Getting my shoes done on Cleopatra Beach, Alanya, Turkey.

  • Опубликовано: 4 сен 2024
  • After my quad experience, my shoes were so dirty I had to find a new shoe shining guy after washing the biggest mud off with some water. I found one again near Kleopatra Beach behind a little shed, near the museum. Quality job, glued the loose sides of my soles thoroughly and clean them up nicely. Job well done, he asked only 10 TL, which is about EUR 2,50, only intermittent with some small conversations & 2 weddings driving by & making noise. I ended up buying the yellow doll his wife knitted too. It's some kind of storage bag. Everything to support the less fortunate. He's not everyday there, but if you see him here, you can certainly let your shoes done by him. See details for the exact location.
    Nach meiner Quad-Erfahrung waren meine Schuhe so dreckig, dass ich einen neuen Schuh-leuchtenden Kerl finden musste, nachdem ich den größten Schlamm mit etwas Wasser gewaschen hatte. Ich fand einen wieder in der Nähe von Kleopatra Beach verhalten sich ein kleines Schuppen, in der Nähe des Museums. Qualität Job, klebte die losen Seiten meiner Sohlen gründlich und reinigen sie schön. Job gut gemacht, er fragte nur 10 TL, das ist etwa EUR 2,50, nur intermittierend mit einigen kleinen Gesprächen & 2 Hochzeiten fahren durch und machen Lärm. Ich kaufte die gelbe Puppe, die seine Frau auch gestrickt hatte. Es ist eine Art Aufbewahrungsbeutel. Alles, um die weniger glücklichen zu unterstützen. Er ist nicht alltäglich dort, aber wenn du ihn hier siehst, kannst du deine Schuhe sicherlich von ihm machen lassen. Siehe Details für den genauen Standort.
    بعد تجربتي رباعية، كانت حذائي قذرة جدا كان لي للعثور على حذاء جديد مشرقة الرجل بعد غسل أكبر الطين قبالة مع بعض الماء. وجدت مرة أخرى بالقرب من شاطئ كليوباترا تتصرف قليلا سقيفة، بالقرب من المتحف. جودة العمل، لصق الجوانب فضفاضة من باطن بلدي جيدا وتنظيفها حتى لطيف. العمل أحسنت، سأل فقط 10 تل، وهو حوالي 2،50 يورو، متقطعة فقط مع بعض المحادثات الصغيرة و 2 حفلات الزفاف القيادة من قبل وصنع الضوضاء. انتهى بي الأمر بشراء دمية صفراء زوجته محبوك جدا. انها نوع من حقيبة التخزين. كل شيء لدعم أقل حظا. انه ليس كل يوم هناك، ولكن إذا كنت ترى له هنا، يمكنك بالتأكيد السماح حذائك القيام به من قبله. اطلع على تفاصيل الموقع المحدد.
    Après mon expérience quad, mes chaussures étaient si sales que j'ai dû trouver un nouveau chaussure brillant après avoir laver la plus grande boue avec de l'eau. J'ai trouvé un autre près de Kleopatra Beach behide un petit hangar, près du musée. Travail de qualité, collé les côtés lâches de mes semelles soigneusement et les nettoyer bien. Le travail bien fait, il a demandé seulement 10 TL, ce qui est d'environ EUR 2,50, seulement intermittent avec quelques petites conversations & 2 mariages conduisant par et faire du bruit. J'ai fini par acheter la poupée jaune de sa femme tricoté trop. C'est une sorte de sac de rangement. Tout pour soutenir les moins fortunés. Il n'est pas tous les jours là-bas, mais si vous le voyez ici, vous pouvez certainement laisser vos chaussures faites par lui. Voir les détails de l'emplacement exact.
    Etter min quad erfaring, skoene mine var så skitne at jeg måtte finne en ny sko skinner fyr etter vask den største gjørma av med litt vann. Jeg fant en gang nær Kleopatra-stranden behide litt skur, i nærheten av museet. Kvalitet jobb, limt de løse sidene av mine såler grundig og rengjør dem opp pent. Godt utført jobb, spurte han bare 10 TL, som er omtrent EUR 2,50, bare forbigående med noen små samtaler og 2 bryllup kjører av og lage støy. Jeg endte opp med å kjøpe den gule dukken sin kone strikket også. Det er en slags oppbevaringspose . Alt for å støtte de mindre heldige. Han er ikke hver dag det, men hvis du ser ham her, kan du sikkert la skoene av ham. Se detaljer for den nøyaktige plasseringen.
    Dört tecrübemden sonra ayakkabılarım o kadar kirliydi ki, en büyük çamurumu biraz suyla yıkadıktan sonra yeni bir ayakkabı parlayan adam bulmak zorundaydım. Kleopatra Plajı yakınlarında, müzenin yakınında küçük bir kulübede görünce bir daha buldum. Kaliteli iş, tabanlarım gevşek taraflarını iyice yapıştıracak ve güzelce temizleyecek. İyi iş çıkardı, yalnızca 10 TL, yaklaşık 2,50 Euro, sadece küçük sesli konuşmalar & 2 düğün ile sürüş & gürültü yaparak ara sıra sordu. Karısının örttüğü sarı bebeği de almıştım. Bu bir çeşit saklama çantası. Daha az şanslı olanları desteklemek için her şey. Her gün orada değil, ama onu burada görürseniz, kesinlikle ayakkabılarınızı onun tarafında yapmasına izin verebilirsiniz. Tam yerin ayrıntılarını görün.
    मेरे क्वाड अनुभव के बाद, मेरे जूते इतने गंदे थे कि कुछ पानी के साथ सबसे बड़ी मिट्टी को धोने के बाद मुझे एक नया जूता चमक रहा था। मैं क्लियोपेट्रा बीच के पास एक बार फिर से मिला, संग्रहालय के नजदीक थोड़ा सा शेड है। गुणवत्ता की नौकरी, मेरे तलवों के ढीली पक्षों को अच्छी तरह से चिपक कर और अच्छी तरह से उन्हें साफ किया।

Комментарии • 21

  • @kristina146
    @kristina146 Год назад

    Sehr sympathisch 🫶

  • @Elcapitano00001
    @Elcapitano00001 6 лет назад +9

    Friendly and hardworking man.

    • @BenOostdam
      @BenOostdam  6 лет назад +1

      Yes he is,. especially to his children.
      He's doing fine by the way...

  • @FelixTruvere
    @FelixTruvere 7 лет назад +11

    Very sweet, happy, friendly man!! :D

  • @FelixTruvere
    @FelixTruvere 4 года назад +2

    I’m interpreting his glove to be covering a handicap, likely missing thumb from his right hand. God bless this very friendly, hard-working soul.

    • @BenOostdam
      @BenOostdam  4 года назад

      Your wrong, hands are fine, it's more like a bag, it has a zipper at the bottom, very useful and a catchy thing to start a talk with a women :-)

    • @adrianhilltobar3690
      @adrianhilltobar3690 3 года назад

      @@BenOostdam what are you talking about I think Felix meant Mustafa's glove it doesn't look like he has a thumb. He wasn't talking about your hands

  • @atillaozturk7075
    @atillaozturk7075 Год назад +1

    Alanya is a very popular tourist destination

  • @artwallace9323
    @artwallace9323 6 лет назад +1

    Nice video, two weddings is good luck.

  • @ocabrera80
    @ocabrera80 7 лет назад +2

    Great vid

  • @matthewkrasnoff
    @matthewkrasnoff 5 лет назад +1

    Whenever someone asks if I’m alone or with family in a foreign country I get nervous to answer. Just a strange question. But all in all great guy and work focus

  • @Nobodyofimportance2u
    @Nobodyofimportance2u 7 лет назад +3

    this guy should start his own line of gloves

  • @startlane
    @startlane 7 лет назад +1

    Thanks for the feedback

  • @sventerprize6224
    @sventerprize6224 7 лет назад +3

    What kind of camera are you using? Whenever you move, there is this weird wave effect across the image. Great videos besides that though :)

    • @BenOostdam
      @BenOostdam  6 лет назад +1

      I used auto-video correction from YT on this video. I stopped using that by now.

  • @egessunar
    @egessunar 5 лет назад

    Turkeyyy 💛💛

  • @startlane
    @startlane 7 лет назад +2

    Very good video out of interest I assume the rubbing action was to remove excess glue from the leather? How was the repair good or bad and do u still have the boots

    • @BenOostdam
      @BenOostdam  7 лет назад

      Rubbing action was indeed to remove glue from the leather. Repair was excellent, I still have the shoes, but the soles are almost gone now. Looking for a new pair now...

  • @G_Gued
    @G_Gued 3 года назад

    Looks to be a great man, doing a fine job. He looks Turkmen. Is he a refugee in Turkey?

    • @BenOostdam
      @BenOostdam  3 года назад

      I don't know, don't think so...

  • @xxp451
    @xxp451 7 лет назад +2

    The shiners should polish your shoes while you are wearing them...