Anxiety and Panic Attacks From Smoking Weed

  • Опубликовано: 11 июл 2024
  • In today's video we'll discuss how weed can be responsible for anxiety and panic attacks. I will use a scientific case study which proves the point and then share my personal experience with anxiety from weed.
    Let me start by saying I am not someone who has ever suffered from anxiety until I started smoking heavily. I do not believe this video applies to everyone, rather those who are daily heavy smokers like how I was.
    This case study proves cannabis smokers are twice as likely to suffer from anxiety and panic attacks from smoking weed. Those with pre-existing conditions are twice as likely to have worse anxiety while being dependent on cannabis.
    From my personal experience, after about 3 years of smoking daily is when I started to suffer from panic attacks and anxiety. It would happen when grinding with my fingers, I would want the task to finish and the act of doing something small with my fingers which I would want to end would trigger a massive anxiety attack.
    It would feel like I was suffocating. It feels like you can't breathe and you need to get up. Walk around while breathing in heavily to relax. It's truly the worst feeling like claustrophobia which is another symptom I began to develop towards year 8 of smoking.
    I read heavy smoking daily can cause the flight or fight response to trigger when not necessary. The rush of adrenaline causes anxiety and panic attacks as well.
    Keep in mind, I'm not saying everybody will have this. If you smoke once a week this video is not for you most likely. I'm referring to those who smoker everyday, every hour, all day everyday.
    When we can't use moderation it's time to give it up and start a new. So if you're having bad anxiety and want it to stop than just stop smoking weed. Quit weed for forever and you'll never regret it.
    I go so much more into detail in the video. Please watch and smash the like button if you like the video. Subscribe if you found value and most of all have a wonderful day! Happy Monday!

Комментарии • 170

  • @ast-og-losta
    @ast-og-losta 2 года назад +4

    I thought I was having a heart attack when it first happen to me. No fun at all.

  • @pinkthrall6038
    @pinkthrall6038 4 года назад +32

    Generalized anxiety disorder is awful and I feel like I’m loosing everything because of it

    • @gaspump6509
      @gaspump6509 4 года назад

      pink thrall You’re lucky you don’t have agoraphobia

    • @Joseph-jz5jn
      @Joseph-jz5jn 4 года назад +4

      pink thrall I’m 15 and was just diagnosed with it yesterday, my heart starts beating out of my chest and I get panic attacks, I’ve been smoking weed for 2 years

    • @djmicks-newghanistan9627
      @djmicks-newghanistan9627 4 года назад

      Jgunna G same what’s your ig I would love to exchange experiences

  • @marcelmccormick9535
    @marcelmccormick9535 4 года назад +21

    Dude. I went through the same thing. I was a heavy smoker. Countless ER visits. The panic attacks started slowly and became more frequent overtime. They then became full blown panic attacks bc of heart palpitations. Stop smoking weed and I’m on the road to recovery.

  • @foamybutt8646
    @foamybutt8646 2 года назад +2

    Thanks a lot for this personal video. It’s good to know many of us are going through and out of the same symptoms. Keep up the good work. Your changing habits and lives. I’ve got a little bit to go, but I feel better listening and hearing this. Big love .

  • @paulbraunstein2290
    @paulbraunstein2290 2 года назад +1

    Dude you’re very brave and thank you for making this video! Cheers to all of you and best of luck in this journey! Don’t put yourself through any more panic attacks. You’re worth it

  • @jaysmith7741
    @jaysmith7741 4 года назад +6

    I Totally agree with you mate i smoked the strongest skunk everyday for around 15 years I started getting really bad anxiety and panic attacks I've quit but I still get the anxiety i can't breathe properly it's horrible feeling im trying to rebuild my body and mind it's going to take a long time but I must try! god bless everyone with anxiety and panic attacks god bless you all I hope everyone will overcome there anxiety and panic attacks ☝😇😇

  • @peterdoty9797
    @peterdoty9797 4 года назад +2

    Unbelievable information, Very helpful thank you for sharing! The comments are super helpful as well, I’ve been smoking for 2 decades and recently had severe panic attacks I’ve since quite. Now 1 month clean I’m still dealing with some anxiety as I’m going through withdrawals I know I’ve done some damage and the symptoms you have described are exactly what I’ve gone through! Now it’s just dealing with getting back to where I once was and I know I will get there. Moderation is key, but for me it will be a very long time before I accept even a moderate relationship with weed. Thanks for this vid!

  • @fourtywater77
    @fourtywater77 4 года назад +24

    I smoked street weed for years and never that experience until I smoked legal weed. They have something in there that's causing the attacks.

    • @Chris-dg4bc
      @Chris-dg4bc 4 года назад +3

      Its just got stronger throughout the time

    • @polostackin5051
      @polostackin5051 3 года назад +1

      Deadass 💯💯

    • @raincruz5650
      @raincruz5650 3 года назад


    • @Ratrix
      @Ratrix 3 года назад +3

      Same with me, first panic happened on legal shit. In fact, all panic attacks happened for while using legal weed.

    • @jaydog9329
      @jaydog9329 2 года назад +1

      More thc and less CBD in these stronger legal strains

  • @mightyegor1014
    @mightyegor1014 Год назад

    This sums up my weekend. Thank you for sharing!

  • @jahro4797
    @jahro4797 4 года назад +10

    I look at people that smoke and I'm jealous, they can laugh be social make friends. While I'm a complete wreck hearing negative double entendre, voices in my head, cant physically speak, mumbling, anxiety, despair. I wasnt half as confident as I as I am today I lost got nick name silent, it fucked me up even more. I do miss smoking at home by myself and with my ONE friend who for some reason I was able to enjoy it with. Lol food tv music I did get those good highs made me die laughing. I'm trying to work my body into it. First night was good 2nd wasnt. If it goes down hill I'll most likely never smoke again. Mental health is way more important that pleasing other people or riding a wave. It feels good to know there's people like me out their for this. Because even my friend who werent stoners are now, and they can handle it better them me.

  • @ejong1
    @ejong1 3 года назад

    Hi Jesse, I'm really glad i came across your video today, I've been an everyday smoker for roughly 10 years now & remember having my first real anxiety & panic attack while being high in my 3rd year of being an everyday smoker , it was the most intense, scariest thing i had ever felt at that time of my life & i ended up going to the ER because i literally thought i was dying however after getting there the nurses were easily able to determine i was having panic attack most likely related to being high as they couldn't find nothing out of the ordinary when they did their standard checks on me, after that experience i probably had another 2-3 minor attacks which were nowhere near as bad as i knew i was suffering a panic attack (unfortunately at that time i still didn't believe my attacks were related to smoking even though each time it happened i was high) for the last 5 years though i have never experienced another attack until about a month ago, since i had that first attack a month ago i have been getting them quite often like literally once every few days now & it's always at night time when i get high, you probably know more than anyone that having a panic attack while high is the most unbearable & scary feeling as being high makes it so much harder to snap yourself out of it as you would if you weren't high having an attack, sorry for the long comment I'm just really glad i came across this as i believe my body & mind is telling me it's time to give it up as I can't stand the thought of smoking knowing that i have a good 1/3 chance of suffering an attack while high, can i at least ask you one question? When you decided that enough was enough & it was time to stop how long did it take for you to stop? Also I'm sure you had to do it cold turkey considering you were getting attacks more & more regularly, again sorry for not emailing or PM you, I really feel my body & brain is telling me it's time to give it up as i use too think the attacks were because of me however they are clearly marijuana related

  • @foamybutt8646
    @foamybutt8646 2 года назад

    Thanks for this video bro!

  • @noneyah9952
    @noneyah9952 Год назад

    Wow keep doing what you are doing ! 🙌🏻

  • @ewoi4389
    @ewoi4389 4 года назад +11

    I can definitely relate to this as well, especially during the withdrawal phase. Its not fun at all. Another big motivator to stay off it !

    • @BetterYouNow
      @BetterYouNow  4 года назад +6

      Rob! Thank you for coming around for another video my friend. The withdrawal phase is definitely the worst! I completely agree with you. Life is so much better sober now, the amount of videos I'm uploading is proof! I never could have done this while smoking. We're all gonno make it, just have to believe brother and push forward through the pain for the gain. You got this!

  • @mr.parabolic5065
    @mr.parabolic5065 2 года назад

    I just subbed, please don’t stop making videos

  • @funnysisterschallengeorsho8371
    @funnysisterschallengeorsho8371 4 года назад +3

    I understand exactley what you are saying because i had the same thing happen to me and i still suffer with panic attacks anxiety and depression.

  • @vitobertolo
    @vitobertolo Месяц назад

    Thank you for sharing this ❤

  • @sirkeithv1112
    @sirkeithv1112 4 года назад +2

    This is the truth. Everybody's ..... body is built different and some went through this while others never have, It could effect a person without them even knowing until years down the line.

  • @snownestling
    @snownestling Год назад

    Smoked for 15 years and started having severe panic attacks out of NOWHERE. Never experienced them before. This is a great video and a reassurance that I never want to experience those attacks again. Thanks friend.

  • @brandonpartin37
    @brandonpartin37 4 года назад

    I needed to hear this

  • @g-notezmusic7989
    @g-notezmusic7989 4 года назад +5

    Well I stopped smoking years ago and I'm still having bad panic attacks years later. I tried CBT and still fell back into this black whole. It has messed up my whole life I I find it hard to do many things like going out or being around big crowds, setting task and sticking to it . Its hand in hand with depression also it's been so long and still no help has worked fully, but I will never give up.

  • @Thexyzo9x9agent
    @Thexyzo9x9agent 4 года назад +25

    Last night, I was driving when I started not feeling like myself. I had smoked a bowl about an hour prior to the episode. I hopped out of my car and it just got way worse. My whole top of my body was going completely numb, fingers were interlocked, stuck couldn’t move them for 5-10 minutes. My shoulders were numb, my face my head, I was confused. I couldn’t talk at all, couldn’t make out any words. Shortness of breath was TERRIBLE. I started praying because I thought I was going to die right then. I could’ve sworn I just had a stroke. Went to the hospital and they confirmed I had a severe panic attack. I have now quit smoking because I never want to experience that ever again in my life.

    • @IHazMunchies91
      @IHazMunchies91 4 года назад +2

      Same here

    • @stanpines9011
      @stanpines9011 4 года назад +1

      That means you smoked too much. Had the exact same shit like a week ago, when i knew i should have smoked less. My whole body was numb but still overstimulated, i couldn't move and i was breathing like i just ran a marathon

    • @Joseph-jz5jn
      @Joseph-jz5jn 4 года назад

      It could be that since you thought you were gonna “die” your anxiety rises to the roof and you go into an extreme panic attack same thing happens to me yesterday because I thought I was gonna have a heart attack

    • @rajphk150
      @rajphk150 4 года назад

      It happen with me three day ago,I feel the same like I'm gonna die my heartbeat was so fast and I even thought my heart gonna explored I was so scary.I have no one on my side.My throat is totally dry and my mouth as well and I decided to drink water. And it's doesn't works at all and finally I caught taxi to the way to hospital.When I reach hospital,the doctor check my heart rate and oxygen rate and they said I am normal.WTF!!!it's scary and I decided, not to smoke again.I don't know how long it last the panic attack off weed but still sometime I feel some breathing problem.Please advice me what I have to do?to get rid off this panic attack's been week and still feeling short breath😊

    • @Joseph-jz5jn
      @Joseph-jz5jn 4 года назад +1

      regnar Phk same happens to me just know it’s all in the mental and how you think I had to get prescribed Zoloft I was on it for about 3 months and I just recently stopped taking it but with my mind power and doctors help I got over just know your not gonna die it’s only bad thoughts next time you smoke think of the weed curing your anxiety instead of making it worst also I still smoke and haven’t stopped the only way is to get through it yourself

  • @lapierce5868
    @lapierce5868 4 года назад +4

    Thank you so much for this info sir.Im 25 I am from chicago.
    I am a athletic black male.Ive been smoking since 14 and up in now I've been feeling this strange feeling everytime I smoke a feeling of near death it starts with an increase heart rate then shortness of breath and as you said and mention feeling of absence of pulse and headaches and my car just clicks on telling me you're about to die you're about to die and another part of my brains telling me you okay Friday I'll just find it and nasty I know my heart is beating faster and I feel like I need to stand up I feel like I need the air to breathe it got so bad that I checked into the hospital I would literally telling those people that I couldn't breathe I feel sad because I was in the hospital knowing that anyting that could possibly go wrong I was in the best place I was feeling like those people was not caring about my condition but they were aware of the side effects of smoking being that I had told them I have been smoking and once I told them I smoke I noticed the sense of let's say doubt in their faces for a sense of knowledge knowing that I could be experiencing a panic attack or anxiety attack but I didn't believe any of the things that they were telling me until I seen your video and I listen to the thing that you were saying it's been a long ride start at 14 and I think it's time to put this s*** behind me it's not worth it I'm thankful and grateful for you being caring and insightful to other people and acknowledging us and enlightening us with your experiences and your accumulated knowledge this helped me a lot it is 1:58 a.m. in Chicago and something told me to study my symptoms I researched every thing on Google heart attacks you name it and nothing can compare to my side effects after smoking and as you can see not too many people can relate to those of anxiety or those who experienced the panic attacks those folks will tell you just to brush it off it's nothing you should take it but no they are not us and they do not breathe or think for us and we must take for accountability of our own bodies thank you so much I pray that people educate themselves and listen to themselves and not let other people got them or tell them that they would be all right because you haven't condition and it's time to let go

  • @slxughtexr1158
    @slxughtexr1158 2 года назад +1

    i really appreciate you for this video. When i was smoking yesterday it felt like i was about to die. I Haven’t smoke since 2 weeks. Yesterday was my first time smoking again and it felt like i was about to die. I have heart palpitation so it made it more worst with the anxiety.

  • @jyotishanand1
    @jyotishanand1 3 года назад

    You are helping me with positive words brother 🙏

    • @BetterYouNow
      @BetterYouNow  3 года назад +1

      Happy to help brotha! Peace be with you and keep staying sober you're doing excellent with 25 days! It gets better and better!

    • @jyotishanand1
      @jyotishanand1 3 года назад

      @@BetterYouNow yesterday night i just had a sudden panic attack as you said it got peaked within 10 minutes and subsided after 30 mins, it was so horrible feel hand and legs were shaking and facial nerves too atlast some how got eased after 30 minutes

  • @joseqb12
    @joseqb12 4 года назад +22

    Well said brother I literally went through all of this I’m 24 now and smoked for a solid 3 years and all I got was generalized anxiety disorder and depersonalization. I’m overcoming both now with meditating, yoga and a vegan diet. But I have had thoughts of smoking again but get way too afraid to smoke due to risk of having panic attack while I’m high

    • @johnharrison2924
      @johnharrison2924 4 года назад +5

      Jose DeLeon same here, I’m kind of ashamed or embarrassed when friends want to smoke but I can’t due to my fear from a panic attack when high

    • @JLa97
      @JLa97 4 года назад +5

      Same here I miss smoking but I don’t think I have the balls to do it again

    • @jahro4797
      @jahro4797 4 года назад +1

      Same here so many horrible experiences I can list off man that help play into my paranoia, because some of it was real. I'm trying to slowly smoke for myself because I miss watching tv the good weather and food on it. But if I feel my mental health getting worse I'm done forever man

    • @titaa56
      @titaa56 3 года назад

      Vape cbd flower with the best natural vaporizer called magic flight launch. And if you notice you may get a bit anxiety, sniff and eat black pepper. But you won’t get that way cause cbd will not cause anxiety but will make you feel calm and perfectly comfortable! 👌

  • @501Patrick
    @501Patrick 4 года назад +4

    I like you man. With me I had smoked for about 4 years, stopped when I went to jail for about 6 week and tried smoking when I got out and had a few bad panick attacks and then the anxiety has stuck and now I have to take pills to not have a panick attack every night. Even sometimes taking the medecine I still have very faint panic attacks but man it makes me feel like I’m having a heart attack. I don’t even feel myself not smoking Iv done it since I can remember and I feel like I’m not me anymore. I feel like I’m not the same. It’s a good thing in some aspects I don’t smoke but I really feel like I’m not myself anymore. All Iv known is smoking. It’s like my whole identity and what Iv know for years is just like taken from me and I’m helpless. If I smoke I feel like I’m dying with a heart attack. If I don’t smoke I feel like I have no identity. It’s been a little over a year now since the last time I smoked and still I feel like I’m not me, I don’t have my identity anymore. And I want to smoke so so bad yet I can’t. Really helpless feeling. Makes me depressed

    • @lamarvindodson8440
      @lamarvindodson8440 2 года назад +2

      Just shows how bad it had effected u from all the years of smoking to quitting 💯

    • @Yellaboyy
      @Yellaboyy Год назад +1

      Same here i feel just like u.

  • @ChefRose56
    @ChefRose56 2 года назад

    Same with me and I'm 65 now. Never had anxiety or Panic attacks but for the last few years it's been happening more frequently. Since I live in Washington State weed is readily available.. Been doing micro doses as cannabis today is much more potent.. Haven't smoked in a week and guess what? Haven't had a anxiety or Panic attack. So yes I believe to what you are saying and sharing is for real .. Have a nice day! For those people who don't get anxious or have panic attacks enjoy .✌️❤️ I'm not anti weed by any means ...

  • @nikolajandersen2354
    @nikolajandersen2354 4 года назад +1

    I´m in your shoes Jesse. I know exactly what you talk about I have been there myself. Its the nightmare of all nightmares to get a weed infused panic attack. However I believe that that there is a lot to learn from it and believe that if someone can master to observe the attack climbing on to you without panicking there is a lot to learn from it. Oh man...I met Karma in person when trying to control the panic. He is not someone to f.u.k with, I guarantee.

  • @jonitalia5596
    @jonitalia5596 3 года назад

    when i started on the THC cartridges that is when i started to get panic attacks and claustrophobia in cars. I would get this sudden urge to want to get out of the car and it basically made me want to be home all day. Something huge that helped me was working out when i was high or playing a super intense video game that distracted me for long periods of time. For me I was a weed dependent. When I woke up i had to rip my pen 10 plus times a day. Now one cart (1 gram of thc oil) will last me several months sometimes longer because i started to not become dependent on it. I still have claustrophobia issues in cars but it has def gotten better. I never thought i would be someone who suffers from these sorts of issues, but I now realize it can happen to anyone.

  • @kaylistee
    @kaylistee 3 года назад +5

    Its all in your head. Same thing happened to me when I started smoking weed till I did some research and found out that its all a mind thing.
    And when you learn to control some of the impulses of the mind then you're free to start smoking again.

  • @adycrap
    @adycrap 4 года назад

    Thank you

  • @nancyhoralia
    @nancyhoralia 4 года назад

    You described perfectly what happened to me. But the thing is that I would only smoke a half teaspoon a day, not all at once though. Now I have two and a half ounces of a mixture of 16 different strains that I do not know what to do with.

  • @jesuswillrise9359
    @jesuswillrise9359 4 года назад +1

    Exactly wat I'm going thru now. Wen I'm breaking it down u even get nervous then causs I start thinking

    • @joint604
      @joint604 3 года назад

      I also think a lot.. after taking weed even with two puffs i feel like my friends are my enemy -they are talking bullshit about me and only one time i felt panic attack but my heartbeat is fast even now it has been 3-4 weeks. I have tried bong and with that i didn’t feel anything.. but when i go out with my friends now my heartbeat get faster and even in summer my hands and feet’s get cold .i still feel like whatever they are saying they trying to talk about me in code language.. i don’t know if it happens with anybody else.. sorry for my english

    • @jesuswillrise9359
      @jesuswillrise9359 3 года назад

      @@joint604 were overthinking Xanax helps

    • @jesuswillrise9359
      @jesuswillrise9359 3 года назад

      @@joint604 remember it it ur head bud

  • @BirdcagePRO
    @BirdcagePRO 4 года назад +1

    Been 16 years now. I still have panic attacks and am depressed. Still can't smoke either.... sucks.

  • @hix9306
    @hix9306 Год назад

    Happen to me at age 15 I’m 33 now and I haven’t been the same since . Never had any kind of anxiety or panic attacks . I’m learning how to deal with it but it comes and goes . I also suffer from ocd as well . I think that stems from that

  • @chandrellewilliams9220
    @chandrellewilliams9220 2 года назад

    When I first started using cannabis it was carts the thc percentages were at least 80% made me panic so much..I now smoke joints that contain thca of at least 5% and 12% cbd. The key for me is to not abuse it and take as much hits that are comfortable for me. I even take breaks now which before I’d hit my pen all day everyday..

  • @lucasgoiana
    @lucasgoiana 4 года назад +3

    thanks a lot man, this was very clarifying . When you had these last disorders, was it after only 2 or 3 hits? Have you ever felt cold and started shaking in these episodes?

    • @BetterYouNow
      @BetterYouNow  4 года назад +3

      Yes man! Getting cold and shaking is called, "palida", here in Mexico. It's like when your blood sugar level drops tremendously I believe. Not too sure, haven't smoked in over 210 days now however when I did and that would happen it would feel terrible. Usually a sugary drink would make it go away or something with sugar. Hope this helps man!

    • @jahro4797
      @jahro4797 4 года назад

      Man you saying that reminds me, that would happen to me.

  • @spanishpolice6950
    @spanishpolice6950 4 года назад +1

    I just wanna smoke but I have mini heart attacks from two puffs I used to be immune to the stuff even try’d a cbd strain that only had 4% thc and that still fucked me up

  • @adycrap
    @adycrap 4 года назад

    I have an anxiety disorder and some days i suffer from depression. I started using cbd to control the anxiety and was working great and still does.
    I then smoked weed for 2 weeks a joint a day and some days was awesome however sometimes i would have a panic attack. My anxiety and depression became worse than before. The cbd would help me calm down from panic attacks. I have now decided to stop smoking cannabis

  • @ImBaCkMoFoZ
    @ImBaCkMoFoZ 2 года назад

    i use to smoke when i was younger and i was laughing and had a great time being high but after i took a break long one and i smoked again and i got a panic attack out of no where and i hate it and want to keep smoking again but can’t

  • @gavinharrelson1846
    @gavinharrelson1846 Год назад

    Thank you so much it’s been months I’ve been searching for answers I’ve been tariffed I 100% quite vaping nicotine thinking thats what started causing these random terrifying panic attacks and anxiety I guess this means I’ll be quitting weed and thc immediately 🤦🏻😔 the panic attacks are to bad I feel like I’m gonna die and feel like my lungs are collapsing my mind races a thousand miles an hour and it’s just the worst feeling I’ve ever experienced some times I’ll get tingling pins and needles all in my hands and it’ll spread alll up my arms until it meets in my chest and literally feels like electricity going through my body and all my fingers and joints get hard to move an stiffness last night it was happening to where I started hearing ringing/buzzing nobody I talk to understands or helps I’ve been to the doctors they only told me it was panic attacks and it was from nicotine withdrawal I’ve been constantly relying on weed/thc for at least 2 years now and im vary young im scared for my health and I hope quitting will fix these issues I related to every symptom you described in this video thank you truly

  • @chronic6195
    @chronic6195 4 года назад +5

    Happened to me on edibles. I had to pace back and forth outside at 2am for an hour. I literally though I was having a heart attack.

    • @pfunzomulaudzi4754
      @pfunzomulaudzi4754 3 года назад

      wow my situation 😥😥😥 i ended up screaming out loud for help

  • @Certifiedbangersonly.
    @Certifiedbangersonly. 2 месяца назад

    Thx you sir

  • @brokegirl1452
    @brokegirl1452 4 года назад +1

    When your 20-24 your happy & recovering. I started losing drastic weight as well. Everytime my body wanted to dump all the thc out strangely.. but yes a strong strain and prolonged use. I kinda think after writing that;that it was the bodies natural weigh of ridding itself of the toxin since it stores in fat cells...thats when the paranoia came on for me or anxiety. i was more So using for arthritis pain though in my wrists. 😞

    • @BetterYouNow
      @BetterYouNow  4 года назад

      How is your wrist doing? Try taking CBD because it helps for arthritis! Just don't smoke :)

    @P3DROBINGBONG 4 года назад +1

    Low Cbd thc 1:1 ratio bud actually helps I've been smoking for a long time and I've had panic attacks for a while now they come and go but with cbd thc bud I've been doing fine. I honestly think in my opinion that it causes panic attacks after prolonged uses and stressful situations that you had to deal with in the past.

  • @dylongueits2992
    @dylongueits2992 4 года назад +17

    Literally everything you've said that you experienced, I've been there. It was The worst day of my life, and I haven't smoked since then. And I used to smoke everyday all day for 3 years straight until that day

    • @dylongueits2992
      @dylongueits2992 4 года назад +4

      Daddy ASMR I feel that. My buddies have been trying to get me back into it, anytime I tap the blunt once I feel like I can't breathe and I cant enjoy it

    • @dylongueits2992
      @dylongueits2992 4 года назад

      Daddy ASMR not gonna lie I've bought some CBD crystals that you hit out of a rig or throw in a blunt and it helps. Last time I smoked I got a little cross faded and it messed me up. Took two hits and felt everything start going down hill, I didn't have a rig with me so I put like 2 scoops of the crystals under my tongue and it actually felt normal for once. You should try it something tbh

    • @lucycruz1318
      @lucycruz1318 4 года назад

      Hi I’m so sorry For buddding in the conversation but I just wanted to see if you guys have any updates about that because I’ve been having the same feelings every time I take a hit and I will miss smoking again without having those panic attacks or whatever but did you ever try eating those edibles ?? Did it feel better or still the same ??

    • @BmwolotlE90
      @BmwolotlE90 4 года назад

      bro for real it fucking sucks and this feeling in the chest/heart daily even when not smoking is the worst i hate this shit. Countless times ive tried smoking again aswell but even the first small hit off my pipe would trigger it causing super sharp pains in my heart/chest i was like wdff whyy it wasnt like this before

    • @dylongueits2992
      @dylongueits2992 4 года назад

      90sFella facts. I haven't been able to enjoy a sesh in over a year. Ive kinda just given up on it. It's not worth it

  • @user-xl7vs3cd4z
    @user-xl7vs3cd4z Год назад

    It is true I was a stoner for years started when I was 13 by 15 every day getting stoned then all of a sudden doom panic attacks ! Horrible feeling... now in my 40s alcohol now years later sets it off if I have too much. Wish I could still smoke weed tho

  • @tawnytirado143
    @tawnytirado143 Год назад

    I’ve been under extreme stress for the past 5 years loss of my mother and all. Yesterday after smoking I had a massive panic attack . I’m worried because I use weed to calm my stress now I wonder how I will deal with stress if I can’t smoke

  • @titaa56
    @titaa56 3 года назад +1

    Vape cbd flower with the best natural vaporizer called magic flight launch. And if you notice you may get a bit anxiety, sniff and eat black pepper. But you won’t get that way cause cbd will not cause anxiety but will make you feel calm and perfectly comfortable! 👌

  • @lordofarcades
    @lordofarcades 2 года назад

    I smoked for 27 years and now I'm 31 days clean after suffering sudden panic attacks. My doctor put me on 20 mgs of Celexa a day and been fine now.

  • @YouTalkingCrazy
    @YouTalkingCrazy 2 года назад

    Yeah I smoked weed for pretty much my whole life and recently I started getting panic attacks when I would smoke weed only if I smoked like a bunch I can still take a few hits of weed and not have it affect me but if I like smoke a whole bunch then I'm screwed I went to the hospital and everything thinking there was something wrong with me but it turns out it was just anxiety everything was fine with me the problem was in my brain chemistry in the weed

  • @Yellaboyy
    @Yellaboyy Год назад

    I got major panic attacks from hashish. Got a 1,5 hour attack. The worst shit i have felt om my life. Smoked everyday almost for 10 years. And just now i can feel the attacks. Quit before is to late. U gon regret one day. Speaking out to the young people.

  • @CaptPicard81
    @CaptPicard81 3 года назад +1

    I used to experience the same thing when I smoked. I now will just have just a tiny hit and enjoy a slight high without the anxiety and then take another tiny hit when that wears off. Seems to work for me.

    • @BetterYouNow
      @BetterYouNow  3 года назад

      If you can self moderate, tiny hits maybe just at night every few days than why not. I can go a month or a year without beer, and a lifetime without any drugs, but sadly with weed it's such a deep embedded bad habit that I have to completely stay away. It's my kryptonite. However if you can self moderate like that and go without it while having a stash in your house and not care than you're in control my friend and have nothing to worry about =-)

  • @DarkesLuk
    @DarkesLuk 4 года назад +2

    Ive been realising that weed has been causing me anxiety tendencies and restlessness

  • @shabsog
    @shabsog 2 года назад

    i was heavy weed smoker for like 10 years . i smoked weed more than snoop dogg... then i started having panic attacks don't know why.. i controlled it for a while, now i cant bec. panic attacks last for 2 or 3 days to get out of it ... very shit feeling. so i stopped and panic attacks stopped finaly.. if you have same problem just stop it. but the fear i lived changed me .

  • @johnharrison2924
    @johnharrison2924 4 года назад +3

    Any tips for someone who quit smoking but still experiences anxiety/panic attacks and depersonalization/derealization? This video was super relatable and helpful, thank u. I started smoking 2 years ago but soon after would feel like the receptors in my brain shut off giving me a numb feeling in my head which soon led to the constant anxiety/panic attacks, pacing back and forth and flat out internal dying. However when I quit, I still have after effects and can’t seem to get rid of them

    • @majoresk
      @majoresk 4 года назад +2

      Same here ...
      I quit smoking four months ago and it's getting better. There is no medicine or treatment that can help you immediately. The most important thing is that you trust yourself and accept the condition. If you feel anxious, you can do something to distract yourself. It helps me to write down my thoughts or smoke a cigarette. I also often think about my earlier panic attacks and remember that I survived them. Alternatively, you can also try to breathe slowly and consciously.
      (Sorry for my english, I‘m not a native speaker)

    • @rajphk150
      @rajphk150 4 года назад

      Did you feel thirsty after panic attacks.It's been 10day and I still feel thirsty and dizziness

    • @edwinbautista4764
      @edwinbautista4764 4 года назад

      regnar Phk that is normal man.

    • @rajphk150
      @rajphk150 4 года назад

      @@edwinbautista4764 how long it will stay?any idea ?

    • @rajphk150
      @rajphk150 4 года назад

      @@edwinbautista4764 because this is my first time and I never had experience about panic attack

  • @markeric1337
    @markeric1337 2 года назад

    I saw a video from some weed advocates who argue that any anxiety you get on weed is the anxiety that you bring to the table, not the weed. This is true of course, otherwise everybody would have a bad reaction to weed, like they do to having the flu. There's one problem though: everyone is wired differently, and many will fall into psychosis/ panic attacks/ deppression way before weed can correct every thought you have, as we have around 6000 thoughts a day, and the idea that one simple revelation will rewire your brain is stuff for self help gurus to sell. I've had panic disorder since i was a child, and it occured to me that it was me bringing the anxiety to the experience early on, so I gave it a go once; smoked for a couple of months everyday whilst dropping xanax thinking i might be able to work through each bad thought. It ended in tears and a breakdown of course. Weed adviocates can be incredibly egocentric in this sense when they push weed. Nothing against them as people at all, but they simply don't realize that everybody is different, and this stuff aint for everybody. If it was, they'd sell it like liquor.

  • @josesolano6171
    @josesolano6171 2 года назад +1

    That is why I quit smoking, first 6 years nothing happened, then all of a sudden I was afraid to smoke due to the fact I was having this palpitations and it was difficult to breathe, I had to quit a lot of things including hanging out with my friends cause they all smoke, as well as my brother, after I quit for about 4 years everything was doing fine I though I will try it again maybe I was unhealthy now im fine i though so i try it again, and let me tell you I had one of the worst panic attacks, I am not able to smoke again but I prefer it that way, lots of positive things happened in my life when I stopped smoking.

    • @BetterYouNow
      @BetterYouNow  2 года назад +1

      That's great to hear!!

    • @josesolano6171
      @josesolano6171 2 года назад

      @@BetterYouNow hope you get well, and clean you will find live without weed is great for your health, and economy.

  • @lennyferra3851
    @lennyferra3851 2 года назад

    can someone tell me if i got derealizion after a panic attack while high, my derealizion lasted for 2 weeks, and when i smoked again it just came back, but my question is that if i take a break like 6-12 months do you guys think i can start smoking again not like everyday my sometimes?

    • @yungghost5889
      @yungghost5889 2 года назад +1

      Once you got that panic attack and DPDR it’s over. Weed has broken up with you and that’s a relationship that unfortunately may never be fixed. I’m on the same boat I used to be such a heavy smoker then one t break ruined it. I stopped for a bit tried to start again and boom panic attack and derealization.
      *The problem is that you may know what to expect as far as the high but now you have the worry about that bad experience happening again and being high reminds you of it and makes that memory much more vivid to the point you allow it to happen again. Conquer the fear of having that bad experience and you may be able to smoke again but for me it’s hard to do that. Even though I barely think of it whenever I feel the urge to just try it again that panic attack comes to mind and I always back down because it’s not worth it. I’d wait until your with a good group of friends and in a perfect setting and stay away from carts smoke from a joint and take a baby hit of that. This isn’t medical advice I’m just speaking from experience cuz I’m literally on the same boat you are.

  • @laynai9590
    @laynai9590 4 года назад

    Did you have a heart palpitations even after you stopped smoking ?

  • @santiagoaguilar1115
    @santiagoaguilar1115 4 года назад +1

    I started abusing weed, and anxiety and panick attacks came. Is this normal? I havent smoke in a week and im just terrified that the anxiety wont go away and it triggers my panick attacks i also have chest pains. And incredivly high blood pressure

    • @RMT192
      @RMT192 4 года назад +1

      Yes it is very normal. You can't ever smoke anything marijuana related again. Some brains can't handle hit. Now, since you fucked up, you're in the world of mental health for the rest of your life. It's a bitch aint it. I fucked up too.

  • @raincruz5650
    @raincruz5650 3 года назад +1

    It now gives me anxiety sad thing is I wanted to use it for my chronic migraines not even to get high and I just want to cry rn bcuz my head hurts so much and pills won't help.

    • @BetterYouNow
      @BetterYouNow  3 года назад +1

      Hey Rain, quick question. Are you a coffee drinker? I have a lot of family members who have chronic migraines and are heavy coffee drinkers. When they quit drinking coffee after the first few weeks, which bring more migraines, it does start to get better. Also, drinking a lot of water and taking magnesium daily. Hope this helps, let me know if there's any questions I can maybe help with if this sounds similar to what's going on with you! I'm not a doctor though so just sharing from personal experience what maybe could be the reason for the headaches.

    • @raincruz5650
      @raincruz5650 3 года назад

      @@BetterYouNow i actually hate coffee lol and I've started taking magnesium glycinate. :)

  • @biglou6632
    @biglou6632 4 года назад +1

    Man this hit home different where do I begin I was a big-time pothead in my early teen years smoke everyday all day that's all I did I loved it made me feel great until one day I smoked with some friends and all we did was smoke two L's and I was going home when all of a sudden I felt like my body sunk into the ground I felt like something was hitting me in the back of my head and that was the day that I caught my first ever panic attack/anxiety attack. I felt like many of you guys like I was going to die! It was a complete mine trip I felt like I was being punished for everything bad I ever did and the more I beg for the high to go away the harder it hit me I would normally smoke and only be high for about an hour but this time I swear I was high for about 4 or 5 hours it didn't want to go away I finally made it home after what it felt like an eternity walking to my house fell asleep woke up and said I was done with weed a few years later I went to go smoke again with some friends and the same exact feeling happen I tried a few years after that and the same thing to no avail I guess it's true we just cause panic and anxiety disorders because I have never been able to smoke again I can't even be around it that's how traumatized I am if I even know you have it on you or even start smelling it I start catching a panic attack it's the worst feeling in the world I've had friends and family members who smoke tell me that I should try CBD but I'm too scared to cuz I already know that my body is going to react the same way and yes I know that it doesn't have THC but still I don't want to take the risk of having to go through another panic attack again!

  • @houseoffunnies
    @houseoffunnies 3 года назад +1

    thc gives me panic attacks but cbd calms me down

    • @BetterYouNow
      @BetterYouNow  3 года назад

      Yep, you're spot on right about that one my friend! Thanks for watching =)

  • @pinkthrall6038
    @pinkthrall6038 4 года назад +5

    I’m gonna quit

  • @peterjames1064
    @peterjames1064 4 года назад +2

    I've been smoking weed for 3 years almost everyday for 7-8 times a day. I didn't have any anxiety till one night I had a little too much after quitting for a week. I experience depersonalization and panic attack. I googled what happened to me and it even escalated my anxiety. it was almost 3 months ago I'm a little bit better but I still feel stuck from anxiety I quitted smoking exact that night but I can say I'm not yet 100% from where I used to be. :(

    • @RMT192
      @RMT192 4 года назад

      Now, you fucked up smoking weed and you'll have to work on your mental health for the rest of your life not using it. Marijuana causes acute anxiety and panic attacks (anxiety disorders), paranoia, mania, visual and auditory hallucinations (bipolar and schizophrenia) in everyone who uses it at some point. But there are those who come back to normal and those who don't. You haven't. Use this as an opportunity to teach about the dangers because you're not totally fucked like me. The only way is education. For people who want to try it. They should start with homeopathic C.Indica 1 part per 1000. Put 1 drop in a litre of water and take 1 drop of that, and then increase that by concentration of 10 slowly over weeks until they build up to around 5-20 mg and see if they can handle that. They should never use weed at that dose more than twice a week if they want to play it safe. And if at any point in increasing the dose to see if they can safely use the drug, they experience anxiety, panic, mania, or come down depression they should definitely stop before they ruin their lives. Paranoia is another very common reaction but if they user finds it unpleasant then they should stop immediately and the same goes for auditory and visual hallucinations - these are indicators of schizophrenia. This is nothing to do with set and setting, but to do with the delicacy of human mind esp. as it pertains to the endocannabinoid system.

    • @AlejandroLopez-rs6qt
      @AlejandroLopez-rs6qt 2 года назад

      Same how you feel ?

  • @lucasabdou7130
    @lucasabdou7130 2 года назад

    who didn't smoke pot will naver understand what the feeling is

  • @razvancoltz7241
    @razvancoltz7241 4 года назад +3

    I had 2 panic attacks during my period of smoking weed and I know some guys who were in hospital because of this panic attacks...stay away from weed guys , it's much more fun.

    • @BetterYouNow
      @BetterYouNow  4 года назад +2

      The panic attacks are terrifying. While smoking during my eight years it happened like 6-8 times. I got used to it after the third time but damn is that sad. I didn't care about myself and kept smoking thinking, "I care more about weed. If I go than fuck it I went out while high". Such a sad way to think, never going back to that weak mentality. I don't wish that upon anybody.
      Thank you for being here Razvan. Appreciate ya brother. Great job for giving it up am proud of you my friend :) We're all going to make it man! We just have to support each other. Am here for you whenever you need!

    • @razvancoltz7241
      @razvancoltz7241 4 года назад

      @@BetterYouNow They are so terrifying indeed. Also we must protect our health because few of weed smokers knows that weed consumes a lot of our proteine , vitamins and so on, so even when we eat after we smoke or take vitamins , we must gather back what we lost during the smoke.
      I will never go back mate , I'm happy now and I'm glad I have discovered your channel and I hope more and more will join and see the reality of weed. I mean it was fun it was cool but nothing last forever. I even found a motivational song to wake up every day " Titanium " we all know it but damn bro it motivates me so hard.
      Keep the work bro and help out more and more people because I'm sure that there are a lot of guys stucking in this loop.

    • @BetterYouNow
      @BetterYouNow  4 года назад +2

      Wow! Thank you for that insight, I had no clue that it drains your body of much needed nutrients. I remember when I first started smoking I would feel so drained after smoking but then became used to it. When I first started I couldn't keep up with ex-friends and after 2 puffs was out, feeling so exhausted a few hours later.
      This explains why after quitting put on muscle or at least my body went back to being more ripped and muscular like when I played sports. I thought oh must be cause am eating more but that makes so much sense that it was because of now properly absorbing nutrients.
      Dude please don't ever go back! I'm glad you're too, it's hard to find people who see the reality of weed but that's why we're on this journey together. I'll listen to Titanium now!

    • @razvancoltz7241
      @razvancoltz7241 4 года назад

      @@BetterYouNow You're an inspiration Jesse and not only for me.
      indeed , weed has so many tricky effects and most of the smokers refuse to think that weed drains everything from their body and mind.
      I have 16 days and never going back. I don't even think about it anymore.

    • @razvancoltz7241
      @razvancoltz7241 4 года назад

      @@BetterYouNow Shoot me down , but we won't fall! We are TITANIUM!

  • @chyannefogle7328
    @chyannefogle7328 4 года назад

    Why do you look so familiar?

  • @playboy0869
    @playboy0869 4 года назад

    i use to smoke alot of weed then i stopped for like 4 years then i blazed again i couldn't breathe. thats why i quit. beet does the same thing people dont talk about this stuff. so men that snore cant breath right lol

  • @noahcharles7557
    @noahcharles7557 2 года назад

    I stop smokeing

  • @georgitasev899
    @georgitasev899 3 года назад +1

    dude, since i stop smoking my anxiety come back and my panic attacks,like 20days ago i was high asf and suddenly i got this crazy panic attack i had to go to emergency hahaha i was thining i was going to die

    • @BetterYouNow
      @BetterYouNow  3 года назад +1

      Oh man, I've been there before. Not fun! I stood up in front of a table of 10 people thinking I was having a heart attack and freaked everybody out! Was not fun! Just remember it takes 14 months for the brain to recover from drug abuse, so if you have anxiety and panic attacks weeks after quitting its normal. Think of people who quit cigs, they're having anxiety for up to months after quitting, biting their nails and what not. So be easy on yourself! Good job on 20 days, keep at it my friend!

    • @georgitasev899
      @georgitasev899 3 года назад

      @@BetterYouNow thanks brother,I was heavy cigs smoker and stoped them like that,but.the weed damnn its hard not smoking.This is.not the first time I stop smoking bc.of that last time I.stoped like.for 4 months,I cant make my brain understand that I will not die from a panic attack but hahah he is on a different opinion hahah,I.consider to buy a cbd to try it

    • @BetterYouNow
      @BetterYouNow  3 года назад

      @@georgitasev899 CBD actually works, it's calming. I would take it to deal with anxiety after quitting. I relapsed but that was years ago. I moved to a whole new city and have no access to anything here so out of sight out of mind. I don't trust myself around herb so better not to be around it at all, ever again!
      Just remember your brain's desire for "wanting" and "liking" run on different channels. You may want and desire something like smoking so badly, but when you actually do it you think man I don't even like this! Well, if that's happened to you that's why that happens.
      Man the human brain is programmed to survive in the woods, not be surrounded by constant dopamine stimulation. Makes us not able to focus, low attention span, low motivation, we need dopamine to achieve longterm goals but getting so much dopamine closes the receptors in our brain and suddenly we dont think longterm and only care about short term.

  • @LearnQuranForYou
    @LearnQuranForYou 2 года назад

    Ya we’d is not for me anymore

  • @streetcat957
    @streetcat957 4 года назад +1

    My anxiety goes away. Completely goes away and I feel normal. Its different for everyone. If you don't like the feeling don't smoke it

    • @BetterYouNow
      @BetterYouNow  4 года назад +1

      If you smoke it once a week, even once a day maybe. This video is for those abusing it, who can't moderate it. I don't think you're like us though. Also, can't really argue with science. Eventually, it'll work against you, not for you. Until then enjoy with moderation!

    • @jahro4797
      @jahro4797 4 года назад

      I dont believe abusing it will do this. I know so many pot heads never get like this. I know older people and they are fine normal and smoke 5 blunts a day and do dabs. I think it just how people body chemistry are made up. I personally always had these symptoms smoking even before I was a "stoner".

  • @TheRockstarFarmer
    @TheRockstarFarmer 4 года назад

    Man, it would suck to be punched in both eyes like that. Someone must really not like you.

    • @BetterYouNow
      @BetterYouNow  4 года назад

      The video is about quitting. I was some 10-20 days into quitting man. Recovery isnt overnight.

    • @TheRockstarFarmer
      @TheRockstarFarmer 4 года назад

      @@BetterYouNow I'm sorry that was a low joke. Some people just have dark around their eyes. I do notice it is common with stoners though.