The fact that they show the full range of emotions from the engineers, for me, makes this documentary all the more engaging and takes the viewer along an emotional roller-coaster, absolutely fantastic. 😀
It is the unexpected difficulties that they faced and the way they handled the problems that made the story worth reading. For the same reason, it is the difficulties in our life that made life worth living. Keep it up, USA.
This is fascinating stuff and proof positive that apart from man's brilliance once humankind are genuinely united in an effort to do something they normally succeed. It's a pity we are still so divided.
Beautiful documentary, although a really old one, 20 years old, maybe you should have redone the locution to past tense, since they keep talking about what 20 year old probes are going to do in the future
The labeled release experiments on the Viking missions did not "come up empty". The results were positive. The scientists in charge of the labeled release exp. were convinced they had found evidence of bacterial life. That evidence has not been disproven to this day. Other scientists simply refused to accept the results without further evidence.
We know so much about earth's environment only because our model of planetary science was advanced by missions to other planets. Can we understand the entire human race's genetic diversity by studying only your family? Can we know about all animals by studying one animal? Same for planets. Please don't be anti-science. And we spend far far more on saving earth & its inhabitants. Mars missions cost USD $1-3 billion. For comparison, we were forced to spend $5 billion for a tiny trumpy broken wall that's now dilapidated & rusting.
@@keep-ukraine-free Exactly we should stop building walls and spending$1-3 Billion on going to space and use it to end hunger for starving sick children.
The scientists are very clever people indeed. I think we can answer the question without going to this expense and energy. There is no life on Mars ,never has been and never will be. The human race needs to concentrate on the problems we are facing here on earth. Number One to live in PEACE between nations. When we achieve this the human race will have made some progress.
Agree 100%. NO LIFE on Mars. It is not a place for human being. Eventhough they find signs of life on Mars but it is not a suitable place for human. No water, no plants. Such a wasting time, energy and money.
You obviously don't understand the repercussions of not being an exploratory race... you wouldn't even be able to send that message without the innovations of nasa... its short sighted foolishness.
I am 56 years old and i have been following these Mars missions ever since they announced that there was a face on Mars in 1976. I have spend thousands of hours on the raw images from the Spirit mission, i have made panoramas, 3d images and photo sequences and i can tell you with 100% certainty that there is a life form present. If you make the exact same image from all the available filter settings L1 to L7 and R1 to R8, and play these images in a sequence like a mini time laps, all the raw images have a time stamp in their name, you will detect movement in the images. The only problem is that you can't tell what exactly is moving because of the poor quality of the images and the fact that all the images they publish have an extra layer in them. They use an in photo camouflage technique. Neil Armstrong spoke about "The protective layer of the truth" in his 25th anniversary speech of the Moon landing in 1994. Take a very good look at the East hill complex (spirit mission)in 3d, that's not just some hill. Use a high resolution and high contrast monitor, preferable an Oled panel, and watch only the 3d images because in a flat 2d images you will never see it. You can see objects that appear to be under the sand, the sand is the extra layer. The poorer the quality of the images is the more likely you will find something in it that they don't want us to see. If there were nothing to hide in these images we would see crystal clear images with all the smallest detail visible and recognizable, because these cameras they use are the best that money can buy. If i had better video editing skills i would make a video about it, but i don't. Al dought a few years back i made just one video about a panorama they published. The video isn't the best but if you want to watch it search YT for "Dutch3dexplorer "and you will find the channel with just this video. The discussed images in the video is a Tiff file so it should have the same quality as a Raw photo file no matter how often you make a copy of it but its all blurred and darkened. If the video does not convince you i suggest you download the images yourself and take a very good look at it. Stop being so ignorant and just use some common sense if you have a brain.
@@chandrashekharbarge4160If Mars was wetter in the past and life evolved or maybe there is a life form that is silicon based and can withstand all the harsh condition that Mars has. Or the life that is present has gone underground like you say. Think about what would happen to life on earth if our atmosphere would be stripped away over the eons, would we just extinct or would we gradually adapt and go underground.
@@bakkerfrans content in atmosphere of Mars includes carbon associated gases is very important, as for plant life carbon formation is must as water there oxygen and hydrogen is there hence if at all some life at primary stage evolved that could be underground being protected from radiation, being fossilized it might be covered by soil, sand , stone carried by water currents So analysis of soil at sufficient depth becomes crucial Further if such situation happenes on earth life on earth being evolved to great extent fossils of animals will withstand for longer period on the land also underground. Situation
It's more complicated. Spacecraft go from space velocity (90,000 km/hr) to ~0 km/hr, by converting all of its high velocity (kinetic energy) into something. The only thing you can convert that energy to is heat... using resistance (friction) to slow it. Friction converts velocity to heat. In a thin atmosphere we must make it take a very shallow (& long) entry path. That takes time, and generates lots of friction/heat. Atmospheric density doesn't matter.
We are luckiest to live in this planet because a perfect distance from sun 🌞 and moon 🌚 is enough to create life without this two objects like other planets were nothing
البرامج الخاصة لخاصة المهتمين بالاطلاع على أحدث ما توصلت إليه أبحاث العلماء في كل المجالات راىعة جدآ. سوف لن يبقى العلم الذي نكتسبه إلا واجدا نفسه في نواة ذرة إلى حجم مجره بالنسبة للاحاطة بالعلوم والتمكن من تطبيقاتها المثلى. ولا شك أن العلم يعي قدرة العقل البشري وقدرة الجسد وقدرة الروح وقدرة النفس ذات الضعف والعجز والتي هي إلى وهن وشيب ورميم وفقدان. فإلى استمداد العون من المعين والقوة من القوي والعلم من العليم. والله الموفق وهو الهادي الى سواء السبيل
Really are you getting that information off Facebook from the dick heads that think jet engines are spewing metal fragments and poison out the back? There is no such evidence to suggest that mars has become more geologically active. And the earth hasn't as well for that matter. Earthquakes on earth happen more when the planets align at certain times. Read some proper science books instead of the global warming bollocks!
I think it’s safe to say we will land many robots before any humans. I feel that robots will build most of the things mankind will need years before we step foot. But just imagine what it would be like to be the first man/woman to open the door and look out on the mars landscape. Personally I would be gutted. Not a KFC is sight….. Noooooooooo
Forgive me for being BLUNT... Is this video about Mars or Steve Squire ? There is more clips about Squire and including his family than Mars itself. However if he is paying for the video why not !
20yrs of Martian rocks, enough, Martian surface is dead, You see the white from the orbiter its water-ice maybe a good starting point to find Extremophiles.
Fundamental Theory of Existence. 1. Zero can not divide one. 2. One can not be created from zero. Absolute creation does not exist. 3. One can not be destroyed into zero. Absolute destruction does not exist. 4. One can change into different one. Relative creation and relative destruction exist. 5. There is no beginning for absolute existence. 6. There is no end for absolute existence. 7. There is a beginning and an end to relative existence. 8. There is no God. 9. Velocity of light is relative. 10. Space is emptiness that can be occupied, it is absolute. Time is an indication of change, it is relative. 11. There are three and three space dimensions only. There is only one time dimension. 12. Time travel is not possible and there is only one Universe. Sagar Gorijala is the author of " Fundamental Theory of Existence ".
We have not nor ever will go to the light in the sky that heralds of war known as Mars it was a light in the sky then and it’s a light in the sky now there are no mars rovers on Mars believe me I know because I have seen the pictures taken of the real camera driving around on Devon Island in Greenland
@@magnetmountain33 bro. I respect your position and statement, but really. It’s foolish comments like this that makes me shudder. Out of respect for all the great minds how made this possible, come up with a better theory that this. WW2 the Germans shot rockets from Europe to the uk. In 1962 nasa left the earth and went to lower space. The ussr landed 6 probes on Venus and one Evan lasted for 30 sec. Musk is about to launch the largest rocket ever built. Come on dude. We have satellites orbiting the moon and you can clearly see landing sights from past nasa missions. Time to taste the coffee. Just because you weren’t there don’t mean It never happens.
Of course there was life and nature on Mars, but... a long, long time ago... about 2500 million years ago - time in terms of hours and seconds doesn't really exist and varies greatly depending on external circumstances, time only serves as a human barometer to better organize what has been experienced or what will happen in the future. This long time period is the main factor that makes the reconstruction of the Martian surface and its habitable reality and environment so difficult, if not impossible (erosion, different shapes of surface, dust, volcanism and impacts)... Mars had an express development compared to us, the first step of individual life in our solar system took place on Mars - life itself didn´t spread out from our solar system, but from another solar system of the Orion constellation and was transported from there by comets or asteroids to our solar system, first to Mars, later to Mother Earth and to some moons of Jupiter and Saturn: Ganimedes, Europa etc., but we can find the basic "traces/seeds of life" on all compact celestial bodies in our solar system, it can be everywhere, but always depends on external climatic and atmospheric conditions and physical laws. When life on Mars became impossible due to negative changes in the atmosphere, magnetism and climate deterioration (currently, Mars is arguably more a kind of geological museum than "living" planet) it sought a new basis for existence on other planets and came slowly but surely to our planet Earth. Here on earth life found perfect conditions with the help of photosynthesis, grew and multiplied rapidly, and the rest of this impressive evolutionary history is already well known and documented everywhere...🙃🙂
I am 100% sure that there were many bacteria on both rovers contaminating Mars. No human should have never touch a space probe that lands on other planet. Great disappointment.
It's pretty amazing that these guys have the knowledge and skills to put rockets on Mars, but can't figure out how to put dirt/sand tires on their rovers...
كلما تقدم العلم في النفس والكون يتعمق الإحساس ويترسخ اليقين بأن ما توصل إليه ما هو إلا قطره من محيط. وهناك يقف العلم موقف المتيقن بأن هناك عالم غير مرئي لا نحيط به علما ليس الجن مثالاً عليه. ولا شك أن العلم يدرك الضىاله التي هي هو كلما تقدم إلى قمة الذره التي أدرك أنه في داخلها وهو يرى المجرة التي خلفها ما لا يحصى من مجرات. سوف لن يصل كل من لم تصله رساله من السماء ممن وصل إلى قمة الذره إلا إلى ما وصل إليه البرت اينشتاين وهو وإن كان يهودي الدين إلا إنه لم يكن يعلم شيئا عن اليهودية والذي وصل إلى اعتقاد أن فوق هذا الكون قوة تديره. وبهذا الإعتقاد يكون المعتقد مؤمن بالله تبارك وتعالى ولو لم يكن يعرف اسماىه وصفاته ورسالته. ولكن هل يكون موحد لله تعالى ؟! هذا موضوع اخر هل هو للجنه أم للنار يوم القيامة إذا لم تقام عليه حجة الرسالة السماوية ؟! نشغل أنفسنا بمصيرنا ولا نبحث في مصير عباد الله تعالى
The fact that they show the full range of emotions from the engineers, for me, makes this documentary all the more engaging and takes the viewer along an emotional roller-coaster, absolutely fantastic. 😀
The engineers may not not know the whole story ,man.
Ending made me tear up a little. I feel their triumph as if I was part of it all.
me to
It is the unexpected difficulties that they faced and the way they handled the problems that made the story worth reading. For the same reason, it is the difficulties in our life that made life worth living. Keep it up, USA.
I remember watching Viking all fuzzy in black and white on my Grandma’s TV. I was about 4-5 and was so terrified of martians!
This is fascinating stuff and proof positive that apart from man's brilliance once humankind are genuinely united in an effort to do something they normally succeed. It's a pity we are still so divided.
The division between humanity has its benefits such as cheap labour and diversity...
The universe is filled with life art! Millions of years ago everywhere!
You people are inspirations to millions! Thank you!
working together can achieved anything impossible
Amazing seriously...
Imagine all the efforts, planning and team work involved to ensure everything goes well. Awesome!
Hope future Generation will be fruitful and live Happily.❤
The hard work paid off finally amazing thank s for this opportunity
earth human truly fortunate
hopefully there will be more people to see
E.T. technology has been part of our daily lives for a few decades now.
Beautiful documentary, although a really old one, 20 years old, maybe you should have redone the locution to past tense, since they keep talking about what 20 year old probes are going to do in the future
that balloon landing is so crazy.
Got emotional when it landed safely
Wow. That was absolutely fantastic
23:00 the sound track music sounds very much like Vangelis Mutiny on the Bounty.
The labeled release experiments on the Viking missions did not "come up empty". The results were positive. The scientists in charge of the labeled release exp. were convinced they had found evidence of bacterial life. That evidence has not been disproven to this day. Other scientists simply refused to accept the results without further evidence.
well said creighton
What annoys me they never tried again in the subsequent rovers
I wish we could spend this much time effort and money saving the planet we all live on.
You got that right.
In fact, we do spend far more money and time towards saving the planet we live on.
We know so much about earth's environment only because our model of planetary science was advanced by missions to other planets. Can we understand the entire human race's genetic diversity by studying only your family? Can we know about all animals by studying one animal? Same for planets. Please don't be anti-science.
And we spend far far more on saving earth & its inhabitants. Mars missions cost USD $1-3 billion.
For comparison, we were forced to spend $5 billion for a tiny trumpy broken wall that's now dilapidated & rusting.
@@keep-ukraine-free Exactly we should stop building walls and spending$1-3 Billion on going to space and use it to end hunger for starving sick children.
@@63phillip& stop spending $1trn (per year...!) on guns, too, presumably...?
That was great. A late congrats to the team. Thanks to nova.
Good we got something to know
Thsnks to you all guys
Humans are so clever the things they invent are enormous and then you have the rest of the humans that are causing trouble and war
Incredible and inspiring
It's alive I believe that if not why are they still shingles ❤❤❤ thanks for the good work keep it up we're all wirting ❤❤
Cool, merci.
Amazing footage to see in 2023
The scientists are very clever people indeed. I think we can answer the question without going to this expense and energy. There is no life on Mars ,never has been and never will be. The human race needs to concentrate on the problems we are facing here on earth. Number One to live in PEACE between nations. When we achieve this the human race will have made some progress.
Agree 100%. NO LIFE on Mars. It is not a place for human being. Eventhough they find signs of life on Mars but it is not a suitable place for human. No water, no plants. Such a wasting time, energy and money.
IN. THE. HOLY BIBLE. [ REVELATION : 13 - 16 !. ] . [ JOHN : 14 - 6 ] ! .
JOHN : 3 - 16 ❤ ! .
I think like you
You obviously don't understand the repercussions of not being an exploratory race... you wouldn't even be able to send that message without the innovations of nasa... its short sighted foolishness.
this would have been a great video 18 years ago!!
Exactly what I was thinking.
Boomer doc.
hey...the time when work for NASA was about capacity...not about fiill quotas...a gone era???...
Opportunity and Spirit
Good work mars drust panat ❤❤
Humans Nature is with Good thinking and good Action to protect the Cosmos Safety.❤
Fantastico esfuerzo del ser humano. Felicidades y grandes exitos para el futuro..
Our mission there is to find Solutions to help our Planet Climate .A priority.
first aired info missing in the description...
I am 56 years old and i have been following these Mars missions ever since they announced that there was a face on Mars in 1976. I have spend thousands of hours on the raw images from the Spirit mission, i have made panoramas, 3d images and photo sequences and i can tell you with 100% certainty that there is a life form present. If you make the exact same image from all the available filter settings L1 to L7 and R1 to R8, and play these images in a sequence like a mini time laps, all the raw images have a time stamp in their name, you will detect movement in the images. The only problem is that you can't tell what exactly is moving because of the poor quality of the images and the fact that all the images they publish have an extra layer in them. They use an in photo camouflage technique. Neil Armstrong spoke about "The protective layer of the truth" in his 25th anniversary speech of the Moon landing in 1994.
Take a very good look at the East hill complex (spirit mission)in 3d, that's not just some hill. Use a high resolution and high contrast monitor, preferable an Oled panel, and watch only the 3d images because in a flat 2d images you will never see it. You can see objects that appear to be under the sand, the sand is the extra layer. The poorer the quality of the images is the more likely you will find something in it that they don't want us to see. If there were nothing to hide in these images we would see crystal clear images with all the smallest detail visible and recognizable, because these cameras they use are the best that money can buy.
If i had better video editing skills i would make a video about it, but i don't. Al dought a few years back i made just one video about a panorama they published. The video isn't the best but if you want to watch it search YT for "Dutch3dexplorer "and you will find the channel with just this video. The discussed images in the video is a Tiff file so it should have the same quality as a Raw photo file no matter how often you make a copy of it but its all blurred and darkened. If the video does not convince you i suggest you download the images yourself and take a very good look at it. Stop being so ignorant and just use some common sense if you have a brain.
Great observation. Great efforts
Basically sun radiation and lack of magnetism if at all life evolved it might be underground of Mars.
@@chandrashekharbarge4160If Mars was wetter in the past and life evolved or maybe there is a life form that is silicon based and can withstand all the harsh condition that Mars has. Or the life that is present has gone underground like you say. Think about what would happen to life on earth if our atmosphere would be stripped away over the eons, would we just extinct or would we gradually adapt and go underground.
@@bakkerfrans content in atmosphere of Mars includes carbon associated gases is very important, as for plant life carbon formation is must as water there oxygen and hydrogen is there hence if at all some life at primary stage evolved that could be underground being protected from radiation, being fossilized it might be covered by soil, sand , stone carried by water currents
So analysis of soil at sufficient depth becomes crucial
Further if such situation happenes on earth life on earth being evolved to great extent fossils of animals will withstand for longer period on the land also underground.
Mars is fully alive just as other planets.
Was it these guys that bore the Nova 6 crawlers too?
Is this from 2003?
Why am I getting a Johny 5, Short Circut flashback each time the rovers appear?...😅😅
What a 'giant leap' !
I might be a little green but I aint no Martian.
They should try to land on the north pole, maybe in that ice they will find the answers to that question...
I feel 15 again.
하나님이 창조하신 태양계 최고의 살기좋고 아름다운 지구를 더이상 파괴하지 말고 지키며 가꾸고 살아가는 지혜가 필요합니다.
Victory after lot Work but it's a very good work
If the lander needs a heat shield when it hits the atmosphere then that would indicate the atmosphere is a lot thicker than often reported ??
It would indicate that the atmosphere is being entered at a much higher speed than an earth return mission.
It's more complicated. Spacecraft go from space velocity (90,000 km/hr) to ~0 km/hr, by converting all of its high velocity (kinetic energy) into something. The only thing you can convert that energy to is heat... using resistance (friction) to slow it. Friction converts velocity to heat. In a thin atmosphere we must make it take a very shallow (& long) entry path. That takes time, and generates lots of friction/heat. Atmospheric density doesn't matter.
We are luckiest to live in this planet because a perfect distance from sun 🌞 and moon 🌚 is enough to create life without this two objects like other planets were nothing
На сегодняшний день человеческие технологии 12:01 позволяют вернуть к жизни только марс. Дать новую жизнь только Марсу.
البرامج الخاصة لخاصة المهتمين بالاطلاع على أحدث ما توصلت إليه أبحاث العلماء في كل المجالات راىعة جدآ. سوف لن يبقى العلم الذي نكتسبه إلا واجدا نفسه في نواة ذرة إلى حجم مجره بالنسبة للاحاطة بالعلوم والتمكن من تطبيقاتها المثلى. ولا شك أن العلم يعي قدرة العقل البشري وقدرة الجسد وقدرة الروح وقدرة النفس ذات الضعف والعجز والتي هي إلى وهن وشيب ورميم وفقدان.
فإلى استمداد العون من المعين والقوة من القوي والعلم من العليم.
والله الموفق وهو الهادي الى سواء السبيل
Мертвый марс, но с сегодняшними технологиями человечеству и они позволяют чтобы оживить его. Дать ему жизнь
I find it fascinating how seismically active Mars has become in the past few years, mirroring the increasing earthquakes here perfectly.
Really are you getting that information off Facebook from the dick heads that think jet engines are spewing metal fragments and poison out the back?
There is no such evidence to suggest that mars has become more geologically active.
And the earth hasn't as well for that matter.
Earthquakes on earth happen more when the planets align at certain times.
Read some proper science books instead of the global warming bollocks!
After watching this, one has to question the ability to land "Starship" on Mars, and the safety of a human crew.
Star Whale will, probably blow up on launch anyway.
Its traveling 6 months in a tin can that I'm more worried about
I think it’s safe to say we will land many robots before any humans. I feel that robots will build most of the things mankind will need years before we step foot. But just imagine what it would be like to be the first man/woman to open the door and look out on the mars landscape. Personally I would be gutted. Not a KFC is sight….. Noooooooooo
Forgive me for being BLUNT... Is this video about Mars or Steve Squire ? There is more clips about Squire and including his family than Mars itself. However if he is paying for the video why not !
Open source technology derived from our own work.
20yrs of Martian rocks, enough, Martian surface is dead, You see the white from the orbiter its water-ice maybe a good starting point to find Extremophiles.
Perhaps I'll send a rover to Mars.
It our hstorical arival to mars🛶🛶🛶🛶🛶🌈🌈🌈🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸exploration
Science is future but my be respectful,do good be good be humble and careful .
Thanks for publishing, but um yeah little dated.
It's worth watching tough
Suppose Like exist On Mars , what Precaution we have to prepare to deal our Planet.
وصلنا إلى الطبقه الرمليه لي كوكب الأرض 4
الطبقه الرابعه 👽🌏
Dont we get Mars chocolate bars from there 😅
when it comes to technology issues,they need to contact Koenigsegg for solutions
Never has the phrase "get a life" been more appropriate.
Fundamental Theory of Existence.
1. Zero can not divide one.
2. One can not be created from zero. Absolute creation does not exist.
3. One can not be destroyed into zero. Absolute destruction does not exist.
4. One can change into different one. Relative creation and relative destruction exist.
5. There is no beginning for absolute existence.
6. There is no end for absolute existence.
7. There is a beginning and an end to relative existence.
8. There is no God.
9. Velocity of light is relative.
10. Space is emptiness that can be occupied, it is absolute. Time is an indication of change, it is relative.
11. There are three and three space dimensions only. There is only one time dimension.
12. Time travel is not possible and there is only one Universe.
Sagar Gorijala is the author of " Fundamental Theory of Existence ".
This is not rather than imagination.
Is it true there was life billion years ago? In the north pole 🎣💈 certainly frozen water exist. Future, people will migrate and multiply out there.👏👏👏
Hope humans will one day set their foot on mars
Said this video came out 6 days ago… did it take them 15 years s to edit it! Come on guys, we’ve been on the planet for years now.
This video was uploaded on another channel on RUclips years ago! I remember watching it back in 2010.
@@rickyjones3754 and I bet it was great then.
We have not nor ever will go to the light in the sky that heralds of war known as Mars it was a light in the sky then and it’s a light in the sky now there are no mars rovers on Mars believe me I know because I have seen the pictures taken of the real camera driving around on Devon Island in Greenland
@@magnetmountain33 bro. I respect your position and statement, but really. It’s foolish comments like this that makes me shudder. Out of respect for all the great minds how made this possible, come up with a better theory that this. WW2 the Germans shot rockets from Europe to the uk. In 1962 nasa left the earth and went to lower space. The ussr landed 6 probes on Venus and one Evan lasted for 30 sec. Musk is about to launch the largest rocket ever built. Come on dude. We have satellites orbiting the moon and you can clearly see landing sights from past nasa missions. Time to taste the coffee. Just because you weren’t there don’t mean It never happens.
Okay so every video has to about very recent things, no such thing as history or informative stuff in the past?
Of course there was life and nature on Mars, but... a long, long time ago... about 2500 million years ago - time in terms of hours and seconds doesn't really exist and varies greatly depending on external circumstances, time only serves as a human barometer to better organize what has been experienced or what will happen in the future.
This long time period is the main factor that makes the reconstruction of the Martian surface and its habitable reality and environment so difficult, if not impossible (erosion, different shapes of surface, dust, volcanism and impacts)...
Mars had an express development compared to us, the first step of individual life in our solar system took place on Mars - life itself didn´t spread out from our solar system, but from another solar system of the Orion constellation and was transported from there by comets or asteroids to our solar system, first to Mars, later to Mother Earth and to some moons of Jupiter and Saturn: Ganimedes, Europa etc., but we can find the basic "traces/seeds of life" on all compact celestial bodies in our solar system, it can be everywhere, but always depends on external climatic and atmospheric conditions and physical laws.
When life on Mars became impossible due to negative changes in the atmosphere, magnetism and climate deterioration (currently, Mars is arguably more a kind of geological museum than "living" planet) it sought a new basis for existence on other planets and came slowly but surely to our planet Earth. Here on earth life found perfect conditions with the help of photosynthesis, grew and multiplied rapidly, and the rest of this impressive evolutionary history is already well known and documented everywhere...🙃🙂
Nou weet ik of er leven is op mars na deze video
වෙනත් ග්රහලෝකයක ජාණ තිබීම ඉතා හොඳයි .💑💑💑💑💑💑💑💑💑💑💑💑💑💑💑 නමුත් පුතුවියේ උන්නතිය ආරක්ෂා කලොත් වෙනත් ග්රහලෝක හද හදා ඉන්න අවශ්ය නෑ බෞද්ධ දර්ශනය අනුගමනය කරමින් පැවැත්ම සනිටුහන් කර ස්වර්ගය නිවන් දකින්න පුළුවන් .
ස්වගය ද ලබාගැනීමට පුළුවන් .💑💑💑💑💑💑💑💑💑💑💑💑💑💑💑💑💑💑💑💑💑
Now I know how to make it, I am
Going to assemble one in my garage n launch with my back pack n stay on the mars .. bye bye Earth ..
NO life on mars! There never was, and never will be! lts cool to explore it though!
5 seconds in and you hear them Counting I'm a little tired of number one number two number three 100%?
Now imagine a flat earther claiming that this is all "fake" !
Я верю в Марсианскую миссию.
I am 100% sure that there were many bacteria on both rovers contaminating Mars. No human should have never touch a space probe that lands on other planet. Great disappointment.
Why not go to the icy poles.
It's pretty amazing that these guys have the knowledge and skills to put rockets on Mars, but can't figure out how to put dirt/sand tires on their rovers...
ELON : Mars.
This isn't the Curiosity rover.....this seems old.
if life was milion years ago and vanish, what is benefit today for us?
Mars is a dead planet..
🦘🐨🔥🌏 evidently. Mars has huge areas of high radiation . and ruins. there are areas of life . but struggling. Keith Australia
It annoys me how the 'manager' tries to put all the blame on a mechanic. I'd have just said, its your project. I'm not boss.
كلما تقدم العلم في النفس والكون يتعمق الإحساس ويترسخ اليقين بأن ما توصل إليه ما هو إلا قطره من محيط.
وهناك يقف العلم موقف المتيقن بأن هناك عالم غير مرئي لا نحيط به علما ليس الجن مثالاً عليه.
ولا شك أن العلم يدرك الضىاله التي هي هو كلما تقدم إلى قمة الذره التي أدرك أنه في داخلها وهو يرى المجرة التي خلفها ما لا يحصى من مجرات.
سوف لن يصل كل من لم تصله رساله من السماء ممن وصل إلى قمة الذره إلا إلى ما وصل إليه البرت اينشتاين وهو وإن كان يهودي الدين إلا إنه لم يكن يعلم شيئا عن اليهودية والذي وصل إلى اعتقاد أن فوق هذا الكون قوة تديره.
وبهذا الإعتقاد يكون المعتقد مؤمن بالله تبارك وتعالى ولو لم يكن يعرف اسماىه وصفاته ورسالته.
ولكن هل يكون موحد لله تعالى ؟!
هذا موضوع اخر
هل هو للجنه أم للنار يوم القيامة إذا لم تقام عليه حجة الرسالة السماوية ؟!
نشغل أنفسنا بمصيرنا ولا نبحث في مصير عباد الله تعالى
Alien lng ang makakarating sa mars . Sa sobrang layo hindi kayang puntahan yan ng tao.
This is old isn't it PBS?
It’s as dry as a dead dingoes donga
Christmas island o:37:59
This upload is a bit “yesterday”. I thought this was an update…very disappointing.
Is World contribution Fee Valuable to facilitate our expenses , to protect our own benefits used.
Ha ha ha ha going to Mars my arse
Baños ya es la ora