Bigbradwolf ... lol ... Everyone’s entitled to their opinion I suppose, but do you think you can do any better? Politics is not an easy profession, that’s all I’m saying bud 😅
This is far more interesting and in depth watchable than the 6pm News 🤟 And I'm not sure any other Country Leader globally has covered so much ground and topics with Covid 19 on a daily basis to their population like Jacinda 🤟 Credit where credit's due, All Kudos Jacinda, You Got Us Covered ❤️ Pure AWESOMENESS ❤️
@Bigbradwolf She has done better then other P.Ms before her. I pressume you can do better or are you just one of those less fortunate people who has no life but hate. Jacinda is a wonderful P.M and I hope she wins next election🙂
Bigbradwolf To answer your question in a few words: She has stopped thousands from dying and our health system from collapsing. It’s happening in many other countries, watch international news please.
@keikonei au Jacinda has only two skills, she can eat apples through a picot fence like a pro, and she can look you straight in the eye and lie about anything like the best of them
So our pm is doing what she sees is appropriate throughout this pandemic for the citizens of our country as well as other leaders have for theirs,we've followed suit to minimise the spread key word minimise can't stamp it out until you stamp it out with a stamper.this is a new flu.. or is it?so of course our immunities per individual will have challenges to fight it yes people have died which is sad and unfortunate, majorities died with the virus and a lot of variables of their health needs to be considered to say they died sole from corona virus is inaccurate as a whole. Theres An average of 250-500 thousand influenza related deaths globally a year with controlled vaccinations,we don't have vaccines for this yet that we know of. This virus doesn't concern me as much as others,I'm more concerned of the aftermath of it all. The likely hood is we will be in lockdown until they can control this virus medically but even then you still have carriers of this virus if lock down is lifted.
She's a good prime minister. She's also shows that she cares about her country. I live here on a work visa. I would love to become a citizen here, great job!👍
From across the ditch....she's doing a damn fine job for you Kiwi's, keep up the great work Jacinda 👍 cheers from Aus, stay inside and stay safe all!!!!!!!!!!!
Straight up......A True Taonga for all us kiwis and blessed to have this Wahine Toa leading and protecting our people.. God bless all around our world because we all need it.
I am proud she is my prime minister.she is a fantastic leader and she is doing a fabulous job .keep up the good work. May God grant you the strength and courage to overcome all obstacles. You are a true leader.
@Fred Dagg Well, as I am a 60 year old woman looking "boy" face might be a bit difficult for me. But as I say come election time we'll see. I must say your lack of maturity with your thought processing and choice of language is showing.
What u have done for our country and everything that has happened since u being the pm.i will say well done your doing such a great job...and I for 1 thank u,your a pm who thinks of her people and her country more then anything else And must be hard doing your job and being a parent at the same time putting your country's needs before your own family
I sooo miss my family but I'm doing exactly what our PM said. Lockdown saves lives. NZ U ARE ALL DOING GREAT. May our Lord be with our sick here and around the world❤️
John Redman at least our grandchildren will be happy we are still around though because of this lockdown. So I’ll take that anytime and our ability to workout a way better economic and health recovery plan is our typical way of working hard together to get us back to thriving again. Yep! That’s the NZ way!
@@2honia741 Or they will they be gutted that this planet is so over populated and the oldies are still around contributing nothing but health problems.
God God who would of wanted Jacindas job in the last 12 months. Reading the negative comments on the PMs performance during this terrible time, for those of you this old adage comes to mind🤔 It's hard telling an expert they are wrong but bloody impossible telling an idiot they are wrong.
We have to track the virus , it's a deadly virus AND SOME PEOPLE ARE NOT FOLLOWING THE LOCKDOWN RULES AND THAT MAKES THE VIRUS WORSE THAT'S WHY ITS MUCH WORSE and always wash your hands sneeze into your elbow and thanks to Jacinda Arden
@Neil Shannon - She the PM therefore she delegates responsibility and keeps an overview of what is happing. JA takes advise from the experts and uses these resources to manage the Pandemic plan which is always evolving though physical action or policy. So to say she is not in control of a virus is correct but she is in control of a plan that has proving affective against this virus. But if you are say she is not in control of the over all situation than you are stupid and annoying. People are asking questions they are called the media. After every brief there is a Q and A session.
@@interceptorm5 - People are using the terminology over and over again. Looks to me your just a mouth piece a PUPPET. Dance little puppet sit, now roll over.
Tom Tumata Come on New Zealand I think it’s time you swap with us will have her you’re never getting her back and you can have Boris Johnson I don’t think it’s a fair swap but we get her
@Orange Roughy - So what if martial law was issued and it saved 1000's of lives. Would you jump on your soap box and scream it was wrong??? Let's see who has the moral high ground now.
Great pm she really cares about her people .and i am a kiwi living in Norway we have lock down here also but she acted so fast that you guys have. Much lower Numbers and deaths than the rest of the world .she deserves the noble prize that is given out here from Norway.
Love you GIRL, thank you for all that you do. Can we have a nation celebration when we beat this??like all New Zealanders step out onto thier streets sing our anthem, a country wide haka ( exactly the same haka, performed at exactly the same time and listen to how far our voices are heard❤
@Orange Roughy - These "good little sheep" are kicking ass when to comes to this virus. Why don't you be a good little nationalist and crawl back into your hole. The sheep have the power and you have...…..?????
@@Lou84mm that is indeed true. I was against this at first but seeing our numbers so low and only One death in comparison to every other country affected in the world is reason enough to follow procedure. I'm. Hoping the minimum time is all that's needed.
@@julz3tt3 We all want this to be just 4 weeks but remember this is a slow move back from level 4-3-2. This will take around 1-3 months but each level down means more freedom and return to normalcy. Our goal is not to control this virus but eradicate it from our country.
So far just one person has died.. just one... And madam prime minister has not forgotten because everything she has implemented this far is evidence of that. She's saved so many lives and I hope she continues to do so regardless of whatever flaws she possesses. I know a good character when I see one
Primary schools go back on the 29th and tertiary institutions are switching all but a few of their classes to online study for the remainder of the year. I understand a certain latitude is being given to secondary schools but you're looking at two extra weeks approx and most schools are looking at online classes. They will of course cater these to zones/deciles as some students won't have access to devices.
Hopefully reckless people doing stupid things will STOP So all the responsible people can get out of Lockdown.😡😭I also thank Jacinta and her team putting us in lockdown as I feel alot safer.. hopefully she doesn't get sick too .😄
@Orange Roughy - Why do you insist on showing the world how mentally and morally deficient you are. Let me explain how you are always wrong; 1. JA knew sacking Clark would cause serious disruption to the ongoing Pandemic response Plan since he was a key figure. JA put the need of the country first. He has been disciplined and his career is over. 2. JA and the govt are leading the country and your alarmist rhetoric sounds more like wild eyed hysteria then the pragmatic approach of the govt with the lock down. A lock down strategy that is proving on a daily bases to be successful. 3. NZ is doing the right thing for NZ. The govt has approached this pandemic with an open transparency of the govt performance identifying it's successes and it's failure and how they will address short comings on a daily brief followed by Q AND A with the media. Not your normal play book grab for a totalitarian govt strategy. 4. Health scepticism yes. Paranoia no.
@Orange Roughy - Again you learn nothing. Let me quote a little Star trek "The needs of the many out weigh the needs of the few or the one", JA put the needs of the country before her own personal need in wanting him sacked, she has mentioned this on a number of Q and A with media. The fact you cannot recognise the difference in the situation only confirms your limitations. You're just as dumb with or without the bucket on your head.
Jacinta Adern is a very fine Prime Minister, an example to leaders around the world. Now, you've given us Russel Crowe, Sam Neil (though he spends far too much time in his vineyards), so I'm hoping you Kiwis will think hard about an absoprtion of nations. We can be one. We're so close. We are a collection of islands, and it seems obvious to me that one nation could comprise 4 islands so close to each other. Please, please consider making Australia part of New Zealand. ;-)
worldwide deathrate of just those tested is 5.4% very much less than half infected have been tested. that means that the death rate is VERY low. Can we move on with our lives now? or is this about installing multinational corporate fascism worldwide?
Hopefully we will get back to normal soon, not seeing friends or family is a bit of a pain, supermarkets some have very long queue, i,m not sure were wearing masks ( maybe i am wrong i was in a car, mask on ) how do you know the health of the others in the queue???? I must say Jacinda Ardern is a very good leader to help get us thru all of this. For me though one thing and another almost two full years of not working or being stuck at home, it is getting a bit tiresome!
@@Mell0wY3ll0w I know, I've been listening. Q. If someone else is shouting insults into a bag, why follow their example? You will achieve everything they do: looking silly and sounding contemptible.
Except that due to feminism and other means we are not having children, and if you think that immigrants will foot the bill for this lunacy you must be as much of a lunatic as people who support the lunacy in the first place.
Best ever Prime Minster. She put people before profit because she fully appreciate the concept healthy population translates to healthy economy. Go New Zealand go Prime Minister Jacinda Arden. Respect
You're doing just great Prime Minister. I'm absolutely happy with your leadership & I trust your judgement inexplicably. Get some time to enjoy lockdown with your own family. This time has been absolutely a blessing in disguise.
Id like to hear more info other than precautions, number of deaths and cases. Like the illness period, recovery period. The period of time this virus effects us, those who recovered and who unfortunately lost their lives. It would be smart to film this inside the hospital. Patients are already on camera anyway and this would show the reality of it. Plus more tracking of the illness in people and what they go thru in hospital thru their recovery. If we can see the reality of this over hearing numbers and figures and frankly hearsay because we aren't actually seeing it, I think it would be beneficial to all of us. I don't see these topics at the forefront of the news or announcements. Maybe I should look harder for this info or I'm alone in thinking that this is important. More highlighted coverage in the news about progression in the pursuit of vaccination or a cure would be better as well. I think this is more relevant info to us as apposed to hearing daily numbers and figures. Im still hearing the focus on the economy and money over health and communities. I am alone in this opinion?
Thank you pm Jacinda for your greatness. I am thinking something extra for covid 19, Iam not very sure but the yarsgumba may help to recover covid 19 because yarsa gumb helping for immunity system asthama or many other disease not sure it could help or not.but we could try in labrotaroy. Though i am not doctor or medical student that is just my opinion
Professor Dr Sucharit Bhakdi explains why a lockdown is an inappropriate reaction. Other infectious diseases specialists, epidemiologists, say it's counter productive in delaying the point at which herd immunity is reached, which is the objective.
as much as its hard on lockdown,all kiwi have to try living with it,was great as this we kiwi must fight the virus,it is in the air,these gern can sit on ourcloths and boy hair,it good tohave a warm shower before moving around the home before they attach any family members,we have to be a team and fight this virus for our loved one,to put the cloth worn out into laudry,we must be proud kiwisas we are blessed with a fantastic president,who love each and every one,it is so infactious,will go partying with anyone with low immune systen,lets work together as a team and make nz strong,we are bkess wither a great orime minister,may lord guide all those dhb staff who sacrafice to save lifes
If you had watched the daily briefs you would have the answers to your questions about modelling, data testing number and trends. But you would rather make empty headed comment without research. WHY ARE YOU HIDING.I ASKED YOU TO ANSWER MY QUESTION AFTER YOU OPENED YOUR BIG MOUTH AND NOW YOU HIDE LIKE A LITTLE BABY. NEXT TIME DON'T OPEN YOUR MOUTH UNLESS YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT.
Get off level 4 now you witch or we will all in mass go back to business and work. You can't do anything about it witch. So now deaths are so low your talking about tactics to get more as suspected cases. All this for a virus that has killed less than the cold and flu.
Means random testing for Covid 19 to try and find cases in the community without symptoms. Sounds scarier than it is. They could have named it random testing. But random might get offended.
Ardern acted in a way that made a lot of kiwis respect her when this all started. Now 10-11 days into it she’s already starting to crack. Opening up more stores. Rules around travel have been lifted now we’re allowed to visit direct family and travel to another area of a family owned house is ther. E.g Bach. The police can’t enforce the supposed 4000 dollar fine or arrest anyone who’s not following the rules set in the first few days. West Auckland has alcohol stores open because now it’s seen as essential? Ah she knew abuse, family violence had risen in other country’s so yeah let’s add alcohol and she when a murder comes. People still flying into our “closed” boarders. Still flights around the country. Yet people still think she’s shit hot. Because she was pregnant and went through a terrorist attack. Wow one little thing like that happens and now she’s a hero? Why? What about the attacks all over the world and who’s prime minister or president went through that and they either just deal to it or are tied up with conspiracy. Wake up NZ you bunch of sheep.
"Rules around travel have been lifted now we’re allowed to visit direct family and travel to another area of a family owned house is ther. E.g Bach." When did she say this? Provide facts when did JA say this? Question, when was the last time you held a nation together after a terrorist attack. You must have experience since it was "one little thing"? The simple answer is never because you lack the intelligence, the discipline, the courage, the personality and experience to do her job. Yet you feel you can commit on such a situation as if you know anything about it. Domestic violence is an issue in NZ but blaming JA is ridicules. People have to take responsibility for their own actions, it doesn't mean govt wont provide support, but ultimately it is the individual who must take the blame. If govt did become proactive in entering homes people like would shout "Police state". Our borders are closed to non Kiwi, but, if you are a Kiwi returning home then you have every right as a citizen of this country to do so. At the airport everyone fills out a questionnaire then interview before being placed into 1 of 3 categories. The first 2 are managed isolation and the last is self isolation with the police doing a follow up. JA is the PM of NZ not the world. What happens around the world is sad at times but what has happen in NZ over the last 12 months directly affect this country so we focused on our hurt, our pain, and our loss. If you don't like that leave the country.
@@matman8159 - The fact we will have a work force because of this plan is the priority. The fact you can't see pass your own nose and see the big picture is why JA is PM.
w leota 😂 why she’s pm. Wasn’t even voted in love. Oh don’t worry , I am looking at the big picture. You’s are all just too busy running round freaking out to see past your own nose.
D D it’s general knowledge. All over the news. Don’t be silly and try rewrite history. General knowledge those dirty ferals tried to cover it up as early as November.
- The plan is move from 4 to 3 and so on as we gauge the presence of the virus in our country. We will be at some level of emergency over the next 4-5months at lest. But every level down means more freedom to return to some kind of normalcy.
There was a very straight answer. 4 weeks at least. dependant on results that don't even exist yet. Since all the school kids are at home , perhaps you could get one of them to explain it to you.
Been a Prime Minister is one tough job. Updating the country everyday, sometimes more than once a day! ... Tumeke Jacinda 😎👍
Looks like your gonna be typing your favourite word quite a lot mate! Majority are on the same tip as me 🤣
@@KiwiKoNZ beta male
Bigbradwolf ... lol ... Everyone’s entitled to their opinion I suppose, but do you think you can do any better? Politics is not an easy profession, that’s all I’m saying bud 😅
@harvey blacktonbitter, nasty "little" person aren't ya...shame for you is you got another 3+years left of this ...👍😁
This is far more interesting and in depth watchable than the 6pm News 🤟 And I'm not sure any other Country Leader globally has covered so much ground and topics with Covid 19 on a daily basis to their population like Jacinda 🤟 Credit where credit's due, All Kudos Jacinda, You Got Us Covered ❤️ Pure AWESOMENESS ❤️
@Bigbradwolf She has done better then other P.Ms before her. I pressume you can do better or are you just one of those less fortunate people who has no life but hate. Jacinda is a wonderful P.M and I hope she wins next election🙂
Bigbradwolf To answer your question in a few words: She has stopped thousands from dying and our health system from collapsing. It’s happening in many other countries, watch international news please.
@keikonei au Jacinda has only two skills, she can eat apples through a picot fence like a pro, and she can look you straight in the eye and lie about anything like the best of them
So our pm is doing what she sees is appropriate throughout this pandemic for the citizens of our country as well as other leaders have for theirs,we've followed suit to minimise the spread key word minimise can't stamp it out until you stamp it out with a stamper.this is a new flu.. or is it?so of course our immunities per individual will have challenges to fight it yes people have died which is sad and unfortunate, majorities died with the virus and a lot of variables of their health needs to be considered to say they died sole from corona virus is inaccurate as a whole. Theres An average of 250-500 thousand influenza related deaths globally a year with controlled vaccinations,we don't have vaccines for this yet that we know of. This virus doesn't concern me as much as others,I'm more concerned of the aftermath of it all. The likely hood is we will be in lockdown until they can control this virus medically but even then you still have carriers of this virus if lock down is lifted.
She's a good prime minister. She's also shows that she cares about her country. I live here on a work visa. I would love to become a citizen here, great job!👍
From across the ditch....she's doing a damn fine job for you Kiwi's, keep up the great work Jacinda 👍 cheers from Aus, stay inside and stay safe all!!!!!!!!!!!
Ditto here
Tippo yes she is doing a great job especially during this time 😃 thank you for that, & May god be with you and your country 💙❄️
@Fred Dagg I think she would run off to the UN,, that is who she is really working for
i dno fred would you rather good old bridges?
lmao i bet you you thnk 5g caused covid-19 to
well done Kiwis from a kiwi in west aussie
@@earnestonslaught3555 up yours bro
@harvey blackton she's got a beautiful face don't hate, appreciate 😇
Just because she looks nice doesn't automatically mean she is doing a good job.
@@bro-be3bd i was talking about her face not her job you jedi dork lol
Keith go back home
Super woman 😊 We are so proud of you Jacinda! You are making history.
Straight up......A True Taonga for all us kiwis and blessed to have this Wahine Toa leading and protecting our people..
God bless all around our world because we all need it.
@@dresantana7832 G? Stay home!!
Excellent work NZ - great leadership
harvey blackton why?
I am proud she is my prime minister.she is a fantastic leader and she is doing a fabulous job .keep up the good work. May God grant you the strength and courage to overcome all obstacles. You are a true leader.
she doesn't believe in your god, you also have no idea what a true leader is
She is Satanic and gave the Clintons 20m
Atleast we got a PM that's actually onto it. Thankyou Jacinda😊
@Fred Dagg homelessness in nz was around for many years before Jacinda came into power, and for some homeless people it is a lifestye choice.
@Fred Dagg Hopefully.
@Fred Dagg your opinion is not shared by many.
@Fred Dagg Well, as I am a 60 year old woman looking "boy" face might be a bit difficult for me. But as I say come election time we'll see. I must say your lack of maturity with your thought processing and choice of language is showing.
@Fred Dagg lol 😄
we are so proud of your hard mahi trying your best to protect your country. Keep up the greatness Jacinda.
What u have done for our country and everything that has happened since u being the pm.i will say well done your doing such a great job...and I for 1 thank u,your a pm who thinks of her people and her country more then anything else
And must be hard doing your job and being a parent at the same time putting your country's needs before your own family
Yep, cant believe how many people in the comments are commending here for her *GrEaT aChEiVeMeNtS*
Aderns ripping up with how she and her teams handled this so far. Vote for Jacinda!!!
she may be nice and all, but she doesn't know how to run a country
I sooo miss my family but I'm doing exactly what our PM said. Lockdown saves lives. NZ U ARE ALL DOING GREAT. May our Lord be with our sick here and around the world❤️
A master class in leadership
I feel proud of having this woman as our PM. Well done so far Jacinda :)
Ichirinov yes, I agree.
Your grand children wont be proud when they still pay for this !!
John Redman at least our grandchildren will be happy we are still around though because of this lockdown. So I’ll take that anytime and our ability to workout a way better economic and health recovery plan is our typical way of working hard together to get us back to thriving again. Yep! That’s the NZ way!
@@2honia741 Or they will they be gutted that this planet is so over populated and the oldies are still around contributing nothing but health problems.
Wont be so proud 8 months into the depression......
God God who would of wanted Jacindas job in the last 12 months. Reading the negative comments on the PMs performance during this terrible time, for those of you this old adage comes to mind🤔 It's hard telling an expert they are wrong but bloody impossible telling an idiot they are wrong.
MUCH WORSE and always wash your hands sneeze into your elbow and thanks to Jacinda Arden
@Neil Shannon - She the PM therefore she delegates responsibility and keeps an overview of what is happing. JA takes advise from the experts and uses these resources to manage the Pandemic plan which is always evolving though physical action or policy. So to say she is not in control of a virus is correct but she is in control of a plan that has proving affective against this virus. But if you are say she is not in control of the over all situation than you are stupid and annoying.
People are asking questions they are called the media. After every brief there is a Q and A session.
@@interceptorm5 Refer to the last paragraph of my comment flat earther.
@Neil Shannon - That is reality just stop taking those pills and look around. What part of NZ are you from?
@@interceptorm5 - People are using the terminology over and over again. Looks to me your just a mouth piece a PUPPET. Dance little puppet sit, now roll over.
Best prime minister to come outta NZ💯
Most definitely she is awsum
Yup shes awesome! Actual good person ripping it up at politics
Tom Tumata Come on New Zealand I think it’s time you swap with us will have her you’re never getting her back and you can have Boris Johnson I don’t think it’s a fair swap but we get her
D D listening to twin peak theme song your most welcome😁
@D D FYI it was National that totally fucked the housing market, shes trying to clean up the mess left by John Key and his team of corporate fatcats
Thank you Jacinda for the lockdown. My friends and I feel safer at home under this circumstance.
Heir apparent silly thing to say. Not the time for racism.
@Orange Roughy - So what if martial law was issued and it saved 1000's of lives. Would you jump on your soap box and scream it was wrong??? Let's see who has the moral high ground now.
Thank you for the lockdown? oh my god
I'm proud to be a kiwi and we have a great leader good work Jacinda Ardern keep it up kia tamatane
Cool, we will be ok.....Hopefully
Imma phrase Bob marley "don't worry be happy"
Great pm she really cares about her people .and i am a kiwi living in Norway we have lock down here also but she acted so fast that you guys have. Much lower Numbers and deaths than the rest of the world .she deserves the noble prize that is given out here from Norway.
Where are the community cases in Auckland?
Not a 100% sure but check the govt web online.
All over the place. Orewa, West, south, North shore.
Love you GIRL, thank you for all that you do. Can we have a nation celebration when we beat this??like all New Zealanders step out onto thier streets sing our anthem, a country wide haka ( exactly the same haka, performed at exactly the same time and listen to how far our voices are heard❤
@Orange Roughy AND we ain't all European either but we still follow the anthem in English so???
How many cases now?. Also agree to keep to the lockdown, for as long as we need to be in it..
@Orange Roughy - These "good little sheep" are kicking ass when to comes to this virus. Why don't you be a good little nationalist and crawl back into your hole. The sheep have the power and you have...…..?????
@@Lou84mm that is indeed true. I was against this at first but seeing our numbers so low and only One death in comparison to every other country affected in the world is reason enough to follow procedure. I'm. Hoping the minimum time is all that's needed.
@@julz3tt3 We all want this to be just 4 weeks but remember this is a slow move back from level 4-3-2. This will take around 1-3 months but each level down means more freedom and return to normalcy. Our goal is not to control this virus but eradicate it from our country.
Please extend the lockdown I ain't ready to meet my crush at course, to whom I declared my love too because I thought I was gonna die 😅😂
Infamous Doom 😂🤦🏻♂️😂
Good luck 👍
You glorious bastard. I wish you good fortune in the battle ahead. 🤣🤣👍👍
How about isolating only those people who in risk group? or better yet use example of Sweden.
NZ has multigenerational debt now because we didn't do this :(
So far just one person has died.. just one... And madam prime minister has not forgotten because everything she has implemented this far is evidence of that. She's saved so many lives and I hope she continues to do so regardless of whatever flaws she possesses. I know a good character when I see one
Will all collage be open after 4 weeks??
@Wild One you're
Primary schools go back on the 29th and tertiary institutions are switching all but a few of their classes to online study for the remainder of the year. I understand a certain latitude is being given to secondary schools but you're looking at two extra weeks approx and most schools are looking at online classes. They will of course cater these to zones/deciles as some students won't have access to devices.
Hopefully reckless people doing stupid things will STOP So all the responsible people can get out of Lockdown.😡😭I also thank Jacinta and her team putting us in lockdown as I feel alot safer.. hopefully she doesn't get sick too .😄
@Orange Roughy - Why do you insist on showing the world how mentally and morally deficient you are. Let me explain how you are always wrong;
1. JA knew sacking Clark would cause serious disruption to the ongoing Pandemic response Plan since he was a key figure. JA put the need of the country first. He has been disciplined and his career is over.
2. JA and the govt are leading the country and your alarmist rhetoric sounds more like wild eyed hysteria then the pragmatic approach of the govt with the lock down. A lock down strategy that is proving on a daily bases to be successful.
3. NZ is doing the right thing for NZ. The govt has approached this pandemic with an open transparency of the govt performance identifying it's successes and it's failure and how they will address short comings on a daily brief followed by Q AND A with the media. Not your normal play book grab for a totalitarian govt strategy.
4. Health scepticism yes. Paranoia no.
@Orange Roughy - Again you learn nothing. Let me quote a little Star trek "The needs of the many out weigh the needs of the few or the one", JA put the needs of the country before her own personal need in wanting him sacked, she has mentioned this on a number of Q and A with media.
The fact you cannot recognise the difference in the situation only confirms your limitations. You're just as dumb with or without the bucket on your head.
Thank you PM awesome job up to date country what's going on GB Aotearoa 💚💙💛❤🤞🙏🤞
Jacinta Adern is a very fine Prime Minister, an example to leaders around the world. Now, you've given us Russel Crowe, Sam Neil (though he spends far too much time in his vineyards), so I'm hoping you Kiwis will think hard about an absoprtion of nations. We can be one. We're so close. We are a collection of islands, and it seems obvious to me that one nation could comprise 4 islands so close to each other. Please, please consider making Australia part of New Zealand. ;-)
West Island ;)
Literally the whole world loves Jacinda- a fellow Aussie
She's a New Zealander
jed hermit no worries, I can swap you a ScoMo for a Jacinda
@@viriamadaniela3589 lol no chance, you can't have her. Keep safe💜
@@carmenradk6992 wait... For you, I'll chuck in former PM Tony Abbott along with ScoMo. Final deal
@@viriamadaniela3589 lol, I thought when negotiating you were ment to make you final offer better, not worse!!!
New Zealand deserves better.
I’m in awe every time she speaks 👍🏽
Dan Stuart each to their own 👍🏽
worldwide deathrate of just those tested is 5.4%
very much less than half infected have been tested.
that means that the death rate is VERY low.
Can we move on with our lives now?
or is this about installing multinational corporate fascism worldwide?
@roguemale TheOne&Only just asking...isn't a phrase like corporate facism something out of the leftwing handbook?just asking
Hopefully we will get back to normal soon, not seeing friends or family is a bit of a pain, supermarkets some have very long queue, i,m not sure were wearing masks ( maybe i am wrong i was in a car, mask on ) how do you know the health of the others in the queue????
I must say Jacinda Ardern is a very good leader to help get us thru all of this.
For me though one thing and another almost two full years of not working or being stuck at home, it is getting a bit tiresome!
Good leadership respect Ireland
So how long will it be ?
For weeks minimum...
She's said how many times now?😒
18 months
4 years
Boss Lady 😍
How ever long it takes....we can do this. If you need flour, rice or milk powder..... I ll help you anyway I can to keep our people safe.
awesome pm
what about those international student who already got nz visa..
@@drgreenthumb2190 okk... and what abhout extenstion of arrival date. or classes extension....
@@nitinpandit331 same question bro??
Wuhan built a hospital in 2days. You can build a new Uni in 2days and we can send the teachers to you.
Does lockdown finish 23rd or 24th
Lockdown finish on the 67th
Only 1 death as of today in NZ. How many other countries can state that as a fact.
24 other Countries can.
Go back and sit on your potty instead of doing it on here.
@Joe Shabidu you mean working and paying taxes so you can sit on your arse! Shut your mouth
Poor Jacinda having to call out Australia because Australia tries to be like the US. Look how the US is doing.
We are doing awful mate. I wish we had leaders like Jacinda.
@@InstigationMex95 - You guys will make it through just stay safe and watch out for the idiots that think it's just a flu.
She didn't have to call them out. It was petty. Middle finger at people who have enough to deal with.
@@ellejagerman6105 Australia's been calling NZ out for their methods not once but many times. It's all media and politics.
@@Mell0wY3ll0w I know, I've been listening.
Q. If someone else is shouting insults into a bag, why follow their example? You will achieve everything they do: looking silly and sounding contemptible.
This is called true leadership and lead from the front, Love you Jacinda Ardern ❤️️❤️️ You are a super woman👍❤️️
Go on you PM best we be safe then dead
Dont worry your children will pay for everything.
Except that due to feminism and other means we are not having children, and if you think that immigrants will foot the bill for this lunacy you must be as much of a lunatic as people who support the lunacy in the first place.
@@allenbird3652 really....are you that stupid?
Yes we'll done I must say so thank you this time has allowed family time where it was some what impossible keep up the good work
God bless the traditional marriage between a man and a woman
God bless that I can love who I want.
There is no god, love who you want. ✌️
close the borders indefinitely
I agree or 2week wait at the border. Things cant go back how it was after this.
Should have never been so open as they got . Stop immigration now
Best ever Prime Minster. She put people before profit because she fully appreciate the concept healthy population translates to healthy economy. Go New Zealand go Prime Minister Jacinda Arden. Respect
I m biggest fan mam love from india 🥰🥰🥰 grate job
You're doing just great Prime Minister. I'm absolutely happy with your leadership & I trust your judgement inexplicably. Get some time to enjoy lockdown with your own family. This time has been absolutely a blessing in disguise.
Wish she's our PM. I always admire her.
Love from India
Well done🖖💗😊🖖💗🖖 blessings to all still wrking hard to keep us all safe thank u
Sam Vaknin
They need to bring back schools jobs
Then why we paid for 12 weeks if its only four
Because the financial effects started before level four was in place and will continue after we leave level 4.
Id like to hear more info other than precautions, number of deaths and cases. Like the illness period, recovery period. The period of time this virus effects us, those who recovered and who unfortunately lost their lives. It would be smart to film this inside the hospital. Patients are already on camera anyway and this would show the reality of it. Plus more tracking of the illness in people and what they go thru in hospital thru their recovery. If we can see the reality of this over hearing numbers and figures and frankly hearsay because we aren't actually seeing it, I think it would be beneficial to all of us. I don't see these topics at the forefront of the news or announcements. Maybe I should look harder for this info or I'm alone in thinking that this is important. More highlighted coverage in the news about progression in the pursuit of vaccination or a cure would be better as well. I think this is more relevant info to us as apposed to hearing daily numbers and figures. Im still hearing the focus on the economy and money over health and communities. I am alone in this opinion?
Go on line and you can find 90 percent of information you want.
Any follow up questions? Yes, Simon. 'does she stand by her governments statements, and actions'
What is your point?
I miss every one from TKKR MAURI TAU MENTAL HEALTH and my nephew in law I also worry about my friend Sarah fawcett from TKKR MAURI TAU MENTAL HEALTH
She's a boss.
what's New Zealand's strategy? squashing the coronavirus or herd immunity?
Wait until winter season starts more cases will occur 🤦♂️
Are we going back to work and school like normal
There is 1160 cases in New Zealand and 1 death
no, there have been 1160 people in New Zealand with a cough and a runny nose and a even smaller number of those people swab tested for Covid-19
Thank you pm Jacinda for your greatness. I am thinking something extra for covid 19, Iam not very sure but the yarsgumba may help to recover covid 19 because yarsa gumb helping for immunity system asthama or many other disease not sure it could help or not.but we could try in labrotaroy. Though i am not doctor or medical student that is just my opinion
John ioaniddis, j. Bhattacharya, s. Bhakdi
Professor Dr Sucharit Bhakdi explains why a lockdown is an inappropriate reaction. Other infectious diseases specialists, epidemiologists, say it's counter productive in delaying the point at which herd immunity is reached, which is the objective.
@traditional food. Absolutely. So I wonder who’s data did they use and what model did they follow?
John Ioaniddis
Might give some perspective
as much as its hard on lockdown,all kiwi have to try living with it,was great as this we kiwi must fight the virus,it is in the air,these gern can sit on ourcloths and boy hair,it good tohave a warm shower before moving around the home before they attach any family members,we have to be a team and fight this virus for our loved one,to put the cloth worn out into laudry,we must be proud kiwisas we are blessed with a fantastic president,who love each and every one,it is so infactious,will go partying with anyone with low immune systen,lets work together as a team and make nz strong,we are bkess wither a great orime minister,may lord guide all those dhb staff who sacrafice to save lifes
Did they have access to these people? Whose model did they follow?
If you had watched the daily briefs you would have the answers to your questions about modelling, data testing number and trends. But you would rather make empty headed comment without research.
Follow Taiwan Model now, God bless everyone from Taiwan
Yeah god bless everyone in New Zealand
stop eating bats Asian
@@deano2000nz Are u a racist? I forgive u saying that. The people of Taiwan will forgive u. Amen
Where does all this money come from?
Gone into debt for it
It's called an emergency budget,that your ass our country has one😒
Money printer go brrrrr
Thin air literally thin air
J. Bhattacharya
Get off level 4 now you witch or we will all in mass go back to business and work. You can't do anything about it witch. So now deaths are so low your talking about tactics to get more as suspected cases. All this for a virus that has killed less than the cold and flu.
Surveillance 🙌🏿??
Means random testing for Covid 19 to try and find cases in the community without symptoms. Sounds scarier than it is. They could have named it random testing. But random might get offended.
Yeah this is actually a hoax the entire world is participating In this together just so they can see what you buy on trademe
@@bellablow4287 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
@@wordzmyth random is a touchy guy lol
5G towers almost done.
Chooice. Got some fotos bro
Haha, found one in the wild!
they need to be 250 metres apart dont they? So you should be able to see a shit load of them. I cant see them haha
Put the pipe down homie
Essential in this time of planetary crisis and plague
Imagine having a leader who actually cares. Looking at you Trump.
Hi jacinda Ardern m p of new Zealand
Tell us where the money come from to pay for all of this !
Gone into debt
Where all money comes from, [printed lol, putting the world and us in a forever never ending debt.
If we all look in the mirror you will have your answer, plus I think we have borrowed money but it needed to be done.
Glad to see David Clark is getting his well-earned reward for setting such a good example.
Ardern acted in a way that made a lot of kiwis respect her when this all started. Now 10-11 days into it she’s already starting to crack. Opening up more stores. Rules around travel have been lifted now we’re allowed to visit direct family and travel to another area of a family owned house is ther. E.g Bach. The police can’t enforce the supposed 4000 dollar fine or arrest anyone who’s not following the rules set in the first few days. West Auckland has alcohol stores open because now it’s seen as essential? Ah she knew abuse, family violence had risen in other country’s so yeah let’s add alcohol and she when a murder comes. People still flying into our “closed” boarders. Still flights around the country. Yet people still think she’s shit hot. Because she was pregnant and went through a terrorist attack. Wow one little thing like that happens and now she’s a hero? Why? What about the attacks all over the world and who’s prime minister or president went through that and they either just deal to it or are tied up with conspiracy. Wake up NZ you bunch of sheep.
What a rant 😅
"Rules around travel have been lifted now we’re allowed to visit direct family and travel to another area of a family owned house is ther. E.g Bach." When did she say this? Provide facts when did JA say this?
Question, when was the last time you held a nation together after a terrorist attack. You must have experience since it was "one little thing"? The simple answer is never because you lack the intelligence, the discipline, the courage, the personality and experience to do her job. Yet you feel you can commit on such a situation as if you know anything about it.
Domestic violence is an issue in NZ but blaming JA is ridicules. People have to take responsibility for their own actions, it doesn't mean govt wont provide support, but ultimately it is the individual who must take the blame. If govt did become proactive in entering homes people like would shout "Police state".
Our borders are closed to non Kiwi, but, if you are a Kiwi returning home then you have every right as a citizen of this country to do so. At the airport everyone fills out a questionnaire then interview before being placed into 1 of 3 categories. The first 2 are managed isolation and the last is self isolation with the police doing a follow up.
JA is the PM of NZ not the world. What happens around the world is sad at times but what has happen in NZ over the last 12 months directly affect this country so we focused on our hurt, our pain, and our loss. If you don't like that leave the country.
Then u probably need stay in your bubble 4eva
Jacinda Ardern, we need you in South Africa.
then here is simon bridges taking the mickey out of the rules hahaha good on him bit of rival entertainment for ya!
MB you won’t be laughing when gst goes up another 5% plus more tax hikes to help pay for this too hard too fast idiotic move.
@@matman8159 did gst go up 5% for david clarks idiotic move?
@@matman8159 - The fact we will have a work force because of this plan is the priority. The fact you can't see pass your own nose and see the big picture is why JA is PM.
w leota 😂 why she’s pm. Wasn’t even voted in love.
Oh don’t worry , I am looking at the big picture. You’s are all just too busy running round freaking out to see past your own nose.
Wild One 😂😂 already paid for 😂😂 good one
Thanks China 👏👏
D D don’t waste all that tinfoil in one go.
D D oh asian obviously lol. “I may should send it “ 😂
D D this is the familiar response I get. You are not the first with the same story line.
Most likely a CCP propaganda bot.
D D well you never know. That ccp is one dodgy corrupt dictatorship.
D D it’s general knowledge. All over the news. Don’t be silly and try rewrite history. General knowledge those dirty ferals tried to cover it up as early as November.
So another words another month after is! you are trying to say.
- The plan is move from 4 to 3 and so on as we gauge the presence of the virus in our country. We will be at some level of emergency over the next 4-5months at lest. But every level down means more freedom to return to some kind of normalcy.
so how long is it gonna be? 2 more weeks? no straight answer with this horse
dupey haha 😂
Oof Scale: High
Hard. We need an accurate answer!
There was a very straight answer. 4 weeks at least. dependant on results that don't even exist yet.
Since all the school kids are at home , perhaps you could get one of them to explain it to you.
Straight answer. No one knows. This is new to the whole world now. What would you reccomend dupey?
This has to be the most shocking accent in the world embarrassing actually
You would be a tool.
Sorry can't understand what you are saying. Did you say you are embarrassing actually?
Ha ha