LoreWarrior Online - Clan Ghost Bear

  • Опубликовано: 5 сен 2024
  • The Ghost Bear clan pride themselves on family. A word that is almost alien to the other clans the ghost bears view the family unit as the most important aspect of the clan from civilian castes right up through to the mechwarriors themselves. It is this viewpoint that makes them a powerful force on the battlefield, that camaraderie can push a warrior to limits they never knew they had.
    Although not as successful as the other invading clans the ghost bears certainly came out of the invasion with a more intact force and little threat from it's neighbours. They achieved one of their operational goals on Tukkayid unlike smoke jaguar or nova cat.

Комментарии • 61

  • @spectre111
    @spectre111 3 года назад +24

    The true success of Clan Ghost Bear lies in their long term survival. While other clans try to be an irresistible force, the bears are more like an unmovable object. They captured the least worlds during the invasion, but they are the only clan to never loose a single world either to the IS or another Clan.

    • @Deepingmind
      @Deepingmind 2 года назад +2

      They were also the best and building on those worlds and bringing their populations into the Clan's fold.

  • @Xeno426
    @Xeno426 8 лет назад +27

    It's interesting to note that Bjorn was an aerospace pilot (he failed MechWarrior placement, but made aerospace placement) and won his Trial for Position as Khan in an aerospace fighter.
    On the whole, the Ghost Bears are similar to the Lyran meme; they prefer heavier mechs for the same duties other Clans would use lighter ones. The Viper (IS: Dragonfly) is the primary scout, with the Fire Moth often providing more of a battlefield taxi role that gets regulated to warriors on the brink of becoming solahma (which would explain the suicidal behavior of such pilots). Even their totem and in-Clan-developed Executioner are quite mobile for their weight class (at the expense of overall weapon tonnage). At the start of Revival, their touman was also made up of a lot of Gargoyles, another mech that had the speed of a lower eight class. All of that is thanks to the rather large amount of resources they are able to bring into play
    On tabletop, these mechs come out to be rather decent BV, which means that you can field some very heavy mechs (with corresponding armor values) rather cheaply, and their armament is still nothing to sneeze at.
    The "family" aspect of their culture also helps them keep a lot of harmony within the Clan, to the point that The Society had pretty much no presence there because the scientist caste didn't really feel disenfranchised.

    • @CriticalRocket
      @CriticalRocket  8 лет назад +6

      Nice insight, thanks for the additional notes :)

    • @Xeno426
      @Xeno426 8 лет назад +8

      There's a few cultural aspects you missed on the Ghost Bears as well. First, the Ghost Bears have a very high regard for strength (hence why they never adopted the Pilot genotype), and they have an annual decathlon to promote physical fitness, held in each Galaxy. It should be noted that while physical strength is a defacto virtue, strength of character, purpose, and other non-physical manifestations are also seen as important.
      There is also the tradition called the Clawing Ritual. It's not required, but warriors that wish to undergo spend of month of meditation with the Loremaster before going out to hunt a ghost bear alone with nothing but a spear and some hunting dogs, bringing the beast's body back as proof. This leads to a great feast where the bear is skinned, butchered and roasted in a fashion that is really reminiscent of a Viking feast. Typically, only half (or less) of unClawed warriors that attempt the ritual ever come back.
      Another curious aspect is the "Great Work", some project started when a warrior works on throughout their life and is displayed at their death. The work can be collaborative, not just a solo project. Sculptures, music, or other forms of artistic expression are common through the Great Work, and it's a tradition not exclusive to the Warrior caste either.
      It's notable that, while the other castes don't have any say in the government, participation in the Clan Council is open to every Clan warrior (even freeborn).
      In a military sense, the Ghost Bears have a very strong preference for Battle Armor, often competing with Hell's Horses on this regard. Hell's Horses greated the heavy Gnome battle armor, which the Ghost Bears managed to acquire and build upon to make the even heavier Golem battle armor. While neither can swarm a mech, the Golem has 18+1 armor (meaning it can take a Clan ERPPC to the face and not die) and an Advanced SRM5 with two shots, meaning a point of them could potentially deal 50 points of damage in a salvo. These things are beastly.
      They're also rather adaptable. During Revival they followed a rather strict interpretation of zellbrigen, they used a more liberal interpretation following Tukayyid; against IS units, zellbrigen would not be used unless the enemy force requested it and was seen as particularly honorable. During the Jihad, they never offered any zellbrigen to the WoB, and took very little isorla (except for the KungsArme units within the Ghost Bear Dominion), only taking genetic samples of all killed WoB troops. This was because (unknown in-universe to most people) ComStar had hinted to the Bears that the remnants of Clan Wolverine had eventually returned to the Inner Sphere and joined into ComStar in the faction that would eventually split off to form the Word of Blake; the Ghost Bears were collecting genetic samples in order to ascertain if anyone they killed were of Clan Wolverine lineage.
      They also put together are far better supply line for the third and fourth waves of the invasion, and thanks to their historical good access to materials (and friendly status with the Clan Taxi Service Snow Ravens) have probably the best supply line system of the Clans.
      They also formed the Omega Galaxy, which was formed to use IS tactics against IS opponents, to the point they're almost seen as dezgra by the other galaxies. Part of this was because after the Jihad, they made up the numbers by letting many Rasalhagian recruits into the ranks.
      Of interesting note is their Karhu mech design from the Jihad. It's a Clan omnimech that features a retractable blade in two configs (including the Prime); Clans (for whatever reason) generally disdain physical 'mech combat, so its inclusion of the design suggests either a shift in attitude or a nod to their Rasalhagian members.
      As a whole, the Clan could be described as conservative and patient, but not stubbornly so.

    • @CriticalRocket
      @CriticalRocket  8 лет назад +1

      Well the stuff I used is from the book, but for obvious legal reasons I can't just read out an entire book otherwise it's open to be taken down. Also these are primer for non battletech fans. As such they don't need to be as in depth since new players or those who are more interested in the MWO side don't need to know everything, and old time Battletech fans already know it. Preaching to the choir in a sense.
      Another issue is the material written doesn't always line up. I use the original books printed by FASA and later writers fudged things to fit the new narrative. As such I know some material will clash with more recent stuff. Not saying your comments do, just pointing it out. Another aspect is I don't play the Battletech universe beyond the clan invasion so no jihad, word of blake, dark age, republic of the sphere material will ever be used for lorewarrior. Since MWO doesn't go there I don't need to either really, it just makes things more bloated for a game that barely covers any lore anyway.

    • @Xeno426
      @Xeno426 8 лет назад +1

      You don't follow Jihad and further? Shame, you're missing out on Space Bear Vikings! :)

    • @CriticalRocket
      @CriticalRocket  8 лет назад +1

      I have read the later going's on of Battletech, but for playing in the universe it just isn't what I enjoyed originally. Not knocking the later stuff for writing or gameplay, to each his own and all that :)

  • @AllForManKind77
    @AllForManKind77 7 лет назад +19

    "No task left lightly or left half undone. To those ideals we all shall hold, until we all shall fall. " Clan Ghost Bear Remembrance. - My favourite personal Clan. Others is Star Adder Clan.

    • @mattk6719
      @mattk6719 5 лет назад +1

      Same. I like the Ghost Bear values over the other clans.

    • @spectre111
      @spectre111 3 года назад +1

      Ghost Bears forever!!!!

  • @elroyscout
    @elroyscout 2 года назад +4

    I like the Ghost Bears the most as quite frankly they're the most... normal. Like I can imagine them doing a sing-along in a Pub or being able to play a game of Go-Fish without it escalating into a life or death struggle with military hardware. Jade Falcon just... I laugh at the idea of them trying, then inevitably giving up, and demanding a fight to the death in the circle of equals.

  • @mikegeorge8132
    @mikegeorge8132 8 лет назад +15

    The "flip-flopper" clan. Jumping from the "bad" to the "good" side. And the merging of the Clan with the Rasalhague Republic. The whole sneaking out of the home clan systems made for a good story. I would say the least covered of the original invading clans. They really didn't get much of a story line until after the breakup with the Crusader mindset. (the changing of the command staff talked about in the video)

  • @chrisnelmes7180
    @chrisnelmes7180 5 лет назад +9

    This is a clan l can respect. Formidable opponents who have tested me often . They make great Allies too...

    • @CriticalRocket
      @CriticalRocket  5 лет назад

      I suspect you are either a FRR person or a clanner who has joined them before :D

    • @chrisnelmes7180
      @chrisnelmes7180 5 лет назад

      @@CriticalRocket Actually, in our campaign, I am a mercenary and a Taurian by birth.. My regiment and l have been in the service of the Combine for many years The coordinator calls me his "yellow bird" for our loyalty and our discretion.
      I have earned both the wrath and favor of the Bears by combat, where, despite my being a "mere" merc ,we were able to stop the Bears trying to take our garrison world and later, proved to both the Bears and the Combine that the Word Of Blake had been trying to get them to weaken each other. This earned us their respect.
      I know that both the Bears and the FRR both loathe mercenaries,but we have earned the right to be considered a "frienemy".

  • @OrilliousTyr
    @OrilliousTyr 8 лет назад +6

    Loving your LoreWarrior videos as always! Clan Ghost Bear was always my personal favorite, though I admit I am rather novice when it comes to the non-mech related lore.

  • @isupportthecurrentthing5225
    @isupportthecurrentthing5225 8 лет назад +3

    I'm getting a Wolf Clan tattoo this summer at the ink tour.

  • @dreammirrorbrony1240
    @dreammirrorbrony1240 2 года назад

    As A Wolverine survivor player, I both respect the Ghost Bears for overcoming Nicholas Kerenskys views on family while simultaneously despising them for their oaths to track down & exterminate all Wolverines whenever & wherever found. The feeling is mutual; eventually we will return to clan space to destroy these followers of Nicolas the betrayer once & for all.

  • @darthlazurus4382
    @darthlazurus4382 4 года назад +3

    Clan Wolverine says hi.

  • @carltheoneeye9353
    @carltheoneeye9353 2 года назад +1

    I love this clan. The tactic of eing defensive and calm and then lashing out with so much aggression that nothing can stop them and it being over in a matter of moments. I can't wait till I can pilot a Arcus in mech warrior 5. Such a dope mech. Omg and a Kodiak. That'd be the shit with the newest dlc update to melee mechs

    • @619AGT
      @619AGT Год назад

      I guess you could call Clan Ghost Bear the epitome of passive aggressiveness.
      They keep to themselves, but if you rub them the wrong way, you’re gonna regret it BIG time.

  • @3xfaster
    @3xfaster Год назад

    3:09 I would argue that the height and weight from the source book for that specific female elemental is underweight for their height to body weight stated. Also considering the immense caloric energy needs they would need to sustain that body as well, they would weigh significantly much more.
    I dunno, she’s not filled out enough all around . 😅

  • @healthyfire
    @healthyfire 8 лет назад

    love the GB , but back in what I like to call "the day" when I was playing Mechwarrior 3 online competitively I ended up with the Davion Heavy Guards clan. Never regretted it :)

  • @PsykerKaregg
    @PsykerKaregg 8 лет назад

    can't tell you how long I've been waiting for this one. well done!

  • @VectorGhost
    @VectorGhost 8 лет назад +1

    about time CR. holding out on me brother. An yet anther quality video

  • @rhgproduktionz8188
    @rhgproduktionz8188 3 года назад +1

    I've been delving more into the bears, and I must say, their history is quite interesting. Now, as far as clans go, I'm a warden of Clan Wolf, since the wolf has always represented a symbol of a guardian, at least to me. That, and I'm really not a fan of the Crusader way/mindset, which is why, believe it or not, I'm quite disappointed in the crusader wolves. So, I guess you could say i'm with CWIE. Now, regarding the bears, now that I've read up more on them, I can honestly say I have high respect for them, and highly impressed, with just how much they've adapted, and might I say, evolved.

    • @CriticalRocket
      @CriticalRocket  3 года назад +1

      Yeah the bears are kind of different in their outlook on some topics and they can be quite nurturing and protective at times but then also extremely ruthless depending on the person or group. Probably a nod to the dual Khan personalities that founded the clan.

    • @rhgproduktionz8188
      @rhgproduktionz8188 3 года назад

      @@CriticalRocket I agree, and for me, that's what makes the Bears quite possibly the most unique clan.

    • @rhgproduktionz8188
      @rhgproduktionz8188 3 года назад +1

      @@CriticalRocket I think my favorite part was when I found out about the football match!

  • @FuzzyNova
    @FuzzyNova 7 лет назад +5

    i have been with Clan Ghost Bear for as long as I can remember. Although i am a Ghost Bear Loyalist I am thinking of joining The FRR. I don't know what's going on with Ghost Bear in CW. But it has never been that great. Maybe Ghost Bear is falling apart.

    • @CriticalRocket
      @CriticalRocket  7 лет назад

      Part of it will be some of the major gaming clans will have moved to another faction for better rewards and all of a sudden the faction you are in does worse. It's been an issue with CW for a while now with units hopping all over the place to stay where the best rewards are and leaving other factions completely empty.

    • @Banana-zi8lu
      @Banana-zi8lu 7 лет назад

      If you play MWO, check out CGBI, ghost-bear-command.com

    • @MrSleepy677
      @MrSleepy677 7 лет назад

      I'm hoping PGI merges Free Rasalhague Republic and Clan Ghost Bear to create Ghost Bear Dominion for CW.

    • @GhostBear3067
      @GhostBear3067 7 лет назад

      Water Melon
      Aff, we are still going strong and always looking for new Mechwarriors to add to our ranks. We may have encountered each other in the field, sir, have you ever run across a Sibkin with the call sign "Urso Brasileiro"?

    • @GhostBear3067
      @GhostBear3067 7 лет назад +1

      That could be fun. Maybe then we would finally be allowed to take some worlds from the Clan Wolf Occupation Zone, quiaff?

  • @enthaa
    @enthaa 8 лет назад

    Awesome lore series.

  • @DarkTaylick
    @DarkTaylick 8 лет назад

    Nice lore on ghost bear, can/have you done/do Clan Smoke Jaguar? (my personal favorite clan)

    • @CriticalRocket
      @CriticalRocket  8 лет назад

      +DarkTaylick Smoke Jaguar is next weeks video :)

  • @DarthBludgeon
    @DarthBludgeon 3 года назад

    My favorite Ghost Bear mech from the old days was the Stone Rhino (Behemoth)... any word whether that one will ever be available, or do I just make do with the Marauder IIC?

    • @CriticalRocket
      @CriticalRocket  3 года назад

      Sadly development on MWO for new 'mechs has ceased so the Behemoth won't arrive there. Living Legends might one day add something like the Behemoth but being a mod that has been around for a long time now that is a crap shoot. I think the MAD IIC is your best bet.

    • @teflonhammer3465
      @teflonhammer3465 Год назад

      @@CriticalRocket Guess what 'Mech is coming to MWO?

  • @vegarskaugen6881
    @vegarskaugen6881 5 лет назад +1

    U forgot free rasalhague Republic and clan ghost bear in 3060 the rasalhague dominion

    • @CriticalRocket
      @CriticalRocket  5 лет назад +3

      Well this is about the clan and it's origins, not so much the post invasion story. Not really forgetting so much as if I add EVERYTHING then the video would be about 40 minutes long and no one wants a video that long about any single subject. Later videos can cover developments but yeah, would you for instance want a lorewarrior that say covered the entire history of say house davion? You would be bored to tears after 15 minutes :D
      The ghost bear dominion is something to cover later, alongside clan jade wolf, wolf in exile, the kurita/dominion war amongst many, many other subjects. The lorewarriors are meant to be a primer more than a full on audio book which I would love to do, but catalyst might be kind of angry about :D

  • @thomasc.3832
    @thomasc.3832 8 лет назад

    Critical rocket what do you think about then new battletech strategy game coming out in 2017?

    • @CriticalRocket
      @CriticalRocket  8 лет назад

      +Tom Caravetta I backed it during the kickstarter and I am very much looking forward to it. I see it hopefully being the alternative for Battletech fans who find MWO too arcade like while this game will give us a more interesting setting, more maps and infinite replayability. Honestly I hope they keep expanding it for a while and kickstart a sequel for the clan invasion.

    • @thomasc.3832
      @thomasc.3832 8 лет назад

      +Critical Rocket yeah it's a pity it's set in 3025 so we won't have any clanners or if i'm not wrong lost tech either but hopefully there will be an expansion or something that will take us in the 3050's

    • @lord6617
      @lord6617 8 лет назад

      +Tom Caravetta I'm sure the time period was chosen specifically because there are no clans at that point. Clans represented a significant power creep and imbalance, and not having to deal with that, especially in an initial game setting, can only be a positive imho.

    • @thomasc.3832
      @thomasc.3832 8 лет назад

      +lord6617 yeah it's just a pity we won't get to see Mad cats, Shadow cats, Daishis, Lokis ecc...

    • @mikegeorge8132
      @mikegeorge8132 8 лет назад

      +Tom Caravetta The post 3025 Battletech timeline saw a return of Star League tech. Any good Battletech game needs this time period to stress the turning of the corner for the Inner Sphere. Mechwarriors just started to gain access to replacement mechs. The house armies were still rebuilding from the last Succession War so the needs for merc units was at an all time high. If you read the first few Grey Death Legion novels, it lays out how few mechs are around / have the parts to keep them running. Many battles back then are cut short to reduce the chance of losing a mech.

  • @SHDW-nf2ki
    @SHDW-nf2ki 8 лет назад +1

    who else would buy the Kodiak if it didnt cost 40 fucking dollars.
    seriously I can get like 20 games on steam for that price

    • @CriticalRocket
      @CriticalRocket  8 лет назад

      +SH4D0W I imagine a lot of people would buy them if PGI didn't gouge you for the 'mechs. I get the minimum packs these days because it generates views for the channel, I enjoy the new 'mechs early and I can make a lorewarrior about them the same week. I haven't bought a top tier single 'mech pack yet especially given the price of the phoenix hawk pack all considered.

    • @HardWithStyle97
      @HardWithStyle97 8 лет назад

      +SH4D0W It gets even crazier, I bought the 40 dollar pack AND the spirit bear for 15 dollar on the day of the announcement.

    • @TheGreenKnight500
      @TheGreenKnight500 2 года назад

      I bought the miniature in a blind box for about 7 dollars, 😎