Great, I'm very glad this video helped. I usually repair old devices from my collection, but sometimes I also try to repair damaged tools from my own workshop. Many successful jigsaw projects in 2024, it's a cool and quite good device!
Dziękuję, fajnie, że się przydało. Nie pamiętam czy mam oryginalny numer części, poszukam - może zostawiłem gdzieś opakowanie. Dam znać. Pozdrawiam! PS. Nawiasem mówiąc ta wyrzynarka nadal działa i wszystko jest okej.
I like it your presentation. Thank you. My problem is the same jig I got, works very slow like there is no much power and hardly oscillate much? Any clever suggestion or idea? Thank you.
Hello, my jig has not had any problems with loss of power so far, but I thought of a few possible causes: first of all (you've probably already checked this), I would open the device and thoroughly clean it of dust, which may be clogging the mechanical elements, but also the bearings or even the motor itself. Try moving the mechanism and see if it is blocking. Look at the bearings. A seized bearing may make rotation difficult. Look at the commutator at the back, is it dirty? If the device heats up during operation, works irregularly and you see sparks, worn brushes may be a problem, but they can be easily purchased and replaced. If the device does not achieve full power and sparks - the reason may also be a damaged rotor. Fortunately, you can easily buy a new rotor (complete with new bearings) online and replace it. So, these are some possible reasons. Start by cleaning everything and checking the brushes. If you want, I can make a video about replacing brushes, bearings and even the entire rotor.
Thank you very much for time and very comprehensive advise/response. Think most probably you are very correct. I will proceed as you suggest and thoroughly check, clean and lubricate everything. Otherwise, this is beautiful machine very easy to handle. Once again, I appreciate your response very much. Best regards Leone
@@leonardnoel888 Please let me know if these simple measures such as cleaning, lubrication, and possibly checking the brushes and bearings helped. Otherwise, we will look for further solutions. Best regards! Marcin
Jak też już kilka urządzeń spaliłem - jedną prostą wiertarkę Boscha spaliłem podczas wiercenia otwornicą otworu o średnicy 100 mm przez półmetrową ścianę do zrobienia wylotu wentylacji. Wiertarka poszła z dymem (aż stopiła się plastikowa obudowa), ale... otwór wywierciła :-)
Na opakowaniu części pasującej do PST 650 znajduje się następujący numer fabryczny: 2.609.003.489
Przydarzyło mi się dokładnie to samo😅 dziękuję za świetną instrukcję 👌
Cieszę się, że filmik się przydał!
Pomocny filmik, nie myślałem że jest to tak proste. Dzieki i pozdrawiam😁👍
Bardzo się cieszę, że nagranie okazało się przydatne! Moja wyrzynarka cały czas jest w użyciu i nadal działa bez kłopotu. Pozdrowienia!
Thank you very much for this video - it helped a lot when I fixed the PST 650 jigsaw 🙂
Great, I'm very glad this video helped. I usually repair old devices from my collection, but sometimes I also try to repair damaged tools from my own workshop. Many successful jigsaw projects in 2024, it's a cool and quite good device!
Dobra robota i odcinek
Dziękuję, akurat w sobotę sporo popracowałem tą wyrzynarką i na razie wszystko jest w porządku!
Witam,bardzo pomocne,ma Pan orginalny nr?bylo by latwiej.Pozdrawiam
Dziękuję, fajnie, że się przydało. Nie pamiętam czy mam oryginalny numer części, poszukam - może zostawiłem gdzieś opakowanie. Dam znać. Pozdrawiam! PS. Nawiasem mówiąc ta wyrzynarka nadal działa i wszystko jest okej.
Na opakowaniu tego pasującego uchwytu jest numer części: 2.609.003.489
I like it your presentation. Thank you. My problem is the same jig I got, works very slow like there is no much power and hardly oscillate much? Any clever suggestion or idea? Thank you.
Hello, my jig has not had any problems with loss of power so far, but I thought of a few possible causes: first of all (you've probably already checked this), I would open the device and thoroughly clean it of dust, which may be clogging the mechanical elements, but also the bearings or even the motor itself. Try moving the mechanism and see if it is blocking. Look at the bearings. A seized bearing may make rotation difficult. Look at the commutator at the back, is it dirty? If the device heats up during operation, works irregularly and you see sparks, worn brushes may be a problem, but they can be easily purchased and replaced. If the device does not achieve full power and sparks - the reason may also be a damaged rotor. Fortunately, you can easily buy a new rotor (complete with new bearings) online and replace it. So, these are some possible reasons. Start by cleaning everything and checking the brushes. If you want, I can make a video about replacing brushes, bearings and even the entire rotor.
Thank you very much for time and very comprehensive advise/response. Think most probably you are very correct. I will proceed as you suggest and thoroughly check, clean and lubricate everything. Otherwise, this is beautiful machine very easy to handle. Once again, I appreciate your response very much. Best regards Leone
@@leonardnoel888 Please let me know if these simple measures such as cleaning, lubrication, and possibly checking the brushes and bearings helped. Otherwise, we will look for further solutions. Best regards! Marcin
All worked perfectly well. Think it needed good cleaning, vacuum and lube. Works like a baby now. Thank you.
Mój tata taką miał tylko się z niewiadomych przyczyn się spaliła 😂
Jak też już kilka urządzeń spaliłem - jedną prostą wiertarkę Boscha spaliłem podczas wiercenia otwornicą otworu o średnicy 100 mm przez półmetrową ścianę do zrobienia wylotu wentylacji. Wiertarka poszła z dymem (aż stopiła się plastikowa obudowa), ale... otwór wywierciła :-)