What about Those Who Have Never Heard of Jesus? SeanMcDowell.org

  • Опубликовано: 16 окт 2024
  • For more information, read Evidence that Demands a Verdict, co-written with Josh McDowell (amzn.to/2OJvxq4)
    READ: "Can All Religions Be True? No Way!" (bit.ly/31Fiag2)
    DESCRIPTION: What is the fate of those who have never heard? Can they be saved? Do they have knowledge of God? Sean briefly answers these questions.

Комментарии • 105

  • @The-Carpenter
    @The-Carpenter 3 года назад +9

    This is by far the best explanation I have heard. And I have heard many...

    • @anonymous01792
      @anonymous01792 2 года назад +1

      Yet he still deftly avoids the actual question. Why is not believing Jesus Christ was the son of God so awful you must be cast into hell for all of eternity? Nobody can give a good answer to this because there is no good answer that’s an act of evil

    • @The-Carpenter
      @The-Carpenter 2 года назад

      @@anonymous01792 Ah, here's another one who is now judging the Judge.

    • @oxygen8538
      @oxygen8538 2 года назад

      @@anonymous01792 It was my act of evil... breaking the moral law of God, that I deserved punishment. He created me and I chose to live for my desires, consumed in self-interest. This is the reason for the fall of Adam and Eve all the way back in Genesis. Thinking for only yourself, by yourself. God CREATED ME, so I must FEAR Him! I don't fear any man who can kill me, I fear God, who has the power to kill body AND soul!!! If I broke His law, the commandments, I must be punished for it. Just as a criminal breaks a law in America, he must be sentenced... the judge, if he isn't corrupt, must punish the criminal accordingly to his charge. But instead of condemning me to His wrath (The sentence of eternity in hell), God instead made a way, the ONLY way... showing His true character in an act of love, God sent His only BEGOTTEN son... John 1:1 "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God" John 1:14 "And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth." Jesus was with God before the world was created and He IS God. God Himself became fleshly like us, man, and showed us how to live, something we failed at since birth because we were born with the curse of sin from Adam and Eve. He was then tortured under the full weight of God's wrath, suffering our punishment for us, and killed. He was laid in a tomb, and after 3 days, resurrected from the dead!!! He confirmed all of the prophecies of the gospel, all of the words He spoke, and most importantly, ensured the gift of eternal life... all of that was done, just so 2000 years later, I could be in such a state where I realize I'm going to die, and I read the word that I've been so wretched, breaking my heart because of how evil I am by nature, and I CRY OUT for my savior. All I must do is repent (A decision in my heart to depart from sinful ways of living), and trust in the work of Jesus Christ. Just as in a court case, we broke the law, but Jesus PAID THE FINE!!! He came so that we may have LIFE, and life more ABUNDANTLY... ETERNALLY! You must submit, you must lay down your pride and self interest, and FEAR God! You must TRUST Him.... Children don't always understand their parent's will, but we must realize if we understood everything God did, we would be God, and we weren't created with the consciousness for that... in the same way, an infant doesn't have the capacity to understand why they can't have everything they want from their parents. If you read the Bible, which is breathed out by God, you will only see more of your own Creator's character. If you don't want to spend Eternity with such a wonderful, loving God, who displayed mercy and grace so freely through such an act, He loves you so much that He wouldn't even force you to go into heaven with Him. The choice is yours. Repent and place your trust in Jesus Christ TODAY, because you DON'T want to wait till it's too late, nobody is guaranteed to see tomorrow. Hopefully that answers your question

  • @IsiahTekie
    @IsiahTekie 6 лет назад +6

    Wow amazing video, Im going be a pastor when i grow up and recently started posting on my youtube channel!! Thanks allot for this video your a great help. God bless you!

  • @ericday4505
    @ericday4505 7 лет назад +3

    It is interesting how some concern themselves with those who have not heard, there will be no one separated from God who does not deserve to be.

    • @heather.mccorkle
      @heather.mccorkle 7 лет назад +1

      Technically, we all deserve to be separated from God because we all make mistakes and aren't perfect (we have sin). But he's so loving that he sent his son to die for us, and if we believe that we have eternal life. It's like a present 🎁 that's there, you just have to open it first.

    • @theresnohell3144
      @theresnohell3144 5 лет назад

      Eric Day There will be none separated from God.

    • @theresnohell3144
      @theresnohell3144 5 лет назад

      @@heather.mccorkle Jesus is all we need; belief will catch up.

  • @jordanwhitson1730
    @jordanwhitson1730 7 лет назад +2

    Awesome video! Thank you for sharing 😊 ✝️

    • @theresnohell3144
      @theresnohell3144 5 лет назад

      Jordon Whitson "awesome video" ? only if one doesn't believe in the love of God or the power of the cross!

  • @TheKevinhuston
    @TheKevinhuston 2 года назад +2

    We don’t have to speculate. Romans 2:7 states with respect to those who are apart from the law “To those who by perseverance in doing good seek glory, honor, and immortality, He will give eternal life. “

  • @buhkawkeephelching2201
    @buhkawkeephelching2201 7 лет назад +11

    Sean, what about anyone who lived before Jesus or died early in the life of Jesus? What about people who lived before Jesus and lived on the North American continent? What exactly did these people have to know and believe in order to receive salvation? If they could be saved with only the knowledge that the universe must have an explanation for his existence, why are you spreading Christianity?

    • @iwads1
      @iwads1 6 лет назад +1

      Excellent point, because Christianity is false.

    • @002kenken
      @002kenken 6 лет назад

      It seems you assume everyone is a good person or innocent person, so God doesn’t need to save everyone and everyone can just go to heaven . However, what the bible says is everyone is a sinner and deserve to go to hell( hell is not a place, it means separation from God). We go to hell because we choose to sin against God or the laws written in our heart, and we go to heaven because God saves us through the dead of himself.
      I am not God. I can’t judge who must go to hell. I don’t have complete answer to your question tbh(actually I don’t want to give an answer which may be wrong), but more important is how we respond what we have known for now.

    • @seanrathmakedisciples1508
      @seanrathmakedisciples1508 6 лет назад +1

      jackson chiu We don’t go to hell because we sin but because we refuse to call on our god and savior for mercy and not believe In Him Romans 5:19 10:9-13

    • @nathanielnelson9099
      @nathanielnelson9099 5 лет назад +1

      Before jesus was on earth the bible talks of Moses Abraham Isaac Jacob and David all of them with there own personal parts of the bible ✌✌✌✌

    • @rg442
      @rg442 5 лет назад

      Act_4:12 Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is NONE OTHER NAME under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.
      Just in case, that name is JESUS. Not Moses, Not Abraham, Not Isaac, not Jacob and not David. But JESUS.
      The answer to this is simple. God will save all. Each in their own order.

  • @matthewdawson9364
    @matthewdawson9364 6 лет назад +1

    I must be clear on this though: what happens to those with mental illnesses or those who die in infancy? Are they responsible even though they were not physically/ mentally capable of accepting Jesus Christ into their lives at that time?

  • @buhkawkeephelching2201
    @buhkawkeephelching2201 7 лет назад +9

    Sean, today, what exactly must you know and believe in order to receive salvation? And I need VERSES. And why is it that Yahweh set it up so that we need to believe what another human tells us in order to receive Yahweh's salvation? Humans lie all the time. If we don't believe what someone tells us, is that really a crime and a crime worthy of being set on fire?

    • @heather.mccorkle
      @heather.mccorkle 7 лет назад +6

      I am not Sean and am 100 percent human, but I'd love to answer your questions, if you'd like.
      The Bible talks plainly about salvation.
      John 3:16 says, "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."
      Romans 10: 13 says, "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved."

    • @heather.mccorkle
      @heather.mccorkle 7 лет назад +9

      +Horizon Of Hope
      I think it's interesting how God (Yahweh) placed us humans to preach for him. But you also have to remember that even when those verses came from Jesus' lips, many did not believe. Anyway, all of the Christians on earth could be in heaven right now, but God wants us to stay here and tell others about him. That's our purpose, really, to love others. And the fact is, we're not even the ones "converting". Only God can change people's hearts.
      I can vouch for the fact that humans lie. So how do you know that what I'm saying is true? Well, it's not just belief that'll make it true. A car may be coming straight at you, and I may tell you so, but you may not believe it. The car is still going to hit you! The reality is that The Gospel (John 3:16 with a fancy name) is the truth.
      So my question for you is: do you believe?
      I know this has been a long comment, but I hope it helped!
      God bless you!

    • @theresnohell3144
      @theresnohell3144 5 лет назад +1

      Buhawkee Phelch
      It's not us believing another man. It's finally our realization of God.

  • @georgeforyan113
    @georgeforyan113 5 лет назад +1

    Sean, I have heard this statement before and was puzzled with this that any civilization can find God through His creations but the problem here within is not knowing the Jewish Law and the Jewish Messiah, how did the masses of pagan societies know the true God? Paganism derived from people of different nationalities that worshiped the created rather than the creator by simple looking at creation and paganism came about. The native American is a good example! This verse starts out with...."The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness." One would have to ask what truth was Paul mentioning here? Were they suppressing truth when in actuality, they somehow didn't know any truth of the Jewish God, Yahweh? Paul brought these Gentile Romans the truth of the gospel years earlier before this letter was written so from the truth Paul brought to them....They knew the truth! Let me outline something here! Paul is writing to the Roman church about this and no one else. Paul from what I understand started the Roman church and Paul taught them the truth about Jesus, the Jewish Messiah in a Gentile world of paganism. When he visited Rome again, he noticed that these converts were including Gentile paganism in with the gospel message and this was corrupting the church with wickedness so he wrote this to get them back on track. If after his message they still continued in their ancient pagan practices without repenting, God would simply turn them over to their own sinful practices which would lead to impurity, degrading behavior of immoral practices of which they were already doing and so God would give them up, those in the Roman church to a depraved mind. I don't believe this is about the whole world knowing or not knowing of God through creation alone, but centered more on the diabolical practices mixing paganism with the gospel message in the Roman church at this time. Later when Constantine declared Christianity the main religion of the Roman government, he adopted many pagan practices within the church and as of today, one of the most powerful Christian church is still so badly saturated with pagan practices that have been Christianize. I believe God will straighten out this mess when Jesus returns at the 1000 year reign bringing this to an end and will bring in the real truth!

  • @Auggy758
    @Auggy758 4 года назад

    Hi Sean, could you explain how to propose jesus to these kind of people who never heard about Jesus?

  • @ettiennelane9173
    @ettiennelane9173 2 года назад

    Knowing there is a God (using these scriptures as proof) and knowing about Jesus is 2 totally different things. Remember we are saved through Jesus. The problem is that Christians say that someone can't accept Jesus after death and they use scripture. Just because someone use a scripture (many times unrelated) to make a statement does not mean it is a fact. You can only be saved through Jesus and I believe with all my heart that those who never heard about Jesus will get a chance to accept him on the day of judgement. Doesn't the Bible say every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord?

  • @theresnohell3144
    @theresnohell3144 5 лет назад +1

    Jesus died for them too. It's just they die before knowing Jesus. However on the other side of death; meet Him.

  • @joshuaneal7552
    @joshuaneal7552 7 месяцев назад +1

    lol every Christian who answers this question has a their own individual completely different answer. What makes you think you're right, and the millions of other Christians with different answers are wrong? And to that point, what makes you so sure your religion is the correct religion? Don't just scoff at me for challenging your god; actually give me a thorough explanation. It's allegedly your duty as a Christian to help save souls.

  • @troyshrader3949
    @troyshrader3949 Год назад

    You still have to deal with God knowing the future he knows more people will go to hell than go to heaven. So why would he give you a free will if he knows that through that free will most people will not choose him?

  • @dlsrb1415
    @dlsrb1415 2 года назад

    Exactly, they feel and know there IS a god. But who can know if it is the Christian god? Why not the Hindu gods? Or Japanese gods?

  • @mburns3236
    @mburns3236 6 лет назад +1

    God has a plan for every person who has or ever will live. You don't have to guess. It's in the Bible. Read it and believe what it says. It is the word of God in print. God does not want to lose anyone at all. God is building a family. Don't trust ANY man unless you can verify what is said by the Bible. The Bereans were more noble because they searched the Bible daily to.prove what they were being told. It.is your responsibility to dig out the truth. Here a little, there a little.

    • @theresnohell3144
      @theresnohell3144 5 лет назад

      M Burns Are we forgiven by knowledge? (No) We are forgiven because God knows us. "Saved" is; "us" being in on it. However "saved" isn't forgiveness. "Saved" is assurance of what Christ has already done for us by His death on the cross.

  • @gerryquinn5578
    @gerryquinn5578 3 года назад

    It is true that countless numbers of people who lived in the past never heard of Jesus. Even today, many have never heard the true gospel. So what about those who died in ignoramce.? Common sense tells us that God cannot be some kind of moral monster. The answer is simple, but clearly not what people like Sean expect or understand.
    Rev 20 talks about the resurrection. Verse 12 talks about the dead being judged by the new scrolls that are being opened . And here is the point - They are judged by how they respond to the new scrolls, NOT by what they did in the past.
    What would be the point in God resurrecting the dead just to cruelly judge them as unworthy?
    Those who lived in ignorance in the past will now get a chance to hear the "Good News.". They will have no excuse. Thus, the God of the Bible is rteally just and fair.,not some kind of moral monster who leaves the ignorant to rot.

  • @ryanbuikema3102
    @ryanbuikema3102 6 лет назад

    Romans 1:20. General revelation.

  • @rg442
    @rg442 5 лет назад +1

    wow. This wouldn't hold up in human court let alone before the Judgement seat of God.

  • @rms-vp6hf
    @rms-vp6hf 6 лет назад

    “I think, I feel, I know”...the scriptures have a lot to say about this topic, so why not use that?

    • @marmar051
      @marmar051 3 года назад

      Could I get some scriptures on this from you? I just want to know what the bible says just like you.
      Also Sean did mention that there is some uncertainty with this specific topic because the bible doesnt specifically say how those who have not heard will be judged. So speculation is what we have to do.

  • @bullheadedgideon1673
    @bullheadedgideon1673 2 года назад +1


  • @fussykitten7696
    @fussykitten7696 7 лет назад +8

    Could someone born in the year 10,000 B.C. be saved just through natural revelation? If not, he's screwed.

    • @mrbananathethird
      @mrbananathethird 6 лет назад

      ruclips.net/video/loC_R-cBBvg/видео.html Hope this helps! :)

    • @drb8786
      @drb8786 6 лет назад

      Jesus went to hell to set those free who believe before the cross

    • @theresnohell3144
      @theresnohell3144 5 лет назад

      As far as I know there wasn't a 10000 BC. Jesus was "the Lamb slain before the foundation of the world". Forgiveness is for all because of the cross of Christ.

    • @theresnohell3144
      @theresnohell3144 5 лет назад

      @@drb8786 that makes no sense.

  • @aashishshrestha8180
    @aashishshrestha8180 4 года назад +1

    My grandparent never heard about Jesus...

  • @ominoushymns
    @ominoushymns 2 года назад

    According to the christian myth, I feel sorry for those people who were born and raised in different set ups or beliefs

  • @theresnohell3144
    @theresnohell3144 5 лет назад

    Preaching isn't a magic spell.
    'Preaching' is a person telling you what God through Christ Jesus has done for You. (Gospel)..It's the good news! There is no bad news! You are forgiven through Christ. Live your life afresh in knowing this; in fellowship with God and others who know God. Your "act" of going forward when you sing "Just as I Am"; is your acknowledgement of God's forgiveness; not a beginning of God's forgiveness. Yes; you've just heard 'goods news' again; Jesus died for all of mankind for all time.
    Preaching is an announcement of this!.. or is supposed to be.

  • @tomsmith3987
    @tomsmith3987 6 лет назад

    The bible also says the word of God is known to all men

  • @daddada2984
    @daddada2984 2 года назад

    Problem some Christians already judged the people that never heard Him..
    They will go to hell according to them.

  • @NickLAnderson
    @NickLAnderson 2 года назад

    Hi. 🙂 Please, let us pray together. Dear God who art in heaven hallow be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven, give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil for thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever in Jesus Christ's name we pray, amen.

  • @nickc1010
    @nickc1010 7 лет назад +1

    Great vid! 👍

  • @fltmike
    @fltmike 7 лет назад


  • @TSman1024
    @TSman1024 3 года назад +1

    Makes absolutely no sense

  • @makaronake
    @makaronake 6 лет назад

    "When it comes to those who never heard, we have to speculate... "
    Not only you don't have to, you're not supposed to speculate about that. You need to read Romans 1 to 2:20 and realize that the whole world is found guilty before God and in need for the Gospel of salvation. It says right there what people do with that "light" you say each received: they suppress it by their unrighteousness and they do not honor God.
    Please stop preaching heresies...

    • @theresnohell3144
      @theresnohell3144 5 лет назад

      Simon we don't have to understand to be forgiven. We have to be forgiven to understand. All are forgiven through the cross of Christ.

  • @reviewrustyitalianasscrack9996
    @reviewrustyitalianasscrack9996 5 лет назад

    Its not just because they never knew about Jesus , they never knew of a fundamental belief which is the newly introduced doctrine of trinity , which is in full contradiction to the old testament doctrine , i wonder how you'd answer that !

  • @georgeforyan113
    @georgeforyan113 5 лет назад

    Well Sean, I have heard this many times over that Almighty God, the God of Abraham, Isaak, and Jacob has revealed Himself to other peoples of the world that were not called of God by observing His creation. Unlike the early Hebrews who have this fixed image in their minds the true God from the call of Abraham....These other peoples and nations did not receive this revelation. And Abrahams father and early ancestors also were pagan in their belief as God said nothing until He called out Abraham. I believe the city Ur where Abraham was called out of were moon worshipers. Was Abraham at one time a moon worshiper? Who knows! Yes, they may have had a knowledge of God through His creation at one time....But what happened to that knowledge? Through viewing creation they all created false gods of paganism because God seemed silent with them. Looking over creation, these other peoples and races (called Gentiles) seeing this creation....have created in their mind there own earthly concept of God, and began worshipping a man-made god (or gods) from creation, not having a true knowledge of "Thee" God, as should have been "revealed" to them. They seemed to have lost the ability to believe in the true God from His creation the same as the Hebrew people did when punished and exiled into Gentiles nations and later generations of Hebrews began adopting and believing in many Gentile practices (sacrificing Hebrew children to the pagan god Moloch in the Valley of Hinnom). And that is what it seems happened. Even Abrahams father and early ancestors did not know of the true God until He called out Abraham to believe....They were all pagan! The key to Paul's statement here is "they suppressed the truth by their wickedness, since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them." When did all the human race have the knowledge and have known the truth of God? Paul does not tell us when this was! The only time I can assume would have to be shortly after the flood with Noah and his family. And so what happened? I guess you could say they all became so wicked again that God gave them over to their own earthly desires and only from the call of Abraham, you now have a true God....but once again....only through one man liken to Noah! But here, Paul does not give you some period where all mankind knew the exact "truth" of the true God. When was this truth "suppressed?" It would be moreover after years of nations being formed and civilizations growing it seems God was silent until the call of Abraham.....How many years was this?....What happened to mankind's knowledge of the true God during this time? Since God gave them over to their own wicked desires, did God just abandone them? Sadly, we do not have Paul in our midst to explain to us fully what he means. Only that God's wrath is being poured out because of this "suppressed truth?"! Looking over God's creation and finding the true God through His creation only led to false gods, based from His creation and until God called them out as He did Abraham....If He had not called out Abraham...Then I assume Abraham would have remained pagan along with his early ancestors. This is really a hard message to understand and it would be nice if Paul were here personally to explain this in its full context.

  • @kcpau9
    @kcpau9 4 года назад +1

    By definition, God will judge fairly in the end. So for the millions of Buddhists in China who lived and died before the first missionary (and the Internet) reached there, they have no need for Jesus. If someone who has not heard of Jesus can be saved, but if he meets a missionary and then if he rejects Jesus he is condemned, then it is entrapment. All the missionaries should stay home instead of sending people to hell.

  • @Thundawich
    @Thundawich 7 лет назад

    Ok, sure. Everyone knows jesus for the purposes of this conversation. What about mark 13:13
    13 Everyone will hate you because of me, but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved.
    That was spoken to 4 people, I have not met a single person yet who could recite the 4 names of the people they are supposed to hate off the top of their head. Further, that verse says that only 1 of them will be saved, the one who stands firm to the end. That was spoken in the same passage as
    30 Truly I tell you, this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened.
    Which would suggest that Jesus believed that the second coming would happen BEFORE all 4 of those people died. Anybody know some 2000 year old sages?

  • @LindeeLove
    @LindeeLove Год назад

    Good grief dude. Do you really believe this stuff you are selling?

  • @theresnohell3144
    @theresnohell3144 5 лет назад

    God sends no-one to hell and the ridiculous mention that they send themselves is not right. For one thing; there is no fiery afterlife. This is man's invention about a God he doesn't know.

  • @monkeytime9851
    @monkeytime9851 3 года назад

    "You have heard, you do know". No sir. Just because somebody has heard about Mohammed doesn't mean one knows Islam is true. Same goes for all the other religions we've heard about. Same goes for yours. And God, if all powerful, COULD make us all know he is real and what version of him is real and what he wants of us, but apparently he hasn't done that. And you have to wonder why not. It wouldn't "violate free will" of what to do with the information once we had it and believe it. It would actually enable people to make informed decisions.