and main problem czech people cant have no money to buy or own flat, and its more disaster, more homelesess etc., cause you americans and foreigners with money have more money to buy it, thats real disaster and nobody from foreign countries dont see it, its big problem
@@petmik5022 ever heard of this thing called a "job" ? If you go to Ukraine maybe you can find cheaper flats, so why dont you do that? If someone is from US/UK it does not mean automatically they are rich and if someone is CZ it does not automatically mean they are poor.
@@DreamPrague When I first moved to Mala Strana, the barbershop that cut my hair had a date engraved on the building stating it was built in 1492. The same year Columbus sailed the ocean blue. Put things in perspective for me.
@@AnthonyLauder But medieval buildings were almost destroyed many times because of floods, fire and architectonical fashion so when it's based on something from 1492, it doesn't mean it's everything really so old. You can have medieval cellar and gothic arcs, but most of that building is probably much newer.
@@Pidalin That is true. Many buildings look way older than they actually are. In the 2nd half of 19th century Romanticism influenced architecture a lot and it lead to "fake historical" buildings of Neo/Revival Gothic/Renaissance. Also buildings got often re-build or changed significantly. For exmaple Karlštejn was originally Gothic castle but was later reconstructed in Renaissance style and remained mostly that way until 1899 when it was reconstructed in more ornated Neo Gothic style pretty much losing a lot of its historical value and it is the main reason it is not part of UNESCO.
As the saying goes, Europe is a contintent where 200 kilometers is "far away" (and possibly another country), US is a country where 200 years is "a long time ago" ;)
No jo, ale u té třetí by to možná bylo i vhodné, vzhledem k tomu že se narozdíl od předešlých obešla bez ztrát na životech. ;) Prostě to tenkrát odbyly.
Mě pro vetšinu čechů přijde typické : před koupením psa: Pes s námi nikdy spát nebude po koupi psa: Je tu nový musí si zvyknout, až povyroste/ zvykne si, bude spát sám po čase: Koupili jsme mu krásný velký pelech, má ho ten pejsek u postele,ale nechce tam spát. Trochu nás to štve po ještě delším čas: Bez psa v posteli, už v podstatě spát neumím. A vyhazovat psa z postele? To je hnusný, chudák pes
Nejen psi si zvyknou. Muj muz odjel na tri mesice do statu a na jeho strane postele se usidlil kocour. Prala bych vam videt ten boj o misto kdyz se muz vratil.
Pro mě strašně odporný zvyk. Než jdu do postele, dám si sprchu, sprchují lidi své psy před spaním nebo kočky? Z toho samého důvodu si zouváme boty, jednak žijeme v pásu, kde sněží (nyní už moc ne), prší, a kdo chce mít doma špínu na podlaze nebo na kobercích...
@@lavenderbaby9283 yep. We turn the water on 5 minutes before we get it, warm up the bathroom with steam, shower for 20 minutes, and turn the water off. Then 3 more kids do it in a row.
@@lavenderbaby9283 In Russia the water bill is “unlimited”, meaning there’s fixed price for the service based on average household consumption for an average family.
Hello friends, I am a Czech and have lived in the USA for the last 20 years. When I started college in Oregon in 1999 and was telling my parents all about my life in the USA over the phone, my parents actually thought it was so gross to have a flat sheet and but no duvet cover to protect the comforter. Habits are powerful! Also, another typically Czech things is to have two sets of curtains (the lace curtain and a regular curtain) while in the USA we have only one set of curtains and my apartment also has blinds. Hi from Tennessee (since 2004) and I love your videos, Jen!!!
When I lived with my parents I used to watch the House Hunters siries. And it realy shocked me that in the U.S. you open the door from the street and you're in the livingroom even in parts of America where they have snow during the winter. Like who the hell cleans the mud of the carpet when you walk strigth on it in your dirty shoes?
We clean our feet very well in the door entrance. And nowadays almost no apartment has carpet in the common areas. Only in the rooms. And most people don’t wear shoes in the rooms
Trochu jsem se lekl. Nejdřív jste psal, jak všechno sežereme, a pak jste napsal "Měli jsme francouzského buldočka a toho ..." tak jsem se bál, že budete pokračovat "... a toho jsme taky sežrali." :-D Omlouvám se, že jsem vám křivdil :)
Většina těch věcí platí i pro byty na sídlišti, takže je jedno, jestli žijou zrovna ve starém bytě .. Je teda pravda, že v novějších bytech už jsou koupelny i se záchodem, ale většina bytů to má ještě postaru.
@@nevimzevim Neřekl bych, že nové byty jsou stavěné se záchodem stylem ala: "Moderní koncept záchodu a koupelny je, mít je v jedné místnosti." Spíše bych řekl, že jde o tom, zda se do bytu pohodlně vejdou 2 místnosti, které toto umožní (tj. oddělený záchod a koupelnu) a pokud ne, pak budou v jedné místnosti a ta trocha místa navíc, které tím vznikne, se přidělí jiné místnosti.
Jen, you are (or should be) a national treasure. I'm learning so much about living in Czechlands through your videos...and that is saving me a lot of time and money too. Thank you!
another great video! :) so happy for you! about the shower.. i think most of the czech people have their "rain shower" installed together with the basic hand shower, so you can just switch between "raining" on your head or using the head manually :)
Když mají dveře od bytu nebo domu z jedné strany "kouli" tak jdou otevřít jen z té strany kde je klika ale neznamená to že by byli zamčené, zamčené jsou až po otočení klíčem.
Z českého úhlu pohledu máte naprostou pravdu. Myslím, že toto video je určené primárně američanům a proto je jednodušší říct zamčené. Mám pocit, že 90% všech dveří opatřených koulí v USA má nejspíš takovou tu kouli kterou po otočení dveře otevřete i bez klíče, to je u nás spíš rarita. Proto bylo asi jednodušší říct locked, protože i když ty dveře nejsou fakticky zamčené, bez klíče je neotevřete. Ale je to jen slovíčkaření.
@@funmakerkubik Z toho co jsem z různých videí a stránek, tak těch 90% dveří v USA má tak nemožně vymyšlené zámky u dveří že se dají zablokovat obyčejnou gumičkou za 10 centů. Ta koule co vy myslíte má v sobě zámek a západka se otevře jejím pootočením, už jsem to viděl, reálně je to bude jen třetina zámku, když ta část do které zajede klíč není uvnitř samotných dveří a z druhé strany je otočná část která zamkne západku, podobný systém bývá na veřejných záchodech aby jim turisté nekradli klíče.
@@DreamPrague Jeden český kanál dělal takové zajímavé video o tom že si lidé mají dávat pozor když na klice vchodových dveřích najdou pověšenou gumičku jak jsem psal výše, takhle u vás v americe pracují zloději, v čechách gumičkou na klice nikoho vykrást nemůžete. Zde odkaz na kanál A zde odkaz na fotku jak by to vypadlo v čechách. Většina komentujících z toho kanálu toho má akorát legraci, protože se snaží ukazovat zlodějské postupy a tragicky vypadající příběhy které nejsou v českých podmínkách realizovatelné
@@EM4CZ 90% byla samo sebou nadsázka a bylo myšleno devadesát procent z těch dveří, které mají kouli, ne všech dveří. Nejsem zámečník a jak říkám je to jen slovíčkaření. Šlo spíš o to, že v USA si dveře tak často jako u nás nezabouchnete, aby bylo nutné použít klíč. Tak bylo pro Jennifer rychlejší a přirozenější říct, že se zamknou (to lock) než zabouchnou (to slam), to totiž nemýlím-li se ve většině případů znamená prásknout s dveřmi (ve vzteku). Toť vše.
As a Spaniard living in Prague, most of these things are normal for me and I find it funny how Americans are so surprised. But I have to admit that when I moved to the Czech Republic having to take off my shoes when entering a house (or even a tea room!) and that the double beds are two individual matresses together... I was shocked hahaha. Although I am glad for having my spices in little packs and not in jar containers (they are sold like that in Spain too) and for Ikea where I can get normal big mattresses. In Spain we also have flat sheets but I like it more here, so much fast and easy to make the bed!
I think the bigger difference is between high dense urban area (like centre of Prague and New York) on one side and single-family home on the other. If you own a house you have a plenty of space where you can store your bike, boots and/or second freezer. And of course, there is a difference between an age and a style of appartment buildings. Your type of buildings (and district) has different specifics and issues compared to concrete development in Jižní město built in 70's (ie they have elevators and basement storage area, but they are uglier). Modern 21st century appartment buildings are something different too. Old doorhandles falling off is common issue. It is better to buy a new one, you know, from this century :)
Yes, I think you're absolutely right! I find it interesting that Czechs want more modern flats, and for Americans, this older flat with "quirks" is more romantic. Why would I live in a modern flat like I could find in America??!
@@DreamPrague I prefer older because if it survived 120 year, it will survive even you, if you have new flat or house, you never know when it collapse, today quality of work is sometimes weird. And in old buildings you will have water and heating pipes with higher diameter, modern systems have smaller diametr and more powerfull circular pump, but you can hear water inside. But old houses have sometimes still lead water pipes which is more and more rare, but you can still find that. Previous generations survived that, but today lead is considered as black plague combined with ebola or something like that, you touch that and you will die in 24 hours. :-D
@@DreamPrague Thats often because people actually experienced living in old buildings that hadnt been renovated and had no bathroom or a shared toilet in the /open/ corridor and used coal-fed stoves for heating. Generally in the communist times flats and buildings were not well looked after so in lots of peoples minds old equals unfunctional and difficult to live in. The trend of restoring period features and creating luxury flats out of once ordinary flats is on its way.
4:45 - Precisely. In Czech flats, the environment is so toxic that even metal screws dissolve... :-D 4:51 - A little tip no.1. Move the handle with the square axis part was in the room and falling part in the hallway. This way you will never stay trapped inside. Tip no.2. Screw in the screw as far as it will go, take the nail polish (Ideally colorless, then it will not be visible.) and paint the hole... ;-)
One suggestion regarding washing machine...I have been using combined washer/dryer during last 15 years and it works pretty well and you save both space and monney for an extra dryer. Of course we use it only for drying less demanding stuff like socks and my underwear:-) Some available brands are (e.g.Indesit) for the same monney like just washing machine (12-14k CZK).
@@DreamPrague No, dont do this. This old handles have screws from very soft iron metal (were a cheaper). Buy a new handle, new screw inside is from standard steel and will have so bigger durability.
OMG there is so much I want to comment to. Your videos are great, keep doing it! First of all. I have to check it out, but I recognize this courtyard and probably we are basically neighboors. (I won't tell anyone where it is :D) About boots and socks. We Czechs are really carefull what we are wearing of when we go to another house. I offten use a joke when hole appears on my sock: "Haha mate, these are summer socks with ventilation. They are more expensive!" :D Actually I can immagine mess when it is snowy outside and everyone is wearing their shoes inside esspecialy during a party. Absolutelly soaked doormat, small muddy puddles everywhere, not to mention destroyed carpets. Oh nightmare :D. House slippers could be there for two reasons: First there is so cold floor in order to be wear just socks, second there is not so clean floor (for example - pet hair) and we do not want to cause all that mess stick to your socks. Some househlods are so obsessed with clean floors that you can basically spill your dinner on it and eat it without any regrets. Toilets. Well it is really individual but it is not common there are not separate rooms for toilet and bath room. My grandpa used to say joke about polite way to say you are going to toilet when you are on a date with a girl: "Excuse me ma'am, I'm going to have conversation with my very close friend whom I introduce you latter at the night." Basically we have somehow shifted boundaries what is and isn't polite. Phrases: "Could, I use your toilet?" or "Please, where is your toilet?" are perfectly okay. Something like: "Hey man, I really need to piss" or "Where can I drop my poop?" are considedered impolite or rude if you are not close friend of that person. About two flush buttons. It is pretty recent. I exactly dont know where it came from but about 15 years ago there was just one small lever or button at every toilet you could see. But in continental Europe it changed through years. We have Angloamerican styled toilet in our cottage and that one lever uses sooo much water in weird manner that I'm always hesitant to use it. Shower is interesting. I never really understood how can someone soap his body when it is washed immediately like in many commercials. What about active substances? And how could you be sure you didnt forget some parts :D? We basically wet our body, soap body and hair and wash that soap after that. Storage facilities. In a flat housing there are often places called "sklep" (I guess celar) where you put your sport equipment, spare furniture or ... bag of potatoes :D. Sometimes it is rented extra but sometimes it is included in your rent. In older houses is celar (sadly) often missing. And finally dogs... well I dont have dog or another pet but sleeping with our pets is often considered messy, but it is just about personal preference. Thanks for reading Love your content :)
Uh oh, you found me! don't tell anyone.....😎 "Excuse me ma'am, I'm going to have conversation with my very close friend....."😂😂😂 Your comment is giving me insights into the different ways American's shower....very strange. We have a sklep in our building but we don't have access to it, I might request access, thanks for the idea. Thanks so much for watching and commenting!
@@DreamPrague your comment reminded me the movie Operace kulový blesk. You really need to watch that, there is sooooo much about czech flats and a phenomenon which nowdays isn't a thing - flat exchange ;-)
It looks like old communistic handles which are (surprise) the best, modern handles are terrible, that crazy shapes are hitting my arms when I am going around, I hate that. But ofcourse old doors have mostly lost screw or some other problem, but fixing it is not so complicated, or just buy handle with two screws, it's little rare, but it will hold on it's place forever.
Yep, you just wash your pillow cases and duvet covers as frequently as you wash the sheets. (I've never understood the top sheet. For me it's like wearing a night-cap to bed so that your hair doesn't make the pillow greasy. You just keep yourself and your sheets clean. That's it.:)
I was born and raised in the Czech Republic but I haven't lived there for over 10 years now. Seeing that weirdly structured wall paint in the stairway, watching you pull the door handle off the door and all those other little things brought back a lot of childhood memories :D
You don't need to choose between a dishwasher and a washing machine, most czechs (or at least I do) have a dishwasher in the kitchen while a washing machine in the bathroom (koupelna). You also can buy a dryer (sušička) separately and have it also in your koupelna. ;-) And as for the dogs - of course, they sleep in the bed. :-D
I am actually your target audience, personally, as we are planing a move to Czech Republic (Plzen, not Prague). Being married to someone who is from the Czech Republic, we visit often and stay with his mom in her flat in Plzen. I also have the same issues with the Czech flat that you do but I have found them most of them to be BRILLIANT in hindsight (or foresight for the Czechs). We have adopted almost all of these in our US townhome. I love that the toilet is separate from the bathroom/shower, especially considering that they typically have only one bathroom in any given flat no matter how many bedrooms it contains. As for the shower thing - it drives me BANANAS! I told my husband we HAVE to have a real shower head on the wall that points down into the tub when we move there. It's too much maneuvering to try to shower and I get super cold when I do because I don't always have water pouring on my body. I also love the fact that you have to remove your shoes in Czech. Think about it - you walk around Costco and public restrooms and then you track it through your house???? I shudder at the thought! The whole "everyone has their own duvet" is also brilliant! It has stopped the tug-o-war with the covers that my husband and I experienced when we first lived together. I love it! I can be as warm and snuggly as I want, or I can kick my feet out - cuddle/schmuddle - do it before you fall asleep. :). The windows are also a stroke of genius. I love the top opening windows because you can leave them open when you leave the house and the rain doesn't get in. The refrigerator is a bit of an issue... I still dig my HUGE American fridge - don't know how I"m going to cope with it when I get there, but I'm sure I'll manage. I did find it odd/different that you have to bring your own closets and, sometimes, your own kitchen, but hey, it's called "local culture" it is what it is. Plus, you can then arrange it any way you want that makes sense with your other furniture. It's actually brilliant.
Hi Cheryl, yes you and I are on the same wavelength. There are a lot of good Czech things to steal. Especially the no shoes thing. I find it so gross now when I go home to the Us. I really love my Czech flat, even though it's a bit old and crumbly. The shower head is my one hold out. Americans just need hands-free showering, end of story. 😂
@@DreamPrague Ohhh...Well, that sounds scary. ..USA is the most advanced country that has all the best. ..And now you will steal from a poor socialist European country? :) The world has gone mad. :)
I laughed so much while watching this, we fight with my American friends over these things every day, like what's better, what's weird..etc etc:)) Thanks for posting!
I am a recent convert to the concept of the duvet covers. You just buy one of the sheet material. (Go with bamboo --the BEST!) I wash the cover every week when I change my sheets. A teeny bit of a hassle to unbutton it and put back on, but so GREAT if you like to make your bed every day. Shake and it is done. I love it.
Oh I do like to cuddle, but at the same time I really want to have my own cover. I like the freedom to cuddle and sleep separately whenever I want... A lot of the things you described are in my opinion methods on how to save money (and the environment) - less water waste at the toilet and shower (many people get a bit wet, then turn the water off, cover themselves with soap, then turn it on again), less waste of electricity for the drier, on constant cleaning because of dust people bring in on their shoes, some people might not need huge storage spaces, so why make the flat more expensive because of them etc. etc. Also many old buildings are not that easy to transform, because they are protected as historical treasures. You can get your handles fixed though! :D Anyways, I like your channel, you seem great, thanks :)
I experienced much of the same when I immigrated from the U.S. to the Netherlands. The main difference I notice from this video is that everything is a LOT more cramped and crowded in Holland than in Czechia. For the rest, everything looks pretty much like the same kinds of floor-plan layouts that are common here too. Normally, all you can expect to get when you rent an apartment in the Netherlands is an empty concrete box. If you want anything in it, YOU have to install it! When I finally secured a decently roomy flat after 16 years of moving around the country for my work, I was absolutely astonished as well as overjoyed that it had cabinets not only in the kitchen, but in the living room and both bedrooms! Once this damned COVID pandemic is under control, and travel is possible again, Prague will be my first destination. I've never been there before, and I'm really looking forward to the trip! Thanks for your entertaining and informative videos!
Ahoj, hezké video, ale pračku se sušičkou 2v1 seženeš v každém elektru, dobrá varianta do maleho bytu, a sušičku jako samostatnou taktéž, je to v ČR docela běžná věc. Né uplně ale v obchodě se dá normálně a bez problému sehnat z nepřeberného množství. Sušení na šnůře je takový kolorit , a nejvíce praktikovaný.
Na druhej strane, mozeme sa chvalit, aki sme strasne ekologicky a setrime energiu (aj ked v skutocnosti len peniaze pac sme skupi na taku zbytocnost) 😁
@@martinajurickova5750 Něco na tom je ono né že jsme skoupni, ale protože naše kupní síla k cenám komodit jak v americe nebo německu nám nedovolí plencat, a tím jsme vlastně eko a šetříme :-D Stát mě benzín 12 kč litr tak sem neekologickej, stát mě kubík vody 10 kč tak plencám. Ale tohle vše nese jedinou výhodu, šetříme přírodu :-D i když nedobrovolně :-D
I can see you put a lot of effort and thought into your videos. The content is interesting and the editing is funny jet not overdone. Keep up the good work!
Hello! Anna here, I would like to say that I really love your videos. I'm Czech and it's so interesting to be able to see/hear about my country from someone else's perspective :) Also, I admire your language skills, as czech language is sometimes impossibly difficult to learn even for native speakers. Oh, and I think we're neighbors (kind of), I live in Zizkov :)
Pobavilo hodně :D. Vaše videa jsou pro mě zajímavá, protože ukazují na rozdíly, kterých jsem si třeba nikdy nevšimla. Taky je vtipné jak pro nás Čechy naprosto běžné věci jsou pro Američany buď šokující nebo zábavné, nebo úžasné, romantické. Díky Vašim videím se dozvídám víc o americkém způsobu života. Díky moc a jen tak dál!
Some Czechs have their pets in the bed, others don't allow it... Not weird either way! :) Also as for auto-locking doors... The door locking mechanism we use here (and that's common over all of Europe I believe) is different from the US. There is a separate pin just for the handle ("klika") and a separate pin that slides in and out when you turn the key. Usually the pin for the handle is angled so that you can shut the door closed without pressing the door handle (or rotating the key beyond the unlock point, which is the other way to engage this mechanism). This is more convenient, especially for inside doors. Then you have the other pin that's only moved by rotating the key. This offers better security, and since it's a pretty standard mechanism it's used both for outer and inner doors. On outer doors however you don't have the handle from both sides usually; you have a handle from the inside and a solid immovable knob from the other. This is to prevent people from just opening your door without a key. Thankfully if you are too annoyed / worried that you'll shut yourself out you *can* get a (handle) pin that is not angled, and it will not allow the door to get shut without using either the handle (from the inside) or a key. It's slightly less convenient, especially when you just go take out the trash or something, but you can't lock yourself out. Wow that got long, hopefully I got the message across correctly. Door terminology is hard!
Yes, I let my dog sleep with me on bed. :) The two covers are just pure pragmatism - men and women have different tempeture comfort, so better than discute with your better half if we put the winter cover into the cabinet, we buy two of them with different thickness. The same principle we apply to matress - different people like different hardness. Most male matress are harder. :) Plus most matress have 2 sides - winter and summer, both of them with different tempeature insulation. We turn them accordingly to our feeling. They are marked with a small sign on side with snowflake and sun pictogram. BTW: What is historical on house from 1940? :D
Hi Jen, I was born in Brno, not Prague, and lived abroad for over 20 years (10 years in USA and 12 years in UK). I watch your videos when I feel homesick/nostalgic. Is that weird? Ha ha. You're doing such a fantastic job. Please keep making more videos - they are amazing. 😘 🇨🇿🇺🇸🇬🇧
Pro cizorodé diváky by mohlo být zajímavé vidět typický být v panelovém domě. Přeci jenom 1/2 českých domácností tak bydlí. Jinak Česká stavební norma zakazuje mít přístup do koupelny přímo z pokoje. Přístup má být z chodby nebo má mít koupelna vlastní předsíň. To jen dokazuje že se jedná opravdu o starou zástavbu.
I am fascinated with Jenny's face, how she does this wonderful grimaces - I mean like everytime when I stop the video, I have to laugh. And think like she does this for purpose, doesn't she? It's very funny and so I watch these videos because of lot of fun and joy.
And the flushing is just for saving water and money,you dont need to flush with so many water, think for your kids and future generation, they will need water too
4 года назад+1
My sister and her husband (both Czechs) quicky adopted the habit of wearing their shoes in the house soon after moving into the US :D And also that big fridge with ice dispenser. And that ridiculously huge kitchen stove with owen big enough to roast a turkey for thanksgiving. And most importantly, those air conditioning units that you can put in the window frame and just turn them on! Very handy in summer heat waves. Czech windows are completely unsuitable for those.
We do count “floors” from the ground floor too, so long as you use the one Czech word that equals “floor”. The word is “podlaží” ; note that floor is also literally “podlaha”. “Podlaží” is rarely used colloquially ; it mostly lives as a technical term only. In addition to “podlaží”, we have other words, such as “patro” and “poschodí”, and we count those from the first level above ground. (The ancient, obsolete sense of “patro” seems to be “ceiling”.) “Poschodí” is derived from “po schodech”, and thus literally means “the upstairs” ; a poet would regard it a more pleasing-sounding synonym to “patro”.
On point and soooo entertaining! Truly the Hollywood genes! I grew up in one of those 130 yr old buildings in Prague 1 and my own father was patching up the holes in the railing with twine to prevent me from falling off. The good thing is, Jen, if you walk up 3 flights of stairs at least twice a day, you need no gym!
Nah, you just have rubbish flat. Obviously this seems to be very old building, so lot of amenities are basically afterthought, but in more modern houses the situation is... well, modern :)
You're right, I'm sure there are many flats with more modern amenities. But ours is not a rubbish flat!! It's the perfect romantic flat we dreamed about finding in Prague. 😜
@@DreamPrague Oh, You know what I meant. This is just reality of living in historical building - people must deal with occasional not-entirely perfect solutions due the fact, that you can´t simply tear down the whole house and do it again, because a) it´s bloody expensive and b) your building is possibly protected by law against any substantial alterations. Anyway - as long as all amenities work sufficiently, rent is reasonable and you are happy with location - good for you :D
@@nikolamarko9345 Baraky na Vinohradech rozhodne nemaji pamatkove zakazano dat tam slusne dvere nebo opravit litinove zabradli na schodisti. Ten barak nemam problem s tim, ze je starej, coz ostatne zas tak moc neni, ale je zanedbanej a ma jeste socialisticky vybaveni.
It is an "unwritten" standard to wash the fitted "froté" sheets weekly or once a 14 days period at a maximum (also recommended by doctors / /hygienists / dermatologists, etc.) My friend washes them every 10th day (like, 7 days is too often, 14 days too far away)... There are also matrace protectors sheets that you can buy that are not washed that often (they are usually made from antibacterial materials or containing silver to help destroy allergens), on top then goes the "froté" (or other material) fitted sheets and that´s all and completely sufficient considering we shower at the end of the day and wash the sheets weekly. My grandmothers both used the plain canvas sheets that had to be tucked in under the matrace, but modern families rarely buy these anymore. They are nowadays used only in families where the sheets are inherited or received as a wedding gift and in a pretty much great (close to unused) state so it would be silly to just throw them away. My mother took these from the drawer (she hasn´t used them ever since she got married) and made batik boho sheets to hang on the wall or divide the garden to create more privacy because she didn´t want to use them in bedroom nor throw them out essentially new.
OMG, great video! I love these videos when you compare US and CZE... In addition with your sense of humour!!! Very good job :) Btw: A door handle usually doesn´t fall off :D
Actualy we have two ways of counting floors. More common is "patro" (level), starting from 0 at ground. Less common is "podlaží" (floor), starting from 1 at ground.
Eh.. every generalization is limping to one leg.. well, sometimes even two ;) Before I settled down and married, I lived in about ten flats in different locations in Prague. From modest ones to rather nice and expensive ones. None of them was the same and mostly there was a lift too :) Fun as always Jen, indeed.. justl slightly.. confusing to newcomers..
Well, we've only lived in one flat in Prague in 8 years, so it's the best I can do. I'm also generalizing about the US because I've never lived in New York, Chicago, Kansas, atd.!
From the UK, differences include : Light switches the "wrong" way around; 2-pin plugs ( I guess for Americans, your stuff runs on slightly different voltage) vs UK 3-pin plugs; in historic buildings, the windows have to be made of wood, and so old ones can be draughty; most apartments have hot water delivered from a heating plant vs having a water heater in the apartment, and the heating plant is shut down for 2 weeks every summer to allow it to cool down and get cleaned out; neighbours don't live in each other's pockets here; buildings' front doors don't automatically need a key to exit - just some careful neighbours lock it behind them when they come in - a fire exit risk; lots of people appear to have old pianos (eg no headphones) and love to practise a lot; what about a "sklep"; what about usually having your washing machine in the bathroom; what about what's included in your rent vs what has to be paid for building expenses (eg paying into a building repair fund that benefits the owner but not the renter). And if your neighbours have a problem with a party going with noise past 22:00 they'll skip the step about asking you politely to turn the noise down past the curfew time, and just phone the police who will come within minutes and take these complaints seriously. Some mistakes ... TIMESTAMP 05:42 .. title misspelt .... TIMESTAMP 09:05 "Czechs seem to shop less frequently ... " - I think you meant more frequently. The single duvets allow the duvets to be washed in the washing machine at home vs bringing them to the laundry every few months. So it's actually quite clever. And I never found a problem in snuggling :) Overall, a great video ! This probably applies to most central european apartments. If you edit the heading, you might get more views. Just a suggestion !
Dream Prague and another problem are homeless people, especially in winter in big cities. If a flat block has/had door that easily opens from the outside, they just sneak in, sleep in the hall and spread nasty smell and in worse case if they are drunk also vomit or excrements. That is why even the old buildings' entrances have been replaced with automatic locking doors which only open with a key, house card or something such. So that it can be entered only by the tenants. Also, no house sellers or religious recruiters can come knocking on your flat door 😁
5:48 - Separate toilet from the bathroom is for hygienic reasons and it is remembered in building regulations. If you have a sink and toilet in one room, the toilet must be closed before flushing. Unfortunately, not everyone does that. Seeвидео.html If it is possible, separate the toilet from the sink with a curtain or paravan. If you have a toothbrush in a room with toilet, do not leave it loose, for example in a glass on the sink. Put it in the some bathroom cabinet. But do not cover the brush with a cap, or put it in the some case and so on... Toothbrush should dry as quickly as posibble. Besides. If you are in a public toilet, use paper towels instead of hot air. Dryers inflate everything that flies in the air on hands. Paper towels are usually enclosed in a box and are at least somehow protected.
These door handles are not an issue when you got the larger part inside of the room, but we all know no philosoraptors are installing them. And don´t get me the wrong way, but how do you clean your private parts up with your shower head fixed up the in ceiling?
ne nespí... to jen znáš jokršířy a podobny maly krysy svých městkých kamarádek ;) ale na vesnici či v malém městečku spí normální pes na verandě/předsíni maximálně tak v obýváků... ale tahat psa do postele můžeš jen v případě 3x do týdne ve vaně vydrhnuty malyho chudáka jorkšíra...........
Jaryncip ne, to se neboj, jorkšíra znám tak jednoho, bydlím v malém městě a znám tu několik velkých a středních psů kteří normálně spí v posteli a je to normální. někdo nechává psy spát v předsíni, někdo v posteli.
Wow! I’m an American expat living in Germany (visiting Prague soon, hence why I’ve stumbled across your video), and I can tell you that I have experienced EVERY one of these things in Germany too!!! Almost every one of our handles have come off our doors too, and I have been locked in our kitchen because of this 😂! Great video - thank you for posting!
Hi Carrington, I'm glad you can relate! Yeah, I think a lot of these things are Central European in nature, but they were definitely surprising to a West Coast American!
This comparison is very, very subjective. I would say that 90 % of the review is based on one flat. And you live in very old flat so a lot of things are not the same in newer flats. I dont understand how you can walk in your shoes at your home. You can step in spit, shit, vomit, mud, other dirt, used chuwing gum, used condom or I dont even what else and you dont mind walk in you home in shoes?
@@DreamPrague The thing is, you make it sound or even explicitedly say that this is the case in Czech flats when its the case in your flat or perhaps a couple more at your friends'. Also a lot what you talk about is only true for flats in the city centre and Prague is obvously a lot larger than that.
That's true. I've also been to 50+ apartments that Americans live in in Prague and they're all just this old. English teachers live centrally and in relatively old flats. I'm just preparing prospective English teachers, I'm not doing a survey of every Czech flat in the country.
Some clarification: 1. In fact we all struggle with space in our appartments :-) 2. We are afraid of thieves, so we lock the doors - the more the merrier. 3. Risk of fire is minimal not because of the material, but thanks to the precautionary measures - there are legal requirements that are checked regularly: e.g. the condition of the building itself, fire extinguishers, emergency exits etc. (btw I like your sense of humour).
9:03 "The Czechs seem to shop less frequently and for smaller amounts of food" ... I think there's a mistake in there or do we just eat much less? :-D I guess you meant "more frequently and for smaller amounts of food".
I don't know how other czech people but I use spice in bags to refill the glass container with it. And about the dog in bed. I think it's 50/50. Our house dog (dog living in house) has own bed but she sleeps with us almost all the time. But our second dog lives in garden in his own little dog house and he sleeps only outside.
And also check this
My jsme to taky dělali, to hrozně pomáhá. Nedostal jsem se takhle z venku domů a abych pomohl i ostatním, vysunul jsem kovový kvádr a musel jsem použít šroubováky z dílny, přičemž jsem jeden zničil. :-( (u starých dveří samozřejmě)
Hi, I am so enertained by your videos, espesially Američani jsou zvláštní or the one where you address commets ( that was the best one). I am Czech and some things You have mentioned in this video are totally new for me, because I have never lived in Prague center houses eventhough I used to live in Prague for ten years, when I studied here and later when I worked in Prague. Now I live in a house close to Prague and according to your video I feel like an American ;-))) Wow. I have never thought that. Your ideas are quite interesting. I would wish You to visit some other Czechs from outside Prague or those who live in the suburbs. Life is much easier, at least for us. Keep your vlog its awesome.
Thanks so much Barbora! Yes, I'm learning that Prague is definitely different than the rest of Czech Republic. And apparently I (and all my American immigrant friends) have 50 year old "communist" door handles!? 😂
@@DreamPrague The landlords who rent their flats to Americans are usually incredibly cheap. I have never seen such badly equipped flats in my life that my American friends showed me in Prague. Those flats all looked like the poorest of all poor Czech people used to live there in the past. And a hole instead of a washing machine? On the other hand, the best parties ever... ever.
Lol this reminds me this one episode from Sex and the City when Carrie came to the house party and had to take her Manolos off and later on they disappeared :D So see...even in New York taking the shoes off is quite a common thing, haha
I remember that episode! It's actually not common in New York - that's why Carrie was so shocked! I think the characters who hosted the party were trying to be "European", meaning, more sophisticated. Showing that they'd traveled and picked up habits from Europe, or even Asia. 😂
Nice video. From my point of view, the key issue is that you live probably in center of Prague where are old flats (80 years or older) and they are usually without elevator, high ceiling, with strange located rooms layout and small cellar or storige area. Anyway its nice to hear your compairing experiances.
Funny as usual. Thank you. Also just today I installed a shower holder(?). I´ve had enough of having just one hand available while showering.. Taking shoes off: Nikdy nechci po hostech sundavat boty!! Návštěva má mít pohodlí, chtít po návštěvě sundat boty je nezdvořilost, může je to přivést do trapné situace, je to nevychovanost to po návětěvě chtít!!
@@catepilarr Nevím, příjde mi to jako ješte socialistický pozůstatek. Štve mne, že se to považuje za normu. Ještě když mi někdo nabídne papuče. Opravdu nemám chuť chodit v botách, které měl na sobě někdo jiný.
@@caroline4323 A proc myslite, ze socialisticky? Bezne se lidi zouvaji i v zapadnim Nemecku. Ja tam zazila, ze si lidi bezne bud nosili na navstevu svoje backory, nebo se nabizely backory pro hosty /nekdy tedy dost odporne, to bych se doma stydela nabidnout/. Me prijde v poradku chtit, aby mi lidi nechodili doma ve venkovnich botach, pokud to sama taky nedelam. A navsteva ast si vybere, jestli si pujci slusne ciste pantofle, nebo bude v ponozkach, nebo si prinese svoje.
@@catepilarr Proc myslim, ze socialisticky? Protoze to odporuje etikete. Jedine, co si clovek za socialismu mohl dovolit bylo muj dum, muj hrad. Takze backory, trenyrky doma atd atd. Ano, kultury se ruzni, je mi jasne, ze v japonsku bych proste boty bez reci sundavala.. Ale tady v Evrope myslim porad plati to, ze ja se podrizuji navsteve, nikoliv naopak.
Yeah... Lol.... one of our houses are from 1850 and still not to old...but the upper level of that house is from around 1700 - they salvaged everything and reused when building a new house - so that part is "historic" i guess :) Cool to se how different it is.. Prague is not very different from Scandinavia - old buildings in the cities are just the same the one in the video..
If you spread the clothes on the rope . It must be done under the sunshine in the outdoor. If you do it indoor the clothes gonna stink . Czech has laundries and the dryers in laundromats but the laundromats they have are not a lot like in the US and they don't accept Euros. They only accept Czech Crowns. Also you have to adjust the temperature of the dryer in Czech (high or medium or low) before starting the dryer because you can't change it while the dryer is running like we can do in the States .
Just buy any generic small screws for your handle, I think those are M3 screws, but might be M2.5 as well. Just visit nearest hardware store, show them the handle and they will know which you will need. They cost about 1 Crown.
Manželka spí celorocně pod ,,zimní'' tlustou peřinou, pod kterou bych se já horkokrevný tip upekl, kdyby jsme měli společnou. A pokud někdy nějáký američan vstoupí na můj koberec botou z venku, prostřelím mu koleno, nedokážu si představit co za havěť žije v amerických kobercích.
Jsem si všiml v USA, že Američani původně z Evropy (imigranti, kteří přišli ve 20.století) se zouvaj a ti, co se nezouvali, měli jeden výstavní obývák, kde byl koberec a na ten se v botech nesmělo. Taky velká většina USA celý rok nezná bláto a špínu, to je spíš u chudých lidí na severu USA v lesích, tam ale nějaký koberce asi fakt neřeší.
As someone who grew up in Prague and then skipped thirty years before going back to visit, I found myself making the same observations as you. Great fun. One think needs correction, though. Most Czechs that I know do not sleep with an duvet or blanket uncovered. My mom would flip if you told her that! It is just that we Czechs use "povlaky na přikrývky" or blanket covers and stuff the duvet in, just like with pillow cases. You can get them anywhere in Prague. I am sure they will have them in IKEA. I buy them there even in Canada instead of flat sheets. Less work making up the bed.
We don't cuddle when we sleep. Sleeping time is for sleeping; don't get me wrong, I love my wife very much, but when I sleep I need empty space around me :) She is from Poland, and Poland is, for better or worse, very American, also in this respect, so it took quite some time for her to accept this, but it is the way it is, and when in Rome... :) And yes, we treat our duvet covers like you do sheets, so we wash them fairly often :)
@@Pidalin podle dřívějších předpisů bylo přízemí min. 30 cm nad zemí. Když taková podlaha byla níže, tak to bylo podzemí. Ovšem pak patro nad tím už nebylo kvůli výšce přízemí, ale mezzanin. Dělalo se to pro obejití max. předepsané výšky domu a mohlo tak vzniknout další patro pro byty a vyšší příjem pro domácího.
I use a large blanket cover for two beds, so it can fit two people. Walking up the stairs is healthy! Thanks Jen, I found out that I am really American, it will just be hard for me to move to America so I can finally live freely and not feel like a foreigner in the Czech Republic. Prague is beautiful, but I know I'm not at home here :(
We sleep with dogs in our beds. At least most of the people I know do. Cats too. Also the locks - there are a lot of thefts from common areas. People store bikes etc there. It's added security measure, especially the closer to center you are.
Slovene here. Not sure how is the word for floor in czech, but we call it "nadstropje" wich would mean "abovecelling-je" so if you are on ground floor you can't be above the celing already :)
@@Pidalin, Anebo je to, Ondřeji, _poschodí,_ anebo _podlaží…_ A první podlaží je „ground floor“, protože je to podle podlahy. A první poschodí je to, kam jdeš jedenkrát po schodech…
The dog doesn't lie with us in our bed. We lie with him in his bed ... It is simply impossible to explain to him that it is not his bed (and his house) but ours ;-) I hope the correct words are used. I used google translator ...
no u nás nikdy psi v posteli kde spíme i my nespali, a je to fakt nechutné (hlavně u zvířat které jsou především venku) , ale milovníkům zvířat se to asi líbí , stejně jako líbání se psem a podobně , za mě teda ne ..
I would guess that having no moving handle on the inside of the apartment building's doors is against fire regulations. But than again, the first time someone will check that is during major reconstruction of the building. Where I live, we have RFID chip from the outside and handle from the inside, and no keys (at least I wasn't given any). Where I lived previously, we had RFID from the outside and full-door („panic“) handle from the iniside and I also had keys as a backup. I've also seen RFID from the outside and from the inside (and two doors, not just one) and it wasn't working half of the time, luckily I also had keys from the doors.
Target audience: americans who want to live in CZE
Actual audience: czechs interested in what an american thinks about the country
Yeah :D
Yeah, soooo true :)
Nailed it. But thanks for watching!
and main problem czech people cant have no money to buy or own flat, and its more disaster, more homelesess etc., cause you americans and foreigners with money have more money to buy it, thats real disaster and nobody from foreign countries dont see it, its big problem
@@petmik5022 ever heard of this thing called a "job" ? If you go to Ukraine maybe you can find cheaper flats, so why dont you do that? If someone is from US/UK it does not mean automatically they are rich and if someone is CZ it does not automatically mean they are poor.
"a historical house from the 1940s" :D :D that is the best joke for a European :D haha
I know...but truly, when you've lived your whole life in Los Angeles, 1940 seems like dinosaur times!😂😜
@@DreamPrague When I first moved to Mala Strana, the barbershop that cut my hair had a date engraved on the building stating it was built in 1492. The same year Columbus sailed the ocean blue. Put things in perspective for me.
@@AnthonyLauder But medieval buildings were almost destroyed many times because of floods, fire and architectonical fashion so when it's based on something from 1492, it doesn't mean it's everything really so old. You can have medieval cellar and gothic arcs, but most of that building is probably much newer.
@@Pidalin That is true. Many buildings look way older than they actually are. In the 2nd half of 19th century Romanticism influenced architecture a lot and it lead to "fake historical" buildings of Neo/Revival Gothic/Renaissance. Also buildings got often re-build or changed significantly. For exmaple Karlštejn was originally Gothic castle but was later reconstructed in Renaissance style and remained mostly that way until 1899 when it was reconstructed in more ornated Neo Gothic style pretty much losing a lot of its historical value and it is the main reason it is not part of UNESCO.
As the saying goes, Europe is a contintent where 200 kilometers is "far away" (and possibly another country), US is a country where 200 years is "a long time ago" ;)
myslím, že při pražských defenestracích by neotevíratelné okno ničemu nezabránilo, nejdřív by letěli radní, za nimi zbytky okna. :D
:D :D :D :D :D :D Tak něják.
😂Máte pravdu!
No jo, ale u té třetí by to možná bylo i vhodné, vzhledem k tomu že se narozdíl od předešlých obešla bez ztrát na životech. ;) Prostě to tenkrát odbyly.
Ale vtip to byl rozhodně povedený :)
@@jakubp.6987 Protože dopadli do měkkého.
Mě pro vetšinu čechů přijde typické :
před koupením psa: Pes s námi nikdy spát nebude
po koupi psa: Je tu nový musí si zvyknout, až povyroste/ zvykne si, bude spát sám
po čase: Koupili jsme mu krásný velký pelech, má ho ten pejsek u postele,ale nechce tam spát. Trochu nás to štve
po ještě delším čas: Bez psa v posteli, už v podstatě spát neumím. A vyhazovat psa z postele? To je hnusný, chudák pes
Nejen psi si zvyknou. Muj muz odjel na tri mesice do statu a na jeho strane postele se usidlil kocour. Prala bych vam videt ten boj o misto kdyz se muz vratil.
100% já :D
Pro mě strašně odporný zvyk. Než jdu do postele, dám si sprchu, sprchují lidi své psy před spaním nebo kočky?
Z toho samého důvodu si zouváme boty, jednak žijeme v pásu, kde sněží (nyní už moc ne), prší, a kdo chce mít doma špínu na podlaze nebo na kobercích...
@@joespee3666 Ne všichni se sprchují večer, někteří se sprchují ráno.
In the shower we turn off the water while we wash ourselves and shave. When we are done, we just quickly rinse everything. It saves lots of water!
It's so true! We have a lot to learn from the Czechs.
I can't even imagine doing it differently! Is there even any other way?
@@lavenderbaby9283 yep. We turn the water on 5 minutes before we get it, warm up the bathroom with steam, shower for 20 minutes, and turn the water off. Then 3 more kids do it in a row.
@@lavenderbaby9283 in the states, a lot of rentals don’t charge water fee so people use as much water as they like
@@lavenderbaby9283 In Russia the water bill is “unlimited”, meaning there’s fixed price for the service based on average household consumption for an average family.
Výhodu oddělených matrací místo jedné velké vidím v tom, že každý z partnerů si může vybrat typ na kterém se mu dobře spí.
A také se při "vrtění" nepřenáší pohyb na matraci toho druhého.
Jo, máš pravdu.
Já spím v hamace 😁
I am sleeping in hammock 😁
Ano, to je ten důvod!😁
Můj pes spí se mnou v posteli, je to takové mobilní topení :D
Hello friends, I am a Czech and have lived in the USA for the last 20 years. When I started college in Oregon in 1999 and was telling my parents all about my life in the USA over the phone, my parents actually thought it was so gross to have a flat sheet and but no duvet cover to protect the comforter. Habits are powerful! Also, another typically Czech things is to have two sets of curtains (the lace curtain and a regular curtain) while in the USA we have only one set of curtains and my apartment also has blinds. Hi from Tennessee (since 2004) and I love your videos, Jen!!!
When I lived with my parents I used to watch the House Hunters siries. And it realy shocked me that in the U.S. you open the door from the street and you're in the livingroom even in parts of America where they have snow during the winter. Like who the hell cleans the mud of the carpet when you walk strigth on it in your dirty shoes?
yep, boggles my mind as well :)
Nemas na nohach moc bahna, kdyz si vozis zadek v aute :D
@@catepilarr I mezi dveřma od auta do domu se dá šlápnout do psího hovna.
We clean our feet very well in the door entrance. And nowadays almost no apartment has carpet in the common areas. Only in the rooms. And most people don’t wear shoes in the rooms
@@catepilarr oof :D
Tieto videá ma strašne bavia :) Je zaujímavé počúvať o rozdieloch medzi krajinami :) Niektoré rozdiely sú fakt vtipné :)
presne moje myslenky :)
My velké ledničky nepotřebujeme protože jsme žravý národ ,vše hned sežereme.Měli jsme francouzského buldočka a toho dostat ráno z postele byl boj
Trochu jsem se lekl.
Nejdřív jste psal, jak všechno sežereme, a pak jste napsal "Měli jsme francouzského buldočka a toho ..." tak jsem se bál, že budete pokračovat "... a toho jsme taky sežrali." :-D
Omlouvám se, že jsem vám křivdil :)
@@MarvinCZ na co hned nemyslíte byl to můj mazel a byl taky žravej
Bobika? 😊
americkou velkou lednicku tam ma zlomek lidi, ostatni zijou v bide v karavanech :)
A hlavně se před spaním sprchujeme, tak to není nutné mít další pokrývku
To dává smysl
@@DreamPrague děkuji 😘
To je fakt, ve filmech vždy vidím, že Američané se sprchují ráno po probuzení.
@@azalkakrusnohorska560 Já se sprchuji dvakrát denně
@@azalkakrusnohorska560 Americans shower in the morning, but we shower in the morning and evening. Cold water is good for your health.
Ve sprše se opláchnete, vypnete sprchu namydlíte se a potom spláchnete ze sebe mýdlo. Thats how Czech do.
presne tak, zbytecne neplytvame vodou
to jsem nikdy nedělal.maje sprcha tekla pořád. ale většinou jsem měl - a mám - vanu.rád se rochním. cca 45 minut :)
Nejlepší je nastěhovat se to starého bytu a povídat o tom, jak je to jiný a jak se amíci diví :)
Tak většina amíků neví, v čem je historický byt jiný, a spíš se těší, jaká to bude romantika.
Většina těch věcí platí i pro byty na sídlišti, takže je jedno, jestli žijou zrovna ve starém bytě ..
Je teda pravda, že v novějších bytech už jsou koupelny i se záchodem, ale většina bytů to má ještě postaru.
@@nevimzevim Jenže, tady je to prezentováno jako obecný standard, což není. To by dotyčná musela porovnávat staré byty v USA vs staré byty v CZ
@@nevimzevim Neřekl bych, že nové byty jsou stavěné se záchodem stylem ala: "Moderní koncept záchodu a koupelny je, mít je v jedné místnosti." Spíše bych řekl, že jde o tom, zda se do bytu pohodlně vejdou 2 místnosti, které toto umožní (tj. oddělený záchod a koupelnu) a pokud ne, pak budou v jedné místnosti a ta trocha místa navíc, které tím vznikne, se přidělí jiné místnosti.
Jen, you are (or should be) a national treasure. I'm learning so much about living in Czechlands through your videos...and that is saving me a lot of time and money too. Thank you!
Super video, zajímavé i humorně zpracované, pobavil jsem se 😁.
another great video! :) so happy for you! about the shower.. i think most of the czech people have their "rain shower" installed together with the basic hand shower, so you can just switch between "raining" on your head or using the head manually :)
Oh that sounds so nice! Our rental flat has no such luxuries ;)
@@DreamPrague Well maybe in new flats but I would say most have shower head with hose but have additional clamp on the wall to plut in your shower
@@DreamPrague Yes, shower head with hose is standard in old rental flat.
Her: video is for Americans who might wish to move to Prague
Me (a girl born in Prague, living there): yes, tell me what I need to know
Jste skvělá. V jednom dni jsem shlédl všechna vaše videa z Prahy. Děkuji a jen tak dále, je to zábavné a zajímavé.
Děkuji moc za motivaci, Karle!
1:28 every day in the Czech Republic 🇨🇿 is leg day !
omg, so true!
Before granddad passed away year before ;-( , I used to walk to the 4th floor, even adults said me "Stop"
Když mají dveře od bytu nebo domu z jedné strany "kouli" tak jdou otevřít jen z té strany kde je klika ale neznamená to že by byli zamčené, zamčené jsou až po otočení klíčem.
Z českého úhlu pohledu máte naprostou pravdu. Myslím, že toto video je určené primárně američanům a proto je jednodušší říct zamčené. Mám pocit, že 90% všech dveří opatřených koulí v USA má nejspíš takovou tu kouli kterou po otočení dveře otevřete i bez klíče, to je u nás spíš rarita. Proto bylo asi jednodušší říct locked, protože i když ty dveře nejsou fakticky zamčené, bez klíče je neotevřete. Ale je to jen slovíčkaření.
@@funmakerkubik Z toho co jsem z různých videí a stránek, tak těch 90% dveří v USA má tak nemožně vymyšlené zámky u dveří že se dají zablokovat obyčejnou gumičkou za 10 centů.
Ta koule co vy myslíte má v sobě zámek a západka se otevře jejím pootočením, už jsem to viděl, reálně je to bude jen třetina zámku, když ta část do které zajede klíč není uvnitř samotných dveří a z druhé strany je otočná část která zamkne západku, podobný systém bývá na veřejných záchodech aby jim turisté nekradli klíče.
To je pro mě fascinující!
@@DreamPrague Jeden český kanál dělal takové zajímavé video o tom že si lidé mají dávat pozor když na klice vchodových dveřích najdou pověšenou gumičku jak jsem psal výše, takhle u vás v americe pracují zloději, v čechách gumičkou na klice nikoho vykrást nemůžete.
Zde odkaz na kanál
A zde odkaz na fotku jak by to vypadlo v čechách.
Většina komentujících z toho kanálu toho má akorát legraci, protože se snaží ukazovat zlodějské postupy a tragicky vypadající příběhy které nejsou v českých podmínkách realizovatelné
@@EM4CZ 90% byla samo sebou nadsázka a bylo myšleno devadesát procent z těch dveří, které mají kouli, ne všech dveří. Nejsem zámečník a jak říkám je to jen slovíčkaření. Šlo spíš o to, že v USA si dveře tak často jako u nás nezabouchnete, aby bylo nutné použít klíč. Tak bylo pro Jennifer rychlejší a přirozenější říct, že se zamknou (to lock) než zabouchnou (to slam), to totiž nemýlím-li se ve většině případů znamená prásknout s dveřmi (ve vzteku). Toť vše.
As a Spaniard living in Prague, most of these things are normal for me and I find it funny how Americans are so surprised. But I have to admit that when I moved to the Czech Republic having to take off my shoes when entering a house (or even a tea room!) and that the double beds are two individual matresses together... I was shocked hahaha. Although I am glad for having my spices in little packs and not in jar containers (they are sold like that in Spain too) and for Ikea where I can get normal big mattresses. In Spain we also have flat sheets but I like it more here, so much fast and easy to make the bed!
I think the bigger difference is between high dense urban area (like centre of Prague and New York) on one side and single-family home on the other. If you own a house you have a plenty of space where you can store your bike, boots and/or second freezer.
And of course, there is a difference between an age and a style of appartment buildings. Your type of buildings (and district) has different specifics and issues compared to concrete development in Jižní město built in 70's (ie they have elevators and basement storage area, but they are uglier). Modern 21st century appartment buildings are something different too.
Old doorhandles falling off is common issue. It is better to buy a new one, you know, from this century :)
Yes, you can live in LA in flats just like that one Jen lives in Prague
Yes, I think you're absolutely right! I find it interesting that Czechs want more modern flats, and for Americans, this older flat with "quirks" is more romantic. Why would I live in a modern flat like I could find in America??!
@@DreamPrague because you don´t have painful parts of history in your memories ;)
@@DreamPrague I prefer older because if it survived 120 year, it will survive even you, if you have new flat or house, you never know when it collapse, today quality of work is sometimes weird. And in old buildings you will have water and heating pipes with higher diameter, modern systems have smaller diametr and more powerfull circular pump, but you can hear water inside. But old houses have sometimes still lead water pipes which is more and more rare, but you can still find that. Previous generations survived that, but today lead is considered as black plague combined with ebola or something like that, you touch that and you will die in 24 hours. :-D
@@DreamPrague Thats often because people actually experienced living in old buildings that hadnt been renovated and had no bathroom or a shared toilet in the /open/ corridor and used coal-fed stoves for heating. Generally in the communist times flats and buildings were not well looked after so in lots of peoples minds old equals unfunctional and difficult to live in. The trend of restoring period features and creating luxury flats out of once ordinary flats is on its way.
Yes I grew up sharing bed with my labrador Jack and used him as heater in winter and sometimes as pillow because he didn''t want to move :D
4:45 - Precisely. In Czech flats, the environment is so toxic that even metal screws dissolve... :-D
4:51 - A little tip no.1. Move the handle with the square axis part was in the room and falling part in the hallway. This way you will never stay trapped inside. Tip no.2. Screw in the screw as far as it will go, take the nail polish (Ideally colorless, then it will not be visible.) and paint the hole... ;-)
Fantastic tip! I just gave my husband a bottle of nail polish and told him to get to work!
@@DreamPrague buy a new handle :D
One suggestion regarding washing machine...I have been using combined washer/dryer during last 15 years and it works pretty well and you save both space and monney for an extra dryer. Of course we use it only for drying less demanding stuff like socks and my underwear:-) Some available brands are (e.g.Indesit) for the same monney like just washing machine (12-14k CZK).
@@DreamPrague No, dont do this. This old handles have screws from very soft iron metal (were a cheaper). Buy a new handle, new screw inside is from standard steel and will have so bigger durability.
Or you can use "Loctite 620" glue to fix the screw and the screw will never loosen...:)
OMG there is so much I want to comment to. Your videos are great, keep doing it!
First of all. I have to check it out, but I recognize this courtyard and probably we are basically neighboors. (I won't tell anyone where it is :D)
About boots and socks. We Czechs are really carefull what we are wearing of when we go to another house. I offten use a joke when hole appears on my sock: "Haha mate, these are summer socks with ventilation. They are more expensive!" :D
Actually I can immagine mess when it is snowy outside and everyone is wearing their shoes inside esspecialy during a party. Absolutelly soaked doormat, small muddy puddles everywhere, not to mention destroyed carpets. Oh nightmare :D. House slippers could be there for two reasons: First there is so cold floor in order to be wear just socks, second there is not so clean floor (for example - pet hair) and we do not want to cause all that mess stick to your socks. Some househlods are so obsessed with clean floors that you can basically spill your dinner on it and eat it without any regrets.
Toilets. Well it is really individual but it is not common there are not separate rooms for toilet and bath room. My grandpa used to say joke about polite way to say you are going to toilet when you are on a date with a girl: "Excuse me ma'am, I'm going to have conversation with my very close friend whom I introduce you latter at the night." Basically we have somehow shifted boundaries what is and isn't polite. Phrases: "Could, I use your toilet?" or "Please, where is your toilet?" are perfectly okay. Something like: "Hey man, I really need to piss" or "Where can I drop my poop?" are considedered impolite or rude if you are not close friend of that person.
About two flush buttons. It is pretty recent. I exactly dont know where it came from but about 15 years ago there was just one small lever or button at every toilet you could see. But in continental Europe it changed through years. We have Angloamerican styled toilet in our cottage and that one lever uses sooo much water in weird manner that I'm always hesitant to use it.
Shower is interesting. I never really understood how can someone soap his body when it is washed immediately like in many commercials. What about active substances? And how could you be sure you didnt forget some parts :D? We basically wet our body, soap body and hair and wash that soap after that.
Storage facilities. In a flat housing there are often places called "sklep" (I guess celar) where you put your sport equipment, spare furniture or ... bag of potatoes :D. Sometimes it is rented extra but sometimes it is included in your rent. In older houses is celar (sadly) often missing.
And finally dogs... well I dont have dog or another pet but sleeping with our pets is often considered messy, but it is just about personal preference.
Thanks for reading
Love your content :)
Uh oh, you found me! don't tell anyone.....😎
"Excuse me ma'am, I'm going to have conversation with my very close friend....."😂😂😂
Your comment is giving me insights into the different ways American's shower....very strange. We have a sklep in our building but we don't have access to it, I might request access, thanks for the idea.
Thanks so much for watching and commenting!
@@DreamPrague your comment reminded me the movie Operace kulový blesk. You really need to watch that, there is sooooo much about czech flats and a phenomenon which nowdays isn't a thing - flat exchange ;-)
@@timotejmares Thanks I will check it out!
The door handles don't normally fall of the door xD you just have cheap doors I guess
And no Handy man,you can just simply repair them
You're probably right 😜
not cheap, but old one. :-D
@@melmecan Both cheap and old. Those really are outdated and low quality.
It looks like old communistic handles which are (surprise) the best, modern handles are terrible, that crazy shapes are hitting my arms when I am going around, I hate that. But ofcourse old doors have mostly lost screw or some other problem, but fixing it is not so complicated, or just buy handle with two screws, it's little rare, but it will hold on it's place forever.
Yep, you just wash your pillow cases and duvet covers as frequently as you wash the sheets.
(I've never understood the top sheet. For me it's like wearing a night-cap to bed so that your hair doesn't make the pillow greasy. You just keep yourself and your sheets clean. That's it.:)
Skvělá videa. Některé rozdíly jsou fakt vtipné. A ty jsi fakt sympatická a vtipná. 😁
Děkuji moc!
I was born and raised in the Czech Republic but I haven't lived there for over 10 years now. Seeing that weirdly structured wall paint in the stairway, watching you pull the door handle off the door and all those other little things brought back a lot of childhood memories :D
You don't need to choose between a dishwasher and a washing machine, most czechs (or at least I do) have a dishwasher in the kitchen while a washing machine in the bathroom (koupelna). You also can buy a dryer (sušička) separately and have it also in your koupelna. ;-)
And as for the dogs - of course, they sleep in the bed. :-D
Musíte to brát trochu s nadsázkou, snad ví, že nejsme úplní barbaři🤣
most of czechs don't have dishwasher, it's still very rare
@@Pidalin It's not that rare. Tbh almost everyone I know has it.
No of course most people don't need to choose, but only one actually FIT in our flat. No matter, we don't miss the dishwasher. :D
I am actually your target audience, personally, as we are planing a move to Czech Republic (Plzen, not Prague). Being married to someone who is from the Czech Republic, we visit often and stay with his mom in her flat in Plzen. I also have the same issues with the Czech flat that you do but I have found them most of them to be BRILLIANT in hindsight (or foresight for the Czechs). We have adopted almost all of these in our US townhome. I love that the toilet is separate from the bathroom/shower, especially considering that they typically have only one bathroom in any given flat no matter how many bedrooms it contains. As for the shower thing - it drives me BANANAS! I told my husband we HAVE to have a real shower head on the wall that points down into the tub when we move there. It's too much maneuvering to try to shower and I get super cold when I do because I don't always have water pouring on my body. I also love the fact that you have to remove your shoes in Czech. Think about it - you walk around Costco and public restrooms and then you track it through your house???? I shudder at the thought! The whole "everyone has their own duvet" is also brilliant! It has stopped the tug-o-war with the covers that my husband and I experienced when we first lived together. I love it! I can be as warm and snuggly as I want, or I can kick my feet out - cuddle/schmuddle - do it before you fall asleep. :). The windows are also a stroke of genius. I love the top opening windows because you can leave them open when you leave the house and the rain doesn't get in. The refrigerator is a bit of an issue... I still dig my HUGE American fridge - don't know how I"m going to cope with it when I get there, but I'm sure I'll manage. I did find it odd/different that you have to bring your own closets and, sometimes, your own kitchen, but hey, it's called "local culture" it is what it is. Plus, you can then arrange it any way you want that makes sense with your other furniture. It's actually brilliant.
Hi Cheryl, yes you and I are on the same wavelength. There are a lot of good Czech things to steal. Especially the no shoes thing. I find it so gross now when I go home to the Us. I really love my Czech flat, even though it's a bit old and crumbly. The shower head is my one hold out. Americans just need hands-free showering, end of story. 😂
@@DreamPrague Ohhh...Well, that sounds scary. ..USA is the most advanced country that has all the best. ..And now you will steal from a poor socialist European country? :) The world has gone mad. :)
I laughed so much while watching this, we fight with my American friends over these things every day, like what's better, what's weird..etc etc:)) Thanks for posting!
I am a recent convert to the concept of the duvet covers. You just buy one of the sheet material. (Go with bamboo --the BEST!) I wash the cover every week when I change my sheets. A teeny bit of a hassle to unbutton it and put back on, but so GREAT if you like to make your bed every day. Shake and it is done. I love it.
Oh I do like to cuddle, but at the same time I really want to have my own cover. I like the freedom to cuddle and sleep separately whenever I want... A lot of the things you described are in my opinion methods on how to save money (and the environment) - less water waste at the toilet and shower (many people get a bit wet, then turn the water off, cover themselves with soap, then turn it on again), less waste of electricity for the drier, on constant cleaning because of dust people bring in on their shoes, some people might not need huge storage spaces, so why make the flat more expensive because of them etc. etc. Also many old buildings are not that easy to transform, because they are protected as historical treasures. You can get your handles fixed though! :D Anyways, I like your channel, you seem great, thanks :)
I experienced much of the same when I immigrated from the U.S. to the Netherlands. The main difference I notice from this video is that everything is a LOT more cramped and crowded in Holland than in Czechia. For the rest, everything looks pretty much like the same kinds of floor-plan layouts that are common here too. Normally, all you can expect to get when you rent an apartment in the Netherlands is an empty concrete box. If you want anything in it, YOU have to install it! When I finally secured a decently roomy flat after 16 years of moving around the country for my work, I was absolutely astonished as well as overjoyed that it had cabinets not only in the kitchen, but in the living room and both bedrooms!
Once this damned COVID pandemic is under control, and travel is possible again, Prague will be my first destination. I've never been there before, and I'm really looking forward to the trip! Thanks for your entertaining and informative videos!
Ahoj, hezké video, ale pračku se sušičkou 2v1 seženeš v každém elektru, dobrá varianta do maleho bytu, a sušičku jako samostatnou taktéž, je to v ČR docela běžná věc. Né uplně ale v obchodě se dá normálně a bez problému sehnat z nepřeberného množství. Sušení na šnůře je takový kolorit , a nejvíce praktikovaný.
nejvíce paktikovaný na šňůrách na balkonech
Na druhej strane, mozeme sa chvalit, aki sme strasne ekologicky a setrime energiu (aj ked v skutocnosti len peniaze pac sme skupi na taku zbytocnost) 😁
@@martinajurickova5750 Něco na tom je ono né že jsme skoupni, ale protože naše kupní síla k cenám komodit jak v americe nebo německu nám nedovolí plencat, a tím jsme vlastně eko a šetříme :-D Stát mě benzín 12 kč litr tak sem neekologickej, stát mě kubík vody 10 kč tak plencám. Ale tohle vše nese jedinou výhodu, šetříme přírodu :-D i když nedobrovolně :-D
I can see you put a lot of effort and thought into your videos. The content is interesting and the editing is funny jet not overdone. Keep up the good work!
I appreciate that! It's good to hear you like the editing....I'm learning as I go. Cheers!
Hello! Anna here, I would like to say that I really love your videos. I'm Czech and it's so interesting to be able to see/hear about my country from someone else's perspective :) Also, I admire your language skills, as czech language is sometimes impossibly difficult to learn even for native speakers.
Oh, and I think we're neighbors (kind of), I live in Zizkov :)
Hi Anna from Žižkov! Thank you for your nice comments. Perhaps we'll see each other at Jiřák someday?
Pobavilo hodně :D. Vaše videa jsou pro mě zajímavá, protože ukazují na rozdíly, kterých jsem si třeba nikdy nevšimla. Taky je vtipné jak pro nás Čechy naprosto běžné věci jsou pro Američany buď šokující nebo zábavné, nebo úžasné, romantické. Díky Vašim videím se dozvídám víc o americkém způsobu života. Díky moc a jen tak dál!
Some Czechs have their pets in the bed, others don't allow it... Not weird either way! :)
Also as for auto-locking doors... The door locking mechanism we use here (and that's common over all of Europe I believe) is different from the US. There is a separate pin just for the handle ("klika") and a separate pin that slides in and out when you turn the key. Usually the pin for the handle is angled so that you can shut the door closed without pressing the door handle (or rotating the key beyond the unlock point, which is the other way to engage this mechanism). This is more convenient, especially for inside doors. Then you have the other pin that's only moved by rotating the key. This offers better security, and since it's a pretty standard mechanism it's used both for outer and inner doors. On outer doors however you don't have the handle from both sides usually; you have a handle from the inside and a solid immovable knob from the other. This is to prevent people from just opening your door without a key. Thankfully if you are too annoyed / worried that you'll shut yourself out you *can* get a (handle) pin that is not angled, and it will not allow the door to get shut without using either the handle (from the inside) or a key. It's slightly less convenient, especially when you just go take out the trash or something, but you can't lock yourself out.
Wow that got long, hopefully I got the message across correctly. Door terminology is hard!
už dlouho jsem se tak hodně nezasmál u tak vtipně podaného videa jako je to tvoje, díky...neurazilo,pobavilo,občas donutilo se zamyslet lol
Yes, I let my dog sleep with me on bed. :) The two covers are just pure pragmatism - men and women have different tempeture comfort, so better than discute with your better half if we put the winter cover into the cabinet, we buy two of them with different thickness. The same principle we apply to matress - different people like different hardness. Most male matress are harder. :) Plus most matress have 2 sides - winter and summer, both of them with different tempeature insulation. We turn them accordingly to our feeling. They are marked with a small sign on side with snowflake and sun pictogram.
BTW: What is historical on house from 1940? :D
And 90cm matress is symply standart and can by made in big velocity and its cheaper
"Three dog night!" ..... when it's R E A L L Y cold! ;-)
Q: "What is historical on house from 1940?" A: A joke. 😂
Hi Jen,
I was born in Brno, not Prague, and lived abroad for over 20 years (10 years in USA and 12 years in UK). I watch your videos when I feel homesick/nostalgic. Is that weird? Ha ha. You're doing such a fantastic job. Please keep making more videos - they are amazing. 😘 🇨🇿🇺🇸🇬🇧
Pro cizorodé diváky by mohlo být zajímavé vidět typický být v panelovém domě. Přeci jenom 1/2 českých domácností tak bydlí.
Jinak Česká stavební norma zakazuje mít přístup do koupelny přímo z pokoje. Přístup má být z chodby nebo má mít koupelna vlastní předsíň. To jen dokazuje že se jedná opravdu o starou zástavbu.
Jste si tou normou jistý? Mám byt z r.2007 a vstup do koupelny mám přímo z ložnice (+k tomu oddělený záchod se vstupem v předsíni).
@@evzensmola6678 Tak se mi to nezdá. Záchod by neměl být přístupný přímo z kuchyně, ale z pokoje podle mě může. U koupelny to snad ani nikdo neřeší.
@@evzensmola6678 Koupelna v pokoji bejt může, ale nesmí to bejt jediná koupelna v takovym bytě nebo domě, jinak je to opravdu proti normám.
Je dobrý nápad!
@@DreamPrague Tak já tě klidně pozvu do svého panelového bytu na natáčení...když ty mě pak pozveš na pivo. :D
I am fascinated with Jenny's face, how she does this wonderful grimaces - I mean like everytime when I stop the video, I have to laugh. And think like she does this for purpose, doesn't she? It's very funny and so I watch these videos because of lot of fun and joy.
I wash sheets every week or in two weeks, but we dont go to the bed with shoes and clothes from outside as we can see in USA TV shows
And the flushing is just for saving water and money,you dont need to flush with so many water, think for your kids and future generation, they will need water too
My sister and her husband (both Czechs) quicky adopted the habit of wearing their shoes in the house soon after moving into the US :D And also that big fridge with ice dispenser. And that ridiculously huge kitchen stove with owen big enough to roast a turkey for thanksgiving. And most importantly, those air conditioning units that you can put in the window frame and just turn them on! Very handy in summer heat waves. Czech windows are completely unsuitable for those.
We do count “floors” from the ground floor too, so long as you use the one Czech word that equals “floor”.
The word is “podlaží” ; note that floor is also literally “podlaha”.
“Podlaží” is rarely used colloquially ; it mostly lives as a technical term only.
In addition to “podlaží”, we have other words, such as “patro” and “poschodí”, and we count those from the first level above ground. (The ancient, obsolete sense of “patro” seems to be “ceiling”.)
“Poschodí” is derived from “po schodech”, and thus literally means “the upstairs” ;
a poet would regard it a more pleasing-sounding synonym to “patro”.
or you can say etáž, its older, but as civil engineer i use only that
On point and soooo entertaining! Truly the Hollywood genes! I grew up in one of those 130 yr old buildings in Prague 1 and my own father was patching up the holes in the railing with twine to prevent me from falling off. The good thing is, Jen, if you walk up 3 flights of stairs at least twice a day, you need no gym!
Omg, I can’t imagined be having small children walk up my stairs. I’d be so scared! No gym indeed!
Nah, you just have rubbish flat. Obviously this seems to be very old building, so lot of amenities are basically afterthought, but in more modern houses the situation is... well, modern :)
You're right, I'm sure there are many flats with more modern amenities. But ours is not a rubbish flat!! It's the perfect romantic flat we dreamed about finding in Prague. 😜
@@DreamPrague Oh, You know what I meant. This is just reality of living in historical building - people must deal with occasional not-entirely perfect solutions due the fact, that you can´t simply tear down the whole house and do it again, because a) it´s bloody expensive and b) your building is possibly protected by law against any substantial alterations. Anyway - as long as all amenities work sufficiently, rent is reasonable and you are happy with location - good for you :D
@@nikolamarko9345 Baraky na Vinohradech rozhodne nemaji pamatkove zakazano dat tam slusne dvere nebo opravit litinove zabradli na schodisti. Ten barak nemam problem s tim, ze je starej, coz ostatne zas tak moc neni, ale je zanedbanej a ma jeste socialisticky vybaveni.
Stary byty muzou byt hezci nez novy, vysoke stropy atd. ale to predpoklada byt vlastnit a miz moznost si ho zrekonstruovat k obrazu svemu...
Yes, that you haven't got an elevator doesn't mean every body don't have elevator in their flat house.
It is an "unwritten" standard to wash the fitted "froté" sheets weekly or once a 14 days period at a maximum (also recommended by doctors / /hygienists / dermatologists, etc.) My friend washes them every 10th day (like, 7 days is too often, 14 days too far away)...
There are also matrace protectors sheets that you can buy that are not washed that often (they are usually made from antibacterial materials or containing silver to help destroy allergens), on top then goes the "froté" (or other material) fitted sheets and that´s all and completely sufficient considering we shower at the end of the day and wash the sheets weekly.
My grandmothers both used the plain canvas sheets that had to be tucked in under the matrace, but modern families rarely buy these anymore. They are nowadays used only in families where the sheets are inherited or received as a wedding gift and in a pretty much great (close to unused) state so it would be silly to just throw them away. My mother took these from the drawer (she hasn´t used them ever since she got married) and made batik boho sheets to hang on the wall or divide the garden to create more privacy because she didn´t want to use them in bedroom nor throw them out essentially new.
OMG, great video! I love these videos when you compare US and CZE... In addition with your sense of humour!!! Very good job :)
Btw: A door handle usually doesn´t fall off :D
I'm just now realizing that my door handles are way outdated. going to make a Hornbach trip this weekend. Thanks for your kind words!
Actualy we have two ways of counting floors. More common is "patro" (level), starting from 0 at ground. Less common is "podlaží" (floor), starting from 1 at ground.
Wow :D those door handles are ancient, maybe even 30+ years , give a call to ur landlord to change them asap :P
we still used them :DD pssst ..
Opět jsem se skvěle pobavila! 😁 Moc díky!👍
Eh.. every generalization is limping to one leg.. well, sometimes even two ;)
Before I settled down and married, I lived in about ten flats in different locations in Prague. From modest ones to rather nice and expensive ones. None of them was the same and mostly there was a lift too :)
Fun as always Jen, indeed.. justl slightly.. confusing to newcomers..
Well, we've only lived in one flat in Prague in 8 years, so it's the best I can do. I'm also generalizing about the US because I've never lived in New York, Chicago, Kansas, atd.!
@@DreamPrague I like your atd. instead of etc. 😁
From the UK, differences include : Light switches the "wrong" way around; 2-pin plugs ( I guess for Americans, your stuff runs on slightly different voltage) vs UK 3-pin plugs; in historic buildings, the windows have to be made of wood, and so old ones can be draughty; most apartments have hot water delivered from a heating plant vs having a water heater in the apartment, and the heating plant is shut down for 2 weeks every summer to allow it to cool down and get cleaned out; neighbours don't live in each other's pockets here; buildings' front doors don't automatically need a key to exit - just some careful neighbours lock it behind them when they come in - a fire exit risk; lots of people appear to have old pianos (eg no headphones) and love to practise a lot; what about a "sklep"; what about usually having your washing machine in the bathroom; what about what's included in your rent vs what has to be paid for building expenses (eg paying into a building repair fund that benefits the owner but not the renter). And if your neighbours have a problem with a party going with noise past 22:00 they'll skip the step about asking you politely to turn the noise down past the curfew time, and just phone the police who will come within minutes and take these complaints seriously.
Some mistakes ... TIMESTAMP 05:42 .. title misspelt .... TIMESTAMP 09:05 "Czechs seem to shop less frequently ... " - I think you meant more frequently.
The single duvets allow the duvets to be washed in the washing machine at home vs bringing them to the laundry every few months. So it's actually quite clever. And I never found a problem in snuggling :)
Overall, a great video ! This probably applies to most central european apartments. If you edit the heading, you might get more views. Just a suggestion !
13:12 - Yes, we are afraid some stranger will run away with our things... ;-)
I get it. 😜It's amazing to think that we never locked our house door in the US. I guess we didn't have anything valuable to steal!!
Dream Prague and another problem are homeless people, especially in winter in big cities. If a flat block has/had door that easily opens from the outside, they just sneak in, sleep in the hall and spread nasty smell and in worse case if they are drunk also vomit or excrements. That is why even the old buildings' entrances have been replaced with automatic locking doors which only open with a key, house card or something such. So that it can be entered only by the tenants. Also, no house sellers or religious recruiters can come knocking on your flat door 😁
@@DreamPrague Or maybe it's the guns all over your flat :-D :-D :-D ( just poking you, it's a very common stereotype ;-) )
your videos are so witty and they always improve my mood, thanks again for doing them :-)
5:48 - Separate toilet from the bathroom is for hygienic reasons and it is remembered in building regulations.
If you have a sink and toilet in one room, the toilet must be closed before flushing. Unfortunately, not everyone does that. Seeвидео.html
If it is possible, separate the toilet from the sink with a curtain or paravan.
If you have a toothbrush in a room with toilet, do not leave it loose, for example in a glass on the sink. Put it in the some bathroom cabinet. But do not cover the brush with a cap, or put it in the some case and so on... Toothbrush should dry as quickly as posibble.
Besides. If you are in a public toilet, use paper towels instead of hot air. Dryers inflate everything that flies in the air on hands. Paper towels are usually enclosed in a box and are at least somehow protected.
Found the germophobe
It may look like that, but not...
River Ting that’s exactly what I thought
@@riverting5885 A cetl jste o testu, ktery testoval, kam doleti voda ze splachovaneho zachodu?
@@catepilarr nečetl, většinou mi to trochu pocaka nohy výjimečné obličej. Absolutně mě to nezajímá. Nic se nemá přehánět a platí to i o hygieně.
Jste skvělá, videa jsou vtipné a super, jen tak dál! 😉
btw I thing that the stairs without a lift are actually good for health :)
... a mandatory cardio xD
These door handles are not an issue when you got the larger part inside of the room, but we all know no philosoraptors are installing them.
And don´t get me the wrong way, but how do you clean your private parts up with your shower head fixed up the in ceiling?
almost every dog i know here sleeps in bed with their owner :)
ne nespí... to jen znáš jokršířy a podobny maly krysy svých městkých kamarádek ;) ale na vesnici či v malém městečku spí normální pes na verandě/předsíni maximálně tak v obýváků... ale tahat psa do postele můžeš jen v případě 3x do týdne ve vaně vydrhnuty malyho chudáka jorkšíra...........
jorkšíry a činčily nebo jak se ty krysí plemena píšou jaj ..........
Jaryncip ne, to se neboj, jorkšíra znám tak jednoho, bydlím v malém městě a znám tu několik velkých a středních psů kteří normálně spí v posteli a je to normální. někdo nechává psy spát v předsíni, někdo v posteli.
@@verunka-kx8eb velkej pes v posteli je prasárna... to dělají jen divní lidi ;) pejskaři...
@@ukazuticestu2246 přesně, pes do postele nikdy.... může spát na koberci u postele, ale kdyby zkusil do postele tak poletí
Wow! I’m an American expat living in Germany (visiting Prague soon, hence why I’ve stumbled across your video), and I can tell you that I have experienced EVERY one of these things in Germany too!!! Almost every one of our handles have come off our doors too, and I have been locked in our kitchen because of this 😂! Great video - thank you for posting!
Hi Carrington, I'm glad you can relate! Yeah, I think a lot of these things are Central European in nature, but they were definitely surprising to a West Coast American!
This comparison is very, very subjective. I would say that 90 % of the review is based on one flat. And you live in very old flat so a lot of things are not the same in newer flats.
I dont understand how you can walk in your shoes at your home. You can step in spit, shit, vomit, mud, other dirt, used chuwing gum, used condom or I dont even what else and you dont mind walk in you home in shoes?
Yes, I give very subjective views on this channel. Hope you enjoy!
@@DreamPrague The thing is, you make it sound or even explicitedly say that this is the case in Czech flats when its the case in your flat or perhaps a couple more at your friends'. Also a lot what you talk about is only true for flats in the city centre and Prague is obvously a lot larger than that.
Your floor is made probably of wood and ceiling is straws. So they definetly burn throw
That's true. I've also been to 50+ apartments that Americans live in in Prague and they're all just this old. English teachers live centrally and in relatively old flats. I'm just preparing prospective English teachers, I'm not doing a survey of every Czech flat in the country.
100% true!
Some clarification:
1. In fact we all struggle with space in our appartments :-) 2. We are afraid of thieves, so we lock the doors - the more the merrier. 3. Risk of fire is minimal not because of the material, but thanks to the precautionary measures - there are legal requirements that are checked regularly: e.g. the condition of the building itself, fire extinguishers, emergency exits etc.
(btw I like your sense of humour).
9:03 "The Czechs seem to shop less frequently and for smaller amounts of food" ... I think there's a mistake in there or do we just eat much less? :-D
I guess you meant "more frequently and for smaller amounts of food".
You're right! I didn't realize mistake until after it posted. They shop MORE frequently. Thanks for catching!
thank you! enjoy yet another of your back to back videos - could you recomend some czech courses? or czech language school? (in prague or around)
Dog in bed? Where else should that poor doggie sleep if not with us in our bed 🥰🥰🥰🥰
I don't know how other czech people but I use spice in bags to refill the glass container with it. And about the dog in bed. I think it's 50/50. Our house dog (dog living in house) has own bed but she sleeps with us almost all the time. But our second dog lives in garden in his own little dog house and he sleeps only outside.
Ty kliky si prostě kupte nový 🤣🤦♀️
And also check this
My jsme to taky dělali, to hrozně pomáhá. Nedostal jsem se takhle z venku domů a abych pomohl i ostatním, vysunul jsem kovový kvádr a musel jsem použít šroubováky z dílny, přičemž jsem jeden zničil. :-( (u starých dveří samozřejmě)
Hi, I am so enertained by your videos, espesially Američani jsou zvláštní or the one where you address commets ( that was the best one). I am Czech and some things You have mentioned in this video are totally new for me, because I have never lived in Prague center houses eventhough I used to live in Prague for ten years, when I studied here and later when I worked in Prague. Now I live in a house close to Prague and according to your video I feel like an American ;-))) Wow. I have never thought that. Your ideas are quite interesting. I would wish You to visit some other Czechs from outside Prague or those who live in the suburbs. Life is much easier, at least for us. Keep your vlog its awesome.
Thanks so much Barbora! Yes, I'm learning that Prague is definitely different than the rest of Czech Republic. And apparently I (and all my American immigrant friends) have 50 year old "communist" door handles!? 😂
@@DreamPrague The landlords who rent their flats to Americans are usually incredibly cheap. I have never seen such badly equipped flats in my life that my American friends showed me in Prague. Those flats all looked like the poorest of all poor Czech people used to live there in the past. And a hole instead of a washing machine? On the other hand, the best parties ever... ever.
Lol this reminds me this one episode from Sex and the City when Carrie came to the house party and had to take her Manolos off and later on they disappeared :D So see...even in New York taking the shoes off is quite a common thing, haha
I remember that episode! It's actually not common in New York - that's why Carrie was so shocked! I think the characters who hosted the party were trying to be "European", meaning, more sophisticated. Showing that they'd traveled and picked up habits from Europe, or even Asia. 😂
Nice video. From my point of view, the key issue is that you live probably in center of Prague where are old flats (80 years or older) and they are usually without elevator, high ceiling, with strange located rooms layout and small cellar or storige area. Anyway its nice to hear your compairing experiances.
Good point!
This is perfect :D
Tak tady bych Váš komentář vskutku nečekal :D
@@DB-47 Proč to překvapení? Expatí videa já naopak vyhledávám a s oblibou sleduji.
Funny as usual. Thank you.
Also just today I installed a shower holder(?). I´ve had enough of having just one hand available while showering..
Taking shoes off: Nikdy nechci po hostech sundavat boty!! Návštěva má mít pohodlí, chtít po návštěvě sundat boty je nezdvořilost, může je to přivést do trapné situace, je to nevychovanost to po návětěvě chtít!!
rika etiketa, to je pravda.
@@catepilarr Nevím, příjde mi to jako ješte socialistický pozůstatek. Štve mne, že se to považuje za normu. Ještě když mi někdo nabídne papuče. Opravdu nemám chuť chodit v botách, které měl na sobě někdo jiný.
@@caroline4323 A proc myslite, ze socialisticky? Bezne se lidi zouvaji i v zapadnim Nemecku. Ja tam zazila, ze si lidi bezne bud nosili na navstevu svoje backory, nebo se nabizely backory pro hosty /nekdy tedy dost odporne, to bych se doma stydela nabidnout/.
Me prijde v poradku chtit, aby mi lidi nechodili doma ve venkovnich botach, pokud to sama taky nedelam. A navsteva ast si vybere, jestli si pujci slusne ciste pantofle, nebo bude v ponozkach, nebo si prinese svoje.
@@catepilarr Proc myslim, ze socialisticky? Protoze to odporuje etikete. Jedine, co si clovek za socialismu mohl dovolit bylo muj dum, muj hrad. Takze backory, trenyrky doma atd atd. Ano, kultury se ruzni, je mi jasne, ze v japonsku bych proste boty bez reci sundavala.. Ale tady v Evrope myslim porad plati to, ze ja se podrizuji navsteve, nikoliv naopak.
historical and 40's :DDDDDDDDDDDD
Yeah, most of flat buildings in center of Prague are from late 19th century. 20s and 30s flats are already considered modern. :-D
@@Pidalin i know, i live here too...
Yeah... Lol.... one of our houses are from 1850 and still not to old...but the upper level of that house is from around 1700 - they salvaged everything and reused when building a new house - so that part is "historic" i guess :) Cool to se how different it is.. Prague is not very different from Scandinavia - old buildings in the cities are just the same the one in the video..
Hodně zábavné video. Každý jsme trochu jiný a přitom tak stejní ! Dík , super !!
Our dog and cat definitely sleep in the bed, they are spoilt :D
If you spread the clothes on the rope . It must be done under the sunshine in the outdoor. If you do it indoor the clothes gonna stink . Czech has laundries and the dryers in laundromats but the laundromats they have are not a lot like in the US and they don't accept Euros. They only accept Czech Crowns. Also you have to adjust the temperature of the dryer in Czech (high or medium or low) before starting the dryer because you can't change it while the dryer is running like we can do in the States .
To by bylo aby pes nespal se mnou v posteli...i když má 60 kilo, chrápe a prdí 😂😂😂
A potmě by jeden skoro nepoznal, že vedle něj neleží člověk. :D
@Andrej se nevylučuje... já mám postel velikou 😉😂
@Andrej Zavadsky 😁😁😁Snesl bych i kočku🐈, 86-60-92 ale hospodyně👸je zásadně proti.😢👽
No tak to jste dva. :)
Just buy any generic small screws for your handle, I think those are M3 screws, but might be M2.5 as well. Just visit nearest hardware store, show them the handle and they will know which you will need. They cost about 1 Crown.
Manželka spí celorocně pod ,,zimní'' tlustou peřinou, pod kterou bych se já horkokrevný tip upekl, kdyby jsme měli společnou.
A pokud někdy nějáký američan vstoupí na můj koberec botou z venku, prostřelím mu koleno, nedokážu si představit co za havěť žije v amerických kobercích.
Jsem si všiml v USA, že Američani původně z Evropy (imigranti, kteří přišli ve 20.století) se zouvaj a ti, co se nezouvali, měli jeden výstavní obývák, kde byl koberec a na ten se v botech nesmělo. Taky velká většina USA celý rok nezná bláto a špínu, to je spíš u chudých lidí na severu USA v lesích, tam ale nějaký koberce asi fakt neřeší.
As someone who grew up in Prague and then skipped thirty years before going back to visit, I found myself making the same observations as you. Great fun. One think needs correction, though. Most Czechs that I know do not sleep with an duvet or blanket uncovered. My mom would flip if you told her that! It is just that we Czechs use "povlaky na přikrývky" or blanket covers and stuff the duvet in, just like with pillow cases. You can get them anywhere in Prague. I am sure they will have them in IKEA. I buy them there even in Canada instead of flat sheets. Less work making up the bed.
Put the showerhead on the floor and hold it in place with your foot. That's how you do it.
neasi, man of the culture. Takhle se dělá.
drill + screw + decent shower head holder = problem solved.
life hack level nymfomanka :))))
You must be a master of dexterity.
or just turn it off apply soap and then turn it on again :D
We don't cuddle when we sleep. Sleeping time is for sleeping; don't get me wrong, I love my wife very much, but when I sleep I need empty space around me :) She is from Poland, and Poland is, for better or worse, very American, also in this respect, so it took quite some time for her to accept this, but it is the way it is, and when in Rome... :)
And yes, we treat our duvet covers like you do sheets, so we wash them fairly often :)
3. patro = 4. NP (nadzemní podlaží) 😉.
JJ stejný jako v Rusku...A to paní nezažila ještě mezanino a mezipatro to je (dělalo se to kvůli prodeji bytů) pak 1 patro vlastně 3.NP
A co když je přízemí půl metru pod ulicí? :-D
@@Pidalin podle dřívějších předpisů bylo přízemí min. 30 cm nad zemí. Když taková podlaha byla níže, tak to bylo podzemí. Ovšem pak patro nad tím už nebylo kvůli výšce přízemí, ale mezzanin. Dělalo se to pro obejití max. předepsané výšky domu a mohlo tak vzniknout další patro pro byty a vyšší příjem pro domácího.
I use a large blanket cover for two beds, so it can fit two people. Walking up the stairs is healthy! Thanks Jen, I found out that I am really American, it will just be hard for me to move to America so I can finally live freely and not feel like a foreigner in the Czech Republic. Prague is beautiful, but I know I'm not at home here :(
that house is NOT made out of concrete, it’s an old clay brick house.
yeah, but point is the same, it's not paper
and this one will probably have the wooden beams as the ceiling.. :)
We sleep with dogs in our beds. At least most of the people I know do. Cats too.
Also the locks - there are a lot of thefts from common areas. People store bikes etc there. It's added security measure, especially the closer to center you are.
Don't worry, my dog sleeps in my bed too.
Slovene here. Not sure how is the word for floor in czech, but we call it "nadstropje" wich would mean "abovecelling-je" so if you are on ground floor you can't be above the celing already :)
Yes I guess that's pretty logical!
it's patro in Czech and it means exactly level above you, it's same even in Polish and other slavic languages
Anebo je to, Ondřeji, _poschodí,_ anebo _podlaží…_
A první podlaží je „ground floor“, protože je to podle podlahy.
A první poschodí je to, kam jdeš jedenkrát po schodech…
The dog doesn't lie with us in our bed. We lie with him in his bed ... It is simply impossible to explain to him that it is not his bed (and his house) but ours ;-)
I hope the correct words are used. I used google translator ...
I've been living outside of the States for a long time and have forgotten about so many of these little differences! Nice video :)
Yes, i do sleep with my dog in bed😂😂
Hi Dream Prague..., Excellent video, and I think..., I will stay in America ! ! Thank you for sharing the video... " Semper Fi " Mike in Montana :)
no u nás nikdy psi v posteli kde spíme i my nespali, a je to fakt nechutné (hlavně u zvířat které jsou především venku) , ale milovníkům zvířat se to asi líbí , stejně jako líbání se psem a podobně , za mě teda ne ..
Náš pes taky nesměl do postele, měli jsme zlatého retrívra a jeho chlupy už tak byly všude. V posteli jsem je opravdu mít nechtěla.
I would guess that having no moving handle on the inside of the apartment building's doors is against fire regulations. But than again, the first time someone will check that is during major reconstruction of the building. Where I live, we have RFID chip from the outside and handle from the inside, and no keys (at least I wasn't given any). Where I lived previously, we had RFID from the outside and full-door („panic“) handle from the iniside and I also had keys as a backup. I've also seen RFID from the outside and from the inside (and two doors, not just one) and it wasn't working half of the time, luckily I also had keys from the doors.