350.org: The Power of One (10/10/10)

  • Опубликовано: 20 апр 2010
  • Join the movement: 350.org On October 24, 2009 one Iraqi girl stood alone in Babylon and joined millions of people in a global day of action to fight climate change. It was one of the smallest events that day and also one of the most powerful -- the girl's story went on to inspire hundreds of thousands of people.
    350.org is a movement of ordinary people doing extraordinary things. Sign up for the 10/10/10 Global Work Party at:

Комментарии • 46

  • @3limalik
    @3limalik 14 лет назад

    What draw my attension to this video is the girl standing in Babylon. I am an Iraqi student studying in the states and finding out such an amazing movement comming from the place I grew up -I was raised not too far from Babylon- is inspiring. I'm going to post my picture and join this so people would know my country has more to offer than war and death. We care about the planet, the inviroment and the human experience. This is the real us!

  • @MrTsimi
    @MrTsimi 14 лет назад

    I think it's wonderful that ONE person doing something good like this, and create a change that this whole world can feel the effect...Now thats positive energy!!!
    It's my personal belief that energy follows thought & that single thought goes out and forward touching all others that seek this same virbation of love.
    God bless each & everyone of you that has felt this loving energy from just One child of the universe ;"This has put a Smile on my face & a Song in my heart .

  • @Flip65001
    @Flip65001 14 лет назад

    This was made into a club in my school....we do things to help out...its awesome!!

  • @bestoddisee
    @bestoddisee 14 лет назад

    Inspiring! Thanks for reminding us of the power that just one person has when they really believe...

  • @MrTsimi
    @MrTsimi 14 лет назад

    Whatever we give, we give only to ourself, change starts within, to create a differance in the way we view this beautiful world, we need to change the way we see it from a negative view to a positive view.

  • @13dazza13
    @13dazza13 13 лет назад

    She can, we can even if we have to stand alone

  • @tresonhonho
    @tresonhonho 14 лет назад

    A crise climática é um fato, mãos a obra, que se chama futuro!
    Renato, Natal -RN

  • @chaitanyakachatty
    @chaitanyakachatty 14 лет назад

    Inspiring :)

  • @Dansavery
    @Dansavery 14 лет назад

    Very inspiring video. Can I find other videos on sites like this?

  • @supersonickoolaid
    @supersonickoolaid 14 лет назад

    whats the name of the song????

  • @56freckles
    @56freckles 14 лет назад

    Does anyone know the name of the song playing?? It is very beautiful video, and I would love to have the song!

  • @GutesTV
    @GutesTV 14 лет назад

    @KarelYalek Damn right!

  • @3bdura7man
    @3bdura7man 14 лет назад

    what is 350 ?

  • @4EMF
    @4EMF 14 лет назад

    10-10-10! please use Environmental Music Films *EMF: Hearts In Hand - Hands Across the Sand - to help stir the hearts and minds of people in order to get them
    TO CHANGE and PARTICIPATE with the new Earth energy solutions!
    Thank you for all your do.

  • @Glyphone
    @Glyphone 14 лет назад

    If you're wondering about climate change, go ask the glaciers if they've noticed anything - if they're around long enough for you to find one.

  • @djthegrateone
    @djthegrateone 14 лет назад

    @KarelYalek first its going to warm up then its going to mess with the golf stream that will create a new ice age

  • @Binjons
    @Binjons 14 лет назад

    The atmosphere contains a six mile deep band, that's where the carbon is getting stuck & it's trapping the heat in. It's really not that hard to grasp mate.

  • @checkplus
    @checkplus 14 лет назад

    @LastCynicStanding fair enough comment. I guess my language is simply behind the times. I will admit to being confused on which side of the debate you fall on. Are you criticizing me for my views as well as my language, or are you just talking about the way I put my point forward?
    As for the video, of course it's biased. It's a youtube video, that's not what the video was about though, it was about the facts. The way they are presented is far left, but it's still accurately sourced info.

  • @Keraunakias
    @Keraunakias 14 лет назад

    It doesn' matter whether the planet is getting hotter or colder.The point is that we need to respect Nature,since we are a part of it,and not show disrespect.After all,to anyone that believes in some god of sort,nature is that god's creation and showing disrespect to the creation means showing disrespect to the creator.

  • @AngelofDeath9211
    @AngelofDeath9211 14 лет назад

    You know I find it sad that we all took care of the world back in the 60's and 70's and then just gave up...... And NOW we do something about it??? I think we just realized whats going on and it may already be to late...... but thats just me

  • @nanounit
    @nanounit 14 лет назад

    I realize your argument here is superficial and meant to be humorous, but being a pain in the butt I must point out that those trees will grow back, thus making it a renewable resource and not a big deal...
    The paint, however...

  • @checkplus
    @checkplus 14 лет назад

    I'm aware of what idiom means, I was commenting that at one time, it was a more common phrase. As compelling as your lecture on semantics is, maybe you should worry about the facts. Unfortunately, this is an issue where both sides try to be scientific. It's your job to figure out which one is bullshitting you, good luck.
    PS: I would appreciate an insight into the dissenting viewpoint, if you have any good evidence, It's very possible to change my mind.

  • @DTMPro
    @DTMPro 14 лет назад

    lolz 0:21 my school :D

  • @guitarunderbed
    @guitarunderbed 14 лет назад

    @IMUKHTASIMOV 350 stands for 350 parts per million of carbon in the atmosphere. Our air can't have more than that and still be healthy

  • @MrFlaggggy
    @MrFlaggggy 14 лет назад

    @jbailey8734 i agree with you 100%

  • @peNdantry
    @peNdantry 14 лет назад

    @Chaoz7586 I have researched it. I've woken up. You're the one who's asleep.

  • @fusion01wp
    @fusion01wp 14 лет назад

    @imwhatsfourdinner yes there's carbon inherent in all life but it's what you do with it that matters. Up until only a few hundred years ago we weren't consuming it in the ways we do now. We'd make fires but that was about the extent of our power over the raw matter. When you burn fossil fuels at huge rates - incomprehensible rates - every second of every day in everything we do, then that certainly leads to change. It's naive to think otherwise.

  • @thespotteddog
    @thespotteddog 13 лет назад

    I think 350 is smoking too much 420.

  • @Ianprime0509
    @Ianprime0509 14 лет назад

    @imwhatsfourdinner First off, you're talking about carbon (C) while the thing affecting the atmosphere is carbon dioxide (CO2). The carbon dioxide we exhale isn't a problem (we've been doing it for thousands of years) but the massive amounts of carbon dioxide that are put out by factories, cars, and coal/natural gas power are big problems.
    It's been scientifically shown that human emissions of carbon dioxide are the primary causes of climate change, google "skeptical science" for the real facts

  • @Devcon89
    @Devcon89 14 лет назад
