It must be so uncomfortable to be in a room full of people who are rude and refusing to applaud the winner. They won fair and square. Times need to move on from former prejudice and grow up. This speech was so awkward because you could tell how awkward he felt, so he had to put on this really macho front. It's a shame. They deserved a good round of applause.
Does anyone remember when we used to clap and cheer for everyone that got an award to make them feel good and because we could respect the fact they achieved something beyond average and that should be celebrated... me neither
In all seriousness, how would you feel if you finally got to live out your dream and all of your hard work and dreaming you've put into your career, since you were old enough to talk, got shitted on everyday? How about if you made HISTORY and still got disrespected? Andy had every right to react the way he did. They were getting spit at, flipped off, and booed. He can say whatever he wants. For that minute, the stage is his band's. They should have voted for someone else if they really didn't want them to win.
***** What can I say? I like to listen to everything. I hope you have a great day and I hope that very soon, you rid yourself of your arrogance. If today is Mother's Day where you live, I also hope you have a great Mother's Day.
Andy did the right thing. It's about time that someone stood up to those idiotic, stereotypical metalheads who always hate on a band that doesn't exactly fit their overrated "badassness". They never take the time to actually look at one of those bands for what they actually are and how good they are. They just follow the usual metalhead attitude and go "oh that band isn't my exact favorite kind of music so they are automatically shit. 1. Egotistical 2. Just sheep following a stupid crowd.
Yeah, i know they are not metal in any sense they are a modern day rock n' roll band. They are still a band worth respecting and that's a point i was trying to express in my comment. BVB is not at all a bad band but all the people in that crowd and people all over the world are hating on them so much for no good reason. The funny thing about that is 1. Most of the haters are either hating just to hate with no actual reasons or to follow the crowd. 2. They think that they have a valid reason to hate on them when in reality this band has very few things wrong with them if anything. (The guitar players, the bassist, the drummer, and the singer are all remarkably talented and they show it in every song. I mean yeah, they sometimes show their talent more in some songs than others but they are always good.
I am metalhead and I feel offended, lol. Jk. I actually like various genres of music. I kinda get where you're going, though. Some people are just born to be sheep I guess. Some of them follow the "hatred" crowd, some of them just follows a crowd based on 12 year old lambs and you belong there I guess. Now I am a guy that is a fan of few bands and I don't feel any need to defend them, mainly because people realise that the band is great. Then there are bands I love, I like and I dislike, however, there are no bands I hate and I don't care about haters of those bands, not even of those I am a fan of. However, what is happening here is not the case. If you need to defend your favorite band against a huge crowd of haters, maybe there's something wrong with the band. But who am I to judge right?
I was not trying to "defend" this band from all the haters they have because, like me, they don't really care about those people. The point i was really trying to make was to just talk to the haters and give them a different perspective on how they are thinking about different bands. like how I said that most people hating this band never have any valid reasons as to why they do, they just do. All i'm trying to do is let them know that hating or loving a band based on no real reason at all or just because it's something that the rest of their crowd does is just plain stupid. They should be thinking of things with reason and actual thought instead of being part of an idiotic herd of sheep who have no idea what the hell they are actually doing. So, am I defending Black Veil Brides or any other band like them out there, no. They can do that for themselves. I'm just defending common sense and the actual intelligent use of a brain so people can actually form a real opinion instead of spewing stupidity. Something that sadly most people have either forgotten how to do or think they are just to cool for it. And by the way, I don't like this band because of the fanbase or to fit in to the group most of them are associated with, i just like the band and their music. Simple as that.Thane Krios
I love how Jake is laughing his ass off and CC is standing there clapping and Ashley is drunk (yearoo) and Jinxx is just sort of standing there while Andy is telling them off XD
Psychotic Zoe Glad I'm not the only one who noticed Ashley's mistake... And Jinxx has an illness, Andy says in another interview with Juliet and in another interview on his own
I really respect Andy , cause when you have motherfuckers bulling you and judge you all your life cause your different , haters hit you with a bottle with pee and you win an award you are out of control you want to saw to them that you fucking win it and they must stop doing bullshits , I think he was out of control and he couldn't stop , he was thinking all of the bad things that the haters did to them he wanted to saw them that they have fans that vote for them.. I love him not matter what all of you motherfuckers saying
Fuck them, their whole band is nothing but a makeup bullshit version of One Direction, and their fan base truly show that. Especially since there is proof they copy Avenged Sevenfold. Their whole band needs to wipe the attitude and get original before they get respect
***** I hope you understand that first of all they aren't a 'makeup bullshit of 1D' because no one in 1D plays an instrument and all five members of BVB can play at least one instrument. Second there's a little matter of music genre and song content. BVB is all about being yourself and not giving in and 1D is about love and girls and being famous. So theres that. And BVB is very original. I grew up listening to a ton of rock bands and BVB is not really like any of them. Least of all A7X. So i suggest before you hate you actually do a little research, because that whole made you sound incredibly ignorant and you obviously don't listen to BVB.
Megan Lang I've sadly listened to this sad shit for brains thing you call a band... it sucks. All Andy ever did was scream like his throat was sore from sucking too much dick. Unsatisfying lyrics, terrible music comprehension and all the band attracts is stupid girls who have no taste in music because all they do is drool over the band members. And have you ever listened to Unholy Confessions? Afterlife? Cause I PROMISE you it sounds almost EXACTLY like A7x. At least 1D writes their own fucking music (even though it's like 60 different people) and doesn't dress up like a bunch of little attention seeking drag queens
^^^^ How can a person be so ignorant? If you like A7x then just fucking go to listen to it. You don't need to be here, if you are such a hater, why are you looking up Black Veil Brides videos?
No matter how you feel about Andy or Black Veil Brides, they were right about one thing. If you didn't like them, then you should have showed more support to who you do like because if they won 3 times in a row then you haters and or people who aren't bvb fans, aren't doing your job very well.
It's staged. if you know anything about music you would know the current "drummer of the year" does not have a chance in HELL at beating some of the drummers that were also nominated such as Neil pert and Gene Hoglan. regardless of the win though, they did not have to act like pieces of shit, justifying the piss bottles being thrown at them.
BallisticKnifeJesus I never justified their actions or said i condoned it at all, so the second part of your comment isn't really needed lol All i said something about was the voting part. If it was an award based on voting, then people who don't like them need to get better at voting. That is my point. I couldn't care less about how he acted. It isn't such a huge deal to me. I just think in what he said, he had a good point.
BallisticKnifeJesus He's got more talent than most of the bands here in full. I'm not saying he's A great drummer either... But I don't really see any really talented bands there (other then maybe queensryche or slayer who aren't amazing talented... but when compared to the others, the guitarist LOOKS like yngwie malmsteen, the drummer like george kollias, Trey Williams or marco minneman and the vocalist look like michael kiske, bruce dickinson or Muhammad suicmez (Who is still better on guitar than ANYONE here.) I agree though these awards things are pretty rigged. To be honest I'd prefer gene Holgan winning than someone who can only play the generic rock beat (like guns n roses, acdc, disturbed. systems of A down, Black veil brides or basically any of the bands I saw there, NOT that ANY of these bands SHOULD be here.) There are also many "slightly" more talented drummers that can play things just A bit more complex than the regular pop beat. I'd prefer gene over the likes of the drummers from slipknot, godsmack, Avenged sevefold, metallica (he's never been terrible and is far better than a lot of these... but he can't even play his material anymore.. and it's still somewhat simple.) ect ect.)
7dayspking honestly that was too much to read this early in the morning LOL so long as we agree on the whole rigging thing for the most part, I'm good.
Bob Jackson Why spend your time commenting the same false and disrespectful comment on EVERY other person's? I don't think you're aware of how that makes you look 😂😂😂
Bob Jackson I don't get your anger towards him, is he just too pretty for your taste? Would you hate on him if he had a big beard, long hair or slightly overweight? Is his music to melodic for your taste? Do you feel insecure about yourself looking at him?
Because they we're telling off the fucking haters and despite all the hate they don't care and are still making kick ass music. That is why I have a lot of respect for Andy Jinx CC Jake and Ashley!
Is that all you say lol BVB sucks and i don't give a shit because one thing Andy taught me is not give a shit about what people say about me. I love BVB that's who i am and there's nothing you can do about it so u can either except for who i am or you can just go fuck yourself
This is like the most unrespectful thing a band can do. He didn't thank his fans. Just went out there and started being a bully (Which, must I remind you, he speaks out against) and a general asshole. Fuck him.
jeleopard Actually he is not an asshole he's actually one of the most inspirational guys watch Bryanstars interview #6 there's a part where Andy talks about being yourself.
To clear something up, the reason Andy reacted like this was because before going up on stage, they had to stand at the side of the stage to wait to go up and accept. While they were waiting, members of the audience threw things at the band for roughly 15 minutes. Now I don't know about any of you guys, but if that was me I would be damn right annoyed as well. So don't be so quick to judge a video clip of the band.
Andy is A fucktard... many metal musicians AND pop stars alike deal with punishment like this.... but you don't see them reacting like this ever and when they do they get grilled no less than he is. I'm not insulting him based on this one incident... he's been involved in quite A few over his short career AND his attitude towards life is deplorable... he says his aim is to treat his body as fucked as possible... as he only plans to live into his early 30s..... what A role model. He's just generally not A nice person and nor does he deserve pity, he knows what he's doing, it's not like he's had A terrible life and is unable to distinguish between what is social acceptable and what isn't, he's just A commercialized fuck wit that will do anything to be controversial and seem cool. I can almost guarantee that he didn't give A fuck about the reaction of the crowd, he was there to make A name for himself as he always is. He doesn't seem to realize that acting like A fuckwit will not make him A metal musician nor will it make BVB A metal band.... the only way to become A metal band is by playing HEAVY METAL MUSIC, rather than the post-hardcore (his earlier work.) pop punk (later stuff.) shit he's been playing. I have no problem with these styles of music but idiots like this guy give it ALONG WITH HEAVY METAL (As he keeps trying to throw himself out there As A metal musician.) A bad name.
I'm pretty sure that if you were bullied and insulted your whole damn life, you would get sick of those haters, then you win an award and the whole fucking audience boos you and disrespects ya and even throws objects filled with pee, you would wanna make them feel like shit wouldn't you?
Black Veil Brides gets hate they don't deserve. I don't see why so many people hate on them anyway. They're just like all the other modern rock bands today that are trying to make it to the top of the world. Black Veil Brides have a lot of good songs, especially on Wretched and Divine: The Story Of The Wild Ones and on Set The World On Fire. They make music but yet they still get hate, so I understand why Andy would flip out. He's young and young bands get a lot of hate for trying to be like the old guys. Andy had all of this anger built up inside of him and at the awards, seeing all of the hate threw him over the edge. I mean, if I got that much hate I'd fucking flip too. Some of the things Andy said were a bit rude and douchy but yet again so are all the ignorant people flipping them off in the crowd. It's rude. It's fucking rude. Everyone hates BVB for this but they have every right to stick up for themselves, even if it means standing alone. I love BVB and they're my favorite band and I will continue to stick up for them until everyone accepts them for who they are. Just because your favorite band DIDNT win the award doesn't mean you hate on the people who did win it. They deserved it. BVB has worked hard through out the past few years and I know damn right they deserved that award. So stop being ignorant little bastards and deal with it.
Some serious maturity growth needs to take place. The best way to deal with "haters" is to ignore them or call them out on their own stupidity instead of blowing up with "fuck you"s that make you sound like a 9 year old Call of Duty player and an enormous jackass.
The "haters" (such a clumsy term) needed to be taken down a peg in their elitism, but there were far better ways to handle the situation. I agree with you.
If you watched interviews where Andy talks about this incident, he says himself, the band was drinking, but while they waited to accept their award, people were throwing shit at them and booing them because they were fans of another band. They were pissed off by the time they went on stage, they were happy about getting awarded but got a negative audience response, can you blame them?
Both Avenged and Black Veil suck equally as bad currently, which wasn't true 6 months ago. I've never been a fan of Avenged to begin with. However, they seriously went to shit after the release of the Hail to the King album, in which the title track's instrumental base is simply a rip-off of ACDC's "Thunderstruck". Plain and simple, they can't make their own music anymore, not that they really sounded that much different from Metallica in the first place.
buck9393 Thanks. I'm a huge fan of Ghost. Hail to the King is the only album name I know from Avenged... and only because Ghost was on Avenged's "Hail to the King" tour in October. I love Ghost, but $80 per ticket where the headliner was a shitty band like Avenged? A lot of people (Ghost fans I've talked to) didn't go for that reason, in addition to Ghost only having a half hour set during that tour.
HAHAHAHAHA!!! Oh my gosh...that is just wonderful xD even though I think these guys tried too hard to be Motley Crue more than A7X.. But I can see what you're saying.
This is hilarious. and very much needed at times. classic "don't give a fuck" "rock and roll" attitudes. I feel like I'm gonna get hate for saying this but let's be honest.. This is a dream for a lot of us. To finally be able to say "F You" To all the people who hate you.
Not a BVB fan... Guys got BALLS though. At the end of the day, they are the ones working hard to make the music they love. The hate only makes them more famous!
well they where drunk and i never said he makes my cunt quiver i dont love bvb just 4 andy i love them because they saved my life about 5 times now so u cant say tht without knowing the person is a fan
Wow, just wow. That is completely and utterly disgusting and uncalled for. There is no reason to behave like that. The only conclusion I can come to is that they're pissed off because only little girls go see them play. Or that they all are in the middle of a sex change.
Austin Jasay Right, because calling people fat asses for not voting for them is a good person and is completely acceptable behavior for grown men. You must also think that celebrities can act stupid in public because 'they're not perfect'. They acted like asshats over a stupid ass award. All they are is spoiled brats that think they should have everything. They had fans in that audience and they still called everyone there a fat ass. I guess it gives you a little taste of how they really feel about their fans.
Korbin Mondschien fuck off i could a whole lot of a fuck less if you just dislike the banned but instead of just commenting about how you dislike the band you had to go and insult and there fans who are just regular people you got pissed at Andy for calling out someone who was spitting booing and being a total ass hole to him and then you go and insult a entire fan base you are a complete fucking hypocrite and why are you getting mad at them in the first place choose to guys were being douche bags so Andy retaliated so would anybody else and i am a male and i listen to them and most of my guy friends love this band and have gone to their shows and i don't think their in the middle of a sex change or ever plan to get and and i love black veil brides i have gone to their shows and i never plan on getting a sex change
Austin Jasay I think you just just embarrassed yourself. I guess the fans are exactly like the band members. And I'm not stupid by any means. Usually the first person to yell stupid is the one who should be questioning their own intelligence.
i honestly came here with an open mind, my friend said that this was a funny video so i watched it. beleive it or not i am not one of those people who look things up perpously to hate. (sorry if my english is bad)
Anyone with half a fucking brain and the slightest bit of maturity, ignores the boos and conducts themselves with class and dignity, accepts the award, and enjoys their success. These morons posess none of the aformentioned qualities.
Don't get me wrong, i respect him for the whole "fuck you, i dont give a shit what you think" attitude but how was the speech called for? it was a little over the top to be honest. He made himself look a tool. And those "bearded mother fuckers" could probably snap him in two.. dear me
This isn't the actual speech. The media fucked up the entire speech and made it seem like he was angry but you can go to Bryan stars interview with him number 7 with Joe Flanders and he says about how he wasn't talking angrily the media had actually just made it seem like he was and they even changed his words.
Toph D Dragoneel I've seen it. Several times actually. It's all sarcasm, you know? Andy just seems sick of explaining himself so he just makes fun of it. Just pay attention to the interview, the way he says "Nazi, liberal, democratic, republic [et cetera] media" makes pretty obvious that he's joking. Really you should probably work on your understanding of humor, no offense:)
Rock/Metal/ is moslty centered around Anger and Punk is literally based around saying "Fuck You" to society, so when someone stands up for themselves AGAINST people who have flipped them off and said how they can't be anything or whatever the fuck, then don't act all "Lol how can u like these guys they are fucking assholes" when they were being shitted on by everyone in the room. Would you guys be mad if people were booing you and shitting all over you in a room? Yeah, you would. You guys need too think for a second where Andy's head is at and what kind of situation he was in at those awards.
You don't know anything about heavy metal or punk... literally nothing at all. Heavy metal (you know... as in REAL HEAVY METAL, THE FIRST KIND.) started in response to pop rock music, it followed suit with PROGRESSIVE ROCK, it was A more COMPLEX alternative for rock music. Original heavy metal usually contained high somewhat operatic singing, discarded the BLUES in hard rock and often contained continuous displays of melody as well as often melodic and complex solos. Heavy metal has never really bee "anger" that's PUNK. The first sign of the "aggression" in heavy metal actually arose in 1975-1978 when SPEED METAL band motorhead combined HARDCORE PUNK and heavy metal (although it was still well less aggressive than most punk rock bands were at the time.) This was later expanded by speed/thrash metal band VENOM who influenced the modern era of extreme metal with their first 3 releases in 1980,1981 and 1982 and although it was still less aggressive and "angry" than hardcore punk heavy metal had now become well more extreme than other forms of rock music. Late thrash metal bands expanded this idea and then Death metal bands tried to speed it up even further (but during the late 80s/early 90s took A lot of the aggression out and replaced it with An even thicker/darker and heavier guitar tone and an even higher level of complexity.) There are also metal genres/movements in the 80s that in A response to the aggression and speed of thrash decided to take this idea (mainly the heavy guitar sound and some of the complexity.) and bring it in the other direction, this is know as "power metal" as well as progressive metal (which kept the speed of those early speed metal bands and GENERALLY added melody and complexity.) So no metal is not about "anger" Punk music LIKE PROGRESSIVE ROCK AND HEAVY METAL was originally made as A response to the simplicity and commercialism of hard rock/pop rock during the time. It was basically A "fuck you" to pop rock.
7dayspking Just no, as far as I'm cocerned heavy metal started with Sabbath, Hendrix and such, and as amazing as Black Sabbath is, they were/are just as simple, if not more simple than you're average rock band, same goes for Hendrix. Of course that doesn't have anything to do with BVB being dicks at the Golden Gods.
Liam Neeson Please explain to me how jimi hendrix's SHRED instrumentals are as simple as the beatles, the Bg's (bee gee's if you're confused.) or Black veil brides (you're yet to hear Hendrix aren't you.) Last I checked songs that consist of little more than moderate speed guitar solos are generally more complex than A song containing 2-4 riffs each with less than 4 notes in them. You're also forgetting legends like DEEP PURPLE, LED ZEPPELIN (who helped popularize heavy metal but only had A brief phase.) and JUDAS PRIEST (Who's music is well more complex than any pop rock group... and well more complex than BVB's.) I'm guessing you just threw those names at me without actually having heard the music before, I suggest listening to at least each bands first 3-4 albums and comparing it to the likes of the beatles, the beach boys, bob dylan or the bee gee's or if you really want Black veil brides (to be fair Black veil brides music is WELL more complex than any POP ROCK group I've come across.) Then and only then comment back.
7dayspking I didnt name all those bands because I felt my comment was long-winded enough, Physical Graffiti is one of my all time favorites by the way. And The only thing more complex about Hendrix is his improve skills, but as far as the actual songwriting goes hes just as simple as the beatles, trust me, I've played both. And what about bands like Rush, who sonically aren't near heavy enough to be Heavy Metal but are more complex than most Metal bands. Also of all those bands you listed, most of them were not musically trained, and no mention of Iron Maiden, arguably one of the most important musical groups of all time, and not just as far as the Metal world. Black Sabbath is in fact just as simple, if not more so than the Beatles(especially the Beatles later stuff), because there based around a central riff, but thats what makes them great. And as far as punk music goes, most real Punk guys have no idea what their doing musically, but are great songwriters(i.e. The Ramones)
A lot of beeps. ;-o OK, they're not really nice to the audience, but I also wonder why the audience boo'ed at the band in the first place. They won an award for three times in a row, so they probably deserved it (the winning, not the boo's). Anyway, I like BVB...
BVB have had a bad history with "this" certain of crowd and therefore they knew they would boo at them as they probably have before because they've won multiple times :)
The bands you listed were given a lot of shit in their youth like BVB gets now. Just wait and see as the cycle of music continues. Once a large chunk of the adult fan base that grew up with those bands pass away and the bands themselves are buried new bands come up under them. The kids of today that listen to Black Veil Brides will age and become adults and the band influence will reach to the next generation like it Metallica and such do now. Not to say Metallica will be forgotten. Black Veil Brides probably will be one of the few bands that make a huge footstep in the history of the music scene whether you like it or not.
I think they are awesome to be doing what they are doing, Andy and all the guys got a lot of bull growing up, Andy had to have a cop escort him to and from school because he was bullied so bad, he had no friends yet he still got out of middle school. You would have to be strong minded and determend to go through all that and not give up on life
if bvb needs to stop making music, then you need to stop breathing and existing. besides, metallica and led zeppelin have haters too. do you really want to be a hater just like them?
I can't believe people hate Black Viel Brides. Argh, obviously they like celebrities like Justin Bieber, who says screaming isn't music. Yeah, "Baby, Baby" is music whereas "You're not alone, We'll fight this storm" (Carolyn by BVB) isn't music. Yeah, society makes lots of sense doesn't it.
Hey. im just gonna say 4 things. 1. Looking at your profile picture u r probably three years old yourself. 2. People get hated on for a reason(this video is a great example). 3. ''You were never a true fan'', haha cut that bullshit please. 4. With an attitude like that, you don't diserve fans nor any award.
He was right, though! If you do not like the band that is winning, vote for the band you want to win. To add on top of that, Andy said in an interview that fans back stage were cussing at them, spitting at them, throwing garbage at them, and that is why he just snapped.
Devon Sliger well maybe they shouldn't suck then! :D but regardless of who voted and who won they DID NOT have to act like human fucking scum. they could have accepted the award with grace and not add fuel to the fire by insulting people in the crowd. If you ask me they deserve all the garbage, spit, and piss thrown their way!
Then you obviously have not been in a similar situation cause it fucking sucks. It makes you mad and it makes you wanna vent. They get shit all the time, and Andy just snapped. He was taught growing up to stand up for yourself and what you believe in, no matter what. He was showing that he's fucking tired of people like you criticizing and hating them because you don't understand their purpose. They stand for those who feel like they can't stand up for themselves because of all the people around them. I hope one day you open your eyes and actually listen to the lyrics.
Devon Sliger As both a musician a person I have been in similar situations BUT handled them with civility and grace. There is a time and a place for everything, and this isn't "standing up for yourself", this is being a complete asshole and insulting others because you're angry. There are plenty of god bands out there that express the same message you believe they do but stronger and with out being complete piles of human waste. Five finger death punch is a great example. they take time out of their setlists to recognize veterans, cancer patients, and children who are the future of metal. the openly back "Fuck Cancer" and expect nothing in return. any message BVB sends, death punch does better, and despite the hate they receive take it all in stride. class is key.
I would like to kindly ask you to go back and read the article that Andy wrote about all of the things they have been through. I can understand your point about Five Finger Death punch. They are an amazing band who are very kind and courteous. I appreciate how they support all sorts of companies and campaigns, but I do not know much background on them. I would like to point out that BVB supports an Anti-Bullying campaign by selling t-shirts for a limited time that say "If we stand together we will be unbroken." They are well aware of all the suicides and wish to stop it from happening. I believe that campaigns are afraid to use them due to their looks, thinking it might be a little frightening based on how 'different' they look. I believe that Andy was venting his anger, yes at an undue time, but when you keep it in for a long time it may lead to serious medical issues. I can see and understand your point.
Listen all haters of Black Veil Brides. They have saved so many lives that hard to count them. If it wasn't for them I may not be here today. I was going through a real rough patch in my life and they showed me what was left to live for. They take a lot of hate for who they are and how they are but that doesn't matter . What matters is the music they play and the people they help.
OK people who got offended by this, earlier he talked about how people boo'd him, and here they boo'd him too, so he was just trying to make them feel bad. Trust me, he's actually a really nice guy.
No but has anyone noticed how proud Ash looks of himself after his first sentence, which he ended with the word "Yearoo"?:D 1:17 I always thought he was like 'Oops, too drunk, better let Andy talk' but I'm not even sure that's why he passes him the award, now that I've paid closer attention:D
For those of you who do not understand, he did an interview with Bryan Stars explaining that every "hateful" comment was jokingly aimed at is cousin Joe Flanders who was in the audience with a fake fat ass on and was making faces at Andy and flipping him off while they preformed. It is a JOKE
yea. andy went over the top. i mean at the start he was like okay fuck you all who are booing, and then could've been like hey thanks for all the fans and everything and hell yea. but he didnt really mention the fans, it took ashley to mention the fans. for someone who doesnt care what they think they always have to mention the one guy in the crowd whos flciking them off instead of ignoring the troll. obivous troll is obvious. still a fan. but andy you're honestly a great guy and i commend you but when you do shit like this it's no wonder why everyone hates us. you just added fuel to the fire. if you would've ignored them and just gave your minute speech and ran off the stage before a piss bottle hit you then they probably would've at least kind've respected you for it. but yea. just sayin andy. y'all should like it as a top comment.
Maybe he would've ignored them if it was the first time. The thing is, he's sick and tired of people criticizing and insulting him, he's just trying to defend himself and his band against the haters.
Ludivine Van Biersack i understand that he's sick and tired, he has every right to be. however, and this is coming from somebody who strongly respects and loves BVB, andy DID kinda go over the top. i mean first off, almost every sentence started with the word "fuck" or "motherfuckers". he hardly regarded his fans, which did kinda piss me off, and he did the one thing that popular people should NEVER do: regard the haters. and epsecially regard the haters in a way that showed that they were getting under his skin. all it did was give them and OTHER people more of a reason to hate bvb
He makes a good point. I'm sure that speech wasn't compete seriousness. But they get so much hate that they should throw it in their faces. If people can honestly piss in bottles and throw them at them, he has the right to give those people a "fuck you" speech. Don't care what anyone says or thinks, these guys kick ass.
Honestly, the audience was being very rude. But so was Andy! Also he's apologised for it as well. All of his fans know that he has a short fuse but we all know that the band wouldn't be anywhere with the BVB Army. We also know that they do care. But the audience was being rude as shit! BVB definitely earned the award but that speech was out of proportion.
I didn't think fans we're stupid but clearly this needs to be said. In the Bryanstars interview he was JOKING, Joe wasn't actually in the audience. There we go.
if people hate people hate its his voice he can SAY WHAT HE WANTS WHEN HE WANTS if haters hate he dont care u go black veil brides!!!!!!! i love them and no one can take that away and so do the other fans
GOD! I LOVE HIM SO MUCH! i respect that he gives his haters a dose of what they give him, and those saying he should have done it in a more civil way can go fuck off. The only way you can REALLY get to a hater is to give him a bit of his own medicine and then show that honestly it doesn't really bother you, it amuses you and entertains you. Love ya!
Look guys, Andy is an amazingly sweet, loyal, wonderful guy. And he's talked about it before, but his dam burst and it was let out. But if you were given hate for 3 consecutive years, you would get mad too. And if you were hated on in that kind of public you would respond just the same. Andy is always extremely nice and humble otherwise.
It must be so uncomfortable to be in a room full of people who are rude and refusing to applaud the winner. They won fair and square. Times need to move on from former prejudice and grow up. This speech was so awkward because you could tell how awkward he felt, so he had to put on this really macho front. It's a shame. They deserved a good round of applause.
I couldn't agree with you more. They made history with that so they deserve it and they must have been jelous or something. Lol.
***** like andy said. if you weren't metallica or any older band, then they hated your ass.
Does anyone remember when we used to clap and cheer for everyone that got an award to make them feel good and because we could respect the fact they achieved something beyond average and that should be celebrated... me neither
This is why I love andy he doesn't care if you hate him
sicness I don't know
sicness Ptv is more Alternative/Post hardcore. Lol
Ben Strack lol calm down dude
Emo Kid and he acknowledges you as an awesome, smart person if you like him.
In all seriousness, how would you feel if you finally got to live out your dream and all of your hard work and dreaming you've put into your career, since you were old enough to talk, got shitted on everyday? How about if you made HISTORY and still got disrespected? Andy had every right to react the way he did. They were getting spit at, flipped off, and booed. He can say whatever he wants. For that minute, the stage is his band's. They should have voted for someone else if they really didn't want them to win.
"Being respectful" isn't as easy as it sounds.
dreamerwithoutacause I would not give a fuck. you make music for yourself. not to please scene queens.
***** what does scene queens have to do anything? I feel so bad for people like you. you have to pick apart things that should just be left alone.
I feel sorry for people like you dreamerwithoutacause who listen to shitty bands who try to act like they're metal.
***** What can I say? I like to listen to everything. I hope you have a great day and I hope that very soon, you rid yourself of your arrogance. If today is Mother's Day where you live, I also hope you have a great Mother's Day.
I love how Jake just stands there laughing and CC tries to eat the award
I know right?
Jake is all like Andy and Ash are too drunk for this, better stand there and smile..
I'm crying 😂😂😂😂 oh Andy you never cease to amaze
That made my night😂😂
alpha liz A fat AYASS
"Black Veil Brides have a song on the radio, you have a fucking fat ass!"
-Andy Biersack 1:55
Andy did the right thing. It's about time that someone stood up to those idiotic, stereotypical metalheads who always hate on a band that doesn't exactly fit their overrated "badassness". They never take the time to actually look at one of those bands for what they actually are and how good they are. They just follow the usual metalhead attitude and go "oh that band isn't my exact favorite kind of music so they are automatically shit. 1. Egotistical 2. Just sheep following a stupid crowd.
Why would any metalhead be concerned with BVB? They are nowhere close to metal.
Yeah, i know they are not metal in any sense they are a modern day rock n' roll band. They are still a band worth respecting and that's a point i was trying to express in my comment. BVB is not at all a bad band but all the people in that crowd and people all over the world are hating on them so much for no good reason. The funny thing about that is 1. Most of the haters are either hating just to hate with no actual reasons or to follow the crowd. 2. They think that they have a valid reason to hate on them when in reality this band has very few things wrong with them if anything. (The guitar players, the bassist, the drummer, and the singer are all remarkably talented and they show it in every song. I mean yeah, they sometimes show their talent more in some songs than others but they are always good.
Michael Miller You speak hard truth, I totally agree with you, don't know why did band attracted so many haters.
I am metalhead and I feel offended, lol. Jk. I actually like various genres of music. I kinda get where you're going, though. Some people are just born to be sheep I guess. Some of them follow the "hatred" crowd, some of them just follows a crowd based on 12 year old lambs and you belong there I guess. Now I am a guy that is a fan of few bands and I don't feel any need to defend them, mainly because people realise that the band is great. Then there are bands I love, I like and I dislike, however, there are no bands I hate and I don't care about haters of those bands, not even of those I am a fan of. However, what is happening here is not the case. If you need to defend your favorite band against a huge crowd of haters, maybe there's something wrong with the band. But who am I to judge right?
I was not trying to "defend" this band from all the haters they have because, like me, they don't really care about those people. The point i was really trying to make was to just talk to the haters and give them a different perspective on how they are thinking about different bands. like how I said that most people hating this band never have any valid reasons as to why they do, they just do. All i'm trying to do is let them know that hating or loving a band based on no real reason at all or just because it's something that the rest of their crowd does is just plain stupid. They should be thinking of things with reason and actual thought instead of being part of an idiotic herd of sheep who have no idea what the hell they are actually doing. So, am I defending Black Veil Brides or any other band like them out there, no. They can do that for themselves. I'm just defending common sense and the actual intelligent use of a brain so people can actually form a real opinion instead of spewing stupidity. Something that sadly most people have either forgotten how to do or think they are just to cool for it. And by the way, I don't like this band because of the fanbase or to fit in to the group most of them are associated with, i just like the band and their music. Simple as that.Thane Krios
not really a fan of black veil brides, but that was probably one of the best acceptance speech's I've ever seen.
I love how Jake is laughing his ass off and CC is standing there clapping and Ashley is drunk (yearoo) and Jinxx is just sort of standing there while Andy is telling them off XD
Wait is Jinxx even there? I thought I saw him but I'm not sure now?
Lol why wouldn't they be there without a band member? Jinxx was, probably out of shot tho.
yeah probably cx Sharifa Hasani
Psychotic Zoe Glad I'm not the only one who noticed Ashley's mistake... And Jinxx has an illness, Andy says in another interview with Juliet and in another interview on his own
ohh ok thanks
I really respect Andy , cause when you have motherfuckers bulling you and judge you all your life cause your different , haters hit you with a bottle with pee and you win an award you are out of control you want to saw to them that you fucking win it and they must stop doing bullshits , I think he was out of control and he couldn't stop , he was thinking all of the bad things that the haters did to them he wanted to saw them that they have fans that vote for them.. I love him not matter what all of you motherfuckers saying
Fuck them, their whole band is nothing but a makeup bullshit version of One Direction, and their fan base truly show that. Especially since there is proof they copy Avenged Sevenfold. Their whole band needs to wipe the attitude and get original before they get respect
***** You do know that they don't sing about girls very often.
***** I hope you understand that first of all they aren't a 'makeup bullshit of 1D' because no one in 1D plays an instrument and all five members of BVB can play at least one instrument. Second there's a little matter of music genre and song content. BVB is all about being yourself and not giving in and 1D is about love and girls and being famous. So theres that. And BVB is very original. I grew up listening to a ton of rock bands and BVB is not really like any of them. Least of all A7X. So i suggest before you hate you actually do a little research, because that whole made you sound incredibly ignorant and you obviously don't listen to BVB.
Megan Lang
I've sadly listened to this sad shit for brains thing you call a band... it sucks. All Andy ever did was scream like his throat was sore from sucking too much dick. Unsatisfying lyrics, terrible music comprehension and all the band attracts is stupid girls who have no taste in music because all they do is drool over the band members. And have you ever listened to Unholy Confessions? Afterlife? Cause I PROMISE you it sounds almost EXACTLY like A7x. At least 1D writes their own fucking music (even though it's like 60 different people) and doesn't dress up like a bunch of little attention seeking drag queens
^^^^ How can a person be so ignorant? If you like A7x then just fucking go to listen to it. You don't need to be here, if you are such a hater, why are you looking up Black Veil Brides videos?
Bvb fucking sucks, either listen to real metal or no metal.
Jake Peterson Love you too
Jake Peterson the funny thing is that, BVB aren't a metal band. They're a rock band. So yeah, your argument is invalid :3
Ashley's speech is better. "Our third award in a yearoo"
I love how CC was just standing there! Love this band! LOL
And this is why I love black veil brides. They don't give a crap about people's opinions and just make music that rocks
No matter how you feel about Andy or Black Veil Brides, they were right about one thing. If you didn't like them, then you should have showed more support to who you do like because if they won 3 times in a row then you haters and or people who aren't bvb fans, aren't doing your job very well.
It's staged. if you know anything about music you would know the current "drummer of the year" does not have a chance in HELL at beating some of the drummers that were also nominated such as Neil pert and Gene Hoglan. regardless of the win though, they did not have to act like pieces of shit, justifying the piss bottles being thrown at them.
BallisticKnifeJesus I never justified their actions or said i condoned it at all, so the second part of your comment isn't really needed lol All i said something about was the voting part. If it was an award based on voting, then people who don't like them need to get better at voting. That is my point. I couldn't care less about how he acted. It isn't such a huge deal to me. I just think in what he said, he had a good point.
BallisticKnifeJesus He's got more talent than most of the bands here in full. I'm not saying he's A great drummer either... But I don't really see any really talented bands there (other then maybe queensryche or slayer who aren't amazing talented... but when compared to the others, the guitarist LOOKS like yngwie malmsteen, the drummer like george kollias, Trey Williams or marco minneman and the vocalist look like michael kiske, bruce dickinson or Muhammad suicmez (Who is still better on guitar than ANYONE here.)
I agree though these awards things are pretty rigged. To be honest I'd prefer gene Holgan winning than someone who can only play the generic rock beat (like guns n roses, acdc, disturbed. systems of A down, Black veil brides or basically any of the bands I saw there, NOT that ANY of these bands SHOULD be here.)
There are also many "slightly" more talented drummers that can play things just A bit more complex than the regular pop beat. I'd prefer gene over the likes of the drummers from slipknot, godsmack, Avenged sevefold, metallica (he's never been terrible and is far better than a lot of these... but he can't even play his material anymore.. and it's still somewhat simple.) ect ect.)
7dayspking honestly that was too much to read this early in the morning LOL so long as we agree on the whole rigging thing for the most part, I'm good.
BallisticKnifeJesus I agree it's rigged but not your idea of gene holgan being the least fitting candidate
i love how jake is laughing lmao
ikr he looks so awkward and i'm digging it
Jake's smiling so hard tho XD
He looks kinda embarrassed but at the same time he thinks its hilarious and his smile is so cute omg.
And CC is just clapping awkwardly.
lol Andy Biersack should be in the WWE
Blumpkin yes lol that would make it epic
That would be so awesome!!
Bob Jackson Why spend your time commenting the same false and disrespectful comment on EVERY other person's? I don't think you're aware of how that makes you look 😂😂😂
Bob Jackson you need a life
Bob Jackson I don't get your anger towards him, is he just too pretty for your taste? Would you hate on him if he had a big beard, long hair or slightly overweight? Is his music to melodic for your taste? Do you feel insecure about yourself looking at him?
I love Andy so much. Jake was just standing there all awkward and laughing and Ashley was kind of just like "Oh no here Andy goes again"
I have the highest respect for Andy and the whole band right now.
Because they we're telling off the fucking haters and despite all the hate they don't care and are still making kick ass music. That is why I have a lot of respect for Andy Jinx CC Jake and Ashley!
Is that all you say lol BVB sucks and i don't give a shit because one thing Andy taught me is not give a shit about what people say about me. I love BVB that's who i am and there's nothing you can do about it so u can either except for who i am or you can just go fuck yourself
This is like the most unrespectful thing a band can do. He didn't thank his fans. Just went out there and started being a bully (Which, must I remind you, he speaks out against) and a general asshole.
Fuck him.
jeleopard Actually he is not an asshole he's actually one of the most inspirational guys watch Bryanstars interview #6 there's a part where Andy talks about being yourself.
He said 8 cuss words and flipped off the audience 3 time. BVB ARMY FOREVER!
To clear something up, the reason Andy reacted like this was because before going up on stage, they had to stand at the side of the stage to wait to go up and accept. While they were waiting, members of the audience threw things at the band for roughly 15 minutes. Now I don't know about any of you guys, but if that was me I would be damn right annoyed as well. So don't be so quick to judge a video clip of the band.
Andy is A fucktard... many metal musicians AND pop stars alike deal with punishment like this.... but you don't see them reacting like this ever and when they do they get grilled no less than he is.
I'm not insulting him based on this one incident... he's been involved in quite A few over his short career AND his attitude towards life is deplorable... he says his aim is to treat his body as fucked as possible... as he only plans to live into his early 30s..... what A role model.
He's just generally not A nice person and nor does he deserve pity, he knows what he's doing, it's not like he's had A terrible life and is unable to distinguish between what is social acceptable and what isn't, he's just A commercialized fuck wit that will do anything to be controversial and seem cool.
I can almost guarantee that he didn't give A fuck about the reaction of the crowd, he was there to make A name for himself as he always is.
He doesn't seem to realize that acting like A fuckwit will not make him A metal musician nor will it make BVB A metal band.... the only way to become A metal band is by playing HEAVY METAL MUSIC, rather than the post-hardcore (his earlier work.) pop punk (later stuff.) shit he's been playing. I have no problem with these styles of music but idiots like this guy give it ALONG WITH HEAVY METAL (As he keeps trying to throw himself out there As A metal musician.) A bad name.
I like how jinxx is laughing cc is just standing there claping and Ashley's drunk while andy is yelling at all the haters😝👏🍺👊
Jinxx wasn't there, that was Jake
where's jinxx?
alienectar Jinxx was ill. Andy talked about it in an interview.
Jessica Richardson i know, i was just wondering where kristy saw jinxx laughing. i know only andy, jake, cc & ash were there.
Lol I literally died when andy goes : " we have a song on the radio and what do you have, a big fat ass!"
I love how Andy and Ashley are yelling at the haters and CC and Jake are clapping for them x3 cuties
I love how Ashley's too drunk to do anything, Andy is doing the angry deep voice and Jake just walks off like "Nope."
Andy's Ohio came out "you got a fat aussd
I'm pretty sure that if you were bullied and insulted your whole damn life, you would get sick of those haters, then you win an award and the whole fucking audience boos you and disrespects ya and even throws objects filled with pee, you would wanna make them feel like shit wouldn't you?
THIS ^^^^
Finally someone with a great fucking mind, all of us are so sick of those haters and judged by what you wear and stuff.
I'll pray to that. And that is just sooo true. XD
Hehe :D I'm glad and yep I'm tired of that too, Uchiha Lis I wish they could.. "Shut the fuck up and shove that up their fucking ass." xD
Andy is amazing. He doesn't take shit from anyone and that's why he is my role model. Also, Ashley was so drunk and I can't stop laughing.
@KonKair truly is
Im actually glad Andy stood up for himself and told all the haters how he felt and what he thinks about him
oh andy, you never fail to amaze XD
I admire him
Fucking fan girls, he's so annoying, how he puts on that fake ass wannabe badass voice.
no i find that funny XD
***** he's probable upset that he isn't as good looking as them ;)
Bob Jackson XD wtf???
that dosnt really matter as long as he keeps putting out good songs XD
Black Veil Brides gets hate they don't deserve. I don't see why so many people hate on them anyway. They're just like all the other modern rock bands today that are trying to make it to the top of the world. Black Veil Brides have a lot of good songs, especially on Wretched and Divine: The Story Of The Wild Ones and on Set The World On Fire. They make music but yet they still get hate, so I understand why Andy would flip out. He's young and young bands get a lot of hate for trying to be like the old guys. Andy had all of this anger built up inside of him and at the awards, seeing all of the hate threw him over the edge. I mean, if I got that much hate I'd fucking flip too. Some of the things Andy said were a bit rude and douchy but yet again so are all the ignorant people flipping them off in the crowd. It's rude. It's fucking rude. Everyone hates BVB for this but they have every right to stick up for themselves, even if it means standing alone. I love BVB and they're my favorite band and I will continue to stick up for them until everyone accepts them for who they are. Just because your favorite band DIDNT win the award doesn't mean you hate on the people who did win it. They deserved it. BVB has worked hard through out the past few years and I know damn right they deserved that award. So stop being ignorant little bastards and deal with it.
Never been a BVB fan... But props for this guy's attitude, and in the end, he's right; " *I'm holding a heavy as shit award* " 1:45
you go andy!
Jake just stood there on the stage laughing.
I love how jake is trying so hard not to laugh
Andy has an angry speech and Jake scratches his balls. Awesome.
I didn't even notice that xD
This was my thoughts excactly and Ash is like I'll just drink.
Some serious maturity growth needs to take place. The best way to deal with "haters" is to ignore them or call them out on their own stupidity instead of blowing up with "fuck you"s that make you sound like a 9 year old Call of Duty player and an enormous jackass.
But what they said was true...
What the haters said was true or what Black Veil Brides said was true?
both in a way.... BVB stood up for themselves after years of shit and they shouldnt of put it in that context but it did need to be said x
The "haters" (such a clumsy term) needed to be taken down a peg in their elitism, but there were far better ways to handle the situation. I agree with you.
That's how Andy deals with haters.
If you watched interviews where Andy talks about this incident, he says himself, the band was drinking, but while they waited to accept their award, people were throwing shit at them and booing them because they were fans of another band. They were pissed off by the time they went on stage, they were happy about getting awarded but got a negative audience response, can you blame them?
Its kinda funny really, andy and ashley are the only ones ive seen get like angrymon video whilenthe others just stand there like um.....ok then
Oh my Glob, this is amazing XD
Haha yh...oh no! Now you know what I do on my friday nights...aswell as reading fanfiction :O
Anna Bannana YESSSSSSSSSSS btw you need to send me that link!
***** theyre so drunk haha
Anna Bannana haha.You know you STILL need to send me that link
Avenged Sevenfold tried to be Pantera and pussied out hard. These guys tried to be avenged sevenfold and pussied out even harder...
Both Avenged and Black Veil suck equally as bad currently, which wasn't true 6 months ago. I've never been a fan of Avenged to begin with.
However, they seriously went to shit after the release of the Hail to the King album, in which the title track's instrumental base is simply a rip-off of ACDC's "Thunderstruck".
Plain and simple, they can't make their own music anymore, not that they really sounded that much different from Metallica in the first place.
Igneus Ultionis I don't even know any of their album names. Nice Ghost avatar.
Thanks. I'm a huge fan of Ghost. Hail to the King is the only album name I know from Avenged... and only because Ghost was on Avenged's "Hail to the King" tour in October.
I love Ghost, but $80 per ticket where the headliner was a shitty band like Avenged? A lot of people (Ghost fans I've talked to) didn't go for that reason, in addition to Ghost only having a half hour set during that tour.
Proof that music tastes are a reflection of intellect...
HAHAHAHAHA!!! Oh my gosh...that is just wonderful xD even though I think these guys tried too hard to be Motley Crue more than A7X.. But I can see what you're saying.
This is hilarious. and very much needed at times. classic "don't give a fuck" "rock and roll" attitudes. I feel like I'm gonna get hate for saying this but let's be honest.. This is a dream for a lot of us. To finally be able to say "F You" To all the people who hate you.
Jake was just laughing the whole way through it haha
ikr, i was laughing so hard at him smiling.
Not a BVB fan... Guys got BALLS though.
At the end of the day, they are the ones working hard to make the music they love. The hate only makes them more famous!
Am i the only one that is in love with the way andy said row. And jakes face while andy was going of was just so adorable
Best acceptance speech ever and he really needed to let all that out good on him xx
I love how cc and Jake were just standing there awkwardly smiling. Andy and Ashley were just being the wonderful, angry, sexy, excited guys they are.
oh wow his voice in this is so sexy
well they where drunk and i never said he makes my cunt quiver i dont love bvb just 4 andy i love them because they saved my life about 5 times now so u cant say tht without knowing the person is a fan
dulcinea wilson
so, they save you life ??
yh the music they made stopped me from killing myself wen i tried too
Andy eat a snickers. Cuz you're not you when you're hungry.
Wow, just wow. That is completely and utterly disgusting and uncalled for. There is no reason to behave like that.
The only conclusion I can come to is that they're pissed off because only little girls go see them play. Or that they all are in the middle of a sex change.
Austin Jasay
Not at all uncalled for when you take into account everything they said, and besides that, you don't cheer for horrible people.
Austin Jasay Right, because calling people fat asses for not voting for them is a good person and is completely acceptable behavior for grown men. You must also think that celebrities can act stupid in public because 'they're not perfect'.
They acted like asshats over a stupid ass award. All they are is spoiled brats that think they should have everything.
They had fans in that audience and they still called everyone there a fat ass. I guess it gives you a little taste of how they really feel about their fans.
Korbin Mondschien fuck off i could a whole lot of a fuck less if you just dislike the banned but instead of just commenting about how you dislike the band you had to go and insult and there fans who are just regular people you got pissed at Andy for calling out someone who was spitting booing and being a total ass hole to him and then you go and insult a entire fan base you are a complete fucking hypocrite and why are you getting mad at them in the first place choose to guys were being douche bags so Andy retaliated so would anybody else and i am a male and i listen to them and most of my guy friends love this band and have gone to their shows and i don't think their in the middle of a sex change or ever plan to get and and i love black veil brides i have gone to their shows and i never plan on getting a sex change
Oh look. Sheep.
Austin Jasay
I think you just just embarrassed yourself. I guess the fans are exactly like the band members.
And I'm not stupid by any means. Usually the first person to yell stupid is the one who should be questioning their own intelligence.
Please Andy , eat a Snickers.
nikita gray really just becuase you don't like the band don't come here ok bitch
michaela norris nope, not ok. so are you actually defending andy or just bitching at me?
nikita gray why did you even come here if you hate them?
i honestly came here with an open mind, my friend said that this was a funny video so i watched it. beleive it or not i am not one of those people who look things up perpously to hate. (sorry if my english is bad)
harsh words, sure. but what would YOU do if you won an award and people started boo'ing. how else were they supposed to react. i would do the same.
Anyone with half a fucking brain and the slightest bit of maturity, ignores the boos and conducts themselves with class and dignity, accepts the award, and enjoys their success. These morons posess none of the aformentioned qualities.
***** I think I love you...
Jake cracking up in the background and CC clapping 💞😂😂😂
Don't get me wrong, i respect him for the whole "fuck you, i dont give a shit what you think" attitude but how was the speech called for? it was a little over the top to be honest. He made himself look a tool. And those "bearded mother fuckers" could probably snap him in two.. dear me
Because the fuck you I don't give a shit attitude is best attitude to have towards people who are booing an amazing band XD
he was actualy directing that speach to someone he knew....just so you guys know
He may have been.. but it was still a dick move..
but thats andy and since he was just playing around with his friend its not as horrid as everyone says it is
He said it in an interview, Joe flicked him off, he directed the speach towards him. Walla! Problem solved.
I sorta feel bad for cc and jake just standing there all awkward and shit but they should know andy by now hahaha
This isn't the actual speech. The media fucked up the entire speech and made it seem like he was angry but you can go to Bryan stars interview with him number 7 with Joe Flanders and he says about how he wasn't talking angrily the media had actually just made it seem like he was and they even changed his words.
Toph D Dragoneel Um... Sorry to ask (you know, sarcasm over the internet isn't exactly easy to make out):
Do you mean this literally?
KaydieKD yeah I mean it literally like no joke no sarcasm this isn't Andy's real speech
Toph D Dragoneel Um... well then I hate to break it to you, but it is. :D
KaydieKD it isn't. search up the interview i mentioned before.
Toph D Dragoneel I've seen it. Several times actually. It's all sarcasm, you know?
Andy just seems sick of explaining himself so he just makes fun of it. Just pay attention to the interview, the way he says "Nazi, liberal, democratic, republic [et cetera] media" makes pretty obvious that he's joking. Really you should probably work on your understanding of humor, no offense:)
Rock/Metal/ is moslty centered around Anger and Punk is literally based around saying "Fuck You" to society, so when someone stands up for themselves AGAINST people who have flipped them off and said how they can't be anything or whatever the fuck, then don't act all "Lol how can u like these guys they are fucking assholes" when they were being shitted on by everyone in the room. Would you guys be mad if people were booing you and shitting all over you in a room? Yeah, you would. You guys need too think for a second where Andy's head is at and what kind of situation he was in at those awards.
You don't know anything about heavy metal or punk... literally nothing at all. Heavy metal (you know... as in REAL HEAVY METAL, THE FIRST KIND.) started in response to pop rock music, it followed suit with PROGRESSIVE ROCK, it was A more COMPLEX alternative for rock music.
Original heavy metal usually contained high somewhat operatic singing, discarded the BLUES in hard rock and often contained continuous displays of melody as well as often melodic and complex solos.
Heavy metal has never really bee "anger" that's PUNK. The first sign of the "aggression" in heavy metal actually arose in 1975-1978 when SPEED METAL band motorhead combined HARDCORE PUNK and heavy metal (although it was still well less aggressive than most punk rock bands were at the time.)
This was later expanded by speed/thrash metal band VENOM who influenced the modern era of extreme metal with their first 3 releases in 1980,1981 and 1982 and although it was still less aggressive and "angry" than hardcore punk heavy metal had now become well more extreme than other forms of rock music.
Late thrash metal bands expanded this idea and then Death metal bands tried to speed it up even further (but during the late 80s/early 90s took A lot of the aggression out and replaced it with An even thicker/darker and heavier guitar tone and an even higher level of complexity.)
There are also metal genres/movements in the 80s that in A response to the aggression and speed of thrash decided to take this idea (mainly the heavy guitar sound and some of the complexity.) and bring it in the other direction, this is know as "power metal" as well as progressive metal (which kept the speed of those early speed metal bands and GENERALLY added melody and complexity.)
So no metal is not about "anger"
Punk music LIKE PROGRESSIVE ROCK AND HEAVY METAL was originally made as A response to the simplicity and commercialism of hard rock/pop rock during the time. It was basically A "fuck you" to pop rock.
Just no, as far as I'm cocerned heavy metal started with Sabbath, Hendrix and such, and as amazing as Black Sabbath is, they were/are just as simple, if not more simple than you're average rock band, same goes for Hendrix. Of course that doesn't have anything to do with BVB being dicks at the Golden Gods.
Liam Neeson Please explain to me how jimi hendrix's SHRED instrumentals are as simple as the beatles, the Bg's (bee gee's if you're confused.) or Black veil brides (you're yet to hear Hendrix aren't you.)
Last I checked songs that consist of little more than moderate speed guitar solos are generally more complex than A song containing 2-4 riffs each with less than 4 notes in them.
You're also forgetting legends like DEEP PURPLE, LED ZEPPELIN (who helped popularize heavy metal but only had A brief phase.) and JUDAS PRIEST (Who's music is well more complex than any pop rock group... and well more complex than BVB's.)
I'm guessing you just threw those names at me without actually having heard the music before, I suggest listening to at least each bands first 3-4 albums and comparing it to the likes of the beatles, the beach boys, bob dylan or the bee gee's or if you really want Black veil brides (to be fair Black veil brides music is WELL more complex than any POP ROCK group I've come across.)
Then and only then comment back.
7dayspking I didnt name all those bands because I felt my comment was long-winded enough, Physical Graffiti is one of my all time favorites by the way. And The only thing more complex about Hendrix is his improve skills, but as far as the actual songwriting goes hes just as simple as the beatles, trust me, I've played both. And what about bands like Rush, who sonically aren't near heavy enough to be Heavy Metal but are more complex than most Metal bands. Also of all those bands you listed, most of them were not musically trained, and no mention of Iron Maiden, arguably one of the most important musical groups of all time, and not just as far as the Metal world. Black Sabbath is in fact just as simple, if not more so than the Beatles(especially the Beatles later stuff), because there based around a central riff, but thats what makes them great. And as far as punk music goes, most real Punk guys have no idea what their doing musically, but are great songwriters(i.e. The Ramones)
Best acceptance speech ever 😭😂😭😂😭
i love how C.C is so graceful and just is happy to win it and not really care what everyone thinks
A lot of beeps. ;-o OK, they're not really nice to the audience, but I also wonder why the audience boo'ed at the band in the first place. They won an award for three times in a row, so they probably deserved it (the winning, not the boo's). Anyway, I like BVB...
Because, people are fucking stupid.
That could be a reason XD
BVB have had a bad history with "this" certain of crowd and therefore they knew they would boo at them as they probably have before because they've won multiple times :)
Lol CC is just standing there like "Andy and Ashley are drunk I better just stand here and smile
Lel they'll never amount to godliness like Metallica or Led Zepplin. They need to stop making music
I'd agree with you, but you typed "Lel" so fuck you too.
The bands you listed were given a lot of shit in their youth like BVB gets now. Just wait and see as the cycle of music continues. Once a large chunk of the adult fan base that grew up with those bands pass away and the bands themselves are buried new bands come up under them. The kids of today that listen to Black Veil Brides will age and become adults and the band influence will reach to the next generation like it Metallica and such do now. Not to say Metallica will be forgotten. Black Veil Brides probably will be one of the few bands that make a huge footstep in the history of the music scene whether you like it or not.
I think they are awesome to be doing what they are doing, Andy and all the guys got a lot of bull growing up, Andy had to have a cop escort him to and from school because he was bullied so bad, he had no friends yet he still got out of middle school. You would have to be strong minded and determend to go through all that and not give up on life
if bvb needs to stop making music, then you need to stop breathing and existing. besides, metallica and led zeppelin have haters too. do you really want to be a hater just like them?
you goddamn right led zep. is a legend
I can't believe people hate Black Viel Brides. Argh, obviously they like celebrities like Justin Bieber, who says screaming isn't music. Yeah, "Baby, Baby" is music whereas "You're not alone, We'll fight this storm" (Carolyn by BVB) isn't music. Yeah, society makes lots of sense doesn't it.
Ok im not a fan of BVB anymore..
Are you crazy ?
Me neither lol Im deleted their 1 song I have off Itunes LOL
Hey. im just gonna say 4 things. 1. Looking at your profile picture u r probably three years old yourself. 2. People get hated on for a reason(this video is a great example). 3. ''You were never a true fan'', haha cut that bullshit please. 4. With an attitude like that, you don't diserve fans nor any award.
Learn how to read, it says 'Hack the planet u unintelligent peasant..
You care enough to not only read them, but also comment on then :)peasant.
This is why I love Andy he has a back bone but is also really sweet
that was kinda douchy
He was right, though! If you do not like the band that is winning, vote for the band you want to win. To add on top of that, Andy said in an interview that fans back stage were cussing at them, spitting at them, throwing garbage at them, and that is why he just snapped.
Devon Sliger well maybe they shouldn't suck then! :D but regardless of who voted and who won they DID NOT have to act like human fucking scum. they could have accepted the award with grace and not add fuel to the fire by insulting people in the crowd. If you ask me they deserve all the garbage, spit, and piss thrown their way!
Then you obviously have not been in a similar situation cause it fucking sucks. It makes you mad and it makes you wanna vent. They get shit all the time, and Andy just snapped. He was taught growing up to stand up for yourself and what you believe in, no matter what. He was showing that he's fucking tired of people like you criticizing and hating them because you don't understand their purpose. They stand for those who feel like they can't stand up for themselves because of all the people around them. I hope one day you open your eyes and actually listen to the lyrics.
Devon Sliger As both a musician a person I have been in similar situations BUT handled them with civility and grace. There is a time and a place for everything, and this isn't "standing up for yourself", this is being a complete asshole and insulting others because you're angry. There are plenty of god bands out there that express the same message you believe they do but stronger and with out being complete piles of human waste. Five finger death punch is a great example. they take time out of their setlists to recognize veterans, cancer patients, and children who are the future of metal. the openly back "Fuck Cancer" and expect nothing in return. any message BVB sends, death punch does better, and despite the hate they receive take it all in stride. class is key.
I would like to kindly ask you to go back and read the article that Andy wrote about all of the things they have been through. I can understand your point about Five Finger Death punch. They are an amazing band who are very kind and courteous. I appreciate how they support all sorts of companies and campaigns, but I do not know much background on them. I would like to point out that BVB supports an Anti-Bullying campaign by selling t-shirts for a limited time that say "If we stand together we will be unbroken." They are well aware of all the suicides and wish to stop it from happening. I believe that campaigns are afraid to use them due to their looks, thinking it might be a little frightening based on how 'different' they look. I believe that Andy was venting his anger, yes at an undue time, but when you keep it in for a long time it may lead to serious medical issues. I can see and understand your point.
"Black Veil Brides has a song on the radio, you have a fucking fat ass" 😂 best comeback ever
Jake and CC are just awesome XD
Listen all haters of Black Veil Brides. They have saved so many lives that hard to count them. If it wasn't for them I may not be here today. I was going through a real rough patch in my life and they showed me what was left to live for. They take a lot of hate for who they are and how they are but that doesn't matter . What matters is the music they play and the people they help.
I love how jake just walks away laughing.
In this speech, we saw Andy channel his inner pro wrestling heel.
"3rd award in a yeroo" -Ashley fuckin Purdy
Fucking love these guys xD
i love that jake and CC just stand there like "really? Again...ah well, just laugh it off."
lol love the way that jake just standing and laughing in the sideXDXDXD
Andy's got the same hair as Matt from 1975 XD
During the acceptance speech Andy sounds like one of those guys that advertise monster trucks
OK people who got offended by this, earlier he talked about how people boo'd him, and here they boo'd him too, so he was just trying to make them feel bad. Trust me, he's actually a really nice guy.
No but has anyone noticed how proud Ash looks of himself after his first sentence, which he ended with the word "Yearoo"?:D 1:17
I always thought he was like 'Oops, too drunk, better let Andy talk' but I'm not even sure that's why he passes him the award, now that I've paid closer attention:D
For those of you who do not understand, he did an interview with Bryan Stars explaining that every "hateful" comment was jokingly aimed at is cousin Joe Flanders who was in the audience with a fake fat ass on and was making faces at Andy and flipping him off while they preformed. It is a JOKE
im sure he said that because he doesnt wanna take blame like the little bitch he is xD
Uh no you fucking dumbass Joe said he was right in the crowd he even said joes name at the end
It was also a joke that his speech was about joe.
Did anyone else notice the way his voice changes whenever he gets on a stage? XD I love it
yea. andy went over the top. i mean at the start he was like okay fuck you all who are booing, and then could've been like hey thanks for all the fans and everything and hell yea. but he didnt really mention the fans, it took ashley to mention the fans. for someone who doesnt care what they think they always have to mention the one guy in the crowd whos flciking them off instead of ignoring the troll. obivous troll is obvious. still a fan. but andy you're honestly a great guy and i commend you but when you do shit like this it's no wonder why everyone hates us. you just added fuel to the fire. if you would've ignored them and just gave your minute speech and ran off the stage before a piss bottle hit you then they probably would've at least kind've respected you for it. but yea. just sayin andy. y'all should like it as a top comment.
Maybe he would've ignored them if it was the first time. The thing is, he's sick and tired of people criticizing and insulting him, he's just trying to defend himself and his band against the haters.
Ludivine Van Biersack i understand that he's sick and tired, he has every right to be. however, and this is coming from somebody who strongly respects and loves BVB, andy DID kinda go over the top. i mean first off, almost every sentence started with the word "fuck" or "motherfuckers". he hardly regarded his fans, which did kinda piss me off, and he did the one thing that popular people should NEVER do: regard the haters. and epsecially regard the haters in a way that showed that they were getting under his skin. all it did was give them and OTHER people more of a reason to hate bvb
He makes a good point. I'm sure that speech wasn't compete seriousness. But they get so much hate that they should throw it in their faces. If people can honestly piss in bottles and throw them at them, he has the right to give those people a "fuck you" speech. Don't care what anyone says or thinks, these guys kick ass.
I would be cheering so hard at that speech
Honestly, the audience was being very rude. But so was Andy! Also he's apologised for it as well. All of his fans know that he has a short fuse but we all know that the band wouldn't be anywhere with the BVB Army. We also know that they do care. But the audience was being rude as shit! BVB definitely earned the award but that speech was out of proportion.
This is the best thing ever I love how cc just stands there clapping
I love how he just smiles in between cussing out those idiots. 😝💕💕
i love andy's preacher voice during the speech. fuck all the haters of bvb.
i fucking love these guys
I didn't think fans we're stupid but clearly this needs to be said.
In the Bryanstars interview he was JOKING, Joe wasn't actually in the audience. There we go.
I just love how when andy talks into the microphone CC is just smiling and laughing while he's talking XD
This was the highlight of my day I laughed so hard I love Andy.
I love jake laughing in the background XD
Why is he talking like hes a wrestler from the Hulk Hogan era?
Ashley and Andy are all swearing and slightly tipsy and angry while CC is clapping, trying to be polite...
And then there's Jake.
his speeches always bring tears to my eyes
Did nobody see the other interview where he says they cut the video up? He was talking to urban and joe Flanders guys! Great friends of his
Andy couldn't have made that speech any better XD
if people hate people hate its his voice he can SAY WHAT HE WANTS WHEN HE WANTS if haters hate he dont care u go black veil brides!!!!!!! i love them and no one can take that away and so do the other fans
when andy went to grab the microphone, i thought he was going to grab ash's face
Spencer Quinn Yeah and they were going to have sex right there on the stage :p
Apurv Poddar omg, yes.
i respect that he gives his haters a dose of what they give him, and those saying he should have done it in a more civil way can go fuck off. The only way you can REALLY get to a hater is to give him a bit of his own medicine and then show that honestly it doesn't really bother you, it amuses you and entertains you.
Love ya!
Look guys, Andy is an amazingly sweet, loyal, wonderful guy. And he's talked about it before, but his dam burst and it was let out. But if you were given hate for 3 consecutive years, you would get mad too. And if you were hated on in that kind of public you would respond just the same. Andy is always extremely nice and humble otherwise.
Dayum he is hawt OuO
Ⓡⓔⓘⓚⓐ Ayanami IKR!!!
Hey do you have a tumblr Sejal?
Ⓡⓔⓘⓚⓐ Ayanami I want to get one but not yet.
Ah oki doki brb imma email you a pic