US v. CZECH REPUBLIC (Shocking things about the healthcare systems!!)

  • Опубликовано: 27 янв 2025

Комментарии • 1 тыс.

  • @DreamPrague
    @DreamPrague  4 года назад +44

    What do you think? Do you find either system shocking? Have you experienced healthcare in either country? Which do you think suits your needs best? Tell me in the comments below :)

    • @vlada_dusek
      @vlada_dusek 4 года назад +22

      Myslím, že je dobrý se podívat i na to, co to stojí a kdo to platí. :-) Pokud vezmeme v potaz průměrnou mzdu v Česku, která byla posledně udávána kolem 34 000,- měsíčně, co nám z toho vyjde. "Superhrubá mzda", tedy základ daně, ten balík peněz, který zaměstnavatel musí uvolnit, činí 45 500,-. Z toho je 10 642,- sociální pojištění, 4 590,- zdravotní pojištění, 4 755,- daň z přijmu (po uplatnění slevy na dani) a zbyde vám 25 513,- (tedy 55% z celkové částky). S tím, že tam jsou uplatňovány nějaké progresivní mechanismy, tedy čím více vyděláváte, tím méně vám zůstane (v %).
      Edit: Co tím chci říct, že náklady nejsou (nemusí být) na první pohled vidět. A může se zdát, že máme zdravotní systém levný. Ještě stát to výborně zamaskuje do několik různých kolonek (zaměstnavatel sociální, zaměstnavatel zdravotní, sociální, zdravotní, daň z přijmu). To že průměrnýmu člověku zbyde z platu něco málo přes půlku je na zamyšlení (jak moc je stát velký / efektivní / stojí ty služby, které nám poskytuje za takovou cenu?). Nedělám závěry, pouze pokládám otázky.

    • @potayto-potahto881
      @potayto-potahto881 4 года назад +20

      When my wife and I were in Czechia, she had an extremely severe ear infection where she couldn't even swallow. We had no insurance. She got two bags of IV and was given a prescription antibiotic. Cost us less than $20. I just had an ear infection and went to a doctor's office in the US, again no insurance (thanks COVID) I had my ear scraped and got some ear drops. The visit cost me $200+ and the prescription ear drops (basically just vinegar) were $25.

    • @jindrichcapek7842
      @jindrichcapek7842 4 года назад +57

      I do not find US system shocking. It just requires huge amount of money and attorneys ;-)
      I thing the biggest difference between European and American healthcare is this: In Europe, it is healthcare system. In USA it is healthcare business.

    • @frantiseklaluch6605
      @frantiseklaluch6605 4 года назад +35

      Ahoj Jen, your employer does not get your medical data, just that you did have the medical check (YES/NO). In special cases, if you are able to do your job (professional drivers, miners, firemen...), and that is YES/NO answer too, no details...
      Funny, how you percieve pharmacists, as I am one... :-) We do not judge people because of their health condition, trust me, we are professionals... I will offer you the best OTC or give you advice to see your doctor, if it is beyond self medication (in Czech point of view). To see a doctor is "free" (covered by insurance), so no reason not to get diagnosed and treated properly.
      In general, I think, Czech healthcare is OK. It is not even a kitchen table issue here. The social contract is, that evebody pays according to income and gets treatment whatever happens. You can pay more and get better room or get better quality endoprothesis and more smiles, but the homeless person gets good healthcare aswell.
      I remember healthcare in socialist times (state owned, centralised...), it was horrible. Todays system of mandarory insurance and private healthcare is much more better.

    • @terezakoukal6253
      @terezakoukal6253 4 года назад +5

      Jen,unfortunately you're a little wrong about the births And Lack of sedatives.In Czechia natural birth Is strongly encouraged,And for a good Reason.It doesn't mean,though,it goes medieval style.You're given analgetics,oxygen,whatever painkiller,but yes,you also go through pain,but by the time you get to that stage,hormones start to work So you totally manage.C-section Are only in emergencies or when natural birth Is hazardous.Yes,some women freak out And get an unnecessary c-section,but that's a bad policy-check WHO warnings.Actually,giving birth in Czechia Is one of the best options.Yeah,the Staff Are pussies-check smaller Hospitals outside Prague where the Staff Are REALLY helpful. The priority Is the baby And you,not strangers,Once you get in labour,you won't mind anybody😂😂.If you're thinking about having kids-just go ahead!!

  • @jindrichcapek7842
    @jindrichcapek7842 4 года назад +269

    Regarding the healthcare checkup and privacy: The checkup basically says whether you are able to do that work or not. It does not reveal any unnecessary details about your health to the employer.

    • @May04bwu
      @May04bwu 4 года назад +2

      Why do they take your blood then? Doesn't make any sense, unless you work with chemicals on in a biohazard environment.

    • @poro9084
      @poro9084 4 года назад +27

      @@May04bwu i think they are doing also regular checkup when you are already there,

    • @HankMoody33
      @HankMoody33 4 года назад +8

      @@May04bwu Depends on employer and their contract with doctor. I used to work for pharma company and the medical check was very detailed and comprehensive (blood, urine, EKG, sono etc). It was some kind of benefit. My other employers had very vague medical check.

    • @skipii1234
      @skipii1234 4 года назад +5

      @@May04bwu Few years ago I went to the doctor because of my drivers licence to see whether I am fit/healthy enough to drive a car. I told the doctor truthfully my health status and the doctor very quickly checked my sight, hearing and other stuff (I bet that if I told them I was sick or was somehow incapable of driving, the checkup would be way longer). It was in & out, 5 minute adventure. No blood taken. I think it was like $5-10, though.

    • @mr.schloopka1124
      @mr.schloopka1124 4 года назад +6

      @@May04bwu I believe they check if you take drugs

  • @karelbenak
    @karelbenak 4 года назад +398

    Hmmm, jelikož žiju s lékařkou, je můj pohled značně zkreslený, ale myslím si, že je zdravotnictví v ČR na nečekaně vysoké úrovni a velmi dobře dostupné. Slyším od manželky mnoho zkazek, co k nim na RTG přišlo za případy, např. se člověk doslova přežere a za dvě hodiny si nechá zavolat erzetu, hodně často vyšetřují různé alkoholiky apod.
    No a teď z jiného soudku. Bohužel se nám nejstarší syn narodil s dětskou mozkovou obrnou, protože mu v prenatálním stádiu praskla cévka a velmi silně zakrvácel do levé komory mozkové, ze které zbylo cca 25% objemu, než jaký by měla mít. Porod proběhl sekcí a manželka s ním velmi pravidelně cvičila Vojtovu metodu (a její modifikace), za což by nám v tak "vyspělých" státech, jako je např. Velká Británie, Norsko apod., byl Ondra odebrán. Hodně mu pomohl jeho mladší bráška, kterého jsme si naprosto cíleně pořídili, abychom se z toho nezcvokli. No vlastně jsme jim ještě pořídili sestřičku ... a bylo to to nejlepší, co jsme pro Ondru mohli udělat. Sourozenci mu neuvěřitelně pomohli ve vývoji a pomáhají mu i dál. Od cca roku a půl se u něj začaly projevovat příznaky epileptických záchvatů. Nic co znáte z TV seriálů, ale prostě ho to dokázalo vyřadit na půl dne, i více. Napřed to bylo jednou za rok. Ok, s tím se dá žít. Bohužel, záchvaty se začaly objevovat čím dál častěji a to tak, že třeba 3-4 za den. Jako na potvoru začal být rezistentní na antiepileptika a my jsme už byli docela zoufalí. Před 3 lety jsme se po konzultaci s profesorem Krškem z Neurologické kliniky v Motolské nemocnici rozhodli pro jeho operaci. Byla obrovským riskem, ale počítali jsme, že se buď podaří, nebo ... brrr, ani nechci pomyslet. Ty záchvaty nás jako rodinu nesmírně omezovaly a Ondra si vytrpěl své. Docent MUDr. Tichý a jeho tým odvedli naprosto špičkovou práci, Ondra podstoupil operaci oddělení mozkových hemisfér jako cca 20 člověk v republice. Jo, je to sakra blbé umístění, ale od té doby (musím zaklepat na kov) se zatím žádný epileptický záchvat neobjevil. Ondrovi se trošku změnila psychika, je teď takový roztomilý a spokojený, ale my jsme vyloženě šťastní, že velmi dobře prospívá. Neumím si představit, že bychom tuhle léčbu hradili sami, jako v USA. To by byla neskutečná raketa (peněžní). Něco jako cena za Challenger, Atlantis, Columbia a jejich nosné rakety dohromady.

    • @mrkv4k
      @mrkv4k 4 года назад +35

      V rodině máme podobný případ. Sestře se narodil syn s vrozenou srdeční vadou. Pár měsíců po porodu musel podstoupit velice závažnou operaci, kterou v republice dělají jen ve dvou nemocnicích. Teď je to šťastné a zdravé dítě (až na pravidelné kontroly u kardiologa, které bude muset absolvovat do konce života). Ani si nedovedu představit, jak by něco takového probíhalo v rámci amerického zdravotnictví, asi by na to padly veškeré úspory celé širší rodiny.

    • @pavlinajuricova123
      @pavlinajuricova123 4 года назад +30

      Držím pěsti a palce vám všem. Ano taky si myslím nebo jsem o tom přesvědčena že české zdravotnictví je na hodně vysoké úrovni i doktoři a sestry jsou milí a příjemní. Rozhodně bych s Amerikou neměnila.

    • @karelbenak
      @karelbenak 4 года назад +40

      @@mrkv4k Jo, naprosto to chápu. My jsme vyloženě happy, že to dopadlo jak to dopadlo. Ondra sice není zdravý, protože má spasmu pravé ruky a ani noha není úplně v pořádku, ale chodí. Sice je ta chůze trošku nejistá a rozhodně nebude šplhat po skále a složitější terén v lese také nezvládne, ale chodí. Naštěstí už nemusí brát žádné léky. Inteligenčně to je ... no bohužel bída, ale všechny nás překvapil, že ve svých 12 letech je schopen i něco přečíst. Aby ne, když chce gamesit, musí číst :D Jen máme obavy, že psanému textu moc nerozumí. Ale je to zlatíčko a mladší bráška mu závidí tu jeho bezstarostnost a radost ze života.
      Takže kdo nadává na úroveň našeho zdravotnictví, běžte si vážení stonat třeba do Států, Číny, nebo Vietnamu. Při placení zdravotního pojištění, resp. daně, fakt neprskám a modlím se, aby tu lékařká péče neupadala a dostala se co největšímu množství skutečně potřebných.

    • @juliesmith8935
      @juliesmith8935 4 года назад +5

      V US pokud mate zdravotni pojisteni pres zamestnavatele. Tak mate limit, ktery zaplatite za rok. Tak ze, nemoc vaseho ditete by vas nezrujnovala.

    • @karelbenak
      @karelbenak 4 года назад +4

      @@juliesmith8935 A když jsem sám sobě zaměstnavatel?

  • @sharpshooterCZ200S
    @sharpshooterCZ200S 4 года назад +165

    Když si z USA necháte poslat do ČR NyQuil, zabaví vám ho na hranicích.
    Když z ČR pošlete do USA balení olomouckejch tvarůžků, zabaví je taky :-D

    • @robinsebelova7103
      @robinsebelova7103 4 года назад +46

      Protože si myslí, že se jedná o chemickou zbraň.

    • @vala9093
      @vala9093 4 года назад +1

      @@robinsebelova7103 😄😄😄

    • @loverof666
      @loverof666 4 года назад +5

      @@robinsebelova7103 a ne snad?

    • @conceptalfa
      @conceptalfa 4 года назад +1

      @@robinsebelova7103 haha!!! 🙃 👍 👍 👍

    • @annaweber26
      @annaweber26 4 года назад

      @@robinsebelova7103 😂😂😂🤣🤣

  • @stuartcowan3576
    @stuartcowan3576 4 года назад +96

    Another great and informative video-thanks!
    As a Brit who spent almost 7 years living in Denmark I enjoyed ( amongst other things) really good healthcare.
    When I was taking a new assignment at work I was offered the USA or Czech Republic as countries I could move to. As well as the migraine inducing tax system (from the price on the shelf rack being different to what you get charged at the till all the way through to filing your income tax), then employee rights (lack of holiday entitlement to being sacked on the spot) the final biggie was the health care cover and costs.
    Relocating to Prague was the easiest decision I've made in my life.
    Just over a year into life here and even with the COVID restrictions it's been great.

    • @lucieplankova1571
      @lucieplankova1571 4 года назад +3

      So nice to hear you're having a lovely time in Prague! I'm actually just about to relocate back to Prague after 7 years of living in Denmark. :) Those two countries have surprisingly a lot in common!

    • @skdkskdk
      @skdkskdk 4 года назад

      you must be joking, Denmark is absolutely the worst in Scandinavia. The NHS may be benefiting from its size in several areas too, Denmark may be a bit more streamline in bloodtests and stuff but that's about it.

    • @magdalenam.4788
      @magdalenam.4788 4 года назад +3

      Good decision: I live in the UK and really miss Czech medical system :-D

  • @sofiabruce5795
    @sofiabruce5795 4 года назад +140

    Tvoje videa jsou super a mluvíte krásně česky 👍, já jsem taky z Ameriky🇺🇲 a bydlím tady v Česku🇨🇿 už skoro 6 roků

  • @procprotoc
    @procprotoc 4 года назад +270

    Já jsem s českým zdravotnictvím spokojený. Už několikrát jsem potřeboval sešroubovat a zatím to drží :D

    • @domeckyprokrecky
      @domeckyprokrecky 4 года назад +2


    • 4 года назад +2

      Takže drátky a šrouby a sešít ať to drží pohromadě?

    • @janbalaban5268
      @janbalaban5268 4 года назад +31

      Kdyby ti ukázali v USA co si budou účtovat za jeden chirurgický šroub, tak by jsi se tam raději nechal sbouchat dohromady zednickýma hřebíkama :-D

    • @procprotoc
      @procprotoc 4 года назад +5

      @@janbalaban5268 To mě napadlo hned. Pokud bych žil v USA, tak už bych možná nežil :D

    • @MarcelaBerk
      @MarcelaBerk 4 года назад +5

      @@procprotoc nebo žil, ale doživotně zadlužený :-)

  • @zasluncevdusi
    @zasluncevdusi 4 года назад +89

    Ok so this video is kind of a treasure for me - a chronically ill czech medical student and medical youtuber with a few american relatives:-D Thank you Jen!
    I only have a few things to add:
    1) The younger generation of doctors and us, med students and hopefully future doctors, are gradually getting better at bedside manners, it is finally being implemented into our med school curriculum and we also see and dont really appretiate the patronising way some older doctors behave, so the future looks brighter, yay!
    2) I am so freaking thankful for the czech insurance system. I am dependent on IV medication that costs around 24k USD a year - there is no way in hell I would be ale to afford to pay that!
    3) The czech healthcare could really use some services that would be provided on top of insurance that you would have to pay for, I think there are patients that would gladly give up their money in exchange for premium care and the medical staff could benefit from that - the bigger problem is that there is just not simply enough healthcare workers (especially nurses) to provide basic care, not to even think premium. Working in healthcare is difficult and stresful and healthcare workers in Czechia are majorly underpaid and that kind of is not attractive for students choosing their future career path... But lets stay positive and hope that the general public (and polititians, uhm) realize just how precious and needed healthcare workers are because of the pandemic and stuff...
    Anyways, sending lots of love. I am excited for your future content!

    • @mrkv4k
      @mrkv4k 4 года назад +5

      Just to that 3rd point, The original idea behind the premium care was that it would provide additional funds for the healthcare workers over all, and even allow hiring of more people. The counterargument was, that this would open the figurative "Pandora's box". And insurance companies would love to clasify some more expencive procedures and medication as a premium, even tho they are now covered within the standard.

    • @looseycanon
      @looseycanon 4 года назад +5

      I'm not sure that number three is a can of worms, that should be opened. Where do we draw the line? Better bed? Access to WiFi? Better lunches (which is a chapter on itself)? What about certain procedures? What about better implants, which don't degrade so quickly and thus could save a patient another operation? Or what about those ambulance rides? Sure, there are problems with funding our system, however, I feel like there are other problems, most importantly on the expences side of the debate. For instance. When I was hospitalised with my teeth (I will admit it, I fear the dentist) I noticed, that there were Cisco access points and, I asked around a bit, yep, Cisco switches. These cost annual fee to run! Meanwhile, Ubiquiti provide's similar access points, centrally controlled and no recurring fees whatsoever. MS Office? These days that would be 2000 CZK (like 80 USD) per license every year. Meanwhile, Libre Office is free and opensource! I fear how much could have been saved, if IT had it's funding funneled towards wages and inhouse developed software. And that's just the IT department! How much waste is there in other departments?
      And just to show how crazy money in hospitals can be, I am a blood donor (0- so I take it very seriously to give, when I can). In multiple czech hospitals that I have visited for this purpose, the transfusion units were always supplied by blood donors not just with blood, but with office supplies too. Seriously, when I went a few years ago, this guy show's up, get's his paperwork (short medical history form) and put's on the table a box of A4 paper and about two dozen pens, saying "I know you need these and the hospital won't provide.". I asked the nurse back then, whether what that man said was true. She told me, that, sadly, it was. And that was the hospital, that I had my teeth surgery at. You know, one that payed for Cisco and MS Office.
      So, I'd say, that before we ask the question, "For what services can we charge more?", we really need a deep audit of expences in individual hospitals.

    • @mrkv4k
      @mrkv4k 4 года назад

      @@looseycanon I am 100% for premiums regarding non-medical stuff. That means better bed, solo room, launch made by an actuall cheff, etc. I am not as sure about the medical stuff, even tho I can immagine that for example a 70 years old doesn't need the very best titanium knee joint that is awailable on the market, but should be able to pay to get it. And yes, potetional misuse of premiums is a very real and tough problem to solve.
      To that other part, regarding the IT, I think that you were a bit too quick to judge. Most machinery, IT systems and other equipment that is used in hospitals is strictly regulated. And it often is the case that only those large and expencive companies have propper (often additional) tests on their products. For example I used to work for a company that made a battery packs. Our biggest customer was a company that repaired medical equipment. They had to have a special certification and they did regular checks on the equipment. Every back up battery for any medical equipment has a given minimum lifetime after which it has to be changed for a new one, even if the old one could work for another two years. Batterry cells used in those packs have to be from certain suppliers to guarantee their quality.
      In regard to software like MS Office, there are many potential compatibility issues that you could run into if you'd use something else. Administrative software usually has some kind of export directly to a .xlsx or .doc files and those doesn't work so well with the open source stuff. And I am not even talking about the nightmare of using different software for each hospital.

    • @looseycanon
      @looseycanon 4 года назад +2

      @@mrkv4k I'm sorry, to be the nitpicker here, but... In a hospital, everything is medical. The comfort of the rooms is a also part of recovery, because someone's psyche actually affect's how effectively he/she recover's even for no psychiatric or psychological cases. There were actual papers on this. There is a bigger problem with above-standard, and it's the salama method. Bit by bit, one could move the threashold for above standard care and push care gradually more to the for pay model, where insurance doesn't cover anything, because the standard has eroded in to no care or placebo. Without above standard, there is no temptation of this.
      In regards to opensource, yes, there WERE major compatibility issues, that is why standardised inter-app methods were adopted, such as the csv file, where values are devided by columns and the other application can import it. Not to mention that these days, there are very minor compatibility issues in generally accessible software. While I'll admit that there might be a bit of problem with software that goes with some hardware (say imaging software for MRI machine), that doesn't mean one can't save some money on non-critical stuff. Software to run diagnostics equipment is critical, no quarel there, but an office package is not. Sure, it will take some time to ease employees in to this software, but it will save money in the long run. Money, which could then be spent on care or better wages for employees, retaining them.
      As for Wi-Fi, these are not specifically made devices for medical industry. Any business can purchase these. Same goes for switches and routers. Design of a network is the same, be it a home, a factory, a hospital or a military base. The only thing that changes are the bells and whistles around it and even these one could implement in any network, if he went for enough of an overkill. I know. I went! While yes, equipment to pick need's to have certain qualities, basically all business grade stuff has them! They all do the same thing! All are standardised and can operate together, once you turn off proprietary stuff in them, that is why you need to disable AirMax in Ubiquiti's AirMax devices, if you want to use them as normal APs for your network and not as WiFi bridges, because you have another AirMax device on the other side, or why you can hook up a Netgear, Ubiquiti, Cisco and a D-Link and they will work together, even if you want to use multiple links. There is a standardised procedure one can utilise. Interoperability is actually very common in networking in general! So why use a 70k Cisco, when you can find a 50k Aruba (HP) or 40k Netgear? If their stats are equal and their perforemance is too (wihich it almost is), why go with the more expensive option, especially if it cost's you money every year? Why subscribe oneself in to a ecosystem, that cost's you money over and over again, when there are other comparable and cheaper options? I'm not quick to judge here. I will concede, that I am harsh here, because I happen to know networking and what gear can do and what it can't. Problems with networking are mostly in implementation, meaning someone poorly designed their network, not that wrong gear was used (except for TP-Link). Even situations, where there was a network problem with critical perifery is usually not the problem of the particular network equipment, but rather poorly implemented or thought out purchase choice of the connected perifery (MRI, smart lab equipment or a server)

    • @mrkv4k
      @mrkv4k 4 года назад

      ​@@looseycanon _"In a hospital, everything is medical."_ - Yes and no. Psyche and comfort are important in recovery, but these things vary deppending on the actual person. For some, sharing room with two other patients is extremely stressful, for others it's the opposite. I also don't think that the impact is as severe as other things (like for example family visits, overall state of mind). Limiting potentional premiums just for these non-medical things (even tho they have some negatives) would be a way how to break those "salami tactics", sicnce there is a much bigger gap between non-medical to medical then one medical procedure to another.
      In regards to opensource, there still are compatibility issues, even with "csv" files (I know, we have to solve them everyday). But the bigger picture is compatibility within the healthcare system as a whole. Big problem here is that there are often regulations which limit the potentional suppliers (of software, but also generaly everything). Unnecessary requirements placed within a suplier selection procedures is actuall one of the main systematic problems with state owned enterprises. And this is often caused by corruption (like adding a requirement for certain "ISO" certification that only only the prefered supplier is able to provide), but it is also often caused by overzealous civil servants. Regarding your example of software for MRI, I don't think that there is an issue, because this software is usually provided with the machine and is customized to the hardware. Therefore it cannot be replaced by a third party version anyway.
      _"As for Wi-Fi, these are not specifically made devices for medical industry. Any business can purchase these"_ - I didn't claim that they are. But the manufacturers can have some additional certification that others don't have (which is the same issue as previously mentioned).
      _"While yes, equipment to pick need's to have certain qualities, basically all business grade stuff has them! They all do the same thing!"_ - That is factually incorrect. As someone, who makes business grade stuff for a living (I am an HW engineer), I can't even count how many times we had to acquire a completely unrelated certification because it was required by the customer (and in most cases that customer had some kind of relation to state). This includes everything from a 6 year warranty, ISO 9001, certifications regarding the safety, the methods by which we dispose of garbage (or recycling), to how many units we are actually able to produce even tho they will buy one tenth of them. One of our customers (big US company) even demands that we change our PC paswords every 3 months, and they regulary check that. And we don't even have a direct link to their data.
      Another common thing for buyin from big companies is when they buy in bulk (I am not saying that they did, just that it is a possibility). Negotiating price for 1000 units could actually lower the price of one below the competition which is not even able to suply such ammount (within reasonable timeframe).

  • @betsyshooby3453
    @betsyshooby3453 4 года назад +35

    also, growing up in Slovakia as the eldest i always thought it is normal for a mother to not have to work for three years after having a baby and then at three years old it can go to kindergarten. (my mom had me, then three and a half years after had my sister and another three years later had my brother, so she had quite a lot of time out off work and now i think it was timed in a very clever way. )I watch a lot of US shows and people there seem to have a baby, recover from the birth a bit and just go back to work like a month or two later.
    this is something unimaginable to me. I grew up knowig about three years of maternal leave and it seemed reasonable - recovery from the birth, breastfeeding, teaching your kid to walk talk and potty train and such / being a busy mother everyday - and when tthe kid is three years old and knows how to take care of themself, they go to kindergart and you go back to work at your previous job. of course there is still a lot of hardship with the kid, but they are old enough to be at the kindergarten by that time.

  • @mirekmarek2m
    @mirekmarek2m 4 года назад +43

    Pěkné video :-)
    Náš zdravotní systém je jedna z mnoha věcí, na kterou jsem hrdý. A doslova mě zachránil. Měl jsem i jako mladý velice vzácný zdravotní problém s 20% šanci na přežití. Nejprve mě prostě zachránili a vrátili do úplně normálního života. Kolik to stálo jsem zjistil až pak z elektronickém systému mé pojišťovny.
    Stejně tak opakovaně pomohli mému synovi a tak dále. Ve zdravotnictví stále lépe funguje informovanost a komunikace. Dá se zjistit léčba úplně všeho co věda umožňuje. Přístrojů a kapacit je dost. Ostatně to vidíme teď při pandemii. Náš systém do doposud ustál. Je neuvěřitelně efektivní a lidský. A v neposlední řadě plný úžasných profesionálů, kterým patří velký dík a obdiv. Prostě jeden z důvodů, proč bych ČR nikdy za jinou zemi nevyměnil. Za žádnou.
    Jo a .... S doktorem se dá mluvit a komunikovat, ale doktor spoustu let studoval a studuje, má atestace atd. Doktor opravdu ví lépe co a jak než lajk ....A vždy máme právo volby, právo na informace atd. Je co zlepšovat, ale podstata systému je super.

  • @tomasnovotny4644
    @tomasnovotny4644 4 года назад +87

    Fakt: pokud máte někde na zemi dostat infarkt či mozkovou příhodu, tak nejlepší země je na to Česká Republika, protože nikde jinde ve světě není taková síť záchranných služeb a každá nemocnice je na to připravena. Pokud se dostanete do nemocnice je šance na přežití 95%.

  • @elainepereira3723
    @elainepereira3723 4 года назад +54

    You are very intelligent as only very bright people can be funny the way you are. Sophisticated jokes. I love your sense of humour.

  • @andreahoffman8152
    @andreahoffman8152 4 года назад +28

    Bottle of slivovica is universal medicine. My grandmother gave us also borovička (one shot for cold an any kind of pain).

  • @milanpenicka1216
    @milanpenicka1216 4 года назад +65

    Hi, usually I don`t make any comments to any internet presentations but let me do some additional info as far as healthcare. I have lived in Florida for 20 years and Canada for 10 years. My wife has worked in healthcare industry for almost entire live (RN - registered nurse). 7 years ago, we have retired to Czech Republic. US healt care cost: half insurance is paid by employer and half by employee, additional cost: deductible and co-pay. This expenditure can be quite high. You don`t pay this in CR. There is additional cost to American healthcare system every year: so called enrolment and acknowledgement. Every year each employee has to choose healthcare plan (HMO, plans with participating physicians + 100s more different plans nobody understands. It`s just a mess) . All those bureaucratic steps do not in any way add benefits to the healthcare improvement. I will also mention COBRA. You probably know meaning of it. It is the reason, that US healthcare is 4 to 6 times more expensive than European systems. More expensive doesn't mean it is better. According to the WHO US healthcare is ranking 30 in the world in 2020. CZ is ranking 12. I have to mention also Medicare. Retired people in US have to deal with healthcare plans A, B, C ,D. Basic plan is A, just for an emergency. Each plan above A has to be bought and be paid extra. Each plan has its own deductibles or copays. And again, it has to be enrolled and acknowledged. Just for taste of the US HS. I had broken tibia. I had a good plan PPO Blue Cross Blue Shield for myself and plan from my wife. Still, I had to pay $3500 as a copay. In CR I would not pay a penny. Anyway, healthcare system in US is very complicated in order to describe all those nuances and even more difficult to make any comparison to CR HS. In my opinion and my experience, the CZ system is much simple and very efficient despites its negatives. It was one of the most important reasons, we have retired to CR

    • @DreamPrague
      @DreamPrague  4 года назад +14

      I agree 100%, thanks for sharing your story. It would be impossible for me to explain the intricacies of the US system. It's complexity is a disservice to the people it serves, in my opinion.

    • @milanpenicka1216
      @milanpenicka1216 4 года назад +2

      @@DreamPrague Agree. Good luck and happy to have people like u here.

    • @milanpenicka1216
      @milanpenicka1216 4 года назад +4

      I have not mentioned preexisting conditions, where insurance companies denying the insurance to people. It has been already 7y we have left. I believe there has been some progress and improvement as far as preexisting conditions. Not sure.
      Cost of medications is also very expensive in US.
      It is also important to realize how difficult it is for people without HI. It may be very devastated for families. Most of personal bankruptcies are due to an inability to pay for health treatments.

    • @miroslavaklimova4597
      @miroslavaklimova4597 4 года назад

      @@milanpenicka1216 ale film Sicko, od Michaela Moora o tom vypoveda dostatecne...

    • @milanpenicka1216
      @milanpenicka1216 4 года назад +2

      @@miroslavaklimova4597 Nevim proc to ale. Ja mluvim z me vlastni a me zeny prozite skutecnosti, nikoliv z Moorova filmu. Ten pouze naznazil problemy, Vlastni prozitky jsou mnohem dulezitejsi. Moore, jako milionar, si urcite nemohl a nemuze stezovat na americke zdravotnictvi (pri jeho vzhledu ho urcite potrebuje). Jeho film byl hlavne natocen z pohledu zisku, sokovat hlavne zahranicni divaky, nikoliv ze zajmu zlepsit situaci. Nebudu to dale rozvadet. Preji hezky den.

  • @karlamelichnova6226
    @karlamelichnova6226 4 года назад +29

    It's been proven that Czechs are statistically one of those, that have the lowest use of painkillers in general. Other than for example Americans, who are on the exact opposite.
    Also, the self medicating in america and the medical ads are leading to huge war between farmaceutical companies, which makes me strongly doubt the efectivenes of those drugs. It's all about money.

  • @looseycanon
    @looseycanon 4 года назад +26

    Fun fact, without House md, I wouldn't have been able to understand the opioid epidemic in the US. There wasn't even a Wikipedia page for Vicodin in Czech language!

  • @BJKage
    @BJKage 4 года назад +15

    I am autistic.Asperger Syndrome, have the RA, Astma, Clinical Depressions and and already had 3 operation due to RA on the right knee and both shoulders. Living in US I´d probably shot myself long time ago.

  • @vitventruba6918
    @vitventruba6918 4 года назад +83

    Potvrzení o zdravotní způsobilosti není výpis ze zdravotní karty pouze doklad o tom že jste způsobilý vykonávat danou práci

    • @NewStreamLine
      @NewStreamLine 3 года назад +1

      Na což ovšem v mnoha případech není způsobilý samotný doktor.
      Pro speciální profese existují lékařští specialisté. Zdravotní způsobilost k výkonu zaměstnání je totální BS. Způsobuje jen odčerpávání veřejných peněz do kapes doktorů. Holt, doktoři umějí lobbovat... Kdyby tak, jak umějí lobbovat, uměli i léčit! Čest výjimkám, ale těch není mnoho. Bohužel...

  • @AdriLaivaeDosi
    @AdriLaivaeDosi 4 года назад +195

    Mno já se ani nedivím, že u nás NyQuil není dostupný 😄. Vždyť je to dláždění cesty k závislosti. Je to dost hard core opiát. Jsou tam dvě návykové opiodní látky, halucinogen, sedativum, které v kombinaci s paracetamolem gradují do velkých výšin. A jestli je to volně dostupné, tak se už ničemu nedivím. 🙈

    • @luciedimitrov1987
      @luciedimitrov1987 4 года назад +19

      O tom pak jsou videa Michala Šopora, kam až tyhle "drug store" vedou... do pekel :/

    • @pavelpithart5902
      @pavelpithart5902 4 года назад +48

      Taky jsem si dal tu práci, našel si složení toho NyQuilu a to je masakr, že je takový preparát volně dostupný bez předpisu někde v drogerce :/. Jako zase věřím, že ten přípravek je účinný a potlačí všechny příznaky nachlazení apod., každopádně organismus dostává zabrat - játra, ledviny, nemluvě o vlivu na psychiku a jestli to fakt bere někdo dlouhodobě, tak je to cesta do pekel...

    • @MarcelaBerk
      @MarcelaBerk 4 года назад +39

      @@pavelpithart5902 ano, potlačí příznaky, ale neléčí. Prostě umožní i nemocným chodit do práce :-) ach jo.

    • @MrMajsterixx
      @MrMajsterixx 4 года назад +9

      No pozor, na Americe se mi líbí, že jsou díky takovým věcem lidi samostatnější a ne jak děcka závislý na státu, kterej tady skoro zastupuje rodiče co ti říkaj co můžeš jest, brát, dělat aby sis náhodou neublížil, a pak se není čemu divit, že za všechno podle lidí může Vláda, když si skoro nejsou schopni utřít hubu než jim to dovolí.

    • @michalzamostny2075
      @michalzamostny2075 4 года назад +28

      @@MarcelaBerk ano, vydělávejte dál, ale dál budte nemocní ať ty peníze dáte nám za prášky. Léčit vás nebudeme, to byste nám nedávali peníze. A to je čistý kapitalismus.

  • @lukasanonim
    @lukasanonim 4 года назад +23

    V Česku máme prý také nejlepší kardiochirurgii.
    Za což jsem osobně velice rád, mám přeoperované umělé srdeční chlopně, a neumím si moc představit, co by se mnou bylo, kdybych žil v USA.
    Nejspíše bych byl zdráv stejně, ale do konce života bych splácel částku, kterou bych možná ani do konce života nesplatil.
    Tady je nejen ze vše zdarma, ale ještě mi v nemocnici půjčili notebook, a X box, abych se náhodou nenudil 😂.

    • @tomascernak6112
      @tomascernak6112 Год назад

      Ne, zemřel by jsi. Obyčejný bypass je za 70 tisíc dolarů. Umělé srdeční chlopně 250 tisíc a více. Následná péče by stála kolem 10 tisíc dolarů ročně. Pokud máš průměrný příjem a majetek v ČR, byl by jsi na tom stejně i v SSA. To znamená, že tvůj roční příjem by byl cca 60 tisíc dolarů ročně. Tvoje životní náklady by byly necelých 40 tisíc dolarů ročně. Tj. tvůj příjem použitelný na splácení operace by byl 10 tisíc dolarů ročně. Průměrný úrok na hypo je kolem 7,5% ročně, takže roční úrok bude 19 tisíc dolarů. Tj. nezaplatil by jsi ani úrok a tudíž ti na to nikdo nepůjčí.
      Ostatně dává to obecný smysl, 250 tisíc dolarů je cena už slušného domu, který v SSA z průměrného příjmu splácí 30 a více let a splátka je obvykle těch 20-30 tisíc dolarů ročně.
      A když ti na to nepůjčí, tak tě v Americe nechají bez pardonu zhebnout. Paradoxně by se ti v takovém případě vyplatila zdravotní turistika, ale má to dvě úskalí.
      1) Když ti ji prokážou, je za to v SSA minimálně 10 let vězení (ano, ačkoliv je americký zdravotní systém nelidský, pokud jsi Američan a "odkloníš" z něj své peníze do ciziny, jde o trestný čin se sazbami, jako by jsi krátil daně a vypočítané z ceny léčby v SSA).
      2) Ve státech s normálním zdravotnictvím je velmi obtížné získat přístup k takovému typu léčby bez toho, že jsi byl přihlášen do systému pojištění. Nelze si ji jedonduše zaplatit.
      Obecně, pokud by jsi zjistil že máš takovýto typ onemocnění/vady, tedy takový, který se dá vyléčit v jiných zemích, vyplatilo by se ti do některé z nich emigrovat. Tj. prodat veškerý majetek v SSA a přesídlit do vybrané země. Při vhodné volbě cílové země (například RF) lze dokonce přesídlit a před tím spáchat finanční podvod v SSA (půjčit si prachy od banky na již neplatné smlouvy o vlastnictví majetku).

  • @kristynaberankova2703
    @kristynaberankova2703 4 года назад +14

    And you don't have to worry about confidentiality with an "occupational" physician. The doctor examines the new employee, but does not send the results to the employer, he only sends a short message - "able to work", "unable to work", able with exceptions ... "That's all.

  • @phersheus
    @phersheus 4 года назад +17

    A good NyQuil substitute you can get over the counter here is regular cold medication like coldrex (I totally recommend the max grip hot drink one, just don’t prepare more than 3 a day) 🙂

  • @kittsu9500
    @kittsu9500 4 года назад +12

    "It's small country so they have problem treating rare diseases" To be fair my friend is one of the few survivors of rare disease. Most people die on it in 10 years and most of it they are in wheelchair. He survived (he is around 30) and few years back he learned how to walk again.

  •  4 года назад +8

    Hello Jen, thanks for another great video :) The health check-up in Czechia is mandatory when a new employee enters a new job position. Here is how it works: Your GP will print out a Medical history summary, give it to you and you then hand it over to the doctor hired by the employer who will evaluate it and check you in person. Then they will give you a written approval for the employer that your health is adequate to the job you are supposed to do. So, the medical privacy is kept, the employer doesn't have access to your medical data, it's in the hands of qualified medical professionals who have the duty to keep the medical privacy.

  • @erurainon6842
    @erurainon6842 4 года назад +38

    RUclipsrs: Add comercials to their vids.
    Jen: Support health foundation❤️

    • @DreamPrague
      @DreamPrague  4 года назад +6


    • @70M45-c9r
      @70M45-c9r 4 года назад

      Yes, It would be great to add more ads to your videos - I cannot giive money, but I would like to support them by watching ads...You will get the money from the ads and you can give them to the HAE foundation

    @SENGVIN 4 года назад +5

    I spent half of my life living in Czech Republic and half of my life living in the USA and you are on point.
    Now thanks to you a lot more people will understand this and I'm glad for this video ,now I can share it with my family for them to finally understand it.

  • @magdalenam.4788
    @magdalenam.4788 4 года назад +11

    I live in the UK and the only one thing I miss there is Czech medical system - and I am not a hypochondriac... Just think paikllers aren't a treatment.

  • @joseph91iam
    @joseph91iam 4 года назад +20

    I heard recently that USA is one of two countries in the world where is allowed direct-to-consumer advertising of prescription drugs. I think the other is New Zealand.

    • @DreamPrague
      @DreamPrague  4 года назад +7

      It's really crazy! And we're totally accustomed to it. I think you'd be shocked how many ads we see per day for medicine!

    • @druhyprogram
      @druhyprogram 4 года назад +5

      @@DreamPrague We do not even allow prescription drugs to have ads for the general public. They can only have ads in medicinal journals and at various doctors symposiums etc. But there is a hole in the law: you are forbidden to make ads for prescription only medications, but not for prescription only methods. And so a few years ago we saw a private radiotherapy (!) center flood Prague with ads aimed at cancer patients.

    • @veilenedream5825
      @veilenedream5825 4 года назад +1

      never thought about how freakin weird that is.

    • @slouberiee
      @slouberiee 3 года назад

      @@DreamPrague When me and my BF visited NYC three years ago and were staying at someone's flat in Queens (airbandb), on tv there were more ads than actual tv program. The ads were 80 % for medicines, 15 % for laywers if you want to take someone to court, 5 % anything else It was so bothering, we switched off the tv.

  • @RKB74
    @RKB74 4 года назад +12

    I've been a patient in the US (where I grew up), the CR (where I lived for 8.5 years) and Germany (where I've lived for 9.5 years). German system was the best...good care and affordable. Second was the Czech system, also good care and affordable. US system is a absurdly expensive. And the thing about "average" income is misleading to someone in Europe, because the difference between rich and poor is so much more extreme in the US. SO many people live below the "poverty level' in the US, and for them, healthcare is just completely out of reach economically.

  • @bitkarek
    @bitkarek 4 года назад +27

    actually in real life, most of czechs also walk it off... coz you get less money when you dont work and you are ill. So if its not something bad, you walk it off. I have never had an "illness leave" from work. Maximum was i just worked from home or took a day of a regular vacation. You just buy vitamins and ibalgin...

  • @1dbbs
    @1dbbs 2 года назад +1

    Můj strýc je imigrant, který utekl do Švýcarska, kde žil mnoho let, a poté se přestěhoval do USA kde žije přes 20 let a přesto jezdí každých 6 měsíců do České Republiky, aby se mu dostalo kvalitní a dostupné péče. Je to nyní jediný důvod proč se sem stále vrací. Na péči v takové kvalitě kterou mu Česká Republika poskytne by v USA nikdy neměl peníze i když je to podnikatel v nemovitostech. Jeho vyjádření bylo, že nemocnice jako v seriálu CHicago Hope sice jsou, ale že jinak jsou na nižší úrovni než okresní nemocnice v naší republice. A to nemyslím jen péči ale i přístup. Omlouvám se za pozdní koment, ale stále studuji zpětně Tvá videa které jsou naprosto úžasné a děkuji za "jiný" pohled na Českou Republiku :)

  • @juliesmith8935
    @juliesmith8935 4 года назад +3

    Great channel! Funny I am actually in the hospital in the US in Dallas, Texas. The nurses and stuff have been amazing. Just the level of “customer care”. I have to listen more of your videos. I lived in San Francisco and LA. Our daughter is on a full athletic scholarship at Stanford University studying pre-med. Plans to go to a medical school. Our son is still in public HS. We love Prague. But we also love US.

  • @vaxuvax
    @vaxuvax 4 года назад +3

    In Romania,the healthcare system is exactly the same as in Czech Republic. Amazing.

    • @10p7
      @10p7 4 года назад +1

      Nu știam că e așă și în româniă, salut din cehiă.

    • @vaxuvax
      @vaxuvax 4 года назад +1

      @@10p7 Hi. Even in Serbia and Croatia is the same. I think that the communist system levelled us and made us share some simmilarities. Although our traditions and customs are somewhat different ,we share a certain mentality, a certain way of viewing life and history different from Western Europe and USA.

    • @10p7
      @10p7 4 года назад +1

      @@vaxuvax That's quite interesting.

  • @pmpcpmpc4737
    @pmpcpmpc4737 4 года назад +12

    An interesting detail: the US spends on healthcare over 17 percent of GDP. The Czech Republic 7.1 percent.

  • @prometheusx2
    @prometheusx2 4 года назад +25

    as for the medical examination for the employer
    Virtually every Czech has its own general practitioner (private will) who should do a medical examination every year (preventive annual examination). It basically consists of: height control, weight, blood pressure, vision control, etc. The doctor keeps a patient's health card, which contains virtually all the diseases he has suffered, injuries, etc.
    And finally, to check on the company doctor.
    The standard procedure is to bring a statement of the patient's card from the district doctor and a request from the employer to assess the employee's health. That application states, in essence, the health burden for employees in the given job position. Whether it will work at night, 12 hours a day, work at heights, extreme physical exertion, dusty environment, etc.
    And the company doctor checks the contents of the patient card, and examines the employee to see if he is able to do the job.
    Subsequently, during the employment, regular medical examinations are performed at the company's doctor. Which are every year after two years depending on the health workload of the employee (for example, for a factory worker it is every year, while for an employee working in the office it is once every 2 years).
    And finally, there is an exit medical examination which is performed at the end of employment. Which is mainly due to chronic diseases and long - term exposure to the work environment (for example, a large amount of dust in the workplace, etc.)
    Ps: and as for the blood collection, it is standardly dressed to assess whether the person in question does not have, for example, high choresterol diabetes, blood clotting, etc.
    I had to use a Google translator my English is not yet at a sufficient level to explain this.

    • @DreamPrague
      @DreamPrague  4 года назад

      Thank you for your explanation!

    • @mrkv4k
      @mrkv4k 4 года назад +13

      @@DreamPrague I would just add that all the medical infromation is confidential and strictly between the doctors and you. Employer only gets the approval that you are fit to do the work required (or the disaproval if you aren't).

    • @safirak7988
      @safirak7988 4 года назад +2

      @@DreamPrague I'll just add that not every company and type of job requires seeing a company doctor, the jobs are sorted into categories (I think 1 to 4), with 1 being the most common and also requiring the least thorough and specialized check up, so your GP will do that, no company doctor needed.

    • @Pidalin
      @Pidalin 4 года назад +2

      The worst thing about Czech health system is you have to do post office for state and doctors, it's 2020 and you still have to drive with some paper sowhere, when you have your doctor 100 km from your actual place where you live and your employer sending you to company doctor, you need paper from your normal doctor so you have to drive to your doctor for paper and then back to company's ridiculous.

    • @michaldevetsedm1882
      @michaldevetsedm1882 4 года назад

      Where did you get the idea that the assigned general practitioner should check you every year? I've never heard about this and I know many people who haven't seen their doctor for many years.

  • @smallgeorge3992
    @smallgeorge3992 4 года назад +4

    Great, great video, Jen in one of her best performances! Děkujeme! I really love the way, how do you show the differences.

  • @iluzemaia
    @iluzemaia 4 года назад +8

    I always prefer honest rude behaviour to fake smiles.

  • @zuzanagalikova2471
    @zuzanagalikova2471 4 года назад +41

    Ahoj👋Ja fakt miluju tvoje videa,uprimne me zajima zivot v USA/vs. v Cesku.😅Nevidela jsem nikdy nikde nekoho,kdo by dělal tuto tvorbu a jsem za toto opravdu rada❤Hezky den!😄

    • @DreamPrague
      @DreamPrague  4 года назад +3

      Vy jste zlatá, Zuzano!

    •  4 года назад +3

      Pozri kanál Michal Sopor. Je to zasa z opačného pohľadu. Chalan z Karviné žijúci v Los Angeles. Hlavne jeho staršie videa.

      @BARUNKANIK 4 года назад +1

      Áno. Jen je moc dobrá a legrační ☺ Zuzo a Ty žiješ kde ? v Čr ?

    •  4 года назад +4

      @@BARUNKANIK Jen je vynikajúca :-) Hlavne sa na všetko pozerá z oboch uhlov. Napríklad Adreu - Arepas dinner už nesledujem. Keď sa jej tak nepáči, tak sa vráti do Venezuely.

    • @zuzanagalikova2471
      @zuzanagalikova2471 4 года назад

      @@BARUNKANIK Ano🤗

  • @DraxisTheDragon
    @DraxisTheDragon 4 года назад +10

    That "Ad" was really hilarious! :D

    • @lukasloukota8352
      @lukasloukota8352 4 года назад +1

      I was shocked because I´ve thought that the ad is real XD

  • @ojakubcik
    @ojakubcik 4 года назад +15

    Although Czechs don't usually sue doctors for malpractice, if you disagree with the doctor (or suffer from some adverse effect) you can see a different specialist and/or file a complaint with CLK (Czech Medical Chamber). Doctors are bound by law to follow the ethical code set by CLK, and it is possible to file a complaint up to 1 year after doctor the screwed up. It is extrajudicial approach, but if CLK pauses or withdraws doctor's CLK membership, they are done. Plus, if you end up with a health issue because of a doctor screw-up, it is usually helpful to have that mentioned in your medical documentation and the other doctors try that much harder to be nice :)

    • @DreamPrague
      @DreamPrague  4 года назад

      Good to know, Ondrej, thanks for clarifying!

    • @tomsydney2430
      @tomsydney2430 4 года назад +2

      @@DreamPrague I need to say I have the worst experience with that. When we complained the investigation took extremely long and then it was closed due to all relevant witnesses being dead by then and that it cannot be proven that anything was done wrong.
      While I appreciate the nil cost of the Czech health system, the human approach is disgusting. As always, you get what you pay for...

    • @trirain146
      @trirain146 4 года назад +1

      @@tomsydney2430 As much as I agree that the filling the complaint by CLK usually doesn't much good I don't agree with your assessment of Czech medicine. Yes, the bedside manners are something which needs a lot of improvement (and it is getting really better and better) but overall our medicine is really one of the best. I sadly know it from my own experience.

    • @tomsydney2430
      @tomsydney2430 4 года назад

      @@trirain146 Hi, OK, so I came to the conclusion that I have to update my opinion of the Czech health system. Its stup... NOT CLEVER! I just spent the last day trying to find a GP. Apparently in the Czech Republic, you cannot just visit a GP. You need to be registered with one first (and then you can see only that one). WOW! Someone should get a Nobel prize for this invention! There is NONE who takes patients around Prague 9 location. What a .....
      So ... anyone thinking the Czech system is the greatest thing after sliced bread, can you please tell me how to get a GP? Thanks!

    • @trirain146
      @trirain146 4 года назад +1

      @@tomsydney2430 Have only one GP make sense. Because than you have continuity of health care. GP then knows what test have been done, which not. What are your medical history. As for finding new GP ask in your local FB group. That may help. Depending on where on P9 you live you may try this I'm in no way connected with them, just got leaflet.
      And Czech system isn't the best but it's better that a lot.

  • @Fyrgon
    @Fyrgon 4 года назад +3

    Medical check-ups are not for employers to pry on employes prives but to: 1. ensure they are fit to do the job. 2. (most importantly) that employees can't sue employers for health issues they got before they get in work.

  • @standabernatik007
    @standabernatik007 4 года назад +54

    Ježkovy voči! :-D))

  • @irisobobo
    @irisobobo 4 года назад +7

    Where can i buy Expatriol? I'm interested.

  • @rehurekj
    @rehurekj 4 года назад +16

    my wild guess is that the propensity to sue everyone for everything all the time is one of the bigger reasons why health insurance got so expensive in US.
    after all the health insurance fees has to cover not just costs of the actual health treatment and more importantly costs of all the administrative personnel and CEOs of all those insurance companies but also the costs of all the future trials and the damages they will have to pay to their litigation-happy patients.

    • @KMarik
      @KMarik 4 года назад +4

      This is a very popular Republican talking point. They use it to distract from what are the real reasons for high cost of medical care in US. In reality the cost of medical liability is under 3% (2.4% in 2010).

  • @martinamolnarova8598
    @martinamolnarova8598 4 года назад +49

    Pri prijati do prace potrebujete vstupnu lekarsku prehliadku ale tyka sa to iba niektorích profesii. A zamestnavatel nedostane papier o vašom zdravotnom staVe ale iba spravu či tú prácu možete vykonavat. Napr. Vodič autobusu musí mať dobrí zrak, alebo spravne okuliare. Skladník nemôže mať problēm z chrbticou pretože dvíha v práci ťažké predmety, tehotná žena nesmie pracovať z chemikaliami... neni to diskriminacia ako by sa mohlo zdať, veľa ľudí ani nevie že je chorá a prehliadka často odhalí aj závažné ochorenie, je to o predchádzaní pracovných úrazov, a ochrane zdravia zamestnancov aj klientov firiem🙂 prajem pekny deň

    • @janurban7030
      @janurban7030 4 года назад +5

      Jo to je pravda... Když jsem nastupoval na učňák musel jsem ke vstupní prohlídce, protože jsem nastupoval na lakýrníka a museli jsme mít zdravé plíce a játra... No z prohlídky jsem jel rovnou na hospitalizaci s podezřením na cukrovku... No do dneška si píchám inzulín... 🙃 Takže ano občas to může opravdu odhalit něco většího a celkem tichého... 🙃👍

    • @irenabartova4549
      @irenabartova4549 4 года назад +1

      Stejně tak pokud jdete do zdravotnictví, už studenti musejí projít očkování proti žloutence, následně jsou zaměstnanci hlídáni titr protilátek, navíc prevence z práce není vůbec špatná, udělají vám KO a biochemii a už tam se toho může dost podchytit, mně se povedlo mít firemního lékaře i za PL a super , ale taky je to lékař od lékaře

    • @miroslavaklimova4597
      @miroslavaklimova4597 4 года назад

      A Jen, kdyby jenom pri nastupu do prace. Docela casto se ty prohlidky periodicky opakuji. Ze zakona. Nekde kazdy rok (ridici, pekari), nebo kazde 2 roky.
      Piloti kazdych 6 mesicu. Vubec by me neprekvapilo (toto nevim) kdyby takle casto museli na preventivni prohlidku z duvodu vykonu povolani treba i hornici nebo hasici.

    • @martinamolnarova8598
      @martinamolnarova8598 4 года назад

      @@miroslavaklimova4597 ano je to tak, chrani sa zdravie zamestnancov a vychytava sa velke mnozstvo skrytých chorôb v počiatočnom štádiu a v potravinárstve sa tak odhaluju prenosné choroby. Nie náhodou malo bývalé Československo jedno z najlepších zdravotných systémov. A ani teraz to neni take zle ako hovoria kritici. Chodte do sveta a uvidite.... A netreba to porovnavat ako turista z cestovnym poistenim ale ako bežný občan tej ktorej krajiny. Budete prekvapený...

    • @terezacervenakova3512
      @terezacervenakova3512 4 года назад

      Jen pro přesnost, těhotné s chemikáliemi normálně pracovat můžou, nesmí pracovat jen s těmi, které mají oznaceni mutagenní a teratogenní. Já jsem normálně do práce chodila až do konce sedmého měsíce, jen jsem používala o třídu vyšší OOP (vzhledem k tomu, že předtím to nebyly žádné, tak jsem teda začla nosit respirátor a rukavice) a práci s chloroformem jsem přehodila na kolegyni. Jinak bez omezení :)

  • @smallgeorge3992
    @smallgeorge3992 4 года назад +15

    !!! Námět na příští video. Jen, šlo by prosím udělat srovnání důchody a penze USA/ČR (věk, peníze), dovolená USA/ČR a podobně, tedy ne zdravotní, ale sociální system?

    • @pav85rez
      @pav85rez 4 года назад +1

      superb idea. would love to see that one

  • @christinapoppin
    @christinapoppin 4 года назад +95

    Nevím k jakým doktorům chodíš ale nikdy na mě žádný doktor nebyl tak hnusný 😄 A Epidural se nedává z jedného prostého důvodu. Ve chvíli kdy ti jej pichnou zmízi sice bolest ale také křeče které to dítě tlačí ven takže se pak může stát že ho nevytlačíš protože ty bolesti jsou to co pomáhá dítěti se dostat ven. Mám kamarádku která začala rodit a za každou cenu chtěla Epidural netrvalo dlouho po podání léku a porod se zastavil a ona kvůli tomu musela rychle na císařák.

    • @michalzamostny2075
      @michalzamostny2075 4 года назад +4

      Ženy jsou taky čím dál zppvykanejsi... Hruza.

    • @safirak7988
      @safirak7988 4 года назад +55

      @@michalzamostny2075 To jako muž, který nikdy nerodil, posoudíte určitě nejlíp.

    • @michalzamostny2075
      @michalzamostny2075 4 года назад +11

      @@safirak7988 spousta zen co se bojí porodu jde radši hned na císaře, to je špatně z mnoha důvodů. Ale dá přednost pohodlí. Nechtějí.kojit to je z mnoha důvodů špatně. Zase dá přednost pohodlí, aby neměla vykojene prsa atp. Na akné dceram dávají antikoncepci, která je špatna z mnoha důvodů, zase přednost pohodlí... atd atd. Toto je ta zpovykanost. Víte?

    • @breznik1197
      @breznik1197 4 года назад +5

      @@safirak7988 Ale zase těžko najdete muže, který si tu cestu neprošel, tj. nenarodil se. Ta hrůza, kdyby ho ty křeče nevytlačily a zůstal by tam celý život!

    • @safirak7988
      @safirak7988 4 года назад +2

      @@breznik1197 Spousta mužů se narodila císařským řezem! :D

  • @samomuransky4455
    @samomuransky4455 2 года назад +2

    As for rare conditions - well, sure, we can't expect every EU state to have state-of-the-art experts on diseases that affect one person in a million, but neither does every US state. If something like this occurs, it's usually possible to get the health care in another member state covered by your local health insurance. I know a few cases of Slovak public health insurance covering treatments in Germany for example, because there was no local expertise to do them in Slovakia. I'm pretty sure it's similar with Czech public health insurance.

  • @lynxlynx8125
    @lynxlynx8125 4 года назад +7

    Government pays health and social insurance also for children and youth till 26years providing they are students.

  • @lukask7445
    @lukask7445 7 месяцев назад

    1:10 There's no information if it is net income (after all mandatory taxes and premiums).
    [should I write "premia"?]

  • @D2theFG
    @D2theFG 3 года назад +3

    Hahaha yes the medical check up 😂 I’m an American that’s been living here for almost 6 years, when I stopped working under my živno and for a company that was something that was super weird for me. It’s pretty much to show you’re in good health to perform the job at hand.

  • @pazopazo21
    @pazopazo21 2 года назад

    The healt check up is for the capability to do the applying work. For example if you are working in hights about the ground the doctor check if you are capable to do it if you don't have vertigo etc.

  • @anonymnianonym6481
    @anonymnianonym6481 4 года назад +3

    Ahoj Jen, jasně že doktor nevyzradí tajemství pouze zaměstnavateli řekne zdali tu práci je schopen vykonávat či nikoliv, této lékařské vstupní prohlídce se podrobí každý uchazeč o zaměstnání, je to naše ústavní právo(ochrana zdraví na pracovišti) a potom v pravidelných intervalech, které se liší dle vykonávané profese tzn. že někdo kdo vykonává fyzicky těžkou práci bude chodit častěji než třeba někdo z kanceláře, je to pro to aby na kontrolních prohlídkách mohl doktor porovnávat stav se vstupní prohlídkou a viděl tak případné rozdíly, změny ve zdraví a mohl učinit patřičné kroky k jeho ochraně ..

  • @ondrejrolnik1631
    @ondrejrolnik1631 4 года назад +2

    A small tip after seeing the closing credits: you don't want to use "spisovatelky" in this context. That implies you write books for a living. You probably wanted to say something like "scénář".

  • @JandyCZ
    @JandyCZ 4 года назад +21

    Yesterday I talked with Armenian guy who works as a security...he had a point, that Czech people doesn't value what they have...I are American and you started charity for Czech people..that is self explanatory.

  • @digivideochomutov
    @digivideochomutov 4 года назад +14

    Tak nějak mi to nepřišlo úplně jako racionální srovnání. Autorka chvílemi přeskakuje z racionálních faktů do osobních dojmů a zpět (ale byli jsme na začátku videa varováni, to připouštím :-)). Pokud ale dvě hlavní vady českého systému zdravotnictví jsou, že z kapacitních a finančních důvodů nevěnujeme pozornost vzácným nemocem a že jsou občas doktoři méně srdeční, tak jsme na tom myslím dost dobře. Podle toho úvodu mi přišlo, že srovnáváme náš systém s americkým nesystémem, prakticky ve všech bodech jsme na tom byli o dost lépe.

    • @zdenkamytnikova8303
      @zdenkamytnikova8303 4 года назад +2

      Pořád si myslím, že jsme na tom o kapku lépe. Ve světě je dost doktorů co vystudovali u nás a jelikož mají větší talent i ambice odejdou pryč tzv. za lepším. Pořádsi myslím, že je u nás spousta velmi dobrých lékařů a taky to, že je dobré se od mládí naučit se o své tělo starat abychom doktory moc nepotřebovali. Ráda bych připomněla, že ač si to mnozí o nás nemyslí, přijdou mi občané ČR dost solidární a existuje spousta organizací, které se snaží pomáhat těm, co mají nemoci, na jejichž léčbu pojištění nestačí. Kapka naděje, Dobrý anděl, Konto Bariéry, Debra, KCF a i ta, co zmiňuje Jen HAE junior. Lidi přispěli na 1. Leksellův gama nůž velkou částkou. Ta vlna byla něco mimořádného. Přirovnala bych to ke sbírce předků na ND. Každoroční adventní koncerty a spousta dalších akcí. I já mám některé špatné zkušenosti z českým zdravotnictvím, ale ty dobré převažují. Když se mi něco nelíbí, chce se to ozvat.

    • 4 года назад +1

      Tak ono se těžko porovnává objektivně. Vždy to vede k osobním zkušenostem. Ale nic není jenom černé a bílé. Žádný systém není dokonalý.
      Já osobně mám problém s tím, že hodně lidí chodí k lékaři zbytečně, dostane léky a pak je nebere. Vyhodí je, spláchne do záchodu. medicína je zaměřená jenom na řešení následků, místo předcházení tomu. většina problému je ze životního stylu, jídla, bot, jak sedíme, jak spíme, jak opotřebováváme oči.
      Chyby systému, nikdo se dost nesnaží to změnit. I když v posledních letech asi i jo, ale ne dost.

  • @petrs5754
    @petrs5754 4 года назад +6

    Try medicine "Paralen Grip Chřipka a Kašel (in tablets)", it works as NyQuil, or Theraflu Forte hot drink :) It depends what type of cough you have (dry or productive). And I think that pharmasists in CZ can help you with that more than doctors.

    • @DreamPrague
      @DreamPrague  4 года назад +1

      Good to know, thanks!

    • @Atarian6502
      @Atarian6502 4 года назад

      Does it have also sleeping aid like NyQuil?

    • @petrs5754
      @petrs5754 4 года назад +2

      @@Atarian6502 Paralen Grip against dry cough contains dextromethorphan, it has mild sleeping effect but not so strong as doxylamine in NyQuill (first gen antihistamin.). I admit, in drugs with sedative effect is CZ strict :)
      Theraflu has guaifenesin used for psychic tension reduction, but not so strong like American one.

  • @Hasselroeder
    @Hasselroeder 4 года назад +5

    5000€ for 1 Day? WOW! I'm german and I'm always speechless about the prices. People would burn down the "Reichstag" here if it were that expensive! I once stayed in hospital for 3 days (late evening till noon 2 days later) and had to pay 30€ (~36 $).

    • @lucylpodcast
      @lucylpodcast 3 года назад

      Sorry for inappropriate joke but Reichstag was on fire/burnt already in the past.

    • @Hasselroeder
      @Hasselroeder 3 года назад +2

      @@lucylpodcast Well yeah... but for other reasons....^^

  • @xavierduchaussoy8778
    @xavierduchaussoy8778 4 года назад +7

    It's nearly the same in France than in Czech Republic, on every aspects (not for post-pregancy which is 3 months and we pay 1000€ per day in hospital). Greetings ! :-)

    • @tomasmalin
      @tomasmalin 4 года назад +3

      We had 4 € per day and people were mad about it lol.

    • @Pidalin
      @Pidalin 4 года назад +1

      @@tomasmalin 4 eur per day are high money when you are pensioner and you don't have normal salary.

    • @trirain146
      @trirain146 4 года назад +1

      @@Pidalin the "officially poor" (I don't know how to translate it) didn't have to pay the fee, I think

    • @tomassiegl512
      @tomassiegl512 4 года назад

      @@trirain146 You would have to be very very poor to not pay the fee. The typical low income pensioner was forced to pay anyway.

  • @druhyprogram
    @druhyprogram 4 года назад +2

    You cannot buy Nyquil freely here. Nyquil contains three substances, paracetamol, dextrometorphane and doxylamin. The third one is prescription only antihistaminic here. You can buy the first two ingredients separately with no prescription, as e.g. Paralen and Robitussin :) We simply have different views on free availability of certain molecules :)

  • @paulmiller986
    @paulmiller986 4 года назад +4

    Great video informative and quite entertaining,🤣 thanks a lot

  • @jabanan
    @jabanan Год назад

    Here in Czechia a Pharmacy is a medical field you have to study a medical school to be a pharmacist, so if you go to a pharmacy you can speak to them about your problem and they will give you medice to heal that issue. I think it's like almost self medicating with a little professional help from someone who knows because themediciney studied medicine.

  • @ontyyyy
    @ontyyyy 4 года назад +3

    I work in car manufacturing. I can't imagine having to power through every illness or health problem or have no money to pay the bills that month. I had a total of 28 days of sick leave in the past 4 years.
    Related to the topic I'm also curious how does it work in the US if you suffer a work-related long term injury? A friend of mine had severe headaches and loss of strenght in her arm and well ended up on a long term sick leave for nearly a year for that very reason. It also becomes close to impossible to get another job after that..My friend was still getting paid, how does it work in the US? Who takes care of you?

    • @devdr8983
      @devdr8983 4 года назад

      v Americe se o tebe ma starat rodina

  • @TashJansson
    @TashJansson 3 года назад +2

    Having been lucky to rarely needing to peruse the healthcare system in any of the countries I lived, it is a shock every single time when I actually hear the numbers in regards to what Americans pay for their healthcare. Yes, I know it's a lot. But damn, I'm just never prepared for the actual amounts :(

  • @cruiserupce
    @cruiserupce 4 года назад +3

    Hi, I need to fix some of your misconceptions. The good stuff always needs prescription. In US you cannot even get basic antibiotics without prescription. Also at least in Florida the strength of over the counter medication is much lower than Czech versions. The main thing is that medicine has different names across the world for example Eu has paralen/paracetamol-> US calls it Tylenol. There are pages which can help you find how one drug is called in another country. In general in Czechia you should go to your GP to get prescription, and with that you will get super affordable and super working medicine, that you need.

  • @banshek472
    @banshek472 4 года назад +2

    Yeah its true. When you go to new job (but depends what job), you need a medical checkup. But its just for the employer to know from the doctor that you dont have anything that would make you hurt, like epilepsis, when you work with machines or fire. And most doctors just give it away like snaping a finger. Its common, so theres no personal info of you. Its just for your security.

  • @martinsach5599
    @martinsach5599 4 года назад +6

    The drug wich "is sugested not to use with alcohol" is inherently broken and probably would not penetrate Czech Republic market.

    • @lukasprazak7362
      @lukasprazak7362 2 года назад

      Honestly, I don't think that any drug can be safely combined with alcohol.

  • @tomripleyful
    @tomripleyful 4 года назад +1

    For common cold I find ibuprofen very effective, more so than paracetamol, it can be bought as Ibalgin for example but the brand doesn't matter. I also felt good after Panadol Extra, which contains paracetamol and caffeine.
    I checked out NyQuil out of curiosity, it has 3 active ingredients, paracetamol (decreases fever and pain), dextromethorphan (modestly effective against cough) and doxylamine (seems to be a mild sedative).

  • @krissroxxy
    @krissroxxy 4 года назад +5

    comparison: I am Czech and I had the chance to live in the UK and Taiwan. Yes, our healthcare is better than the UK one in many ways but we are waaaaaay behind Taiwan. Way behind.

  • @alucardonus
    @alucardonus 4 года назад +1

    Oh and by the way in Pharmacy... There are 2 selling windows all the time and minimal requirement for seller are different
    At the first one ,,Free drugs'' you make your order and get what you ordered if its not controlled medication. Also every pharmacist has to know everything he is selling just to offer you ,,This pills'' if he doesnt have ,,That pills''. You can buy your nose spray here for free (and if there isnt that exact one he will offer some very similar to this one), nobody will ask why you need it. Minimal education for this is Diplomed specialist (2 years after high school)
    At the second window ,,Controlled sales'' there is a university Master degree pharmacist. He is selling controlled drugs like ABs, psychopharmacas, all hormones regulating pills (that are not for one day use like the ,,afterpill''), drugs that could be used for addictives, higly specialized and dangerous medication.
    Oh and dont worry, the second one can sell you everything from the free window as well. :)

  • @May04bwu
    @May04bwu 4 года назад +4

    What I have a real issue with is the new treatments for diseases like MS, SMA and such. I understand treatments like gene therapy are very expensive and insurance companies here in Czechia won't pay for it, but why does the government need to take taxes from the money people gathered through donations? It's a huge amount of money and in the end, it costs more here than in Germany or in the US.
    What I also don't like is how are these patients treated by the insurance companies. Patients are promised to get paid for treatment but nothing's happening even two years later. After that it's too late and their condition is too advanced. Like the woman with lung fibrosis.

  • @manicz1187
    @manicz1187 4 года назад +6

    Jane dám ti radu na vesnickou léčbu nebo spíše vymyslel to Ozzák ,,Když mě bolí hlava dám si fernet, když noha dám si fernet a když játra? Tak si ho nedám"😀😄

  • @jacoboleary9076
    @jacoboleary9076 4 года назад +6

    Expatriol may have delayed effects due to travel restrictions 😭

  • @gabrielasunshadow9915
    @gabrielasunshadow9915 4 года назад +5

    I like your sense of humour very much 😃

  • @pavelmynarik2325
    @pavelmynarik2325 4 года назад +5

    Hi Jen,
    very nice video as always and I think you have somehow indicated that but for me the most shocking part was, that in US the health care insurance is connected with your job, where in Czech Republic it is independent. You can loose your job and you don’t care about social or medical insurance. This helps a lot to keep you a bit calmer in case of any unexpected life situations...

    • @DreamPrague
      @DreamPrague  4 года назад +4

      Exactly. During covid, people who lost their jobs in the US also lost their insurance. It’s a real tragedy!

    • @jirisevera529
      @jirisevera529 4 года назад +3

      @@DreamPrague There is a huge cultural gap between the US and the rest of the civilized world when it comes to health care. Most Americans (the ones I know) of course get it, and want things to change. But the system is rotten to the core, and the ~80% of voters who want public option, and the~67% who want Medicaid for all will have hard time to get either. For the big Pharma, the insurance racketeers, and the AMA , this is nothing short of existential threat, and among them they have enough money and Washington influence to kill off any reform, especially if, like Obama's - it competes with dreams of jetsetting retirement in a multi-million manor on Martha's Vineyard. BTW, do you and Honza know that the first "state health insurance" (and social security) saw light not in communist Russia but in Bismarck's Germany in the 1880's (and 1890's) ? Imagine that, the most right wing government in Kaiser's Germany was the first to grasp there was something wrong in looking at human misery and decrepitude as a bona fide commercial opportunity.

    • @abirwait5636
      @abirwait5636 4 года назад +2

      The same with vacations. There is no minimum vacation law. Companies usually start you with 2 weeks and after few years you progress to 3 weeks etc, but if you change a job then you are again back to zero.
      USA want to stick to the early days of capitalism. That's the idiotic "Great Again!"

  • @jybu
    @jybu 3 года назад

    You cannot find NyQuil in Czechia but I'm pretty sure you can find Fervex or equivalent. It's very similar.

  • @saiien2
    @saiien2 4 года назад +16

    One thing you really don't want to tell to Czech doctors. "I've read it on Google / internet)".... They are really mad when they hear it.

    • @rejectedcopy4733
      @rejectedcopy4733 4 года назад +3

      I mean? What else do you expect, we know the people that do 'their own research', and it usually is on vaccines, and they say something stupid.

    • @jozefkostelansky
      @jozefkostelansky 4 года назад

      In Slovakia it is the same. The doctor as God. Not. The doctor is more than God. But many of them have not learned anything new since they left University...

    • @LucyMusic1999
      @LucyMusic1999 4 года назад

      Yeah i never said it but it's funny after the doctor tells me the same thing that I've read on the internet in some cases.

  • @henningbartels6245
    @henningbartels6245 4 года назад

    NyQuil sounds like what you can buy as "MediNait" by Vicks in Germany. Since it is a cold medicine mixture juice, it is often considered not very effective, but have side effects.

  • @trojanpetrcz
    @trojanpetrcz 4 года назад +16

    Líbí se mi Vaše příspěvky. Dle mého názoru jsou objektivní. Proč to seluji jako Moravák :-) ... protože Vaše srovnání dává lepší pohled i na naši zemi. Co je pro nás normální, co není normální, nebo neobvyklé ... k tomuto videu podotknu několik připomínky.
    1. Lékařská prohlídka u zaměstnavatele - zaměstnavatel není seznámen s lékařskou dokumentací, ale lékař pouze dává zaměstnavateli potvrzení, že váš zdravotní stav je takový, že můžete konkrétní pracovní pozici vykonávat.
    2. Některé léky veřejně dostupné v zahraničí, jsou u nás NESCHVÁLENÉ, pro jejich vedlejší účinky, nebo možnou návykovost. Nebo takové léky může předepsat pouze lékař, protože pouze on má dost informací a odborné vzdělání, aby mu to umožnilo předepsat správný lék. Reklama není to pravé :-) ... ač už této reklamy na různé léky je příliš.
    3. Chladní a povýšení lékaři - ano. Jsou i takoví, ale převážná část lékařů vykonává svoji práci dle Hyppokratovy přísahy.
    3. Lékárny a lékárníci - manželka provozuje lékárnu :-). Snaží se vždy doporučit volně dostupný lék, případně i přírodní preparáty, které člověku pomohou, nebo uleví. Konkrétně u mé manželky se mi líbí nejvíce ten přístup, že lékárnu nebere pouze jako obchod se zdravím a jsme opět u toho, že i lékárník má mnohem více informací a odborné vzdělání, než amatér poučený placenou reklamou.
    Držím Vám palce a mnoho dalších hezkých videí a příspěvků.

  • @JakubProcházka-f9v
    @JakubProcházka-f9v 5 месяцев назад

    I have lived in Prague all my life (I was born there), but the last time I saw a doctor was 20 years ago. Since 1990 it was only three times. My father and my girlfriend are almost the same... Maybe we're not Czech :)

  • @pavelmikus8443
    @pavelmikus8443 4 года назад +5

    There is also huge differences between insurance comapanies. US insurance companies are mostly regular private companies (and their main purpose is to make profit and pay dividends to their shareholders). So naturally to make more money they try to pay as little as they can from someones medical bill. However czech insurance companies are not regular companies - if they make profit (or better, if they have surpluse), they have to move all the money to special fund, which they then use in recession years, or to buy better medical equipment. So the money never leaves the system without being used to its purpouse - improve citizens health. Thats also why most czech insurance companies are owned by different ministries and backed up by the state.

    • @DreamPrague
      @DreamPrague  4 года назад +2

      I'd read something about that - definitely a huge difference!

  • @jabanan
    @jabanan Год назад

    I've seen an interesting question somewhere that say's.
    Would you rather go to a friendly doctor who is not a good doctor.
    Or a doctor who is a professional in his field, but lacks friendliness.

  • @porcelanek2701
    @porcelanek2701 4 года назад +23

    Other people: Traveling to America for sightseeing
    Me: Traveling to America to try all the medicine without prescription. 😂😂😂

    • @DreamPrague
      @DreamPrague  4 года назад +13

      😂😂😂😂 Just stay away from the stuff on the street.

    • @porcelanek2701
      @porcelanek2701 4 года назад

      @@DreamPrague Ok Thanks for tip. I keep that in mind. 😂❤️

  • @unconventionaljourneysamarie
    @unconventionaljourneysamarie Год назад

    if I have a medical certificate from my country can I bring my medicines?

  • @pavel-wolfdog6846
    @pavel-wolfdog6846 4 года назад +5

    Nemáš tak úplně pravdu, co se týká lékárny. Lékárníkovi nemusíš vysvětlovat, co ti je. Pokud víč, jaký volně prodejný lék potřebuješ, prostě si o něj řekneš a lékárník Ti ho prodá. Samozřejmě můžeš se ale s lékárníkem i poradit, co on doporučuje na Tvé problémy. Ale je to na Tobě, zda se chceš poradit nebo jen říci, že chceš to a to.

  • @yamracz
    @yamracz 3 года назад

    Great video, as a Czech I'll just add something for foreigners. When you start working, the only question is whether you are fit for work, in the sense that you have arms and legs :) When a driving licence is processed, a medical certificate is given to prove not only the medical condition but also a psychological certificate that the individual should be fit to drive. The approach of doctors is of course very individual, but the truth is that the description fits, the doctor always helps, but he doesn't care if for example the individual is embarrassed to be exposed in front of the doctor and the nurse. My father once caught inflammation in a delicate place, and without consenting there were 15 doctors and medical students to look at it because they hadn't seen it live for 10 years. More delicate procedures for rare diseases are already being dealt with in EU collaborations, for example my cousin had a unique procedure and was one of 8 selected in the whole EU, the procedure was done in Germany.

  • @FifaPavel
    @FifaPavel 4 года назад +69

    Zlatá je ta naše zaprděná kotlina.

    • @Pyrochemik007
      @Pyrochemik007 4 года назад +10

      Proboha neříkejte američanům že tu máme zlato jinak nás vybombardují ve jménu demokracie a úrokových sazeb.

    • @zemnezemeciz
      @zemnezemeciz 4 года назад

      @@Pyrochemik007 👽Nerýžuje se tu už 30let?

    • @Pyrochemik007
      @Pyrochemik007 4 года назад +1

      @@zemnezemeciz Nerýžuje se podstatně déle, ale jsou tu rentabilní hlubinné doly. Konkrétně Zeman podporuje znovuotevření jednoho z nich. To znamená zfárat, vyrubat horninu, vytahat ji ven a zpracovat. Jenže pak je tu i hodně zlata, kde by to šlo chemicky. Což je levnější, ale udělá to strašný bordel - navrtá se díra hluboko do země, napustí se tam strašnej sajrajt, tuším kyanid, rtuť nebo sulfan, a pak se jinou dírou čerpá co se rozpustilo. Může za to nestabilita ve světě, kvůli které cena zlata vzrostla několikanásobně a dlouhodobě se tak drží.

    • @zemnezemeciz
      @zemnezemeciz 4 года назад

      @@Pyrochemik007 👽😁Myslel jsem to obrazně, jakože ekonomicky. Pěkný večer přeji.

    • @jerrykhek870
      @jerrykhek870 3 года назад

      @@Pyrochemik007 V Ceske rep. uz toho moc nezbilo nejdrive zrujnoval prohnilej a zaostalej Rus a dodelal Slovenskej Emigrant z Ruskym vlez do prdele na Hrade . Zlate San Diego vse otevreno a vse funguje krome noseni rousek do uzavrenejch misnosti a 60 millionu lidi jiz ockovanejch v USA a Cesko 700 000 Kdepak udelali Cesky soudruzi zase chybu .

  • @mr.e-manm5062
    @mr.e-manm5062 4 года назад +1

    Your video editing skills are good. Do you do them yourself?

  • @TheVerkor
    @TheVerkor 4 года назад +6

    Instead of Nyquil use coldrex and muconasal :D - problem solved

  • @abulafios
    @abulafios 3 года назад

    Brilliant! As usual! Especially the commercial part is hilarious 😄.

  • @halfiriensama
    @halfiriensama 4 года назад +7

    American health care system translation: need of ambulance = call taxi, having baby = find a second job, have cancer = start really touching crowdfunding campaign, need expensive medicine = travel to Mexico, everything else = go to pharmacy and play a doctor. Solution = move to Czech Republic ;) Czechs complain about everything, but in the end, we are really gratefull for our healthcare system.

    • @JKOT05
      @JKOT05 4 года назад +3

      More like: Have cancer = start cooking meth :-) On the other hand Walt should cook insulin or epinephrine.

  • @Animsaj1000
    @Animsaj1000 4 года назад

    That's so weird that your doctor didn't check your sight or hearing. That's basically what I feel that check up is for. My doctor refused to give me the paper until I finally got glasses. (I was supposed to visit a specialist already like 5 years earlier to that situation, but I never bothered. I still only wear them for driving, my sight isn't that bad, but still.)

  • @denisdytrych2773
    @denisdytrych2773 4 года назад +11

    S epidurálem bych byl opatrný. Porod je přirozený a nemyslím, že je na místě hned do někoho rvát analgetika. Spíš to odráží národnostní mentalitu (Američané chtějí co největší pohodlí) 😁 jinak super video!

    • @May04bwu
      @May04bwu 4 года назад +4

      Tak jo. Bez rodit dite a pak rekni, jak to slo 😀

    • @denisdytrych2773
      @denisdytrych2773 4 года назад +2

      @@May04bwu neříkám, že to nebolí, jen jsou tu jiné cesty a analgetika, popřípadě epidurál by měl být jako poslední způsob 😇

    • @denisdytrych2773
      @denisdytrych2773 4 года назад +2

      @PragaMaterUrbium epidurál fakt není napíchnutí nervu 😃 do páteřního kanálu se podá anestetikum...

    • @luckasamalova7594
      @luckasamalova7594 4 года назад

      A co je dnes přirozené? Skoro nic co my jako lidi děláme neni přirozené tak nechápu, proč by žena nemohla mít i porod o trochu bezbolestnější. Neříkam, že epidurál nepřináší i nějaká rizika, která tedy nejsou tak vážná ani časta, ale to je snad věc rodičky, ne? Je snadné o něčem "nepříjemném" mluvit když ti tato zkušenost nehrozí. 🤷‍♀️

    • @zdenkamytnikova8303
      @zdenkamytnikova8303 4 года назад +2

      @@May04bwu já rodila v roce 1986. Porod probídal na porodnickěm odd. nemocnice v Ostrově metodou Leboyera bylo to super. Žádný epidurál a v pohodě se to dalo vydržet. Epidurál jsem měla místo celkové anesteze při operaci kotníku. Vlastní volba a ten stav při a poté nikomu nepřeji. I když furt lepší jak CA.

  • @MrBritishComedy
    @MrBritishComedy 4 года назад

    Funny that you can't get Nyquil over here. They do sell it in Germany under the name Wick Medinait. So I suppose one might try and order from there. The same brand does sell products over here, even though over here they're called Vicks and they don't offer the same range of products

  • @zdenkamytnikova8303
    @zdenkamytnikova8303 4 года назад +15

    Hello Jen. Zase super. Pořád si myslím, že jsme díky povinnosti být pojištění na tom lépe. Češi jsou navíc velmi solidární a na léčení těch mimořádných nemocí, kdy to pojišťovna nechce hradit se snažíme najít způsob. Zajímavé je, že sponzoři jsou nejen firmy zvláště ty bohaté, ale tisíce drobných dárců, co musí sáhnout hodně hluboko do kapsy. Proto si myslím, že i tvá výzva bude mít úspěch. 🥰👍🙏💝🌹

    • @DreamPrague
      @DreamPrague  4 года назад

      Doufám že jo! 😘

    • @Jakubaakk
      @Jakubaakk 4 года назад +2

      Na druhou stranu není naše pojištění férové. Nebere v potaz rizikovost pojištěnce, jen jeho příjem.

    • @michaldevetsedm1882
      @michaldevetsedm1882 4 года назад

      @@Jakubaakk Přesně tak. Především rizikovost zaviněnou vlastním životním stylem.

    • @Jakubaakk
      @Jakubaakk 4 года назад +2

      @@michaldevetsedm1882 Přesně to jsem měl na mysli. Člověk A je mladý, vzdělaný, žije zdravě, dobře si vydělá. Člověk B je řekneme typický český štamgast - alkoholismus, kouření, obezita, spíše nižší plat. A v našem úžasném systému platí člověk A více, protože si více vydělá. A je úplně jedno, že není ani z daleka tak rizikový jako člověk B.

    • @lukashorak1163
      @lukashorak1163 4 года назад +3

      @@Jakubaakk Veřejné zdravotní pojištění je sice povinné, ale funguje na principu solidarity a zcela nepředvídatelných okolností, proto tam nikdy nemůže vzniknout jakákoli rovnice nebo predikce rizikovosti. Člověk A může ve 30 letech onemocnět rakovinou, kde následná imunoterapie bude stát třeba 1,5 milionu, zatímco člověk B může bez jakékoli potřeby zdravotního ošetření žít třeba do 70, pak umře z ničeho nic na srdeční selhání. Je tam prostě strašně moc faktorů a proměnných, proto buďme rádi, že žijeme tam, kde žijeme!

  • @MarvinCZ
    @MarvinCZ 4 года назад +1

    I've watched some shows from the perspective of first responders in the US and the number of times I've seen people who seriously needed help having to refuse an ambulance was quite sad. On the other hand, the times when they took the ride weren't much better, since they'd end with a huge bill. Lose-lose. At least the most basic on-the-spot treatment was free. Apparently when the EMTs tell some people they need to go to the hospital, they send the ambulance away and have a friend take them in a car.

  • @irenabartova4549
    @irenabartova4549 4 года назад +3

    Prevence vždy stojí míň než následná léčba něčeho zanedbaného, to že každý obcan6, ktery se narodí má svého dětského lékaře až do 18 let a následně svého praktického lékaře je určitě velké plus, samozřejmě máme možnost si vybrat ,ale jsou oblasti,kde lékaři prostě chybí, ráda bych reagovala na kecy typu lékaři tu vystuduji pak odejdou do zahraničí,no tak to ale nestudují pouze lékaři zdarma, ale i ostatní,jako4 zdravotník když jdu kolem reklamy na nábor prodavaček do Lidl ,tak mám cukání veliké, vykašlat se na to a jít pipat za pokladnu:), jinak rozhodně nepodceňovat prevence u zubaře a na gynde, nechápu proč se tomu někdo vyhýbá, takový účet u zubaře pak taky stojí za to a pojišťovna tohle nekryje, nicméně i zde c ČR je systém zneužívány jsou lidé kteří prostě chronicky marodí nebo si berou ošetřovacky na dečka kvůli každému prdu, a člověk co kmitá celý rok a pak je jednou doma je doma téměř zadarmo, lidi kteří chodí nachcipani do práce považuji za bezohledné, zdravotnictví u nás je na dobré úrovni,ale i tak lidi neustále podporují nemocné v různých sbírkách, takže bezedný systém to taky není, když s pak dá pan ředitel VZP milión odměny, protože skončila VZP v přebytku a zdrave holce nepřispěji na bionickou ruku a skládají se lidi to se mi otevírá kudla v kapse

  • @betsyshooby3453
    @betsyshooby3453 4 года назад

    parental leave here can actually last up to 4 years, the only problem is there a fixed amount of money you will receive during your your parental leave, so you can choose if u get a lot of money every month for a year or a little bit money for four years. Still, the state pays for your health insurance during that time and also for your kids health insurance (until your kid is done with school at least)

  • @jaroslavposadka211
    @jaroslavposadka211 4 года назад +4

    Český a americký zdravotní systém má skoro totožné výsledky v léčbě rakoviny,infarktu a mrtvice.I délka života je zhruba stejná.(američanky žijí průměrně o 2.měsíce déle) Ovšem náklady na léčbu jsou v USA 9 krát !? vyšší.Četl jsem předloni v izraelských novinách.

  • @petrastibalova6967
    @petrastibalova6967 4 года назад +2

    Video se mi moc líbilo. Zajímavé, vtipné. S doktorama mám spíše dobré zkušenosti. Pokud je některý arogantní, je dobré mu připomenout, že si člověk platí zdravotní pojištění. Nebo jít jinam. Mladší doktoři už to mají nastavené vstřícněji. Ale samozřejmě záleží jak kde.

    • @Ondrej_Toman
      @Ondrej_Toman 9 месяцев назад

      Podobné je to i se zubaři. Já se u svého zubaře cítím opravdu jako jeho klient a ne jen jako kus masa, který potřebuje opravit zub. Ale je to právě mladý chlap, asi je ve škole učí i přístup k pacientům, ne jen jak léčit zuby.