How to Setup Your Crews After Update 1.26.0 (In-Depth Guide)

  • Опубликовано: 18 сен 2024

Комментарии • 125

  • @darkninja___
    @darkninja___  15 дней назад +17

    VERY IMPORTANT: I have some slight differences of opinion to crew skills a few hours later after talking and testing. I missed that offroad-road has been buffed in that it now effectively removes soft ground entirely and turns it into medium terrain type. This makes this skill a lot higher in my picks than clutch braking is as shown. I have a follow up video in the description showcasing this.
    A few other things to note: Yes, crew skills will vary a little bit more if you are focused on onslaught vs random battles and I might make a video on that in the near future.
    One thing I would change in this video is picking mentor over coordination. I think that coordination is more useful than I was suggesting in this video even with mentor’s buff, I would probably pick that before mentor on a batchat and tanks that you are spotting enemies for yourself (even heavies). I think it works not just for initial spots but anytime you personally spot an enemy.
    Lastly, one thing I would change in this video is picking mentor over coordination. I think that coordination is more useful than I was suggesting in this video even with its buff, I would probably pick that before mentor on a batchat. There is also some argument that mentor is worse than practicality, and I think that highly depends on a lot of factors like if your crew is still being trained or not, and if you are being pounded by arty often in that tank (and whether you use large or small kits)
    I didn’t mention controlled impact was buffed and also reduces track HP taken by rams. Doesn’t change my opinion on it much but thought you should know.
    Thanks to @tankicat for pointing out the offroad driving change, I had forgotten about that.

    • @Rollin5
      @Rollin5 15 дней назад

      Also consider doing a video on crew perks picks for Advances/Clan Wars.

    • 15 дней назад +2

      honestly i suggest to just play test all the perks, you get free resets for a month

    • @notlikethis505
      @notlikethis505 9 дней назад

      But it is also important to note, that old off-road driving decreased the medium resistance by 10%, this new one decrease it only by 5%. And how often do you drive cross soft ground to really make a benefit out of it, imho the perk is weaker overall than it was before. Maybe it is good for light tank for Live Oaks specifically, but other than that, i am not a fan

    • @darkninja___
      @darkninja___  9 дней назад

      @@notlikethis505 I thought that it is the reverse, that it is doubled now. Are you sure?

    • @darkninja___
      @darkninja___  9 дней назад

      @@notlikethis505 Yeah I am seeing it is 5% now, used to be 2.5% or so.

  • @SlayerMaster115
    @SlayerMaster115 15 дней назад +10

    For anyone curious - Engineer and Concentration work on the Swedish TDs during siege mode even while turning in place

  • @Uberrandom
    @Uberrandom 15 дней назад +14

    I think people are sort of sleeping on the new Offroad Driving - it now causes your soft terrain resistances to become identical to your medium terrain resistances. That makes terrain like lakeville valley become the same as driving anywhere else, which is probably worth like +15 kph top speed in those scenarios. You're also getting that boost basically any time you're driving through shallow water, such as when you're getting to the east flank of Live Oaks from south spawn - having ORD means you'll easily beat North spawn to get free shots at the start.

    • @tankicat
      @tankicat 15 дней назад +5

      Lakeville valley is no longer soft terrain, it got changed to medium a few patches back. In fact I can't think of any important areas that are still soft terrain.

    • @darkninja___
      @darkninja___  15 дней назад

      Is this true? I forgot about it. If so, will need to leave a pinned comment on this video.

    • @darkninja___
      @darkninja___  15 дней назад +1

      @@tankicat I just checked, your are correct. Offroad is indeed working like that, quite a big buff to that perk and makes the far more obvious choice over clutch braking. I will add a pinned comment and short clip for a second video

    • @Uberrandom
      @Uberrandom 15 дней назад

      @@darkninja___ The main use cases are only a couple maps - I checked through the patch notes and @tankicat is correct that lakeville valley is no longer soft terrain - you're picking ORD for Live Oaks south spawn, Tundra, Fjords mid, and Karelia.

    • @MseeBMe
      @MseeBMe 15 дней назад

      That’s a really good skill

  • @fighter8bit
    @fighter8bit 15 дней назад +8

    I know I will be referencing this video a lot so I made some timestamps to get you close to a general topic.
    General tips - 0:32
    Skill Overview with B-C 25t
    Commander/Radio - 1:22
    Gunner/Loader - 19:30
    Driver - 45:30
    Other Example Tanks
    Maus (Heavy)- 1:02:15
    Skoda T17 (Light) - 1:06:35
    Shptk (TD) - 1:11:10

  • @lukasbleckmann4215
    @lukasbleckmann4215 13 дней назад +1

    Hey, just a quick thought about Amorer. I think it is more about having higher minimum pen rolls than it is about the damage (besides more accuracy obviously).
    Let me explain:
    Most of the time we shoot at armor that is thin enough to pen with our average pen. A pen low roll will mess up the shot way more often than a pen high roll gives us an extra shot, because we probably never take shots where the connection depends on an extreme pen high roll. So I think about this perk more as a perk which leads to safer shots. Example: you shoot 340 Heat (min roll 255, max roll 425) at a 260mm plate. Most of the time it will pen but there is still a chance that you roll a pen below 260 and you don't pen. With amorer the min roll becomes 272 or higher (depends on BIA, etc.) so you would pen it 100 percent of the time. The "downside" is that your highest pen roll will be only 408 or less (again depends on BIA, etc.) but no one ever shoots at plates that are between 408 and 425mm with a 340 heat, so there is no real downside from that.
    Pls correct me if I am wrong, I felt like this could be an interesting thought. Cheers mate

    • @jandhan8447
      @jandhan8447 12 дней назад +1

      You will do more damage with Amorer. Some % of all shots will finish off the enemy tank. But your shot will almost always contain more potential damage then necessary to finish him off. By reducing the damage RNG, less excess damage will be lost in space. On the other end of the RNG you will do more damage. The net result is more damage. Without the stats it's difficult to say how much, but I estimate +3.5%. The same counts for pen RNG. I expect here the net result will be smaller, but still. It's not strange so assume a total net effect on damage of +5%. That's huge.

  • @remiavard7709
    @remiavard7709 14 дней назад

    Thank you for all the time you spend to give us detail about Crew Skill update

  • @christopherleetom8335
    @christopherleetom8335 12 дней назад

    Thanks for all your time in researching the new crew skill system!

  • @Rollin5
    @Rollin5 15 дней назад +2

    Thank you for doing this in-depth and sharing what you learned from your time spent testing. Good points on vents and rations just got a lot more valuable.
    Off-Road changed: Soft=New Medium resistance now, and Medium is +5% instead of +2.5% if I'm reading it correctly.
    Safe Stowage is twice as powerful as what we had before, so if you have two loaders taking it on only one will give you the same protection as before.
    I'm curious if Perfect Charge will change the arc of SPG shells - if so, don't want it on those with a high arc.

  • @servusdedurantem
    @servusdedurantem 14 дней назад

    best video so far thank you specially telling what values are good or bad on tanks gg is something want to know but no guide

  • @OTOss8
    @OTOss8 15 дней назад +1

    Skill's video at 1.5x speed for a quick overview and to make the initial changes and get playing. Your video at 0.75x speed to really soak in and consider the in depth knowledge and nuance that you offer. I appreciate you taking the time to make such a detailed guide.

  • @johnfarscape
    @johnfarscape 8 дней назад

    Im finding concentration is a lot more useful than designated target on lights, most lights have terrible accracy, i found its happened in a lot of games when I can pull back behind a bush, and by the time im fully aimed again, the skill has kicked in, my T49 absolutely loves it.

  • @Rollin5
    @Rollin5 15 дней назад +8

    Controlled Impact did get a buff: ram dmg from +15% to +20%, your own dmg from ram -25% up from -15%, and I think the extra protection of your suspension is new.

    • @SupremeMasterr
      @SupremeMasterr 15 дней назад +2

      Yeah, I think he sort of thought it only works for suspenssion from ramming but the wording jut says general suspension hp. Who am I going to track with my foch now ?

    • @darkninja___
      @darkninja___  15 дней назад +1

      @@SupremeMasterr I tested rn it only works for ramming, the extra suspension HP. Good point tho I didn’t mention that in the vid that that has been changed

    • @johnfarscape
      @johnfarscape 15 дней назад +2

      Just tried out impact on the VK 28.01, it can now one shot ram other light tanks 🤣, just made an amx 12t dissappear, also worked great on the WZ 132 1, didn't see a manticore in a bush, just noticed a bump and explosion while I was driving through it at 70kph 😅

  • @slst3phan
    @slst3phan 15 дней назад

    Quality vid, thanks for all the explanation of the new and improved crew skills!

  • @helmsgaming84
    @helmsgaming84 11 дней назад +1

    Armorer is really good on big alpha tanks. Low rolling damage and especially penetration is far more impactful than high rolling, most of the time. If you shoot somebody with a 400 alpha gun and they're on 325 health, you can confidently expect to finish them off, and not much is worse than leaving them on a sliver of HP just because RNG decided to give you a super low damage roll. If they're on 450 health, you don't count on being able to finish them off with one shot. You might if you get lucky, but you assume they will probably still be alive after you shoot them and you plan accordingly.
    With penetration, you don't even see what the actual RNG is, you just see whether the shell goes in or not. Super high rolls are not noticeable unless you're desperately trying to get a shot in on somebody that you can't reliably pen and you're hoping to get lucky. It is definitely noticeable when you low roll and your shell does nothing, though. It's also much more consequential.
    I'd say armorer is an absolute must on tanks that do 390 alpha or more. You're relying on hitting hard in order to force the enemy to make bad trades, and the bigger your gun is, the more RNG can fuck you over. With 750 average, the minimum roll is 562, which really sucks. Armorer brings that up to 603, thanks to how commander bonus math works. Combined with bia and ammo tuning, the absolute lowest you will ever roll is 624, which is much more palatable, and it helps out accuracy a little bit, to boot.
    Comically high damage rolls are hilarious, and it sucks to lose out on the biggest ones, but I think it's worth the trade off in order to be let down significantly less often.

    • @jandhan8447
      @jandhan8447 11 дней назад +1

      Precisely. I also came to that conclusion. Armorer can be a very important skill for the more derpy guns. I guess this effect is seriously underestimated by all the streamers.

    • @helmsgaming84
      @helmsgaming84 10 дней назад

      @@jandhan8447 Definitely. Most of the streamers are unicum-level players (because otherwise who would watch them?) who are far more likely to take potshots at targets of opportunity if they think they can get away with it, because the potential of getting free damage is worth it even if it's unlikely. Gretzky theory, if you will. For average players, though, we take longer to recognize these opportunities (if we see them at all) and rely heavily on certainty of outcomes to make our tactical decisions. RNG matters a lot more.

  • @coldhardfacts1874
    @coldhardfacts1874 14 дней назад

    Thanks, was taking notes and brainstorm later :)

  • @-saklo-2256
    @-saklo-2256 14 дней назад +1

    Great content... appreciate the efforts you put in... thanks

  • @SanguineMalcontent
    @SanguineMalcontent 14 дней назад

    Signal interception will help you get out of there earlier, before the slower to react players have properly aimed at you. Jamming only helps after the 9th second by which time you had better already be out of LoS or you're likely dead.

    • @darkninja___
      @darkninja___  14 дней назад

      @@SanguineMalcontent in my testing so far jamming helps you repoke ridges and bushes sooner after getting unspotted which I think helps a ton on meds and LTs. Most of the time when I’m getting spotted I already know that I’m lit anyways so signal doesn’t help in those cases

  • @jovidiantosoesilodewo9688
    @jovidiantosoesilodewo9688 15 дней назад +1

    Turbos on batchat is downright criminal rn. 73-74 kmh combined with offroad driving skill is really fun to play, it is so fast and nimble, that it only takes like 3-5 secs to get to max speed.

  • @m1dge250
    @m1dge250 13 дней назад

    i feel a tier list of this would be very helpful for people that dont want to watch a 1 hour video

  • @nephalos666
    @nephalos666 15 дней назад +3

    Thank Jesus. Was waiting for this coverage from you, along with from skill4ltu and QB.

  • @johnfarscape
    @johnfarscape День назад

    I just took camouflage off of almost all my USA medium tanks, my german and most of my British tanks, so many skills now are better than an extra 7 or 8% concealment.

  • @sanzyboy3952
    @sanzyboy3952 5 дней назад +1

    Concentration is nice but standing still for 3 seconds kinda makes it feel wasteful most of the time so I'd pick quick aiming for turret rotation and armorer for gun dispersion all the time

  • @serylice2482
    @serylice2482 13 дней назад

    not sure if this got mentioned already, but designated target works even if the turret doesnt look at the spotted tank initially, just make sure to turn the turret within limits b4 losing sight on the tank. and when you got no longer vision you can even turn away the turret, the skill will still work.

    • @darkninja___
      @darkninja___  13 дней назад

      @@serylice2482 that is not what I found in my testing, can you explain?

  • @regal_eagle717
    @regal_eagle717 15 дней назад

    Commenting for the algorithms. Nice video full of info! I appreciate you taking the time to test all the mechanics.
    It’s a shame to see the HE absorption only works on non-pens. Would be a more interesting perk choice on certain lightly armored tanks, or even on heavies that get focused more by artillery.

  • @TheImmortal974
    @TheImmortal974 15 дней назад +1

    Concentration Perk is kinda good on STRV (its not that it needs better accuracy). Turning in sniper mode does not turn off the skill. However it gets turned off on Ho-Ri turning hull.

  • @Jayden_o777
    @Jayden_o777 15 дней назад

    Thanks for the ASMR homie, I just sat and listened to you speak on the crew skills and your thoughts and opinions while i set my crews up for all my tier X's.

  • @kasugaryuichi9767
    @kasugaryuichi9767 13 дней назад

    For lower tier tanks and weird things like Caliban, perfect charge would be awesome I think.

  • @FrEEz1ngObserVer
    @FrEEz1ngObserVer 14 дней назад

    Coordination works even if the target is not being spotted the first time.

  • @hallesberries7813
    @hallesberries7813 15 дней назад

    Thx for your opinion!

  • @greghojo1
    @greghojo1 15 дней назад

    Off-road changer

  • @olalalalala_
    @olalalalala_ 14 дней назад

    Next you should make what new perks should you put on specific tanks like cs 63, is 7 60tp etc that would be good and the video might blow up and be helpful.

  • @imperator_danny
    @imperator_danny 15 дней назад

    Good info man, thanks for sharing.

  • @latvius7600
    @latvius7600 15 дней назад

    Well crap now I gotta reset all the ones I picked 😍. Thanks for breakdown!

  • @yuriys5642
    @yuriys5642 14 дней назад

    Its quite a long video plus it has a lot of info to remember, I think many would appreciate if skill recommendations were all presented in some summary pictures or smth at the end (like Skill has a lot more accessible and quick)

  • @1989Falkor
    @1989Falkor 14 дней назад

    thanks bro

  • @Va4444
    @Va4444 15 дней назад

    I like smoth ride on my ridge line meds. Because u usually just go back n forth on the ridge

  • @durachoks
    @durachoks 14 дней назад

    I think you might be underestimating value of armorer, damage part is whatever, but it acts similar to ammo tuning for penetration, effectively removing low penrolls.
    Look at it this way, who ever shoots something where he needs top 5% in penroll to do damage? So high end on pen doesnt really matter, but you will get screwed with bottom 5% rolls, so in a sense it works same as ammo tuning for peneteration.

    • @darkninja___
      @darkninja___  14 дней назад

      @@durachoks I kind of agree, but there are some cases like e3 cupola or shooting at angled e100 turret with ~300 pen guns.

    • @durachoks
      @durachoks 14 дней назад

      @@darkninja___ yeah for sure, its not that straight forward

  • @henrybobswillikers
    @henrybobswillikers 15 дней назад +1

    Yeah Boy, Thanks Ninja !

  • @remuscalpe2885
    @remuscalpe2885 12 дней назад

    armorer + 2 perfect charge and ammo tuning works best in spg consistent damage,, even the splash damage is great... my crap damage output is now bearable its like pre nerf era

  • @Gulorz
    @Gulorz 15 дней назад

    Great video! Maybe for newbies a bit too much but definitely a lot of useful info. Just one thing, would love to know if communication expert skill from the radio operator works with tracking damage. Which I think it does because it says "damage you assist" not that you spot. Thnks a lot for the effort and fast upload.

    • @darkninja___
      @darkninja___  15 дней назад

      @@Gulorz not sure tbh. Probably wouldn’t happen often but a good question regardless

    • @skrzpbl8228
      @skrzpbl8228 15 дней назад +1

      It works with all assisted damage including tracking and arty stun

  • @UnicumTryhard
    @UnicumTryhard 14 дней назад

    59:48 Thats pre-buff BatChat. Buffed BatChat has much better values.

  • @yieldtothenight
    @yieldtothenight 15 дней назад +1

    Are the affects of Designated Target just for you or the whole team? Is Concentration for a perfectly still tank like the old Camo Net used to work? Do all these skills / perks work the same for Arty?

    • @darkninja___
      @darkninja___  14 дней назад +1

      @@yieldtothenight whole team. Yeah works like camo net. Most work for arty as well yes, maybe all of them not sure. Concentration and the assist one does work for stun assist.

    @eLUNGLESS 15 дней назад +1

    thx for posting this

  • @luchob5481
    @luchob5481 15 дней назад

    les go bro, I knew you were going to upload a video about this🥳

  • @ThatAnnoyingGuyOnTheInternet
    @ThatAnnoyingGuyOnTheInternet 14 дней назад

    Wouldn't Quick Aiming be good on autoloaders to improve your aiming between shells?

  • @gallakailancer3692
    @gallakailancer3692 15 дней назад

    Thats interesting, i was thinking the exact opposite with sound detection as lights and mediums do alot of ambushing and dont get artied much, but as a heavy it could help quite a bit

    • @darkninja___
      @darkninja___  15 дней назад

      @@gallakailancer3692 i thought the same for a while but I realized they can’t dodge anyways.

    • @SanguineMalcontent
      @SanguineMalcontent 14 дней назад

      @@darkninja___ At longer ranges some of the faster (better spec. pwr) ones can.

  • @davewedgbury1583
    @davewedgbury1583 15 дней назад +1

    Great advice

  • @kaiserchillhelm
    @kaiserchillhelm 15 дней назад

    Boosti algorithmi 🎉

  • @goyogo2601
    @goyogo2601 12 дней назад

    I really don't see how you can really use jamming. Other tanks might have designated target throwing your math off. Its also very hard to track within 1 sec when you go dark. You are going to have to allow a buffer to be sure. At best it saves a shot if you are caught in the open. I think Signal Interception is much more likely to save you HP. You don't always know when you are lit, that is bull. There are hidden tanks sometimes. That .75 is the difference between fully aimed vs partially aimed shots coming before you react.

  • @ardayazar5705
    @ardayazar5705 15 дней назад

    I would pick quick aiming over concentration pretty much every single time for the same reason why I pick coated optics over binos. You pretty much never sit still 3 seconds while you can fire, even with bat-chat between shots you move a bit. Admittedly 2.5% aim time is pretty much nothing but even mosquito meat is still meat.

    • @ardayazar5705
      @ardayazar5705 14 дней назад

      Also, it tooks more like 4-5 seconds than advertised 3 seconds, I barely activated it even with skorpion, being a sitting duck to aim for 4 seconds anyway.

    • @fili0938
      @fili0938 14 дней назад

      If you seriously believe you never sit still for more than 3 seconds then you're misplaying the game.

    • @ardayazar5705
      @ardayazar5705 13 дней назад

      @@fili0938 unless you are playing light tank camping a bush(which invalidates the perk since you won't use the gun), sniping from the red line, playing a hulldown is7 or god darn arty player, every milisecond you stand still increases the odds of being sniped exponentially. Heavies/meds goes back and forth/wiggle to dodge, TDs are going back to cover after taking their shoot etc. If you blitz through enemy line of sight and obediently sit still for 4-5 seconds, hats off to your balls sir, we mortals aim before peeking, slow peek with only forward/backward motion, take our shot and go back to full cover/side scraping/relocate to avoid return fire.

    • @fili0938
      @fili0938 13 дней назад

      @@ardayazar5705 Most heavies can chill hull down. Also you can pre-aim important positions. And if you pay attention to the game instead of always tunnel visioning you'll realize you'll get chances to get a crossfire on people not paying attention to you. There are many times where good players sit still.

  • @tornyakvonvlashic8951
    @tornyakvonvlashic8951 15 дней назад

    armorer perk increases accuracy, 0.37 on IS4 went to 0.36 (1.91% decrease) ranges for damage and penetration reduced for 6.35% , it scales and gets better with BiA + Food + Vents if you have m, I have played 703 II with armorer anad perfect charge and it feels much better when shooting HEAT rounds at medium ranges, before it was as if I was throwing a potato with my hand at enemies now it feels more like I am throwing a baseball ...:d

  • @davidaio1019
    @davidaio1019 15 дней назад

    +1 New subscriber btw you should stay on one tank /tank role well assault breakthrough assist etc when you trying to teach something because not so smart people like me will get trouble to reminding the stuff if you will jump from one to another... 🤪 Anyway keep up the good work and improve your skills at teaching others i'm teaching other even knowing i'm not that good player + i'm not a streamer.... 🙄 Have a good night and battles + teammates . 😉✌

  • @Fe1ya
    @Fe1ya 14 дней назад

    can u explain why deadeye so important ? 3% is worth to lose some accuracy and not pick somthin for better gun handle ?

    • @darkninja___
      @darkninja___  14 дней назад +1

      @@Fe1ya I think it’s valuable but less valuable now for new crew skills. Kind of changed my mind since this vid and sometimes might not pick deadeye

    • @Fe1ya
      @Fe1ya 14 дней назад


    • @darkninja___
      @darkninja___  14 дней назад +1

      @@Fe1ya armorer is definitely better yes but I might still pick it over 2.5% aim time one or snapshot, or drop camo for it on for example e50m. For onslaught yes I agree it’s pretty shit in onslaught but I was thinking mostly about randoms

  • @Brescaz
    @Brescaz 15 дней назад +1

    3.5 repair time. Wargaming smoking crack as usual.
    Totaly not going to make the game even more FASTER & get away for making mistake.
    "Oh you showed your tracks like a moron ? It's ok, no need for a repair kit ! You can get away with it."

    • @darkninja___
      @darkninja___  15 дней назад +3

      @@Brescaz you could get almost the same repair time before the update, batchat just has really low track repair time as a tank

  • @herlander75
    @herlander75 12 дней назад

    I'm thinking using engineer in slow tanks like T95 and so, or even in paper tanks just for the reverse speed, but i don't see the point in a fast tank like the batchat...

    • @darkninja___
      @darkninja___  11 дней назад

      @@herlander75 I am using vents on batchat so it’s like 1.4 or 1.5 better top speed, so I still use it since it reaches top speed pretty easily. I think it’s better than clutch braking and some of the other options

    • @herlander75
      @herlander75 11 дней назад

      @@darkninja___ Thx for the explanation :)

  • @RnRollie
    @RnRollie 15 дней назад

    Ammo Tuning doesn't do wht you think it does. What it does DO is make your low roll less low :) Ag std Alpha 400 - low roll was 300 , not 308

    • @darkninja___
      @darkninja___  14 дней назад

      @@RnRollie yes but 308 with ammo tuning, or a lil higher because of crew boost. It also raises avg dmg as a side effect, you can see in fire tab

  •  15 дней назад

    How will armorer and ammo tuning work together?

    • @darkninja___
      @darkninja___  14 дней назад

      +7% to min rolls but -5% to max rolls

  • @starfaze1735
    @starfaze1735 14 дней назад

    Any thoughts of the armorer perk on an FV?

  • @nickc9375
    @nickc9375 15 дней назад

    Good video but IMHO the discussion of which perks to pick for each tank type (heavies, brawling mediums, flanking mediums, lights, assault TDs, sniper TDs etc.) would have been clearer if you’d selected a tank of each type as an example.

    • @darkninja___
      @darkninja___  15 дней назад

      @@nickc9375 I should have setup a TD before hand but I did setup a tank from all classes besides arty at the end

    • @durachoks
      @durachoks 15 дней назад

      well that heavily depends on who is playing, some people will brawl in Leo for example, and snipe in WZ 113 which is not a sniper

  • @1989Falkor
    @1989Falkor 15 дней назад

    Side by side should be on tanks used in clan battles eh?

  • @luigibordonaro8187
    @luigibordonaro8187 15 дней назад

    for ammo tuning, do both loaders have to have it to get the full 2%, or is that stacking only for safe stowage and intuition?

    • @darkninja___
      @darkninja___  15 дней назад +2

      @@luigibordonaro8187 both need it

  • @TheMadricks
    @TheMadricks 15 дней назад +1

    Well I'm don't like this new perksystem, but there is nothing I'm can do.

  • @rawdy29886
    @rawdy29886 15 дней назад

    thx Dark

  • @DustinSilva
    @DustinSilva 15 дней назад

    re: communications expert: it appears to be mostly a spotters skill, however, I wonder if it applies to all assist like Stun and tracking assist?

    • @darkninja___
      @darkninja___  15 дней назад +1

      @@DustinSilva not sure, but I know it doesn’t work for inspire bonus in onslaught

    • @Senerei
      @Senerei 15 дней назад +2

      It does work for stun, must pick for arty imo

  • @AmitSingh-og2mu
    @AmitSingh-og2mu 15 дней назад

    Comment for the youtube algorithm

  • @thatsbroke
    @thatsbroke 15 дней назад

    timestamps. please.

    • @darkninja___
      @darkninja___  15 дней назад

      @@thatsbroke might add later sry busy rn

    • @thatsbroke
      @thatsbroke 14 дней назад

      @@darkninja___ see 'em, thanks.

  • @RMNS74
    @RMNS74 15 дней назад

    GJ dude

  • @Alpheamus
    @Alpheamus 15 дней назад

    Aw hellllll yeahhhh! 💪😎💪😎

  • @GlobexMrScorpio
    @GlobexMrScorpio 15 дней назад

    @ 55:12 - Super funny ! no brainier to get extra 1Km/h ! really !? I think if I leave a 1 sec before you do and u got that skill how long will it take before you can overtake me ?
    I get it on heavy but on anything else like a med ? hmmm

    • @darkninja___
      @darkninja___  15 дней назад

      @@GlobexMrScorpio I think it’s worth it for tanks that reach their top speed readily which is most tanks. Boosted by crew skill can get up to 1.5 kmph which is nice

    • @SupremeMasterr
      @SupremeMasterr 15 дней назад

      @@darkninja___ One more extra use can be like, using a field that on certain tanks removing its top speed can get it back slightly with that skill.

  • @leggenda2927
    @leggenda2927 15 дней назад


  • @mattrix36
    @mattrix36 15 дней назад

    good video but PLZ STOP ZOOMING IN AND OUT u making me feel sick.

  • @catalinike
    @catalinike 15 дней назад

    This one is that one
    But that one is this one
    Ur lazy to even pronunce the names of the skills m8

    • @darkninja___
      @darkninja___  15 дней назад +1

      I’m not lazy I’ve read a lot about these skills and probably know them better than almost all other players right now, you are just nitpicking because I forgot a name.

  • @GamVino_WoT.1
    @GamVino_WoT.1 15 дней назад