Building The BUDDHA Tank (part 1) Hardscape | MD Fish Tanks

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии •

  • @MDFishTanks
    @MDFishTanks  4 года назад +101

    I've been planning this in my head for a long time. I could never find a buddha statue that I thought looked good enough for an aquarium. I'd forgotten about the idea...then when at my local garden centre....i saw it. HERE WE GO!! 😁
    Equipment (all links affiliate):
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    • @deezballsofmine
      @deezballsofmine 4 года назад


    • @alexcrook341
      @alexcrook341 4 года назад

      Can we swap job's please! Loving the creative ideas mate. Keep the content flowing 👌🐠

    • @hawk6856
      @hawk6856 4 года назад

      0:28 whats the song

    • @mellewedin8221
      @mellewedin8221 4 года назад

      For real man. You out do yourself with each tank. I just slapped together a nice little gallon. I scaped it close to how you do yours. You also gave me inspiration for my 20 long cherry shrimp tank.

    • @rgilroy1909
      @rgilroy1909 4 года назад

      there is a 2nd Buddha in your tank!!!! min 10:23 - look at the reflection on the left side of the glass. do you see the outline of the 2nd Buddha?

  • @zacharykunzer2823
    @zacharykunzer2823 4 года назад +50

    Lol you said “so I know this isn’t gonna be to everyone’s taste” immediately after I was like “holy hell that looks so good” 😅

  • @lyamnickless2443
    @lyamnickless2443 4 года назад +32

    This is the best hard scape I’ve ever seen, even without plants it looks fantastic. You should be seriously proud as to how it’s already turned out, and the gold fish are gonna look incredible in here!

  • @aldinviray2970
    @aldinviray2970 4 года назад +10

    This to me, Is the best scape you have ever done yet. It looks like a forest clearing with a Buddha statue in the middle. Such a serene looking scape bravo.

  • @trentconnellan6242
    @trentconnellan6242 4 года назад +24

    Personally I think this is one of your best scapes, love the concept.

  • @BuggyDClown-yv6or
    @BuggyDClown-yv6or 4 года назад +80

    You should make this into a LOST WORLD TANK.

    • @MDFishTanks
      @MDFishTanks  4 года назад +25

      Im not as good as scaping as the cinescaper 🤣. This will be more open than his tank as we need swim room and I want it to look like the plants are exploding from the Buddha, so keeping to the outside.

    • @SnaXaccoon
      @SnaXaccoon 4 года назад +1

      Lost world for Con D Oriano to find where Go D Usopp resides.

  • @888fluffy
    @888fluffy 4 года назад +146

    Stealing yo mother-in-law's garden decor lmaooo classy as always

  • @Marvin_Alain
    @Marvin_Alain 3 года назад

    This already looks good as it is! Can’t wait how it will look planted.

  • @secretdoorgaming2024
    @secretdoorgaming2024 2 года назад

    I really love the scape with the branches. I feel like this is my favorite Buddha tank ever made that I have seen. I have a 5 gallon planted buddha lost world tank with plants growing inside and outside of the tank in the filter with bamboo that is growing like crazy. I have learned so much by watching videos like yours and bring more creativity to my own simple but beautiful tank. Thank you for sharing your artistic talent!

  • @claudiaceleste777
    @claudiaceleste777 3 года назад

    This is the first time I was truly able to get a sense of scale of your tanks; that statue looked small in the tank but you picking it up made it’s actual size more clear

  • @AngryMothNoises
    @AngryMothNoises 3 года назад

    Honestly, I love the hardscape with out the plants. It looks almost apocalyptic. Now with the plants it will look like a hidden sanctuary. I am super excited to see this finished.

  • @Castoridae
    @Castoridae 4 года назад +4

    Watching you and Serpadesign has absolutely gotten me inspired to set up my first planted tank. Absolutely loving the videos you guys put out and the positivity it brings! I'm gonna start out small, and fingers crossed it'll keep growing from there with more tanks and more inspiration!

  • @Psychoclaw
    @Psychoclaw 4 года назад +1

    That hardscape is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. I'm DYING to get back into the hobby!

  • @RachyNoodleNest
    @RachyNoodleNest 4 года назад +92

    Can't believe how quick you've grown. So happy for you man

    • @AnoNymous-oq4xj
      @AnoNymous-oq4xj 4 года назад +13

      Not surprised it is one of the best most informative channel about aquaphile. I think it's the firendly path that he takes. No none sense and all that he does is approachable which motivates ppl to take their hobby to the next step and not just always feel like everything has to be extremely complex.

    • @drawthings1699
      @drawthings1699 4 года назад +6

      Bruh he's a grown up dude 😑

    • @RachyNoodleNest
      @RachyNoodleNest 4 года назад +4

      @@drawthings1699 took me a hot minute to get this 🤣

    • @MDFishTanks
      @MDFishTanks  4 года назад +11

      Thanks very much. Blessed 🙂

    • @danielfox6709
      @danielfox6709 3 года назад

      @@RachyNoodleNest explain?

  • @roshanroy191988
    @roshanroy191988 4 года назад

    Hi... MD, I'm a Graphic designer in UAE. But my passion is always been doing aqua scaping. U inspired me to star casing my passion, which I'm planning . U r doing a great job. keep doing.

  • @paulkettless71
    @paulkettless71 4 года назад

    Glad you decided to carry on with the tank, and agree with a couple of others that have mentioned the lotus flowers, they would look awesome with this scape.

  • @christopherwoldt6811
    @christopherwoldt6811 4 года назад +3

    The most intersting hardscape i've seen for a long time! Beautiful piece of art!

  • @hcollins3641
    @hcollins3641 4 года назад +19

    Everytime you make a new tank i say "that's my new fave tank", This continues to this day XD

  • @iusethisforgood
    @iusethisforgood 3 года назад +1

    MD this is beautiful. Your natural style of aquascaping is getting pretty good. really impressed with the detail up the path and the Manzanita exploding from the statute. Really strong work, cannot wait to see the plants!

  • @coleskipper956
    @coleskipper956 4 года назад +1

    By far my favorite scape from you MD

  • @MsDragonfire1992
    @MsDragonfire1992 8 месяцев назад

    Honestly you make ANY scape look good. No matter the style 😊

  • @imranpatel4612
    @imranpatel4612 4 года назад +2

    You are an artist. Love all of your scrapes including this. I like that it's different

  • @homemadechicken8995
    @homemadechicken8995 3 года назад

    Love the channel bro. Got my first few aquariums because of you. Never thought i would like it this much.

  • @Dethbryte626
    @Dethbryte626 3 года назад +1

    This is my absolute favorite that you’ve ever done. It’s understated and beautiful. I can’t wait for part two!!!!

  • @jithsree3
    @jithsree3 4 года назад +1

    You don't need to plant this.. it looks stunning already.. great job!! Loved it!!!

  • @Gaaraape
    @Gaaraape 3 года назад

    I don't usually like artificial decortation in tanks but I really liked this scape. I think yiu tied it all together very well

  • @icegypsy99
    @icegypsy99 10 месяцев назад

    That's inspiring. Getting ready to go out and pick out some hardscape stuff for another tank. This has given me lots to think about

  • @jennifersheets339
    @jennifersheets339 4 года назад +1

    This is my FAVORITE so far! ❤️ It’s as if you discovered a lost temple from a past civilization.

  • @tristambre632
    @tristambre632 3 года назад

    You rock that scape, I can feel your ruined temple vibe !

  • @vinodkumarp7297
    @vinodkumarp7297 2 года назад


  • @Kingoftroy0805
    @Kingoftroy0805 4 года назад

    This has to be by far my favorite aquarium you’ve done. I’ve always wanted to scape a Buddha tank with one of mine but shy’d away because it wasn’t “natural” enough. Forget all that you’ve shown that anything can be natural and beautiful anything can be with the right vision and I cannot wait to create a similar scape in my 25G cube

  • @wrenpark7702
    @wrenpark7702 4 года назад +3

    I love how he always explains it step by step

  • @arjunp6902
    @arjunp6902 2 года назад


  • @morgan1985uk
    @morgan1985uk 3 года назад

    Love it mate. The buddah is awesome. I designed my sons aquarium around resin t rex Skelton. Its half submerged in the substrate so it looks like an uncovered fossil.

  • @REscapes
    @REscapes 4 года назад +2

    Normally I don't like ornament tanks but this is stunning! You've changed my mind 😍

    • @naturesfinest2408
      @naturesfinest2408 4 года назад

      I was the same way but i realized i dont like the unnatural look. My profile pic is something i have planned to recreate/take inspiration from. Small homes covered in small mosses in the mountains/hill side.

  • @sheep20011
    @sheep20011 4 года назад

    Loving how this one is panning. Fantastic concept.

  • @TheCambridgeCarper
    @TheCambridgeCarper 4 года назад

    Been following for about a year now and I already think this scape is going to look amazing. Buddha looks the shizzel!

  • @lillyblomqvist3330
    @lillyblomqvist3330 3 года назад

    Very good looking hardscape! Can't wait to see you plant it and put the fish in. This will be a super cool tank!

  • @ashwinvandenaarssen3019
    @ashwinvandenaarssen3019 4 года назад

    Mate, at 12:06 on the left side there the negative space in the reflection of the wood in the glass looks like a second seated Buddha! That might be the coolest inadvertent feature I’ve ever seen!

  • @albertoarostegui9980
    @albertoarostegui9980 4 года назад

    This is probably one of your coolest aquariums so far, love the composition and the manzanita wood.

  • @collinskj1963
    @collinskj1963 4 года назад +1

    Unlike the Amazon tank that I did not like so much in the beginning, I already love the look of this one.

  • @nanthakumar747
    @nanthakumar747 4 года назад

    The left side wood reflection creats its own buddha shape ❤️I just loved this scape

  • @Amanda-uc5jq
    @Amanda-uc5jq 4 года назад +5

    I love it even with just the hard scape 😄

  • @MrCtenopoma
    @MrCtenopoma 3 года назад

    I found the idea really disturbing at first, but I have to admit it really looks great. Can't wait to see the second part.

  • @RaiUriarte
    @RaiUriarte 4 года назад +6

    Hi there, normally those statues don´t work well on water, I have one on the garden and it just disintegrated slowly. That is my experience, I think the only material could really support that condition could be a stone statue.

    • @dooksouls5423
      @dooksouls5423 4 года назад +5

      Rain water is likely quite a bit more acidic than the water in this aquarium and the acidity of rain water is what causes the damage.

  • @lindyp12
    @lindyp12 4 года назад

    Wow! I don't comment a lot but my jaw dropped as soon as you got that driftwood in and then I saw it 😲I can't believe you did it again lol! I have to tell you I have been racking my brain on how to rescape my 75 gallon goldfish tank and you have definitely given me something to think about! This is so beautiful even before you've gotten the plants in. Thank you!!

  • @michaelteeter1971
    @michaelteeter1971 4 года назад

    MD you never seem to disappoint! Looks great just the way it is. Can not wait to see it after the plants. Keep up the great work!!!

  • @matthewalivio9186
    @matthewalivio9186 4 года назад

    your best scape yet. imo this would be better as a terrarium

  • @Jay-oh1on
    @Jay-oh1on 4 года назад

    I love the way the Buddha look like it has been dropped into a river and everything has grown around him when it’s planted it will look great and over grown keep it up 🙏🏼🙏🏼

  • @AkhilRane15dec
    @AkhilRane15dec 4 года назад

    MD, you make amazing scrapes and love all your aquariums, however this scape is specially superb & unique. I immediately felt the urge to replicate it myself. Also the fact that you showed how you asked your Mother in Law for those rocks reminded me of how Aquascaping geeks collect materials.
    The natural temple looks without the plants looks amazing already...
    Let me go find similar statue & try to replicate something similar...

  • @pitita6292
    @pitita6292 4 года назад

    I love the reflexion of the wood on the glass, it look like another buda

  • @EveHowardCeramics
    @EveHowardCeramics 4 года назад

    wow MD you are going from strength to strength, this is a really great layout, can't wait to see it planted...

  • @saqibshams
    @saqibshams 4 года назад

    Stunner! I've been looking for one of these statues for my tank for a few months now. So happy to see the idea actually take shape.

  • @namankashyap5380
    @namankashyap5380 4 года назад

    I literally want you to be on top of all aqua hobbiest out there. Love your videos a lot just can't explain. Good luck sir.

  • @UKFishCam
    @UKFishCam 4 года назад +1

    Statues and relics in tanks look so cool

  • @jesbenji9742
    @jesbenji9742 4 года назад it! I...I just need to move that one pebble of Buddha's leg! haha

  • @amx1820
    @amx1820 4 года назад

    The hardscape alone is awesome :))

  • @MP-wy1eo
    @MP-wy1eo 4 года назад

    It's probably one of my favorite if not my favorite aquarium you have made!

  • @raptorsl549
    @raptorsl549 4 года назад

    Im buddist from sri Lanka! love your videos

  • @vesawuoristo4162
    @vesawuoristo4162 3 года назад

    Lovely setup. Maybe you could make a nice stone arrangement for your mother-in-law for taking her rocks. 🙂

  • @suzannedavies4967
    @suzannedavies4967 4 года назад

    I like that you have recycled those stones.....albeit from a begrudged mother in law but they look brilliant. Cant wait for the planting to start. Good job 👍

  • @soitgoes_1334
    @soitgoes_1334 4 года назад

    Now that's a beautiful scape.. 😍🐟🌿

  • @JPeezy07
    @JPeezy07 4 года назад

    Okay for real, that tank is amazing.

  • @yogeshmohan126
    @yogeshmohan126 4 года назад

    Love your videos ... you don’t get too Technical n all... plain simple fun... 🙏🏻

  • @scumbagjones4646
    @scumbagjones4646 4 года назад +1

    Hey MD! I just wanted to let you know, with goldies you may have to be careful with them getting stuck on that driftwood! Fancy goldfish tend to be kind of clumsy and awkward, you should be fine, but it’s something to keep an eye in once fish are in!

  • @michellebastin5286
    @michellebastin5286 4 года назад

    You are such a talented man. The Buddha idea is so different and I absolutely love it.

  • @rohanrupesh3397
    @rohanrupesh3397 4 года назад

    MD what is this. You've literally blown my mind. It's looking spectacular already.

  • @Chookie2629
    @Chookie2629 4 года назад

    Wow, the hardscape alone looks amazing I think. Really looking forward to seeing it planted!!! This is going to be so cool. 😁

  • @tresmiller2933
    @tresmiller2933 4 года назад

    A departure from what you normally do but Wow....this looks amazing. Your eye for design and perspective is very polished. Great job MD.

  • @elisa2471
    @elisa2471 3 года назад

    I really appreciate this video! I don't see a lot of people do cool aquascapes for goldfish!

  • @ondrejskalicky8640
    @ondrejskalicky8640 4 года назад

    I have ordered little 20cm buddha for my nano aquarium. Thank you for inspiracion🤪

  • @marcuswhitmore6622
    @marcuswhitmore6622 4 года назад

    Absolutely love this.
    Looks very different already.

  • @kevinbranchett2587
    @kevinbranchett2587 4 года назад +1

    I remember reading Dr Axlerods book years ago he built his first tank out of concrete and it killed his fish due to lime leaching out of the concreat. When you build a concrete pond they recommend sealing it or flushing it through several times to remove the lime.

  • @paulmarmion358
    @paulmarmion358 4 года назад

    You have done it again ....the tank looks fantastic great idea the Buddha 👍

  • @roxyrobinson2215
    @roxyrobinson2215 4 года назад +1

    it looks great without plants!!! goldfish gonna feel like kings in this tank!! i wish i could make something like this

  • @annalee7403
    @annalee7403 4 года назад +1

    You are an artist, my friend. The Zen is strong with this one.

  • @cichlidguru1163
    @cichlidguru1163 4 года назад

    Man I love it and digging slight musical touch . Gotta admit I always kept African cichlids and now I’m doing planted and it’s more fun more money lol , little extra work

  • @UrbanNomadLife
    @UrbanNomadLife 4 года назад

    Absolutely gorgeous.

  • @cheveburkinshaw860
    @cheveburkinshaw860 4 года назад

    Love this scape even without plants . One of ur best I’d say

  • @Neon1024
    @Neon1024 4 года назад

    This scape looks awesome!

  • @suryaaarulmozhi9182
    @suryaaarulmozhi9182 3 года назад

    You are so amazingly talented. Your eye for the details is incredible. Absolutely brilliant job brother.

  • @gaivscaesar
    @gaivscaesar 4 года назад

    This is my favourite one yet. Can't wait to see it planted

  • @Ezihkhel
    @Ezihkhel 4 года назад

    Wow!Even if its just the hardscape for this part,it already looks so good! Can't wait to see the final look of this build.

  • @hebebebe139
    @hebebebe139 4 года назад

    This instantly made me think of the Ta Prohm temple ruins, it looks amazing and with the plants it's going to look zen ✌

  • @carolebraswell982
    @carolebraswell982 4 года назад

    I could watch you build tanks all day! Only problem is, then I want to build another tank! LOL, My hubby's gonna kill me! Oh, and I love the colorful pastel stones!

  • @TheMikaelC
    @TheMikaelC 4 года назад

    Just need to say that his is f-ing amazing scape! Love to see it develope after you've planted it.

  • @ajsth4928
    @ajsth4928 4 года назад

    Wow!! Really unique one. Lots and lots of love and respect from Lord Buddha brith place "Nepal".

  • @ethancantes-freeman2563
    @ethancantes-freeman2563 4 года назад

    Mate this tanks looks insane!! Absolutely buzzing for the next video

  • @shel.b.1090
    @shel.b.1090 3 года назад

    Another stunning scape xxx

  • @insert_no1916
    @insert_no1916 4 года назад

    This is definitely one of the more unique and the best tank I've ever seen. Thank you for the amazing videos which have inspired me to make some tanks of my own and the videos were really helpful for making them as they are so informative. Love the videos.

  • @fokofeke6686
    @fokofeke6686 4 года назад

    Omg another huge built video! Md your spoiling uuus!!

  • @Leccybike
    @Leccybike 4 года назад +2

    Amazing tank MD you got me through the first lockdown and now your getting me through the second i love you channel your content and Timmy cant wait to see Pancho again stay safe

  • @radekjisa6515
    @radekjisa6515 4 года назад

    It's look so fu**ing lovely! Can't wait to see it with flowers planted and the final result.
    Excited for next video!

  • @joshhibbs_nola
    @joshhibbs_nola 4 года назад

    Great scape! It looks amazing so far!

  • @butchjuliano9779
    @butchjuliano9779 4 года назад

    Hey Due,
    The tank looks great right now. I notice while your filming if you look at the left side of the tank you actually see reflection of BUDDAH with the big branch you have on that side leaning against the tank glass. Take a look at your film..
    Very freaking cool !!!

  • @ronderfulaquariums2978
    @ronderfulaquariums2978 4 года назад


  • @charlesrosenberg77
    @charlesrosenberg77 4 года назад

    Cool concept, I was skeptical but unsurprisingly you pulled it off

  • @bigg490
    @bigg490 3 года назад

    Have watched these vids three times. Going to steal this idea with an Easter Island statue. Putting an led light/mister inside my statue.

  • @briann5021
    @briann5021 4 года назад

    I love this look it’s very natural!

  • @teresaaramini546
    @teresaaramini546 4 года назад

    Really cool concept. Looking forward to the plants!