How Do We Know Christianity Is True? - Stand to Reason Podcast

  • Опубликовано: 6 сен 2024

Комментарии • 107

  • @Yesica1993
    @Yesica1993 Год назад +8

    Most people who say, "I don't believe the Bible", not only have never read it, but they will admit they have no interest in reading it. I have zero patience with nonsense like that.

    • @HearGodsWord
      @HearGodsWord Год назад +4

      @@downenout8705 I've read Dawkins, which actually helped me to become a Christian because his arguments were so off!

    • @cygnusustus
      @cygnusustus Год назад

      Nope. Most people who way "I believe the Bible" have never read it. I have zero patience with people like you.

    • @azophi
      @azophi Год назад

      As someone who has read the Bible, Quran, Book of Mormon in entirety and some of the Talmud
      … I can tell you I’m non religious 😂

    • @HearGodsWord
      @HearGodsWord Год назад

      @azophi everyone is religious. Whilst many people state they're atheist, they are so in theory as I'm yet to meet a practical one. Everyone worships something.

    • @azophi
      @azophi Год назад

      @@HearGodsWord well then
      I never said I was an atheist but yeah 😅
      I don’t go to a weekly service… don’t give my money to places other than secular charities usually . I do value many things though :)
      All I want to say is that … there’s that common meme that “reading the Bible made me leave Christianity” and that’s not entirely? true for me but yeah

  • @Growingwiser550
    @Growingwiser550 Год назад +22

    I like this one. “I choose to believe The Bible because it is a reliable collection of historical documents, written by eyewitnesses during the lifetime of other eyewitnesses, reporting supernatural events that took place in fulfillment of specific prophecies and claimed their writings are Divine and not of human origin.”
    ~ Voddie Baucham

    • @downenout8705
      @downenout8705 Год назад +2

      You might like it, but there is no "eye witness" testimony to anything relating to the Jesus character.
      Also the fact that there is collection of documents from history doesn't defacto make what is written in those documents true.

    • @HearGodsWord
      @HearGodsWord Год назад +4

      @@downenout8705 There's plenty of eye witness testimonies and first-hand accounts. Even if you ignore the Bible there's plenty of extra-Biblical sources too.

    • @downenout8705
      @downenout8705 Год назад +2

      @@HearGodsWord Please cite a source, you won't because you can't because there are none. Nowhere will you find anyone claiming to be an eye witness to the life and resurrection of the Jesus character.
      I include the Bible in this assertion. Have you actually read the gospels, because nowhere do the anonymous authors claim to be eye witnesses to the supposed events that they record.

    • @HearGodsWord
      @HearGodsWord Год назад +5

      @@downenout8705 Paul was an eye witness.

    • @downenout8705
      @downenout8705 Год назад +1

      @@HearGodsWord Are you for real?
      Jesus, according to the story, was only on earth for 40 days after his death. Paul was supposedly persecuting Christians before his Demascus road experience. This was long after the life, death and the claimed resurrection of Jesus. You have also conveniently forgotten that Paul is very clear as to the source of his teachings, which was scripture and revelation. Paul never claims to be an eye witness to Jesus.
      You definitely need to read the ingredients on the apologetic snake oil that you have been buying.

  • @nickballowe777
    @nickballowe777 Год назад +3

    You exist. That’s proof of a creator. Very simple. Not an arbitrary event, something can not come from nothing unless it’s supernatural (divine). Science will always say something comes from something else. I’m 29 years old by the time I’m in my elder years science will still not have an answer on how something from nothing. So believe my brothers and sisters. This is the word sent out to us.

    • @cygnusustus
      @cygnusustus Год назад

      "science will still not have an answer on how something from nothing. "
      Neither will religion. But science will be honest about it.

  • @Yesica1993
    @Yesica1993 Год назад +7

    The biblical worldview is the only one that fully matches up with reality.

    • @downenout8705
      @downenout8705 Год назад

      Are you for real? A talking serpent, donkey and shrubbery absolutely does not "fully match" with reality. Nor does 37.2 trillion dead and rotting eucaryotic cells magically coming back to life in the Levant some two thousand years ago.

    • @HearGodsWord
      @HearGodsWord Год назад

      @@downenout8705 It doesn't seem like you understand the Christian worldview

    • @downenout8705
      @downenout8705 Год назад

      @@HearGodsWord Perhaps you should pay better heed to 1 Peter 3: 15 and Matthew 7: 1-5, and provide a "reason" explaining why anything that I wrote is inconsistent with THE "Christian worldview".

    • @HearGodsWord
      @HearGodsWord Год назад +1

      @downenout8705 like I said, it doesn't seem like you understand the Christian worldview. My reason is that you comment didn't address it.

    • @Madcow7777
      @Madcow7777 Год назад

      Like the earth not moving ?

  • @EveryDayWalkingWithChrist
    @EveryDayWalkingWithChrist Год назад +7

    Thanks so much Greg. Coincidently answered a question my cousin asked to me today and sent him this video (21minute mark) God Bless!

  • @dagwould
    @dagwould Год назад +4

    @29:40, the '7 days of creation'? In fact, there are 6 days of creation. The 7th is God's rest: which he is now in, which the Sabbath pivoted on covenantly and which we join fully in the realized kingdom.
    The issue about the days reminds me of the old joke: a man wheels a barrow of straw out of the mill each evening. The foreman carefully checks it, finds nothing stolen, and waves him on. At a retirement party some years later the foreman asks him why he took the barrow of straw home each evening. He replied, I chucked the straw, but the barrows I sold down here at the pub. He was stealing them right before the foreman's eyes!
    So it is with the days of creation: they stare us in the face, but we avoid their theological import. They must have one, because we know the creation that they frame is the basis of God's worship articulated through the scriptures; they are the crux of his worship (in his direct speech) in Exodus 31:12ff...a passage just after the passage about the skilled craftsmen, interestingly; and this worship continues re-configured for Christ: John 1:1-3, Romans 1:20, 1 Cor 8:6, Colossians 1:16, 17, Hebrews 1:2, 2:10 and 11:3. They are the characterization of the very act of God revealing his identity as creator. They are not trivial.
    Our worship of God cannot hang on an analogical creation, a creation that is more Neoplatonist fantasy than concretely real or one that is a mere echo of pagan trash talk (I think of Enuma elish). It has to hang on what is objectively real.
    The days do three obvious things:
    The days, real days, show that the creator God is:
    - personally present in the creation: in our history, while not contained by it
    - powerfully and directly active in the creation (cf Psalms 8, 33), while not part of the creation, and
    - lovingly relating to creatures in his image, while not subordinate to them, but holy, eternal and wise (Prov 3:19, 20, for instance}.
    These are not figurative attributions, but the direct implication of real days, and distinguish our Creator God from the distant god of deism (an uninvolved God who 'wound up the cosmos': somewhat where 'long age' views take us us), the invisible god of theistic evolution, which attempts to adopt modern monist materialism, to merge god into the cosmos on the pretense that it made itself, and the everything is god/god is everything impersonal god of pantheism.
    The personal God who is love is none of these and makes the point immediately clear in the creation in terms of the tempo he has set out for our lives and works in as the first act of loving fellowship, expressed conclusively in Genesis 3:8. God shares in the domain that he made for us to worship and enjoy him within by him first creating that domain in the very days which denominate our experience of life within it, and of him.
    The real days of real action provide the context for the theophanic events throughout the OT, and resoundingly for the Incarnation, where the God who was active in our history in creation is the God who comes into our history in the form of a creature in Christ. In this to resolve the brokenness through the Kingdom to be consummated in the New Creation (also made by the Creator).
    OTOH, if the days and their events are not real, then something else is; creation is other than described and it is this 'other thing' that establishes what truly is, gives God's true identity and calls for our worship in spirit and truth...but we don't know what it is! What then constitutes our worship of the God who maybe created somehow that we can't establish? OK, let's use materialism instead: conforming our thinking to Christ that way? Not really!

    • @MutsPub
      @MutsPub Год назад

      So the 7th day is thousands of years long so far?
      So much for 24 hour yom!

    • @xX0IRIDIUM0Xx
      @xX0IRIDIUM0Xx Год назад

      Well said. God created the Earth before the stars also. Keep trusting God over man brother.

    • @MutsPub
      @MutsPub Год назад

      @@xX0IRIDIUM0Xx Nonsense!
      The Sun was Created in the beginning. - FACT!
      “Bereshit bara Elohim et hashamayim ve'et ha'aretz”
      1) There was evening and there was morning the first day.
      2) To have an evening there must be a setting Sun!
      3) To have a morning there must be a rising Sun!
      4) The Jews to this day start their day at sunset and it ends at sunset 24 hours later!
      Their Sabbath STARTS at sunset on Friday.
      5) Each of the first 6 days was stated with the same evening / morning pattern.
      Evening first, morning second, repeated 6 times in Genesis 1, page 1.
      It is written and you cannot alter it to fit your agenda!
      6) How do you account for the daylight before the sunset (evening) on the first day?
      7) Evening to morning is only 12 hours!
      8) Morning in this case on the first day would be the last 12 hours of the first day leaving the first 12 hours of daylight unaccounted for.
      9) YEC pseudo-science and Folklore theology claim that the Earth was Created by itself!
      You just trapped yourself in another lie based on their gossip and rumors!
      10) The solar system is completely dependent on the gravity from the Sun.
      11) Every public School child have made or seen a model of the Solar System made out of Styrofoam balls with all of our planets revolving around the Sun.
      12) It is impossible for a solar system to form if the Sun did not exist until the fourth day.
      13) God Created physics ubiquitous. Jeremiah 33:25.
      14) Plants need the Sun for photosynthesis.
      15) Land plants came on day 3.
      16) You falsely claim that the Sun did not come until Day 4.
      17) Plants could not even start, much less live without the Sun.
      18) You have reduced the Creator of all matter, space, time, and energy to a fairytale grow lamp with an on off switch
      19) With no Sun the temperature of the Earth would be -453.8 degrees Fahrenheit!
      20) The Sun was Created in the beginning.
      The Bible clearly states there was a beginning. Genesis 1:1.
      "In the beginning God Created the Heavens and the Earth."
      This is a merism, a figure of speech indicating the two stand NOT for "heavens" and "earth" individually, but "everything" (i.e. the Universe).
      It is not about the Earth.
      It is about the "Universe".
      The Hebrew word for "Universe" did not exist in the Biblical Hebrew Language.
      So they used the Hebrew phrase, (“Bereshit bara Elohim et hashamayim ve'et ha'aretz”)
      a) Bereshit bara Elohim - Translates: “In the beginning God Created”
      b) *et hashamayim ve'et ha'aretz” - Translates: *"the heavens and the earth".
      *This specific phrase (the Heavens and the Earth) means "Universe" when translated into English.
      It is used 9 times and always means all of physical reality!
      As per Dr. Walter Kaiser Jr. PhD:
      - President of the Evangelical Theological Society.
      - Colman M. Mockler distinguished Professor of Old Testament.
      - Contributor to Exodus (The Expositor’s Bible Commentary).
      - Author of some 30+ Biblical Commentaries.
      - Marquis who’s who top educators.

      21) When you were an infant, you drank milk. You should be grown up by now eating solid food. Hebrews 5:11-14.

  • @Balthazar2242
    @Balthazar2242 Год назад +6

    We don't "know" most things. When you really get down to it almost every belief is a matter of faith.

    • @amishgirl1000
      @amishgirl1000 Год назад +3

      We see creation around us everyday, as proof of Gods existence.

    • @downenout8705
      @downenout8705 Год назад +1

      Not if you are using the Hebrews 11: 1 definition of faith. That is an appalling epistemology which allows you to believe literally anything could be true.
      I simply apportion my confidence in the truth of a proposition based on the available evidence. No faith required.

    • @Balthazar2242
      @Balthazar2242 Год назад

      @@downenout8705 Yeah that is a pitfall for sure, that literally everything can be true if you believe it. I'm not entirely sure how to get around that.
      I just believe that God Himself could become a person and talk to my face and even "prove" His existence with miracles and rising from the dead, and just like in the Bible I would still have to choose to believe or not. Like it says in Mark, you've got everything you need to believe already, really.

    • @downenout8705
      @downenout8705 Год назад +1

      @@Balthazar2242 Belief is not a choice, you are either convinced that a proposition is true or you are not.
      Try choosing to believe that there is no god or that you are a different gender and see how that goes.
      Just because the Bible says it's so doesn't defacto make it so, anymore than you believe the Quran or the Vades just because they say it's so.
      Given that Christians, Muslims and Hindus all use "faith", to conclude that their holy books are true, faith is therefore, demonstrably not a reliable pathway to the truth. No rational person would rely on faith as a means to cross a busy road.
      Faith is nothing more than the excuse people use when they don't have evidence.

    • @cygnusustus
      @cygnusustus Год назад

      "We see creation around us everyday, as proof of Gods existence."
      No, We don't.

  • @Sldejo
    @Sldejo Год назад +2

    “Where the proof and evidence that atheism is accurate and correct?”- Shock of God. No one has been able to answer this question. When atheist try, they either start talking about Santa Clause or start singing.

    • @cygnusustus
      @cygnusustus Год назад

      You have the burden of proof, child.

  • @joshbeard9809
    @joshbeard9809 Год назад +2

    Far as creation goes. You either take God's word as foundation and authoritative or you take man's word as foundation and authoritative. To believe and accept anything other than 6 days creation you have to go outside of scripture to believe. I lean towards 6 day creation because there is no where in the bible that states we should view the days other than literally 6 days. God even uses the words morning and evening. Evolution and millions or billions of years comes from secularized science that has trying to disprove God and rejects creation. Why trust a theory that is used by the enemy to discredit God as creator and authority. Evolution and millions or billions of years goes back to the lie the serpent said to Adam and Eve in the garden - Did God really say. Sadly there are prominent Christians who have been deceived by theories that come from fallen man who hate God and do not surrender to God or His word.

    • @joshbeard9809
      @joshbeard9809 Год назад +1

      @@ThePrairieChronicles Welcome to the family. You are right. We aren't going to understand everything. We just to work on what we can and what God has revealed to us through both his general and special revelation through His word, prophets, disciples, and apostles.
      One problem I have. Is people will not have an issue what the word day means anywhere else in the O.T. However, these same people - even prominent Christian leaders - will throw up their hands saying we have no way of knowing what day means in Genesis 1. Based on their logic I guess Jonah was in the belly of the beast for years and not days.
      The other problem, though I get where you are coming from. There is no place in the scriptures that states 1 day means 1,000 years or anything else other than a day. Science will say otherwise. But the question is who are we going to give authority to. God's infallible word or man's fallible word. God bless!

    • @joshbeard9809
      @joshbeard9809 Год назад

      @@ThePrairieChronicles Understanding Genesis and what day means like other secondary issues is not a salvation issue. However, it is an authoritative issue. We will build our worldview on God's word or man's word.
      I am familiar with 2 Peter 3:8. When reading this we must understand the context. By doing Biblical exegesis we can understand what it means by knowing what it doesn't mean. It doesn't say 1 day is 1000 years. It says to the Lord 1 day is like a 1000 years. Since God exists outside of time He is not controlled by time like we are. However, when He created the world this includes time. We also have to be careful when reading scripture we are not taking text like this and applying it elsewhere to mean something it was never meant to mean. In other words, by saying 1 day in Genesis means 1000 years. Does this mean that Joshua marched around Jericho 7000 years rather than 7 days or Jonah was in the belly of a fish 3000 years rather than 3 days. As you can see this can be dangerous. I hope this helps. God bless!

    • @MutsPub
      @MutsPub Год назад +1

      1) You simply twist and use eisegesis to suit your agenda!
      2) They are "literal" 6 (yom). We have been in the 7th day for thousands of years!
      3) Your link to evolution is nonsense.
      4) Science is not the enemy.
      5) Again, you twist His words! The words in Genesis 1 are evening and morning not the other way around as you stated!
      6) Pick any day you want as an analogy for Creation day 1.
      Let's just say "Tuesday", (hypothetically).
      "Tuesday" starts at sunset on Monday, goes 24 hours to sunset on Tuesday.
      - Day 1.
      7) What do you call the daylight hours before sunset on Monday? Day negative 1? Day zero?
      8) So let's see:
      a) Day 1 excludes Day zero.
      b) You can't have an Earth Day without the Sun because it is a direct reference point to determine time! Therefore, Days 1 through 3 without a Sun can not possibly be 24 hours by your interpretation of the text.
      c) The Solar system is 100% reliant on the gravitational influence of the Sun to form the planets. Therefore, to claim that the Sun was Created on Day 4 is not only absurd but the word for Create (bara) is not used in the text for Day 4! The Bible clearly states, "let there be", not Create!
      d) You claim Day 6 is only 24 hours long. That would mean that there is only 12 hours of daylight. What time of day was Adam Created? Adam was only alive for a few hours when he named "ALL" the birds and animals based on their observed characteristics. How long would it take to give a name to thousands of creatures based on this criteria? Keep in mind, Adam was not Created in the garden. God placed him there. Adam tended the garden. Adam watched trees grow. Adam was put to sleep so that God could perform surgery on Adam's side in order to Create Eve. Adam awakes from that procedure and recovers. When Adam sees Eve he proclaims, "at long last." Adam has only been alive a few hours occupied by all that is "new" to him yet he states at long last?
      Day 6 was longer than 24 hours!
      e) Clearly the 6 literal yom were periods of time and certainly not 24 hour periods. 9) It is NOT that God could not have done it your way. God's word tells us that is not how He did it!!
      10) The Bible does not tell us the age of the Earth contrary to what is taught by Young Earth Creationists.
      11) The Bible is the inerrant word of God.
      12) The Earth is ~4.5662 billion years old according to the laws of science which were Created by God!
      3) You make void the Word of God your traditions.
      a) Dinosaurs did not coexist with man.
      b) The Sun does not revolve around the Earth.
      c) There was in fact death long before Adam was Created, his sin had nothing to do with that! Adams sin brought spiritual death to all people. Adam's sin did not bring death to all life! Neither Adam nor Eve physically died when they ate of the fruit they both lived for hundreds of years!!
      d) There is no evidence to support your global flood. The world of the ungodly was flooded as per 2 Peter 3:5 not the whole globe. The Globe could never be covered with water again as per Psalm 104:9.
      When you were an infant you drank milk.
      You should be grown up by now eating solid food.
      (Hebrews 5:11-14)

    • @MutsPub
      @MutsPub Год назад

      @@joshbeard9809 One word poppycock!
      You are posting pure biased sophistry.
      1) Please do tell us all the 4, count them, 4 literal definitions of the Hebrew word 'yom"!
      2) What is human history?
      3) What is natural history?
      4) Why does it matter?
      5) Which one is the Creation account in Genesis 1?
      6) Quote from you, "There is no place in the scriptures that states 1 day means 1,000 years or anything else other than a day." - Really?!
      a) How about Zechariah 14:1-5 ?
      b) How about Genesis 2:2-3?
      c) How about 2 Peter 3:8?
      d) How about Psalm 90:4 written by the same author as Genesis 1?
      7) Quote from you, "But the question is who are we going to give authority to. God's infallible word or man's fallible word." That is plagiarism from who?
      8) Quote from you, "One problem I have. Is people will not have an issue what the word day means anywhere else in the O.T. However, these same people - even prominent Christian leaders - will throw up their hands saying we have no way of knowing what day means in Genesis 1. - that is more sophistry!
      The exact opposite is true!
      a) Was the day of the Egyptian Pharaohs 24 hours ago? - nope. It was thousands of years ago.
      b) Was the day of the Dinosaurs 24 hours ago? - nope. It was millions of years ago.
      c) So even in English the word day can have more than one definition. You can easily comprehend that concept but due to YEC phycological conditioning, if we say the exact same thing about the Biblical Hebrew word for day (yom) peoples brains short circuit and all rational flies out the window!
      9) Yes, Yahweh Created in 6 literal yom “days” (non-specified finite epochs of time).

    • @joshbeard9809
      @joshbeard9809 Год назад

      @@MutsPub Sorry for the delay, there was a lot here to respond to. I hope I gave your questions the time and respect they deserved.
      1) If caring about the truth and doing biblical exegesis is having an agenda. You got me. If this or even stating one’s opinion on a topic is having an agenda. Then aren’t you just as guilty as I am?
      2) No, we aren't in the the 7th day. I do not know where you got this false idea from. I’m assuming it is based on poor exegesis of 2 Peter 3:8. This verse gets misinterpreted a lot. It does not say a day is like a 1000 years, and a 1000 years like a day. It says to God it is. This has more of a reference to the end times and the nature of God rather than creation or the age of the earth.
      3) The word nonsense is not an argument. It is a word used when someone does not want to investigate or have a dialogue about a claim being made. Next, I didn’t use a link. I simply stated, “Evolution and millions or billions of years comes from secularized science that has tried to disprove God and rejects creation. Why trust a theory that is used by the enemy to discredit God as creator and authority. Evolution and millions or billions of years goes back to the lie the serpent said to Adam and Eve in the garden - Did God really say.” What I state is true. The theory of Evolution is a lie from our enemy who has been waging war on God since he fell from heaven. It is sad there are so-called christians who have been deceived and rather trust man’s fallible word over God’s infallible word.
      4) I never said science is the enemy. Science helps us prove God, but science is not God. Sadly many have deified science. What I said was, “Why trust a theory that is used by the enemy to discredit God as creator and authority.” Again, what I said was true. The enemy (Satan) has been using this secularized and even politicized theory to discredit and attack God’s design. They have pushed God out of schools and other public arenas.
      5) Well, that is your opinion. But aren’t you doing the same? I was simply stating, “God even uses the words morning and evening.” I wasn’t trying to list the words in order. Just stating each verse uses the words morning and evening. That’s all. It seems you are trying to make it sound like something it isn’t.
      6) The Bible doesn’t mention this because calendar days didn’t exist then but okay. How do you know this hypothetical Tuesday starts at sunset Monday. Maybe sunset to sunset is “Tuesday” or sunrise to sunrise or sunrise to sunset, or sunset to sunrise?
      7) I’m not sure I understand your logic here. Sure sounds like this is mockery or an attempt to build a strawman. Therefore, I will not entertain this question any further.

  • @cygnusustus
    @cygnusustus Год назад

    "Christianity is true because Jesus said it was."
    Wow. How lame.
    Jesus never said Christianity is true, nor would his saying so be evidence that it is true.
    Grow up, people.

    • @azophi
      @azophi Год назад

      I think we can have pretty good confidence that Jesus said the scriptures (the OT and .. some other things too probably) are true
      I think you’re right that the OT doesn’t explicitly point to Christianity though. You can definitely prooftext it, but that’s not the version people at the time, or without the context of Christianity, believed.

    • @cygnusustus
      @cygnusustus Год назад

      Considering that we literally do not know a single thing Jesus ever said or did, from whence does your confidence spring?
      Jesus certainly never said Christianity was true, since there was no Christianity during his lifetime.

    • @azophi
      @azophi Год назад

      @@cygnusustus yeah that’s why I said the OT since he was a Jew

  • @cygnusustus
    @cygnusustus Год назад

    Nope. Under historical analysis the gospels are unreliable.