Lifetime fitness gyms are honestly not that bad of climbing gyms - they have enough basics to get good at climbing! Total respect to anyone climbing at those gyms!

    • @discord6047
      @discord6047 4 года назад

      Albert Ok yeah definitely. I worked at one for a few months but not work at a full fledge gym and love it so much

  • @jn42541
    @jn42541 4 года назад +1

    fun lill video

  • @isaks3243
    @isaks3243 3 года назад

    i have done plenty of mistakes and i am in no way shape or form a good climber. i have climbed a bunch of natural walls with friends but i have never been in a climbing gym. the closest climbing gym is unfortunately 1.5 hours away with a car so driving that far isn't really worth it.

  • @jameshada3095
    @jameshada3095 4 года назад

    It’s 3 in the morning and I just watched some dude read climbing memes to me. What am I doing with my life

    • @Bsmd25
      @Bsmd25 4 года назад

      The right thing😂

  • @jordyypink
    @jordyypink 4 года назад +3

    Please don’t tell me you ate your flappers oh god

    • @fee8422
      @fee8422 4 года назад

      I still do lol, though I don't really have them anymore

    • @AlbertOkay
      @AlbertOkay  4 года назад +2


    • @dieselrugg
      @dieselrugg 4 года назад

      I haven’t heard this one before...but sounds legit. I’ve been climbing for 17 years, if I ever get a flapper again....bon appetite!

  • @jdzratt1esnake
    @jdzratt1esnake 3 года назад

    This video was not about Gumby, I am only vaguely disappointed.

  • @KILLKIDspeedrun
    @KILLKIDspeedrun Год назад

    Lol dyno gumby checking in

  • @afailable
    @afailable 3 года назад

    I'm not strong enough to campus up jugs while bouldering, but if I could I would... Personally don't see anything wrong with it myself

  • @Cardsandstoagies
    @Cardsandstoagies 3 года назад

    Someone is a gumbie if they are rude, unsafe and arrogant, inconsiderate, giving unwelcome advice, being unnecessarily profane for reasons that may warrant no more than an expletive or two. In fact I ran into two of these yesterday ice climbing. They did total gumbie things as stated above. By unnecessarily profane I mean, as my friend said, people don’t swear that much when they lose a leg. Hope to not see them again.

  • @111jkjk
    @111jkjk 4 года назад

    I am definitely a Gumby 😄😄😄

  • @_konvolut_
    @_konvolut_ 4 года назад

    I was actually thinking a gumby would be someone who is a rookie but REFUSES to listen to advise.

    • @Sunlest
      @Sunlest 4 года назад

      Nah apparently it's people who don't do things the way "pro" people do.

  • @manfrombc5162
    @manfrombc5162 Год назад

    I thought Gumby would mean someone with an awkward flexible climbing style, I am thoroughly disappointed 😕

  • @bboyHarrypotter
    @bboyHarrypotter 4 года назад +1

    this is easily the kindest and most forgiving take on gumbies in climbing lol.
    For me the biggest sign of a heckin gumby is using the inside of their feet (in rental shoes) to climb, as well as being clumsy as shit on every foot placement.

    • @AlbertOkay
      @AlbertOkay  4 года назад +3

      TRUuuuu, but hey everyone gotta start somewhere! I was in rentals for almost a full year before getting my own pair haha.

  • @brettschmidt5706
    @brettschmidt5706 4 года назад +8

    Socks with shoes for sure

    • @MeshiMeshi-vu2hs
      @MeshiMeshi-vu2hs 4 года назад +4

      Then I am a proud gumby. I am climbing with socks more then 10 years. I really cant stand the feeling of sweat soaked leather on my feet. But the coolest benefit is that none of my climbing shoes ever stink. :)

    • @olivia-bv3ms
      @olivia-bv3ms 4 года назад +1

      a few of my super strong friends wear socks so idk they might be onto something

    • @sechsfufzig8738
      @sechsfufzig8738 4 года назад +2

      It really depends I guess. If I'm alpine climbing I have super comfy shoes and socks because the climbing itself is not too hard and you have to wear your shoes for hours. You could take them off at belays but thats super annoying.

    • @Bloxeh
      @Bloxeh 4 года назад +2

      I'm still a gumby, but I got so stinky feet and shoes by climbing without socks. I tried all the tricks to get the stink out, but didn't work. I had to have an extra set of sneaker to wear to/from gym so that i don't ruin my normal shoes.
      With thin socks my footwork didn't change (I think), but the stink is only 10% of what it used to be. Worth it for now!

  • @edemaye3328
    @edemaye3328 3 года назад

    Bouldering with your chalk bag attached to your belt loop with a carabiner. Just don't go falling on your backside please ...

  • @lukaskazakevicius8019
    @lukaskazakevicius8019 3 года назад

    Ok I wanted to know what the FUCK gumby meant in a insult

  • @reidsadventures
    @reidsadventures 2 года назад

    we're all gumbies.

  • @robertidonotsharemyfullnam496
    @robertidonotsharemyfullnam496 4 года назад

    i climb 7a and i wear socks..

    • @robertidonotsharemyfullnam496
      @robertidonotsharemyfullnam496 4 года назад

      who boulders with a harness ? what ?

    • @AlbertOkay
      @AlbertOkay  4 года назад

      Nice! You're strong!

    • @robertidonotsharemyfullnam496
      @robertidonotsharemyfullnam496 4 года назад

      thx, but not at all actually. i was born flexible so i have a talent for keeping my ass in the wall and doing all those hip-opener movements lots of men struggle with. and i also did lots of campus work in my early 20s and some of it fortunately stuck so i can get back to a good base level really fast which makes it less tedious to start again after a longer pause. so i guess i'm more lucky than strong imho.

  • @jonkrause6714
    @jonkrause6714 4 года назад +2

    Eat a flapper? 🤮 Gnarl. 😂 Gumby move-be a subscriber and miss the Gumby vid. 🤦‍♂️ Ordered climbing shoes online and didn’t do the size check (US vs UK); ordered UK and was half my foot size-looked like a Goofy Goober with Flintstone Hobbit feet. Follow that image? 😂 Names, shnames-who cares. We are all learning and like you said, more experienced climbers should share their knowledge for etiquette and improving one another. Good sportsmanship is a learned skill and absent of ego. Great vid🙏

    • @AlbertOkay
      @AlbertOkay  4 года назад

      LOL...shoe sizes are difficult to get around. But hey we all made mistakes right? Thanks for sharing your story Jon :)

  • @alfiepicton1339
    @alfiepicton1339 3 года назад

    I agree with all except the people trying to show off doing campusing. They are just annoying lmao

  • @Thisdown
    @Thisdown 4 года назад

    A gumby is failure of teaching beginners the proper safety and etiquette from older climbers.

  • @MatHEWStorm
    @MatHEWStorm 4 года назад

    Sorry I already knew what gumby was