This was really interesting. It sort of runs parallel to using shades of grey on a multiplied layer for shadows in a digital painting. Thank you for sharing this technique.
I tried to use lamp black and zinc white but the zinc white seems to have a blue tint to it as my lighter values become bluish. Going to try with titanium white, but a bit afraid that I won't be able to glaze with it as with zinc white.
This is what the raw umber is for. I personally mix equal parts black and rawnumber before adding flake white. Black and white always looks a little grey. Flake white is a nice alternative to titanium is very vwhite and chalky x
Give it a go on a scrap mixing sheet If it doesn't work out that's ok!Trial and error is ok God bless you.One of my favourite verses that goes with that is phillipans 4:6.💗
This was really interesting. It sort of runs parallel to using shades of grey on a multiplied layer for shadows in a digital painting. Thank you for sharing this technique.
Thank you! First lesson in grisaille
I tried to use lamp black and zinc white but the zinc white seems to have a blue tint to it as my lighter values become bluish. Going to try with titanium white, but a bit afraid that I won't be able to glaze with it as with zinc white.
This is what the raw umber is for. I personally mix equal parts black and rawnumber before adding flake white. Black and white always looks a little grey. Flake white is a nice alternative to titanium is very vwhite and chalky x
Give it a go on a scrap mixing sheet If it doesn't work out that's ok!Trial and error is ok God bless you.One of my favourite verses that goes with that is phillipans 4:6.💗
Good, but much too short! You need a section that discusses glazing over grisaille, and the virtues of transparent paints.
It says part 1 (of 5)
@@warmwomyn can you say where it says that? I dont see it in the title or description or intro.
Love it 🖤
Thank you
Good man