While people are arguing about whether he's hot or not, whether he looks like a girl or not and whether his music sucks or not, all i want to say is he has a really good vocabulary and command over the language. I always learn a fancy word whenever I an interview of his!:D
It's so interesting that rock and roll is about rebellion and being yourself, yet when you enter the genre, they ridicule, laugh and judge you like their parents and peers likely did to them.
I love the music, I love the communities and fandoms all on their own.. But I hate what becomes of these people who would do anything for their favorite band when they are confronted with fans from other groups. I mean... we _are_ the Outcasts afterall, so shouldn't we all know better than that and just try to get along, build an army together against all those who judge us? This hatred inbetween the fandoms was the reason I stayed away from RUclips considering music for some time..
@@elizabethbailey5731 Nope. My opinion has not changed at all. Still think it's pop. Squeaky clean production, triggered drums, "harsh vocals", but not harsh enough to scare away the wrist slitters, extremely basic song structure. I could go on and on. It is a pop song.
You know its sucks that people that listen to Metal or Hard Rock are seen as outcast by the rest of society but instead of coming together we feel the need to further split ourselves up. We split the songs up into hundreds of genres and then sub genres. Fans of one band try to talk down to fans of other bands. Even within the same fan base people are divided and are either seen as die hard fans or fake fans/casual listeners.
Seriously, people are so controversial. You first insult someone for what he does, for what he has dedicated his life to, you treat the whole band like shit and then you're suddenly pissed and angry just because he obviously tried to stand up for himself. Honestly, what else could he have done in that moment? They were accepting an award, so as soon as the audience started being rude, they defended themselves. It's obvious, they couldn't just stand there and shut up, they needed to react somehow.
So funny that Andy at least is living his dream while all the haters here are just wasting their time commenting underneath a video just to hate on Andy who does what he loves to. Maybe the haters should find what they love to do and do it instead of hating!
Maybe we are living our dream, being content with what we have, like me. Maybe we are "hating" because we are bored as there is nothing else to do, ie, doing something before going to bed or during lunch. Just saying.
Jordan Kay and that is the problem of society. No one feels good when they are hated and you are wasting your time. So why do you wanna mess with the mental heath of someone by hating on them if you could go and do something more inportant for YOUR life?
James Davis I don't knot what your problem is. You wrote a comment that said that if a band saved your life it wasn't worth saving. I'm pretty sure someone reported it, but that's not my issue. You don't have anything better to do than cause people who already think they have no purpose feel even worse? Find something. That's far worse than hating on a band. That's hurting people who ate going through something worse than boredom. They're going through mental issues that take a lot of time to get over, and you saying that could trigger them and take them back to what they spent so much time getting over.
Andy's such a stunning beauty. I mean seriously, androgynous beauty. And he's super intelligent to boot. Would love to see Andy and Marilyn Manson in an interview together.
Stop fucking hating on BVB. If it's because of the makeup and personality I can understand. But the only time Andy's and asshole is when he's standing up for himself. Also the makeup days are over. The music is actually very good when you think about it. It's a real rock and roll Record. Obviously KIZZ, AcDc, guns n roses etv are legends and you can't compare, but BVB is a rock band trying to carry over that real rock sound. If you want to hate on a band, hate on blood on the dance floor... A band who promotors rape.
I dislike their music because its overly generic. I like purely instrimental power metal songs way more then anything they have made or produced. Mainly because it has more soul in it and work. Im not saying that they dont put work into their songs but in my opinion they sound generic and plus fuck their fan base.
Yeah I get where you're coming from and joe a taste in opinion which is fair enough. But I agree like BVB are my fav band but I can't stand 95% of the fans. Some are worse than the haters.
I think the only reason people hate on BVB it's because their fanbase are 13 year old screaming fangirls that only like them because they find Andy to be the hottest man alive. If most of these haters actually took the time to listen to their music they would have a pleasant surprise :D
Seriously ^ I'm 13, and a fan of BVB. I do find them attractive, but I also love the music, melody, lyrics, and they're just great ppl in general. So yeah.
Tessa, seriously? You think they are nice? They are assholes on and off the stage. They are motley crue, wannabe cry babies, that have, as we said before, 13 years fangirls that, in about 5 years will come to their senses and realize what assholes they are.
Tim James he doesn't act like a spoiled brat, if someone insults him and sends hate stupidly he stands up for himself, that's what i was trying to say x)
Ladies and gents, this is how Justin Bieber feels with everyone talking shit about him. He constantly has cameras shoved in his face, death threats, and insults about his family. I don't understand why people judge him when he backlashes when a normal person would do the same to defend themselves. For example, when he cussed at the paparazzi, that was acceptable in my opinion because they trash talked him and disrespected his privacy, so they got what they deserved. I completely understand Andy as well.
nienke huijbens that's fine, it's just that i havent been hearing him on the world news lately because when he does something bad such as his dui, it appeared on almost every single news channel that i watched which i found surprising because they hardly report about celebrities unless they are extremely important such as Michael Jackson's death.
I think it was okay for Andy to stand up for the band, just not in the way he did. Yeah it was a little extreme but honestly how easy could it be to stand in front of a room full of people telling you how much they hate you? How easy would it be to not flip your lid?
I wanna see BVB and metallica play togeather, I think that would be awesome, would be even better if they did a whole album, I would definitely go and buy it on the day of release xD
Please shut up. Zakk wylde did something with them and that should be enough. And even then, I can tell that zakk didn't try too hard on that solo. Or hard at all cause his solo sucked ass. Metallica is the biggest metal band the world has ever seen and although they aren't too great anymore they are still the biggest and they won't waste their time with them. It's a noble idea but it won't happen and it won't work
Black Veil Brides would get pounded with bottles. If Metallica fans especially in mainland Europe give real metal bands a tough time when they're supporting Metallica, then god knows what they'd do to BVB.
I don't understand those people who come on someone's site and leave negative remarks beacause if you don't like the band then what are doing even logging into their site where their music is being played if you don't like them. You are doing the opposite of what you hope to accomplish because everytime you log on you give them view points which makes their band even higher in the rankings. So keep logging in and making these bands have numbers in the millions. +AndyBVB Biersack +BlackVeilBrides Army +Chris Biersack
+Fallen Dawn Exactly)))It's like Ash said on that Golden Globe award. If you are booing then it means we are doing the right thing Xddd Dumb haters just promote them
I don't like the band but he is right about the audience at the Awards, they only look like their waiting for metallica or black sabbath and when another band wins they Show no reaction, Standing quiet like in a church
It really bothers me that instead of the title of this video saying "Andy Biersack", it says "Black Veil Brides." I mean he isn't the only member of Black Veil Brides...
Alice in Chains! Hell yeah, good choice! Preferably early 90's Alice In Chains with Layne Staley! Now that was an epic rock band, properly dark vibe without the fashionable clothes & image that seem to be the mainstay of most groups! They just wore whatever was available rather than try to look like proper "Rock Stars" bcuz it was truly about the music, no visual aid necessary. Not that I'm against that, but it seems to take away from the music itself when image becomes more important & ppl focus on how they look & what they wore. I'm sure there were ppl who only liked what Alice In Chains looked like & not the merits of their music, but not nearly as many as there are for newer bands & artists. Especially in pop musak & Glam/Hair Metal, where the majority of them use elaborate stage shows, props, visual aids, & choreographed dance routines. It makes you forget that there's music & not just a beat playing. The great thing about RocknRoll is that bands play live! No lip syncing, autotune, overprocessed effects prerecorded & played so the "artist" can dance-you might as well just have a boombox CD player for all the money spent on tickets to see their "live" performance. There's no place for lip syncing in RocknRoll! There's supposed to be pure raucous energy, an element of danger, the possibility that anything can happen but it doesn't matter cuz you're just along for the ride & take it all the way! The visual stimuli at rock concerts may add to the show (& justify the ticket prices), but in no way should it overstep the music but rather accompany it to set the mood or help to communicate an idea with the vibe. Much like psychedelic music used trippy lighting & artwork (& drugs). The whole fashion thing is beyond me, as I've never cared for it & felt it was just another ploy for capitalism, selling a lifestyle, ideals, & everything else that's bought & sold. If anything is free, it should be ones mind & that is where music comes from, so music itself should be free (the CD it's on may cost you), but again most ppl would also disagree with that sentiment. My music is free at least, for anyone who wants it-download away! I don't create it to sell, it's my personal communication & whether or not others relate to it, it doesn't change the music itself. If the music industry was starved of money, I feel that it would separate the real musicians & artists from those who only do it for the money. It would be nice to see who's real in that sense, but unfortunately it'll probably never happen as capitalism & money rule humans. I think pop musak & hip hop would fall first if it did happen! RocknRoll is/was generally more a lifestyle as ppl just jam out for the hell of it. Party on Wayne! Wayne's world, party on, excellent, woowoowoo! Hahaha! It's too bad there weren't more Rock based shows & movies these days. Rock needs to come back to the mainstream!
That's what I was hoping. BVB, AA and Bullet are my 3 favourite bands, and if any of them did a collaboration or a co-headlining tour, that would be the best thing EVER!
When Andy was talking about Alice in Chains.... I just had a fan girl moment! Ahhhh... I appreciate him even more now, which I had no idea was possible.
i completely agree with u! i personally love BVB and i have for 4 yrs now. They've obviously done something right during all this time if they've made it this far. btw, love ur pic. Fire Emblem is awesome.
You know what I find funny, my dad is a HUGE fan of metal, like Iron Maiden, etc. etc., and he hated BVB at first too, and then he gave these guys a legitmate listening too, and he found he actually kinda likes them. See, everyone just sees what they look like, and no one really says ANYTHING in these comemensts about the actual break down of the music. For instance, their drummer is pretty kick ass, the guitar players shred, and while Andy may not have a very wide vocal range he is
So this is a bit random but I just read a comment that said something along the lines of "if black veil brides or any other band saved your life it isn't worth saving anyways". I would like to say that that is incredibly rude. Telling a person that their life isn't worth saving because music saved them, that's low. This can actually cause people to self harm, mentally or physically. For some people, music is pretty much their life, including me. To say that because it saved them they weren't worth saving could make a person go back to their previous ways, the ones we should be trying to discourage instead of encourage. When you say that you are promoting things that people spend so much time getting over, more than you know. I get you may not like the band, but saying that is going way to far. While I may be a fan of bvb, that's not what influenced my anger. It's the fact that people have the audacity to say such things, things that promote a big problem in society, and nobody saying anything about it.
All the hatred people give Black Veil Brides is ridiculous. I personally believe its jealousy because, these guys are 20x more talented than others will ever be
a very competant songwriter, while purdy can play the bass like a little badass. He may not shred his bass like the player of say Mudvayne, but he can pull some pretty cool, heavy sounds like the song "The Legacy." I'm just saying. Musically, BVB is a pretty talented band. Not to mention Jinxx can play several instruments other than his guitar. .
when andy says a big tour to be announced, is he referring to the UK November tour? and if so does that mean that either Bullet or Asking are supporting them? Thanks.
I know! Like I said to Andy if people were to put aside all misconceptions and looks they would most likely like them or at least realize that they are talented and will be around for a long time!
That doesn't even make sense... If they were so 'shitty' then why would they have such a large fanbase? Keep your opinions to yourself, a lot of people like Black Veil Brides, your opinion isn't the only that matters. It's not a 'popularity contest' it's simply about who is faithful to the band, and if the band is deserving of the award. Award shows should be based on the FANS because everyone has different perspectives.
That should say "gotten off your butts", and I'm glad they WON..Jealousy and hate drag you down- you should let go of it..Give BVB an HONEST, UNBIASED listen and I bet you will like them too! I love BVB! NOT a "teen" in my age, either!
#1 Def Leppard and Bon Jovi were/are both legendary bands. There is nothing "bad" about either one. Any comparison that I make with either one of them with BVB is meant as a compliment. #2 I don't need to do anything to attempt to make BVB look good. Listen to Set The World On Fire and Wretched And Divine with open ears and not a closed mind. Both are fantastic rock records. W&D is the most enjoyable rock album to listen to, from beginning to end, thus far, in 2013.
I love andy, and bvb. if you don't, that's great. if you do, that's also great. it's called an opinion. so there's really no point to argue with someone on their opinion, because it can't be proven right or wrong. so all of you "hardcore metal heads" can pipe down a little and focus more on the things you actually like, rather than spreading negativity and hate bc you don't like someone. thanks!:)
1: BVB isn't metal and don't classify themselves as metal. 2: I'm 16. 3: I listen to anything from metal to rock to classics. 4: How many videos have you posted this on?
there's also a difference between disliking the music and deliberately talking shit about the band JUST to hurt other people's feelings or act "cool". Im not 100% supporting the way they handle haters sometimes, and im DEFINATELY not supporting the way alot of fans handle them, but is the hate really necessary in the first place? like if others werent talking shit CONSTANTLY, he wouldnt be pissed, and if he werent pissed he wouldnt act that way.
The audience was not to see Metallica but to NOT see BVB. BVB was voted by a lot of teenage girls and boys under the age of 16 who don't know who Motley Crue is.
Sorry but Motley Crue wanted BVB to open up for them, which means they're not some low-grade band who's voted by "teenage girls and boys under the age of 16".
TilDeathWeThrashard Your reasoning is not logical. You say BVB are a shitty band, yet you say Motley Crue use them to get attention. I don't think they do but even if it's true, do you think they'd try and draw the attention to themselves with an insignificant band?
TilDeathWeThrashard Motley Crue sold out along time ago? well if you mean arenas and stadiums, I guess you're right. I'm not gonna pick on fans of this band, I'm happy kids are into rock instead of bieber nowadays. But don't bash Motley Crue, they are still the real deal. You want to see a real rock show, check out the Crue this summer. It's grown folks rock! No virgins at a Crue concert! unless they're being sacrificed. But hey bvb is better than hip hop at least.
he was probably telling who over was working the sound system to turn up the play back on his mic so he could hear himself sing and make sure he's in tune
well if you've got enough your butts and voted for the band that you wanted then maybe by BVB wouldn't have one I personally am not a 16 year old girl but I am a woman that did vote for BVB and I'm glad they won because they deserved to win
I actually love old rock music as well as BVB. Metallica, Black Saboth, Kiss, and others. I grew up listening to them. This isn't me getting all defensive or anything, just stating.
Yup. No =( I've only played a bit since but I'm saving up for a 3DS. But I played on my friends and it was awesome! And, I really liked Chrom mostly because I think he's a badass and he's voiced by one of my favorite voice actors (Matthew Mercer who also voices Leon in Resident Evil) ^_^
So he said that they are good friends with the guys in Bullet for My Valentine yet there are no pictures of them together? Yet there are loads of pictures of him and Danny
dude then don't watch, listen or get on their website or youtube interviews, videos, live venue shots. it's a free country-and millions all over the world love black veil brides for who they are-not their "supposed labeling of music type"! black veil brides are here to stay & thrive in their music & talent
Okay. Black Veil Brides is in MY opinion a good band.I saw them live with Asking Alexandria a few years ago They were decent live I've seen better but hey. I prefer their old stuff to their new stuff, They do have a huge fan girl fan base though which causes them to win three awards for example. Oh fan girls, I'm a fan girl for Bring Me The Horizon or For All Those Sleeping but Black Veil brides owes a lot of their fame to them being "super cute" or "hot" thanks to the fan girls.
While people are arguing about whether he's hot or not, whether he looks like a girl or not and whether his music sucks or not, all i want to say is he has a really good vocabulary and command over the language. I always learn a fancy word whenever I an interview of his!:D
Anoushka I can kiss him?????????????
It's so interesting that rock and roll is about rebellion and being yourself, yet when you enter the genre, they ridicule, laugh and judge you like their parents and peers likely did to them.
I love the music, I love the communities and fandoms all on their own.. But I hate what becomes of these people who would do anything for their favorite band when they are confronted with fans from other groups.
I mean... we _are_ the Outcasts afterall, so shouldn't we all know better than that and just try to get along, build an army together against all those who judge us?
This hatred inbetween the fandoms was the reason I stayed away from RUclips considering music for some time..
Ayumi Vasquez This isn't Rock N Roll.
This is pop.
Finis Malorum you are dumb 🥰
@@finismalorum9746 I know this is 7 years but hope you got your ears checked since, because nowhere does their music sound like pop.
@@elizabethbailey5731 Nope. My opinion has not changed at all. Still think it's pop. Squeaky clean production, triggered drums, "harsh vocals", but not harsh enough to scare away the wrist slitters, extremely basic song structure. I could go on and on. It is a pop song.
You know its sucks that people that listen to Metal or Hard Rock are seen as outcast by the rest of society but instead of coming together we feel the need to further split ourselves up. We split the songs up into hundreds of genres and then sub genres. Fans of one band try to talk down to fans of other bands. Even within the same fan base people are divided and are either seen as die hard fans or fake fans/casual listeners.
Ron Hernandez That's very true but this isn't metal it's pop.
+Justin Maddox thank God there's someone who actually has a brain
gotta keep the genre pure ;)
Who gives a shit what genre they are, you're only proving the first comment's point
Seriously, people are so controversial. You first insult someone for what he does, for what he has dedicated his life to, you treat the whole band like shit and then you're suddenly pissed and angry just because he obviously tried to stand up for himself. Honestly, what else could he have done in that moment? They were accepting an award, so as soon as the audience started being rude, they defended themselves. It's obvious, they couldn't just stand there and shut up, they needed to react somehow.
Black Veil Brides is anti-bullying right. That means you don't verbally insult people. Bunch of hypocrites.
I think it was just a few people booing loudly
@@ChernovFan100yea but no one cares it was badass
Some of you people hating on them are getting so butthurt holy shit. Its hilarious. BVB is not ruining music. Lil Wayne is.
So funny that Andy at least is living his dream while all the haters here are just wasting their time commenting underneath a video just to hate on Andy who does what he loves to. Maybe the haters should find what they love to do and do it instead of hating!
Maybe we are living our dream, being content with what we have, like me. Maybe we are "hating" because we are bored as there is nothing else to do, ie, doing something before going to bed or during lunch. Just saying.
Jordan Kay and that is the problem of society. No one feels good when they are hated and you are wasting your time. So why do you wanna mess with the mental heath of someone by hating on them if you could go and do something more inportant for YOUR life?
James Davis I don't knot what your problem is. You wrote a comment that said that if a band saved your life it wasn't worth saving. I'm pretty sure someone reported it, but that's not my issue. You don't have anything better to do than cause people who already think they have no purpose feel even worse? Find something. That's far worse than hating on a band. That's hurting people who ate going through something worse than boredom. They're going through mental issues that take a lot of time to get over, and you saying that could trigger them and take them back to what they spent so much time getting over.
Not even a fan of these guys, but I totally support what happened.. I think he just said what most of us would have said in that position
Andy's such a stunning beauty. I mean seriously, androgynous beauty. And he's super intelligent to boot. Would love to see Andy and Marilyn Manson in an interview together.
Those are two awful people
gloomyharlow he is repulsive
David Lawson You are repulsive
MM? Andy's no match. He wouldn't stand a chance.
Yes he would stand a change lol but MM is better.
Stop fucking hating on BVB. If it's because of the makeup and personality I can understand. But the only time Andy's and asshole is when he's standing up for himself. Also the makeup days are over. The music is actually very good when you think about it. It's a real rock and roll
Record. Obviously KIZZ, AcDc, guns n roses etv are legends and you can't compare, but BVB is a rock band trying to carry over that real rock sound. If you want to hate on a band, hate on blood on the dance floor... A band who promotors rape.
Metallicas wayy better
I dislike their music because its overly generic. I like purely instrimental power metal songs way more then anything they have made or produced. Mainly because it has more soul in it and work. Im not saying that they dont put work into their songs but in my opinion they sound generic and plus fuck their fan base.
Yeah I get where you're coming from and joe a taste in opinion which is fair enough. But I agree like BVB are my fav band but I can't stand 95% of the fans. Some are worse than the haters.
he needs to get into like voice acting or just acting, his normal voice is like 😍😍😍
Listen to his audio book is just
French kiss 😚
I think the only reason people hate on BVB it's because their fanbase are 13 year old screaming fangirls that only like them because they find Andy to be the hottest man alive. If most of these haters actually took the time to listen to their music they would have a pleasant surprise :D
Ian Curtis and Nirvana? Awesome. :)
Well said
I suppose you're right at that, however i, as a 14 year old bvb fan, do feel a little offended xD
Seriously ^ I'm 13, and a fan of BVB. I do find them attractive, but I also love the music, melody, lyrics, and they're just great ppl in general. So yeah.
Tessa, seriously? You think they are nice? They are assholes on and off the stage. They are motley crue, wannabe cry babies, that have, as we said before, 13 years fangirls that, in about 5 years will come to their senses and realize what assholes they are.
he's hot, driven, overcome adversity and intelligent that's why I like Andy
ha sometimes...only if people egg him on (;
***** he stands up for himself
oneokrockbigfan hows is that standing up for your self
Tim James he doesn't act like a spoiled brat, if someone insults him and sends hate stupidly he stands up for himself, that's what i was trying to say x)
oneokrockbigfan not really he stopped a concert to yell at someone who didnt like the music
His hair looks amazing like this.
Ladies and gents, this is how Justin Bieber feels with everyone talking shit about him. He constantly has cameras shoved in his face, death threats, and insults about his family. I don't understand why people judge him when he backlashes when a normal person would do the same to defend themselves. For example, when he cussed at the paparazzi, that was acceptable in my opinion because they trash talked him and disrespected his privacy, so they got what they deserved. I completely understand Andy as well.
I guess you're right at that. But it really is a shame that he has turned out like this... He used to be okay as far as i know..
that's true.. i understand. fortunately, i havent heard anything too bad about him these past months.
Bonny H i have no idea, i don't really follow the news about him (or about any celebrities other than those i like)
nienke huijbens that's fine, it's just that i havent been hearing him on the world news lately because when he does something bad such as his dui, it appeared on almost every single news channel that i watched which i found surprising because they hardly report about celebrities unless they are extremely important such as Michael Jackson's death.
Bonny H oh that way..
I think it was okay for Andy to stand up for the band, just not in the way he did. Yeah it was a little extreme but honestly how easy could it be to stand in front of a room full of people telling you how much they hate you? How easy would it be to not flip your lid?
I wanna see BVB and metallica play togeather, I think that would be awesome, would be even better if they did a whole album, I would definitely go and buy it on the day of release xD
Please shut up. Zakk wylde did something with them and that should be enough. And even then, I can tell that zakk didn't try too hard on that solo. Or hard at all cause his solo sucked ass. Metallica is the biggest metal band the world has ever seen and although they aren't too great anymore they are still the biggest and they won't waste their time with them. It's a noble idea but it won't happen and it won't work
no need to get defensive, just was saying what was on my mind did not know someone would try to be weird about it....
and that is not ment to be rude, so yea
Black Veil Brides would get pounded with bottles. If Metallica fans especially in mainland Europe give real metal bands a tough time when they're supporting Metallica, then god knows what they'd do to BVB.
@@JamesDavis-mm2mi wtf is ur problem? ur in this goddamn comment section bashing the whole band when u can just gtfo. u got major fan behavior
I fully support Andy standing up for himself the way he did. Proud of him.
I don't understand those people who come on someone's site and leave negative remarks beacause if you don't like the band then what are doing even logging into their site where their music is being played if you don't like them. You are doing the opposite of what you hope to accomplish because everytime you log on you give them view points which makes their band even higher in the rankings. So keep logging in and making these bands have numbers in the millions. +AndyBVB Biersack +BlackVeilBrides Army +Chris Biersack
+Fallen Dawn Exactly)))It's like Ash said on that Golden Globe award. If you are booing then it means we are doing the right thing
Xddd Dumb haters just promote them
I don't like the band but he is right about the audience at the Awards, they only look like their waiting for metallica or black sabbath and when another band wins they Show no reaction, Standing quiet like in a church
I love Black Veil Brides so much
1:21 after andy says "feels good" and then he's like "no" hahahhaha
When he chose AIC I got so freaking excited I love love love Alice In Chains rip Layne and just to hear him say he chose them Yassss
You don't ever need to apologize for standing up for yourself 🤘
It really bothers me that instead of the title of this video saying "Andy Biersack", it says "Black Veil Brides." I mean he isn't the only member of Black Veil Brides...
Yeah but as this interview makes clear hes the face of the band.
Alice in Chains! Hell yeah, good choice! Preferably early 90's Alice In Chains with Layne Staley! Now that was an epic rock band, properly dark vibe without the fashionable clothes & image that seem to be the mainstay of most groups! They just wore whatever was available rather than try to look like proper "Rock Stars" bcuz it was truly about the music, no visual aid necessary. Not that I'm against that, but it seems to take away from the music itself when image becomes more important & ppl focus on how they look & what they wore. I'm sure there were ppl who only liked what Alice In Chains looked like & not the merits of their music, but not nearly as many as there are for newer bands & artists. Especially in pop musak & Glam/Hair Metal, where the majority of them use elaborate stage shows, props, visual aids, & choreographed dance routines. It makes you forget that there's music & not just a beat playing. The great thing about RocknRoll is that bands play live! No lip syncing, autotune, overprocessed effects prerecorded & played so the "artist" can dance-you might as well just have a boombox CD player for all the money spent on tickets to see their "live" performance. There's no place for lip syncing in RocknRoll! There's supposed to be pure raucous energy, an element of danger, the possibility that anything can happen but it doesn't matter cuz you're just along for the ride & take it all the way! The visual stimuli at rock concerts may add to the show (& justify the ticket prices), but in no way should it overstep the music but rather accompany it to set the mood or help to communicate an idea with the vibe. Much like psychedelic music used trippy lighting & artwork (& drugs). The whole fashion thing is beyond me, as I've never cared for it & felt it was just another ploy for capitalism, selling a lifestyle, ideals, & everything else that's bought & sold. If anything is free, it should be ones mind & that is where music comes from, so music itself should be free (the CD it's on may cost you), but again most ppl would also disagree with that sentiment. My music is free at least, for anyone who wants it-download away! I don't create it to sell, it's my personal communication & whether or not others relate to it, it doesn't change the music itself. If the music industry was starved of money, I feel that it would separate the real musicians & artists from those who only do it for the money. It would be nice to see who's real in that sense, but unfortunately it'll probably never happen as capitalism & money rule humans. I think pop musak & hip hop would fall first if it did happen! RocknRoll is/was generally more a lifestyle as ppl just jam out for the hell of it. Party on Wayne! Wayne's world, party on, excellent, woowoowoo! Hahaha! It's too bad there weren't more Rock based shows & movies these days. Rock needs to come back to the mainstream!
The speech was absolutely AMAZING AND GODDAMN HILARIOUS
That's what I was hoping. BVB, AA and Bullet are my 3 favourite bands, and if any of them did a collaboration or a co-headlining tour, that would be the best thing EVER!
Asking Alexandria and Black Veil Brides co-headlining tour? I will fucken buy tickets day one if that happens!!
When Andy was talking about Alice in Chains.... I just had a fan girl moment! Ahhhh... I appreciate him even more now, which I had no idea was possible.
i completely agree with u! i personally love BVB and i have for 4 yrs now. They've obviously done something right during all this time if they've made it this far. btw, love ur pic. Fire Emblem is awesome.
You know what I find funny, my dad is a HUGE fan of metal, like Iron Maiden, etc. etc., and he hated BVB at first too, and then he gave these guys a legitmate listening too, and he found he actually kinda likes them. See, everyone just sees what they look like, and no one really says ANYTHING in these comemensts about the actual break down of the music. For instance, their drummer is pretty kick ass, the guitar players shred, and while Andy may not have a very wide vocal range he is
I love how he shrugs at the end
"My wrestling name would be N-O Muscles" LMFAO!!!
Thank you, I respect you for not being someone who hates on a band because of their music. Much, much respect for you.
So this is a bit random but I just read a comment that said something along the lines of "if black veil brides or any other band saved your life it isn't worth saving anyways". I would like to say that that is incredibly rude. Telling a person that their life isn't worth saving because music saved them, that's low. This can actually cause people to self harm, mentally or physically. For some people, music is pretty much their life, including me. To say that because it saved them they weren't worth saving could make a person go back to their previous ways, the ones we should be trying to discourage instead of encourage. When you say that you are promoting things that people spend so much time getting over, more than you know. I get you may not like the band, but saying that is going way to far. While I may be a fan of bvb, that's not what influenced my anger. It's the fact that people have the audacity to say such things, things that promote a big problem in society, and nobody saying anything about it.
All the hatred people give Black Veil Brides is ridiculous. I personally believe its jealousy because, these guys are 20x more talented than others will ever be
I love Andy's shrug at the end xD
0.28 So adorable when Ashley tries to grab his bass but he misses it :D ♥
does anybody know what went on with jinxx? is he alright? also, did they just have jake play? or did they get somebody to fill in for jinxx?
Don't apologize Andy, it was the best speech ever!
a very competant songwriter, while purdy can play the bass like a little badass. He may not shred his bass like the player of say Mudvayne, but he can pull some pretty cool, heavy sounds like the song "The Legacy." I'm just saying. Musically, BVB is a pretty talented band. Not to mention Jinxx can play several instruments other than his guitar. .
That shoulder shrug in the end aw
I really enjoy this interview! Laughing a lot! XD
All the support to your words Andy! :)
Yes please do a tour with Bullet! :D I could die a happy person if my two favorite bands did a tour together
Nice to hear a sincere apology from Andy. I wish Jinxx a speedy recovery!!!
Andy biersack is so cute 💜🖤🐯🐨🐈⬛
"Listen to what makes you happy and fuck what anyone else thinks". I like the way you think! Peace
when andy says a big tour to be announced, is he referring to the UK November tour? and if so does that mean that either Bullet or Asking are supporting them?
I love how Andy just flips off the camera at the end. c;
Get well soon!❤
If you follow the whole 'discussion' you could see that it wasn't me who used the word to start with. I only cited.
I know! Like I said to Andy if people were to put aside all misconceptions and looks they would most likely like them or at least realize that they are talented and will be around for a long time!
I'm not 16 either, I vote for them also, I love BVB they are so awesome. Jealousy is a very ugly thing.
That doesn't even make sense... If they were so 'shitty' then why would they have such a large fanbase? Keep your opinions to yourself, a lot of people like Black Veil Brides, your opinion isn't the only that matters. It's not a 'popularity contest' it's simply about who is faithful to the band, and if the band is deserving of the award. Award shows should be based on the FANS because everyone has different perspectives.
He is wearing his camouflage tall black socks because his pants are too short
That should say "gotten off your butts", and I'm glad they WON..Jealousy and hate drag you down- you should let go of it..Give BVB an HONEST, UNBIASED listen and I bet you will like them too! I love BVB! NOT a "teen" in my age, either!
the middle finger and shrug at the end haha
That 2013 golden gods was awesome!😂😂😂
Can someone PLEASE tell me which band he meant by 'Bullet'? Thanks!
Danny and Andy are really good friends, obviously. You don't have to have a picture with your friends, that's stupid.
I was RIGHT up front too!! Ah YES it was so awesome!!
what kind of sign language was Ashley doing? 0:25
i hope Jinxx gets better
+Glitch Master he got better years ago when this was posted aha
Ik that now
coz i told ya XD
#1 Def Leppard and Bon Jovi were/are both legendary bands. There is nothing "bad" about either one. Any comparison that I make with either one of them with BVB is meant as a compliment. #2 I don't need to do anything to attempt to make BVB look good. Listen to Set The World On Fire and Wretched And Divine with open ears and not a closed mind. Both are fantastic rock records. W&D is the most enjoyable rock album to listen to, from beginning to end, thus far, in 2013.
So basically the tour is going to be co-headline with Asking or Bullet, seeing as he mentioned both of them. I'm hoping for Asking, personally
awesome interview
What shirt is he wearing??? :3
I love andy, and bvb. if you don't, that's great. if you do, that's also great. it's called an opinion. so there's really no point to argue with someone on their opinion, because it can't be proven right or wrong. so all of you "hardcore metal heads" can pipe down a little and focus more on the things you actually like, rather than spreading negativity and hate bc you don't like someone. thanks!:)
Did anyone else hear him call Andy "Andy black" at the end there?
0:26 ashley: sign language
did anyone else say what the fuck when they saw jakes hair
also how come i cant get my eyeliner nearly as perfect as andys
"No Muscles" lol XD I love you Andy
1: BVB isn't metal and don't classify themselves as metal. 2: I'm 16. 3: I listen to anything from metal to rock to classics. 4: How many videos have you posted this on?
me watching this:
god andys perfect
love his eyes
his face is just flawless
love the feather tattoo gonna get that one day
omg Jake's hair 😂😂 and his tattoos!! he changed so much
i agree with you about the fan's voting.
this band shouldn't even be mentioned in the golden gods awards.
does any one know were andy got his boots?
there's also a difference between disliking the music and deliberately talking shit about the band JUST to hurt other people's feelings or act "cool". Im not 100% supporting the way they handle haters sometimes, and im DEFINATELY not supporting the way alot of fans handle them, but is the hate really necessary in the first place? like if others werent talking shit CONSTANTLY, he wouldnt be pissed, and if he werent pissed he wouldnt act that way.
His name isn't Andy Sixx...
Couldn't have said it better myself :-)
The audience was not to see Metallica but to NOT see BVB. BVB was voted by a lot of teenage girls and boys under the age of 16 who don't know who Motley Crue is.
Sorry but Motley Crue wanted BVB to open up for them, which means they're not some low-grade band who's voted by "teenage girls and boys under the age of 16".
Motley Crue sold out a long time ago and just want attention.
TilDeathWeThrashard Your reasoning is not logical. You say BVB are a shitty band, yet you say Motley Crue use them to get attention. I don't think they do but even if it's true, do you think they'd try and draw the attention to themselves with an insignificant band?
TilDeathWeThrashard Motley Crue sold out along time ago? well if you mean arenas and stadiums, I guess you're right. I'm not gonna pick on fans of this band, I'm happy kids are into rock instead of bieber nowadays. But don't bash Motley Crue, they are still the real deal. You want to see a real rock show, check out the Crue this summer. It's grown folks rock! No virgins at a Crue concert! unless they're being sacrificed. But hey bvb is better than hip hop at least.
^^^^WTF dude what is your logic on this!? I've been reading this conversation and what kind of approach are you taking here
? I'm confused
am I the only one singing "I Am Bulletproof" while they play it on the video?? xD
Do whatever you want
Do not tell others what to do
he was probably telling who over was working the sound system to turn up the play back on his mic so he could hear himself sing and make sure he's in tune
well if you've got enough your butts and voted for the band that you wanted then maybe by BVB wouldn't have one I personally am not a 16 year old girl but I am a woman that did vote for BVB and I'm glad they won because they deserved to win
I actually love old rock music as well as BVB. Metallica, Black Saboth, Kiss, and others. I grew up listening to them. This isn't me getting all defensive or anything, just stating.
If Andy's in Wrestlemania next year that would be mind fucking!! :)
My life would be complete.
Yup. No =( I've only played a bit since but I'm saving up for a 3DS. But I played on my friends and it was awesome! And, I really liked Chrom mostly because I think he's a badass and he's voiced by one of my favorite voice actors (Matthew Mercer who also voices Leon in Resident Evil) ^_^
it's totally funny how Andy is running up and down the stage... lol
Still not a fan of the music, but I respect them for saying what they feel when some people in the audience are disrespectful at the award.
So he said that they are good friends with the guys in Bullet for My Valentine yet there are no pictures of them together? Yet there are loads of pictures of him and Danny
“A little bit of anger”
Andy the whole time: 😡🖕
Aw Andy
dude then don't watch, listen or get on their website or youtube interviews, videos, live venue shots. it's a free country-and millions all over the world love black veil brides for who they are-not their "supposed labeling of music type"! black veil brides are here to stay & thrive in their music & talent
Wrestlemania 30's gonna be EPIC!!! :D
Okay. Black Veil Brides is in MY opinion a good band.I saw them live with Asking Alexandria a few years ago They were decent live I've seen better but hey. I prefer their old stuff to their new stuff, They do have a huge fan girl fan base though which causes them to win three awards for example. Oh fan girls, I'm a fan girl for Bring Me The Horizon or For All Those Sleeping but Black Veil brides owes a lot of their fame to them being "super cute" or "hot" thanks to the fan girls.
Stop looking at their fucking videos if you are gonna hate
It was the best Speech!!!!
Uh of I hope they come to Minnesota this fall god I love them so much