Mary Magdalene Disciple, Companion, or Wife of Jesus?

  • Опубликовано: 19 май 2022
  • The mysterious woman, otherwise unknown in our New Testament texts, Mary Magdalene, briefly appears and disappears toward the end of Jesus' life in all four of the New Testament gospels. As this video makes clear, it is Mary Magdalene who is the KEY figure in our historical reconstruction of what happened Sunday morning after the crucifixion with the discovery of an empty tomb.
    But who was she and why was she so closely associated Jesus and his mother and sister? And why, in one early tradition was she the "first witness" of Jesus' empty tomb--only later to be made into a prostitute and sinner. In later gospels, not included in the New Testament, she is remembered as Jesus' most intimate and faithful follower, of whom his male disciples were jealous.
    This lecture was part a Biblical Archaeology Society seminar, publishers of the premiere archaeology magazine, Biblical Archaeology Review. It is used with permission.
    I encourage viewers to subscribe to the incredible BAS Library, with thousands of articles, books, and videos. There is nothing like this rich archive that covers every major topic and discovery for more than 40 years. Unlimited access to the library is available for a small annual subscription price, see:

Комментарии • 299

  • @Mirrorgirl492
    @Mirrorgirl492 Год назад +6

    What amazes me, is how long it took for Ron and Hermoine to realise their feelings for each other.

  • @haze1123
    @haze1123 11 месяцев назад

    Professor Tabor is the best.
    I've listened to hours of his lectures and interviews.

    • @nostalja77
      @nostalja77 3 месяца назад

      He s modern day Gnostic, only interested in denigrating Scripture. Thousands before him have tried, His Word is TRUTH, its always going to win in the end.

  • @mysticwanderer4787
    @mysticwanderer4787 Год назад +56

    Given what we know about ancient Jewish practices and society, if the Jesus story of crucifixion and burial were associated with any other figure of the time we would assume that a woman involved in the most intimate events of a man's life would be either his mother or his wife. Since we know Mary Magdalene was not the mother of Jesus, logic would dictate that she was his wife. For a Jew in his mid-thirties not to have a wife would be unusual.

    • @willempasterkamp862
      @willempasterkamp862 Год назад +2

      the wife of Simon, Martha is the real 'housekeepster''

    • @alfranco529
      @alfranco529 Год назад

      @@willempasterkamp862 , excuse me? Housekeeper where? Which house? Are you talking about Acts 12:13,14?

    • @jeffmorris5456
      @jeffmorris5456 Год назад +8

      In my opinion, Jesus was unusual. Quite counter-culture in fact. So maybe he took a different path, like some faith leaders today, and didn't marry in order to devote his life in the service of God.

    • @donnakeizer1468
      @donnakeizer1468 Год назад +1

      Pjesus wasn’t a Jew he was a NAZERENe read Matthew 2,23. Go to Wikipedia of description of Jesus Christ from Lentulus Governor Of the Jerusalemites, to the Roman Senate and the people. MARYs Lineage LUKE 3 ,,. Her father was HELi..... it goes back through Seth Adam. ADAM in Hebrew means ruddy completed, shows blood in the face... JESUS WAS WHITE.

    • @mysticwanderer4787
      @mysticwanderer4787 Год назад +15

      @@donnakeizer1468 The Nazerenes were a first century Messianic Jewish sect that followed ALL of the laws of Judaism. Jesus's mother and father were Jews. Jesus was a Jew. Jesus observed all of the Jewish holy days and traveled to Jerusalem for the proper observance of holy days. He was a Jew. Jesus strictly followed the Kashrut dietary laws of Judaism. Jesus was a Jew. Jesus was allowed to enter the Temple therefore the Sadducees and Pharisees considered him a Jew. He taught at the synagogues. He was a Jew. I suggest you do some additional research and you will see that only misinformed Christians would ever consider Jesus anything but a pious Jew that believed the apocalypse foretold in the book of Daniel was imminent and that he was the Messiah that would usher in the coming of God's kingdom on earth and the supremacy of the twelve tribes of Israel. Peace.

  • @markmiller897
    @markmiller897 2 года назад +31

    I believe she was his wife. She supported him. She was there for his crucifixion risking her life as well. She was first to see him afterwards. That sounds like a wife to me. And a damm good one. My final argument for this, she was going to wash and anoint his body. Wasn't it just close family that was allowed to do it? With all the restrictions on touching the dead in the Jewish culture, would the family allow a "friend" to touch his nude body? I believe that the prejudice of the male dominated church has written her out as best they could.

    • @termination9353
      @termination9353 2 года назад +6

      JESUS HAD A SON VIA MARY MAG John 19:25-27
      25 Now there stood by the cross of Jesus his mother[Mary], and his mother's sister[in-law], Mary the wife of Cleophas[mother Mary's brother], and Mary Magdalene.
      26 When Jesus therefore saw his mother, and the disciple standing by[Mary Magdalene], whom he loved, he saith unto his mother, Woman, behold thy [grand]son! [in Mary Mag's womb/pregnant.]
      27 Then saith he to the disciple[Mary Mag], Behold thy mother[in-law/Jesus' mother Mary]! And from that hour that disciple[Mary Mag] took her[Jesus' mother] unto his[Jesus'] own home [The home of Jesus and his now pregnant wife Mary Magdalene] in a midwifing arrangement.

    • @markmiller897
      @markmiller897 2 года назад +6

      @@termination9353 I believe that he had a son. I believe that the beloved disciple was his son. The beloved disciple followed Jesus when he was taken by the Romans. The guards tried to grab him and he wriggled out of his tunic and ran naked through the village. He also was laying on Jesus's chest on the last supper. Sounds like a child to me. Hence the beloved title.

    • @termination9353
      @termination9353 2 года назад +1

      @@markmiller897 The "disciple whom Jesus loved (except in this instance at the cross with Mary Mag) is LAZARUS.
      John 11:5
      Now Jesus LOVED Martha, and her sister (Mary Magdalene), and LAZARUS
      John 11:3
      Therefore his sisters sent unto him{Jesus], saying, Lord, behold, HE[Lazarus] WHOM THOU LOVEST is sick..
      John11:36 Then said the Jews, Behold how he[Jesus] LOVED him[Lazarus]!

    • @johnbreitmeier3268
      @johnbreitmeier3268 2 года назад

      There is NO evidence anywhere that Jesus was ever married. Only liars and fools teach that he was/

    • @termination9353
      @termination9353 2 года назад

      @@johnbreitmeier3268 John 19:15-27 is the evidence that Jesus impregnated Mary Mag. - There is no reason or evidence against it.

  • @richardfliearman3381
    @richardfliearman3381 Год назад +14

    I concluded some time ago that Mary from Magdala or Mariam the Magdalite, was in fact Jesus' woman or adamthah (household servant) or pilgesh. I base this on the fact that the Parushin identified as rabbi, which was a title that could only be spoken of married males, coupled with the fact that his marital status would have nothing to do with his salvation efficacy (a celebate doctrine of later Catholic invent to buttress their own doctrine of priestly celebacy).
    Another aspect of why I suppose that Jesus was married to Mariam was the account of Martha complaining to Jesus and requesting him to order Mariam to help with the serving of the guests.
    This would be out of order for him to order one of Lazarus family members to perform a house chore when sitting in Lazarus house with Lazarus being present. However if Mariam was Jesus wife, then it would make perfect sense for him to be the one for Martha to petition rather than her and Mariam's own brother.
    Jesus being married to Mariam only strengthens my faith in light of Israelite customs and Qadash social norms they held.

    • @clarice1001nights
      @clarice1001nights Год назад +1

      To me this seems completely plausible.

    • @janetduos1852
      @janetduos1852 27 дней назад

      WHAT? Why would you think JESUS waste His time marrying any woman? I think this is garbage, and trying to make GOD like MAN!!! I think Mary M loved JESUS, because she was forgiven from her sins! Mary had a heart for JESUS because of His Message, His Message brought Freedom to a world are a time of Roman depression ! I am a believer and a follower of Jesus , and I fell in love with Jesus, do We All NOT have a LOVE for Our GOD??? I know through His Word and Now after many years of following GOD , Reading and knowing of His message and ways, we are set free, free from the chains that binds us. Gods Word tells us Clearly,” I don’t look at the outer man, But I search men’s hearts.” Face it, and STOP this madness , trying to group MY GOD to be like man! NO! We Are To Become More Like Jesus, To Have a Mind Of Chirst …… to get our hearts too be MORE like GOD THE FATHER, not GOD being more like man! Repent , Repent for The Kingdom Of God Is At Hand!!! I follow after GOD, not man making God more like man! This does not set well with my spirit, I feel satan has his evil hand in this, to twist GOD and His Word, be make GOD to be like mere man( sinful) GOD ( JESUS) IS THE ONLY ONE WITHOUT SIN, Jesus Was the ultimate sacrifice , and there HE DID IT ALL. Jesus was the Lamb That Was SLAIN. On The Cross JESUS Completed it, HE Was Without Spot Or Blemish , Jesus last Words Were” IT IS FINISHED! Please , Please people YOU CANNOT , No Matter What You Cannot Compare GOD to a simply sinful human( man) it is Impossible

  • @Catholic-Perennialist
    @Catholic-Perennialist Год назад +2

    God bless you Dr. Tabor.

  • @PabloAlvestegui
    @PabloAlvestegui Год назад +1

    Dr. @James Tabor, do you have a link to Tina's lecture that you mention in this video?

  • @newgold100
    @newgold100 Год назад +3

    Dr James, just a quick question?
    In Mark it says that women went to the tomb when Shabbat ended .
    As we know Shabbat ends at sundown and the Mark says that women also went down at sunrise.
    So was the women going at end of Shabbat the first visitation ?

  • @fatbottombracket
    @fatbottombracket Год назад +4

    I’ve had to dig into RUclips to find all of this info. Can I be an archaeologist? This stuff has been ‘hiding’ my entire life. Thank you ☺️

    • @eveadame1059
      @eveadame1059 7 месяцев назад

      Ancient Tile Mosaic found in ISRAEL of MARY MAGDALENE 🌙 and JESUS ☀️ Encircled by 12 Disciples 🌹✝️ Internet IMAGE Search... THE GOSPEL OF MARY MAGDALENE by James Bean 🐝⚜️

  • @alexlarsen6413
    @alexlarsen6413 2 года назад +8

    I do think that such close family privileges do in fact point to Jesus and Mary Magdalene either being married or at the very least, and especially given that this was a fringe religious cult at the time, had a very close, loving, probably romantic, monogamous relationship.
    At any rate, I mainly want to thank Dr. Tabor again for putting so much effort into this youtube channel, allowing the privilege to so many of us who otherwise wouldn't be able to (not at this rate for sure), listen to him directly.
    He's such a great scholar and on top of that a great human being!! It's an honor.

    • @eswn1816
      @eswn1816 Год назад +1

      Jesus never sinned (romance with an unmarried woman) and there is NO evidence or need for Him to have been married... in fact, if he was, He could not have "the Bride of Christ" spoken of in Bible.
      Pure speculation.... people make lots of money with this nonsense (ie., Dan Brown)

    • @EvelynElaineSmith
      @EvelynElaineSmith 4 месяца назад

      Remember that when Mary Magdalene realizes that she is not talking to the gardener but to Jesus, he tells her not to "cling" to him. Wouldn't a wife want to do so? "Jesus said, 'Do not hold on to me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father. Go instead to my brothers and tell them, ‘I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.’ ” -- John 20: 17 (NIV).

  • @geoattoronto
    @geoattoronto Год назад +3

    According to John the New, Mary Magdalene was Jesus wife and they had a joyous relationship with much joy and laughter.

  • @ChristopherWentling
    @ChristopherWentling 2 года назад +9

    I have come to the belief that almost all the followers of Jesus during his lifetime were family members.

    • @willempasterkamp862
      @willempasterkamp862 Год назад

      Simon and Mary weren't of the bloodline but close familyfriends. Mary was likely an adopt-daughter of Zacherias/Elias.

    • @EvelynElaineSmith
      @EvelynElaineSmith 4 месяца назад

      And no one in this discussion has yet mentioned the passage from the Apocryphal Gospel of Phillip, where the apostles are complaining that Jesus is closer to Mary Magdalene than his disciples are, & He even "kisses her on the (word removed but probably is "lips"). Oh, no, First Century Public Display of Affection! ”And Peter said, “Sister, we know that the Lord has loved you differently from other women. ‘he said to you, which you remember and we do not know about … […] Is it possible that the Lord has spoken with a woman about secrets we do not know about? […] he really chosen and preferred to us? “ Well, as my mother always said, "Men wrote the Bible!"

  • @ralphproscia4934
    @ralphproscia4934 Год назад +6

    I have always wondered why Mother Mary was so concerned regarding the guests at the wedding feast at Cana not having enough bread and wine. Why was it Jesus's responsibility to solve this problem? Maybe, it was his wedding, and these were his guests???

    • @rosarule1796
      @rosarule1796 Год назад

      Most scholar, seems to believe it was James's weeding (James the brother of Jesus)

  • @clarice1001nights
    @clarice1001nights Год назад

    @James Tabor
    What do you think of the following idea?
    Lazarus, the brother of Mirjam and a resident of Bethany, may have had access to a valuable source of wealth through his involvement in the spice trade. Magdala, a city located on a well-traveled route for traders.
    It's noteworthy that Naden Oil, which originates from the Himalayas, is mentioned in the scripture. It is not typically associated with the Middle East or Asia Minor. If Magdala's Mirjam family had a stake in the spice trade, it would make sense for her to have enjoyed a degree of independence. Perhaps Lazarus was responsible for sales in Jerusalem while Magdala played a role in Galilee, as she had access to resources beyond those of fishermen.
    A Sexton could have met such a person quite easily. Then the care taking and money issues would seem plausable.
    Does this idea seem worthy of consideration Dr. Tabor?

  • @nt1777
    @nt1777 4 месяца назад

    Barbara Thiering in her books speak in detail about Jesus and Mary. I was shocked!

  • @rosarule1796
    @rosarule1796 2 года назад +9

    Dr. James, I had the impression that if it was a male only males could clean them and take care the body the same for women....thank you soo much for teaching us and taking the time to explain on a simple way for simple ppl. Gracias

    • @Nogill0
      @Nogill0 2 года назад +3

      Good point. But was it even a Jewish practice, ever, to clean and "anoint" a corpse after burial? Prior to burial, if the internment was delayed, maybe to control odor, but only as a practical matter. In the case of Jesus the expectation would have been that the body had been decomposing for three days-- what purpose would cleaning serve? It would be more like desecration of a dead body, wouldn't it?

    • @rosarule1796
      @rosarule1796 2 года назад +2

      @@Nogill0 I agreed, Rabbi Tovia Singer talks and explains this very well.

    • @kenlinden9621
      @kenlinden9621 Год назад +1

      @@Nogill0 Well, they probably didn't 'clean' with spices... but the 'body' had not been properly prepared for burial... they had a 'deadline' to meet, thus the hasty 'burying' as opposed to 'final burial'...

    • @SometimeAgo65
      @SometimeAgo65 Год назад +1

      Christ was HEAVILY anointed with OILS and as to protect HIS body fore they knew that HE would Rise Again on the Third day...and HE did!! School won't get you very far, I promise but the HOLY SPIRIT WILL TEACH YOU ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW 😊❤️

    • @richardfliearman3381
      @richardfliearman3381 Год назад +1

      ​​​​@@SometimeAgo65 While that is very true, it can also become subjective and end any real discussion on the matter especially when two different believes claim to be led of the very Spirit they claim . It usually ends up in intellectual shaming and rejection of formal studies as being the mark of spiritual deficiency.

  • @nadzach
    @nadzach 9 месяцев назад

    John would have arrived first. "Outran" = נצח and has, also, the attribute of humility to wait for Peter in enter first. Really, really interesting questions. I hope I can have a good day to look into these resurrection morning passages. 🤞

  • @Holistic-Healthcare
    @Holistic-Healthcare 6 месяцев назад

    So Paul was talking about himself when refering to, "I knew a guy". Do we have any info on his techniques used for his visionary experiences?

  • @newgold100
    @newgold100 Год назад

    Hi I read the texts again , only prepared to go to tomb at sunrise ?

  • @Bbarfo
    @Bbarfo 2 года назад +1

    The most important question is this: how much can the Gospel of John, or any other Gospel be trusted?

    • @georgeelmasry9376
      @georgeelmasry9376 Год назад

      Very little. Second generation christians wrote Mark, Mathew and Luke. The third generation wrote John.

  • @svemory
    @svemory Год назад

    I'm with the late, great Francios Bovon in understanding Mary of Bethany as one and the same as MM -- it is not so strange that there would be a home near Jerusalem; to be from Magdala doesn't contradict that. And there is also the reference from Mica 'Tower of the Flock' as ... I forget her name; the woman from Harvard who wrote 'In Memory of Her.' I think it was she who posited that reference. But I believe Magdala is a valid designation. That does NOT contradict having the home in Bethany, however. I have had two homes in the same state, lol. Read John 12 with this in mind, and you'll have more references to add to this list. The woman to whom he appeared is the one who anointed him. (Forget Luke's reworking of that pericope). Jane Schaberg was extremely special. I met her at a rare MM conference in NYC years ago -- had the second site in many ways. But hey -- to be from Magdala and have a home near the city (Bethany) is not that strange, and there are other textual reasons to support Mary of Bethany and MM as the same.

  • @zoro5304
    @zoro5304 Год назад +3

    I think God wanted Jesus to experience what it meant to be human in all aspects including to be in relationships that very well may have included Mary Magdalene.

    • @donnakeizer1468
      @donnakeizer1468 11 месяцев назад +1

      Jesus was God not natural, supernatural. Read John 1-18.

    • @zoro5304
      @zoro5304 11 месяцев назад

      Bible is divinely inspired I believe but keep in mind these writings being attributed to the apostles were written by others centuries later. Jesus even referred to God as his father and did not claim to be anything other than the Son of God. The Holy Trinity is just another invention or intepretation. Catholics say the Virgin Mary is the mother of God, another invention. Mary was the mother of Christ through the will of God by which all things were made. To get a beetr idea of what the first Christians were really about is better layed out in the Dead Sea scrolls. History is not what you've been told, but take comfort in the fact that all that is hidden will be revealed by God when Jesus returns to judge the living and the dead.@@donnakeizer1468

  • @kilowhiskeyalpha6078
    @kilowhiskeyalpha6078 Год назад +6

    Magdalene is Yeshua's eternal syzygy, incarnating throughout history as companions and known by various names according to custom and culture. The crucifiction story is parable as was the nativity both symbolic accounts written in the mystic language of the cycle of the crossing into the age of Aquarius.

    • @elizabethmendez4296
      @elizabethmendez4296 Год назад

      Really want to get more information on your syzygy analogy of Jesus & Mary Magdalene can you please send me any information or references I can look into regarding this . Thank you.

    • @eveadame1059
      @eveadame1059 7 месяцев назад

      Ancient Tile Mosaic found in ISRAEL of MARY MAGDALENE 🌙 and JESUS ☀️ Encircled by 12 Disciples 🌹✝️ Internet IMAGE Search... THE GOSPEL OF MARY MAGDALENE by James Bean 🐝⚜️

    • @georgesparks7833
      @georgesparks7833 2 месяца назад

      When Dr. Tabor showed the picture and then read the passage in the Gospel of John. You can feel the compassion and empathy. Whether Jesus was the Messiah or a Jewish rabbi that was put to death for what he believed, is not the issue. But heartfelt sorrow for a man that suffered terribly.

  • @MarcP5267
    @MarcP5267 11 месяцев назад

    This is very intriguing. What would be wrong in the Christian world if Jesus was married?

  • @dr.a.995
    @dr.a.995 2 года назад +1

    Clopas, Clophas? And in 20th century, a lady friend, Cleofas. She informed me her name was an old-fashioned one, so she preferred Cleo. We had no idea just how old!

  • @GravityBoy72
    @GravityBoy72 Год назад +1

    Dr Tabor,
    When you say the faith started at the lake with the appearance of Jesus, are you saying Jesus actually appeared to them?
    Unless he didn't actually die I find that hard to believe.
    What are you proposing?

    • @geoattoronto
      @geoattoronto Год назад

      Jesus has advanced spiritual mastery and he has the ability to appear in physical form inside closed doors. He still does so. See Love Without End … Jesus Speaks by Glenda Green.

    • @GravityBoy72
      @GravityBoy72 Год назад

      @@geoattoronto Prove it.
      Joseph Smith saw Jesus and the Father.
      See Documents and Covenants....

  • @joeycan6801
    @joeycan6801 Год назад +3

    I’m going to play devil’s advocate here……. There’s one question I would pose off the bat….. Mary went to the tomb while it was still “ Dark “ !? Those were dangerous and violent times especially for a lonely woman while it was still dark, would a woman wander outside alone while it was still dark ?? Just a question…. I might be totally in left field….so if she went I don’t think she was alone.
    Love your channel and work !
    Thank your

    • @jdaze1
      @jdaze1 Год назад

      Didn't happen. There was no crucifixion. Hebrews 5:7, Psalm 18, 41, 91. Thats the point of PASSOVER. The death angel passes over all the firstborn sons of Israel. The very elect.

    • @donnakeizer1468
      @donnakeizer1468 11 месяцев назад +1

      She knew Jesus was the son of GOD and supernatural, she witnesses His miracles, teachings, why would she be afraid, I wouldn’t be.

    • @donnakeizer1468
      @donnakeizer1468 11 месяцев назад

      Read Psalms 22 on CHRISTS crucifixion written 1000 yrs before it happen,,,.. as Isaiah 7.14 The Lord himself shall give you a sign, a Virgin shall conceive and His name shall be called Immanuel ( GOD with us, ). Eph. 1.4 chosen before the foundations of this world. Some were. JESUS IS GOD knows the end,

  • @wruff378
    @wruff378 Год назад +2

    Mr. Tabor. A question: If "the disciple whom Jesus loved" in the Gospel of John is James the brother of Jesus as you say, then how do you account for the author of the Gospel of John saying that this same "disciple whom Jesus loved" is the author of the Gospel of John (ch. 21; 20-24)?
    Your argument leads to the assertion that James the brother of Jesus authored the Gospel of John.
    [John 21; 20-24]
    Peter turned and saw that the disciple whom Jesus loved was following them. (This was the one who had leaned back against Jesus at the supper and had said, “Lord, who is going to betray you?”) 21 When Peter saw him, he asked, “Lord, what about him?”
    22 Jesus answered, “If I want him to remain alive until I return, what is that to you? You must follow me.” 23 Because of this, the rumor spread among the believers that this disciple would not die. But Jesus did not say that he would not die; he only said, “If I want him to remain alive until I return, what is that to you?”
    24 This is the disciple who testifies to these things and who wrote them down. We know that his testimony is true.
    Who do you believe it is that is making that claim of Gospel authorship in verse 24?
    Thank you.

    • @shayalynn
      @shayalynn 15 дней назад

      It verse 24 it makes it clear that the disciple whom Jesus loved provided this testimony and all the information he had with what he witnessed in regards to Jesus’s ministry, but it seems like he passed away and there was someone else who compiled it all. That’s why the person is dispelling the rumor that some thought he was not going to die (since Lazarus was raised from the dead). It could have happened in the process of writing it. It was common to have an editor especially if it had to be translated into another language. Another disciple could have helped with that. In my opinion, I think Lazarus would be better suited as the disciple whom Jesus loved, but who knows. 😊

  • @onika700
    @onika700 4 месяца назад

    I always thought Lazarus was old, but he was young, and he is referred to as the disciple Jesus loved, so maybe he is the disciple who was leaning next to Jesus at the last supper. Martha is supposed to also be loved but no one mentions her at the cross or tomb. I watched a video about one scholar's discovery that Martha was added to the story later.

  • @cynthiaterrell7290
    @cynthiaterrell7290 Год назад +1

    I want to go there.

  • @samjordan9306
    @samjordan9306 2 года назад

    God Bless, you thank you.

  • @elsjemassyn8921
    @elsjemassyn8921 2 года назад +8

    Why is it so hard to believe that not everyone is sexually minded.
    There are many beautiful trusting friendships between men and women.
    PURE friendship NOTHING more.
    Woman in Jesus day were regarded as property, a little more value than cattle but far less value than men.
    What I find beautiful and heroic about Jesus and the woman caught in adultery. (Of course as usual the man was pardoned and ran off) and left the woman to face her accusers alone.
    Jesus came forth as a hero and saved her life.
    He asked nothing of her. He did not ask for sex or favours.
    He just loved her as a broken human being.
    As a woman a man like that would be my hero forever.
    This was what Jesus was to Mary Magdalene, a lifetime friend.
    Why so many people want to latch marriage on to Jesus blows my mind.
    People should stop placing Jesus in a carnal thinking box.
    He WAS not married.
    Make peace with it.

    • @geoattoronto
      @geoattoronto Год назад

      John the New says they were married.

    • @airpaintpellet
      @airpaintpellet 3 месяца назад

      Clearly you know nothing about jewish culture and tradition, especially in the 1st century in judaea. A man and a woman couldn't even be alone in a room together unless they were married are closely related (mother, sister). Friendships between men and woman did not exist. It not even closely within societal norm. In fact, if a man and a woman were found together alone in a room, under jewish law it can be concluded they had relations outside marriage and 39 lashes could be given to each by the sanhedrin.

  • @henrynoel4223
    @henrynoel4223 11 месяцев назад

    I've wondered at times if perhaps Mary Magdalene was both a sister of Lazarus and at the same time the wife or widow of a well-to-do Galilean. Perhaps it would account for some of the confusion surrounding her connection to both places. It's interesting, too, that in the Gospel of Thomas the other disciples seem to show a bit of resentment toward her, as being more favored by Jesus.

    • @wargey3431
      @wargey3431 8 месяцев назад

      Why of all people is it Magdalene though that goes with the Frankincense and Muhyr to Jesus’ tomb her Mary Mother of Christ and Salome Salome is either Jesus’ cousin or Sister his mother and then another random ass follower not of his family who he has absolutely no connection to is the first one he speaks to yea I’ll believe that she was his wife she was the beloved companion who during the last supper had her head upon his chest she was not the sinner who washed his feet that was another Mary
      In one gospel they only mention the 2 Mary’s at the Tomb really a mother and some random woman not taking her sister or sisters children instead seems unlikely she was the wife of Jesus

  • @timothylarney7205
    @timothylarney7205 2 года назад +5

    As I stated previously I believe that Yeshua and Mariemne met at a young age while Yeshua was apprenticing with his father Yoseph. Magdala(fish town) was the closest city to seek work. Mariemne's father was a wealthy merchant in fish town. It's my hope that they were a family before his missionary and finding their Ossuay together is the best sign of their union and offspring Judah. Of course just my opinion. But the Nag Hamadi and the Gospel of Phillip, Mariemne's brother, prove both the spelling and of course that she didn't die in France but returned to Jerusalem after her brothers crucifixion in Hierapolis.

  • @francismarcoux8944
    @francismarcoux8944 Год назад +1

    When the gosbel acording to tabor?

  • @wasblind4835
    @wasblind4835 Год назад

    John 19:25-26
    It does talk about his mother

  • @onika700
    @onika700 4 месяца назад

    Later it says the disciple whom Jesus loved (the one who reached the tomb first) went into the tomb after Peter.

  • @Adam-mcg-uk
    @Adam-mcg-uk 5 месяцев назад

    What happened to the body?

  • @ready1fire1aim1
    @ready1fire1aim1 2 года назад

    Maybe all 3. People changed their names back then. Yehoshu'a (Joshua Son of Nun) used to be known as Josh (AUSH?).

  • @scienceexplains302
    @scienceexplains302 2 года назад +7

    I don’t see the gospels as clarifying each other. Each new gospel was meant to replace the previous ones. None of them say anything like “as Mark wrote…”

    • @rookmaster7502
      @rookmaster7502 2 года назад

      You can't really apply modern writing conventions to that era. Besides, at the time there wasn't one unified, centrally organized church, but rather many independent regional Christian sects with differing religious philosophies and interpretations of Christ... and in many cases, their very own Gospel reflecting such philosophies. For example, look at the huge number of Gospels which didn't not make it into official canon.

    • @moonshoes11
      @moonshoes11 2 года назад +1

      Anonymous authors.
      No original transcripts.
      Some parts copied word for word, while other parts conflict with each other.
      Nome claim to be eye witness accounts of a risen Jesus.
      Real magic is fake. Fake magic is real.

    • @scienceexplains302
      @scienceexplains302 2 года назад

      @@rookmaster7502 But Matthew and Luke obviously knew of Mark’s work. Instead of citing it, they took part of it virtually verbatim, and adding more. They might not have had the specific concept of “Replace” in mind, but that would be the effect if we were to believe each gospel as it came out.

    • @ChristopherWentling
      @ChristopherWentling 2 года назад +2

      @@scienceexplains302 Luke explains his motivations at the beginning of his work. He doesn’t say his work was to replace anything but basically to give his own telling and that he left much out to make the story a reasonable length.

    • @scienceexplains302
      @scienceexplains302 2 года назад

      @@ChristopherWentling What people say about their purpose and what their real purpose is are not always the same.
      If he was trying to replace previous gospels, it is more effective if he doesn’t mention them. He wants his to look like the main one, altho I admit that mentioning in 1:1 “many have undertaken” would also not be the best way to replace.

  • @CarmenRizzo-pn1uw
    @CarmenRizzo-pn1uw 5 месяцев назад +1

    ❤All Three

  • @revelator5754
    @revelator5754 2 года назад +2

    I like how you spin back in Mary and the girls where the spin doctors took the girls out of the lead role. Wonder what else they did. One would think they wouldn't mess with the word of God like that for fear of going to hell.

    • @jdaze1
      @jdaze1 Год назад

      They dont believe in God. They corrupted the scriptures to control the masses which they have for 2k years (2 days). We arise in the 3rd day. Hosea 6. Europe will fall as well as the woman riding the 20 honed beast. Thats happening before our eyes.

    • @geoattoronto
      @geoattoronto 2 месяца назад

      Yes, many scribes and leaders edit, add to or create narrative about Jesus to match their theology of Jesus. There was no agreement until Constantine forced agreement in the 4th century. Nor did they see these manuscripts as sacred as you do.

  • @onika700
    @onika700 4 месяца назад

    Three times in John 11 it says Jesus loved Lazarus. I think part of the reason she anointed Jesus's feet was because he brought her brother back from the dead.

  • @annalisette5897
    @annalisette5897 2 года назад

    If we think in terms of a Jesus Dynasty, what is the chance that Mary Magdalene is also of royal blood and has family connections? Mary Magdalene is officially marginalized as were Jesus' brothers and other family members. For all that Mary the Mother is now Queen of Heaven, she also is largely forgotten by the time of Acts.
    We have no indication that Jesus had ever been married. There are innuendos about Jesus and Mary Magdalene. Might she have been chosen to be Jesus' wife, perhaps to be finalized when The Kingdom was established? Had he put off marriage, perhaps to study and solidify his life calling, until he was around 30 years of age?
    If Mary was from Migdal, the town that produced salted fish and garum, she is another example of Jesus' entourage coming from the fishing industry on the lake. When he chose his disciples, he was there or went there, and selected a number of fishermen. For all that Jesus is known as a carpenter or son of a carpenter, or even a shepherd, he seems to have had great familiarity with fishermen and their villages on the Sea of Galilee. Are there any traditions about the royal line of David centering around these areas? (This would be a great topic for Dr. Tabor to explore. I feel a cognitive dissonance when thinking of Jesus the carpenter basing his operations among fishermen, and Jesus seeming to know a great deal about the fishing industry.)

  • @onika700
    @onika700 4 месяца назад

    It makes more sense to me that he would see the disciples in Jerusalem, where he was buried, and take them to Bethany to the Mount of Olives to ascend into heaven because that's where he's supposed to return. So is this story put in for theological reasons?

  • @mpress469
    @mpress469 Год назад +1

    Spiritually speaking (gender aside), the wisdom of the Mary's can also begin with an understanding of the cyclical nature of reality (God).
    Represented by the snake in many creation myths, the living cycle has a trinity of a beginning (head), a middle and end (tail). As above so below, the sexes were created in the image of God's cyclical nature where Mother is the head and opening to all beginnings and Father holds the tail to all endings (through which the sowing of seeds allow for the next great matriarchal rebirth).The joining of the two (symbolized by the Ouroborus or the marriage ring) is the sacred union needed in assuring the creation and continuation of new life cycles. To speak of the present day God as "Our Father" is simply an admission to our collective positioning within the bigger cycle.
    As all mothers have direct experience with the creator quality of birthing, so is the direct experience of rebirthing the divinity within (baptism) belong to that which is spiritually matriarchal. (John 3, verse 3-8).
    Sekhmet statues (ancient Egyptian) carry most of their weight in symbolic memory of what was a mother culture dedicated to the direct experience of baptism. As the leg shaped hairlocks extend from maternal breasts to the womb of rebirth, the lioness's head proportions are such that they highlight the bust of a second animal figure. The Lioness's ears as eyes and eyes as nose (nostrils) brings to life the figure of a reptile. 'Neath the halo headress of the solar egg, the lioness's egg fertilization process being internal (Set) and the reptile's egg fertilization process being external (Setting), such being key components to the safety of entering the trans-egoic or "born again" state. The life threatening fear associated with the predatory nature of a lion and/or crocodile encounter are reflective of the intense ego death experiences associated with the transpersonal awakening process.
    In spiritually matriarchal times, illumination could be seen as wearing the false beard (ancient Egyptian funerary ego death mask) as the high state of self knowing; high cyclical awareness of both our upper matriarchal half and our lower (later) patriarchal half (compared with a mini lower body replica, an "as above so below" tail end beard extension); in full recognition of her civilizational Underworld; her inevitable cyclical destiny. The male pharaoh wears his beard tapered in reverse, indicating a pointing upwards towards the patriarchal head, divine representative of God's tail end cycle.
    Mary Magdalene's anointing and wiping of Jesus's feet with her hair can then be seen as "Head to tail" (toe) imagery as she descends and "marries" her matriarchal head to his patriarchal feet, thus reenacting the high understanding (the natural descension process) of the divine cycle. (John 12, verse 3)
    To carry the Ankh was perhaps to symbolically carry that upper and lower understanding. As the upper matriarchal womb symbolised the fertile birthing of civilization, below, the now Christian cross is carried to place emphasis on the lower (later) "End Times" Father principle of the great cycle.
    Ganesha, the elephant headed Hindu diety, displays a cyclical head to trunk symbolism and points to the Mother head of his matriarchal elephant society.
    A whole temple was dedicated to the ancient Egyptian goddess Hathor, who is the matriarchal "Uterus" personified.видео.html
    "See all women as mothers, serve them as your mother. when you see the entire world as the mother, the ego falls away. See everything as Mother and you will know God." - Neem Karoli Baba

  • @TheWayOfRespectAndKindness
    @TheWayOfRespectAndKindness 2 года назад +3

    The gift of truth is wrapped in legends. The finger pointing at the moon is not the moon itself. What is hidden will be revealed. What is obscured will be clarified. The bridegroom has been wed.

    • @termination9353
      @termination9353 2 года назад

      JESUS HAD A SON VIA MARY MAG John 19:25-27
      25 Now there stood by the cross of Jesus his mother[Mary], and his mother's sister[in-law], Mary the wife of Cleophas[mother Mary's brother], and Mary Magdalene.
      26 When Jesus therefore saw his mother, and the disciple standing by[Mary Magdalene], whom he loved, he saith unto his mother, Woman, behold thy [grand]son! [in Mary Mag's womb/pregnant.]
      27 Then saith he to the disciple[Mary Mag], Behold thy mother[in-law/Jesus' mother Mary]! And from that hour that disciple[Mary Mag] took her[Jesus' mother] unto his[Jesus'] own home [The home of Jesus and his now pregnant wife Mary Magdalene] in a midwifing arrangement.

    • @ChristopherWentling
      @ChristopherWentling 2 года назад

      Why do you keep repeating this same paragraph over and over? Acting like a parrot does not improve your argument.

    • @termination9353
      @termination9353 2 года назад

      @@ChristopherWentling Free content. Pearls of wisdom. Free of advertisements.
      Your Welcome.

    • @termination9353
      @termination9353 2 года назад

      @@ChristopherWentling Ever hear of Jesus's Parable of the Sower?

    • @ChristopherWentling
      @ChristopherWentling 2 года назад

      @@termination9353 ok if it works go to it. Me personally I see no value in saying the same thing over and over again repetitiously in a RUclips forum. Mix it up a little.

  • @aravothpl3844
    @aravothpl3844 2 года назад +2

    If she had been his wife, it would have certainly been written about it. It was normal for Jews to be married. Why at the tomb she said rabboni ? As His wife, shouldn't she say Jesus or Jeshua ?

    • @kathyferguson5297
      @kathyferguson5297 2 года назад +2

      Jesus was killed for being in a royal line and being spoken of as king of the Jews. His family would have been in danger. It seems to me that it's realistic to think that the fact that he had immediate family other than those already widely known would have been kept as secret as possible, for the safety of his wife and any children. Later, because the information had been suppressed, it makes sense that the existence of the wife and child(ren) would have been lost over time.

    • @aravothpl3844
      @aravothpl3844 2 года назад +3

      @@kathyferguson5297 I do not think so. Please note that it was only after the resurrection and ascension that the apostles understood that he was truly the Messiah. "Jesus was killed for being in a royal line and being spoken of as king of the Jews" did not matter. Until now, the Hebrews (most) do not believe it was the Messiah. Jesus loudly opposed the Pharisees, became their enemy number one. "A royal line" meant nothing for them, because they didn't believe it anyway.

    • @ChristopherWentling
      @ChristopherWentling 2 года назад +1

      @@aravothpl3844 Jesus criticized the Pharisees because they were most similar to his beliefs. He didn’t even spend time on the Sadducees.

  • @kenlinden9621
    @kenlinden9621 Год назад +1

    So, angels don't need to have wings to be angels.

  • @beauxcarroll8348
    @beauxcarroll8348 Год назад

    There is some research that Mary of Bethay and Magdala is the same and that there is no Martha of Bethany.

  • @patricktilton5377
    @patricktilton5377 2 года назад +2

    Isn't there a verse in a noncanonical text that says that Jesus used to kiss Mary Magdalene often on the [...], with the text cutting off just when we should expect the next word to be "lips"? People ought to HOPE that Jesus was married to her! Otherwise, why is he described as kissing her often on the ... whatever? If he isn't kissing her often on the LIPS, like a loving husband ought to be doing, then it's a whole nuther kind of document and a whole different sort of story being alluded to! Where else would he be kissing her -- 'often' -- if not on her lips? Is he some guy with an odd foot fetish, smooching her toes? "This widdle piddy went to Bethany . . ." >SMOOCH!< " . . . this widdle piddy went to Capernaum . . ." >SMOOCH!< He did have a thing about washing feet, you recall. Don't want to be putting your lips to dirty feet, now, do we? Maybe Tarantino's final film will be a different take on the Jesus biopic, what with his tendency to highlight women's footsies.

  • @spitfirered
    @spitfirered Месяц назад

    It's Complicated When Many People Are Involved With A Story And All Their Opinions, Didn't Jesus Save Many Magdalene From Being Stoned, Yes, Then I Would Say She Was The First Of His Followers That He Was Closest To!

  • @ready1fire1aim1
    @ready1fire1aim1 2 года назад

    The name Deuteronomy comes from the Septuagint's Greek title for the book, to deuteronomion, meaning “second law” or “repeated law,” a name tied to one of the Hebrew appellations for the book, Mishneh Torah.
    the person second in importance to the protagonist in a drama.
    Deuter- is a combining form used like a prefix meaning “second.”
    Gnosis (Knowledge):
    Joshua✡ and Jesus✝️
    (Scepter and Star ☪️),
    Messiah and Deuter-Messiah.
    Yehoshu'a and Yeshua.
    Yehoshu'a with YHWH.
    Yeshua with Yesh (Atzmus).
    Joshua Son of Nun and Jesus Son of the Father of All.
    [... = Greek]
    (1) [Just as] that (IHSOUS), not Moses, conducted the people into the holy land, and that (IHSOUS) apportioned it to those who came in with him; so also IHSOUS XRISTOS will reassemble the diaspora and will allot the good land to each, but not in the same way! ...
    (2) [Just as] that (IHSOUS) stayed the sun ..., so (IHSOUS XRISTOS) is he from whom [A)F' OU(] and through whom the father is about to make both heaven and earth new, he is the one who will shine in Jerusalem an everlasting light, he is the King of Salem after the order of Melchizedek and the eternal priest of the most high.
    (3) [Just as] that (IHSOUS) is said to have circumcised the people a second circumcision with stony knives [so IHSOUS XRISTOS by his words circumcised us from idols of stone, etc.]. ... And now I say that, just as by the name of IHSOUS (given) to the son of Naue, certain miracles and mighty deeds were done which heralded/proclaimed beforehand the things about to be done by our Lord, so also I come now to show that the revelation concerning the priest IHSOUS who was in Babylon among your people was a proclaiming/heralding beforehand of the things about to be done by our priest and God and XRISTOS, son of the father of All. - 🕊

  • @crissiewells2872
    @crissiewells2872 2 года назад +2

    Yes I am Mary Magdalene his wife

  • @TANA13BB
    @TANA13BB 4 месяца назад

    To make hair grow??? Dr Heiser said that women hair was a sacred sign of fertility so maybe the play on words in the Talmud is a reference to her fertility

  • @geoattoronto
    @geoattoronto Год назад +1

    Luke, close to Paul, close to the group that succeeded in replacing Jesus with a Greco-Ronan myth - the death and resurrection of a god - tries to erase signs of Jesus’ humanity: father, siblings, beloved wife. They incredibly identified Jesus as a god - theory of Trinity- to understand and put in terms the Greeks would understand what they did not understand - the real loving Jesus who was divinely filled with God’s love and thus God’s beloved son.

  • @danschmidt7726
    @danschmidt7726 2 года назад +2

    Dr Tabor sounds like a believing Christian

  • @davidsicking7514
    @davidsicking7514 Месяц назад

    The term Rabbi covers several attributes. Married is only one of them. But He is very informed, much more than any of the clerics. He teaches with authority. He works miracles. Can any of the Rabbis do that? He has a loyal following. Do they risk their reputations by withholding the honorifics title? They're having problems enough responding to His insights and accusations.
    As for Mary Magdalena. His response to her impulse after His resurrection is "not yet". Given His mission He does not want to start another a son of the sun God cult. All will be free like the angels. But for now she must wait.

  • @shegally
    @shegally Год назад +1

    Thank you for your work at broadening the perspective of Yeshua's life. I invite you to read Anna, Grandmother of Jesus; as fiction if you need to. It tells a story of the Jewish sect knowm as the Essenes; The Keepers of the Light. Then, reverse engineer that perspective. Try to disprove that presentation. There you will find your answers . May truth always resonate as that which sits right with you in your heart brother ❤ 🙏

  • @luciouspyro9524
    @luciouspyro9524 Год назад +2

    To anoint a dead mans body at that time you had to be relative. Either she was or she was not. if not she wasn't permitted to do so

  • @bbdjgnetsarim2745
    @bbdjgnetsarim2745 2 года назад +1

    In the original language, it says the first “sabbath” after the crucifixion. The KJV Identified the words that were added- with the exception of week🤔 That word was added without identifying it as being added! Read the original language and you will see.

    • @somniumisdreaming
      @somniumisdreaming Год назад

      He does read in the original language.

    • @davidsicking7514
      @davidsicking7514 Месяц назад

      I've heard that that was a Julelee year with an extra day of Sabbath. So He stayed buried a full three nights before resurrection. FYI.

  • @SolitudeChrist
    @SolitudeChrist 10 месяцев назад

    I believe that Mary Magdalene was the wife of Jesus. She was at the crucifixion, she was the first to see the risen Jesus and there are paintings of Mary Magdalene with the skull of Jesus. In southern France there are churches dedicated to Mary Magdalene. It is believed that after the crucifixion Mary Magdalene went to Southern France and lived in a cave and spread the gospel. The cave she lived in is now a Christian Pilgrimmage site. Some believe that Mary Magdalene was the founder of the Cathar religion.

  • @cletuspiper4999
    @cletuspiper4999 Год назад

    The young man was Mark. At least according to the book, The Christ Commission.

  • @markturner696
    @markturner696 10 месяцев назад

    Old Testament -King David
    New Testament-King Jesus
    Same king.

  • @onika700
    @onika700 4 месяца назад

    Now I think the disciple whom Jesus loved could be John. I also think he could be the author of John. He was from a rich family (Mark 1:19-20), so he could be educated enough to write his first hand account (which John sounds like). He talks about himself in the third person and doesn't want to name himself as the beloved disciple because that would sound like bragging. Notice he says two of John the Baptist's disciples stood with John and heard Jesus speak and they followed him (John1), but he only names one of them (Andrew). He know details that only those two would know, so he must be the other disciple.

  • @belovelyloveofgod
    @belovelyloveofgod Год назад +1


  • @stanhokenson9433
    @stanhokenson9433 3 месяца назад

    Where is Joseph the father in any of these situations?

    • @geoattoronto
      @geoattoronto 2 месяца назад

      They tried to erase his father and thus named him Joseph of Arimithea - the man who asked Pilate for Jesus body.

  • @variousbirdspecieshahaha
    @variousbirdspecieshahaha Год назад +1

    If you’re not a born again Christian then chances are that you’ll be unable to place your right palm on the KJV and say these words once only in a calm coherent manner-> I refuse to spend eternity in hell.😱

  • @valariesusan52
    @valariesusan52 2 года назад +2

    They were not married.In the Nag Hammadi Library one of the deciples asks Jesus why he loved Mary M more than them.He said why do I not love you as her? If they were married that wouldnt be a question.St Paul knew this and thats why priests didnt marry.Its Pauls church not Christs.Jesus was more of a flower child running from Jewish laws.He preached in the wilderness not in temples for money.The Catholic church has a horrific history towards women and children.They prey on the young to this day.I love Jesus the person not the church who uses his name.The book of Judas speaks of this church using his name.Jewish law said he had to be married by the age of 21.He ran to be free.They are still running today.

    • @termination9353
      @termination9353 2 года назад

      JESUS HAD A SON VIA MARY MAG John 19:25-27
      25 Now there stood by the cross of Jesus his mother[Mary], and his mother's sister[in-law], Mary the wife of Cleophas[mother Mary's brother], and Mary Magdalene.
      26 When Jesus therefore saw his mother, and the disciple standing by[Mary Magdalene], whom he loved, he saith unto his mother, Woman, behold thy [grand]son! [in Mary Mag's womb/pregnant.]
      27 Then saith he to the disciple[Mary Mag], Behold thy mother[in-law/Jesus' mother Mary]! And from that hour that disciple[Mary Mag] took her[Jesus' mother] unto his[Jesus'] own home [The home of Jesus and his now pregnant wife Mary Magdalene] in a midwifing arrangement.

    • @valariesusan52
      @valariesusan52 2 года назад

      @@termination9353 And they prey on the alter boys.

    • @geoattoronto
      @geoattoronto 2 месяца назад

      Very interesting!



  • @XxGreatestyouknoWxX
    @XxGreatestyouknoWxX 2 года назад +2

    I've never been an advocate of religion, but the past few years I've found a new found appreciation. Especially after finding out Marxist ideology has been diluting the family structure. I've been listening to characters such as Jordan Peterson which have such a grounded scientific approach when deciphering or philosophizing religious text. I'm extremely ignorant when listening in on theistic discussion but it sounds so captivating.

    • @MagisterMalleus
      @MagisterMalleus 2 года назад +2

      As a long-time Christian, I'm urging you to /please/ disregard everything Peterson says. He's a philosophy teacher and a political dogmatist, not a theologian.

    • @XxGreatestyouknoWxX
      @XxGreatestyouknoWxX 2 года назад

      @@MagisterMalleus have you listened to Jordan?

    • @somniumisdreaming
      @somniumisdreaming Год назад

      Marxist ideology diluting the family structure? What on earth? At least you know Jordan isn't Marxist with the amount he charges folk lol.

    • @redmoonfilms
      @redmoonfilms Год назад

      I think a lot of us have come to Christ through similar means. Keeping going bud, keep going.

  • @rojaha615
    @rojaha615 Год назад

    whats the point of this? the 4 gospels were written 60-100 years after the fact, and most scholars agree that none were written by eyewitnesses, and written by anonymous authors

  • @leonardomihailtonitza8374
    @leonardomihailtonitza8374 2 года назад +3

    Disciple and wife, certainly.

  • @pablitosaludo4704
    @pablitosaludo4704 2 года назад +3

    You are copying and conspiring with dan brown in pursuing this theory.

  • @mehere8-32
    @mehere8-32 Год назад

    Where were the "Disciples" during the Crucifiction and Resurection????? Absent without leave???? Mary M Wife of Jesus was present at BOTH.

  • @RoseSharon7777
    @RoseSharon7777 Месяц назад

    The authors had to name her Mary because they were writing an allegory using the OT prophecies.
    "And your Sons will marry you". (virgin daughter of Zion). Well you cant have a story where Jesus married his own mother so they found a girlfriend and named her Mary hoping we figure out the allegory.
    Also, David clearly stated "in sin my mother conceived me". The allegory is about the harlot that that repents and becomes a pure virgin. Its all spiritual allegory literalized and developed by Rome centuries later. Its about the birth of the promised seed and the church. Not a literal story.

  • @markrossow6303
    @markrossow6303 Год назад

    an unmarried Jewish man seems unlikely -- maybe a widower ?

  • @onika700
    @onika700 4 месяца назад

    Salome is Mary's sister and wife of Zebedee, so James and John are Jesus's cousins.

  • @onika700
    @onika700 4 месяца назад

    And Martha disappears.

  • @timothylarney7205
    @timothylarney7205 2 года назад

    You mentioned women financially backing Yeshua. Mariemne may have sought money from her father, who would have sent her brother Phillip with her. Phillip thereby becoming one of the apostles to his brother in law. Hmmm???
    QUESTION: Didn't young Hebrews grow a BEARD AFTER BECOMING MARRIED????

  • @marshalldarcy7423
    @marshalldarcy7423 Год назад

    Christianity is the rejection of the carnal for the spiritual. This should be clear to anyone who has read the New Testament. I conjecture that to think Jesus to have not know this is wrong. The word "flesh" appears 153 times in the New Testament and I would suggest that this is not due to a lauding of sexual pleasures. A path to beyond birth/death must include a forsaking of "worldly pleasures". How many persons have followed this in Christianity in the last 1900 years? The Romans could not keep the Vestal Virgins free of the problem on pain of death yet Christians could, so the real question is "why is this so".

  • @CarmenRizzo-pn1uw
    @CarmenRizzo-pn1uw 4 месяца назад +1

    Sarah the Holy Grail

  • @richarddemuth7077
    @richarddemuth7077 9 месяцев назад

    Mary Magdalene was the wife of Jesus' brother SIMON "Peter", IF she was the mother of John "MARK", whom Peter refers to in his first epistle 5:13 as "my SON MARK", in whose 🏠 the Jerusalem Church met. Otherwise, she was an alter ego/alias of Mary Salome, the sister of Mary the mother of Jesus/James etc. and wife of Clephas, the brother of Mary's husband Alphas.

    • @richarddemuth7077
      @richarddemuth7077 9 месяцев назад

      IF the "Beloved Disciple" was Jesus' OTHER brother James, as Tabor is fond of asserting, then SURELY he would have been MENTIONED BY NAME as the one who ran with Simon to the tomb. He would NOT be called "the other disciple" any more than Jesus' mother Mary would be called "the other Mary"!! This "Beloved Disciple" is the fictional character of LAZARUS, used as an ALIAS or ALTER EGO for the true identity of the author of the "Gospel"; possibly JOHN surnamed "MARK" the SON of Simon the son of Alphas and Mary the mother of Jesus/James etc; in whose 🏠 at Jerusalem the first Church met, according to the "Acts of the Apostles". 🤔
      The "Beloved Disciple" LAZARUS didn't want to go IN the tomb because he had ALREADY recently come OUT of one!!
      You MUST 🕳️ 👀 the texts METICULOUSLY!! 🧐🥸

    • @richarddemuth7077
      @richarddemuth7077 9 месяцев назад

      TWO questions that MUST be pondered pertaining to Jesus' ESCAPE from the tomb cavern REGARDLESS of whether he had really been dead and was resurrected, OR only comatose and revived: HOW did he UNwrap the binding cloths of linen strips wound around him like a mummy's, and HOW did he move the rolling stone door to the side of the entrance 🌑 FROM the INNER SIDE where he COULDN'T reach the edge of it to push on to make it roll?? 🤔🧐🤨

    • @richarddemuth7077
      @richarddemuth7077 9 месяцев назад

      Joanna and Susanna were Jesus' SISTERS.

    • @richarddemuth7077
      @richarddemuth7077 9 месяцев назад

      The ancient Judish priest-historian Josephus DOESN'T mention any place called "Magdala"/"Migdala" in his description of the villages on the Galilean shore of Lake Gennesareth. He mentions a place called "Taricheae" or "Dried 🐟" about where "Migdala" is identified as being. What's MORE SIGNificant however, is that there is a large spring nearby between the modern village and the lake, that FORMERLY flowed into the lake BEFORE the Israelis assininely paved a 🛣️ across the stream leading from it(!😠), called "AYN NuN"; or "🐟 Spring"!! THIS must be the place mentioned in the "Gospel of JOHN" 3:23 as being "AENON near Salim", where JOHN the Baptist was baptizing "because there was much 💦 there". IF SO, THAT would make the name of the ancient village site "SHaLiM" meaning "Peace"; NOT either Taricheae or Migdala. Before they started using it as a junkyard to dump old 🚗s in, it looks like it would indeed have been a serenely picturesque place.

    • @richarddemuth7077
      @richarddemuth7077 9 месяцев назад

      HOW'S THIS for Revisionism: Jesus was actually born in the nearby village of GeNaSaReTH (revised cryptically to "NaZaReTH") and he took the 🐟 concept for his new Cult from the adjacent AYN NuN which was also near the village of SHaLiM which his mother Mary's sister Mary SHaLoM was named after and where BOTH MARYS might have come FROM. The word "MaGaDaL" might have referred to the spring "growing longer" as it flowed out to feed and thus "make greater" the lake. "Ma" in Hebrew means "what" as well as "how" and "GaDaL" means "grow longer" or "grow greater" so the combined word would mean "HOW GROWN GREATER?". Therefore, it was NOT the name of any actual village in the area, but what would be called a "cryptonym": a word having a HIDDEN reference to something OTHER than it overtly means; as, in this case, "🗼".

  • @albusai
    @albusai 2 года назад +4

    This guy is gnostic

  • @hzoonka4203
    @hzoonka4203 11 месяцев назад

    Little about Mary Magdalene wife of jesus!

  • @geoattoronto
    @geoattoronto Год назад

    Yes, Jesus did turn Mary the mother of Jesus over to John the beloved according to John the New.


    You do not go and anoint a 3 day old closed entombed decomposing body???


    "BANKROLLING THE MOVEMENT" doing what???

  • @victorguzman2302
    @victorguzman2302 2 года назад +3

    You forgot another option, which is actually more likely to be : Myth.

    • @willempasterkamp862
      @willempasterkamp862 Год назад

      Pompeia Paulina ? Claudia Procula ?

    • @georgeelmasry9376
      @georgeelmasry9376 Год назад

      Many scholars (even for other religions) start with the assumption that traditions can be relied on. Jesus's historicity should be questioned. There is historical evidence that the Qumran teacher existed. John the Baptist's reference in Josephus looks original (kings going to war for an escaped princess is common in history). Jesus, that started as a heavenly realm story. Likely a myth.

    • @willempasterkamp862
      @willempasterkamp862 Год назад

      @@georgeelmasry9376 An uncle and a nephew ; John/ Jesus ; 2 nero'es from 'royal' descent.

  • @brotherhebert6137
    @brotherhebert6137 Год назад

    Mr. Tabor suggested that 'the other disciple, the one whom Jesus loved', was James.
    It's actually John. Also, John did not refer to himself by name in his gospel.

  • @crissiewells2872
    @crissiewells2872 2 года назад


  • @jenniferwolfe5110
    @jenniferwolfe5110 Год назад +2

    You guys would probably think I am crazy or wouldn't believe me but I am one of the few living Desposynis in the world ( descendants of Mary Magdalene and Jesus) I am a direct descendant of their son Josephus Thama-Ramo and of Joseph of Arimathea's daughter Anna. My 19th great grandmother on my paternal grandfather' s side was Eleanor Sinclair, daughter of Sir William Sinclair who built Rosslyn Chapel who went on to marry Sir James Stuart I whose descendants became the Stuart Royal line, who then had King Charles IV Stuart who had a son named Henry, whose descendant is my grandfather making him 7th cousin of Queen Victoria and me the 9 the cousin of Queen Victoria, and the 12 the cousin of Queen Elizabeth II. The descendants of Christ married into the Merovingian French royal bloodline ( they were also known as Sangraal) the fleur de LIS was their symbol, the Roman Catholic Church fabricated Constantine's order and permission in order to execute all the Merovingian rulers for power and to terminate any possible Desposynis in the process. But one Merovingian was able to escape and continue the family line , Dagobert II. I have studied the marriage of Jesus and Mary for 14 years ever since someone gave me the documentary " the murder of Mary Magdalene" on my 8th birthday so I have been trying to unravel mysteries since.

    • @LS-ei7xk
      @LS-ei7xk Год назад

      Wow! I hope you publish a memoir.

    • @geoattoronto
      @geoattoronto Год назад

      They did not have any children.

  • @travel4JC
    @travel4JC 2 года назад +4

    Well James I heard that Mary Magdala was first married to John the Baptist and they had a son named John the beloved " then after John was beheaded, Jesus was the next of kin to marry his widow, and it was the custom of that time frame to do so, the famous Cannon Wedding where Jesus turned the water into wine was his own wedding to Mary Magdalene. This was supposed to be among some of the records and secrets known by the Knights Templars, which later got them killed. And that Jesus actually survived the crucifixion and lived to be somewhat in his 40's to 70 yrs old..Have you heard any of this Dr. Tobar

    • @kendalbrenneman
      @kendalbrenneman 2 года назад +1

      Interesting. Do you know of any books on the topic?

  • @johnmcgrath6192
    @johnmcgrath6192 2 года назад +3

    As a child I thought Mary Magdalene was a relative of Jesus and close to the family. I thought the same of Martha and Mary. I never did think she was the wife of Jesus. I thought he was an ascetic Nazarene and celibate, Child's imagination, not a Bible freak, just listening to the Gospels at church.

    • @termination9353
      @termination9353 2 года назад +1

      JESUS HAD A SON VIA MARY MAG John 19:25-27
      25 Now there stood by the cross of Jesus his mother[Mary], and his mother's sister[in-law], Mary the wife of Cleophas[mother Mary's brother], and Mary Magdalene.
      26 When Jesus therefore saw his mother, and the disciple standing by[Mary Magdalene], whom he loved, he saith unto his mother, Woman, behold thy [grand]son! [in Mary Mag's womb/pregnant.]
      27 Then saith he to the disciple[Mary Mag], Behold thy mother[in-law/Jesus' mother Mary]! And from that hour that disciple[Mary Mag] took her[Jesus' mother] unto his[Jesus'] own home [The home of Jesus and his now pregnant wife Mary Magdalene] in a midwifing arrangement.

    • @johnbreitmeier3268
      @johnbreitmeier3268 2 года назад

      That's because Mary Magdalene was NOT married to Jesus at all. Only liars and fools claim they were married,

    • @gustavmahler1466
      @gustavmahler1466 2 года назад +1

      @@termination9353 Magdalene is not the disciple whom Jesus loved John 20:2 KJV

    • @alfranco529
      @alfranco529 Год назад

      @@termination9353 , forgive me, but, you could be totally wrong!
      John 19:25-27 is a big trick in conventional versions. Cleophas may be a corruption of Cephas. I believe the Mary of Cleophas is Jesus sister and Peter's (Cephas) wife.
      The first clue is in the statement she makes when she meets Jesus: " are the Christ, the Son of God..." John 11:27. The same statement made by Peter in Matthew 16:16.
      This may be the same Mary mentioned in Acts 12:12 as the mother of John Mark. Keep in mind that Peter was the father of John Mark: "Your co-elected in Babylon greets you, as does my son (Huio) Mark" (1 Peter 5:13).
      John Mark was not Peter's son in faith, but a legitimate son. The word son here, translated from Greek, is Huio. James was Huio of Zebedee (Mat 4:21), Jesus was Huio of Mary (Mar 6: 3), Zacarias was Huio of Baraquias ( Mat 23:35), John the Baptist was Huio of Zacarias (Luc 3: 2), Bartimaeus was Huio of Timaeus (Mar 10:46), David was Huio of Jesse (Acts 13:22) and Peter was Huio of Jona (João 1:42).
      When the text say about Timothy to have been children of Paul's faith in 1 Timothy 1:2, the term used is teknō. However, when the text means that Timothy was the son of a Jewish woman in Acts: 16: 1 the term changes to Huio. It is the same word used to link John Mark to Peter in 1 Peter 5:13.
      By coincidence, Peter, after being miraculously released from prison, went exactly to the house of Mary, mother of John Mark, an action suggests that his family lived in this house.
      "When he knocked on the gate, a maid, called Rode, came to see who she was; recognizing Peter's voice, he was so happy that he didn't even let him in, but he ran back to announce that Peter was at the gate ” (Acts 12:13-15).
      Peter's maid recognized his voice. The house belonged to Peter's family. Probably was the same house where Paul stayed for 15 days with Peter when he was in Jerusalem (Gl 1:18).
      Peter's wife accompanied him on his missionary trips (1 Cor 9: 5).
      I believe Cleophas never existed! Cleophas can be a Roman Catholic invention to hidden Jesus family.
      Look how that text wee know very well is common read:
      "And by the cross were his mother, and his mother sister, Mary, the wife of Cleophas and Mary Magdalene."
      This can be a mistranslation. Let's try again:
      John 19:25 "And by the cross were his mother, and his sister, Mary, the wife of CEPHAS".
      Is not Cleophas, but Cephas. The text above shows Mary, Jesus sister. She cannot be sister of Mary, mother of Jesus. Why would a Jewish father put the same name on two daughters?
      Richard Bauckhan, in is book "Jude and the Relatives of Jesus in the Early Church", page 37, say that Jesus had a sister called Mary.

    • @termination9353
      @termination9353 Год назад

      @@alfranco529 "Why would a Jewish father put the same name on two daughters?" He wouldn't. This passage is not saying literal sister, this passage is saying sister-in-law. - And it was to Mary Mag that Jesus said she had a "special part that would not be taken from her". Your explanation has zero place in the narrative and doesn't explain anything about said person taking Jesus' mother to live with. What the screw is that all about in your explanation.... ZERO

  • @jasondacalio7760
    @jasondacalio7760 2 года назад +4

    Jesus is Elohim the Word, Father Yahuah and Yahushua (Jesus) discuss and planned man's redemption before the creation of the heavens and the earth. The Messiah had a mission to come to earth in the flesh, born without the curse of sin from a adam hence his virgin birth; tempted by satan: appetites of the flesh, lust for riches, desire for power just like adam was. He succeeded and knowing beforehand he was going to redeem his bride (the called out ones) including Mary Magdelene for a future wedding ceremony.

    • @cincylitigator4704
      @cincylitigator4704 2 года назад +3

      Does it really make sense that sin is passed through sperm?

    • @Ujasoncook9267
      @Ujasoncook9267 2 года назад +2

      @@cincylitigator4704 Under a microscope they act like a virus.

  • @moonshoes11
    @moonshoes11 2 года назад +2

    Who did Harry Potter marry?

  • @moonshoes11
    @moonshoes11 2 года назад +1

    Might as well make up,whatever fiction you like.

  • @ernestschultz5065
    @ernestschultz5065 Год назад

    None of the above.
    A fictional character.
    Some sort of an archetype.

  • @McadMcad
    @McadMcad 3 месяца назад

    If it's not Accidental, it could be Occidental