@@petermerelis If you think an 'opinion' can be wrong - you're surely not really open to opinions? But I will bite anyway. I ADORE Mendelssohn - but this is a disappointing work - with sparks of creativity - but never-the-less it is ultimately best marked as progress towards becoming an more interesting composer. Harmonically it is limited, form-wise it is uninventive. There is plenty of innate talent on show but not yet the maturity to focus it in way that I find worthy of saying 'masterpiece'.
This makes sense considering how "classical" the style is. It's certainly masterful but doesn't have the melancholy and whimsy of the mature Mendelssohn.
Just a note, because someone wrote a reply questioning the opus number, but that reply has disappeared. Anyway, an opus number doesn't indicate when a piece was written, but rather when it was published. Quite a few of Mendelsohn's pieces were published quite some time after he wrote them, particularly his juvenilia.
Chiu gives a classic performance, marina it sound very closed to Clementi. Italian pianist Roberto Prosseda gives instead a more early romantic sound. Both very good performamces, but personally prefer Prosseda.
OK. So I'm officially hooked on Mendelssohn! Thanks Mr Tujan and this really marvellous pianist. Also having the score to follow allowed me to see the technical challenges as well. I felt the third movement was a quiet tribute to JSBach, Even though I know she is probably not over influenced by Mendelssohn, young Alma Deutscher's music has this same elusive charm.
I like this piece and as someone who gave up on piano some years ago, I like that this might be something I’d be able to play, because I’d like to get back to it and I’m looking for new pieces to learn. I don’t think it deserves all the hate, nor unnecessary comparison to other composers’ early works, that’s always too tricky. And I think the rendition may not give it the proper justice, so the piece is not even entirely to blame. With all that said, thank you for sharing it!
Oh I didn’t mean the rendition was bad! I liked it actually, but It was a reaction to people hating on the piece. Some might be conviced after hearig a bit more passionate rendition perhaps. I just didn’t word it properly. Sorry!
An interesting aspect of this Sonata's first movement is Mendelssohn's use of the Beethovenian technique of "foreshortening" (to use Brendel's phrase) and a Haydnesque monothematicsm, in contrast with passages more reminiscent of Mozart. Echos of the Mozart C minor Sonata and Beethoven's Op.111 (the Allegro section of the 1st movement, particularly the start of the development section) are to be found. This is an early work obviously, but the early devotion to Beethoven is already apparent. This would later develop more creatively in the string quartet in A, the Hebrides Overture, the Variations Serieuses, and the C minor piano trio among others. Despite the 19th century nonsense put about by Wagner and Co., Mendelssohn is clearly in the Mozart/Beethoven line of composition..
Jimmy Alderson, Yes, you are right! I also noticed that the piece was published only posthumously. It looks like this was the young Mendelssohn’s first attempt at piano sonata writing. Perhaps he never had any intention to publish it but somehow it was rediscovered in his notebooks after his death and was published by some publisher, which explains the rather high opus number.
It’s indeed crazy how people are hating on this piece without knowing much about it and its background. It’s actually the 1st Sonata attempt by an 11 year old Mendelssohn. He never even published. It’s basically a student work. The reason it has such a high opus number is because it was published posthumously. Someone must have discovered it in Mendelssohn’s old notebooks, gave it a number and an opus number and published it. Actually, it’s not a bad piece at all. Reminds me a bit of Beethoven’s 1st Sonata. I don’t find Chiu’s performance very convincing because he doesn’t seem to have a good sense for the harmonic direction or voicing in this piece. He is just playing notes.
Note: This piece was composed when Mendelssohn was 11. If he had the ability to let the listeners notice similarities between his and Mozart's (or Beethoven's) style, it's anonther expression of his genius. Knowing much enough about other composer's styles to "re-create" them in such a graceful way is an impressing thing, especially if you remind Mendelssohn was 11.
@@musikstudiosing It seems more by Clementi, who has composed a few sonatas in the same key of G minor (Op. 7 No. 3, Op. 8, No. 1, Op. 34, No. 2, Op. 50, No. 3), though Beethoven himself was influenced by Clementi.
Note: This piece was composed when Mendelssohn was 11. If he had the ability to let the listeners notice similarities between his and Mozart's (or Beethoven's) style, it's anonther expression of his genius. Knowing much enough about other composer's styles to "re-create" them in such a graceful way is an impressing thing, especially if you remind Mendelssohn was 11.
희빈 장씨(禧嬪 張氏 1659∼1701) : 조선 19대왕 숙종의 후궁. 본관은 인동(仁同)이다. 역관 장현(張炫)의 종질녀이다. 어머니의 정부(情夫)였던 조사석(趙師錫)과 종친인 동평군 이항(東平君 李杭)의 주선으로 궁녀로 들어가 숙종의 총애를 독차지했다. 1686년(숙종 12) 숙원(淑媛)이 되었다. 1688년 소의(昭儀)로 승진하고 왕자 이윤(李昀: 뒤의 景宗)을 낳았다. 왕은 기뻐하여 세자로 봉하려 했다. 그러나 송시열(宋時烈) 등 당시 정권을 잡고 있던 서인이 지지하지 않으므로 남인들의 원조를 얻어 책봉하려 했다. 이에 서인의 노론·소론은 모두 왕비 민씨(閔氏)가 나이가 많지 않으니 후일을 기다리자고 주장하였다. 숙종은 듣지 않고 1689년 정월에 이윤을 세자로 봉하고, 장소의는 희빈으로 승격했다. 이 때 송시열이 세자로 봉하는 것이 아직 이르다고 상소하였다. 왕은 이미 명호(名號)가 결정된 다음에 이런 의견을 말하는 것은 무슨 일이냐고 진노했다. 이에 남인 이현기(李玄紀)·남치훈(南致薰)·윤빈(尹彬) 등이 송시열의 상소를 논박하며 파직시켜 제주도로 유배하게 하고 다시 사사(賜死)하게 하였다. 그러나 송시열은 중로 정읍으로 이배(移配)되었다가 사약을 받았다. 이 밖에 서인의 영수들도 파직 또는 유배를 면하지 못했다. 반면에 남인의 권대운(權大運)·김덕원(金德遠) 등이 등용되었다. 이 정권의 교체를 기사환국 또는 기사사화라고 한다. 이 해 5월에 민비를 폐하고 장희빈을 왕비로 삼으려 할 때 서인 오두인(吳斗寅)·박태보(朴泰輔) 등 80여 명이 상소하여 이를 반대했다. 그러나 이들은 참혹한 형문을 받게 되니 이후 정국은 남인의 세상이 되었다. 기사환국 후 시간이 흐르면서 숙종은 폐비사건을 후회하게 되었다. 그러던 중 1694년 서인의 김춘택(金春澤)·한중혁(韓重爀) 등이 폐비 복위운동을 꾀하다가 고발되었다. 이 때 남인의 영수요 당시 우의정이었던 민암(閔黯) 등이 이 기회에 반대당 서인을 완전히 제거하려고 김춘택 등 수십 명을 하옥하고 범위를 넓혀 일대 옥사를 일으켰다. 이 때 숙종은 폐비에 대한 반성으로 옥사를 다스리던 민암을 파직하고 사사했으며, 권대운·목내선(睦來善)·김덕원 등을 유배했다. 이어 소론 남구만(南九萬)·박세채(朴世采)·윤지완(尹趾完) 등을 등용하고 장씨를 희빈으로 내렸는데 이것을 갑술옥사라고 한다. 또한, 이미 죽은 송시열·김수항(金壽恒) 등은 복작(復爵)되고 남인은 정계에서 물러나게 되었다. 소론이 들어서고 남인이 물러날 때 장희빈의 오빠 장희재(張希載)가 희빈에게 보낸 서장(書狀) 속에 폐비 민씨에 관련된 문구가 있어 논쟁이 벌어졌다. 여러 사람이 장희재를 죽이자고 했으나 세자에게 화가 미칠까 염려하여 남구만·윤지완 등이 용서하게 했다. 그런데 왕비 민씨가 죽은 다음에, 장희빈이 취선당(就善堂) 서쪽에 신당(神堂)을 설치하고 민비가 죽기를 기도한 일이 발각되었다. 이 일에 관련된 희빈과 장희재는 처형되고 궁인(宮人)·무녀와 그 족당(族黨)도 화를 입었다. 이것을 무고(巫蠱)의 옥(獄)이라고 한다. 이 때 장희빈에 대해 관대한 태도를 취한 남구만·최석정(崔錫鼎)·유상운(柳尙運) 등 소론의 선비들도 몰락하고 다시 노론이 득세하였다. 숙종은 이후 빈(嬪)을 후비(后妃)로 승격하는 일을 없애는 법을 만들었다.
This is proof for all those people out there that say just practice harder etc and you'll get better. They totally ignore the elephant in the room that it's mainly innate talent that gets you there
i tend to agree.....brain circuitry [variously interacting brain lobes + other physical/neuro-chem body factors] can make a decisive difference in high performance skill levels, ........yet something additional seems prerequisite for high imaginative compositional genius. rarer still is the super genius who has high gifts in both 'areas' simultaneously.....
What was Wagner thinking when he wrote that essay trashing Mendelssohn, Meyerbeer, and their people? I love Wagner's music, but he was a very prejudiced man.
나는 희빈 장씨니라 꺄아하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하
That's because the pianist plays it in a repetitive way. A good pianist should vary phrasing, emphasis, coloring, etc., every time a melody is repeated. Listen to other pianists playing this Sonata before passing any judgment on the piece itself.
@@isaacdrewes6926, I’m sure you have already made up your mind about the piece and how boring it is. I presume you are a pianist yourself and have studied and analyzed the piece and have come to that informed conclusion.
The piece becomes boring after a while exactly because of the "performance". Apparently, the "playing" is not "great" after all. Listen to Roberto Prosseda's performance on RUclips. The difference is like night and day.
@@johnsarkissian5519 If this is a good piece, it should have loved by many pianists. This piece can be considered as unknown. I think the playing was ok, the piece is just too long and not much materials offered.
@@rothschildianum slippery slope... many great pieces have been recently discovered/revived. If the pianists triplets weren’t faster in the left hand than the right then perhaps this performance would have made more sense....
@@eduardoguerraavila8329 Ridiculous lmao! It's perfectly valid to put Beethoven above Mozart in terms of overall greatness and significance (although, it's not necessarily this way), but to claim that early Beethoven comes anywhere close to early Mozart, that's just delusional.
I think it's sad that someone could listen to an incredible work of human expression like this, composed by a 13 year old boy, and simply comment "Crap."
If you find this uninteresting and boring I think you might have broken your musical taste listening to too much rock or atonal. Please fix your musical taste before commenting on RUclips. Also, I don't know your age, but I would be willing to bet 100$ that you have not ever composed a piece in a level of beauty, emotion or complexity, even close to the level of this piece. Please Shut Up!
I. Allegro - 0:01
II. Adagio (Cantabile e lento) - 8:16
III. Presto - 14:03
He must have been such a genius, one cannot imagine. Just incredible and astonishingly beautiful.
agreed 😌👑
the most beautiful Mendelsshon, you are a natural with expresivite and depth
Симпатичная вещь, оригинальная, не обманула моих ожиданий. Мендельсон в любом настроении слушается.
Yay sure buddy ! Thanks for the support lol 😂
A delightful piece, delightfully played.
Mendelssohn's 2nd and 3rd sonatas were published posthumously, which is why they have high opus numbers.
The level of creativity to create this 100 out of 10
the detractors are deaf or dumb. the adagio shows a REMARKABLE talent and emotional depth for a child. better than most other composers' best work.
"the detractors are deaf or dumb" - really? Do you feel you are on such shaky ground that you brook no contrary opinion?
@@schubertuk happy entertain a contrary opinion. but it still would be wrong.
@@petermerelis If you think an 'opinion' can be wrong - you're surely not really open to opinions? But I will bite anyway. I ADORE Mendelssohn - but this is a disappointing work - with sparks of creativity - but never-the-less it is ultimately best marked as progress towards becoming an more interesting composer. Harmonically it is limited, form-wise it is uninventive. There is plenty of innate talent on show but not yet the maturity to focus it in way that I find worthy of saying 'masterpiece'.
The score says it was composed in 1821, so he would have been 12, unless he wrote it in January, then he would have been 11.
This makes sense considering how "classical" the style is. It's certainly masterful but doesn't have the melancholy and whimsy of the mature Mendelssohn.
Just a note, because someone wrote a reply questioning the opus number, but that reply has disappeared. Anyway, an opus number doesn't indicate when a piece was written, but rather when it was published. Quite a few of Mendelsohn's pieces were published quite some time after he wrote them, particularly his juvenilia.
No one has mentioned the pianist for this upload. Federick Chiu indeed has given us a very refined rendition. Thanks Lucas for the pick! 😃
Yes, it didn't take long for me to hear his talent. I may sound a bit irreverent in my wording, but I said to myself, "This guy knows how to play!!"🙂
Chiu gives a classic performance, marina it sound very closed to Clementi.
Italian pianist Roberto Prosseda gives instead a more early romantic sound.
Both very good performamces, but personally prefer Prosseda.
Wow. This is tremendous!!!
This truly unique.
OK. So I'm officially hooked on Mendelssohn! Thanks Mr Tujan and this really marvellous pianist. Also having the score to follow allowed me to see the technical challenges as well. I felt the third movement was a quiet tribute to JSBach, Even though I know she is probably not over influenced by Mendelssohn, young Alma Deutscher's music has this same elusive charm.
Look at his organ works especially the longer works 👍🏻🍻
I've been hooked on him since my teens. I'm now 60 and will continue to love his music until the end.
A "cool" work in one of his favorite minor keys with a haunting half-step theme in the first movement.
A lot of Mozart influence in this sonata I love it!!!
I hear al lot of Beethoven 😮
Yes, noticeable Mozart influence. But already showing Mendelssohn's own distinctive style!
Last movement is sounds like Mozart made it
I wonder if he was influenced by Joseph Wölfl, some passages are very similar to Wölfl's music
Didn't know that piece. I am very impressed.
I like this piece and as someone who gave up on piano some years ago, I like that this might be something I’d be able to play, because I’d like to get back to it and I’m looking for new pieces to learn. I don’t think it deserves all the hate, nor unnecessary comparison to other composers’ early works, that’s always too tricky. And I think the rendition may not give it the proper justice, so the piece is not even entirely to blame. With all that said, thank you for sharing it!
zralokvemigraci why do you think this rendition is bad Seems fine to me, I think thirds scales and a decent piano action are needed
Oh I didn’t mean the rendition was bad! I liked it actually, but It was a reaction to people hating on the piece. Some might be conviced after hearig a bit more passionate rendition perhaps. I just didn’t word it properly. Sorry!
An interesting aspect of this Sonata's first movement is Mendelssohn's use of the Beethovenian technique of "foreshortening" (to use Brendel's phrase) and a Haydnesque monothematicsm, in contrast with passages more reminiscent of Mozart. Echos of the Mozart C minor Sonata and Beethoven's Op.111 (the Allegro section of the 1st movement, particularly the start of the development section) are to be found. This is an early work obviously, but the early devotion to Beethoven is already apparent. This would later develop more creatively in the string quartet in A, the Hebrides Overture, the Variations Serieuses, and the C minor piano trio among others. Despite the 19th century nonsense put about by Wagner and Co., Mendelssohn is clearly in the Mozart/Beethoven line of composition..
At thirteen he had to echo his mentors didn't he? I think it was amazing that he concocted this at all.
By 13 years old Menedelssohn !
@Luigi XD ur wrong
@@mareksmid6906 no.
Opus 105 age 12 ????
@@mattklammer5232 yes.
@@mattklammer5232 Sometimes the opus number does not indicate when the composer wrote the piece, but when it was published.
This piece is awesome!
Wonderful 🎹🎹🎹🎵💐
I can't believe this was written by a 13 year old
Jason QUIDOZ, Opus 103 at 13? That’s not possible!
Jimmy Alderson, Yes, you are right! I also noticed that the piece was published only posthumously. It looks like this was the young Mendelssohn’s first attempt at piano sonata writing. Perhaps he never had any intention to publish it but somehow it was rediscovered in his notebooks after his death and was published by some publisher, which explains the rather high opus number.
So it is coming out today! lol love the piece :)
Yeah lol my upload schedule is now every 3 days ^_^
This is amazing!
This is amazing.!!!!!
Listen to Rena KYRIAKOU's gorgeous sostenuto in the Adagio!
Why so much hate on this piece lol? It isn't Beethoven's Op.106 but come on.
It’s indeed crazy how people are hating on this piece without knowing much about it and its background. It’s actually the 1st Sonata attempt by an 11 year old Mendelssohn. He never even published. It’s basically a student work. The reason it has such a high opus number is because it was published posthumously. Someone must have discovered it in Mendelssohn’s old notebooks, gave it a number and an opus number and published it. Actually, it’s not a bad piece at all. Reminds me a bit of Beethoven’s 1st Sonata. I don’t find Chiu’s performance very convincing because he doesn’t seem to have a good sense for the harmonic direction or voicing in this piece. He is just playing notes.
@@johnsarkissian5519 a little bit more of Beethoven’s third sonata. Even the motive of the first movement is quite similar
@@MARTIN201199 yeaah, and 11 sonata quite similar as well
상대적으로 잘 알려지지 않은 곡 같은데 듣기 좋네요~!
Presto part velocity 2x:🤯💥
Sounds like the background music to an old silent movie. Like; The Perils of Pauline.
Is it a coincidence that his name (first AND last) only differs 3 letters from that of Frederic Ch(op)i(n)u?
#Noussachons !!!
Deliziosa sonata!
👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏😃🎶🎶🎹😃🎶🎹🎶🎹🥰🥰 excellent
Seems very influenced by Mozart’s C minor sonata.
To me it is more influenced by Beethoven.
@@musikstudiosing To me by Haydn
Note: This piece was composed when Mendelssohn was 11. If he had the ability to let the listeners notice similarities between his and Mozart's (or Beethoven's) style, it's anonther expression of his genius. Knowing much enough about other composer's styles to "re-create" them in such a graceful way is an impressing thing, especially if you remind Mendelssohn was 11.
Figaro's beginning
@@musikstudiosing It seems more by Clementi, who has composed a few sonatas in the same key of G minor (Op. 7 No. 3, Op. 8, No. 1, Op. 34, No. 2, Op. 50, No. 3), though Beethoven himself was influenced by Clementi.
With someone with the genius of Mendelssohn, even this piece isn't that impressive even at 13
Beethoven Sonata?
All the people offended because it’s not Beethoven or Mozart.. LOL
never knew he wrote a sonata
If my memory's correct, he wrote 3 actually.
Opus 105? At age 13?
Its superficially very cpe bach but without cpe's emotional power.
To be fair most 13 year olds wouldnt have enough life experience for depth.
Sounds so much like Mozart. Mendelssohn is Mozart and Brahms is Beethoven.
13 old...
Note: This piece was composed when Mendelssohn was 11. If he had the ability to let the listeners notice similarities between his and Mozart's (or Beethoven's) style, it's anonther expression of his genius. Knowing much enough about other composer's styles to "re-create" them in such a graceful way is an impressing thing, especially if you remind Mendelssohn was 11.
For sure.
If I had not seen the title I would be willing to bet over 100$ that it was written by Mozart
희빈 장씨(禧嬪 張氏 1659∼1701) : 조선 19대왕 숙종의 후궁.
본관은 인동(仁同)이다. 역관 장현(張炫)의 종질녀이다. 어머니의 정부(情夫)였던 조사석(趙師錫)과 종친인 동평군 이항(東平君 李杭)의 주선으로 궁녀로 들어가 숙종의 총애를 독차지했다.
1686년(숙종 12) 숙원(淑媛)이 되었다. 1688년 소의(昭儀)로 승진하고 왕자 이윤(李昀: 뒤의 景宗)을 낳았다. 왕은 기뻐하여 세자로 봉하려 했다. 그러나 송시열(宋時烈) 등 당시 정권을 잡고 있던 서인이 지지하지 않으므로 남인들의 원조를 얻어 책봉하려 했다.
이에 서인의 노론·소론은 모두 왕비 민씨(閔氏)가 나이가 많지 않으니 후일을 기다리자고 주장하였다. 숙종은 듣지 않고 1689년 정월에 이윤을 세자로 봉하고, 장소의는 희빈으로 승격했다. 이 때 송시열이 세자로 봉하는 것이 아직 이르다고 상소하였다. 왕은 이미 명호(名號)가 결정된 다음에 이런 의견을 말하는 것은 무슨 일이냐고 진노했다.
이에 남인 이현기(李玄紀)·남치훈(南致薰)·윤빈(尹彬) 등이 송시열의 상소를 논박하며 파직시켜 제주도로 유배하게 하고 다시 사사(賜死)하게 하였다. 그러나 송시열은 중로 정읍으로 이배(移配)되었다가 사약을 받았다.
이 밖에 서인의 영수들도 파직 또는 유배를 면하지 못했다. 반면에 남인의 권대운(權大運)·김덕원(金德遠) 등이 등용되었다. 이 정권의 교체를 기사환국 또는 기사사화라고 한다.
이 해 5월에 민비를 폐하고 장희빈을 왕비로 삼으려 할 때 서인 오두인(吳斗寅)·박태보(朴泰輔) 등 80여 명이 상소하여 이를 반대했다. 그러나 이들은 참혹한 형문을 받게 되니 이후 정국은 남인의 세상이 되었다.
기사환국 후 시간이 흐르면서 숙종은 폐비사건을 후회하게 되었다. 그러던 중 1694년 서인의 김춘택(金春澤)·한중혁(韓重爀) 등이 폐비 복위운동을 꾀하다가 고발되었다. 이 때 남인의 영수요 당시 우의정이었던 민암(閔黯) 등이 이 기회에 반대당 서인을 완전히 제거하려고 김춘택 등 수십 명을 하옥하고 범위를 넓혀 일대 옥사를 일으켰다.
이 때 숙종은 폐비에 대한 반성으로 옥사를 다스리던 민암을 파직하고 사사했으며, 권대운·목내선(睦來善)·김덕원 등을 유배했다. 이어 소론 남구만(南九萬)·박세채(朴世采)·윤지완(尹趾完) 등을 등용하고 장씨를 희빈으로 내렸는데 이것을 갑술옥사라고 한다. 또한, 이미 죽은 송시열·김수항(金壽恒) 등은 복작(復爵)되고 남인은 정계에서 물러나게 되었다.
소론이 들어서고 남인이 물러날 때 장희빈의 오빠 장희재(張希載)가 희빈에게 보낸 서장(書狀) 속에 폐비 민씨에 관련된 문구가 있어 논쟁이 벌어졌다. 여러 사람이 장희재를 죽이자고 했으나 세자에게 화가 미칠까 염려하여 남구만·윤지완 등이 용서하게 했다.
그런데 왕비 민씨가 죽은 다음에, 장희빈이 취선당(就善堂) 서쪽에 신당(神堂)을 설치하고 민비가 죽기를 기도한 일이 발각되었다. 이 일에 관련된 희빈과 장희재는 처형되고 궁인(宮人)·무녀와 그 족당(族黨)도 화를 입었다. 이것을 무고(巫蠱)의 옥(獄)이라고 한다.
이 때 장희빈에 대해 관대한 태도를 취한 남구만·최석정(崔錫鼎)·유상운(柳尙運) 등 소론의 선비들도 몰락하고 다시 노론이 득세하였다. 숙종은 이후 빈(嬪)을 후비(后妃)로 승격하는 일을 없애는 법을 만들었다.
This is proof for all those people out there that say just practice harder etc and you'll get better. They totally ignore the elephant in the room that it's mainly innate talent that gets you there
@@BreadBoi-0 haha after watching your channel I rest my case
@@ciararespect4296 shut up lmfao
@@BreadBoi-0 haha hit a nerve. You're useless give up imao
i tend to agree.....brain circuitry [variously interacting brain lobes + other physical/neuro-chem body factors] can make a decisive difference in high performance skill levels, ........yet something additional seems prerequisite for high imaginative compositional genius. rarer still is the super genius who has high gifts in both 'areas' simultaneously.....
What was Wagner thinking when he wrote that essay trashing Mendelssohn, Meyerbeer, and their people? I love Wagner's music, but he was a very prejudiced man.
나는 희빈 장씨니라 꺄아하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하
Dont read the stupid comments! Read the score ,while listening to the music....🎶🎶🎶🎶🎵🎶Or go and do something else...
병아리 소나타
Pogger moment
Господи, как же утомительно 30 раз повторение одной и той же фразы слушать..
That's because the pianist plays it in a repetitive way. A good pianist should vary phrasing, emphasis, coloring, etc., every time a melody is repeated. Listen to other pianists playing this Sonata before passing any judgment on the piece itself.
@@johnsarkissian5519 жалко своего времени..
@@johnsarkissian5519 Meh, it’s the piece itself that’s more boring than listening to Londoners talk about tea
@@isaacdrewes6926, I’m sure you have already made up your mind about the piece and how boring it is. I presume you are a pianist yourself and have studied and analyzed the piece and have come to that informed conclusion.
Great playing, the piece is boring after a while.
The piece becomes boring after a while exactly because of the "performance". Apparently, the "playing" is not "great" after all. Listen to Roberto Prosseda's performance on RUclips. The difference is like night and day.
@@johnsarkissian5519 If this is a good piece, it should have loved by many pianists. This piece can be considered as unknown. I think the playing was ok, the piece is just too long and not much materials offered.
@@rothschildianum slippery slope... many great pieces have been recently discovered/revived. If the pianists triplets weren’t faster in the left hand than the right then perhaps this performance would have made more sense....
@@johnsarkissian5519 Na, it’s definitely the piece that’s supremely boring
Aburrida compuesta por un chico de 12 años? Vamos!, debes ser un genio desconocido para opinar así! Quiero escuchar tus obras!!!
But Tik-Tok Users say they play piano🤣
Not really the best of M.
Maybe not, but pretty good considering his age.
Mozart was writing far better music at age 13 than this.
And Beethoven writing better music than Mozart at 12.
And I wasn't writing music at all. 😭
no he wasn't.
@@eduardoguerraavila8329 Ridiculous lmao! It's perfectly valid to put Beethoven above Mozart in terms of overall greatness and significance (although, it's not necessarily this way), but to claim that early Beethoven comes anywhere close to early Mozart, that's just delusional.
@@PaulHummerman Yes, he was.
Silly piece.
Silly comment
@@MARTIN201199 Silly.
@@shnimmuc Considering his age, it's pretty good.
@@diegobuitragocamargo.7525 Mozart and Handel wrote amazing music at 13.
@@shnimmuc so what?
Boring and uninteresting, relies on fast rapid notes to capture listener's attention. Crap. Give me Bach anytime!
Show me a sonata that does not have a fast - slow - fast - layout. Not crap. Can you do better? Maybe slow - fast - slow?
By the way, Mendelssohn DID give you Bach.
@@carryfreak5059 : BWV1001. Slow-Fast-Slow-Fast. Period.
I think it's sad that someone could listen to an incredible work of human expression like this, composed by a 13 year old boy, and simply comment "Crap."
If you find this uninteresting and boring I think you might have broken your musical taste listening to too much rock or atonal. Please fix your musical taste before commenting on RUclips. Also, I don't know your age, but I would be willing to bet 100$ that you have not ever composed a piece in a level of beauty, emotion or complexity, even close to the level of this piece. Please Shut Up!
Very Haydnesque!
It's not the piece, it's the pianist