I can only handwave it away in my internal logic using distributed apertures like the F-35 IRL, where sensors around the TIE feedback to the pilots helmet.
But as one who played squadrons a lot in vr it’s not bad and is actually better than x-wing in some cases as you can easier see what’s in front of you and below you. Makes sense when you can only go forward in these ships.
I think they slimmed down the T-70 X-Wing to make it more of an interceptor than the all-around space superiority fighter the T-65 ended up being. The New Republic had more need of ships that could chase down renegade TIE's than a lot of strike fighters. Once they had permanent shipyards they could get capital ships for that.
@@kenle2 I figured it was a case of tech improvements are represented by scaling down systems. The clone wars ships are bulker than their rebellion counterparts as well: Y-wing in particular. FO Tie is smaller than Imperial as well.
I know most people hate the sequels I mean I think there ok but the first order ties actually have upgraded than the empire ties they were actually deadlier
Always loved the Droid Tri-fighter, felt that out of all the starfighters out there, this one had the most potential. If they had added thrusters along the side to allow tighter turning and the ability to keep momentum while passing a enemy fighter and turning it's weapons to broadside the enemy, this would have been the deadliest star fighter out there.
starwars doesn't need thrusters for turning, they use 'repulsor lift' tech for that. and the droid tri-fighter already has better turning than the other ships. canonically they are so maneuverable they even outfly most jedi.
@@matthiuskoenig3378 Repulsor lift tech only works while in a gravity well of a planet, for a average size planet that's about 75,000 KM's from the planet itself so thrusters would help as space battles happen farther out from a planet. Also the Jedi's main starfighter, the Eta-2 Actis-class interceptor had a faster acceleration spped, faster atmospheric speed and just as maneuverable, plus the pilots were Force trained and when Tri-fighters shot down a Jedi it was a squadron of Tri-fighters vs 1 Eta-2 Actis-class interceptor. In a 1 v 1 battle the Jedi wins because of the force. The Tri-fighters main attribute is its droid brain, you don't have to worry about g-forces when you don't have to worry about you pilot blacking out due to blood loss in their brains. Adding thrusters would allow for the Tri-fighter to do maneuvers that no biological pilot could ever do due to physiology.
I'm pleased to see that you listed the A-wing as 6.9m. Official cannon has traditionally stated it's length as 9.6m, but I believe this is a mix up. Several years ago, a studio model in the Lucasfilm Archives was measured by an enthusiast, and a length of around 7m was determined. Bandai used the official 9.6m measurement for their model kits, and the A-wing looks noticeably oversized compared to the Y-wing and other ships of the same scale.
I like the azure angel too. It fits Anakin to modify and personalize his Jedi fighter, and in my opinion it still fits in canon. There's no content saying it doesn't, and Anakin would probably mature out of attaching himself to ships to modify them and would explain why we never see any of his modified ships anymore
I never realized how small the E-wing is. For all the firepower that it’s supposed to be packing, I expected it to be bigger: a little longer in the tail and ‘beefier’ in the body.
Great models, the only ones I would say you missed are the Tie Reaper, LAAT, and HMP Droid Gunship. But i guess those are more troop transports rather than starfighters.
The Razor Crest, Scimitar, and Slave One (and the Falcon) aren't starfighters either; the Scimitar is the Sith version of a courier ship, Razor Crest is a gunship, and Slave One is a patrol ship
The H.M.P. Droid Gunship was more a weapons platform and gunship that a Troop Transport, tho it could be implemented to transfer droids. Heavy Missile Platform being in the name helps. That being said I’m all for droid representation!
@@sethb3090 that's true for the Razor Crest and Falcon, though we see them piloted like Starfighters from time to time. The Slave 1 and Scimitar however I'd be willing to class as large starfighters. With how heavily each one was modified, they'd be able to keep up with quite a few starfighters.
excellent work, would love to see you do more of this, there are lots of star wars ships to pool from. x-wings and TIE interceptors are classics, i've always loved the belbullab-22 for it's real world 30s/40s automotive and aviation design elements, and then the b-wing looks the business (when you absolutely positively have to bring down every single star destroyer in the room).
Which starfighter is your favorite? Edit: Sorry about the music. I had to change it due to a copyright issue. The previous music was said to be copyright free but it was not. :-(
In other words the first one is just a Tie/in painted red. At least the Emperor's Royal Guard Tie/in had the distinction of having small fins in the wings.
@@pepperedash4424He is not the same at all, he carried shield generator, hyperdrive, long range comm system, advanced targeting computer, mag-pulse warhead and heavier weapons.
I like the Jedi interceptor, a-wing, delta-7 star fighter, n-1 starfighter, e-wing, t-65+t-70 x-wings, y-wing, b-wing, v-19, ft-7b, arc-170, k-wing, u-wing, and last but not least, the millennium falcon.👍🏻
Maybe I’ll give it another try. I read the first book of that trilogy back shortly after it was released. The writing style for the non-action scenes was agonizingly dull for me. I mean- wiping my bleeding eyes dull. That said, I was hot off reading the Heir to the Empire trilogy, KJA’s Jedi Academy trilogy, and the first books of the Xwing series, so the bar was pretty high. Now that I’m older and more patient, maybe it’ll come off better.
4:48 Them: Star Wars Starfighter Size Comparision Me: Star Starfighter Size Wars Comparision But really, great video! I loved the music track it was beautiful.
I understand, space, black, electronics, but the movies clearly show that air battles are visual. But when I look at Empire or New order fighters. All these fighters have one thing in common - a huge blind spot.
On a Sopwith Camel or Messerschmitt 109, that might be a problem. On an F-15 or TIE fighter, you just look at your HUD to see who's following you. Lol.
@@garyhill2740 - Note that in most of the hunting combat scenes, they are shown as if it was a WWII fighter fight - so this is a problem. The force field gives some protection, but the fights are shown as visual fights, not electronic fights. The way pilots look around, dodges, wheel fight. They could work on it more
@@tomsheepskin They look around sure. You may want to get a real time eyeball of your opponent. Human nature. But not neccesary. Anyone that has ever played X-Wing vs Tiefighter on PC knows that the display sensors tell you where your opponent is at all times. There was no disadvantage flying a Tie vs an A-Wing in this respect. Also, aside from the viewports on front and the roof of the TIE, I believe all of the screens in the cockpit behind and beside the pilot are intended to give visual information, like a backup camera. There would likely be no real disadvantage in visual info in a TIE. There are numerous rebel craft that have cockpit glass that appear at first glance to give better visibility, until you realize the hull and/or wing configuration would likely block most of the pilots side/rear view. Imperial ships in all likelihood would in reality compare effectively with Rebel ones in this respect. I don't see it being a strategic or tactical issue in any real way.
Tri fighter my love, beats the falcon in an old fashioned dogfight. I don't think that in a genuine one-on-one there would be a clear victor, as the tri-fighter would dodge the falcon but the falcon has enough shields to make it out of there with hyperspace
i like the millenium falcon because it has so much of star wars history in it. it really is the best one out of every single one. also the music was Perfect
Always partial to the TIE Defender, Star Wars: TIE Fighter for the win! Would have loved to have seen the TIE Avenger though, always loved that ship in TIE Fighter. Not as fast as the Defender, but far more maneuverable!
I like the various models and their details. Some are very detailed because they were made for space battle animations, other have poorer details and edges because they are less popular ships and there even 3D Lego models !
That first Order Tie Bomber is from the Legends comics that's not First Order. Look at the Legends Star Wars the Force Unleashed II comic from Boba Fett's POV, that Tie Bomber was used when capturing Juno Eclipse on her ship the Salvation.
But i saw that first order tie bomber used in the canonic series “Resistance”. You may be talking about legends but he us right since that tie bomber is canon
you used the tie interceptor length of 11 metre as the width, that's why your tie interceptor is ridiculously large compared to the tie defender or tie bomber
The originals are awesome. The rest fall generally fall into the "its gotaa be bigger and faster and better and more powerful" problem. What annoyed me with a lot of the newer designations is the naming. Calling a starfighter a "vulture" makes sense on earth maybe, where a vulture lives. To everyone elese in the galaxy, the word "vulture" if it existed, woudnt mean the same thing. Vulture could mean "bed maker" in other languages around the galaxy. Maybe the whole thing is only set up for humans to understand?
Or we may assume that whatever the offworld name is translates into "Vulture" in English. IOW....it's fiction. Assume you are hearing it through a universal translator and it's already been translated. I'm sure that's what the writers do.
The language and naming conventions are simply cinematic convenience. Just like how the main characters look human and talk with American accents, and use familar modern day turns of phrase. Also, keep in mind that Star Wars is 'Space Fantasy' rather than 'Science Fiction'. It's not supposed to stand up to intense logical analysis.
@@garyhill2740 I think the point the OP was making was that "Vulture" isn't a generic English word for a scavenger bird .. it's a specific species, and so wouldn't make sense from a translation point of view. In Star Trek they refer to a bunch of Klingon ships as "birds of prey", which makes sense. I don't know if it's for that reason or not, but from a translation POV, it's a generic term. In one of the movies though, they ruin it by naming a Romulin warship "Scimitar"; a specific type of Earth sword, not a generic word for sword. It's the same problem.
Alien- that ship is called a vulture, what is a vulture Human- its a scavenging bird that eats the dead Alien- Oh okay. We have something like that on our planet too There.
I think the one that shocks me most is the A-Wing. I know it's still a smaller craft, but I wasn't expecting it to be so big compared to some of the smaller ones
It's interesting to notice how the jedi starfighter on its own looks like a decent sized ship, but compared to the tie striker (which in my head was much smaller) is extremely tiny
I like how all of the Empire/First Order star fighters have been designed so that the pilot can’t see what’s on either side of him.
I can only handwave it away in my internal logic using distributed apertures like the F-35 IRL, where sensors around the TIE feedback to the pilots helmet.
@@keithw4920 this was confirmed sort of by squadrons when you realize that the targeting is not on any displayed but just floats around your vision
especially the B-Wing
Its for when they pull to the side of you so they cant see you while flying it. I like this
But as one who played squadrons a lot in vr it’s not bad and is actually better than x-wing in some cases as you can easier see what’s in front of you and below you. Makes sense when you can only go forward in these ships.
4:14 - R.I.P. Razor Crest
Just saw it get blasted to smithereens a few minutes ago. RIP Razor Crest. You served the Guild well.
It’s so funny how Poe’s X-Wing was 1CM smaller than the next one!
I think they slimmed down the T-70 X-Wing to make it more of an interceptor than the all-around space superiority fighter the T-65 ended up being. The New Republic had more need of ships that could chase down renegade TIE's than a lot of strike fighters. Once they had permanent shipyards they could get capital ships for that.
You know what else Poe's is that is 1 cm smaller than something else?
@@kenle2 If that’s true, I wonder why they added the anti-personal weapon to the T-70? It wouldn’t really be necessary if it only intercepted.
@@kenle2 I figured it was a case of tech improvements are represented by scaling down systems. The clone wars ships are bulker than their rebellion counterparts as well: Y-wing in particular. FO Tie is smaller than Imperial as well.
@@johndamilkman 😳
The music brought me to tears. I missed this show.
First Order: Hey, can I copy your homework?
Empire: Sure thing. Just be sue to change it up a bit
First Order: *applies new paint job*
I know most people hate the sequels I mean I think there ok but the first order ties actually have upgraded than the empire ties they were actually deadlier
It’s actually just inverted colors
True, but that glossy black finish with red highlights man. bad guys will be bad guys but they got style
Red mean 3 Times faster
@@thebrickbulbasaur7628 explain the red?
We all know that the Tie Dagger is truly called the Dorito Tie Fighter
Tie dorito
Always loved the Droid Tri-fighter, felt that out of all the starfighters out there, this one had the most potential. If they had added thrusters along the side to allow tighter turning and the ability to keep momentum while passing a enemy fighter and turning it's weapons to broadside the enemy, this would have been the deadliest star fighter out there.
starwars doesn't need thrusters for turning, they use 'repulsor lift' tech for that. and the droid tri-fighter already has better turning than the other ships. canonically they are so maneuverable they even outfly most jedi.
@@matthiuskoenig3378 Repulsor lift tech only works while in a gravity well of a planet, for a average size planet that's about 75,000 KM's from the planet itself so thrusters would help as space battles happen farther out from a planet. Also the Jedi's main starfighter, the Eta-2 Actis-class interceptor had a faster acceleration spped, faster atmospheric speed and just as maneuverable, plus the pilots were Force trained and when Tri-fighters shot down a Jedi it was a squadron of Tri-fighters vs 1 Eta-2 Actis-class interceptor. In a 1 v 1 battle the Jedi wins because of the force.
The Tri-fighters main attribute is its droid brain, you don't have to worry about g-forces when you don't have to worry about you pilot blacking out due to blood loss in their brains. Adding thrusters would allow for the Tri-fighter to do maneuvers that no biological pilot could ever do due to physiology.
I love the Droid Tri Fighter, A Wing, Tie Interceptor, Defender, Phantom, Whisper and Silencer. So small but really fast and maneuverable.
I'm pleased to see that you listed the A-wing as 6.9m.
Official cannon has traditionally stated it's length as 9.6m, but I believe this is a mix up.
Several years ago, a studio model in the Lucasfilm Archives was measured by an enthusiast, and a length of around 7m was determined.
Bandai used the official 9.6m measurement for their model kits, and the A-wing looks noticeably oversized compared to the Y-wing and other ships of the same scale.
“Oh, it’s beautiful!”
Btw, you forgot the v-wing, but other than that, great video!
Oh thanks!
Think it’s a great video, I would just also add the Z-95 and the Star Wing / Assault Gunboat!
@@InfoRanker I was wondering why I didn't see it but having the best fighter ever inn the list might outshine the rest so understandable
And the tie avenger
I just love the Tie Defender, K-Wing and heavily armed ships in general, my personal favorite is Tie Defender
all those originally designed back in the 70s were the best.
I missed Darth Vader's Tie Fighter - "The Force is Strong in This One". Was it in there?
@@perfectsplit5515 TIE Advanced X1 on 1:42
I agree mostly...however I do really like the A-7 Athersprite...that's one of my favorites
I love the OG Tie Interceptor. It is just so damn beautiful! and the X-wing. Also the Falcon at the end, just *chefs kiss* perfect
3:07 Samuel Kim SW theme is awesome! Also I like y wing very much
I’m surprised I was not the only one who recognized Kim’s work
I have never heard of the FT-7B, but man it is climbing my ranks of star fighters
The one I like the most isn't Canon anymore, but I really like the Azure Angel.
I like the azure angel too. It fits Anakin to modify and personalize his Jedi fighter, and in my opinion it still fits in canon. There's no content saying it doesn't, and Anakin would probably mature out of attaching himself to ships to modify them and would explain why we never see any of his modified ships anymore
The E-Wing is my design! Nice job on the texturing. Cool video, thanks!
Very cool to see it being used btw!
Great model , what software did you make it in ? So glad you liked the video as well. :-o
I never realized how small the E-wing is. For all the firepower that it’s supposed to be packing, I expected it to be bigger: a little longer in the tail and ‘beefier’ in the body.
You missed The Ghost and the Mandalorian Fighter aka the Gauntlet Starfighter
Great models, the only ones I would say you missed are the Tie Reaper, LAAT, and HMP Droid Gunship. But i guess those are more troop transports rather than starfighters.
So is the U-Wing.
The Razor Crest, Scimitar, and Slave One (and the Falcon) aren't starfighters either; the Scimitar is the Sith version of a courier ship, Razor Crest is a gunship, and Slave One is a patrol ship
The H.M.P. Droid Gunship was more a weapons platform and gunship that a Troop Transport, tho it could be implemented to transfer droids.
Heavy Missile Platform being in the name helps. That being said I’m all for droid representation!
@@sethb3090 that's true for the Razor Crest and Falcon, though we see them piloted like Starfighters from time to time. The Slave 1 and Scimitar however I'd be willing to class as large starfighters. With how heavily each one was modified, they'd be able to keep up with quite a few starfighters.
excellent work, would love to see you do more of this, there are lots of star wars ships to pool from. x-wings and TIE interceptors are classics, i've always loved the belbullab-22 for it's real world 30s/40s automotive and aviation design elements, and then the b-wing looks the business (when you absolutely positively have to bring down every single star destroyer in the room).
Thanks Ali ! 😀
jesus christ both of the jedi fighters are absolutely TINY
The shapes look very cool, and it's very accurate and complete, just you had a little problem with the affiliations
Thanks, I'm not an expert. I got the affiliations from starwars.fandom.com/ , they may have made an error.
Yeah the B wing is actually affiliated with the Rebellion and Resistance not the Republic
@@darthvengeance59 He meant new republic
@@atekoupo shapes*, sorry
The details and textures look amazing!
Glad you liked!
Which starfighter is your favorite?
Edit: Sorry about the music. I had to change it due to a copyright issue. The previous music was said to be copyright free but it was not. :-(
Do you use SketchUp for these Modals?
i like TIE silencer and TIE Dagger
definetely TIE Baron, i love the colors game
Tie Defender
InfoRanker the razor crest
This is amazing dude this man deserves lots of things for his hard work because this is not something you copy and paste
Star wars fan approved
all the models look so clean
Love the red on the Tie Baron and the black on the 1st Order Bomber! and the Razor Crest, oohh!!!
May the subs be with you. Great video!
lol thx
The Jedi interceptor is my favorite of all
The duel of the fates song in the background is a nice addition
Tie Interceptor always looking good~~~
I’m a simple man, I saw the razor crest i click the like button.
..a Masterpiece..with compliments... ❤️
Wow, thank you!
Dude, awesome comparison. It gave me goosebumps. :-p
Glad you enjoyed it!
Tie Baron is my favorite. Followed closely to by the Tie Silencer
In other words the first one is just a Tie/in painted red. At least the Emperor's Royal Guard Tie/in had the distinction of having small fins in the wings.
@@pepperedash4424He is not the same at all, he carried shield generator, hyperdrive, long range comm system, advanced targeting computer, mag-pulse warhead and heavier weapons.
I like the Jedi interceptor, a-wing, delta-7 star fighter, n-1 starfighter, e-wing, t-65+t-70 x-wings, y-wing, b-wing, v-19, ft-7b, arc-170, k-wing, u-wing, and last but not least, the millennium falcon.👍🏻
Love every one of your videos and this is no exception. Sadly it didn't have the Tie Punisher which is my favorite but still was amazing.
Thanks for the kind words! Really appreciate it. 😀
K-wing from the Black Fleet trilogy. Some of the best real world type fleet written engagements.
Maybe I’ll give it another try. I read the first book of that trilogy back shortly after it was released. The writing style for the non-action scenes was agonizingly dull for me. I mean- wiping my bleeding eyes dull. That said, I was hot off reading the Heir to the Empire trilogy, KJA’s Jedi Academy trilogy, and the first books of the Xwing series, so the bar was pretty high. Now that I’m older and more patient, maybe it’ll come off better.
I loved the video bro!!!!
Glad you enjoyed❤
I like Z-95 Headhunters, wish I had seem one on here
That main theme song with a slower beat makes a huge difference and seems more majestic and impressive to me.
I am also happy for you getting 10K
Thank you so much 😀
Now I want game to fly them all!
Thanks for the great video
Glad you enjoyed it 😀
I’m not in to star wars but great video! Great animations and it must take a long time. I hope you get to 100 k subscribers!
Thanks! You too!
That was a beautiful ending 👏😢
Them: Star Wars Starfighter Size Comparision
Me: Star Starfighter Size Wars Comparision
But really, great video! I loved the music track it was beautiful.
Glad you enjoyed! 😀
Very much like the fact you included 'legend's' starships too. Thank you.
Glad you liked it!
I understand, space, black, electronics, but the movies clearly show that air battles are visual. But when I look at Empire or New order fighters. All these fighters have one thing in common - a huge blind spot.
On a Sopwith Camel or Messerschmitt 109, that might be a problem. On an F-15 or TIE fighter, you just look at your HUD to see who's following you. Lol.
@@garyhill2740 - Note that in most of the hunting combat scenes, they are shown as if it was a WWII fighter fight - so this is a problem. The force field gives some protection, but the fights are shown as visual fights, not electronic fights. The way pilots look around, dodges, wheel fight. They could work on it more
@@tomsheepskin They look around sure. You may want to get a real time eyeball of your opponent. Human nature. But not neccesary. Anyone that has ever played X-Wing vs Tiefighter on PC knows that the display sensors tell you where your opponent is at all times. There was no disadvantage flying a Tie vs an A-Wing in this respect.
Also, aside from the viewports on front and the roof of the TIE, I believe all of the screens in the cockpit behind and beside the pilot are intended to give visual information, like a backup camera. There would likely be no real disadvantage in visual info in a TIE.
There are numerous rebel craft that have cockpit glass that appear at first glance to give better visibility, until you realize the hull and/or wing configuration would likely block most of the pilots side/rear view.
Imperial ships in all likelihood would in reality compare effectively with Rebel ones in this respect.
I don't see it being a strategic or tactical issue in any real way.
Nothing touches the ships of the Rebel Alliance and the Galactic Empire. I'm glad they saved my ship for last. NOTHING beats the Falcon!
The Millennium Falcon would undoubtedly be the most iconic spaceship in all Star Wars.
@@perfectsplit5515 Yes!!! "She may not look like much, but she's got it where it counts!"
Ever since the Sequel Trilogy and the Solo, the Falcon has been overused.
Tri fighter my love, beats the falcon in an old fashioned dogfight. I don't think that in a genuine one-on-one there would be a clear victor, as the tri-fighter would dodge the falcon but the falcon has enough shields to make it out of there with hyperspace
2:31 The best TIE for my opinion.
Nice work!
Well done!
Thank you!
i like the millenium falcon because it has so much of star wars history in it. it really is the best one out of every single one. also the music was Perfect
Always partial to the TIE Defender, Star Wars: TIE Fighter for the win!
Would have loved to have seen the TIE Avenger though, always loved that ship in TIE Fighter. Not as fast as the Defender, but far more maneuverable!
InfoRanker where is tie advanced v1?
I like the various models and their details. Some are very detailed because they were made for space battle animations, other have poorer details and edges because they are less popular ships and there even 3D Lego models !
Any Tie Interceptor is my favorite
Great video! X-Wings are my favorite.
Good choice!
What a beautiful collection!
Kylo Rens Tie was sick!
this is what i watch (it's currently 3 in the morning)
The TIE Silencer is beautiful.
My favorite star fighter is the TIE BARON. A single one of those can takedown a squadron.
first order tie fighter and tie silencer is my favourite
Beutifull 3d models, great job!
Thank you very much! Glad you enjoyed. :-o
3:52 there it is! My beauty...
lol 😀
Everyone : we want simple low poly like ship with style and originality
Separatist : we want smooth and round
Thank you for this I mean it
thanks for watching! 😀
You have no idea how long I looked for a info ranker that’s accurate
Liked all of them
My favorites are:
TIE Dagger
TIE Brute
TIE Predator
First Order TIE bomber
TIE Striker
TIE Silencer
Do you also like to TIE your shoes?
Oh, shove it, you.
The Arc-170 for sure. And I know it’s not a fighter but the LAAT gunship ties with the pelican from Halo as my favorite air/spacecraft in sci-fi
That first Order Tie Bomber is from the Legends comics that's not First Order. Look at the Legends Star Wars the Force Unleashed II comic from Boba Fett's POV, that Tie Bomber was used when capturing Juno Eclipse on her ship the Salvation.
But i saw that first order tie bomber used in the canonic series “Resistance”. You may be talking about legends but he us right since that tie bomber is canon
@@sprinkleman8103 That tie bomber was in Resistance? oh ok ill have to rematch it.
Its in Season 2 Episode 16: No Place Safe, and Episode 19: The Escape (Part 2)
@@sprinkleman8103 yeah
@@InfoRanker :-)
My list of stuff missing: z95, v-wing, mandalorian fighter (i forgot model) and many more but still really cool
Thank you! Cheers!
When you realize Tie-Fighters are bigger than you thought.
you used the tie interceptor length of 11 metre as the width, that's why your tie interceptor is ridiculously large compared to the tie defender or tie bomber
Some of the ties seem a bit larger than they should be. (Experience with X-Wing vs tie fighter games)
I had no idea the TIE Interceptor was so huge compared to regular TIE/TIE Bombers
The theme music at 3.39 😍
In all the X-Wing / Tie Fighter Games.... A-Wing was my favorite to fly - so much faster and maneuverable.
very nice!
Thank you! Cheers!
Nice! How about doing a Babylon 5/The Expanse vid?
Cane for the starfighters stayed when i got to the freighter then realised the video ended
I love the arc 170
The originals are awesome.
The rest fall generally fall into the "its gotaa be bigger and faster and better and more powerful" problem.
What annoyed me with a lot of the newer designations is the naming. Calling a starfighter a "vulture" makes sense on earth maybe, where a vulture lives. To everyone elese in the galaxy, the word "vulture" if it existed, woudnt mean the same thing.
Vulture could mean "bed maker" in other languages around the galaxy. Maybe the whole thing is only set up for humans to understand?
Or we may assume that whatever the offworld name is translates into "Vulture" in English. IOW....it's fiction. Assume you are hearing it through a universal translator and it's already been translated. I'm sure that's what the writers do.
The language and naming conventions are simply cinematic convenience. Just like how the main characters look human and talk with American accents, and use familar modern day turns of phrase. Also, keep in mind that Star Wars is 'Space Fantasy' rather than 'Science Fiction'. It's not supposed to stand up to intense logical analysis.
@@garyhill2740 I think the point the OP was making was that "Vulture" isn't a generic English word for a scavenger bird .. it's a specific species, and so wouldn't make sense from a translation point of view.
In Star Trek they refer to a bunch of Klingon ships as "birds of prey", which makes sense. I don't know if it's for that reason or not, but from a translation POV, it's a generic term. In one of the movies though, they ruin it by naming a Romulin warship "Scimitar"; a specific type of Earth sword, not a generic word for sword.
It's the same problem.
Alien- that ship is called a vulture, what is a vulture
Human- its a scavenging bird that eats the dead
Alien- Oh okay. We have something like that on our planet too
Notable! 👍
Thanks! 😀
I've always been rather partial to the Delta 7s and the Nubian Royal transport... gotta ask, tho... does it come in black...?
General grievous bellbulab 22 looked sick, but my favorite starfighters are the tie fighter series.
Tie pilots when they get onto discord: 2:38
do one for the capital ships.
Imagine what the tie predator sounds like
What is the purpose of those large panels on the Ties?
I didn't realize they were THAT big.
I think the one that shocks me most is the A-Wing. I know it's still a smaller craft, but I wasn't expecting it to be so big compared to some of the smaller ones
It's interesting to notice how the jedi starfighter on its own looks like a decent sized ship, but compared to the tie striker (which in my head was much smaller) is extremely tiny
I think you did miss a few, like the Z-95, Fireball, and TIE Reaper. I do think it’s a great vid though!
Some of these space craft I don’t recall seeing in any of the movies?
2:09 isnt poe's x wing resistance?
Yes, looks like a mistake there, my bad.