Tengu's 2023 in Review

  • Опубликовано: 30 дек 2023
  • A look at the gains and future plans!

Комментарии • 26

  • @dominicbeesley706
    @dominicbeesley706 6 месяцев назад +6

    Doing Japanese studies at university and judo/bjj really enjoying the content super unique angle keep it up in 2024 !!

  • @user-ud9tk4qg6t
    @user-ud9tk4qg6t 6 месяцев назад +5

    I love the historic footage. Glad you decided to create this channel, and I am excited to see how it evolves next year. Happiness and health to you, Tengu.

  • @jonathanyaeger2289
    @jonathanyaeger2289 6 месяцев назад +7

    I appreciate you getting these published. You offer a unique perspective I find valuable.
    It’s refreshing to hear someone involved with contemporary expressions of Japanese martial arts talk like a leading HEMA guy, pulling information from primary historical sources, looking at practices within their original contexts, and really interrogating assumptions within the common discourse.
    Looking forward to your future work.

  • @ZenGymBunny
    @ZenGymBunny 6 месяцев назад +5

    Generally, I really enjoy these higher level conversations about the concepts of martial arts, especially around aikido: this channel has been a very refreshing note on seriously examining and talking about the art. I know it's counter to the point of youtube, but I think that the smaller follower base allows the conversations to be deeper and more respectful than what happens on larger channels. Once a channel gets large enough the actual points being made get drowned out in us-v-them argumentation.

    • @TenguMartialArts
      @TenguMartialArts  6 месяцев назад +4

      Yeah that is a solid point. RUclips as a platform has some inherent difficulties to it like that. Because of the way the algorithm and monetization works, there is a lot of incentive to water stuff down and make broad-stroke statements. Personally, I'm not really into that except when I'm using some of those broad-stroke statements to illustrate that there is room for more detailed conversation.
      I hope if you guys ever catch me going down that slope, ya'll say something lol. But I'm pretty glued to the virtues of taking an honest look at things, even if that puts a glass ceiling over my channel's growth a bit. Obviously, I still very much want to grow and see what doors the channel can open for us all, but just not at the cost of intellectual integrity.

  • @torrinmaag5331
    @torrinmaag5331 6 месяцев назад +1

    I can't fit all my thoughts and compliments in a comment at the moment, so I'll limit myself to a couple.
    First, this channel might not be headed for mainstream success, but it seems to be made and organized specifically for me. So, good job.
    Second, martial arts and politics is gaining scholarly attention. Even as I wrote my undergrad I was able to write some essays about the topic. Kung Fu Tea is a great blog which focuses on the social history of east asian martial arts.
    Third, your blend of traditional and progressive analysis displays a maturity of thought often lacking in martial artists, particularly on RUclips.
    Finally, I would recommend that you pace yourself. This project might take four or five years. Not everything needs to be written today.
    Your audio is very clear and pleasing btw

  • @marbleramirez6809
    @marbleramirez6809 6 месяцев назад

    Excited to see what you do this year! Im very happy i found your channel, your perspective on the martial arts is one i greatly enjoy, and it gets me thinking about the ways i structure and think about my own practice

  • @gamingbros49
    @gamingbros49 6 месяцев назад

    I love the historical footage. Id be excited to see you train or explain things as well but im just selfish and would just love to see more videos from you.
    In terms of content i think it would be awesome to see more aikido content. I would love to hear you break down some of the politics that are involved in sumo. I think mcdojos are something that get covered enough but id love to hear your perspective on them. Really excited to see this channel grow!

  • @bookworm3756
    @bookworm3756 6 месяцев назад +2

    Please add sources in the description (or please dump book recs)

  • @EanA1200
    @EanA1200 6 месяцев назад

    Keep up the good work. I enjoyed your channel this 2023, most specially about Aikido. All the best to your future plans in your channel.

  • @7SAchannel
    @7SAchannel 6 месяцев назад +1

    I've really enjoyed your channel so far. I particularly like how your perspective makes me think about and evaluate my own research and focus on application. It has encouraged me, as well, to start thinking about producing something for my own channel.
    As for content ideas, I'd love to hear more on your understanding of how both marketing and/or sportification has altered the arts and caused it to veer away from the "martial" aspects. I know that's a deep and complex subject, especially when you include how instructors themselves can tend to subconsciously inject their own interpretations into the arts when they themselves come from those same backgrounds, performing from confirmation bias.
    Thanks again for starting this channel and the discussions you've fueled through it. May 2024 be a great year for you and everyone here. Cheers!

    • @TenguMartialArts
      @TenguMartialArts  6 месяцев назад +1

      I wish you well with your own channel! And thank you very much!
      Yes, markets are huge. I have a video coming soon that has a bunch of little examples about how they affect things, but it isn't at all comprehensive. I'm sure it is a topic I'll be returning to many, many times.

  • @essexaikidodojoshoshinkan3150
    @essexaikidodojoshoshinkan3150 6 месяцев назад +1

    I found your channel a couple of months ago. I love your references to the older JAA clips of international competition. I am looking forward to watching the content of when you are in Japan expecially if you are training at university based clubs.

    • @TenguMartialArts
      @TenguMartialArts  6 месяцев назад

      I’ve never even been a part of the Shodokan/Tomiki scene, I just have an appreciation for the approach. I’m still not 100% taken with the Tanto v.s. Toshu format of randori, but I think it’s better than nothing (I’m a much bigger fan of the full Toshu variant-it’s not my ideal, but probably the closest format I’ve seen to what I’d personally devise if my opinions mattered in those circles lol)
      I’d definitely like to break into some of those environments if I can make the connections. Most of my links are to the Aikikai and Yoshinkan. The latter of which has kind of disintegrated in the last year or so-or at least significantly weakened.
      My hope is to establish some kind of presence across the three “major” styles, though, assuming it doesn’t cause some kind of political issue. I have the least leads with the Shodokan apart from like… kicking the door down at Waseda (which I wouldn’t do, of course). If you have any suggestions for the Tokyo area, I’d be very interested and grateful for something to follow up on when I get over there.
      I don’t really care about rank, either, for what it’s worth. Wearing a white belt is a meager price for good instruction. I very much plan to be rolling into most places as a beginner.

  • @hugom2418
    @hugom2418 6 месяцев назад +1

    What a New Years treat! Thank you for your time in making this kinda directional plan for the channel and showing us. I do have some thoughts and recommendations (or rather request really hahah).
    Firstly, hope all goes well with moving to Japan. It ought to be great for training and just the general experience!
    Secondly, please do continue to add sources, cause I certainly do go and read them and it’ll be a shame to have to ask for them every single video hahah. On that note please do give me a list of good books you’d recommend.
    I’m looking forward to your future martial arts videos, but if I am to request a certain type that fits with your channel, it would be more history centered martial arts videos. As a massive history fan as im sure you are as well, and a martial artist I would love to get more videos more focused on the development, origin, and usage of japanese martial arts and the context in which they evolved from. Being that a lot of my history study is also around arms and armor or classical-early modern Japan, anything with the martial arts of the bushi would be a dream for me!
    I know this may be a bit of a stretch for you but I hope at least something alike this will one day surface.
    Also, in case I haven’t said this enough. But thank you again for what your provide primarily to the English speaking world in this topic with your “views” (I put that in quotations because I see them as far more correct than whatever majority of people spit out). Please continue to do your best
    One final note is that, though I know and completely understand where you’re coming from when it comes to a physical training standpoint, I encourage you to look at different forms of resistance training as a form of martial art and use your intelligence and critical thinking you apply to them the same way for your training. I only say this because I too was formerly a very old school style martial artist that was against certain types of training but through my education (and now profession), I’ve seen the light. So be mindful with your takes on that because I don’t want to disagree or completely debunk you, out of respect for you and your content hahah.
    Have a happy New Years and stay safe, till next time!

    • @TenguMartialArts
      @TenguMartialArts  6 месяцев назад

      Thanks for the comment. Yes, I'd like to do these sorts of "direction of the channel" videos maybe a bit more often. End of the year makes the most sense, but maybe I'll do something in the middle months, too.
      Another commentor had a pretty good idea about the books and suggested I do a "10 Books on Martial Arts" type video. I'd have to consult my library here, but I think that is a fairly good jumping off point. I'll be sure to be a bit more liberal with my source drops. I'm also going to be a bit selfish here because it is mostly for my own practice, but I really do want to translate some Japanese excerpts as well.
      And yeah, I don't really have anything against weight lifting nor am I one of those traditionalists that is all "weights = bad for technique." I think I'm fairly grounded in that regard. I suspect this might become its own video somewhere down the line, but for me at the moment its about finding that sweet-spot between what I enjoy, what is clearly transferrable, and what is going to put me in better fitness. I recognize that might mean a "sub-optimal" program in terms of pure gains, but as long as it is something I can remain consistent with, I'm willing to make that sacrifice.

  • @RealReki
    @RealReki 6 месяцев назад

    Given your offer to give book recommendations, I would actually like a little series about more serious historic books in Martial Arts. Something like 10 books to truly understand x (Martial Art, Cultural Context etc.). That stuff usually gets me to click even outside of my usual niches

    • @TenguMartialArts
      @TenguMartialArts  6 месяцев назад +1

      That is a really solid idea. I'll see what I can put together.

  • @feirabbitt
    @feirabbitt 6 месяцев назад

    Love the older aikido footage. I am looking forward to the video ideas that you talked about .

  • @Peekingduck
    @Peekingduck 6 месяцев назад

    Like your channel a lot.
    You have some nice content and you always seem to stay objective and matter of fact which is somewhat rare on the internet these days.

  • @moz5831
    @moz5831 4 месяца назад

    I love the channel and I very much would like to hear and see your journey to Japan to learn aikido, since you are clearly open to it, but at the same time you have a critical mindset. Personally I think aikido is kind of a perfect martial art and combat system, which makes you virtually invincible - as long as you used with 18th to 19th century Japanese weapons in a 18th to 19th century Japan. It is a weapon art (like kenjutsu or kendo), but if the weapon epement is taken away and it’s put against modern boxing for instance, aikidoka will have a really bad time. Then again there is no really no reason why it could not learn from boxing, wrestling or mma, it was just mummified into this bubble after the O-Sensei died and perhpas long before that.
    Here’s a suggestion for improvement with audio: your P’s ‘pop’ creating distortion to the audio, because it creates a sudden burts of air to the diaphragm or the microphone - there several cases in this video. Simple fix is a pop-filter which you can buy cheaply or make yourself. There’s also USB-mics that have something like that build in them I believe.
    Pirates: the Golden Age of Pirates in Europe was 17th-18th century, which was also the time of birth for modern boxing, wrestling and countless manuals on different fighting arts. Coincidence? Savate was originally meant to be used on a ship I’ve heard? Are we all just wannabe wash-buckling pirates? Arr, shiver me timbers, maybe you have something in there. Difficult to prove though.

    • @TenguMartialArts
      @TenguMartialArts  4 месяца назад

      I'm definitely going to return to Aikido and weapons will feature heavily. Its in the pipeline! At some point I'll do some kind of lore dump on my Aikido training in Japan as well. I've alluded to it just to make some related points so far, but obviously that isn't exactly a holistic recollection.
      Yes, the pirates thing is definitely only a pet theory. And proving it would be... really tough. Honestly, that would have to be a team effort with way more resources than what I could muster on this channel. Even if there is no direct link there, I would suspect that the amount of travel happening in those periods caused a kind of "idea boom" similar to when printing became cheap or the Internet.
      And very much noted about the audio. I'll have to look into that, thanks for the input.

  • @bookworm3756
    @bookworm3756 6 месяцев назад

    Have you considered going to check out bujinkan in Japan? Be interested to see your take on it's movement given that yoy have a judo background.

  • @chun_8070
    @chun_8070 6 месяцев назад +2

    2:53 that's crazy but you wouldn't stand a chance against ameridote

  • @bookworm3756
    @bookworm3756 6 месяцев назад

    Do you kettlebell? That seems the halfway between calisthenics and Weight

    • @TenguMartialArts
      @TenguMartialArts  6 месяцев назад

      I do, actually. But I'm looking to get into the mace once I move over to Japan. Right now I've been using kettlebell, its just with the business of the holidays and what not I haven't been as consistent as I should be.