sun filtering through curtains, studying till i fall asleep.

  • Опубликовано: 13 окт 2024
  • contains frequency + is layered.
    calm ver: • sun filtering through ...

Комментарии • 16

  • @renmiste
    @renmiste  Год назад +31

    summary of affs:
    note; good luck to all of you on your studies! we can and will get through this

    • @renmiste
      @renmiste  Год назад +6

      with grades as perfect and high as yours, it’s impossible not to get into the best top college. you’re all set with academics and resume. you gain the best opportunities and have a well-built resume. the best opportunities come along way and you use that to your advantage always. you always get such wonderful opportunities for school and work in general. the best most rewarding opportunities come your way and it always perfectly goes along with your schedule. you get emails and opportunities regarding programs, research programs, and paid internships that all don’t require anything major. every opportunity that comes your way is 100% free and you are automatically accepted if you apply. all of the opportunities that come you way work well for you and your schedule and you always get so much gain from it. No matter what you do, you’re resume is perfection and is the most excellent looking resume so every college and job will want you. no matter what, you will possess the most outstanding, impressive, flawless-looking resume with the best stats and information so it’s basically an automatic acceptance into every job, college, and opportunity. it’s literally a fact that by the time you need to do college applications and common apps, your resume will look super top-tier and top-notch with the best extracurriculars, best grades and test scores, and best internships and acts of service. no matter what, you will have the best most successful strong resume that sets you apart from the rest of the students applying for colleges and you’ll be the top 0.05% to get in because you have that perfect resume and chefs kiss college essay. everything you assume comes true so of course you’re gonna get acceptance into every single college you apply to because all of the admission offers are starstruck at your perfect resume, admirable and amazing personal statement, your admirable volunteering stats, your superhuman-like high perfect SAT, PSAT, and ACT scores. you have a crystal clear image of what you want to be in the future. you are 100% passionate about your dream career. you are mentally prepared for accomplishing your goals and dreams. you have the top notch best skills in the knowledge needed to be your dream job. you know what career path you will go down and you’re genuinely interested and passionate about it. you’re the type of student that every college wants because of how unique you are from the rest. even if colleges, businesses, jobs, and workplaces had to interview 3 million people, you will strike them so much because of your outstanding resume and the way you carry yourself with such positivity, punctuality, detail, and confidence. it’s impossible for any college or job to ever reject you because you’re a gem in everyone’s eyes. all interviewers are bound to remember every detail of you and that’s why you pass all of your interviews at a 100% success rate. you’re the full package and have everything that all private, public, city, and Ivy League college wants. you will get accepted almost automatically into every college, internship, and job offer you apply to. it’s literally a fact and a given. you’re resume, skills, and background is also highly relevant and valuable to all colleges so they can never reject you or waitlist you because surely, the moment you apply, you’re already accepted in. all of your desired colleges are crawling to you because you’re a star student with the perfect personality, grades, and aura. all of your desired colleges will find so many opportunities to reach out to you. harvard, Yale, Princeton, Columbia, NYU, UPenn, and Cornell will accept you if you apply and that’s a fact. No college would not want you. You’re super easy going and are someone that all interviewers are going to love so much and remember. if everyone had the smartest brain like you, people would be getting 100s everyday. how does it feel being the school’s top student? how does it feel opening up your grades and seeing all perfect 100s? you are seriously the most intelligent, smartest, clever, most amazingly talented top student. no one can come up to par with your stellar high academic grades and scores. it’s a fact that you have never gotten anything below a 100 on any of your tests, quizzes, quests, projects, classwork, exams, assignments, and homework. you truly are the smartest student and you pass your exams and tests so easily with no effort needed. extra credit opportunities always come your way. you have the perfect transcript and resume with volunteer hours, perfect grades, perfect scores, and clubs.
      every single type of exam, quiz, quest, and test is a piece of cake for you. it’s like giving the most intelligent person in the world kindergartners work. that’s how easy everything you learn in school is for you. why is that whenever you take an exam, all of the questions are so level 1 and super easy? you find all tests super easy and that’s why you always get the highest and best possible score. you can work quickly too! how is it that you have complete and fully advanced understanding of all of the topics and lessons you learn in all of your classes? you always understand and know what’s happening in all of your classes. you completely understand all concepts involved in all of your classes. all information, formulas, knowledge, lessons, and concepts flow easily to you. your brain successfully absorbs all valid and relevant information and concepts you learn at school so it’s no question how you get straight “A”s and 100s for all of your exams, quizzes, quests, and tests. you’re so naturally smart that you get 100s on all your exams even if you don’t review or study. that’s just how much knowledge is in the large capacity of your brain. everytime you take any class, you absorb everything you read, hear, and see that’s related to the class’s content. it’s almost as if you’ve already learned everything. your brain absorbs information super easily and never mixes or disorganizes any of the information it absorbs. you are fully knowledgeable on each topic you’re learned in class and if someone asked you to explain any concept you could do it perfectly. you know how people always say that as soon as they step into the classroom to do their exam, they forget everything they learned? well, that doesn’t apply to you at all because you come into every classroom 100% prepared to ace your test or exam. you never feel anxiety or stress during exams. getting nervous durig an exam? thats not you. you don’t get test anxiety whatsoever because it’s all a piece of cake to u and u always will get a 100 no matter what. you always walk into a room with 100% confidence that you are going to ace the exam and that’s true. you didn’t get distracted at all during tests, and your mind recalls information very well so you easily answer the questions. not to mention, you have perfect time management so you work effectively in a timely manner during tests and never feel pressured to whatsoever because you’re not working at both spectacular accuracy and speed. when you’re doing a test or an exam, you have full memory of everything you learned in class and all of your class notes. so it’s no secret that you effortlessly ace all of the exams and tests you take. you’re the absolute best test taker. when you’re taking tests, there’s never been a time where you haven’t been sure of your answers. you have immense intelligence and so you are fully 100% sure of all of your answers during exams or tests. you don’t even need to guess because you already know your answer is correct. you don’t doubt your answers at all because you know that all of your answers are always and will always be correct. it’s no lie that you effortlessly gain 100s in all areas of academics. you only see questions on the test that you have full 100% ability and accuracy in answering. whenever you complete an assignment, it’s practically a guaranteed 100 because you’re an academic ace like that. you will ace every exam and national exam you have. you always score the highest possible score to ever exist in every single examination/test/quiz you take. you literally get perfect scores on every exam you take, no matter the level of difficulty. your psat and sat scores are flawlessly perfect and are the highest scores ever. how do you always do so well and get perfect high marks on every exam no matter how hard or intimidating it might be? but of course no tests are hard for you, even the sat and psat exam is super easy for you. how are psat and sat questions extremely easy for you to understand and solve? you’re so smart that national exams don’t faze you at all because you’re capable of efficiently solving all the problems and ending with the perfect score with lots of time left. you always finish your tests super fast and have lots of time to review. you are always and I mean ALWAYS able to finish your exams and tests way earlier than when it’s supposed to end. you always finish your tests way before time is up so you have plentiful time to review and check your answers over, though you don’t really need to because you already got everything correct. you’re a test taking ace and you know it. even if you fuck up a test, you only get straight As. so it’s impossible for you to ever get a grade lower than 100% because no matter what, you only get scores 100 and higher. if you believe you solved a question wrong or incorrectly (which never happens) or if you get a question wrong (never happens also because you always get everything right), your grades stay super high and you get a crazy high score above 100 because that’s just how it is for you. you will never get anything below a 100 for school.

    • @renmiste
      @renmiste  Год назад +6

      how do you solve problems so fast? you have super fast speed and 100% perfect high accuracy when it comes to answering questions on all types of exams and tests. it’s crazy how you solve even the most generally “hard” problems in less than 10 minutes. the problems that people take 2 hours to work on only take 10 minutes for you and you get the 100% correct answer each time. how do you manage to absorb numbers and words so easily and work so fast? it’s crazy how you could speed solve a problem and your brain doesn’t get messy or racked up. you naturally solve all math problems super quickly and with accuracy and precision. how is it possible that you get the correct answer no matter what, on every single one of your tests, quizzes, exams, quests, projects, and assignments. it’s crazy how you solve math so fast like flash and your work is valid and your answer is 100% absolutely correct. it’s like your a computer by how advanced you are in solving test problems. you could finish math questions super super fast and you show the proper work and answer. you are such a math genius it’s insane. you know that you’re super smart, a literal genius. because you never ever have trouble doing homework or any assignments whatsoever. you always do your homework super fast and don’t have trouble solving anything or trouble understanding concepts. you literally are an ace at foreign languages too. you are 100% fluent in the secondary languages you are learning. you are so good at speaking your desired secondary languages to the point where people believe you were actually a citizen of that place. you speak your secondary languages so fluently like you’re a local. how can you speak your desired secondary language so fluently on the spot? you speak multiple languages too well, it’s insanely impressive how you know every single world ever in your desired languages and know how to use it in a sentence.
      you’re always super motivated to study. studying itself is so stress-relieving, fun, serene, calming, relaxing, and romantic for you. everything about studying feels super relaxing and nice so you are always 100% motivated to study. your personal ways to studying and memorizing and preparing for tests are all extremely effective, I mean just look at those abundant 100s and A pluses you have for all of your assignments! your method of studying works extremely well with a 100% success rate of getting an 100 on the test, quiz, or quest related to the content you studied. studying is so fun for you to the point where you can easily study, people call you the study and productive master. you could study for 5 hours straight and yet not feel tired or burned out. isn’t it wonderful how you always feel energetic even after studying? studying for long hours doesn’t discourage or tire you out because you’re an ace at studying. it’s crazy how you find so much joy in studying and doing assignments. you are always motivated to do all of your assignments and finish them on time as well. you find satisfaction in doing your homework and given assignments. you complete all of your assignments in a well-balanced, timely way that’s super efficient. you complete assignments fast and with 100% perfection and accuracy. you study studiously and effectively. luck is on your side always because no matter what, everything on all of your tests are super easy and understandable to you. there’s never been a time where you couldn’t solve a problem or when you didn’t know the answer to a problem. everything you study is always on the test. everything that you know wholeheartedly and excellently regarding a class, is the questions that appear on the test. there’s never been a time where you’ve gotten a question on a test that you don’t know how to solve or you don’t know the answer to. everything you don’t study is never on the test. how do you study for such long periods of time without feeling tired, stressed, burdened, or burned out? not only do you regularly enjoy studying but you like reviewing your notes too. everyday you unknowingly absorb everything written in your notes no matter what. it’s like a sponge how you absorb all of the information you learn in school and it stays in your brain forever just like that.
      you’re literally always super productive and are always on task. you’re that kid who finishes all of their assignments 10 days before it’s due. you easily complete all of your assignments the day it was assigned because it all comes so easy to you. you always make time to complete every single one of your assignments, classwork, homework, projects, etc. it only takes you like an hour to do all of your homework because you work efficiently all the time. you always do all the homework completely perfect. procrastinating? that could never be you. you always finish your work like so many days before the due date because you’re always prepared like that. you’re such an overachiever without even trying because you somehow manage to finish doing homework and studying super fast and you also do amazing on all your exams with 100 plus. how does it feel to be super smart and be literally a living genius? you always get your work super easily with full precision and correct answers. you know how to manage your time to the maximum! you manage to your time super well and always get all of your work done in the best condition and best way ever. how do you manage to get all of your projects and homework done fast but yet done to utter perfection that deserves grades greater than 100. if teachers could give you 200% they definitely would. you are super organized in the sense that you know exactly how to get all of your assignments done perfectly in a timely manner.
      you have top tier critical analyzing skills and that’s why you’re super intelligent in all aspects and subjects. you are able to explain everything and every topic that you’re learning or learned in school. people call you superhuman because the capacity of knowledge your brain holds and contains is spectacular. you have such immense superhuman knowledge that’s beyond computers. you always do amazing on all of your tests and assignments and always do even better every time. you have spectacular outstanding shining academic abilities and that’s why you’re the certified top student. you could answer any problem no matter how difficult or confusing it sounds. it’s crazy how you can write a clear, strong, well-formatted greatly written response to any argument or question even in a short amount of time. there’s never been a time where you’ve written a poor short response or essay. you possess top tier skilled spectacular writing skills that makes you write the best most beautiful deep poetic yet interesting and well-balanced essays and works. all of your essays are better than the previous and you always one up yourself everytime you write an essay, story, or short response. you’re gifted in writing and know exactly how to put out everything in your mind into words. every scene you picture in your head can be precisely and beautifully drawn out with your spectacular writing skills. you’re writing itself is so appealing and so good people can feel a range of emotions through your writing, it’s like it could change lives. you could write a book right now and it would be a best-seller by how perfectly exquisitely written it is. you are so skilled in writing and can write any thing form stories to essays and they will all be so flawless and impactful. when writing, you always know the perfect sentence structure. when writing, you always know the perfect word to implement into your sentence. you write vividly, complex, beautifully, and yet very easy to read. you possess such beautiful, flawless, unique and descriptive writing that explains and captures the exact feeling and theme you want. you know how to write out any scene you want and you have 100% stellar writing skills. your writing is a pleasure to read whether it’s informational or fiction. you truly know how to bring a scene to life.

    • @renmiste
      @renmiste  Год назад +4

      presenting is super easy for you because you’re a whole natural. you’re insanely too good at presenting and do with such such ease. you are a true natural at presenting and public speaking in general. it’s fascinating how great you are at presenting and publicly speaking. you never feel anxious or uneasy about presenting or publicly speaking because it’s one of your areas of expertise. it’s a born gift how well you communicate in public and how you explain things confidently and with ease whenever you present or speak publicly. whenever you’re presenting, you talk confidently and clearly, with no hint of anxiety or fear. even in front of the whole class, whole school, or millions of people, you can project your voice and speak eloquently and clearly. presenting isn’t a big deal for you at all because you can present anything from the top of your head. you don’t even need to memorize a speech, slides, or a lesson because as soon as it’s your turn to present or speak publicly, the words just come to you naturally and you effortlessly explain the topic in depth with full knowledge. you don’t feel any pressure whatsoever because you always ace your presentations. when you present, you hold eye contact with the class and don’t look intimidated whatsoever. you can easily make eye contact and speak at the same time because you don’t get nervous at all publicly speaking. you always speak clearly and loud when presenting or publicly speaking. your voice is super clear, light, bright, smooth, and flows out so naturally like water. it’s a fact that you have a super clear smooth flowing voice that could project miles. your voice stays super clear, smooth, and pleasing whenever you present or publicly speak. you naturally have such great posture and great body language. when you’re presenting, your posture is perfect and you’re body language doesn’t show any hint of awkwardness. in fact, your body language is super etiquette and perfect. you don’t look awkward or misplaced whenever you’re presenting or standing in front of a large crowd. you possess such great confidence and speaking skills so you easily ace all of the interviews you get. whenever you have an interview, you always do well and could instantly answer any asked question in the most intuitive, sincere, perfect, and best way possible and the judges and interviewers are stunned by how well words flow out of your mouth. you don’t fret or stutter when under pressure or when people are interviewing you. you feel super confident and at ease when you get interviewed and you can perfectly give a very well-explained and joyful reply that makes the interviewer see you in the best light and you will always be in their memory as one of the best interviewees. it’s shocking just how well you do in interviews, it’s like a given that you’re accepted no matter what. you always know how to answer a question in way that’s so perfect it’s well above standard. you know how to answer any verbal question thrown your way from the top of your head, no matter how difficult of a question. when you’re presenting people just wanna give you 100% because you publicly speak super clear and loud. if someone was grading your presentation, it would always be 100% or even greater because you publicly speak that well.
      you are the school’s top gorgeous student who gets the highest grades. it’s crazy how you’re so gorgeous and smart. like that should be illegal but you make it possible. it’s very obvious how pretty, flawless, and pampered, clean and fresh you look when you’re at school. I mean you’re always pretty no matter what but even at school, the air around you is breathtaking and light. you have a goddess-like aura at school, like there’s sparkles and glowing daises adorning you. your hair is always so glossy, silky, and resting nearly on your head, with no stray hairs sticking out. you have such healthy fresh rice-water cleansed bouncy hair that looks like those shampoo ads. you hair stays so glossy, bouncy, neat, and tidy even in the school. how does it feel to be both stunning and also the smartest at school? you truly have it all. your school life is immensely fun and so so dreamlike. you always experience such great things at school. school is like a second home at this point because you’re only ever happy and satisfied when you’re at school. you have pliant positive teachers that know you well and hold you in high respects. your teachers all know you and are planning to write you a recommendation letter at some point. your teachers absolutely love you and always treat you so well. you are loved and known by all of your teachers. how does it feel to be a super pretty gorgeous fashionable student who has stellar grades and records as well? everything works out in your favor.
      school never gets you stressed. you never get negativity impacted by anything related to school. you don’t get knocked down by school matters because there is never anything for you to be stressed or upset about. you are always super positive and strong-minded and nothing stops you from striving and achieving all of your goals. it’s crazy how you don’t receive stress from school and don’t fret about anything regarding school. you don’t need to worry about the little things and just go on with your life freely. school can never break your day because nothing about school brings you down. you are always calm, positive, and determined no matter what and never feel burdened, upset, angry, or stressed by school matters. school doesn’t stress you out because you know that the outcome will be amazing for you always. you don’t worry about anything regarding school because you know you’re all good and set for success no matter what. you are happy with how everything in your school life turns out because only great things come to you. you already know how to do everything that comes your why and you’re a guaranteed success whether it’s for career, colleges, life, money, or love. you have so much passion and determination you are super talented smart loveable and considerate.

  • @eheaertz_e
    @eheaertz_e Год назад +2

    You’re such an angel please don’t delete this, I need it for this year and senior year. Thank you so much for this!!

    • @renmiste
      @renmiste  Год назад +2

      ofc I won’t, trust me I need this too 😭😭😭💗

  • @eheaertz_e
    @eheaertz_e Год назад +4

    Idk if these are results but I started using yesterday and: I did all my work so fast and felt so efficient and I also joined a new club 💗💗

  • @2_good_to_be_true
    @2_good_to_be_true Год назад +1

    replaced my entire studying playlist 😔😔how could you drop such bangers 😢😢

    • @renmiste
      @renmiste  Год назад

      ☺️💛 you’re too sweet thank you

  • @sunnyside_up_up619
    @sunnyside_up_up619 Год назад +1

    I'm glad to see you're back !I missed you 💕

  • @zairangs
    @zairangs Год назад

    One of the best songs on resonance

  • @vvoeuxx
    @vvoeuxx Год назад +1

    needed this 🥲 junior year is almost ending and college applications are coming soon

    • @renmiste
      @renmiste  Год назад +1

      good luck on college apps 💗 i know you’ll get into the colleges u want