As a computer engineer, I love the stuff this guy says. He starts out with something that seems reasonable and you think "alright... I might want to check the statistics on that, but okay...", and then he makes a long string of exact predictions which... I mean, are theoretically possible, but almost certainly aren't happening in my lifetime. he's saying "Human-level AI in 12 years'', which is ludicrous. Yes, advancements in AI since 2010 have been very impressive - but not THAT impressive.
Good interview... Kurzweil is working hard to make sure communications explode making humanity so connected and so intelligent that we can solve our planet's grandest challenges.
just responding to the article on 2/21/2011. i think it is truly amazing! its a little scary though, because i will still LIVE then. only to be overpowered by one of man's greatest creations
I could really agree with him when he talked about genes and what we are able to know and manipulate within 20 years. So much has happened in the last 10 years.
@JNfromNatalieStreet Where in my comment did I say anything about "not" solving the worlds problems. And why do people assume that by integrating with a computer it will magically solve our problems be it personal or global. The problem is not out there, its in our consciousness. It all stems from our inability to look at ourselves with honesty and integrity. To act out of love and compassion, not out of fear and a desire to destroy unwanted states of mind and body. Death is not a disease.
Ecclesiastes 9:11: "I returned and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill; but time and chance happen to them all."
I just heard about him today although i have been semi-familiar with the concept of the singularity for a few months now. Although Ray's ideas speak to me logically - i don't really have any objection to the reality that he presents - my question is that, are we ready for this kind of responsibility? At this moment in time i would say no. Not to say that we are incapable, but i am afraid of this just like i am afraid of a child with a gun. Something to bear in mind.
@Juanster23 Huge numbers of people live in grinding poverty. Many die for lack of clean water. People continue to die from things like cancer and diabetes. Hell no I'm not content with that, and I'm glad we've got people like Ray Kurzweil who aren't content with that either.
This is part of the system. Futurism is synonymous with Fascism. Search The Futurist Manifesto F. T. Marinetti, 1909. Ray Kurzweil "futurist" means that exactly what is outlined in the text and it is highly influential upon the 20th&21st century. Once this is implemented you will truly become drones and you will like Huxley said in Brave New World "love your servitude". Yes, it sounds well and good to have all that information right at your immediate access but what off your free will?
I can see in the comments below that some people support what Ray predicts while others don't, with some going as far to say they are horrified by it. Whenever the singularity occurs I believe humanity will be split in a way, with one side embracing the technology and the other side staying "natural" for lack of a better word. I don't think either point of view is wrong (I understand why one person would love this while another would hate it), but it comes down to what we believe in.
If this technology ever comes to fruition, it will be comedic to watch all of the people of religious faith choose to act in contradiction with their theological beliefs by choosing to to use this technology to live forever.
Continued. Therefore, if humans are to survive past Earth's expiration date, we as a species must work efficiently toward a new society and culture revolving around these revolutionary ideas. the major problem of course is the herd mentality of most people, making all of this very difficult as they are unwilling to make change. So, what will most likely happen is that those regarded as the "elite" will have all these gifts at the cost of billions of lives. It is the only way we can continue on.
Ray Kurzweil isn't insane. Everyone said the same things about every other person far ahead of their time, have a look at how the public viewed Tesla. It's funny how people don't realize that fact. Sure, maybe Kurzweil might be off on the time frame with some of his predictions, but his ideas are just extrapolations. Everything he says is possible, and will probably become reality.
I am reading the Singularity is near and I must say that Ray's research is very interesting but yes it is very optimistic and at times naive. Now by saying he is optimistic doesn't mean he doesn't have a right to say what is possible its just that he is making very precise predictions based on our current progress. However it is a fact that oil will run out quite and when that happens it will put a screeching halt on not only technology but humanity's progress as a civilization.
Hardly, it described the linear progression of technology. There aren't enough people to sort through all of the information and use it constructively in multiple fields for advancement.
Some thoughts on the future: Eventually, dying and aging will be taken out of the equation. For now, let's just suppose that this happens, as Kurzweil predicts, 20-30 years from now. With that, we will then have to leave earth, as it is become largely apparent that Earth will no longer be a suitable place for human beings after I would say 70 years. In the meantime, major social issues such as religious disputes and people questioning those in charge MUST come to an end before this can happen.
@BrotherWoody1 The open source community, which is stationed all over the world (including the Middle East obviously) could easily prevent that from happening.
I understand the linear/exponential logic to Ray's comments and yes there is evidence to support them. However, if look at basic statics theory you will see the there is a limit to how far a species can progress before it's environment becomes degraded. You do not need exponential graphs to see that our planet is becoming far more degraded than it is technologically advanced. We still drive combustible engine cars and it's been over 30 years before a human has been outside of the orbit of earth.
@LegendLength Well, Ray has made a lot of prediction sbased on these curves in the past, and he has predicted correct, that's also why he's been such a great inventor. You also have to realize that his predictions are in fact conservative, even for being in such short time frames, as he never even takes into account the increasing rate of exponential growth. I think the fact that the rate of technology hasn't slowed even during the depression is evidence enough this will continue.
"Why are you so optimistic?" I fucking HATE that question. Here's another way of saying 'Why do you want to move forward and put NO limits on what we can achieve?'
Deaths don't necessarily need to increase as people age, as people become more educated and well off they have less kids, balancing populations, thus less need for resources. This has been seen in the west as populations stagnate, while Botswana or The Congo as an example have extremely large birth rates due to the low education and technology. Positive Malthusian checks have been irrelevant as of late, while the negative (as discussed above) seem to hold more weight.
Read "The Singularity Is Near". Concepts like "malicious AI" and runaway self-replicating nanobots or "Grey Goo" and other existential threats are all more or less addressed. The idea that in 20 years I'll be faced with a choice between remaining genetically and biologically unaltered or to plug a quantum computer into my brain to remain competitive in my field of work is thrilling. But the really mind-blowing idea is technology allowing us to live forever. Or, at least, until we choose to die.
@JNfromNatalieStreet The process of thinking, thought & conceptual knowledge is nice and functional and helps us get a better understanding of our place in the universe. But, thinking will never be able to encompass or truly grasp the real nature of the self. Its only when we drop our assumptions, our beliefs and ideas that we are somehow flawed or broken that we can start to see that the universe is whole, perfect, just as it is. And that striving to live forever is just a delusion of the mind.
so you know it's possible to speak in the Spirit of Love. you see Personality all around you. it's why you are a personl what an awful chance you take of hurting Him unto never-ending shame! you like to be trusted, don't you? or are you beyond caring? there are things you can do that make you want to run & hide, just from fellow humans. my sister started gossiping very rudely about someone standing right behind her. she never wanted to see them again! when folks find out what HE did for them...
@JNfromNatalieStreet We live in a paradox. What else do you want? An electron acts like a wave and a particle. Explain that one. And no I'm not pessimistic. More and more people are starting to wake up all the time. Everything is perfect, yet things can be better. Its a paradox.
@JNfromNatalieStreet Human beings in their essence are not machines. What is sad is that we have a tendency to think and operate like one. Its because we think like machines that the world is in the state that it is. A computer is inorganic and devoid of love, it does not feel compassion or care. Tell me, will being able to process information faster tell you who you are? Do you need to acquire more knowledge to understand what you truly are? Will becoming a computer tell you this?
That might very well happen. As to whether or not its a good or bad thing, I think it will be down to the individual to decide. To some it would be good and they would love it and others might think of them as sad or backwards thinking. I think a good comparison would be to amish people. They are happy with the way they live but there are those would would think the very idea of living like an amish person to be ridiculous. In any case, I just hope people respect whatever choices others make.
DURRGHHHGH if computer memory gets fast enough we will all converge and become super intelligent *carefully sweeps gigantic unsolved foundational problems in AI and every work of philosophy under the rug*
The brain with its billions perhaps trillions of neurons is the most complicated, fascinating and wonderous thing in the known universe. And you think its imperfect?!!? That statement alone speaks volumes about the current crisis facing humanity. Its proof that human consciousness right now is living in a state of fragmentation and misunderstanding. Billions of years of evolution and you believe it is imperfect? You might as well just have just said.... life sucks.
Lets ask Nassim Taleb of the next Black Swan. Can humanity handle the great risk - the pandora box which will be opened with technological singularity. We can all witness that machines are already defeating humanity.
@DonSolo52 They may not be self aware, but they certainly will be so advanced that they will seem self-aware and that amounts to the same. After all, there is no way that you can know for certain that you are not the only self aware human.
I'd think that if computers match human intelligence by 2029, we would see machines now that at least rival the general intelligence and sensory capabilities of small animals such as mice.
@JNfromNatalieStreet The thing is never the word. You can describe a mountain or a tree but the words are not the thing. If you are caught up in descriptions, in labels, in concepts you will never see clearly. Simple. The vast majority of people are caught up in labels, in appearances. In other words, lost in thinking.
@JNfromNatalieStreet The universe is just too big for us to understand through conceptual knowledge. You'll be downloading information into your brain for the rest of time.
And ray's graphs and research is interesting but it is BASED on the fact that resources are unlimited and that is an error in my opinion. Just because IBM built a battery does not mean that it is efficient, and economically viable or that it will even be used domestically. Instead of sitting back and saying well everything will be just fine because it is at this moment doesn't mean it will be tomorrow. You should become more involved in science and engineering and try to do what you can.
This is very interesting, and seems very much a fantasy.. I don't see Machines ever becoming self aware as Humans are.. Obviously i could be wrong, just my opinion..
@talyesin3 Religion is delirium. Ray has his eyes open enough to see our potential if we apply our technological tools to our most serious problems. Some say he's overly optimistic. I think not.
Whats with the make up line? This man scares me. People who have no idea how consciousness operates should not be messing around with it. Implanting nodes into your brain and wanting to become a cyborg is a sad endeavor. All this man is concerned with is trying to let his little pathetic ego live forever inside a machine. This man isn't happy with the way he is, hes not content or truly happy. This man proves that we are never content with the way things are. We always want more, childish stuff
@KennyReddwooddforest hmm bees would be the only things we need in terms of food(in the broad sense) cows chickens every wildanimal imaginable is actually a drain...they consume more then they produce.. cattle take up land that could be used for farming..they are subsudize and pure beef is still expensive.if the majority of animals died things mught improve(sept bees)
People are quite selfish. When the first transcontinental flights were happening: only the rich could afford it. Now everyone flies. We can only really look back and thank those rich people who paved the way. Think of the big picture in not just geographical terms but in terms of time. Think of all humanity. Present AND future. That is seeing the big picture.
@JNfromNatalieStreet Who says that physically becoming a robot will somehow transcend all our pain and suffering? How will being a machine bring lasting peace of mind and joy? Im sorry, you cant outwit death and trying to escape from reality through technology is pointless and pure delusion. The vast majority of human beings are already robots in their hearts and minds. Maybe thats why Ray wants to become one physically too.
Many of Kurzweil's predictions come true, but I think his time scales are way off. He is motivated by fear and emotions. He takes like 1000 multivitamins a day to try to extend his lifespan enough to reach the "singularity". He talks about bringing back his dead father using technology. This sounds more like religion than science to me. Kurzweil and everyone living today will probably die just like everyone else in human history. I can't say I wouldn't be happy if he proved me wrong though
@JNfromNatalieStreet Drop the assumptions. I am not against science and I am not against religion. As one of the greatest scientists of the 20th century said, "Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind." But you still didn't answer the question I proposed. And no, science can be very dogmatic.
So because I say, the essence of humanity is not mechanical, you automatically assume I must be religious. So because I talk about compassion, love and care, I must be a religious nut who is totally closed off to scientific exploration. Well thank you for the assumption. Science can be just as dogmatic as religion. Dogmas either religious, political, scientific--arise out of the wrong belief that thinking&thought can encapsulate reality or truth. Dogmas are collective conceptual prisons.
@JNfromNatalieStreet Ok, exactly how will being able to download more info into your brain tell you more about who you are? How many trillion bits of information of data do you have to download until you finallllllllly understand who you are?
@KennyReddwooddforest first it just hit 7billion second thats already happened on every continet except sub saharan africa at the current rate of progress we will hit 10billion and the population will drop off at an incredible rate because of an aging population its happening in south america in the middle east a huge amount in europe and asia and in the usa because we dont have enough children to replace the old it will actually damage the economydfa
Kurzweil is a genius but only makes one mistake, towards the end. Democide, not war, was the greatest killer of the 20th century. Democide = mass murder by government, typically a government murdering its own citizens by redefining them as non-citizens (ie: Stalin's "enemies of the state" or Hitler's "Jews and deviants" or Pol Pot's "intelligentsia" etc...) As a generality, it seems Kurzweil has not experienced the worst of the state, or analyzed it properly, as a 95% negative force.
@KennyReddwooddforest "We don't need humans"... Is this a joke? Are you a human? Do you need yourself? I certainly don't need you, and probably others could also do without you
His voice and manner of speaking are always so calm and self-assured.
As a computer engineer, I love the stuff this guy says. He starts out with something that seems reasonable and you think "alright... I might want to check the statistics on that, but okay...", and then he makes a long string of exact predictions which... I mean, are theoretically possible, but almost certainly aren't happening in my lifetime. he's saying "Human-level AI in 12 years'', which is ludicrous. Yes, advancements in AI since 2010 have been very impressive - but not THAT impressive.
Good interview... Kurzweil is working hard to make sure communications explode making humanity so connected and so intelligent that we can solve our planet's grandest challenges.
Ray's an amazing person, it's shocking how many of his predictions from the past has come true.
Mr Kurzweil is such an incredibly knowledgeable person.
Thank you
So stoked that Kurzweil is working for Google with a sizable budget. Good call.
wow only lets say 50 years till super intelligent humans could watch, understand and fully enjoy this whole video in less than a second!
"Reminding of people's names" - yes, bring it on!
I'm so looking forward to his Create a Mind book
well... we'll see.
so glad to be young enough to see whether these predictions will actually come true!!! :D
just responding to the article on 2/21/2011. i think it is truly amazing! its a little scary though, because i will still LIVE then. only to be overpowered by one of man's greatest creations
I could really agree with him when he talked about genes and what we are able to know and manipulate within 20 years. So much has happened in the last 10 years.
You know what? I am glad that there are people like Ray in the world. We need a little ray of hope in our otherwise miserable lives lmfao
@JNfromNatalieStreet Where in my comment did I say anything about "not" solving the worlds problems. And why do people assume that by integrating with a computer it will magically solve our problems be it personal or global. The problem is not out there, its in our consciousness. It all stems from our inability to look at ourselves with honesty and integrity. To act out of love and compassion, not out of fear and a desire to destroy unwanted states of mind and body. Death is not a disease.
Ecclesiastes 9:11: "I returned and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill; but time and chance happen to them all."
I just heard about him today although i have been semi-familiar with the concept of the singularity for a few months now. Although Ray's ideas speak to me logically - i don't really have any objection to the reality that he presents - my question is that, are we ready for this kind of responsibility? At this moment in time i would say no. Not to say that we are incapable, but i am afraid of this just like i am afraid of a child with a gun. Something to bear in mind.
he is not afraid, he just takes precautions and prophylaxis'
Huge numbers of people live in grinding poverty. Many die for lack of clean water. People continue to die from things like cancer and diabetes.
Hell no I'm not content with that, and I'm glad we've got people like Ray Kurzweil who aren't content with that either.
How can you reprogram every gene in the body?
This is part of the system.
Futurism is synonymous with Fascism.
Search The Futurist Manifesto F. T. Marinetti, 1909.
Ray Kurzweil "futurist" means that exactly what is outlined in the text and it is highly influential upon the 20th&21st century. Once this is implemented you will truly become drones and you will like Huxley said in Brave New World "love your servitude". Yes, it sounds well and good to have all that information right at your immediate access but what off your free will?
I can see in the comments below that some people support what Ray predicts while others don't, with some going as far to say they are horrified by it. Whenever the singularity occurs I believe humanity will be split in a way, with one side embracing the technology and the other side staying "natural" for lack of a better word. I don't think either point of view is wrong (I understand why one person would love this while another would hate it), but it comes down to what we believe in.
If this technology ever comes to fruition, it will be comedic to watch all of the people of religious faith choose to act in contradiction with their theological beliefs by choosing to to use this technology to live forever.
Continued. Therefore, if humans are to survive past Earth's expiration date, we as a species must work efficiently toward a new society and culture revolving around these revolutionary ideas. the major problem of course is the herd mentality of most people, making all of this very difficult as they are unwilling to make change. So, what will most likely happen is that those regarded as the "elite" will have all these gifts at the cost of billions of lives. It is the only way we can continue on.
Depends on who you ask. However, this does seem to be the consensus among many cultures.
4:15 I always think, that ray is going to SAY "TAP THAT ASS"
Ray Kurzweil isn't insane. Everyone said the same things about every other person far ahead of their time, have a look at how the public viewed Tesla. It's funny how people don't realize that fact. Sure, maybe Kurzweil might be off on the time frame with some of his predictions, but his ideas are just extrapolations. Everything he says is possible, and will probably become reality.
I am reading the Singularity is near and I must say that Ray's research is very interesting but yes it is very optimistic and at times naive. Now by saying he is optimistic doesn't mean he doesn't have a right to say what is possible its just that he is making very precise predictions based on our current progress. However it is a fact that oil will run out quite and when that happens it will put a screeching halt on not only technology but humanity's progress as a civilization.
Hardly, it described the linear progression of technology. There aren't enough people to sort through all of the information and use it constructively in multiple fields for advancement.
Some thoughts on the future: Eventually, dying and aging will be taken out of the equation. For now, let's just suppose that this happens, as Kurzweil predicts, 20-30 years from now. With that, we will then have to leave earth, as it is become largely apparent that Earth will no longer be a suitable place for human beings after I would say 70 years. In the meantime, major social issues such as religious disputes and people questioning those in charge MUST come to an end before this can happen.
@JNfromNatalieStreet Its called awareness. There is a difference between thinking and just simply being aware. Good bye.
@BrotherWoody1 The open source community, which is stationed all over the world (including the Middle East obviously) could easily prevent that from happening.
3:50 "we won't just be a slave to our jeans. we'll be able to actually change them. we have the technologies to actually change our jeans."
He meant Jenes ya moron
yup, and we HAVE to, to make a better job in getting energy, fighting poverty and hunger and be able to sustain the ever growing population
I wonder who they are going to test this stuff on
I understand the linear/exponential logic to Ray's comments and yes there is evidence to support them. However, if look at basic statics theory you will see the there is a limit to how far a species can progress before it's environment becomes degraded. You do not need exponential graphs to see that our planet is becoming far more degraded than it is technologically advanced. We still drive combustible engine cars and it's been over 30 years before a human has been outside of the orbit of earth.
@LegendLength Well, Ray has made a lot of prediction sbased on these curves in the past, and he has predicted correct, that's also why he's been such a great inventor. You also have to realize that his predictions are in fact conservative, even for being in such short time frames, as he never even takes into account the increasing rate of exponential growth. I think the fact that the rate of technology hasn't slowed even during the depression is evidence enough this will continue.
"Why are you so optimistic?" I fucking HATE that question. Here's another way of saying 'Why do you want to move forward and put NO limits on what we can achieve?'
eventually wouldnt there be a ceiling to how much canbe produced?
there has to be some sort of limit to how crazy and advanced technology can become
You forgot SOUL Ray doode...
Deaths don't necessarily need to increase as people age, as people become more educated and well off they have less kids, balancing populations, thus less need for resources. This has been seen in the west as populations stagnate, while Botswana or The Congo as an example have extremely large birth rates due to the low education and technology. Positive Malthusian checks have been irrelevant as of late, while the negative (as discussed above) seem to hold more weight.
Danger danger danger - this guy seems like a villain
Read "The Singularity Is Near". Concepts like "malicious AI" and runaway self-replicating nanobots or "Grey Goo" and other existential threats are all more or less addressed. The idea that in 20 years I'll be faced with a choice between remaining genetically and biologically unaltered or to plug a quantum computer into my brain to remain competitive in my field of work is thrilling. But the really mind-blowing idea is technology allowing us to live forever. Or, at least, until we choose to die.
'just throwing it out there'
@JNfromNatalieStreet The process of thinking, thought & conceptual knowledge is nice and functional and helps us get a better understanding of our place in the universe. But, thinking will never be able to encompass or truly grasp the real nature of the self. Its only when we drop our assumptions, our beliefs and ideas that we are somehow flawed or broken that we can start to see that the universe is whole, perfect, just as it is. And that striving to live forever is just a delusion of the mind.
so you know it's possible to speak in the Spirit of Love. you see Personality all around you. it's why you are a personl what an awful chance you take of hurting Him unto never-ending shame! you like to be trusted, don't you? or are you beyond caring? there are things you can do that make you want to run & hide, just from fellow humans. my sister started gossiping very rudely about someone standing right behind her. she never wanted to see them again!
when folks find out what HE did for them...
@JNfromNatalieStreet We live in a paradox. What else do you want? An electron acts like a wave and a particle. Explain that one.
And no I'm not pessimistic. More and more people are starting to wake up all the time. Everything is perfect, yet things can be better. Its a paradox.
@JNfromNatalieStreet Human beings in their essence are not machines. What is sad is that we have a tendency to think and operate like one. Its because we think like machines that the world is in the state that it is. A computer is inorganic and devoid of love, it does not feel compassion or care. Tell me, will being able to process information faster tell you who you are? Do you need to acquire more knowledge to understand what you truly are? Will becoming a computer tell you this?
Ocean of information, puddle of knowledge.
That might very well happen. As to whether or not its a good or bad thing, I think it will be down to the individual to decide. To some it would be good and they would love it and others might think of them as sad or backwards thinking. I think a good comparison would be to amish people. They are happy with the way they live but there are those would would think the very idea of living like an amish person to be ridiculous. In any case, I just hope people respect whatever choices others make.
I bet this guy has never looked at an explosion.
Ray is badass.
DURRGHHHGH if computer memory gets fast enough we will all converge and become super intelligent *carefully sweeps gigantic unsolved foundational problems in AI and every work of philosophy under the rug*
Damn Ray DOES look young for his age!
i guess those supplements he takes work after all :)
@MrJivePirate how you know?
Sadly not all of us are rich...
The brain with its billions perhaps trillions of neurons is the most complicated, fascinating and wonderous thing in the known universe. And you think its imperfect?!!? That statement alone speaks volumes about the current crisis facing humanity. Its proof that human consciousness right now is living in a state of fragmentation and misunderstanding. Billions of years of evolution and you believe it is imperfect? You might as well just have just said.... life sucks.
Lets ask Nassim Taleb of the next Black Swan. Can humanity handle the great risk - the pandora box which will be opened with technological singularity. We can all witness that machines are already defeating humanity.
@DonSolo52 They may not be self aware, but they certainly will be so advanced that they will seem self-aware and that amounts to the same. After all, there is no way that you can know for certain that you are not the only self aware human.
Conciousness is the greatest thing in the universe.
How is trying to preserve and enhance it childish and sad ?
you want a hug?
I thought that futurists were supposed to be artists.
I'd think that if computers match human intelligence by 2029, we would see machines now that at least rival the general intelligence and sensory capabilities of small animals such as mice.
what ray is saying is practically common sense. You don't have to be a genius to see that technology is growing faster and faster...
@JNfromNatalieStreet The thing is never the word. You can describe a mountain or a tree but the words are not the thing. If you are caught up in descriptions, in labels, in concepts you will never see clearly. Simple.
The vast majority of people are caught up in labels, in appearances. In other words, lost in thinking.
i want to ask him who killed tupac...
@JNfromNatalieStreet The universe is just too big for us to understand through conceptual knowledge. You'll be downloading information into your brain for the rest of time.
I want a Cylon
And ray's graphs and research is interesting but it is BASED on the fact that resources are unlimited and that is an error in my opinion. Just because IBM built a battery does not mean that it is efficient, and economically viable or that it will even be used domestically. Instead of sitting back and saying well everything will be just fine because it is at this moment doesn't mean it will be tomorrow. You should become more involved in science and engineering and try to do what you can.
Maybe not forever but for much, much, MUCH longer? yes please.
is it just me or is ray wearing a TON of makeup?
Why am I narrow minded?
One is narrow minded if one only accept one truth.
I'm starting a series of interviews..."11 Questions for..."
Looking for investors.
This is very interesting, and seems very much a fantasy.. I don't see Machines ever becoming self aware as Humans are.. Obviously i could be wrong, just my opinion..
As I've become fond of saying: never is a long time.
@talyesin3 Religion is delirium. Ray has his eyes open enough to see our potential if we apply our technological tools to our most serious problems. Some say he's overly optimistic. I think not.
Who wants to live forever.... not me.
Whats with the make up line? This man scares me. People who have no idea how consciousness operates should not be messing around with it. Implanting nodes into your brain and wanting to become a cyborg is a sad endeavor. All this man is concerned with is trying to let his little pathetic ego live forever inside a machine. This man isn't happy with the way he is, hes not content or truly happy. This man proves that we are never content with the way things are. We always want more, childish stuff
@KennyReddwooddforest hmm bees would be the only things we need in terms of food(in the broad sense) cows chickens every wildanimal imaginable is actually a drain...they consume more then they produce.. cattle take up land that could be used for farming..they are subsudize and pure beef is still expensive.if the majority of animals died things mught improve(sept bees)
People are quite selfish. When the first transcontinental flights were happening: only the rich could afford it. Now everyone flies. We can only really look back and thank those rich people who paved the way. Think of the big picture in not just geographical terms but in terms of time. Think of all humanity. Present AND future. That is seeing the big picture.
@JNfromNatalieStreet Who says that physically becoming a robot will somehow transcend all our pain and suffering? How will being a machine bring lasting peace of mind and joy? Im sorry, you cant outwit death and trying to escape from reality through technology is pointless and pure delusion.
The vast majority of human beings are already robots in their hearts and minds. Maybe thats why Ray wants to become one physically too.
Many of Kurzweil's predictions come true, but I think his time scales are way off. He is motivated by fear and emotions. He takes like 1000 multivitamins a day to try to extend his lifespan enough to reach the "singularity". He talks about bringing back his dead father using technology. This sounds more like religion than science to me.
Kurzweil and everyone living today will probably die just like everyone else in human history. I can't say I wouldn't be happy if he proved me wrong though
@JNfromNatalieStreet Drop the assumptions. I am not against science and I am not against religion. As one of the greatest scientists of the 20th century said, "Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind."
But you still didn't answer the question I proposed.
And no, science can be very dogmatic.
So because I say, the essence of humanity is not mechanical, you automatically assume I must be religious. So because I talk about compassion, love and care, I must be a religious nut who is totally closed off to scientific exploration. Well thank you for the assumption.
Science can be just as dogmatic as religion. Dogmas either religious, political, scientific--arise out of the wrong belief that thinking&thought can encapsulate reality or truth. Dogmas are collective conceptual prisons.
@JNfromNatalieStreet Ok, exactly how will being able to download more info into your brain tell you more about who you are?
How many trillion bits of information of data do you have to download until you finallllllllly understand who you are?
This scares me.
Top !
@OxygenBurglar Computer scientists aren't scientists?
@KennyReddwooddforest first it just hit 7billion second thats already happened on every continet except sub saharan africa at the current rate of progress we will hit 10billion and the population will drop off at an incredible rate because of an aging population its happening in south america in the middle east a huge amount in europe and asia and in the usa because we dont have enough children to replace the old it will actually damage the economydfa
@spectralbat Thats just because hes the messiah of tech
@MrJivePirate To me is revealed that we have soul. What now?
the interviewer is trying very hard not to laugh. >.<
@Alectr0n ok........ :) first of all what is a transhuman? and second of all i will try to "liberate and enhance"
Kurzweil is a genius but only makes one mistake, towards the end. Democide, not war, was the greatest killer of the 20th century. Democide = mass murder by government, typically a government murdering its own citizens by redefining them as non-citizens (ie: Stalin's "enemies of the state" or Hitler's "Jews and deviants" or Pol Pot's "intelligentsia" etc...) As a generality, it seems Kurzweil has not experienced the worst of the state, or analyzed it properly, as a 95% negative force.
What a crank.
@KennyReddwooddforest "We don't need humans"... Is this a joke? Are you a human? Do you need yourself? I certainly don't need you, and probably others could also do without you
Its called scientism.
SMD my friend.