The regulator on my MAC5200 looks to be the exact same regulator, but it is attached to a plate, so I need to remove it from the plate. This means that the knob needs to come off. I don't know if the knob is threaded on, or is a press-fit. Do you know what it takes to remove the knob?
In half the shots the connections and screws are left-hand thread and then in the other half those same connections are right-hand thread. Which is it and why the hell would you mirror the video?
Wow, half of your video is in mirror-image, one hell of a mistake to make on an instructional video that involves machinery and electrical connections, no less!! Just keep an eye on the guy's watch as it switches from his left hand to his right -- magic!
Left hand threads on the pressure switch? That's an important item to mention in the repair video... 2:57...
The regulator on my MAC5200 looks to be the exact same regulator, but it is attached to a plate, so I need to remove it from the plate. This means that the knob needs to come off. I don't know if the knob is threaded on, or is a press-fit. Do you know what it takes to remove the knob?
In half the shots the connections and screws are left-hand thread and then in the other half those same connections are right-hand thread. Which is it and why the hell would you mirror the video?
Good instruction but holy smokes that awful “music”!
Wow, half of your video is in mirror-image, one hell of a mistake to make on an instructional video that involves machinery and electrical connections, no less!! Just keep an eye on the guy's watch as it switches from his left hand to his right -- magic!