The Prophet and the Professors: From Babylon to Battle Creek | Pastor Ron Kelly

  • Опубликовано: 3 окт 2024

Комментарии • 18

  • @darrellstrait309
    @darrellstrait309 Год назад +19

    During my conversion and soon after, I was introduced to educational reform, health reform, youth leadership, public health education, the nature of Christ debate, dress reform, and probably some other things that I'm forgetting, but all of these were informed by Bible study and the Spirit of Prophecy. I appreciate your words Pastor Kelly and recognize that the work of reform in our beloved church is impossible without divine counsel from the throne, the baptism of latter rain power, and the cooperation of the church membership with our High Priest. Please unpack this subject more. Bravery is necessary and persecution is imminent because human nature does not enjoy reform, prophets, or truth. Praying for you and revival among God's people.

  • @edithdotson5617
    @edithdotson5617 Год назад +9

    Every General Conference Officer/worker, every Conference Leader on every level, every educator on every level and every church member should listen to this message more than once. This message spoke to my sad heart! Why are you sad, Sister? The condition of our Church and its institutions makes me sad.
    We are truly Laodecian. But more than that, we are rebellious; insubordinate; we are willfully walking contrary to God's instructions. We are deceived as to the way we should go if we desire to prosper and we tout our worldly achievement as being greatly successful!
    I feel like crying as I watch the sickened condition. I know God's faithful people will remain and pray earnestly to be among them.

  • @lljl5310
    @lljl5310 Год назад +4

    Thank you Pastor Kelly for the message. Praise God! 🙏 🙏

  • @cheryllaurro3259
    @cheryllaurro3259 Год назад +3

    Excellent, spot on .... I hear Andrews is having these similar issues, along with many other of our institutions. 😏

  • @bucephulus4600
    @bucephulus4600 Год назад +4

    I was recently at the NNSW Big Camp for a day and sat in for divine service, it was the last Sabbath. I’m reminded of the SOP where White saw drums and dancing. The message was so useless that it had not the power to make a reform in somebody’s Christian life. It’s like all other denominations, weak and useless Christianity. This is the way the camp has been for years and it’s indicative of that conference. We are in the last days and few will make it through to our heavenly home which is available and offered to all. Ron Kelly is a rarity today in the church.

  • @lasaletteolario7311
    @lasaletteolario7311 Год назад +4

    So sad church school are now tailored to babylo ni an kind of learning

  • @marlynmiranda9628
    @marlynmiranda9628 Год назад +2

    Wow! We had the pleasure of meeting Judy Waddel and her son Bret. We were neighbors back in the 70's. I don't believe Maple Street is there anymore. Their amazing, powerful testimony resonates with me to this day! Praise God!🙏

  • @Cryaloud
    @Cryaloud Год назад +3

    Have watched this more than twice. Can't get enough of the message. There is a serious problem in our system and we need to something about it sooner than later

  • @sanctuary70
    @sanctuary70 Год назад +1

    Amen and Amen. The writings of Sister White will have to be placed once again where they TRULY belong. How many mistakes has the SDA MOVEMENT made when it blatantly chose to ignore the inspired counsels of Sister White... does 1888 ring a bell?
    The Church is quite literally even disfellowshipping members because of this Laodecian state of things.
    I 've been disfellowshipped under strange circumstances, but i still pray for this Church because for me it is God's TRUE RemnanChurch and Jesus Christ is the Commander and Chief; He WILL bring His Remnant to port. We CANNOT afford to abandon the SHIP. Like God told Elias, that He still had hidden 7000 who have not bowed the knee to Baal. My Bible says clearly: JESUS WINS! Let us watch and pray.
    I don't know where i heard these words, but i have them posted right above my desk to encourage me:
    We NEED God's Word, the Spirit of Prophecy, and prayer.
    "Here lies the patience of the saints; here are they which keep the commandments of God, and have the faith of Jesus. "
    Wonderful and powerful sermon Pastor Kelly.

    • @Sarah-fs7xq
      @Sarah-fs7xq Год назад

      Courage Betty! May God keep us all faithful!

  • @Cryaloud
    @Cryaloud Год назад +2

    Sad reality in our churches. Powerful message

  • @JCtheRemedy
    @JCtheRemedy Год назад +1

    Interesting msg. Would appreciate if you give the Bible version ❤

  • @nontembisocolleenmanzana2467
    @nontembisocolleenmanzana2467 Год назад

    Amen Praise to God

  • @advedan
    @advedan Год назад

    There's a difference between Preference and Conviction! (Or, "A strongly held religious belief!")

    • @olgaburgos7780
      @olgaburgos7780 Год назад

      Many denominations have their Christian schools and Universities , they teach their own denomination beliefs so they can make them survive. This speaker is teaching his church believes, including their “prophet” writings, good in many ways because she copied her “inspired “ sayings from other good authors , and taking them as her own. With her fame and power increasing ,she was taught more than the Bible and she interpreted for her followers , the Scriptures , unfortunately teaching other authors mistakes and falsehoods, as the Investigative Judgment, and Jesus not ascending to His Father In the Most Holy Place But to the First Compartment of the Sanctuary and only in 1844 did. That Jesus did not completely and, for ever accomplished Salvation , that “ It is Finished” it is not so. She approved and propagated these blasphemies, but these church believes her more than the Bible.She and the Sabbath have become a salvation factor and idols. Do not be deceived, study your Bible and see the truth and the gospel in it. Amen.✝️📖🙏

    • @MsGratefulgal
      @MsGratefulgal Год назад

      ​@@olgaburgos7780 thanks.
      Ephesians 4:11-16
      King James Version
      11 And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers;
      12 For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ:
      13 Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ:
      14 That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive;
      15 But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ: