Lawyers, what's the stupidest case you've ever taken on?

  • Опубликовано: 20 дек 2023
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Комментарии • 199

  • @PupCake1025
    @PupCake1025 6 месяцев назад +237

    I know a Christian from China whose home church pastor had been arrested for religious reasons. And by home church, I mean a church hosted in different congregants basements each week since it was dangerous to be discovered having an organized religious gathering. Religious persecution in China is very real.

    • @tpkyterooluebeck9224
      @tpkyterooluebeck9224 6 месяцев назад +10

      Thank you! This was the story I was trying to talk about in my comment above!

    • @marcorizzoni9766
      @marcorizzoni9766 6 месяцев назад +8

      Technically the followers aren’t persecuted, but the government want control of the clergy, so only pastors and with a permission from them are allowed to officially works as such, and the ones that haven’t the permission (and the followers going to them knowing so) are considered performing sedition.
      Technically is not that hard to get the permission and do your own thing, but basically they want them to be loyal to the party instead of foreign powers. So, easier to get if you are Chinese born member of the party that don’t have that much contact with, for example, the Roman Curia for an aspirant chatolic priest, much harder to get if you are a westerner that came to China to lead the local church.
      Of course that could be a dealbreaker for many reasons (especially for chatolics, that on paper should be always loyal to the Roman Curia and the pope first. On paper, in reality lately there is a lot bitching around “pope Francis is NOT my pope because he is not conservative enough”), but as far as persecutions went, that is a reeeeeally soft one.

    • @avigailwaters6219
      @avigailwaters6219 6 месяцев назад

      Catholics and Christians are two different beliefs. Christians believe in the resurrected Christ and the Bible as who truth. They do not pray to saints and Mary like Catholics do. Christians also don't believe in the pope. The Chinese government also doesn't have separation of church and state. They want full control of what their people believe. They often downplay how harsh they are on Christians and other religions within their country so they can protect their trade with western nations. When they discover Christians or other undesirable beliefs, they are sent to a re-education camp.

    • @freethebirds3578
      @freethebirds3578 5 месяцев назад

      Sounds like someone believes CCP propaganda. Christians are persecuted in China. This rationalization of what's going on shows a breathtaking ignorance of Christianity and Chinese tyranny.

    • @freethebirds3578
      @freethebirds3578 5 месяцев назад

      Sounds like someone believes CCP propaganda. Christians are persecuted in China. This rationalization of what's going on shows a breathtaking ignorance of Christianity and Chinese tyranny.

  • @jamham69
    @jamham69 6 месяцев назад +114

    christianity is common across asia in general but within china, and especially in recent years, persecution for anything that strays from the norm is common.
    belonging to any religion, being foreign or belonging to a minority, being poor, being "low caste", being unmarried. The state doesnt need much of a reason to mistreat you.

    • @suburbanbanshee
      @suburbanbanshee 6 месяцев назад

      Yup. Buddhist, Chinese god worship, Jewish, Christian, Muslim, whatever. The only religion that is not currently persecuted is worship of Mao; and yes, that is a thing with animal sacrifices and incense and such.

  • @pinktastic6159
    @pinktastic6159 6 месяцев назад +88

    Still plenty of religious persecution in China. A friend of mine smuggled Bibles in once. Didn't really realize what would happen if caught.

    • @adamb89
      @adamb89 6 месяцев назад

      That'd be an ex-friend to me. I don't keep religious tardjobs as friends.

    • @redjoker365
      @redjoker365 6 месяцев назад

      You can already buy Bibles in China in Chinese. There's separatists who claim the versions sold publicly within China are improperly translated so they can get people arrested for what's actually sedition but gets reported as religious persecution. Sorry your friend is an idiot who fell for their scam

    • @ActuallyHoudini
      @ActuallyHoudini 2 месяца назад

      Weird. Guy I know orders Bibles _from_ China to resell to churches in bulk.

    • @gavindunn69
      @gavindunn69 Месяц назад

      @@ActuallyHoudini they have no problem selling them thats just business but having your people start thinking out of the hive mind mentality is unacceptable the ccp is a very very fucked up system pardon my french

  • @daniellenicole131
    @daniellenicole131 6 месяцев назад +69

    for sure thought the first lady was going to try to sue her cat

    • @onionbubs386
      @onionbubs386 3 месяца назад +4

      I'd worry about my cat countersuing. She can be litigious.

    • @BeowulfOceanFalcon
      @BeowulfOceanFalcon 3 месяца назад +1

      @@onionbubs386 so true lol

    • @ZombieQueeen
      @ZombieQueeen Месяц назад +1


  • @AoAnli
    @AoAnli 5 месяцев назад +26

    8:38 I'm Chinese and one of the reasons my parents decided to move away was religious persecution (my mother was Catholic and very devout). The CCP will absolutely persecute you for being Christian. China is currently one of only three countries that enforces state atheism (the other two being North Korea and Vietnam) and they believe that religion will lead people away from the CCP's influence. There is no freedom of religion in China. Religious gatherings are illegal in most of the country, and where it is "technically" allowed (like Tibet and Xinjiang), it still won't save you from persecution. I mean, the CCP introduced a law that requires buddhists to ask the government for permission to reincarnate just to piss off the buddhist monks in Tibet. And there's currently an ethnic cleansing going on in Xinjiang where Uyghur Muslims are forced into "reeducation camps" and forced reject their language and religion for Mandarin Chinese and atheism. It's wild.

  • @JG-vh1xc
    @JG-vh1xc 6 месяцев назад +104

    Regarding the poetry guy:
    The petty thing to do would be to have him spell out his entire poem to you while you type it into google translate, wasting *his* time in the same way he wasted yours.

    • @endersdragon34
      @endersdragon34 6 месяцев назад +12

      The lawyer's time is probably more valuable than the poet's though.

    • @JG-vh1xc
      @JG-vh1xc 6 месяцев назад +8

      @@endersdragon34 That's why I said it's the petty thing to do

    • @ayoisha4609
      @ayoisha4609 3 месяца назад

      Clearly you don't know Yoruba people. They are incredibly petty.

  • @jocelynmartin1572
    @jocelynmartin1572 6 месяцев назад +177

    I had cat scratch fever, from my own cat who did not want a flea bath he desperately needed. It's like having the flu, except that he had scratched my face and it seriously aged my skin on the site of the infected scratch.

    • @KaiHenningsen
      @KaiHenningsen 6 месяцев назад +24

      A cat almost killed my mother, but there was no sickness involved. She got up in the night to go to the toilet. The light was off, so she didn't see the black cat ... and probably managed to step on her tail. The cat, obviously, was peed off, so she hit her claws into Mother's leg ... and managed to hit some bigger blood vessels. By the time I woke up and got done to her (I think she did call for help, and that woke me), she was lying in a not-so-small pool of blood, and ... the reason she got up in the first place.
      And she took a lot of convincing for my sister to drive her to the doctor in the morning. Because, like some of the people in these stories, she had ... ideas, let's call it. Not really relevant to the story, except for her not wanting to see a doctor. (She died last year ... from a different problem because she didn't want treatment.)

    • @lydiapetra1211
      @lydiapetra1211 6 месяцев назад +9

      I never even heard of this illness and I grew up with cats all my life.... Iam so sorry to hear this... hope you are doing well!

    • @krazykitty1562
      @krazykitty1562 6 месяцев назад +11

      @@KaiHenningsen rip to your mother, that sounds really painful as well

    • @heatherbrenner8275
      @heatherbrenner8275 5 месяцев назад +4

      I got cats scratch disease from my cat too. It was exactly like having the flu I got really sick. She scratched me on my ankle it was probably 4 years ago and it's still swelled it's never give back to normal

    • @heatherbrenner8275
      @heatherbrenner8275 5 месяцев назад +4

      ​@@lydiapetra1211it sucks really bad. But if you wash and disinfect a cat scratch right away it's not very likely. When it happened to me my cat scratched me but the way she did my pant leg covered it up I didn't even realize it was bleeding

  • @Mavendow
    @Mavendow 6 месяцев назад +100

    That last story was extremely disheartening. My abusive parent would befriend cops and authority figures to ensure everyone was allied to disbelieve my experiences. I was diagnosed with numerous mental disorders and eventually almost removed from this life by poisoning. When that didn't work? Months of starvation. Was I mentally unwell by the end of it? Yeah.
    Did I have a mental disorder? No, no I did not.

    • @lydiapetra1211
      @lydiapetra1211 6 месяцев назад +1

      Are you sure you don't have schizophrenia?

    • @mildlymarvelous
      @mildlymarvelous 6 месяцев назад +4

      How can you be that severely abused and not become mentally ill?!

    • @catcat4697
      @catcat4697 6 месяцев назад +10

      ​@@mildlymarvelousI'm happy you didn't have to learn this yet, but a common coping mechanism relating abuse is to deny it. Denying it really happened like that, denying it's their fault, denying that it left any consequences. There are a lot of ways to go about it, but the reason behind it is to deny personal victim hood.
      Think of it like sugar, it doesn't feel right to actually blame sugar for my relation with it. I don't blame my excess weight on sugar, *it's my fault*. Blaming the sugar would declare me powerless to it, and that's not what I want to be.
      Truthfully it's just a process of setting boundaries and learning what will never work, but it's hard to forgive oneself for not having those boundaries and options in the past. So it's only human to have some coping mechanism around things like that, it's almost impossible to face how unfair life truly is.

    • @Mavendow
      @Mavendow 6 месяцев назад +4

      ​@@lydiapetra1211 Nope. My parent "loves" me. In that movie-psycho way.

    • @Mavendow
      @Mavendow 6 месяцев назад +12

      ​@@mildlymarvelous I meant that I didn't have a diagnostically relevant mental _disorder._ I was extremely mentally ill. As I said in the second line.
      None of my doctors could figure it out because it changed on a weekly basis - depending on whatever my parent was doing at the time.

  • @SecondBestArtMuseum
    @SecondBestArtMuseum 2 месяца назад +5

    Hey, lawyer who opened up a bar. You’ve missed a golden opportunity if you didn’t call it “Passing The Bar”

  • @jimwormmaster
    @jimwormmaster 3 месяца назад +8

    Assaulting an attorney sounds like one of the dumbest possible things you could do in thrir office. Charges would be filed so quickly.

  • @LivingEpicness1
    @LivingEpicness1 5 месяцев назад +14

    People forget that old people are very forgetful. A neighbour of ours wasn't even 70 when she started to neglect the tiniest things. Like forgetting to feed the dogs, where she put her keys, pay for her groceries. And she had a phd in biology when she was younger. We all will eventually become like that, so don't treat old people like the old man.

    • @ferretqueen2908
      @ferretqueen2908 5 месяцев назад +3

      I mean in general it's pretty nuts to go that far legally over a f***ing sandwich

  • @IsYitzach
    @IsYitzach 6 месяцев назад +49

    Christianity is still very much a minority in China. However, due to China's population, a small fraction (5.2%) of a large number is still a sizable number (73.4 million, a bit more than the population of France).
    Just because the translation of something Chinese misgenders a person, it doesn't mean it is wrong. Chinese doesn't have gendered pronouns. Chinese people will quite often misgender people but only because they spent most of their life effectively using 'it.'

    • @MacDaniboi
      @MacDaniboi 6 месяцев назад +2

      W China

    • @punbug4721
      @punbug4721 5 месяцев назад

      Is it Mandarin specifically that doesn't have gendered pronouns?

  • @mojotwister420
    @mojotwister420 5 месяцев назад +18

    I had picked up my cat and when he went to jump down scratched my chest pretty bad. Started getting something like the flu but my glands in my armpit and neck (on the side that he had scratched) got really big and painful. My dad told me I should go to the doctor and make sure it wasn't cat scratch fever. Went to an emergency clinic and the doctor told me that it wasn't a real thing. I told her that it was she pretty much told me that she was the one with the education so I don't know what I am talking about. I told her to google it (this was back when it was kinda new...yes im old) and when she came back in she was making excuses and trying to play it off that she didn't just tell me that I was ignorant.

  • @russlehman2070
    @russlehman2070 5 месяцев назад +9

    I wonder if the guy in the second to last story ever found a lawyer who practices intergalactic law.

  • @Khigha87
    @Khigha87 4 месяца назад +7

    Why are we all so quick to dismiss the lizard people!? What if there's something to it? Someone should look into that ....

  • @Kartoffelkamm
    @Kartoffelkamm 3 месяца назад +7

    The last one sounds really sad, actually.
    Because yes, to a normal person, these things sound stupid. But to someone with paranoid schizophrenia, they sound perfectly plausible.
    Mental disorders like that are really scary, because they tell you just how little you can trust your own perception of reality.

  • @Swirl_of_StarFire
    @Swirl_of_StarFire 6 месяцев назад +38

    Dealing with the guy who claimed he was abducted by Reptilians by saying that he didn't have jurisdiction over intergalactic citizens was smart. Situation successfully de-escalated

    • @kamirostorino9416
      @kamirostorino9416 5 месяцев назад +1

      I mean it would not be wise to anger our galactic overlords. after all they let us live in relative freedom instead of making us their slaves or food.
      In all honesty tho IF an extra terrestial species would have the technology that would allow them to cross the vast interstellar distances to visit us, and IF they would visit us they also would most likely have technology that allows them to remain completely unnoticed by us. In that scenario all they would be doing here would most probably be just observing us to make use that once we reach level of technology that will allow us to detect/comunicate with them they have enough info about our culture, history and politics to be able to make a peaceful first contact.

    • @mhfuzzball
      @mhfuzzball 3 месяца назад

      I mean, if the government's been suborned by the Reptilians, surely that would include the court system, so there's no way his case would have gone anywhere anyway, and suing might have put him back on their radar, which theoretically would not have gone well for him.

  • @moonsaces2122
    @moonsaces2122 5 месяцев назад +4

    That last guy reminds me of something my Dad likes to say: “I never believed in conspiracies until everyone started conspiring against me.” My Dad says it as a joke though.

  • @boomkruncher325zzshred5
    @boomkruncher325zzshred5 6 месяцев назад +43

    Regarding religion in China: as long as the religious organizations follow the government’s rules, they can have limited operations there. The things that are usually clamped down on are big organized group meetings (so no big congregations on Sunday and no official Church building, as far as I know). This is to make sure no “radicalized elements” gather a big crowd of people and get thoughts of revolution of their own 😂
    As you can imagine, several of the big organizations do not like being limited! I hear anecdotally that the CCP really struggles with big religious organizations outright flaunting their violations of the rules, with the excuse that they have to do things their way and not CCP’s way because that’s “how they practice their beliefs”. As for your individual beliefs, as long as you don’t proselytize your beliefs to others you can practice your religion on your own without issue. This also explains why X religion is popular in China, Chinese people can believe whatever they wish but organizing as a big group is a big no-no.
    My cousin lives in China with her husband, and I got to stay with them for about 6 months. Hence how I know these little tidbits. Of course, those who live or are from China can correct anything I said here, I’m just an arrogant American peddling what little scraps of truth he knows 😊

    • @MrQuackthethird
      @MrQuackthethird 6 месяцев назад

      yes thank you china is the world's biggest threat to freedom in the world

    • @Siluriiformes
      @Siluriiformes 6 месяцев назад +4

      separation of church and state, actually done right.

    • @redjoker365
      @redjoker365 6 месяцев назад +3

      There are official church buildings in China and overall more Christians in China than in the US. Source: several friends who currently live in China
      There's some beef between the PRC and the Holy See as the Holy See doesn't recognize the PRC as China and the PRC approves who can become a bishop. The government approving the appointment of top leaders of religious organizations is something which long predates the CPC governing the country (Chinese emperors historically appointed abbots and head priests of important temples) and is really more about controlling foreign influence over the country than actual religious control
      Things were very oppressive for all religious people in China during the Cultural Revolution, but that ended over 40 years ago. You still have to be officially atheist to join the CPC, but there are 8 other parties which participate in governing the country which do accept religious members

    • @erickpoorbaugh6728
      @erickpoorbaugh6728 6 месяцев назад +12

      @Siluriiformes It’s not really separation when the state oversees religion and bans core religious practices like evangelism.

    • @sterlingodeaghaidh5086
      @sterlingodeaghaidh5086 6 месяцев назад +2

      @@redjoker365how come we never hear of the other parties?

  • @CashewNuts0
    @CashewNuts0 6 месяцев назад +9

    Christianity is not very popular in China and pretty much all religions are persecuted because the communist party doesn't want competition when it comes to ideologies and worship. There are many religious groups that are targeted, some even being sent to concentration camps, like falun gong practitioners and uyghur muslims. Other than that, the chinese government has destroyed many historical monuments, statues and temples, some even more than a thousand years old. They also demand that things like pictures of communist leaders be placed inside churches/temples and mandate the presence of a communist party member in the administration of religious institutions.
    Tldr: The chinese government hates religion.

  • @ajm2496
    @ajm2496 6 месяцев назад +12

    Re:Christianity in China: Faith, especially Christianity is very complex issue politically, legally and socially. You may have been thinking of South Korea. Christianity is suuuuuper popular in SK and parts of South East Asia such as the Philippines.

  • @TheTSense
    @TheTSense 6 месяцев назад +9

    Dude was speeding next to a school, it is like 5mph there and he did 40+, ran over a kid at a protected crossing. That one of those impossible to overlook with concrete pillars on both sides, so narrow only one car can pass, where you have to come to a full stop even if people are just on the sidewalk. Said he wasn't hurt but wanted to claim he hurt his neck to sue the 8 year old who would skip gym class for half a year. Nothing happened because next week he was drunk driving, got pulled over, shot a cop and was gunned down. Now the cop skips half a year of gym class too, but he has gym class in hell now. Hope Satan makes him run extra miles. NO idea how this dude make it to 26 years old.

    • @lordpumpkinhead265
      @lordpumpkinhead265 5 месяцев назад +4

      I've seen cases similar to this. A dude accidentally ran over a 12-year old kid on a bicycle and sued the family for damages to his car. He won off of extremely bullshit technicalities.

  • @Fresh_Mayo_Productions
    @Fresh_Mayo_Productions 6 месяцев назад +7

    Not me, a lawyer I met. Guy sued
    Uhall because he was standing on top of the moving van while his friend was driving it, he tripped on some power lines, fell off, and sued Uhall. I wonder who won. 😂

  • @mscaligurl76
    @mscaligurl76 5 месяцев назад +4

    I used to take lessons in Yuruba, I don't remember any of it now unfortunately. I wish I knew the importance of it back then.

  • @katrenacanaday4992
    @katrenacanaday4992 3 месяца назад +2

    Whats hilariously eerie about the story about the dude you called that that, to the letter, sounds like my mothers friends husband who-and this is why its hilariously eerie-sports the name of....Dennis.
    In fact, if i didnt know bettet, that IS him because, right down to the denial of drinking and even having driven the vehicle, i remember this exact thing happening to the dude when i was in my younger 20's

  • @colleens1107
    @colleens1107 6 месяцев назад +5

    Sounds like OP in story 14 should have referred Mr Bob to the Shadow Proclamation (Doctor Who galactic police).

  • @matthewshiers9038
    @matthewshiers9038 6 месяцев назад +4

    Something tells me that Mr Yoruba poem guy was just there to waste time and cause delays. I hope the lawyer didn't have any time-sensitive cases on their table already.

  • @nehpets216
    @nehpets216 6 месяцев назад +4

    According to a quick search the Yoruba language courts use Poetry as a part of the Court process commonly? Which is rather neat

  • @-Juney-
    @-Juney- 2 месяца назад +2

    Yoruba guy could have had the cure for cancer in that poem and we would have had no idea.

  • @acetillman3671
    @acetillman3671 3 месяца назад +1

    The first story with the prosecutor is so great a hope him a long well lived and chees filled life

    @BIGGER_RED 6 месяцев назад +4

    That lady with the fake story trying to get citizenship in the U.S. should’ve been charged for doing that.

  • @TheJackBaker
    @TheJackBaker 5 месяцев назад +1

    I have gotten cat scratch fever, dang kitten did not have one single dollar to their name.

  • @lydiapetra1211
    @lydiapetra1211 3 месяца назад +2

    Story #1.... What an awful woman...I feel so sorry for her Kitty.... I wouldn't be surprised if she abused her Kitty...

  • @BrokenPasta
    @BrokenPasta 2 месяца назад +1

    ay yo... i think that third lady might have found a real life hack for getting free advice/diagnosis/ etc 😂

  • @MaxwellCatAlphonk
    @MaxwellCatAlphonk 5 месяцев назад +2

    The best stories from reddit are told when driving in a pink 'BARBLE' car _👍_

  • @big_Lettuce
    @big_Lettuce 6 месяцев назад +2

    I had a few charges of varying degrees of severity but basically the main two were assaulting a police officer and assaulting a paramedic. I didn’t do this I was very drunk and flailing around so I was advised to plead guilty all through out the trial process to get a short prison sentence. until the day in court of the trial and my lawyer said plead not guilty no witnesses are present and I got away with a large fine and a suspended because the police officers and paramedics involved weren’t present. I got very lucky but I didn’t assault them I promise I was just drunk and was flailing to avoid anyone from touching me after I jamp in the canal to get away from everyone.

  • @jaypaint4855
    @jaypaint4855 5 месяцев назад +3

    8:35 China is one of the worst places for Christian persecution, right up there with places like Afghanistan.
    Edit: that said, there are millions of Christians in China.

  • @endersdragon34
    @endersdragon34 6 месяцев назад +1

    I work for a not for profit organization.... so my cases are stupid when you look at them from a financial standpoint (really hard cases that are worth at most a few thousand, while I am making a lot more than that working on them) but are far more important from a practical standpoint (for example, can't give too many details obviously, but a guy got fired for being under a guardianship despite working 6 months there already under the guardianship).

  • @user-bv1fw9ns2p
    @user-bv1fw9ns2p 5 месяцев назад

    Hahaha that game story LOL!

  • @RiverShock
    @RiverShock 6 месяцев назад +7

    I swear this is a re-upload. I'm not going insane, right? 100% certain I've heard at least the first three stories here already. (The second and third are quite distinctive.)

    • @UnderSparked
      @UnderSparked  6 месяцев назад +12

      There was a version of this that had mistakes that was at 183 views before getting taken down, maybe you were one of the 183.

    • @raz0rblade06
      @raz0rblade06 6 месяцев назад +4

      you're not crazy, the original upload had massive corruption in the second story (it was basically completely skipped) which probably explains why you remember it and the third one so distinctly

  • @davidforthoffer9180
    @davidforthoffer9180 Месяц назад +1

    About the copyright story, if that was in the United States, the advice to send copies here and there was poor advice. Better was to digitize it and go online to register the copyright. Then if anyone copied it, should could get statutory damages of $2,500. If it's not registered, she would have to prove compensatory damages.

  • @soul7334
    @soul7334 6 месяцев назад +2

    Fun fact: when its a medical malpractice case it goes to the paralegal/s of said hospital, they handle the legal stuff and then they send it to the lawyers

  • @blaq_betty
    @blaq_betty 4 месяца назад +1

    The yoruba guy is not a poem but an incantation baba don fk up😂😂😂😂

  • @TheGreatBackUpVIDEOS
    @TheGreatBackUpVIDEOS 3 месяца назад +3

    8:30 No, China is not a good place for most religious communities.
    I'm not sure if there's a word for it, but basically the state is considered the religion, anything that isn't for the nation is considered bad and traditional Abrahamic religions are not made for China.
    There are religions from China that I think you're allowed to practice but the state takes priority.

  • @unomauhasard5219
    @unomauhasard5219 6 месяцев назад +2

    Christians in china have to follow the government christianity. The ccp chose which verses are teached and what the priests can say.

    • @maddyc2412
      @maddyc2412 3 месяца назад

      *taught not teached

  • @20SG20
    @20SG20 4 месяца назад +2

    1:45 . I learn languages as my hobby and those who didn't knew about it's existence aren't ignorant. I have tried all of the Duolingo's languages at least once.
    I am glad to know about this one, i am glad african languages are still surfacing from time to time. I hope they don't d!e.

  • @lovelydumpling
    @lovelydumpling 2 месяца назад

    9:59 is a surprisingly accurate TechDweeb impersonation

  • @raz0rblade06
    @raz0rblade06 6 месяцев назад

    nice, looks like the video is up with the weird corruption fixed

  • @bilindalaw-morley161
    @bilindalaw-morley161 3 месяца назад

    The first woman, just by instituting enquiries, is probably causing the council to crack down on the "no pets" rule.

    • @bilindalaw-morley161
      @bilindalaw-morley161 3 месяца назад

      Certainly the inspector who kindly ignored her cat will never do so again. They vould also get a write up or worse.

  • @wizardsuth
    @wizardsuth 6 месяцев назад

    #9 sounds like a good case for Dirk Gently. No doubt he would find connections from her cat to time travel, alternate realities, psychic powers, aliens, ghosts, and the elder gods. All in exchange for a fee structure in which the expenses may include trips to various Carribean islands.

  • @SlugSage
    @SlugSage 3 месяца назад +1

    Yoruba is a dominant language in West Africa Nigeria and Ghana specifically.

  • @christopherg2347
    @christopherg2347 6 месяцев назад

    #1 "It is your job to follow the rules. It is not our job to catch you."

  • @jannaneko8427
    @jannaneko8427 6 месяцев назад

    #10 is so true, my uncle is stuck in the same position

  • @Corvinwhite
    @Corvinwhite 28 дней назад +1

    In story too I’ve never heard of that language either and I know a lot about the world sounds like an African language

  • @Vuorinen2399
    @Vuorinen2399 2 месяца назад

    Funny thing is if the first woman didn’t sue the city and sued herself she probably could win the case if she has insurance. Cause the insurance would be the one liable to pay.

  • @tylerbakeman
    @tylerbakeman 6 месяцев назад

    I don’t think copyright works differently in different jurisdictions: “intellectual property being protected the moment it is created” is the norm…

    • @karlrovey
      @karlrovey 6 месяцев назад

      Different countries have slightly different rules. However, I believe you actually do need to register your copyright in order for it to actually be enforced.

  • @montecorbit8280
    @montecorbit8280 10 дней назад +1

    At 9:03
    Christians in China....
    Yes, home religions are persecuted. While the law says they are not, saying and doing are two different things.
    Many have lost their lives there. You may be thinking of South Korea, yes Christianity is very popular there! And it is perfectly legal.
    Don't make the mistake of thinking that it's legal in North Korea though. That's another case of the law says that it's legal, but don't be caught doing it if you ever want to breathe again!!....

  • @annayosh
    @annayosh 28 дней назад

    As I understand it, in China there are only a few state-approved Christian congregations, Christians of other congregations (including, for example, Catholics) do tend to face prosecution.

  • @charlesclaus3294
    @charlesclaus3294 3 месяца назад +2

    UnderSparked's statement that "I don't think you get persecuted for being Christian in many places in China." is more bizarrely ignorant than any of the people featured in the stories in this video.

    • @karaoconnoraliasraidra
      @karaoconnoraliasraidra Месяц назад

      Agreed. I was stunned by that and thinking, “How have you not heard of religious persecution in China!?” They should edit that out of the video.

  • @HappyfoxBiz
    @HappyfoxBiz 3 месяца назад

    if I was a multinational corporation and had control of peoples brains, I wouldn't be forcing them to do illegal things... I would be having them write down what items they most purchase... start manufacturing those items and force them to buy those said items... yes it's highly illegal and morals but seriously... wasted opportunity Baskin & Robins, at least force the guy to eat your ice cream till brain freeze!

  • @Chill-tw2ld
    @Chill-tw2ld 6 месяцев назад

    4:00 At least he was wearing his seatbelt I guess?

  • @jikook7457
    @jikook7457 Месяц назад

    Wondering if the crazy woman at 2:31 was Marge Green. Sounds exactly like things she's said

  • @MahsaKaerra
    @MahsaKaerra 6 месяцев назад +1

    Christianity in China is technically legal, and technically not persecuted. Albeit you have to be registered with the state approved denomination.
    If you're a Roman Catholic... Anglican... Lutheran... Southern Baptist... etc. then 110% you are going to be subject to persecution.

  • @saladcat231
    @saladcat231 5 месяцев назад +2

    8:49 in 1368 Christianity became illegal in china

  • @erickpoorbaugh6728
    @erickpoorbaugh6728 6 месяцев назад +1

    I’m guessing the “poem” in Yoruba was supposed to be a spell.

    • @davileite780
      @davileite780 3 месяца назад

      Yeah. That would explain his behavior. May or may not be the case, but a good guess.

  • @elbot8048
    @elbot8048 6 месяцев назад +1

    why the Yorubá? dude, speak in a language your lawyer can understand. axé

  • @jmcclain8237
    @jmcclain8237 5 месяцев назад +2

    You do, in fact, face persecution in China for being a Christian. You also deal with terrible treatment if you're a Muslim.

  • @Codm22712
    @Codm22712 6 месяцев назад +4

    First some how 0:16 also yay a different video the doctor videos are good I watch them but damn there are some gross 🤢 story’s in them lol anyways Mary almost Christmas
    We have 3 days 1 hour 58 minutes and 29 seconds until Christmas Day according to my timer that ive had set sense September 7th

  • @DaveC2729
    @DaveC2729 6 месяцев назад

    Yeah, I guess one pant leg is a pant alright. Don't breathe too hard.

  • @llcoolg7028
    @llcoolg7028 6 месяцев назад

    What happened to the good old days when these were read by ai

  • @colleens1107
    @colleens1107 6 месяцев назад

    I am today years old when I learned about the Yoruba language

    • @borudesu_
      @borudesu_ 6 месяцев назад

      Lol we exist. Yoruba is one of the three major tribes in Nigeria. And yeah, he’s pronouncing it pretty wrong and a Google search isn’t so hard to do for a video like this.

  • @cardinalhamneggs5253
    @cardinalhamneggs5253 5 месяцев назад +3

    Just so you know, “banal” is pronounced “BAY-null”.

  • @TemporalOnline
    @TemporalOnline 2 месяца назад


  • @juon91
    @juon91 5 месяцев назад

    I can never stop surprising the mindset of Americans, clearly this is someone else's fault, not mine.

    • @whatisgoingon505
      @whatisgoingon505 5 месяцев назад +2

      Ah yes because 330 million people are all the same because they happen to be born within a 10 million km radius of each other. And no one else in the entire world could possibly have this mindset, so of course everyone in this video is American.

  • @craigwiester9177
    @craigwiester9177 5 месяцев назад

    PLEASE get rid of the cartoon background! I shut it down at 0:39.

  • @sonojim
    @sonojim 5 месяцев назад

    Love your comment. However, video game background is almost seizure-inducing!! Very annoying

  • @mama2pokemon
    @mama2pokemon 2 месяца назад

    19:32 Did my x-husband call you?

  • @onionbubs386
    @onionbubs386 3 месяца назад

    Christianity is popular in places like South Korea and the Philippines. China, not so much.

  • @spacecaptain9188
    @spacecaptain9188 2 месяца назад

    Chinese doesn't have gendered pronouns. In what way were they referring to her as "male"?

  • @memorobles7857
    @memorobles7857 6 месяцев назад +1

    Youruba "poem" might've been an attempt at a spell lol

  • @PizzaMineKing
    @PizzaMineKing 6 месяцев назад +2

    Trumps lawyers have a very good story for this.

  • @star_shaun
    @star_shaun 6 месяцев назад +2

    Early gang

  • @blaq_betty
    @blaq_betty 4 месяца назад

    The yoruba guy is not a poem but an incantation baba don fk up😂😂😂😂