Charlene Cothran (clip #1)

  • Опубликовано: 10 сен 2024
  • Charlene Cothran describes how she stopped dating men because of some "bad experiences" at age 19.
    (Fair Use clip -- 17 U.S.C. § 107)

Комментарии • 15

  • @Mongo76
    @Mongo76 14 лет назад

    Okay I can agree with you in the psychological context. That is true if u are protecting them from influences trying to shape their sexuality instead of it developing naturally. All gay ppl are not gay b/c they were influenced. For those who's natural orientation is toward the same sex there are no preventative measures. An example: trying to influence a straigh person to be gay. If they are truly str8 naturally, no influence will make them gay b/c it contradicts their natural makeup.

  • @flc2009
    @flc2009 15 лет назад

    I Agree 100% in my opinion people spend to much thinking about people and things that are not giving them a crumb or a penny. Ex gay in my opinion means celibate glbt.

  • @thequestioningwhy
    @thequestioningwhy 16 лет назад

    You can't just want to be saved, Jesus said three times (Matt. 16:24,25 Mark 8:34 and Luke 9:23), that if we want to follow Him, we must DENY OURSELVES and take up our cross ,DAILY.
    Furthermore, we are show some ways to DENY ourselves. In 1 Corinthians 13:14, it says " But put on the Lord Jesus Christ and make NO PROVISION for the flesh, to fulfill its lusts"
    This is what many professed Christians are not eager to do, this is why "wide is the gate and broad...the way which leads to destruction

  • @Mongo76
    @Mongo76 14 лет назад

    was this meant for me? If so I NEVER said Caster was ugly I said she looked like a man b/c she has masculine features.Who are you talking about? I'm talking about caster semeya the african runner. Obviously we arent on the same page. Also, for the record, I am African American. Now who said anything about somebody being ugly b/c I sure didn't.

  • @Stephanreyu
    @Stephanreyu 17 лет назад

    She's not gay! That's the point of this video.

  • @Mongo76
    @Mongo76 14 лет назад

    you cannot take steps to prevent that. if a person is gay you can't prevent it you can only bully them into not expressing it.
    it's understandable that many people don't understand it because it is a foreign concept to them. That's ok, the problem is when you cast judgment on them telling them they are going to hell and will be punished based on your own misunderstanding. You contradicted yourself b/c you said God knows that an intersexed person can't help it.

  • @Mongo76
    @Mongo76 15 лет назад

    Was the protest successful?

  • @Mongo76
    @Mongo76 14 лет назад

    What's idiotic about it? It's idiotic to call something idiotic yet use no supporting statements to back up your point. If a gay person chooses to stop having sex, it doesn't make them ex gay, it makes them celibate. What's the hard part to understand? It's not the actual act that determines one's orientation, it's what they are attracted to. hence, you DO NOT have to be sexually active to be gay or straight.

  • @Mongo76
    @Mongo76 14 лет назад

    P.S. I think biblically the hermaphrodite is one who should not get married. It wouldn't necessarily be a sin. The authors of the bible didn't knwo how to deal with the subject so they couldn't say whether or not they shld marry b/c they didn't know.(another proof that all of the bible was not inspired by god) B/c god would have the answer to that, men would not.

  • @Mongo76
    @Mongo76 14 лет назад

    And you are speaking to me because? Taught faith is not real. Real faith only comes through EXPERIENCE. No one taught me God exists, I know be cause I have EXPERIENCED God. So while you are trying to be facetitious you unknowingly agreed with me. If you faith came through the holy spirit then that my friend is faith by experience not because someone scared you into believing like they do. Have a nice day.

  • @Stephanreyu
    @Stephanreyu 17 лет назад

    If the Lord never changes (as in His rules for us) you better stop eating pork and shellfish and throw out all your mixed-fiber clothing as well. Old Coventant-->New oventant=lots of changes. God=no change, His rules for us=much change.

  • @Mongo76
    @Mongo76 14 лет назад

    You assume you know a person's genetic makeup based on what they appear to be to you. What's your take on Caster Semenya? She looks like a male, Has female genetalia, so based on that she should be a straight woman according to you? So the fact that she has internal testes and may have an attraction to women is a sin? She's choosing that? Like hermaphrodites, there are XXY Males, XX Females, etc. Gender is not as simple as what a person LOOKS like.